iRun Issue 08 2017

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Where in the world is your next start line going to be?



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heodore Roosevelt said “comparison is the thief of joy,” yet every day we runners compare ourselves to everyone else. To their times, to their distances, but more often to their bodies. Often I have looked in the mirror and said to myself “I do not feel like I look like a runner because I don’t look like [insert fast girl name here].” I was very reluctant to be a part of the cover shoot for this magazine. When Ben and I got together to discuss where we saw this issue headed, he said to me, “You know, people don’t need to see another skinny blonde on the cover.” I looked in the mirror, and yup, I’m another skinny blonde runner! I did not ask to be on the cover just to be that skinny blonde, it was for me to face my fears and be comfortable posing for the camera. It probably does not seem like it, but I do not like to be the centre of attention, nor do I even like standing in front of a camera; I feel like all eyes are judging me. On the cover of a national magazine, there are so many more eyeballs to judge me! I’m afraid. I’m afraid of sending the wrong message. I’m afraid of not looking the part. I’m afraid I’m just not good enough. In the end, we are all our own worst critics. We judge ourselves for all the things we think we cannot do. We judge ourselves for all the things we are afraid to do. We let the negative cloud the positive. Instead of thinking about all the things we do, and more importantly the things we do well, we dwell on the things we cannot do or fail to do. Ben and I decided early on that this issue was about positivity. This issue was not really about body image, though in a way there just was no escaping that. This issue is about celebrating our personal victories. This is issue is about looking at yourself and saying “I am a runner.” This is issue is about changing the conversation (hopefully for the better) as to what the ideal running body is. Over the weeks, watching the stories come in, the people who reached out, and especially the wonderful people who volunteered for our photo shoot, my heart swelled with so much love, gratitude, and respect. One gentleman stands out. The morning after the U SPORTS Championships, I was walking early to the coffee shop. It was a typical Victoria morning: dark, drizzly, and cool. Bundled up, hood over my toque, I heard this faint call: “Sasha.” I turned around and met a gentleman who told me how my blog meant so much to him. When I wrote my blog, I selfishly wrote it for me to feel better. Knowing that it helped just one more person made my writing so much more worthwhile. The next time you head out for a run, or if you’re thinking about starting to try the sport of running, do it because you love you. Go for a run for the sense of freedom. Go for a run to know you are part of a community that loves and respects you. Propel yourself forward, one foot after the other, and celebrate all the things that make you who you are. ... Because running is for everybody.


2017 ISSUE 08

RUNNIN The future of our sport, writes guest editor Sasha Golish, is as diverse as the people who lace up their shoes





STRENGTH IN NUMBERS Running Room founder John Stanton on the importance of running with a crew


hether you’re a beginner or a seasoned runner, everyone group to challenge them but keep things attainable and, most enjoys a boost of support from friends, particularly when importantly, fun! it comes to finding the motivation to run. Joining a run club Run clubs offer a supportive, inclusive, and fun-loving engives you the motivation to be consistent in your training or vironment. They hold varied workouts around local neightake you to your next level of personal performance. From the borhoods and provide an opportunity to explore and find the beginner to the hard-core runner, we all benefit from running best gathering spots to share a coffee or cold drink. This often with our peers. hashtags the run club as “an eating group Running Room’s Wednesday evening and with a running problem.” Group running RACE WITH FRIENDS, Sunday morning run/walk clubs are free and has brought the social aspect back into the TRAIN FOR FREE open to all levels of fitness at multiple locasport of running. Running in a group always Sign up for an international event tions across Canada and the US. You’ll enresulted in positive peer pressure, but the and purchase a Running Room training joy the safety, motivation, and inspiration of run club made it more about making friends. clinic. Team Diabetes will reimburse a group run while you expand your circle of Group running provides a sense of commuyour clinic fees when you complete like-minded friends. nity in a time when we all crave community. your fundraising! As a special for For runners training for a specific race Joining a run club means coordinating iRun readers, use the promo code goal, a once- or twice-a-week group run helps schedules and slotting another event into Irun4diabetes at www.teamdiabetes. maintain consistency in training, which is key your daily grind, but the rewards make all ca. When you use this, the $100 registo achieving success in your running goals and the commitments worthwhile. The runners tration fee for first time staying injury-free. get fit and help each other in reaching their participants is waived. When it comes to high-quality workouts running goals while expanding their circle of like hill training, speed work, or a long run, friends. The bonus is the eclectic group of the comradery of a group run is amazing, keeping the runner people you meet from all walks of life, who all share a love and highly motivated. Not only does the hill workout or long run passion for our sport of running. become more fun, the group elevates the competitive perforRunning Room run club welcomes everyone. If you need mance and social aspect of each runner. some fun and friends to bring out the runner inside of you, we In a group, we run faster or longer, thanks to the power of can help you lace them up and get running. Give yourself the group synergy. There are pace groups at each of the run clubs, chance to meet some great new people and give yourself the gift allowing the runner to self-seed themselves in the correct pacing of sport!











THE SKIN WE’RE IN On body image, confidence, and solutions to make running more humane in 2018 By Ben Kaplan, photography by Nick Iwanyshyn


eather Meeking is a 42-year-old runner from Toronto who traveled to Florida for the Disney half marathon and was nearly swept from the course at nine miles. Never athletic, she surprised herself as a runner after a friend connected her to the sport. However, despite her intentions, attitude, and hard work, she has faced repeated, dispiriting barriers. When a race shirt didn’t fit, she had to wear men’s clothing, size XL. And when she did participate in an event, even something like a bucket-list run at Disney, she faced cruel challenges, like having to fight race officials from removing her from the course before reaching her finish line. Undaunted, as runners are, she found support in our community, met new people, and, two years ago, got her boyfriend to run. (He’s now doing marathons.) But this October she raced another half marathon, and this time she actually was swept from the course, with just one kilometre to go. For Heather, running—which is difficult for anyone—comes attached with indignities, some of which we as a sporting body can help her avoid. Meanwhile, Heather continues to run. She will race another



Mandel feels panic every time he arrives at a starting line. But half marathon this May. he’s able to face those emotions “If I saw someone who looked because he knows how much he like me when I was younger, receives in return from the sport. I might have started running “I struggle with losing weight sooner and that makes a huge and know that I’m bigger than a difference,” she says, “because “ T H E B E AU T I F U L T H I N G A B O U T R U N N I N G I S lot of the guys I run against,” he running has become something says. “Nutrition and wellness and that I love.” T H AT I T ' S T H E E X A C T S A M E FO R E V E RYO N E . mental health are all tied together Running is something that all I T D O E S N ' T D I S C R I M I N AT E . W H Y S H O U L D W E ? ” and so despite the depression and of us love, and all of us struggle —Richard Rayman the anxiety, the panic and the at some point with our bodies— nervousness, I keep telling myself too big or too small, we can’t find the right diet or we don’t like how we look. For plus-sized runners, as refrain, ‘Be happy with who you are, buddy.’ There’s no time I feel however, the conversation can be more loaded. When Jennifer Dingle that as strongly as when I run.” On the run we find our tribe, our community, our support crew, tells people she runs, she sometimes gets looked up and down. She ran the Ottawa Marathon, but before she was photographed for our cover, and our selves. But there are bad apples in our midst, or maybe just she was so uncertain about the shoot that she grew teary before our insensitive ones, or naive people. “Wow, you run?” is something that camera. Then, after receiving encouragement from our other cover you should never say to another runner. It seems obvious, but it’s not. subjects, including guest editor Sasha Golish, she stripped down to her Two-time marathon finisher Lisa Leblanc was on a bus to a race start line when two runners looked at her and said, out loud: “There’s a lot sports bra and flexed. “I want to inspire other runners,” she says. “I want to be a role of inexperienced people running this race.” No runner would take pride in those behaviors. It goes against model for runners like myself.” Lanni Marchant is Canada’s all-time fastest marathon and half-ma- everything that’s great about our sport. Empathy and sportsmanship rathon runner and a role model for runners young and old, both are the cornerstones of racing and we should all want to help other women and men. Her body’s been picked apart on social media and runners reach new finish lines. That's what it means to be a runner. “Running was intimidating and though I wanted to try, I wasn’t comchat rooms and everything from what she wears to how she races has been ridiculed, even while she testifies before Congress on women in fortable with my body and it took years from when I first volunteered sport. Despite her public perception, she wears Wonder Woman bra- at a race until I actually went out on a run,” says Claudia Quammie, 38. celets and can come off sassy and wry, Marchant acknowledges that She started running like we all do: first to the tree on the corner, then she’s not immune to self doubt, criticism, and nasty (usually anony- to the convenience store down the block. She took baby steps forward mous) online comments. “We all have insecurities about our bodies,” to make her way in our sport and, as she did, her confidence grew as her Marchant, an Olympian, says. “We don’t always like how we look and obsession with running progressed. She has now run nine 5Ks and two we don’t always look like the runners we line up against, but running 10Ks, and plans to tackle the half marathon in the new year. “I go to lots of events now and being able to line up against diffeis the one sport that anybody can do. Just because I don’t look like a rent races, different body types—different runners—all there for their runner doesn’t mean that I’m not one.” It’s not only women who succumb to body image issues. Mike health, makes me feel more comfortable with myself,” she says. “There Mandel is 48, from Montreal and raised in Winnipeg, and his weight has are still times where I hate the way I look, but I know, like every runner, fluctuated since his days as a high-school athlete. Not surprisingly, his that I’m a work in progress. Running helps make me feel comfortable self-esteem and mental health have also rollercoaster-ed up and down. in the skin I’m in.”


2017 ISSUE 08


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iRUN: Can everybody run? Dylan Wykes: Definitely. iRUN: What’s a good way to approach running resolutions? DW: Write them down.


TRAINING I S FO R E V E RY B O DY It’s long been touted that among running’s attributes is that basically anybody with a pair of sneakers and some free time can hit the pavement and run. But is that true? To find out, iRun spoke with Dylan Wykes, Olympian, and founder of Mile2Marathon Coaching, a Vancouver-based run clinic and coach crew

iRUN: If you’re plussized, what should you bare in mind? DW: Start small, start slow, and realize miracles aren’t going to happen overnight. It shouldn’t be just another fad. Be patient with it. Make it something that lasts. iRUN: What if you’re really skinny? DW: Same thing. IRUN: Tall, short, middle-aged, old? DW: Same thing, too. iRUN: What’s a conceivable 2018 goal for a new runner? DW: Run a race, whether it’s a local 5K or something longer. You don’t have to run the whole way. You can run-walk, but pick a race to do. iRUN: Say I’m brand new. When should the race be? DW: Summer. iRUN: What about someone jumping from 5K to 10K? DW: You could do it in a couple of months if it’s done

iRun for stress release and greater physical fitness. — Jane DeRocchis, Woodbridge, ON

right. It’s a reasonable jump. Going to the half marathon or marathon is a whole different kettle of fish. iRUN: Why’s that? DW: When you’re new to the sport, learn to like the 5K and 10K and stick with those even for a couple of years. iRUN: Years? DW: The obsession is with the marathon and it has its rewards, but it’s hard and it’s a long way. iRUN: What the marathon does is make people hate running. DW: It ends up being one of those things that are one and done. I’m not in that world, but I understand that with Ironman, they do it to do it and then walk away. Instead, I love to see people get into the sport of running and enjoy it and want to do it long-term. iRUN: And thus? DW: If people can like the idea of doing 5K and 10K and getting faster, that’s a great goal. iRUN: Is a half marathon conceivable to someone who doesn’t look like a typical “athlete”? DW: The half marathon, people love it. But you see

an event like the Seawheeze here in Vancouver and the average finishing time is 2:30+. That’s a long time to be out there, but people are doing it and finding it rewarding. iRUN: So thumbs up or thumbs down to half? DW: It’s more realistic than the marathon, but I think people need to run 5K and 10K races first. iRUN: When do you know if running is for you? DW: Give it three months. You spend a month figuring out what shoes to wear, what clothes—a lot of trial and error. Then, you need another month to figure out how to run and be comfortable running and build fitness. By three months, hopefully you’ve built a base and can start enjoying your running... a bit more. iRUN: What’s your take on the treadmill? Do I have to run outside? DW: If running inside keeps consistency up, treadmill is all good. In the winter, the temperature isn’t the main concern; you can run in -20°C. But if it’s icy, run on the treadmill. I don’t want people breaking a bone.

iRUN: Is it enough to just run, or do you think the gym is important also? DW: Gym is awesome for injury prevention. Even ten minutes of strength training three times a week goes a long way, and you can even do it at home. iRUN: What’s one exercise every runner should do in 2018? DW: Heel drops. Stand on a step and come up into a calf raise, then drop down below the level of the step. Do three sets of 10–15. It takes 10 minutes after your run and will do you a world of good. iRUN: Give me something for the hardcore. I’m a 2:59 guy. Let’s say I want a 2:54. How would I reach a spring PB? DW: Add quality to your long run. If you’re doing 30K, run 10K at a pace close to your goal marathon pace. Drop that in the middle. iRUN: What’s your hope for the sport in 2018? DW: More groups of people running together. Running is easy to do on your own, but it’s an awesome sport to participate in together. It’s great when that happens.



It’s hard enough to start out as a runner but, for Debbie Millar, our sport becomes next to impossible when the clothes don’t fit. One runner charts her frustration


2017 ISSUE 08


’ve only been running for two years now. I’ve never been a runner, but have been active most of my life, mainly swimming. Put in me a pool and I turn into a fish. On dry land, well, maybe more elephant-like. I’ve always struggled with my weight, even as a competitive swimmer. As I grow older— I’m 58—it’s even harder. I started running after watching my niece, Kelly, run her first half marathon. She is only five years younger than me, so we are more sisterly than aunt/niece. Kelly encouraged me to start running to get healthier and hopefully slim down, and said it’s something we can (sort of) do together. She’s pretty fast and I’m turtle-slow, so it’s hard for her to slow it down. However, going out with her, meeting her running friends, and making new friends are what’s important. I usually end up running by myself and we’ll meet up at the end for coffee—and lots of laughs. Turns out I like to run. My first goal was to run the Band On The Run 5K in Huntsville, Ontario. I was terrified! The first thing I needed was new runners, so off to the local running store I went. While I was waiting to get fitted and assessed, I started looking at the clothes. I had plenty of workout clothes for yoga,

but didn’t want to run in those as they are tightfitting, and I was too self-conscious about my shape. I was looking for tops that were loose and fairly long to cover my rear end. And so started my extreme frustration and disappointment with running clothes. First off, the selection of shirts that actually had large and extra-large sizes was extremely limited. Most of the sizes they had were extrasmall, small, and medium. Before I get started, I’m already at a disadvantage. I tried on a large shirt first. This was more of a small-medium, and as soon as I put my arms into the shirt I knew it wouldn’t fit. Next up, the XL. It fit more like a medium, and was so tight. This is when the heartbreak starts and the voice in my head starts putting myself down. Frankly, I was embarrassed. I suspended my quest for a shirt and decided to try on running pants, terrified that this was going to be a disaster too. To my surprise, the large fit. I knew they had to be snug. That was ok, as long as I could find a shirt big enough and long enough to hide what I needed to. I complained to the store manager about the sizes and she told me that this was a common complaint. Now I don’t feel so bad. This really surprised me, especially in a sport where

iRun and daydream about the weekend’s beautiful trails. — Olivia Sloane, England



everyone is encouraged to jog or walk and get healthy. You’d think they would accommodate the people who are just starting out and are not the typical svelte shape of a runner. The store manager did find one XL tank top that was buried somewhere, and it fit—it was still a tad snug, but I could deal with it. Time for my shoe fitting. No issues there, thankfully. Shoes purchased, pants purchased. Oh, and I needed a new running bra. As was with the tops, the selection of large bras was extremely limited. Of the ones I liked, they didn’t have my size. Of the ones I didn’t like, they had one or two, so I tried them. I could hardly get them on. The first one I couldn’t even get down past my shoulders. Off that came. After about a 10-minute struggle, I got the second one on. It was like a vise. Nope, can’t do this, off it goes. Getting it off was worse than getting it on! After another 10-minute struggle I got it off. Now I was exhausted, sweating so hard, my face was red, and I felt like I had just ran a marathon. My God, do these manufacturers even test the sizes and the ease of getting on/off on anyone? Once again I voiced my opinion to the poor kid trying to help me. I left the store with a pair of runners, a tank top, and a pair of capris. It would have been a lot more if they’d had a better selection of sizes— REAL sizes. So began my journey of finding nice, and I stress nice, clothes to wear as I prepped for my first 5K and the road to better health. I wanted more shirts, other than the cotton tshirts I was running in, and a couple more bras. A department store was the next stop, then an upscale athletic boutique. I figured since they were bigger stores with more selection, they would have larger size ranges. I was wrong! Sure, they had more selection of different brands, but the sizes and the sizing? Nope, just as bad. I would take 4–5 XL shirts, once I found them, into the change room, and walk out with nothing that fit—everything was too small and too tight. I’d go back to searching and repeat the process. I left the stores empty-handed, almost in tears. I never even bothered with the bras. The time came for my 5K and I was off to Huntsville. I picked up my very first race kit and my first race shirt. I asked for an XL and was sure it would fit, figuring they would have “real” sizes. Wrong again! It was way too tight for my liking. An XL should be loose. I asked if they

had an XXL—nope, this was it. My niece was also running and even she mentioned her shirt was a bit snug. Kelly has been running a long time and fits small or medium, so for her to say it was snug speaks volumes on the incorrect sizing these days. I ended up wearing a cotton t-shirt and my windbreaker from when I was in school. I was sweltering, even though the day started out drizzling and a tad cold. Whomever manufactures these shirts need to revisit their patterns, resizing them to fit EVERY BODY. What used to be a 14 is now more of a 12, and it’s just not right. I had a blast at my 5K and was hooked. Turns out, I like to run!! Everyone was so nice and had great attitudes. I saw people of all shapes and sizes running, walking, being healthy. It was a great day. I signed up for the Scotiabank Waterfront, another 5K, and continued to run. I wasn’t running as much as I should, as work would get in the way far too much, but I soldiered on. And again ventured out to get more running clothes. I went to the outlet stores, and with every brand it was the same story: very little selection in XL, and XL was too tight—shirt after shirt, bra after bra. I did get lucky at the Saucony store and came out with two tanks. I signed up for a few more runs: the Chilly 5K (miraculously, the XL jacket did fit), then I upped it to a 10K. I did a 10K, then another one, and every shirt was just too tight. My second race was in Niagara and was slightly better, but still not a true XL. I know I’m not the only “I-don’t-look-likeShalane-Flanagan” runner out there—and the running world knows this. Even John Stanton posts picture after picture of runners of all shapes and sizes, so he knows that we are not all size 0. Please, I’m talking directly to all of the running brands here—please wake up! You would sell a lot more products if you properly sized your clothing. Maybe the stores need runners on staff (women and men) who are not a size 0 to try on their mock-ups and work at the registers. Make adjustments to accommodate the various body types out there, not just a runner’s perceived body shape and size. The quest goes on to keep running, get fit, desperately try to lose weight, and find decent running clothes that will fit, but most importantly, have fun and not get caught up in the “nothing fits” disappointments. I know the sport can do better. I know I’m not the only one.

iRun because it’s the only time in a mom’s busy life that you are able to fly on your own. — Christine Carlini Griffo, Bolton, Ontario


Six brands with impressive plus-size workout wear collections By Karen Kwan Old Navy Bright colours, playful prints, and stylish mesh and strappy details make the Old Navy plus-size workout wear a welcome breath of fresh air.

Fabletics This workout-wear company from actress Kate Hudson offers VIP memberships in which you save 50 percent off regular pricing and earn loyalty points. The collection includes sizes ranging from XXS to 3X.

Penningtons Plus-size retailer Penningtons also carries an activewear collection that includes everything from sport bras and tank tops to a wide range of pant styles including yoga pants, zip-off pants, capris, shorts, golf and ski pants, and basic leggings.

Torrid Torrid, which specializes in clothing for sizes 10 to 30, has a wide range of choices in its activewear collection, which incorporates on-trend prints and details including camouflage, florals, cut-outs, and mottos.

Brooks Their renowned sports bras are engineered to move with every woman comfortably, regardless of shape or size. When a woman feels perfectly supported, there’s no limit to where she can go.

Nike Earlier this year, Nike launched a plus-size collection to their activewear line. Sizes of the mostly monochromatic pieces range from 1X to 3X, with sport bras that go up to 38E.


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Canada’s beloved roots rocker is a 35-year-old, eight-time Juno awardwinning vocalist. However, it’s her work on wellness, staying active, and positive vibes that makes this runner an iRun fave

iRUN: How tied together is how you feel with how you record and perform? SR: I have to be out in nature to clear my mind and cleanse my palate. It gives me an extra boost, whether I’m dancing with my headphones on, taking a long walk in Toronto’s High Park, trying my best to run, or walking in the woods, it doesn’t matter. It’s vital to me to unplug.


2017 ISSUE 08

iRUN: How is running helpful? SR: It puts me into a different headspace and gets my body moving. The benefits are massive. iRUN: Being a rockstar is not without its temptations. What have you learned about eating and being active while spending so much time on the road? SR: So many people think that every night should be a big party for us, they want us to come out and have drinks, but they have Saturday and Sunday to rest and I’m doing it every night. I had to learn or I wouldn’t still be doing it now. I wouldn’t have the stamina. iRUN: Talking about stamina makes you sound like a marathon runner. How do you conserve energy for the big gig? SR: I’m tightly in control of my schedule and I need to get enough sleep. I may not get eight hours a night, not when I’m pulling out

on a tour bus at 4 a.m., but I’ll nap during the day and drink my eight bottles of water. For me, meditation is also important—sometimes even just five minutes at the airport. I have to have me-time and normalize an abnormal life. iRUN: And staying active is a big part of that? SR: Integral. It gives you more energy to do more. People say “I don’t have any time to run,” but if you run, you have more time to do better at all of the things you’re so busy with! iRUN: So what’s the secret? How do you make it work? SR: People get so strict with what they think they need and if everything isn’t perfect, they give up. Like if you can’t run at 9 a.m., you give up on it for the rest of the day. Don’t be so strict about what you need to get started. Start something, do it right now!

iRUN: You’ve been a gutsy outspoken mental health advocate with the Bell Let’s Talk campaign, bringing up personal experiences. What’s been the response you’ve received so far? SR: People aren’t put on this world to judge and I think that whatever you have inside of you that you know to be true, if you’re genuine, there’s no way you will not succeed. iRUN: Stompa is such a great running tune. Can you recommend a few jams for our readers? SR: I like to start with No One Knows like the Piano by Sampha, then when I get going and want to move I’ll play Too Good by Drake and Rihanna. Anything by SIA is amazing, plus Kendrick Lamar is unbelievable. I just went to see him at the ACC. Serena Ryder’s most recent album is Utopia. For tour dates, see Serena

iRun because others can’t. Running is a treasured gift. — K. Lomas, Goderich


iRUN: It’s been almost ten years since you won the Best New Artist Juno and you seem to be at your most popular now. What do you attribute your longevity to? SERENA RYDER: Being open to change and realizing that you don’t really know that much. Being able to roll with the punches and adapt. Really, since Harmony [2012], I’ve been making records quicker. It’s easier to stay inspired in the studio when it’s not a long, drawn-out process.


GOOD FOOD Cheers to a holiday tipple for runners

We’re happy to share our recipe for Balzac’s Golden Latte, a soothingly healthy and delicious drink. We use a potent paste of fresh turmeric made by a Canadian company, Truly Turmeric. The peppery, slightly astringent flavour of fresh turmeric is pronounced and when steeped, it stains the coconut milk a gorgeous warm golden yellow. We admire the company’s values. As a social enterprise, they support a community of 350 small farmers growing turmeric in Belize. We finish the Golden Latte with honey, lemon, and a pinch of black pepper, a complimentary spice that helps it to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Research is still out on turmeric’s medicinal properties. But that doesn’t stop athletes from drinking Golden Latte for its anti-inflammatory potential. After a long winter run, there’s no greater pleasure than wrapping your hands around a steaming cup of this hot frothy golden drink. It’s easy to make at home or make Balzac’s your running destination and let us do it for you.

BALZAC’S GOLDEN LATTE 2 cups coconut milk 1½ tablespoons Truly Turmeric paste 1 teaspoon ginger paste 2 tablespoons honey ¼ teaspoon fresh lemon juice Pinch of ground black pepper In a saucepan, combine all the ingredients and gently warm over medium heat. Strain and whip until foamy with a frother.



RACHEL HANNAH: What first inspired you to want to lose weight and decide to commit to a comprehensive weight management program? JT: I have always carried a bit of extra weight, but this didn’t stop me from being athletic in my childhood. Throughout high school, university, and the first few years of my professional life, my weight kept creeping up. Before I knew it, I was almost 300 pounds. At work, at my annual performance review with my coach, my firm offered to support me in becoming a healthier person and introduced me to the Medcan Weight Management Program. It was a breath of fresh air. RH: What were your main goals and did you accomplish them? JT: My short-term goal was to track my calories daily and average an intake of 2,000 per day. Some days I didn’t achieve my goal, but that didn’t deter me since I viewed each day as a new day and opportunity for improvement. My long-term goal was “Project 200”—by the end of 2016, I wanted to be under 200 pounds. I surpassed this mark in November and ended up losing a total of 100 pounds between April and December. RH: Did you have any help along the way? JT: I created other goals that were not calorieor weight-related involving running, cycling, and lifting weights. For running, I wanted to run a 5K race. I put dates in my calendar and


2017 ISSUE 08

POWERFUL FACE OF RADICAL CHANGE Rachel Hannah interviews her patient who lost more than 100 pounds

downloaded a couch-to-5K app to get me started. After I achieved this, I worked on running my 5K faster, then added in a 10K race goal, a half marathon goal, and now I have a goal of running the Goodlife Marathon in May 2018. I measured progress along the way by using MyFitnessPal and Strava. RH: What was the most valuable thing you learned from your weight loss journey? JT: Knowing what I was putting in my mouth and the calories my food choices contained was an eye-opening experience. Within the first four days of keeping a good journal using MyFitnessPal, I was down eight pounds. Within 38 days I was down 25 pounds, and it continued from there. My taste buds have changed completely; I used to crave fast food often. I am now eating foods I never thought I would like and am including a lot more vegetables. RH: Is there anything you would have done differently during this time?

JT: I never felt like I was dieting through this process and haven’t made any changes that I don’t feel I can sustain. RH: What was the biggest challenge you faced? JT: Social eating. You have to deal with moments where you are faced with an impulse to want to eat foods higher in calories that are different from regular day-to-day choices. I have learned the behavioural skill of restraint. RH: What behavioural or lifestyle change do you think is the most important to maintain in order to keep off your significant weight loss? JT: Tracking food intake, routine blood work, and keeping everything in one folder so I can see progress—it’s very motivating. Setting rules for alcohol intake, like how many drinks and how many calories I’m allowed, has been extremely helpful. Writing down goals along the way and tracking reinforces those choices.

iRun because I can’t turn back the clock, but I can work with what I’ve got and make it better.—Stephanie Stoyko, Listowell


’ve worked in weight management for the majority of my over six years as a Registered Dietitian. I love that I get to see amazing transformations. Most overweight individuals can see significant improvements in their health from a 5–10% weight loss. Sometimes you meet an individual who loses a very substantial amount of weight, is able to keep it off, and through this process becomes a runner. These stories are special and should be shared with others for inspiration and motivation. Let me introduce you to JT. He lost over 100 pounds and has maintained this loss for almost a year. He became a runner and has completed two half marathons and plans on running the Goodlife Marathon in May. His keen interest in becoming a runner allowed us to not only work on diet changes, but also achieve another healthy goal of improved physical fitness. I interviewed JT about his experiences.

I am constantly making decisions about food and drink choices. RH: What advice do you have for other runners starting out who are considered overweight or obese? JT: I suggest starting slowly and setting goals along the way. I used a couch-to-5K app on my phone. I started with walk/runs on the treadmill and built up very slowly over a few weeks. When I started, I couldn’t run for more than 20 seconds without being out of breath. I was consistent with my program and my cardio gradually improved. When I first started running outside, I was able to get into a zone I didn’t know existed until I started to run for longer. Once I could reach 5K without stopping, I asked myself, “How can I do this faster?” I tracked progress on Strava. After winter was over, I started running outside and ran my first half marathon in April 2017. So my number one piece of advice here is build slowly and don’t do too much at once. RH: To help discredit the idea that exercise alone is an effective treatment for weight loss, please explain why diet and behaviour

change were so important for your weight loss. JT: A lot of restaurants now post calorie information right on the menu. By looking at approximate calories burned from one hour of intense running and then seeing how you can eat that back in about three minutes for certain foods, it becomes essential to make changes to calories in and always be conscious of this even when exercising a lot. RH: Anything else you would like to share to others who are looking to lose weight, improve their health, and start running? JT: It’s okay to be open and talk about your goals with your support network. Some days I would go over 4,000 calories. But getting back on track the following day was critical for my success, as well as learning from the negative experiences and not being self-critical. I got other people involved, and one of my friends has lost 40 pounds after he started tracking his calories. Others have achieved goals in running and cycling, and if my story has played a small part in motivating towards these achievements, I see it all as a positive feedback loop.

RH: Best weight is defined by obesity expert Doctor Yoni Freedhoff as the weight you achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle that you can truly enjoy and can maintain long-term. There comes a point when a person cannot eat less or exercise more and still like their life. Do you feel you have reached your best weight? JT: I feel I am still working towards my best weight and I am not sure what the magic number will be. I am much happier now and have a lot more energy. I crave healthy foods that fuel my body properly and won’t change this new lifestyle. JT’s story is an example of someone who benefited from receiving treatment for his medical condition. He took part in a comprehensive weight management program. Medcan’s program is a comprehensive, cognitive behavioural–based program that combines the expertise of a doctor with extensive experience in weight management and a team of Registered Dietitians. Rachel Hannah is a Canadian distance runner who won bronze at the Pan American games. She won the Canadian Cross Country Championships in 2014.



PENTATHLON DES NEIGES When people first hear about the Pentathlon des Neiges, there is a definite note of intimidation in their voice. According to Francois Calletta, race director for this 14-year-old winter sporting event: “Usually people think that it’s a double Ironman which really can scare everyone, but it’s actually a very accessible event.” As it turns out Pentathlon des Neiges actually refers to the five sports—skiing, skating, snowshoeing, cycling and running—that encompass it. While there are elite and competitive categories where one athlete takes part in all five sports, there are also 17 challenges for two person and five person teams to participate in and get into the spirit of this high-energy event. “There are three ways to participate, you can do all five sports as a solo athlete, in tandem with one person completing two sports and the other three, or as part of a team relay where one person does one sport,” says Calletta. For elites and more competitive athletes, Pentathlon des Neiges spans 28 kilometers weaving through Quebec City,

with each sport routing back to one transition area, generating maximum crowd excitement which is key in any winter sporting event. Although the Pentathlon is the only one of its kind worldwide, the event draws thousands into the city as a premiere destination race. “It’s basically the culmination of a 10-day long party here in Quebec City,” explains Calletta, who notes that it really is fun for the whole family and people of all ages. In particular, the friends and family challenge isn’t only about the sport competition, but also it’s about the spirit of each team, decked out in costumes and showcasing the very best in team spirit and sportsmanship. While drawing more participants to the event is Calletta’s focus each year, he is the first to say that this is really an opportunity for people to experience the best that Quebec City has to offer, including the opportunity to skate on the historic Plains of Abraham. A one-of-a-kind event, on a UNESCO World Heritage Site? Planning your winter vacation getaway just got a little less challenging.


Rétrospective de l’année 2017 avec l’athlète la plus active de Sportstats Alana Bonner est la membre la plus active de Sportstats. En effet, elle y a inscrit un total de 269 courses. Agée de 37 ans, l’athlète résidente de l’ouest de Montréal s’efforce de courir toutes les fins de semaine. Quel est son secret? Elle évite les excès dans un sens comme dans l’autre. Le jour où elle participe à une course est une journée comme une autre pour elle : pas de célébrations effrénées, et pas de temps mort non plus. Elle court parce qu’elle aime ça. Parce que c’est « le fun ». Et parce qu’elle aime être active. Nous lui avons demandé de faire le bilan de son année 2017 sur Sportstats.

Ça fait combien de kilomètres? Ça donne 387,5 km jusqu’à présent cette année (en plus de 276 km de vélo en duathlon), et il me reste 44,5 km à faire d’ici la fin de l’année. Mon année 2017 se soldera sur 13 duathlons, 8 demi-marathons et 31 autres courses allant de 2k à 10k. Où avez-vous couru cette année? J’ai couru dans cinq états américains (Hawaï, Floride, New York, Connecticut et Massachusetts) avec deux autres courses à faire aux États-Unis cette année (Vermont et Massachusetts). Et j’ai couru dans deux provinces (Québec et Ontario) pour un total de 29 villes différentes, plus deux autres avant la fin de l’année! Quelle a été votre épreuve préférée cette année? Le demi-marathon United Airlines de New York, à la mi-mars. C’était la première fois que je participais à cet


2017 ISSUE 08

difficile cette année? En février, j’ai fait 10 km sur des sentiers raides et enneigés dans les bois du parc national du Mont Orford. C’était certainement l’une des épreuves les plus difficiles de toute mon année! Je portais mes chaussures spéciales de marque Icebug, celles qui sont munies de crampons.

événement, et je n’ai pas été déçue. Le coup de départ se fait à Central Park et le parcours passe par Times Square : un événement mémorable, pour tout dire! J’espère y participer à nouveau en 2018 pour essayer le nouveau parcours, qui devrait débuter à Brooklyn et se terminer à Central Park. Quels sont vos critères pour choisir une course? Le premier, c’est de savoir si la course est chronométrée par une entreprise en qui j’ai confiance. Je m’entraîne beaucoup, et je veux que mes résultats soient exacts, précis, facilement accessibles et fiables. C’est pourquoi la plupart des épreuves que je choisis sont chronométrées par Sportstats, le chef de file canadien en la matière.

Avez-vous participé à des épreuves inaugurales cette année? Si oui, laquelle avezvous mieux aimée, et pourquoi? Oui! J’ai fait la première édition du demi-marathon P’tit Train du Nord en octobre. Le P’tit Train du Nord est une piste cyclable de 200 km qui traverse les Laurentides, au nord de Montréal. Elle a été aménagée sur une ancienne voie ferrée qui ne fonctionne plus depuis les années 1980. Ce parcours linéaire va du nord au sud, avec un demi-marathon et un marathon complet le long du joli sentier et l’agréable fraîcheur d’automne, de magnifiques paysages et un dénivelé descendant du début à la fin. J’ai hâte de refaire cette course l’année prochaine! Quel a été le parcours le plus

Que mangez-vous avant une course? Un sandwich au beurre d’arachides sur du pain blanc environ deux heures avant la course, puis une barre aux fruits Fruit3 Xact Nutrition quelques minutes avant le coup de départ. Quel est votre modèle préféré de chaussures? Cette année, j’ai essayé les 1400V5 de New Balance, et je les adore. Elles ne pèsent que 6,1 oz, avec une inclinaison de 10 mm, un ajustement parfait et un confort formidable. Quels sont vos objectifs pour 2018? Éviter les blessures, courir avec énergie, aller plus vite sur toutes les distances et avoir du plaisir à collectionner les bons souvenirs et, peut-être, quelques médailles de plus!

iRun parce que j’aime manger. — Melanie Weiss, Phelpston


À combien de courses avezvous participé en 2017? À la mi-novembre, j’ai participé à 47 courses. Il y en a cinq de plus au calendrier d’ici la fin de l’année. Cela donnera un total de 52 courses en 2017.




THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS A valuable lesson in judgment as ascertained in a debut marathon


n the interminable five kilometres at the end of my first marathon, I watched a lot of people overtake me and run off into the distance. It wasn’t as deflating as that sounds, because my only goal was to complete the race. I didn’t care how long it took me, as long as I got across the finish line and could call myself a marathon runner. Instead of the sinking feeling that I’d experience during the dwindling steps of one or two future marathons, what I remember most about that day is witnessing the incredible diversity of the runners who were passing me. They wore


2017 ISSUE 08

an assortment of shirts and shoes, from the most modern and technical to the very basic. They had varying gaits and running styles and a wide range of temperaments. And most importantly, they were of all ages, shapes, and sizes. In other words, they didn’t all fit the conventional image of a youthful long-distance runner—the lean, sinewy athletes depicted on fitness magazine covers and in running shoe commercials. Almost 14 years later, I remember one runner in particular who caught my eye. She was shorter and heavier than I, and if you believe in judging a book by its cover, she had no business being ahead of me or any other runner behind us. I have no idea whether it was her first marathon or her twentieth, but she was maintaining a strong and consistent pace, was on track to finish in a decent time, and seemed determined that nothing would stop her. She both inspired me and taught me a valuable lesson. Thankfully, it’s no longer okay to make fun of someone because of their gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or religion. But, sadly, there’s still not very much pushback against comments about weight. The fat joke is still far more acceptable today than a sexist or racist remark. There remains a prevailing perception that body type is a reflection of character rather than nature or other forces. If you’re overweight, the thinking goes, it’s because you’ve

made bad decisions. The examples are everywhere. Think of all the fat kids and overweight adults depicted in movies and TV shows. How often are they the laughingstock of the protagonists, the convenient symbol of slothfulness or weakness, the epitome of loserdom? To guard against perpetuating stereotypes about real nations, spy movies make up entire countries to defend us against. But even in the Harry Potter films, which contain many powerful lessons for young readers, the protagonist’s selfish, unlikeable cousin, aunt, and uncle are all obese and gluttonous. In case you were wondering whether they were horrible, just look at them! Likewise, in debates about food policy and childhood obesity, we default to the belief that education is the solution: if only overweight people (or their parents) made better choices, they’d be just like their thinner neighbours. It’s as simple as that.

Mark Sutcliffe is the founder of iRun and the author of Long Road to Boston: The Pursuit of the World’s Most Coveted Marathon. DOWNLOAD the iRun Podcasts: LISTEN to him on 1310 News and Rogers TV Ottawa FOLLOW him on Twitter: @_marksutcliffe SEE excerpts of his book:

iRun because we have to fight cancer and rely on each other to do so. — Elysse Savaria, Owen Sound




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Timing is Everything.



n a suspenseful November weekend, legions of runners— both distant and akin to me—celebrated decisive victories. Miles away in Kingston, Ontario, Canada’s fastest cross-country athletes were awarded national titles at the ACXC Championships. Closer to home, in a dazzling dress and in the company of my teammates, I was named JAMCAN International Athletics’ Female Track Athlete of the Year. What an incredible honour it was to be recognized for my achievements in the Ontario Masters and Canadian Masters 100m, 200m, and 4x100m relay events. I didn’t know it was possible—not at first. I thought 5Ks and marathons (and the gruelling distances between) were the only race options out there for a middle-aged woman like me. Boy was I wrong! While working at a personal training studio about four years ago, I sat with my manager, halfmusing and half-grumbling, “Why can’t I?” It was a question derived not from self-doubt but from ignorance. I was in my late thirties, out of love with bodybuilding, and seeking a new challenge. Distance running was a familiar option, but not my strength. Sure, I’d ran 5Ks and finished a half marathon before, but completion goals set from the back of the pack no longer satisfied me. I’d grown accustomed to winning in bodybuilding, and wanted a sport I could attack and excel at. I was short, fast, and powerful with a muscular body better suited to sprinting than distance running. The textbooks knew it and I did too, based on years of running the 100m and 200m on high school and club track teams (albeit some 20 years ago). But the colourful fun runs and charity races peddled in running pages never included this option, hence my gripe. “Why is 5K the shortest distance you can run as an adult?” I


2017 ISSUE 08

WHY CAN’T I? When you realize there’s no reason not to pursue your dreams, writes Debbie King, limits on your potential disappear

wondered. “Why can’t I enter to race a 100 metre sprint?” “You can,” my manager said. “What?” My eyes darted up to meet his and every muscle was fixed on his response. “Yeah, Masters Athletics,” he continued matter-of-factly, as if it were common knowledge. It was not. This was, without a doubt, the first time I’d heard of an association that organized local track and field meets for men and women over 30. Neither one of us knew it in the moment, but those words—you can—would shift my focus, reshape my body image, and set me up for a 2017 club athlete of the year award.

It took another two years before I stepped back onto the track, but once I did, there was no looking back. Competing in masters athletics, and specifically sprinting, ticked all of my personal checkboxes for dynamic training, healthy competition, positive body image, and an inclusive community. The latter two have become increasingly important to me with age. Inclusive community and positive body image In Ontario, masters track and field meets, though comparatively smaller in registration than most fun runs and charity races, attract a diverse participation. With athletes

ranging in age from 30 to over 80, and track events ranging from 50m to 10,000m—plus throws (e.g., shot put, javelin) and jumps (e.g., long jump, high jump)—you see a lot of different body shapes and sizes. Engaging diverse athletes is, in my opinion, one of masters athletics’ strongest merits. A sprinter, middle-distance runner, discus thrower, and high jumper will commonly have different physiques. Whether participating or spectating, one can’t help but notice and appreciate the ability of every body. Every meet, without fail, I’m greeted with praise by a middle- or long-distance runner. They watch my eight-second sprints down the indoor track in awe, while I’m entirely impressed by their physical and mental endurance, lap after 200m lap. Within the sprint community, my capped shoulders, full quads, and Caribbean descent bond rather than divide me from my peers. Athletically speaking, sprint training fires me up in ways that long slow runs, while not without merit, never did. Though I was never uncomfortable in distance packs per se, I’ve found that training among kindred bodies has produced a noticeable sense of belonging. And at the end of the day, it’s not unusual to see strong, fit, winning athletes with wider hips, looser skin, or softer midsections than traditionally seen on the podium. That suspenseful November weekend, while some of our country’s fastest distance runners celebrated wins in muddy conditions, I, under the sparkling lights of the Taj Banquet Hall, celebrated mine. The certificates were generous and the trophies were spectacular, but the real victory was the display of possibility. If you’ve been wondering “Why can’t I?”, know that you can. As a 5’3”, 140lb, 41 year-old track athlete of the year, I’m proof that running is for every body.

iRun because it makes me think, it makes me strong and it’s faster than walking.—Juanita Dickson, Toronto






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My name is Khawla Mesmous and I wrote this story. It’s been an emotional journey for me to running. I’ve learned from every kilometre I’ve run.


2017 ISSUE 08

JOINING A TEAM The scariest thing when joining a running group is knowing that you are not going to be fast in the beginning—believing that everyone in the group is going to laugh at how slow you are. There’s also a constant fear of being neglected, knowing that only those who do well in competitions will get acknowledgement and happiness from other members. It has always sucked to be last. Being last in anything is a massive stab to your pride. I had to force myself to believe that no one in the world starts something being great. Look at the legendary Usain Bolt—it took him years to get acknowledged for his speed and improvement. I forced myself to change my negative thoughts and use them as my fuel. If I want to be great, then I have to put in the work. Eventually, I began noticing improvements in my time. Granted, I was still one of the slowest runners, but I was still proud of myself. The more you run, the more you believe in yourself and your capabilities. Maybe it's the endorphins, but after every run I feel unbeatable. That was enough to keep me going.

BEING DIFFERENT When I first began running I believed that I was too different to belong in the running world. Not only do I not have the ideal body, I had yet to see another muslim girl running. When I went to my very first race, I experienced a huge shock. Everyone was white. Everyone was thin. I would jog around the field before my race, and the amount of stares I’d receive was unbelievable. Not only is it sad, it’s detrimental to someone's confidence. I knew that everyone thought I wasn’t going to do well. Ridgemont High School is diverse. I asked many girls of different cultures why they hadn’t joined the running team, and most of their responses were based on fear of being different. It’s difficult to be the odd one out. For many, this would be enough for them to quit. However, despite being self-conscious of what everyone was thinking, I still stuck to running. I believe this was by far one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I want to break barriers. Through running, I learned that you don't need to be good to do well. You need to be strong.

iRun to become a better person! — Tommy Leblanc, Toronto, Ontario



ack in my home country in Africa, a women with curves is seen as a woman blessed by god—someone who has the wealth to eat, enough to satisfy herself beyond her needs. This was a big struggle for me to deal with as a runner here in Canada. Based on what I see everyday in the news and social media, I am forced to believe that a good runner is a woman with a petite and toned physique. Because of this, I forced myself to overtrain until I began to notice myself lose inches in my body. I was very proud, because I had become one step closer to being a good runner. However, my parents were not so proud of my changes. Because they were raised in a country of poverty, seeing me lose weight was not a good sign. They were afraid that I was becoming unhealthy. It's a horrible feeling doing something that you enjoy, but knowing that you are disappointing the most important people your life. It is challenging to have a goal that others don’t want you to achieve. This became a cultural barrier that was very difficult for me to overcome. Whenever family friends and members would see me, they would question why I was even running to begin with. With time, my parents have become extremely supportive, because they are aware that my goals make me happy, and this has become an unmeasurable force that is propelling me to achieve my running goals.


YOUNG LOVE: Khawla Mesmous and the Ridgemont Highschool Cross Country team.

iRun because it gives me a chance to listen to the latest records from my favourite bands. — Steve Flood, Vaughan, ON

Leah, my three-year-old daughter, says, “Mom, you shouldn’t eat all of that because if you do you might get fat.” I respond with a quick, honest reply: “I’m active and eat healthy food so I’m not worried about that.” Now that she’s six (and the boys are nine and eleven), I’ve influenced our children about their bodies. Leah knows I plucked gray hairs before the 2016 Rio Olympic Games and insists that I dye my hair if I make the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. But if I make it to another Olympics, she’ll know it has nothing to do with my hair. I eat so that my body will be at its best when it matters most. My kids know I avoid sweets leading up to a marathon and enjoy them when my season is over. I let my kids know that eating has to do with fuel, recovery, and performance—and that matters more than anything else.



The 124th Time’s a Charm Celebrating repeat performances at Around the Bay


on Lariviere was 32 when he first ran the Around the Bay race in Hamilton, Ontario, the oldest road race in North America. It’s a race older than Boston and Lariviere, who is now 67, has competed in the event 27 times. Repeat performances at the run, which has both relay events and its classic 30K distance, are indeed so popular that the event has commemorated special shoelace charms to designate completions from 10 to more than 25 times. For Lariviere, it’s an event ingrained in his running DNA. “In the old days, we showered at Sir John A Macdonald HS. You didn’t dawdle after finishing, as the hot water was limited,” says Lariviere, who thinks there’s between 10 and 20 people who’ve run the event more times than he has. “Prior to that, when the race finished at Benetto Community Centre, we brought change for the drink machines, as none was provided. How many communities can boast a race with so much history, beauty and uniqueness?” It’s a combination of that uniqueness, the timing of when the race falls on the calendar—this year, March 25—and the hills mixed with the scenery mixed with the civic pride that makes Around the Bay distinct from every other race in the world. Anna Lewis, the Around the Bay race director, approaches each year of her event with a mix of respect and daring. Like the Boston and New York marathons, runs with proud traditions, it’s important not to radically disrupt a good thing. But, that said, history marches on and all events need to modernize. “It’s a fine line between keeping things fresh and not changing too much. We always want to keep the Bay Race spirit of history and tradition, but at the same time think of ways that will enhance or improve participant experience,” says Lewis, who had the idea

for the shoelace charm after meeting runners across the country at race expos who’d exalt on telling her how many times they’d completed her run. “The shoelace charm does both—we celebrate and recognize participants who continually help make history by being a part of the oldest road race in North America, but at the same time introduce a new participant recognition program.” The recognition program is something that’s taken running by storm. So far, 120 runners have requested the hardware and Lewis thinks about 50% of people who will participate in her race in 2018 will be repeat racers. She knows for certain there are at least three people who’ve done the 30K thirty-one times each, Gord Aglor, Chris Mcgale, and Carol Shorrock. Jacqueline Chevalier has only run the 30K event ten times, but she says signing up for Around the Bay, at this point, has almost become automatic. “The course, at least the last 20K, kind of feels like an old friend by now, even though I never really conquer the hills,” she says, adding that her husband Ed has also run ATB 10 times. “I love the We Will Rock You guy, the Grim Reaper and the great crowd support, but it’s also very much a social event, as we are always there with friends and there’s people to share the prerace jitters and the post-race congratulations.” Around the Bay, in the end, is about tradition, fun and great racing. Ron Lariviere, our veteran of 27 Around the Bay races, says it’s about rewarding its veterans, but it’s also about inclusion. “My advice for newbies is to run your first Bay to finish, taking it all in,” he says. “Then set goals as you like. It can be a once in a lifetime thing or the relationship of a lifetime.” For more information on Around the Bay, please see


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This winter, keep cozy with the running world’s greatest socks. We asked members of Calgary’s leading race crews to lend us a foot for fashion needs Photography by Dave Holland 2


FOOTLOOSE 1. Robert Patmore, 30, One Unit Run Club, Reebok One series socks; 2. Nolan Tudor, 32, Mission District Run Crew, Nike Elite cushion socks


SOCK IT TO ME 3. Rae LaBerge, 24, November Project, Wigwam socks; 4. Laura Near, 31, YYC Wheezers, Asics socks 3 38

2017 ISSUE 08

iRun because I find peace in each pace.—Daphne Paszterko, Toronto



TOE THE LINE 5. Raf Lopez, 33, YYC Run Crew, Elite Merino+ socks; 6. Donna Moore, 55, Loose Laces Airdrie, Stance socks; 7. Lindsey Hogan, 32, 3433 Sport Performance Centre, Women’s Merrell Crew Hiking socks




HAPPY FEET 8. Tania Derraugh, 37, 3433 Sport Performance Centre, Wigwam Runvious Pro socks; 9. Jenny Schlauch, 34, New Justice Team, Brooks socks; 10. David Foo, 59, Reebok socks

iRun because I love the feel of my heart racing along with my feet.—Julie Hann, Toronto



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