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Project Overview Detroit:

My task of the group project was to Developing a “Market Place” that would provide an opportunity for both educational and industrial centers to exchange knowledge locally and internationally and provide students an opportunity to display their work. The site is located on Woodward Ave. between Manchester Rd and 6 Mile Rd. When looking at the site, some areas are open spaces with a lot of vacant land and most of the areas are used as parking lots. The collage images show how open spaces can be occupied by bringing the individual images taking from different parts of the site into one. The first step was taking a look at the site and mapping out private and public areas, and bringing those two elements together. The way that I viewed the innovations is that Market Place would spread along Woodward and into both sides of the road. The innovation would take place throughout Woodward Ave. It would include the light rail that would run in the middle of the road, green areas that can be used as a train stop, pedestrian crossings by creating bridges and the market place which would provide the public show rooms, shopping centers, and office spaces. If we look closer at the section of the green way/park, one can see that only the train would be able to pass through the green area and cars would be given an alternative way to drive around. The park would also include private areas where the landscape dips down and provides this pockets. If we look at the sections, the design of the innovations are to show the connection of both sides of Woodward Ave, the interior space, and the visions of the site. Milan: The site is Naviglio River using the same concept as for Detroit. Looking at the topography of the Naviglio the area closer to the center is mostly business area while the residential and shopping area is located farther away from the center area. When moving farther away from the center, one can see individual housing/villas. The next map is showing already existing green areas. Proposal of a masterplan is where the green belt connects the sites together through the existing green areas/court yards. “Market Place” innovations is placed throughout the Naviglio River and along the green way to gradually create a transition between the sites/programs.

Collage Images [Detroit]

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