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Before had got an ancient leyend . It consist in the day of halloween had got a vident and savage monster . This go at night and kiss the childrens what is constume are a killer clown . A boy his name is JosĂŠ vicente, he think he wearing a constume of a killer clown in the halloween night . He and his friends go to the street and ... ÂĄ PUM ! The lights of the street are off .

Their friends aren`t in the street and jose vicente is run . He noticed a knock on his head and he sleep . In a moment he open his eyes and see what he is in a boat . And he see a horrible woof , he his black , he has got three hears and lots of many teet . The woof open the door of the boat and eat jose vicente . In the night of halloween the woof is walking on the street where the woof catch jose vicente


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