Talent Review

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AIESEC in Ukraine Succession Planning: Talent Review Talent Review Are your talents active, performing AND developing? AIESEC`s Talent grid: AIESEC`s talent grid is a graph to cluster your people at their current level of development (competencies) in comparison with the performance (planned versus achieved) in their role. Initial Definitions: Competency: Capacity that allows an expected behaviour. Performance: Is the delivery of some action (s) in response to a planned outcome. Motivation: “A reason for doing something.� http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/motivation The potential of a person is the combination of these three Dimensions.

Cluster definitions 1. Stars: Who are they? Stars are role models. They are able to lead the organization towards greatest results at local/ regional or global level because they posses the highest motivation, capacity and ability to do it now. Many times they show their talents since the beginning of the experience. How do you identify them? They are people that inspire other people trough action; they always are striving for new challenges and they show outstanding delivery on results. They easily become leaders of the organization (EB/MC/AI).

AIESEC in Ukraine | www.aiesec.org.ua


AIESEC in Ukraine Succession Planning: Talent Review 2-3-4. Talent Pool: Who are they? People in the talent pool are the ones that have the skills and potential for top leadership positions but having just a step ahead to accomplish it probably because they are still developing some characteristics (competencies) or improving their experience (having mid leadership positions). They can have 1, 2 or more years inside AIESEC. How do you identify them? Usually they are performing pretty well, their level of commitment is high and their profile makes them to reach any kind of opportunity or position in the mid term. 5. High committed People: Who are they? These people are the ones who have been in AIESEC for a while (One year or more) and even if they don’t have the greatest development (competencies) they are able to deliver highest results (delivery on commitments) because of their motivation and right personal alignment with AIESEC. They can be on top positions just because their passion showed for AIESEC. How do you identify them? They usually have great involvement in @, using the possibilities of our learning environment but they need to be encouraged in the short term to improve their profile of competencies through living the right experiences. They under promise and over deliver on expected results but they can strengthen their potential much more. 6. High Talented People: Who are they? They can be new members who just entered AIESEC with high entrance levels of competencies but their performance is still below the expected (inexperienced people) or people that are supposed to be in the taking responsibility stage (6 months -1 year) that don’t have enough motivation or training to deliver on their goals. How do you identify them? New members with right alignment before starting to work are curious about how to deliver on plans, willing to have responsibilities and are already thinking about moving forward their @XP. These people are much more likely to get into the talent pool because they just have to learn to become more efficient and to gain more experience. Other people on this cluster besides new members don’t perform at all because of the lack of motivation or training. 7. Regular Performing: Who are they? Those people have more than 6 months in AIESEC (they know the organizational identity) but they entered without having the right profile (competencies level) and their personal alignment with AIESEC is pretty unclear. How do you identify them? They somehow deliver on their commitments but lack the basic competencies expected. 8. Regular Development: Who are they?

AIESEC in Ukraine | www.aiesec.org.ua


AIESEC in Ukraine Succession Planning: Talent Review These people have an acceptable level of competencies developed that enable them to perform but their level of identification with and commitment to AIESEC or their current job role might be too low. They do not perform in the expected way. How do you identify them? They don’t deliver on their commitments. 9. Low performing: Who are they? Low performers don’t have potential in AIESEC. They lack the competencies required to perform in their roles as well as the motivation to commit themselves to increase their performance (alignment between individual and organizational goals). These people were not selected properly and usually are detected during taking responsibility stage. How do you identify them? Their assessment of competencies is poor and they don’t deliver results.

Best regards, Iryna Koval TM Director 09-10

AIESEC in Ukraine | www.aiesec.org.ua


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