The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Journal The Journal of the Old Ipswichian Club | Issue 13 2022/23
In this issue Club news • Features • Members’ news • Births, marriages, deaths and obituaries OI Club events • Archives • School news • Programme of events Development office news • Careers Page Content
Member Leavers
Leavers 2022/23 Adams James Ademokun Felicity Ali Grace Allen Archibald Althen Alice Anbarasan Aswin Baker Poppy Banks Harry Barlow Elizabeth Barr Isobel Bell Daisy Bennett Benjamin Bennett Misha Benns Amelia Bolton Bruce Bourne Ryan Bozier Claudia Brown Chloe Burgess Evie Burton Oliver Calver Rowan Catchpole Hugh Cathcart Charlotte Chan Jamie Chan Kin Lun Chan Yat To Chapple Amber Clark Beatrice Cocksworth Patrick Conley Max Courtney Felix Craigie Dominic Davison Luke Deasy Oscar Deegan Kevin Dmitriev Albert Dunn Thomas Dunning Alexander Edmond Jamie Fairbrother Joseph Fell-Clark Amber Flack Eleanor Fordham Katie
Issue 13 8 ––AAJournal Journalofof2016 2022/23
Frankland Noah Fraulo Alfie Free Luke Garrard Harvey Garton Olivia Gaskin Olivia Gerlikaite Gaudre Goldsmith Stanley Gonzalez Janes Luca Gukhool Kareena Hadley Eleanor Hardy Patrick Harries Gruffudd Hitchcock Oliver Hollis Rory Honeywood Lucy Hopkins Alfred Horsup Joshua House Isobela Howard John Huang Ruolin Hughes Jeremy Husain Rehaan Hutton Thomas Ifthikar Cadir Mohamed Jacobs Eleanor Ji Ying Ru Jimenez-Morales Dylan Keegan James Kennedy Rhys Kinsman Oliver Lamprell William Lane Heather Lau Kwun Yin Laver Amelia Lee Pak Long Lee Tsz Kiu Leung Tsz Ching Liang Zhichao Lloyd Annabel Lo Chun Hei Loizides Joseph Lowther Roseanna
Mahoney Connor Malaravan Sankaman Mallet Joe Marr Lily Mayall Louie McCarthy Naomi McDowell Holly McFaull Calum McGregor Finlay McMahon William McNab Alec McNally Sarah Medhurst-Cocksworth Patrick Menzies Jessica Merrigan Elizabeth Midwood Seth Millar Gabriella Mishra Asmee Mo Yu Yeung Montgomery Isabel Moore Tillie Moussa Joshua Murphy Rachael Newborn Ted Newenham William Newton Albert Nisbett-Hadaway Lucas Nolan Rosalind Oakman Elliot O'Reilly Katherine Parsons James Patel Dylan Pennington Charles Pettitt Sophie Pigram Samuel Plowman Lucy Prescott Noah Putman-Slack Alexander Ranson Noah Reynolds Archie Riddle Kaitlin Roch Archie Rowledge Megan
Saddleton Oliver Scoote Joshua Shaw Tristan Shepherd Thomas Simpson Harry Sinclair Charles Soborg Tomas Soe Daniel Soni Rohan Tarrant Jessica Tocca Victor Tookey William Treagust Abigail Tremain Ellis Urmston Noah Van der Pluym Alexander Van Slooten Sebastian Vijayakumar Neha Wagland Flynn Walker Tabitha Warrington Joshua Williams Sebastian Williams Tom Willmore Harry Winslow-Cohen Alfie Winter Hew Wong Nok Him Woodard Ciara Wu Ho Fung Xiao Zhaoyang Yan Ruben
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
I am delighted to write the introduction to the 2023 Old Ipswichian Journal, and to reflect on the many successes of Ipswich School over the last school year. Some of the key events included the ‘Double Excellent’ ISI inspection report, where both the Prep School and Senior School were awarded ‘Excellent’ grades - the highest level - for both categories: the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements, and the quality of pupils’ personal development. This successful inspection went hand in hand with an ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted judgement for the Lodge Day Nursery. We were also commended in the Co-educational School of the Year category in the Independent School of the Year awards, achieved a Kite Trust Rainbow Flag award for our work on LGBTQ inclusion, and finished the year as National Champions in Girls Cricket at U17 and U18 levels. We were delighted to welcome a number of Old Ipswichians back to school to share their inspirational stories with current pupils, including British Army Band Colchester trombonist, Joe Purbrook, Commonwealth Gold medal winning hockey player, Hannah Martin, and Oscar winner, Aneil Karia. The school year marked a change of monarch for the country, and as a school with royal connections stretching back to the time of Queen Elizabeth I, it was fitting that we marked the passing of Queen Elizabeth II with the simple dignity of the service on the field, reflecting on her life of service. The coronation of King Charles III saw the entire school community produce a beautifully bound book of signatures to send to His Majesty. I am also delighted that we continued to support a school in Kyiv as one of our many examples of community and charitable work both locally and internationally - because of our fundraising, Just One Tree planted 3,500 trees in Brazil, Haiti and Kenya, and Suffolk Charities, Ipswich Housing Action Group and Brave Futures, shared £2,500. As always I am grateful to all our staff who provide such a fine education for our pupils, both in the classroom and outside. We said goodbye to a number of longserving teachers this year, and I pay tribute to all their contributions over their many years here. They have taught countless Old Ipswichians, and I know many of you reading this will have your own memories of lessons from Mr Welbourne and Mrs Hoskins in particular. I would like to finish by thanking everyone who continues to give back to our pupils, whether through a donation of money, time or experience. I was reminded of everything important to us at Ipswich School in a letter from a new parent this year, who said: “Striving to be the best you can, grasping every opportunity, even reaching for the sun is important, but striving for oneself is balanced at Ipswich by instilling compassion and humility to the pupil body.”
Nicholas Weaver Headmaster
August 2022 – July 2023 The Old Ipswichian Journal is published annually by the Old Ipswichian Club as a summary of the previous year’s events and news. The views expressed therein are not necessarily those of the OI Club. Editor: Clare Lock ( For more information about the Old Ipswichians and to receive other OI publications, please telephone 01473 408324 or email: • Visit Follow us on Instagram @OldIpswichians and join the OI groups on LinkedIn and Facebook. Leavers 2022/23
Old Ipswichian Club Programme of Events 2023 - 24
January '24
Sat 6th Sun 7th 7pm - 12am
Fives Tournament & Dinner
School Dining Halls and School Pavilion
Thu 12th 7.30pm 9.30pm
OI Club Committee Meeting
School Pavilion
Wed 31st 7.30pm 8.30pm
Little School and Online
February Thu 8th 6pm - 9.30pm
Drinks in the City of Bristol
Lost and Found, Bristol
Sat 10th 11am - 2pm
Class of 1994 Reunion
New Dining Hall, Ipswich School
March Sat 2nd 12 noon - 3pm
Class of 2002 Reunion
New Dining Hall, Ipswich School
Thu 7th 7.30pm 9.30pm
OI Club Committee Meeting
School Pavilion, Ipswich School
Sat 9th 1pm - 5pm
OI vs Ipswich School Cross Country
Tuddenham Fountain and New Dining Hall, Pavilion for showers
Fri 22nd 6.30pm - 11pm
Dinner at Lords
Lords Cricket Ground, London
OI vs Ipswich School Hockey
Ipswich School Sports Centre, The Street, Rushmere
Sat 11th 12 noon - 3pm
Class of 1999 Reunion
New Dining Hall, Ipswich School
Sun 19th 9am - 5pm
OIs Cricket and Family Fun Day
Pavilion, Sports Hall, Cricket Field
Thu 6th 7.30pm - 9pm
OI Committee Meeting
School Pavilion
Fri 7th 11.30am - 5pm
OI Golf Day
Ipswich Golf Club, Purdis Heath
Sat 8th 12noon - 3pm
Class of 1984 Reunion
Loggia, Ipswich School
Sat 15th 10.30am - 3pm
Class of 1974, 50 Years Drinks
Sixth Form Centre, Ipswich School
Sat 15th 11am - 3pm
OI Fifty Years and More Summer Lunch
Dining Halls, Ipswich School
Wed 26th Thu 27th 8am - 8pm
Ipswich School Giving Day
Online and email
Sun 14th 11am - 3pm
Old Ipswichians AGM
AGM Downloads
Full OI Club Programme of Events 2023 - 24 Details of the above events can also be found on the Old Ipswichian Website: or contact In addition to these events the Club is always delighted to host reunions for specific year groups who wish to help organise one. If you have a milestone anniversary such as 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th and 40th and wish to meet with your classmates or If you would like to talk about this in general or specifically, please get in touch with Events and Alumni Relations Manager, Leanne Castle on or call 01473 408324.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Officers & Committee Members / Contents
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
In this issue... Letters from the President & Chairman 06 Features 08 Members’ News 26 Obituaries 34 From the Archives 54 School News 62 Club Events 72 Development Office News 90 Careers 96
OI in the Spotlight: Ray East Pg 8 - 9
The Old Ipswichian Club Welcome to the Incoming Club Officers and Committee 2023:
To retire at the end of 2023 Nicholas Allen Andrew Whitehead Cameron Lyle
Development Director Nikki Brown
Headmaster Nicholas Weaver London Dinner Secretary James Mansfield Events and Alumni Relations Manager Leanne Castle
President Sir Neil Garnham
Treasurer Steve Runnacles
To retire at the end of 2024 Tim Passmore Caitlin Houston Olivia Canham
Vice-President TBC
Social Secretary John Ward
To retire at the end of 2025 John Caudle
Chairman Nicholas Allen
OI Journal & News editor Clare Lock
Vice-Chairman Sally Webber
Representative on the Governing Body James Davey
Secretary Clare Lock
Thank you to the Outgoing Club Officers who completed their term at the end of 2022: President Joanna Carrick Chairman Iain Chesterman
Secretary Sally Webber
Officers & Committee Members / Contents
From the President
Sir Neil Garnham (OI 1970 - 77)
Foolishly, as I see it now, I had allowed my connections with Ipswich School to wither away. I kept in touch with two or three old friends from my seven years at the school in the 1970s, but that was about the totality of my contacts with the place. Then, out of the blue, I received a phone call from William Coe. Would I be interested in standing as Vice President in 2022 and then taking over as President in 2023? I vacillated. Work was busy; family life too; I had plenty else to do. But perhaps it might be a good thing to do, fun even. So I said I would. And so it is proving. It has been a great pleasure and privilege to take up the role of President this year. Both the school and the club are in good places. The club has recovered well from the difficult covid years, thanks in no small measure to the hard work and dedication of the Chair, Iain Chesterman, the President Joanna Carrick, and committee. And the School is thriving under the brilliant leadership of Nick Weaver and his management team.
A new Chairman took up post at the same time as I became President. Nick Allen, headmaster of the prep between 1987 and 1994, is an old friend of the school. He has been a joy to work with. He is interested and interesting, dynamic and efficient, determined to preserve the best of the club’s activities and traditions, and keen to improve the club for the benefit of its members. Nick is also willing to consider changes to the club’s constitution and working practices so as to improve relations with the school and put the club on an even more secure footing. That all remains a work in progress. We had an excellent Ipswich dinner in December 2022. My first task thereafter was to arrange the London dinner. That gave me a chance to put together two institutions that had played a central part in my life, Ipswich School and the Middle Temple. Middle Temple is my Inn of Court, the organisation that called me to the bar in 1982. Over the last 40 years it has provided me with professional and personal accommodation, wonderful libraries to work in, beautiful
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
garden to walk in, and some of the best lunches and dinners. It also has some stunning, historic rooms, and it was one of these, the Parliament Chamber, which we booked for the London dinner. Eating in London has become very expensive, particularly since covid and Middle Temple is no stranger to price rises. I was worried that we would not sell enough tickets to make the event viable. I should not have been concerned; the evening was a sell-out! And a fantastic evening it was. My next challenge was choosing and setting up the President’s event. Fortunately for both the club and me, the actual work of organising all these events passes from the President and the committee to Leanne Castle and Nikki Brown in the school’s Alumni Relations Team. I passed on to Leanne my idea (actually my wife’s idea!) of a tour and reception at the newly refurbished Gainsborough’s House in Sudbury and, hey presto, it happened! A guided tour of the Gainsborough gallery and the new Maggie Hambling exhibition, with a talk by the Director of the Gallery, Mark Bills, made for a fascinating evening. Champagne and canapes in the new reception room with stunning views over Sudbury completed an excellent evening. That takes me half way through my year. I have met, or re-met, dozens of OIs. I have got to know something of the work of the school. I had the privilege of giving the speech at Speech day in July in front of 800 pupils, staff and parents. And I have enjoyed every minute of it! I really don’t understand why I hesitated when I was offered the chance of taking on this job.
– Sir Neil Garnham OI Club President 2022
From the Chairman
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Nicholas Allen (OI Staff 1987 - 94)
It didn’t occur to me ten years ago when the relaxation of retirement beckoned, that in 2023 I would commit to three years carrying out the duties of Chairman of the Old Ipswichian Club.
I was invited to attend the 2019 London Dinner by William Coe and shortly after that memorable evening, I put myself forward to become a member of the OI Committee. Early meetings were all held online owing to the restrictions imposed during the Covid pandemic and it was a relief when the committee was able to move to hybrid meetings, an innovation which provides opportunities for the committee to broaden its membership as distance from Ipswich is no barrier to participation given the wonders of Zoom.
At the beginning of 2022, the committee appointed a working party to examine some key aspects of how the Club functions and its relationship with Ipswich School. Central to the working party’s discussions were the issues of universal membership and the funding of the Club’s activities. The working party was able to draw upon the recent experiences of other alumni associations. In recent years, more and more alumni associations have negotiated closer relationships with their alma maters. This shift in relationship, from independence to a closer one of mutual support, has been driven in part by the increasing dependence of alumni associations on detailed membership data which is now subject to all sorts of strict rules under General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Alumni associations, our own included, simply do not have the time, personnel, expertise, or IT resources to manage ever-changing databases which are best run by their respective schools to the advantage of both partners: school and association.
sporting, social and networking events to facilitate fellowship amongst OIs. OIs will continue to be provided with news of their alma mater and regular communications about their own activities via the pages of The Old Ipswichian Journal, online or in hard copy, the OI pages on the School’s website, and the monthly Enews. Immediately prior to the Ipswich Dinner on Saturday 16th December, we intend to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting with just one item on the agenda, the election of next year’s president. The normal Annual General Meeting will follow on Wednesday 31st January 2024. The AGM will be held at Ipswich School and will be live-streamed so that OIs may attend in person or online. It has been a great pleasure to attend a wide range of OI functions this year and to meet many members of all ages. It has been particularly interesting to meet a number of OIs, now in their forties, whom I last saw when they were ten years old in the Prep. If you would like to contact me about any aspect of the Club’s activities, please do so via email to
– Nicholas Allen OI Club Chairman 2022
In March 2023, the OI Committee held an ‘away-day’ to look more deeply at the Club’s workings and to identify its core activities. In the light of the discussions at that meeting, I am happy to report that your committee has reaffirmed its commitment to providing dinners, reunions,
Letters from the President and Chairman
Features | OI in the spotlight
OI in the spotlight Ray East (OI 1990 - Present)
Date and place of birth Manningtree, 20th June 1947 How long have you been associated with the OI club? Since 1988 What influence do you think the school had on your life? It had an important influence on my life as I started with the school as my career as a professional cricketer had finished. It also enabled me to join the school where my two eldest children would attend. If you could choose any other career, what would it be? Professional Footballer Where do you live and what took you to that area? I currently live in Ipswich near the school. What is your favourite holiday destination? Portugal – Sun and Golf. Place/s you most want to visit? America – New York What is the last film you saw and film you would most recommend? Dunkirk was the last. And I’d certainly recommend the Shawshank Redemption. Favourite TV programme? Line of Duty What school did you attend? East Bergholt Secondary Modern
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Features | OI in the spotlight
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
What were your best, and worst, subjects at school? I was an all-rounder really. Maths and English I suppose were my best and I was never really much of an artist. Are you superstitious? Yes, most cricketers are. Two people you would most like to be seated next to at a dinner party? Doris Day & Shane Warne What station is your radio tuned to? Radio 2 What would be your 6 desert island discs and one possession you would like to have on your island? Thin Lizzy Boys are Back in Town Doris Day Whatever Will Be Will Be Frank Sinatra Strangers in the Night, The Beatles If I Fell Spencer Davis Group Keep on Running, The Animals House of the Rising Sun Possession Mobile phone, to call for help! What is your favourite drink? Malt Whiskey
Who has had the biggest influence on your life? Ex-England Cricket Captain, Keith Fletcher What was the best advice you were ever given? Get a trade behind you when you’re young. Who is your sporting hero? Graham Gooch Tell us something about yourself that we probably don’t know. I was an apprentice electrician. Which the homeowners of Suffolk are lucky I never qualified and left to play cricket! Do you have any regrets or things you would like to have done differently? I think I probably retired from cricket a couple of years too early. What is your most amusing event or episode when playing for Essex? I tell a few of them in my role speaking at sporting dinners. A couple were
recently shared on Sky Sports Vodcast by Graham Gooch and David Lloyd – But possibly bowling an Apple at England’s opening bowler of the time Jon Snow. Do you have any recollections you’d like to share from the Ipswich School cricket tours? On our tour to South Africa, we were Staying at Surfer’s Club in Durban and a group of men tried to climb in through an open window, Frightened off by 3 6th formers and me with cricket bats! Can you share some memories of your time at Ipswich School that amused or annoyed you? I never liked the children running over the Square in their school shoes and I think many of the pupils will remember me leaning out of the Pavilion window, politely shooing them away!!
Page Name Features | The Ertsberg - A Clash of Cultures
The Ertsberg A Clash of Cultures: 20th Century Mining and Stone-Age Tribes The beginning of the story goes back to the year 1620, when the famous Dutch navigator and explorer Jan Carstenz was sailing through the Arafura Sea along the south coast of New Guinea (fig. 1). Between 1974 and 1977 I was lucky enough to spend 18 months in Irian Jaya, the western half of New Guinea. For a young geologist, working on an exploration project at the Ertsberg copper-gold mine, it was the stuff of dreams. The Ertsberg project, dubbed "mission impossible", had caught the imagination of the mining industry. It had triumphed over seemingly impossible odds with a series of astonishing engineering feats. Set in a dramatically
Although only 7˚ south of the equator, Carstenz was amazed to see snow glistening in the sun on the mountain peaks far inland. This was the first reported observation of the New Guinea glaciers, and the mountains were named the Carstenz Range after their discoverer. Discovery, Delay and Determination It seemed all attempts to penetrate inland were doomed to failure. But in 1936 an expedition did succeed in reaching the elusive glaciers. Two young Dutchmen working for the Netherlands New Guinea Petroleum Company, organized a mountaineering expedition and en-route passed a curious black mountain which attracted the attention of one of the organizers of the climb, Dr. Jacques Dozy, a petroleum geologist. He recognized the significance of what he named
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
inhospitable environment, inhabited by tribes with a stone-age culture, it appeared to represent the ultimate challenge for modern mining. But these obstacles were overcome in a supremely successful mining operation - which, as we discovered later, was only the precursor to developments on a scale unimaginable at the time. Working with helicopter support from dawn until the weather closed in, at high altitudes, the days were exciting but tiring. There was little time for reflection amidst the flow of
exciting new discoveries. Drilling holes into mountainsides which were endowed with copper on a scale most geologists never witness in a lifetime, seemed enough at the time. Many years later, armed with a collection of photographs, some native artifacts, a host of news clippings and still vibrant memories, the issues did not seem quite so clear-cut.
investigation of the permit area. the Ertsberg, or "Ore-Mountain," and Freeport promptly organized an subsequently reported his findings expedition, shipping supplies to in a paper published by Leiden State Sorong on the western tip of Irian Jaya. University in Holland in 1939. With the outbreak of World War II imminent, the report got very little attention. Thus interest in the Ertsberg languished until 1958, when the managing director of the East Borneo Company happened to find the Dozy paper. The company were awarded a permit to explore the Ertsberg, and in 1960 agreed that Freeport Minerals should undertake the Fig 1: New Guinea (Irian Jaya & Papua New Guinea)
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Fig. 2 - Plan of road and mine facilities Despite a heavy toll of exhaustion and illness, the party reached their objective and remained camped at the Ertsberg for a month, surveying and sampling the deposit. It was not until 1966 that another expedition could be organized. The delay was due to Indonesia's birth pangs as an independent republic. By 1970 all financing, sales, engineering and construction contracts were completed and "Mission Impossible" was to become a reality. The first major construction obstacle to be overcome was that of the road linking the port area to the mill site, 120 kilometres inland (fig.2). Between the coast and the townsite, the road reaches an elevation of 2,400 metres (7,800 feet)
Fig. 3 - The Pacific Rim of Fire
Slinging a load – not for the faint hearted! dropping to just under 2,000 metres above, at 3,600 metres. To link the (6,400 feet) at townsite, 110 kilometres mine and the mill, an aerial tramway (68 miles) inland. It then rises to nearly system was built, with the world's 3,000 metres (9,500 feet) at the mill longest unsupported span. site, the terminus of the road, 120 Why was it there in the first place? kilometres (74 miles) from the sea. New Guinea is but one of the many The Ertsberg was a knob of black, islands which form a chain around resistant ore, the prominence of which was due to glacial erosion. Stripped of its surrounding softer rocks, it was left standing high above the surrounding terrain. Mining of the Ertsberg was one of the simplest procedures in the whole operation, The orebody extended 360 m below ground level, gradually decreasing in area and grade. Today, there is nothing left but a huge, water-filled hole; the mountain has literally been torn up by its roots. The mill is situated close to the headwall of a magnificent glacial valley. The headwall rises almost vertically a further 700 metres to where the Ertsberg lies, perched close to the edge of On the lip of the glacier the hanging valley Features
Page Name Features | The Ertsberg - A Clash of Cultures
Getting acquainted with the local fauna – a friendly cuscus the south west Pacific Ocean. This island chain, extending from Japan, through the Philippines, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Fiji and onto New Zealand, covers a distance of some 12,000 km. This chain of volcanic islands, the Pacific "rim of fire" (fig.3), hosts many world-class deposits related to hydrothermal activity. Elephant Country With the mine up and running in 1972, Freeport launched an exploration programme in 1974 within the contract of work area. There was no shortage of targets. Back in 1936, the ever vigilant Jacques Dozy had noticed copper stains on a nearly perpendicular mountainside close to the Ertsberg. He christened it the Dom ("cathedral"). He also, unwittingly, blessed the greatest monster of them all with the soothing name of Grasberg ("grass mountain"). Also close to the Ertsberg, he was not to know at that time what lurked beneath its grassy cover. Guided by helicopter reconnaissance, our first exploration efforts met with little success. At this stage, the high costs of helicopter supported exploration at elevations of over 4,000 metres caused a postponement of activity, and I returned to Australia and more mundane activities. But a recall to a renewed phase of exploration activity soon came, and this time I was fortunate to be accompanied by my wife and two young children. Spectacular intersections of copper ore were achieved but the
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
depth of mineralization meant that further evaluation would have to be from underground. My part in this exercise was over. Starting in 1976, the programme of underground drilling of what was to become known as the Ertsberg East (or Gunung Bijih Timor GBT) orebody was completed in 1978. An orebody considerably larger than the Ertsberg, and still open at depth, had been proved, and in 1981 Ertsberg East went into production. Now it is one of the largest copper/ gold mines in the world. Remote Encounters Before the advent of mining, the area was inhabited by tribes whose stone-age culture was virtually intact. Contact with the outside world had
Ceremonial war dance greeting
Glacial scenery near the Carstenz Pyramid been minimal. During the colonial era, the Dutch had done little except establish small coastal settlements, such as Jayapura and Sorong, and a few isolated missionary outposts. We visited one of these - Kokonau, on the coast near Amamapare - in 1974. It was clean and orderly and the people relaxed and friendly. The Dutch missionaries who lived permanently at the settlement had devoted their lives to the well-being (spiritual and physical) of the local tribespeople. Apart from missionary activity, the local peoples’ exposure to the outside world has been restricted to the abortive expeditions in the early part of the century, and rare visits by social anthropologists.
Locals who we employed were cheerful and hard working (until local affairs such as tribal skirmishes demanded their attention for a few days; from whence they would often return unabashed with arrow wounds to prove their bravado). They embraced helicopters with a disdain otherwise displayed by only the most sophisticated modern travellers, and effected a lack of interest in such curiosities as radios and
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
dishwashers; let alone 50 tonne dump trucks. Perhaps this indifference was an offshoot of the cargo-cult mentality prevalent amongst many indigenous people of the south-west Pacific after the excesses of World War II. Certainly one incident witnessed in 1974 outside the general manager's office in Tembagapura was related to this custom. A hundred or more local tribesmen in full war regalia appeared extremely angry; partly perhaps because some taboo sticks (forbidding entry to sacred ground) had been violated - but also because they wanted a road bulldozed to a mountain peak some distance away, in order to receive the cargo from the sky. Another incident is revealing. At the end of my first stay at Tembagapura, a small group of the local Irianese with whom I had been working gathered outside the portakabin which had
The townsite been my home to say their farewells. Early the next morning, as I prepared to depart, one thrust a small, grubby paper bag at me. My transport was leaving, so I hurriedly stowed it in my bag. There it stayed until a vigilant Australian customs officer demanded to know what it contained. Curious myself, it was opened to reveal a magnificent set of bird of paradise feathers. They were confiscated; I was nearly arrested. My friend was not to know what people in other lands thought of his present. Although the tribes have been depicted in unflattering terms ("stoneage" is often used in a derogatory fashion), and they undoubtedly practised cannibalism until relatively recently, contempt for their condition is expressed largely by the immigrant Indonesians (and is reciprocated).
The concept of the "noble savage" may be somewhat naive, but there is a striking contrast between tribesmen in the natural splendour of their war regalia, and their fellow men in cast-off boots and scraps of ragged clothing. Similarly, a native village of thatched huts bears little comparison to a huddle of discarded plywood crates roofed with polythene sheeting. There is undoubtedly a price to pay for the comforts of modern life which arise from the exploitation of mineral resources. Regrettably, one aspect of this seems certain. As Thomas O’Neill commented in the National Geographic Magazine (1996), ‘’In elephant country, little people get trampled.’’
– Ian Clegg
(OI 1951 - 61)
Page Name Features | Reminiscences in my 90th Year - My Story
Reminiscences in my 90th Year - My Story My parents sent me to a Preparatory School called Ely House - a large Victorian building in Graham Road, with gardens through to Valley Road. The proprietor was a Miss Ransome who ruled it like a ‘rod of iron’ these little boys and girls! Her motto: “Manners maketh a Man”. She was preparing her pupils for admission to Ipswich School or the Girls High School. I remember her telling us to raise our caps right off our heads when greeting a member of the opposite sex! I moved on to Ipswich School prep department in 1943 – the headmaster was a Mr Taplin. I remember seeing dugout shelters on the edge of the playing field in front of the new school building used when air raids took place. I entered the Upper School – not as a particularly bright pupil – Masters were very strict wearing their gowns in those days punishment was given out mainly by Prefects who had a room of their own in the main school building. Corporal punishment was administered by a large gym slipper - we called it ‘six of the best”! Masters used the cane very rarely, preferring detention. My main interest was Music – and I used to play the grand piano at school assembly in the Great Hall – just one hymn and prayers were said I remember prior to going to our classrooms. My parents gave me a camera for my 14th Birthday - and from then on I was hooked. I set up a darkroom at our house in the country - and joined Ipswich Photographic Society as a junior - and exhibited and won the cup for beginners at their annual exhibition. I was not academic and looking back I think the school was really only interested in getting boys into Oxbridge - and I received no guidance or interest in my being or future career being of an artistic nature. The school was still suffering from the effects of the war. I was in Rigaud house - and the sport I was interested in was running - being selected to ‘run in the cross country’ - I believe I came second. I left school at 17 and my parents took out an Apprenticeship in Photography
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
with Howard Studio - which used to be next to Grimwade’s Clothes shop by the Town Hall - the best studio in the County. It was for 3 years - during which I took exams at the London Polytechnic. After three years I left and did my National Service in the RAF. I passed to go on their photography section course but they wanted me to sign for seven years - no way as I wanted to get back to Civy street - so I was placed in their Administrative section - signed the official secrets act - and after training was moved to Secretary to the Station Commander at Coastal Command in Cornwall. My highlight in the RAF was going up in a two seater jet sitting next to my Group Captain, and flying up the Cornish coast - he did this to keep his flying hours in. We had a darkroom on the camp so I could keep my hand in with photography. After leaving the RAF - I returned to Ipswich and found that Howards Studio had amalgamated with another business which subsequently disbanded - and I was made Studio Manager. After three years - I applied for a position with Desmond Groves Studio in London and Wilmslow - as Studio Manager. I moved to Wilmslow and for the next four years my life was completely transformed. Mr Groves was an international photographer of people - and I travelled with him all over the UK, and of course down in London - all the time photographing people in their home, office - environment. Captains of Industry - parliamentary figures you name it we did it. We shared a base in Princes Gate, Knightsbridge. Mr Groves was then invited to set up a Studio in Harrods, and I was to be permanently running our North of
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
England base in Wilmslow. I decided that I now wanted my own business and luck was on my side - when a wonderful site came up for sale - in The Shambles, York. The premises were ideal - and a superb place to showcase my work. I introduced “At home” sittings, and only used the Studio to photograph individual people. The business took off - and I soon found myself travelling away to assignments all over the North of England. The business in Wilmslow closed down - so I gained clients who I had known in that area too, I specialised completely on location photography - and a number among my sitters were members of the Royal Family. In the Studio I photographed judges - high ranking Army and Airforce - you name it I did it! York was a centre for the legal profession, Church also the Army at that time. Over the years I have lectured at many conventions and I have travelled on invitation to Norway, Spain, and Ireland to lecture on the art of environmental photography. I sat on the board in London for qualifications for a number of years. I trained three
young men in my art - one of whom took over the business when I decided to retire at the commencement of digital photography. The thrill of the darkroom has gone! I have been blessed with a career I have loved every minute and many memories to look back on. I am now living in the lovely Abbey town of Sherborne, Dorset.
– Michael Frost FRPS.,FBIPP.,FRSA.,CR.Ph (USA) (OI 1943 - 52)
Features | Remap Charity
The best charity you've probably never heard of Imagine you had a disability and unable to do something you really want or need to do. How amazing it would be if there was an organisation that could send an engineer to meet with you, understand what you want to be able to do and then create a custom device that allows you to do just that. Oh, and by the way the whole service is free!
Ethan Doesn’t that sound great? Well that organisation exists and it’s called REMAP. They have a network of around 800 volunteers in 70 branches across the UK and have been designing and making bespoke solutions to enable people with disabilities to lead more independent lives for almost sixty years.
Peter Cattermole is both a volunteer engineer and chair of Remap trustees, told the Old Ipswichian that the charity was created by engineer Pat Johnson
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in 1964, initially to help his sister who was a wheelchair user. Since that time they have delivered more than 150,000 projects. Because every solution is unique it’s impossible to sum up REMAP in a few words but perhaps some example cases will help give you an idea of the fantastic work they do. Lizzie loves her art therapy classes, but Cerebral Palsy means she cannot use her hands for painting and being in a wheelchair makes it difficult for her to paint on a normal easel. The REMAP engineer discussed the problem with Lizzie's therapist, and a device was created which enabled Lizzie to hold her paintbrush in an adjustable head harness, giving her better control over what she paints. REMAP also created a new easel which allowed Lizzie to paint more comfortably. Now Lizzie can paint for longer and be even more creative. Lucy, aged 8, also has Cerebral Palsy and is a wheelchair user. She's always keen to share her ideas in
Lizzie class but can't put her hand up like other children, so she needed a way to alert her teacher that she had something to say. The gadget needed to be robust, lightweight, silent so as not to disturb other children, and have minimal moving parts so it would survive the rough and tumble of classroom life. The solution was a clever light attached to the headrest of Lucy’s wheelchair. When she wants to share her thoughts with the class, Lucy turns it on by moving her head to
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activate the wireless 3D printed switch. Her teacher sees the light and invites Lucie to speak. The light is pink, Lucy's favourite colour. In another case Ethan, who was nearly two, wanted to be able to draw a picture for his Mum. He found it difficult to hold a pen by himself because of a condition that impacts his joints and hands, meaning he cannot move them like other children. Ethan’s mum contacted REMAP and the engineer, working with Ethan's occupational therapist, designed a special pen
Theo holder which always holds the pen at the correct angle for drawing, even though this angle changes when Ethan sits on a different chair or draws lines in different directions. The device went through multiple prototypes to find what worked and they were finally successful with a unique 3d printed solution. Ethan's mother was delighted with the pictures that Ethan is able to draw for her. Theo loved his toy sit-on tractor, but he was born with very small arms and couldn’t reach the steering wheel. The REMAP engineer came up with a fantastic solution, taking inspiration from state-of-the-art tractors currently used on large modern farms. They mounted a small, accessible steering wheel to the toy tractor, which Theo could easily reach. They also added an electric motor and angle sensors, programmed by a small micro-computer, to help Theo control the direction of the tractor. In addition to allowing him to have fun, it had the added benefits of improving his posture, breathing and confidence too. These solutions, and thousands more like them have been changing people’s lives for the better for decades and with your help will carry on doing so for years to come. Find more inspiring REMAP stories and how you can help them to help others at
– Peter Cattermole
(OI 1969 - 76)
Features | Mid-Air Collision: 26 May 1966
Mid-Air Collision: 26 May 1966 Flying Officer TG Thorn, RAF (OI 1954 – 61) On 26 May 1966 at 0715 hours, I briefed my student, Acting Pilot Officer Michael Sedman, a 6ft 3ins blond haired man for his 19th sortie in a Jet Provost aircraft on what to expect on his first air spinning exercise. I had been programmed to fly the 0800 hour take-off slot because the RAF Syerston Aerobatic Team-‘Viper Red’-were due to practice their formation flying.
This is me 6 years after leaving Ipswich School serving in the Persian Gulf as a Hawker Hunter Fighter pilot.
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As we approached the engineering hut to sign for our aircraft, I noted that another instructor with his student was also signing for his Jet Provost. As we settled into the Jet Provost Mk4, I noted the other instructor appeared to be racing his checks to be the first aircraft airborne at 0800 hours. Being highly competitive, I hastened my checks and taxied out in front of them. As we taxied, I observed that the cloud base was around 1000ft with the odd breaks here and there. I therefore elected to go for an Instrumented Flight Rules (IFR) climb. At the time, Jet Provost aircraft were procedurally separated in their climb out headings. The Mk3 were allocated heading 305° and the Mk4 315°. As the lead aircraft, I lined up and took off to climb IFR. I entered cloud at about 1000ft on heading 315° climbing towards flight level 200 (approximately 20,000ft altitude) from which height spinning was permitted. After some 4 minutes in fairly thick and dark cloud with a good deal of turbulence the aircraft suddenly shot out the side of the cumulus nimbus cloud into a bright blue circular piece of sky where the sun was shining very brightly.
Almost as soon as the aircraft entered the bright blue area, my student who was sitting on the lefthand Martin Baker ejection seat suddenly shouted, “A formation is about to hit us Sir”. Instantaneously, I pulled back the control column to raise the nose up to the vertical (this action, in the first instance, saved our lives) when there was an almighty “bang” and then complete silence. From the Board of Inquiry evidence later, I learnt that the RAF Syerston Aerobatic Team‘Viper Red’- were half way through their aerobatic sequence and had just commenced a left hand ‘card four’(shape similar to the ‘four of clubs’ on a pack of cards) formation wing-over when the collision occurred on the left side of my aircraft. Immediately after the heavy thump, all went silent except my aircraft had now developed a high rotation spin towards the ground. On checking the ‘Turn & Slip’ indicator for the direction of the spin, I then carried out the full anti-spin actions
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
by applying opposite rudder to the direction of the indicated spin. However, it was quite apparent that the rudders were disconnected to the pilots control column because they moved with no apparent pressure. The aircraft was clearly in a very bad way. Unbeknownst to me the aircraft had been cut in two just behind the cockpit. I shouted to my student “eject” but the inter-comm had been lost due to the battery being chopped away with the rest of the aircraft. Subsequently, I learnt that the student was asking “shall I eject Sir?” That said, I next moved my hands off the throttle and control column to rip my mask off when the student, who thought I was going for my ejection seat “top” handle, decided enough was enough and he went for the bottom ejector seat handle only to leave me in a blinding flash with clouds of smoke and dust as his ejector cartridges exploded lifting the seat clear of the aircraft. The ejector seat was fired by powerful cartridges before rising up a tube rail.
It is recorded that the student left the aircraft at 4,000ft and I exited in a similar fashion at 1,000ft. The ejection was quick and violent and I was soon hanging from my parachute looking to see where I was likely to land. To my horror, I could see that the wind strength was high (some 30 knots which is 15 knots above the normal permitted parachuting wind limit) and I was being blown towards the centre of a small village close to Nottingham City. All too soon the final hundred feet of the flight arrived and I was destined for either a ‘Playing Field’ with electric cables strung across it, surrounded by spiked palings, a main road or even worse, a large ‘Vee’ shaped roof. I landed in the latter-a pub called the ‘4 Bells’. Although a trained parachutist from my Cranwell Cadet days I landed and disappeared into the side of the roof which removed most of my flying suit and skin (as if I had just been scrubbed with sandpaper). However, in the strong wind the parachute
Page Name Features | Mid-Air Collision: 26 May 1966 continued in the direction of the road and playing field. It ‘plucked’ me out of the tiles but with a horizontal pull gave me no vertical lift so experienced plenty of ‘gravity drop’! I fell to the ground just short of the road, where a car was travelling. As any bed sheet in a strong wind, the parachute completely enveloped the car encompassing it like a magnet. I picked myself up and surprisingly felt no broken bones. The scene is now set for the humorous part of the incident. Mid 1960s the flying instructors wore light blue flying overalls, personally coloured helmets (mine was Air Force blue) with large dark sun visors, white leather flying gloves and black aircrew boots. Having disconnected the parachute buckle, I walked towards the now stationary car. You can imagine the scene, blue head (helmet), large black eyes from ear to ear (visor), an elephantine mouth (Mask) with a large proboscis (oxygen tube) hanging below the hideous mask. I approached the drivers door to lift the parachute silk clear of the window. It turns out the driver was a Doctor who was taking his wife and daughter to Nottingham University. He is quoted as saying: “as I was driving peacefully along this road at approximately 0810 hours on a Monday morning with my wife taking my daughter to University and while travelling at about 35mph, suddenly my car all round visibility was reduced to a complete ‘whiteout’ and I could literally not see a thing. I slammed on the brakes and came to shuddering halt. In absolute shock, I just sat there when suddenly I saw the whiteout area close to my driver's window slowly lift upwards followed by a pair of large white pigmented hands to expose what I can only describe as a ‘Martian’ from outer space!! The Marstian had a blue head, large black eyes, elephantine features and was bleeding red blood!” As I lifted the parachute I saw the driver with his hands firmly glued to the steering wheel looking straight ahead. I removed my face mask and eventually said, “How lovely to see such a beautiful face” looking directly towards his daughter (I was a 24 year old bachelor! The quote was given to
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A photo of me just about to pilot a Phantom fighter in Germany in 1992 as an Air Commodore and Senior Air Staff Officer serving in the RAF Germany Headquarters. me by the Doctor who kindly visited me in hospital). Meanwhile, downwind appeared this aberration on the road. My student with his fully inflated parachute still strapped on was being dragged backwards whilst falling to the ground as he was dragged off his feet. The Publican came out with a bottle of whisky and some glasses. Having assisted my student it became very clear that he was suffering severe back pain (quite normal after a cartridge fired ejection). I managed to drag him to the neighbouring Butcher’s shop, where the Butcher literally laid him on the ‘meat slab’ until the ambulance came. It was a comical sight with customers waiting on one side of the slab and the Butcher the other! Meantime, I had declined the kind offer of whisky on two grounds: it was only about 0815 in the morning and secondly, I had no idea if the RAF Doctor’s would check my blood alcohol level (there was no breathalyser system in force but the
RAF always had the option to check if they thought it was necessary). Turning back to the mid-air collision… the impact of my aircraft resulted in the leader’s aircraft bursting into flames and losing all flying control. The force of the impact moved the leader’s aircraft to the left to collide with the aircraft line abreast. The leader ejected almost immediately and safely parachuted down to earth. Meanwhile, the aircraft in line abreast position was damaged by the collision but the pilot managed to land it safely back at RAF Syerston along with the No.4 aircraft that had been formating in the line astern position. Both aircraft were literally stripped of their paintwork by the ‘fire ball’ which they flew through and instead of being painted in ‘day glow red’ they were a clean shade of metallic silver. One of the returning aircraft transmitted an emergency call and alerted the rescue services. What was left of my aircraft spiralled down to earth with bits of aircraft
Features | Squadron Leader Donald Stones DFC & BAR scattering the sky. Around this time, a man who was about to go to work had walked to his garden shed to collect his bicycle before cycling to work. However, one of his tyres was flat so he returned to the house to collect his pump. As he re-appeared through the back door to make his way towards the shed there was an almighty “WHOOMPH” and his shed along with his bicycle suddenly disappeared in a large fireball! This gentleman was quoted as saying “I had no bloody idea what happened, but I ran into my house and grabbed a hot cup of tea and put some brandy in it!” The remaining wreckage ‘spewed’ over the countryside. In fact, a cyclist was cycling along the road when bits of wreckage started to rain down on him, in panic, he flung himself into the ditch only to be severely stung by ‘stinging nettles’ requiring urgent medical treatment! A mile away from the crash sites, the local juveniles borstal had four inmates abscond while the confusion rained down over the premises. I believe they were caught two days later! I was taken to hospital at RAF Nocton Hall (together with my student and the leader of the formation team) where I laid on my back for four weeks due to compression of four lumbar backbones. On release I was transferred to the rehabilitation centre at RAF Headly Court. After some 5 days and feeling pretty fit (I was at the time playing rugby for the RAF) I was given the opportunity to go for a swim in the special paraplegic
This was taken when I commanded RAF Cranwell between 1986 to 1988
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A current photo of myself, my wife (Rosi), two grandsons (Jack and Charlie) my daughter in law (Lesley) and my son, Christopher swimming pool. I recall rushing out of the changing rooms and on seeing no one in the welcoming water - dived in creating a considerable bow wave. Most regrettably and unknown to me, a paraplegic who had been hanging on the pools side rails sank to the bottom. Almost two minutes after I had been power swimming, the supervisor came in and to his absolute horror realised there was no paraplegic attached to the pool rail! After much fishing and a bit of resuscitation the senior officer was revived! I was expelled immediately from there and managed a car ride to RAF Cologne in Wiltshire and hitched a lift in a Hastings aircraft (flown by one of my great friends who had been a Cranwell Officer Cadet with me in 1961-1963) and spent the next three weeks in Malta recovering my health by swimming in the warm Mediterranean near Valletta. This was the best treatment I could ever have experienced and when I arrived back at RAF Syerston ‘senior management’ could not understand why I was so brown and fit!! After six months I was cleared fit to fly again in jet aircraft. My student was cleared after seven months, and he transferred to another squadron to a course that had reached the same level as he had prior to his ejection. I did send him solo again, however, on about his eighth flight and at only 900ft after take off, the aircraft engine “flamed out” and he was faced with an immediate ejection for survival. Fortunately, the instructor executed an immaculate ‘turn back’ and landed ‘dead stick’ safely onto the tarmac. That was enough for him! On passing
and gaining his wings he went on to fly aircraft with two or four engines!! Later, when sitting in the back of a C-130 Hercules waiting to parachute onto the Western-on-the-Green Drop Zone (DZ). The aircraft Captain appeared and to my utter surprise and amazement it was my old student who with a marvellous and mischief grin whished me good luck before he, this time, threw me out of the aircraft but remained on board himself. I next heard of my now senior student (an RAF Squadron Leader) that he had attended the same Staff College as myself in Southern India. As only a single RAF Officer is selected each year to attend this one year course, it was unique that we should both be selected to attend the course a few years apart. The Board of Inquiry considered all the findings of our ‘mid-air’ collision and stated that it had been the formation leader’s responsibility to remain within Visual Flight Rules (VFR) from cloud. Further, as a pilot who operated from RAF Syerston, the leader should not have led the formation into the well promulgated Syerston Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) climb out safety lanes. The moral of this saga: do not race to be the first to take-off and always ensure your first reaction is the right one (in this case pull the control column fully back to reduce the aircraft profile).
– Tim Thorn
(OI 1954 - 61)
Page Name Features | Geographical Reflections
Geographical Reflections I joined Ipswich School’s Geography Department in September 1986. I replaced Dave Hobday, who had decided to take on the challenge of teaching abroad. At that time the Department was small, there were only three members of staff. Gordon Paton, the Head of Department, and Peter Beales must have been nearly twice my age when I arrived. We all loved our subject though, and as long as we avoided discussions on music or politics, we got on really well. Gordon gave me a piece of A4 paper when I arrived. Written in his neat, joined up writing were all the topics I had to teach. The teachers of today require greater direction but filling in the blanks was liberating and variation was encouraged. Gordon was a brilliant Head of Department. He wanted to take me up to Cumbria in my first year, but the Economics Department had already nabbed me and I went to Holland with them instead. That turned out to be a real education. The details of that trip will one day appear as an entire chapter in my biography. So it was in the Easter of 1988 when I did my first Sixth Form Cumbria trip, staying with Ann and Malcolm Dayson at Bongate House. It was voluntary for the students and lasted a week, with five
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full teaching days. Gordon had typed sheets to support each of the teaching days. The trip would start with us assembling a folder of these notes to give to each of the students. They would use them to learn in the field and to guide the write up of the work we did. We didn't have the excellent reprographic facilities we have today. The trips were a great education for me. Gordon and Peter were very knowledgeable about the area and were clear about what they wanted to achieve. I was too young to go on the school minibus insurance so in those early days I would be the one who drove the additional hire car. Those cars were not only comfortable and great fun on the way up but useful when navigating the narrow, stone wall lined lanes of Watendlath and Langdale. When I later graduated to a mini bus I was experienced enough not to burst tyres or lose hubcaps on
the drive over Ashness Bridge. Other staff we took from time to time were not always so successful. Gordon was promoted to Head of Outdoor Education in 1990 and I was elevated to Head of Department. Cumbria was still Gordon’s trip. He had thought it out carefully and it supported the teaching we did beautifully. The write up cemented that knowledge and pupils performed well in their A levels as a result. It was a few years later that we decided to run a revision trip to Snowdonia. Peter Beales had retired by this time and so Gordon kindly made me a creative partner on the trip. We divided up the tasks and I was trusted with the geological background and weathering processes. The trip was based at Bryn Gwynant Youth Hostel and was as fun as it was brutal. We taught until 10pm each night and then did half a day of teaching on the Great Ormes Head before the long drive back on the Sunday to go straight into the classroom the next day. I enjoyed taking numerous colleagues up and evolved the trip as the specifications changed to Cumbria after Gordon retired. I have
always loved fieldwork and travelling in general. I decided to start running foreign trips as well and open that opportunity to the wider school community. Iceland was followed by China and North America. I was also lucky enough to go on the World Challenge trip to India. That may not have gone according to plan but it was an amazing experience and the landscape and people will live with me forever. In more recent years the specification has meant that the Cumbria trip which so enthused me for all those years had to be shelved. As a department we organised day trips to add to the Norfolk Coast trip, which had by then evolved into an overnight trip. Taking Year 7s to Walton on the Naze was widely reported as a highlight of their year. We ran trips to the River Brett, Fynn Valley, London Docklands and Stratford and the Queen Elizabeth Park. All of them were brilliant in their own way. The pennies always dropped, and students became better Geographers as a result.
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We expanded avenues of learning by attending after school lectures in Norwich and London. We set up and ran the department Twitter site which has allowed our students to provide up to date figures and ideas in essays to support material taught in class. Learning has become fast, furious and diverse. It has been an exciting journey
and with the advent of AI who knows where it will end. It is exciting as it is scary. The department has always been lucky enough to recruit good quality colleagues. Most have had the same passion for fieldwork but they have also brought new skills which allowed us to cope well when Covid struck and field trips were put on hold. The challenges of online teaching were passed with flying colours. I have no doubt that the current teachers will use their wide skill set to meet the needs of our ever changing subject. The one thing that is certain is that the subject will continue to change. I reflect on my 37 years with a huge smile on my face. I have worked with some brilliant colleagues and taught some very talented and entertaining students. No year has been the same. It has been a rollercoaster ride that I could never have dreamed of. My own future isn’t certain now. In school a bell goes, and you teach the groups that arrive at your door to the best of your abilities. There are no bells now but the spirit of adventure and travel still burn strong. I have Gordon Paton to thank for that.
– Richard Wellbourne
(OI 1986 – 93)
Page Name Features | Eighty Years On - An Extraordinary War Diary
Eighty Years On An Extraordinary War Diary John Beverley Edge (known as “Bev”) was at School from 1918 to 1927. In the late 1930s, he joined the Territorial Army and was called up just before the war started. He was commissioned into the 67th Medium Regiment Royal Artillery, based in Ipswich. Kenneth Aggis Lowe (known as “Ken”) attended the School from 1928 to 1933 and became a career soldier.
Prisoners of War queueing for food at Sulmona Camp Italy in 1943 He was also commissioned into the same Regiment which was despatched to North Africa for the Desert War in 1941. The Regiment took part in the defence of Tobruk against Rommel’s forces but was forced to surrender. Virtually the whole regiment was captured and sent to Italy where officers were held in a brutal Fascist P.O.W. Camp at Chieti. Allied forces landed in Italy on 3rd September 1943 and an
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armistice between the Allies and Italy was signed on 8th September. The Camp at Chieti was taken over by the Germans and the prisoners were quickly moved to Sulmona for onward transmission to Germany. Amongst them were Captains Clifford Wilton, John Craven, George Burnett, Lt. Robert Blake, Flying Officer Arthur Dodds with Ken and Bev. The seven of them had been in the same building in Chieti for
18 months with approximately 30 others and they occupied the same hut in Sulmona. The Camp (Campo di Concentramento Fonte d’Amore!!) was built on a steep slope about 3 miles from the town. The brick huts were about 15 feet wide and 55 feet long and the distance from the concrete floor to the lathe and plaster ceiling was about 8 feet. The space between the ceiling and the pitched tiled roof was completely sealed.
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
For the seven men, being captive in Germany was not an option and they somehow procured a small ladder. With the help of Gunner Spall who had been Ken’s driver in the Western Desert, they managed to make an entrance to the roof by removing about half a dozen bricks at the top of the outside wall, just under the eves, 9 feet from the ground. They collected a zinc laundry bowl, jug and food tins which they filled with water and whatever food they could find. Everything was done in extreme haste and, after a week at the Camp, they were summoned to a parade on the football field. It was time to take to the roof. The entrance was too small for Wilton And Craven to squeeze through and only 5 of them were able to enter. Gunner Spall replaced the bricks, wedged back pieces of mortar and disposed of the ladder. Ken took a small haversack containing washing kit, pullover and socks. He also included a small paper covered calendar for 1943 given to all POWs containing a few hymns (with music) which was prefaced with a message of goodwill and greetings from Pope Pius X11.
en had decided that he would K keep a diary during his time in the roof and he wrote this in the calendar on the few blank pages, in the margins and between the lines of music and hymns. He kept it for 19 days and when he finally left the roof with Ken, he decided that he could not take it with him and started to destroy it. Having torn it in half, he changed his mind and wedged it in the rafters under the tiles. On the 18th October Bev and Ken left the Camp but headed in the wrong direction. They were recaptured and sent to Germany where they spent the rest of the War. Their 3 companions had better fortunes and met friendly Italians who hid them in a Flat in Sulmona for 10 weeks. They were then taken through the lines and re-patriated.
A copy of one of the hand-drawn plans contained in the diary. hat is, however, not the end of the story! Both O.I.s, after the War, T thought that it would be interesting if the Diary could be found but it was due to the perseverance of Ken that the Mayor of Sulmona was approached in July 1961. The Mayor sent the letter on to the Italian War Office in Rome. Colonel Georgis Bonoli took up the case but said that he doubted success as 75% of the Camp had been demolished.
The Building was in fact intact but an initial search did not reveal the Diary. Ken asked if the Authorities would have another look and, in July 1962, the Diary was handed by the Italian War Office to the British Military Attache in Rome. The original Diary reached Bev on 14th September 1962. Mice or moths had nibbled a few holes in the paper cover but, otherwise, it was in good condition and every word was legible. After the War, Bev Edge joined the Midland Bank and became Chief Cashier. He died on 20th June 1977. Ken Lowe remained in the Army and became a full Colonel. He died, aged 92, in 2009. A brief extract from the Diary for Friday the 8th October reads:- “The worst day of my life, so far – at about 9.00 o’clock we heard the following:This is a British Officer……………. speaking. The Germans have asked me to warn anyone who is hiding to come out at once as they are
going round the buildings with hand grenades – if this proves unsuccessful, they will demolish the camp……….. (The complete Diary can be read in the School’s digital archives – go to “Browse”, click on ”Publications” then “Old Ipswichian Journal” then “Old Ipswichian Magazines 1980s” then “1988”. The Explanation by Bev Edge and the full Diary are found from pages 88 to 104.)
– Alan Wyatt
(OI 1944 – 53)
Members News Obituaries
We are always pleased to hear from the Old Ipswichian community. Here is what a few of our alumni have been up to recently. Jonathan Betts (OI 1962 – 69)
The magnificent automaton elephant at Waddesdon Manor
Dr. David Gamble (OI 1995 – 03) David is an academic specialty registrar in cardiology and has recently been appointed as a clinical lecturer in cardiology at the University of Aberdeen. Alongside his clinical work he is funded by the British Heart Foundation and focuses his research on acute Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as broken heart syndrome, and the potential to influence the hearts recovery in this under researched condition. David has a particular interest in heart disease in women and the use of advanced cardiac MRI techniques.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Following 35 years as ‘Mr Greenwich Mean Time’ (Curator of Horology at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich) my ‘retirement’ in 2015 sees me busier than ever. Honorary Adviser on Horology to the National Trust since 1980 (in my ‘spare time’!) that role continues. A recent project has been the full mechanical overhaul of the extraordinary automaton elephant, c.1770, by Hubert Martinet at Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire (see: https://m. With many hundreds of moving parts, the conservation of this uniquely important piece has indeed been a mammoth task! Another advisory role is at Belmont House in Kent, the home of the fabulous Lord Harris collection of antique clocks and watches (see: ). Belmont was the location for a recent series of programmes on the Antiques Roadshow and I did a piece with Fiona Bruce in May on a selection of the clocks from the collection.
Recent publications are a new edition of the biography on John Harrison (of Longitude fame) for Royal Museums Greenwich, and (as an author and one of three Editors) the new General History of Horology (Oxford University Press). So much for retirement!" Editor's note – what fascinating news – I hope I will be able to twist Jonathan’s arm for a bigger article for us to read in the future. I’m sure everyone would like to hear more about your ‘time’ at Greenwich.
Martin Ashby (OI 1962 – 68)
Rebecca Griffiths (OI 1999 – 13)
I was at school from 1962 to 1968. In 2016 I emigrated to Australia and now live in Toowoomba, Queensland with my wife. In June we set off in our motorhome to do “the lap” of Australia visiting every mainland State and Territory. Our plan is to be home some time in November after travelling in excess of 20,000 kilometres.
I have just graduated from my professional doctorate to be an educational psychologist - I am now Dr Rebecca Griffiths and working happily in my dream job. My interest in psychology was very much supported by Ipswich school psychology department when I took A-Level psychology and I have fond memories of Mrs Austin and Mrs Smith.
Clock talk: Jonathan Betts chats to Fiona Bruce on the Antiques Roadshow
ObituariesNews Members
Sophie Cleave (OI 2012 – 22)
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Paul St John Turner (OI 1958 – 68)
Sophie Cleave, who left Ipswich School last summer after finishing her A Levels, was awarded The Surgeon's Prize for her acrylic and oil painting titled Blurred Reality. Sophie is one of only three students nationally to be awarded a prize as part of this year’s RBA Rising Stars exhibition.
Sophie Cleave scoops Prestigious Art Prize
Peter Vowles (OI 1987 – 92) When I left Ipswich School in 1992, I participated in a scheme supported by the school called Schools Partnership Worldwide (SPW). It sent school leavers to work as teachers in remote rural schools around the world. I went to Zimbabwe and had a life changing experience, working with some of the poorest people on the planet. So, it is with huge pride that 31 years later I am going back to Zimbabwe as British Ambassador. I start in September.
Updated news of myself is to some extent "more of the same" as that of a couple of years ago, i.e. (now at 73) I continue to work part-time in accounts preparation, and my advanced prostate cancer "remains in its box" under treatment. I have for quite a while been spending some time following up both my OI father's long career in the overseas department of the Bank of England, and the shipbuilding and related activities of his paternal grandfather. This family history project has moved to new dimensions since I quite recently contacted a Sussex museum's ancestors service, to take forward a bid to discover (or should I say prove - we have a good idea of who he might be) the father of my mother's maternal grandfather, who was born out of wedlock. This inspired both the ancestors service and another expert in genealogy to embark on a vast project which, at times, has left my feet hardly touching the ground. An enormous family tree has been built up, and many remarkable discoveries made. These include: a) having second cousins through a previously unbeknown halfbrother of my maternal grandmother, including some now in New Zealand (I am in contact with one there), b) finding that my father's maternal grandfather was Irish (we had thought he was Scottish), who married a lady from York (she was half Scottish) and became Spanish Consul in Hull and c) finding a biological link to a wellremembered British post-war prime
minister. Much has been revealed by East Anglian roots that I have too: my grandfather was brought up in Stansted, Essex, his grandfather ran a saddlery business in Bishops Stortford, and the latter's father hails from Colchester. I like to try and see places linked to my family's past (and research local records there): repeated (or to be repeated) trips to London, Sunderland, Arundel, Worthing, Stafford, Hull and York for this so far. The Essex locations are on the agenda. New Zealand certainly may beckon - at least hopefully for other members of my family as I may find that the long haul would be a bit much for me now. As you may gather, many of these discoveries have come up for me very late. For various reasons, family records have been sparse, we knew nothing of my maternal grandmother's two half-brothers and half niece and nephew (the former among my above-mentioned NZ second cousins), and I had not had conversations on this sort of thing with my (now long departed) parents and grandparents. Still, the internet facilities now available for purchasing or otherwise accessing records and other documents online, and advent of DNA testing through services such as Ancestry, My Heritage and FindMyPast, help to open up an exciting world of family research along with various archives and other collections which are available to researchers. The attached photos were taken on a recent research visit to Arundel (yes, it is Arundel Castle in the background).
Members News
Members News Obituaries
Chris Berridge (OI Staff 1965 – 68) The item about the history of School House in the latest issue of the OI Journal was of great interest as much of it, especially the section by David Walker, brought back many memories, and I was one of the house tutors he mentioned…. One memory is of numerous requests for permission to go to Portman Road on wet Saturdays when organised games were rainedoff; permission was granted because refusal would have resulted in widespread resentment and/or noncompliance, and dayboys probably would go anyway. Fortunately, no member of School House misbehaved seriously enough to draw attention to himself, but it illustrated what was sometimes the juggling act of trying at various times to keep happy the headmaster, the matron, other masters, the members of the house, and their parents. I have often reckoned that the years in School House, especially those as house tutor, were the most memorable of my teaching career, and the hardest. Some School House boys will possibly remember my car, which was a diesel-engine Land-Rover, which I used to park by the front-door until the headmaster banned all cars from parking there, something I have always suspected was due to the blue smoke emitted when it started. When I left School House in 1968, I was given a framed map of Suffolk, and
it has hung in my home ever since. After two years in Sussex, I moved into the state sector, and taught at Lawrence Sheriff School, Rugby, which was (and is) the boys grammar school for East Warwickshire. For a time, I acted as senior physics master. In 1989, I took voluntary redundancy to work at GEC Turbine-Generators in Rugby, and that proved to be good training for work as assistant curator, successively of experimental chemistry and of atomic and nuclear physics, at the Science Museum in London. Since retirement, I have been kept busy by the Overslade Community Church, four grandchildren, railway modelling, railway photography (some of the photographs processed in the darkroom in one of houses in Henley Road have, over the years, been published) and reviews of railway books. In 2007, I called at the school, and I was given a conducted tour. Partly as a result, I regained contact with John Le Mare, whom I visited in his retirement at his house in Cotswold Avenue and later at Bucklesham Grange care home, and I counted it a privilege to attend his funeral. I was able to pass on to the archives several photographs of 1967’s CCF Camp, but unfortunately the images of those on the photograph were too small to be identifiable. However, Dr Blatchly gave me a tour of the archives, where I saw several items, I had not seen for 40 years, and never dreamt I would see again. It is now 55 years or more since my days as house tutor in School House, but many of the memories of its boys and life there are still very clear.
Chris Bell (OI 1985 – 94) I left the school in 1994 after A Levels and worked at the school for a short time assisting the grounds team and cricket coaching. I began working in the travel industry in 1998, after graduating from university with a BA (hons) in Tourism and Business Management. I worked for Flightcentre in London as a travel consultant and Manager, for many years until 2013 when I started working for Scuba Tours Worldwide and got the diving bug! I have been fortunate enough to learn to dive in the Maldives, finish my PADI Open Water in Fiji and my PADI Advanced Open Water in Komodo! For me, travel is all about experiences and I believe that there is so much of the world to explore and admire above and below the surface. This, combined with my love of travelling and embracing new cultures, drives my enthusiasm for the industry. I started my travel business Great Escapes Diving Holidays in 2018, with 2 other former travel colleagues, and we specialise in tailormade diving holidays around the world
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Jeremy Martin (OI 1953 – 64) I have many interesting stories of my career since leaving Broke House at Ipswich School. I think some of my most interesting are flight test and certification experiences of the Boeing 747. Some truly scary flights. I did lead the planning for some of these test flights. I once terrified the chief FAA test pilot on a test I set up which was required by his agency. The test worked out. And my experience of hearing a news story where President Carter of the USA acknowledged (without naming me specifically) was how he signed the bill to economically deregulate the US Airline Industry. This bill had profound impact on airlines Worldwide. He acknowledged my work without naming me as the one who provided and led the well analysed testimony as formation for the case. Many or most or all you will have benefited from this. It transformed a major worldwide industry in ways so important that you may never have known about or even really understand. To describe this is just too much for an anecdote. But I mention this as an extraordinary example of my wonderful education at Ipswich and subsequently at Cambridge and at London Business School. This education led me to understand how such huge issues required systemic understanding and analysis. I was taught that at Ipswich School.
Steven Kirby (OI 1975 – 82) I became a teacher myself teaching modern languages, I have taught in England Kenya Tanzania Nigeria China. I was a headmaster in Nigeria In Mombasa Kenya where I married. I now reside in Felixstowe.
ObituariesNews Members
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Reuben van Tankeren (OI 2014 – 21)
Alex Johnson (OI 2006 – 13)
Reuben was recently nominated for the National Student Television Awards best comedy award. This was for an episode of a series he cocreated for the University of Bristol YouTube page: UBTV. The show is called BSTV, and it is the second episode titled 'Disillusionment' that was nominated. BSTV is an absurdist, verging on surrealist, satirical comedy series that moulds written sketch comedy with real life interviews into a quasireality heightened university news programme.
Alex has had his first book published. He wrote A Long Weekend in Ulaanbaatar - a collection of stories and thoughts on his travels to various places - over lockdown. After leaving Ipswich School in 2013 he started studying History and Politics at the University of Aberdeen. Soon he realised it wasn't for him so he learnt to drive and obtained his bus and coach licence. Alex said, "It will be no surprise to anyone who knew me at school that there was only one thing my life was destined to involve - buses - so I got a job with a company in Oxfordshire. Just after my nineteenth birthday, I had sixty-odd buses and a hundred-or-so drivers to coordinate, schedule and attempt to understand the workings of. The buses were easy! Alex later returned to driving and travelled to all corners of the UK
Alex Johnson Talks About His Life on Shetland and Writing His First Travel Book and Europe. From driving through the centre of Wellington Arch with outriders and bemused onlookers to doing laps of Zandvoort and Spa he had some weird and wonderful experiences. To pass the dull days of lockdown, I wrote about my love of travelling. Now living in Shetland Alex is the Operations Manager for the Islands’ main bus and coach company. He is now working on a couple of future books and would love to explore some other forms of travel writing over the coming years.
Julie Missen (OI 1991 – 93)
OI Nominated for Comedy Award - Reuben van Tankeren and Hal Waghorn two of the co-creators of the film
I have just published my first novel (available on Amazon), having previously published two children’s books and poetry in various magazines and anthologies. I’m currently editing my second novel and awaiting the publication of some poetry in an anthology comprised of Suffolk writers.
Clare Cathcart (OI 1985 – 87)
Richard Tucker (OI 1967 – 90)
Richard Tucker was an English teacher at Ipswich School from 1967 until his retirement in 1990. In the late 1950s he travelled to India and filmed people and their daily lives with his cine camera. The story of the films' discovery is an enthralling one and the work of Phil Wingfield who bought the ten reels from a house clearance auction, due to his love of all things relating to India. He worked tirelessly not only digitising the filmed material but also trying to find out who had shot the well edited footage. Mr Tucker's daughter, Clare Cathcart (OI 1985-87) contacted us to share the story of her father's work and the website Phil has produced to showcase the films. These show the lives of local people in the late 1950s from various parts of India including Varanasi, Delhi, Cochin and Madurai.
Mr R H Tucker, Former Teacher and His Lost World of India
Members News
Members News Obituaries
Andy Green (OI 1960 – 67) (OI Staff 1999)
After a career working for Eastern Electricity (now UK Power Networks) as a field Electrical Engineer and later a manager I took early retirement at the grand old age of 48. In 1999 I joined the staff at Ipswich School as the Physics Technician. Shortly after, Peter Boughton the Bursar introduced a Staff Newsletter called “The Issue”. He put out a similar call for stories of interest. Over the next 4 years I made a number of contributions which I still have on record. I attach a sample, “Moonshine” which was published in Staff Newsletter No. 9, Lent Term 2002. All the pupils mentioned will now be young men in their 30’s who may recall being in the Astronomy Club. It would be good to know if any lasting interest was kindled by this early work. Moonshine When I was a pupil at this school in the 1960s - one of the extra curricular activities was membership of the school’s own Scout Troop, the 15th Ipswich, to which I belonged. Working for the Astronomer badge in 1966, I had to design and build a working model. My choice was to show how the moon apparently changes shape according to the angle at which the remote and unseen sun is shining on it. A light proof box was duly constructed with a viewing tube, tiny moon and carefully
placed lights. An outside switch created the illusion. It won me my badge. Afterwards the electrical parts were stripped out for other things and the carcass discarded. Some 35 years later, during Michaelmas half term of last year, I was clearing a shed in my father’s garden when I came upon the forlorn remains of this early endeavour. Absolutely filthy and with lid missing, it narrowly escaped final rites in the skip. Suffering
a bad attack of nostalgia, I took it home, cleaned the casing and made a new top. Thinking it could just be useful as a teaching aid, I brought the parts in to show John Woolnough with an offer to restore the electrics if he thought it worthwhile. I was more than delighted with the suggestion that our current Astronomy Club be offered the task. This they accepted with great enthusiasm and worked diligently for many Monday lunchtimes, restoring the exact original circuits. It was an historic link and a magical moment indeed when I was called over by an excited club member to see the model working once again in the way it was designed all those years ago. We now also have a useful new resource. Thank you, Astronomy Club! Those who worked on it (mainly) were: - Edwin Black, Adam Nunn, Liam McGraff, James Scargill and Guy Barlow. Well done all of you! Editor's note: I contacted the physics department to see if the moon light box was still in existence. The one that Mr Green had created had been replaced however the concept is still in use and Mr Simon Arthur sent us some photos of the current ‘Quality Street Tin’ version of the moon demo.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Harrison Cole (OI 2016 – 18) Harrison Cole has played a key role as conductor with Stephen Layton in a professional video production from The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge of Duruflé's Requiem, recorded at St. Eustache Church, Paris. Presently Associate Organist in residence at Trinity College Cambridge, Harrison is in his fourth year studying for a master’s in music, and assisting the Director of Music and Clergy. When he graduates from Trinity Harrison intends being a professional organist.
Harrison takes a Leading Role in Choir Performance
Dave Alcock (OI 1980 – 87) Dave Alcock is part of the RAF team who have enabled the first military flight using fully sustainable fuel. The RAF Voyager was powered by cooking oil and took off for the 90 minute flight from RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire. The cooking oil fuel, which was supplied by Air BP is part of the RAF's plans to reach net-zero by 2040 and reduce its reliance on global supply chains.
Cooking Oil Fuels Record Flight - Dave Alcock is on the far left.
ObituariesNews Members
Ben Clennell (OI 2001 – 11)
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Anna Wilkes (OI 2017 – 22)
Thomas Mottershead (OI 2010 – 15)
Anna recently visited Buckingham Palace to receive her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. Anna thanked Ipswich School staff for supporting her in this massive achievement. Congratulations Anna!
You may have spotted Old Ipswichian and former staff member, Thomas Mottershead who recently appeared on ITV's, 'The Voice' with partner Emilie Parry-Williams, receiving four chair turns including Sir Tom Jones, who the pair eventually chose as their coach for the series. Thomas is an award winning conductor, tenor and pianist who has performed at Snape Maltings and the Royal Albert Hall.
Ben Clennell OI Wins Academic Award Ben is currently working on his PhD at the University of Bristol in Ultrasound Neuromodulation; using ultrasound as a non-invasive method to modulate brain and promote memory function. Previously Ben took his degree in Bio Chemistry and his Masters in Molecular Neuroscience. Ben has won the Brainbox 2021 Award which will soon enable him to set up a pilot study. Most of Ben's work so far has been in vitro, cells in a dish experiments and he is now working through the university ethics process to get his study approved with healthy human volunteers. He said, "Millions of people globally are affected by neurological disorders associated with memory disturbance. Human memory is a distributed process with medial temporal regions at its epicentre.' His winning proposal was chosen by the Brainbox Initiative's' Scientific Committee, comprising of some of the world's leading non-invastive brain stimulation experts.
Don Sinclair (OI 1963 – 73) I was a boarder at Westwood in 1972 when Harry Clements was my Housemaster. Harry and his wife Barbara were fantastic mentors. Harry taught Divinity,and I seem to remember Barbara was always in the kitchen, although homely it was a disciplinarian system. I would be fascinated to know what became of Harry & Barbara. Editor's note: If anyone has any update for Don please email in...
Tom Faiers (OI 1995 – 97) Congratulations to Tom Faiers who completed the Arctic Circle Line Swim from Finland to Sweden. The 3.5km open water swim took Tom 34 minutes to complete. Tom raised more than £1,500 for the Ipswich School Founding Futures Bursary Fund.
Tom Renshaw (OI 2008 – 14) Tom Renshaw established the Bier Company with university friend, Stefan White in 2019, supplying nut and crisp snacks to the pub trade. Due to the pandemic and lockdown they lost their customers almost overnight. The business partners regrouped and within days the pair were selling online via their updated website. They now sell a wide range of specially packaged craft beers and their pairings of snacks, Bier Crisps and Bier Nuts to customers across the UK. The Bier Company is now worth an estimated £10million. Tom states "I really think we can take this global…But no matter what happens I'll never forget my roots.”
Tom Faiers completes epic swim
Members News
Members News Obituaries
BIRTHS Jacy Cottingham (née Race) (OI 1995 – 06) Congratulations to Jacy on the birth of baby Luna Willow Cottingham on June 21st 2023.
OI SPORT NEWS: Congratulations to all our OIs on their impressive sporting achievements, a few of which are:
David Harris (OI 1974 – 85) David Harris updates that he is an ultra endurance cyclist who has taken on the Everesting Challenge in multiple ways, including a 10K, virtually and a Roam. David was recently interviewed for a podcast to discuss his journey into the Everesting community and planning a small event to complete a single-mountain Roam on Tenerife. The podcast is available to listen to on both Apple and Spotify. https:// podcast/david-harris-singlemountain-pure-roam-tenerife/ id1596373634?i=1000621934795
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Richard Flower (OI 1974 – 80) A busy year. Still driving buses for Stagecoach West (the glamour is almost unbearable....). January 2022 I was re-elected as a Shop Steward, and further elected as Branch Chair (at Unite the Union). I was delegated to the Regional Industrial Sector Committee, at which I was elected Chair. I was further delegated to Regional Committee, the senior activist committee, and thence to Finance and General Purposes Committee. I also attend the Political Liaison Committee and the Gloucester Area Activists Committee. I was delegated from RISC to attend the National Industrial Sector Conference, where I met Sharon Graham (General Secretary). I have since attended, as substitute delegate, a meeting of the National Industrial Sector Committee. I attended the National Political School. However, I was unsuccessful in my attempt to become Labour candidate for the parliamentary constituency of Gloucester. I have left Heather, my wife of far too many years. I have re-established contact with Dave Burnham and Andy Dickinson. Anybody who wants to get in touch can find me on Facebook, profile picture is four bass guitars (three just wasn't enough...). Having been declined for clergy training 31 years ago, I am once again seeking this, although I am way too old for stipendiary. I will, if accepted, become an associate priest, although I am technically too old for that! But you have to be in it to win it, if that isn't pushing the metaphor too far. I feel that I am at a point of new beginnings, which is quite exciting. New motto, "what's the worst that could happen?"
Isaac Weaver (OI 2010 – 20)
Henry Patten (OI 2007 – 12)
Isaac is the New Champion of the Rugby Fives British Universities Championships 2022! Isaac has won the Rugby Fives Singles and Doubles titles at the British Universities Championships 2022 held at Marlborough College on the 19th and 20th November. Durham University Fives Captain Isaac gave impressive performances to achieve the double.
Henry Patten and his doubles tennis partner, Julian Cash have played the 2023 Australian Open at Melbourne Park. The British pair created history in 2022 when they won a record-breaking ten ATP Challenger Tour, doubles titles having only teamed up earlier the same year. After sixth form, Henry won a sports scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Asheville which he completed before going onto Durham University Business School to study Finance and Investment. After enjoying a wide range of sports 6'6" tall, left hander Henry, settled on tennis and turned professional in May 2020.
Isaac Weaver (OI 2010-20) Wins Two Fives Titles!
Henry Patten with his Coach, Barry Fulcher
ObituariesNews Members
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Chris Wray (OI 1969 – 77) Betsy & I moved out to the USA in July 2019 to retire, perfectly timed to avoid the draconian COVID regulations in London. We live in the other Chatham, on the elbow of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. Our daughter Sally is a rising Senior at Cape Cod Academy so we are currently wrestling with the US College Admissions Process. We have established a semi tradition that we have dinner with some of the usual suspects every couple of years, the last one was in Oxford last summer and Berlin is mooted for next. They are Paul and Sue Brown, Andrew and Fiona Ward, Gareth and Linda Davies, Michael
Beaney & Sharon Macdonald, Phil & Trish Taylor, Nigel Burt & Jane Shillaker, and Geoff Rand. Oliver and
Helen Harwood are usually there, but they were on the way back from a family holiday and couldn’t make it.
Alex Rowles (OI 2008 – 10)
Simon Uzokwe (OI 2002 – 13)
Alex played hockey while at Ipswich School, she was the goalkeeper for the first team. At university, still keen to take part in team sports she started playing rugby. When she returned to Suffolk to start her career working with the Royal Society of Chemistry Alex joined the Bury St Edmunds Rugby team, the women’s section was known by the “Foxes” moniker at the time. Alex helped the team gain promotion into the 3rd tier of rugby, Championship Midlands 2, where they have stayed with a mid-table finish for the past four seasons.
Hannah French (née Martin) (OI 1998 – 13)
Ealing Trailfinders Rugby Club signed Simon Uzokwe from Newcastle Falcons in 2020. The back-rower had spent the previous four years at Kingston Park playing for the Falcons and was part of their Greene King IPA Championship winning squad. He joined them from Darlington Mowden Park in 2016, where he played during his studies at Sunderland University. Congratulations to Simon for completing his 50th cap for Ealing Trailfinders.
Alex at the Bury St Edmunds rugby ground
Simon Uzokwe wins his 50th cap for rugby
Hannah French returned to School to unveil a special plaque commemorating her hockey journey. It was great to welcome Hannah back to school since her Commonwealth Gold Win in the summer as part of the England women’s hockey team. The plaque unveiled by Hannah is part of the Golden Gateways initiative, which celebrates the route to success of the gold medal-winning Team England athletes. Hannah was able to choose a location relevant to her pathway to success, and picked Ipswich School as her special location.
OI Hannah French Unveils Commonwealth Games Golden Gateway Plaque Photographer Warren Page
Members News
Death Announcements
We are sad to learn of the following OI deaths. If anyone has any further information, memories or would like to write an obituary for the next journal please email the editor. Jeremy Steed Hawes (OI 1953 – 57) John Gower (OI 1940 – 46) David Robert Knight (OI 1959 – 62) Owen Goodman (OI 1939 – 46) Richard Barker (OI 1953 – 63) Col. Frederick W Garwood (OI 1941 – 47) Died 31st October 2019 Ian Lennox (OI 1970 – 78) Died 13th October 2021 Matt Thorndyke (OI 1983 – 1990) Died 11th July 2022 Dennis Woolmer (OI1939 – 48) Died 20th July 2022 John Weedon (OI 1950 – 56) Died 25th August 2022
George W Paul MBE (Governor 1982 – 87) Deid 9th October 2022 Ian McColl (OI 1948 – 57) Died 21st October 2022 Richard Hopkins (OI 1942 – 47) Died 8th October 2022 David Callis (OI 1949 – 55) Died on 17th April 2023 James Kelly (OI 1980 – 87) Died 29th April 2023 John E H Ryde (OI 1939 – 46) Died Friday 28 April 2023. Robert (Bob) Dunnett (OI 1940 – 48) Died 16th May 2023 Chris Berridge (OI 1965 – 68) Died 2nd October 2023
Robert Fielder (OI 1964 – 73) Died 9th September 2022 David Beresford (OI 1948 – 57) Died 14th September 2022
Sigrid (Sigi) Malpass (neé Mermagen) (OI 1987 – 89)
Keith Wilkinson (OI 1955 ‒ 67) Keith Wilkinson passed away on Friday 28 January 2022 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, after a fierce and prolonged battle with Parkinson’s. He leaves behind his wife Jill, his children David, Rhian and Sara, their mother, Shan and his grandchildren Zachery, Zara, Zoe, Ben and Alfie. Keith was born on 26 February 1948 in Copenhagen, Demark while his
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
father was flying for Scandinavian Air Services. The family returned to the UK when Keith’s father re-joined the Royal Air Force in 1949 and were stationed at 6 RAF stations in the UK and abroad during the next 5 years. With all these moves Keith’s father decided that it was time for some stability and visited several prep schools in Suffolk, but he was most impressed with Hugh Gleave and Ipswich School. Keith
started as a day boy and became a boarder under the supervision of Hugh and Olive Gleave. He then moved onto Westwood House and became Head Boy of the School. Keith enjoyed sport at school, especially rugby and captained the 1st XV. Keith studied History at Trinity College, Cambridge and played rugby for the University. During the holidays he also played for Ipswich Rugby Club. Before going to Cambridge, he won an RAF flying scholarship to gain his private flying licence and became a member of the Cambridge University Air Squadron. He decided against
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
I n 1972 he led the highly successful Beaver River Expedition in the Yukon using three Avon rafts with a 12-man team, including Simon Cook (OI) and his brother Neil (OI). This was the first complete navigation of this river and necessitated landing on the lake at the head of the river and taking off from the Fraser River some weeks later. It was an adventure of a lifetime. following a career in the RAF and applied for a teaching job at Branson’s International College, Quebec, Canada to teach English. Keith joined the English Department at the John Abbott College in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue in Quebec and taught for 30 years. He was an avid outdoorsman and adventurer, providing leadership training to high school students, leading expeditions in the wilderness and setting up the first rafting company on the Rivière Rouge,
Quebec. In 1972 he led the highly successful Beaver River Expedition in the Yukon using three Avon rafts with a 12-man team, including Simon Cook (OI) and his brother Neil (OI). This was the first complete navigation of this river and necessitated landing on the lake at the head of the river and taking off from the Fraser River some weeks later. It was an adventure of a lifetime. Keith played for the Montreal Wanderers Rugby Club and earned three international caps for Rugby Canada. He went on to a distinguished
Keith played for the Montreal Wanderers Rugby Club and earned three international caps for Rugby Canada. He went on to a distinguished coaching career starting when he was appointed as Quebec’s provincial coaching authority giving clinics to coaches and players. In addition, Keith was a national team selector for Canada, then became Director of the National Men’s Team XV, as well as Manager and Coach for the National Sevens Team. He continued to be a mentor to many players and coaches throughout his career.
coaching career starting when he was appointed as Quebec’s provincial coaching authority giving clinics to coaches and players. In addition, Keith was a national team selector for Canada, then became Director of the National Men’s Team XV, as well as Manager and Coach for the National Sevens Team. He continued to be a mentor to many players and coaches throughout his career. When Keith retired from teaching, he lived in Mississauga, Ontario and continued to be involved with local rugby teams. His final years were spent with Jill in Picton, Ontario and Calgary, Alberta.
Neil Wilkinson (OI 1958 ‒ 70)
Memories of Keith: Keith was moving into Year One in the Upper School when I was in the Sixth Form. Hope he is playing a perfect game where he has gone to.
Barry Massey (OI 1954 ‒ 61) I was saddened to learn of the untimely passing of Keith Wilkinson. Although I was a couple of years below him at school, we overlapped as boarders for some nine years, and Obituaries
Obituaries I remember him well as a stalwart of both Junior House and Westwood, at which I am sure he became head monitor and head of house respectively. As well as his sporting prowess, he was ever cheerful and encouraging to others. My condolences to all his family and friends, I know he will be widely missed.
Paul St John Turner (OI 1958 ‒ 68) I remember Keith well as a popular and respected Head of School. He was also Head of my house (Westwood) and Captain of the 1st XV. Someone many of us looked up to.
Christopher Cundy (OI 1962 ‒ 69) Keith was captain of the 1st XV (in 1966 I believe), this was when a number of Lower Sixth students (including me, Doug Bostock, Armand Staunton and ‘Tini’ Martin) joined
Wing Commander Richard (Dick) Storer (OI 1942 ‒ 52) Died 19th October 2022 Dick was at the school from 1942-52 and grew up at Baylham Mill, near Needham Market. He belonged to Sherrington House and was a prefect. Dick was born in London in 1933 and went to Suffolk in 1942. He was raised at Baylham Mill during the war years and went to Ipswich School. Later he went to Durham University to ready physics. He joined the University Air Squadron, learnt to fly and finished a degree course with the intention of joing the RAF which he did in 1956. Dick trained as a fighter pilot and served on No 66 Sqn, flying Hunters based at Acklington in Northumberland. After two years, when the Squadron disbanded, he was posted to fgly Vulcans with No83 Squadron at Scampton and spent four year periodically sitting on a nuclear bomb waiting to go to war.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
those who were a year above us and who were already established in the XV; we were understandably nervous but very privileged to have been selected; Keith was a marvellous player and leader, encouraging and inspirational and as such he soon gained our respect and admiration.
Mike Simpson (OI 1957 ‒ 68) I was Head of House at Westwood in 1961/2 and Keith was a newly arrived Junior with such eminences as Henry Staunton, Barry Squirrel and other great characters. The cohort
were all competitive from the off, and really keen to make their mark for the House and School in all forms of sports and all the other extracurricular activities. Keith was always at the forefront, and it was evident from day one, that he was going to be very successful at Ipswich and in life. A sad and untimely loss.
Ian Chapman (OI 1957 ‒ 62) I was contemporary with Keith and enjoyed our many years at school. We were boarders together in Junior House under Mr Hugh Gleave who
I was contemporary with Keith and enjoyed our many years at school. We were boarders together in Junior House under Mr Hugh Gleave who coached our house rugby team into a useful unit with Keith in the vanguard. His considerable skill was improved by his determination and ability to think. He did not just shine on the rugby pitch, but in other sports and in academic achievement.
Dick left Scampton on promotion to Squadron Leader and was sent to Fairford in Gloucestershire to be the first CO and Manager of the recently formed RAF Aerobatic Team which, after a few months was named the Red Arrows. After two years with the Red Arrows, he was posted to the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough to command one of the two experimental flying squadrons based there, flying all kinds of aircraft engaged on trials work. After four years at Farnborough, Dick was sent on promotion to Brussels to be the Air Attaché at the British Embassy. From there he came back to the UK to be OC Operations Wing firstly at Cottesmore in Rutland and then at Wyton in Huntingdonshire. From Wyton, back to Farnborough for another four-year stint and thence on a one-year attachment to the BBC as RAF advisor, liaison officer and 'Mr Fix' on an RAF-based drama series called 'Squadron'. At the end of the Falklands war, Dick was rapidly removed from the BBC to head the team responsible for the RAF involvement in building the brand new airfield on a green field stie at Mount Pleasnat on the
Falklands and also for the extensive alterations to the tha airfield and facilities on Ascension Island. Whilst serving at MOD in 1985, Baylham House Farm came on the market (near Dick's childhood home) and he bought it. He moved to Baylham and started to acquire animals, principally to eat all the grass that came with the property. The arrival of animals signalled Dick's entry into farming and the start of a new career and a totally different way of life.
K Wade
Obituaries coached our house rugby team into a useful unit with Keith in the vanguard. His considerable skill was improved by his determination and ability to think. He did not just shine on the rugby pitch, but in other sports and in academic achievement. However the rugby is what I remember most clearly. After Junior House Keith went to Westwood and I went to School House. I especially recall one house match between us when we had a much stronger team on paper, but on the pitch we were beaten mainly due to Keith’s ability to out think us. We were in the first fifteen together under his captaincy and clearly the star of the team. I read the match reports recently and he is referred to as the one who lead by example. As well as being a ferocious tackler he had a convincing dummy and was a very elusive runner.
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
He was head boy and one of a few in our year to go to Oxbridge. He was involved in much of school life and a good friend. At Cambridge he played many times for the university, but did not get a blue as the other player at scrum half was an England international. He did play an international at Twickenham representing Canada.
Raymond Fenning (OI 1957 ‒ 67)
As a schoolboy at Ipswich School from 1963 - 69, I remember watching a particular game, when Keith was captain of the school's first rugby fifteen, when he broke from the back of the scrum dummied his opposite number, and then scored between the posts, following which, with a great flourish, he threw the ball high into the air in celebration.
Mike Parker (OI 1963 – 69)
As mentioned above Keith was a good Head of House and School, A great scrum half and spin bowler, Captain of the 1st XV etc. But above all he was charming, pleasant, had a great sense of humor and an infectious smile. A really likeable person. Memories are many but I recall one school game in which he covered across to take down the opposing winger. He tackled above the waist and whilst sliding down caught his ear on the wingers pocket ripping the ear partly away. I still cringe at the thought. Also his leading the sevens training which included running up and down the slopes of Christchurch Park with 60 pound army packs on our backs. He never tired but we did. His sporting prowess continued with his daughter Rhian who played football for Canada. My condolences to his wife, family and Neil his brother.
Armand Staunton (OI 1963 ‒ 68)
John Blissett (OI 1966 ‒ 73) Died 8th January 2023 Many OIs will have lived longer lives than John Blissett but few will have lived a fuller life than he did. John was born and brought up in East Africa, where his father pursued an interest in all wildlife (but with a particular interest in snakes), a passion John shared and never lost. Having attended primary school in Nairobi, John came to Ipswich School as a boarder in 1966. It took him a little while to adjust to the climate and culture of life in England, but once he had done so he went on to make the most of the opportunities presented to him. Perhaps uncharacteristically John sang in the Chapel Choir and performed in the School play, but his strengths were far more apparent when outdoors. He was a member of the School scout troop and a leading light at various summer camps, none more so than a very wet week in north Wales where he brought all his bushcraft to bear in being able to light a fire in a sodden fire pit in the pouring rain and howling wind. In sport, as in life, John was fearless and tenacious. He captained the School athletics team and was the only one brave enough to compete at pole vault, for which he had the perfect physique and psyche, but it was on the rugby pitch that he excelled. He was a ferociously competitive hooker in the 1st XV, always leading from the front, always willing to put his head where others would fear to put their feet. On leaving Ipswich School John went to Newcastle University to study zoology, the subject so dear to his heart after his upbringing in Kenya. While at university he joined Gosforth Rugby Club, then the most successful club side in the country. He played many games for the first team, being part of the side that reached the John Player cup final in the season 1980/81. He also played at Twickenham for Northumberland when they won
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In the 1980s, with support of a friend, he set up Willetts Safari Company. He gradually increased the amount of time that he was able to devote to this business, such that for the past twenty years he spent half the year leading trips around the remote parts of Kenya. These were no luxury safaris; they were just what you would expect from John. Every trip was an adventure, no frills but instead an opportunity to see the most remote parts of the country and wildlife as it should be seen, with respect for the people, the animals and the country.
the County Championship. Those that played with him at that level describe his qualities in the same terms as he is remembered at school; never the biggest physically, but never outcompeted. Indomitable. After university John made his home in Northumberland and pursued a career in IT. Those that knew him well may have wondered where he gained the expertise, but it was the early days and he clearly had real expertise as he became IT
director for a leading international chemical company. But conventional employment was never John’s thing. His lifelong passion was wildlife, especially the wildlife of Africa. In the 1980s, with support of a friend, he set up Willetts Safari Company. He gradually increased the amount of time that he was able to devote to this business, such that for the past twenty years he spent half the year leading trips around the remote parts of Kenya. These were
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Memories of John
For a while I played in the School's 2nd XV Rugby, in the second row of the scrum. John played in the front row, as hooker. His physical courage was astounding. He played with an apparent complete lack of concern for his own wellbeing, or, looked at another way, with absolute commitment to his team's interests. In consequence he would not infrequently have to be helped, or even carried, off injured. There were no head injury assessments in those days of course, nor substitutions - so you needed your player back on the pitch as soon as possible. Needless to say, John was usually back on the field within five minutes or so, insisting that he was fine to continue. He brought similar determination to bear in the summer, to athletics. He was the only one of us who had any success at the pole vault. In fact, he was pretty much the only one prepared to have a go at it at all. I can't say that the pole we used (the only one we had) definitely was originally meant for scaffolding, but it certainly seemed like it. John was the only one who was prepared to run,
no luxury safaris; they were just what you would expect from John. Every trip was an adventure, no frills but instead an opportunity to see the most remote parts of the country and wildlife as it should be seen, with respect for the people, the animals and the country. He forged strong and supportive relationships with local people who seemed to treat him as one of their own. He was never happier than sitting behind the wheel of his Land Cruiser, the more so if there was a danger of getting stuck in the mud, or the prospect of having to cross a swollen river or negotiate a herd of irritated elephants. Once again
with it held out in front of him, as fast as he could down the runway, plant it in the box and then use it to lever himself over the bar, feet first - the rest of us just didn't have the nerve, or perhaps managed just a foot or so as a token vault. Doing what he did required appreciable strength and athleticism but mainly, once again, fearlessness. And if you don't believe that, try it.
Nick O'Loughlin (OI 1970 ‒ 75)
I was sad to hear about John Blissett. I played rugby with him in various teams at school. I didn’t know him well but the kamikaze approach to the game does ring bells.
Chris Hyde (OI 1968 ‒ 74)
I played some rugby with "front row nutter" John and he was a good man to have on your side. Winning both the Ipswich and Holt 7's' with him sticks in the mind- RIP
Stuart Palmer (OI 1967 ‒ 74)
H e brought similar determination to bear in the summer, to athletics. He was the only one of us who had any success at the pole vault. In fact, he was pretty much the only one prepared to have a go at it at all. I can't say that the pole we used (the only one we had) definitely was originally meant for scaffolding, but it certainly seemed like it.
nothing daunted him. He relished the challenge. Nothing better epitomises John than the last year of his life. Having been given a prognosis of twelve months John immediately set about arranging his itinerary for the year. It began with a skiing trip with his family followed by a safari for old friends, at the end of which his family joined him
Nothing better epitomises John than the last year of his life. Having been given a prognosis of twelve months John immediately set about arranging his itinerary for the year. It began with a skiing trip with his family followed by a safari for old friends, at the end of which his family joined him for a further safari. He and his wife Gill then made a trip across Canada and on return he led a ‘safari’ to Albania, a place he knew from consultancy work with the World Bank.
for a further safari. He and his wife Gill then made a trip across Canada and on return he led a ‘safari’ to Albania, a place he knew from consultancy work with the World Bank. Further safaris in Kenya followed before he returned home to Northumberland where he was able to spend Christmas with Gill and their two daughters, Anne and Claire and his grandchildren, Alice and Harry. John died on 8 January 2023, two weeks short of his 68th birthday, His life was too short, but was lived to the full doing those things he was passionate about.
Nigel Farthing (OI 1966 ‒ 73)
Robert Edward (Ted) Herrington (OI Staff 1969 ‒ 92) Died 25th January 2023 Ted was Head of Design Technology and his many achievements include building the old cricket scoreboard with the help of his assistant, the late Barrie Askew.
Memories of Ted
It was good to see Ted last October at the Former Staff Reunion Lunch and to show him the cabinet round the corner from my study, with his initials on (he built it), which is still in use.
Nicholas Weaver Headmaster
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Ted Herrington. In about 1981 under his guidance I made a wooden spoon and a recipe book stand, my mother still cherishes them. He then taught me the fundamentals of technical drawing. Ted was one of the stricter masters at the time, but also exercised great patience. His passion for his craft was palpable. I remember that whilst he was teaching us he got shingles, all of the boys at the school were so genuinely concerned for his well-being. He was a good man, who no doubt contributed to the character of many. My thoughts and prayers go to his family.
James Duthie (OI 1979 ‒ 86)
Ted Herrington was my teacher in the early eighties. In the early years he taught me wood working skills, later it would be metal work and technical drawing to a high level. He was a teacher who emphasised doing a job with as much thought and precision as possible which, for young lads who initially didn’t know one end of a chisel from the other, was often hard to comprehend. By striving for ‘perfection’,(a term often used by Ted in his classes that would cause eyes to roll), you could achieve things you would never believe you were capable of.
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In the Sixth Form I was lucky to have been asked by Ted, with my old schoolmate David Bowie, to look after the electronic systems that ran the cricket scoreboard. David and I were both doing the new Electronic Systems A-Level at the time, and Ted must have thought we were the best candidates for the job although the A-Level never covered anything like the electronics in the scoreboard. But we felt we owed it to Ted for having the confidence in us, that and the fact we got an extra free lesson out of it, and so we agreed. We somehow kept the scoreboard running through a season or two and I must say they were both fun and stressful times. This was a great opportunity given by Ted that taught me a lot and both David and I still look back on those times with good memories. Ted was one of those great teachers I know made a difference to what I would do later on in life, using those skills I learnt from him all those years ago, and for that I am grateful.
Steve Harris (OI 1978 ‒ 85)
Sorry to hear of Mr Herrington's passing, my condolences to his family. He was one of my favourite teachers, and although I struggled with technical drawing, he always encouraged me and gave positive comments to my work however poor it was. For GCSE I achieved a C which was my worst grade however I was predicted a D and I ran to him to show him as my first port of call, despite getting As and Bs elsewhere and he seemed genuinely pleased. Great memories of a great teacher - Thank you Ted. PS. My work involves working with technical drawings every day! Ironic !
David Fenner (OI 1984 ‒ 89)
Although Ted was introduced in 1969 as - 'Mr. Herrington (King Edward VIL King’s Lynn, and Loughborough) who comes from Wymondham College to be in charge of Crafts', The immediate association with Ted Herrington is an established Technology Centre, which was opened a year later than scheduled by Prince Philip on 14th June 1973. Ted Herrington achieved a great deal which possibly went unnoticed.
Ted Herrington enjoyed the Former Staff Reunion lunch in 2022 When he arrived in 1969 he faced some unexpected challenges in the building of a Technical Centre and introducing an appropriate syllabus. An impulsive Headmaster, Patrick Mermagen who was my house master, had been on one of his offensives. He wanted members of the School-House to have hobbies and interests. And at his breakfast sessions and afternoon lawn tea sessions which occurred with his family (Ingi, Sigi, and the dog) I had taken him at face value and asked to be able to build a vehicle. The result was Mermagen had got the key to the then woodwork room and given me access to the shed behind the armoury. All this Mermagen achieved seemingly without really discussing it with Ted. It came as a surprise to Ted to find me working in the workshop above the pool changing rooms, on this “vehicle”! Loco parentis probably had a different meaning. Ted did a good job at instilling good techniques and skills into his young students, but even he could get caught out. I remember him asking me, after staunching the bleeding from my hand, how I could have done it? I explained I was using the hacksaw with my finger along the side of the blade as he had shown us. "Yes", he said "that’s how you cut with a Tenon saw". Ted did attract and cultivate students, one who has made their mark is David Kocurek, who has created Kocurek Excavators. Sadly, I failed to take Teds good advice on
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A levels, he tried to persuade me to take Technology/Engineering. Come Sixth Form I immediately regretted not taking this advice, Puff and Physics, for me induced sleep.
David Greaves (OI 1964 ‒ 74)
I have wondered in the past of where my influence to become an engineer came from as it certainly wasn’t from my home. With the sad passing of Mr Herrington it makes you reflect on the classes with him - both wood work and technical drawing. I certainly enjoyed his classes and I can probably be certain that he set the seed on what has been a most enjoyable career.
Steve Marshall (OI 1978 ‒ 85)
I was saddened to hear that Ted had died and also Barry Askew. Both of them were influential in my school career and taught me many skills that have stood me well in life. Ted was so supportive and always wanted the best out of you - he didn’t suffer fools gladly but that expectation always kept you on your toes. I was not particularly sporty, especially in the rugby term - that always coincided with the school play. I was fortunate to be able on lots of rugby afternoons to spend time in Great School preparing sets for the plays. Ted would be there supervising but more often than not I was left to my own devices what a privilege. There were some amazing sets that he designed and we managed to put them all together. I was persuaded not to do physics A level, but engineering science, which was a much more practical subject. I remember spending long hours in the Technical Studies department manufacturing and testing my experiments - with the watchful and helpful eyes of Ted and Barry. Ted also taught technical drawing no CAD programmes then, - and I took this as an extra O level during 6th form. Ted was just the right person to teach this with his attention to detail - I still know how to twist the pencil to get an even line and how to correctly for the capital letter R!
James Broadway (OI 1968 ‒ 75)
Simon Marriage (OI 1961 ‒ 72) Died 7th January 2023 Simon joined the School in the Prep in 1961 and he left the school in 1972 to attend Cardiff University where he studied Accountancy. Simon was in Felaw House and was Head of House while Andrew Gregory was Housemaster and Patrick Mermagen was Headmaster. He was steady, dependable, kind and caring, characteristics he exhibited throughout his life. Simon was a Chartered Accountant and was Senior Partner at Ballams until his retirement through ill health. He spent his whole working life at Ballams and it was a great sadness to him that he had to retire early when his illness took hold over five years ago.
Simon was in Felaw House and was Head of House while Andrew Gregory was Housemaster and Patrick Mermagen was Headmaster. He was steady, dependable, kind and caring, characteristics he exhibited throughout his life. Simon leaves a devoted wife, Angela and a loving family, Antony, Richard and Thomas and their families. He will be hugely missed by his many friends.
John Cousins MRICS
Memories of Simon
I was very sad to read that Simon Marriage had died. We were in the same year starting in the Prep. We were not close friends but I remember him as a kindly and quiet guy with a good sense of humour. He was a friendly presence on our CCF camp on Dartmoor, which was a bit of an ordeal for some of us, though it provided some vivid memories!
Peter Stearn (OI 1961 ‒ 73)
I was very sad to hear of the passing of Simon, I knew him from the time I joined him in the Prep until I left at the end of 1970. We were also both in Felaw House. I only have fond memories of him as a kind, fun and always helpful person, and so sad he did not enjoy a longer life. My condolences to all his family.
Barry Wayne (OI 1963 ‒ 70)
Sean Boyle (OI Staff 2002 – 20) We are very sorry to write of the passing of Sean Boyle, a teacher and work colleague at Ipswich School from 2002 to 2020. Conor Mackle a former classmate of Sean’s from his former days in Newry Co. Down in Northern Ireland has written in as follows: I was a classmate of his from Primary School from 1968 (P1-P7) right through to our O-Level year of 1980. Sean remained at the same school for another 2 years until 1982 in a different class, when sadly so many of us old classmates lost touch (have lived in Belfast ever since). I was aware some time later that he had married and had gone to live in Ipswich as his wedding photo appeared in the local newspaper, The “Newry Reporter”. Like all of you, I was deeply saddened by his passing, taken far too early. I am however not surprised by some of the lovely tributes posted by his former pupils and alumni of the school, and I wanted to share some of my personal memories of Sean with you.
part of each team . Indeed, the sharpeyed observer will notice that the goalkeeper on both teams was the same person, and he recently texted me upon the sad news of his passing to comment “He was a bull, could run through a brick wall, tough as anything...”. That was a good summary of Sean, a tough uncompromising defender, who certainly knew how to keep referees on their toes, and if he didn’t cross the lines, he certainly knew how to bend them! If Sean was
In short, in all those years together at school in the Abbey Primary School and Abbey Grammar School in Newry, Sean was always the proverbial “best footballer in the class”. There was nobody to touch him in terms of natural ability. In short, in all those years together at school in the Abbey Primary School and Abbey Grammar School in Newry, Sean was always the proverbial “best footballer in the class”. There was nobody to touch him in terms of natural ability. Gaelic Football and Soccer were his strengths, and Sean was a defender of the very highest ability, a great “last line of defence”. The 2 football team photos were Sean on the winning teams of both Blue Riband events in Primary School Gaelic Football (Rice Cup) and in Grammar School Gaelic Football (MacRory Cup) in Ulster (the Irish Province in which Northern Ireland sits). The first one was taken in 1975, and the second was in 1982. I think you will find Sean by yourselves in both photos. Sean was an integral
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marking you in a game, you certainly knew you were in a match, but when the game was over he was the first to shake your hand! That was the mark of the man! A true gentleman off the field of play. It is quite clear he carried these strong attributes and dedication to sport right through to his teaching days in Ipswich. The class photo (below right) was one that appeared recently on Facebook and brought some great commentary from several of the faces in it. It is the Primary 7 class taken in 1975, and the only one I am in with Sean. Indeed, I used it as an excuse to meet up with some of those classmates from back then and indeed it is why it is all the sadder for Sean’s passing as I’d hoped to meet up some
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
was about, he would always make it a light-hearted encounter. His presence was thoroughly appreciated by me and all my peers, particularly the football boys, and there was a never a moment without banter whenever we bumped into Mr Boyle outside lessons.
Abdullah Karim (OI 2013 – 18)
I am so sad to hear of Sean’s passing. I only have such fond memories of a man who was synonymous with Ipswich School for so long. As the coach of the football team, he played such a big part of my time in Sixth Form, as he did for many of my closest friends. All of us would sit together in his office during lunch breaks discussing the next fixtures and tactics for school matches, day now that I’m retired. Sean is in the centre in light blue and I am to his left in front of the lad in the red shirt. Sadly he is the 4th person in that photo to have passed away before their proper time! Indeed back then, Sean was indeed the captain of the class team (always the first name on the team sheet!) and I was often the class goalkeeper, a follower of the great Pat Jennings who is also from the town (now city!) of Newry. Sean was a great support to me as team captain, always encouraging even after the many handling errors, and even though I was never destined to play at the level he was to play at. My best mate that was in the same class commented recently that he recalls breaking Sean’s leg accidentally in a class game in P5, which was ironic as my mate was neither a skilful nor aggressive footballer by his own admission! Years later, Sean and I played the less arduous game of Table Tennis playing on the same local team, and Sean approached the game with the same dedicated vigour, always striving to be the best (he was a better footballer though!)
hether it was the St Georges Park Football Tour in 2016 or the W away day victories in First XI football, there was never a dull moment when Mr Boyle was about, he would always make it a lighthearted encounter. His presence was thoroughly appreciated by me and all my peers, particularly the football boys, and there was a never a moment without banter whenever we bumped into Mr Boyle outside lessons. nearly all of my best memories of Mr Boyle are associated with Football, something that truly unites everybody. Whether it was the St Georges Park Football Tour in 2016 or the away day victories in First XI football, there was never a dull moment when Mr Boyle
and well as general banter. Some won’t realise how much time he put in not only organising the matches for us to play, but also all the afternoons and evenings he gave up to drive us several hours to and from the edges of Norfolk for games.
Memories of Sean
I would like to post a heartfelt message to Mr Boyle and his family. I am really saddened to hear the passing of Mr Boyle, as one of the more recent leavers (2013 - 2018), I have very fond and recent memories of Mr Boyle, particularly in my 6th Form years. Games afternoon on a Tuesday with Mr Boyle was something I looked forward to ever since Year 10, and
Primary class 7, 1975. Sean is in the centre in light blue.
Obituaries I have very fond memories of Mr Boyle hosting 5-a-side sessions after school. They are some of my best memories at Ipswich and he was always a very cheerful and welcoming man in general. I will remember him very fondly as one of my favourite teachers at Ipswich.
Danny O'Riordan (OI 2010 ‒ 17)
I am so sorry to hear of Sean's passing. He was a great friend and colleague of my late father, Steve Tidball. He was such a lovely man. Please pass on my condolences to Sean's family.
Louise Pergande (née Tidball) (OI 1998 ‒ 08)
Always a character with a unique approach to business studies when I was there. Then a fantastic football manager, some of my happiest memories at school with Sean. Remember always with a smile on his face, and Irish quick wit!
Josh Turner (OI 1997 ‒ 09)
Two highlights of my time at Ipswich School wouldn’t have happened without Mr Boyle. Firstly – his teaching. He was one third of the Business Boys, up on the top floor of the old Prep school, with Mr Tidball and Mr Marion. Learning both Business Studies and Economics at A Level, I spent a good chunk of 2009-2011 up there. He had a relaxed
teaching style that brought the best out of a lot of us. Results in the group were good, but plenty of time was spent discussing other things; how half of Mr Boyle’s teeth weren’t really his (he was ‘competitive’ on the sport's field), the size of his calf muscles, his goal playing for a Vets team on the weekend, challenging students to arm wrestles, revelling in his kids’ successes, and disagreeing on who should play up front for the School Football First XI against Wymondham College in the upcoming fixture. My Boyle, alongside the other Business/Economics teachers, fuelled my enthusiasm for sport and business. I wouldn’t have made the university entry requirements without him, and I wouldn’t have gained the confidence to lead (and freedom to initially do it badly at School) without him either. He sacrificed time and effort to give a small group of lads who liked football (but were no good at hockey or rugby) the chance to represent the School and play together. I was his Football Captain in Year 13, and went on to study Business at university. I now work at a marketing agency, and I still play sport each weekend. Really, I just wanted to be him. Sending thoughts and wishes to his family and all at the School.
Year 13 Football vs Rugby match with Mr Boyle
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Lewis Catlow (OI 1998 ‒ 11)
ime spent with Sean was T always memorable whether he was regaling us with hilarious anecdotes or discussing his broader life experiences - his own upbringing in Northern Ireland, time spent in the United States, his work at other schools and being a very proud husband and father. Myself and a large number of our wider school friendship group were so saddened to hear the news. Sean was a wonderful man and a great character at the School. For some, a tactical genius and rampaging player-manager on the football field, for others a dedicated
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Year 13 Football vs Rugby match with Mr Boyle business studies or economics teacher, for myself a warm-hearted and supportive 6th form tutor. Time spent with Sean was always memorable whether he was regaling us with hilarious anecdotes or discussing his broader life experiences - his own upbringing in Northern Ireland, time spent in the United States, his work at other schools and being a very proud husband and father. This was a real education, ensuring we left with a wider worldview as well as exam results, with a lot of laughs along the way. At a time that can be quite pressured for young people, I'm sure his warm and genial approach helped so many get the best out of themselves. Sean's legacy lives on in nicknames of our friends, our own happy memories of our time at Ipswich School and, of course, in the achievements of his students. I would like to express deepest sympathies to his wife and their children at this very sad time. Sean will be sadly missed and never forgotten.
My favourite story is that of the match we are celebrating in the photo in the photo below. We faced a tricky School’s FA cup tie away at Bungay school. Given our long trip and unlikely odds of victory, Sean promised to take us to McDonald’s on the way home if we found a way to win (a tempting reward for a bunch of teenage lads). Following a hard-fought 0-0 draw and sensational penalty shootout win, Sean followed through on his promise, only adding to the delight of a very happy team. Sean will be missed by so many. My thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.
Aled Kite (OI 2010 ‒ 17)
Chris White (OI 1996 ‒ 05)
Stephen Fletcher (OI 1964 ‒ 71) I met Steve Fletcher in first form when he joined the school in 1964. He was already good friends with Andy Barnett who had joined at the same time. I had come up from prep school with my dear friend André Ptaszynski and the four of us soon became close friends, forming a bond that lasted well beyond our schooldays. Steve was an easy person to like – he always had a smile on his face and laughed readily at anything and everything. And almost everything he said finished with a little chuckle that to me was Steve’s trademark. He was a bright boy, having been awarded a Queen’s Scholarship (like Andy and André) and so was often consulted on homework! He didn’t excel at the traditional school team games although he was a useful rugby winger, but his tall, lean physique made him a great athlete and he starred in both track and field. He regularly won multiple events at sports days and in his final year at school was runner up in the Victor Ludorum. He also represented Suffolk and was the county champion in both the 200m and Triple Jump. Steve always preferred soccer to rugby and a group of us including Steve,
At his last sports day
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With his wife Marguerite at their son Nick’s wedding in June 2016 Andy and Daniel Wherrett (who was a gifted soccer player) often used to go over to Christchurch Park after school for a kick around, with one of us in a makeshift goal and the others sending in crosses for a striker to try and score. Steve, Andy and I also used to regularly be in the North Stand at Portman Road watching our beloved Ipswich Town play and singing along with the North Stand cheer squad. A few years later, Steve and I went to Wembley to see Town beat Arsenal 1-0 in the 1978 FA Cup final, and I remember we were grinning from ear to ear afterwards as we walked back to the station – but for me at least this stopped suddenly when an Arsenal supporter walking towards us decked me as he passed, with a solid punch to my jaw! After taking ‘O’ levels a year early in the accelerated class, Steve, Andy and I chose Maths, Physics and Chemistry for ‘A’ levels where we were taught by Headmaster Mermagen, Mr Simmonds and Mr Defoe. Steve was strong in all three, but excelled at Chemistry winning the 6th Form Chemistry Cup. Physics was our weakest subject – perhaps because we spent a fair bit of the lessons talking about music, and in particular Cream who were the group of our time. Steve and I then both headed for engineering at Imperial College – Steve doing electrical and me civil. It was during his time there that he met the lovely Marguerite (‘Mags’). As Mags says “it was pretty much love at first sight and, whilst his rock star good looks may have been the initial attraction, it quickly became apparent
to me that Steve was a ‘keeper’ – bright, funny and kind – someone I could trust with my heart and soul – and he never let me down.” From Imperial, Steve became a Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse, and then joined Unisys - the company he stayed with all his working life - where he went on to become an FCA, Chartered Treasurer, Financial Director and Pension Trustee. His work colleagues described him as ‘the best of the best’, ‘an absolute professional’ and ‘a gentleman in every sense of the word’. Steve and Mags married just after his final accountancy exams and had two sons Nicholas, born in 1984 and Chris born two years later. They lived in Chalfont and Steve quickly became a doting father who always wanted the best for his boys and he was thrilled and proud to see them both succeed in their chosen careers. More recently grandchildren ensued and Steve of course transformed himself into a doting grandfather. As I had emigrated to Australia soon after Steve’s marriage, I unfortunately lost touch with him and we only reconnected on the death of our friend André Ptaszynski in July 2020. During the Covid lockdowns we spoke on Zoom and by email and I had arranged to visit Steve and Mags in the UK this year. Unfortunately, Steve, who had a history of heart issues that slowed him down in later life, went into hospital
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Steve looking the happiest of the steeplechasers in January for a valve replacement operation that was beset with complications and sadly he didn’t survive it. In May, I visited Mags and met their son Nick who reminded me so much of Steve – he had the same physique as his father, the same quickwittedness and the same ease about him that brought memories of Steve flooding back. I regret the missed years of my friendship with Steve and think of him often – he was just a lovely person who took pleasure in the joy and success of others and admired knowledge, intellect, humour, kindness and integrity – qualities which he himself possessed in spades.
right winger. Stephen and I shared a 6th Form study with Andy Barnett, in which, I am afraid to say, there was probably rather more playing of darts than actual studying. I regret that I didn’t keep in touch after we left school, the OI Club being less assiduous in organising reunions in those days.
Martin Kirk (OI 1964 ‒ 71)
I remember Stephen developed into a fast runner in the senior school, and beat me in the long jump, which I thought I would win that year! I think he won the hundred metres at sports day and played on the wing at rugby. My thoughts are with his family.
Chris McLauchlan (OI 1964 ‒ 71)
Written by Nick Abram (OI 1960 ‒ 71) in collaboration with Marguerite Fletcher
Memories of Stephen Fletcher I was sorry to hear of the death of Stephen Fletcher, the second of my exact contemporaries to pass away that I am aware of. I remember him as a talented rugby player, a very fast
On his wedding day in April 1979, flanked by his two brothers-in-law, with at left, André Ptaszynski and at right, Nick Abram and Andy Barnett
John Philip Beck (OI 1950 – 52) Died 10th March 2023
Born in Malmo, Sweden on July 5th 1937 to Danish parents, passed away on March 10th 2023 in Whitby, ON at the age of 85. His final resting place is at St. John’s Anglican Church in Whitby Ontario, as per his final wishes. Beloved father to his 5 children John (Dawn), Ginette, Craig (Susan), David, Kellan (Ian). Loving Granddad to Kane (Brenda), Toni (Emir), Amber
Dad at Ipswich School
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(Cameron), Cameron (Emily), Kayla, and Great Granddad to Ella, Felix, Azra, Nova, and Eli. Predeceased by his sister Mimmi (Henning) of Denmark, survived by his younger brother Christian Beck who also attended Ipswich School (Suzi) of Vancouver, B.C., his nieces Lillian, Annette and Maj Britt of Denmark/ Holland, Melissa and Amanda of the U.S., and Alexandria of the U.K. Dad spent his years as a child in Denmark and Sweden. This is where his love of music began, he sang as a choir boy and sang opera on the Danish radio. It was classical music that soothed Dad throughout his life through celebrations and challenging times. The family then moved to England where he attended Ipswich School. He was involved in rugby,
soccer, boxing and tennis, the latter of which he played extensively as an adult. While attending Ipswich school, summers were spent at the family farm - Beckdale Farm in Suffolk. Learning to drive, spending time with their horses, and sharing a box of sweets while
Christmas at Moorelands 1968
Dad spent his years as a child in Denmark and Sweden. This is where his love of music began, he sang as a choir boy and sang opera on the Danish radio. It was classical music that soothed Dad throughout his life through celebrations and challenging times.
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
laughing and chatting with his brother and sister were some of his favourite childhood memories. Dad loved his time at Ipswich school, and spoke of it often, particularly in his last days. He wanted to visit again in 2022, unfortunately his health would not allow it.
While attending Ipswich school, summers were spent at the family farm - Beckdale Farm in Suffolk. Learning to drive, spending time with their horses, and sharing a box of sweets while laughing and chatting with his brother and sister were some of his favourite childhood memories. Dad loved his time at Ipswich school, and spoke of it often, particularly in his last days. He wanted to visit again in 2022, unfortunately his health would not allow it. Studying metallurgical engineering at Sheffield University took him to a manufacturing plant to practice his skills in Australia. While in Australia, he decided to make a change, and he signed up for the Australian navy. This commitment allowed him to explore
Dad and Uncle Chris in the 1950s exotic lands while serving in the Navy. John then met and married Pauline Sally Beck (Bramble) who was from Ipswich, they moved to Toronto Canada and raised 5 children together. Though they parted ways after 27 years, he spoke fondly of her until his dying day. He had a successful career in corporate management for 30 years at General Motors of Canada. John then semi-retired from GM in his 50s to exercise his entrepreneurial spirit investing in real estate, and in opening and running a pub for 10 years. Loving, loyal, with a funny quip at the ready, a huge smile, and twinkly blue eyes he loved nothing more than spending time with family, laughing, and telling stories. John shared many family celebrations in Canada, the British Isles, and Europe. He is greatly missed by all. A Loving Father and Grandfather, “His true wealth, was in his Generous Heart.” Forever in our hearts.
John & Mickey Beck 1968
Ginette Beck Daughter
Anthony (Tony) Joseph Hubbard (OI 1946 – 53) Died 4th March 2023
Tony was born in Ipswich and joined the Senior School in 1946. He thrived academically and took a full part in the cultural activities available at that time - the Geographical Society, Debating Society and singing. He was also in the scout troop. He was very keen on drama. He played Miss Prism in the Importance of being Ernest and Alonso in the Tempest. Like many of his fellow pupils Tony much enjoyed the production of HMS Pinafore and many years later was still being discussed by the many who participated. When Trevor Woods was President of the O I Club in 2014 his lifelong friend Karl Daniels persuaded Tony and others to perform a rendition of HMS Pinafore much to the amusement and applause of the other OIs present. Tony chose the law as his profession and started work as article clerk to Cecil Lightfoot at Suffolk County Council. He was then snapped up by a successful London firm of solicitors, initially called Bartlett and Gluckstein, later Bartlett de Reya. Tony’s office in London was in the same stretch of Piccadilly as Simpsons, Fortnums and Hatchards – all his favourite places. He was very modest about his achievements, but as a solicitor who specialised in Entertainment Law, he was lawyer to the stars – including Julie Andrews (although he always disliked ‘The Sound of Music’), Lionel Blair, Max
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Wall, who kept Tony busy through his infamous divorces and bankruptcy and he even coped with Jimmy Tarbuck. Suffolk was however always a place close to his heart and, in the 1980s, when his London firm of solicitors amalgamated to produce a large conglomerate, Tony moved the family to Suffolk where he headed up the Woodbridge branch of Prettys, which he later took over to become Hubbard and Co. The move to Woodbridge was the start of an incredibly important chapter of Tony’s life. He was very happy working and living in Woodbridge, a town he loved. He became involved in many charities where his professional talent, clear mind and good leadership skills made a real difference to many. These charities included Woodbridge in Bloom, Cedar House Trust, the East Suffolk branch of the NSPCC and the Suffolk Punch Trust. Tony was a major instigator in the Tide Mill renovation project, ensuring that this iconic building retained its place on our landscape. He was Chairman and Trustee of Carthew Court and Chairman, then President of the Woodbridge Society – these last 2 roles he fulfilled right up until his death. St Mary’s Church Woodbridge was always an anchor of Tony’s life – he was Churchwarden for many years and latterly an Elder. Tony was a town councillor for numerous years and Mayor of Woodbridge in 1993-4. His outstanding contribution to the town led to the distinction of becoming an Honorary Freeman of Woodbridge in 2016. In 2016, Tony received the magnificent honour of the award of MBE. He described himself as ‘being flabbergasted’, but many who knew him and what he had done for the town, were not so surprised. First and foremost, Tony was a family man. He is survived by Susan, his wife of 55 years, daughters Sally and Virginia (OI from 1988-1990) and four proud grandsons. In Tony’s final months, although he was less well, he remained determined to live life to the full and always approached life with a positive attitude. In the last few weeks, he was buying and selling a house, he had arranged
to purchase a new car (we only just managed to dissuade him from choosing an Audi TT) and he installed a stairlift to the cellar, for the sole purpose of choosing his bottles of wine! Tony is greatly missed by his family and friends but will be fondly remembered as a true gentleman who was well-respected, loved and admired; a man who was compassionate and caring; a dignified man of integrity, with a self-effacing manner and a lovely sense of humour.
Virginia Hubbard (OI 1988 ‒ 90) and Karl Daniels (1944 ‒ 53)
Andrew (Andy) Ian Barnett (OI 1964 – 71) Died December 2021 Andy Barnett joined the school in first form in 1964 as a Queens Scholar at the same time as his good friend Steve Fletcher. He was a very likeable boy – he always saw the best in people and never had a bad word to say about anybody. He enjoyed humour and was very quick witted, good at cracking jokes and he laughed a lot. He became good friends with myself and André Ptaszynski and the four of us became a tight-knit group. He wasn’t particularly cut out for sport but participated nevertheless. Where he did shine was academically. As Steve Fletcher once said to me, Andy was “the brightest of us all”. After leaving Ipswich School he went to university and then became a chartered accountant and in time started his own accountancy practice in Cornwall. I then unfortunately lost touch with Andy, but I count myself fortunate to have known him during the earlier years of his life and I often think about him and miss his friendship.
Nick Abram (OI 1960 ‒ 71)
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
David Young (OI 1951 – 58) Born 15 April 1940. Died 21 December 2021.
The 1958 Rifle Team; David is the Captain, centre front row with the Cup. David was born in 1940 and was brought up in Windsor Great Park, at his maternal grandparents farm for his early years while his father as away in the Royal Navy. After the war, the family moved with his father’s job to Stamford, Southsea, Bealings, Woodbridge and Ipswich. David went to many primary schools but spent his secondary education at Ipswich School where he was a pupil from 1951 until 1958. After A Levels, he started working at Fison's Levington Research Station as a Trainee Chemist. In 1961 he left to join HM Customs and Excise where he stayed until 2002. He was posted to Ipswich, Felixstowe, Burton on Trent and Reading. Upon retirement he returned to Suffolk and lived in Saxmundham until his death in December 2021.
His interest in insects started in 1948 and continued at a pace throughout his life. He was a well respected lepidopterist and gave his time to the Derbyshire Entomological Society, The Reading Natural History Society and the British Entomological and Natural History Society where he served as a member of the Council for several decades. He loved his annual entomological holidays to France, Scotland and Wales with other enthusiasts. He became a volunteer at Landguard Fort which appealed to his love of military history. He joined the Saxmundham Horticultural Society where he won a cup for the biggest potato in 2013. Throughout his career he had kept in touch with school friends who had also joined HM C&E; he joined the Old Ipswichians,
became a life member and attended many events. He was a kind and generous man. He leaves a wife and two sons. It was a privilege to have known him and to have been part of his family.
Pauline Young
David Francis Beresford (OI 1948 ‒ 57) Born 4th May 1938. Died 14th September 2022. avid passed away D peacefully after a long illness on the 14th September 2022. His funeral took place at Telford crematorium and the congregation numbered over ninety. Afterwards, there was a great send-off for David at Shifnal Golf Club, which he thoroughly deserved. His was a life of service and help for other people which dominated his life. of Seniors at the Shifnal Golf Club. He joined the Shifnal Society became Governor of ldsall School Shifnal. He was involved regarding crime prevention in Shifnal. David passed away peacefully after a long illness on the 14th September 2022. His funeral took place at Telford crematorium and the congregation numbered over ninety. Afterwards, there was a great sendoff for David at Shifnal Golf Club, which he thoroughly deserved. His was a life of service and help for other people which dominated his life. David joined Ipswich Prep School in 1948 and was in the Upper School until 1957. He was in Sherrington House and was a Senior Scout; Sgt CCF, Head of Sherrington; Deputy Head Prefect and played 1st XV Rugby. At the Ipswich School 6th form dance where the school invited girls from The High School, there was a ladies invitation. Barbara Taylor asked David for a dance - this was the beginning of a very long happy loving life together. He went to Queen Mary College London to read Maths and Physics graduated with a BSc. While there, he played for the College Hockey XI. Barbara also attended Queen Mary College to read Geography where she obtained 1st Class Honours the first for 12 years at the college.
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After graduating he taught Physics and Maths at City of London School, after 4 years he moved to Wellington. He was appointed Head of Physics at Wrekin College Wellington Shropshire.
avid and Barbara married D in 1961 and their children are Sue E Daubeney née Beresford, born 4th March 1964 and Guy F Beresford, born 17th October 1965 to 11th January 2011. They went on to have five grandchildren and one great grandson. He was promoted to Tudor House for 15 years. He was promoted to Deputy Head Master. He was 2nd XV coach and Lieutenant for the CCF. David and Barbara married in 1961 and their children are Sue E Daubeney née Beresford, born 4th March 1964 and Guy F Beresford, born 17th October 1965 to 11th January 2011. They went on to have five grandchildren and one great grandson. When he retired in 1994, they moved to Shifnal, Shropshire where his interests included golf, bridge and painting water colour. He was treasurer
Derek Beresford (OI 1951 ‒ 59) Bayview, NSW, Australia
John Francis Clements (OI 1950 ‒ 59) John Clements was at Ipswich School from 1950 to 1959. He died with his family around him on April 1st, 2023 aged 79 years at St Elizabeth Hospice after a short illness. John was President of the Old Ipswichians in 2000 and was a Partner at Ensors Chartered Accountants. John was a much loved husband to Jenny, beloved father of Chris, Ali and Sarah. Loving Father-in-law to Jane, Jan and Martin. Devoted Papa to Dan, Will, Mac, Jack and Frank. John will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
Chris Clements (OI 1984 ‒ 92)
Neill Willemsen (OI 2010 ‒ 13) We are sorry to announce the sudden passing of Neill Willemsen (OI 2020-13). Neill tragically died in an accident in Australia on April 24th, 2023. He will be sadly missed by his friends and family.
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Barry (Barrie) Askew (OI Staff 1974 ‒ 92) Died 4th February 2023 Barry (Barrie) Askew was the DT Technician at Ipswich School for many years. He died on the 4th February 2023. He was assistant to the late Ted Herrington, Head of Design Technology and together they built the old cricket scoreboard.
Steve Marshall (OI 1978 ‒ 85)
It is with regret that I inform you of the death of my brother. Tony was a member of Westwood and School House. After leaving Ipswich he earned a BSc from Nottingham University. He then attended Yale University in the US, earning a Masters in Architecture. After university he was Chief City Planner of Liverpool. He later decided to change careers and became a school teacher. He taught in England, China and Oman. Tony published several books and was an accomplished artist. He is survived by his wife Lynne, and son Jack and two grandchildren. Also brothers Michael Farmer (OI 1955-62) and Richard Farmer (OI 1963-1971)
I was saddened to hear that Ted Herrington had died and also Barry Askew. Both of them were influential in my school career and taught me many skills that have stood me well in life.
Michael was a member of Westwood and School House and has resided in the United States since 1964.
Memories of Barrie
David H Smith (OI 1954 ‒ 63) David was at the school from 1954 - 63 and was a keen rugby player and cricketer. He was a day boy and lived in Brantham; his father was Canon A Leslie Smith.
Alexander Temple McCune (OI 2006 ‒ 11) We have only recently been informed of the extremely sad passing of Alexander on the 13th August 2021 in Katharine House Hospice, Oxfordshire, aged 26. Alex studied psychology as an undergraduate at the University of York, and then as a Master’s student at Linacre College, Oxford. Photo by Ashley Tsai taken in Oct 2016 during Matriculation at Linacre College.
Anthony (Tony) Farmer (OI 1957 ‒ 63) Died 27th June 2023
I have fond memories of Mr Askew as he was always very approachable and a helpful hand when things weren’t going right with your wood working which was more often the case. The masterpiece that was the scoreboard mechanism was amazing with all these chains moving overhead. I found it fascinating over the hours spent in the box and probably my inspiration to go on to be an engineer.
James Broadway (OI 1968 ‒ 75)
Michael Farmer (OI 1955 ‒ 62)
Russell McGregor Barnard (OI 1941 ‒ 47) We regret to inform you that we have been advised of the death of Russell Barnard who was at Ipswich School from 1941 to 1947 and died on the 7th November 2022.
From the Archives
Archive Development 2021 - 23 I’m Caleb Howgego, Ipswich School’s Archivist. I began working in the museum and archive at Ipswich School in November 2020, when I was initially engaged by the school to inventory the collection. Since then, my role has expanded to include various other aspects of managing the archive, including responding to enquiries from OIs and researchers, managing archive volunteers and thanks to a generous donation from the OI Club, helping with the development of the school’s archives website. In this article though, I’d like to introduce you specifically to the work that has been going on to make the collections at Ipswich School more accessible. The archive appears to have been collecting things since the 1970s by dedicated volunteers. This time frame means there is a huge amount of material to make sense of and unfortunately – as is the case with many small (and sometimes even large) museums – the historic documentation of these objects was not as thorough as we need for the requirements of accessing the material, especially remotely. The job of museum documentation is, in simple terms, to work out ‘what have we got?’ and ‘where is it?’ Once this has been established, it opens up many more productive uses for the collection and quite frankly makes work easier! Imagine you’re asked to find a photograph of someone’s relative who attended Ipswich School in the 1920s and all you have to go on is their name. If you don’t have the collections correctly inventoried, it could take days or weeks to figure out if such a photograph was amongst the many thousands of objects scattered across the archive rooms and the rest of the school buildings. If the collections are well inventoried, a response can be given after simply typing the pupils’ name in a search
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box. That’s the difference systematic documentation can make. When starting this work, I appeared to be facing recording and organising thousands of densely stacked, unprovenanced objects, which did at times feel a little overwhelming! As I was only working at the school on Fridays at this point, it did seem like it would be many years until we’d be anywhere close to having a comprehensive inventory. However, when dealing with a project of this size and complexity, one of
the best bits of advice is to break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks. I began by making digital floor plans of the different rooms in the archive; assigning names and numbers to shelves, show cases, tables and cabinets. I then made physical labels that were attached to these locations, so that when I began inventorying I had clear locations to refer to physically in each room as well as on a spreadsheet.
The archives were not very accessible in their former storage
From the Archives
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Photographs inventoried and placed in polyester pockets inside acid-free boxes
he initial basic inventory focuses on key information about objects T such as: number of objects, object name, brief description and current location. One huge bonus to undertaking an inventory of the collection is that it is helping to build up a fairly comprehensive and accessible understanding of what is in the collections than I think has previously been the case. It’s also a great way of working out what could work well in future displays.
One of the Archive Volunteers, John Skeates, inventorying some books in the collection
From the Archives I’ve been assisted in my work in the archives by a team of volunteers including three OIs: Mark Standen, John Skeates and Simon Nicholson. They’ve helped with inventorying photographs and books as well as improving the packing of archive material in a way that will ensure better conservation. After many Fridays up in the archives, the inventory began paying off. The more of the collection we work through and the better the inventory gets, and the quicker we’ve been able to answer some enquiries. So far, I would estimate we’re around two thirds of the way through the initial inventory of the collection. There is plenty else to do after this is complete; for one thing, we need to give each object a number. Usually, museum and archive collections have individual numbers assigned to each object as unique identifiers. Unfortunately, there does not seem to have been a history of assigning object numbers to the collection at Ipswich School, and given there are around 15,000 objects (at an estimate) in the archive, this is going to take some careful consideration and a lot of time!
The museum and archive faced a challenge with storage of the material it holds. Put simply, there was not enough space available to store the number of items in its collection, which led to stacking of dense amounts of archive material and objects into crammed spaces. This creates two fundamental problems: Firstly, location management is difficult, which reduces the accessibility of the collections and secondly, the preservation of parts of the collections are threatened by unsuitable storage conditions. So, while we’ve been inventorying the objects, the volunteers and I have also been improving the condition in which the objects are stored. We’ve been using materials such as Plastazote foam, sheets of Correx, acid-free tissue paper and acid-free cardboard boxes to re-pack many objects as well as spacing objects out more so that they are not so tightly packed and stacked on top of each other. This also makes it easier to locate objects when they are needed. There is still a lot of work to do, but the archive is moving in a positive direction and I hope to update you with further improvements as we make progress.
Why do we need this? Well, imagine you have 10 clay pipes in your museum collection that look very similar. How would you know which was which? How about if you had 50 bones from a mammoth and you didn’t want to have to measure them all individually each time you were looking for a particular one? You get the picture.
Examples of objects in the collection in new boxes made for them using acid-free materials
A new store, which has helped to improve the accessibility and preservation of the collections
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
From the Archives
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
New artwork racking kindly installed by the Maintenance Team The archive collects items that help to tell the story of Ipswich School and the people who have studied and worked here. We’re particularly keen to develop our collection that represents women who have studied at the school since it became coeducational. If you have any items that you think would be a good addition to the collection please get in touch by emailing
From the Archives
The Wolsey 550 Project A bold and imaginative new project has been launched this year to celebrate the 550th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Wolsey. It is hoped that ultimately, with Heritage Lottery Fund backing, it will be possible to help restore parts of the historic (but somewhat neglected) part of Ipswich beside the St. Peter’s Dock and Wolsey’s College Gateway and its Chapel, St. Peter’s Church. Caleb Howgego represents the School on the Project Board while Stuart Grimwade OI, represents the Ipswich Maritime Trust.
Thomas Wolsey (c1473-1530) rose from humble beginnings in Ipswich to become the most powerful statesman in England, alongside King Henry VIII. His career was unprecedented. With the financial support of a local wealthy Hansa merchant family Wolsey is thought to have studied at the local grammar school in Ipswich. Through many reincarnations, and with the backing of Thomas Cromwell following death of his mentor Wolsey, that same school survived to become the present day Ipswich School. While we think Wolsey attended the school then housed in the premises later to be
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known as Felaw’s House in present day Foundation Street, we know he played a decisive role in shaping it. At the height of his power, Wolsey established Cardinal College, Oxford (now Christ Church). To this institution he added a main feeder college in Ipswich, his hometown. The basis of this college appears to have been developed from the grammar school, which he had probably attended himself. The college in Ipswich was to be built upon the site of the Priory of SS Peter and Paul and to this end the priory was duly dissolved, providing both space and funds toward the building of Wolsey’s proposed school.
Building of the college began, including the now cherished ‘Wolsey’s Gate’. In the meantime, before the building work was finished, pupils had started their study at the institution. A letter from the master of the school attached to the college survives, expressing the thanks of the school and the people of Ipswich, including examples of some of the handwriting of the boys in attendance. The master also felt it necessary to remind Wolsey of the difficulties of teaching in the centre of a huge, and no doubt noisy building site! Records reveal the extent of the large quantities of brick and some thousands of tons of Caen stone ordered from France, which were
From the Archives no doubt unloaded from hundreds of ships onto St. Peter’s Wharf to be stored on site until needed, thus causing such inconvenience to the master’s classes. It is thought that the College buildings were over halfway to completion when Wolsey famously fell from power when he failed to get an annulment of Henry’s first marriage to Catherine of Aragon. This included the Dean’s Tower from which to-day’s Turret Lane gets its name. As a result he was stripped of his offices of state and many of the fine buildings he had been working on. The downfall of Wolsey spelled the end for his grand plans for the name of his Cardinal College in Oxford, and the completion of his main feeder college in Ipswich, which would have ex-tended over a huge swathe of the town centre extending from today’s Buttermarket Centre in the north to the waterfront in the south. The work on the college in Ipswich stopped and the building materials were transferred to London to be used in the Palace of Whitehall. Today all that remains is Wolsey’s Gate, the last small fragment of Wolsey’s aspirations for his home town. It appears we have Wolsey’s faithful servant Thomas Cromwell to thank for the school itself not being abolished when the college plans were halted. Cromwell petitioned the King after Wolsey’s fall, which led to the institution continuing in its previous form as a school again, minus its impressive architectural plans.
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
One final postscript to this look back in time is to consider a more recent story of what ‘might have been’, this time from the 1960s, namely the sad and untimely de-mise of what had probably been Wolsey’s boyhood school building. In 1962, Stuart Grimwade was working in his ‘gap year’ before university with the job of photo-graphing the town’s many buildings and streets of ‘sub-standard’ housing, including Felaw’s House in Foundation Street. Of the many hundreds of colour slides he took in 1962, this one reproduced here is particularly poignant, showing the street just before the demolition machines moved in. Stuart recently forwarded it to Professor Sir Diamaid MacCulloch, a colleague of Dr. John Blatchly, and now patron of the Wolsey 550 Project. In his reply Diamaid comments that the picture is ‘a sad reminder of all that we lost unnecessarily. I might have wandered into this photo myself, aged eleven. It's very atmospheric’. Today, Ipswich School is taking an active role in supporting the Wolsey 550 Project in Ipswich launched in March 2023 to recognise and celebrate the 550th anniversary of the birth of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey. The pupils in the Wolsey Consort from Ipswich School who performed at the project’s opening ceremony received the biggest round of applause of the event! An exciting public programme is planned in Ipswich, with a huge range
of activities for everyone scheduled over 550 days until the programme’s finale in September 2024. The project is focused on celebrating the legacy of Wolsey, social mobility, pride in place and education and careers. One of the main events in this calendar is an exhibition at Suffolk Archives called ‘Wolsey’s Ipswich’, which is open from 14th July to 29th October 2023 and explores the life and legacy of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey. Featuring treasures from the archive’s own collection in addition to some spectacular loaned exhibits including Thomas Wolsey’s original Cardinal hat on loan from Christ Church College, Oxford. The school will also be participating, amongst other things by setting up a Wolsey 550 History Essay Prize, which will be open to students at high schools in Suffolk and north Essex. This year’s Festival of Music on 5th October had a Wolsey flavour to it with an evening of Tudor music and narration, which brought Wolsey's story to life, along with concerts of Tudor music for primary school children. You can take a walk round the Wolsey College streets of medieval Ipswich with Cardinal Wolsey by watching the video on the Wolsey 550 project website,
Caleb Howgego School Archivist Stuart Grimwade (OI 1950 – 62)
From the Archives
Theatre to celebrate Ipswich’s famous son OI Virginia Betts has been busy again in 2023. Not only is she working on her next two books, but she has become a regular part of Black and White Theatre Productions, led by writer, actor and director, Suzanne Hawkes.
Suzanne is well known as a local playwright who specialises in stories with an historical connection, and whether the company is performing at their base, The Two Sisters Arts Centre in Trimley, or as far away as The Edinburgh Fringe, their productions are always popular. In October 2023, the company brings Suzanne’s original play, Thomas Wolsey: The Rise and Fall, to perform at Ipswich School as part of their winter tour. The play, which charts the life of the Cardinal from his youth to his downfall, has already had two successful outings across Suffolk. It was originally written and performed ten years ago and this year it seemed appropriate to return to the stage in the 550th year of Wolsey’s birth becoming part of the events to mark this historic occasion. Virginia was approached by Suzanne at the beginning of the year to play the parts of Mary Boleyn, sister
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of the ill-fated Anne, and Elizabeth Barton, a prophet of celebrity-like status at the time, who wrongly predicted the death of Henry VIII due to his ‘immoral’ behaviour. Of course, we all know what happened to people who took on Henry VIII! The roles differ greatly. The character of Barton is a force of nature – Virginia plays her as kinetic, unhinged, and a little terrifying. The real-life Barton was eventually condemned as a witch. Mary Boleyn, on the other hand, employs her seductive French accent to flirt with an increasingly uncomfortable Thomas Cromwell, played by Steve Roche. The title role of Wolsey is sympathetically portrayed by the familiar Phil Cory, who brings subtle poignancy to the role. Suzanne has often chosen to perform the play in church settings, especially those connected with the story. It has been performed, for instance, at Erwarton Church in Suffolk, rumoured to house the heart of Anne Boleyn. During the tour in
April, Virginia has so far leapt from the pulpits of St Peter’s on the Waterfront, Aldeburgh, Old Felixstowe and Bucklesham churches to name but a few! There are pitfalls – sometimes the play has to be staged the ‘wrong’ way round due to the pulpit placement, meaning all actions must be mirrored, and furthermore, some pulpits are very high! Ipswich School, of course, plays an important part in Wolsey’s history. Richard Felaw, a merchant and Alderman from Ipswich, bequeathed his house to the school, endowing it with lands so that the children of poor and needy parents could attend. Wolsey was one of the first to benefit from Felaw’s endowment. In 1528, at the height of his power, he created the Cardinal’s College of Mary in Ipswich, and incorporated Ipswich School into its foundation. Although he died before he could see his vision complete, Thomas Cromwell secured the school’s future with an endowment from Henry VIII and the status of a Royal Foundation. Since then, the school can boast of many distinguished Old Ipswichians. Ipswich School also played a role in the creation of the play, as Suzanne was aided in her research by the late Headmaster and historian, Dr John Blatchley. It’s certainly educational as well as entertaining for everyone! Thomas Wolsey: The Rise and Fall – at Ipswich School between October 18th and 25th 2023
Virginia Betts (OI 2001 – 13)
From the Archives
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
The Common Room Players 1987 - 1994 Over my eight years at Ipswich School, I had the good fortune to perform in each of the annual Common Room Plays. In those distant years, drama flourished across the school under the enthusiastic and encouraging direction of the great Alex Burnett.
The choice of play to perform sometimes came from within the Players but, more often than not, Alex would come up with an original and challenging suggestion. An exception to the rule was ‘The Entertainer’ by John Osborne which was suggested by Dick Burnell, Head of Classics, a play that provided him with the opportunity to give his moving swansong as the failing music hall comedian, Archie Rice. The plot of the French farce, ‘On Purge Bébé’, revolved around an inventor trying to sell supposedly unbreakable chamber pots to the French army. The production was only possible because Shirley Ingham, the female lead, was instrumental in obtaining a considerable number
of biscuit-fired chamber pots from a contact in the Potteries, all of which were unceremoniously smashed in rehearsal and performance. John Goodhand was a mainstay of the players, taking a leading role each year. He gave particularly touching performances as Feste in ‘Twelfth Night’ and as an ageing actor reliving his greatest roles, including Lear and Othello, in a two-hander with Robert Karling in one of the six Chekhov playlets which made up ‘The Sneeze’. Edmund Cavendish and David Clare, stalwarts both, were well cast as Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Aguecheek in ‘Twelfth Night’, directed by James Hayward OI, which also featured Lynne Mortimer (now Mayor of Ipswich but then the school librarian) as Viola. That production also featured Head of Mathematics, John Sinclair whose performance as Malvolio was tinged with pathos beneath the outward, cold pomposity. Julia Woodcraft, school registrar, skilfully directed ‘The Lady’s not for Burning’ and also took a number of lead female roles over the years, as did Carol Bostock-Smith of the Classics department. Dr John Blatchly performed a monologue entitled ‘The Evils of Tobacco’, another of the Chekhov playlets, as the henpecked husband of the proprietress of a boarding school for young ladies. He achieved a characterisation of great subtlety made all the funnier for it being a complete contrast to his own headmasterly persona. It was his own idea to wear a particularly unconvincing wig, a comic touch that provided the crowning glory of his acting career.
My own roles included Orsino in ‘Twelfth Night’, Thomas Mendip in ‘The Lady’s not for Burning’ and James Dalton in ‘The Ticket of Leave Man’, a Victorian melodrama notable only for its Byzantine plot. The Common Room players would plan and cast the production in the Lent Term but twice weekly rehearsals only began in the Summer Term. Technical and dress rehearsals took place over the last weekend of term and two performances were given on the Monday and Tuesday of the last week of term. How we managed to rehearse and perform at such a busy time of year I still cannot comprehend. Nevertheless, performing in those eight plays left me with some of my happiest memories of Ipswich School.
– Nicholas Allen (OI 1987 - 94)
1987 Dandy Dick A W Pinero 1988 The Entertainer J Osborne 1989 The Ticket of Leave Man T Taylor 1990 On Purge Bébé G Feydeau 1991 The Sneeze A Chekhov 1992 Arsenic and Old Lace J Kesselring 1993 The Lady’s not for Burning C Fry 1994 Twelfth Night W Shakespeare
School News Obituaries
School remembers HM Queen Elizabeth II On Friday 16 September, the Ipswich School community gathered together for an act of remembrance for Her Majesty The Queen. Pupils from Year 3 to Year 13, along with members of staff, stood on the school field, while Headmaster Mr Weaver paid tribute to HM The Queen. He reminded everyone of Ipswich School’s Royal Charter, saying that the Queen was known as the School’s Visitor, “and this connection is cherished by us.”
H e spoke of her years of service since she acceded to the throne, saying her example reminds us of the motto of her predecessor, Elizabeth I, which is also the Ipswich School motto, “Semper Eadem” meaning “always constant.” Mr Weaver said: “Throughout her life, our lives, that has been true, she has been a constant, until last Thursday. So we gather here to pay tribute to The Queen who gave her life in service.”
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
T he School Chaplain, Rev Crompton-Battersby, led the prayer, and the gathering stood in silence while Head Girl Alice Althen and Head Boy Oliver Kinsman tolled a bell 96 times, one for each year of the Queen’s life. The ceremony was finished by the Chapel Choir singing “Peace I Leave With You” by Amy Beach, directed by Mr Ellis-Peckham.
School Obituaries News
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Ipswich School book commemorates the Coronation Owl Bookbinding, who carefully constructed the design of the book.
T he words “From Ipswich School on the occasion of the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III” have been embedded into the linen spine, via a specially designed metal press. This work of art is stored inside a navy blue and gold box, adorned in velvet and linen, matching the Ipswich School colours.
Pupils and staff at Ipswich School and Ipswich Prep School all contributed their signatures to a commemorative book to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. The book, which was sent to His Majesty in May, had a number of features that complemented the King’s interest in ecology.
As well as pages of eco-friendly paper, the cover was constructed using hand-made paper which was created by Art Teacher and Chaplain, Rev Crompton-Battersby, and included foliage from the school grounds pressed into the design. The book was bound by a local craftsman, Matt Pilling from
Headmaster Nicholas Weaver said: “Ipswich School has a long heritage and association with the monarch, having been granted a Royal Charter which was re-affirmed by Queen Elizabeth I in 1566. We wanted to commemorate the historic occasion of King Charles’ coronation, and were delighted to send this very special book to him.”
School News
School News Obituaries
Festival of Music The 12th Ipswich School Festival of Music opened in October with an all-day visit from the British Army Band Colchester. The band, one of the premier military bands in the UK, started their Ipswich School visit with a concert to 250 children from local primary schools. The children had the opportunity to hear from various musicians and learn more about their instruments. They had a fabulous time and there was plenty of dancing in the seats! In the afternoon, student wind musicians joined the rehearsals ahead of collaborating in the second half of the evening concert, practising music of all different genres, including Take On Me by A-ha, an Elton John Medley, and Shut up and Dance by WALK THE MOON. Band members also gave a presentation to students on careers with the British Army Band, focusing on the process, benefits and incredible experiences that playing with any regiment has to offer.
A sold out audience singing and clapping to ‘Oh Happy Day’ was another of the highlights of this year’s Festival. The Saturday night concert by the London Community Gospel Choir finished with that traditional Gospel music number, which brought Great School alive.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Following the concert by the London Community Gospel Choir, Headmaster Mr Weaver said: “It was amazing to see everyone in Great School on their feet and singing with the London Community Gospel Choir, something I have never seen before.” Earlier in the day the choir ran a workshop for local singers and choir members, who were then invited to perform in the evening concert, as was Ipswich School’s Chapel Choir. A particular highlight of Monday’s concert was the Mendelssohn Octet featuring the Alkyona Quartet and the Middle School Quartet who reached the finals of the national Chamber Music competition earlier in the year, while Zara and Misha performed with the professional jazz band during Friday evening’s Jazz Night.
Mrs Steensma, Director of Music said: “It was another busy festival, and it was great to welcome so many professional musicians to Ipswich School. They were full of praise for the students they performed alongside, which was obviously good to hear.”
Photos by Warren Page
School Obituaries News
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
School News
School News Obituaries
Double Excellent Both the Senior School and Prep School were judged as ‘Excellent’ by the Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) this academic year - the highest possible grading. Added to the ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted report for The Lodge Day Nursery, this means that the school is judged to be providing the top level of education and care for children from three months to 18 years. The Senior School and Prep School, including the children aged three four in the Lodge Day Nursery, were inspected by a team of ISI inspectors at the end of September. The inspectors found that on the quality measures they judge ‒ the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements, and the quality of pupils’ personal development ‒ both schools scored double ‘Excellent’ ratings. In a letter to parents, Headmaster Mr Weaver thanked parents and pupils for their contributions to the inspection and said: “We are all thrilled that ISI has recognised the outstanding achievements of our students, their confidence and resilience, and the breadth of opportunity we strive to provide.” He added: “The inspectors looked at the outcomes for pupils, and what elements of the school help them to achieve so highly. They praised the engaging teaching across all subjects and noted that Ipswich School adds value to all. The co-curricular breadth was commended both for the opportunity offered and for its ability to build self-confidence and life skills.
The inspectors also commented that effective pastoral support enables students to develop resilience and selfawareness.” As well as inspecting the quality of education, the inspectors also carried out a compliance inspection, to ensure that the school was meeting the required standards for things such as health and safety and the safeguarding of children. All the national standards were met. Each school had an area of development to work on. For the Senior School this was to build on the work already undertaken, to introduce more opportunities to enable all pupils to fully appreciate the importance of cultural, religious and gender diversity in the school and in wider society. The final word of the report goes to the pupils. It says: “These high standards are a reflection of the pupils’ exceptional attitudes to learning and of teaching characterised by strong subject knowledge and the use of excellent learning resources... Pupils’ positive attitudes to learning can be seen in classrooms and beyond. They collaborate to their mutual benefit and support one another in furthering their understanding.”
Top twenty for school sport Ipswich School was named as one of the top twenty schools nationally for its sports programme by School Sport Magazine. The school is at number 18 in the 2022 list, a rise of over 100 places from the previous year. The list includes both state and independent schools, and Ipswich School is the only school from Suffolk in the top 20.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Commended Co-Educational School of the Year The school was Commended (second place) as Co-Educational School of the Year in the Independent School of the Year Awards 2022. Altogether, Ipswich School was shortlisted in six categories in the awards, which recognise the best in independent education, and it was the only school in the region to achieve an award. This comes after the school was awarded Best Sixth Form by Muddy Stilettos and achieved an AMCIS Impact Award in 2022 as well.
School Obituaries News
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Aneil brings Oscar to school A former Ipswich School student brought his Oscar statuette to school in May as he spoke to pupils about his award-winning film career. Aneil Karia, who was a pupil at the school from 1994 to 2001, won an Oscar in 2022 for his film The Long Goodbye in the Short Film (Live Action) category. He spoke to Year 12 drama students about how he had started making films on a handycam at the weekend, reminding them that they didn’t have to have a career plan at an early age, as
he was in his 20s before he realised what he really wanted to do. Aneil explained the creative process behind directing and filming, as well as showing The Long Goodbye and trailers for his tv programmes: Top Boy on Netflix and the recent BBC show The Gold, which was based on the Brinks Mat robbery. The Year 12 students were very excited to then have the opportunity to hold Aneil’s Oscar for themselves,
and ask questions about his work and how it relates to their drama studies. Afterwards, Aneil visited the Prep School to deliver an assembly to the children in Upper Prep. Students and staff also had the chance to hold the Oscar ‒ which was much heavier than everyone expected!
In addition, they considered the matter of body image and the panel expressed how they had struggled with body image as many women do due to the constant changing unrealistic beauty standards. One panelist reminded the Lower School girls that their bodies should not be trends, they should be something for living and enjoying life in. They also communicated how as they matured, they had found this issue less troubling, and said it was important to recognise that we can all have bad days, but we can support each other through these.
Miss Woodmansey opened the session by talking about the theme of International Women’s Day, #EmbraceEquity. It was great that the Sixth Formers took the panel as it gave the opportunity for more relevant responses to the questions that the girls wanted answered. It also provided role models for them from within our own school community. Thank you to Gracie, Petra, Alice, Rowan, Rachael, Emmanuella, Bo and Cara for giving up their time and speaking so eloquently.
Sixth Form panel answer International Women’s Day questions In March, Ipswich School celebrated International Women’s Day with a panel of eight Sixth Formers talking to Year 7 and 8 girls in the Lower School Common Room. Through a series of questions which had been tabled by the Lower School girls, they discussed the hardships that come with being a woman in terms of the concerning problem of gender inequality. This included addressing the issues of discrimination in the workplace such as the gender pay gap. Questions included ‘Is it right that women get paid less than men in the same job?’ and ‘Are there some jobs which women are less likely to do?’ All of which are prominent concerns in the UK and wider society.
School News
School News - Leaving Staff Obituaries In many ways Richard is the archetypal geographer, totally committed to the fieldwork that defines the subject, whilst also offering so much to the wider school community with sports coaching (rugby mainly, but not exclusively), DofE and of course CCF. In this sense he is the true schoolmaster.
Richard Welbourne Head of Geography and CCF Contingent Commander Richard has been at the helm of Ipswich School Geography for an impressive 37 years. He makes no secret of being a rather reluctant Head of Department at first, being a young internal successor to his close friend and mentor, Gordon Paton. But he quickly cemented himself into the role. Geography has been a rock (!) steady department in all those Welbourne years, working through innumerable GCSE and A Level reviews, personnel changes and, most recently, a relocation to the brand new Galbraith Rooms. In many ways Geography is defined by the word 'change', such is the ever evolving nature of our planet. As a subject, it probably changes more than any other in terms of paradigm shifts, and keeping pace can be a challenge. Richard retires from a department that now teaches about geopolitics, the psychology of place, the impacts of tourism and sport, and so many other issues that did not even exist when he started. He took over from Col Bob Clayton as CCF Contingent Commander, having initially joined the CCF in the late 80s, and has been awarded the Queens Cadet Medal for his long service with three bars for his long service – a very rare occurrence.
The impact that he has made on so many Ipswichians' lives is hard to comprehend, and perhaps his more recent role as President of the Common Room and OI link person shows best how much love he has for the institution. Over the decades that he has invested so much in the School, Richard has quite literally impacted the lives of 1000s of people now in their 20s 30s 40s and 50s, whether they were geographers in his classroom, cadets, rugby players, pastoral tutees or even scuba diving trainees. It doesn't take much digging with the OI community to get a sense of the role Richard has played in their lives, and the longest ever standing ovation at this year's CCF Dinner was the best testimony to this. Parents’ Evenings for Richard can be a long slog, not because his A Level geographers need particularly lengthy feedback but because he is too busy reminiscing with the parents about their lessons with him 30 years ago!
T he impact that he has made on so many Ipswichians' lives is hard to comprehend, and perhaps his more recent role as President of the Common Room and OI link person shows best how much love he has for the institution. Pillar. Institution. Legend. All fitting words to describe Richard Welbourne. Perhaps the true geographers, though, might prefer ROCK STAR!
I n all that he has done he has shown his passion for leadership, discipline and adventurous activity. The contingent he has run has always passed important biennial inspections with flying colours, and we know that many of our best student leaders, including Head Girl and Boy over the years, have sharpened their teeth in the CCF.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Annabelle Ryan Head of Lower Prep Annabelle Ryan joined the Prep from Bramford County Primary as a Reception Class Teacher in September 2004, an impressive 19 years ago. Inspiring the hearts and minds of our younger children with her bubbly caring personality, her passion for early years has touched the lives of literally thousands of children and parents since her appointment. In September 2007, she was promoted to the role of Foundation Stage Leader ‒ and remained as Reception Teacher, but then in 2017 she moved out of the classroom to become Head of Lower Prep where she has led Reception to Year 2 to the excellent position it is now. There are many fond memories which Prep staff have of Annabelle, including teaching them to smile without getting a double chin! She lights up every room she's in, and every child adores her. We love how positive she is and how she can find a sensible solution to any problem we are faced with.
S he lights up every room she's in, and every child adores her. We love how positive she is and how she can find a sensible solution to any problem we are faced with. She is approachable, friendly, looks stunning in her famous princess-like dresses, has a fantastic laugh, and is amazing with the children, who will miss her greatly. Her presence will be missed by everyone in the Lower Prep, and she leaves with our very best wishes for her new career.
School Obituaries News - Leaving Staff
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
to become Head of Felaw. Karen has said that her time as housemistress was one of her most rewarding and enjoyable times at Ipswich School. Not only was she an incredible leader but her genuine concern and care for the pupils knew no bounds – she was an absolute inspiration to the pupils under her care. Let us also not forget that she won the Ganzoni title five times in a row which is quite an enviable achievement!
Karen Hoskins Maths Teacher How on earth is it possible to do justice to someone like Karen Hoskins? Karen completed her maths and history degree at Aberdeen University followed by her PGCE at UCL and then began her first and last teaching position at Ipswich School – that was 38 years ago and she is currently the longest serving member of staff here. For the first three years, Karen taught maths and history as well as being in charge of girls games. Indeed, sport has always been a big part of Karen’s life, having been a British University badminton Champion as well as an accomplished hockey player, taking on responsibility for the girls’ hockey 1st XI was not such a daunting task as one might imagine. Karen also coached the boys’ 2nd XI hockey, girls’ rounders and girls’ cricket. It’s a common belief that girls’ cricket only started very recently at Ipswich School – not true, although it did only last for one term! As well as coaching sport, we must mention that Karen is a 12 times national fives champion and three times mixed doubles national champion. After coaching teams for her first 10 years here. Karen relinquished this role
After coaching teams for her first 10 years here. Karen relinquished this role to become Head of Felaw. Karen has said that her time as housemistress was one of her most rewarding and enjoyable times at Ipswich School. Not only was she an incredible leader but her genuine concern and care for the pupils knew no bounds - she was an absolute inspiration to the pupils under her care. Let us also not forget that she won the Ganzoni title five times in a row which is quite an enviable achievement! After giving way for others to make their mark with Felaw, Karen was able to go back to do more of what she really loved and what she has an incredible talent for – teaching maths (more of this later). Looking for a new challenge, in 2011 the timetabling position became available and Karen has been our timetabler for 12 years, using her talents of a great mathematical brain, patience, perseverance, the ability to handle stress (lots of it), good humour and the ability to say, nicely and diplomatically, to part time staff ‘sorry, no way are you ever going to get every Monday and Friday off!’ After giving way for others to make their mark with Felaw, Karen was able to go back to do more of what she really loved and what she has an incredible talent for – teaching maths (more of this later). Looking for a new challenge, in 2011 the timetabling position became
available and Karen has been our timetabler for 12 years, using her talents of a great mathematical brain, patience, perseverance, the ability to handle stress (lots of it), good humour and the ability to say, nicely and diplomatically, to part time staff ‘sorry, no way are you ever going to get every Monday and Friday off!’
A s well as coaching sport, we must mention that Karen is a 12 times national fives champion and three times mixed doubles national champion. So, back to teaching – Karen encapsulates so completely what brilliant maths teaching looks like. Over her teaching career, Karen has expertly guided pupils through to amazing success whether they be the most reluctant or the most talented mathematicians with her very own, often slightly unorthodox, brand of teaching! Her classroom door is usually ajar and I am going to miss her shouts of ‘reit ye wee beasties’ at the start of each lesson. I cannot emphasise enough how much the pupils and her fellow maths teachers will miss having Karen as a teacher in the department. Karen of course isn’t completely leaving us; she will still be timetabling for at least another year and we so look forward to seeing her in and around school. In the meantime, thank you so much for all the wonderful years you have put into Ipswich School.
S o, back to teaching – Karen encapsulates so completely what brilliant maths teaching looks like. Over her teaching career, Karen has expertly guided pupils through to amazing success whether they be the most reluctant or the most talented mathematicians with her very own, often slightly unorthodox, brand of teaching! Her classroom door is usually ajar and I am going to miss her shouts of ‘reit ye wee beasties’ at the start of each lesson. I cannot emphasise enough how much the pupils and her fellow maths teachers will miss having Karen as a teacher in the department.
School News
School News - Leaving Staff Obituaries
makes time to find out how you're doing, and offering kind words. She's forged some really close friendships with many people here, and her kindness never goes unnoticed.
Nicky Smith Head of Psychology When I first came to Ipswich School for interview, Nicky wasn't in that day. The first person to mention her said "Oh, Nicky's not here today but you'll like her, she's lovely." Not long after, someone else said "Have you met Nicky yet? Don't worry, she's lovely". Again, and again, every time she came up in conversation the word 'lovely' was used. There's not really a better word to describe her. Nicky is the person that always looks out for everyone and anyone. She's a friendly face to all of us and always
Phil Gibson Maths Teacher Phil joined Ipswich School Maths Department 22 years ago, from a role as a programmer at BT, and during these years, has tried on several hats, metaphorically speaking. He was appointed Head of Activities in 2003 and then after a few years switched to taking charge of the Cumbria trip for 10 years. Taking care of the entire Year 8 group, many of whom may never have been away
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Nicky is one of those teachers who just quietly gets on with the job, and does things well because it's the right thing to do. Her subject knowledge is amazing, and she's always sharing with colleagues and students the various books, documentaries and podcasts that she's enjoyed. She cares passionately about the students she teaches, making their personal wellbeing as much of a priority as their learning. Even students she hasn't actually taught think she's lovely! She's been a fantastic form tutor, too; in the words of one of her leaving Year 13s: "I couldn't have asked for a better form tutor over these last two years." Nicky has been at Ipswich School for 17 years and has contributed so much during that time. Aside from the amazing support she's given to our psychology students, she's helped
from parents for such a length of time, is a great responsibility and Phil ensured that it was always a success, so pupils created wonderful, lifelong memories. When the Data Manager position became available, with his IT background, Phil was an obvious choice to take this on – a necessary but perhaps not one of his most exciting roles in the school! In addition to this, Phil has spent 16 years as Assistant Head of the Lower School, once again playing an invaluable role in ensuring the welfare and happiness of our youngest pupils. Phil has undeniably a real talent for nurturing and getting the best out of pupils in this age group, which is why he will leave such big shoes to fill here. To continue with his many ‘hats’, Phil has also been a boarding tutor, a rugby coach and a cricket coach and has been on numerous school trips to Russia, Germany, Spain and France, plus on an impressive 10 ski trips. As a maths teacher, Phil, has a talent for bringing the subject alive especially
out on countless trips, co-curricular activities and whatever else has been asked of her, all with good humour.
N icky has been at Ipswich School for 17 years and has contributed so much during that time. Aside from the amazing support she's given to our psychology students, she's helped out on countless trips, co-curricular activities and whatever else has been asked of her, all with good humour. It's been a pleasure and a privilege to work alongside Nicky and she will be missed by everyone. She leaves us to direct her energies elsewhere – to her community, the garden, her family and who knows what else in the future. And most of all enjoying spending time with the newest addition to the family – could anyone ask for a lovelier grandma! Thank you for just being lovely, Nicky. We wish you all the best for the future.
with relating maths to everyday life and his own experiences – his anecdotes are legendary. Phil gives his time freely and so many colleagues have benefitted from this over the years.
I n addition to this, Phil has spent 16 years as assistant head of the Lower School, once again playing an invaluable role in ensuring the welfare and happiness of our youngest pupils. Phil has undeniably a real talent for nurturing and getting the best out of pupils in this age group, which is why he will leave such big shoes to fill here. Phil is not leaving teaching; he is moving to Kent and taking up a part time post at Kings College School where we are sure that he will be a great success. We wish him luck and thank him for all he has contributed to the Maths Department and Ipswich School over the years.
School Obituaries News - Leaving Staff
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Paul Wranek Bursar This year we said farewell to Paul after 15 and a half years of service at Ipswich School, most recently as the school’s Bursar. Masterminding the school’s finances, as well as overseeing all aspects of the support staff, from caretaking to catering and IT to HR, Paul has been involved in all sorts of school developments. Probably the most obvious signs of change are the many building developments at Ipswich School which Paul has helped to bring to fruition. In 2012, he was responsible for the school signing a 999 year lease on the sports facilities at Rushmere ‒ which now boast three of the best hockey pitches in the region, along with netball courts, football pitches, an indoor sports hall, and a wonderful bar and cafe. The purchase of the Anglesea Heights site in 2019 ‒ including the ionic centrepiece at the top of Berners Street ‒ is the most recent example of the school’s activity in the area around the main school buildings on Henley Road. Paul oversaw the purchase of the site from Bupa, ensuring that the historic buildings become an important long term asset for Ipswich School. Paul’s responsibilities also included producing the annual trustees report, full of financial information, as part of his role as Clerk to the Governors, and assisting with the Festival of Music ‒ unsurprising perhaps, given his talent as an Elvis impersonator, and having been in school bands here when he was a pupil (from 1974 to 1981). This also gave him the perfect reason to sing the Senior Management Team contribution to the online musical advent calendar in 2020, accompanied by Headmaster Nicholas Weaver on guitar. His kindness towards his team of staff was remarked on by one: “He has a good heart and has always been a friend as well as my boss, and been a shoulder to cry on when I have needed one, particularly when we have lost special people, such as Lisa and Lorraine.
delivered lovely flowers to my door on my birthday, at Christmas or when he knows I have just had a tough week.” If we could bottle and sell Paul’s knowledge and understanding of the school, from its finances, people, buildings (he even knows how to run the flag up and down the pole, even if he struggles to fit through the hatch
to do it!), then we could make a fine donation to the bursary fund, but we will have to settle instead to recognising his long contribution to Ipswich School. Thank you, Paul, for everything you have done, and we hope you enjoy many happy memories of your days at Ipswich School.
I f we could bottle and sell Paul’s knowledge and understanding of the school, from its finances, people, buildings (he even knows how to run the flag up and down the pole, even if he struggles to fit through the hatch to do it!), then we could make a fine donation to the bursary fund, but we will have to settle instead to recognising his long contribution to Ipswich School.
"On a personal level I have lost count of the number of times a florist has School News
Club Events
OI Club Events Remembrance Evensong 13th November 2022
Speech Day 6th July 2023 Speech Day was held on Thursday 6th July in the spacious marquee erected on School Field. Prize winners and friends, family and specially invited guests heard speeches from the Headmaster, Nicholas Weaver, the Head of Governors, Henry Staunton (OI 1962-67) and our OI President, Sir Neil Garnham (OI 1970-77). Prize giving was supported by the Head Boy and Head Girl and the recipients were congratulated by Ipswich Mayor, Councillor, Lynne Mortimer as well as the Headmaster. During the leavers' Chapel service the marquee was cleared of 1000 chairs and teachers, guests, leavers and their families enjoyed celebrating at the OI Drinks and Canapes Reception before saying their farewells.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
The Ipswich School CCF, Old Ipswichians, friends and families came together to remember those who served in WWI and WWII especially the 137 OIs who lost their lives. A congregation of over one hundred people attended the Remembrance Evensong on Sunday the 13th November, led by the Reverend Holly Crompton-Battersby on the theme of peace. Ipswich School's, Wolsey Consort sang 'Lux Aeterna', the canticle, 'Nunc dimittis' and 'The Lord Bless You and Keep You' and accompanied the soloists who were Sam F and George N. The Last Post and The Reveille were played by solo trumpeter and Year 12 student, Niamh W. Sally Webber (OI 1993-95) read the bible reading and Bob Clayton (former staff 1975-2012) presented the wreath; war related poems were narrated by CCF members. The retiring collection was in aid of Just One Tree. After the service the congregation and participants enjoyed refreshments including hot chocolate and cupcakes decorated with poppies.
Club Events
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Former Staff Welcomed Back for Reunion Lunch 1st October 2022 Over 50 past and present staff attended the reunion lunch in early October, sponsored by the OI Club. There was a fantastic atmosphere as guests reconnected over pre-lunch drinks. After a delicious two course meal, Headmaster, Nicholas Weaver shared news of Ipswich School's recent successes and pupil achievements. Later on, guests were able to visit their former classrooms and offices. Whisky Tasting and Food Pairing Evening - OIs met in the Pavilion for an enjoyable evening learning more about different whiskies and the production process. A range of cheeses and patés were savoured alongside. A great night was had by all!
Ian Galbraith Opens New Rooms at Ipswich School 11th November 2023 Former Headmaster Ian Galbraith returned to Ipswich School on Friday 11th of November to open the new Geography classrooms named in his honour in an important expansion for Ipswich School. The Galbraith Rooms were officially opened by Mr Galbraith, who many OIs will remember from his time as Headmaster from 1993 to 2010. The new classrooms provide additional space for the Geography Department, as well as two dedicated PE classrooms for Sixth Form students, and new office space for the expanded Sports Department. Headmaster Nicholas Weaver said: “Ipswich School’s popularity with East Anglian families continues to grow and I’m delighted that we have been able to expand to meet the demand for places. The new block provides
much more space for pupils and teachers and it’s wonderful that Mr Galbraith was able to come back to see how Ipswich School continues to go from strength to strength.” We welcomed back some former staff, Old Ipswichians and members of the School community to celebrate the opening of the light and airy classrooms. The rooms were refurbished over the summer after the space was no longer needed for changing facilities. The rooms previously used by Geography are now used by English and Maths to enable more space for these core subjects too.
Club Events
Club Events
Ipswich Dinner 17th December 2022 The 2022 Ipswich OI Dinner took place in Great School which was lit and themed with 'The Wind in the Willows' in mind. The evening started with a drinks reception provided by the School. The two grand pianos were played, giving the perfect ambience for OIs and their guests, prefects and teachers to mingle and network. The delicious dinner was served by the efficient and professional team from JLS Catering. Rod Clayton (OI 1975 - 86) was the guest speaker, invited by OI President Joanna Carrick.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Club Events
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Club Events
Club Events
London Dinner 27th April 2023 OI guests enjoyed a champagne reception in the Queen’s Room at Middle Temple, London followed by a delicious meal in the beautiful surroundings of the Parliament Chamber. Nicholas Allen, Chairman of the OI committee introduced the OI President, Sir Neil Garnham (OI 1970-77) who gave a brief history of Middle Temple. His invited speaker and special guest, Professor Jason Payne-James (OI 1963-74), spoke about how the School encourages confidence among its pupils and in his case this enabled him to change direction and follow his own career path. The Headmaster, Nicholas Weaver gave an update on the School and its students and he thanked the OI community for their ongoing support.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Club Events
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Club Events
Club Events
OI Presidentʼs Event 14th July 2023 The Maggi Hambling ORIGINS Exhibition Forty OIs and guests enjoyed a wonderful evening at Gainsborough's House, Sudbury the location of this year's President's Event. Director of the house and gallery, Mark Bells gave a tour of both the Maggi Hambling and Thomas Gainsborough exhibitions. It was a most interesting evening and delightful to see people who had never previously attended an OI event. The evening ended with drinks and canapés in the Landscape Studio with its picture window giving views over the rooftops of Sudbury and the fields beyond.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Club Events
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Club Events
Club Events
The 2023 CCF Dinner 29th April 2023 This year, with Sqn Ldr Welbourne retiring, the CCF Dinner was opened up to the OI community. We were pleased to welcome back some notable serving officers. Col Matt Ketterer (Education Corps) and Col Nik Fairweather (Intelligence Corps) were guests of honour as well as key members of the OI Committee. They were joined by Ian Galbraith and Lt Col Bob Clayton to represent the previous Heads of the CCF and Contingent Commanders respectively. Along with our guests around 30 OIs returned for what turned out to be a very memorable evening. Posted around Great School were as many photos as we could find of the OIs when they were active in the CCF and also ones showing our current activities. It was a lovely setting that guests could wander around between the excellent courses of the meal provided by JLS catering. The photos were a reminder of past events and sparked many conversations throughout the night. The guest speaker for the evening was Lt Toby Hudson who left us in 2016 having been
The traditional group photo
Lt Toby Hudson, Ranulph Wood and WO1 Mark Rackham awarded the Bantoft Sword, our highest honour, at his last CCF Dinner as a cadet. After leaving school he joined the Army and has risen rapidly to become the Platoon Commander of Number 2 Company in the 1st Battalion of the Welsh Guards. He gave an inspirational speech to our guests and cadets before RGW gave out the awards for this year. The Bantoft Sword was awarded to Daniel Rix-Perez (Army) and Joe Fairbrother (RAF). The Paton Cup was won by Karena Gukhol, The
Juliet Farley, James Burn, Tim Keeble and Freddie Raymond
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Clayton Shield by Max Chowdhury and the Backhouse Trophy went to Elena Fairweather. The current activities of the CCF were reported on and in particular the way that the Contingent battled the conditions on their overnight Field Day which was also our Biennial Inspection. The Inspecting Officer Major Bill Robinson was impressed by the level and variety of training as well as the attitude of our cadets after such a cold, snowy night camping out. At the end of the evening the Headmaster kindly thanked Sqn Ldr Welbourne for his 14 years service as Contingent Commander and WO1 Mark Rackham presented him with his mounted medals in a personalised display case from the Contingent. It was a very memorable night. The traditional group photo followed and lots of lovely conversations followed as the diners drifted off at the end of the evening taking any of the display photos away with them that they wanted. It is really nice to have the OI community involved, it made for a special night.
Club Events
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
First Five Years Out Reunion Drinks On a blustery evening, OIs who left School between 2018 and 2022 met up with past and present teachers at Aurora on the Ipswich Waterfront for the First Five Years Out. It was great to find out what our newest OIs have been doing since leaving the School. They were a happy group and greatly appreciated the chance to catch up with each other and their old teachers over drinks.
50 years and more Summer Lunch Reunion 60 OIs and their guests met over teas and coffee in the Sixth Form Centre (previously the Prep School building) before taking a stroll down Lime Avenue and touring the School. After a delicious two course lunch in the Dining Hall, Headmaster Nicholas Weaver gave a thorough update on the recent achievements of the School and its pupils. Old Ipswichian Committee Chairman, Nicholas Allen and Karl Daniels OI shared their thoughts and thanks. Geoffrey Noyce (OI 1960-65) said, "It was a splendid occasion. There were opportunities to wallow in nostalgia, talk about good (and bad!) memories, and meet up with some old friends and make new ones. I certainly hope to attend some future OI events." Photos by Gavin King
Club Events
Club Events
Class of 2012 Reunion 13th May 2023 Despite a train strike an enthusiastic group of former pupils, teachers and current school staff met for lunch and drinks recently. Everyone enjoyed catching up with each other and touring the School.
Class of 1992 Reunion 17th September 2022
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
More than forty past pupils met in the New Dining Hall at Ipswich School. Many hadn't met each other since 1992 and the atmosphere buzzed. Over drinks and a delicious buffet, memories were shared and memorabilia from the school archives was poured over. In the afternoon the guests heard about current school news from Nikki Brown, the Director of Development. Bob Clayton led a two-minute silence in remembrance of HM Queen Elizabeth II before leading one of two tours of the school. The Class of 1992 were amazed about how the classrooms and Dining Room appeared to have shrunk in size over the years! Many of the group continued their reminiscing at The Greyhound pub well into the evening. Our thanks to Francis Goodhand who helped organise the event.
Club Events
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Class of 1998 Reunion 10th June 2023 A lovely day was had with the OIs from the Class of 1998 and their children. It was a relaxing get together, helped by lovely weather. The children (there were plenty more who didn't appear in the photograph) played happily in the Sports Hall while the adults chatted, looked at old photos and enjoyed food and drinks. Teacher, Richard Welbourne led the School tour before the group decamped to The Greyhound!
Class of 2003 Reunion 1st July 2023 It was lovely to welcome back the Class of 2003 for a reunion. Some senior and prep school teachers were able to join us including John Goodhand, Steve Godfrey, Richard Welbourne, Nicholas Allen and Bob Clayton. The OIs enjoyed a good catch up with each other before having a tour of the School
Club Events
Club Events
OI Sport Events
OIs vs Ipswich School Cross Country 4th March 2023 Josh Thompson, the first runner home
Tom Hancock accepts the shield
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
A chilly but dry Saturday in early March saw runners meet at Tuddenham for the OIs vs Ipswich School cross country race through the Fynn Valley. Nine OIs battled with present pupils and the first runner home was Josh Thompson (OI 2011-16) with pupil Hugh taking a very credible second place. Jonny Sage (OI 2010-17) took third place whilst Tom Hancock (OI 1981-88) came in 4th. Back at School, OIs and their supporters enjoyed a curry prepared for them by the Catering Department. The OI Chairman, Nicholas Allen, welcomed the OIs and the Headmaster presented the winner's cup and the cross country shield to the OIs.
Club Events
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
OI Golf 25th August 2023 Thirty OIs met at Ipswich Golf Club to compete for the Old Ipswichian Golf Trophy on Friday 25th August. Complimentary drinks, courtesy of the OI Club were enjoyed in the Clubhouse while OI host, Shyam Patel (OI 1992-03) explained how the day would be scored with individual Stableford using the World Handicap System at 90%. OI Chair Nick Allen welcomed everyone and the Headmaster joined the players ready for the start of play. After an OI team photograph the golfers were split into small groups ready to tee off. The weather was warm and sunny making it a very pleasant 18 holes. There were a few difficult moments for some players as they found the bottom of one or two bunkers!
At the end of the afternoon the OIs regrouped on the clubhouse terrace and enjoyed a few drinks whilst having the opportunity to chat. Some players had travelled a long distance and it was great to see them on a rare visit to Suffolk. Tea was served and afterwards the winners were announced and prizes presented by former staff member, Ray East.
The winners were: 1st - Marcus Gibson (OI 2003-18) 40 points (on count back) 2nd - Edward England (OI 1995-05) 40 points (on count back) 3rd - Jonathan Rees (OI 2005-12) 39 points Nearest to the Pin 10th hole Dominic Crame (OI 2000-05) Nearest to the Pin 15th hole Jonathan Rees (OI 2005-12) Shyam Patel said, "It was a fantastic day, enjoyed by all and I would like to pass on my thanks to the OI Club, Steve Runnacles (OI 1963-74) Bill Izzard (1968-78) and Ray East." Next year's OI Golf Day will be on Friday 7th June 2024 Main photo: Warren Page
Club Events
Club Events
OI Fives Graves Cup 2023 The annual Ipswich Fives Tournament for the Graves Cup was back in its traditional early January slot for the first time since 2020. With 2021 written off to the pandemic and a smaller than usual 2022 version played in mid-summer the start of 2023 saw the Ipswich Fives world settle back onto its traditional New Year axis. On the Saturday morning at 10:30am, the weather was cold and wet and a number of familiar faces (plus a few optimistic younger ones already wearing gloves and Fives kit) gathered in the School Pavilion as if they'd never been away.
The Graves Cup brings together Old Ipswichians, current pupils, staff and carefully selected guests with the seeding committee meeting on the Friday evening to carefully put together the pairings and produce a draw. A strong field of thirteen pairs took to the start line this time, with Saturday's play consisting of three groups - one per court - with the rough aim of somehow producing eight quarter-finalists by the end of the day. There was some early rust to shake off - Stubbsy only realised right at the last minute that he was supposed to win the plate, successfully losing his first match in Group C alongside Elliot Caldwell 15-14 having been 11-4 and 14-10 ahead. This was the group of five pairs, and although there was another 15-14 result and two 15-13s (most seeming to involve the "Class of 91" pairing of Gareth Hoskins and Alistair Kelly), the group finished with a satisfying neatness - Harry Asquith and Henry Gardner winning the group decider ahead of Peter Forrest and Harvey Garrard, Hoskins and Kelly coming third, Stubbs and Caldwell - as is traditional - positioning themselves for the plate in fourth and 2022 winner Simon Cass eying up the wooden spoon alongside Mandie Barnes. The other two groups both involved four pairs, with matches played over two games to 12. Group A was the tightest -
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Charlotta Cooley and Toryn Whitehead Won the Graves Cup 2023 Isaac Wagland and uber veteran Nigel Cox scored comfortably the highest number of sartorial points and posed some problems for their opponents, but fared less well in terms of actual games won; the other three pairs, however, played out a series of 1-1 draws which left the group as a three way tie. It came down to points to split them, with Isaac Weaver and Nadia Mason edging out Mark Graves and Will Carron for top spot with Cam Lyle and Sam Allen unlucky to end up third. The seeding committee found themselves in Group B and suffered contrasting fortunes; Peter Boughton was unable to trouble the scorers, although his young partner John Hall showed a lot of promise and marked himself out as one to watch. Charlotta Cooley, however, was battling it out for top spot with partner Toryn Whitehead against Steve Burnell and Alex Phillips, with yet another 1-1 draw producing another tie at the top. Steve and Alex came out on top of the group once the numbers had been crunched, while Tim Gregory and Dmitri SeymourHowell had to content themselves with third spot. The organiser was then left with a very Ipswich Tournament problem of getting nine pairs into eight quarterfinal slots and in classic Boughtonian style, the answer was to introduce a tenth pair. One or two of the older and more cynical OIs may have raised half an eyebrow at the possibility of "giant of the game" Seb Cooley not playing on Saturday then miraculously finding himself in the knockout draw on Sunday and winning the tournament (it has been known...); others would perhaps take the approach that teaching all day Saturday and doing
a seven hour round trip just to take part in as much of the tournament as possible shows admirable commitment to the cause. Either way it meant a couple of Sunday morning play-offs to see who would be joining the group winners and runners-up in the quarter-finals. Stubbsy's route to yet more Plate glory was dealt a hefty blow on Sunday morning as Seb and partner Kishan Soni fell at the first hurdle at the hands of Cam Lyle and Sam Allen. They then proceeded to take on and defeat all comers in Plate A.
G regory and Seymour-Howell were the other pair to make it through the early morning repechage and they made the most of the opportunity, producing the upset of the tournament to knock out the fancied and hitherto unbeaten pairing of Asquith and Gardner 15-14 in the quarter-finals. Fellow qualifiers Cam and Sam were brushed aside by Burnell and Phillips, Weaver and Mason produced an imperious display to dispatch Forrest and Garrard and Cooley (C) and Whitehead completed the semifinal line-up, squeezing past Graves and Carron in a tight game that could easily have gone either way. The semis were more straightforward with Gregory and Seymour-Howell's run ended by Weaver and Mason, who continued to combine to great effect. The other semi-final was a repeat of one of the previous day's drawn matches but
Club Events Cooley and Whitehead had gained in confidence from winning their tricky quarter-final, took their game up a couple of notches and came up against a pairing in Burnell and Phillips who couldn't find any answers and rapidly ran out of steam. The best of five final was a great match up, a first ever Graves Cup final between two mixed pairs. This year's final was an exciting prospect, with the Cooley and Whitehead partnership taking on Weaver and Mason, whose game was based around some all-court pyrotechnics from Isaac with Nadia providing a solid set piece and steady back court support. Nadia continued to do her job well throughout the final but if they were to win it, Isaac was going to have to successfully walk the tightrope between taking on enough himself to win the rallies but not taking too much and making too many mistakes. The fact that they got so close was proof of how well they did it for the majority of the final, winning the first and fourth games to take it to a fifth game decider; indeed at two games all and 7-5 up they seemed the more likely winners. Charlotta was playing well, but Toryn's level excellent all weekend - had dipped a little in the fifth after a decent start and Isaac and Nadia were beginning to take advantage and close in on victory. To his credit, Toryn refound his cutting form just at the right time, denying his opponents easy points-scoring opportunities and creating enough chances for his pair to come through and take the deciding game 12-7. Worthy champions indeed.
M ark Graves was on hand to present the trophy in front of the decent-sized crowd who had stayed to watch the final and bring an end to the 2023 Graves Cup, now back in its rightful place and hopefully on track for many years to come. Thanks as always to everyone at Ipswich School and the OI Club for helping to make it happen, but especially to Peter Boughton for overseeing everything with his traditional air of insouciant calm.
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
OI Cricket and Family Fun Day 25th June 2023 On Sunday 25th June a blue sky and a light breeze set the scene for a summery, competitive day of cricket. The OI and Ipswich School teams met for breakfast before the OIs went in to bat. Spectators started to arrive with deckchairs and cool boxes at the ready. It was great to see so many young families and grandparents come along to meet up, enjoy some cricket knowing there would be plenty to occupy the younger ones. Two T20 matches were played. Both were won by the OIs in close
finishes as the School fell just short chasing. There were good knocks from Nico Boje, Will Froggatt and Chris Swallow. James Doig, James Southgate and John Bell were the pick of the bowlers. The cricket was played in an excellent spirit throughout. With a range of activities available in the comparatively cool Sports Hall, parents and children enjoyed games of Jenga, Connect 4 and golf while the bouncy castle was very popular and the sweet cart and face painting went down well! The ice cream van and coffee van saw a steady stream of customers and the School bar helped keep everyone hydrated on what was a very warm day. Our thanks to Neil Parry who organised the OI team and everyone else involved.
Back row left to right: James Grange (OI 1993-00) Luke Froggatt (OI 2013-19) Jon Lear John Bell (OI 1987-98) Warwick Dunnett (OI 1985-92) Nico Boje (OI 2019-22) James Southgate (OI 1994-01)
Front row left to right: George Roberts (OI 2002-08) Mark Burch (OI 2010-12) James Doig (OI 2012-17) Neil Parry (OI 1989-00) Chris Swallow (OI 1998-00) Will Froggatt (OI 2010-21)
Club Events
Club Events
OI v School Hockey 2nd April 2023 After a Saturday of torrential, continual rain it was great to see a blue sky greet the hockey players at Rushmere Sports Centre on Sunday, 2nd April. The OIs vs Ipswich School men's match drew spectators to the pitch to watch a very competitive and gripping match with the final score being a 0-0 draw. We didn't have sufficient women OIs to put a team together so a mix of OIs and present pupils put on an exciting match with a 2-0 win to the red team. Players and spectators enjoyed a buffet lunch, organised by the OI Club. Our thanks to the Sports staff and pitch officials for their time and in particular to Cam Lyle (OI 2009-16) who put together a strong men's team.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
Club Events
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
OI v Ipswich School Rugby 7s Reunion 17th December 2022 OIs and their families joined teachers Richard Welbourne and Bob Clayton on a very chilly and icy morning at Notcutts. Hot drinks and a range of delicious snacks were provided by the OI Club in the pavilion to stave off the cold. There were photographs of past rugby events and teams on display and OIs spent time catching up with each other, reliving previous rugby highlights. Due to the icy conditions no matches were able to take place but everyone had a great time.
Club Events
Development Office News
Development Office Update We have been thrilled to see how well our pupils from the Ukraine have settled into Ipswich School life. It is not easy to join a new school as a young person and it is even harder to leave your home country and settle when life at home is in such turmoil. Our five pupils have been warmly welcomed, and they have thoroughly enjoyed their first year at the school. It is a privilege for our team to work to open access to Ipswich School, build relationships with our Old Ipswichians, parents and staff members and to help to change the lives of young people by providing them with opportunities they wouldn't ordinarily have access to. With your help, we will be able to support more children on 100% fee assistance and change lives through education and opportunity. In this Old Ipswichian Journal we are delighted to announce the next Giving Day in 2024, share with you the progress of one of our pupils who is here through the funds raised from our 2022 Giving Day and let you know how you can support the school. If you are thinking about giving to Ipswich School but would like a bit more information please read on and feel free to contact me to discuss.
Nikki Brown Development Director
Our Funds We have three main funds that can be supported at Ipswich School:
The Bursary Fund
supports children on 100% fee assistance and is designed to open access to an Ipswich School education. This fund provides opportunity to those in our community whose potential far outweighs their income and for whom an education here is beyond their families means. The impact of a bursary can be lifechanging for the recipient and their family, and gives access to a breadth of opportunities.
The Phoenix Fund
is designed to step in when a family has an unexpected change in circumstances whilst at Ipswich School. This could be a loss of income through illness, job loss and redundancy or even the death of a parent. Keeping a child’s education stable during the formative years is crucial for wellbeing and future attainment.
The Capital Fund
A new fund to focus donations to update and maintain the buildings and facilities at Ipswich School as well as direct funds to individual subjects. Over the years, funds have been donated to such areas as the Lodge
Day Nursery, the Music School, sports cameras and the Lingwood Pavilion as well as funds for smaller items such as lighting in the school chapel, a new projector in Little School and the Prep School playground.
Development Office News
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Get ready for our next Giving Day in 2024 We are excited to announce that our next Giving Day will be held in June 2024. The inaugural event in 2022 was a great success, raising £109,000 for the school bursary and hardship funds. The money so generously given enabled us to welcome five Ukrainian pupils to the school in September 2022 and they have settled well into school life.
We have many local children who would love to join us here but whose families do not have the means to send them. With your help we can welcome more children on 100% fee assistance. We really do hope that you will join this collective effort to expand the educational offering to local families.
O ver the 36 hour period we will have special challenges, both in school and online and we urge you to join the excitement and watch throughout the day via social media and email. Last time the whole school joined in running laps of the school field, a sponsored event which raised £1,500! We also had a teacher tug of war and cake and clothes sales. Meanwhile online we were delighted that you helped us to hit all of our targets, with Old Ipswichians from around the globe joining to support us. School House was victorious in the house competition, who will it be this time?
We are looking for early support of the Giving Day by becoming ‘matched supporters’. If you would like to know more please get in touch with Nikki Brown, Development Director on 01473 298961 or
Development Office News
Development Office News
Mariia’s story Thanks to the incredible generosity of the Ipswich School community during the Giving Day in 2022, we were able to welcome five pupils from Ukraine. They have flourished here. Below, Mariia tells her story. My name is Mariia, and last year I became a student at Ipswich School. I’m from Kyiv, Ukraine. On 24 February 2022, Russia started a full-scale military invasion of my homeland. The situation became increasingly unstable, and it was no longer safe to live there. My family decided to leave home, and for me, it meant starting a completely new chapter in my life. I had to make new friends, attend a new school, and strive to live a normal life as I did at home. I felt depressed and terrified.
H owever, when I found out that I had been accepted to Ipswich School, I decided to give it a try and do my best because, as a Ukrainian, I understand the importance of remaining resilient and continuously improving myself. Education has always been valued in my family, and I know that without knowledge and skills, I will not be able to advocate for peace and justice.
economics, and business. In the Ukrainian educational school system, we don’t have any of these subjects, so I was thrilled to learn a new field of information.
E ven though I had never studied in an entirely English environment before, it didn’t feel like it at all. All my teachers have been very supportive of me, and I greatly appreciate it. I have also made new friends, and I am always trying to improve my social and communication skills. Sometimes the studies can be challenging, but I know that I have enough support from my teachers and peers, and I can solve any kind of problem. It is still sad for me to be far away from home, but I know that after graduating from Ipswich School, I will be able to work towards making our world a better place. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to study here. Thank you.
I entered Year 12 in September of 2022 and decided to study politics,
It has been a privilege to support our Ukrainian students this year. I have met and got to know their families, all with individual stories of the devastation they experienced from the Russian invasion on the 24 of February 2022. I'm so pleased that as a school we are able to help. Even though it may not seem like it is enough, it makes a huge difference to the youngsters who are so pleased to be able to continue their education. And even more so for their families who know that their children are safe. Thank you.
Vlasta Shevchenko - Art and Textiles Teacher
Development Office News
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Development Office News
Development Office News
How to Support Ipswich School We are grateful for every donation we receive, each gift helps us to change a life. You can read more in our 2023 Impact Report which accompanies this journal and summarises gifts received by the school from September 2022 - August 2023. Even during these difficult economic conditions we have been so pleased to see your support - thank you. Whether your donation is large or small; immediate, or as part of a legacy gift, it makes a significant difference to the prospects of the children we support. There are a number of ways you can support Ipswich School and its pupils: Online: Give a one-off or regular gift securely online at www.ipswich. school/foundingfutures In person: Please contact the Development Office to arrange a visit. Cheque: Donations by cheque should be payable to ‘Ipswich School’. By bank transfer: Ipswich School, account number: 06485430, sort code: 30-94-55, reference: your name/fund. Special gift: If you would like to leave a special, non-monetary gift to Ipswich School we would love to hear from you. Such gifts may include works of art, auction gifts or assets you wish the School to have and be able to utilise for the benefit of pupils present and future.
BSUF: US Based donors wishing to support the school are invited to donate through the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF) and choose Ipswich School. Legacy Giving: From the very beginnings of the School we have benefitted from gifts left in wills which have left an incredible mark on the life of Ipswich School. In 1482 Richard Felaw left his house in Foundation Street so that boys could be educated there. As recently as 2015, Roy Towns OI left a gift to support our early years provision via the Lodge Day Nursery on Ivry Street. The support we have received from legacies have provided generous bursaries and created many of the facilities that are familiar to us today. We are incredibly grateful for these acts of kindness. For many people, leaving a gift in their will can give a real sense of leaving a mark upon the school and the next generation of Ipswichians.
Gift Aid: If you are a UK taxpayer your donation is boosted by 25p for every £1 you donate, whether that’s a single or regular donation to Ipswich School. If you are a higher rate taxpayer you can also claim the different between the higher rate of tax and the current basic rate of tax.
Please let us know
Do get in touch with the development office to discuss any gift you wish to give. We are very happy to talk through your intentions and how your gift can be applied to the benefit of pupils present and future. For more information about how you can support Ipswich School or to discuss a potential gift or legacy please contact Nikki Brown, Development Director on 01473 298961, or email
Development Office News
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
Friends of Ipswich School -
a fantastic support to the School Community The Friends volunteers work hard to support the parent body of the school and this year is no different. In September they hosted the Year 7 welcome picnic to familiarise new class members with each other before the first day of Senior School. An important event for new pupils. We also saw the hotly contested FOIS Quiz take place at Rushmere Sports Centre in March. Alongside the events held through the year the FOIS also support some of the ‘extras’ the pupils enjoy such as wet weather uniforms for prep children (pictured), house t-shirts, basketball hoops, and another new (and popular) table tennis table. Thank you to all the members of the FOIS and parent body for your support this year!
The Development Team:
Nikki Brown Development Director 01473 298961
Leanne Castle Events and Alumni Relations Manager 01473 408324
Tina Harvey Development Administrator 01473 408276
Caleb Howgego School Historian 01473 408276
Development Office News
Careers Obituaries
Ipswich School Careers Department Could you offer a Work Experience Placement?
Julie Hayes, Ipswich School Careers Officer
Ipswich School's Careers Office Seeks Work Experience Placements from OI Business Community Year 11 students have the opportunity to participate in a week long work experience placement annually in June and the School's Careers Office are reaching out to the OI community to help. Julie Hayes, the Careers Officer for the School is asking for employers to consider helping with work placements and is appealing to OIs for their support. Julie explained; 'We know that the benefits of an in-person work experience placement for our pupils are immense as it can not only help to influence future career choices but also develop important skills which will help them to succeed in the workplace. We want to offer a wide range of placements to students." "We try to make the work experience application mirror a real
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
life job application as closely as possible. All placements are shared with the students and they then have to apply in writing with a copy of their CV. Once we have received the applications we will allocate the most suitable student to each placement and send the work experience 'employer' a copy of the student’s CV with our letter of confirmation." "We understand that employers are often hesitant to offer a placement for fear of a mountain of paperwork and we have simplified the process as much as possible, requiring the completion of our short Employer Form to be done only once. We also understand that employers can be concerned about having the right insurance in place and we would like to reassure them that your existing employers liability insurance policy will cover work placements, provided your insurer is a member of the Association of British Insurers (ABI), or Lloyds." If you are able to support a Year 11 student (or two), please email and Julie Hayes will send you a copy of the Employer Form and answer any questions you may have.
I f you are able to support a Year 11 student (or two), please email and Julie Hayes will send you a copy of the Employer Form and answer any questions you may have.
Student Talks Medicine!
Annabel Lee (OI 2014-19) returned to Ipswich School in January 2023 to talk to pupils about Hull York Medical School. The Medical School took its first intake of students in 2003. It was opened as part of the Government initiative to train more doctors. Due to substantial investment Hull has a bespoke medical school building with cutting edge equipment. Annabel discussed the pros and cons of studying medicine and what she wished she had known before she applied. The list included the importance of researching everything to do with the course, where placements will take place and how long the work shifts would be. Annabel gave a good insight into Hull York Medical School and what she loves about their approach to teaching. Pupils took the opportunity to ask questions and appreciated Annabel giving up her time to talk with them. Andrew Calver, Deputy Head of Sixth Form commented, "It is so helpful to have OIs come and talk with our students as their first hand knowledge can help point out pitfalls to avoid. We are looking forward to our Careers Evening which takes place on Thursday 23rd March when there will be the opportunity to meet a wide range of professions and further education establishments."
Careers Obituaries
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
OI Medicine & Veterinary Students Back in School The Careers Office arranged for OIs Anna Wijnberg (OI 2005 - 20) and Evan McNab (2014 - 21) to talk to students about their experiences in the fields of veterinary science and medicine. Students who are considering being vets and doctors wanted to understand what it is like to study their chosen career pathways, their experiences of applying to universities, interviews and studying at their chosen university. During the first week of the Lent term, students welcomed Evan McNab, a 2nd Year medical student from Leeds and Anna Wijnberg (OI 2005-20) a 3rd Year veterinary medicine student from Nottingham back to the School for the first time since they left. Evan briefly discussed the pros and cons of BMAT over the UCAT, before delivering a tutorial based on a scenario used for training doctors in A&E. His tablet displayed the vital statistics (breathing rate, oxygen sats, heart rate and blood pressure) of a
Clara Wilson OI is Lead Researcher in New Canine Discovery patient admitted to A&E and he talked the students through the procedure to identify what was wrong with the patient, getting them to figure out what had happened, why and what should be done to treat them. The vitals then changed as treatments were given and the outcomes were discussed. By the end, the students deduced that the patient had suffered an allergic reaction. Anna spoke to the aspiring vets about life at Nottingham and how the course was delivered. She answered questions and gave advice on how to make a competitive application. It was great to welcome back our OIs and for them to be so generous with their time and advice to our students. We wish them all the best for the future and look forward to them returning again.
OI Jerome Scoote Returns to Offer Career Advice to Pupils Jerome Scoote (OI 2013 – 20) is a third year medical student at UEA and has just started his placement at Ipswich Hospital in urology. Last November the school welcomed back Jerome who gave a resume of the universities he applied to as well as UEA and discussed the interview process, what was involved and what was focussed on. He made suggestions to the Year 13 students regarding what they should read up on as they await to be invited to interviews. Jerome then went over the course outline at UEA, a typical week as a medical student on the renal ward, before showing what his placement week timetable looked like. He discussed his GP placements and what he has been doing at Ipswich Hospital
so far. Jerome highlighted the pros and cons of problem-based learning, explaining that who is placed in your group can make a real difference to the experience you have. He discussed how he had to re-think his approach to learning in the first year, moving away from his A-level style note writing to a more question-bank approach, as the sheer volume of work to be completed made note taking impossible. The students found that Jerome was an interesting speaker and his firsthand advice and shared experience was invaluable - thank you Jerome! The school also welcomed Lana Mo (OI 2016-18) a 5th-year veterinary student from Surrey came in to talk
Clara (OI 2004-13) has made the national news recently, in a very positive way. As the lead researcher at Queen's University Belfast, Clara and her colleagues have made an astonishing discovery which has the potential of making a difference to many peoples' lives. They have discovered that dogs can be trained to smell differences in humans' psychological state. Apparently, our canine friends can distinguish whether a person is suffering stress by smelling their sweat or breath. In the future, this research will enable therapy dogs to be trained to recognise the smell of stress and have a positive impact on people who suffer with PTSD for example. For more details read journalist, Victoria Gill's article at science-environment-63066715 In November 2021 Clara generously gave up her time to record a Podcast for our students sharing her work and research experience. Listen to it hear about life as a final-year student and what her plans were for the future. She explained that students should make the most of the 1st and 2nd years with regard to sports and societies as, the future years were very demanding leaving little time for other interests. Lana also talked about Extra-mural studies (EMS) which is the required practical experience that has to be completed during the breaks in term time. i.e. she had not had a real break from studying during the past five years.
Careers Obituaries
2023 School Careers Convention
Four Old Ipswichians from Matthew Douglas took time out to exhibit at the recent Ipswich School Careers Convention. Joshua Wilding (OI 2010-15), Oliver Pescott Frost (OI 2008-15), Thomas Pescott Frost (OI 2006-13) and Harry Badman (OI 2008-15) returned to Ipswich School in March to take part in the 2023 Careers Convention. The four all work for Matthew Douglas, Independent Financial Advisers, the only IFA in East Anglia to be in the Top 100 IFA businesses in East Anglia for nine years, and shortlisted in the Top 5 for East Anglia. Whilst their clients are nationwide, the main Matthew Douglas office is based in Hadleigh, Suffolk. Established in 2003 by Matthew Pescott Frost, his sons, Thomas and Oliver, have joined and become advisers, and recently, have brought with them old school friends and now work colleagues, Harry and Joshua. There are now 17 working for the
company, with a total of 9 Advisers managing roughly £250m across 800 households. The main objective of the four attending the Careers Convention was to talk with students and discuss career opportunities in the financial sector, including those available at Matthew Douglas. Harry Badman, the manager at Matthew Douglas said, "It was great for us to return to the school and see many familiar faces across the campus. The evening provided an excellent chance for us to answer the questions many enthusiastic students and parents had to ask. A large number of the questions revolved around what the industry looked like, what traits make a good adviser, and what career opportunities are available, not just as graduates but also as apprentices. "We look forward to hearing from the students who expressed an interest in Work Experience
2024 Careers Event – Can you help? The next Careers event is on the evening of 21st March 2024 – Can you help? Advice from OIs is so valuable to the pupils thinking about their next steps after Ipswich School and we are incredibly grateful to those that return to support them. Getting real insight into their future careers is vital to making the right choices. If you are available to offer any help to the career department we would be very pleased to hear from you.
Issue 13 – A Journal of 2022/23
This could be: • Work experience • University guidance • Helping pupils choose the right subjects • Advice on career streams • Interview practice and preparation • Corporate expectations Please get in touch via if you are able to help in any way.
Placements and being present at future events organised by the school.” The Careers Convention showcased employment opportunities with businesses and organisations exhibiting in both Great School and Little School. Representatives from universities across the UK were on hand in the Sports Hall to share degree information and opportunities with students and parents giving them a wide range of possibilities to consider. Ten presentations were held during the evening, many of the speakers were OIs who shared their varied experiences and routes to reach the job market via apprenticeships, degrees and work-based training. The speakers included Pippa Savill (nee Driver OI 1997-12) who talked about career options in the civil service and Kaizad Forouhar (OI 2005-13) of PwC who with his colleagues gave an informative presentation regarding their work placements, Flying Start Degree Programme and apprenticeships. To celebrate the successful event the school has re-released an episode of 'Conversations with Ipswich School' in which Angus Jermyn (OI 2005 – 20), and younger brother Toby (OI 2008 – 22) talk about careers in the Navy. There is also information about the accelerated apprentice scheme and how it appeals to those with a love of practical engineering and problem solving. Our thanks to all our OIs who gave up their evening to talk with, and guide students and parents through the labyrinth of career and degree options available.
As an OI, are you willing to share your work and study experiences with our 6th form students? If so please contact our Development Office via email, oldipswichians@
Careers Obituaries
The journal of the Old Ipswichian Club
We create extraordinary futures
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