Founding Futures Impact Report 2023

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Thank you from the Headmaster In this, our fourth Impact Report, we bring you stories of those pupils, past and present, who have benefitted from an Ipswich School education through your generosity. We also share the exciting news that we will hold our second Giving Day in 2024. We hope that this Giving Day will be even more successful than the last which raised £109,000 for the bursary and hardship funds. Last academic year, because of the Giving Day, we welcomed five


Ukrainian pupils to the school. They are thriving, with one already studying at university. We wish him well and we also take the opportunity to look to the future as we have welcomed two more pupils this academic year. It has been a busy year, and we have had many successes both academically and in our co-curricular programme. Despite this we face some future headwinds and I urge you to continue to support us through these difficult economic times and the potential VAT levy on independent schools. We want to not only maintain the numbers of pupils who receive 100% bursary support, but we want to expand this provision and keep the doors of opportunity open. I am confident that with the strong Ipswich School community working collectively, we will not only survive these difficulties, but thrive through them. Thank you for your support.





We are delighted to report on donations received during the last academic year* which have been directed to three funds. The Bursary Fund

The Phoenix Fund

The Capital Fund

supports children on 100% fee assistance and is designed to open access to an Ipswich School education. This fund provides opportunity to those in our community whose potential far outweighs their income and for whom an education here is beyond their families means. The impact of a bursary can be life-changing for the recipient and their family and gives them access to a breadth of opportunities.

is designed to step in when a family has an unexpected change in circumstances whilst at Ipswich School. This could be a loss of income through illness, job loss and redundancy or even the death of a parent. Keeping a child’s education stable during the formative years is crucial for wellbeing and future attainment.

A new fund to focus donations to update and maintain the buildings and facilities at Ipswich School as well as direct funds to individual subjects. Over the years, funds have been donated to such areas as the Lodge Day Nursery, the Music School, sports cameras and the Lingwood Pavilion as well as funds for smaller items such as lighting in the School Chapel, a new projector in Little School and the Prep School playground.

*Donations and pledges including legacy pledges from 1 September 2022 - 31 August 2023.


Your Support in Numbers OTHER FUNDS






Funds Where donations have been allocated TOTAL RAISED THIS YEAR








Registered Charity Number - 310493


Fundraising Plans “We’re excited for our second Giving Day. Please join this collective effort to offer outstanding educational opportunities to more children.” Nicholas Weaver, Headmaster 6

Giving Day 2024 We are excited to announce that our next Giving Day will take place from 26th - 27th June 2024. The inaugural event in 2022 was a great success, raising more than £100,000 for the school bursary and hardship funds. The money so generously given enabled us to welcome five Ukrainian pupils to the school in September 2022 and they have been thriving.

We have many local children who would love to join us here but whose families do not have the means to send them. With your help we can welcome more children on 100% fee assistance, and encourage social mobility in our region. Giving Days are predominantly digital fundraising events. Ours will once again run for 36 hours during which time we will be in touch to encourage you to get involved. We really hope you join with the whole school community to unite behind increasing educational opportunities in Suffolk. We will have special challenges, both in school and online, and hope that you will join the fun. Last year we had laps of School field, a sponsored event which raised £1,500. We also had a teacher tug of war, and cake and clothes sales. Online we were delighted to hit all of our targets, with Old Ipswichians, parents and friends from around the globe joining to support us. School House was victorious in the house competition; who will it be this time? We are looking for people to support the Giving Day by becoming ‘matched supporters’. If you would like to know more please get in touch with me, Nikki Brown, Development Director on 01473 298961 or We hope you will join us.

Nikki Brown

Development Director 7

BA K ER ’ S S TO RY Baker Kagimu (OI 2013-18)

“I am forever grateful to Ipswich School for transforming my life and future prospects.” To me, Ipswich School is a leading school offering an all-round, firstclass environment fit for students to reach their full potential. Through the generosity of Ipswich School and the benefactors who make the bursary programme possible, I was able to attend Ipswich School. Something which I would have not been able to do, without the support of a bursary or scholarship.

When transitioning to Ipswich School, the expectation of strong academic performance became immediately clear to me. The teachers regularly went above and beyond to understand the pupil’s needs, strengths, and areas of improvement. Whilst the seriousness of the students was clear through the attitude of success (through hard work) being an expectation rather than an aspiration. The facilities Ipswich School offers regarding sporting activities is first-class and I leveraged the opportunity by playing rugby and football during my time at the school. This provided a chance for me to gain sporting skills which I used outside of school, and I carried on to university. Regarding non-sporting co-curricular activities, the school offers a breadth of options. I thoroughly enjoyed Chapel Choir which involved singing in notable places including St Paul’s Cathedral and Snape Maltings. CCF was also an asset in my development, giving me a platform to build my communication and organisational skills. With the generous support of my teachers, most importantly Steve Blunden, and the all-round excellent education I received during my time at Ipswich School I was able to continue onto UCL to study Civil Engineering. I am forever grateful to Ipswich School for transforming my life and future prospects. I would encourage all people who are able to contribute to Ipswich School’s Development efforts to consider supporting the School.

Thank You. 8


M A R I I A’ S S T O R Y. . .

Thanks to the incredible generosity of the Ipswich School community during the Giving Day in 2022, we were able to welcome five pupils from Ukraine. They have flourished here, Mariia tells her story. I had to make new friends, attend a new school, and strive to live a normal life as I did at home. I felt depressed and terrified. However, when I found out that I had been accepted to Ipswich School, I decided to give it a try and do my best because, as a Ukrainian, I understand the importance of remaining resilient and continuously improving myself. Education has always been valued in my family, and I know that without knowledge and skills, I will not be able to advocate for peace and justice. I entered Year 12 in September of 2022 and decided to study politics, economics, and business. In the Ukrainian educational school system, we don’t have any of these subjects, so I was thrilled to learn a new field of information. Even though I had never studied in an entirely English environment before, it didn’t feel like it at all. All my teachers have been very supportive of me, and I greatly appreciate it. I have also made new friends, and I am always trying to improve my social and communication skills. My name is Mariia, and last year I became a student at Ipswich School. I’m from Kyiv, Ukraine. On 24 February 2022, Russia started a full-scale military invasion of my homeland. The situation became increasingly unstable, and it was no longer safe to live there. My family decided to leave home, and for me, it meant starting a completely new chapter in my life. 10

Sometimes the studies can be challenging, but I know that I have enough support from my teachers and peers, and I can solve any kind of problem. It is still sad for me to be far away from home, but I know that after graduating from Ipswich School, I will be able to work towards making our world a better place. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to study here. Thank you. Mariia

read more about the impact of giving

It has been a privilege to support our Ukrainian students this year. I have met and got to know their families, all with individual stories the devastation they experienced from the Russian invasion on the 24 of February 2022. I’m so pleased that as a school we are able to help. Even though it may not seem like it is enough, it makes a huge difference to the youngsters who are so pleased to be able to continue their education. And even more so for their families who know that their children are safe. Thank you. Vlasta Shevchenko - Art and Textiles Teacher


How to Support Ipswich School We are grateful for every donation we receive. Each gift helps us to change a life. Whether your donation is large or small; immediate, or a legacy gift, it makes a significant difference to the prospects of the children we support. Please help us to transform lives through education by giving to Ipswich School. There are a number of ways you can support us:


Gift Aid

Give a one-off or regular gift securely online at foundingfutures

Don’t forget to opt in for Gift Aid (if applicable) as this allows us to claim an extra 25% on top of your donation at no cost to you (this does not apply to legacy gifts). If you are a higher rate tax payer, you can also claim the difference between the higher rate of tax and the current basic rate of tax.

In person: Please contact the Development Office to arrange a visit.

Cheque: Donations by cheque should be payable to ‘Ipswich School’.

By bank transfer: Ipswich School, account number: 06485430, sort code: 30-94-55, reference: your name/fund.

Special gift: If you would like to leave a special, non-monetary gift to Ipswich School we would love to hear from you. Such gifts may include works of art, auction gifts or assets you wish the School to have and be able to utilise for the benefit of pupils present and future.

BSUF: US Based donors wishing to support the school are invited to donate through the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF) and choose Ipswich School.


Legacy Giving: From the very beginnings of the School we have benefitted from gifts in wills which have left an incredible mark on the life of Ipswich School. In 1482 Richard Felaw left his house in Foundation Street so that pupils could be educated there. As recently as 2015, Roy Towns OI left a gift to support our early years provision via the Lodge Day Nursery. Now, we welcome members of our School community from age 3 months. These gifts have ensured the school has continued to thrive. The school has been extremely fortunate to benefit from other legacies which have provided lifechanging bursaries and created many of the facilities that we use today. We are incredibly grateful for these acts of kindness. For many people, a gift in their will gives a real sense of leaving their mark upon the school and the next generation of Ipswichians.

Types of Legacy Giving: A residuary legacy This is the balance of your estate after all taxes, expenses and gifts to other beneficiaries. A pecuniary legacy A fixed amount. Due to inflation, this gift could lose its value so this may be worth index-linking. A specific legacy A gift of a specific item, shares or antiques. This item needs to be very clearly described to prevent confusion. A reversionary legacy This is a gift that you intend another recipient to have use of during their lifetime. The gift is then passed onto the school upon the death of the named individual.

Professional advice We strongly advise that anyone wishing to make a will, or amend an existing will to seek independent professional advice from a solicitor. You can download a codicil to give to your solicitor via our website.

Please let us know We really appreciate that making a will is a highly personal and sensitive matter. If you do decide to leave a gift to the School in your will, we would be grateful if you could let us know. By telling us it will give us the opportunity to thank

Registered Charity Number - 310493

you properly and ensure we fully understand your wishes and carry them out as advised.

Tax implications Supporting a charity through your will can have a positive impact on reducing the inheritance tax burden on your family or others named in your will. The current tax threshold is £325,000. Any legacy given to charity is free from inheritance, capital gains and income tax and in addition, if you leave at least 10% of your estate to charity, inheritance tax on the balance falls to 36% rather than 40%. Above all, writing a will allows you to have control over your estate after your death. We understand that you will want to care for your loved ones first, but, if you decide to leave a gift to Ipswich School we promise to use your gift wisely, effectively, and in accordance with your wishes.

For more information about how you can support Ipswich School or to discuss a potential gift or legacy please contact Nikki Brown, Development Director on 01473 298961, or email

Support Us


Thank you It means a great deal to be able to thank those who support us to offer educational opportunity to pupils who can benefit. Your support through the last few difficult years has been valued by all here at the school and especially by those pupils who can now take advantage of an array of opportunities available to them. Gifts to the school come in various sizes and we are incredibly grateful for them all. It is through collective effort that we are able to support more pupils in their education, and every donation is valuable, whether large or small. We would like to give a special thanks to those who have unfortunately passed away but have left their mark by leaving a gift to the school in their will. We also thank those who have chosen to support us anonymously. Thank you.

Old Ipswichian Past Pupils Dick Garrard


David Defoe


Roger Fairs

George De Stratton


Douglas Chivers


Stuart Wilson


Force Fresh Limited

Frank Cross


Richard Fairweather


George Dunnett


Friends of Ipswich School

Dennis Woolmer


Richard Staines


Nick and Nina Clowe


Rosemary Gravell

Colin Richards


Dr Tony Jackson


Jon Sheppard


Claire Haynes and James Smith

Lewis Tyler


Michael Warner


Philip Hall

John Felgate


Richard Farebrother


Jonathan Fieldsend and Helen Clarkson - Fieldsend 1988

Karl Daniels


Peter Bloomfield


Julian Spettigue


Jamie Lee Smith Catering

Brian Blomfield


Dr William Charnock


Bruce Finch


Alexandra Jenner

Anthony Hubbard


Timothy Townshend


Simon Gladwell


Ride The Wave Training Limited

Geoffrey Bell-Jones


Robert Lewcock


Niklas Fairweather


Jean Macleod

John Graham


David Gould


Alexander Brooks


Ian Montgomery

Robert Erith TD, DL


Dr Nigel Connor


Sally Webber


Ian Morehouse

Cedric Catton


Charles Doig


Tom Faiers


Kellie Myers

Richard Porter


Andy Weston


Philip Hunn


The Old Ipswichian Club

Andrew Cockrill


Ranulph Poole


Jonathan Pulham


Tope Omitola

Howard Clarke


Mark Passmore


Hannah Lawes


Pennington Limited

William Whitfield


Chris Thorogood


Chris Servant

Mike Fenn


Spencer Gladwell


Roger Hailey


Roland Johnson


Parents, Friends and Staff

Robert Newby


William Latta


Michael Bannan

Archive Volunteers

Terry Chapman


Steve Runnacles


Bob and Martine Porter


James MacLachlan


David Clarke


Peter Hatcher


Roger Porter


John Ward


Malcolm Barnett


Julian Sharman


J. Keith Nelson


Neil King


John Winyard


John Chessher


Ian Orger


Paul Wranek


Eric Bauly


Richard Wilson




James Baughn Rowell Bell Nikki and Stuart Brown Michael & Julie Burle Mei Han Chan Chipo Chikoore Christchurch Veterinary Surgery Rachel Clark Dot & Do-dah

Alice Heather-Hayes

XS Items Limited

Joe Plumstead John Skeates Simon Nicholson Mark Standen Alan Wyatt

Thank You. Registered Charity Number - 310493

Word From Eamon Mulholland I am so pleased to contribute some words of reflection on this year’s Impact Report. I have been involved with Ipswich School’s Foundation and Development Committee since 2002 during my time as a parent at the school. It has been wonderful to see support to the school increase over the years and this Impact Report is a very real demonstration of the power of the Ipswich School community to change young people’s lives. I thank you for your contribution and support. Sometimes it is hard to fully appreciate just how you are helping to change lives but I think it is clear through Baker’s and Mariia’s stories, that your contribution and the impact it has is very real. We are facing challenging times, the cost of living crisis and the potential future imposition of a 20% VAT charge for independent schools are two headwinds that make fundraising tough. Please continue to support us so that we can welcome children whose potential outweighs their families’ means and offer educational opportunities to help them thrive.

Thank you Eamon Mulholland Former Ipswich School parent, Trustee of the Ipswich School Foundation and Member of the Foundation and Development Committee. 15

Nikki Brown Development Director Ipswich School Development Office Henley Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 3SG Telephone: 01473 298961 Email: @ipswichschool /ipswichschool /ipswich_school Registered Charity Number 310493

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