IPSF-FIP Patient Counselling Booklet

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References and Recommended Readings Bouvy ML, Van Berkel J, De Roos-Huisman CM, Meijboom RHB. Patients` drug information needs. A brief view on questions asked by telephone and on the Internet. Pharmacy World & Science 2002; 24: 43-45.

Council of Europe. Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices. Creation of a better medication safety culture in Europe: Building up safe medication practices, 2007. Available at: http://www.coe.int/t/e/social_cohesion/socsp/medication%20safety%20culture%20report%20e.pdf European Commission. DG Enterprise and Industry. Draft report on current practice with regard to provision of information to patients on medicines products, 2007. Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/pharmaceuticals/pharmacos/docs/doc2007/2007_04/draft infopatients2007_04.pdf

FIP, International Pharmaceutical Federation. FIP Pharmacy Information Section: Requirements for Drug Information Centres, 2005. Available at: http://www.fip.org/files/fip/PI/RequirementsforDrugInformationCentres.pdf Hall V, Gomez C, Fernandez-Limos F. Situation of drug information centers and services in Costa Rica. Pharmacy Practice 2006;4:83-87.

Haviland M, Pincus H, Thomas H. Type of Illness and Use of the Internet for Health Information. Psychiatric Services 2003;54:1198.

Holmes ER, Desselle SP, Nath DM, Markuss JJ. Ask the pharmacist: an analysis of online drug information services. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2005;39:662-667. Lindberg J, Seppinen J. E-mail medication counselling at the University Pharmacy. Unpublished, 2011.

Markind J, Stachnik J. European drug information centers. Journal of Human Lactation 1996;12:239-242.

Mullerova H, Vlcek J. European drug information centers – survey of activities. Pharmacy World & Science 1998;20:131-135. Neto A, Chen T, Chan J. “Order effect” in the provision of medication information. Medical Journal of Australia 2002;176 (8): 401-402.

Närhi U. 2006. Drug information for consumers and patients – a review of the research. Publications of National Agency of Medicines 1/2006.

Närhi U. Sources of medicine information and their reliability evaluated by medicine users. Pharmacy World & Science 2007;29:688-694.

Närhi U, Helakorpi S. Sources of medicine information in Finland. Health Policy 2007;84:51-57.

Powell J, Clarke A. Internet information seeking in mental health: population survey. British Journal of Psychiatry 2006;189:273-277.

Pohjanoksa-Mäntylä M. Medicines information sources and services for consumers - A special focus on the Internet and people with depression. Doctoral dissertation. Division of Social Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, The University of Helsinki, 2010. Available at: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-10-6128-8

Pohjanoksa-Mäntylä M, Bell JS, Närhi U, Helakorpi S, Airaksinen MS. Is the Internet replacing health professionals? A population survey on sources of medicines information among people with mental disorders. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2011; 46(5):373-379.


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