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Michelle Houvenaeghel Svan Quick

Michelle Houvenaeghel Svan Quick

May 12.1978, I was born at Hvidovre Hospital, to Lena Sikan Quick and Egon Louis Houvenaeghel. We lived, in a small apartment 20 min from Copenhagen.


I believe I had a normal city childhood the first 7 months of my life, among people who never had much money, but had a well-defined culture centered on family, and work.

My life changed forever when my father died, Dec 19. 1978.

My father had worked hard all his life and was self-employed as a furniture upholsterer, even though the love was great between my mom and dad, this love could not help him with his alcohol problem.

My mother took his death very hard; she never recovered and never met such a love again. Soon after, we moved to an apartment-complex in Hundige - it was a place that was socially burdened with many socially disadvantaged souls.

She worked hard to take care of me, but in 1983 when I was 5 years old, she became seriously ill and was rushed to the hospital.

I was left with our neighbors who unfortunately had an alcohol problem and the world did not look so safe and loving anymore.

When my mother came home she was paralyzed and even though a nurses came some-times and looked after her, I was very alone and had to help my mother with everything.

She recovered gradually and was able to walk eventually, but she continued to be ill with other illnesses and was often hospitalized for the rest of my childhood and adult life.

When She was home and felt better, she was very loving. And loved by everyone in our community!

My mother always gave everyone attention or food to those in need, and every summer she took all the children to the beach so that the working parents would not have to worry about them.

Although she was in a lot of pain and 75% incapacitated and had countless childhood traumas, she did her best to be a good mother!

And I will always remember her as my hero and the strongest woman I have ever known! She died of cancer 08.08.2014

When I was 13 in 1991, we moved to the countryside.

My schooling was affected by the fact that my mother was ill and therefore I had a hard time keeping up, but when we moved, I got a fresh start and I started understanding more, although I still couldn’t read very well.

My self-esteem was incredibly poor, but because of my will power and divine help, I came through my school years with ok grades.

After I left primary-school, I worked a couple of low wage jobs.

My self-esteem was still very low, so I didn’t believe I would amount to anything special, but I had the ability to make people smile and be happy, so for many years I worked with sales and my fighter-mentality made me always be in competition with myself to do my best!

When I was 20 in 1998, I completed a Beautician degree but continued working with sales afterwards.

It’s safe to say that through my 20s I enjoyed my youth. I partied and had fun, but my poor self-esteem and that I constantly didn’t believe in my ability’s made me have a self-destructive behavior! Eventually the "party" ended when I was 29 in 2007! I lost my job, I found myself deep in debt and could not pay my rent! I thought I had reached the bottom!

Through prayers suddenly my Prince Charming appeared. A self-made intrapreneur and he treated me like a princess! I was saved - in a stormy love-affair I got pregnant and I had my beautiful daughter! but then the fairytale was over!

The love-affair made me temporarily blind - everything was far from perfect! And for three years I was mentally and physically run down. everything had been an illusion!

Domestic violence is unfortunately something many men and women experience in their lives, but never think will happen to them!

But! It would turn out that, these three years would be the start of my will to become something more, to want to be more and do more, not only for me, but for my newborn child, who I now had to protect!

I became a lioness and I fought for my life and to get away.. I lost everything I had! from 2006 to 2008 I had a large beauty clinic with 4 employees, it went bankrupt, I was left homeless, but now with a child I had to take care of. But now with the will I didn’t have before and I began my journey to find everything that could help my child and I!

In the years that followed, I met my soulmate in my current husband. I got stronger and wiser! and when I was 35 in 2013, my journey began studying and through this journey I have found my purpose in life.

My purpose in life is to share knowledge about how people can achieve health, wealth and wisdom!

For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to make people happy.

I love to inspire people and I love the look people get when they have discovered a new strength in themselves!

I am enormously passionate in my work to globally share knowledge about Human-Rights, self-love and happiness and I focus on the individual human being and self-leadership.

I have committed myself to upholding dignity and justice for all and to uphold fundamental core values and I work to promote inclusion and sustainability globally.

I help people by teaching them how to create self-esteem and emotional intelligence.

My Vision is a network of like-minded people, that lift each other and share knowledge about healthy values, happiness and that we are stronger together.

All my training and education allows me to apply in-depth coaching methods that can teach new-positive mindset and encourage people to make a positive change for them self.

Public health is declining. The so called 'diseases of civilization are increasing such as heart attacks arthritis and dementia. This is occurring in progressively younger groups of people. Waistlines are expanding, intelligence and fertility are falling, and prospects for the next generation look bleak. largely caused by our diets and lifestyles. There are no drugs available to treat this, but it can easily be reversed by making a few simple changes.

I am passionate about sharing this information, It is with this information and this passion that we can lift both locally and also globally.

We are not only a world with many countries, we are a global united world.