6 minute read

Ingor van Rooi

I’ve always known that I wanted to positively impact the lives of others, but I never knew what that would look like! I went to university straight out of high school and studied toward a degree in Information Technology and Industrial Sociology. Eventually, my career found me and I worked in the corporate world for almost 20 years as an Executive Assistant.

I’ve felt a calling from God to entrepreneurship for the longest time, but I resisted because I was afraid to fail as I had no clue where to begin; plus, what I knew of success did not include becoming an entrepreneur!


Furthermore, my self esteem is something I’ve struggled with all my life, inhibiting me no matter which challenge I faced. We don’t realize the massive effects of low self-esteem, but there are so many: anxiety, stress, loneliness, augmented probability of depression, complications with friendships and romantic relationships, extremely diminished academic and professional performance, increased susceptibility to drug and alcohol abuse, and so much more.

I was born with a condition called Congenital Hip Displasia and limped while walking. As we all know, kids can be mean, especially outside of adult supervision! I was bullied and teased because of it and always felt less than others.

This was horrible because it impacted my self-worth, regardless of how my parents and teachers endeavoured to build me up. I thank God that no matter how terrible I felt, I chose to treat my tormentors with kindness, regardless of their treatment of me. This wasn’t easy, but I tried to make sure that I didn’t judge them for their behaviour, but showed them grace and kindness. One never knows what others are struggling with in their own lives and the demons they face. I can now look back and know that I am enough! Here are the lessons I took from my experiences:

1. No one is perfect

2. Comparing yourself to others is fruitless

3. Hurt people hurt people

4. Someone else’s actions should not determine my own

5. Your experience can either make you bitter or better; the choice is yours

6. We can all make an impact, but it’s up to us whether it’s positive or negative

7. In this world where we can be anything, it’s best to choose to be kind In my last permanent corporate role, I was fully-invested in what I did and the company I worked for.

The team I was part of was like a family and it was great belonging to such a synergistic group of people, but it didn’t last. In 2018, after working there for 7 years, I lost my job due to corporate restructuring. I recognized that my time at that company had come to an end because God’s purpose for me being there had been fulfilled. This would’ve been the perfect segue to jump into entrepreneurship, but I was still afraid!

After taking some time to focus on my kids and husband, I continued to look for my next corporate home, filling different temporary positions from time to time. Fast forward to March 2020, when the pandemic hit. I was working as a temp when the company I was at had to close their office and take everything online.

Unfortunately, as I wasn’t permanently employed by them, this couldn’t include me and I once again lost my job.

I saw it as a blessing, though, because schools were also closed and my kids had to attend virtual school; thank God I was home and could help them through that experience! It was during that time when a friend reached out to me, asking what kind of work I was currently doing. I told her I was betwixt and between looking for work and starting something on my own and that my fear of failure was inhibiting me. She replied, “Why not start your own business? If you fail, you could always go back to the corporate world.”

Prior to that, I had constantly been reminded of the story of Jonah, who went to Tarshis instead of Nineveh, where God sent him. I knew that I was behaving like Jonah in my disobedience to God’s will for my life. So, when she said those words, it really got me thinking and propelled me forward to step out in faith because I knew that God was calling me to entrepreneurship and spoke to me through her! I finally surrendered to God and chose to be obedient to Him. I registered my business at the end of July, 2020 and signed my first client two weeks later. My journey since has been quite eventful and I’ve seen God do so many things in my business and life!

One of my greatest desires and prayers before starting out on my own is that God will use me to empower others who are in similar situations to what I was, to establish their own businesses, as well. I now serve on the Executive Board of a Non-Profit Organization and have expanded my consulting business to also offer coaching services to those who have no idea where to start to branch out on their own. I’ve also been a guest on various podcasts, as well as Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube shows. God is working on me, helping me to overcome my inhibitions and just recently has pushed me to share more of myself, my beliefs and my journey through videos on various platforms, including my very own YouTube channel; helping others, one listener / viewer at a time. I’ve already helped and encouraged a few people to establish their own business and will continue to do so as long God allows. Everyday, I choose to be obedient and heed God’s voice in all that I do, taking one step out of my comfort zone at a time. I know He is aligning me to make not just an impact, but a Godly one and I am so thankful to be His mouthpiece!


She is passionate about serving others and helping them to succeed in life. She is known by many as a storyteller and power-connector, as she uses storytelling to share her thoughts on positivity, gratitude, kindness, stepping out of your comfort zone and also highlights inspiring change-makers, aiding others to connect with people and resources to help them flourish. She is the CEO and Founder of We got this! Admin, an executive administrative consulting and business coaching firm. She is a fairly new entrepreneur with almost 20 years of experience working as a C-Suite Executive Assistant, in the corporate world, using the skills she developed to serve her clients.

Ingor is also heavily involved in Heart 2 Heart business (H2Hb), a non-profit organization with a global reach, and serves as a member of their Executive Board. She is also the Executive Director of the Canadian Division of the organization. She is one of the driving forces behind their pilot project which addresses Period Poverty, a terrible, but global issue.

She strives to balance that and her family life (she and her husband Nathan are raising 3 daughters - Dana, Kayla and Lana - and they have extended family in various parts of the world), while still making time to network, contribute toward various projects (she is currently writing a course to help walk others through the process of establishing their own business and has a few book projects on the go) and share what she’s passionate about on various platforms. She is a competent speaker and has appeared on various podcasts and shows on Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube, including her own channel which she recently started called Inspiration from Ingor.

If you’d like to connect with me, please reach out to me here:

My website: https://wegotthisadmin.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ingorvanrooi/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJh4OKu8JGVUELD5hC6wNmQ

Clubhouse: https://clubhouse.com/@ingivee

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ingivee

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wegotthisadmin/
