7 minute read



It was 7:28pm in the evening when the phone rang. It sent shivers down my spine as my wife was expecting our first child and she was due anytime.


“Darling, I won’t be able to pick you up in time. Can you please get your dad to take you to hospital and I will meet you there?”

I rushed from the construction site and arrived at the maternity ward just in time. My wife as in severe labor pain, and the contractions were getting closer and closer.

Tenderly, I held her hand. But I was very tired as I had hardly slept for the past 3 days working on my high-rise project. Momentarily I placed my head on the mattress, and I fell asleep.

The next thing I knew was being slapped, scolded, and humiliated by the nurse for falling asleep while my wife was in pain. The angry and hurt look on my wife’s face seared into my brain. That was my wake-up call!

I realized that working hard and working long hours is not the path to success.

I have been too busy chasing the corporate dream and have been neglecting my family. I was highly stressed and highly strung, becoming the irritable person that no one wants to hang out with.

In that moment, I made the commitment that I will have Time Freedom to chase my passions and be with the people I love. And to have Financial Freedom too. To be able to fully experience life and give the best life to my family and parents.

I spent the next ten years learning from different gurus around the world and systematically set my life on a trajectory that brought me to where I am today. Living in a comfortable home, having all my needs taken care of, and most importantly having the Time and Financial Freedom to do what I love most – traveling around the world and helping busy entrepreneurs claim back their lives through working less and earning more.

Excelling in each of the 7 M.A.S.T.E.R.Y is the route towards achieving your ultimate dream life.

Time Mastery is the starting point to achieve more results in a shorter time. Being efficient and productive gives you more time to learn skills for success and to spend in other areas of your life.

Having Money Mastery creates the cashflow pattern of the wealthy and turn your monthly surplus into assets that generate passive incomes. Financial Freedom is when income from your assets exceeds your expenses and liabilities.

“Never put all your eggs in one basket”, the wise saying goes. Develop multiple streams of income through Income Mastery, and you will be resilient through challenging business and economic times. Having all the wealth in the world is meaningless if you are plagued by illnesses.

Health & Fitness Mastery is being constantly at peak energy, peak vitality, and peak mental state to experience life at its best.

All successful and wealthy people have their money working hard for them. Asset Mastery is the skill of building a portfolio of investments that is diversified and gives returns that accelerates wealth creation, or for some, wealth multiplication. Financial Freedom can only be achieved when the income from your assets, i.e., passive income exceeds your expenses and liabilities.

Growth Mastery focuses on becoming a bigger and better version of you, where you have the capacity to learn more, do more and achieve more. This requires a positive mindset and removing self-limiting beliefs.

Finally, we have Relationship Mastery. All human beings are relational beings and all of us desire to be connected to others. One key area is how we perceive we are being loved, and this determines how we communicate our love to others. This is fundamental to building strong relationships with others, whether at home or in the workplace.

For the first 20 years of my professional career, I developed high-rise buildings, usually 30 to 40 stories high. For months you will not see any progress on the project site, as the focus is on building a strong foundation. It is only with strong foundation that tall building can withstand high winds and earthquakes. Otherwise, the building will develop cracks and come crushing down.

The same principle applies to building your amazing ultimate dream life. You need to build a strong foundation that encompasses all 7 M.A.S.T.E.R.I.E.S. Missing any of the foundational elements could result in cracks happening in your life when faced with life’s challenges.

I am often asked “what drives you? Why are you so tireless in your efforts to help busy and stressed-out entrepreneurs?”

My answer is simple. I believe that the human spirit is meant to be free. All of us want to have the option to pursue what we truly love doing, rather than be chained to a business or a job. We want to be able to spend more time with the people we love, rather than spending time at the office or at work. So, I am driven to help as many people as possible to have the Time & Financial Freedom to live a life they desire, to live life by design and not by default.

But I have a higher purpose too!

I strongly believe that businesses are meant to serve the community that buys their products or services. So, by helping entrepreneurs and business owners become more productive and effective, they will have more time to serve their respective communities. By helping entrepreneurs and business owners do better in their businesses, and once they are able to provide well for themselves, their employees, and their families, they can invest more back into helping their respective communities.

Recently with some friends, we started the Project Starfish Philippines. This concept is based on the story of the boy on the beach, throwing one starfish at a time back into the sea. When asked how he could possibly make a difference, seeing that there were thousands of starfish washed up onto the beach, the boy answered “well, I’m making a difference to this one”, and threw that starfish back into the sea. He then bends over and picked another starfish. Project Starfish Philippines is a platform where ordinary Filipinos can in their own way, make a difference in their community, as demonstrated by the community pantries that the foundation supported on an ongoing basis.

Another project I am working on is support for people with mental health challenges, especially the poor that cannot afford it. Together with my friends, we have started a self-help mental health programme that brings together mental health assessment tools, doctors, and mental health specialists that will bring such support into the local communities.

Lastly, again with friends that have achieve high levels of Time & Financial Freedom, we are starting a global movement using an Artificial Intelligence platform to eradicate unemployment throughout the world. Ambitious? Yes! Achievable? Definitely yes!

With everyone Working Less & Earning More, we are going to make the world a better place by channeling the extra time and extra resources into social entrepreneurship that will positively impact our local communities.

About YP Lai WLEM

Helping Busy Entrepreneurs Work 20 Hours Less and Become 10x Times Wealthier in 90 Days without More Stress or Pain

As an Author, Global Trainer, International Keynote Speaker, and Certified Dream Coach, YP has helped more than ten thousand business owners worldwide to become wealthier, healthier, happier and have more time with their families.

YP has more than 30 years of experience in the business and corporate world and is the founder of the "7 M.A.S.T.E.R.Y. Blueprint", helping busy entrepreneurs work 20 hours less, and becoming 10 times wealthier. He is also currently the BNI National Director for Thailand and the Philippines

YP’s key to success is turning complex ideas into simple, easy to follow processes. His audience can immediately implement what they learn in a simple and systematic way.

Achieving personal excellence and helping people realize their fullest potential is the fuel for YP's limitless energy. Always warm, friendly, caring, and approachable, YP Lai is a Coach and Mentor for many to achieve their Ultimate Dream Life.

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