Aviva Company Results: Good progress – beating operating targets

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64 Aviva plc 2011 Preliminary Announcement

Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued

A8 – Insurance liabilities continued (a) UK With-profit business

The valuation of with-profit business uses the methodology developed for the Realistic Balance Sheet, adjusted to remove the shareholders’ share of future bonuses. The key elements of the Realistic Balance Sheet methodology are the with-profit benefit reserve (WPBR) and the present value of the expected cost of any payments in excess of the WPBR (referred to as the cost of future policyrelated liabilities). The realistic liability for any contract is equal to the sum of the WPBR and the cost of future policy-related liabilities. The WPBR for an individual contract is generally calculated on a retrospective basis, and represents the accumulation of the premiums paid on the contract, allowing for investment return, taxation, expenses and any other charges levied on the contract. For a small proportion of business, a prospective valuation approach is used, including allowance for anticipated future regular and final bonuses. The items included in the cost of future policy-related liabilities include: Maturity Guarantees; Guaranteed Annuity Options; GMP underpin on Section 32 transfers; and Expected payments under Mortgage Endowment Promise. In the Provident Mutual and With-Profits sub-funds in UKLAP, this is offset by the expected cost of charges to WPBR to be made in respect of guarantees. The cost of future policy-related liabilities is determined using a market-consistent approach and, in the main, this is based on a stochastic model calibrated to market conditions at the end of the reporting period. Non-market-related assumptions (for example, persistency, mortality and expenses) are based on experience, adjusted to take into account future trends. The principal assumptions underlying the cost of future policy-related liabilities are as follows: Future investment return

A ‘risk-free’ rate equal to the spot yield on UK government securities, plus a margin of 0.1% is used. The rates vary according to the outstanding term of the policy, with a typical rate as at 31 December 2011 of 2.20% (2010: 3.78%) for a policy with ten years outstanding. Volatility of investment return

Volatility assumptions are set with reference to implied volatility data on traded market instruments, where available, or on a best estimate basis where not. Volatility

Equity returns Property returns Fixed interest yields



26.4% 15.0% 18.0%

26.1% 15.0% 13.2%

The equity volatility used depends on term, money-ness and region. The figure shown is for a sample UK equity, at the money, with a ten-year term. Fixed interest yield volatility is also dependent on term and money-ness. The figure shown is for a ten-year swap option, currently at the money. Future regular bonuses

Annual bonus assumptions for 2012 have been set consistently with the year-end 2011 declaration. Future annual bonus rates reflect the principles and practices of the fund. In particular, the level is set with regard to the projected margin for final bonus and the change from one year to the next is limited to a level consistent with past practice. Mortality

Mortality assumptions for with-profit business are set with regard to recent Company experience and general industry trends. The mortality tables used in the valuation are summarised below: Mortality table used

Assurances, pure endowments and deferred annuities before vesting Pensions business after vesting and pensions annuities in payment



Nil or Axx00 adjusted

Nil or Axx00 adjusted

PCMA00/PCFA00 adjusted plus allowance for future mortality improvement

PCMA00/PCFA00 adjusted plus allowance for future mortality improvement

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