INYBN May 18, 2016 Vol. 3 No. 10

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Happy Memorial Day





7BR/7BA/2HB/SUN DECK/5,543 SF OF TERRACES $17,200,000

Bilingual Newspaper Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South Florida • May 18 – May 31, 2016

The Making of a Green Leader: Whole Foods & Miami Science Barge Team Up for Environmental Change By: Liz Kobak

a new organization, with an end goal of advocating for better education within the life sciences and environmental preservation. “We don’t just open cookie-cutter stores,” said Whole Foods Marketing Associate Lauren Belinsky, who specializes in marketing efforts within the North Miami and Aventura communities, on

One of the world’s leading grocery stores has partnered with a scientific program specializing in changing the world, one purely scientific and culinary moment at a time. Whole Foods – a grocer that many Americans have had the pleasure of purchasing produce from – is aligning its efforts alongside

Continued on page 7

Sailboards Miami Watersports:

Good for the Mind, Body, and Planet By: Chris Carson

Residents and tourists alike view Miami as a tropical destination, but few may appreciate all that the waters off of Key Biscayne have to offer as much as Karen DeLeon of Sailboards Miami does. She and her husband, Ovidio, have been fortunate enough to sail its waters since the 1980’s. Their company was formed with the mission of introducing windsurfing to the area; the couple enjoyed watching the sport bloom into the world-wide activity it is today. As the years and watersports multiplied, the company grew to become nationally recognized. The DeLeons have been featured on numerous televisions shows, in various magazines and have become an “unofficial landmark” of South Florida. Through all of the success, DeLeon does not

L-R: Whole Foods Market Marketing Field Associate Carlye Wisliceny; CappSci & Miami Science Barge Director Nathalie Manzano-Smith; CappSci Innovation Associate Alissa Farina; Whole Foods Market Marketing Field Associate Janelle Cepero. [Photo courtesy of Jade Lleonart]

Everyone Can Paint with Apryl Davis of Wine & Canvas By: Sarah L. Mason

Enjoy all the benefits watersports have to offer. [Photo courtesy of Sailboards Miami]

forget the company’s humble beginnings nor how she became involved with it. “Getting into watersports was a complete spoof for me. My husband started over 30 years ago; I came into it purely from luck. I was working on Continued on page 9

The combination of painting and wine has become increasingly popular over the past few years, and more and more companies offering B.Y.O. painting classes are popping up, and even painting classes that take place in a bar, winery, or brewery. The idea is so appealing that it’s inconceivable that it hasn’t been around longer. But with a winning idea comes a deluge of competitors who want to carve their own place in the market, a factor that doesn’t unsettle Apryl Davis of Wine & Canvas Fort Lauderdale/ Palm Beach one bit. In fact,

Painting in Pairs with Wine & Canvas. [Photos courtesy of Apryl Davis]

it inspires her to step up her game and bring more to the community. Wine & Canvas is a national company with local

partnerships in different cities nationwide. With the Wine & Canvas brand, local partners such as Davis can Continued on page 11

23rd Annual Republic National Distributing Golf Classic Single Playing Spot: $325 Corporate Foursome: $1,500

For more info. call 954-315-4057

Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Parkland Golf & Country Club

Hosted by: NFL Hall of Famer Dwight Stephenson

of South Florida




Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016

From the first visit, our treatment is always friendly and personal, advising our patients about the best and treatment always using conservative state-of-the-art procedures that will result in beautiful, long lasting smiles.

We provide a wide variety of services that are effective and safe for the entire family. We are equipped with state of the art technology to make your visit more comfortable, informative and enjoyable. We take a complete health approach to dentistry. That means that we will provide you with treatment above and beyond the traditional drill and fill approach. We also place a strong emphasis on prevention, meaning that we will recommend changes and treatments to avoid problems, rather than fix them.

Dr. Diana Ayala

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We are a small, boutique style family practice that will know you by name and never double books patients. That means shorter waits, and never feeling rushed out. We will devote the time needed for you to feel like you have a solid understanding of your dental needs.

In the clinic, you will find all dental treatment according to your needs and regardless of your age • General Dentistry & Cosmetic Dentistry • X-Rays • Pediatric Dentistry • Dental Implants • Teeth Whitening • Periodontics • Fixed Bridge • Retainers • Dental Cleanings • Oral Screen Cancer

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We are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a happy healthy smile for life. Keep Smiling! Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5pm Friday: 8:30am - 2pm • Saturday - Sunday: Closed 340 Alhambra Circle. Coral Gables, Fl. 33134 305.442.6422 • 305.774.4622

A Family Practice. Keep Smiling!

May 18 – May 31, 2016

Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL INYBN |




Grease at St. Agnes Music Theatre Group The St. Agnes Music Theatre Group recently put on a production of “Grease.” The student actors practiced for weeks under the guidance of St. Agnes Music Director, Mrs. Tatjana Surev. The show was a huge success!

Editor-in-Chief / Publisher Yara Zakharia, Esq. (Key Biscayne/ Coral Gables, FL) English Language Columnists Chris Carson (Philadelphia, PA) Edyna Garcia (Miami, FL) Liz Kobak (Miami, FL / New York) Sarah Mason (Philadelphia, PA) Karla Utting (Miami, FL) Mirjam Walker (Bern, Switzerland)

Music Theater — Grease. [Photos courtesy of Cristina Torres]

Spanish Language Editor Salda Santana (Miami, FL / Madrid, Spain) Spanish Language Columnists Minín Arévalo (Cutler Bay, FL) Saida Santana (Miami, FL/Madrid, Spain) Guest Columnists Dr. Carmen J. Ortiz-Butcher (Coral Gables, FL) Fernando Montes de Oca (Key Biscayne, FL/ Acapulco, Mexico) Robert Elias, Esq. (Miami, FL) Logo Concept Yara Zakharia, Esq. Evelyn Pacheco, PhD (York, South Carolina) Page Production OPS Contact Info I’m Not Your Boring Newspaper, LLC Email: Tel: 305.907.0676

First 6 ‘Likes’ on INYBN’s Facebook Page Win! For advertising opportunities, send an email to or download our media kit at To suggest a story, share your news or post your event in our Calendar of Events or contact us at for submission is the Tuesday prior publication. Copyright Notice The content of INYBN’s print and digital editions is copyrighted and may not be republished in part or in whole without the publisher’s written and express consent.

★ 2 Tickets to “The Royale”, an explosive play about race, success, trust and boxing @ Gablestage at the Biltmore

★ 2 Passes to Musical Film “On the Town” @ Gables Art Cinema ★ 2 Tickets to WDNA’s Fine Arts Concert feat. Grammy winner and Manhattan Transfer member Cheryl Bentyne

★ 2 Passes to Pedestrian-Based Live Art Experience Remote X in downtown Miami

★ 2 Tickets to Flamenco Fusion Concert @ Miami Dade County Auditorium ★ 2 Passes to French Drama “Standing Tall” ( La Tête Haute) @ Tower Theater




Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016



Mallorca, Una Joya en El Mediterráneo Por: Saida Santana

El diccionario de la Real Academia Española define isla como “porción de tierra rodeada de agua por todas partes” e isleño a aquel que es “natural de una isla”. Pero lo que ningún diccionario puede explicar es el sentimiento especial que provoca ser de una isla. Yo nací en Gran Canaria, una de las 7 islas del archipiélago canario que salpican el Atlántico, y viví allí hasta los 18 años que me trasladé a Madrid. Desde entonces esa sensación me persigue allí donde voy y me sorprende buscando el mar de mi infancia en los tejados de la urbe. Quizás por mi origen, cuando viajo, el destino de mis maletas suele ser el continente. Probablemente esa sea la razón por la que en casi 4 décadas de existencia, no había visitado

mala pasada pues yo esperaba encontrar mar, y no montaña. “Mi hotel está en primera línea de playa, me he debido equivocar de parada”, le dije al conductor. Él me sonrió y con un gesto me invitó a seguir a otros viajeros. Apenas a unos minutos andando apareció el mar como un milagro. Un entrañable puerto casi redondo que alberga dos playas y un agradable paseo marítimo han convertido el Puerto de Sóller en uno de los lugares vacacionales de moda para aquellos que buscan un entorno tranquilo. Este puerto es una perla escondida entre montañas. Su larga avenida está salpicada de numerosos restaurantes y terrazas desde la que observar la tranquilidad del mar o el impasible faro mientras desayunas un pan con sobrasada o una ensaimada con café. En la calle principal aún está el antiguo

Cala Deyá. [Foto cortesia de Vicente Sanz de Leon]

aún a mis islas vecinas, las Baleares. Ya era hora de hacerlo y lo haría comenzando por Mallorca. Era noviembre y la temporada vacacional comenzaba a cerrar sus puertas, una ventaja para conocer sus rincones sin el bullicio propio del verano. El Puerto de Sóller, situado en el municipio del mismo nombre, sería mi refugio durante 5 días inolvidables. Hice mi viaje en autobús desde Palma de Mallorca. Al llegar a la última parada divisé la enormidad de la Sierra de Tramontana, al noroeste de la isla, declarada Patrimonio de la humanidad por la UNESCO. Mi ignorancia me jugó una

Fachada Museo Modernista Canprunera en Sóller [Foto cortesia de Vicente Sanz de Leon]

Puerto de Sóller. [Foto cortesia de Vicente Sanz de Leon]

la prosperidad al valle. Los rayos del sol van bajando y anuncian la tarde. Es hora de coger el tranvía hacia Sóller siguiendo la estela del aroma a azahar. Al llegar callejeo sin rumbo y descubro una estrechas calles empedradas habitadas por casas tradicionales que se remontan al siglo XVI, edificios modernistas y tiendas de artesanía que invitan a vivir en ellas. Es sin duda el centro comercial y cultural de la Sierra. Mis pasos me llevan a la plaza central donde se erige la Iglesia

Antiguo tranvíaII Puerto de Sóller. [Foto cortesia de Vicente Sanz de Leon]

tranvía que conecta el Puerto con el pueblo de Sóller, situado a unos 3 kilómetros de distancia hacia el interior. Se trata de otra perla que yace en un valle con forma de cuenco, plagado de naranjos y olivos. La calidez del sol me incita a darme un baño para luego recostarme en la cálida arena. Han pasado las horas y mi cuerpo pide alimento. Me siento en una terraza a disfrutar un “frit mallorquí”, plato muy popular que admite muchas variantes, y que puede ser de carne o de pescado. Lo acompaño con queso de la zona y de postre un chupito de licor de naranjas de Sóller, las mismas que llevaron

parroquial de San Bartolomé, rodeada de árboles y cafés. Mientras el sol se esconde tras el campanario, mis ojos se van

cerrando. Es hora de regresar al puerto y descansar. Demasiados lugares y poco tiempo. Recuerdo entonces el objetivo de mi viaje: “que mis días transcurran tranquilos mientras disfruto al máximo cada lugar”. Por ello elijo el plan perfecto: motocicleta, picnic y un doble destino: Valldemosa y Deyá. A tan sólo 17 kilómetros de la capital, Valldemosa, es parte del encanto de la Sierra. Mientras subo por sus calles empinadas y estrechas, salen a mi encuentro casas con puertas y ventanas verdes incrustadas en sólida piedra con aroma a almendra y olivo. La principal atracción de Valldemosa es el conjunto monumental de La Real Cartuja, de principios del siglo XIV, con preciosos jardines, claustros, celdas y habitaciones monásticas. En su celda número 3 (actual celda número 4) se hospedaron la escritora George Sand y el compositor y pianista Chopin en 1838. Se ha metido frío y deseo ver el mar bravío. Bajo entonces a su pequeño puerto pesquero que refleja la historia de los pescadores y me llena de nostalgia. No puedo regresar al Puerto de Sóller sin antes pasar por Deyá, un lugar que atrae a artistas, músicos y escritores.

Sus 5 kilómetros de costa en moto me dejan embelesada. Ahora dejo atrás las fincas de piedra que se asoman entre el verde y su imponente iglesia de San Juan Bautista que corona el lugar. Aún hay unos rayos de sol cuando leo un letrero “Cala Deyá”. Un rincón

Iglesia de San Bartolomé en Sóller. [Foto cortesia de Vicente Sanz de Leon]

de piedra y azul que invita al baño de forma única. Me sumerjo en el agua cristalina. No puedo dejar de agradecer disfrutar de tanta belleza. Salgo del agua, me tumbo en una de sus grandes lajas aún caliente. Saco de mi mochila una sobrasada que casi se ha derretido y la unto en pan de pueblo. El placer ahora inunda todos mis sentidos. Y ese sentimiento de ser isleña comienza a acariciarme la espalda y suavemente me susurra al oído: “Ya estás en casa”. Saida Santana

Iglesia San Juan Bautista en Deyá [Foto cortesia de Vicente Sanz de Leon]

Saida Santana es doctora por la URJC, máster en Artes Escénicas , life y executive coach, licenciada en Periodismo. Combina el periodismo televisivo, con publicaciones en distintas revistas, escritura de guiones, la conducción de programas y su trabajo de actriz.

May 18 – May 31, 2016

Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL INYBN |




Do More than Give Back — Get Involved with the Kiwanis Club of Coral Gables By: Sarah L. Mason

The Kiwanis Club of Coral Gables is one of the oldest chapters of Kiwanis International, a global non-profit organization whose stated mission is “serving the children of the world,” a mission the Coral Gables chapter has expanded to include other community members who could benefit from a helping hand. Since being founded in 1926, the Kiwanis Club of Coral Gables has stayed strong, largely due to the sense of duty of its members who “respond to the needs of the South Florida community,” as their website explains. Current President and member Raquel Ramirez stated that she chose to make Kiwanis a big part of her life because it consistently gives her “new ways to gain that fulfillment people get from giving back and being part of something important.” “It’s something you do because you want to,” she explained. “I have a great team of people who are motivated to keep the club active and give back to the community; the secretary, vice president, and

1st Annual Serve It Up for the Kids volleyball tournament at UM.

immediate past president and many others are extremely dedicated. I see that people keep coming to our events and meetings, and the more I see, the more it fuels the fire. It is wonderful when we all work together toward something, and it creates this feeling that is drenched in wholesome goodness.” Kiwanis International was founded in 1915 in Detroit and quickly grew into an international organization. The Coral Gables chapter dedicates its time, resources, and energy to supporting local groups such as the Boy Scouts, the Gulliver Preparatory Key Club, the Coral Gables High School Key Club, and their own Kiwanis Club of Coral Gables Youth Foundation. The Youth Foundation benefits underprivileged children and also supports other non-profit organizations. One particularly special pursuit of the Kiwanis Club of Coral Gable is the Nick Kotys Award, named for Coral Gables Cavaliers former head coach Nick Kotys, given annually to the most outstanding high school football player in MiamiDade County.

The Kiwanis proudly serve Coral Gables. [Photos on page courtesy of the Kiwanis Club of Coral Gables]

“The guy was a rock star,” President Ramirez said of Nick Kotys. “He was more than a coach. The kids called him a mentor and a leader. Many of the players we have awarded in the past 27 years have gone on to play in the NFL.” The Kiwanis Club of Coral Gables is always looking for new members to become part of exciting community opportunities and events such as the Nick Kotys Award and other service projects and fundraisers. And this summer, members and supporters will have an opportunity to get involved in the Club’s 90th birthday celebration, a Gatsby-themed ticketed gala with food, drinks and dancing. They’ll celebrate the work and dedication of several lifetime Keyshawn Young, the winner of the 27th annual Kotys Award members, some of whom have been part of the Kiwanis Club of ups, the gala, a toy drive, a new service Coral Gables for fifty or more years. project to relate to Nick Kotys, and more Members of the Club get together for activities. The chapter deems itself lucky a lunch meeting on the first Tuesday of to have survived the economic downturn every month and also have a monthly and other events that forced some other happy hour on a varying schedule. At groups to disband. While the chapter used their meetings, they often have speakers, to boast 200 members, the 31 members socialize, discuss different important topare still going strong and are hoping to see ics, and work out plans for upcoming and more community members join. potential projects. “I am really looking forward to getting Ramirez got involved when she met more people to join the club,” said Presiwith a colleague to discuss a business dent Ramirez. “With new people, we will relationship over coffee at local favorite get fresh ideas and new approaches to our Cafe Demetrio. The discussion turned existing events. I am excited to see what toward the Kiwanis, and her colleague new things we can do as we grow in numsuggested she consider joining. Serenbers and build a stronger force. I hope to dipitously, the former president walked get our name back out there and remind by and encouraged Ms. Ramirez to join people we are here and ready to help the as well. community.” The Kotys Award For more information or to find out how to join (it’s an easy process!), attend “I felt extremely welcome at my first a meeting, call Raquel Ramirez at 305meeting,” said President Ramirez. “A speaker was there to talk about human 978-3279 or visit www.kiwaniscoraltrafficking, which surprised me because

Volleyball champs

I thought it was a bit of a strong topic, but it just goes to show how open the club is to new ideas.” She soon assumed a leadership role and has since been keeping very busy. “It’s another full-time job,” she said, adding jokingly, “with no pay of course. But I am very happy doing it, especially because I have great people to work with.” Some of the tasks that are keeping them busy include scholarship awards, a fishing tournament, summer games, beach clean-

Sarah Mason

Is a freelance writer who teaches at Florida International University, where she is an M. F.A. candidate and the fiction editor at Gulf Stream literary magazine. She is from Maryland’s Eastern Shore but now lives in Miami because of the palm trees. Sarah is currently working on a novel.




Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016


Dip de Frijoles con Chiles Poblanos y Chiles Chipotles Adobados 1

By: Fernando Montes de Oca

El chile poblano, en México se le denomina así a una variedad fresca del Capsicum annuum. Es muy utilizado para la gastronomía de este país. Seco es conocido como chile “mulato” o “ancho” y es el principal ingrediente del mole poblano. El grado de picor de este chile está determinado por una sustancia llamada “capsicina” aunque por lo general no es picoso. El chile chipotle (también llamado chilpotle, Náhuatl chilpoctli o xipoctli, que significa chile ahumado) es un tipo de chile que se ha dejado madurar, para después ser ahumado y aliñado. Es de


un aspecto marrón rojizo, muy picante y de gran sabor. Los chipotles se pueden comprar enlatados o a granel en muchas tiendas y mercados de México y Estados Unidos. La variedad de chile más común para elaborar el chile chipotle es el chile jalapeño. Receta para 4 personas:

Ingredientes 2 tazas de frijoles bayos o negros 1 taza de rajas de chile poblano 1/2 taza de chiles chipotles adobados 1 Cucharada de aceite neutro Sal al gusto


Procedimiento Las rajas de chile poblano se fríen en el aceite por 5 minutos, se les añade la sal al gusto. Los frijoles y los chiles chipotles adobados junto con sus jugos se incorporan a un procesador para obtener una pasta poco espesa. Se añaden las rajas ya cocinadas a la pasta y se revuelve. Una vez terminado de preparar, el Dip puede ser consumido, frío o caliente, con totopos, nachos o tortillas.

Fernando Montes de Oca

En los últimos diez años se ha dedicado a escribir poesía crónicas, narraciones, cuentos, ensayos y novelas. Ha incursionado en el mundo de la foto grafía y la cocina, en que destaca su gran amor y sensibilidad a las artes. Viajero insaciable del mundo, observador talentoso y libre pensador.

[Photos courtesy of Fernando Montes de Oca]

Timothy Shade, Music Director & Conductor

“Natural Wonders” Sunday, May 15, 2016 – 7:30 pm Ransom Everglades School 3575 Main Hwy, Coconut Grove

** Free admission**

Program: Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 in F major, “Pastoral” Lalo: Symphonie Espagnole in d minor

Randy Bella, violin soloist

James Syler: Gearbox

May 18 – May 31, 2016

Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL INYBN |




The Making of a Green Leader: Whole Foods & Miami Science Barge Team up for Environmental Change Continued from page 1

how the Miami stores cater to the given community. “Our donations help the hyper local charities; we think it’s the right thing to do.” Those donations benefit numerous organizations, which Whole Foods carefully selects based on a set of criteria. But for now, that focus has shifted on Miami Science Barge and its impact on the Miami community, owing to Whole Foods’ support along with the Barge’s self-sufficient capacities. The Biscayne Bay-based Museum Park Barge recently opened as a sort of follow-up to what already exists in New York- a similar entity floating in the Hudson River developed by Dr. Ted Caplow, CEO and founder of CappSci. “We won the 2015 Knight City sponsorship,” stated Barge representative Alissa Farina about how the Barge project came about after connecting with Caplow. “Our mission is to use science to create solutions to problems of global significance.” Renewable energy powers the floating urban ecological laboratory and public environmental education center and has been getting good hype, noted Farina. Also, the boost from Whole Foods has only had positive ramifications. “Our mission is very closely matched to the mission of Whole Foods,” said Farina about the project that officially launched on Earth Day of this year. “I’m really, really pleased that they want to work with us to enhance each others’ mission. What a great space [the Miami Barge] is for promoting science and envi-

[Photo courtesy of Jade Lieonart]

ronmentalism.” The mission could not complete itself without certification from US Coast Guards, who so-called “test the waters” and perform life safety drills, ensuring that the barge fulfills safety standards. Since completing these drills on opening day, Barge volunteers and employees have led public weekend tours with the ultimate goal of encouraging local Miami folks to join

preservation efforts and become involved in the organization’s efforts. “The ultimate goal is to create a space to create a space and forum,” remarked Farina a propos the Barge, “where we can talk about helping Miami reach its full potential as America’s great environmental city.” While New York, Los Angeles and other cities have overshadowed Miami in certain

[Photo courtesy of Jade Lieonart]

[Photo courtesy of Jade Lieonart]

respects, experts consider the latter to have the potential of becoming the poster child of environmentalism should efforts from organizations such as the Miami Barge thrive. “Miami is at the forefront for climate change issues, especially in relation to sea level rise, as well as incredible capabilities for technologies, like renewal energies and sustainable food production,” underscored Farina. “Our vision is to help elevate Miami’s status as a green leader of the world.” In raising Miami’s status among environmentally friendly cities, it has become cleaner and better day in, day out through efforts of local non-profits like the Miami Barge. And while in journalism it is essential to present both sides of the argument,

it’s a fairly one-sided declaration to hold that any local non-profit created with the objective of promoting preservationist behavior can only benefit the city, its residents and above all, its future. “This is the first exhibit to learn about the environment that’s never been done before in Miami,” pointed out Farina. “This hasn’t been done in anywhere in the world.” With photovoltaic solar panels supplying power for all of the Barge’s energy needs, visitors may learn how to produce their own sustainable power in their everyday lives. Students K-12 can attend guided field trips, and others can participate in workshops to learn more, a concept that never gets old regardless of age.

Liz Kobak Liz Kobak is a freelance writer with bases in New York and Miami. An avid tennis player and former top-ranked junior, Liz has written on various beats from sports (mainly tennis) to art (her college major). In her spare time, Liz can be found on the tennis courts, singing ‘80s songs at her local karaoke bar and volunteering.

[Photo courtesy of Jade Lieonart]




Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016

6475 SW 82nd Street, South Miami, FL 33143 New Construction BRAND NEW luxury home in South Miami. Ranked as one of the 10 best communities for young families. Designed by architect Levin Kotzen, “The Ibis” offers a modern perspective of Miami’s unique lifestyle. This masterpiece offers 6 bedrooms/6.5 Baths, 2-car garage and two carports. Special features include: PGT impact windows/doors, Mia Cucina Fine Italian cabinetry, quartz, pool/Jacuzzi, Wolfe appliances, state-of-the-art video security system, CAT-5 wiring, porcelain floors downstairs, white oak plank flooring upstairs. $2,099,998. Ready to move in!


Nick Adams

Realtor-Associate | Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate 4000 Ponce De Leon Blvd, Suite 700, Coral Gables, Florida, 33146 C: 305-632-0099 | F: 305-442-9554

May 18 – May 31, 2016

Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL INYBN |




Sailboards Miami Watersports: Good for the Mind, Body, and Planet Continued from page 1

my Master’s Degree in Mental Health,” recalled DeLeon. Though she wasn’t initially privy to it, her studies in mental health would eventually enlighten DeLeon to how beneficial watersports can be for someone’s mental wellness. Her decision to place a premium on mental health might have subconsciously played a factor in Sailboards Miami’s success. For over twenty years, Sailboards Miami has been partnering with Miami-Dade County to offer safety, recreation, and fun on the Rickenbacker Causeway. Their location is an ideal place to sail from if you want to see the historic Vizcaya that James Deering designed. Sailboards Miami has become a beacon of security, a helping hand, and a source of information for Windsurfer Beach. Their watersports are also a great way to spend a day on the water. “There’s no better way to spend an afternoon. We have something for everyone, but we specialize in beginners. In 30 years, we’ve only had one

Kayaking is a great way to spend and afternoon on the water. [Photo courtesy of Sailboards Miami]

customer we couldn’t successfully get up on a board on the water,” stated DeLeon. When it comes to surfing lessons for beginners, DeLeon and her company believe they can have anyone up on the water within 20 minutes. Those who enroll in this instructional course can also expect to learn how to point the board and turn it around, as well as speed it up and slow it down. The instructors at Sailboards Miami observe their clients’ change from “land legs to sea legs” as they

improve their skills during the initial session. “There is no reason why anyone can’t do any of our sports. We have trained instructors and the equipment. They just need to bring the desire,” indicated DeLeon. The watersports offered at Sailboards Miami include windsurfing, kayaking, and SUPs (stand up paddleboards). Additionally, they offer rental gear for those taking lessons and those who arealready skilled on the water, and lack

The instructors of Sailboards Miami hope to get anyone who wants to try surfing up on a board. [Photo courtesy of Sailboards Miami]

Sailboards Miami offers a family friendly experience for all ages while specializing in beginners. [Photo courtesy of Sailboards Miami]

personal equipment. If you are looking to purchase your own gear, Sailboards Miami offers boards, sails, fins, kayaks, and many other accessories to have fun with on the water. By offering the skillset, equipment, and location to have an enjoyable afternoon on the water, Sailboards Miami hopes that its clients will also inherit its company’s mindset. “We want people to leave only footprints and take only pictures. Appreciate the beauty around them by cleaning up after themselves. The water is for everyone, and everyone has a right to enjoy it and should respect it,” DeLeon remarked. Keeping the area clean signals a true watersport professional. Whether you want to spend a day kitesurfing solo or bring the entire family—including the family dog—to enjoy the ocean, the experience will be magnified if you are in a trash-free area. Sailboards Miami urges you to leave the technology in the car and reconnect with nature; avail yourself of the scenic aquatic playground

South Florida has to offer, but make sure to keep it beautiful. “We are out on the water every day; we can see the impact we have on the area. I want to continue enjoying this planet, and we hope others will help in keeping it enjoyable,” urged DeLeon. To learn more on how to enjoy the water with Sailboards Miami, visit or contact 305-892-8992. Please remember to leave only footprints and take only photographs.

Chris Carson A West Virginia native, Chris Carson is a WVU alum. After working in the fitness and customer service industries for the better part of two decades, he now lives and writes in Philadelphia. While residing in the City of Brotherly Love, Chris indulges his interests as a lover of red wine and appealing alliteration, while constantly waiting for the next great adventure that life has to offer.




Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016


Family Health and Safety Day a Success In April, Key Biscayne Presbyterian School partnered with Mast Academy Seniors, Alana Lima and Felipe Barreneche, founders of Radiate Happy Living to host a Family Health and Safety Day. Families enjoyed free food from local healthy food vendors. Families joined in pick up soccer games, relay races and even learned

to make biodegradable plant pots from recycled newspapers. Family Health and Safety Day was an opportunity for families on Key Biscayne to unite and create new memories together while giving back to those in need. The event benefited Touching Miami With Love, and attendees brought canned goods to support relief efforts in Ecuador.

KBPS Wins Environmental Stewardship Awards Students from the Key Biscayne Presbyterian School were recent winners in The Fairchild Chal-lenge and The Key Challenge, environmental action programs aimed to teach children to be good stewards of Florida’s beautiful natural resources. KBPS has participated for more than 6 years in the Fairchild Challenge and has been honored as a Fairchild School of Excellence. Teachers from KBPS attend training at The Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens each year. This year, KBPS PreK4 students Leo Bertolino and Monica Armengol

placed 2nd and 3rd overall in their respective categories among more than 25 other schools. At Thursday’s Key Challenge Awards, PreK4 students placed first place in the categories of Photography, Art Collage and Environmental Book, proving that even the littlest of learners can make an impact on educating others to protect our environment. KBPS excels in Outdoor Education and believes that hands-on learning is the best kind of learning. For more details about KBPS or to schedule a tour, please call 305-361-2058.

Photos courtesy of Cierra Bragan



Founder & Artistic Director: Raffaele Cardone PRESENTS:

Marina Spanish Opera in 3 Acts • Music by Emilio Arrieta


FEATURIG Marina Adriana Valdez Jorge Aurelio Gabaldon Roque Nelson Martinez Pascual Diego Baner Teresa Laura Martinez Alberto Gabriel Menendez & other fine artists


June 12 SUNDAY 4PM

MLO ORCHESTRA & CHORUS Chorusmaster Pablo Hernandez Beverly Coulter Conductor General Director Raffaele Cardone

1040 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach FL 33139 • Tel: 305.674.1040 Admission $37 • Students with ID $25 only at Box Office Tickets on sale Box Office, or online:

May 18 – May 31, 2016

Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL INYBN |




Everyone Can Paint with Apryl Davis of Wine & Canvas Continued from page 1

avail themselves of the recognizable and trustworthy brand that has made them synonymous with a good time, as well as access to the well-trained and knowledgeable staff. One thing Davis said she finds particularly compelling about the Wine & Canvas business model is that is gives

Wine on Canvas. [Photos courtesy of Apryl Davis]

her room to use all of her skills to create an optimal experience for her customers. She has a master’s degree in social work, which she used to find a job helping others after graduating. However, being a social worker in Indiana, where she was born, was not Davis’s dream—she wanted to find a job where she could apply a wider range of her talents and her smarts. Now, with Wine & Canvas, she offers fun painting classes, team building events and other fun activities. “I am a rebirthed, reborn artist,” said Davis. “A late stage, late-in-life artist, or however you want to frame it. The point is that I don’t have a lot of training and haven’t lived a life devoted to art — I make art people can relate to.” Another unique aspect of the overall structure of Wine & Canvas is that the teachers make their own paintings, as well as share a wealth of paintings with one another. Many of the pictures come from photographs, and so display elements of realism as well as natural colors and shades. Davis strives to choose paintings “that people will want to put on the wall,” she noted, so whether that requires her to create her own or borrow from the group, she has the know-how

Painting in Pairs with Wine & Canvas. [Photos courtesy of Apryl Davis]

A Girl’s Best Friend. [Photos courtesy of Apryl Davis]

and the resources for both. But this convivial structure that allows Davis to run her own show didn’t come easy. “I come from nothing,” she said. “I am a single mother who had no support. I have two boys who are also artists and may someday want to build this business too. I want something for my kids and their kids. I lost everything to make this business work.” Because so many have ventured in this type of business and there was no competition in Indiana, Davis was surprised by the B.Y.O. painting classes already in place in South Florida.

But she stayed true to her nature and became part of the scene anyway. “There are a million people trying to do a version of what we do,” she observed, but that doesn’t stop her or her dreams. “My goal was to break through for my sons; maybe they’ll want to come back one day. Even if they don’t, I have still proven to myself that I can do anything. I have bigger dreams as well—one day I want to write my own story, write my own books.” And despite being one in an industry of many, Davis is not intimidated. “I consider myself a boutique concierge service. I am very immediate with my responses, and I customize to people’s needs. If someone wants to book a party at eleven at night, I answer. I bring my social work expertise to the table.” Davis loves to see her customers having fun, and she encourages people to embrace their own styles, “creating artists that didn’t know they were artists, kind of like I did,” she said. “Once customers come to us, they stay. I’ve had people paint with me forty times. I wasn’t born with this; this doesn’t come naturally to me. So I am able to explain it to my customers in a very basic form.” If you want to have fun with sips and a brush, contact Apryl Davis at or call 754-202-5222.

A Purple Painting. [Photos courtesy of Apryl Davis]




Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016


Swire Properties Inc. Donates $600,000 to Miami’s Friends of The Underline Swire Properties Inc, the developer of Brickell City Centre, the $1.05 billion mixed-use project under completion in the heart of Brickell, announced its commitment of $600,000 to fund The Underline, the proposed 10-mile linear park that aims to transform the underutilized land below Miami’s Metrorail. Similar to the concept of New York City’s High Line, The Underline will focus on transforming the space around Miami’s urban infrastructure and is set to be one of the city’s most ambitious projects. Once completed, The Underline, which will act as both an urban trail and living art destination, will be anchored on the north end at the Miami River near Brickell Avenue and on the south end by the Dadeland South Metrorail Station. The Underline will encourage Miami residents to embrace a new urban lifestyle by walking, biking or taking mass transit as an alternative to driving. The project will also have substantial economic impact by encouraging mixed-use development along US 1, increasing property values, adding jobs and encouraging adjacent businesses to activate and connect to The Underline. The Underline is anticipated to bring an additional $170 million in total economic output during construction and $50 million annually after completion. “Swire Properties and The Underline share the same passion for providing a safe biking, walking and leisure refuge for the city’s most dense neighborhoods,” said Guy Bradley, CEO of Swire Properties Ltd., Swire Properties’ parent company based in Hong Kong. “As Brickell City Centre nears completion, we want to continue to build upon our vision for a more sustainable Miami and do our part to make this important community asset come to fruition.” Swire’s donation will be earmarked for the construction of the Brickell portion of The Underline and will seamlessly connect with Swire’s renovation of the Eighth Street Metromover station and surrounding green space, which is located adjacent to the 5.4-millionsquare foot Brickell City Centre. “Swire’s donation exemplifies the developer’s conviction and commitment to the community,” said Meg Daly, founder of Friends of The Underline, the nonprofit organization behind the project. “Their generous support will be instrumental in bringing more private and public funding to this transformative project for Miami-Dade County and the city of Miami.” As a major sponsor, Swire will continue to advocate funding, design and future maintenance of The Underline. Stephen Owens, president of Swire Properties, is a member of the Board of Trustees for the nonprofit. Friends of The Underline will celebrate Swire’s donation and newly forged partnership on May 25 at a private VIP reception at Brickell City Centre’s hotel EAST, Miami, where plans for The Underline’s temporary art installations, set for fall 2016, will also be unveiled. During the event, Swire hopes to chal-

planned development of Brickell Key. The project’s first phase includes a luxury and premium shopping center, two residential towers, a hotel with residences, and two mid-rise office towers. The project is LEED®registered for Neighborhood Development – currently one of the largest in the U.S. Sustainability elements include the $30 million CLIMATE RIBBON™; a masterpiece of art and science, the elevated trellis will span 150,000 square feet, connecting the project’s Stephen Owens, President of Swire Properties, Mari I. Nardi, Chief of Planning and Design three city blocks and actExcellence, Carlos A. Gimenez, Miami-Dade County Mayor, Meg Daly, Founder of Friends of The Underline and Guy Bradley, CEO of Swire Properties Ltd., at the proposed 10-mile linear ing as an environmental park underneath Miami’s Metrorail. [Photo courtesy of Kaela Krakoski] management system. As the largest private-sector project currently under construction lenge its high-profile guests to match or About Brickell City Centre in Miami, Brickell City Centre began exceed its $600,000 donation. Brickell City Centre is a landmark vertical construction in 2013 and the The designers behind The Underline, $1.05 billion, 5.4 million square feet, first phase of construction is schedJames Corner Field Operations, gained mixed-use development in down- uled for completion beginning winter global recognition for co-designing the town Miami from Swire Properties 2015. Phase II is scheduled for comfamed High Line, NYC’s public park Inc, one of South Florida’s leading mencement end of 2017. More inforbuilt on a historic freight rail line eleinternational developers of real es- mation is available at www.brickellvated above the streets on Manhattan’s tate known for its $1 billion master- West Side. The Knight Foundation recently announced The Underline as one of three South Florida winners of the Knight Cities Challenge, a competition that seeks new ideas from innovators and how they plan to improve the future of their city.

About Swire Properties Swire Properties Inc, headquartered in Miami since 1979, is one of South Florida’s leading international developers of urban office, hotel and condominium properties. Known for its $1-billion, master-planned development of the island of Brickell Key in downtown Miami, Swire continues to shape the Miami skyline with its latest project, Brickell City Centre, a $1.05-billion, mixed-use complex comprising a gross floor area of 5.4-million gross square feet, including an underground carpark and 2.9-million square feet of office, residential, hotel, retail and entertainment space. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the publicly listed Swire Properties Limited based in Hong Kong. For more information, visit

About Friends of The Underline Friends of The Underline is a 501C3 non-profit organization advocating to transform the underutilized land below Miami’s Metrorail into a 10-mile linear park, urban trail and canvas for artistic expression to create a safer, healthier, more connected, mobile, and engaged community. For more information visit and Like and Follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @theunderlinemia.

May 18 – May 31, 2016

Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL INYBN |




Youth Summer Internship Program to Employ 1,300 Students A historic collaboration between key Miami-Dade stakeholders brings something special to students this summer – 1300 jobs throughout the County. The Youth Summer Internship Program–designed to keep students safe and motivated this summer – is the result of a partnership of the Miami-Dade School Board, the Board of County Commissioners, and the Foundation for New Education Initiatives and The Children’s Trust. “This summer, MiamiDade’s public school students will have the opportunity to participate in a summer youth inter nship prog ram made possible through innovative school and community partnerships,” said Superintendent of Schools Alberto M. Carvalho. “In an age of

increased competitiveness, Miami-Dade students will benefit from real-world work experiences that will help prepare them to excel in their chosen career fields. Not only will students have the opportunity to enhance learning and earn high school and college credits, but they will be compensated for working in professional environments that will propel them to success after graduation. The program also provides students the opportunity to positively engage in safe and productive activities over the summer.” The Summer Jobs Program demonstrates the community’s commitment to working together to create a safer Miami-Dade for our children and for future generations. Safety and security of Mi-

ami-Dade’s young people are common goals of these organizations, and this program will keep children safe while providing an opportunity to do something positive during the summer. Students and businesses interested in participating in the program can learn more and sign up at https://miami. Miami-Dade County has provided $1.7 million towards the program through legislation sponsored by Commissioner Xavier Suarez, in conjunction with $750,000 provided by The Children’s Trust. A total of 1,300 jobs will be provided, with 10 percent of the jobs going to children with special needs and 100 jobs being allocated to each commission district. The Summer Jobs Program will be

administered through MiamiDade County Public Schools. Along with employment, students will receive academic components that will provide them educational benefits, including possible high school or college credit. “One of my top priorities is putting our residents to work, including our younger residents,” said MiamiDade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez. “This program will provide our young residents with the type of work experience that will prepare them for future success. Quality of life is directly tied to access to good jobs, so I am pleased to work with the Board of County Commissioners, The Children’s Trust and the Miami-Dade County Public Schools to employ young people throughout the entire

County.” “In the true spirit of collaboration, The Children’s Trust, Miami-Dade County and Miami-Dade County Public Schools will collectively support approximately 1,300 youth as they pursue their academic and professional aspirations,” said James Haj, president and CEO of The Children’s Trust. “Beginning to build a résumé in high school sets teens apart from their peers as future employers are looking for as much professional exposure and experience as possible. An internship counts! This exciting collaborative effort complements the nearly $3 million The Children’s Trust is already dedicating to summer jobs for youth, and will help to curb the growing youth violence problem.”




Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016


Remote Miami Launches An Artificial Intelligence Experience A Pedestrian-Based Live Art Experience in Downtown Miami New York, Paris, Berlin, São Paulo, Moscow and now Miami are examples of the latest cities in the Remote X series, a collection of interactive, pedestrianbased live art play experiences hosted across the world. Remote Miami, presented by Rimini Protokoll (Kaegi/Karrenbauer) and Questalive Productions, takes participants on a guided city expedition via headphones from an artificially intelligent (AI) source and synthetic voice that directs movement while observing from a distant remote location. It combines the elements of theatre, performance, guided tour, computer games and quest. There are no chairs to sit in as the participant takes full part in the action. The events happen in real time where the city streets provide the set design while people passing by become the actors and the surrounding reality provides props. The performance is a fun and exhilarating game as well as an intriguing mental exercise. Participants in the show, together with their

[Photos courtesy of William Anthony Read]

computerized interlocutor, explore the city in stereo format discovering individuality, mortality, memory and the invasion of our mental geography by technology. The show begins with the artificial intelligence voice Heather stating, “I am a com-

puter generated voice. I normally help blind people reading news and emails. I don’t have a body. I don’t have a soul. I have no eyes, but I know where you are. I can do bad things to people without feeling guilty. Ha ha ha. Don’t worry. I will try to be your friend.”


Collective Art Exhibition Friday, May 27 from 7PM until 10PM 1165 S.W. 6th Street, Miami 33130 (305) 549-7200

The two-hour Miami experience begins in the city’s oldest cemetery located at 1800 NE Ave., and finishes in a surprise Downtown Miami location area. With groups of up to 50, participants are immersed into another world surrounded by the soundscapes produced

within the city. The headphones and verbal AI directions allow participants to gain a different perspective of the city as well as question their existence versus artificial intelligence reality. “This experience will change you. Actually, it does: in a compelling and disarming way,” stated Radio France, one of France’s larger public radio consortiums. Remote X was created by production company, Rimini Protokoll. The company was founded in Germany by award-winning playwrights and stage directors Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi, and Daniel Wetzel. The Remote X series is hosted in cities around the world and was most recently introduced to Miami by Questalive Productions. “It’s a kind of invisible architecture. We’re setting up a precise geographical structure, like a tunnel through the city that nobody sees.” Stefan Kaegi, CoFounder of Rimini Protokoll. Shows run on a weekly schedule taking place every Saturday through June 25. General admission tickets are $32 and student tickets are $22 (valid Student I.D. must be shown at event on-site registration).

May 18 – May 31, 2016

Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL INYBN |




Coral Gables News Coral Gables is a 2016 Playful City USA Fo r e ig ht c o n s e c u t ive years, Coral Gables has been designated as a Playful City USA community. Playful City USA is a national recognition program that honors cities and towns across the country for taking bold

steps that make it easy for all kids to get the balanced and active play they need to thrive. Once again this year, Coral Gables has been recognized for its efforts to create a more playable, familyfriendly community.

City to Purchase Five Properties for Passive Parks The City of Coral Gables is purchasing five properties to be used for passive parks in order to provide additional green spaces in City’s neighborhoods. These properties will require minimal development and will be transformed as parks after obtaining the input from neighbors. More than 20 properties were considered for acquisition as part of the City’s Neighborhood Renaissance Program. City staff searched 937 Majorca Avenue [Photo courtesy of Maria for properties in neighbor- Higgins-Fallon] hood locations that were safe and accessible, without the need • 241 Sarto Aveue, corner of Sarto Avto cross a busy road to reach a park. enue and Salzedo Street, 5,000 sq. ft. Parks needed to be sufficient in size • 937-939 Majorca Avenue, corner of to accommodate the surrounding Majorca Avenue and Granada Boulearea and located where there was a vard, 14,314 sq. ft. demand for open space. Community • 6540 Marlin Drive, corner of Marlin acceptance was also an important Drive and Bonito Drive, 19,025 sq. ft. factor. • 1047 Venetian Avenue, fronting CorThe City has entered into contracts dova Street, 8,250 sq. ft. to purchase the following properties: The City of Coral Gables is making • 807 Catalonia Avenue, corner of Cat- this $3.6 million investment in order alonia Avenue and Anderson Road, to improve the quality of life in City’s 13,464 sq. ft. neighborhoods.


Calling All Summer Campers! June 9 is the last day of class for Miami-Dade public schools’ students, with the summer officially beginning on Friday, June 10. Did you know there are plenty of activities for your kids as part of the City of Coral Gables Summer Camp programs? Consider registering your school-aged children at any of the War Memorial Youth Center Summer camps. There’s a great variety of programs available, with convenient early drop-off and late pick up options. Register now. Don’t let boredom rule this summer.

[Photo courtesy of Maria Higgins-Fallon]

Get a Taste of the Gables On June 2 This is your opportunity to sample dishes from 20 of the best restaurants in Coral Gables, plus enjoy drinks, live music and vote for your favorite sampling. Buy tickets now for A Taste of the Gables scheduled for Thursday, June 2, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Westin Col-

onnade Hotel, 180 Aragon Avenue. The events kick off Coral Gables Restaurant Week coming later from June 6-26.

If You Build It, They Will Come: Adult Activity Center If you build it, they will come to the new City of Coral Gables Adult Activity Center. Construction is in progress for the center’s new 9,682 sq. ft. space on the ground floor of The Palace Coral Gables, located at 2 Andalusia Avenue. The new location is expected to open this summer with further details to be provided as an opening date is

[Photo courtesy of Maria Higgins-Fallon]




Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016


April 24 Walk like MADD & MADD Dash Attracts Thousands; Raises Record-Breaking $226,000 On Sunday, April 24, more than 2,000 walkers and runners joined the La Croix Water WALK Like MADD & MADD Dash Fort Lauderdale 5K Presented by ADT Brought to You by Ultimate Software, at downtown Fort Lauderdale’s Huizenga Park. The sixth annual Fort Lauderdale event raised a record-breaking $226,000; since it was established in 2011, it has raised more than $910,000 for MADD Broward & Palm Beach. This annual signature fundraising event for MADD takes place in 80 cities around the U.S. The day’s festivities included an awards ceremony, live musical performances, vendors and educational booths, and appearances by local dignitaries. Speakers included Chairperson Heather Geronemus, Broward County Commissioner Chip LaMarca, Broward College President David Armstrong, and Deputy Don Huneke of Broward Sheriff’s Office. Geronemus, a Plantation resident and businesswoman, founded and chaired the event in 2011 after her father, Dr. Robert Perry Geronemus, was struck and killed by a drunk driver. All event proceeds benefit MADD

Start Line. [Photo courtesy of MADD]

Maggie Gunther & Stephan Greco. [ [Photo courtesy of MADD]

David Armstrong, Heather Geronemus, Tony Segreto, Chip LaMarca. [Photo courtesy of MADD]

Jim, Summer, Liberty & Justice Robertson. [ [Photo courtesy of MADD]

Broward & Palm Beach to educate the community on the dangers of drunk driving, and provide victim support

and youth programs to stop this completely preventable violent crime. If you’d like to donate, fundraising will

remain open until June 1 at www.

Gala Celebrates 17 Years of “Giving Shelter” for Those Experiencing Homelessness Proceeds to Support the Broward Partnership On Friday May 20th, the Broward Partnership turns back the clock to a decade in American history when long hair, flower power and psychedelic rock were all the rage at its 17th Annual Salute to Leadership Gala. The theme of this year’s event is “Gimme Shelter – the 60’s,” and the groovy festivities begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Signature Grand, 6900 State Road 84 in Davie. More than 350 influential business and community leaders and their guests will enjoy a cocktail reception while bidding on silent auction items, followed by a delicious dinner and a rocking shindig featuring tunes from the 60’s. The Gala will also contain an awards presentation where the Partnership will shine a light on a select group of its outstanding advocates. Ultimate Software and Breakthru Beverage Florida will each be presented with the Corporate Trusteeship Award, recognizing them for their support not only with financial resources, but also through the donation of in-kind resources and the volunteer efforts of their employees. The Sally Goldman Foundation will be honored with the Foundation Trusteeship Award for its legacy of contributions that have made a dramatic impact on the lives of those

experiencing homelessness served by the Partnership. The inaugural Broward Partnership Leadership Award will be presented to Joanne Snead, who joined the Partnership’s Board of Directors in 2009. Ms. Snead has served as chair of several committees and has shepherded financial contributions to the Partnership through the Circle of Friends Foundation. The Honorary Chair of the 2016 Gala is Dodie Keith-Lazowick, who also serves as Partnership’s Board Chair. Board Members Elliot P. Borkson, Esq. and John Castelli serve as Co-Chairs for the event. Other members of the Host Committee include Kim Bentley, Carolyn Burns, Diane D’Angelo, Kenneth A. Gordon, Esq., Jane Grant, Jeremiah Gutierrez, Jill Horowitz, Marlene Katkin, Jonathan Keith, Carol Molnar, Joanne Snead, Heather Geronemus and Cathy Stutin, Esq. Gala guests are encouraged to wear 60’s attire for a fun evening of dining and dancing. Sponsorship opportunities are still available by contacting Berne Teeple at (954) 832-7037 or Proceeds from the event will assist the Partnership in operating the 230bed Central Homeless Assistance Cen-

Broward Partnership for the Homeless board member and Salute to Leadership Gala host committee member. [Photo courtesy of Diana Hanford]

Joanne Snead, Broward Partnership for the Homeless board member and honoree; George Levie and Heather Geronemus, Gala honorees. [Photo courtesy of Diana Hanford]

Michael S. Long, Chief Development Office, Broward Partnership for the Homeless and Doug Jones, President Sixth Star Entertainment. [Photo courtesy of Diana Hanford]

John Castelli, Salute to Leadership Gala Co-Chair; Joanne Snead, Broward Partnership for the Homeless board member and honoree; Cathy Stutin, board member; Claudette Bruck, board member and Fran M. Esposito, CEO Broward Partnership for the Homeless. [Photo courtesy of Diana Hanford]

ter on the Huizenga Campus, which serves more than 1,200 men, women and children experiencing homelessness each year. In addition to safe shelter and nutritious meals, the Partnership offers wrap-around case management and comprehensive services, such as

medical and dental care, behavioral health, workforce development, family therapy and others that assist the homeless in reacquiring health, housing and employment as quickly as possible. For more information, visit

Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL INYBN |

May 18 – May 31, 2016




Stellar Performances Marked the Culmination of the Sixth Annual Countywide Young Talent Big Dreams Competition

Ayden Hassenberg, a 17-year-old senior at Robert Morgan Educational Center in the Academy of the Performing Arts, took home a win for Individual Original Composition. [Photography by Gregory Reed]

Grand Prize winner Francesca Winer, 15, brought down the house with an emotional performance of “’Round Midnight.”

Violinist Gabriella Zaken, 11, took top honors for Individual Musical Instrument.

Emcee Earl Maulding deftly steered the show, and kept both the audience and the performers engaged.

Category winner Carolina Rivero’s pre-show jitters disappeared when the 16-year-old stepped on stage.

Group Dance winner Dynasty Step Team proudly represented Miami Norland Senior High.

Fifteen-year-old Jezabel Espinoza’s gravity-defying footwork pushed her to the top of the Individual Dance.

Spoken Word winner Kourtney Wallace, 16, with Children’s Trust President and CEO James Haj.

A boisterous and be-tied M.O.B. made it to the winner’s circle.

YTBD 2016 WINNERS Grand Prize Winner

Bands/Group Vocal

Francesca Winer, 15, Miami Arts Charter School

M.O.B.: Esteban Urizar (lead vocals), 12, Jorge Mas Canosa Middle School; Jonathan Otanio (bass), 17, Miami Southridge Senior High School; Jonatan Issac (drums), 17, Arthur & Polly Mays Conservatory of the Arts; Matteo Rodriguez (acoustic guitar), 14, Miami Southridge Senior High School; Luis Alvarez (electric guitar), 17, Miami Southridge Senior High School

Individual Vocals – Broadway/Jazz/Classical Francesca Winer, 15, Miami Arts Charter School

Individual Vocals – Pop/Rock/Rap Carolina Rivero, 16, Our Lady of Lourdes Academy

Individual Spoken Word Kourtney Wallace, 16, School for Advanced Studies

Group Dance Dynasty Step Team: Jamyah Fils-Aime, 16; Darius Forshee, 15; Jada Newball, 16; Mishael Norvil,

13; Nyra Taylor, 16; all attend Miami Norland Senior High School

Individual Musical Instrument Gabriella Zaken, 11, Norman S. Edelcup/Sunny Isles Beach K-8

Individual Dance Jezabel Espinoza, 15, Miami Arts Studio

Individual Original Composition Ayden Hassenberg, 17, Robert Morgan Educational Center in the Academy of Performing Arts




Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016


5th Annual “Claws for Kids” Brunch at Joe’s Stone Crab Raises a Record $140,000 for Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade’s South Beach Location Joe’s Offers Guests Signature Menu Items for a Good “Claws” More than 400 people brunched at Joe’s Stone Crab on Sunday, May 1st while raising a record-breaking $140,000 for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade. The 5th Annual “Claws for Kids” fundraising brunch specifically benefited the Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade’s newly renovated South Beach location at 1200 Michigan Avenue. Joe’s iconic staff served up signature dishes to the guests,

including their world-famous stone crabs, plus coleslaw, hash brown potatoes, creamed spinach, Key Lime pie, and bottomless bubbles. As guests cracked their claws, Frank Sinatra impersonator Jeff Grainger of Sinatra Sounds Entertainment provided the entertainment. Old Blue Eyes would have been proud. Judith Kramer, who has chaired the event three times in its five-year history, chaired

2016 Claws for Kids Committee Members: Lisa Kramer, Vanessa Bertran, Rea Stein, Connie Rebozo, Chairperson Judy Kramer, Special Event Chair Olga Guilarte, Lisa Mendelson and Kerrin Bermont. [Photo courtesy of Sue Reddy Silverman]

Nelson Fraga, Boys & Girls Club of Miami-Dade Director of Special Events & Development Kati Foley, and Boys & Girls Club of Miami-Dade Vice President of Development Arthur Hernandez. [Photo courtesy of Sue Reddy Silverman]

the event again this year. Kramer is a retired MiamiDade County Public Schools executive. “We are happy to present ‘Claws for Kids’ for the fifth consecutive year,” Kramer told the guests. “The funds raised from this event will play a huge part in the future of the new South Beach location, which is a wonderful place for area youth to enjoy Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade’s life-changing

Claws for Kids Special Event Chair Olga Guilarte, Dr. Tomislav Mandakovic, and Kati Mandakovic. [Photo courtesy of Sue Reddy Silverman]

Alina and Tom Bezold, and Chairperson Judy Kramer. [Photo courtesy of Sue Reddy Silverman]

Irene and David White. [Photo courtesy of Sue Reddy Silverman]

programs.” After having served the children of Miami Beach for 27 years, the prior 2,500-sq.ft. South Beach Club was demolished in September 2011 to make way for the 11,000-sq.-ft new facility, which held its official grand opening ceremony on Thursday. The new South Beach Club features a teen center, state-of-the-art computer lab, teaching kitchen for children, homework rooms, games

rooms and a creative arts room. It serves approximately 400 youth from the local area. Also at the event, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), a long-standing supporter of Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade, received the “From the Heart Award.” The award honors a person, family or organization that has shown overwhelming support and constant dedication to the children of the community and beyond.

Pepin and Adela Reguera, and Executive Board Member Raul Marmol. [Photo courtesy of Sue Reddy Silverman]

Club Blue Miami – Jannette Alix, Zoraida Arisso, Francisco Gonzalez, Lou Esquerdo, Jessica and Eric Goldberg. [Photo courtesy of Sue Reddy Silverman]

President of Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade Alex Rodriguez-Roig; Claws for Kids Committee Chair Judy Kramer; Irene White, Dir. of External Affairs and Corporate Energy Outreach for Florida Power and Light, Board Chair Peter L. Bermont, and Special Event Chair Olga Guilarte.. [Photo courtesy of Sue Reddy Silverman]

May 18 – May 31, 2016

Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL INYBN |




Ultimate Miami 2016 Kicks Off with Live Performances by Carlos Mencia, TKA, George LaMond, Lime, Debbie Deb, Rockell, Collage, Lady Bunny and Derrick Barry What: Ultimate Miami, LLC, creator of Miami’s talent competitions showcasing local rising stars in the fields of mixology, entertainment and culinary arts, will be hosting the fifth season of the Ultimate Miami Series, where finalists will compete for a cash prize of $5,000, paired with performances by nationally known entertainers.

Who & When: June 10 George Lamond, Rockell & Collage live in concert at Ultimate Miami Voice (8pm) June 11 Lady Bunny & Derrick Barry performing live at Ultimate Miami Drag Queen (9pm)

TKA [Photos courtesy of Sandra Rodriguez]

June 17 TKA, Lime and Debbie Deb live in concert at Ultimate Miami Bartender & Dessert (7:30pm) June 18 Carlos Mencia headlining Ultimate Miami Comedian (8pm)

Where: Stage 305 at Magic City Casino – 450 NW 37 Avenue in Miami, FL 33125

Additional Details: • Ultimate Miami Voice – Cover charge is $10 per person. VIP tables are $150 and include seating for four. To reserve VIP tables, please contact 305-6314576. • Ultimate Miami Drag Queen – Cover charge is $20 per person. VIP tables are $300 and include seating for four. To reserve VIP tables, please contact 305631-4576.


Debbie Deb

• General admission tickets for Ultimate Miami Bartender & Dessert are $40 and include eight drink samples and eight dessert samples. VIP tables for Ultimate Miami Bartender & Dessert are $300 and include seating for four. • General admission tickets for Ultimate Miami Comedian are $40. VIP Tables are $300 and include seating for four. • All Ultimate Miami events are 21 and over. • For more information on purchasing tickets, visit or call 844-234SHOW. The Ultimate Miami series is a joint project by Ultimate Miami, LLC and Magic City Casino.

Carlos Mencia



Virtual Rendering

Virtual Rendering

Virtual Rendering

Virtual Rendering

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© 2016 Douglas Elliman Real Estate. All material presented herein is intended for information purposes only. While, this information is believed to be correct, it is represented subject to errors, omissions, changes or withdrawal without notice. All property information, including, but not limited to square footage, room count, number of bedrooms and the school district in property listings are deemed reliable, but should be verified by your own attorney, architect or zoning expert. Equal Housing Opportunity.

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Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016


Coral Gables Bar Association Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Miranda v. Arizona Decision on Law Day

Julio Garcia, Andres Correa, Esq., Coral Gables Bar Association President, Lana Naghshineh, Esq., Coral Gables Bar Association Director, Jordan Morina, Coral Gables Senior High student, first place essay, Judge Stephen Millan, Coral Gables Branch Court, Ramesh Nyberg, Nyberg Investigations, Jerome Kavulich, Coral Gables Bar Association Director. [Photo courtesy of Gabriela Suarez]

Julio Garcia, Andres Correa, Esq., Coral Gables Bar Association President, Lana Naghshineh, Esq., Coral Gables Bar Association Director, Francesca Mocci, Coral Gables Senior High student, second place essay, Judge Stephen Millan, Coral Gables Branch Court, Ramesh Nyberg, Nyberg Investigations, Jerome Kavulich, Coral Gables Bar Association Director [Photo courtesy of Gabriela Suarez]

On May 6, 2016, the Coral Gables Bar Association sponsored Law Day at the Coral Gables Branch Court with a celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona, which guarantees that any individual who is accused of a crime is advised of his or her rights. Forty students from Coral Gables High School participated in the event. Judge Stephen Millan was a guest speaker at the event and explained the history and significance of the Miranda decision to the students. Ramesh Nyberg

Nyberg were so generous in volunteering their time for this important cause. It is essential that we educated our future leaders so that we can work together to uphold and protect the procedures that ensure justice.” “We cannot thank the members of the Coral Gables Bar Association enough for volunteering their time to make Law Day a success for the bright and talented students of Coral Gables Senior High,” said Lana Naghshineh, Esq., a director of the Coral Gables Bar Association. “The enthusiasm of the students and their ap-

of Nyberg Investigations, and 21-year veteran of the Miami-Dade County Police Department’s homicide division, was also a guest speaker and explained how this court decision has affected taking suspects into custody and questioning. “Our goal was to demonstrate that Miranda is more than words – that this law and its underlying principles are essential to our justice system and our culture,” said Andres Correa, Esq., president of the Coral Gables Bar Association. “We are thankful that Judge Millan and Mr.

parent interest in the law is promising – our future is in good hands.” Following the presentations, Judge Millan and Nyberg held a question-andanswer session with the students. These students all submitted essays on the Miranda v. Arizona case to the Coral Gables Bar Association as part of an annual Law Day essay contest. Correa personally presented the students with the top two essays with their prizes. Jordan Morina was awarded $1,500 for his first place essay and Francesca Mocci received $500 for her second place essay.

CAMACOL Hosts 37th Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce Long established as the business icon that links Miami to Latin America, and under the new leadership of President Nelson Tarke, CAMACOL is hosting the 37th Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce at a four-day event in Coral Gables beginning on June 6. “There is no other event in Miami, or in Florida for that matter, that garners this level of international attention and participation. More than 25 countries from Latin America, Europe, and Asia will be represented at the congress,” said Tarke. “Hundreds of international businesses will participate because CAMACOL offers access to foreign markets through its matchmaking sessions as well as educational opportunities related to increasing sales, reducing costs, and improving productivity and efficiencies. Our focus this year will be international film market, business tourism, innovative technology, trade agreements and investments, and education.

“Influenced by the changing dynamics of the trade industry, CAMACOL is taking a fresh look at major international business sectors and once again trailblazing a new era,” he said. “CAMACOL helped establish Florida as one of the nation’s most business-friendly states by taking advantage of the expertise of its members, Miami’s geographic location, and our region’s economic stability,” said Jose Matto, executive director of the Hemispheric Congress. “The deepening to Port Miami is a major development in the trade industry and we are ready to help guide our Latin American partners into strengthening their presence in the industry.” The conference, being held at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, connects international business leaders with attendees who share interest in expanding commerce in South Florida through Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, Poland and China. At-

tendees will have the opportunity to meet with business leaders through matchmaking business meetings, interactive panels, networking events, luncheons and a trade show expo. A new element has been added in 2016 offering virtual meetings for individuals unable to travel to the conference. Through a prearranged business matchmaking system, attendees at the conference will be able to digitally meet with business leaders around the world.

A catalyst in the South Florida region for over 50 years, CAMACOL has been at the forefront of developing the minority business sector. With its vast experience, the organization has positioned itself to identify new international business trends to assist business leaders adapt to an ever-changing industry. Current surges in world economies and Florida’s thriving development have propelled CAMACOL to intensify its resources to fortify Miami’s reputation as the ‘gateway to

Latin America.’ “We have been following the effect of the Port of Miami expansion closely and the time to do business is now,” added Matto. “Miami is one of the nation’s leading financial hubs, Florida ranks No. 1 in exports by air to South America and we offer more direct, nonstop flights to Latin America than any other state. People want to do business here like they haven’t in decades and we are ready to welcome them.” Consistent with its vision of fostering Florida’s Hispanic entrepreneurial spirit, CAMACOL has redesigned its programs to improve its operation. As part of its role in linking Miami to Latin America, CAMACOL serves as an advocate for the minority business enterprise in both the private and public sectors. Registration is open at For additional information please call 305642-3870 or email events@

May 18 – May 31, 2016

Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL INYBN |




The Bamboo Garden — A Private Garden Tour & Lecture

French drama “Standing Tall” (La tête haute)

9 AM- 11 AM @ Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables Fee: Member, $25; Non-member, $35

2:45 PM & 6:45 PM @ Tower Theater, 1508 SW 8th St., Miami

Legends of the Old School II feat. TKA, Tone Loc, Lisa Lisa, Rob Base, 7 PM @ Mizner Park Amphitheater, 590 Plaza Real, Downtown Boca;

Makers Union: 5-Minute Mentors Mingle and network at a mixer sponsored by Wynwood Brewing, and receive one-on-one advice from creatives who have been there. 7 PM- 9 PM @ Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach $10 for nonmembers, FREE for members of The Wolf and MADE at the Citadel (includes a drink courtesy of Wynwood Brewing)

Hipstamatic Class Students will learn how to shoot with the camera app and also view samples of different lens and film combinations and learn how to set their favorite combinations. 10:30 AM- 1:30 PM @ Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables

French romantic comedy Amélie 11:45 PM @ Gables Art Cinema, 260 Aragon Ave. Tickets are $7.00 and include a free popcorn and 2-for-1 beer and wine.

Microtheater y Ole

Sunday, May 22:

7 original plays, 15 minutes each 8 PM- 1 AM @ CCEMiami, 1490 Biscayne Blvd 305.448.9677

Sunday Funday with CONCRETE BEACH BREWERY feat. Glass Graffiti Happy Hour

Round-Up Nightclub 10 PM- 1 AM @ 9020 W State Road 84, Fort Lauderdale

Saturday, May 21: Fine Arts Concert feat. Manhattan Transfer member Cheryl Bentyne 7:30 PM @ WDNA Jazz Gallery, 2921 Coral Way $25 for WDNA Members; $50 general admission. Includes refreshments and catered cuisine. Reservations: 305.662.8889

The Tin Woman A comedy with an inspirational dramatic resonance 8 PM @ Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theater, Balcony Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables

Tour the Tower 2 PM- 3 PM @ MDC’s Museum of Art + Design, 600 Biscayne Blvd., free

Masterclasses: FlamenGO 11 AM- 6 PM @ CCEMiami, 1490 Biscayne Blvd. Space is limited. Reserve in advance:

ArtLab at the Lowe Blasted Allegories: Photography as Experience 10 AM- 4 PM @ Lowe Art Museum, 1301 Stanford Drive, Coral Gables; 305.284.3535

Boating Safety Course 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM @ Key Biscayne Community Center’s Island Room (2nd floor); free 305.365.8900;

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Come paint a pint while you drink a pint 7 PM @ The Cafe at Books & Books, 265 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables Fee: Member, $30; Non-member, $45;

Monday, May 23: A Monster With a Thousand Heads Winner of a clutch of international awards and nominated for 7 Mexican Academy Awards, the film is an engrossing combination of thriller, drama and timely socio-political commentary. 5 PM, 7 PM and 9 PM @ Gables Art Cinema, 260 Aragon Ave.

Tuesday, May 24: City Commission Meeting 9 AM @ City Hall Commission Chambers, 405 Biltmore Way, Coral Gables

Influencing the Influencers: Pitching the Media 11:30 AM- 3:30 PM @ Coral Gables Museum, 285 Aragon Ave. $60;

Wednesday, May 25: Q&A with Social Security 9:30 AM- 12 PM @ Key Biscayne Community Center, 2nd floor 305.365.8900; free

Evening MBA Session 6 PM- 8 PM @ University of Miami School of Business Administration

Into the Silence: Learn How to Meditate 6:30 PM- 8 PM @ Key Biscayne Branch Library, 299 Crandon Blvd.

National Wine Day Wednesday, May 25

Thursday, May 26: KBCC Thursday Movie Matinee 1:30 PM & 4:30 PM @ Key Biscayne Community Center’s Adult Lounge (2nd floor) Free; 305.365.8900

Dialogue on Entrepreneurship and Innovation 7:30 AM- 9:30 AM @ The Beacon Council - 80 Southwest 8th Street #2400, Miami; free

Noche de Poesia Y Guitarra 6:30 PM @ Books & Books, 265 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables

Jump on Board An evening of networking, board leadership opportunities, and learning how to connect to a lucrative creative ecosystem. 5:30 PM @ DLA Piper LLP (US), 200 South Biscayne Boulevard $15; Includes reception, wine and treats, program and materials. Space is limited.

Friday, May 27: Love & Friendship “…a Jane Austen movie that’s fresh and deliciously rotten at the same time.” (Time Out) @ Gables Art Cinema, 260 Aragon Ave.

Free Guided Tour of Exhibitions Learn more about The Wolfsonian Collection and related art and design themes during a 45-minute free guided tour of the permanent collection or temporary exhibitions. 6 PM- 6:45 PM @ Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach

Sketching in the Galleries Take a break from the screens in your life and reconnect with good old paper and pencil! Drawing materials, gallery stools, and professional instruction in

English and Spanish to participants of all ages and skill levels provided. Free 7 PM @ Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach

Author Event: El Código de Las Emociones — Dr. López Benedí 6:30 PM @ Books & Books, 265 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables

Viernes Culturales/Cultural Fridays Little Havana’s popular art and culture festival 7 PM- 11 PM @ Domino Plaza, at SW 15th Ave & 8th St. Free; 305.643.5500

May Movie (& Music) Nite The Unseen Everglades — Inside a Legendary Wilderness Live Music by Lucid Room, Vibe305 Food Truck & donation BirdBar 7:30 PM @ Tropical Audubon Society, 5530 Sunset Drive, Miami; free

Saturday, May 28: Author Event: El Poder de Autosanación — Juana Frontera 6:30 PM @ Books & Books, 265 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables

Tuesday, May 31: Plácido Widely regarded as one of Spain’s greatest films, it has been described as an “impeccable comedy of manners.... and a devastating social portrait”. @ Gables Art Cinema, 260 Aragon Ave.

The National League of American Pen Women Coral Gables Presents: Protecting Your Art and More

1 PM- 3 PM @ Coco Plum Woman’s Club, 1375 Sunset Road, Coral Gables $20. 305.856.1816; amintarealtor@




Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016


CL ASSIFIED ADS EMPLOYMENT: Bilingual publication is seeking a few good advertising sales executives. Requirements: strong communication skills, outgoing, experienced in sales, self-motivated. Contact: 786-218-0720.

RENTALS: 2940 S. Federal Hwy., next to entrance of Key Biscayne, excellent location, very safe. 4 Bed/3 bath, large backyard, 2 professional tenants would like to add a third tenant. Rent $2,600 to be divided among 3 tenants. Cost of water, electricity, and lawn maintenance also split between co-tenants. New tenant to have bedroom suite with private bathroom, share living room, kitchen, and office. Independent access. Please call for interview: Sam @ 305-206-5393. 4 Bedroom/3 Bath Home at 2940 S. Federal Hwy., Miami, FL 33128. Great location across Brickell and Key Biscayne and

close to Metrorail station. Large living room, large garden and backyard, very safe area and excellent neighborhood. Rent: $3,100/month. Contact: 786-4870524 or 305-834-0401.

SERVICES: Proofreading of college essays, research papers, manuscripts, and other documents. Experienced and credentialed. 786-218-0720. Ad Hoc Legal Researcher and Assistant with law degree. Substantial exp. in researching legal issues, filing and drafting motions, pleadings, memos and other documents; ulling and reading court dockets; summarizing depos and discover. For more info, email Graphic and Web Page Design. Promote your business online. Create or update your website. Design your ads, postcards, brochures, eflyers. Call Nora Camejo at 305-361-7064

Tropical Baroque Music Festival XVIII

February - March 2017 Enjoy world renown early music artists presented in the beautiful and historical city of Coral Gables and the exciting city of Miami Beach, Florida. No better time to visit South Florida, escape the cold weather and enjoy the experience of a lifetime. Come for the Festival and stay for all the other fabulous events South Florida has to offer.

Join us on Facebook


/ @MIABachSociety

Artists, dates, venues, and programs will be available through our website:

May 18 – May 31, 2016

Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL INYBN |




Teresa Sarnoff Donates $10,000 Worth of Defibrillators to the City of Miami for Use by the City of Miami Police Department Patrol Division On Friday, May 6, Teresa Sarnoff donated eight automated electronic defibrillators (AEDs) to the City of Miami Police Department for use in the patrol division. Sarnoff donated the final amounts she did not spend in her election for City of Miami Commissioner. Teresa previously donated to Lotus House to sponsor the rehabilitation of homeless women and to Animal Rescue. “This final donation will allow properly trained officers [trained by the City Miami Fire Rescue Department] to immediately render assistance to victims of heart attacks, allowing patrol officers, often times moments away, to render immediate assistance, as opposed to waiting on Fire Rescue to arrive from its departmental station,” Sarnoff stated. Sarnoff went on to say, “This donation can save a life, but just as important, can be the start of improved relations for police officers who are more than often viewed in a negative light

in some communities. Now, the officer may be rendering assistance to save a loved one, creating the opportunities for new dynamics between the police and the community - often only shared by Fire Rescue.” The City of Miami has 20

AEDs in police vehicles. The additional eight, which are the later version G5, will bring the number to 28. Other cities, like Coral Gables, have more than 120 AEDs in patrol vehicles. This year to date, City of Miami Police has saved four vic-

Lieutenant Javier Ortiz, Teresa Sarnoff, Chief of Police Rudy Llanes [Photo courtesy of Gabriela Suarez]

Teresa Sarnoff donated eight automated electronic defibrillators (AEDs) to the City of Miami Police Department [Photo courtesy of Gabriela Suarez]

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VISIT US: 160 Harbor Drive 305-361-2058 9AM - 2PM $225 per week !

9AM - 4PM $275 per week

tims in four tries. Pete Chercot, a former City of Miami employee, and Lieutenant Javier Ortiz were on hand to provide their firsthand lifesaving story, as Ortiz saved Chercot’s life five years ago with the older G3 version. Chief of Police Rudy Llanes was there to accept the dona-

tion, which was made at City of Miami Police Headquarters at 400 NW 2nd Avenue. Sarnoff donated the money to the Jackson Memorial Health Foundation, which accepted the proceeds and then procured the eight AEDs from Cardiac Science.




Serving Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, Downtown MIA, Coconut Grove, and all of South FL

May 18 – May 31, 2016

Individual Energy Healing with

Paula Petry “Paula’s outcome measures show strong impacts on joyfulness and mindfulness. Her rigorous evaluations demonstrate admirable dedication to a science of well-being.” – William P. Fisher, Ph.D.

Individual Energy Renewal Sessions:

If you have ongoing sadness, depression, confusion, guilt, feelings of unworthiness, and/or inconsistent or low levels of energy, schedule an Energy Renewal session. A session is typically 1.5 hours in length. The session begins with a conversation to identify the presenting concern. You then lay face-up on a massage table, breathing and releasing, following Paula’s guidance. Suggestions on how to maintain your energy field balanced are provided. Clients experience a great sense of relief and renewal at the end of the session.

Experience a Renewal of Your Energy By:

• Clearing of chakras • Extracting heavy energy • Cutting energetic cords oppressing energy field • Connecting with your higher self • Feeling lighter, more creative, hopeful and energetic Expert Coaching If you are experiencing negative reoccurring thoughts/challenges/ situations in your life and are ready for a change, schedule a Coaching Connection session. Coaching is provided from a spiritual perspective, helping the individual connect with their own inner wisdom and guidance to discover their own solutions.

Home Energy Renewal If you are in the midst of making positive changes in your life or would like there to be positive changes, schedule a Home Energy Renewal session. Everything contains energy, including our homes. Clearing one’s home environment of heavy energy using sage and a blended mix of essential oils are ancient traditions that still have great value. During this session, your home will be cleared of heavy energies and you will learn how to do it yourself.



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