Manifesto da Noite / Night Manifesto - CoLaboratório

Page 78

improve everyone’s access. And when we improve the network of public transport, it also improves for diurnal users. The night, as I think it, is the place to escape the dictatorship of reason, of social economy, of culture. The night is a cross-cut object. But the night isn’t free because it is expensive, because there aren´t enough options from which to choose from, because it is discontinuous, because there isn’t enough transport, leading us to the need of reflecting upon all this. I believe that if we had to pass a message it would be that it is better to populate the night than to control it. It is better that the night has many people, that it lives, that it may be there,

It is better that the night has many people, that it lives, that it may be there, that we may have what we call ‘natural social control’, that there may be more people than police and surveillance cameras.

that we may have what we call ‘natural social control’, that there may be more people than police and surveillance cameras. The night must be populated and open, it should be a place for the reinvention of society and the city.



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