Intrepid Museum Annual Report 2013-2014

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It is a great privilege and an exciting responsibility to lead the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. A culture of service pervades this institution. Those who work here carry the legacy of every person who served their country on the USS Intrepid and USS Growler and in NASA’s space shuttle program. Our commitment is to honor that legacy by preserving its history and by inspiring future generations of scientists, engineers, makers and thinkers. The Intrepid Museum is the place where information meets wonder, inspiring the leaders of tomorrow. The ship Intrepid is an artifact unto itself, a technological marvel of its time once run by more than 3,000 servicemen. Aboard the ship, learning comes through direct experience as visitors absorb the workings of steam catapults in the very place where planes were launched into battle. Visitors are immersed in historic details about kamikaze attacks in the exact place where the ship was hit and servicemen lost their lives. Such real-world connections bring history to life and make learning more meaningful.

The mission of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is to promote the awareness and

The greatest accomplishment of fiscal years 2013 and 2014 (May 2012 to April 2014) was Co-Chairman Bruce Mosler, Museum President Susan Marenoff-Zausner and Co-Chairman Kenneth Fisher.

the Museum’s initiative to deepen our impact through a stronger focus on education. With the homecoming weekend to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the ship’s commissioning, we launched our Oral History Project, a program to preserve the stories of veterans who served

understanding of history, science and service

on the ship in World War II, the Vietnam War and the Cold War. We saw an opportunity to enrich

through its collections, exhibitions and

made them possible. Our new Space Shuttle Pavilion, with the space shuttle Enterprise and

public interaction with our artifacts by sharing more information about the technology that 17 exhibit zones that tell the story of America’s space shuttle program, vividly reinforces

programming in order to honor our heroes,

our mission to drive science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education through inspiration and site-specific experiential learning.

educate the public and inspire our youth. Kenneth Fisher CO-CHAIRMAN

On an ordinary day, we are humbled by the dedication of this Museum’s staff and administration. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, we were amazed by their devotion. Members of our operations team put themselves in harm’s way to protect our Museum and artifacts from the six feet of incoming water. In the eight weeks we were closed to repair the damage inflicted by the storm, every department head figured out how to keep us going—working in tents on the pier, restaurants, hotels and even Grand Central Station— while our staff brought Intrepid Museum programming into the neighborhoods hardest hit by Hurricane Sandy.

Bruce Mosler CO-CHAIRMAN

Thanks to the leadership of our staff, most of the damage was repaired within a few months, and the Museum continues to work on the repair and renovation of the Welcome Center. We are pleased to share with you the accomplishments of the past two years, an extraordinary period in the life of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. We hope you are as inspired by the achievements highlighted in these pages as we are. To our staff and supporters who help us soar, we offer a heartfelt thank you.




Getting Enterprise to New York This page: JFK International Airport, May 13, 2012. The de-mating operation removed Enterprise from the 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. Next page, top: Enterprise barges up the Hudson River to the Museum. Next page, bottom: Enterprise being craned up onto the flight deck.

NASA awarded Enterprise to the Intrepid Museum in 2011. In 2012, Enterprise was flown to JFK International Airport, and the Museum had to transport the shuttle from the airport to its new home on Pier 86. Matt Woods, the Museum’s senior vice president of facilities, engineering and security, reached out to 20 companies to build the first Space Shuttle Pavilion, and most rejected the project because a structure on a flight deck, to house a space shuttle, had never before been created. Explains Woods, “The question was: How do you construct a building on a listing ship? The first principle of building is to build on an even plane, not a slanted ship deck.” After a year of planning, Enterprise’s journey began.

Here are highlights of the shuttle’s voyage: • The shuttle took a flight aloft a modified Boeing 747 jumbo jet and a trip along the Hudson River on a barge, including tight passes beneath the decks of bridges. • A waterborne crane lifted Enterprise onto Intrepid’s flight deck, a feat that had never before been accomplished. • Finally, the construction team mounted the shuttle onto a pedestal designed to withstand punishing winds and upward force from the sea.

THE POWER OF A PROTOTYPE Enterprise was NASA’s test space shuttle orbiter. For educators, the fact that tests on Enterprise shaped the course of NASA’s space shuttle program makes it the ultimate teaching tool. Here are facts about Enterprise visitors can learn on tours through the Space Shuttle Pavilion: • Wind tunnel models, artifacts loaned to the Museum by NASA, illustrate the evolution of the reusable space shuttle concept from the early sixties to the early seventies. Engineers flew these models through NASA’s wind tunnels to identify flaws and test innovations. Enterprise is the outgrowth of more than a decade of engineering trial and error. •N ASA designed the space shuttle to shed its external fuel tank in space and glide back to Earth unpowered. On August 12, 1977, a Shuttle Carrier Aircraft dropped Enterprise from an altitude of 24,000 feet, and astronauts Fred Haise and C. Gordon Fullerton maneuvered the shuttle safely to Earth.

YOU HELP US REACH THE STARS Thanks to our supporters, the Museum’s programming in aerospace science has expanded, with workshops for children on a range of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) topics, including robotic arms and microgravity, as well as new tours and plans for exciting new exhibits. Hundreds of individual donors have signed up to sponsor a star, their names now on display in the Space Shuttle Pavilion as supporters of the Museum’s space programming. Your support has helped the Intrepid Museum inspire a new generation of space explorers to reach for the stars.

This was the first of five manned “drop tests” that proved shuttles could glide to landing. •N ASA used Enterprise to test launch safety. Engineers stacked Enterprise, an external fuel tank and two solid fuel rocket boosters into launch formation and subjected this “launch stack” to punishing vibration tests. • A fter the tragic break-up in 2003 of Columbia upon reentry from space, engineers tested sections of the left wing and landing gear door of Enterprise to test theories about the cause of the disaster. These experiments were critical to improving the safety of future missions.





An Enterprising Response to Hurricane Sandy

it from the elements until a new structure could be built. Other departments worked off-site, managing to bring the Museum’s programming into the New York communities hardest hit by the storm, while repairs to the ship were completed.

A Stronger, Better Space Shuttle Pavilion

As Hurricane Sandy turned inland, driving an unprecedented storm surge toward New York, the administration of the Intrepid Museum worried about its invaluable artifacts, including the space shuttle Enterprise. Matt Woods, in charge of our facilities, “knew it was going to be bad” for the Museum but also believed the foundation he built for Enterprise would keep it secure. Woods and his team had made civil engineering history just five months earlier, by transporting Enterprise from JFK Airport to the steel flight deck of Intrepid in New York City.

Construction of the new Space Shuttle Pavilion began in spring 2013 and was completed by that summer.

Built on the flight deck of the historic aircraft carrier, the Museum’s first Space Shuttle Pavilion was surrounded by an inflatable dome designed to withstand winds of 90 miles per hour and snow loads of 20 pounds per foot. Pier 86 was built at 100-year flood levels, meaning there was only a 1 percent chance it would flood in a given year. But the hurricane rolling in was to be the storm of a century. Disaster loomed, and staff worked on the premises to prepare and plan, monitoring the structures and the air pressure.

Dedication in the Wake of Disaster

Undeterred, Woods and his team built a second pavilion: • The new building is framed with structural steel with four-footdeep girder trusses and is covered by a heavy vinyl hood. • A new era demanded a design to withstand winds of 116 miles per hour (a category three hurricane). • A new steel observation deck allows visitors to enjoy up-close views of the shuttle’s cockpit and wings.

“ There are no words to express my gratitude for the devotion I witnessed.”

— Susan Marenoff-Zausner, President of the Intrepid Museum

Top: The view of the Pavilion from the observation deck. Bottom: The Soyuz capsule; an exhibit displays the history of the shuttle program.

A SMARTER SPACE SHUTTLE PAVILION The destruction of the Pavilion gave the Museum an

The morning after Hurricane Sandy, Woods and CFO Patricia Beene-Colasanti arrived at the Museum at dawn to find that a sixfoot flood on the pier had knocked out the main power and submerged the back-up generators. The complete loss of power caused the inflatable structure around Enterprise to begin to deflate, and a gust of wind reaching 90 miles per hour caused it to tear on the shuttle. The shuttle lost a minor amount of insulation but thankfully it could be repaired.

opportunity to re-envision the exhibit space. The new Pavilion boasts 17 robust exhibit zones with new artifacts: • Wind tunnel models on loan from NASA that illustrate the evolution of shuttle design • A display of technological advances arising from shuttle innovations, including LED lights, hinge-free eyeglasses and a device used in CPR • A Soyuz capsule, which allows comparison between the Russian model orbiter and the American shuttle

Other damage to the Intrepid Museum infrastructure was not as easily fixed. The storm surge destroyed all electrical feeds and distribution, as well as critical mechanical systems and life safety equipment. Damage to the chiller plant’s electrical equipment and boilers, which provide heating and cooling to the ship, meant that every piece of electrical equipment had to be cleaned or replaced before the Museum could reopen. The flood wiped out most of the Welcome Center, and winds left the Space Shuttle Pavilion in tatters. Amazingly, the facilities staff braved post-storm chaos and showed up for work the day after Hurricane Sandy. “There was an employee who lost his home, yet still showed up,” remembers Susan MarenoffZausner. “There are no words to express my gratitude for the devotion I witnessed.”

• An Education Zone where educators can engage audiences of all ages through demonstrations • A soundscape that immerses visitors in actual communications between mission control and pilots during tests on Enterprise The new Space Shuttle Pavilion opened on July 10, 2013,

In the eight weeks the Museum was closed, the staff worked in triage, making urgent repairs and erecting temporary ticketing tents. They scaffolded and covered Enterprise to protect

almost nine months after Hurricane Sandy. Attending the ribbon-cutting was Frank Scalzo, education programs specialist at NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who


The completed new Space Shuttle Pavilion.

commented, “Enterprise is in good hands.” INTREPID SE A , AIR & SPACE MUSEUM • 7

Ralph Nurse: back row, middle. Robert Anderson: back row, right.


A Gathering of Heroes Top left: Intrepid crew members battle to contain the fires caused by the two kamikaze planes that hit the ship on November 25, 1944. Credit: Collection of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. Top right: Original crew member and plankowner receives a piece of Intrepid flight deck wood. Bottom: More than 300 veterans who served on Intrepid returned to mark the 70th anniversary of the ship’s commissioning.

Some came in wheelchairs, some leaned on canes, and others strode aboard on their own. Some came alone, some with wives, children and grandchildren, and others with old friends. On August 16, 2013, more than 250 former Intrepid crew members from 42 states returned to their ship for a homecoming weekend in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the ship’s commissioning. Among the guests were 12 “plankowners,” members of Intrepid’s original crew, many of whom were well into their nineties. The returning crew members, active during World War II, the Vietnam War or the Cold War, carried with them pride in their service, grief for friends lost and an abiding desire to remember. “We are honored to have these veterans in our midst as we celebrate the long career of our beloved ship,” said Susan Marenoff-Zausner.

Memories of Valor, Memories of Loss More than 270 American servicemen gave their lives while serving aboard Intrepid. During World War II, Intrepid came to be known as the “Fighting I” and “The Ghost Ship” because it survived five kamikaze attacks and an aerial torpedo strike. By the end of the war, Intrepid’s aviators had shot down more than 300 Japanese aircraft and helped sink 122 enemy ships. At the beginning of the Cold War, Intrepid tracked Soviet submarines in the Mediterranean Sea. Later, the ship served three tours in Vietnam, where planes were catapulted off the flight deck and pilots faced enemy fire on missions over North and South Vietnam.


Given the extraordinary history of service on this ship, it’s no wonder veterans returning after many decades experienced strong emotions.

Karoline Nurse (daughter of Ralph Nurse) dedicated a Seat of Honor, with a bronze plate bearing her father’s name, in the Museum’s Allison & Howard Lutnick Theater.

Plankowner Ray Stone (Radarman, 1943-1945) returned to the homecoming weekend with a mixture of sadness and exhilaration. Remembering the attack of November 25, 1944, in which two kamikaze planes struck the ship, Stone told a reporter, “I can still see the bodies. I lost 26 guys. That is a vivid memory I can’t forget.” Yet later in the evening, he grinned as he remarked, “We gave better than we got. This one ship really kicked [butt]. I’m proud.”

My dad died in 2007, years before the 70th anniversary homecoming. When I received the invite for the anniversary, I decided to go. I wanted to find my dad’s fellas from World War II so I could hear about his time in the service. I brought along my dad’s scrapbooks. My dad was fastidious: he had labeled all of his photos. One of the shots was a casual photo of a group of sailors. Another was a picture of my dad on furlough in Piccadilly, enjoying a meal with his pretty young wife (my mom) and one of his shipmates and his wife. When I showed these photos to the Museum staff members Rachel Herman and Carly Goettel, they got excited and said they had received the same labeled photos from the Andersons. My dad and Mr. Anderson were close. Together, they tested out an experimental plane during their service. Mr. Anderson was a groomsman in my parents’ wedding, and the two even started a small fix-it shop together after the war, but when my dad moved away to work on the New York Central Railroad, they lost touch.

Samuel K. Taylor (Aviation Machinist’s Mate, 1965-1967) remembered a day when Intrepid lost track of a helicopter off the coast of North Vietnam. His friend, a crew chief, was among the men on the downed helicopter. “We steamed for four hours to get there,” he recounted. “The helicopter was in the South

The Museum staff put me in touch with the Anderson family, and I found out that they were planning to dedicate a Seat of Honor* for their dad, Robert P. Anderson. I decided to buy a seat for my dad as well, and I asked the folks at the Museum if they could put two seats side by side. They arranged it, and at the dedication ceremony on Memorial Day, I got to meet the whole Anderson family. I can’t tell you how meaningful it was to put my father’s name on a piece of the ship that meant so much to him. The whole experience of the 70th anniversary celebration was amazing. I’m still in touch with the Andersons and hope to meet them again.

A former crew member attends the reunion with his wife.


* The Washington Engine Company of Croton-on-Hudson, where Robert P. Anderson was chief, worked with the Anderson family to secure a Seat of Honor for Robert P. Anderson. INTREPID SE A , AIR & SPACE MUSEUM • 9



China Sea. Vietnamese boats were circling the crew when we arrived. But we rescued them all. . . . Not a day goes by that I don’t think about my time on Intrepid.”

Left: Ancient Order of the Deep: Crossing the equator is a time-honored tradition for sailors and usually involves a fair amount of horseplay. Intrepid crew members were issued this “Ancient Order of the Deep” card after crossing the equator, as proof that the ”pollywogs” had become ”shellbacks.” Top right: Intrepid World War II veteran Bill Kistler of Elmira, NY, offers a salute at Intrepid ’s 70th anniversary. Bottom right: Intrepid World War II veteran Ray Stone cuts the ceremonial cake at Intrepid’s 70th anniversary.

The staff of the Intrepid Museum designed the 70th anniversary homecoming to be both a commemoration and a celebration. It opened with a ceremony that included the laying of a memorial wreath in the ocean to honor lost comrades-in-arms, and remarks from Admiral James Stavridis of the United States Naval Institute. The weekend continued with dinner, dancing, panels with crew members and curators and tours of special exhibits.

But the most meaningful moments of the weekend occurred when veterans had the opportunity to connect with each other and share their memories. Jessica Williams, the Intrepid Museum’s curator of history, notes, “Some of the sons and daughters, now adults, said their dads never talked about their time on the ship. The floodgates opened at the reunion, and stories that would have been lost to history were told.” The event provided comfort and meaning to the relatives of deceased veterans; 49 families attended the reunion in place of their lost loved one. One Museum visitor, Sherida Daley, happened upon the reunion by accident, clutching the letter that announced her uncle Alphonse Moscaritolo’s death and burial at sea as a result of the 1944 torpedo attack. The staff of the Intrepid Museum invited her into the reunion with open arms. She commented, “Until my visit to Intrepid, my uncle had been a picture on a wall, a story, a name on a telegram. . . . The homecoming weekend made him real to me.”

The Launch of the Oral History Project Inspired by the outreach for the 70th anniversary homecoming, the Intrepid Museum’s staff recorded the oral histories of 43 former crew members. Ultimately, the curatorial staff will use these oral histories, and others, to layer meaning into all of the exhibits in the Museum by creating special kiosks that will connect objects with digital recordings. Elaine Charnov, the Museum’s senior vice president of exhibits, education and programming, says, “We are bringing spaces alive by bringing the voices of people back into them.” Dr. Lynda Kennedy, the Museum’s vice president of education, adds, “History is not a singular voice of authority. History is a chorus made up of many stories overlapping, and we are recording those stories for future generations.”

A Windfall of Artifacts The Intrepid Museum sent out a request for personal artifacts with the 70th anniversary invitation. The response from former crew members exceeded the curators’ expectations. Thousands of artifacts were donated. The Museum received uniforms, helmets, photographs, recordings, letters, film footage, ship logs, yearbooks, instructions, posters, drawings and more. Says Susan Marenoff-Zausner, “The Museum will be forever impacted by that one weekend. Our gratitude and respect for those veterans guides everything we do.”


LITTLE-KNOWN HISTORY ILLUMINATED BY AN ARTIFACT Samuel Taylor Donates His “Ancient Order of the Suez” Certificate When Samuel K. Taylor returned to Intrepid for the 70th anniversary homecoming, he brought along artifacts and an untold story. Taylor served as an aviation machinist’s mate during the Vietnam War. Taylor was aboard the ship when Intrepid made its tense crossing through the Suez Canal on the eve of the Six-Day War in 1967, between Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Here is his account: It was a beautiful day, cool and bright, when we went through the Strait of Gibraltar. We were about to go through the Suez Canal, but Arab-Israeli hostilities were mounting, so we got held up for a day. You see, the Egyptians thought we were on our way to help the Israelis, but we were on our way to Vietnam. We were moving when a voice boomed over the loudspeakers: “We want everyone to stay off the open decks.” Egyptian boats were following us, and we passed two Egyptian submarines. The non-essential crew went below, but I knew a place where I could open a hatch and pop my head outside. It was on the starboard side, by the aft hangar bay. A Russian MiG buzzed the ship, and I got a picture. There was a base and a hospital on the banks of the Suez, and the people in the hospital took off their shoes and began throwing them at us. The Russian pilot must have been inexperienced, because I watched him crash his plane when he tried to land it on the Egyptian base. It was tense, but we made it through. We had only been through a few days when war broke out. I think Intrepid was the last ship through the Suez for many years. Captain John Fair gave everybody on Intrepid a signed “Ancient Order of the Suez” certificate to mark the crossing. Samuel Taylor generously donated his “Ancient Order of the Suez” certificate and slide of a Russian MiG to the Intrepid Museum, preserving this moment in Intrepid’s history. INTREPID SE A , AIR & SPACE MUSEUM • 11


“ Early Morning Openings has been such a liberating and enriching program for my family.” — Wendy Wick, Early Morning Openings attendee & Parent Advisory Council member

A Pioneer in Educational Access

Left: Alexandria Wailes leads a program in American Sign Language for individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing. Top right: The Manhattan Flames floor hockey team demonstrated their skills and answered questions during Disability Awareness Month. Bottom right: Participants at a family program for adults with developmental disabilities put their skills to the test after learning about NASA’s servicing missions for the Hubble Telescope.

The Intrepid Museum is at the forefront of a movement to make museum education accessible to wider audiences. Museum educators from all over the country come to the Intrepid Museum to learn about the organization’s expertise in access programs. Throughout the Museum, there are induction loops to augment audio for individuals who are hard of hearing. Educators can provide verbal description and touch tours for visitors who are blind. There are American Sign Language-interpreted tours for the Deaf. The Stories Within program for people with dementia uses artifacts from the Museum to stimulate conversation and memory. Access for special needs communities is not the only form of access our staff is passionate about. The Museum staff works with the Department of Homeless Services and the Administration for Children’s Services to bring underserved children into the Museum for special events. “The exposure to the inspiration and wonder you find in this Museum can broaden a child’s perspective and change her life. That’s why creating access for everyone is a priority at the Intrepid Museum,” says Dr. Lynda Kennedy, the Museum’s vice president of education. Here are the stories of two trailblazing programs.

A NEW DAWN FOR THE FAMILIES OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM Peer into the Intrepid Museum an hour before it opens and you might find a group of children landing paper airplanes on a simulated flight deck, making seascapes in a bottle or running their fingers over the interactive exhibits. You might notice beaming and relieved parents by their sides, or dim lighting and unusual quiet. That’s because eight times a year, the Museum opens an hour early for children with autism spectrum disorders to accommodate their sensory needs.

A Clash of Dueling Sensory Input

Partnership with Parents

A recent study from UCLA presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research used brain scans to show how the brains of children with autism overreact when presented with competing sensory stimuli. The crowds, noise, lights and general density of stimuli one finds in a typical museum environment can overload the brains of children with autism, making it difficult to learn and possibly triggering a withdrawal or meltdown. “A museum at full throttle is not sensory friendly,” explains Barbara Johnson, the manager of access programs at the Intrepid Museum. “We wanted to remove the barriers that keep the parents of these children out of museums, to create a safe space where parents don’t feel judged.”

From the inception of Early Morning Openings, Museum staff viewed the parents of children with autism as their partners. The Museum reached out to parents who attended the initial openings to form a Parent Advisory Council, which met for the first time on March 20, 2013. Recommendations from these parents shaped the themes and details of Early Morning Openings curricula, including the refinement of these components:

A Quietly Pioneering Program In 2012, the Intrepid Museum set out to create a museum experience in which children with autism could learn. The idea was to open the Museum an hour early, turn down the noises and lights in exhibits and eliminate the bustling crowds. Consultants trained the staff, from educators to security guards, on best practices for these children. The Museum set up a “quiet room” in which overstimulated visitors could regroup. The Museum launched the first of four experimental Early Morning Openings on May 12, 2012, with approximately 25 participants in attendance. Thanks to funders, the program was offered to the public for free.

Every Family Deserves an Outing The Intrepid Museum’s program is structured for the whole family, providing much-needed freedom and fun. In the words of a typically developing sibling who experienced the program, “It gives me family time.” Wendy Wick, a regular attendee, notes, “Early Morning Openings has been such a liberating and enriching program for my family. I say ‘liberating’ because my children are free to experience the Museum’s exhibits in ways that are more natural to them, at a pace that is not overwhelming and with sensitivity to sensory inputs that usually preclude our family’s ability to enjoy museums together.”


• Social Narratives and Museum Maps — Children with autism benefit from a feeling of routine. Social narratives and maps are used to prep the children on what to expect. • V isual Vocabulary and Instructions — While expressive and receptive communication is difficult for many children, visual thinking can be a strength. Each family is given vocabulary and picture instructions. • T actile and Kinesthetic Engagement — Lessons at the Intrepid Museum allow children to focus on one sensation at a time. There are opportunities to roll, climb and jump. • Structured Social Play — Visitors practice social skills with fun challenges like “Talk Like a Sailor” and more. Enthusiastic parents got the word out to friends in the autism community, and Early Morning Openings blossomed into a regular program that attracts an average of 75 participants per session. Most importantly, it has been a model for educators from other museums, who have studied Early Morning Openings to develop their own programs. One unique, visionary program has opened a whole new realm of museum access to the families of children with autism.




WHEN THE WORLD TELL S GIRL S THEY CAN’T, WE SHOW THEM THEY CAN Supporting the Non-traditional Science Student from Early High School to College Every spring, the Museum admits 40 to 50 girls entering ninth and tenth grade into a program called GOALS (Greater Opportunities Advancing Leadership and Science) for Girls. The students are high-performers from Title I or other under-resourced schools, and represent all five New York City boroughs. The obstacles to their success are daunting and material, from the need to work a part-time job to the obligation to care for younger siblings. Many of these young women have never considered the possibility that they might become college graduates, let alone engineers, scientists or computer programmers. They have grown up in a world that tells them that STEM careers are for boys from “better” neighborhoods. In the words of one GOALS student, “Whenever I heard the word ‘engineer,’ my first thought would be a man wearing a bright yellow helmet holding a toolbox. I never thought it was possible for me . . . until GOALS.”

This page: GOALS students learn about water pressure using Cartesian divers in a workshop that builds skills in communication, analysis and problem-solving. Next page: Blood-typing workshop with doctoral candidates from Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

GOALS is a hands-on and ferociously practical program that gives girls the resources, experience and contacts they need to carve a path to a STEM career. During the GOALS Summer Intensive, a free six-week summer program that immerses girls in STEM learning, teenagers visit scientific institutions and universities throughout the city to learn how to do everything from test blood types to trace genetic mutations. They meet with professional women established in STEM careers. “We’re altering girls’ self-perceptions and confidence in regard to STEM subjects,” says Sheri Levinsky-Raskin, the Intrepid Museum’s assistant vice president of education.

Girls Are Being Shut Out of Prosperity The U.S. Department of Commerce projects that STEM jobs will grow at a rate of 17 percent from 2008 to 2018, in contrast to a 9.8 percent rate for non-STEM occupations. STEM workers will earn 26 percent higher wages than non-STEM employees. But too few women are reaping the benefits of the boom in STEM careers. As recently as 2011, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that only 26 percent of STEM jobs were filled by women. This gap is more pronounced for minority women, as African Americans and Hispanics are significantly underrepresented in STEM careers. The future of the American economy lies in STEM careers, but these jobs and the mobility that comes with them won’t be accessible to the majority of American women unless the gender gap in STEM education closes.

Closing the Gender Gap One Teen at a Time Launched in 2008, GOALS is the anchor of the Museum’s STEM leadership program for girls. In fiscal years 2013 and 2014, the program was expanded to provide cutting-edge curricula, role models and continuity of support for girls from their freshman year of high school through the college application process. The Museum added weekend workshops during the school year and organized a STEM Advisory Council to advise the educators at the Museum about how to keep abreast of scientific trends. The girls meet with women succeeding in STEM careers, such as astronaut Ellen Baker

and archaeologist and anthropology professor Paula Kay Lazrus. “We encourage our students to network, because we want them to make real-world connections,” explains Shay Saleem, coordinator of GOALS for Girls. Thanks to our generous funders, girls who start in GOALS can stay engaged with the Museum all the way through high school, on scholarship. Successive programs include the following: • J unior Navigator Internships — Unpaid internships for GOALS alumnae • Senior Navigator Internships — Paid internships for older high school students, made possible by grants • LIFTT (Leadership Institute for Today and Tomorrow) — A coed leadership program for 12th graders that trains students in leadership, speaking, civic engagement and the college application process • College application assistance — The Museum pays for one college application for each GOALS scholarship student. Yashoma Boodhan, who started at the Museum in 2012, is one of several girls who has progressed through all of the programs, from the GOALS Summer Intensive, to unpaid and then paid internships and then to LIFTT. She says, “GOALS was the first real opportunity I got in life. . . . In addition to making me confident in my ability to succeed, the program opened me to the world. I want to be a chemical engineer. I would not be on this path without GOALS.” Ms. Boodhan is in the process of applying to multiple colleges.

“ As a result of my journey at the Museum, I want to take on a career in science that will benefit society.”


— Yashoma Boodhan, long-term participant in the Intrepid Museum’s STEM training


FACTS & FIGURES, 2013 & 2014

42 Seats

More than 150 dedicated volunteers each year

of Honor dedicated


Over 1,000,000 visitors in 2013, an attendance record! More than 1,000,000 visitors again in 2014! 200,000

young visitors in 2014

School programs reached 20,688 New York City K-12 students in 2014

7 new



participants in Community Engagement Programs

4,462 artifacts acquired in 2014


43 oral

histories recorded


YouTube views


Facebook friends

Twitter followers

1 historic


airplane acquired

volunteer hours worked



teachers trained per year


participants in access programs


2013 – 2014 HIGHLIGHTS

A Docked Ship That’s Always Moving Forward EXHIBITION OPENINGS Masters of Disguise: The Art of Camouflage



XBT2D-1 Dauntless II (AD-1 Skyraider) Airplane

Fleet Week Festivities

March 2014

Memorial Day Ceremony & Programs

This “thorough and engaging history of camouflage in both the natural and the man-made world” (Wall Street Journal) explores the four categories of camouflage: obscuring, mimicry, disruptive and countershading.

“ This exhibition on not seeing is well worth seeing.” — Wall Street Journal on Masters of Disguise

Working Below Decks August 2013

From Intrepid’s print shop to its operating table, this exhibition explores the tools and occupations of the “below decks” personnel who kept the crew healthy, informed and operational.

A solemn ceremony honored the service men and women who protect our freedom. A 100-foot flag was unfurled to welcome these heroes.

During World War II, engineers designed this single-seated, propeller-driven attack plane to dive and drop torpedoes. The U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force flew these planes during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Senator John McCain flew a Skyraider (aka Dauntless II) off the flight deck of Intrepid during the 1960s. The Intrepid Museum’s acquisition is the oldest surviving example of a Skyraider.

NEW TOURS Salty Talk “Pipe down” to learn how sailor slang (such as “pipe down”) has entered the English language.

Space Shuttle Enterprise, Up Close & In Depth An hour-long education program uses Enterprise as a technological and historical reference. 18 • INTREPID SE A , AIR & SPACE MUSEUM

Hundreds of service men and women sailed into New York City aboard nine vessels to kick off a week of festivities.

Veterans Day Ceremony & Programs Men and women who have served in uniform to protect our nation received complimentary admission on a day that culminated in a wreath-laying ceremony.

Salute to Freedom 2012 & 2013 The Intrepid Museum’s annual gala celebrates the women and men who serve our country, both in the armed forces and in civilian life. Aboard a ship transformed into a museum transformed into a ballroom for a night, the Intrepid Museum acknowledges the contributions of individuals who have distinguished themselves through service to the nation (Freedom Award) and philanthropy (Salute Award), among other achievements. At the 2012 gala, the Museum honored Leon Panetta, then U.S. secretary of defense; Jamie Dimon, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase; and former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. In 2013, the Museum honored Dr. Henry Kissinger, the 56th U.S. secretary of state; David Koch, executive vice president and board member of Koch Industries; and Audrey Fisher, of the Fisher House Foundation, who has made supporting military families her life’s work.

Kids Week During the cold days of the winter school break, a fun festival kept kids moving and thinking. There were robotics workshops, science experiments, sports, performances by Broadway singers and much more.

Chancellor’s Day Teacher Professional Development A free professional development in STEM subjects, taught in conjunction with the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, was provided for New York City teachers.

Space & Science Festival Our annual celebration of space and STEM innovation featured robotics, rocketbuilding for kids, talks by astronauts such as Ellen Baker and Joe Edwards and professional development workshops for teachers.



Vision for the Future At the Intrepid Museum, we never stop striving to better fulfill our mission to educate the public about history and STEM subjects. In new exhibits, our team will transform the history of NASA and the armed services into exciting, hands-on experiences that inspire future generations of innovators and leaders.

WORKING SPACES BECOME TEACHING SPACES A Rebuilt Aircraft Restoration Hangar with Innovation Deck

A Cogen Plant: Toward a More Sustainable Museum

The Intrepid Museum is home to some of the world’s foremost experts in airplane preservation. Led by Eric Boehm, curator of aviation and aircraft restoration, this team of flight engineers and machinists recently reconstructed an amazing piece of aviation history—an antique Skyraider attack plane—sent to them as an assorted collection of pieces. In order to share this unique expertise with the public, we designed a new hangar area that will serve as both classroom and workshop for students from New York City. An “Innovation Deck” overlooking the hangar will offer kids a fully equipped maker space, including 3D printers, robotics components, software, tools and digitally optimized views of actual restorations—everything our young people need for a foundation in aviation engineering. The new restoration hangar will provide the ideal place for the Museum to build innovators so that they can build the future.

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the City of New York awarded the Intrepid Museum funding to build a cogen plant. “Cogeneration” refers to a more efficient use of fuel—thermal heat normally wasted by a standard engine or power plant is captured and reused. The new plant represents a genuine win-win for the Museum: The Museum will save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in energy costs, and the facility itself will serve as a fascinating, site-specific exhibit space to educate our visitors about the cogeneration process. The new structure also aligns with the ship Intrepid’s long history of service to our country. The 400-kilowatt plant will provide enough backup power to make the Intrepid Museum an important resource for first responders in the event of a disaster. Plans to locate the plant aboard the ship instead of on the pier greatly diminish the threat of flooding, and will eventually restore views of the river currently obscured by the old plant.

The Welcome Center The new indoor Welcome Center will become the first stop on the Intrepid Museum adventure, and will include state-of-the-art ticketing, a new retail gift shop and other services that will enhance the visitor experience. 20 • INTREPID SE A , AIR & SPACE MUSEUM

Interactive Kiosks The National Endowment for the Arts provided the Intrepid Museum with a grant to create interactive kiosks in exhibits throughout the Museum. Recordings, photos and films donated by former Intrepid crew members and NASA astronauts will bring these kiosks to life with unforgettable immediacy and dynamism.

EXHIBITION OPENINGS Submerged One of the most remarkable vessels in the Intrepid Museum’s collection is Growler, a guided missile submarine that was used in top-secret missions during the Cold War. While young visitors need to interact with our artifacts, preservation of Growler requires that the enticing array of dials and gadgets not be touched, so the Museum will open Submerged in the Exploreum. This 40-foot replica of a guided missile submarine will allow access for those who cannot physically go through the actual submarine and will give kids the opportunity to crawl into a submarine bunk on top of a missile, operate sonar, peer through a periscope and learn firsthand how a submarine engine works.

HUBBLE@25 Co-curated by the Intrepid Museum staff and former NASA astronaut Michael J. Massimino, this exhibition will commemorate the anniversary of the 1990 launch of the Hubble Space Telescope. Highlights will include artifacts Massimino brought back from the STS-125 mission, the final visit to the telescope. The exhibition will make important principles of astrophysics accessible and engaging, illuminating concepts like “ultra-deep field” and demonstrating how common tools are adapted for space.

Objects in Conversation Intrepid is made not only of steel but also of stories. We’ve made it a priority to bring the voices of former crew members into our exhibits to create living history. Displays of donated artifacts from men who served will enhance individual narratives, telling a collective story through objects and the memories they bring alive.

On the Line: Intrepid & the Vietnam War The Intrepid Museum can immerse visitors in an exhibition about the Vietnam War like no other museum in the country can. The ship served three tours of duty from 1966 to 1969. Operating from the Gulf of Tonkin, Intrepid squadrons bombed targets in North and South Vietnam, provided support for ground attacks and battled North Vietnamese jets. The Intrepid Museum will offer a one-of-a-kind site-specific experience exposing our visitors to this difficult and important chapter of American history. INTREPID SE A , AIR & SPACE MUSEUM • 21


Our Funders Are Engineers of Wonder The Intrepid Museum thanks the following donors who made a gift of $250 or more between May 1, 2012, and April 30, 2014. While space limitations do not permit listing gifts of less than this amount, the Museum extends its sincere thanks to all donors.

DONORS Anonymous (10) Guttorm Aase Mark S. Abady Rene and Ilka Abe Kamal Aboul-Hosn and Randa Fayez Academi Training Center LLC Accenture Access Control Technologies ADP Foundation ADT Security Systems Laith Al Abri Isaac Alamuri Sigrid and Sony Alexandre Nicholas Alexiou Annette Ali and Jack Diaso Allied Management Michele Allmaras and Quantum Agrawal Philip Alloca Jody and Brad Alperin The Alpine Foundation Jaemie and Joseph Altman Pablo and Lola Alvarez Carolyn Amato American Electric Power Co., Inc. American Express Anchor Breaking & Cutting Co., Inc. Pedro and Elizabeth Anchundia Walter and Loretta Anderson David Andreski Matthew Anestis and Gillian Moore Michael and Eleni Angelakos Melissa Angiel Dawn D. Angione Jeff and Ella Antimarino Ivan Arbitman and Lydia Loizidef Jorge Arce and Maria Perez Narindra Arjun and Kavita Scokraj-Arjun Armed Forces Financial Network Ajay Arora and Kathleen Ong Leandro and Sandra Arroba Diana Arrubla-Giraldo and Jhon Giraldo Prescott Ashe and Vanessa Rumreich Masood Ashraf Michael and Elizabeth Ashworth Craig and Nancy Astreicher


Clarke and Diane Atwell Au Bon Pain Nicholas M. Auletta James and Janet Ayers Rose M. Badgeley Residuary Charitable Trust The Ayers Foundation Laurent Baldeck Ballet Theatre Foundation, Inc. James and Angela Banask John and Gail Bandler Elle and Katelyn Barakat Craig Barnett and Karen Reisner David and Sheila Barrett Alfredo Barrios and Nohemi Palomares Stephen Basar and Andrea Foran-Basar Samantha Bass Roger and Julia Baumann Bay Crane Services, Inc. Ben S. Bayer Beal Family Foundation Richard Beckerman Christopher and Patricia Bedell Lisa Belzberg Benchmark Graphics, Ltd. The Benevity Community Impact Fund Lynn Berat Berdon LLP David and Braden Bergan Mel and Ida Berkowitz Lorriane and Carswell Berlin Andrea H. Berman Petra Bernardini Craig Bernstein and Tamara Gold Mr. and Mrs. Marc Bernstein Bethpage Federal Credit Union BGR Foundation, Inc. Marina and Bertram Bleck Ching-Lynn and Richard Blewitt Bloomberg L.P. Betheny A. Blowers Joanna Bluestone Marvin and Ivy Blumenfeld The Bodman Foundation Sejdi and Kaltrina Boja Bombardier Business Aircraft

Ruby and Joseph Bonanno Helen and Michael Boudreau Michele and Richard Bourgerie Denis and Terry Bovin Robert and Caitlin Bovo Bradley and Beth Boyer Paul and Christy Bradham Carolyn Brady John G. Brannon Lisa and Dylan Brennan Terence and Maureen Brennan Cathy Breshears Vanessa Bressler David K. Broadwell, M.D., M.P.H. Joanne Brogan and Jerre Holbrook Esther and Darren Brogden Charles R. Bronfman David Brown and Stacey Young Walter T. Brown Dennis and Barbara Brugman Mark Buckley Ken and Heide Buckman Christine Buehler Carolyn A. Bukley Frank and Jean Bunts Darryl and Annie Burke Phillip Burleson Glenn and Kim Butler Philippe Cadot and Janet Victor Kelly Caggiano John Calderon Mildred A. Camp Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund Capital Supply Company Jonathan and Dorothy Carmel Robert Carpenter and Nebil Candemier Stephanie Carroll Oliver Cartano and Ada Lee Kathleen and Jimmy Carter Emily and Frank Cassella CBRE, Inc. Grisy and Edmund Sterling Chamberlain Allen Chan and Nicole Gray-Chan Ranji Cheema Connie C. Cheng

Matthew Chesler and Sharon Mayeri Vivian Chiu and Edwin Lin Yuet Chu and Emad Aly Ciardella, Savino LLC Frank Cincotta and Angelica Hernde-Zayas James Cincotta and Kathy Brawley Joseph Clark Gretchen and Jay Clayton Ann and Jim Cleary Cobham Arthur Coddington The Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen Foundation Catherine and Jonathan Cohn Alan Colberg and Li Hao Jean and Brian Colgan Patrick Colleary Alexandra and Nicholas Colombos Roseann and Robert Colwell Paul and Andrea Compton Congregation Rodeph Sholom Clare Conlin and Brian Wiele Consolidated Edison Company of New York Convergence, LLC Kimberly Cook-Chennault and Marc Chennault Copperstone Financial Management, Inc. David and Debi Corbin The Corcoran Group Cheryl and Michael Corey Corigin Cristiano Correa Catherine and Daniel Cottitta Suzanne Courtwright and Charles Babboni The Cowles Charitable Trust The Craig Foundation Craigslist Charitable Fund Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP Blake Crawford Charles T. Crawford Credit Suisse Americas Foundation Robert and Pandora Crippen Cross-Fire and Security Co., Inc. Thomas W. Csar Lawrence and Malgorzata Cullen Gregory and Anna Cuneo Current Lifestyle Marketing James F. Curtis III Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. John Czarnota

Mark F. Dalton Clare Anne and James Darragh Hugo Dart Davenport & Company LLC Steven and Ilyssa Davidson Peter and Maria Davidsson Alan and Jacqui Davies Dorothy and Jennifer Davis Wil Davis Charles and Nathalie de Gunzburg Vivien G. de Gunzburg Anne De Silva Geljos and Vera Dedvukaj Deerfield Academy Jill Delaney Jim Deliman Ivonne M. Deliz Anthony Della Salla and Diane Mollica Thomas DelMundo and Giselle Palacios DelMundo Donald Demaine Suzanne L. DeMaio Jean DeMasi Christine Denham and Robert Stein Anand and Erica Desai Leonard and Sandra Deutsch Richard J. Dias, Jr. Joseph Diaz Lucia Diaz and Rosa Jimenes Frank and Doreen DiGiacomo Patricia DiJulio The Dilenschneider Group, Inc. Robert and Sue Ann Dilts Ronda and Clifford Dimm William Dircks and Sherie Lukanen Disabled American Veterans Anthony Disanto and Charna Caddy Disanto Kathy Donahue Alexandre and Andrea Donato Margaret F. Donovan Gavin Doyle and Caroline O'Reilly Cynthia Drakeman Henry Draper Alice Dreger and Aron Sousa DRS Technologies Charitable Foundation, Inc. Thomas and Dixie Dugan Deanna and Danny Duque Brian and Lisa Dusseau Stuart and Sandra Dworkin Eagle Interiors

John Eaton and Anne Maffei Cynthia and Hannah Edelman Martin L. Edelman Amiram and Jennifer Eden Andra and John Ehrenkranz John and Christina Eleoterio Samy Elkaslasy and Janine Craane Hilary and Jake Elkins John Ely James Eng James and Julie Engerran Shannon and Curt Engler Jeff and Jennifer Enslin Barry L. Epps Scott and Marianne Epstein Cuneyt and Hilal Ersal Anders and Barbara Esbjorn Samantha Ettari-Contreras and David Contreras The Charles Evans Foundation Everest Scaffolding, Inc. Fatine Ez-zaoui Lisa B. Fagan Medora L. Falkenberg Scott Fallis and Mi Nam Lee The FAR Fund Arthur and Jean Fass Yvette D. Faulkner William and Janine Faustner Lyn and Tom Fay FCA & MGP, LLC Nancy Fedder and Sandy Goldshein FedEx Corporation Amelia and Daniel Feinberg Bernard and Phyllis Feinberg Geoffrey Feldesman and Dominique McLerran Jeff and Rona Feldman Daniel and Melissa Feldstein Carolyn Fenchak Zeh Fernando Nathan S. Fine John Fischetti and Deborah Deaver The Estate of M. Anthony Fisher Jeanne Donovan Fisher Lester and Gwen Fisher Fisher Brothers Foundation Fisher House Foundation Irma Fisher Mann Wayne and Danielle Fitzgerald INTREPID SE A , AIR & SPACE MUSEUM • 23



James E. Fitzgerald, Inc. The Flanagan Family Fleet Angels of Lakehurst Flex-A-Trim, Inc. Flight Avionics of North America, Inc. Dionisia Floropoulos and Nichole Floropoulos Fluor Corporation Arthur and Denise Flynn Brenda Fogg and Chris Wiggins Holly Fogle and Jeffrey Lieberman Colleen Fougere and Seigo Takeshima Julia Ann Fought Donato and Rosemarie Fraioli Mark and Stephanie Frank Stephen and Naomi Fraser Joseph and John Fratello Dolores and Robert Freidenrich Tracy Fu and Sharon Wee Robert C. Fuchs Roy D. Fugazy Michael and Kristina Gabelli The Russell and Ronalee Galbut Family Foundation William Gallagher Jose Garcia Kevin and Cindy Gates The Gateside Group LP Uma Gavarasana and Manikyam Mutyala Paul A. Gawchik Amy and Ian Gazard Joseph and Christine Gehret Ruby Gelman and Shimon Shkury General Dynamics Corporation General Magnaplate Corp. Hannah Gershenson Corrina and Anastasios Giakouminakis Stacy and Joseph Giancaspro Hector J. Giannasca Claire Giannini Fund Rick Gibbs John and Michael Gioia Girardville Miners’ Cooperative, Inc. Catherine Godbille-Koechlin and Nicolas Koechlin Howard and Alison Goldberg Richard Goldberg Ted Goldberg and Jennifer Kohn William and Carey Golden 24 • INTREPID SE A , AIR & SPACE MUSEUM

Marc and Michelle Goldfarb Goldman Sachs GoldmanHarris LLC Jennifer and Thomas Goldstone Brian Gordon Mary K. Gormley Victoria and Mark Graham David Gray and Kathleen Jennings Alexander King Gray Bruce and Lori Greenbaum Fred and Karen Greis Alexander and Lisa Grinberg Grindstone Foundation William and Linda Gronlund Larry Guadagno Anchor Contractors David and Natalie Guerrero Rolan and Irene Guinto Gary Gumowitz and Ella Christy A. S. Guterman Foundation Edwin Guzman and Kimberly Durham Angela and Steve Hackett Peter Hadingham and Nancy Steiker Eric and Gina Hadley Jawad and Colette Haider Gary and Meg Hainer-Ruland John and Mary Hallahan Natalie and Michael Haluwana M. Annette Hamilton Dana A. Hammond David Handler Andrey Hankewycz and Zoryana Bohdan Joseph and Lesli Hanley George Harms Construction Co., Inc. Eric and Melinda Harrell Keith Harrington Kathleen Harris Nidia and Brian Harris Keith Harry and Karen Thompson-Harry Peter and Gissal Hartnett Brian T. Harvey William J. Haynes Thomas and Margaret Hayward Ruby and Robert Hearn Peter Hein and Anne Farley John Helbig and Angeline Apsarton Jason Helfstein and Steven Einhorn Richard S. Heller Frederick and Gina Hemmerich

Jimm Larry and Janet Hendren Robert Henning John and Veronica Henry Kristine R. Herlyn Elizabeth Hernandez and Waldemar Segarra James and Robin Herrnstein Elliot and Karen Hershberg Michelle and Ronald Herzlinger Cynthia Heusing Joseph Hili Kimberly A. Hilliard Stacy Hilliard Becky Hites Leonard and Ann Hittner Faye Ho Arie and Elaine Hochberg Philip and Dina Hofmann Terrance and Martha Holliday John Hom and Aimee Chu Home Box Office, Inc. Hospital for Special Surgery Jeanne Houck, Ph.D. John and Oza Dee Houck Touche Howard Joel and Linda Howson HSBC Private Bank Stanley and Karen Hubbard William J. Hudson Bruce and Amy Humes Geoffrey and Jennifer Hunt Catherine E. Hurff Catherine and Phil Hutchens Ross A. Huttner Jill Hyland John and Amy Hyland IBM Imagination Mel Immergut and Barbara Lyne Ink 48 Inland Printing Company, Inc. Ingrid and Chris Innes Roland and Vanessa Isaac Deolall and Kuntie Itwaru Emily L. Jacobs Amy and John Jacobsson David Jameson Nathan Janardhana Jordan Jansen

Susan and Steven Jansky Michael Jean and Judy McGoldrick Robert and Joan Jenkins Evelyn Jenkins-Smith and Sharon Ricketts Henry Jimenez Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Sonia and Paul Tudor Jones Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc. Wisnel Joseph and Lenotora Antoine JPMorgan Chase & Co. Jeffery and Wendy Jubin Michele and Josh Justic Patricia and Bo Juza Stuart and Doris Kalb Eddy and Linda Kaletch Karamjit Kalsi Marc and Marla Kaplowitz Karosen Strategic Partners, LLC Lauren Karp Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman LLP Marcel Kasumovich and Heather Ursu Nancy Kasznay and Rick Linden Howard and Patricia Katz Ernest Kawecki and Iwona Kozyra Andrew and Anne Kay Seth Kaye and Maite Arrarte-Kaye Lela Kelly and Temko Kolsby Alexander Kendziorski and Jaclyn Lovell Robert Kennedy and Donna Schieffer-Kennedy Kennedy Berg LLP Richard E. Kenney Eugene Kerdman Sharon and Jordhan Kerridge Cynthia S. Kirchherr Brian and Melissa Kirkland Seiji Kiyohara Martin P. Klein Patricia Klein and Leslie Klein-Foster William and Shaun Kloepfer Steven and Sarah Knox Julia and David Koch William and Kristen Krag Roland and Jacqueline Krainz Irv and Liana Kreitenberg Richard and Jane Kresch Arthur Krigsman Barbara Ann Krouzecky Frank and Barbara Krupicka Maura Kugler and Bogdan Vasilescu

Marc and Leslie Kunkin Joel and Caroline Kupfer L&L Holding Company, LLC Robert and Elizabeth La Blanc Foundation Adam P. Ladd Evan and Rachele LaHuta Thomas and Dian Lamb Olin and Pamela Lancaster Jeffrey Lang and Heleen Brody-Lang Gerard LaRocca Clare K. Lascelles Robert C. Latta Lauder Foundation Richard and Clare Lawrence Chester and Yosonda Laws Jeffrey and Julia Lazarus Katherine Lee and Brendan O'Connor James and Caroline LeFrak John and Yolanda Lehr Ann Leibowitz Raymond Leotta Michael and Sarah Leppo The Joseph Leroy and Ann C. Warner Fund, Inc. Curtis W. Leseman Suzanne LeSure Joshua Levie Geoff and Steffanie Levin Martin and Roberta Levitt Joyce Lewis Lauren Lezak and David Butler Mary and Steven Libutti Amanda Lifschultz Jane Lin and Chih-hung Shieh Mary Lindell Stephen and Johanna Lindsay Donald W. Link Benjamin and Ariana Lipman Thomas Lippert and Meryl Hirschland Nicolas Lirette and Brittany Bragg Litwin Foundation Michelle Locher and Robert Ziff LogoTags James Long Santos Lopez John and Stefanie LoPinto Marc Lowitz Roy Lubit Jay Ludy and Eileen Hart Alex Lyons

M&T Bank Jose Mario and Graniello Machado Louis and Salli Maggio Matthew Mahon and Jennifer Moroney Victor and Ju Majid Paul and Renata Major Mustafa and Fatima Makhdoom Ziad Makkawi Benedict and Katie Malbon Emily and Christopher Malloy Thomas Malone Yael and Amnon Mandelbaum Sandra Manooses Daniel and Luisa Manzi Alex Manzo David Maraviglia William W. Marden III Gerald and Judith Marenoff Susan Marenoff-Zausner and Daniel Zausner Steven A. Margenau Mindy Markowitz Evan M. Marks Eduardo R. Marquez Kevin and Iris Martell James Martin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Martini Joe and Lisa Masi William and Kelly Massey Jennifer and Carl Mazzanti Murray's Chicken John and Kathleen McAvoy Vincent McCaffrey and Joan Gellen Matthew McCahill and Jacqueline Emery John and Cindy McCain Terence McKnight Frank and Candace McNally Terence S. Meehan Israel and M. Melnicke Stuart and Judith Mencher Corey and Ellen Menscher C. Douglas Mercer II Meridian Capital Group, LLC Heidi Messer and Russell Martin MetLife Foundation Ronald Meyer Brian and Lora Mignola Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, LLP Leland and Doris Miller Michael and Victoria Miller Miller Klein Group, LLC INTREPID SE A , AIR & SPACE MUSEUM • 25



Shelley Minahan Alexander Mirtchev Carolyn and John Moehringer Estrella M. Molinet C. Mondavi & Sons The Ambrose Monell Foundation Pino Monfrecole Edward and Linda Morante Donald and Yolanda Morrison James F. Morrissey Scott and MaryJane Mortimer Georgette Mosbacher Moses & Singer LLP Motorola Solutions Foundation Katerina Moustakis and Nikos Papagiannopoulos Lara and Tom Mullarkey Meera and Rahul Kanwar Ihor and John Mulyk Francis P. Murphy Nicholas Murray and Will Dickerson Keyanna Murrill and Edwin Guzman The Howard Musoff Charitable Foundation Garrett and Renee Myers N.G. Slater Corp. Mark Nadolne Aleyna Narbey and Michael Lee NASCAR Frank and Christina Nasta National Philanthropic Trust National Trust for Historic Preservation Navco Security Systems NCG Visuals James L. Nederlander Suzanne and Robert Nederlander Rose Nederlander Associates, Inc. The Nederlander Organization Janet and Martin Neiman Caroline Neuman The New York Community Trust New York Task Force New York Trans Harbor LLC New York Water Taxi New York-Presbyterian Hospital Newport Designs & Construction Services News America Marketing Anthony and Joan Nickert Patricia and Erik Nicolaysen


Fortunato Nicotra Stephanie and Brian Nigito Kayo Nishimoto Henrietta and Sylvester Nnadi Brian and Susan Nold Cory and Stacey Notrica Novartis Francisco Novoa and Isabel Guerra-Novoa Karoline Nurse NYS Dormitory Authority NYSE Euronext Ana Nystedt Sally and Mark O'Brien Susan O'Connor and Scott Steele O'Connor Davies, LLP Jennie Lee and John O'Donnell Dean O'Hare Sarina and Gordon Ogden Edward Olinger and Beth Porter Mariana Oliveira Henry Olko and Kim Miller-Olko Gregory H. Olsen The Olsen Foundation Brian M. Olson Keith and Lori Olson Yuriy Omelchenko and Michelle Hu Frederick I. Ordway III, U.S. Space & Rocket Center Florence L. Oreiro Cynthia M. Pagan and Carlos Perez The Page Family Susan and Greg Palm Mark and Melina Palmer Ron Palmer Massimo Palmieri Mark Paltrowitz Gopinadhan and Rina Pandalai PAR Plumbing Co., Inc. Nachiket and Shubhangi Paratkar Daniel S. Parker John and Linda Parker Parker Tool & Die, Inc. Francis C. Parson, Jr. Michael Pastyrnak Ash Patel Bhinesh and Mina Patel Sunada Pathiranage and W.B.S. Jayasekara George Patras and Eleni Metaxa

Patriot USA Tom and Teresa Patton Pearl Harbor Survivors Association Robert Z. Pearlman Jason Peligri Heike and Kirsten Pelka Julia and Patricia Peloso-Barnes Arnold Penner and Madaleine Berley Dominique Penson Stephen and Kim Penwell Mary and Steven Pepperman Perella Weinberg Partners Group LP The Perelman Family Foundation, Inc. John Perez and Beata Grycel Peter and Elizabeth Pernebo Christopher and Theresa Petermann The Philipp Family Foundation, Inc. Daniel and Melissa Pianko Picsolve, Inc. Frank Pimentel The Pinkerton Foundation Erick and Jose Pinos Joseph J. Plumeri Joe Plumeri Foundation, Inc. Lawrence and Virginia Pokora Bruce Polansky Maria and Thomas Pompidou Darryl and Cecilia Ponicsan Claire and Keith Poole Santiago Poppe and Rosemarie Schuler Nicole and Marcello Porcelli Ports America, Inc. Neal Post and Erica Lum Potbelly Sandwich Works Chakrapani and Usha Prakash Colm and Rena Prendergast Vincent and Roza Prendi Ivan and Molly Presant JC Pressley William and Antonia Preston Suzanne R. Prince The Principi Family Barry and Lisa Procopio Procopy, Inc. Jeffrey S. Putman Nanci Quesada Karla and Scott Radke Rafferty Holdings, LLC

Jennifer M. Rainwater Yogita Ramnbarayan and Omeeta Lakeram Stanley and Patricia Ramsay Mohan Ramsood Henrik Rasmussen and Michelle Kelner John Rasmussen John Ratnaswamy Tom Rawlings and Patricia Sanchez-Marin RBC Capital Markets, LLC James F. Reda & Associates, LLC Redwood Investments Charles and Ilana Reich S. Norman R. Reich Edward Reid and Lester Bartson Reliable Power Alternatives Corp. Claudia Reyes and Luis Nunez Karen Reynolds and Phil Sharkey Aaron and Liz Reznick Rhodes Associates Executive Search, Inc. Marion Rich and Mimi Rich Neil and Lucille Richards Brent and Gail Richardson Matthew Richardson and Rosaria Guiao Andrew C. Right Kenneth Rimey and Kirsi Hiltunen Jennifer and Robert Peter Robertson The Jim and Linda Robinson Foundation Catherine Robles and Hector Deleon The Rockefeller Foundation Rocking Chair Foundation Laraine and Lawrence Rodano Jeanette Rodriguez Michael and Elizabeth Rodriguez Rodger and Beverly Rohde Dixon Rohr Jorge Romero and Gloria Hagen Lawrence G. Rose Robert and Deborah Rose Susan and Elihu Rose Foundation Inc. Michele Rosen Florence & Robert A. Rosen Family Foundation Seth Rosner Robert Rospigliosi Cye and Rona Ross Garry and Nancy Rothbaum Jonathan and Bonnie Rothberg Rodney and Patricia Rothwell Amy and Alexander Rotter Susan and Jack Rudin

May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation Mario Runco John and Madeline Ryan Eitan and Aimee Sabo Joseph and Sophie Sacca SageView Advisory Group Ciro and Paola Salcedo Raymond and Catherine Saleeby Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Salomon Andre Salz and Nyssa Reine-Salz Hemen Sampat and Magdalena Agabs Carol and James Sandford Simon Santa Rosa Richard and Margaret Santulli Carl and Aviva Saphier Joey Saponaro John and Heather Sargent Bobby Saujani Elaine Saul and Margot Hanford Raymond W. Savoie Fabio Savoldelli and Gabrielle Nohrnberg Michael P. Scanlon Stephen Schaller and Stephanie Wilkes Rebekkah and Mike Schaubach Stephanie Schechter David and Julie Scher Sanford Schlesinger and Lianne Lazetera Herbert S. Schlosser Bryan Schneider and Ai Nguyen Eric and Michele Schnellbacher Ronna and Stephen Schreiner William and Domi Schutz Schwab Charitable Fund Brian and Catherine Schwartz Lynn and Ben Schwartz Jane Schwartz-Cohen and David Schwartz Pietro Scola and Lynn Finkel Leslie and Teresa Scott Marvin and Lorri Scott Marco Seandel and Julia Grimes Tom and Cindy Secunda Rebecca Senior and David Mandelbaum Steven Serota Jeremy and Amanda Sevareid Kristina and Richard Sexton Allison Shah Howard I. Shao Hemlatta Sharma and Ameeta Sharma Richard and Mary Susan Sheaves-Bein Donald and Diane Sherman

Keith and Stephanie Shikowitz Eli Shouela and Rachel Yazdi Isaac and Julie Shum William Shum Anthony and Patti Sichenzio Daniel C. Sicknick Sideline II Import Export Nanette and Roberta Silverberg Andrew D. Silverman Deborah Kaplan Silverstein and Harlan Silverstein Silverstein Properties, Inc. Bart and Norma Silverstrim Jason Sirignano and Shari Coslett Dominik Skiba Brian and Niki Smith H.C. Bowen Smith Kevin W. Smith Luis Socorro and Ana Rodriguez Lisa and Nick Solinger Nam Song Peter L. Sorrentino Gary Spampanato Liora and Steven Spiess Seymour and Jeanette Spira Roger and Jayne Spoelstra Steven Squeri and Jill Bossert-Squeri Krista Stack Johnna Stamey Mark Standish Jessica Stark and Nathaniel Welch The Starr Foundation Starr Insurance Holdings, Inc. Scott and Carla Stearns Catherine and Gregory Steier Jeremy Steindecker and Beth Mantz Steindecker Anh and Robert Steininger Martin S. Sternberg Allen and Catherine Stevens Carol Stevenson Susanne Stitely Debra and Daniel Stolbof Alison Strack and Barry Levin Robert and Patricia Straight Striano Electric Co., Inc. John and Antoinette Stroebele Ashvin Subramanyam and Tenzin Dolkar Trisa and Brad Summers Michael Sun and Sarah Hallock INTREPID SE A , AIR & SPACE MUSEUM • 27



Dennis and Katharine Swanson David Sypen Robert Szabo Béla and Alice Szigethy T. Rowe Price Ikuhisa Tada Marianne and Alfonso Tagliavia Henry H. Tan Katia and Kevin Tanaka Bill and Becky Tatgenhorst Tawani Foundation Dylan and Gabrielle Taylor Kathleen and Lloyd Taylor Lawrence Taylor and Shannon Stringer Nicoletta and James Theodore Davin and Karyl Thigpen Thomarios Company Eileen Thomas J. Walter Thompson Dale Thompson Thomson Reuters Time Warner, Inc. Lizzie and Jonathan M. Tisch Vivek Tiwary and Tracy Dennis Vernon Tonge Agnieszka Torres and Wojciech Cieslak Stephanie and Jaime Torres Jonathan Tran John and Christine Tricoli Beth Trilling Lisa Tschernkowitsch Robert S. Tucker William and Laura Tucker Jane E. Tumminia Robert and Beth Turner Victor Ty and Amelita Miranda-Ty Julian Tyacke TYCO Integrated Security Gyozo and Susanna Ungar United Stations Radio Networks, Inc University Club UrbanAmerica Advisors, LLC USS Growler SSG577 Association USS Intrepid Association, Inc. VA-176 Thunderbolts Leonid Vaisman Oscar Valle Matthew and Rachel Vamvakis 28 • INTREPID SE A , AIR & SPACE MUSEUM

Mami and George Varghese Nicole E. Vartanian James and Heather Vasek Elizabeth Vasquez-Hernandez and Osbert Hernandez Ian and Sheila Vela The Velaj Foundation Joseph and Loretta Vento Jonathan Vermane Elena and Roumen Vesselinov Veterans Advantage, Inc. Viacom International, Inc. Philip and Allison Viar Vick Foundation Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., Chapter 542 Marlo Villepigue Mark and Terri Visconti Geneva and James Vivino James F. Volpe Electricial Contracting Ruth and John Von Hatten Margaret and Robert Vormittag Vornado Realty L.P. John and Ann Vuyosevich W.M. Snihurowych Family Fund WABC Brian Wai Jennifer Walker Cynthia and Shawn Wallace Elizabeth Waller and Leslie Mattingly Sheila and Gerald Walpin Paul and Catherine Walton Lan Wang Xia Wang-Maldonado and Elizabeth Skog Carol D. Ward Brian Warter Hyokyong and Joel Washburn Washington Engine Co #2, Inc. Susan D. Wasserman Michael and Galen Weiser Joseph P. Weiss Robin L. Weiss Joanna Welsh Paula and Thomas White Sarah and Darell Whitelaw Jeffrey and Alla Whitston Wicks Chapin Inc. Walter J. Wiechetek

Public Funders Donald and Helia Wilcox Melissa H. Wilkerson John and McCartney Wilkins Willis Group Holdings Ltd. Donald L. Wilson Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker LLP Kenneth Winans and Deborah Wreyford Albert Wise and Martha Jenner Ronald and Judith Wishman Daniel Wislocki Frederic and Robin Withington Myles and Barbara Wittenstein Wizard Studios New York John and Dana Wizeman Bodo Woehner Adam and Lisa Wolf Simpson Wong and Cindy Du Yan-Hing Wong and Kim Sau Chow-Wong Ian Wood Kevin and Michelle Woodside John Wotowicz Wounded Warrior Project WowToyz WTW Associates Catherine Wu and Arnold Murphy Irving Bo-Ching Wu Todd and Marla Wyche Lawrence R. Yates, Sr. Yonghee and Myungha Yoo Susan Yoon and Reynaldo Perez Michael Young Judyth Yuval and Losif Fischman David and Haeran Zedeck Yibin Zhang and Tianyu Feng Jianbing Zhao Moshe Ziegler Ziff Brothers Investments Karen and Ken Ziman Keith and Tyler Zimmet Sara Zion and Tushar Shah Zions First National Bank Kristin and Henry Zisson Orest and Tanya Zuk John and Milli Zukowsky Matt and Leah Zwerlein Edward Zwilling and Elizabeth Mily

The Council of the City of New York Federal Emergency Management Agency Institute of Museum and Library Services Mayor of the City of New York National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities New York City Department of Cultural Affairs New York City Economic Development Corporation New York State Council on the Arts New York State Energy Research and Development Authority NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services

Gifts In Kind

James and Sabrina Jeffers James L. Nederlander On Site Energy

Artifact Donors

Anonymous Dolores Abram John N. Abuiso Joseph Abuiso Richard Alden John L. Allem Dorothy V. Anderson Maurice C. Arnold, Jr. Paul Asmus Joseph A. Barry Russ Begley Edward H. Binder Laurence H. Blackburn Karol J. Bobko William Bradler Danny Camp William Caylor Anthony J. Cipriano, D.M.D. Leslie C. Clemmer Richard Cortez Lawrence P. Corum Peter Cross Sherida Dailey Family of George Danko William Dantico

Wayne Densmore James Dicus, Jr. Robert and Sue Ann Dilts Timothy Dunn Robert Dunne, Sr. J. David Eberle Doug Featsent Bob Finn The Family of Ernest Fleshman Samuel B. Folsom, Lt. Col. USMC Thomas D. Forsyth Timothy H. Frost Linda and George Galante Jerome Glenn Arlene Green Justin Gregory William Groeneveld William Gronlund SCPO Paul Ellsworth Grove Melvin L. Hardin Gregory Harris Daniel Hayward Edward F. Hill Meredith M. Hinkle Ronald J. Holzman Steve Hull Frank A. Jackson, Jr. Jon Jaques Coy R. Jarrett Cheryl Fitzsimmons Jensen Ronald Jensen Doug Jones Richard A. Jones Charles Kampton Timothy M. Keyser Ken Kincade Scott Koen James C. Koyl Bruce C. Kramer Michael Kramer D’Arcy Lawrence John Lightbody Robert E. Lillie William Lindenberger Wilmer C. Lindley John J. Lyba John Macdonald Thomas Mace Michael Matthews

Richard B. Maxwell, Jr. James L. Maynard Kelly McKnight Jim Mears Dennis Leonard Tom Minota Michael Mott William J. Murphy Mark S. Nelson Robert W. Osburn Robert L. Owens David C. Parsons Robert Paschall David Pearson Aron B. Presson Agustin Ramos Michael Reppucci Joseph C. Richardson III Donald Rochford Sawyer Rosenstein David L. Rost Richard G. Ryder Ronald A. Sabitsky Leslie and Teresa Scott Ed Shostak James E. Sistek Stanley Smith Seymour L. Spira William Stalnaker Clint Steed Charles D. Storck Maud Gaines Tarrant John Taylor Samuel K. Taylor Rebecca L. Thomas Peter Torraca Elizabeth Towers Richard H. Truly, VADM, U.S. Navy (Ret.) Linda Trumbore Perry R. Vockrodt Thomas A. Wargo Richard Watson Roger Weible T.G. Williams William H. Wood Jill Fitzsimmons Wylie William A. Young Ralph Zimmerman



Pamela Liebman President and Chief Executive Officer, The Corcoran Group

Marc Lowitz Senior Vice President, Business Development

Eric Boehm Curator, Aviation & Aircraft Restoration

Kenneth Fisher Senior Partner, Fisher Brothers

John McAvoy Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer, Consolidated Edison, Inc.

Matt Woods Senior Vice President, Facilities, Engineering & Security

Jessica Williams Curator, History & Collections

Bruce Mosler Chairman of Global Brokerage, Cushman & Wakefield

VICE CHAIRMEN Denis A. Bovin Senior Advisor, Evercore Partners Charles de Gunzburg Vice Chairman, First Spring Corporation Martin L. Edelman Counsel, Paul Hastings LLP Mel Immergut Retired Chairman, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, LLP Howard W. Lutnick Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Cantor Fitzgerald L.P. Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, BGC Partners Inc. Richard Santulli Chairman, Milestone Aviation Group

TRUSTEES Gerry Byrne Vice Chairman, PMC Steven Fisher Partner, Fisher Brothers Winston Fisher Partner, Fisher Brothers Thomas J. Higgins Chief Administrative Officer, First Data Stanley S. Hubbard Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. Kent L. Karosen President, Karosen Strategic Partners, LLC Marc E. Kasowitz Partner, Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP

Georgette Mosbacher Chief Executive Officer, Borghese James L. Nederlander President, The Nederlander Organization Dean O'Hare Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Chubb Corporation Charles Phillips Chief Executive Officer, Infor Joseph Plumeri Senior Advisor, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Thomas F. Secunda Vice Chairman, Founding Partner, and Global Head, Financial Products Bloomberg Admiral James Stavridis, USN (Ret.) Dean, The Fletcher School, Tufts University Frances F. Townsend Executive Vice President MacAndrews & Forbes Incorporated David Turner Chief Financial Officer, KPMG LLP


Vincent Forino Vice President, Information Technology Lynda Kennedy, PhD Vice President, Education Michael Onysko Vice President, Marketing Michael Raskob Controller Thomas Coumbe Assistant Vice President, Human Resources Brian Hughes Assistant Vice President, Protective Services Sheri Levinsky-Raskin Assistant Vice President, Education Christopher Malanson Assistant Vice President, Exhibits Luke Sacks Assistant Vice President, Public Relations & Corporate Communications Tracy Sandford Assistant Vice President, Marketing Lisa Yaconiello Assistant Vice President, Events, Special Projects & External Affairs

Rebecca Ackerman Director, Membership Alan Barto Director, Operations Cherisse Challenger Director, Special Events Jim Deliman Director, Group Sales & Tourism

You help us bring exhibitions to fruition, inspire

Anthony Fernandez Director, Maintenance

children to learn about STEM subjects in

Carly Goettel Director, Institutional Advancement

historical context and bring our programming

Frank Graham Director, Special Projects

to the people who need it most.

Beverly Heimberg Director, Volunteers & Docents Jeanne Houck, PhD Director, Grants & Foundation Relations Rosalie Piantosi Director, Benefits & Employee Relations John Ryan Director, Museum Services Desiree Scialpi Director, Marketing Laurie Scofield Director, Internal Audits Irene Tsitko Director, Grant Management & Administration

Motivate a new generation of makers and thinkers. Make your gift today online: For more information about the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, visit our website:

Susan Marenoff-Zausner President Patricia Beene-Colasanti Chief Financial & Administrative Officer


David A. Winters Executive Vice President

WRITER: Jennifer Dorr Rabinowitz Partners LLC

DESIGNERS: Girardville Miners’ Cooperative

EDITOR: Adrienne Johnson

PHOTO CREDITS: Erika Kapin Rob Dwyer NASA Kathy Lloyd Boehm

Elaine Charnov Senior Vice President, Exhibits, Education & Programming Lorraine A. LaHuta Senior Vice President, Institutional Advancement



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