In the Mood n 6

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IN THE MOOD for spring

april 2018

Welcome to our new spring edition, the sixth issue of In the Mood. Nature awakens and blooms, embellishing herself with those colours we forgot of during wintertime and we were looking forward to put in our recipes, bringing some spring into our kitchens and what is more colourful than fruit juices? We love them so much that we decided to use them to create unusual and original recipes, both sweet and savoury, because cooking also means to invent and enjoy yourself, discovering new ways to use ingredients. Italian traditional recipes are countless, extremely different from each other according to each region, always rooted in the territory and linked to its typical products. They tell us something of their inhabitants, a little piece of their story. There are many world-renowned Italian recipes, but most of them, especially those linked to regions and cities, are usually unknown even to Italian cuisine enthusiasts all over the world. It would be impossible to explain the Italian cuisine within these few pages, but we all tried to share a small piece of it, choosing a cherished recipe. We will continue to explore the universe of Italian regional cuisine in our next issues, hoping to take you on a journey through the flavours of this amazing land. In the following pages you will find a little surprise: a special guest, a well-known food writer and food photographer highly appreciated in Italy and abroad. She told us something about her life, her job, her passions and she gave us a recipe that we are looking forward to try. Finally, we will conclude with the dessert. If spring was a dish, it would be a pudding: soft, with a delicate flavour, pastel-coloured, just as a flower of peach, almond or apple tree in this period. Just as fresh as a May night. We wish to cheer you up with our food stories and our pictures, hoping that our magazine’s fresh and floral mood will reach you and bring a colourful spring to your tables.

Happy Spring!

ph by Ilaria


Editorial staff

Antonella Pagliaroli Daniela Tornato Ilaria Guidi

Graphic Design

Antonella Pagliaroli Ilaria Guidi


Antonella Pagliaroli


Erika Gagliardi

Special Guest

Giulia Scarpaleggia

Special Contribution

Stefania Gambella


Antonella Pagliaroli

Back Cover

Daniela Tornato









Apple juice risotto


Spinach extract juice cake


Cake with blueberry frosting 36


Agnolotti del plin


Crostata di ricotta e visciole


Pitta impagliata


Talking with G. Scarpaleggia 105 Agretti e ricotta torta rustica 113


Rosemary panna cotta


Strawberry pudding


Two-colour pudding


ph by Antonella


Recipes with juices We are used to drink fruit juices, but we never use them to cook something. We enjoyed using juices to create something original and colourful. If you have your favourite juice in the fridge or in the cupboard or, even better if you have a slow juicer and some ripe fruits, it is the perfect time to find out alternative ways to use juices: to prepare a risotto for example or a dessert. Have fun with us and let’s spread some colour‌.


ph by Ilaria



by Ilaria

juice and shrimps risotto

for 4 320 g Carnaroli rice 100 ml apple juice 600 g shrimps 1 big apple 100 ml white wine 2 onions 1 clove of garlic 1 carrot 1 stalk of celery 1 organic lemon 25 g butter extra virgin olive oil salt, pepper and parsley Peel the shrimps removing heads, shells and veins. Put heads and shells in a saucepan, adding 2 litres of water, a pinch of salt, celery and carrots cut in halves and a whole peeled onion. Cook for at least 30 minutes. Peel, dice and wet the apple with lemon juice. Finely chop the onion. Heat a little olive oil in a pan, stir in the chopped onion until coloured. Eliminate lemon juice from the apple dices and add them into the pan, cooking the mixture until aromatic. Add the rice, salt and pepper. Cook over medium-high heat until the rice is shiny and translucent. Pour in the wine and simmer until totally evaporated. Pour in apple juice, let simmer for a while and then add a couple ladleful of hot broth. Keep adding the needed quantity of hot broth, a ladleful at a time, stirring until the rice is almost cooked. Meanwhile, add a little olive oil and a clove of garlic in a pan, let it gently colour and stir-fry the peeled shrimps. Pour in the wine and simmer until totally reduced. Simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes. Mix in the stir-fry shrimps with their cooking liquid, taking off the garlic. When there are 2 minutes left for the rice to be completely cooked, take the pan off the heat, stir in some butter, lemon zest and chopped parsley until the risotto is creamy. Let the risotto rest for a couple of minutes, then dish it out and serve immediately. 13












Spinach, apples, lime and ginger extract juice cake by Daniela for 8 230 g 00 flour 50 g almond flour 180 g brown sugar 3 eggs 100 g leftover juice pulp 80 ml spinach, apples, lime and ginger extract juice* 70 ml seed oil 16 g baking powder 40 g sliced almonds *extract juice ingredients: 2 granny smith apples 40 g baby spinach 1 lime 30 g ginger Extract the juice: wash fruits and veggies, put them in your juicer and extract the needed quantity of juice. Put the leftover juice pulp aside. Pre heat the oven at 180°. Grease a 22 cm springform pan with butter. In a big bowl mix eggs and sugar with an electric whisk until bubbly. Stir in seed oil, leftover juice pulp, spinach, apple, lime and ginger extract juice. Add in the flours and lastly the baking powder, mixing with a bowl scraper until blended. Put the mixture into the pan and spread some almond slices on the top of it. Bake for 35/40 minutes. Wait until cool, take out your cake from the pan and serve. You can also serve the cake with some whipped cream, lime zest and raspberries.












Lemon cake with blueberry by Antonella

juice frosting

for 8 for the lemon cake 200 g all-purpose flour 50 g cornstarch 180 g sugar 2 medium eggs 30 g lemon juice 60 g corn oil 70 g milk 16 g baking powder ½ teaspoon vanilla extract zest from 1 organic lemon for the blueberry frosting 125 g sugar-free fresh blueberry juice 25 g lemon juice 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 80 g sugar 25 g cornstarch (or potato starch) 250 g extra cold mascarpone 125 g extra cold whipping cream 2 tablespoon of powdered sugar to garnish blueberries edible flowers Preheat the oven at 180°. In a bowl beat with an electric whisk eggs, sugar, vanilla extract and lemon zest. Keep whisking and add lemon juice, oil, and milk, little by little. Whipping, gradually mix in sifted flour, starch and baking powder, until you get a smooth mixture. 36

Pour the batter into a 23 cm tin, previously greased and floured. Bake for about 45 minutes and check with a toothpick if your cake is done: if it comes out clean, your cake is fully baked. Take out the cake from the oven and allow it to cool down completely. Now you can make the blueberry frosting: mix together starch and sugar. Then gradually add the blueberry juice, always whisking to avoid lumps. Cook the mixture over low heat and keep stirring until creamy. It will take just a few seconds. Remove from heat and add lemon juice, stirring rapidly. Let the blueberry sauce cool completely. Put aside and whip together the extra cold cream and mascarpone. Add two tablespoons of powdered sugar to the semi-whipped frosting and continue to beat it until smooth and stiff. Add a generous spoonful of mascarpone frosting into the blueberry sauce, accurately mixing to get a slightly more fluid frosting. Now add the remaining frosting to the blueberry mixture, gently stirring from the bottom to the top. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Assemble the cake: spread the blueberry frosting on the top of the cake and decorate with fresh blueberries and edible flowers.













ph by Ilaria

photos by Ilaria


photos by Daniela


ph by Antonella


Regional recipes Recipes tell stories, a small piece of us, of our past, of our land. We wanted to tell you something about our Italy and to do so we chose some of our favourite regional recipes: one from Calabria, one from Lazio and one from Piemonte. Some of these recipes are little-known even by the Italian cuisine enthusiasts all over the world. We wanted to share them with you using local and genuine ingredients as usual, taking inspiration from our families’ recipes.



photos by Daniela


Agnolotti del plin: that is how we call our fresh filled pasta in Piemonte. Agnolotti is one of the most popular dishes of homemade cuisine and a beloved holiday dish. According to the tradition, they should be enjoyed “al tovagliolo”, literally “on a napkin”, just boiled into salted water and served hot, without any seasoning, over a white napkin, so that you can appreciate the filling’s taste to the full. “Plin” means “pinch”, which is how you make this type of pasta, pinching the filling between two sheets of thin fresh egg pasta. There are many variations of this recipe depending on Piemonte’s different areas. We could write pages and pages of these recipes, because each single variation is peculiar and slightly different from the other one, each one bounded to its territory and to its traditions. Alessandria province’s typical cuisine is definitely influenced by Ligurian cuisine, especially in the area where I live. I like to define it a boundary cuisine, where traditions meet each other halfway. I took inspiration from this boundary cuisine concept to create these agnolotti al plin with vegetables filling. They are similar to the Ligurian “pansòti” and a little lighter than meat agnolotti. Agnolotti are perfect for this period of the year, where is a plenty of tender wild herbs and vegetables.

Daniela 60


Agnolotti del plin by Daniela for 4 for the Agnolotti pasta 3 whole eggs 1 egg yolk 400 g flour durum wheat semolina as needed for the filling 250 g fresh spinach 200 g borage 100 g fresh ricotta 100 g Parmigiano cheese ½ white onion a few marjoram sprigs 1 tablespoon nutmeg 1 knob of butter salt and pepper to taste to serve 100 g seasoned Robiola di Roccaverano DOP 50 g butter 4 thyme sprigs To make the pasta: make a flour well and put eggs in the middle. Using a fork beat together the eggs and begin to incorporate the flour, starting with the inner rim of the well. As the dough begins to thicken, start kneading it on a pastry board until you will get a uniform, smooth and elastic mass. Cover it and rest it for 30 minutes at room temperature. To make the filling: wash the vegetables and give them a boil in slightly salted water. 62

Drain well and stir-fry them in a pan with a knob of butter and finely sliced white onion. Once cooled, add ricotta, Parmigiano, nutmeg, marjoram, salt and pepper. Mix the ingredients until well combined. Now it is time to form the agnolotti: cut a piece of dough and roll it out to get a really thin pasta sheet, about 2-3 mm thick. Using a teaspoon, scoop some spoonful of the filling and place them along the bottom half of the pasta sheet, leaving a distance of 1-2 cm between them. Pull the top edge of the pasta up and over the filling. Use your fingers to seal the filling, pinching the edge of the dough on either side of each dollop of filling. Run a pastry wheel lengthwise along the folded-over dough, separating each pocket of filling to form the agnolotti. Dust the agnolotti with some durum wheat semolina, which will help prevent sticking. Cook the agnolotti in boiling lightly salted water. Melt some butter in a pan with fresh thyme and season your pasta. Spread with a generous handful of grated seasoned robiola and serve your dish.










photos by Daniela



Jewish Roman cuisine is very ancient dating back to 1555, when the Jewish population of the city lost his rights. They were forcibly segregated in the ghetto, located in the neighbourhood of Sant’Angelo, on the Tiber. Among many famous delicacies of the Jewish Roman cuisine, there is this delicious and irresistible ricotta and visciole tart. The recipe has ancient origins, in the 18th century: legend has it that when some decrees banned Jewish people from selling dairy products to Christians, bakers decided to hide ricotta between two layers of shortcrust pastry, in order to elude Pope guards’ controls. Today you can still enjoy this tart in Rome, in the Jewish Ghetto’s typical bakeries. The recipe has many variations: somebody, including me, uses visciolata, which is a sour cherries jam. Somebody else uses just visciole with a little sugar (visciole are a fine and delicious variety of cherries, characterised by a sweet and sour taste). Somebody covers the tart with a golden layer of pastry, while somebody else prefers classic pastry strips, as I do. Shortcrust pastry is usually flavoured with lemon zest, but there is also someone that adds a pinch of cinnamon in the filling, or even a few tablespoons of Sambuca. There is just two things to be sure of: cherries must be placed below the ricotta layer and ricotta must be a sheep’s milk ricotta and super fresh.

Antonella 75


Crostata di ricotta e by Antonella


for 8 for the pastry 300 g all -purpose flour 150 g sugar 150 g butter 3 egg yolks Zest from 1 organic lemon for the filling 350 g sheep’s ricotta 200 g visciole jam 80 g sugar 1 medium egg Make pastry dough: using an electric mixer or your hands, rapidly knead flour and diced cold butter until getting a sand-like mixture. Add in yolks, sugar, lemon zest and rapidly knead to get a smooth mass. Do not over knead the dough. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Make filling: in a bowl add ricotta, sugar, eggs and mix until well combined. Pre heat the oven at 180°. On a lightly floured board, roll out 2/3 of dough to form a flat disc. Line a 23-24 cm diameter tart tin with the dough disc. Spread visciole jam over pastry, then spoon the ricotta mixture over the jam. Roll out the remaining dough, cut it into strips and arrange them across the filling. Bake the tart for about 45-50 minutes, until golden. Once cooled, take it out from the tart tin. Dust with powdered sugar before serving.










ph by Ilaria



The Pitta ‘mpigliata or Pitta ‘nchiusa is a traditional Calabrian treat. It was created in the early 1700s in the Italian province of Cosenza, more precisely in San Giovanni in Fiore, a town located in La Sila mountainous area. It is a typical holiday treat. The name Pitta ‘mpigliata derives from Hebrew and Arabic, languages in which the word “pita” means “something flattened”. It has a crispy and crumbly texture and its smell of wine, spices, orange and nuts is simply delicious, perfectly describing the tastiness of Calabrian territory’s products.



Pitta impagliata by Ilaria for 8 for the pastry sheet 250 g all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon sugar 80 g baking powder 1 medium egg 50 ml extra virgin olive oil 50 ml white wine 50 ml fresh-squeezed orange juice ½ small glass liquor 1 pinch of cinnamon 1 pinch of salt for the filling 125 g fluid honey 100 g walnut kernels 100 g raisins 30 g pine nuts ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon zest from 1 organic orange 30 ml liquor

Soak raisins into water to soften, then squeeze them. Roughly chop walnuts and pine nuts. Place these ingredients into a bowl and combine them with cinnamon, orange zest and liquor. Let sit for at least 1 hour. Heat the oven at 180°. Make the pastry sheet: sift flour and baking powder, making a well on a pastry board. In the middle of it add egg, liquor, wine, oil, a tablespoon of sugar, salt, cinnamon and orange juice. Quickly knead by hand until the dough is smooth. 90

Cut 1/3 of the dough and roll it out to get a pastry disc, slightly wider than an 18/20 cm diameter baking pan. Press the disc against the pan’s side too. Brush the pastry with honey. Roll out the remaining dough to get a thin rectangular sheet. Using a pastry wheel, cut it into ten strips. Add nuts and spices mixture all along the centre of each strip. Fold each strip over the filling sealing the edges. Roll up the folded strip into a coil, to get a rose shape. Arrange your roses onto the pastry disc, placing the first one in the middle surrounded by the other ones. Bake for 40 minutes or until a uniform golden colour. Once ready, take it out of the oven and brush it with a hot mixture made up of one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of wine.












ph by Ilaria



Talking with Giulia.. We asked some questions to Giulia Scarpaleggia, author of the super famous “Jules Kitchen”, one of the most renowned and most loved blogs in Italy and abroad. She lives in the Tuscan countryside between Siena and Florence. She wrote some cookbooks (La cucina dei mercati in Toscana is the last one), she is a professional food writer and food photographer as well that teaches Tuscan cooking classes, photography and writing. -Let's start talking about photography: you are a talented professional food photographer who works for magazines and companies, which camera/lens do you use? I’ve been using a Canon 6D in the last two years, and I love it. As for the lenses, I use mainly a 24-105 f.4.0, and sometimes my reliable 50mm f 1.4. -How do you edit your photos? Lightroom. I try to take the best photo I can on the set to spend less time editing after. I shoot tethered to my computer through Lightroom and I do the basic adjustments right on the moment, then when the photo shoot is over I quickly browse through the photos to make the final edits. It usually doesn’t take more than a couple of minute per photo. 105


-In 2016 you opened your personal studio, a kitchen/ studio where you cook your seasonal and traditional recipes and you shoot your beautiful photos, what kind of lighting do you use? Our studio has two large French windows facing south, so I use just that natural light that usually floods thorough the windows for the whole day. I tend not to use artificial lightning, so a tripod is my best friend, especially in winter when the daylight hours are shorter. -Where do you find your inspiration for your photos? Cookbooks and cooking magazines are still my main source of inspiration, along with Pinterest and Instagram. I learnt a lot thanks to HÊlène Dujardin and Ellen Silverman, two great food photographers who I am proud to call friends. In my photography food is always the hero, so food styling skills are as important as photography skills. In this, Tami Hardeman is such an inspiration! -In your studio you offer Tuscan cooking lesson, food photography and food writing workshops, what is the most beautiful side of teaching? I love meeting people and sharing my enthusiasm and curiosity about cooking, food writing and food photography. You learn something new every time. 107

Then you always end up sitting at the table, sharing that food you talked so long about. Well, maybe this is always my favourite part! -Do you have someone that you consider as a teacher, a person who had a great influence on your cooking? I have two great examples. The first one is my grandmother Marcella, almost ninety years old and still cooking with curiosity. She cooks what the season has to offer, traditional Tuscan recipes, but she is also curious about new ingredients. She discovered turmeric and she somehow learnt that it might be good for you, so she started adding turmeric to her risotto, to her chicken… everything became yellow!The other ‘teacher’, if I can define him like this, is Jamie Oliver. I’ve always admired his enthusiasm, how he would handle ingredients with his hands, his messy but accessible style. I can’t stand big chefs that put themselves on a pedestal, I like how he wanted to share food and cooking as a part of the everyday life, making it accessible to everyone. -Let’s talk about Tommaso, your business partner and your life partner: which is his role in your blog and in the Juls Kitchen Studio? He is the number one taster, as he proudly defines himself. He is the other half of Juls’ Kitchen, the tech geek taking careof the blog, of Social Media, of promotion and 108

and clients. He built the Studio, working with my father and giving a home to our dreams. We plan together what to share on the blog and which should be our communication strategy, he makes all the video recipes and we teach together during our food writing and food photography workshop. -What is your favourite cookbook? This is a very difficult question. There is a cookbook for every season, I would say, as when the weather changes you feel inspired by different foods, or approaches to food. Lately I fell in love with Nigel Slater and I am quickly catching up on all his books: his food is always inviting and vibrant. -You are a great food writer, when was the love for this form of writing born and how? It was born thanks to the blog. My first and deepest love 109

has always been for cooking, for feeding people. When I started my blog in 2009, I realised I enjoyed cooking as much as I loved writing about food, or reading about food. I wanted to learn how to express this love for food with the most accurate words, with the right verbs… this is when I discovered food writing, and from that moment on, I never stopped learning. Anyway, you can read more about this passion for food writing here. -Which were your models, the writers and the most important books that influenced and nourished your writing? My first encounter with food writing was with Dianne Jacob’s manual Will write for food, which then became my food writing bible. Then I discovered Elizabeth David: her books were the first cookbooks without photos that I bought, as her prose was enough to imagine flavours, recipes, markets and shared tables under the Mediterranean sun. I’ve read and loved each and every book by Ruth Reichl, I find her writing comforting, vivid and sensuous. My favourite food writers are Molly Wizenberg, blogger at Orangette and author of A Homemade life and Delancey, and Laurie Colwin, who probably represents what I aim to in terms of food writing. When I read her Home Cooking I loved her warm, friendly, down-to-earth style,which made every recipe approachable.


-Your last cookbook, La cucina dei mercati in Toscana, is about traditional and seasonal recipes, but it is also a guide to the best food markets in Tuscany: how was the idea of this book born? Who would you recommend it to? During our cooking classes, we often shop at the local market with tourists, and this made me realize how important is the experience of the food market in our Italian lifestyle. This is a book for those who love traditional, seasonal recipes, but also for those planning a trip to Tuscany, as you could explore it from market to market. The book was published in Italian in 2017 and it will be soon available in English as well, as From the markets of Tuscany. A cookbook. Buy “From the markets of Tuscany. A cookbook” Compra “La cucina dei mercati in Toscana” 111


Agretti e ricotta torta rustica by Giulia for 6 for the pie crust 250 g of flour ½ teaspoon of salt 160 g of cold butter 100 ml of ice water for the filling 350 g of agretti cleaned 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil 1 scant teaspoon of salt, nutmeg 50 ml of water 300 g of fresh ricotta 2 tablespoons of Parmigiano Reggiano 2 eggs 2 tablespoons of milk to brush the pie dough Add the flour with the salt to a large bowl, then add the butter. Coat the stick of butter with flour in the bowl, then using a bench scraper cut the butter lengthwise in half, then lengthwise in quarters, coating each newly cut side in flour. Dice the butter and cover each piece in flour, then with a pastry cutter press the mixture as you would mash potatoes.Add the ice water little by little and mix quickly with your hands just enough to create a ball of dough. Work the dough as little as possible.Wrap the ball in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least one hour.Meanwhile, make the agretti filling. Collect the cleaned agretti into a pan, add the olive oil and the water, season with salt and cook for about 5-7 minutes, on medium fire, enough to soften the agretti.Roughly chop the agretti and mix them into the well-drained ricotta. Add also the grated Parmigiano and a good grating of nutmeg. Taste and adjust the seasoning. At the end, mix in two beaten eggs.Preheat oven to 190°C. Remove the dough from the fridge, roll it out with some flour and a rolling pin, then line a previously greased and floured 22 cm round pie pan. Fill it with the agretti and ricotta filling, then trim the excess pie crust.Cut strips from the leftover pie crust and decorate the top of the pan, then brush the pie dough with some milk. Bake the pie for about 40 minutes, until golden. Serve hot or warm. 113

ph by Stefania Gambella

ph by Antonella

ph by Ilaria

ph by Antonella

ph by Ilaria


ph by Antonella

Spring pudding If summer is for ice creams, spring is for fresh puddings, with that delicate flavour and those pastel tones. We chose puddings prepared following the Italian tradition, with fresh milk and cream. This kind of desserts are commonly called budini in Italian and they are part of the category dolci al cucchiaio. This category only exists in Italy and refers to those desserts that you can eat just using a teaspoon, since they are soft and creamy, perfect to end a meal, so that you can always find them in every Italian restaurant’s menu (especially the super famous panna cotta!). They are easy to prepare and can be prepared in advance, because in this period all that you want to do is going out to enjoy the first sunshiny days and then come back home to find a sweet and irresistible treat waiting for you.



Rosemary panna cotta by Daniela for 4 500 ml fresh cream 80 g sugar 8 g gelatine leaves 1 rosemary sprig (bloomy if possible) 60 ml milk to garnish 100 g strawberries 1 rosemary sprig 40 g sugar 1 tablespoon sliced almonds 1 knob of butter Soak the gelatine leaves into cold milk for 10 minutes until soft. In a small saucepan, combine fresh cream, sugar and rosemary bringing the mixture to boil. Remove from heat and filter. Squeeze the gelatine to remove excess liquid, add it to the mixture and stir thoroughly. Pour it into the mould and chill in the fridge for at least 4 hours. In the meantime, prepare the decoration: dice the strawberries, put them in a pan together with sliced almonds, sugar, a knob of butter and rosemary. Cook until sugar turns an amber colour. Remove from heat and let the syrup cool. Unmould the panna cotta, serve it with strawberry sauce and some rosemary flower.













Strawberry and condensed milk pudding by Antonella for 8 400 g condensed milk 300 g cream 100 g milk 10 g gelatine leaves 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 250 g strawberry to garnish strawberries edible flowers Soak the gelatine leaves into cold water for 10 minutes until soft. Blend the strawberries and 200 ml of cream together to get a uniform mixture. In a bowl mix condensed milk, milk, vanilla essence and strawberry puree. Heat the remaining cream, but do not bring it to a boil. Carefully squeeze the gelatine and stir it in the hot cream until fully dissolved. Let the cream and gelatine mixture cool and combine it with the condensed milk and strawberry blend, stirring accurately. Pour the mixture into a non-stick pudding mould and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. To unmould easily your pudding, soak it into hot water for a few seconds. Serve it with strawberries and edible flowers.











Two-colour vanilla and chocolate pudding by Ilaria for 4 for the vanilla pudding 230 ml milk 2 medium egg yolks 40 g sugar 4 g gelatine leaves 1 vanilla bean for the chocolate pudding 270 ml milk 60 g sugar 60 g dark chocolate 25 g cornstarch 40 g butter to garnish strawberries, almonds, 4-5 amaretti biscuits For the vanilla pudding: soak the gelatine leaves into cold water for at least 10 minutes until soft. Pour milk into a small saucepan, add the cut open vanilla bean and cook over a low heat bringing it to a simmer. In a bowl, whisk together egg yolks and sugar. Discard the vanilla bean from milk. Drain and squeeze the gelatine whisking it into the hot mixture until fully dissolved. Pour milk over the yolks and blend the ingredients using a whisk. Pour the cream into a non-stick pudding mould and let them refrigerate until completely set. In the meantime, make the chocolate pudding: put milk into a saucepan and bring it to a simmer. Into another saucepan, over a low heat, combine butter, sugar and roughly chopped dark chocolate, whisking until you get a smooth mixture. Add sifted cornstarch, drizzle in the previously warmed milk and stir with a whisk. Let simmer until the mixture thickens. Pour the batter into a bowl, cover it with some food wrapping film and let it cool down at room temperature. Pour the chilled chocolate mixture over vanilla pudding. Store the pudding into the fridge for about 2 hours. Once set, you can easily unmould the pudding soaking it into boiling water and then place it over a serving plate. Garnish your pudding with some sliced strawberries, almonds and amaretti crumbs. 145











ph by Antonella


ph by Stefania Gambella

ph by Daniela

ph by Ilaria

ph by Antonella

ph by Daniela

ph by Ilaria

IN THE MOOD spring 2018

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