InTheBiz® Magazine September2015

Page 8

The Fight was Vicious but we ended up with a tie for

InTheBiz ® Employee of the Month What’s your name? Chris “Cap’n Loogie” Brennan Do you have a nickname? After winning an epic spitting contest in the 3rd grade my peers hoisted me up on their shoulders and dubbed me “Cap’n Loogie”. Where are you from? Born and raised in Fort Lauderdale. I’m kind of the Batman to Fort Lauderdale’s Gotham. Francis is Robin. Where do you work? Big Dog Station and The Hut

What do you do as your job? Everything Francis does but WAY better! Oh snap! How long have you been InTheBiz®? Bartending has been my side gig since 2001. I’ve been full time since water taxi kicked me to the curb in 2013. Do you have any hobbies? I occasionally find some local injustice and stick it to the man by doing things like run for mayor of Fort Lauderdale. Second place bitches! Why do you work InTheBiz®? I’m desperately trying to save the good name of bartenders everywhere in wake of the damage caused by Francis McDonough! What is your favorite drink? I’m a FOOL for Cuervo Gold. Hot and nasty, straight from the bottle like god intended! What is your favorite part of the job? Sticking it to Francis! What skills do you bring to the job? All that crap that Francis says he can do... but on a much higher level. What advice do you give people starting out InTheBiz®? I’d look them straight in the eye and say “Don’t be like Francis.” Is there anything else you would like to add? Francis McDonough is a tragic black mark on our industry.

8 • ITB 2015 • August 2015 8 • ITB • September

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