Craft & Vision_ 11 ways to improve your fotografie

Page 67

Make Stronger Portraits 5. Watch the Eyes – continued


David duChemin is a nomad, a world

The second thing I mean when I say

and humanitarian photographer, the

watch the eyes is to be aware of the

accidental founder of Craft & Vision,

catchlight. The eyes are orbital and

and the author of Within The Frame:

shiny, they reflect the world behind the photographer back at the camera. The appearance of catchlights implies life and vitality, gives us clues about where the subject is looking, and in the case of people laughing, can be the only thing to indicate eyes when the eyelids are drawn tight. A subject with

The Journey of Photographic Vision, VisionMongers: Making a Life and a Living in Photography, and Vision & Voice: Refining Your Vision in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. David’s latest book, Photographically Speaking, was published October, 2011. David’s work and blog can be seen at

empty eye sockets is creepy, so unless that’s the look you’re going for, watch the eyes. If you want great catchlights, a spark of dialed-down flash (and I mean, really dialed-down flash) can provide that, but I prefer making sure the subject is in softer shade, looking out at the brighter world behind me—that will give you natural-looking catchlights as well as softer light.

Check out David’s Craft & Vision titles at

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