Kindergarten Experience

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Key Developmental Milestones

Kindergarten is a crucial stage in a child's early education, marked by significant developmental milestones that lay the foundation for future academic and social success. Kindergarten marks the beginning of more formal literacy and numeracy skills, as children learn to recognize letters, write their names, read simple early readers and count numbers. Socially, Kindergarteners start to navigate the complexities of group interactions, and they begin to develop greater levels of independence in both life skills and learning. Emotional growth is also evident as children express their feelings and develop a sense of empathy. Furthermore, the Kindergarten experience fosters curiosity and a love for learning, setting the stage for a lifelong journey of exploration and discovery. Each milestone achieved in Kindergarten represents a building block for the child's ongoing educational journey and overall well-rounded development.

Personalising Learning

In the Lower School at ISB we embrace the unique potential within each learner tailor educational experiences to individual strengths, interests & pace empower learners to explore their passions integrate technology seamlessly cultivate critical thinking, and collaborate across diverse perspectives develop learners who confidently navigate the complexities of our world

C h a r a c t e r S t a n d a r d s S o c i a l J u s t i c e


ISB believes that in order to be International Citizens, successful in and out of school, students need to learn and develop social and emotional competencies. These competencies are grounded in our Character Standards and our belief in Social Justice.

To support our Character standards, we use the Learning for Justice Standards to support our goal of developing true International Citizens.

Strand Areas of Focus & Development



I know and like who I am and can talk about my family and myself and name some of my group identities

I can talk about interesting and healthy ways that some people who share my group identities live their lives

I know that all my group identities are part of me but that I am always ALL me

I can feel good about myself without being mean or making other people feel bad

I see that the way my family and I do things is both the same as and different from how other people do things, and I am interested in both

I like being around people who are like me and different from me, and I can be friendly to everyone

I can describe some ways that I am similar to and different from people who share my identities and those who have other identities I want to know about other people and how our lives and experiences are the same and different I know everyone has feelings, and I want to get along with people who are similar to and different from me

I find it interesting that groups of people believe different things and live their daily lives in different ways

I know my friends have many identities, but they are always still just themselves



I know when people are treated unfairly I know some true stories about how people have been treated badly because of their group identities, and I don’t like it

I know that life is easier for some people and harder for others and the reasons for that are not always fair I know about people who helped stop unfairness and worked to make life better for many people

I care about those who are treated unfairly

I can and will do something when I see unfairness this includes telling an adult I will say something or tell an adult if someone is being hurtful, and will do my part to be kind even if I don’t like something they say or do I will speak up or do something if people are being unfair, even if my friends do not

I will join with classmates to make our classroom fair for everyone


Forces and Motion


Connected Disciplines

Conceptual Understandings

Understanding the relationship between mass and the force required to move an object

Science-Forces and Motion, MathMeasurement and Mathematical Thinking

Learners understand that:

The way objects move depends on a variety of factors, including their size and shape

A push or a pull affects how an object moves or changes shape

How Things Are Made Observing Change through Life Cycles

Understanding that production involves a series of steps

Social Studies

Learners understand that:

There are stages on production of goods and provision of services

Some goods and services are produced in our community and some are produced by other communities so we need a system that allows us to buy and sell goods and services to meet our needs

Earth's resources are used in a variety of ways

Understanding how the needs of living things change across their life cycles

Science-Patterns in the Natural World MathSequencing

Learners understand that:

Living things have basic survival needs including food, water and shelter, which are met by their environment

Living things have a variety of external features

Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves

Learning Engagements

Understanding of the principles of forces and motion can help us move things more efficiently At the beginning of this module, learners share their initial ideas around real life problems, such as moving a large object Through hands-on activities learners explore a variety of forces including pushing, pulling, throwing, dropping, rolling and flying By conducting experiments they begin to manipulate variables such as friction, surface, size, shape and mass and observe the impact they have on moving objects As their experience grows, the learners are encouraged to make predictions, construct and test hypotheses Using the inquiry process enables the learners to think of themselves as investigators and scientists that ask questions and seek out answers to real life problems


Learners are ab e to: conduct preliminary research around a broad topic wh ch al ows the topic to be narrowed appropriately construct a powerful research quest on that requires analysis and conceptual depth construct smaller questions that ead to a possible answer to a bigger question

In this module, learners develop langauge used to describe measurements including speed, size, volume and weight

The resources that we use in our everyday lives come from a range of different sources and go through different processes of production Throughout this module, learners explore a variety of raw materials and put these materials through a process in order to create products Learners observe how the procedure can affect the outcome, for example, an apple may become apple juice or apple sauce depending on the process the apple is put through Learners look at the sequence of steps that various products go through and focus on the importance of order and sequence Through a range of cooking/ craft/ construction activities learners are provided with multiple opportunities to follow and create sets of instructions to make various products They look at common items around them, investigate their origins and compare where they were made (homemade versus factory made, local versus imports)


This module culminates in the creation of a HowTo video to share with a wider audience and/or a poster that explains a procedure

Learners are ab e to: ident fy what they currently know and understand about a particular dea, concept or topic ident fy gaps in their knowledge and understanding of a particular idea, concept or topic, as wel potential m sconceptions

Exploring our natural world helps us build a connection to nature in its various forms Being equipped with greater knowledge and understanding can help us appreciate and protect our living world Learners observe changes both in the forest and in the classroom as they watch the life cycles of frogs, butterflies and ladybugs unfold before them They explore big questions like- What is change? Where does it occur in nature? Why does this happen? How can one observe the life cycle in nature? Learners complete research and gather information through observations, computer programs, books and other sources The culminating project ends with the learners giving a science presentation on the life cycle of an animal to their parents, during a gallery walk Learners have multiple experiences organizing information and representing it using flow charts

This module is linked to the writing genre - Report Writing

In small groups learners create a report about an animal or insect and complete an individual poster about their life cycle Non-fiction text features are introduced and explored


The ISB Mathematics program is designed to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts while nurturing critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.

Strand Areas of Focus & Development

Counting & Cardinality

Knows number names and the count sequence

Counts to 100 by ones

Counts to tell the number of objects

S T E M : M a t h e m a t i c s

Counting & Cardinality

Operations & Algebriac Thinking

When counting objects, says the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object

Compares numbers

Identifies whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group

Compares two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals


Works with patterns

Recgnizes, repeats and creates patterns

Recognizes addition as putting together and adding to, and recognizes subtraction as taking apart and taking from

Represents addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e g , claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations

Solves addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e g , by using objects or drawings to represent the problem

Works with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value

Decomposes numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, e g , by using objects or drawings, and record each decomposition by a drawing or equation (e g , 5 = 2 + 3 and 5 = 4 + 1)

Numbers & Operations in Base 10


Measurement & Data

For any number from 1 to 9, finds the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e g , by using objects or drawings, and record the answer with a drawing or equation

Fluently adds and subtracts within 5

Composes and decomposes numbers from 11 to 19 into ten ones and some further ones, e g , by using objects or drawings, and record each composition or decomposition by a drawing or equation (such as 18 = 10 + 8); understand that these numbers are composed of ten ones and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones

Identifies and describes shapes

Describes objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to

Correctly names shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size

Analyzes, compares, creates, and composes shapes

Analyzes and compares two dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e g , number of sides and vertices and other attributes (e g , having sides of equal length)

Models shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e g , sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes

Describes and compares measurable attributes

Describes measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight

Describe several measurable attributes of a single object

Directly compares two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has "more of"/"less of" the attribute, and describe the difference For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter

Classifies objects and counts the number of objects in each category

Classifies objects into given categories; counts the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count

Create mathematical models

Mathematical Processes

Demonstrates their thinking with pictures


R e a d i n g

Strand Areas of Focus & Development

Acuracy and Fluency

Concepts About Print

Comprehension Stragegies

Reads C/D level texts accurately

Reads environmental print

Manipulates phonemes

Recalls letters and sounds and recalls K sight words

Makes connections and responds to text read to them

Uses pictures and context to understand guided leveled text

Participates in discussions about a text (e g , during whole or small group interactive readaloud discussions, during peer sharing, within play scenarios)

Retells stories or shares information from a text

Develops and answers questions about characters, major events, and pieces of information in a text

Makes connections between self, text, and the world (e g , what is familiar, what does an event/picture/character make them think of, what do they remember)

W r i t i n g

Text Types & Purposes

Vocabulary Use Strand

Areas of Focus & Development

Compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic for the book (eg , My favorite book is )

Compose informative texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic

Narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide e a reaction to what happened

Identify new meanings for familiar words and apply them accurately

Use the most frequently occurring inflections and affixes (e g , -ed, -s, re-, un-, pre-, -ful, -less) as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word Sort common objects into categories (e g , shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent

Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms)

Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e g , note places at school that are colorful)

Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs describing the same general action (e g , walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings

Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts

Produce upper and lower case letters and use capitals for the start of a sentence and “I”

Demonstrate some control over tense and generally use articles as pointers

Understand question words

Conventions of Standard English

Produce and expand on complete sentences

Name end punctuation

Write a letter or letters for most consonants and short vowel sounds

Use appropriate spelling based on the Common Core Standards

Production of Writing

With guidance and support from adults participate in shared editing of students' own texts and discuss possible changes


Coding Design Technology Digital Citizenship

Exploring a range of software and tools to develop coding skills and mathematical/computational thinking:





As a 1:1 device school, quality technology is available for all students. With extensive design resources such as 3-D printers, laser and vinyl cutters, green screen studios, v-Rex robotics, and a VR suite, Elementary students use one of the best DesignTech spaces in Belgium. S T E M : D e s i g n & T e c h n o l o g y

Through projects during the year, students are introduced to the different design tools at ISB and the design process

We emphasize using technology responsibly and effectively for communication, collaboration and creation Becoming proficient and postive members in a digital world is a primary goal.

Within Design units at ISB, students follow the Stanford University Design School model


Transferable skills, also known as portable or universal skills, can be applied across various subjects and situations. These skills are not tied to specific disciplines but rather can be adapted and transferred from one context to another.

Strand Areas of Focus & Development




How can I actively listen to others?

How do I share my ideas and build on the ideas of others?

How do I work together to achieve our shared goals?

What do I think I already know about this topic?

How can I decide if information is helpful and accurate?

How does information from different sources connect to each other?

Grade Level Focus Skills


What questions do I have?

How can I find the best evidence for my questions?

How can I organize and record my information?

How do I set effective goals and where am I now in achieving them?

How do I feel and what is contributing to how I feel? Do I need support?


identify what they currently know and understand about a particular idea, concept or topic identify gaps in their knowledge and understanding of a particular idea, concept or topic, as well potential misconceptions


conduct preliminary research around a broad topic which allows the topic to be narrowed appropriately construct a powerful research question that requires analysis and conceptual depth construct smaller questions that lead to a possible answer to a bigger question

T r a n s f e r a b l e S k i l l s


Students, who have demonstrated proficiency in English, access either the Dutch or French language. Additional languages are offered as part of the ISB+ program, based on demand.

ISB follows the Common European Framework for Languages.

L a n g u a g e s P a t h w a y s

English Proficiency

French Foundations A1

Intermediate A2

Inedpendent B1 / C1

Grades 5 & 6

Social Studies in French option

Dutch Indpendent B1 / C1

ISB+ Plus Languages

Open to all regardless of English Proficiency


Specialist programs at ISB are essential components of a well-rounded education. These programs enhance problem-solving, critical thinking, decision-making, team work, and self expression.

Each program is taught by a Specialist in the respective field.

Body Awareness

Motor Skills Spacial Awaeness

The Physical Education and Heath program focuses on the following areas:

Motor Skills & Movement Patterns

Concepts, Principles, Strategies & Tactics

Understanding Healthy Lifestyles

Throughout their journey in Kindergarten, our students embark on a captivating adventure aimed at nurturing their physical and spatial understanding They immerse themselves in a diverse array of obstacle courses, daring to conquer heights and different surfaces increasing their determination and resilience Through being encouraged to choose activities that safely test their limits, they courageously expand their comfort zones and further develop their motor skills and body awareness

In their year of Kindergarten, lessons will also bring an opportunity to explore a range of ball activities With each toss and catch, they master the art of hand-eye coordination, skilfully maneuvering various objects to propel balls with increasing precision As they partake in a multitude of games, they begin to explore a range of open spaces, discovering the exhilarating freedom of movement and navigation

Visual Arts

The Arts program focuses on the following areas:

Creating & Performing and

Responding & Connecting to visual & musical artworks

Our Visual Arts program for students in Kindergarten through Grade 2 offers a vibrant canvas for exploration across a rich tapestry of artistic expressions, spanning from sculpture and construction to painting, drawing, textiles, and digital art Guided by a curated study of diverse artists, our students embark on a journey of discovery, unlocking a spectrum of techniques and igniting their imaginations to boundless creative horizons

Within our ECC common space and Chateau, an ever-evolving gallery showcases the masterpieces crafted by our students, created individually or collaboratively Through collaborative efforts with both on-campus artists and off-campus excursions, including our artist-in-residence program, our students are immersed in a dynamic exchange of creative perspectives, drawing inspiration from the visions of others

Our school forest not only provides a stunning backdrop to their learning experience but all provides our students with a unique en plein air experience enriching their artistic journey


When students understand the building blocks of music they can use them to make music together, express themselves and convey something through music Keeping a steady beat allows us to stay together when we sing or play instruments By changing the volume of music we can create surprising effects, and changing the speed of the music can influence the mood

We learn these and other principles through stories, movement, songs and playing a variety of small percussion instruments By the end of the year each student is able to create a short melody which is then performed by a buddy from the Upper School orchestra In addition to our scheduled music classes we have regular Kindergarten Singalongs which strengthens our sense of community

h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n & H e a l t h
i s u a
& P e r f o r m i n g A r t s


Learning to swim at a young age is of paramount importance for several reasons.

We believe that this is a crucial life skill that enhances water safety. Early exposure to swimming instills confidence in the water, helping children overcome any fear and building a strong foundation for aquatic competence. After their year of swimming in Kindergarten children can follow this passion through engagement in afterschool activites from Gr 1 on.

We offer three different levels of swimming instruction to make sure that all students expereince success and growth. The levels include:

Beginner level

Intermediate Level

Advanced/Independent Swimmer

i l l
e v e l s a n d S k


Field Trips

In the ECC we integrate meaningful outside of school experiences into the learning programme by taking the students on a number of excursions through the year Our Kindergarten students travel to local markets to purchase fresh items for cooking, visit the zoo, and work with a range of visiting experts to learn about and expereince how things are made

Home Learning




Reading is the top priority assignment for home. All students should spend at least 20 minutes per evening reading independently or with a parent

Other activities may also be periodically assigned as relevant to support and extend learning taking place during the school day. These assignments will be limited in time and have a clear purpose. Examples may include interviewing family members as connected to a unit of study, writing to develop fluency, practicing mathematics skills for independent mastery, reviewing language vocabulary, etc.

Typical Assignments for Grade Kindergarten:

Independent Reading

During their Kindergarten year children will begin to bring readying books home during the week These are familiar texts that students have read in class. Families are asked to revisit these texts with their children as a way to build both heathly reading habits and reinforce taught reading skills

Being Read To

We encourage families to also make time to read to their child in both English and in their own home language


English Language Development

The English Language program provides services to multilingual learners by supporting their development of English language skills and access to academic learning Through either the Foundational (for beginning English learners) or Intermediate (for students with a solid foundation in English) programs, students are well supported in their developing English reading, writing, listening and speaking

Learning Support

ISB provides services for students with learning needs We provide a whole range of levels of support, making sure that every child gets what they need to be successful The teaching teams decide on the most appropriate level of support to help each student access academics and develop foundational skills Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) are developed for students who require moderate levels of support to help track and describe their progress towards specific goals Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy services are also availalbe on our campus

High Ability

Enrichment & Extension: through accelerated targets, alternate texts or specially designed tasks that increase depth of knowledge, students have opportunities to work with peers of similar abilities and have direct instruction and feedback on growth and areas for further development

Partnerships: ISB works in partnership with organizations such as the Center for Talented Youth (John Hopkins University), Stanford University & Northwestern University where qualifying students have the opportunity to access courses to further develop areas of high ability and interest These courses take place outside of school hours, but time in-school may be provided on a case-by-case basis


Counselling Services are available to all students on a short-term and needs basis. Although we do not provide longterm therapeutic support, our Counselor can make recommendations to other professionals in Belgium and abroad.

Additionally our Counselor leads our in class social skills lessons, and leads parent workshops, book clubs and shares timely and pertinent resources with families around common issues and parenting challenges.

S t u d e n t S e r v i c e s
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