Education Technology Solutions Issue 82

Page 17

wrote in Megatrends of the need

adopted the laissez-faire model of

or research bid will be aware of the

lead in the digital education of the

for the likes of schools to look to,

digital education, using it unwittingly

mindset, the detail required and the

young, and indeed the wider family,

“…a network model of organisation

24/7/365, continually enhancing

underpinning idea that every outcome

having normalised the whole-of-

and communication, which has its

their capability. It is a new global

can and must be identified.

family use of digital technology for

roots in the natural, egalitarian and

norm that goes hand-in-hand with

spontaneous formation of groups of

the ubiquitous use of personal

that the school was a unique,

in press) and being part of the 3.4

like-minded people”.

mobile technology.

stand-alone, gated community

billion plus (ITU, 2016) connected

unaffected by the wider digital

people using digital every day.

Most chose instead to do what

The other new but now long-

There was also the assumption

at least a decade (Lee & Broadie,

they had done for aeons and provide

established norm is that children

and socially networked world. The

Critically, they have done it naturally,

what they believed was best for

from two to three years onwards

global impact of the unintended and

successfully, efficiently, at no cost to

the young, within the physical

will, for the rest of their lives, take

natural evolution has shattered that

government and without any grand

place called school, using a highly

charge of their own digital education,

convenient illusion.

plan. Schools and governments have

structured linear education where

learning how to use what they want

While mention has been

every aspect was meticulously

when they want (Chaubron, 2015). It

made in previous articles on the

planned and controlled. They

will, on the experience of the last 20-

natural evolution of the digitally

believed they could, with the help

plus years, be a highly individualised

connected family (Lee & Broadie,

Connected Family, governments and

of the experts, provide the desired

digital education, where each person

2017a), the laissez-faire model of

schools could play a significant role

digital education within the walls of

shapes the evolving technology

digital education (Lee & Broadie,

in enhancing the digital capability

the traditional hierarchical industrial

as desired.

2017b) and the pre-primary digital

of children and go some way to

normalisation (Lee & Broadie,

redressing the shortcomings of

and schools can effectively impact

2017c), it bears reflecting on another

the laissez-faire model, but it will

the digital revolution until today,

the digital education of children is

very recent unplanned development

require a major rethink on the part

they implicitly believed they could

to recognise the global use of the

that is already on trend to be another

of governments and their educators.

control, and if need be, resist the

laissez-faire model and work to

game changer. Largely unnoticed

They will need to acknowledge

global megatrends, and decide

complement and enhance that model.

in the developed world, all the main

the natural unintended evolution,

mail and messaging services have

recognise they can only ever shape the megatrends, acknowledge they

age organisation. Tellingly, from the outset of

The only way governments

which aspects should be banned and

played little or no part in that natural unintended evolution. As is argued in Digitally

The Implications

in the last couple of years taken

This was particularly evidenced

The implications that flow from the

advantage of the developments

are part of a networked society and

in their choice of ‘appropriate’

natural evolution and the unintended

in artificial intelligence, voice

appreciate that if schools continue

technologies, the banning of all

on the digital education of children

recognition and video compression

as stand-alone insular institutions,

others and their rejection of the

are profound and on trend to grow.

to provide a simple-to-operate, multi-

they will continue to be dealt out of

mobile revolution. In 2016, judging

As the exponential nature of Moore’s

modal communications facility. One

the play.

from the inordinate level of control

Law kicks in, so the unintended

can dictate a note with 95 percent

imposed externally and internally

impact of the digital revolution will

accuracy (Google, 2014), send a

on most teachers’ use of digital

accelerate and widen (Helbing,

text, audio or video with a couple of


technology (Lee & Broadie, in press),


clicks. All these facilities are available

prevented from disrupting teaching.

governments likely believed they

The implications for governments,

on a US$22 smartphone in Nairobi. Overnight, the illiterate or semi-

For a full list of references, email

Mal Lee is a former director of schools, secondary college

had total control of the young’s

education authorities, schools and

digital education.

education researchers are particularly

illiterate young of India, China, Africa

principal, technology company

profound. Those who have worked

and the Americas found themselves

director and now author and

plus years ago. They were slow to,

in education, and particularly

able to use their verbal and visual

educational consultant. He has

or did not, understand that at least 80

educational administration and

intelligence to communicate with the

written extensively on the impact

percent of the young’s learning time

research, will be aware of the

networked world, using YouTube and

of technology and the evolution

annually was and is spent outside the

belief by those in government, the

the like, without having to use text or

of schooling.

school walls. While they unilaterally

bureaucracy and school leadership

the keyboard. They suddenly had, in

controlled the artificial world behind

that all operations must be planned,

a US$22 smartphone, an educational

experience helping schools get the

the school walls, they had long been

documented, reported upon,

tool that took them into a digital world

maximum impact on learning from

dealt out of the main game.

evaluated and quantified, with nothing

that would enhance their education,

technology. He is the Naace Lead for

left to chance. Allied was the premise

literacy and life chances – regardless

the 3rd Millennium Learning Award.

have long taken control of digital

that all change had to be linear in

of schools or government.

In his 30-plus years of working at the

education from near the beginning

nature and controlled. There was –

of the children’s life onwards

and is today – no place for natural


he has worked with a huge range

(Chaubron, 2015; Lee & Broadie,

evolution, unintended benefits or

Over the last 20-plus years, the

of leading schools, education

2017c). From the 1990s, all within

non-linear development. Those who

young and the digitally connected

organisations and policymakers in

digitally connected families naturally

have prepared a grant, innovation

families of the world have taken the

the UK and Europe. n

Ironically, they lost control 20-

Young people and their families

Roger Broadie has wide

forefront of technology in education,


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