A monthly report for business executives who use or market microfilm services and equipment.
P.O. Box 2154 / Grand Central Station / New York City New York / 10017/ Tel: ( 212) MU 7-0890 November, 1969
K&E NEGOTIATES WITH IBM. Keuffel & Esser (Morristown, N.J.) seeking to acquire major part of microfilm line dropped by IBM. Products include diazo and thermal copiers, document and micro viewers, related parts and supplies. Negotiations should be completed by year-end; K&E to honor IBM commitments and service agree ments. Acquisition would boost K&E annual sales ($60,000,000) 3-4%. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS THINKS SMALL. Microcard Editions (Washington, D.C.) announces microform edition of LOC Catalog, one of world's primary biblio graphic resources. All 233 volumes of catalog will be available in negative or positive microfiche or micro-opaque cards. Details from Microcard, 901 26 St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20037. THE CHANGING SCENE: Equity Leasing Corp. (New York) announces wholly-owned subsidiary, Microfilm Products Inc,, to design, manufacture, sell hardware. First product, MPI 2000 Reader to handle rollfilm and cartridges, due Jan. Company will also buy and sell new and used equipment, move into services..... Chas. Bruning Co. (Chicago) has entered microfilm field with full line of diazo duplicating films and processing equipment for its films. Among new products is Multifocus, a horizontal plane rather than vertical plane reader. Designed for architects but good for anyone who needs a big screen, yet compact unit. Unit has 14 x 20 screen, 10X to 40X magnification..... first West Coast producer of silver halide film is Micrex Corp. (Santa Clara, Calif.), new company formed to manufacture and market dry and wet films, microfilm hardware..... Electro-Word (Marina Del Rey) expands marketing of its random retrieval system based on 16mm 100' rollfilm. System is based on code patterns recorded on the film next to the image. In retrieval, photocells (in "plug" form) are positioned to recognize code patterns..... Hilltek Inc. (Palo Alto) offers Morgan converter unit for reducing drawings on 105mm to 35mm diazo aperture cards in 10 seconds. INTERNATIONAL SCENE: Lively newsletters follow European events. Paris-based Reprography Newsletter covers microfilm and other reprographic areas on contin ent in quick, newsy fashion. October issue reports on three exhibitions staged in London (BEE), Milan (SMAUO) and Paris (SICOB). Offers an easy way to keep abreast, in general terms, of European developments......
K&E seeks IBM Line.......... Lib. Of Congress on Microfilm New Entries in Field........ International Scene......... Associations/Conference..... COM Roundup.................
CONTENTS Magazine Digest......... 3 1 .Literature Worth Getting. 4 1 Micrdots (Industry Notes) 4 1 Applications............ 4 1 Company Profile: Kalvar Corp....5 2 Selected Microfilm Stocks...... 6 2
U.S. subscriptions $50. U.S. office-Kohl Bldg., 233 LaFayette Ave., Suffern, N.Y. 10901..... London-based Technical Information on Microfilm Ltd. issues Information Retrieval News, accenting developments in Britain. Write: TIM, Wellington House 125-130 Strand, London WC 2, England. German industry sources report 7,000 microfilm facilities in Fed. Rep. of Germany and accelerating pace but market saturation only about 2.5% of potential..... no technology gap between U.S. and Fed. Rep. but an "applications gap." Some 400 in-plant engineering setups, 50 service companies do most of work..... D.W. McArthur, re-elected president of International Micrographic Congress at recent Frankfurt convention. ASSOCIATIONS/CONFERENCES: National Microfilm Association sells out all space at 1970 convention (S.F. Apr. 28-May 1). Because of size, show will be housed in two hotels -- Hilton and Sheraton Palace. Latter site for all COM exhibits. 10,000 expected to attend..... registrants at National Bureau pf Standards two-day conference (Gaithersburg, Md. Dec. 1-2) on image storage and transmission systems for libraries will get microcopy of proceedings, appropriate since much of agenda covers microfilm topics..... Advanced Management Research announces traveling three-day course "Developing Microfilm Information Systems." To hit New York (Dec. 8-10, Summit Hotel); Chicago (Jan. 26-28, Knickerbocker Hotel); Los Angeles (Feb. 16-18, Los Angeles, Century Plaza). For details contact AMR, 280 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017. Can microfilm publishing satisfy user needs -- AND make money? Topic of two-day seminar held early this month in New York by Knowledge Industries Publications. First day devoted to publishers' viewpoint, second to user. General consensus -- yes. Seminar may be repeated in 1970.... Itek Corp. joins ranks of vendors offering seminars to users and potential users. First, tailored to needs of utility companies, held in Rochester. Ten companies represented. COM ROUNDUP: New Companies/Products/Projects. Dizzying growth of field lead to daily additions. Newcomers include Microdoc, microfilm information systems consulting firm specializing in COM (Philly-based), headed by Thomas F. Deahl, former managing editor of Auerbach Graphic Processing Reports.... Peripheral Technology Inc., Palo Alto hardware manufacturer introducing their off-line Model 1300 recorder, claimed to be first under $50K unit..... C-O-M Systems. Inc.. New York service firm.... many others. Stromberg ParagraphiX debuts automatic typeset software at Fall Joint Computer Conference. AUTOTYPE program produces completely composed and typeset pages on 16mm or 35mm microfilm from computer input..... FJCC produces largest display of COM and related equipment under one roof to date..... PS I systems shows Microsearch system composed of terminal viewer inteffaced to centrallylocated computer via telephone connection. Irice Hike: DatagraphiX users faced by restructured lease, purchase plans on Micromation units. One-year leases upped, long-term leases and lease/purchase rates dropped. New plans, prices immediate for new customers, on conclusion of present contracts for existing customers.
Micro-bytes:/Sharp & Oughton, Inc., management consultants heavily in COM, announce study on utilization and present-day status of COM. Study plans to accent case histories, examples of usage, in-house, and service bureaus, and future plans. Due: Dec. cost: $750. HF Image CARD system accepted by Macy's (NY) for rapid name to account number reference. COM enters as data base is converted from tape to fiche via DatagraphiX Universal camera, first major use for fiche COM unit..... COM business applications and allied area, computer animation, featured at eighth annual meeting of UAIDE 9Users of Automatic Information Display Equipment) held in San Diego. Users group has annual confabs to exchange ideas, experiences. NMA Monograph No. 4 "Computer Output Microfilm", issued at press time, offers authoritative coverage of field at moment. (See Oct. MN, p.3). By Don Avedon, NMA board member, VP Scan Graphics. $10 to non-members, $7.50 to NMA members (NMA, P.0. Box 386, Annapolis, Md., 21404).
fjf.'ltiejek'/citftft'k'k'kltit'kftlc'k'fck’k ’Jek’ick ick ’ieft'k'k'k'k’k ’k'kJckirk'k’kJckJefekJckiek’kic/ckle’kirkJck^,
J.FREE-REVISED COM MANUFACTURER/SERVICE BUREAU LISTS ^Number of recorder manufacturers and service bureaus % *has more than doubled since MN offered free lists to * ^subscribers in September. Revised lists, updated through % *Nov., are now available. Will be supplemented from time % 3-to time. Specify COM Manfacturer or COM Service Bureau % *list and send self-addressed, stamped ($.12) envelope to % ^MICROFILM NEWSLETTER, P. 0. Box 2154, Grand Central Station % *New York, New York 10017. %
Administrative Management (Oct) case study of how Cumberland Engineering Co. saves $2,500 annually in filing costs with microfilm retrieval system. Information & Records Management (Oct-Nov.) Explanation of HF Image System’s operations and inteview with Chas. Yerkes on how to get most out of a micrographic consultant. Third "COM" supplement includes updating on COM standards by Don Avedon of NMA, roundup of new equipment, outline of COM applications in the insurance field, and case studies at two Canadian insurance companies. The Office (Oct). Includes article on how to protect records on microfilm and a roundup of film uses (including microfilm) in offices currently. Plan and Print (Oct.) Case study of microfilmed engineering drawings at Naval Avionics Facility and description of Tektronix' "map-indexed microfiche." Reproduction Methods (Oct.) Case study of Grumman Aerospace's COM application which converts computer-generated data directly to graphic or alphanumeric configurations and eliminates slowdowns of computer output. Records Management Quarterly (Oct.) Offers description and flow chart of microfilmed academic record retrieval system at Ohio State University. Also indexes, with one paragraph description, six microfilm articles published January, 1967-October, 1969.
WORTH GETTING: A listing of useful literature from a variety of sources. Cosati v. NMA Fiche formats: an explanation of the differences between them and suggestions on when to use each, prepared by Lou Zeh, Jr., available from Atlantic Microfilm, pring Valley, N.Y.... Microform Comparison Spec Sheet compares rollfilm, jackets, paperture cards, fiche in terms of cost, retrieval speed, output, distribution, updatability, other vital criteria, from Yerkes-Wolf Associates (140 Main St., Annap., Md.)..... useful Glossary of Terms for Microphotography and Reproductions Made From Micro-Images, from NMA, PO Box 386, Annapolis, Md. 21404 ($2.50 members, $3.50 non-members)..... new edition of Federal Microfiche Standards PB 167-630, from Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, USDC, Springfield, Va. 22151 ($3.00 paper copy, $ .65 fiche copy)..... 35mm Microfilming for Drawing Offices. 112 pp., illus., non-technical for beginners, Hastings House (10 E. 40 St., NY, NY 10016 $6.00). MICRODOTS (industry notes); 3M previews electronic system for retrieving microfilm compatible with its â&#x20AC;?400" series reader-printers. "Page Search" unit locates specific frame from 10,000 image file in five seconds. Production models by mid-1970. Cost: $4,995.... 13th International Visual Communication Congress held in mid-Oct. drew 8,000 to Chicago, revealed increase in both amount of microfilm equipment available and use of computer-compatible microfilm devices. High interest in Xerox system to attach micro projection unit onto regular Xerox printer to produce hard copy output from microfilm. Xerox reps hinted company working hard on getting "on-line" COM system perfected..... starting in Jan., McGraw-Hill's "Product Engineering" makes editorial and ad material available to readers via computer-keyed microfilm output. Readers call or write in requests, using one of 600 key index words, get printout mailed within 36 hours..... Information Handling Services and National Automative Parts Association to field test 8 mm microfilm cassettes and desk-top reader as replacement for NAPA's 6' long set of catalogs used by auto parts jobbers. 18 month project now in final stages. After field testing to be offered to 4,000 NAPA jobbers. Quarterly updates of two cassettes which replace 85-lb. catalog. INTERESTING APPLICATIONS: Monthly billing system offered through Micro-Print Monthly Billing Service enables any-size business to use microfilm advantages. Customer keeps his own up-to-date accounts receivable ledger cards. Then Micro-print representative sits and photographs cards in office, air mails film to Micro-Print center. There images are enlarged to statement size, printed, folded and inserted for mailing directly (or by customer)..... Detroit's Builders' Exchange is a non-profit association of 2100 members of non-residential construction industry and repository for plans and specs of proposed projects. Members have all such plans available to them on microfiche, view them on readers leased from the Exchange..... Atlanta Police Dept, used microfilm for new fingerprint ID technique. System, developed by Lt. Wayne Spiva, uses 30 codes for identification of prints and three for individuals (race, sex, age). Codes, taken from prints and other available date, are keyed to Kodak Miracode unit which searches department's file of 17,000 major offenders in seconds. In first three months, system solved 10 new cases and cleared up 200 previously unsolved ones. Twenty-one other cities are studying system.... Mercantile Trust C o . (St. Louis) uses Mosler 410 unit (auto retrieval unit, activated by computer and containing 100,000 aperture cards) to create remotely-operated signature verification system. Any of 120,000 customers' signatures are verified through 17 inquiry stations in as little as six seconds..... Also
in St. Louis. Board of Education has initiated "Operation Microbary" which puts entire'courses and supplemental materials in school libraries on aperture cards. Students use reader-printers and can pursue subjects on their own, or under supervision. BOE's library services division produces the aperture cards for St. Louis' high schools..... American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics has adopted Supreme Steel Roll-out Conserva-A-Files to hold microfiche containers. Enables AIAI to store micro-records in conventional file equipment; suggests new market for filing equipment manufacturers..... New York City's Criminal Courts are working on a Master Calendar Control System. Key element will be putting court records on microfiche. Judges will get fiche — or printouts from fiche — rather than bulky files, before trial. Criminal Courts Administrator Lester Goodchild testing system on $20,000 planning grant. COMPANY PROFILE: KALVAR CORP. Following more than a decade of product and market development, Kalvar emerges as profit maker. Reports earnings of $184,200 on sales of $2,278,000 for first half of fiscal '70* Film sales volume increased seven-fold in past five years. Background. Incorporated in 1956 as research organization to develop printing plate combining offset and letterpress advantages. Work nurtured by Tulane U. and Arthur D. Little Inc. Led to development of dry vesicular film which could be printed and processed in room light without chemicals, now staple for New Orleans'-based Kalvar. Milestones have been early use of film by IBM and Social Security's adoption for its massive microfilm recordkeeping system. Today Kalvar has own Systems Development Lab, distribution agreement with Stromberg DatagraphiX, and two affiliated companies, Metro-Kalvar and KalGraphics. Products/Sales. Film and related equipment for COM duplication, also rollfilm, fiche and aperture cards. DatagraphiX exclusive N.A. distrib. for roll and fiche. Kalvar also markets products for motion picture release printing, home entertainment, graphic arts, display systems and aerial photography. Recent acquisitions, So. Microfilm and Data Processing Center (New Orleans), and formation of Kal-Com Division, add local service capability.
P.O. Box 2154 / Grand Central Station / New York, N. Y. /1 0 0 1 7 Gentlemen: Please enter my subscription to THE M IC R O F IL M N EW SLETTER for: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 yr. (U.S.) @$35
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Future Development of KDR Type 17 film, said to be 10 times faster than any previous vesicular film, major product. Company working with prototype ca meras for film, hopes to market next year. Microfiche unit would have add-aframe capability. Also working with additive color. However, in near future major growth to come from expansion of role as duplicating film and equipment supplier, primarily for COM, micropublishing applications. Company adding space, production equipment. MARKET PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED MICROFILM STOCKS:
as of Nov. 12, 1969
American and New York Exchanges 1969 Traded Bell & Howell Eastman Kodak (Recordak) General Dynamics (Stromberg) Itek Kleer-Vu Leasco Data 3M NCR University Computing Xerox
80 79 7/8 49 1/2 93 3/4 23 54 118 150 1/2 111 1/2 100 1/2
54 3/4 68 5/8 23 46 1/2 7 1/2 22 1/2 94 108 64 1/4 85 1/4
59 78 30 76 11 28 117 148 103 106
1/2 7/8 1/8 1/2 1/2 3/4 1/2 1/2
Over-The-Counter Quotations Bid Atlantic Microfilm Areata National Computer Microfilm DSI Systems General Computing HF Image Systems Houston Fearless
16 43 1/4 23 4 1/2 19 28 2 3/4
dffiaJL Mitchell M. Badler Publisher-Editor
17 44 1/4 25 3 21 29 3
Information Int 20 Kalvar 144 Keuffel & Esser 17 Microfilm Unl'd 2 Microform Data 26 Micromation Sys Micromat ion Techi 5
Asked 1/2 5/8 1/8 1/2 5/8
Road S. Exelbert Research Associate
References to sources for more infomration on any subject reported in this nesletter are available to subscribers. Please specify issue date, page number and individual item.
22 154 18 2 27 1 6
1/2 3/4 1/2 1/2