How the Work Works
(I have been told that if you are going to do something bad it should be really, really bad – so bad that it is obvious to everyone that it is your intention to be bad – to fail, to be a flop. For this reason I would like to claim what you are about to read as a formal flop. I say formal in reference to the form of an academicintellectual-reflection-paper-analyses-thesis-critical-essay of my artistic work in relation to the topics of: form vs. content, separation vs. combination and the white cube vs. the black box. This paragraph, being a reflection of the reflection and written at the end of the process, offers a fun house hologram of the work itself, which in the end I have decided flopped as an academic piece but hope succeeds as a work of art. Therefore, I formally credit this reflection to Alan Smithee, the film director and sometimes playwright that has claimed so many flops, and I dedicate it to Mario Garcia Torres who introduced me to Alan and suggested flopping as a viable political stance in his name.