Inspire Health Magazine Issue 42

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Empowering Natural Living









T H E N E RVE LL, RV E CE CELL, F I X T H E B R AAIN IN Towny Robinson's All Natural Answer toINSPIRE Depression HEALTH 1



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contents 22







5 SUPER FOOD Wheatgrass


All Natural Acne Remedies


Thigh Support Improving Your Thighs Expands Your Balance and Stability




Banana Mocha Ice Cream







Marinated Tofu Veggie Kebabs


BBQ Chickpea Ranch Salad


How to Raise Independent Children


Spicy Kimchi Ramen Noodles ยง #inspirehealthmag


Post-Surgery Guidelines: The Best Tips for a Smooth Recovery

Did You Digest and Absorb Your Lunch Today?


MTHFR If You Are Living A Healthy Lifestyle and Still Don't Feel Well This Could Be the Reason

Teen Suicide: The Epidemic Swept Under the Rug What is Gould Farm?

High Waisted Jeans and the Slimming Factor Hawaiian Poke Bowls




super food

s s a r g t a Whe W

By Kristy Podruchnyy

heatgrass has proven itself to be a powerful food in the fight against cancer, obesity, high cholesterol, and many other ailments. It has earned the title “super food” because wheatgrass is packed with vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and antioxidants. You can enjoy wheatgrass by drinking its juice, mixing freeze-dried powder into food or drinks, or taking a capsule. Health food stores and juice vendors sell trays of live grass, seeds, juice, powder, and supplements. The taste of the juice varies, but its usually has a light, sweet, and earthy flavor. Some people love the flavor

right away and others find it to be an acquired taste. People usually remark at wheatgrass' deep green color. That’s chlorophyll you’re looking at! Wheatgrass is 70 percent chlorophyll, or “green blood.” Chlorophyll is efficient in transporting oxygen and contains anti-inflammatory properties. Chlorophyll has piqued interest in studies conducted on cancer prevention and treatment. A 2017 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research points out the similarities between hemoglobin (the protein molecule in charge of the transport of oxygen in red blood cells) and chlorophyll. Cancer cells are susceptible to high levels of oxygen, so

Cancer cells are vels of susceptible to high le ygen ox oxygen, so efficient cancer l in transport is essentia ention. ev pr d an t treatmen

efficient oxygen transport is essential in cancer treatment and prevention. Another weapon in wheatgrass’ arsenal is its alkalinity and high levels of antioxidant enzymes that combat DNA-damaging free radicals. Wheatgrass contains appetite-suppressing thylakoids. You can find thylakoids in all green leaves. Thylakoid supplementation affected appetite hormones in rats in a study published by BMC in 2016. The study suggests thylakoids can play an important role in treating and preventing obesity. This potent super food is best consumed right after juicing. Cooking the grass or juice breaks down beneficial enzymes contained in wheatgrass.

Juicing extracts living chlorophyll, enzymes, and nutrients you lose through digesting the grass. Try adding coconut water if you’re getting used to the taste. It’s important to proceed with caution if you have celiac disease or are sensitive to gluten. Wheatgrass doesn’t contain gluten because it's not a mature wheat plant with seeds, but contact with seeds, mature grass, or contamination at supplement facilities could put you at risk. Check with a medical professional before you try wheatgrass if you have any issues with gluten. Go ahead and start your own wheatgrass garden.You might want to grow an extra tray for your cat to munch on, too! Don’t hesitate to incorporate this interactive super food into your daily routine.


editor’s letter M A G A Z I N E executive publishers Hal G. Fox & Suzanne Polk Fox

managing editor Suzanne Polk Fox

copy editor Chad Ruiz

contributing writers M.S. Broudy Shannon Brown Patricia Danflous Suzanne Fox Elizabeth Impastato Shirin Mehdi Crissie Mergogey Juliane Morris Kristy Podruchny Towny Robinson

It’s amazing how many people I have come across lately that is or knows someone who is suffering from some sort of brain illness like depression, anxiety or even ADHD. Since I met Towny Robinson, this month’s cover celebrity, I’ve become more aware of just how many people are afflicted. Thanks to Towny and the work of other scientists, these illnesses can all be traced back to a particular gene mutation and cured with something as simple as a supplement This discovery is one of the main reasons I publish this magazine. To give our readers a chance to make healthy decisions for their family, one with no side effects. Taking a supplement to repair a gene mutation to me is as natural as brushing your teeth to prevent gum disease. Let’s not forget all of the other valuable reasons why we read this magazine. To get the low-down on the best super foods, enjoy fresh foods and learn the health benefits of these foods. I always learn something interesting about raising kids, fashion and not to mention the wonderful healthy recipes. Life is about learning something new every day. I hope today you will join me in learning something new from Inspire Health. Here’s to a healthy mind, Suzanne Fox

art director

Dianne Waller design

Tra Pham production

Claire Thomas cover photography

Richard Vallon We would like to thank Mike and Carol Mesa for the use of their beautiful home on Lakeshore Drive for our cover photo location. The information contained in Inspire Health is intended for educational purposes only. A reader should never substitute information contained in Inspire Health for the advice of a health care professional. Jumpstart Publishing, LLC and publishers of Inspire Health, do not endorse or promote any of the products or services described in the pages of Inspire Health and the publishers do not verify the accuracy of any claims made in the editorial or advertisements contained in Inspire Health. Readers should not use the information in Inspire Health for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Readers should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or have or suspect they have a health problem. V7

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natural beauty



REMEDIES By Suzanne Polk Fox


t usually happens right when you are planning a big event for the weekend. You wake up to what feels like a volcano ready to erupt on your face. We all sympathized with Toula Portokalos in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” when she woke up on her wedding day with a crater the size of her chin. However bad as it may be, we will not be using Windex as our go-to all natural acne treatment, but we do have some other household products that you are already familiar with and probably have on hand.

ESSENTIAL OIL LOTION • I f you have a diffuser, you probably have Lavender and Tea Tree Oil. • A n aloe vera plant is usually found in every home for the treatment of burns, so its no wonder that it helps with blemishes on your face. • M ake a gel with a few drops of Tea Tree or Lavender Oil added to 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel directly from your plant. Use a Q-tip to apply to blemishes. • T ea Tree and Lavender Oils are both antiinflammatory and antimicrobial. Aloe vera is also anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial and also reduces discomfort and speeds healing. Tea tree oil has been proven as effective as benzoyl peroxide.

OTHER ALL NATURAL REMEDIES: • Bitter Greens Salad • Herbal Steam Bag • Yogurt Honey Mask • Calendula Soap


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APPLE CIDER VINEGAR WASH • 1/2 cup water • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar • Mix in a bowl and use a fresh cotton swab to apply to each blemish • Vinegar contains acetic acid which is an antiseptic and helps regulate skin acidity. Be sure to dilute vinegar before applying to skin as it may cause irritation.

PINEAPPLE REFRESH •. Slice away the sides of the pineapple, separating the fruit from the rind. Set the fruit aside in a bowl. Rub the inside of the rind on your face. Mash a single slice of pineapple and rub it onto your face. Let the juices work for about 15 minutes - while you enjoy eating the rest of the fruit. •. Wash your face with warm water and pat dry. •. Pineapple contains an anti-inflammatory enzyme called bromeliad along with citric acid, which gently exfoliates the skin, unblock pores, and dry excess skin oil.

Acne starts when the pores in your skin get clogged with oil and dead skin cells.






In the summerti a beach or me, a is a great park plac to exercise e .



By Juliane Morris

healthy body’s ability to continually find balance and stability as a moving mass is truly a remarkable feat. Think about when you may have accidentally tripped on an uprooted crack in a sidewalk, or up a misjudged stairwell step. Those times when you nearly fell down but otherwise caught yourself, or your body caught itself for you. You didn’t even think about it, until afterwards. It’s tough not to appreciate our body’s astonishing and automatic standard of finding continual balance and stability. Think about when your body doesn’t recover from a trip. You may have been

flabbergasted and stunned that your body failed you. Today we’re going to discuss some exercises that will help you enhance your body’s ability to balance and stabilize, with techniques to improve how your thighs support your overall health. Your upper legs act as trunks bringing intricate and flexible muscle groups together. It’s easy to think thigh appearance before thigh function, but your inner thigh muscles (adductors, made up of five different muscles) provide a lot of your body’s internal rotation, counterbalancing the external rotation that comes from outer thighs and your glutes. The inner thigh muscles stabilize the outward rotation of knees and pull legs toward

the center of the body. Moreover, the adductors muscles attach to your pelvis and greatly affect your hip flexion and extension, and stabilize your core to provide stability and injury prevention for your knees, hips, and lower back. Yes, your inner thighs are a surprisingly large part of your overall lower body strength. People used to try to spot train the inner thighs but exercise specialists have determined the value of a full body workout that engages the thighs.You’re not going to reshape your thighs with spot training but when you commit to work these muscles, you’ll enjoy an overall body benefit. By incorporating the sorts of movements included

in these three exercises in your body composition, including thighs, when you perform them as both strength and cardio training. These exercises aren’t going to bulk up your legs as often misunderstood about muscle work. Remember, long-term cardio and strength training increases your muscle mass, and since muscle mass takes more energy to maintain, you'll burn more calories when resting (thus often increasing your basal metabolic rate). You can do these just about anywhere you might be exercising or active. In the summertime, a beach or park is a great location to do these on your own or with a workout buddy.




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Squats are a great part of an active and fit life. SQUATS 1) Stand with feet hip-distance apart and toes turned slightly out. 2) S it back, keeping weight on heels and stopping hips just above knee line, arms extended forward, hands held comfortably together or clasped. 3) Hold for a count of 5. Return slowly and controlled to starting position. 4) R epeat 10-12 times, completing two to four sets.


Pop Jumps bring a burst of core stimulation and increase muscle strength and stability. Some people call these jumping squats. The explosive jumps work the thighs and also activate the glutes and arms. POP JUMP 1) S tand with feet a little less than hip-distance apart and toes faced forward. 2) S it back, keeping weight on heels. Arms are at sides, bent at elbow 90 degrees, perpendicular to ground, hands facing one another. 3) Jump quickly and powerfully upward while extending arms straight and backwards, being careful not to extend too far back. 4) Return to strong and stable starting position. Repeat 10-12 times, completing two to four sets.

Plie Squat Calf Raise

PLIE SQUAT CALF RAISES Plie Squat Calf Raises are ballet-inspired and work the thighs, calves and glutes.

Pop Jump


PLIE SQUAT CALF RAISE 1 Stand with feet hip-distance apart and toes turned slightly out. 2) Sit back, keeping weight on heels and stopping hips just above knee line, arms extended forward, hands held comfortably together or clasped.

3) Slowly and securely raise heels from ground, placing weight on ball of each foot, and being careful not to extend knee beyond foot toes distance to protect knee. Hold for 3-5 seconds, inhaling and exhaling deeply and keeping core tight with leg, arm and core muscles engaged. 4) Return to strong and stable starting position. Repeat 6-8 times, completing two to four sets.


TIPS FOR A SMOOTH RECOVERY How many of us have ignored our doctor’s orders?


By Shannon Brown

e stopped taking antibiotics after we began feeling better, or perhaps, began exercising too soon. It’s okay, we’ve all been there. But after a surgery, it’s important to follow doctors’ discharge orders to avoid complications such as blood clots or infections. Blood clots can form any time you are sedentary because the lack of movement allows blood to pool and clot. If the clot travels to the heart or brain, this can be deadly. Blood clots affect approximately 900,000 Americans every year and about three percent of patients who undergo joint replacement, according to the CDC. As many as 100,000 people per year die from a blood clot.

There are three main tips to prevent blood clots: exercise at the level you are able, wear compression stockings to help prevent blood from pooling in the legs, and take blood thinning medication as prescribed. However, a recent University of Michigan study found that aspirin was just as effective in preventing blood clots after surgery as blood thinners, which can sometimes cause dangerous bleeding. If you don’t have any risk factors, such as using oral contraceptives or smoking, you may be able to take aspirin instead of an anticoagulant. “Most people can get aspirin alone without much concern,” said lead author Dr. Brian R. Hallstrom. Infection is another risk. Infection can occur at the surgery site, or from another exposure—for example, an

Blood clots affect approximately 900,000 Americans every year, and about three percent of patients who undergo joint replacement, according to the CDC. As many as 100,000 people per year die from a blood clot. 12

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infection in the mouth can spread and affect a joint replacement. Therefore, it’s important to not only take good care of your wound and take antibiotics if prescribed, but also clean and cover any new cuts or burns and maintain good oral hygiene. Most doctors now allow patients to shower soon after their surgery. Previously, doctors recommended waiting 10-14 days before taking a shower; however, a 2016 study from Loyola University found that taking a shower, only two days after surgery didn’t increase the risk of infection. And lastly, about that pesky side effect of painkillers: staying regular. To prevent constipation, follow the guidelines you might expect: drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day;,eat high-fiber foods, such as bran cereal, beans, and fruits, exercise and set aside a dedicated time during the day to have a bowel movement.



Follow your doctor’s instructions. care for your wound, take medication as prescribed and go to follow-up appointments.


Consume plenty of protein (which has been shown to improve recovery), zinc, vitamin C, B vitamins, and fiber. Drink clear fluids.


Consume antiinflammatory foods such as broccoli and ginger, and consider supplementing with omega-3’s, which can help reduce inflammation during recovery.

4. 5.

Exercise, before and after surgery.

Quit or limit smoking. Patients who smoked right before surgery had a greater chance of developing an infection, according to a 2017 study in JAMA Surgery.





Makes 8 Kebabs

MARINATED TOFU VEGGIE KEBABS By Crissie Mergogey  Ingredients: For Marinade: ¼ cup low sodium soy sauce or tamari ¼ cup pineapple juice 1 TBSP brown sugar or maple syrup 4 garlic cloves, minced or grated 1 tsp fresh grated ginger (or ¼ tsp ground ginger) ¼ tsp sesame oil For Kebabs 14 oz. extra firm tofu (or chicken), chopped into 1-inch cubes 8 oz. mushrooms, stems removed 1 large zucchini, sliced into ½-inch thick “coins” ½ a pineapple, chopped into 1-inch chunks 1 red bell pepper, chopped into 1-inch chunks ½ red onion, chopped into 1-inch chunks 8 skewers



 Directions M ake the marinade by combining all marinade ingredients in an 8x8 pan or similar sized dish.  Add the tofu or chicken pieces to the marinade, cover and let sit in the fridge for 30-45 minutes; rotating the pieces halfway through. P reheat the grill to medium/high heat (or preheat oven to 425oF).  After the tofu has marinated, thread the kebab ingredients onto the skewers in any order you like until all the ingredients are gone.  Place on the grill and brush the entire kebabs with leftover marinade. Cook for about 15 minutes (or bake for 20-25 minutes) and rotate the kebabs every few minutes to ensure they cook evenly. § #inspirehealthmag





eat fresh


KIMCHI By Kristy Podruchny

If you haven’t already heard of or tried kimchi, it is my pleasure to introduce this traditional Korean delight. Kimchi is comprised of fermented cabbage, carrots, and other vegetables. Ginger, garlic, and miso are commonly used in this delicious concoction as well.


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ermentation is the magic that turns these healthy foods into a powerhouse for your immune system. It’s time we embrace the consumption of healthy bacteria. Let’s change our mindset about fermented foods; our immune systems will thank us! According to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology, “Kimchi possesses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, anticancer, antiobesity, probiotic properties, cholesterol reduction, and antiaging properties.” These health benefits come from the ingredients themselves and lactic acid bacteria involved in fermentation. Kimchi offers many benefits to our gut microbiome. The fermented cabbage juice contains high levels of glutamine, which is the primary nutrition for GI cells. Your human cells are getting a boost while your gut flora is supplied with new colonies of healthy bacteria. As if that wasn’t enough, garlic and ginger are valued as super foods on their own. Kimchi also contains phytochemicals “which have been reported to possess various medicinal potentials such as antiobesity, anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-atherosclerotic properties” as stated in Frontiers in Microbiology. More phytochemicals are added when you include Chinese cabbage, onions, pepper and raddish into your jar. Did you know that our bodies are only made of 43 percent human cells? Colonies of yeast and bacteria make up the rest. It’s easy to see how fermented foods are gold for your gut microbiome. Instead of taking a probiotic pill, try incorporating fermented foods like kimchi into your diet.You know your bacteria is alive because you can watch the fermentation process.The journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition noted that “Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have been some of the most studied microorganisms. During fermentation, these bacteria synthesize vitamins and minerals, produce biologically active peptides with enzymes such as proteinase and peptidase, and remove some non-nutrients.”These peptides can lower blood pressure, and the enzymes help digestion.These are the ingredients for a healthy microbiome! After everything you’ve learned about kimchi I bet you’ll be happy to learn how easy it is to make at home! Making fermented foods can sound intimidating, but it’s simple. Massage, salt, and soak cabbage. Mix it with carrots and any other vegetables you desire into a large glass jar along with ginger, garlic, miso and chili powder. Pack it all in and add enough brine to cover the mix. Gently place the lid on top and let it sit at room temperature for 24-72 hours. Make sure to check on your creation and push down any ingredients that have bubbled to the top. Seal the jar and store it in the refrigerator. Enjoy kimchi at your pace--fermentation slows in the refrigerator and the bacteria lives on. Don’t hesitate to get inspired by online recipes! Consume and enjoy the benefits from your happy colony of healthy bacteria.

esses “Kimchi poss cterial, atory, antiba m m a fl n -i ti ity, an ncer, antiobes ca ti n a t, n a antioxid duction, , cholesterol re es ti er op pr c ti probio g properties.” and antiagin






By Kristy Podruchny

id you digest and absorb your lunch today? Thank all of your enzymes! Enzymes are needed for any chemical reaction occuring in your body. They are responsible for breaking down molecules to aid in digestion, detoxification and DNA replication. Our pancreas produces most enzymes we

need, but enzymes from the food we eat can help with digestion and absorption-especially if your natural enzyme production is inhibited due to illness or poor diet. We naturally produce digestive and metabolic enzymes. Our saliva contains amylase, an enzyme that starts breaking down starches and simple sugars. If we follow the process of digestion, we’ll discover enzymes along the path through our final absorption. A healthy

Cooking destroys g raw enzymes, so eatin bles is the fruits and vegeta zymes best way to add en to your diet.


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body will produce plenty of enzymes, but food enzymes help the body digest and metabolize nutrients as well. Papayas, asparagus, sauerkraut and avocados are all examples of enzyme-rich foods. Cooking destroys enzymes, so eating raw fruits and vegetables is the best way to add enzymes to your diet. Many store-bought digestive enzyme supplements utilize food enzymes.They help break down foods that, if left undigested, can ferment in the intestines and produce gas. We all hope our digestive enzymes are working hard on a first date! It’s no secret that we aren’t eating enough raw vegetables as a society and the overall population struggles with obesity. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, around 70 percent of all adults in the US are considered obese.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, only 9.3 percent of adults eat the recommended 2-3 cups of vegetables per day. There is no distinction between cooked, canned, frozen, juiced, or fresh vegetables in the data. It’s important to keep in mind that eating french fries and tomato sauce fit within the vegetable category according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Also, remember that processing vegetables destroys important enzymes found in raw vegetables. We know that inflammation plays a role in obesity. Processed foods cause inflammation in the gut that can increase intestinal permeability, i.e. leaky gut. Repairing our intestinal lining and healing our gut flora requires a change in our diet to help our bodies metabolize food properly. Enzymes from raw vegetables can help. We are learning more about how vital our gut is to our immune function and our overall health. Food enzymes are another significant piece to the puzzle of GI health.


Spicy Kimchi

Ramen Noodles Ingredients:


Sauce: • 2 TBSP low sodium soy sauce • 1 TBSP maple syrup • 1 TBSP rice vinegar • 1 TBSP sesame seeds • 1 tsp white miso • 1/2 tsp ground ginger • 1 tsp sesame oil

1. To make the sauce, combine all the sauce ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Set aside. 2. Cook the ramen noodles according to package directions. Drain, then rinse with cold water. 3. A fter rinsing, immediately add the sauce to the ramen noodles. Mix in the vegetables and kimchi until well coated with sauce. 4. This dish can be enjoyed warm or cold.

Ramen: • 6 oz. ramen noodles • 4 oz. spicy kimchi • 2 cups cooked vegetables of choice (such as asparagus, bok choy, broccoli, etc.)



a e p k Chic RANCH SALAD By Crissie Mergogey

Serves 4 as a side

 Ingredients: For BBQ chickpeas 1 cup chickpeas 1/3 cup BBQ sauce For the low-fat ranch dressing 1 cup tofu (soft, but not silken) 2 tsp nutritional yeast 1 tsp maple or agave syrup 1/2 tsp lemon juice 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 tsp garlic powder 3/4 tsp salt



1/4 tsp ground coriander 1/8 tsp pepper 1 tsp minced fresh dill For Salad 2 heads romaine lettuce, chopped 1/2 cup chopped mushrooms 1/2 cup corn 1 cucumber, chopped 1 carrot, shredded 1/3 cup low-fat ranch dressing recipe, or store bought ranch dressing § #inspirehealthmag

 How to make it:  Preheat oven to 375oF. Line a baking sheet with baking paper.  In a bowl, combine the chickpeas and the BBQ sauce, mix well. Place the chickpeas on the lined baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.  Make the low-fat ranch dressing by combining all the dressing ingredients, except the dill, in a high speed blender or small food processor. Blend until smooth and creamy. Transfer to a jar and stir in the dill until well combined.  To make the salad, mix together the lettuce, mushrooms, corn, cucumber and carrot in a large salad bowl.  Add the BBQ chickpeas to the salad and top with the ranch dressing or serve with dressing on the side.

It’s more than a little difficult to find a savory, satisfying dessert on the keto diet. Those sugar cravings are often our undoing. One way to set yourself up for success is by making a huge batch of “fat bombs.” These tasty little treats make a great pick me up in the middle of the day or in between meals; and they keep you satisfied for hours.


INGREDIENTS  1 cup almond butter  1 cup coconut oil  4 ounces of dark chocolate  ½ cup unsweetened cocao powder  1/3 cup coconut flour  1 teaspoon vanilla powder or unsweetened vanilla extract  Coconut flakes, cinnamon and/or DIRECTIONS O ver medium heat, combine almond butter, coconut oil and dark chocolate in a pot. Pour mixture into a bowl. O nce well-combined, add cocao powder, coconut flour and vanilla powder. Pour mixture into a bowl and place in refrigerator for 15 minutes or until solid. B etween hands, press and roll mixture into palm-sized balls. Set balls on a plate until you use all of the mixture.  Roll in chia seeds, coconut flakes, ground nuts, cinnamon or toppings of choice. Refrigerate for 5 minutes then serve. INSPIRE HEALTH


cover story


here’s one in every family. Someone who just doesn’t march to the same drummer - the eccentric aunt who never leaves the house, the embarrassing alcoholic uncle, or a child who battles severe depression. What happened? Why aren’t they as normal as the rest of your relatives? The answer may be as simple as recognizing that everyone is different. Today, it is easier than ever to prove that no two people are exactly alike and easier to understand why someone is more prone to addiction or depression. Thanks to the full mapping of the genome – that’s the total of the 30,000 to 40,000 genes that make up you and no one else –the genetic research has accelerated personalized treatment that addresses root causes of certain disorders as well as hard-to-treat mental health conditions.


THE NERVE CELL, FIX THE BRAIN Towny Robinson Introduces Natural Alternatives for Anxiety, Depression, Addiction and Cognitive Dysfunction

By Patricia F. Danflous


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“What we now know is that heredity or genetic makeup plays a big part in the nerve cell’s ability to produce and balance brain chemicals to maintain normal brain health and wellness,” explained Towny Robinson, a national expert in the brain biochemistry field. “No matter how some people try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, they can’t lose weight, they are fatigued, depressed, anxious or have a tendency toward addictive behaviors.” When Robinson recognized the potential of full genome mapping, he zeroed in on nerve cells as the first step in what he calls, fixing the brain. “Fix the nerve cell, fix the brain,” he simplifies the foundation for his increasingly successful psychiatric bio-genetic pharmaceutical company, JayMac Pharmaceuticals. The company’s organic Vitamin B folate rich products – EnLyte, EnLyte-D ENL, LUMA, and the prescription only EnBrace HR – have been clinically proven to quickly address the root causes of depression including perinatal and post-partum depression, anxiety and addiction. Since the genome has now been completely mapped, science has identified the precise defective genes that can cause the nerve cells to not make enough brain chemicals to maintain normal brain health and wellness. “The most common minor genetic defect is MTHFR which prevents the last-step function of the enzyme that metabolizes folate,” Robinson said. “Ethnicity, medications, malabsorption syndrome issues, lifestyle issues such as smoking, drinking, or taking illicit drugs can eliminate folate from the system as well,” he said. “But this gene defect causes people not to be able to produce normal amounts of neurotransmitters such as serotonin or dopamine that are essential to cell metabolism for normalcy, for wellness. If you have the MTHFR defect, your mental wellness is at extreme risk despite a good diet, regular exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits.” Studies focusing on folate deficiency and depression indicate that 90 percent of people with depression have a folate deficiency. “The deficiency may not be the exact single cause of your issue,” Robinson said, “but it's a major cause and once you fix that, then you’re back on the road to wellness.” The MTHFR defect is determined by an inexpensive, home DNA saliva swab test by physician order or self-ordered at Direct Value Dispense. It was in 2010 in the midst of on-going research that Robinson came across “The Use of Folates in Depression,” a study reported in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. “The study categorized all of the folates, conditions and the MTHFR gene defect,” he said. “It put it all together for me, and I realized that the current folate on the market at that time was good, but it wasn't completely addressing what we needed for wellness and mental health normalcy. I wanted to put together a product that could and would address that need. We set about doing that with products that combine the three forms of folates and B-vitamins in one product and got it done after extensive research and trial studies. It works.” For Robinson, the biggest benefit of a product that targets genetic insufficiencies is found in its mental health applications.

“It normalizes all of your daily and nightly mental activities and capacity which is so important for wellness,” he explained. “Our brains operate like computers. If you don’t have electricity going properly at the right time to the right parts, then you are at risk for depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia and a whole host of associated mental diseases.” For Henry, a 48-year-old patient who experienced long periods of sadness, depression and anxiety, normalcy came in less than a month after his physician recommended EnLyte. “I was just about back to my old self two-weeks after I started EnLyte,” he reported. “I was able to decrease my reliance on other, non-organic medications and am energetic and motivated for the first time in several years.” “I was able to fall asleep and stay asleep for the first time in my life since I started using EnLyte,” said one young female with a long history of severe depression. “Even better, I was finally able to complete my college degree and move forward with a more normal life.” For Diane Pratt, who coordinates the DNA testing and product sales, success stories are sustaining her energy and motivation to educate individuals about genetic deficiencies, wellness and mental health. “These new products present an opportunity for those who continually ask, ‘what’s wrong with me?’ and ‘why can’t I feel normal?’,” she said. “Just knowing that there is something all natural that's going to give the brain what it's deficient in is very freeing to a lot of people. One pill, once a day that is all natural, with no side effects. We have an 87% refill rate – that’s how I know that people are finding answers.” JayMac products are available in prescription formula through a physician or psychiatrist or as a non-prescription medical food. “You don’t have to be diagnosed with a specific condition to benefit from the supplement,” Pratt said. “It helps all of us feel better and more energetic with healthier brain cells." “While we recommend the genetic screening, it is not necessary,” she said, noting that the saliva test screens for the MTHFR defect and results are shared only with patients and/ or their physician. Pratt and a team of patient educators are available to discuss all aspects of the organic products, and review test results.

If you don’t have electricity going properly at the right time to the right parts, then you are at risk for depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia and a whole host of associated mental diseases.”




hat do you mean Towny? I eat nutritional food, take vitamins and other supplements, exercise, meditate, and get plenty of sleep. Shouldn’t my nerves and brain be OK? Well you would think so, but new genetic science discoveries based on the full mapping of the genome tells us this is not necessarily the case no matter how hard you try to live healthy. You may have wondered why some people are prone to addiction, depression, anxiety and cognitive dysfunction and other are not. What we are learning is that heredity or genetic make up plays a big part in your nerve cell’s ability to produce and balance brain chemicals to maintain normal brain health and wellness.


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“We fix the nerve cell for total brain wellness” And since the genome has now been completely mapped, science has identified the exact defective genes that can cause the nerves cells not to make enough brain chemicals (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, GABA, glutamate) to maintain normal brain health and wellness. These minor genetic defects are called polymorphisms. MTHFR SNP is the most common one. Hard to believe but as many as 60% of the whole US population have them to one degree or another. And clinical studies have demonstrated that 80% +/- of people with depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, and addiction are afflicted as well, and is thought to be a major cause in their disease processes. No matter how healthy of a lifestyle you live, it’s like you are only operating on 4 to 6 cylinders of an 8-cylinder engine if you have this. You just can’t go. These polymorphisms inhibit your ability to have normal brain health and wellness.

“So how can we fix this?” 100 billion nerve cells comprise the brain. The brain is 2% of the total weight of the body but has 22% of the metabolic activity.

We at JayMac Pharmaceuticals have devoted ourselves for the last 8 years to identifying the polymorphisms that affect brain health and developing the natural bioactive coenzymes and cofactors in the right amounts and combination to completely nullify the negative effects of these genetic defects to normalize and balance brain chemical production in all nerve cells. In effect we can now treat the root biochemical causes to insure normal brain health and total wellness. We have tested our products in large clinical trials, published in major peer reviewed journals and they have demonstrated effectiveness and safety in treating depression and anxiety and generally restoring brain chemical normalcy based on quantitative lab value evaluations. "People first notice improved energy, focus, concentration, sleep and begin to feel a difference in about 2 weeks," said Andrew Farah, MD, Chief of Psychiatry, UNC/HPRHS. If you are living a healthy lifestyle and you still don’t feel well this could be the reason. So, call our brain health experts at 985-629-5742 for more information on how our products EnLyte, EnBrace HR, EnLyte-D, ENL, EnBrace HR MF, or LUMA can help you have the potential for full brain health and wellness.

“60% of Patients DO NOT Complete Antidepressant Therapy Due to Side Effects” For more info text MTHFR to 72727 INSPIRE HEALTH






By Kai Bragg

s our animals start to age, their bodies begin to need different things. By taking the time to familiarize ourselves with some of the things our aging pets need, we can help ensure them long and healthy lives. A key aspect of healthy aging, maintaining the necessary balance of a healthy diet, quality exercise and positive social interaction can help keep our pets’ minds and bodies happily running. A healthy diet is essential to the well-being of any animal and helps provide our pets with the nutrition needed to stay strong and active. As animals mature, their bodies become less efficient at extracting all of the necessary nutrients from food. By supplying our pets with food that has been specially formulated for a particular stage of life, such as a senior pet joint-care formula, we can help ensure that our aging animals get the specialized nutrition they need. Consistent exercise is as important for our pets as it is for us and helps keep all of the body’s processes working smoothly. Exercise also helps transport hormones throughout the body and is necessary for continued musculature and



skeletal health. Also, greatly assisting in the removal of toxins, frequent exercise can flush the body of harmful compounds. Regular exercise shows a greater benefit than periodic bouts Along with sufficient of activity. A 20-minute walk, exercise, frequent three times a day, can be social interaction is needed to beneficial to the health of keep your pets healthy both you and your pet. and happy. Frequent social interaction along with sufficient exercise, is needed to keep your pets healthy and happy. Helping to keep pets engaged and stimulated, afternoons at the park, or pre-arranged play-dates with other owners, are both great ways to let your animals interact with others of their own kind. Alternatively, simply walking through your own neighborhood is often a great way to meet other pets and their owners. Providing both exercise and the opportunity for socialization, daily walks are one of the easiest ways to help aging pets get the activity and stimulation they need. Learning how to care for your aging pets is a simple, yet necessary undertaking. Through learning and implementing the basics of care for your aging animals, § #inspirehealthmag

you can extend the years of companionship, and aid in the prevention of malady. In understanding the ways their needs change over time, we can better prepare ourselves to help our pets age comfortably. By providing the proper diet, coupled with sufficient exercise and social interaction, we can help keep our aging pets happy and healthy.





mighty kids

t n e d n e Indep HOW TO RAISE


some of the time. Instead of constantly engaging them in interactive play, set up their toys and then do your own thing nearby. Elementary-age children can prepare their own lunches. Start by letting them put sliced apples in lunchbox containers, and as they get older, let them move up to more complicated tasks like making sandwiches. Even everyday activities like shopping for groceries can be an exercise in independence. Let your 7-year-old walk over a few aisles in the store to pick out a loaf of bread and bring it back to the cart.


By Elizabeth Hardin

odern parents get labeled freerange, helicopter, lawnmower. But all parents have one goal in common: raising resilient, confident adults. To get there, we must first raise capable, independent children. Children can only become problem-solvers if parents let them solve problems. Parents’ fear and lack of trust harm children’s independence. Alice Brown, early childhood education professor from Queensland, Australia, claimed that parents are too fearful and don’t trust their communities or their children. Their fear drives them to be overprotective and restrict their children’s independence. However, statistics show that children are safer than ever. According to the Washington Post, reports of missing children are down



40 percent from 1997. Since 1993, the number of children hit by cars has fallen by more than two thirds. It is actually a very safe time to be a child. Researchers in Finland have studied children’s independence from the 1990s to the 2000s, and concluded that independence is declining. This is a problem, because giving children independence in their mobility and other activities “helps them build competencies needed in other spheres of life.” Social scientists often equate free mobility—walking to school by themselves, playing outside unsupervised—with the kind of independence that results in capable children, but there are also other ways to build independence in children. Building independence can begin at a young age. Two- to 5-year-olds should be able to play independently § #inspirehealthmag

N CRAVE CHILDRE ENCE. INDEPEND ce independen Building a as early s can begin . 2 years old

Middle schoolers can start to have even more independence. They can stay home alone for short periods of time. Arm them with emergency contact numbers, and they will savor the responsibility and learn from it. High schoolers, aged 15 to 18, can handle even more responsibility. Let them earn your trust and reward them with more independence as they follow curfew and driving rules. Children crave independence. You see it when a preschooler insists on buttoning their own coat or pouring their own cup of milk. Even these moments can be learning experiences in independence, problem solving and trust. Before you know it, they’ll be a trustworthy young adult—independent, resilient and capable.



MOCHA Ice Cream By Crissie Mergogey  Ingredients:  6 frozen bananas (peel before freezing)  2 TBSP cacao powder  1/4 cup cold brew coffee concentrate  1 TBSP coffee grounds  2-3 pitted dates  2 TBSP milk

Serves 4

 Directions  Remove bananas from freezer and let sit for 5 minutes.  Add all ingredients to a high speed blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. You may need to scrape down the sides a few times to make sure it blends properly.  Serve immediately in a bowl or cone.



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healthy mind




uicide is the second leading cause of death for people aged 10-24, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Girls attempt suicide more than boys, but boys are two to three times more likely to die as a result, due to their use of more lethal means. It is debatable whether or not teen suicide has reached epidemic proportions. The United States Department of Health and Human Services reports that the overall death rate due to suicide for people aged 10–19 fell sharply from 1999–2007 and then rose by 56 percent between 2007 and 2016. Despite the recent increase, the yearly number of deaths is actually lower than it was 20 years ago. A study appearing in Clinical Psychological Science has linked the recent surge in



adolescent suicidality to the expanded use of social media and screen time. Robert Olson, of the Center for Suicide Prevention, believes rates have not yet reached “epidemic” numbers but acknowledges that signs of suicidal behavior are increasing at an alarming rate. WHAT ARE THE WARNING SIGNS OF SUICIDALITY? The Mayo Clinic lists the following as indicators of suicidal behavior in adolescents: • Writing or talking about suicide • Mood swings • Hopeless feelings • Significant changes of behavior, including sleeping patterns, substance abuse and new friends • Social withdrawal • Self-destructive behavior • Giving away belongings § #inspirehealthmag

WHAT IS BEING DONE TO COMBAT TEEN SUICIDE? Suicide prevention starts with education and early detection. Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia have adopted the Jason Flatt Act, which mandates suicide prevention training for school personnel. However, The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention notes that less than half of all states require or encourage suicide prevention policies and programming for students. The United States recognizes September as suicide prevention month, bringing needed attention to the issue. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU SUSPECT A TEEN IS SUICIDAL? The best way to prevent teen suicidal behavior is for parents to establish an open

Suicidal thoughts and behavior need to be addressed directly and without judgment. In addition to frank discussion, parents should seek professional help. dialogue with their children. Caretakers are more likely to see warning signs if they have a close relationship with their teenagers. Suicidal thoughts and behavior need to be addressed directly and without judgment. In addition to frank discussion, parents should seek professional help. A school counselor or pediatrician can point you toward the appropriate therapeutic resources. If you feel a teenager is in immediate danger, contact 911 or take them to the nearest emergency room. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline (1800-273-8255) is another excellent resource. Always take the threat of suicide seriously. It is better to be safe than sorry.




healthy destinations




By Crissie Mergogey

ould Farm is a non-profit organization in Massachusetts with a mission to “promote recovery for people with mental health and related challenges through meaningful work, community living, and clinical care.”The farm is an effective mental health recovery program.They accept residents struggling with a variety of conditions.These include severe depression,

bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance addictions and other mental health issues. Troubled individuals have been rebuilding themselves at Gould Farm since 1913. Farm leaders have been using the same therapeutic principles to encourage recovery since the farm opened. Guests are welcomed into an inspiring community made up of other guests, staff and the staff's fami-

lies. Guests are given a job upon arrival that will serve the farm. Jobs include taking care of the animals, tending the crops, preparing food and running the farm’s small market. Being responsible and having physical work gives residents a purpose. Being useful in the community is a form of therapy for the guests. The goal is to use work to improve symptoms, while incorporating other healing techniques, Residents also receive clinical care. The staff consists of licensed professionals who promote guests’ integration into the community. The supportive staff encourages their recovery through

To stay at the farm, guests pay a fee which is determined by a sliding scale. Many guests get support from Social Security and the Veteran’s Administration benefits.

Contact information for Gould Farm: Phone: (413) 528-1804 Email: Address: 100 Gould Rd., Monterey, Massachusetts Website: Facebook: @GouldFarm1913 Instagram: @gouldfarm


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from benefit Guests ike hiking, es l activiti n, growing tio medita g for d carin n a s p o cr mals. the ani

individual and group therapy. They can also provide medication if necessary. Guests can take part in other activities that rebuild mental and physical health, including hiking in the adjacent forest, yoga and meditation. Once a guest leaves the farm, they can receive support from transition services located onsite and in the Boston area. Transition homes help guests become independent before living on their own. Gould Farm is deep in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, off the main route between Albany and Springfield. The rural setting showcases 700 acres of picturesque farmland. The view features an iconic red barn among rows of crops, tractors and green pastures. It is no wonder that the beautiful location, combined with unique therapy techniques, helps residents heal. Gould Farm has been tracking their progress since 1998.They have measured a positive impact on mental health in most guests. Residents have proven that they can successfully transition into the local community.They are able to find paying jobs, establish social bonds, and further their education.






JEANS AND THE SLIMMING FACTOR By Shirin Mehdi Do you know what is back with a bang in the fashion world? High waisted jeans! This trend finds its roots back in the 1950s when denim first saw the light of day. In the 1970s the high-rise was in vogue again, with bell-bottoms.Today, the whole range is in style – from high-waisted cropped bell bottoms, baggy boyfriend jeans and skinny jeans that are both high and mid-rise. If styled correctly, these jeans can be flattering.You don’t have to be afraid of this uber cool trend because these tips will make you look chic and totally in shape in your high waisted jeans.




Wearing a high neckline adds length to your torso, thereby taking away from the fact that you are cutting off your body at your waistline.



High rise jeans look great when they are ankle length or just above the ankle. Add some height (and an illusion of fewer inches) by pairing your jeans with wedges or heels. § #inspirehealthmag



High waisted jeans tend to look like mom jeans (which is what most people fear), unless they have a little bit of spandex. Also, picking a dark rinse is a good idea (the best quick -slimming hack).



Wearing one color from head to toe makes you look slim instantly. Try going monochrome in black, white, or blue (And maybe even green or grey if you are feeling edgy)! Don’t forget to accessorize.



Hawaiian POKE BOWLS recipe

POKE MEANS “TO SLICE OR CUT” IN HAWAIIAN AND REFERS TO CHUNKS OF RAW, MARINATED FISH — USUALLY TUNA — WHICH IS THEN TOSSED OVER RICE AND TOPPED WITH VEGETABLES AND UMAMI-PACKED SAUCES. RICE: Most bowls start with a base layer of jasmine rice. Sweetfin uses bamboo rice, which has a green tint. “The warm rice is a nice juxtaposition against the super cold tuna,” says Weiss. Some chains also offer lowcarb options like zucchini noodles

and kelp salad. The option to be as healthy as you want is part of the appeal, she says. FISH: Sushi-grade fish is the star ingredient, most commonly raw yellowfin (ahi) tuna. But you can choose between several fish, including salmon and snapper. If raw fish isn’t your thing, look for options like tofu or cooked crab. SEASONINGS: The cubes of fish are mixed with scallions, sesame seeds and flakes of pink sea salt to enhance the flavor.

DRESSING: Salty sauces often made with soy sauce, shoyu, ponzu or even spicy black-bean paste highlight the fatty fish. Weiss says her classic shoyu sauce is made of soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar, mirin and a little fresh lemon juice. VEGETABLES: Toppings like avocado, shaved onion, seaweed and crispy garlic add flavor and crunch. At Sweetfin, 90 percent of bowls have avocado, which adds a “nice creaminess, a sweetness,” says Weiss. And crispy onion is king. “People go bonkers for our crispy onion to the point where if we run out, they will wait until we make more before ordering.” HOT SAUCE: The Japanese red chili mixture togarashi adds heat; wasabi is also a popular option. So what are you waiting for? Give the trend a try — chopsticks optional.

TRY THESE Hawaiian watermelon poke bowl with avocado, cucumber, mung bean sprouts and pickled ginger Hawaiian salmon and shrimp poke bowls with seaweed, avocado, mango, pickled ginger, sesame seeds Hawaiian shrimp poke bowl with seaweed, avocado, mango, pickled ginger, radish, sesame seeds Fresh seafood recipes Shrimp salmon poke bowl with fresh prawn, brown rice, cucumber, pickled sweet onion, radish, soy beans edamame portioned with black and white sesame.


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