APRIL 15, 2018 Vol. 1 No. 1
Judge Joe Brown Gives Tips On Manhood Training Page 6
Former President
Barack Obama
Shares His Vision of a New Educational Center in Chicago Page 4
Denzel Washington
Inspires Reopening of Leon’s Barbeque Page 6
The Female Solution “It’s Time For Healing. Let’s Tell The Truth” By Naimah Latif
Page 9
APRIL 15, 2018
VOLUME , NUMBER 1 ON AIR MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY as a subsidiary of the Online Network of Associated Internet Radiohosts and is available at:
In this issue...
Letter From The Publisher By John L. Alexander Page 3............................ Former President Barack Obama Shares His Vision of A New Educational Center in Chicago Page 4, 5........................ Judge Joe Brown Gives Guidance on Raising Boys To Manhood Page 6..........................
Soulful Chicago Book Fairs Celebrate Literary Excellence Page 10.......................... Practice Mindfulness… Before The Crisis Comes! Page 10......................... . Books Over Balls Teaches Life Lessons Through Basketball Page 11..........................
www.onaireverywhere. com/on-air-weeklymagazine
PUBLISHER John L. Alexander EDITOR IN CHIEF Naimah Latif
ART DIRECTOR Brad Samuels COPY EDITOR Parthenia Luke CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Myeka Bevels Asadah Kirkland Naimah Latif Mamadee Love Zelda Robinson
Actor Denzel Washington Inspires Reopening of Leon’s Barbeque Page 7............................ Chicago HWPL Director Shinsook Kim Prepares U.S. For Korean World Peace Advocate Page 8............................
PHOTOGRAPHERS Chandra Abernathy John L. Alexander Matt Gipson Marcus Robinson
PUBLICATION Call (312) 849-FILM (3456) or go to:
www.onaireverywhere. com/on-air-weeklymagazine
letter from the publisher
There Is A Solution Let’s Figure It Out
By John L. Alexander Publisher, ON AIR Magazine
ife is a journey of self discovery. Who am I? Why am I here? As boys growing up, we are often told to “Be A Man” and “Man up.” But what does that really mean? And how can we know when we’re following the right path to manhood? In this premier edition of ON AIR Magazine, our cover story is Judge Joe Brown, who through his TV courtroom has challenged many young men to strive to reach their highest potential. In this issue he offers insight on raising sons to be men. Boys and girls are different, and this understanding is critical for mothers who are raising sons. In our sports section, we get a glimpse of how the organization Books Over Balls has used sports to teach young men principles of leadership, dedication, cooperation and responsibility. In today’s society, boys growing into manhood need to see positive images and hear motivational stories that steer them in the right direction. ON AIR Weekly Magazine was created to promote stories of tri-
umph. We applaud those who cago, he was disappointed that telligence, talent, creativity, and are using their time and talent the famed Leon’s Barbeque and drive to overcome challenges to develop ideas and build in- Grill had closed. In this edition, and reach our goals, we instill stitutions that shape lives in a you’ll see how Denzel Wash- confidence in our children to do positive way. ington’s visit motivated Rev. the same. Through words and In this issue, we also take a Finney to reopen the restau- photos, and through links to Inlook at the upcoming Obama rant, and how an enthusiastic ternet TV and radio programs, Presidential Center. Former crowd made his Grand Open- ON AIR Weekly Magazine brings President Barack Obama re- ing absolutely overwhelming. to life the stories that can inspire cently came to Chicago to share When we as men use our in- the best in us. his vision of an educational center that can empower young people to learn and explore. He hopes to develop a new generation of leaders. Will this Center also generate the kind of economic boost on Chicago’s South Side that will provide job opportunities, employ local contractors and enrich the neighborhood businesses in a way that enables men to take care of their families? This is a job we as men are often told we must do. One local businessman, Rev. Leon Finney, Jr., was inspired to reopen what he realized was a naSTARTING AT tionally renowned Buckingham Fountain APRIL chain of Barbeque 301 S. COLUMBUS DR. Restaurants. He heard that when actor Denzel Washington reHWPLCHICAGO.ORG Phone: 847-710-6598 @HWPL_Chicago cently visited Chi-
Saturday 28
@ 12PM
Former President Obama Shares His Vision For Presidential Center
n a surprise appearance, former President Barack Obama came to Chicago Tuesday, February 27, 2018 to address a gathering of residents at the McCormick Place who expressed concerns about the building of his Presidential Center in Jackson Park. At this large scale public meeting organized by the Obama Foundation, he shared his vision of a facility that would revitalize the community, generate economic growth, attract more businesses and create more jobs for local residents. “The parks on the South Side should look like parks on the North Side. They should be as vibrant and have as many amenities and have as much programming.” he stated, saying he envisions his center as a place where young people from around the world can meet each other, get training and prepare to become the next generation of leaders. He also painted the center as a positive move forward for the South Side. The Presidential Center has drawn national attention because it has the potential to transform a part of the South Side. Unlike other presidential libraries, this project is the first to be placed in such a highly populated,
urban community. “There are kids on the South Side that don’t even think about going downtown,” he said. “If we can, we should stitch all the vibrancy and beauty of the city so that it stretches all the way down the lakefront.” Leaders of Jackson Park Watch, a park advocacy group, on Tuesday criticized the roadwork plan as an “undue and unnecessary burden on taxpayers.” A group of activists held a prayer vigil before the public presentation of plans for the Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park got underway at McCormick Place on Feb. 27, 2018. The group said they wanted to draw attention to residents who could lose their homes and apartments once the center is constructed. The activists worried that lower-income African-Americans, seniors and disabled residents will lose their housing if property taxes and rents increase because of the attraction. Rev. Finley Campbell, one of the prayer leaders, said. “We’re here demanding justice. … We want our homes, guaranteed. We want jobs, guaranteed.” Community advocate Haroon Garrel stated, “We want some of our schools to be improved, especially Hyde Park, it’s right
Former President Barack Obama made a surprise visit to McCormick Place in Chicago, Tuesday, February 27, 2018, to meet with concerned residents and share his vision of the upcoming Presidential Center to be built in Jackson Park on the South Side of Chicago. On the big screen, he displayed to hundreds in the audience the completed plans for the Presidential Center which he said will revitalize the community with economic development. Photos by John L. Alexander ON AIR MAGAZINE | APRIL 15, 2018
across the street from the Center. Some of our schools don’t even have libraries that are up to standard. We hoped the Obama Foundation would take the lead in changing how development is done in Chicago. We don’t want certain groups to be oppressed.” Jackson Park Watch criticized the city’s plan to eliminate parking along Hayes Drive. The city’s plan addresses only the needs of the tourists and visitors to the center and not those of local residents and other park users, the group asserted. Early in his speech, the former President tried to address the community’s concerns. “A lot of times, people get nervous about gentrification and understandably so,” he said. “It is not my experience that the big problem on the South Side has been too much development, too much economic activity, too many people being displaced because all these folks from Lincoln Park are filling in to the South Side. That’s not what’s happening. Right now, we’ve got to worry about broken curbs and trash and boarded-up buildings. That’s what we really need to work on.” But he emphasized that the project can’t satisfy all con-
A group of community activists lead a prayer vigil outside MccCormick Place in Chicagoprior to former President Obama’s surprise visit Tuesday February 27, 2018, to addrsss a gathering of community residents and share his vision for the upcoming Obama Presidential Center. The Center, slated to be built in Jackson Park on Chicago’s South Side, has prompted responses from a coalition of organizations expressing concerns that local residents may be displaced, be left out of job opportunities, or be forced to pay higher property taxes as a result of the construction and subsequent increased tourist attraction. Photos by John L. Alexander How will the Obama Presidential library affect the community? Community Advocate Haroon Garel expresses his concerns in this Facebook interview: https://www.facebook.com/ themediaconnectiontv/ posts/932982876875019
stituents and said his team is eager to get moving into the construction phase. “At some point, we have to get going,” he said. While the group of residents has been unsuccessful in persuading the Obama Foundation to sign a contract guaran-
teeing property tax freezes and rental assistance programs, leaders said they were continuing to fight so they won’t be left behind or pushed out of their neighborhoods. They are pushing for a community benefits agreement — a contract enforceable in court —
from the foundation, the city and the University of Chicago. After Obama spoke and took questions, the hearing broke off into five separate sessions to discuss the museum experience, the street closures, economic impact and other issues. Despite all the points of concern that still need to be worked out, Obama said he is hopeful that this center will transform lives and be a catalyst for the transformation of Chicago’s south side into a vibrant hub of economic activity and inspiration toward higher education. “Twenty years from now, I want young people from across the South Side to look at this center and say, ‘This is a sign that I count. This is a sign I can change the world,.’” He said. “That is more important than any legacy I can ever have.”
TV’s Judge Joe Brown Gives Lessons On Manhood Training By Myeka Bevel
en and w o m en are not the s a m e ,” d e c l a re s Judge Joe Brown emphatically. Much of the problem in our society today, he asserts, comes from the attempts to feminize women, to turn boys into girls, when certain behaviors are simply an instinctive part of the nature of a male. “Do you know why men won’t stop and ask for directions? Men are hunters. They like to find the trail, find the path, track down the animal, that’s their nature,” he pointed out. During a recent interview on The Female Solution Radio Show “Let’s Talk About It With Myeka,” he noted several common misunderstandings when it comes to male and female behavior. “I hate shopping. But women love to shop, they are the gatherers, that’s their nature,” he explained. Boys need to learn courage, how to defend themselves and others, in order to be prepared for their role as the protectors of their family. Judge Brown stated that when a mother intervenes when her son is being bullied, she may be interfering with a boy’s natural development into manhood. “Part of growing up is fac-
ing bullies,” he declared. A boy has to learn to face a bully and whether he wins the fight or not, he has to earn respect by fighting back. Men must be socialized and acculturated to curb their natural tendency toward extreme violence, Judge Brown explained. Boys are always told to “Be A Man” but in order to follow that command, they must be shown an example of what a man does. Courage, bravery, honesty, integrity, these are traits that a boy needs to see demonstrated in the men around him. “What happens when a boy does not get manhood training? He goes ‘Postal’ when he can’t handle the pressures and the emotions inside of him,” he said. “We don’t train our boys the way we should. We as a people have a problem because we have long term traditions that come from long before slavery.” A real man must value a noble cause for which he is prepared to die, he asserted. “The problem is that boys grow up not seeing men who do the things real men should do.” Judge Brown observed that when boys are raised by women, they actually can grow into men that hate women. The music videos that appear to
exploit young girls are a reflection of how boys grew up seeing their mothers, aunts, and mothers’ friends, oversexualized and self degrading. “When women got into this thing of getting a check from the government, and having six or seven children by three or four “baby daddies” and when they started trying to raise boys to act like little girls, that’s when we lost the training of boys to become men.” Now that his courtroom shows are sindicated reruns, Judge Joe Brown spends his time giving seminars and training to young boys, focusing on manhood development. “Something is going wrong in our society. Only 46 percent of the work force is male. Today, even the military is having
problems recruiting boys who can make it through training,” he noted. “One of our problems is there is an insufficient number of boys who have grown up in households where there is a real man around.” Let’s Talk About It With Myeka: Judge Joe Brown on How To Raise Boys To Manhood http://tobtr.com/10676473 Let’s Talk About It With Myeka: Judge Joe Brown, Are Guns Really The Problem? http://tobtr.com/10690901 Parenting and Family Reconstruction: A Special Presentation with TV’s Honorable Judge Joe Brown http://tobtr.com/10683455
Actor Denzel Washington Inspires Re-Opening Of Leon’s Barbeque & Grill
Top: Rev. Leon Finney (at right) greets Donna Boyd and her daughter DeJon, two patrons at the grand re-opening who joined the overflow crowd looking forward to some delicious Leon’s Barbeque with that famous sauce. Photo by John L. Alexander Bottom: Leon’s Barbeque and Grill, at its new location of 1523 E. 63rd Street, now made world renowned by Academy Award winning actor Denzel Washington, has a sign in the window announcing “Denzel, here’s Leon’s Barbeque!” Photo by John L. Alexander
By Naimah Latif
fter a five year hiatus from the restaurant business, Rev. Leon Finney, Jr. was met with hoards of enthusiastic customers when he reopened Leon’s Barbeque in its new Woodlawn location at 1528 E. 63rd Street, in Chicago, Thursday, March 8, 2018. A family owned business started by his father Leon Finney, Sr. in 1940, Leon’s Barbeque has long been a Chicago icon, made famous by its special barbecue sauce. It recently reached international acclaim when Academy Awardwinning actor Denzel Washington visited Chicago’s South Side last year and went looking for Leon’s Barbeque restaurant. He remembered that his family members who lived in the area would often eat at Leon’s Barbeque, previously located at 86th and Stony Island Avenue. When his driver pulled over at East End Avenue to ask directions, they talked to 87-year old Juanita Hubbard, a local resident and a big fan of Denzel Washington’s. She told them that Leon’s was closed. A cell phone video of their encounter went viral. Rev. Finney, seeing that the popular actor was disappointed in not finding a Leon’s Barbeque restaurant, was inspired to reopen. The grand opening was a smashing success. Upon hearing of the new restaurant, a steady stream of customers made their ON AIR MAGAZINE | APRIL 15, 2018
way to 63rd and Harper, filling the place to the brim, with lines literally wrapped all around the inside. Some came from as far as Kankakee, Illinois to experience the famous Leon’s Barbeque sauce on ribs, hot links, chicken, and fries. “I came here for the sauce. I like it on everything” said Alderman Leslie Hairston, one of the many officials who attended the grand opening reception held at the Obama Center office a few doors down from the restaurant. Many supported the reopening of Leon’s in Woodlawn because it would be down the street from where the new Obama Presidential Center will be located. Businesses in the area are hoping for a surge in customers from increased tourism to the area once the Center opens. “We’re seeing economic development here right now, “ Alderman Hairston observed. Television news crews came to cover the grand opening, but customers had already swarmed the building before the official ribbon cutting, which occurred at 6 pm. The restaurant was filled to capacity and more waited outside to get in. At one point there had been four Leon’s Barbeque restaurants in Chicago, all of which have since closed. The tremendous popularity of Leon’s Barbeque was evident as more and more packed in and waited patiently for their orders.
“This has never happened before!” Rev. Finney exclaimed. “We’ve never had crowds like this at any of our restaurants, though we have had big crowds at the Taste of Chicago, where Leon’s Barbeque was always number one.” A video screen in the window played Rev. Finney talking about the restaurant. Underneath the video screen, a sign in the window announced, “Denzel, Here’s Leon’s.” By 10:00 pm, the restaurant had literally sold out of food and hundreds more had to be turned away at the door, disappointed that they wouldn’t get a taste of Leon’s that night. They promised to come back the next day when the restaurant opened at 11:00am. When Denzel Washington does come back to Chicago to Leon’s Barbeque, given the restaurant’s overwhelming popularity, he may just have to wait in line.
Naimah Latif, named head of the HWPL Advocacy Committee in Chicago, attended the 2017 peace conference in Seoul, South Korea with Chicago HWPL Director Shinsook Kim. Here they attend the International Women’s Peace Group awards presentation, recognizing outstanding efforts for peace by women from countries around the world.
Chicago HWPL Director Shinsook Kim Prepares U.S. For Korean World Peace Advocate By Naimah Latif
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA More than 117 journalists and 105 press agencies from 45 countries including those in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and others, packed into the meeting hall at the Grand Intercontinental Hotel in Seoul to hear what sounded like a stark contradiction to the preparation of war, signaled by threats of more missile launchings by North Korean President Kim Jong-un and warnings of retaliation by U.S. President Donald Trump. “We have come together to cease all wars and establish peace, and also to urge the world to acknowledge the need for removing weapons of mass destruction,” state International Peace advocate Man Hee Lee, Chairman of the worldwide organization Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL). Speaking at the Press Conference for the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the September 18th WARP Summit, held in Seoul, September 17-19, 2017, Chairman Lee pointed out, “North Korea has already done nuclear
tests 6 times now. In the midst of this current status, HWPL has continued its peace activities, transcending nationalities, ethnicities, and religions.” The American press has yet to recognize the magnitude of this global peace movement, led by Chairman Lee who has emerged as a powerful voice for the end of violent conflict. His methods focus on the use of interfaith dialogues within the religious community to bring mankind together on the strength of higher moral consciousness. In the tradition of spiritual leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Chairman Lee has transcended the politics of fear and separation with a message that has caught fire and is rapidly spreading across the globe. Those who work behind the scenes as part of HWPL’s world peace mission are quietly forming powerful alliances between religious groups. Director Chicago HWPL Shinsook Kim has hosted 138 peace dialogues in 2 countries, 7 states, meeting with various religious
leaders to carry out HWPL peace initiatives. She is preparing the U.S. for an upcoming visit by HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee later this year. She most recently hosted the Chicago 39th Dialogue in celebration of the UN Interfaith Harmony Week, in February 2018. “HWPL is a UN DPI-associated non-governmental and nonprofit organization registered with the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” she stated. “It aims to transcend differences in culture, belief and religion by engaging leaders and youth in sustainable and comprehensive solutions for peace.” In 2018, she organized a rally at the Daley Plaza with supporters of Human Rights Association of Victims of Coercive Conversion (HAC) to promote the establishment of a legal framework to ban religious based violence. She also hosted a peace walk in downtown Chicago with approximately 100 participants and HWPL religious leaders to support the movement of peace. The WARP Summit, which stands
for World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit, was first held in Seoul on September 18, 2014. This evolved into the creation of a document entitled the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, (DPCW), written in 2015 and later proclaimed on March 14, 2016, which includes 10 Articles and 38 Clauses drafted by the HWPL Peace Committee, comprised of world renowned experts in the field of international law. Many leaders of nations have already signed the DPCW, pledging support for an end to military conflict as a means to settle differences. Noticeably absent among those national leaders who have signed the peace document are North Korean President Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump. “With utmost sincerity, I say that presidents who love the Earth, their countries, their peoples, and peace will sign in support of the 10 articles and 38 clauses in the DPCW. This will steer our world and all of mankind toward the path of life,” stated Chairman Lee.
It’s Time For Healing;
Let’s Tell The Truth
By Naimah Latif
of leadership based on right treatment of others. That’s what civic involvement is for. That’s what elections are for. There is a universal standard that should be followed when it comes to the creof laws and policies: “Treat S O ation others the way you wish to be treated.” You can’t live according to this Golden Rule if you believe others are of lesser importance than yourself. You can’t live by the Golden Rule if you are racist, sexist, xenophobic (afraid of foreigners) or simply greedy and want more than your share of the Earth’s resources so that you can feel like you’re better than others. If
his April 4, 2018 marks 50 years since the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., an event that traumatized the nation and kicked off a wave of urALE ban violence that some cities M have yet to recover from. A man named James Earl Ray was accused of the crime and sentenced to jail. But as Judge Joe Brown revealed in a recent interview on The Female Solution radio show, he was merely a patsy to cover up an extensively organized plan, executed by a government agency, the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover.
We must use this truth as a catalyst toward developing in the next generation of leadership based on right treatment of others.“
Yes, it hurts to know that those who wield power can calmly and calculatingly commit the murder of a private citizen. But outrage and protest marches won’t change the past. Most of the actual people who spearheaded those crimes, (yes, executing a murder plot is a crime) are now deceased. We have a responsibility to take the truth and make it a lesson in moral values. We must teach our children what really happened during that Civil Rights era, not to make them angry and fearful, but to point out that such people who are lacking in moral conscience should never again be trusted with positions of leadership or authority. We must use this truth as a catalyst toward developing in the next generation ON AIR MAGAZINE | APRIL 15, 2018
you think other’s lives are expendable, if you’re willing to justify poverty, sickness and violent death when these things could easily be prevented, you are not spiritually evolved enough to be entrusted with leadership, authority or control. Our children are experiencing the consequences of this lack of moral conscience in their elders. Children are being massacred in classrooms by gun-welding adults, and nothing has been done to make their lives safer. Youth are rising up all over the country, angry that government leaders refuse to enact gun laws that could protect them from slaughter. They have been forced to see another ugly truth; some people would rather let children die than to lose
profits in gun sales. What kind of people are so greedy they can’t enact laws to stop the murder of children? The people who think the answer to gun violence is more guns are unsurprisingly many of the same people who silently consented when a government agency executed a public figure for demanding equality in education, housing, and employment. Yes, the truth hurts. We’ve been lied to. We’ve been bamboozled. An innocent man, James Earl Ray, died in prison to camouflage a government assassination plot against a beloved leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We can be paralyzed in our fear, anger, shock, dismay and outrage that some high government officials seem to have literally gotten away with murder. Or we can use this truth to inspire our children to resolve to be better leaders than their fore parents, to get involved in civic activities in the communities where they live and to create a world where such ugliness toward other human beings will never again be allowed to flourish. Judge Joe Brown Speaks on The MLK Assassination on The Female Solution Radio Show http://tobtr.com/10663333
Soulful Chicago Book Fairs Celebrate Literary Excellence
By Asadah Kirkland
here is so much to say about the wonder that is the Soulful Chicago Book Fair! It lives on 61st Street, between Cottage Grove and King Drive, in Chicago, breathing literary life into the Woodlawn community from 10 AM to 8 PM. It is a full day, outdoor, author centric event that celebrates the written word in all its forms. The Soulful Chicago Book Fair brings a dynamic energy to the Woodlawn community, featuring over 100 Black authors, Grammy-level artists, two stages, puppet shows, workshops and more. The Soulful Chicago Book Fair is more than a one day event. It’s really more like a movement. We help authors shape themselves, learn more and connect with each other so they get a better result out of these awesome books that they have. From our first Soulful Chicago Book Fair in July 2016, we have grown to include the Soulful Chicago Kwanzaa Book Fair held in December and the Soulful Chicago Black History Book Fair held in February. Soulful Chicago Book Fairs HAVE to be the most exciting book fairs on the planet! They are celebrations of literacy and literary arts found throughout the African Diaspora, that flourish in the city of Chicago.
We pride ourselves on providing hundreds of authors, poets, and even composers the opportunity to share their unique perspectives with millions of literary fans across the city. Soulful Chicago Book Fairs aim to give a voice to creators who are often overlooked in standard venues. They are enhancing the literary marketplace for Black writers and giving lovers of Black literature exposure to a bevy of newly released titles. These fairs are recreating literary excitement and forging forward the new Black Literary Renaissance. The Soulful Chicago Book Fair has been recognized in the media for its outstanding work throughout Chicagoland communities. It has also been both nationally and internationally recognized in media such as Rolling Out magazine, ABC7 News , the Chicago Tribune, and the Final Call, just to name a few. This year, Harold Washington Library Center in Chicago in partnership with the Soulful Chicago Book Fair, hosted an African American LitFest, featuring outstanding African American authors such as Nora Brooks, Pe’Tehn, Maggie Brown and Haki Madhubuti, enabling attendees to enjoy programs, storytelling, panel discussions, crafts and more! P. Arthur Townsend, author of House Devoid of Love, was also featured at the Harold Washington Library Center LitFest. Listen to her interview on The Female Solution radio show and learn more about how you can meet more of our authors and purchase their excellent books at the upcoming Soulful Chicago Book Fair Sunday July 15, 2018 10 AM to 8 PM. Go to www. soulfulchicagobookfair.com http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-female-solution/2018/01/30/asadah-presents-the-blackhistory-month-african-american-lit-fest-2018
Mindfulness… Start Practicing It Before The Crisis By ZeldaSpeaks aka Zelda Robinson The Mindfulness STRESS Coach http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-female-solution/2017/10/16/higher-learning-with-zeldaspeaks Many of us don’t start practicing Mindfulness until we have a crisis in our lives. When I was injured in an “accident” (really an “incident” is Gods Way of remaining anonymous) I was forced to GET STILL & QUIET for long periods of time. I used that time wisely, practicing pain therapy via Mindfulness. I am honored to share my method with you. Hopefully you won’t have to be bedridden as I was to quiet yourself and listen. To hear the truth, we must TURN OFF outside stimuli and TURN WITHIN! (Listen to archives of my first show on Blogtalk Radio at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ the-female-solution/2017/10/16/higher-learning-withzeldaspeak . Join us weekly forMonday Morning Mindfulness 7.30 AM to 9 AM! email: info@DiabeticDonut.com Zelda@ZeldaSpeaks.com Stay on purpose, Stay empowered, Stay tuned to higher learning! www.ZeldaSpeaks.com 24 Hour Broadcast Center Helpline 312.409.6619 Stay on purpose, Stay empowered, Stay tuned to higher learning! Zelda Robinson, CSP, DMT. The STRESS Relief Coach/Mindfulness Expert Author of The Innovative Mindfulness. Breakthrough System 21 Day Home Practice Manual and How To Make $10K a Month. Social Media @ZeldaSpeaks www.ZeldaSpeaks.com www.DiabeticDonut.com www.HigherLearningNetwork.org Please SUBSCRIBE to my, our new channel for Mindfulness Updates! www.Facebook.com/DiabeticDonutABC
Asadah is Founder of the Soulful Chicago Book Fair and Author of the book Beating Black Kids. ON AIR MAGAZINE | APRIL 15, 2018
Above: Alex Hamilton of the Windy City Bulls dribbles down the court in the season finale against the Greensboro Swarm. Photo by John L. Alexander Left: John L. Alexander, official Windy City Bulls Photographer (far left) exposes the young men of Books over Balls to Chicago’s G League pro basketball team. Photo by Marcus Robinson
Books Over Balls Teaches Life Lessons Through Basketball
career with the NBA as a professional basketball player is now a viable option for serious high school athletes, as the young men in a program entitled “Books Over Balls” learned when they attended the final game of the season for the Windy City Bulls basketball team Saturday, March 24, 2018. It was icing on the cake in a year of participating in this successful motivational program for inner city youth. “Books Over Balls offers an alternative, positive environment, which redirects and reprograms actions, choices, decisions, conduct and behavior on a positive path,” explained Fernando Vincent, CEO of Books Over Balls. “We’re motivating young men,
aged 14 to 21 to action, to improve their life and their performance in school by increasing their desire to learn, increasing school attendance and earning better grades.” The game of basketball is the lure that draws young men, aged 14 to 21, into the program. They gather each week at the Ogden Park Field House, 6500 S. Racine in Chicago, for life coaching and mentoring in basketball. Education and job training are part of the what they receive as they participate in basketball camps, clinics and tournaments at the highest level, and receive trophies and medals for their performance. This year, three members of the Chicago Bulls staff came out and witnessed some of the players during a tournament. Motivational guest speakers are also a part of the process
of exposing the young men of Books Over Balls to new opportunities for self development. Professional photographer John L. Alexander, official team photographer for the Windy City Bulls basketball team, was one of the guest speakers for Books Over Balls. He provided a special trip for the youth, arranging for them to attend the final game of the season two years in a row. The Windy City Bulls, the GLeague Team to the Chicago Bulls is the intermediate team to prepare players for the NBA. A college education is not required for players to enter the G-League, therefore, a talented high school senior may begin a career as a professional athlete right after high school graduation, being hired to play in the G-League. (G stands for Gatorade, the com-
pany sponsoring the league.) “We also give the young men exposure to college coaches and scouts,” noted Al Raiford, one of the founding members of Books Over Balls. “We give them Job Readiness Training, and Job Internship opportunities. We are very grateful to the Windy City Bulls for giving our young men this opportunity to see others possibilities.” To see these videos on THE MEDIA CONNECTION TV, go to: Books Over Balls Presents Professional Photographer John L. Alexander https://youtu.be/IzzhUwYjjzM CAAAP Captures Windy City Bulls and Books Over Balls https://youtu.be/Rx2oxeWE5xw CAAAP and Books Over Balls at 2018 Season Finale https://youtu.be/cPEQoWPfoyo
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