Joseph Conrard

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Joseph Teodor Conrad Korzeniowski was the son of ………………… …………………….. who with their family had been exiled to North East Russia for opposing Russian …………………………. ……. …………. …………………… . Conrad’s father was an ……………………………. Shakespeare, sometimes ……………………….. ………………………………….. .

and as

…………………………….. of well as a fervent

It is said that Joseph never read a ………………………….. book but did read deeply from grown-up works including his father’s translations and heroic tales of …………………………………. . At 17 Joseph Conrad struck out in his own ………………………… through Austria and Switzerland in his way to ………………………………… . Finally at the age of 20 Conrad …………………… the British ……………………. marine. For 15 years he sailed under the ……………………….. ………………….. to …………………. ……… …………..……… in South East Asia and elsewhere and rose in the ……………….. from seaman to captain of a small ship. Some of Joseph Conrad’s ……………………………….. .







And then, at the age of 32 he took a job …………………………….. a wood-burning steamer up the Congo river. At the time he went there ………………………………… were being forced to act as …………………………….. for Leopold’s minions carrying ………………………… ……………….. over great distances. “How do you …………………… people to be porters and to carry elephants’ ………………. for hundreds of miles around the map at gunpoint? You …………………. them together so there were files of porters in chains carrying this …………………………….. …………………. from the centre of the continent out to the ………………………….. . King Leopold named his …………………….. with Orwellian flare “The Congo free State”. That mixture of murderous ……………………….., cynicism and lies appalled Conrad and profoundly ………………………… him. It was all part of what Conrad called the vilest scramble for ……………. that ever disfigured the …………………………… …….. …………………….. …………………..…………… . And it would get worse, much worse. Within a few years of Conrad’s ……………………………….., the Belgian ………………………… would turn from ivory to wild ……………..……, which required prodigious numbers of workers, scouring the ……………………. for rubber vines to tap. With that came the quotas and their …………………… …………………………………. . Conrad had left the Congo before the worse of these ……………………………. but from what he did see, he understood the ………………. ……..……… …………….…….. ………….……. …………………….. …………………… .

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