DRIVE Spring 2022 Edition

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HV demerit points Road User Handbook Fuel label safety AIS compliance Repco Bathurst 1000 Inside SPRING 2022

Access to heavy vehicle drivers’ demerit points

In the last 12 months, statistics show that fatalities and injuries involving heavy vehicles have increased.

Speeding, fatigue, non-use of seatbelts and dangerous loads can lead to crashes, with heavy vehicle drivers and other road users seriously injured or killed.

One of the ways Transport for NSW (Transport) is addressing this problem is by making driver safety information available to heavy vehicle operators to help them reduce risks and better support their drivers

Heavy vehicle operators can access information about their drivers through the Heavy Vehicle Operator Safety Information Program (HVOSIP).

On 12 September 2022, two new features were added to HVOSIP in response to heavy vehicle operators and industry bodies.

The enhancements replace the existing ‘traffic light’ demerit point range feature to allow operators visibility of their drivers’ demerit points and any good behaviour conditions (with the driver’s consent)

Operators can now see their drivers’ demerit points when they access the HVOSIP Multiple Driver Licence and Demerit Point Check system.

Where there was previously a blank or red, amber or green dot next to a driver’s name in the ‘Demerit Status’ column, it will now show the number of demerits the driver has accumulated.

The ‘Good Behaviour Status’ column will show a ‘Yes’ if a driver has been granted good behaviour, which allows them only two demerit points.

Under privacy law, operators must obtain a signed version of the updated Driver Consent Form from a driver before they access their demerit points through the system

If the updated form is not signed, operators must not run an enquiry to view the driver’s demerit points and can only access the system to search drivers who have submitted the updated form.

Operators interested in registering to use HVOSIP can submit an Expression of interest. They must sign the Multiple Driver Licence and Demerit Point Enquiry Agreement to access this data These are provided upon registration

Upon registration, they’ll be able to access a driver’s demerit points through the system if the driver signs the updated Driver Consent Form. For more information, visit the Roads and Waterways HVOSIP page.


Try a Fresnel lens PRIMEX Field Days

Fresnel lenses are a thin plastic lens that attach to the passenger side window of a heavy vehicle. They provide the driver with a wideangle view as they look through the lens.

At a glance, the driver can see in their blind spot and notice other road users who may otherwise have been hidden Transport for NSW trialled the effectiveness of the lenses in minimising passenger side blind spots on heavy vehicles, with the majority of participants reporting the device made driving safer.

A limited number of Fresnel lenses are currently available to NSW heavy vehicle drivers and operators to access for free. To be eligible for a free lens, operators must be based in NSW with a truck over 12 tonnes GVM and a 2015 model or older.

To order your Fresnel lens, visit the Centre for Road Safety online catalogue, enter stock code 45097620 in the search bar and select the item ‘Heavy Vehicle Fresnel Lenses’ from the drop-down list. You can also watch this video to learn more about the lenses.

For more information on Fresnel lenses or to read the full summary research report click here.

Transport participated in the Primex field days event in Casino on 10 -12 November to promote road safety, heavy vehicle regulation and maritime safety messages.

The ‘Be truck aware’, heavy vehicle education campaign on driver blind spots generated increased interest in the free Fresnel lens initiative.

The successful Transport displays and awareness raising campaigns were delivered in collaboration with private Towards Zero partners and National Heavy Vehicle Regulator.

Fuel labels for electric, hybrid and hydrogen light vehicles

In the Autumn edition of DRIVE, we shared an update on the importance of electric, hybrid and hydrogen cars displaying EV and H safety labels that indicate which fuel the vehicle uses. The labels can save lives by helping emergency services to follow correct safety procedures if these vehicles are in a crash

To reinforce the importance of these safety labels in a real-life environment, Transport recently partnered with NSW Fire and Rescue for a live demonstration at their Emergency Services Academy in Orchard Hills on 22 November. The demonstration included a simulated crash involving a hybrid electric vehicle.

"The simulated crash demonstrates that first responders must deal with battery powered cars in a very specific way, and it is key that they know what type of vehicle they are working with,” said Louise Higgins-Whitton, Acting Director for Road Safety Strategy and Policy for Transport.

“There are more than 100,000 hybrid or electric cars registered in NSW and we are asking those drivers to help us help them by making sure they are easily identifiable,” said Ms Higgins-Whitton.

Daniel O’Dea, Team Leader for Alternative + Renewable Energy Technology at Fire and Rescue NSW, said the labels would greatly assist in protecting firefighters and ensuring community safety. “The labels enable our crews to follow correct safety procedures if these vehicles are in a crash or other incident,” Mr O’Dea said.

“New vehicle technology brings new challenges. However, by being able to quickly identify the type of hazard, firefighters and other emergency services can implement the most appropriate strategies to ensure the safety of vehicle occupants.”

Owners must attach this label to their vehicles number plates or face a defect notice and/or fine. Care must be taken when attaching the EV or H label to not obscure any licence plate characters. Electric vehicles must display an ‘EV’ label and hydrogen vehicles must display ‘H’ labels.

Anyone who needs a replacement label can get them for free from a Service NSW Centre or online for only $9.50 using Transport’s safety labels ordering portal.


Fraudulent inspection reports

Transport is committed to ensuring ongoing road safety and road worthiness of vehicles

The Regulatory Compliance and Investigations team monitors all Authorised Inspection Scheme (AIS) stations to ensure they are performing safety checks on vehicles correctly and in compliance with the AIS Business Rules.

Using various data sources, compliance officers can identify examiners who issue inspection reports without performing the mandatory checks on vehicles and passing vehicles without physically inspecting or sighting them. This high risk, illegal behaviour leads to unsafe vehicles on our roads and tarnishes the reputation of the whole sector, including the majority who are doing the right thing.

For those examiners who are engaging in fraudulent activities, it’s only a matter of time before they are caught

AIS examiners who are engaging in this activity have been investigated and charged under the Crimes Act 1900 and the Road Transport Regulation 2017 for issuing false and misleading inspection reports and producing false or misleading material

The penalties for these offences can be severe and range from fines and/or up to two years of imprisonment.

Examiners are charged and convicted. Consequently, they will have a permanent criminal record, have their AIS accreditation cancelled and be refused re-entry into the program for not being ‘fit and proper'.

Meet us at upcoming events

BusNSW Regional Seminars (Northern regions) 6-10 March 2023

BusNSW Regional Seminars (Southern regions) 20-23 March 2023

Road User Handbook in community languages

To support the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse communities, the Road User Handbook has been translated into eight community languages:

Arabic Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Korean Persian Spanish Thai and Vietnamese.

The Road User Handbook covers the main information road users need to know to drive legally and safely on NSW roads

It is a key document for novice drivers to read in order to pass the Driver Knowledge Test, which is required to get a Learner Licence.

The eight languages chosen for translation reflect current spoken language and migration trends in NSW.

"The new translations of the Road User Handbook will provide communities with key information in their language on how to become a safe driver

"We are very excited to launch these new products online and welcome feedback on them,” said Katie.

The new translations are available for download at

If customers require the handbook in other languages they can access road safety topics via the NSW government website and use the translation function, which is available in 66 languages.

If customers would like to provide feedback on the new translations please send them via our online feedback form

“We know there is a great demand for information on road rules in community languages,” said Katie Davis-Hall-Watson, Manager of Licensing and Registration Products We want to hear from you! Fill out our

DRIVE short survey


Low-Volume Trailer Manufacturers

Low-Volume Trailer Manufacturers (LVTMs) in NSW now have several options to issue and register Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs).

LVTMs with an Australian Company Number (ACN) can now issue and register VINs directly through AUSTROADS (NEVDIS), by obtaining a World Manufacturers Index (WMI) and registering with NEVDIS as a VIN submitter LVTMs can also obtain VINs through an independent VIN submission agent.

Information on obtaining a WMI and finding a VIN submission agent can be accessed via the links below.

Information for Manufacturers | Austroads

Vehicle Identification Numbers | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

Improving our partnership with motor dealers

Transport for NSW is working with motor dealers to improve the Dealer Vehicle Registration Scheme (DVRS)

The scheme is all about making the registration process easier for motor dealers and their customers by authorising participating dealers to perform certain registration transactions.

This improves the overall customer experience, as registration can be organised at the time of sale so the participating dealer or their customer does not need to attend a service centre to complete the process.

This new process offers a simpler and quicker way for Australian manufacturers with vehicle type approval to issue and register VINs to the national database.

Transport will continue to issue VINs to approved NSW-based LVTMs After consultation both internally and with industry, Transport for NSW will now allocate a maximum of 100 VINs per manufacturer per year.

Conditionalregistration sheetsfornon-complying vehicles

Conditional registration sheets are currently undergoing a review to provide customers with clearer guidance and to help users navigate the conditional registration process.

Conditional registration allows access to road and road-related areas for non-complying vehicles that serve a specific purpose that can’t be served by a complying vehicle.

There are 74 vehicle types with conditional registration sheets, with some sheets covering multiple vehicles.

Some examples include all-terrain vehicles, quad bikes, golf buggies, tractors, bulldozers, skid steer loaders and forklifts.

The conditional registration sheets will be useful for registered owners and operators of vehicles which may be registered privately or under a business.

The sheets allow the owner to view the types of vehicles which are offered conditional registration, along with the applicable conditions and the equipment requirements for them to be used safely on roads and road-related areas.

Service NSW will also use the sheets to process the applications for registration and apply the relevant condition codes from the sheet to the vehicles’ registration

Once the sheets have been finalised, they will be available here

Stay connected

Connect with us on social media to keep up-to-date on announcements, safety initiatives, community projects and news that impacts your industry.

2022 Australasia Bus and Coach Expo

The 2022 Australasia Bus and Coach Expo was held at Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park on Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 October. Australian and international bus and coach operators, government representatives, equipment and service suppliers, tourism and hospitality providers, and bus enthusiasts all came together at the event The expo provided Transport for NSW (Transport) and bus operators the opportunity to evaluate and source products and services aimed at improving the customer experience.

“The event is an incredibly valuable opportunity for Transport to engage with and educate bus operators, bus drivers, bus manufacturers as well as suppliers and members of the public around important road safety campaigns, for example ‘Be Bus Aware’ and ‘Towards Zero’ and reinforcing the message that any death or serious injury on our roads is one too many," said Ros Ryan, Senior Manager Partnerships and Performance.

“We promoted the NSW government’s goal to transition the bus fleet to zero emissions, as well as discussing existing and new projects, programs and initiatives that we are delivering.

“The event was a great opportunity to build relationships and connect directly with both members of the public and people in the bus industry about our commitment to improving road safety.”

There was a broad range of topics that visitors were interested in learning more about, including their accreditation, driver authorities, driver medicals, bus contracts, Automatic Mutual Recognition for bus driver authority holders, vehicle registration, zero emission buses, the 16 Regional Cities Services Improvement Program and much more.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to visit our booth during the exhibition



TheAutomaticMutualRecognition(AMR)schemeallowsworkersincertainindustriestoworkina secondstateorterritorywithouttheneedtogetalicence,orpayfees,inthatsecondstateor territory.

Since1July2022,NSWbusdriversanddrivinginstructorscanworkinotherstatesorterritoriesif thatjurisdictionhasincludedtheseoccupationallicences(orequivalent)underAMR.

TransportforNSWisworkingwithNSWTreasurytoallowbusdriversanddrivinginstructorsfrom interstatetoworkunderAMRinNSW Thisisexpectedtostarton1December2022 AllupdatestoAMR,includingafulllistofoccupations,notificationrequirements,complianceadvice

Spotlight - useful bus resources to help keep everyone safe Bus pre-departure and end of shift procedures
managing critical
We have a range of resources for bus operators and bus drivers designed to help keep passengers and the general public safe. Check out our resources in the spotlight!
Bus driver’s pocket guide –

Repco Bathurst 1000

The challenging weather experienced at this year’s Repco Bathurst 1000 provided an important opportunity to reiterate Transport’s road safety messages to attendees Over 200,000 supercar fans descended on Mount Panorama between 6-9 October with high visibility road safety operations helping attendees arrive and return home safely

As part of the event, Transport partnered with NSW Police to present an interactive, safety exhibit for motoring fans The exhibit included two crash lab vehicles, demonstrating the impact of head-on collisions at 60km/h and 100km/h.

The exhibit also provided an opportunity to promote the Transport’s Test Your Tired Self App, that allows drivers to test their ability to make informed decisions about their levels of tiredness before getting behind the wheel.

"Our focus for this event was to build better road s who left our display had something to think about themselves and others safe on the road ” said Matt Cafe, Partnerships Manager.

“We also spoke with the crowds about making sure made it back safely.”


Safety talks at Henty

Transport for NSW’s interactive heavy vehicle safety exhibit got attendees talking at the 2022 Henty Machinery Field Day.

More than 60,000 visitors attend the agribusiness event each year to connect with colleagues, friends and business networks and learn about new products and industry innovations

The event is also an important opportunity to discuss transport safety issues for regional NSW communities.

TfNSW used an exhibit featuring a concrete agitator truck with an interactive component that simulated a heavy vehicle’s blind spots.

The exhibit allowed attendees to get a firsthand experience of blind spots experience in heavy vehicles

It also served as a timely reminder of the risks on regional NSW roads that tend to increase during harvest season when more harvesters, oversize machinery and trains are on the road network.

Ros Ryan, Senior Manager Partnerships and Performance, acknowledged a successful community event.

“Our organisation came together with valued partners including NSW Police and Australian Rail Track Corporation, to assist customers with information on our products and services,” commented Ros

“We were able to resolve issues on the spot for a few customers who had some complex issues. The feedback was very positive.

“We look forward to talking safety with regional communities again next year at Henty ”

Connecting with classic car enthusiasts

On Sunday 14 August 2022, several members from the Transport for NSW Regulatory Operations team met with historic and classic vehicle owners and enthusiasts at the annual Council of Motor Clubs’ Shannon's Sydney Classic at Eastern Creek.

The event showcased more than 1,800 historic and classic vehicles from over 150 clubs, including cars, motorbikes, scooters, military vehicles, police vehicles, ambulances and fire engines

The majority of the participants are Transport customers in the Historic and Classic Registration Schemes.

“After a hiatus for the last three years due to COVID-19, this was the perfect opportunity to engage face to face with the community and answer their questions on a wide range of classic vehicle related topics such as registration and vehicle use,” said the event organiser Terry Thompson OAM

The event had something for everyone including double-decker bus rides from the Sydney Bus Museum’s historic fleet.

There were also trade and merchandise displays, entertainment for the kids, live music and 1,800 classic vehicles on display.

“It was great to reach out to the community and represent Transport at such an iconic event. Important conversations were had with our customers about registration, vehicle safety and historic vehicles”, said Matthew Cafe, Partnerships Manager.

For more information on vehicle registration please visit Classic Registration Historic Registration

Left to right Matthew Cafe (Partnerships Manager), Wayne Murray (with his winning historic vehicle above) and Alan Hay (Patron of the Australian Confederation of Motor Clubs).

One-stop transport safety shop at AgQuip Field Days

Transport participated in Australia’s largest annual primary industries event, the 2022 AgQuip Field Day in Gunnedah on 16 to 18 August The three-day event provided opportunities to promote community awareness about regional and rural transport safety issues among more than 100,000 attendees.

Along with NSW Police, the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, and Australian Rail Track Corporation, Transport shared tailored safety information about regional roads, level crossings, maritime and heavy vehicles.

High impact and engaging displays demonstrated the first-hand safety risks associated with level crossings.

Showing a car involved in a level crossing crash with a train helped start important conversations about the specific transport safety risks in regional NSW

Event attendees also received tips on how to safely interact with heavy vehicles and demonstrations on using our waterways safely.

“It was great to see Transport colleagues and key partners work together to share important safety messages and educate members of regional communities on issues directly relevant to their everyday transport experience,” said Martin O'Reilly Partnerships, Manager

“Attendees provided positive feedback about our presence at the event and appreciated receiving a strong consistent message at the combined display.”


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New Transport Exemptions

Exhaust Testing Exemption Notice 2022

Transport has approved an Exemption until June 2023 for the emissions testing requirement for modified or individually constructed vehicles. The exemption period will allow Transport to consider and implement an alternate compliance pathway. We remain committed to consulting with industry as we develop a pathway that provides clarity for our stakeholders on testing requirements to demonstrate compliance.

Refrigerated Vehicles Exemption Notice 2022

This exemption allows you to drive specific categories of light goods carrying vehicles equipped with a refrigerator cooling system to leave your vehicle engine running, with the key in the ignition while attending to deliveries of refrigerated goods.

Boat Trailer Combination Exemption Notice 2022

This exemption allows you to drive a light vehicle combination (subject to the terms of the Notice) towing a boat on a trailer where the rear overhang exceeds the usual legal limits

Help us keep in touch

If you are currently a participant in the Authorised Inspection Scheme (AIS), Vehicle Safety Compliance Certification Scheme (VSCCS) or Historic Vehicles Scheme (HVS), you are reminded to ensure that your contact information is always up to date. This will help us reach you for important updates you need to be aware of in your role as a participant. It’s a simple process to update this information, as outlined below.

AIS Proprietors and Examiners

Log into AIS Online and select User Profile. Press the Change button at bottom of the screen to amend the details that need updating. Press Save

Licenced VSCCS Certifiers

Complete Form 1637 – Application to Amend a Certifier’s Licence. Email the completed form to

HVS Approved Club Registrars

Email any club changes directly to

If you have any questions or require further information, please email vehicle safety@transport nsw gov au

© 2022 Regulatory Operations Level 5,
Street Parramatta
110 George

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