Inside the Vatican magazine May-June 2024

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MAY-JUNE 2024 $10 / EUR 10 / £6.60


At the center of this collage, showing the turmoil and suffering of our world, is the painting Christus Consolator (“Christ the Consoler”) by the Danish painter Karl Bloch, painted in 1881, with words spoken by Pope Francis at Easter 2024


“Let us lift our eyes to Him, the Risen Lord”







With this concise anthology of Benedict XVI’s lessons on the Christian life—on faith, hope, love, joy, holiness, and freedom—readers find themselves walking side by side with a great spiritual father. He knew how to bring heart, mind, and feeling in concert with one another—a fruitful model of how we can bring the great power of the Gospel to the world. These crystallized excerpts are drawn from lectures, homilies, and documents across the course of Benedict’s papacy. Each grants a glimpse of a God who is full of surprises, never dull. Benedict speaks not in the voice of an academic theologian but of a pastor, a companion on the journey. Let his poetic insights accompany you daily: in prayer, in adoration, in study, and in love.

This is Benedict XVI's last and heartfelt call for Europe to rediscover and reaffirm its true origin and identity that have made it great and a model of beauty and humanity. It is not about imposing the truths of faith as the foundation of Europe, but about making a thorough choice, recognizing that it is more natural and just to live "as if God existed" than "as if there were no God." Just as Pope John XXIII called on the great nations of Europe and the West to avoid a devastating nuclear war, today Benedict XVI addresses for the last time all of Europe and the West so that, by rediscovering their own soul, they can save themselves and the world from self-destruction. JRS24P . . . Sewn Softcover, $19.95

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“The perfect book for the busy Christian who wants deep spiritual enrichment in bite-sized doses. Benedict’s thought engages both the intellect and the soul.” —Jennifer Fulwiler, Author, Something Other Than God “A masterpiece! Beautifully crafted vignettes reflecting a lifetime of wisdom and insights by Benedict XVI on life, love, faith and freedom.” —Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, Author, Building a Civilization of Love


Cardinal Robert Sarah traces the profound spiritual contours of Benedict XVI's life and thought, revealing a man on fire with love for God and neighbor. Though a brilliant theologian, he was no professor in an ivory tower, but a shepherd and pastor with a father’s heart. For him, prayer, meditation, and communion with Christ stand at the vibrant center of all Christian existence.

"The ecological movement has recognized the limit of what can be done, it has discovered that ‘nature’ sets a limit for us that we cannot ignore with impunity. Unfortunately, the ‘ecology of man’ has not yet become concrete. Man also has a ‘nature’ that is given to him; and denying or violating it leads to destruction." — Benedict XVI


This final work of Benedict XVI takes up an array of themes close to his heart: the Christian faith’s relationship with other religions, especially Judaism and Islam; the theology and reform of the liturgy; the priesthood; the saints; the Eucharist; the travesty of abuse; the beauty of nature; Italian and German culture; and much more. WCSTH . . . Sewn Hardcover, $24.95

“I have treasured every word written by this man. These last words are among his greatest!” — Scott Hahn, Author, Rome Sweet Home

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EDITORIAL by Robert Moynihan

On the “Infinite Dignity”of Man...

And on the tragic loss of that dignity. A reflection on the Vatican document Dignitas infinita, issued in Rome on April 2, 2024 (19th anniversary of St. Pope John Paul II’s death), and presented to the press on April 8 in Rome

Monday, April 22, 2024, Rome— Many years ago, in the summer of 2001, in a meeting in the Vatican Press Office, I asked Dr. Joquin Navarro-Valls, a Spanish numerary of Opus Dei who since 1984 had been Pope John Paul II’s spokesman, what was the central question of John Paul’s pontificate... “It is the anthropological question,” Dr. Navarro-Valls replied. “The question of man, of man’s nature and dignity.” Navarro-Valls was speaking in the context of a discussion of John Paul’s years of effort to bring an end to the Soviet communist system, which had proposed an idea of man as Homo Sovieticus, “Soviet man” — a man who, without any reference to God, lived to implement the goals of the Party, not to fulfill any personal goal. Navarro-Valls was speaking also in the context of our Western society which, even in 2001, was already proposing an ideal of “individual freedom” — that each person has an inalienable right to seek that wealth and happiness he or she desires. A “free society” of “free individuals” — but precisely for that reason, a society that might descend to excess: to selfishness, even to the embrace, as John Paul increasingly warned, of a “culture of death” — a culture which commits injustices against human dignity from abortion to euthanasia, ignoring the dignity of other, usually weak and vulnerable, humans. So evil brings sorrow. John Paul II spent his pontificate thinking and preaching about these differing visions of what man is, of what is the source of man’s dignity. In the end, he put Christ at the center of his thought: Christ, and His love for us, displayed in His sacrificial death on the cross (making the cross not a symbol of criminal death but of sacrificial, pure love), revealing to us the “infinite dignity” of each person, because so profoundly loved. The love of Christ for each of us is the source which gives each of us “infinite dignity,” John Paul II taught (see below). Fast forward 23 years... to a packed Vatican Press Conference on April 8, 2024, two weeks ago. That day, Cardinal Victor Fernandez, head since last July 1 of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, presented Dignitas infinita (“Infinite dignity”). At the beginning of his presentation, Fernandez: 1) defended his controversial December 18 document Fiducia supplicans (which permitted blessings of homosexual couples and couples in irregular relationships), saying it had met with resistance around the world, but had not changed any teaching of the Church, only developed the teaching on blessings (this led one Swiss journalist, Giuseppe Rusconi, to raise his hand and say the press conference seemed “strange” to him, as if its true purpose was not to present Dignitas infinita, but to defend Fiducia supplicans; and so it seemed also to many); and 2) explained that Dignitas infinita was in the planning for five years, since 2019, and that its intent was “the drafting of a text highlighting the indispensable nature of the dignity of the human person in Christian anthropology.” Fernandez noted, significantly, that “an initial draft of the text was prepared with the help of some experts in 2019 but a Consulta Ristretta of the Congregation, convened on October 8 of the same year, found it to be unsatisfactory.” So we know the first draft of this text was found by the Vatican itself in 2019 “unsatis-

factory.” Fernandez then described “the five-year course of the text’s preparation” as it sought to clarify “the gravity and centrality of the theme of dignity in Christian thought.” So, in the end, what is the basis of “human dignity”? And if that dignity is indeed “infinite,” why is it “infinite”? Fernandez tells us: “This dignity of every human being can be understood as ‘infinite’ (dignitas infinita), as Pope St. John Paul II affirmed in a meeting for people living with various limitations or disabilities.” [This refers to an Angelus prayer Pope John Paul II prayed in the Cathedral of Osnabrück, Germany, on November 16, 1980.] Fernandez continued: “He [Pope John Paul II] said this to show how human dignity transcends all outward appearances and specific aspects of people’s lives.” [emphasis added] Fernandez is asserting: 1) that the title of this Declaration is from Pope John Paul II in 1980, meaning, the title draws on the authority of St. Pope John Paul II himself; and 2) that the word “infinite” means “transcending all outward appearances and specific aspects of people’s lives.” (Meaning that, whatever condition of outward oppression or inward sin one may fall into, one’s dignity remains “infinite.”) And Fernandez added: “In Fratelli Tutti [October 3, 2020] Pope Francis wanted to underscore that this (human) dignity exists ‘beyond all circumstances.’ With this, he summoned all people to defend human dignity in every cultural context and every moment of human existence, regardless of physical, psychological, social, or even moral [emphasis added] deficiencies.” So what Pope Francis has written on the “infinite” character of human dignity “beyond all circumstances” is clear. But what did Pope John Paul II actually say on this point in 1980? So far as I know, no one has gone back to look at John Paul’s entire 1980 address. And a close reading of that address reveals that what he said was different from what Fernandez has told us that he said. In 1980, speaking to people with physical handicaps, John Paul II said: “Together with all of you, we will soon praise God and thank Him for the great gift of His love. This love is the foundation of your hope and your courage to live. God has shown us with Jesus Christ in an unsurpassable way how He loves each man and thereby gives him infinite dignity [Note: This is the precise phrase which provided the title of the new Declaration]... For us Christians it matters little whether someone is sick or healthy; what ultimately matters is this: Are you ready to realize with conscience and faith the dignity conferred by God in all your life situations and in your behavior as a true Christian, or do you want to lose this dignity of yours in a superficial and irresponsible life, in sin and guilt before God?” For Pope John Paul, yes, God’s love does grant to all men an “infinite dignity.” This is true. But John Paul II taught that this dignity can be lost, if one lives “a superficial and irresponsible life, in sin and guilt before God.” Thus, we must turn from sin, to recover a dignity we may lose through our own fault. Fernandez’s selective interpretation of John Paul II’s words obscures the “hard truth” of the need to maintain our “infinite dignity” through our actions. m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN



Year 32, #3

LEAD STORY New Declaration from Vatican on Human Dignity: Dignitatis Infinita by Tyler Arnold (CNA)/ITV staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

MAY-JUNE 2024 Year 32, #3

v EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Robert Moynihan ASSOCIATE EDITOR: George “Pat” Morse (+ 2013) ASSISTANT EDITOR: Christina Deardurff CULTURE EDITOR: Lucy Gordan CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: William D. Doino, Jr. WRITERS: Anna Artymiak, Alberto Carosa, Giuseppe Rusconi, David Quinn, Andrew Rabel, Vladimiro Redzioch, Serena Sartini PHOTOS: Grzegorz Galazka LAYOUT: Giuseppe Sabatelli ILLUSTRATIONS: Stefano Navarrini CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER: Deborah B. Tomlinson ADVERTISING: Katie Carr Tel. +1.202.864.4263

v EDITORIAL OFFICES FOR MAIL: US: 14 West Main St. Front Royal, VA 22630 USA Tel +1.202.536.4555 Rome: Inside the Vatican via delle Mura Aurelie 7c, Rome 00165, Italy Tel: +39.06.3938.7471 Fax: +39.06.638.1316 POSTMASTER: send address changes to Inside the Vatican PO Box 1320 Front Royal, VA 22630, USA Tel: +1.800.789.9494 Fax: +1.202.536.5409 Subscriptions (USA): Inside the Vatican PO Box 1320 Front Royal, VA 22630, USA Tel. +1.800.789.9494

v INSIDE THE VATICAN (ISSN 1068-8579, 1 yr subscription: $ 49.95; 2 yrs, $94.95; 3 yrs, $129.95), provides a comprehensive, independent report on Vatican affairs published bimonthly (6 times per year) with occasional special supplements. Inside the Vatican is published by Urbi et Orbi Communications, PO Box 1320, Front Royal, VA 22630, USA, pursuant to a License Agreement with Robert Moynihan, the owner of the Copyright. Inside the Vatican, Inc., maintains editorial offices in Rome, Italy. Periodicals Postage PAID at New Hope, Kentucky, USA and additional mailing offices. Copyright 2024 Robert Moynihan


NEWS HOLY LAND/Pope: “Let us end the inertia of evil” by Christopher Hart-Moynihan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 VATICAN/Is Francis the Lone Voice for Peace in Ukraine? by ITV staff/CNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 VATICAN/Once again, Francis condemns gender ideology by Carol Glatz(CNS)/ITV staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 CULTURE Analysis/Continuing fallout from Fiducia Supplicans by Christina Deardurff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Commentary/The perplexing relationship between the Church and Freemasonry by Darrick Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Easter 2024/ “Jesus turned a new page in our history” by Pope Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Easter/Toward Unity: Finally, a common Easter date? by Zachary Naccash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Document/Ecumenical marriage statement offers novel “compassionate recommendations” by Catholic World News/ITV staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Jubilee/A “Second Chance”: a journey of pilgrimage and renewal by ITV staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Document/Aquinas grounds modern man in authentic “social sciences” by Pope Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Interview/ “The desert can bloom again!”: A Polish sister on the call of Divine Mercy, Part 2 by Barbara Middleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Footsteps on the Way/Where Heaven meets Earth: Garabandal by ITV staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Scripture/The Creation Story in Genesis, One in Theology and Poetry by Anthony Esolen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Spirituality Behind Bars/The Bishop’s Authoritative Influence by Marcellus Roberts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 URBI ET ORBI: CATHOLICISM AND ORTHODOXY Icon/The Creed: Judgment by Robert Wiesner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 East-West Watch/Tensions in the Baltic States by Peter Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 News from the East/Vatican celebrates Coptic martyrs; Ukrainian Orthodox unpopular; Polish camp victims’ canonization; Indian cathedral after liturgy clash; Coptics suspend Catholic dialog by Matthew Trojacek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 FEATURES Tradition and Beauty/ The Church needs its own “Cultural Revolution” by Aurelio Porfiri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Art/Vatican Museums opens ancient Roman necropolis to tourists by Lucy Gordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Lord of the World/ “A Pitiless Reality of Life and Death” by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Vatican Watch/A day-by-day chronicle of Vatican events: February and March, 2024 by Matthew Trojacek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 People/ Bishops dialog with drug cartels; CUA displays Chinese prisoner’s art; Vietnamese official praises Vatican; new research from Vatican cosmologists; first Pakistani martyr by Matthew Trojacek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Food for Thought/ Pompei’s First Exhibition about Lower Classes and Slaves by ITV staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62






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Classic ITALY: Closing of the Synod and 30 Years of Inside the Vatican magazine October 2024

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Signature ITALY: Christmas in Italy and the Opening of the Jubilee Year - December 2024


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR INSIDE THE VATICAN welcomes letters but cannot reply to all. Each is read and considered carefully. Printed letters may be edited for clarity. You may email us at


We get requests like these everyday. Dear Friends: I’ve just received your latest issue, and even a cursory perusal reveals your usual incisive and relevant articles and stellar photography. I also noticed, however, that it was marked “last issue” of my subscription. If possible, may I request another year’s extension? In this prison—deep in rural Georgia—there is no Catholic ministry, ergo, no sacraments; Inside the Vatican is therefore a vital part of my communion with the Church—second, of course, to prayer, in which I always include you and your staff. I appreciate your kindness. With love in Christ, Richard J. T. Clark, T.O.M.

Help us, help them. Many prisoners—as well as religious—have requested, but are unable to afford, subscriptions. Please donate to the ITV Scholarship Fund and provide B GVMM ZFBS of Inside the Vatican magazine for only $39.95/year.




On the Feast of the Presentation — this year on Friday, February 2 — the DDF (Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith) issued a new document, “ordered” (not just “authorized”) to be published by Pope Francis – after about two years of preparation. It presents solidly orthodox teaching about the matter and form of the sacraments, and reinforces Church teaching about the danger of innovations that lead to invalid baptisms and other sacraments. However, yet another orthodox DDF document that came out seven weeks earlier, on December 13, has passed completely under the radar, presumably because Fiducia Supplicans (published on December 18) exploded into the secular and Church media headlines just five days later, and has pretty much dominated them ever since. This almost unknown document is about the access of single mothers (and their babies) to the sacraments. It rebukes the excessive rigorism that is apparently found in some parts of Latin America (I never found it in Puerto Rico, where I myself several times baptized infants of unwed mothers — always in compliance with the conditions of Canon Law for the licit baptism of infants.) Some critics were insisting after the 2022 Apostolic Letter Desiderio Desideravi that Pope Francis is OK with Catholics receiving Communion while in the state of mortal sin. So it’s good to see that in paragraph 4 of this new letter, which was approved by Francis in an audience on the same day it was published, DDF Prefect Fernandez reaffirms orthodoxy on this point: “[P]astoral work should be done in the local Church to make people understand that being a single mother does not prevent that person from accessing the Eucharist. As for all other Christians, sacramental confession of sins allows the person to approach communion” (emphasis added). Fr. Brian Harrison



I just found your YouTube channel because your discussion of Malachi Martin popped up at just the right moment to add a lot of insight into these things that are playing out before our eyes. In the late 1990s, Father Mitch Pakwa of EWTN was an expert witness at a civil trial in which two families were suing a public school over serious abuses that included an attack on Catholic family rights: DiNozzi and DiBari vs Bedford. Father Pakwa had presented the court with evidence he’d been given by my friend, the late Captain Thomas White: a syllabus from a required accreditation training for public school teachers K-3 that included a satanic animal sacrifice ritual as part of an “art” curriculum. He was able to prove that the school could not deny responsibility for the teacher’s actions. Capt. White was a Massachusetts State Police captain who was trying to develop training materials to facilitate better forensic handling of abuse cases, and he was consulting with families who had been impacted by a certain cult. I provided him with the syllabus papers that he then gave to Father Pakwa. Capt. White died not long after that case. His death was declared an accident but we believe it was not an accident. One of the individuals in the cult he was investigating when he looked at that classroom material was only known as a businessman at the time and none of us had any idea what this meant, but Captain White had stumbled across a fringe Mormon cult bishop who would never have gone on to be elected Governor of Massachusetts... had Captain White survived long enough to complete his investigations. Thank you for that wonderful discussion of Malachi Martin, another eccentric human being caught up in this cosmic battle. I am enjoying your channel now that I found it. Denise Matteau

MALACHI MARTIN Regarding documents I’ve compiled on Malachi Martin: I actually have his interviews mostly committed to memory but wanted to compile them into topics for Anthony Stine, who uses these documents in some of his videos. In Malachi Martin’s 4th interview with Art Bell, at about 4 minutes in, he discusses that he received a special dispensation from Pope Paul VI, which explains his unique status following his leaving the Jesuits. He continued to work for John Paul II, gathering information on the corruption in the Church, and worked closely with Fr. Charles Fiore in this field. I also have an audio clip of his publisher saying that he parted ways with the editor of “Jesus Now” following the release of that book. He was not happy about the liberal slant that editor put on the book. He did also read the Third Secret of Fatima and I’ve attached a document that pulls together most of what he said is contained in the Third Secret. There is a lot to go over, when it comes to Malachi Martin. Lauren Furrer

LONG AND RICHLY DETAILED Thank you for your long and richly detailed reports. Please don’t shorten them as a reader requested. Too often people want just bullet points or, worse, a Twitter text. In that case we would lose the beauty of something like Fr Lombardi’s 2023 reflection on the late Pope Benedict XVI. Thank you for the same. Also, the Special Issue on Mary is a masterpiece. A true work of art and spiritual truth. William Basile [Editor’s note: If you would like to order copies of our Special Issue on Mary, which make beautiful gifts for any occasion, they are available for order on our website,]

A CATHOLIC IN JERUSALEM I send greetings from the Holy City, from a wounded heart. I would be grateful

if you could kindly provide me with back issues of your wonderful magazine, the very inspirational Inside the Vatican. I am a retired grandfather, member of the Catholic community of Jerusalem. I was struck by two wild tragedies during the last autumn: I lost my daughter in September, young — only 45, mother of 3 kids — and two months later her mother, a sudden death. I am devastated with sorrow, confusion and trauma. I spend my time meditating, reading, and praying with tears in my eyes. I count on your understanding and sympathy. Emmanuel Helou P O Box 20 686 Jerusalem 9119001, Israel

BLESSINGS FOR SAME-SEX COUPLES As for blessing people, it should be a prayer for them to confess their sin in true repentance and ask God’s help in straightening out their difficulties. The solution is for the Roman Catholic Church to proclaim the truth that those believing they are homosexual, etc., are believing a lie and a counterfeit to God’s creation of human sexuality... no matter how young or old the belief came to them. The Church needs to use the power of the Holy Spirit, as listed in 1 Corinthians, to free all who are willing to be freed to live the hererosexuality in which they were born... no more nor less is needed. As people are willingly freed so thoroughly that no desire for the counterfeit remains, the word will spread like fire... the Fire of God’s Love for all people to be freed. Also, regarding those in second, civil marriages, why is the annulment process

seldom brought up? Claudia Person

AUTHORITATIVE, INFORMATIVE I have followed you for years and I am thrilled you have chosen to embark on this form of educating the Catholic world through podcasts/videos. [Editor’s note: Access our podcasts on YouTube on our “Urbi et Orbi Communications” channel.] I just watched your video on Msgr. Bugnini. You asked for feedback. Please allow me to affirm wholeheartedly that what you are doing has extraordinary value. Your brilliance and erudition are most critical in treating these matters in an authoritative way — which I do appreciate as a fellow Yalie who came to the faith while in college (BA History 2008). Thank you also to Matt Gaspers for carrying out the fine work of Catholic Family News and especially spreading the truth about Our Lady of Fatima. I have also watched your videos on Father Malachi Martin, which — as

American food American owner

Via di Porta Cavalleggeri, 25 ✆ 338 13 71 344 home baked




LETTERS TO THE EDITOR someone who has followed this story for years — were incredibly informative and useful to me. Geoffrey Ellis Northern Virginia, USA

BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS Peace of Christ! You said that Fiducia supplicans “may go down as the most controversial and most ecumenically damaging document of Pope Francis’ pontificate.” I truly wish that would be the case! However, I can assure you that the Bergoglio pontificate will soon generate far worse Papal Documents. They are already in the works! FYI, Bergoglio holds a personal culpability in the existence of the Russian/Ukranian conflict by willfully disobeying the clear and simple mandate of Our Lady of Fatima as to how she wanted Russia, and Russia alone, consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. Every one of Bergoglio’s predecessors, going back to 1917, were also guilty of consciously disobeying the Blessed Mother. All those Popes are responsible for the outbreak of many wars and national conflicts that Our Lady said could be avoided — if — Russia were consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. They certainly have a lot of blood on their hands! To my knowledge, not one of those Popes ever issued a papal apology to any of the mothers and fathers who lost their sons and daughters because of them having disobeyed an order from Heaven. Bergoglio is of course the worst of all those disobedient Popes, since he is also responsible for the deaths and permanent disabilities of tens of millions of people worldwide from the mRNA Covid-19 gene therapy injection. These are people whom he influenced, and in many cases personally persuaded, to get one of these experimental, unsafe (as all the preclinical trials showed) and ineffective injections. Lawrence Welch

diminished the possibility of success for Francis’ peace initiative. It almost seems like... an act of sabotage.” I agree: Fiducia Supplicans is definitely a divisive document. If Cardinal Fernandez is actually the brain behind the sabotage, Pope Francis should repeal Fiducia Supplicans and fire Fernandez. Valeria

A PETITION TO THE BISHOPS I’ve enjoyed many of Dr. Robert Moynihan and Fr. Robert Murr’s online conversations and learned “to learn” from them! My question concerns the Traditional Catholic Mass “of the ages.” I believe that this Mass is included in the Catholic “Digest of Faith,” inasmuch as its rudimentary beginnings were during Apostolic times. If that is true, then it cannot be “substantially” changed, much less banned, and nothing new since the death of the last Apostle, which constitutes the end of the time span of the Deposit of Faith, can be added to that Deposit of Faith. Would that not make the Novus (New) Ordo Mass illicit? My idea is to, in some way, start a petition to the Bishops of the world to reinstitute the Traditional Catholic Mass of the ages without any (post-Vatican Council II) changes, other than the specific changes called for by Sacrosanctum Concilium, and the Mass be otherwise returned to either the 1955 or 1962 form. I am no expert in the true rubrics of this Mass; but more knowledgeable people can devise a suitable way of accomplishing my idea. I would appreciate any thoughts or opinions on any of the above. It just seemed to me that after 60 years; somebody had to try to do something! Frank W. Russell

THE GREAT DELUSION SABOTAGE (Re: Moynihan Letters #7, March 28, 2024: Russians) You said, “Indeed, one wonders whether any other move, at this precise time, could have more effectively 10 INSIDE THE VATICAN MAY-JUNE 2024

My letter to Prof. John Mearsheimer: Dear Prof. Mearsheimer, I would like to express my approval of your book The Great Delusion: Liberal

Dreams and International Realities. We owe today’s threatening situation between the West and Russia (including China) to US foreign policy, which is trying to export its idea of liberalism and liberal democracy far and wide, often by pressure and war. Thus, the so-called American liberals are actually acting against their own idealistic position. The USA is a young, “artificial” state, created by immigrants from Europe, Africa, Asia, and South and Central America, over the last four centuries — an artificial multi-ethnic state. Old Europe, for example, is made up of nation states that arose in the late modern period. Before, the medieval dominions in Europe were also structured in such a way that their peoples were at home in certain regions, as is still the case in Russia today. But the “hodgepodge” of peoples in small European countries, which we owe to imported US ideology, brings conflicts and civil wars. Europe is not the USA. And the gentlemen in Washington should finally understand that. And regarding Russia: It would have been wise not to provoke this country ideologically for years and to threaten it with a NATO presence on its borders. So I hope there are other sensible, realistic people in America besides you. Manfred Karl Böhm Germany

STORIES OF FAITH I’m grateful for Inside the Vatican’s unvarnished truth and inspiring stories of faith under fire, such as the one in the March-April issue about the beatified Ulma family. Enclosed is my Lenten contribution. I respectfully decline the offer of the “Passion of St. Matthew” CD or DVD as I am trying to get along with less, not more. Thank you! Judy Koslowski Salem, Massachusetts, USA

KEEP ITV IN PRINT Please renew my subscription to Inside the Vatican. I love this magazine and have taken it for over 30 years. Please keep it going, in print, as some of us do not have or use computers! Mrs. Janice Seresun Seattle, Washington, USA

LOWERING THE BAR An excellent article and critique of the document Dignitatis Infinita can be found on the website, authored by Jacob Tate, titled “Dignitatis Infinita: Lowering the Bar.” Honest questions are being raised that need to be taken seriously. This document seems to set up a new religion and counters Cardinal Ratzinger’s Dominus Jesus. As the old saying goes, “Words have meaning.” The logical conclusion is that Dignitas Infinita does away with even the need for a Catholic Church — or any Church, for that matter. No need for conversion, Baptism, or any of the sacraments

FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE THROUGH CHRISTIANITY Thanks to you, Robert, I came in contact with a scholar whose work that has influenced my thought on many issues to this day. He is Charles Cochrane, author of Christianity and Classical Culture: A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine. The theme of Christianity and Classical Culture is the fundamental change in thought and action that occurred from the reign of Augustus to Augustine. Dan Schmidt

FROM PRISONERS Pax tecum! (Peace be with you!) Morning glory and evening grace in the name of Our Risen King, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and in the Immaculate Heart of our Queen, Mediatrix and Mother, the Blessed Ever-virgin Mary! Alleluia! For some time now, ITV has been gracious in providing a complimentary subscription to this very informative publication. I have thoroughly enjoyed every issue, and where able, shared it with other brothers interested to learn of the current events within our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. This has initiated many in-depth discussions with Catholics and nonCatholics alike! Unfortunately, my complimentary subscription has expired.

I am asking, if it’s not a financial burden, would you please continue a complimentary subscription to me? At present I have no idea when God will find the “fullness of time” to release me on parole. After 28 years, I’m resolved to proclaim the words of Judith 8:27 (Douay-Rheims). He, being all-knowing, knows what’s best for me, and in serving whatever Catholic community I am a part of, I find my rest in Jesus’ presence in the Blessed Sacrament. So I pray you’ll grant an extension of at least another year to ITV magazine. May God continue to bless Urbi et Orbi Communications and Inside the Vatican magazine as you continue to inform and arm the Catholic warriors for decisive victories over the world’s influence. Deo Gratias (“To God be thanks”) and thank you. Patrick Smith, # 776878 15845 FM 164 Childress, TX 79201-7919 It was disturbing to see in print Cardinal Arthur Roche’s statement to the BBC last year that the Catholic Church’s theology has changed. I believe Arch-bishop Lefebvre said it best: “Non possumus” (“We cannot...”) We cannot accept this position or this teaching. For a Prince of the Church to state that “the teaching has changed” is shocking, to say the least... of course, coming from Rome, where the last 10 years has seen one shocking statement or teaching after another. I see that there is evidence that elections in several countries appear to be in danger of being “stolen,” similar to the

2013 conclave, in which cardinals freely admitted breaking the rules set down by St. John Paul II in canon law (in 1983, I believe?). The proposed candidate, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, knew from the 2005 conclave he was likely going to be elected Pope... and the cardinals politicked like secular voters to put their man in office. Yet, canon law stipulates that all persons engaging in such conduct are automatically excommunicated! Now, this is probably far from the worst intrigue during a conclave, i.e., the purported election and nullification of Cardinal Siri in 1958 and 1978...? Still, it is a sad time for the Bride of Christ, and the Body of Christ. Recently here in the Arkasas Department of Corrections, we can no longer receive religious mail as is, as well as anything longer than 1.5 pages... no more liturgical calendars... certain vendors or religious institutes’ publications are rejected, all under the guise of being “security hazards.” The Prison Oblate Program in Atchison, Kansas and the National Prison Ministry in Watkin, Colorado have been running Bible studies I’ve attended for 16 years now. Still, no priest here for over three years. While Catholics are few in number here — perhaps 10-12 active ones — still, it feels like a Communist system trying to stifle the Church altogether at this state’s Department of Corrections. Of course, Muslims (and Protestants) are given free reign; they would not have such restrictions imposed on them for fear of the ACLU...Keep us in your prayers! William F. Young, Jr. #650486 2501 State Farm Rd. Maximum Security Unit Tucker, Arkansas 72168, USA

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new Vatican document on human dignity Dignitatis infinita condemns gender transition, surrogacy and abortion n BY TYLER ARnOLD (CnA)

Presentation in the Holy See Press Office of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith’s Dignitas Infinita. Panelists: Secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Monsignor Armando Matteo; Dicastery Prefect Cardinal Victor Fernandez; Professor Paola Scarcella, lecturer at the Universities Tor Vergata and Lumsa in Rome; and Vatican Press Office Director Matteo Bruni. Opposite, Cardinal Fernandez (All the photos by Grzegorz Galazka)


he Vatican’s top doctrinal office issued a declaration on the theme of human dignity on Monday that addresses growing concerns such as gender theory, sex changes, surrogacy, and euthanasia in addition to abortion, poverty, human trafficking, and war. “In the face of so many violations of human dignity that seriously threaten the future of the human family, the Church encourages the promotion of the dignity of every human person, regardless of their physical, mental, cultural, social, and religious characteristics,” reads the Vatican declaration issued by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. The declaration, titled Dignitas Infinita, which means “infinite digni12 INSIDE THE VATICAN MAY-JUNE 2024

ty,” states that the Church highlights these concerns “with hope, confident of the power that flows from the risen Christ, who has fully revealed the integral dignity of every man and woman.”


In the declaration, the dicastery cautions against threats to human dignity that begin at the moment of conception, that exist in the process of procreation, and that threaten humanity toward the end of life. According to Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, also cited in the declaration, preborn children are “the most defenseless and innocent among us” and in the

present day, “efforts are made to deny them their human dignity and to do with them whatever one pleases, taking their lives and passing laws preventing anyone from standing in the way of this.” The declaration also warns that euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are “swiftly gaining ground” in some parts of the world, which it says is “unique in how it utilizes a mistaken understanding of human dignity to turn the concept of dignity against life itself.” “Even in its sorrowful state, human life carries a dignity that must always be upheld, that can never be lost, and that calls for unconditional respect,” the declaration states. The practice of surrogacy is an-

Dicastery Prefect Cardinal Victor Fernandez, head of the Vatican’s top doctrinal office after his intervention relieves the tension by opening and eating a package of cookies

other concern noted by the document, noting that “the immensely worthy child becomes a mere object” in the process. “Because of this unalienable dignity, the child has the right to have a fully human (and not artificially induced) origin and to receive the gift of a life that manifests both the dignity of the giver and that of the receiver,” the declaration says, adding that “…the legitimate desire to have a child cannot be transformed into a ‘right to a child’ that fails to respect the dignity of that child as the recipient of the gift of life.”

fense is permissible but that “war is always a ‘defeat of humanity,’” citing Pope Francis’ address to the United Nations in December. “No war is worth the tears of a mother who has seen her child mutilated or killed; no war is worth the loss of the life of even one human being, a sacred being created in the



As many Western nations continue to promote gender ideology and debate whether minors should be able to access transgender drugs and surgeries, the Vatican states that the ideology “intends to deny the greatest possible difference that exists between living beings: sexual difference.” The declaration emphasizes that “only by acknowledging and accepting this difference in reciprocity can each person fully discover themselves, their dignity, and their identity.” A human body, the Vatican notes, also shares in the dignity of the image of God, and people are called to accept and respect the body as it was created: “The body participates in that dignity as it is endowed with personal meanings, particularly in its sexed condition.” “Any sex-change intervention, as a rule, risks threatening the unique dignity the person has received from the moment of conception,” the Vatican adds. To respect human dignity, the declaration also condemns unjust discrimination, aggression, and violence directed toward individuals based on sexual orientation.

WAR AnD POVERTY As war rages on in Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, and elsewhere in the world, the declaration confirms that self de-

fewer opportunities to develop, we should acknowledge that this is contrary to their dignity, which is the same dignity as that of those born into a wealthy family or country,” the declaration adds. “We are all responsible for this stark inequality, albeit to varying degrees.”

image and likeness of the Creator; no war is worth the poisoning of our common home; and no war is worth the despair of those who are forced to leave their homeland and are deprived, from one moment to the next, of their home and all the family, friendship, social, and cultural ties that have been built up, sometimes over generations,” the declaration reads, quoting the current pontiff. The declaration further discusses the problems of poverty, which it states are linked to the unequal distribution of wealth. “If some people are born into a country or family where they have

The declaration states that human trafficking is “among the grave violations of human dignity.” It includes the marketing of human organs and tissues, the sexual exploitation of boys and girls, slave labor, prostitution, the drug and weapons trade, terrorism, and organized crime. “Confronted with these varied and brutal denials of human dignity, we need to be increasingly aware that human trafficking is a crime against humanity,” the dicastery adds. Sexual abuse, as explained by the declaration, “leaves deep scars in the hearts of those who suffer it.” It adds that “those who suffer sexual abuse experience real wounds in their human dignity” and that the problem of such abuse plagues society and has also affected the Church. The dicastery notes that women specifically face threats to their human dignity through inequality and violence. It references unequal pay, a lack of protections for working mothers, the exploitation and sexualization of women, and coercive abortions. “While the equal dignity of women may be recognized in words, the inequalities between women and men in some countries remain very serious,” the declaration reads. “Even in the most developed and democratic countries, the concrete social reality testifies to the fact that women are often not accorded the same dignity as men.”

DIGnITY OF THE MARGInALIZED The dignity of marginalized groups such as migrants and people with disabilities was also addressed MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN 13

LEAD STORY New VaticaN documeNt oN humaN digNity in the declaration. “Migrants are among the first victims of multiple forms of poverty,” the Vatican says. “Not only is their dignity denied in their home countries, but also their lives are put at risk because they no longer have the means to start a family, to work, or to feed themselves.” The declaration quotes Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti, in which he says: “No one will ever openly deny that [migrants] are human beings; yet in practice, by our decisions and the way we treat them, we can show that we consider them less worthy, less important, less human.” It adds, quoting from Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical Caritas in Veritate, that “every migrant is a human person who, as such, possesses fundamental, inalienable rights that must be respected by everyone and in every circumstance.” In the declaration, the dicastery condemns “throwaway culture” and urges society to respect the dignity of other marginalized groups such as those with disabilities. “Each human being, regardless of their vulnerabilities, receives his or her dignity from the sole fact of being willed and loved by God,” the declaration states.

HUMAn DIGnITY IS InFInITE In his introduction to the declaration, Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith prefect Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández emphasizes that the list is not comprehensive, but the subjects were selected to “illuminate different facets of human dignity that might be obscured in many people’s consciousness.” “The Church sees the condemnation of these grave and current violations of human dignity as a necessary measure,” Fernández writes, “for she sustains the deep conviction that we cannot separate faith from the defense of human dignity, evangelization from the promotion of a dignified life, and spirituality from a commitment to the dignity of every human being.”m 14 INSIDE THE VATICAN MAY-JUNE 2024

Reactions and obseRvations on Dignitatis infinita: a bRief sampling DOCUMENT NEITHER “LIBERAL” NOR “CONSERVATIVE” David Cloutier, the Ordinary Professor of Moral Theology at Catholic University of America told the Crux website: “The [list of issues] demolishes any kind of attempt to align the Church with liberals or conservatives, or with progressives and traditionalists, because it shows that the Church’s teaching about poverty, and peace, and human trafficking, and migration is completely consistent with its teaching against abortion, against euthanasia, against transgender surgeries, those kinds of things.” “Pope has the assistance of the Spirit” Salvatore Cernuzio noted in a Vatican News article that the Pope’s teaching, according to Cardinal Fernandez in his presentation, requires our assent. “Some people who used to adore the Pope now say that the Pope should only be listened to when speaking ex cathedra. ‘If it’s not so, we can form our own opinion.’ Listen, the Pope will never speak ex cathedra, will never want to create a dogma of faith or a definitive declaration. I am almost 100% sure. We believe that in addition to the charisma of infallibility, the Pope has the assistance of the Spirit to guide and enlighten the Church,” Fernandez said. And they betray the oath of obedience to the Holy Father of their ordination, the Cardinals, bishops, and priests “who treat the Pope as a heretic, against the tradition of the Church.” “Furthermore, if there are those who think that Pope Francis is taking too many steps forward,” the Cardinal said, “it must be remembered that in many cases throughout history, a Pope has said something different from his predecessor.”

SECULAR UNDERSTANDING OF “DIGNITY” MAY DIFFER Commentator John M. Grondelski in an April 22 article in Crisis said: Why turn to “dignity” as the operative principle to make the Church’s argument? Some have suggested it is in keeping with the “fraternity” focus of Fratelli Tutti. “Dignity” is also a frequently invoked concept in secular human rights discourse, so I assume Rome is attempting to co-opt that language, found in many contemporary human rights declarations (Dignitas mentions approvingly the Universal Declaration on Human Rights)... But what “dignity” means in those secular documents is often diametrically opposed to what the Church is saying in this Declaration. That’s because much of the secular world calls “dignity” the self-willed preferences of isolated individuals asserted in the name of “autonomy.” That inadequate anthropology is, of course, a flawed basis on which to try to build policy and law which are, in the end, ethical endeavors. Ethics constructed on a false anthropology is a house built on sand. OUTDATED THEOLOGY Francis DeBarnardo, Executive Director of New Ways Ministry, an advocacy group for LGBTQ Catholics, wrote on the group’s website: In its approach to gender, the document relies on the outdated theology of gender essentialism which claims that a person’s physical appearance is the central evidence of a person’s natural gender identity. This physicalist perspective shackles the Vatican to the growing consciousness that a person’s gender includes the psychological, social, and spiritual aspects naturally present in their lives. CRIMINALIZATION OF HOMOSEXUALITY Loup Besmond de Senneville noted in the French Catholic journal LaCroix on April 9: For the first time, a magisterial doc-

ument speaks out against the criminalization of homosexual persons. Cardinal Fernandez said “it’s painful” that there are Catholics who defend these “unjust” laws. He said he recently read a text from some Church members who applauded the adoption of laws against homosexuals in their country. “I thought I was going to die when I read that Catholics, who hold such a concept of human dignity, could think such a thing. Obviously, we favor the decriminalization (of homosexuality),” he added. The soul “unfolds” itself through the body Theologian Abigail Favale, in an April 9 post on The Pillar website, wrote: The sexed body has a “natural order” that is part of the natural ordering of creation, which, as Francis has emphasized, should be received as “gift.” This natural order of the sexed body, as noted in the earlier paragraphs on gender theory, is oriented toward generativity. That is important, because it contests the claim that a person’s sex can be determined by a cognitive experience, i.e. that a person’s true sex could lie only in the brain or the mind, and not in the reproductive structure of the body as a whole… One line I find beautiful here is this: “…the body serves as the living context in which the interiority of the soul unfolds and manifests itself...” While not directly cited, this is a rendering of

JPII’s principle that the body reveals the person. The language of the soul “unfolding” itself through the body is also highly reminiscent of Edith Stein’s anthropology. Both JPII and Stein help to develop the understanding of the body as a sacramental reality, a visible manifestation of an invisible reality. WATERING THE ROOTS OF IDEAS IT OPPOSES

David Deane, Associate Professor of Theology at Atlantic School of Theology, commented in an April 10 analysis in Catholic World Report: While we should celebrate the things that Dignitas Infinita gets right, if it enshrines a “forgetting” of the reasons for those beliefs, then it is participating in the collapse of those beliefs…. There is a voice within the text that erodes its foundations, a voice whose clearest expression is: “The Church’s Magisterium progressively developed an ever-greater understanding of the meaning of human dignity… until it arrived at the recognition that the dignity of every human being prevails beyond all circumstances” (16). This expresses an idea— far from unique within recent Vatican documents—that Catholicism is only recently waking up to many essential moral truths. It is a principle based on an unnuanced reading of the tradition of Catholic moral theology and soaked through with a “presentism” that can’t see beyond the categories of the modern West. In Dignitas Infinita, the claim is espe-

cially incoherent, not least because the text also states that it is “fully recognizable even by reason alone” that “[e]very human person possesses an infinite dignity… which prevails in and beyond every circumstance” (1). Therefore, not only did Augustine, Aquinas (and the Magisterium which drew on them) fail to recognize a fundamental truth of Christian theology (that is, the intrinsic dignity of every human life) but it was a truth fully recognizable by reason alone. Shame on them if this were true, but, of course, it’s not true. Why, then, does Dignitas Infinita claim that it is? [...] Whatever their reasons for this mistake, the mistake does damage. It encourages the idea that we have moved from seeing through a glass darkly in the patristic and medieval period to the clarity of the modern age. I do not deny that doctrine can develop and greater clarity can be arrived at. But the universal dignity (as dignity functions in Dignitas Infinita) of human beings is a core tenet of Christian thought from the beginning. To suggest that the Church was wrong about this until quite recently (the UN Declaration on Human Rights is referred to far more than the Fathers and Doctors of the Church) is both erroneous and undermines the authority of Christian tradition as a source for moral reasoning… Dignitas Infinita thus reinforces the narrative that fuels “progressive” positions on abortion, gender, euthanasia, surrogacy and more, while seeking to oppose them. It waters the roots of the ideas it opposes, while hacking at the roots of the ideas that it seeks to support.n



“let us put an end to the inertia oF evil” Francis reiterates appeal For peace as conFlict threatens to spread to lebanon n BY CHRISTOPHER HART-MOYNIHAN Pope Francis' strong message to the Lebanese at the general audience, September 2, 2020, shortly after the massive and deadly explosion in Beirut harbor on Aigist 4, 2020 (Foto Siciliani-Gennari/SIR)


s the Vatican deals with unprecedented controversy and dissension, events in the Middle East continue to pose their own new and unprecedented challenges for Pope Francis’ 11-year-old pontificate. On April 12, Francis wrote a public letter to the Al-Arabiya television channel reiterating his call for an end to the conflict in Gaza that threatens to spread throughout the Middle East. In the message, Francis emphasized the ties between Christians and Muslims, referring to “our father Abraham” and stating, “This year, by a happy coincidence, the month sacred to Islam ends only a few days after the celebration of Easter, the most important religious feast for Christians.” Francis’ call for peace is something he has repeated numerous times since Hamas’ October 7, 2023 terrorist attack on Israel and the subsequent invasion and occupation of Gaza by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). In the days following the October 7 attack, Francis acknowledged “the right of those who are attacked to defend themselves,” while nevertheless stating, “It must be understood that terrorism and war do not lead to any resolutions, but only to the death 16 INSIDE THE VATICAN MAY-JUNE 2024

and suffering of many innocent people.” Francis and the Vatican’s attempt to walk the line between, on one hand, decrying Hamas’ attack and affirming Israel’s right to self-defense and, on the other, seeking to end the seemingly endless violence and death in Gaza has led to criticism from several quarters. Following a November 22 meeting with a group of Palestinians at his residence, members of the group claimed Francis had used the word “genocide” to describe Israel’s actions in Gaza (Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni subsequently claimed the Pope had not used the word). Then in comments made later in the day, Francis stated “This is no longer war; this is terrorism.” In response, the Association of Italian Rabbis released a statement stating, “The Pope publicly accused both parties of terrorism… These stances at the highest level follow problematic statements by distinguished members of the Church in which there is either no trace of condemnation of Hamas aggression or, in the name of supposed impartiality, they equate aggressor and aggressed.” The Pope’s latest message once again emphasizes his unwavering

commitment to stopping the violence, a stance he has also maintained with regard to the ongoing war in Ukraine. In fact, the letter is somewhat of a synthesis of many different appeals that the Pope has made with respect to both conflicts over the past several years. “God is peace,” Francis writes, “and he desires peace. Those who believe in him cannot fail to repudiate war, which does not resolve but only increases hostilities. War, as I never tire of saying, is always and only a failure: it is a road leading nowhere; it does not open new vistas, but stifles all hope.” Francis also took the opportunity to mention the other conflict zones in the Middle East and his long-standing wish for the larger conflict in the region to come to an end: “I think too of war-torn Syria, Lebanon and the entire Middle East. Let us not allow the flames of resentment to spread, fanned by the baleful winds of the arms race! Let us not allow war to spread! Let us put an end to the inertia of evil!” The danger of the war expanding from Gaza to Israel’s northern border with Lebanon has increased in recent weeks, as the IDF and Hezbollah, the

The statue of Our Lady of Lebanon, in Harissa, east of Beirut

Iran-affiliated Shia paramiliLebanon is estimated to have tary group based in southern killed about 270 Hezbollah Lebanon, have exchanged fire fighters, as well as about 50 more intensely across the borcivilians, according to news der. Although there have been outlet Al Jazeera. near-daily exchanges since the On April 8, Joanna Wrobeginning of Israel’s invasion necka, UN special coordinator of Gaza on October 8 — for Lebanon, and Aroldo including a March 30 Israeli Lazaro, the commander of bombardment that wounded UNIFIL, re-affirmed the sevthree members of UNIFIL, the erity of the situation in a joint United Nations Interim statement, saying, “The unre(Peacekeeping) Force in Leblenting cycle of strikes and anon, and a Lebanese intercounterstrikes in breach of the preter — April 12 seemed to cessation of hostilities constiaccording to a 2010 U.S. Treasury indicate a more significant escalation Department press release. In tute the most serious violaas both the IDF and Hezbollah fired response to the Damascus tion of Security Council dozens of rockets across the border. airstrike, Iran launched more Resolution 1701 since its The IDF claimed to have struck sever- than 300 drones, ballistic misadoption in 2006.” al Hezbollah sites, while the Hezbol- siles, and cruise missiles against Hezbollah secretary-genlah rockets were fired towards Israel’s Israel on April 13. eral Hassan Nasrallah northern Galilee region but were added fuel to the fire with The IDF’s airstrike on Alep- Hezbollah secretary-general largely intercepted by the Israeli Iron po drew criticism from Church Hassan Nasrallah: his April 7 comments in a Dome missile defense system or fell in leaders. In an April 1 interview “The region has televised address on the a new stage. unoccupied areas, according to IDF with Asia News, a news agency entered last Friday of Ramadan: Therefore, no one official statements. “The region has entered a promoted by the Pontifical must stick his head The involvement of Hezbollah in new stage. Therefore, no Institute for Foreign Mis- in the dirt” the Israel-Gaza conflict threatsions, Bishop Hanna Jallouf, one must stick his head in the dirt. ens to broaden the six-month the Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo, Everyone must prepare himself, old conflict into a regional stated, “Now there is much arrange his affairs, and be careful… war. This is because of more fear because this is the How can things go? We will be preHezbollah’s close links with first time Israel has attacked a pared for every possibility, and God the ruling regime of Iran, who foreign embassy, which by def- willing, this development means that provide funding and logistiinition is protected by inter- this foolishness that Netanyahu comHanna cal support for the paramili- Bishop mitted in the consulate in Damascus… Jallouf, the Apostolic national conventions, and it tary group. Although Vicar of Aleppo: has thus crossed every red will open the door to resolving this Hezbollah has, to date, limit- “Let us pray, with line.” He added, “Not even battle and ending it soon.” the pope, that the ed its involvement to aerial weapons will be With an April 16 announcement the terrorists have ever struck silenced and that bombardment, the cycle of a diplomatic mission, in what from the Ministry of Health in Gaza will not be retaliation has been growing there appears to be a diversion to bringing the death toll in the territory an escalation that more severe in recent weeks overwhelms cover up the atrocities in to 33,843 since the outbreak of the as Israel has broadened its Lebanon.” Gaza… Let us pray, with the war, alongside the 1,200 killed and attacks to target not only Hezbollah, pope, that the weapons will be 200 taken hostage during the October but also Iranian leaders providing it silenced and that there will not be an 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, Pope with logistical and military support. escalation that overwhelms Lebanon Francis and other Catholic leaders On April 1, the IDF conducted an and, in a domino effect, leads to a have little choice but to keep repeating airstrike on several buildings near the regional and world war.” their calls for peace. Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, It remains to be seen whether their Following six months of bombardkilling several senior members of ment and steady escalation, however, efforts for “the Israelis and PalestiniIran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard there is now an air of inevitability ans to live in two states, side by side, Corps. One of the men, Mohammed about the probability of a full-scale in security,” as Francis stated in an Reza Sahedi, was identified as a key war breaking out between Israel and April 14 address at the Vatican, will be liaison between Hezbollah, Syria, and Hezbollah. successful, even if, as the Pope added, Iran, “responsible for guaranteeing Since the beginning of the war, “It is their deep and legitimate desire, weapons shipments” to Hezbollah, Israel’s bombardment of southern and it is their right.”m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN 17


the lone voice For Peace? PoPe Francis is mocked and castigated For daring to ProPose negotiation to end the bloodshed and destruction n BY ITV STAFF/CNA Vatican, May 13, 2023. Pope Francis meets the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky (© Vatican Media/Ag.Siciliani)


ope Francis granted an interview March 9 in which he may have unwittingly dealt a blow to the Vatican’s position as a respected “third party” who alone might be able to facilitate some kind of negotiations to end the bloody and increasingly disastrous conflict in Ukraine. In the interview with Radio Television Suisse, interviewer Lorenzo Buccella asks the Pope: “In Ukraine, some call for the courage of surrender, of the white flag. But others say that this would legitimize the stronger party. What do you think?” Pope Francis, 87, replied: “That is one interpretation. But I believe that the stronger one is the one who sees the situation, who thinks of the people, who has the courage of the white flag, to negotiate. And today, negotiations are possible with the help of international powers. “The word ‘negotiate’ is a courageous word. When you see that you are defeated, that things are not going well, it is necessary to have the 18 INSIDE THE VATICAN MAY-JUNE 2024

courage to negotiate. You may feel ashamed, but with how many deaths will it end? Negotiate in time; look for some country that can mediate. Today, for example in the war in Ukraine, there are many who want to mediate. Turkey has offered itself for this. And others. Do not be ashamed to negotiate before things get worse.” As Vatican News observed, the Pope was not really saying anything new. “Thus, the Pope’s words, taking up the image proposed by the interviewer, reiterate, among other things, what has already been stated in these two years of continuous appeals and public statements, namely, the importance of dialogue against the madness’ of war and the primary concern for the fate of the civilian population.” Yet, criticism of the Pope’s interview answer began to flow from many quarters almost instantly. “Our flag is a yellow and blue one. This is

the flag by which we live, die, and prevail. We shall never raise any other flags,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, 42, wrote in a post on X on March 10. Kuleba disputed the Pope’s comments that it would be “courageous” to negotiate with Russia, writing: “The strongest is the one who, in the battle between good and evil, stands on the side of good rather than attempting to put them on the same footing and call it ‘negotiations.’” Kuleba further criticized the Holy See. “When it comes to the white flag, we know this Vatican’s strategy from the first half of the 20th century,” he said. Ukrainian Ambassador to the Holy See Andrii Yurash issued his own rebuke to the Pope in a March 11 interview with NBC, saying: “Nobody at the time of World War II was proposing to the people enslaved by Hitler or those who were suffering or fighting him to start peace negotiations.”

Vatican, April 6, 2022. Pope Francis meets with some children from Ukraine at the Wednesday General Audience. In the photo, as a sign of solidarity he is displays a Ukrainian flag from the town of Bucha.

The ambassador suggested that just as a truce with Hitler would have meant “suicide and death,” a truce with Russian President Vladimir Putin would also constitute “suicide and death.” The Pope’s remarks also generated responses from ecclesial communities in Ukraine, including the Permanent Synod of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the AllUkrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, the latter an interreligious association aimed at fostering dialogue and collaborating in Church-state relations in the predominantly Orthodox country. “Ukrainians cannot surrender because surrender means death,” the Permanent Synod of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church wrote in a statement released on March 10. “Notwithstanding the suggestions for need for negotiations coming from representatives of different countries, including the Holy Father himself, Ukrainians will continue to defend freedom and dignity to achieve a peace that is just,” the statement continued. Arguing that “the intentions of Putin and Russia are clear and explicit,” the synod also suggested that the war is not just a unilateral action waged by the Russian government but is supported by “70% of the Russian population” as well as by “Patriarch Kirill and the Russian Orthodox Church.” The Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations on Sunday also issued a statement, “categorically declar[ing] that no one will ever force our people to capitulate.”

NEGOTIATION IS NOT SURRENDER In a world exclusive interview March 11, Inside the Vatican editorin-chief Robert Moynihan discussed

just because they are profiting from war expenditures and do not want it to end.”


the Russia-Ukraine war and the Holy Father’s March 9 remarks with the Russian Leonid Sevastianov, the President of the World Union of Old Believers (an Orthodox group who maintain the liturgical and ritual practices of the Russian Orthodox Church as they were before 17th-century reforms), husband of international opera star Svetlana Kasyan, and friend of Pope Francis. Mr. Sevastionov told Dr. Moynihan that he considers Pope Francis his “spiritual father,” despite the fact that he is not a Catholic, and speaks to Francis on the phone every week. “The white flag does not mean surrender,” insists Mr. Sevastianov. “When someone raises a white flag, it means, ‘Stop, I have something to tell you.’” “At that moment, the other party stops shooting – a ceasefire – and they wait to receive deputies from the enemy’s army… to discuss pragmatic things. It does not mean ‘surrender’ – only ‘negotiation.’” Why did so many rush to attack the Pope? “Either they are ignorant and don’t understand, or they are doing it intentionally because they want to keep the war going,” said Sevastianov. “The Pope is the only one who has no financial interest in this war. Many want to discredit him

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, 69, Vatican Secretary of State, is the Pope’s closest collaborator and leads the Holy See’s diplomacy. In a March 11 interview with the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, Cardinal Parolin sought to clarify and also buttress the Pope’s statements. “As recalled by the director of the Vatican press office, citing the words of the Holy Father of 25 February, the Pontiff’s appeal is that ‘the conditions are created for a diplomatic solution in search of a just and lasting peace,’” said the cardinal. “In this sense it is obvious that the creation of such conditions is not just up to one of the parties, but rather to both, and the first condition seems to me to be precisely that of putting an end to the aggression. We must never forget the context and, in this case, the question that was asked of the Pope, who, in response, spoke of negotiation and, in particular, of the courage of negotiation, which is never a surrender. “The Holy See pursues this line and continues to ask for a ‘ceasefire’ — and the aggressors should be the ones who cease fire — and therefore the opening of negotiations. The Holy Father explains that negotiating is not weakness, but strength. It’s not surrender, but it’s courage. And he tells us that we must have a greater regard for human life, for the hundreds of thousands of human lives that have been sacrificed in this war in the heart of Europe. These are words that are valid for Ukraine as well as for the Holy Land and for the other conflicts that are bloodying the world.”m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN 19


once again, francis condemns gender ideology The PoPe insisTs “To erase difference is To erase humaniTy” — buT are The media ignoring him? n BY BY CAROL GLATZ/ITV STAFF Pope Francis (seated next to Cardinal Marc Ouellet, president of the Center for Research and Anthropology of Vocations and retired prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops) speaks at the international congress, “Man-Woman: Image of God. For an Anthropology of Vocations,” in the Synod Hall at the Vatican March 1, 2024. (CNS/Vatican Media)


oday the worst danger is gender ideology, which erases differences,” Pope Francis said at a March 1 Vatican conference, underlining that he has asked for studies to be done “about this ugly ideology of our time, which erases differences and makes everything equal.” “To erase difference is to erase humanity. Man and woman, on the other hand, stand in fruitful ‘tension’” with each other, he said. The Pope made his remarks as he opened an international congress in the Vatican Synod Hall titled, “Man-Woman: Image of God. For an Anthropology of Vocations.” The congress March 1-2 was sponsored by the Center for Research and Anthropology of Vocations, which was founded in 2020 by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, retired prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops, in order to promote and support research in the social sciences on vocations in society. Msgr. Filippo Ciampanelli, an official of the Vatican Secretariat of State, read the Pope’s prepared text because he had a cold. However, the Pope continued speaking off-the-cuff, saying, “I would like to emphasize one thing: It is very important that we have this meeting, this meeting between men and women, because today the worst danger is gender ideology, which erases differences.” 20 INSIDE THE VATICAN MAY-JUNE 2024

OBSCURInG REALITY The Pope referenced the dystopian science fiction novel Lord of the World, written in 1907 by Msgr. Robert H. Benson, a former Anglican vicar, encouraging his audience to read it and calling it “prophetic because it shows this trend of erasing all differences.” People today sometimes “forget or obscure this reality, with the risk of reducing the human being to his or her material needs or basic needs alone, as if he or she were an object without a conscience or will, simply pulled along by life like a gear in a machine,” he wrote.

“Instead, men and women are created by God and are the image of the Creator; that is, they carry within themselves a desire for eternity and happiness that God himself has sown in their hearts and which they are called to realize through a specific vocation,” he wrote. “We are part of a plan of love, and we are invited to go outside of ourselves and realize it, for ourselves and for others,” he wrote. After the prepared remarks, Francis told participants to “not be afraid during these rich moments in the life of the church.”

Below: God creates Eve from Adam's rib, mosaic of the Creation in Monreale Cathedral, Italy

A DEAFEnInG SILEnCE Lord of the World has been the subject of Pope Francis’ recommendation several times throughout his papacy. Its dystopian elements make it a literary rebuke to secularist and totalitarian tendencies in society, explaining why it has frequently been lauded as prophetic by decidedly “traditional” Catholics. So it is perhaps no surprise that reaction in the world press to the

Pope’s reiteration of his “traditional” view of gender ideology, and reference again to the Benson book, was muted — likely because his remarks do not seem to square with the popular press narrative that Pope Francis is thoroughly allied with so-called “progressive” Catholicism. Referring to the press, Vaticanist John Allen said in a March 5 podcast, “When we have a story that challenges our narrative, we tend to ignore

it, because the cognitive dissonance is just too intense.” For the media, it’s a paltry excuse; and for the faithful, it’s a wake-up call to those who rely exclusively on the media, especially the secular media, for news on the Vatican. [Ed. note: ITV has been carrying Msgr. Benson’s novel Lord of the World in serial form for several years now; look for it on pages 56-57 of this issue.]m

“… the life of the human being is vocation.” T

he gifts of men and women are “fruitful” together, and to erase the difference between men and women “is to erase humanity,” Pope Francis said. “Today the worst danger is gender ideology, which erases differences,” he said, underlining that he has asked for studies to be done “about this ugly ideology of our time, which erases differences and makes everything equal.” “To erase difference is to erase humanity. Man and woman, on the other hand, stand in fruitful ‘tension’” with each other, he said March 1. The pope made his remarks as he opened an international congress in the Vatican Synod Hall titled, “ManWoman: Image of God. For an Anthropology of Vocations.” The congress March 1-2 was sponsored by the Center for Research and Anthropology of Vocations, which was founded in 2020 by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, retired prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops, to promote and support research in the social sciences on vocations in society. The pope greeted the attendees and told him that he would have an aide, Msgr. Filippo Ciampanelli, an official of the Vatican Secretariat of State, read his prepared text because “I still have a cold and I get worn out from reading” out loud after a while. However, he continued speaking

off-the-cuff, saying, “I would like to emphasize one thing: It is very important that we have this meeting, this meeting between men and women, because today the worst danger is gender ideology, which erases differences.” As he often has done in the past, the pope referenced the dystopian science fiction novel, “Lord of the World,” written in 1907 by Msgr. Robert H. Benson, a former Anglican vicar, encouraging his audience to read it. He reiterated that he considers the novel to be “prophetic because it shows this trend of erasing all differences.” In his prepared remarks read aloud by the aide, the pope wrote that a basic truth needs to be rediscovered “in all its beauty: the life of the human being is vocation.” Every person needs to discover and express himself or herself “as called, as a calling, as a person who finds fulfillment in listening and responding, sharing his or her being

and gifts with others for the common good,” he wrote. People today sometimes “forget or obscure this reality, with the risk of reducing the human being to his or her material needs or basic needs alone, as if he or she were an object without a conscience or will, simply pulled along by life like a gear in a machine,” he wrote. “Instead, men and women are created by God and are the image of the Creator; that is, they carry within themselves a desire for eternity and happiness that God himself has sown in their hearts and which they are called to realize through a specific vocation,” he wrote. “We are called to happiness, to the fullness of life, to something great for which God has destined us.” “We are part of a plan of love, and we are invited to go outside of ourselves and realize it, for ourselves and for others,” he wrote. After the aide finished reading the prepared remarks, Francis told participants to “not be afraid during these rich moments in the life of the church.” “The Holy Spirit asks us for one important thing: fidelity. But fidelity is being on a journey, and fidelity often leads us to take risks,” he said. He urged them to keep pressing ahead “with the courage to discern and risk seeking God’s will” and “without losing your sense of humor!”m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN 21


Fiducia SupplicanS in the real world Fallout From the ChurCh’s new doCument on blessing “irregular relationships” Continues n BY CHRISTInA DEARDURFF Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros, 71, and Pope Francis, 87, at a Vatican meeting a year ago, May 11, 2023


Certainly, it has paved the he declaration Fiducia way for grassroots persecution Supplicans, released just of priests who decline such a a week before Christmas request for any reason: “We of 2023 by the Vatican’s end up being called reactionDicastery for the Doctrine of ary... hateful priests, or disobethe Faith, is producing fallout dient to the Holy Father,” said around the world as priests Fr. Joseph Black on X. and bishops have begun to Meanwhile, entire bishops’ implement it. conferences in Africa have For example: on February refused to accept 19, Uruguayan actor and Fiducia Supplicomedian Carlos Perciavalle, cans — and many 82, and Jimmy Castilhos, 47, his part“POPE FRANCIS WANTED TO bishops elsewhere as ner and longtime producer, were “marPLEASE EUROPEANS, BUT FOR US, well. Guinean Cardiried” in a civil ceremony. nal Robert Sarah, Perciavalle and Castilhos then asked IT IS HERESY.” — COPTIC 78, former Prefect of to receive a blessing. ORTHODOX OFFICIAL the Congregation for “It took a few days to be able to make Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacrathe pertinent consultations,” said the local ments, was “very proud to hear the African bishops rejectbishop, Bishop Milton Troccoli, who ing completely this text.” consulted with the apostolic nunciature “And not only the African bishops but many in Europe, in Uruguay on how to proceed. in Kazakhstan, in Poland, refused, because the document The nunciature responded, Troccoli has no scriptural basis, no theological basis,” concludes said, saying that “the blessing had to be Cardinal Sarah. given, since there was a document signed by the Pope, and that we should proceed RELATIOnS WITH THE ORTHODOX accordingly.” The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Despite the fact that the document Fiducia Supplicans Alexandria announced on March 7 its momentous decision itself affirms that the final decision is up to the local bishop, “to suspend the theological dialogue with the Catholic this bishop felt the need to ask for guidance from the Holy Church, re-evaluate the results that the dialogue has See — and the answer seemed to be that in the final analyachieved since its beginning twenty years ago, and estabsis, he had no choice but to confer the blessing. What does lish new standards and mechanisms for the dialogue to prothis mean for the autonomy, built into the structure of the ceed.” Church since its beginning 2,000 years ago, of each bishThe catalyst for the decision to suspend its two-decadesop? long doctrinal dialog, however, was the publication of Fiducia Supplicans. LEAVInG BISHOPS VULnERABLE “The text is unacceptable, as is the explanation later proFiducia Supplicans has changed the landscape for local vided by the Vatican,” said an aide to Coptic Pope priests and bishops in more ways than one. It has now Tawadros. “Pope Francis wanted to please Europeans, but deprived those who may decide to refuse even one request for us, it is a huge heresy,” the aide pointed out. of people in an “irregular” relationship for a blessing — and, perhaps, for other liturgical or quasi-liturgical actions FIDUCIA AnD PEACE EFFORTS In UKRAInE — of the legal defense they may have had by an appeal to As noted by Vaticanist John Allen in late February, previously ironclad Church teaching. 22


while Pope Francis and his Vatican have repeatedly offered to help broker a peace agreement of some sort between Russia and Ukraine, nothing has so far come of it. Allen suggests that the chilly reception of Fiducia Supplicans among the Russian Orthodox hierarchy is likely to hinder, rather than help, Russia’s welcoming of such a move. The Synodal Biblical-Theological Commission of the Moscow Patriarchate, according to a February 20 statement posted on its website, noted that the Commission had examined Fiducia Supplicans and determined by unanimous conclusion that “this innovation reflected a sharp departure from Christian moral teaching.” The statement followed an earlier interview with Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev of Budapest, former “number two” official in the Russian Orthodox church, head of the commission that studied Fiducia and not an anti-Rome “hardliner” like some of his confreres. In the interview, Hilarion referred to the document as “a kind of shock.” “Everyone now will believe that the Church blesses homosexual couples,” he said, insisting that the document thereby “deceives those who receive such a blessing and those who witness it.” POISOnOUS FRUIT In a December 29, 2023 article in, writer Richard Spinello posits that Fiducia Supplicans is a logical outgrowth of the “principles and premises articulated in the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia.” “Following the decadent path of moral theology of the 1970s,” says Spinello, “Amoris Laetitia misconstrues God’s authoritative commands as ‘rules’ that express ‘ideals’ to which we should all aspire. It ignores the fact that some of these commands, such as the divine prohibition against adultery, allow for no exceptions.” Amoris Laetitia, however, insists that it is not possible for all Catholics to follow these “rules,” especially in the sexual realm. Although it refers to “the ideal of marriage, marked by a commitment to exclusivity and stability” (34), it also says that this “ideal” is beyond the abilities of some Catholics who are “not in a position… to fully carry out the objective demands of the law” (295). “A subject may know the rule, yet… be in a concrete situation which does not allow him or her to act differently and decide otherwise (301),” writes the Pope. “Sin is conceived not so much as an offense against God,” Spinello concludes, “but as a falling short of aspirations… It follows from this new theology that same-sex couples merit the Church’s blessing, since their only fault is failing to live up to moral ideals that are often too burdensome.”

VICTORY DAnCE AT ST. PATRICK’S? A funeral for a locally famous transgender activist man, known by the moniker Cecilia Gentili, took place at New York City’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral on February 16. The affair drew more than a thousand attendees and included a veritable parade of transgender and openly homosexual mourners up in the sanctuary, taking turns praising the deceased — a self-described atheist — and his “LGBTQ” activism from the lectern and occasionally calling him “St. Cecilia.” At one point, during a rendition of the hymn “Ave Maria,” an attendee emerged from the pews and danced around the coffin and down the aisle singing “Ave Cecilia.” The cathedral’s staff was apparently taken by surprise and on the spot decided to substitute a funeral “service” for the originally planned Mass. Although at first glance this unfortunate incident might seem to bear little resemblance to the kind of quiet, “simple” blessings of homosexual couples advocated by Fiducia Supplicans, Catholic commentator at The Stream John Zmirak maintains that the St. Patrick’s debacle was in fact a “victory dance” of the gay and “trans” communities over the inert body of Catholic moral teaching – the victim having been slain by Fiducia Supplicans. In fact, while Church officials insist that Fiducia does not entail or even imply any change in Church teaching on homosexuality or transgenderism, LGBT activists themselves seem to interpret it quite differently. “EQUIVALEnT TO MARRIAGE” DignityUSA, a global organization of LGBTQ+ Catholics and allies, celebrated the document, which it called “an important recognition that (same-sex) relationships can be holy.” Marianne Duddy-Burke, the executive director, noted that Fiducia is another step in a long journey to full equality and affirmation of same-sex relationships: “Significant majorities of Catholics in many countries already believe that same-sex couples’ relationships are holy, blessed, and equivalent to marriage,” she said. “It may take time, but we fully expect that the official Church will achieve this recognition, as well.” Even Fr. James Martin, SJ, renowned LGBTQfriendly priest and papal associate, though he has more tempered praise for Fiducia, seems to contradict the claim of Cardinal Victor Fernández, head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and the author of Fiducia, that the priestly blessings it approves are for the individuals in irregular relationships and not the relationships themselves. Fr. Martin remarks that, “We should note that this phrase is in the document: ‘same-sex couples.’ So, it is not merely two people who happen to be standing together in front of a priest, but a couple.”m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN



“Contrary to ChrIstIan moral teaChIng” In a blow to CatholIC-orthodox relatIons, Fiducia SupplicanS has elICIted a sCathIng theologICal analysIs from the russIan orthodox ChurCh n BY ROBERT MOYnIHAn Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion of Budapest and Hungary, chairman of the Russian Orthodox Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission, with His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus’


he Vatican on December 18 published a text, Fiducia supplicans, which may go down as the most controversial and most ecumenically damaging document of Pope Francis’ pontificate. At some point it will be necessary, for the good of the entire Christian world, to explain more fully the genesis and drafting of this text, but for now it seems important to study in detail the reasons why the text has generated such a negative reaction from non-Catholic Christians, some of whom, like the Coptic Orthodox, have said they will halt discussions aimed at overcoming the divisions between Christian after the publication of this text. On March 25, the Russian Orthodox Church published a lengthy critique of the Vatican text (below). At a time when Pope Francis has, courageously and against many critics, been seeking — after more than two years of war — to help launch peace talks to end the conflict between the Russians and Ukrainians, this Russian reaction on a theological matter directly undercuts the peace talks initiative, which Francis has said publicly is one of his most urgent concerns. ******

EXCERPTS FROM: “On THE ORTHODOX ATTITUDE TO THE nEW PRACTICE OF BLESSInG ‘COUPLES In An UnSETTLED SITUATIOn AnD SAME-SEX COUPLES’ In THE ROMAn CATHOLIC CHURCH” March 25, 2024 Prepared by the Synodal Biblical Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church. The declaration Fiducia Supplicans is a response to questions from the Catholic public regarding the document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith regarding the blessing of “same-sex couples” dated February 22, 2021 24


[“Responsum” ad “dubium” de benedictione unionem personarum eiusdem sexus et Nota esplicativa: AAS 113 (2021)] which explicitly stated the impossibility of blessing “samesex unions.” In the new document of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, approved by the Pope, this unambiguous position is changed: it is proposed to recognize the blessing of couples in an “unsettled situation” and “same-sex cohabitation” as possible under certain conditions. The ideas expressed in the declaration of Fiducia Supplicans represent a significant deviation from Christian moral teaching and require theological analysis.


[...] The “expansion” of the understanding of blessings is based only on the thesis that multiple moral attitudes “can obscure the unconditional power of God’s love on which the gesture of blessing is based” (FS, 12). Based on this thesis, the authors of the declaration propose to avoid situations where “a simple blessing would require the same moral conditions as for receiving the sacraments” (FS, 12). The absence of moral requirements for those who are blessed is justified by the desire not to overshadow the love of God. However, God’s love for man cannot serve as a basis for blessing couples who are in sinful cohabitation. God loves man, but also calls him to perfection: “Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). God’s love for man calls him to renounce the sin that destroys his life. Accordingly, pastoral care for a person must harmoniously combine a clear indication of the inadmissibility of a sinful lifestyle with love that leads to repentance. The document does not clarify what an “unsettled situa-

tion” means. Since “same-sex couples” are singled out as a separate category, it can be assumed that by “unsettled situation” we mean such cohabitation of a man and a woman that is not sanctified by the sacrament of Marriage. The Fiducia Supplicans document says nothing about the need to canonically “settle” the relationship before receiving the blessing. Consequently, we are talking about introducing a certain form of indirect legitimation of what, in essence, is illegitimate, despite the clause made in the document that, by asking for such a blessing, a person in an “unsettled” cohabitation allegedly “does not intend to legitimize anything , but only opens his life to God, asks for His help to live better, and also calls on the Holy Spirit so that the values of the Gospel can be lived with greater fidelity” (FS, 40). [...] The Declaration says nothing about the fight against sin, about renouncing a sinful lifestyle, or about pastoral assistance to the believer in overcoming sin. The text of the declaration is compiled in such a way that one can conclude from it that a sinful lifestyle does not serve as an obstacle to communion with God. The Declaration is completely silent about the sacrament of Repentance as a necessary source of receiving Divine grace for everyone who would like to correct everything in their lives that is inconsistent with the will of God. [...]

2. ABOUT THE BLESSInG OF “SAME-SEX COUPLES” The authors of the declaration state that the Catholic Church proceeds from the understanding of marriage as “an exclusive, stable and indissoluble union between a man and a woman, naturally open to the birth of children.” (FS, 4). This understanding of marriage corresponds to Orthodox teaching [...]. However, along with affirming the inviolability of the understanding of marriage as a union of a man and a woman blessed by the Church, the text of Fiducia Supplicans proclaims the possibility of blessing “same-sex couples.” The entire section of the document devoted to these blessings is in radical conflict with Christian moral teaching. [...] To receive the blessing, persons in such cohabitation do not require, according to the document, any changes in lifestyle. Without any preconditions, those “who, recognizing themselves as destitute and in need of His help, do not claim the legitimacy of their status, but ask that everything that is true, good and humanly valid in their lives and relationships be complemented, healed and uplifted by the presence Holy Spirit” (FS,31) can receive the blessing that is sent “so that human relationships may mature and grow in fidelity to the Gospel message, free themselves from

imperfection and weakness, and express themselves in the wider dimension of Divine love.” (FS, 31). This application of the “expanded” understanding of blessings to “same-sex couples” causes fundamental disagreement. If the blessing is intended to heal human relationships by the presence of the Holy Spirit, then such healing in this case can only be the cessation of sinful relationships. In order to “mature and grow in faithfulness to the gospel message,” such a couple must abandon relationships that are not consistent with that message. Otherwise, blessing becomes an excuse for sin. Thus, the logic of the declaration can be assessed as contrary to Christian moral teaching. It should also be noted that persons in sinful unions are called “dispossessed” (FS, 31) , as if a moral defect does not imply their conscious and free choice. The emphasis shifts from understanding the fact of the sinner making a moral decision to the disastrous nature of his situation. The Fiducia supplicans document does not define “same-sex cohabitation” as sinful. An opposite example in this case can be the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, which gave an understanding of same-sex relationships in the document “Fundamentals of a Social Concept,” where homosexuality is directly and unequivocally called “sinful damage to human nature, which is overcome in spiritual effort leading to healing and personal growth of a person.” (Fundamentals of the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church, XII, 9.) [...]

COnCLUSIOnS The Declaration of Fiducia supplicans, while formally declaring fidelity to the Christian understanding of the sacrament of Marriage and the practice of blessings, actually postulates a sharp departure from this fidelity. As can be seen from the above analysis, this departure means a rejection of the Christian moral ideal. [...] From a theological point of view, the one-sided and incomplete understanding of God’s love for man, reflected in this declaration, seems very dangerous. In this understanding, the concepts of sin and repentance are actually removed from the relationship between God and man, which leads to such a paradoxical logic when people in sinful relationships resort not to repentance and spiritual work, but to some form of blessing in the hope of receiving “healing” and “elevation.” At the same time, the declaration does not articulate the fact that “healing” and “exaltation” must be preceded by at least the intention to renounce sinful relationships.[...]m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN



BaCk to the Future Why are CatholiC ChurChmen trying to “dialogue” With Freemasonry? n BY DARRICK TAYLOR

Initiation ceremony into Freemasonry in a 19th century print


hen my mother passed constitution spoke of only away suddenly last requiring adherence “to that summer, the reception Religion in which all men for her funeral service was held Agree,” and though the Masat the local Masonic Lodge, ons have always formally exjust down the street from my cluded atheists from their father’s house. I didn’t think ranks and never claimed to be anything of it at the time; I a religion, its ideals, if taken recall seeing portraits of forliterally, are clearly at odds mer members, including the with any notion of special father of one of my best friends, Revelation, and the notion who passed away nearly 20 years ago. that God has ordained one supernaturThe rows of portraits of old men, sur- FREEMASONRY EMBODIED MODERN al religion for mankind, as the Church rounded by the still living old men who IDEAS OPPOSED TO THE CHURCH has always taught. This contradiction operated the lodge, made quite the is at the bottom of all the numerous image. condemnations (some 600 or so) of Freemasonry the This memory comes to mind Church has issued over the centuries. when writing about the Vatican’s From its “official” inception in 1717, authorities in latest round of (unofficial?) diaboth Church and State treated Freemasonry with suspilogue with the Freemasons of cion because of its secretive rituals, but also because of Italy. In November 2023, the Vatits egalitarianism in an age of Absoican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine lutism, fearing in its lodges a potenof the Faith reiterated the Church’s tial 5th column. Part of Masonry’s longstanding assertion that appeal was its invocation of “reciAlready Pope Leo XIII, in his Masonry is incompatible procal tenderness and affection” Encyclical Letter Humanum Genus of 1884, condemned with membership in the amongst equals, in contrast to the the philosophical and moral Church. But in February stifling and highly artificial decorelativism of Freemasonry 2024 in Milan, a private rum of Absolutist courts. Masonic meeting between heads of the Masonic lodges in Italy and lodges spoke to a desire to overcome high-ranking Vatican officials took place. The result was the confessional divide of postJohn Paul II tried to curb possible openings confusing: one cardinal, Francesco Coccopalmiero, who Reformation Europe, and perto Freemasonry due to took part in the proceedings, called for a “permanent diahaps represented an expression post-Vatican II enthusiam for logue” with the Freemasons. But then a few days later, aggiornamento of masculine “spirituality” in Bishop Antonio Stagliano, Pontifical Academy of Theolcontrast to the perception of a hectoring Mother Church, ogy head who was also present and spoke favorably of the with its inflexible orthodoxy. Masons at the meeting, reiterated the Church’s condemThough long suspected of subversive activities (most nation of Freemasonry. What was going on here? of the rebelling American signers of the Declaration of I confess to never having taken Freemasonry very seriIndependence were Masons, for example), there is only ously. To me, it conjures images of old, overweight men one concrete instance that I am aware of in which Masons in funny hats, engaged in patently silly rituals. Those ritactually fomented revolution. The Church’s long-standuals originated in imitation of Christian ones (the earliest ing opposition towards “the Rite” is not fully comprehenMasonic oaths in the seventeenth century mention sible without understanding Masonry’s role in the Risorgdefense of the Christian faith), but Masonry became a imento (1848-1870). The efforts of Giuseppe Mazzini vehicle for Enlightenment ideals of equality and religious (1805-1872) and other revolutionaries to unify Italy and universalism obviously at odds with Christianity. A 1723 overthrow the Papal States were incubated in the Mason26


ic lodges of Italy during the 1830s and after. The Vatican 1950s, for example, some four million Americans were never forgot, or forgave, this overthrow of its authority. members, but that has dwindled to little over a million in Throughout the rest of the nineteenth century, the Vatrecent years, a loss of some 75% of its membership. The ican issued multiple documents which not only proMasons are an eighteenth-century organization with an claimed that Catholics could not be Freemasons, but that aging, mostly male membership that doesn’t seem, on the Masons were dedicated to the overthrow of the Church, surface, to have much of a purpose in the 21st century. culminating with Leo XIII’s Humanum Genus (1884). In Rome’s insistence on dialogue with Masonry is all the that document, he declared that Freemasons aimed at “the more puzzling when one considers the Vatican’s willingutter overthrow of that whole religious and political order ness to risk breaking off ecumenical talks with the Orthoof the world which the Christian dox Churches over Fiducia Supteaching has produced, and the plicans. substitution of a new state of But perhaps it is not so surthings in accordance with their prising after all. Whatever their ideas of... naturalism.” Freemaintentions, the actions of the prosonry had become for the gressive circle surrounding Pope Church a “condensed symbol” Francis demonstrate that they of everything about the modern are much more concerned with world it despised and wished to reconciling the Church with combat. those aspects of modernity they Until Vatican II, that is. Inforfind appealing, and with correctmal talks between Catholic auing what they see as the Church’s thorities and representatives of past mistakes in that regard, than the Freemasons began after that with maintaining the Church’s “No absolute truth”: Stefano Bisi, left, was one of three Grand event, and many bishops’ con- Masters of Italian Freemasonry who met with Church officials, ties with the apostolic age — ferences have since said, in including Milan Archbishop Mario Delpini, in Milan on February which is why the Orthodox re16. He claimed in his remarks that “the bond of brotherhood is effect, that Masonry is harmless. independent ceive such short shrift. of faith. It is only necessary to believe in the Great The Vatican under John Paul II Architect of the Universe… Absolute truths and walls of the mind Given their desire to cleanse do not belong to us, and for us they must be torn down” tried to rein in much of the enthuthe Church of its “backwardsiasm for novelty that engulfed the ism,” it makes sense that progressives Church after the Council, and in 1983 in the Vatican see the Masons as partMASONIC IDEALS REPRESENT the CDF, under then-Cardinal Joseph ners in “dialogue” precisely because “PERMANENT 1970” FOR Ratzinger, issued a clarification reafthe Church for so long saw in them the PROGRESSIVES firming that membership in the embodiment of the modern world. Yet Masons was indeed incompatible with Catholicism. it is astonishing to think anyone could convince themBut the current pontificate has for some time now selves that the Masons are still representatives of the cutacted as if its two predecessors never existed, and Freeting edge of modernity in the Year of Our Lord 2024. masonry is no exception to that trend. The progressive party in the Church understands that The current talks with Freemasons in Italy appear their efforts to “move the Church forward” can only go so aimed, in fact, at reviving the 1970s’ dreams of a “modfar. They cannot cross certain doctrinal lines without ernized” Church, as in much else. This rubs Catholics of undermining the authority of the Church completely, a traditional bent the wrong way, but is in line with the which is why Fiducia Supplicans makes such a show of Abu Dhabi statement and many other acts of this pontifnot changing doctrine, and which explains why the Vatiicate, whose desire to further “human fraternity” and can dialogues with the Masons — while simultaneously renounce the Church’s attachment to privileges and reaffirming the traditional ban on Catholics being claims to unique status seems to override all else. And if Masons. one is being honest, this began not with Pope Francis but Thus, all their efforts inevitably take us “back to the with Pope (now Saint) Paul VI, whose encyclical Ecclefuture” of the immediate post-conciliar era. The Freemasiam Suam (1965) enshrined “dialogue” with the world as sons are still a “condensed symbol” to the Vatican today, almost a dogma of the Church, and whose gestures of only now they are a symbol of what you might call “Perhumility (such as the abandoning the papal tiara) have manent 1970.” For Catholic progressives, their ideal been replicated by all of his successors. Church is one perpetually on the cusp of a great revoluBut why dialogue with the Masons? If Masonry was tion, so that they can experience the thrill of breaking with once a revolutionary force threatening the Church, it the past without having to deal with the consequences of hardly fits that profile today. A cursory internet search that break, and without having to take responsibility for reveals that Masonry is in steep decline worldwide; in the those consequences.m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN


EastEr Vigil Mass VATICAn’S MARCH 30, 2024 HOMILY

Jesus turned a new page in our history Henceforth, no failure or sorrow will have the last word

March 30, 2024. St Peter's Basilica. Holy Saturday. Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter, presided over by Pope Francis with Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re and Cardinal Leonardo Sandri (Photos - Grzegorz Galazka) 28 INSIDE THE VATICAN MAY-JUNE 2024

The following is the text of Pope Francis’ homily delivered at the Vatican’s March 30, 2024 Easter Vigil Mass. The moving homily was widely commented on in the world press and praised by many as one of the best of his pontificate. News outlet Aleteia noted, “The Pontiff, as has generally been the case since he started using a wheelchair, did not

preside over the Eucharistic prayer. Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, vice-dean of the college of cardinals, replaced him at the Altar of Confession.” The word “Pasch,” which is used several times in the Vatican’s English translation of the homily, is a word used interchangeably with “Passover,” the Jewish religious holiday recalling the Exodus.

“Women at the tomb” by Annibale Carracci, Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia


he women go to the tomb stone from the tomb? Then, at daybreak, yet they still “WHEN THEY LOOKED UP, THEY SAW looking up, they see that it had feel the darkness of night. THAT THE STONE, WHICH WAS VERY already been rolled back. They continue to walk, yet their LARGE, HAD ALREADY BEEN ROLLED First, there is the question hearts remain at the foot of the that troubles their grieving BACK” (MK 16:4) cross. The tears of Good Friday hearts: Who will roll away the are not yet dried; they are grief-stricken, overstone from the tomb? That stone marked the end of whelmed by the sense that all has been said and done. Jesus’ story, now buried in the night of death. He, the A stone has sealed the fate of Jesus. They are conlife that came into the world, had been killed. He, cerned about that stone, for they wonder: “Who will who proclaimed the merciful love of the Father, had roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the met with no mercy. He, who relieved sinners of the tomb?” (Mk 16:3). Yet once they arrive, they are takburden of their condemnation, had been condemned en aback when they see the amazing power of the to the cross. The Prince of Peace, who freed a woman Easter event: “When they looked up, they saw that caught in adultery from a vicious stoning, now lay the stone, which was very large, had already been buried behind a great stone. That stone, an overrolled back” (Mk 16:4). whelming obstacle, symbolized what the women felt Let us stop and reflect on these two moments, in their hearts. It represented the end of their hopes, which bring us to the unexpected joy of Easter. The now dashed by the obscure and sorrowful mystery woman anxiously wonder: Who will roll away the that put an end to their dreams. MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN 29

Brothers and sisters, it can also be that way with us. There are times when we may feel that a great stone blocks the door of our hearts, stifling life, extinguishing hope, imprisoning us in the tomb of our fears and regrets, and standing in the way of joy and hope. We encounter such “tombstones” on our journey through life in all the experiences and situations that rob us of enthusiasm and of the strength to persevere. We encounter them at times of sorrow: in the emptiness left by the death of our loved ones, in the failures and fears that hold us back from accomplishing the good we mean to do. We encounter them in all the forms of self-absorption that stifle our impulses to generosity and sincere love, in the rubber walls of selfishness and indifference that hold us back in the effort to build more just and humane cities and societies, in all our aspirations for peace that are shattered by cruel hatred and the brutality of war. When we experience these disappointments, do we also have the sensation that all these dreams are doomed to failure, and that we too should ask ourselves in anguish: “Who will roll away the stone from the tomb?” Yet the same women who bore this darkness in their hearts tell us something quite extraordinary. When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. This is the Pasch of Christ, the revelation of God’s power: the victory of life over death, the triumph of light over darkness, the rebirth of hope amid the ruins of failure. It is the Lord, the God of the impossible, who rolled away the stone forever. Even now, he opens our tombs, so that hope may be born ever anew. We too, then, should “look up” to him. Let us look up, then, to Jesus. After assuming our humanity, he descended into the depths of death and filled them with the power of his divine life, allowing an infinite ray of light to break through for each of us. Raised up by the Father in his, and our, flesh, in the power of the Holy Spirit, he turned a new page in the history of the human race. Henceforth, if we allow Jesus to take us by the hand, no experience of failure or sorrow, however painful, will have the last word on the meaning and destiny of our lives. Henceforth, if we allow ourselves to be raised up by the Risen Lord, no setback, 30 INSIDE THE VATICAN MAY-JUNE 2024

“The disciples Peter and John running to the tomb,” by Eugène Burnand, Musée d'Orsay, Paris

no suffering, no death will be that weigh down our souls. Let “LET US LIFT OUR EYES TO HIM, able to halt our progress tous lift our eyes to him, the Risen wards the fullness of life. Lord, and press forward in the THE RISEN LORD, AND PRESS Henceforth, “we Christians procertainty that, against the obFORWARD IN THE CERTAINTY THAT, claim that this history... has scure backdrop of our failed AGAINST THE OBSCURE BACKDROP meaning, an all-embracing hopes and our deaths, the eterOF OUR FAILED HOPES AND OUR meaning... a meaning no longer nal life that he came to bring is DEATHS, THE ETERNAL LIFE THAT tainted by absurdity and shadeven now present in our midst. ows... a meaning that we call Sister, brother, let your heart HE CAME TO BRING IS EVEN NOW God... All the waters of our burst with jubilation on this PRESENT IN OUR MIDST” transformation converge on holy night! Together let us sing him; they do not pour down into the depths of nothof Jesus’ resurrection: “Sing to him, distant lands, ingness and absurdity... For his tomb is empty and the rivers and plains, deserts and mountains... Sing to the One who died has now been revealed as the Living Lord of life, risen from the tomb, more brilliant than One.” a thousand suns. All peoples beset by evil and Brothers and sisters, Jesus is our Pasch. He is the plagued by injustice, all peoples displaced and devasOne who brings us from darkness into light, who is tated: on this holy night cast aside your songs of sadbound to us forever, who rescues us from the abyss of ness and despair. The Man of Sorrows is no longer in sin and death, and draws us into the radiant realm of prison: he has opened a breach in the wall; he is hasforgiveness and eternal life. Let us look up to him! tening to meet you. In the darkness, let an unexpected Let us welcome Jesus, the God of life, into our lives, shout of joy resound: He is alive; he is risen! And and today once again say “yes” to him. Then no stone you, my brothers and sisters, small and great... you will block the way to our hearts, no tomb will supwho are weary of life, who feel unworthy to sing... let press the joy of life, no failure will doom us to dea new flame be kindled in your heart, let new vitality spair. Let us lift our eyes to him and ask that the powbe heard in your voice. It is the Pasch of the Lord; it er of his resurrection may roll away the heavy stones is the feast of the living.”m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN 31


toward unity: a Common easter date? Can CatholiCs and orthodox finally Celebrate the resurreCtion together? n BY ZACHARY NACCASH


ince at least the Second Vatican Council, it has been a goal of the Catholic Church to come to an agreement with the Orthodox Churches regarding the date of Easter. In recent years Church leaders on both sides have repeatedly pointed at the year 2025 as a prime opportunity to make that goal a reality. One reason is that it is one of relatively few years in which the Catholics and the Orthodox coincidentally celebrate Easter on the same day. The second and more important reason, however, is that 2025 is the 1700th anniversary of the First Council of Nicaea — the first Ecumenical Council of the Church, which first set down how the whole Church was to calculate when to celebrate Easter. Those two features, together with the ecumenical progress made between Catholics and Orthodox over the past century, make 2025 a natural time to attempt this substantial step towards Christian unity. Since the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church has been broadly open to adopting any method of determining the date of Easter, and even to the prospect of setting a permanent date for it, so long as the rest of the Christian world (and especially the Orthodox) agreed. As Pope Francis put it in a 2022 message to Assyrian Church of the East Patriarch Catholicos, “On this point, I want to say – indeed, to repeat – what Saint Paul VI said in his day: We are ready to accept any proposal that is made together.” Not everyone, however, is quite so sanguine about this approach. For the past several years, each spring has seen a flurry of articles written on this topic from both Catholic 32


and Orthodox authors. While many share the Pope’s enthusiasm for a single Paschal celebration, others on each side of the aisle have expressed concerns and objections. As we are now only one year out from Nicaea’s anniversary, it behooves us to reflect on the goods to be gained from efforts to arrive at a common date for Easter as well as on some of the pitfalls to be avoided.

WHY THE CATHOLIC AND ORTHODOX DATES DIVERGE The full story of how Eastern and Western Christians came to celebrate Easter at different times is a long and complex one. The short answer is that it comes down mostly to the issue of astronomical mapping — which is to say, calendars. In 325, in response to disagreements regarding when Easter ought to be celebrated, the Nicaean Council decreed that it should take place on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Given this directive, calculations were made using the Julian calendar, in use at the time, to determine when Easter would be celebrated. At the time this worked perfectly well, but over time, due to inaccuracies in the way the Julian calendar measured years, the calendar began to drift away from the observed astronomical phenomena. This gradual drift of the calendar meant that by the 16th century, the calendar year was a full 10 days off. And the negative impact of this drift was not confined to liturgical celebrations — it had wide ranging effects including, for example, throwing off agricultural timing. Such issues eventually caused Pope Gregory XIII to commission the creation of a new calen-

A calendar of the dates of Easter, for the 95 years from 532 to 626, marble, in the Museum of Ravenna Cathedral, Italy

dar that more accurately matched earth around the sun), any calendar and predicted astronomical pheis a bad one if it poorly matches nomena. That calendar came to be those phenomena, just as a map is a known as the Gregorian calendar bad one if it poorly matches geoand is the one used today by westgraphical landmarks. All calendars ern Christians for liturgical purposmiss the mark to some extent and, es (including setting the date for over extended time frames, those Easter), as well as by nearly every discrepancies build up so that calcountry in the world for secular endars drift away from the reality purposes. of which they are a map. The funWhile the Orthodox were not damental problem with using the unaware of the issues with the gradJulian Calendar over the Gregorian ually slipping Julian calendar, a Calendar is not the fact that the Grevariety of factors prevented them gorian Calendar is a more accurate from adopting the Gregorian calenmap (though it is), the problem is dar or producing an updated calenthat over the centuries the Julian dar of their own. The two biggest calendar has drifted nearly two factors seem to be the adamant (and weeks away from astronomical often praiseworthy) adhesion to tradition that is typical of reality. Orthodox Christians. The other is the relatively fragmentAnother possible solution is for the Orthodox to simply ed nature of their communion — for better or worse, they adopt the Gregorian calendar that most Catholics already lack the centralized governing authority Catholics ascribe use. While this solution has the benefit of maintaining an to the papacy and, as a result, they have historically found accurate correspondence between the Church’s calendar it difficult to reach any pan-Orthodox agreements. and the astronomical data, it could be more difficult to When, in the early 20th century, the Ecumenical Patrielicit Orthodox agreement to it. The Orthodox are, in genarch of Constantinople introduced the Revised Julian Caleral, more wary of ecumenical efforts than Catholics are endar — which updated the fixed feasts on the Julian caland that is especially the case where it appears that they endar to match the Gregorian by are simply being assimilated to “We beseech the Lord of Glory that shifting the dates by several days, Catholicism. Given that the the forthcoming Easter celebration but left the Paschal calculations the Gregorian calendar is one next year will not merely be a same — not only did he fail to conthat was developed and fortuitous occurrence, but rather vince every Orthodox church to promulgated by Catholics the beginning of a unified date for adopt the new calendar, its adoption without input from the its observance by both Eastern and by some led to a number of minor Orthodox, it is difficult to imagWestern Christianity…indeed, it is a schisms within Orthodoxy. Even to ine that they would be comfortable scandal to celebrate separately the this day, the Orthodox world is in simply adopting it at this point. unique event of the one Resurrection divided between those who follow The third possibility is that the of the One Lord.” the Julian and those who follow the Catholics and Orthodox together — Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Revised Julian. produce a new way of determining the date of Easter. One method for Bartholomew, in a March 31, 2024 homily POSSIBLE SOLUTIOnS this that has been discussed is to jetWhat then is to be done if Eastern and Western Christison altogether the complicated calculations for a movetians are to agree on a common date for Easter? Several able Easter and settle upon a single, fixed Sunday to celesolutions have been proposed and each has its own respecbrate every year (proposals usually suggest the second or tive pros and cons. One option is for the Catholics to simthird Sunday of April). While this solution would have the ply return to the use of the Julian calendar. This solution benefit of avoiding the appearance of one side “winning” has the benefit of being the easiest to accomplish, given as well as the issue of calendar drift, it does seem to the Catholic Church’s centralized governance. untether the celebration of Easter from ancient tradition in However, it has one intolerable drawback— the Julian a way that cannot but be seen as disappointing. calendar simply does not reflect astronomical reality. A In the end, the problem remains a thorny one, with no return to its use would seem to misrepresent the relationclear path forward. Even so, the reward of a more unified ship between faith and reason. Christendom is worth the effort of trying. Christ’s prayer Our faith is not contrary to reason but builds upon it, that “they may be one, even as we are one,” ought to be and this relationship should be reflected in the liturgical the prayer of every Christian — and there is no doubt that life of the Church. Since the building blocks of all calenany agreement on a common date to celebrate our Lord’s dars are observable natural phenomena (the rotation of the Resurrection would be a significant step towards making earth on its axis, the cycle of the moon, and the orbit of the that a reality.m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN



catholic-orthodox group calls for recogNitioN of orthodox divorces New documeNt oN marriage offers “compassioNate pastoral recommeNdatioNs,” says cardiNal tobiN n BY CATHOLIC WORLD NEWS/ITV STAFF


he North American Orthodoxtary of the United States Conference of Catholic Theological ConsultaCatholic Bishops, published an unusution — co-chaired by Cardinal al “Catholic disclaimer” at the top of Joseph Tobin of Newark and Metrothe document: politan Methodios of Boston — “This document is a dialogue stateannounced on March 6 the publication ment between representatives of the of a new statement, “The Pastoral Care Catholic Church and the Orthodox of Mixed Marriages: Neither Yours Church. While it is not a statement of nor Mine — but Ours,” which was the Committee on Ecumenical and agreed upon in May 2023. Interreligious Affairs of the United Among the statement’s recommenStates Conference of Catholic Bishops dations is that “Catholic hierarchs seek and it has no authority beyond that of ways to receive the pastoral decisions the dialogue commission itself, it has of Orthodox spiritual courts and hierbeen received as a reference point for Cardinal Joseph Tobin, 71, archs and not only recognize, with the scholars and pastors in promoting Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey, since 2017 Orthodox hierarchy, the remarriages, unity and understanding. This docuin some carefully examined cases, of rimonial union of man and woman is ment has been received by Bishop divorced spouses in mixed marriages, indissoluble” while the spouses are Joseph C. Bambera, Chairman of the but also allow such divorced and re- living. Bishops’ Committee on Ecumenical Orthodox churches tolerate second married Catholic parties, in marriages and Interreligious Affairs, and authowith Orthodox Christians, Eucharistic and third marriages following divorce. rized for publication by the underparticipation in the Catholic Church.” Father Michael Fuller, general secre- signed.”m “This meeting was imporExcerpt from “The Pastoral Care of Mixed Marriages: tant in many ways and marks Neither yours nor Mine — but Ours” a turning point in the Consultation’s future,” Cardinal he grounds for ecclesiastical divorce and ment or defect of consent rendered the origpermissions granted for remarriage are inal marriage non-existent from the outset. Tobin said last May, followviewed as instances in which the Church Such a declaration of nullity consequently is ing the completion of the bestows the mercy of God, dissolving mara declaration that both parties to such a statement. “I am convinced riages, or rather recognizing those whose flawed marriage are free to marry. that this new document on spiritual foundation has already been deGiven the increasing number of civil distroyed through human frailty, and whose vorces among Catholics and Orthodox, we marriage offers compassioncontinuance in name alone would result in must actively cultivate our pastoral work ate and specific pastoral recthe moral and spiritual harm of the former together to comfort the suffering, fortify their ommendations for the care spouses and any children. Hierarchal perhope, and help spouses find support in our and spiritual growth of missions for remarriage allow for unions of worship communities. divorced spouses, which include marriages We recommend that Catholic hierarchs Catholic-Orthodox famito Catholics, who may or may not be divorced seek ways to receive the pastoral decisions lies.” themselves. A marriage that is not completeof Orthodox spiritual courts and hierarchs Divergent teachings on ly dissolved constitutes an absolute impediand not only recognize, with the Orthodox the indissolubility of marment to entering into matrimony. hierarchy, the remarriages, in some carefully In dealing with failed consummated marexamined cases, of divorced spouses in riage are among the issues riages, on the other hand, the Catholic mixed marriages, but also allow such dithat separate the Catholic Church does not permit divorce and remarvorced and remarried Catholic parties in Church from the Orthodox riage, but conducts inquiries as to whether mixed marriages with Orthodox Christians Churches. there may have existed some initial defect in eucharistic participation in the Catholic the marriage covenant that provides grounds Church. The Catholic Church, citfor annulment — a declaration on the part of (The North American Orthodox-Catholic ing the teaching of Jesus an ecclesiastical authority that an impediTheological Consultation) Christ, teaches that “the mat-




the dream of giving everyone a “second chance” August 12, 2015. Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis opens the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica.


(Photo-Grzegorz Galazka)


atching people from all over the world praying... it’s an experience of the universal Church. For me, it reinforces my faith,” Joan Lewis, author of A Holy Year in Rome: The Complete Pilgrim’s Guide for the Jubilee of Mercy, held in 2016, told Catholic News Agency in a 2023 interview. The Jubilee Year called by Pope Francis for the year 2025 — ordinarily held in the Catholic Church every 25 years, although a jubilee may be called by the Pope for a special reason — is to have the theme: “Pilgrims of Hope.” As Francis explains in a 2022 letter to the President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, Archbishop Rino Fisichella: The Jubilee has always been an event of great spiritual, ecclesial, and social significance in the life of the Church. Ever since 1300, when Boniface VIII instituted the first Holy Year – initially celebrated every hundred years, then, following its biblical precedent, every fifty years, and finally every twenty-five years – God’s holy and faithful people has experienced this celebration as a special gift of grace, characterized by the forgiveness of sins and in particular by the indulgence, which is a full expression of the mercy of God. The faithful, frequently at the conclusion of a lengthy pilgrimage, draw from the spiritual treasury of the Church by passing through the



he Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica is opened by the Pope only at the beginning of a Jubilee Year. It is usually the first door to be opened to indicate the beginning of the Holy Year. This first evidence of the rite happening in St. Peter’s was in the year 1500 during the papacy of Alexander VI. Nowadays, the wall sealing up the door is dismantled a few days ahead of the ceremony. During this operation, a casket, which had been bricked over since the end of the previous Holy Year, is extracted, and inside is the key which allows the door to be opened. The Pope pushes the door open in a symbolic manner during the opening ceremony. For safety reasons, the use by the Pope of a hammer to dislodge the bricks which had been used to seal up the door at its closure at the end of the previous Holy Year has been abandoned. From this moment on, the Holy Door remains open throughout the Jubilee Year to allow pilgrims to enter. With this opening of the Holy Door, those who come to Rome can live fully the Jubilee experience and obtain the Jubilee indulgence but are also able to experience a deeper meaning, namely that their path of conversion has arrived at the final stage – the encounter with Christ, the “door” who unites us with the Father. The door is always open to those who convert their lives. (

Holy Door and venerating the relics of the Apostles Peter and Paul preserved in Roman basilicas. More than 30 million pilgrims are expected to arrive in Rome for the 2025 Jubilee Year. Preparations are already underway in the city, including directly outside Vatican News’ offices, where a new pedestrian area is being constructed. Buildings, monuments, churches, streets and sidewalks are being cleaned and restored. In the midst of all this, St. Peter’s Basilica has announced some Jubilee preparations of its own: two charity projects for refugees and incarcerated people. In the first, two refugees are making “sea rosaries” from the wood of boats used by migrants to reach Europe. The second is a collaboration with the non-profit Second Chance Association, which finds employment opportunities for prisoners and ex-prisoners. According to the Mosaic law, Jubilees were to be held every fifty years in memory of the Jewish people’s escape from slavery in Egypt. In ancient times, Jubilees involved freeing slaves, forgiving debts, and leaving land untilled in order to let it regenerate. These practices, like the Basilica’s new social projects, promoted a spirit of solidarity and the dream of giving everyone a “second chance.”m



thomas aquinas grounds modErn man in authEntic “social sciEncEs” ExcErpt from thE mEssagE by PoPe Francis to participants in thE workshop “aquinas’ social ontology and thE natural law pErspEctivE,” march 7-8, 2024, marking thE 750th annivErsary of st. thomas’s dEath


o be sure, Saint Thomas did not cultivate the social sciences as we know them today. Yet his rigorous study of the philosophical and theological implications of the biblical datum that the human being is created in “the image of God” (Gen 1:27), which found expression in his varied writings, can be said to have helped prepare the way for the development of these modern sciences. Thomas’ work demonstrates both his commitment to understanding the revealed word of God in all its dimensions and, at the same time, his remarkable openness to every truth accessible to human reason. The Angelic Doctor was profoundly convinced that since God is the truth and the light that illumines all understanding, there can be no ultimate contradiction between revealed truth and the truths discovered by reason. Central to his understanding of the relationship of faith and reason was his conviction of the power of God’s gift of grace to heal human nature weakened by sin and to elevate the mind through participation in God’s own knowledge and love, and thereby to enable us to understand and correctly order our lives as individuals and in society. Contemporary social sciences approach human affairs and the pursuit of human flourishing through a variety of approaches and methods that should be grounded in the irreducible reality and dignity of the human person. Aquinas was able to draw upon a rich philosophical heritage which he interpreted through the lens of the Gospel in order to affirm that the person, as “the most perfect thing in all nature” (ST I, q. 29, a. 3), is the pillar of the social order. Created in the image and likeness of the triune God, individuals are meant, through per36


AQUINAS WAS ABLE TO DRAW UPON A RICH PHILOSOPHICAL HERITAGE WHICH HE INTERPRETED THROUGH THE LENS OF THE GOSPEL IN ORDER TO AFFIRM THAT THE PERSON, AS “THE MOST PERFECT THING IN ALL NATURE” (ST I, Q. 29, A. 3), IS THE PILLAR OF THE SOCIAL ORDER. “Apotheosis of Saint Thomas Aquinas” altarpiece painting by Francisco de Zurbarán, Museum of Fine Arts of Seville, Spain. It shows Saint Thomas Aquinas ascending to Heaven, where Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Apostle Paul, and Saint Dominic are enthroned, as the Holy Spirit descends upon him in the form of a dove; and surrounded by four other Doctors of the Church: Pope St. Gregory the Great, Saint Ambrose, Saint Jerome, and Saint Augustine of Hippo

sonal and interpersonal relationships, to live, grow and develop within communities. For this reason, “it is natural that human beings should live in society with many others in order to procure by the work of their hands and body, enlightened by the light of their intelligence and the strength of their will, the material and spiritual goods for their wellbeing and good-living, for their happiness” (De regno, B. I. c. 1). Drawing on principles already established by Aristotle, Thomas thus held that spiritual goods precede material goods and that the common good of society precedes that of individuals, inasmuch as man is by nature a “political animal.” His engagement with the ethical and political works of the great classical thinkers is evident from his commentaries, and is reflected especially in the questions he devoted to justice, notably in his celebrated Treatise on Law (ST I-II, qq. 90-108). While his influence in shaping the moral and legal thinking of modernity is beyond doubt, a recovery of the philosophical and theological perspective that informed his work could prove quite promising for our disciplined reflection on the pressing social issues of our own time. Aquinas upholds the inherent dignity and unity of the human person, who belongs both to the physical world by virtue of the body and to the spiritual world by virtue of the rational soul. A creature capable of distinguishing between true and false according to the principle of non-contradiction but also of discerning good from evil. This innate capacity for discernment and for ordering or disposing acts to their ultimate end through love, traditionally called “natural law”, is, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, quoting Thomas, “nothing other than the light of understanding

placed in us by God; through it we know what we of the Son of God reveals the must do and what we must avoid. God has given supreme dignity of human nature. this light or law at the creation” (No. 1955). This conviction was eloquently Today it is essential to recover an appreciarestated in our own time by the tion of this “natural inclination to seek the truth teaching of the Second Vatican Council about God and to live in society” (ST I-II, q. 94, that “Christ, the new Adam, in the revelaa. 2) in order to shape social thought and policies tion of the mystery of the Father and his love, in ways that foster rather than impede the fully reveals man to himself and brings to light authentic human flourishing of individuals and his high calling” (Gaudium et Spes, 22). The peoples. For this reason, my fullness of grace present in the Predecessors and I have conhumanity of the Redeemer is sistently reaffirmed the relethen communicated to the memvance of natural law in discusbers of his Body, the Church, to sions regarding the ethical and which all mankind is called. As political challenges of our Head of that Body, Christ distime. In the words of Benedict tributes his grace in various XVI, the “universal moral law ways to each member, accordprovides a sound basis for all ing to his or her unique gifts and cultural, religious and political vocation. dialogue, and it ensures that Thomas’ insights into this the multifaceted pluralism of outpouring of redemptive grace cultural diversity does not and the variety of ways in which detach itself from the common that grace is communicated for quest for truth, goodness and the building up of the Body has God” (Caritas in Veritate, 59). rich implications for an underThomas’ confidence in a natural law written “...HE NEEDS NOT OUR standing of the dynamics of a sound social within the human heart can thus offer fresh and order grounded in reconciliation, solidarity, SACRIFICES, BUT valid insights to our globalized world, domijustice and mutual concern. In this sense, WISHES THEM TO BE nated by legal positivism and casuistry, even as Benedict XVI could affirm that, precisely as OFFERED TO H IM , IN it continues to seek solid foundations for a just objects of God’s love, men and women become and humane social order. Indeed, following ORDER TO AROUSE OUR in turn subjects of charity, called to reflect that DEVOTION AND TO Aristotle, Thomas was well aware of the comcharity and to weave networks of charity (cf. plexity of applying law to concrete actions, and PROFIT OUR NEIGHBOR. Caritas in Veritate, 5) in the service of justice thus emphasized the importance of the virtue HENCE MERCY… IS A and the common good. of epikeia. In his words, “human actions, with It is this greater dynamic of charity received SACRIFICE MORE which laws are concerned, are composed of ACCEPTABLE TO HIM, and bestowed that has given rise to the contingent singulars and are innumerable in Church’s social teaching (cf. ibid.), which AS CONDUCING MORE their diversity… if the law be applied to certain seeks to explore how the social benefits of DIRECTLY TO THE cases it will frustrate the equality of justice and redemption can become visible and operative be injurious to the common good, which the WELL-BEING OF OUR in the lives of men and women as social beings law has in view”. Consequently, “the good NEIGHBOR” (ST II-II, whose individuality is ineluctably immersed in thing is, leaving aside the letter of the law, to a greater history, culture and tradition. Here, Q. 30, A. 4, AD 1). follow what justice and the common good Thomas points out, we see the heart of the Above, “Saint Thomas demand” (ST II-II, q. 120, a. 1). Christian life as an act of priestly worship Aquinas triumphs over If the Angelic Doctor grounds his under- heresy,” aimed at the glorification of God and the sancby Benozzo Gozzoli, standing of human dignity and the requiretification of our world. Within this perspective, Louvre, Paris. It shows Saint Thomas ments of a “social ontology” in human nature, the Angelic Doctor resolutely upholds the priAquinas between Aristotle and thus in the order of creation, as a Christian and Plato, close to him both ority of works of mercy. In his words: “...He in representation and in thinker he also, necessarily, adds that our needs not our sacrifices, but wishes them to be and from whom he human nature, wounded by sin, is healed and theories, offered to Him, in order to arouse our devotion had drawn philosophical elevated by grace as the fruit of the redemption and to profit our neighbor. Hence mercy…is a insight, combining it with Christian doctrine. accomplished by Christ. At the beginning of sacrifice more acceptable to him, as conducing his feet, lying, therefore his great Christology, the third part of the At defeated, more directly to the well-being of our neighis the Arab Summa Theologiae, Thomas affirms, in contibor” (ST II-II, q. 30, a. 4, ad 1).m philosopher Averroes who represents heresy nuity with the teaching of the Scriptures and the Fathers of the Church, that the Incarnation MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN



“the Desert can blooM again!” Polish sr. salvatrice Musial sPeaks about the call of Divine Mercy, Part two n BY BARBARA MIDDLETOn Sister Salvatrice Musial, O.L.M. has been in the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy for 30 years. Her name, of Italian origin, means “God saves”

Hour of Mercy and spreading the devotion to the Divine Mercy. Jesus Barbara Middleton founded the attached great promises to each of Holy Trinity Apostolate with the late these, provided that one manifests Fr. John Hardon, S.J., dedicated to the attitude of complete trust in bringing “the splendor of truth” to God, willing to do His holy will and the faithful through the media. This actively love one’s brothers and sisis Part 2 of her interview with Sr. ters. Salvatice Musial, the Polish nun who The apostolic movement of the wrote St. Faustina in Plock, a book Divine Mercy was born in the on the convent where the seed of the Church out of her charism and the Divine Mercy devotion was first mystical experiences of both reliplanted. gious and lay individuals undertaking the mission of Saint Faustina, the Apostle of the Divine Mercy. Barbara Middleton: What is Tell us about the original the main message of Jesus about painting of Merciful Jesus that His Divine Mercy? was painted according to Sr. SR. SALVATRICE MUSIAL: I quote Faustina’s direction after Jesus the famous words of Jesus from the requested it? Diary of Saint Faustina: “In the SR. SALVATRICE: St. Faustina was Old Covenant I sent prophets not capable of painting. It was only wielding thunderbolts to My peo- Divine Mercy image is a painting by Adolf Hyla 1943. in 1933, in Vilnius (formerly part of “Jesus I Trust in You” appear in ple. Today, I am sending you with Here with the wordsPolish copia Poland), that she met Father my Mercy to the people of the Sopocko, her confessor, who knew whole world. I do not want to punish a painter and helped her execute the J ESUS ’ GAZE IS FULL OF MERCY aching mankind, but I desire to heal mission. AND TENDERNESS it, pressing it to My Merciful The first image of the Merciful Heart.” Jesus was painted in the studio of Eugeniusz KazThe Diary reveals her mission, and at its center, the imirowski. He worked for almost half a year, beginning most beautiful Mystery of the Divine Mercy, to be proin January 1934. From her convent in Antakalnis, Sister claimed to the whole world with new power, through Faustina visited the workshop once or twice a week to the testimony of our own lives. give further instructions, each time preceded by a visit Jesus entrusted Sr. Faustina with His message right to the famous Shrine of Our Lady of the Gates of Dawn before the outbreak of the Second World War. to pray. This message of “Christ tormented and risen, which Today, this original painting of Merciful Jesus — the was initiated in Plock, became for many people in first in a timeline of paintings — has found its home at Poland, and also abroad, a source of unfailing hope and the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Vilnius, Lithuania. a strength to overcome,” said John Paul II during the Another image of Merciful Jesus dear to our CongreRegina Coeli prayer on April 23, 1995. gation is one created by Adolf Hyla in Cracow in The message includes the Divine Mercy devotion in thanksgiving for the preservation of his family during its new forms: the image of the Merciful Jesus, the Feast World War II, now displayed at the Shrine of the Divine of the Divine Mercy, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the 38


Below: The cover of Sr. Salvatrice Musial’s book, Saint Faustina in Plock

Mercy in Cracow-Lagiewniki, Poland. Amazingly, the Diary: “I understood that the greatest attribute of God Divine Mercy image has found an prominent place all is love and mercy” (Diary 180.) over the world: in prison chapels, in a ballet school in Jesus delights us with His generosity when on that Lebanon, in a Biblical School in Jerusalem, in a restaurday he opens the abyss of His Mercy for all those ant in Mexico, in a wealthy estate in Argentina, in a poor wounded with sins — miserable, crestfallen and suffermud hut in a village in Cameroon, in an American miling spiritually and physically. His words to Sister itary base, in a small wooden church in Nagayama in the Faustina help us understand this generous gesture. “Let outskirts of Tokyo, and even in a huge international airno weak, sinful soul have fear to approach Me, for even port. if it had more sins than there are grains of sand in the What does the imagery contained in the Divine word, all would be drowned in the unmeasurable depths Mercy painting mean? of My mercy. (Diary 1059). On that day the very depths SR. SALVATRICE: The picture is both a sign and a visuof My tender mercy are open.” (Diary 699). al synthesis of the whole Divine Mercy message: it The Eucharist, the center of Christian celebration, reminds us of the mystery of God’s merciful love for presents the mystery of the covenant of God with His man as revealed in Jesus’ life and in the Holy Scriptures; people. And it is Holy Communion received on the it exhorts us to form the Christian attitude of trust Feast of Divine Mercy to which Jesus attached His towards Him and mercy towards our neighbor and, on unique promise: “Whoever approaches the Fount of the other hand, it is a vessel for drawing graces to which Life on this day will be granted complete remission of He attached many promises. sins and punishment” (Diary 300, see 699). Jesus explained to Sister Faustina the meaning of the How did the message of St. Faustina influence two rays in the iconic image, emerging from a fold in your own vocation? the robe on His chest: “The two rays SR. SALVATRICE: Cracow, where I denote Blood and Water. The pale ray was born, was a natural environment stands for the Water which makes the for me to think of religious vocation, soul righteous. The red ray stands for with so many religious sisters everyday the Blood which is the life of souls(...). in the streets. But above all, I remember These two rays issued forth from the how beautiful my home was, where my very depths of My tender Mercy when parents were praying every day with us My agonized heart was opened by a and blessing God. I received my first lance on the Cross” (Diary 299). Diary of Saint Faustina when I was a These rays testify to the mystery of teenager, and then, for my Confirmathe Holy Church in which God tion, a big framed picture of DiTHE RAYS ARE THE GRACE OF THE vine Mercy. That first encounter acts Himself and gives Himself to us in the Holy Sacraments, which SACRAMENTS, WHICH RESTORE LIFE with the writings of Saint Faustiall restore life within us, and purina, and all the more, the love in my fy and nourish our souls. Jesus’ gaze from this image, heart for the Merciful Jesus which it inspired, influas He confirmed, is like His gaze from the cross (Diary enced my vocation. 326) full of mercy and tenderness. Jesus asked that three Let us remain with this question of God’s call in our words be clearly in evidence in the picture: Jesus, I trust lives. In summer, the sky over Plock turns an unforgetin You. The Saviour promised numerous graces to all tably beautiful azure, while the Vistula river and the those who will venerate Him through this image. quay with its sandy beach and succulent greenery wel“I desire,” said Jesus, “that the Feast of Mercy be a come both local citizens and tourists. The city transrefuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor forms itself into one big “amphitheater,” offering culsinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy tural, musical and sporting events. are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those Still, this colorful world might be looked at from souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy (…) The another perspective. A city is a sign of our times, comFeast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderbining two extremes: it is a place of God’s presence, ness for the comfort of the whole word.” (Diary 699). enriching and serving the needs of its citizens; but also Jesus Himself selected the day for a Feast of Mercy a place full of indifference and loneliness — a great on the first Sunday after Easter, leaving us in the atmosdesert, and the oasis one longs for is not seen. phere of Paschal events. That Sunday’s Gospel depicts God knows our human misery perfectly well; He the risen Lord visiting the fearful Apostles in the Cenaknows our “deserts”; He longs to be close to us. cle, where He reveals the Fount of His unfathomable The reality is that the desert may bloom again! The Mercy – His pierced heart out of which the Church and desert of the human heart might be brought back to life: Holy Sacraments are born. Sister Faustina wrote in her Divine Mercy can perform this miracle!m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN



where heaVen MeeTs earTh The Virgin Mary has appeared repeaTedly, urging her children To loVe and repenTance. are we lisTening? n BY InSIDE THE VATICAn STAFF Hilltop view of Garabandal, Spain, where four children spoke with Our Lady. Bottom, the four child seers at the time of the apparitions


n the small village of These prophecies includGarabandal, nestled in ed a warning: “The Cup is the picturesque mounalready filling and unless we tains of northern Spain, a change, a very great punishseries of extraordinary ment will befall us.” events unfolded in the One of the remarkable 1960s that would captivate aspects of the apparitions in the world and leave a lastGarabandal was the girls’ ing impact on the hearts of state of ecstasy during their many. The village became encounters with the Virgin a focal point for numerous Mary. Witnesses, including reported apparitions of the those shooting film on-site, Virgin Mary, witnessed by recorded seeing the girls in a four young girls. trance-like state, often The story begins on the falling to their knees or evening of June 18, 1961, becoming immobile as they when four young girls, communicated with Our Conchita González, Mari Lady. Other miraculous pheCruz González, Jacinta nomena were also reported, González, and Mari Loli such as the girls’ ability to Mazon, claimed to have remain unharmed while encountered St. Michael kneeling on sharp rocks or the Archangel while playthe inexplicable fragrance ing on the outskirts of the that would emanate from village. This celestial visithem during the apparitions. tation marked the beginning of a The events of Garabandal continue series of apparitions that would cap- THESE PROPHECIES INCLUDED A to spark interest and debate among ture the world’s attention for years to WARNING: “THE CUP IS ALREADY believers and skeptics alike. The come. FILLING AND UNLESS WE CHANGE, Catholic Church has not officially apAfter the initial encounter with the proved the apparitions — but it has Archangel Michael, the girls started A VERY GREAT PUNISHMENT WILL not condemned them either, rendering BEFALL US” experiencing apparitions of the Blessso far the judgment that the supernated Virgin Mary. These apparitions ural character of the apparitions has took place over a period of several years, eventually not yet been established. Regardless of official recogniattracting thousands of pilgrims from around the world. tion, Garabandal has become a place of pilgrimage for According to the seers’ accounts, a tender Virgin Mary countless individuals seeking spiritual nourishment and appeared to them with messages of love, repentance, and an encounter with God’s merciful care for his children. the need for prayer and sacrifice. The faith and innocence of Conchita, Mari Cruz, JacDuring the apparitions, the Virgin Mary conveyed inta, and Mari Loli have inspired many to reflect on their numerous messages to the girls, urging them to pray the own spiritual journeys and the importance of prayer, Rosary, make sacrifices for sinners, and seek the conversacrifice, and conversion of heart. In fact, there is nothsion of hearts. She foretold a series of supernatural ing “new” in the messages reported by the girls from Our events that would serve as signs to strengthen faith and Lady and Our Lord; they are the perennial counsels that lead humanity back to God. have been urged on us sinners since Apostolic times. 40


Pilgrims praying in the grotto, Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, in Lourdes, France. Bottom, Bernadette Soubirous. Below, Pont Neuf in Toulouse, France

Nevertheless, the phenomenon of Heaven touching earth to remind us of these truths is a singular gift to all who receive its message with open hearts.

A GROTTO In FRAnCE Garabandal is not the only place where Our Lady has come to earth to speak to her children. Our pilgrimage takes us into France, to the site of another apparition, which occurred in 19th-century LourWHERE OUR LADY des when a poorly-educated, SPEAKS TO US 14-year-old miller’s daughter, That’s why Inside the Bernadette Soubirous, saw “a Vatican Pilgrimages is beautiful lady” in a grotto leading a group of pilgrims while out gathering firewood. to Garabandal August 22Bernadette is a canonized 29, 2024 — and beyond. saint today, and the simple We have crafted a sevenmessage of “the beautiful lady” day spiritual journey through the — who identified herself by heart of Europe that will encour14-YEAR-OLD saying “I am the Immaculate age us to open our own hearts to BERNADETTE Conception” — is today more this message. SOUBIROUS SAW “A compelling than ever: “Pray for The pilgrimage begins in BEAUTIFUL LADY” sinners!” and “Penance! PenBilbao, Spain. Known for its ance! Penance!” cultural treasures and warm Visit with us the Sanctuary hospitality, Bilbao is a perof Our Lady of Lourdes, comfect starting point for reflecmemorating the Virgin Mary’s appearance to young tion and prayer. Bernadette. Pilgrims can take part in the celebrated canFrom there, our seaside dlelight processions, experience the healing waters of route takes us to Garabandal the Grotto, and join fellow pilgrims in prayer and reflecitself, where we will spend three tion. nights and have plenty of time to We spend our last night in Toulouse, known as “The attend Mass, and spend time with one of Pink City” because of its the seers, Jacinta, and her common use of rose-hued husband, as well as exploring terracotta bricks in its buildother sacred sites associated ings. Toulouse’s history and with the apparitions. architecture span millennia: After we immerse ourfrom its ancient Roman selves in the spiritual legacy founding, through its Mediof Garabandal, we will travel eval prominence as a center on to another Spanish city of learning (birthing in the with a powerful Catholic 13th century one of Eurlegacy: Loyola. It is the JOIN US! ope’s first universities) and birthplace of the great St. Experience with us the tender solicitude of Our faith (the cradle of the Ignatius, spiritual master and Lady for her children, as part of Inside the Vatican Dominican Order, Toulouse founder of the Jesuit order. Pilgrimages’ Signature Spain and France: Pilgrimwas bequeathed the bones Loyola is also home to one of age to Garabandal and Lourdes 2024 August 22of Thomas Aquinas by Pope the most stunning Baroque 29, 2024. We spend 3 nights in Garabandal, visiting Urban V in 1369 — and we Basilicas of Europe, overthe seaside towns of Santander and San Vicente de will visit and venerate looking a pristine valley in la Barquera along the way. Then we stop in Loyola, them), to its modern status the Basque province of birthplace of St. Ignatius, and historic San Sebastas the center of the EuroGipuzkoa. The Basilica is ian. In France, we will visit St. Bernadette’s Lourpean aerospace industry. part of a series of buildings des and then Toulouse, city of culture, history and Join us in August as we that surround the “Holy faith, where St. Thomas Aquinas is buried. pilgrimage to Garabandal House,” the actual birthplace and Lourdes for a soulof St. Ignatius. We will visit enriching experience in the very room where St. sacred places where HeavIgnatius prayed and began +1.202.536.4555 en meets earth.m his conversion. MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN



the creation Story in geneSiS Scripture’S chronicle of “the beginning” iS theologically – and poetically – one n BY AnTHOnY ESOLEn


iblical scholars have long told us that there are four sources for the Pentateuch. These are named “J”, for the source that refers to God by the unutterable holy name, Yahweh, “E”, for the source that refers to God by the plural Elohim, “P”, for a priestly source characterized by law, numbers, and ordered patterns, and “D” for the Deuteronomic or second, enhanced view of the Mosaic law. They tell us that the Priestly source is responsible for the first chapter of Genesis, with its enumerated days in the account of creation, and the summation of God’s creative power as embodied in the holy day of worship and feasting, the Sabbath. Then, they say, we get the Elohist source, closer to the human, which more particularly tells us the story of man’s fall from grace. Thus we have two accounts of creation, and the first chapter, they say, tentatively, may have been composed after the second and third. I do not wish to contradict them on this point, but rather to ask what kind of text we Christians believe we have. Let me explain. When Christopher Marlowe wrote his play Doctor Faustus, he included, in the middle of it, a lot of slapstick comedy, such as when the Pope gets a 42


Detail of the Mosaics of the Creation in Monreale Cathedral, Italy

box on the ear from the Doctor and his familiar devil Mephistopheles. The play was wildly popular, and was often staged long after Marlowe himself — who seems to have been in the employ of the Crown as a secret agent — was assassinated in what was made to look like a barroom brawl. In any case, later troupes of actors inserted comic scenes of their own, sometimes augmenting what Marlowe wrote, sometimes cutting here and there, and sometimes whipping them up from their own imagination, for the fun of it. So if you are a critic of that play, you have to stipulate what you believe Marlowe actually wrote, and confine yourself to commentary upon that. You cannot treat as an artistic whole everything that has come to us under the name of Doctor Faustus, because that lump sum was undoubtedly not what Marlowe wrote and was probably never staged as such. But the challenge to Christian readers of the Pentateuch is different. We believe that God inspired the sacred authors to write what they did, because indeed, He is the ultimate author, and they, though they retain their human characteristics and their influences from place and time and the conditions of the children of Israel when they composed, are His instruments. Archaeologically, we have Genesis as an interweaving of three texts, and of who knows how many more ancient traditions either recorded earlier or committed to memory and passed down from generation to generation; but

Detail of the fresco of the Creation of Adam, by Michelangelo Buonarroti, Sistine Chapel, Vatican

thus we may not treat as a mere accident what will oththeologically we have one text alone, Genesis, and one erwise strike the reader as the result of careful artistic that is, unlike the patchwork produced by the stage husand theological deliberation. Recall that each day of cretlers capitalizing upon a deceased playwright’s popularation is summed up by a formula that is poetic and forceity, remarkably unified — a consistent and even relentful, gathering power as we move to its consummation in less saga of the divisions and the chaos that sin engenthat day when God made man, the crown of his creation; ders in the most intimate life of man, and yet of the from “and there was evening and there was morning, patient faithfulness and the grace of God, who does not one day” (1:5) to “and there was evening and there was see as man sees, and who often chooses the humblest morning, the sixth day” (1:31), and then, after all, “God means to work His world-changing wonders. blessed the seventh day and made it holy” (2:3). We are, then, justified in treating the text as one, espeSo now when the translator meets the Hebrew b’yycially since, if the three strands of narrative are as the om, in the day, he should not just translate it as when, critics have identified them (though with respectable because that would sever the link between these utterhedging and scholarly reserve), some author inspired by ances and the momentous God took them and brought account of creation before. them together, under the He should consider the great charge of treating of the phrase as poetically and theholiest things. We may trust, ologically intended, and then, that more than the even if we assume that some words are inspired, but also editor wove the texts togeththeir ordering, their placeer, we may well give him ment as part of the coherent credit, too, for intelligence whole that Genesis is, and the and a poetic ear. For in echoes they ring as words and God’s creation no place is motifs are visited again and for evil: those seven days again while we move along. ARCHAEOLOGICALLY, WE HAVE given know nothing of it. Evil has no day. The proof is in the act and its results. But what Adam and Eve are Take for example the crucial phrase “in GENESIS AS AN INTERWEAVING OF THREE TEXTS, AND OF WHO tempted to do is to be gods unto the day,” in Genesis 2 and 3. God themselves, fashioning an additional warns Adam against eating of the forKNOWS HOW MANY MORE day, the day of the eating of the fruit bidden fruit, for “in the day that you eat ANCIENT TRADITIONS EITHER from the forbidden tree. Where is this of it, you shall die the death” (2:17; RECORDED EARLIER OR day to be found? Not by the lights of translation mine). That phrasing is COMMITTED TO MEMORY AND the heavens, that are to mark days repeated, in a mocking form, by the serpent, who has pretended that he did PASSED DOWN FROM GENERATION and years, and the seasons for feasting. The whole week, shall we say, is not hear what God has said. “You shall TO GENERATION; BUT taken up already and declared by not die the death,” says he, “for God THEOLOGICALLY WE HAVE ONE God to be tov me’od, very good [Elohim] knows that in the day you eat TEXT ALONE (1:31), its goodness deriving from of it your eyes shall be opened, and you God himself, as the psalmist reminds us, singing, Hodu shall be like gods [Elohim], knowing good and evil” l’Adonai ki tov, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good” (3:5). The serpent’s phrasing is blasphemous. Clearly, (Ps. 118:1). Nor is man made merely to fit into that crethe second plural, Elohim – there are no capital letters in ation and do nothing, as his divinely granted authority Hebrew to distinguish a proper name from a common over it has already been made manifest, in Adam’s namnoun — is meant to repeat the first plural, Elohim, erasing of the beasts. His days are to be the seven, the very ing the distinction between God and man, between the good days that are made one in essence and significance Creator and his creation. It demotes God, making him by the Sabbath. out to be a sneak and a weakling, and elevates man; If we look at it this way, to sin is like demanding a day indeed, it elevates man by demoting God, as if God had of your own, apart from the time created by the timeless not from the beginning made man in his “image and likeGod. But there is no such, nor can there be. You cannot ness” (1:26). march beyond eternity. You can only double back upon More than that, it suggests that there is a day of man’s yourself and spoil, for yourself, the days God has grantown making. We have already heard how God created ed to you. What that spoliation looks like in the history the heavens and the earth in six days, resting upon the of man, the rest of Genesis will show us. The only thing holy day, the Sabbath. Suppose that that opening chapter that can redeem us, then, is a new day, made by God himof Genesis was composed later than the second and third self; the day of Resurrection. But that is another chapters. What of it? We have here, by whatever human matter.m means it has come to us, a divinely inspired book, and MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN




The author of this reflection attended a Corpus Christi procession established by Bishop Joseph Strickland, formerly the bishop of the diocese of Tyler, Texas. The procession, which took place at a prison where the author is a prisoner, deeply impacted the prisoner. In the photo, Bishop Strickland, no longer the bishop of Tyler, speaks to supporters outside the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at the Marriott Waterfront hotel in Baltimore, on November 15, 2023. (Wesley LaPointe/NYT. Photo from


easuring in at 18” high, composed of four small pieces of pine and a collapsible, transparent enclosure for the Blessed Sacrament, ours is a most modest monstrance, and we’re glad to have it. Had it not been for Bishop Joseph Strickland’s Diocesan Constitution, I may never have participated in my first Eucharistic procession. Bishop Strickland’s Constitution prescribed a public procession for every parish church in celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi. It would be a teaching moment, stressing the importance of holding processions in honor of our Eucharistic Lord, regardless of how humble the circumstances. Reading the decree somehow changed our community, deep down, fundamentally. Perhaps at the nexus where the spirit of a man animates his mitochondria, the zeal of obedience went into manufacture; our Catholic DNA contending to express itself in substance and behavior, triggered by our bishop’s authoritative influence. There are no less than 17 state prisons in the Diocese of Tyler, and I doubt any of them has experienced a moment more sacred than the Eucharistic procession held on George Beto unit at the request of Bishop Strickland. It was strikingly solemn and slow-motion-camerawork-worthy. You’d agree, had you seen the chairs empty as men left them behind to join the train, had you felt the Real Presence dissipate the gloom of incarceration, had you heard the choir raising the English translation of the Adoro te Devote on high, its ancient melodies providing just enough lilt for Father Gary Kottman to raise our lowly monstrance aloft and lead the throng toward the periphery of the prison’s chapel. For praise44


worthy scenes like this to become common in criminal justice institutions, there has to be initiative and instigation by the presiding bishop. The last place you’d expect to find willful submission to authority and the least likely location to look for it is in a Texas state prison, right? Our outlaw image gallops ahead of us, astride a wild and mythical stigma that leaves little wiggle room for first impressions and no hope for reform. But left behind, bewildered and coughing, wheezing in a thick cloud of caricature, are flesh-and-blood, bleary-eyed men and women in the throes of repentance, whose consciences crave God’s lawful authority, whose slack arms and feeble knees tremble in supplication for the strength to obey God’s lawful authority. “For even as Jesus Christ, our inseparable Life, is Mind of the Father, as also the bishops, established in the furthest quarters, are in the mind of Jesus Christ. Hence it is fitting for you to set yourselves in harmony with the mind of the bishop, as indeed you do.” (St. Ignatius of Antioch, The Epistle to the Ephesians) Prison spirituality, if it is ever found anywhere to be flourishing and vibrant, must be Ignatian — not in the Jesuit sense, but cut from Antiochene cloth; the Ignatius that stands up and offers his services free of charge when asked the question “Is there a doctor in the house?” St. Ignatius has been dubbed the “Doctor of Unity.” His perennial prescription is that Church unity be concentrated in the descendants of the Apostles, the bishops, who are the custodians of the True Eucharist. Since this is the case, and inmates are not free to draw near to the eucharist on our own, we are totally dependent on the bishop to bring the Blessed Sacrament to us. We hope for

a tangible rapport between Christ’s bishop and Christ’s prisoner in bonds — a rapport that begins by making sure inmates have access to the sacraments, and culminates in a face-to-face encounter between Christ’s bishop and Christ the Convict somewhere within the borders of the diocese: “I was in prison and you visited me.” Ahem. Okay, I’m sure you’ve been wondering when I would address the creature in the corner with the face covered in velvet-like fur. Don’t be intimidated in the least by the canines on that beast when he gapes his jaws in a self-satisfied yawn. Neither cower when he balls up his powerful black palms and beats his chest in a sign of aggression. This, my brothers and sisters, is the fivehundred-pound gorilla in the room: the fact that my bishop was removed, late last year, from his position as Bishop of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, by our Holy Father, Pope Francis. The news hit us like a linebacker, blindside. Texas inmates have only recently gained access to the AP news app, and when word hit the wire, the men of our community were fielding questions from the curious, the concerned, and the crazies alike. “...knowing that the same experience of suffering is required of your brotherhood throughout the world...” (1 Peter 5:9) As brothers we discussed it before evening prayer. As a community we talked it at R.C.I.A. Deacon Rose spoke on the issue at our Communion service. It hurt. For the first few weeks after the event, there was a noticeable wincing whenever the evening office required us to pray for our Pope and our bishop. Over the eight years we’ve prayed the Office on my cell block, sentimentality had cemented the image of two men, mighty clerics, lock-step and in league with each other. To this day, we still stutter at the intercession “Francis our Pope and Joseph… no… Who’s our bishop?” The twinge of a newly orphaned child burrows its way between my ribs without my permission every time, especially when recalling statements like this: “And certainly, we can’t ignore that people are hungry, that babies are being murdered in the womb, that the borders are a mess, all of those things; but I firmly believe that a pastor’s first job is to focus on converting the hearts of the flock and sending them out to do the things that the Gospel talks about.” (Bishop Joseph E. Strickland, Light and Leaven). If I may, for the sake of closure, present my final progress report on the spiritual health of the Catholic community on George Beto unit under the authoritative influence of the Most Reverend Bishop Joseph E. Strickland: We teach the Catholic Faith using the supplementary material supplied by the St. Phillip’s Institute of the Diocese of Tyler. Ten copies of Light and Leaven are made available to help us address the challenges of the laity in the twenty-first century. We have organized a bilingual

small support group study of Bishop Robert Barron’s This is My Body to promote a revival of Eucharistic belief and devotion in our congregation. The principal parts of the Mass are chanted in Greek and Latin during the solemn seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Eastertide. And as for evangelization, I, personally, have helped bring about one Confirmation per year, on average, since joining the Catholic Church in 2015. All of this has been done in a prison, at the instigation of Bishop Strickland’s Diocesan Constitution, to realize his goal of making the Diocese of Tyler a teaching diocese. Catholic prisoners do penance beyond the strict limits of society, on the periphery. Still, the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to respond to our bishops with quickness and clarity; call it “...spooky action at a distance.” So, from the perspective of those who live on the periphery, the next bishop chosen to shepherd our Diocese needs to possess certain qualities that can only be accurately expressed in the colloquial terms of a Texas inmate... He’ll need to be “stomp down” about prison ministry. Leaving one priest and a solitary deacon to serve 17 state prisons cannot be an option for him. Indeed, he’ll need to “have it on his mind” to become world-class when it comes to serving the incarcerated segment of his flock. He’ll need to “go hard” in the ways of God. There must be something wild, Western and unflinching about the way he executes the will of God. Out here we live or die by the verity of our convictions and the subtle movements of our conscience. Most of all, he must be “about that life,” when it comes to the Eucharist. Every Catholic needs the Eucharist coursing through his veins, as well as the faith that Christ is truly present, and the know-how to respond to this great gift of Jesus in love. But, regardless, we are ready to welcome and work along with the lawful authority of Christ’s Catholic Church, even if only to cultivate the grace of obedience, which we believe bears its own fruit in due season. This is the authentic voice of the periphery speaking on behalf of itself. Do not see our hearts as lifted up above others, or our eyes as raised too high. Nay, we are but children of God who need nothing more than to be calmed and quieted at the breast of Holy Mother Church. For many months our monstrance has remained vacant, like the empty chair of the cathedral in Tyler, Texas, waiting to fulfill the purpose for which it was created. *Marcellus Allen Roberts is a 40 year old Prison Oblate of St. Benedict’s Abbey, Atchison, Kansas. He is serving a 25 year penance in the state of Texas. He entered the Catholic Church in 2015, completed his noviciate year in 2016, and now serves the Catholic community on George Beto Unit as cantor and catechist.m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN


C AT H O L I C I S M A n D O R T H O D O X Y E D I T E D B Y: C H R I S T I N A D E A R D U R F F

The Message of the Icon




ne of the petition prayers in the Divine Liturgy abide, and out the miscreant goes to grind his teeth in the reads, “...for a good defense at the awesome tribunal darkness beyond the hall. of Christ, let us ask the Lord.” Some might interpret the In most cases, souls appearing before the divine judgprayer to mean that perhaps when facing divine judgment seat are not yet suitably adorned for the heavenly ment one should throw oneself entirely on the mercy of marriage feast. A lifetime spent in various sinful stupidiGod and urge Him to forget about His justice in our case. ties ensures that most approach the tribunal in no way Such a view is a bit too simplistic, since it fails to fully prepared to enter the precincts of Paradise. The only posappreciate the goodness of sible defense to be offered God. Any sort of reflection on consists of a humble entreaty divine virtue would necessarto be made worthy to enter, ily lead to the conclusion that whatever it might take. Thus is the unity of the Trinity entails both mercy and justice disalso the unity of virtue in God. pensed: in mercy entrance to In other words, there is no heaven is assured, and in jusdivision between God’s mertice certain steps must be cy and His justice: His mercy taken to “clean up” the soul to is just, and His justice is merrender it fit company for the ciful! The goodness of God’s eternal feast. judgment (and our defense!) The Roman Church calls will consist in the perfect disthe process Purgatory, a position of our cases to satisfy cleansing, purifying fire, a both justice and mercy. painful experience purging the The parable of the deserted banquet in a Byzantine fresco The parable of the marsoul of every vestige of sin. riage feast is instructive concerning the last judgment. Eastern theology describes a somewhat gentler proAttendance at the great feast is opened to all in the cedure termed Final Theosis, wherein tattered souls still highways and byways (the Gentile world), since those harboring some attachments to sin are finally cured of originally invited (Israel) give various excuses for their their lingering moral disease. The image is that of a spirnon-attendance. The Great King demands that His dinitual hospital; broken shredded souls are knit together, ing hall be filled one way or another so that His generosrestoring them to the original innocence of Adam and ity will not go to waste. Obviously the beggars and wanEve. Justice is served in the rehabilitation and cure of derers brought into the feast would be found in all manhuman failings, mercy is served by the healing hands of ner of costume, but they would almost certainly not be in Christ the Physician. proper dress for a formal festive gathering. They would There is a sort of “quick fix” available, a kind of inlikely be grimy from toil, dusty from travels and shabby stantly healing salve which confers a glorious robe on from neglect, but the King sees to it that they are suitably certain fortunate souls: the blood of martyrdom. adorned in a properly splendid robe before entering His Most are not called to martyrdom, and thus must be great hall. content with the slow martyrdom of living a divine life But there is one there who apparently has refused the in the midst of an unbelieving and derisive world, prerobe; he has dared to confront the King without the necparing for that final decision either to don the robe or to essary preparation! This prideful affront the King cannot cling to the miserable remnants of sin.m

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Cathedral of the Moscow Patriarchate in Tallinn, Estonia


rthodoxy in the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia cannot be considered without reference to their large neighbor, Russia. The area occupied by the three modern states gradually became part of the Russian Empire during the 1700s. Russian control continued until the three nations obtained their independence at the end of World War I. Shortly after World War II, the three nations became republics in the Soviet Union. With the fall of the Soviet Union, the three nations again resumed their independence. Accordingly, more than two of the last three centuries have found the Baltic states under Russian control. When the Baltic states became part of the Soviet Union, the number of ethnic Russians in the three Soviet republics increased substantially. Currently, the percentage of ethnic Russians in Estonia is 24%, in Latvia 24%, and in Lithuania 5%. A majority of the ethnic Russians in the three Baltic states are Orthodox, affiliated with the Moscow Patriarchate. The percentage of Orthodox in Estonia is 16%, in Latvia 13%, and Lithuania 4%. Aside from the Moscow Patriarchate, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople also has a presence in Estonia. The tensions in Estonia between the two Patriarchates reached the point that the Moscow Patriarchate in 1996 severed communion with the Ecumenical Patriarchate worldwide. A settlement was reached three months later. Under the settlement, individual parishes chose the Patriarchate under which they would serve. At the present time, the Orthodox church under the Moscow Patriarchate, consisting primarily of ethnic Russians, is larger than the church under the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has caused the governments of the three Baltic states to doubt the loyalty of their respective Orthodox churches which are under the Moscow Patriarchate. In May 2022, the Lithuanian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), faced with these

doubts, petitioned the Church in Moscow to grant it greater independence. The Holy Synod in Moscow replied that such greater independence can only be granted by a Local Council – the last Local Council was held in 2009, and none is expected in the foreseeable future. In the spring of 2022, five priests of the Lithuanian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) announced their intention to transfer to the Ecumenical Patriarchate because of Russian sympathies within their Church. They were promptly defrocked by the Moscow church. They appealed to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which in February 2023 reinstated them and assumed them under its jurisdiction. Accordingly, there are now two Orthodox churches in Lithuania – one under the Moscow Patriarchate and a much smaller one under the Ecumenical Patriarchate. In Latvia, the Latvian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) petitioned Moscow to grant it “autonomous” status. As with the church in Lithuania, the Latvian Church was informed by the Holy Synod in Moscow that only a Local Council could grant it such status. In September 2022, the Latvian parliament took the extraordinary step of legislating that the Latvian Church is now completely independent of Moscow. The Latvian Church has not actively contested this legislation, but under Orthodox canonical law, the legislation has no force or effect. Lastly, in Estonia, the Estonian government has refused to renew the resident permit of Metropolitan Evgeny, who heads the Estonian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) and who is a Russian citizen. The Metropolitan was required to leave Estonia in February 2024. What will happen in the future to the Orthodox churches in these three Baltic states remains very unclear. However, because of the number of ethnic Russians in these states, it is very likely that the Moscow Patriarchate will continue to have some presence there in the future.m t t +1-202-536-4555



NEWS from the EAST


VATICAN MARKS FIRST FEAST are simply confused, who do not understand what the status of OF COPTIC MARTYRS our Church is, whether we are with Moscow or no longer with For the first time, the Catholic Church has celebrated the Moscow… feast day of the 21 Coptic martyrs killed by ISIS in 2015. “Understandably, this also creates a problem in relations The men — members of Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox Church with society. Because it was not clearly said that we were on — were murdered on a beach in Libya. Footage of their exethe path to autocephaly — the term used in the document was cution was posted online by the terrorist group and shared ‘disengagement’ (‘otmeživanie’)… Although today it has no widely. relations with Moscow, and the UOC does not implement any All 21 men were immediately proclaimed martyrs by the decrees of the Moscow Synod, the public remains suspicious Coptic Church. Then, last May, Pope Francis added them to of the UOC. So the relationship between the UOC and public the Roman Martyrology, the Catholic opinion remains strained.” Church’s official list of saints. On a way forward for actual autoFebruary 15 was the first time that the cephaly for the UOC, Burega stated, “It feast of the Coptic martyrs has come consists of the UOC first restoring relaaround on the Catholic calendar of saints. tions with the Patriarchate of ConstanTo mark the occasion, an ecumenical tinople, which are now severed, and prayer service was held in St Peter’s Basilrestoring Eucharistic communion with ica. Representatives from the Coptic Constantinople. Second, sending a deleChurch were present including Bishop gation to Constantinople and starting Antonios Aziz Mina, Coptic Catholic negotiations for the regulation of the staBishop Emeritus of Ghizeh. tus of the UOC; and at the same time, Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the inside Ukraine, the UOC should also start The Coptic icon that appears in the booklet Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, negotiations with the OCU. These steps of ecumenical celebration was held at St. Peter’s Basilica on February 15, the ninth anniversary presided over the celebration, at which would be comprehensible to society, and of the execution of 20 Egyptian workers relics of the martyrs were placed on the thus the rift with Constantinople could be and a Ghanaian by Islamic State terrorists altar and venerated. overcome.” In his homily, the Cardinal reflected on the concept of the “ecumenism of blood” which is so important to Pope Francis, POPE URGES ARMENIANS quoting his words: “If the enemy unites us in death, who are TO ELECT BISHOPS WHO ARE PASTORS we to divide ourselves in life?” (VaticanNews) Pope Francis asked the Armenian Catholic bishops responsible for selecting their episcopal colleagues to choose bishVICE-RECTOR OF KYIV THEOLOGICAL ops who are more interested in the people they serve than in ACADEMY: “THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN advancing their church careers. THE UOC AND PUBLIC OPINION REMAINS Meeting with the Armenian Catholic bishops’ synod at the STRAINED” Vatican on February 28, the Pope asked them to select bishops The Bulgarian website “Christianity and Culture” pubwho are “devoted to the flock, faithful to pastoral care and not lished in its 2024 Issue #2 an interview with Professor driven by personal ambition.” Volodymyr Burega, vice-rector of the Kyiv Theological AcadChurch law gives the patriarchs and synods of the Eastern emy and Seminary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). churches a large degree of autonomy and decision-making Prof. Burega was asked about the identity and status of the power over the territory of their traditional homelands, includUOC since its official separation from the Moscow Patriaring electing bishops, but gives the Pope power over their diochate on May 27, 2022. Specifically, interviewer Momchil ceses in the rest of the world. Motodiev asked Burega if the UOC has won the support and He warned them against selecting bishops who see their trust of Ukrainian society. eparchy as “a stepping-stone” before reaching another, more He answered: “Inside the UOC, in my opinion, one cannot prestigious posting. Such bishops, he wrote, risk committing speak of a single identity. More precisely, in the UOC there are “pastoral adultery.” (UCANews) different groups that interpret the decisions of the Council of May 27, 2022 in different ways. There is a group of those who POLISH CHURCH CANONIZING VICTIMS believe that the connection with the Moscow Patriarchate was OF LABOR CAMPS not completely severed, and even in Kyiv there are monasterThe Council of Bishops of the Polish Orthodox Church met ies and temples which continue to mention Patriarch Kirill in on March 5, under the chairmanship of Metropolitan Sawa of the Liturgy. Warsaw and All Poland to discuss a number of issues pertain“There is also the group that believes that these decisions ing to Church life. have led to a complete severance of ties and that the UOC is The resulting communiqué states briefly: “A decision was de facto autocephalous, although it does not use that term. made to canonize people tortured to death in the labor camps.” “There are also a large number of priests and laymen who The statement does not indicate any names or the number 48 t t +1-202-536-4555

of victims. It is also unclear if a group of gulag victims was canonized already, or if the Council’s decision will be carried out in the future. (OrthoChristian) InDIAn CHRISTIAnS TOLD TO VOTE TO PROTECT SECULAR COnSTITUTIOn Ahead of national elections in India, the head of the Eastern rite Syro-Malabar Church has urged his people to vote for a party that can respect the rights of religious minorities and the secular character of the country’s constitution. Major Archbishop Raphael Thattil of Syro-Malabar Church, based in southern Indian Kerala state, said this amid criticism that the ruling pro-Hindu party is pushing to make India into a theocratic Hindu nation, ignoring the secular values of the constitution. Thattil described the rising violence against Christians as “painful” during an interaction with the media on March 22 in Kottayam, a major town in southern Kerala where his second largest Eastern rite Church is headquartered. Various reports “on the rise in attacks against Christians are painful, especially when we have a strong Constitution which provides us our rights to profess and practice any religion of one’s choice,” the 67-year-old prelate said. (UCANews)

2022, following clashes between rival worshipers. It was reopened on December 20 of the same year only to be closed again following violence inside the church on Christmas Eve. Months later, pontifical delegate Archbishop Cyril Vasil, on August 14, 2023, entered the closed church with the Blessed Sacrament with a police escort and offered prayers amid protests from parishioners. (UCANews)

BARTHOLOMEW: FALSE IDEOLOGIES LEAD OnLY TO DISAPPOInTMEnT Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presided over the Divine Liturgy on Monday, March 25, 2024, at the Church of the Annunciation in Vafeochori, Bosphorus, the birthplace of the late Patriarch Joachim III. In his homily, after the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew reflected on the significance of the Feast of the Annunciation, emphasizing its message of joy. He then turned his attention to the tragic events unfolding in the Middle East, Ukraine, and the recent terrorist attack in Moscow, which was unequivocally condemned by the Holy Synod. Addressing the broader context, he lamented the fabrication of false ideologies that distort God’s gifts and deny the Creator, A community of the Eastern Rite leading only to disappointment, pain, and Syro-Malabar Catholic Church during destruction. (OrthodoxTimes) a homily in New Delhi

InDIAn CATHEDRAL REOPEnS AFTER LITURGY CLASH FORCED CLOSURE A Syro-Malabar Church cathedral in southern India has been reopened through a court order after police closed it following violent clashes there between rival groups over a longstanding liturgy dispute. “We opened the church at 6 p.m. yesterday and conducted the rosary and the way of the cross,” said Father Varghese Manavalan, administrator of Saint Mary’s Cathedral Basilica under Ernakulam-Angamaly archdiocese in southern Kerala, on March 27. “So far, everything is peaceful,” the priest told UCA News. The March 26 court order, however, barred the parish priest from celebrating the holy Eucharist. The cathedral under Ernakulam-Angamaly archdiocese, the seat of the second largest Eastern rite Church, was initially shut down on November 27,

COPTIC ORTHODOX CHURCH COnFIRMS DIALOGUE WITH CATHOLIC CHURCH SUSPEnDED OVER SAME-SEX BLESSInGS The Coptic Orthodox Church has confirmed that its decision in early March to suspend dialogue with the Catholic Church was due to Rome’s “change of position” on homosexuality, which it interprets as a corollary to the Church’s document Fiducia Supplicans on allowing blessings for same-sex and other “irregular” couples. In a video released on March 8, Coptic Orthodox spokesman Father Moussa Ibrahim said “the most notable” of nine decrees emanating from the Church’s annual Holy Synod, which took place last week in Wadi El-Natrun in Egypt, was “to suspend theological dialogue with the Catholic Church after its change of position on the issue of homosexuality.” (CNA)m

The Christian Churches were intended to be united as one. Pope John Paul II proclaimed: “The Church must breathe with Her two lungs!” Unfortunately, the Churches are not united. This is a great scandal, an impediment to the witness of the Church. Since unity was desired by Christ Himself, we must work to end this disunity.

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TradiTion and BeauTy

a church that turns aWay from beauty? We need our oWn “cultural revolution” n BY AURELIO POFIRI


s I write these lines, I have just returned from a Renaissance polyphony concert. In this concert, pieces from the Roman school were performed. The choir was a famous English group and indeed, there were a large number of people attending. I was truly won over by the music (naturally, for me, even if I had some reservations regarding the way they performed it), but the whole atmosphere of the concert hall itself communicated some discomfort to me. It was wonderful to see people conquered by these beautiful and powerful harmonies, but at the same time, I felt like everything was out of place; the musical program was taken out of the context in which it should be found — that of the liturgy of the Church. I felt a similar sensation in the Louvre in Paris (or for that matter, in any other museum) where the whole situation gave me the impression of bella ammassata, an overkill of beautiful things gratuitously amassed in one place. That beauty was not created to be enjoyed in a concert hall or a museum, but rather, requires a precise context, which today is in many cases denied it. Today the musical and artistic beauty of the Church, which apparently attracts crowds to museums and concert halls, is not permitted in our churches, because it is intended that people be attracted in some other way, rather than simply through the beauty and traditions built up over many centuries. If this seems like a contradiction to you, I can assure you that in fact it is. It always surprises me to think how the Church in recent decades has squandered enormous artistic capital and today still does not realize that its initiatives in the artistic and musical fields have not made our churches or our liturgies more beautiful; on the contrary, they have impover50


Rome, Santa Maria Maggiore. Festival of Music and Sacred Art, concert by the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra

ished us enormously. Yet those in control continue; it seems that they don’t want to give up. Or maybe they don’t want to accept that everything went wrong and that their efforts did not yield the desired results. In the past, the Church has always wanted to use beauty as a means of attraction to the supreme Beauty, which is God. And it did so because it knew that, behind beauty as a reflection of divine Beauty, there is the Truth, also with a capital letter. Evangelization passed through beauty, that beauty that conquers us and that calls us to supernatural things. An aesthetics professor, Professor Stefano Zecchi, offers us this important reflection, which helps us to understand how beauty also serves to re-integrate that which is disunited: “If beauty will save the world, what beauty will save it? What can it mean to associate the word ‘beauty’ with that of ‘salvation?’ The verb ‘save’ expresses the concept of wholeness and integrity. From an etymological point of view, then, the ancient Latin meaning of salvus was taken from totus. To ‘save,’ therefore, is to restore integrity between the parts that tend to dissociate, to recompose the whole. This idea of harmonization, of building order and balance, belongs precisely to the concept of beauty. But, we must add, to a conventional concept of beauty” (Stefano Zecchi, The Armed Artist). A “conventional” concept of beauty? Perhaps conventional, but certainly one that has great importance and that we would do well to consider with great attention. A thinker very attentive to the themes of beauty, the Russian theologian Vladimir Solovev, lets us understand something very important by taking an example from the animal world: “Among many species of birds, the complicated ornaments of the males not only cannot have any utilitarian value

but are actually a direct hindrance because they develop to the detriment of mobility, they hinder flight and running and betray their presence in front of the enemy who chases them; but evidently for them beauty is more important than life” (Vladimir S. Solovev, On Beauty). Beauty is more important than life: this is truly a beautiful image. Beauty is more important than life because it gives fullness to life itself. Let us think about certain nations, like the Italians (grant me this covert patriotism!) who have invested so much in beauty. I think of my ancestors, who beautified the cities I now walk through, and which others will one day walk through. You will remember an old American film in which the Pope was shown arguing with Michelangelo — but also being careful not to give up on him. This has an element of truth, because talent was valued because it was at the service of the Church for the glory of God and the edification of the faithful. They preferred to argue but keep the best artists close, because they were an asset to the Church. And today? For the most part, people are promoted because they are obedient and don’t bother those in charge. You can be a perfect mediocrity as an artist, but that doesn’t matter to anyone. Indeed, no one is now able to distinguish a mediocre artist from a talented one. (I admit that I have particularly in mind what happens around the Vatican. If I hadn’t seen things with my own eyes, I would think they weren’t true. But they are true, of course!) The Church no longer promotes the

best to give glory to her God; instead she is satisfied with foolish servants. Maybe it’s the influence of my long stay in China, but I feel that the Church increasingly needs a “cultural revolution.” We need to throw away all the useless junk that has been handed out to us in recent decades, and we need to make it clear that there is no point in trying to get those who are part of the problem to solve the problem. We must ensure that God as Beauty regains His rights in the Church and that the abominations of the present are nothing but a memory, or rather a nightmare, that we prefer to think of as never having happened. We must rediscover that heroic sense of beauty, that is, beauty as a manifestation of virtue and virtue as a manifestation of beauty. We might think of that beautiful passage from Homer’s Iliad in which it is said: “And just as when the goat herders effortlessly divide the numerous flocks that have mixed together in the pasture, so the captains on one side and on the other lined up the men for the battle, and in their midst stood Agamemnon, similar in head and face to Zeus, lord of lightning, similar to Ares in figure, similar to Poseidon in chest. Like the bull that stands out among all the beasts in the herd, it stands out among the cows gathered around; such was the son of Atreus, that day, by will of Zeus, eminent and exalted among all heroes.” Don’t we feel our hearts invaded by the beauty of heroism and heroism as beauty? For us Christians, beauty is also a manifestation of that heroism that is holiness, and we can only return to it by desiring it with all our hearts.m



Of Book, Art and People

Vatican MuseuMs open ancient roMan necropolis to tourists n BY LUCY GORDAn

Panoramic view of part of the Vatican necropolis and, below, a reconstruction of how the necropolis may have looked 2,000 years ago when St. Peter was executed and buried here (Photos are courtesy of Vatican Museums)


n preparation for 2025’s Jubilee, The Vatican Museums have opened to individual tourists and pilgrims an ancient Roman pagan necropolis or burial grounds. Previously it had been accessible only to select groups of scholars. Now underground, it was once street-level along the Via Triumphalis, the consular road which led from Rome 16 kms. north to Veii, once an important Etruscan city. Roman law forbade the cremation and burial of the dead within the city for safety and hygienic reasons, but during ancient times, the area where Vatican City is today was outside the city. It was famous for its clay quarries and parks, both private and Imperial. Caligula built his circus here; 52 INSIDE THE VATICAN MAY-JUNE 2024

Domitian his Horti or gardens; and Hadrian his monumental mausoleum, now Castel Sant’Angelo. With the necropolis’s entrance, separate from the Museums’, at the massive bronze Porta Santa Rosa on Piazza Risorgimento, the Museums’ intent is to exhibit in situ “Life and Death in the Rome of the Caesars.” Open on Friday afternoons and on Saturdays, tickets must be booked on the Vatican Museums website at least 24 hours beforehand. However, be aware there’s no cloakroom and no accessibility for people with ambulatory problems, for baby strollers or wheelchairs. Individual tickets cost 8.50 euros or, for a group of up to 25 with a guide, 20 euros each. The guided tour, available in English, Spanish, French, German and Italian,

lasts an hour and a half. Howbelonged to the emperor Nero) ever, if you prefer to go at and members of the lower and your own speed the explanamiddle classes: liberti or freedtions on inter-active touchmen, and artisans. Many couldscreens, the wall panels, and n’t afford to build a tomb for the exhibition cards explain themselves, although some had the history and the artifacts enjoyed upward social mobility. clearly both in Italian and in Most, just like the mausoleums English. Admission to The of today’s cemeteries, were Vatican Museums (29 euros) “collective” for entire families. is a separate ticket. We know the identity of a few: The burials in the necropothe inscription and carving on lis of Via Triumphalis (spanhis stele tells us Alcimo was ning c. 10,764 square feet) are Nero’s slave in charge of the seen from above from catscenery of Pompey’s Theater, walks. They date from the first ancient Rome’s largest theater, century BC to the fourth cennear where Julius Caesar was The shrine of Tiberius Natronius Venustus (Photo Lucy Gordan) tury AD, specifically from 22 Bottom, a sleeping lanternarius (lantern carrier) (Photo Lucy Gordan) murdered; freedman Tiberius BC to 337 AD. Some were un- Below, a third-century sarcophagus (Photo courtesy of Vatican Museums) Claudius Optatus, who’s buried earthed in 1956 by chance durhere with his family, was the ing the excavation of the Vatiarchivist of Imperial accounts can Autoparco or garage. In for the infamous emperor Nero; 2003, another sector known as Clement, a horse trainer and “Santa Rosa” was discovered charioteer, and the epitaph of during the construction of a Lucio Sutorio Abescante says parking lot. Between 2009 and he lived to be ninety years old 2011 the two sectors were (qui vixit LXXXX), to name just joined and in 2013 opened to a a few. limited and scholarly public Some of the tombs here still thanks to the generosity of the show traces of stucco, frescoes Canadian Chapter, especially (usually of plants, flowers, and Paul and Carol Hill, of the Pabirds, with red snakes indicattrons of the Arts in the Vatican ing the deceased were Egyptian Museums, while further excaslaves or artisans) and mosaic vation, conservation, and this floors (the most special one deyear’s “musealization” are picts with black and white thanks to the Washington DC tesserae a drunken Bacchus at Chapter. For it must be reits center surrounded by Erotes membered that archeological harvesting grapes and is the onsites must be maintained even ly image or mention of a pagan more assiduously than their argod in the necropolis. tifacts, which can be safely The necropolis also reveals placed in climate-controlled fascinating details about ancient glass display cases. Roman burial rituals and funerThis necropolis is well-preary practices and how these served thanks to a late 4th- century AD landslide which changed during its several centuries of use. At first, the covered it with mud. It’s still being excavated and redead were cremated on an ustrinum or funeral pyre usstored even during visiting hours. What an added perk ing pinecones and pine-nuts to light the fire after which to watch the archeologists and restorers at work! their ashes were put in wooden urns. In later times the The necropolis is unique because of its large size ashes were put in clay pots. During cremation the rite and because none of its 40 tombs and none of the 200 was accompanied by a banquet. Once the cremation was individual burials excavated so far, belonged to aristocompleted, the burned bones were gathered, washed crats. Instead, they belonged to slaves (many of whom and placed inside the urn, which then could be placed in MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN 53

Of Book, Art and People the “collective” tomb or simply directly lived four years, four months, and 10 in the ground with no particular order. days. Still later, cremation was abandoned Because of the necropolis’s present and the dead, dressed in their best and location in Vatican City, it may seem odd most colorful clothes, were buried in that none of the graves belonged to hollowed-out tree trunks in less-expenChristians, but it’s easily explainable. sive open graves as proved by the nuDuring the three and a half centuries the merous visible skeletons. They were necropolis was in use, Christians were once wrapped in shrouds, now of course persecuted and buried in secret catalong decayed, and covered with earth combs not openly along a main road. and leaves. Lastly, remains of the dead Then shortly after Constantine the Great were placed in beautiful marble sarlegalized Christianity so Christians too cophagi often with scenes of the decould have been safely buried here, the ceased’s life plus a portrait. mudslide providentially buried the necGlass cases along the peripheral A mosaic floor, an image of a drunken ropolis for over 1,500 years. walls contain oil lamps, urns, pots, am- Bacchus at its center (Photo Lucy Gordan) For the complete story of the necropphorae, shrines, coins, numerous bent nails (symbols olis, Italian-speakers can order from the Vatican Museof a guaranteed home in the afterlife) several marble ums website, La necropolis Vaticana lungo la Via Trionsleeping lanternarii (lantern-bearers, slaves who acfale, De Luca Editore d’arte-Musei Vaticani, Rome, companied their masters to events at night and then fell 2006, 15 euros, written by Francesco Buranelli et al. asleep waiting to bring them home again) used as lids when Buranelli was Director of the Vatican Museums. for cinerary jars, and ceramics used by relatives and Pope Benedict XVI then appointed him Secretary of the friends during funeral banquets and memorial visits. Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Patrimony of The most moving artifact is the marble shrine of the Church. See my interview “Francesco Buranelli: Tiberius Natronius Venustus. Its inscription says he The Curia’s Only Lay Secretary,” ITV, March 2011.m

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So ...You’e Intolerant ?

Well, so was He. Jesus more than o昀ended the moneychangers; He intolerantly threw them out of the Temple. He said mean-spirited and hurtful things to those who were against Him, calling them “hypocrites,” “a brood of vipers,” and “sons of Hell.” He was more than insensitive to unrepentant sinners; He said Heaven wouldn’t be inclusive of them. Secular liberals have largely succeeded in remaking American society in their own image. And their Catholic counterparts now want to do the same with the Church. They speak beguilingly of tolerance and diversity. Abortion? “We must respect women’s experiences.” Assisted suicide? “Be compassionate.” Homosexuality? “They’re born that way.” Pre-

marital sex? “Kids can’t help it.” Moneychangers in the Temple? “Everybody has to make a living.” We at the New Oxford Review, an orthodox Catholic monthly magazine, refuse to go gently into the dark night of some strange new religion, one that cravenly mimics the surrounding culture. We don’t shy away from the “hard” teachings of Christ and His Church. We know why we’re Catholic, and we’re not afraid to tell doubters and dissenters all about it. And we so with “attitude,” says Karl Keating, founder of Catholic Answers and a contriuting editor of the New Oxford Review. If you’ve had enough of the wishy-washiness, lack of clarity, and subtle syncretism that’s passed o昀 as authentic Catholicism, subscribe today!

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“A PiTiLESS REALiTy of LifE AnD DEATH” MORE THAN A CENTURY AGO, MONSIGNOR ROBERT HUGH BEnSOn FORESAW THE RISE OF SECULAR HUMANISM, THE CONTRACTION OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, AND THE COMING OF THE ANTICHRIST n BY ITV STAFF Editor’s Note: The passage below is from the novel Lord of the World, written by the English Catholic convert Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson (the son of the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury) in 1907. He attempts a vision of the world more than a century in the future — in the early 21st century… our own time… predicting the

LORD OF THE WORLD BY ROBERT HUGH BENSON (1907) BOOK II, THE EnCOUnTER, CHAPTER VII, SECTIOn I (Note: The day authorities begin to move against the Faith, Mabel Brand, whose husband is supporter of Felsenbugh — the leader who preaches a humanist future without Christ — takes a moment to pray in a little church. A terrified child runs up, crying “They’re coming! They’re coming!” The persecution has begun. Mabel represents those who are partly deceived by the antichrist; many believe that Benson uses her as a symbol that, even in the worst circumstances, some people may be saved.)


t was nearly sixteen o’clock on the same day, the last day of the year, that Mabel went into the little church that stood in the street beneath her house. The dark was falling softly, layer on layer; across the roofs to westward burned the smoldering fire of the winter sunset, and the interior was full of the dying light. She had slept a little in her chair that afternoon, and had awakened with that strange cleansed sense of spirit and mind that sometimes follows such sleep. She wondered later how she could have slept at such a time, and above all, how it was that she had perceived nothing of that cloud of fear and fury that even now was falling over town and country alike. She remembered afterwards an unusual busyness on the broad tracks beneath her as she had looked out on them from her windows, and an unusual calling of horns and whistles; but she thought nothing of it, and passed down an hour later for a meditation in the church. She had grown to love the quiet place, and came in often like this to steady her thoughts and concentrate them on the significance that lay beneath the surface of life — the huge principles upon which all lived, and which so plainly were the true realities. Indeed, such devotion was becoming almost recognized among certain classes of people. Addresses were delivered now and then; little books were being published as guides to the interior 56


rise of Communism, the fall of faith in many places, the advance of technology (he foresees helicopters) and so forth up until... the Second Coming of the Lord, with which his vision ends. For this reason, and also because Pope Benedict and Pope Francis have repeatedly cited the book, saying its clarification of the danger of a type of humanitarianism without God is a true danger that we do face, we print a selection from it in ITV, now and in the months ahead.

life, curiously resembling the old Catholic books on mental prayer. She went today to her usual seat, sat down, folded her hands, looked for a minute or two upon the old stone sanctuary, the white image and the darkening window. Then she closed her eyes and began to think, according to the method she followed. First she concentrated her attention on herself, detaching it from all that was merely external and transitory, withdrawing it inwards… inwards, until she found that secret spark which, beneath all frailties and activities, made her a substantial member of the divine race of humankind. This then was the first step. The second consisted in an act of the intellect, followed by one of the imagination. All men possessed that spark, she considered... Then she sent out her powers, sweeping with the eyes of her mind the seething world, seeing beneath the light and dark of the two hemispheres, the countless millions of mankind — children coming into the world, old men leaving it, the mature rejoicing in it and their own strength. Back through the ages she looked, through those centuries of crime and blindness, as the race rose through savagery and superstition to a knowledge of themselves; on through the ages yet to come, as generation followed generation to some climax whose perfection, she told herself, she could not fully comprehend because she was not of it. Yet, she told herself again, that climax had already been born; the birth-pangs were over; for had not He come who was the heir of time?… Then by a third and vivid act she realized the unity of all, the central fire of which each spark was but a radiation — that vast passionless divine being, realizing Himself up through these centuries, one yet many, Him whom men had called God, now no longer unknown, but recognized as the transcendent total of themselves — Him who now, with the coming of the new Savior, had stirred and awakened and shown Himself as One. And there she stayed, contemplating the vision of her mind, detaching now this virtue, now that, for particular assimilation, dwelling on her deficiencies, seeing in the whole the fulfillment of all aspirations, the sum of all for which men had hoped — that

God as depicted by British poet William Blake as the “architect of creation,” now in the British Museum, London

Spirit of Peace, so long hindered yet generated too perpetually by the passions of the world, forced into outline and being by the energy of individual lives, realizing itself in pulse after pulse, dominant at last, serene, manifest, and triumphant. There she stayed, losing the sense of individuality, merging it by a long-sustained effort of the will, drinking, as she thought, long breaths of the spirit of life and love…. Some sound, she supposed afterwards, disturbed her, and she opened her eyes; and there before her lay the quiet pavement, glimmering through the dusk, the step of the sanctuary, the rostrum on the right, and the peaceful space of darkening air above the white Mother-figure and against the tracery of the old window. It was here that men had worshiped Jesus, that blood-stained Man of Sorrow, who had borne, even on His own confession, not peace but a sword. Yet they had knelt, those blind and hopeless Christians…. Ah! the pathos of it all, the despairing acceptance of any creed that would account for sorrow, the wild worship of any God who had claimed to bear it! And again came the sound, striking across her peace, though as yet she did not understand why. It was nearer now; and she turned in astonishment to look down the dusky nave. It was from without that the sound had come, that strange murmur, that rose and fell again as she listened. She stood up, her heart quickening a little—only once before had she heard such a sound, once before, in a square, where men raged about a point beneath a platform…. She stepped swiftly out of her seat, passed down the aisle, drew back the curtains beneath the west window, lifted the latch and stepped out. ***** The street, from where she looked over the railings that barred the entrance to the church, seemed unusually empty and dark. To right and left stretched the houses, overhead the darkening sky was flushed with rose; but it seemed as if the public lights had been forgotten. There was not a living being to be seen. She had put her hand on the latch of the gate, to open it and go out, when a sudden patter of footsteps made her hesitate; and the next instant a child appeared panting, breathless and terrified, running with her hands before her. “They’re coming, they’re coming,” sobbed the child, seeing the face looking at her. Then she clung to the bars, staring over her shoulder. Mabel lifted the latch in an instant; the child sprang in, ran to the door and beat against it, then turning, seized her dress and cowered against her. Mabel shut the gate. “There, there,” she said. “Who is it? Who are coming?” But the child hid her face, drawing at the kindly skirts; and the next moment came the roar of voices and the trampling of footsteps. ***** It was not more than a few seconds before the heralds of that grim procession came past. First came a flying squadron of children, laughing, terrified, fascinated, screaming, turning their heads as they ran, with a dog or two yelping among them, and a few women drifting sideways along the pavements. A face of a man, Mabel saw as she glanced in terror upwards, had appeared

at the windows opposite, pale and eager — some invalid no doubt dragging himself to see. One group — a well-dressed man in grey, a couple of women carrying babies, a solemn-faced boy — halted immediately before her on the other side of the railings, all talking, none listening, and these too turned their faces to the road on the left, up which every instant the clamor and trampling grew. Yet she could not ask. Her lips moved; but no sound came from them. She was one incarnate apprehension. Across her intense fixity moved pictures of no importance of Oliver as he had been at breakfast, of her own bedroom with its softened paper, of the dark sanctuary and the white figure on which she had looked just now. They were coming thicker now; a troop of young men with their arms linked swayed into sight, all talking or crying aloud, none listening — all across the roadway, and behind them, surged the crowd, like a wave in a stone-fenced channel, male scarcely distinguishable from female in that pack of faces, and under that sky that grew darker every instant. Except for the noise, which Mabel now hardly noticed, so thick and incessant it was, so complete her concentration in the sense of sight — except for that, it might have been, from its suddenness and overwhelming force, some mob of phantoms trooping on a sudden out of some vista of the spiritual world visible across an open space, and about to vanish again in obscurity. That empty street was full now on this side and that so far as she could see; the young men were gone — running or walking she hardly knew — round the corner to the right, and the entire space was one stream of heads and faces, pressing so fiercely that the group at the railings were detached like weeds and drifted too, sideways, clutching at the bars, and swept away too and vanished. And all the while the child tugged and tore at her skirts. Certain things began to appear now above the heads of the crowd — objects she could not distinguish in the failing light — poles, and fantastic shapes, fragments of stuff resembling banners, moving as if alive, turning from side to side, borne from beneath. Faces, distorted with passion, looked at her from time to time as the moving show went past, open mouths cried at her; but she hardly saw them. She was watching those strange emblems, straining her eyes through the dusk, striving to distinguish the battered broken shapes, half-guessing, yet afraid to guess. Then, on a sudden, from the hidden lamps beneath the eaves, light leaped into being — that strong, sweet, familiar light, generated by the great engines underground that, in the passion of that catastrophic day, all men had forgotten; and in a moment all changed from a mob of phantoms and shapes into a pitiless reality of life and death. Before her moved a great rood, with a figure upon it, of which one arm hung from the nailed hand, swinging as it went; an embroidery streamed behind with the swiftness of the motion. And next after it came the naked body of a child, impaled, white and ruddy, the head fallen upon the breast, and the arms, too, dangling and turning. And next the figure of a man, hanging by the neck, dressed, it seemed, in a kind of black gown and cape, with its black-capped head twisting from the twisting rope. (to be continued) m MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN


VATICAN WATCH By Matthew Trojacek with CNA Reports - Grzegorz Galazka and CNA photos


CLERGY CONFERENCE HELD IN ROME Today about 1,000 priests from 60 countries around the world gathered in Rome for a conference on clerical formation. “Rekindle the Gift of God That Is Within You” was the theme of the meeting, held on February 6-10, which was sponsored by the Vatican’s Dicasteries for the Clergy, Evangelisation, and Eastern Churches. Cardinal Lazarus You Heungsik, Prefect of the Dicastery for the clergy, opened the conference by recalling the moment Pope Francis appointed him to his current role. “On that day,” he said, “a bishop friend of mine told me: ‘Now you are responsible for ensuring that all the priests in the world are happy.’” Many priests today, he noted, are “tired and discouraged, caught off guard by the challenges of today’s society and the burdens they carry.” Thus, he said, “the importance of providing priests with the necessary support and accompaniment, and thus the need for ongoing formation, has increasingly come to the forefront.” (VaticanNews) SATURDAY 10

CARDINAL TAGLE CELEBRATES LUNAR NEW YEAR WITH CHINESE IN ROME The Church does not shine with its own light. It can only give the world the light of Christ, reflecting it on its opaque body, as the moon does with the sunlight. Cardinal Louis Antonio G. Tagle, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for the Evangelization, offered this powerful image drawn from the Fathers of the Church to explain again what is the source and the true nature of the missionary work entrusted by Christ to His Church. The Filipino Cardinal here referenced what the Fathers of the Church called the Mysterium Lunae, on Saturday, February 10, during the Mass he offered for the celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year. The Cardinal recalled that the moon has “a special place” in the writings of the early Fathers of the Church, as it is something that has to do “with the mission of the Church, with our mission. The sun, the light, is Jesus Christ, and the Church, like the moon, must depend on the light that comes from Jesus.” (VaticanNews) 58 INSIDE THE VATICAN MAY-JUNE 2024


POPE FRANCIS AND ARGENTINE PRESIDENT SHARE AMICABLE MEETING Pope Francis met with Argentine President Javier Milei in a highly anticipated private audience on February 12, showcasing a possible rapprochement after the South American politician voiced sharp criticisms of the pontiff in 2023. According to Francisco Sánchez, the undersecretary of Argentina’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, and Worship — who was part of the country’s official delegation to the Vatican — the meeting was full of “surprising aspects” and “took place in a very cordial way, with a lot of sympathy, with a lot of friendship between the two,” Italian News outlet ANSA reported. Sánchez observed that the two met for over an hour, “which is not generally granted to international delegations received by the pontiff.” (CNA) THURSDAY 15

WORLD DAY FOR GRANDPARENTS AND THE ELDERLY HIGHLIGHTS “LONELINESS,” “THROWAWAY CULTURE” The theme for the fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will be celebrated on July 28, has been chosen by Pope Francis. According to the Holy See Press Office, this year’s theme is “Do Not Cast Me Off in My Old Age,” which comes from Psalm 71. The February 15 press release noted that in choosing this verse it was the Holy Father’s desire “to call attention to the fact that, sadly, loneliness is the bitter lot in life of many elderly persons, so often the victims of the throwaway culture.” The press release said that “by cherishing the charisms of grandparents and the elderly, and the contribution they make to the life of the Church, the World Day seeks to support the efforts of every ecclesial community to forge bonds between the generations and to combat loneliness.” (CNA)


VATICAN LAUNCHES SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN TO REDISCOVER “CHRISTUS VIVIT” In 2024, the Church celebrated the 5th anniversary of the publication of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation

Opposite page, meeting of Pope Francis with priests (Photo OSV). Below, St Peter’s Basilica, March 29, Pope Francis celebrates the Passion of the Lord by the Adoration of the Cross (Photo Grzegorz Galazka)

Christus Vivit. On March 25, 2019, at the Holy House in Loretto, Italy, Pope Francis signed a “letter” to young people that sealed the work of the Synod of Bishops on Young People, which had been held in the Vatican the previous year. This year, the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life offered its support to the group of young communicators participating in the Dicastery for Communication’s “Faith Communication in the Digital World” program through the design and production of a social media campaign for the official Facebook and Instagram accounts of World Youth Day (WYD). (VaticanNews) MONDAY 4

VATICAN ON FRANCE’S ABORTION AMENDMENT: THERE CANNOT BE A “RIGHT” TO TAKE A HUMAN LIFE On March 4, France became the first country in the world to enshrine the right to abortion in its basic law, a move that has been staunchly opposed by the French bishops and by the Vatican: “The Pontifical Academy for Life reiterates that precisely in the era of universal human rights, there cannot be a ‘right’ to take a human life.” The Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) went on to appeal to “all governments and all religious traditions to do their best so that in this phase of history, the protection of life becomes an absolute priority, with concrete steps in favor of peace and social justice, with effective measures for universal access to resources, education, and health.” While noting that “the protection of human life is humanity’s first objective,” the Vatican academy acknowledged the myriad socioeconomic and personal difficulties that some families and women face. These “life situations and difficult and dramatic contexts of our time” must be addressed by governments and civil society but in a way that is “at the service of the human person and of brotherhood” and protects “the weakest and most vulnerable.” (CNA) WEDNESDAY 20

POPE FRANCIS CHANGES STATUTES OF PAPAL BASILICA, EMPHASIZING WORK OF CANONS On March 20, Pope Francis issued new regulations for the administration of the papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major, placing new emphasis on spiritual work and pastoral care and appointing a coadjutor archpriest of the West’s oldest Marian shrine. In the papal decree, the Holy Father explained that he sought to “free” the “canons,” (members of the group or “chapter” of clergy he designates to serve the basilica) “from all economic and administrative duties, so that they

may dedicate themselves, fully and with renewed vigor, to the spiritual and pastoral accompaniment” of pilgrims. (CNA) THURSDAY 28

POPE DURING HOLY WEEK URGES CATHOLICS TO FEEL A LITTLE MORE “GUILT” Pope Francis dedicated his homily for his March 28 Chrism Mass in Saint Peter’s Basilica to a healthy living of compunction, which he said is not an “obsession” with feeling unworthy, but a genuine acknowledgement of wrongdoing and sorrow for its repercussions. The Pope focused on the image of Peter who, in the Gospels, refused to accept Jesus’s prediction that he would deny Jesus three times. As a result, Francis said, Peter “lost sight of Jesus and denied him at the cock’s crow,” prompting him to weep at his own failure. Jesus’s words in all of his years of preaching had not altered Peter’s expectations of the Messiah, the Pope continued, saying that Peter “was expecting a political Messiah, powerful, forceful and decisive,” and was scandalized to see Jesus “powerless and submitting passively to his arrest.” Peter only began to truly know Jesus “when, at the dark moment of his denial, he yielded to tears of shame and repentance,” the Pope said, adding that Peter was healed when he allowed himself to be forgiven amid tears of sorrow and a renewed sense of love. The origin of the word compunction is related to “piercing,” Francis said, explaining that it entails a “piercing of the heart” that is painful and evokes repentance. This, Francis said, “is what compunction is: not a sense of guilt that makes us discouraged or obsessed with our unworthiness, but a beneficial ‘piercing’ that purifies and heals the heart.” (Crux) SATURDAY 30

POPE FRANCIS TO VISIT INDONESIA AND TIMORLESTE (EAST TIMOR) IN SEPTEMBER The Indonesian government’s confirmation of Pope Francis’ visit has sparked enthusiasm among Catholics in the Muslim-majority nation. Pope Francis is scheduled to visit Indonesia on September 3, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Quomas said in a March 30 statement, referring to a Vatican confirmation of the date. “This is certainly an honor for the Indonesian people,” he added. Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo invited the Pope for a visit in June 2022, the minister said. The upcoming visit has also been confirmed by the Secretary General of the Jakarta Archdiocese, Father Adi Prasojo. (UCANews)n MAY-JUNE 2024 INSIDE THE VATICAN 59


ATTHEW TROJACEK with G. Galazka photos

POPE NAMES BIOCHEMIST VATICAN OBSERVATORY PUBLISHES NEW METHOD TO WHO CONTRIBUTED BETTER UNDERSTAND THE “BIG BANG” THEORY TO COVID VACCINE TO n a 2022 article published in the PONTIFICAL ACADEMY FOR LIFE prestigious journal Physical ReA Nobel-prize winning biochemist and view D, Fathers Gabriele Gionti, researcher who helped develSJ, and Matteo Galaverni, priests op the mRNA technology and cosmologists of the Vatican Obused to create the Pfizer and servatory, introduced a new and promisModerna COVID-19 vacing mathematical tool to better undercines—Katalin Karikó—is stand the “Big Bang” theory. one of the newest members of “It really is fascinating to try to the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life. understand the physical laws in the early moments of the Pope Francis announced the appointuniverse,” the priests said in a Vatican Observatory publiment of Karikó, who lectures at the Unication released March 14. “The search for new physical laws versity of Szeged in Hungary, in a news and the effort to fully understand them is a process that fills our minds release on February 10. The pontifical and hearts with great joy.” academy, which Pope Saint John Paul II The observatory’s statement points out that Albert Einstein’s theoestablished in 1994, studies and provides ry of general relativity, which postulates that gravity is the curvature of input on the use of biomedicine in the prospace-time rather than a force as proposed by Isaac Newton’s theory tection of life. of gravity, remains the best physical theory “for understanding the Karikó, who was born in Szolnok, large-scale structure of the universe today.” However, there are still unHungary, received the 2023 Nobel Prize in resolved questions about the laws of physics during the first moments Physiology or Medicine for her work to of the universe and about how gravity works on extremely small scales, develop mRNA technology. The Nobel which can be studied using quantum mechanics. (CNA) Assembly at the Karolinska Institute issued a news retransportation, attacks often carried out for nonpayment lease saying she and co-researcher Drew of extortion demands. Weissman received the award “for their Even more stunning, Mexican President Andrés discoveries concerning nucleoside base Manuel López Obrador endorsed the bishmodifications that enabled the development of ops’ actions, saying at his February 15 press effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.” (CNA) conference, “I see it as a very good thing. I think we all have to contribute to achieving CONTINENTAL BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE peace.” On February 22, India’s Cardinal Filipe This news of the bishops intervening in Neri Ferrão of Goa and Daman was elected Guerrero, however, reflects the deteriorating security sitPresident of the Federation of Asian Bishuation across broad swaths of the country, along with perops’ Conferences (FABC), which repreceptions of the state failing to control territory and accusents the Catholic Church in Asia. sations of politicians colluding or being cowed by drug He replaces Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of cartels. (UCANews) Yangon, Myanmar who was elected to the position in 2018. “Together with all members of the Indonesian Bishops’ PAKISTANI DIOCESE CONCLUDES SAINTHOOD INQUIRY FOR MARTYR Conference I would like to congratulate Cardinal Filipe Lahore archdiocese in Pakistan has officially Neri for being elected President of FABC,” said Cardinal concluded the inquiry into the martyrdom of Ignatius Suharyo of Jakarta, Indonesia. Akash Bashir, the nation’s first candidate “I have a deep impression that Cardinal Filipe Neri is a for sainthood, nine years after he was killed bright and very committed person,” he said. “His interwhile preventing a suicide bomber from enventions in every meeting have been always inspiring.” tering a packed church. (Crux) Hundreds of Catholics thronged to Sacred Heart Cathedral in Lahore on March 15 as Archbishop SeMEXICAN BISHOPS REMAIN OPEN TO bastian Shaw of Lahore along with other officials signed DIALOGUE WITH DRUG CARTELS the documents saying they had faithfully fulfilled the reThe news stunned Mexico: Four bishops from southern quired work to examine if the candidate lived a life of Guerrero state acknowledged in mid-February that they sanctity, heroically practicing Christian virtues. had met with drug cartel bosses to broker a possible truce. Salesian Father Gabriel Cruz, vice-postulator of the The talks failed to produce a peace accord but achieved cause of Akash, said, “It is a historical occasion. We thank an agreement that the cartel would cease attacks on public





he Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington, D.C., has installed a drawing of the Crucifixion by imprisoned Hong Kong Catholic and prodemocracy activist Jimmy Lai. Father Robert Sirico, a supporter and friend of Lai’s, said during the installation ceremony on February 22 that the sketch is a testimony “not just of Jimmy’s his parents for the training. We pray for this grace for all parents to raise peaceful youth strong in their faith.” (UCANews) MYANMAR BISHOP URGES CHRISTIANS TO FIND HOPE IN SUFFERING The feast of Easter that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus encourages Christians in Myanmar to cling to hope despite suffering from cruelty, hunger, and death amid ongoing rthnic conflicts in the country, Bishop Celso Ba Shwe of Loikaw said in his Easter message. “We must show the world that we are not the people of Good Friday, but the People of Easter. Easter is the reason for our joy, and we are Easter People,” said 59-year-old Shwe.

struggle but the struggle of all people of Hong Kong” and “all of the people of China, who will, by faith, resist [oppression].” The large drawing depicts Christ on the cross flanked by eight orange flowers. It was created by Lai in prison, where, according to Father Sirico, he has been kept in solitary confinement for close to 1,500 days. (NCRegister)

The bishop was forced to flee his cathedral and official residence in the capital of conflict-torn Kayah state last November due to a military takeover. “Let us find the Risen Lord in our brothers and sisters who suffered the loss of family members, destruction of houses and properties, who go hungry, and who daily undergo insecurity and uncertainty caused by human atrocities and cruelty,” he said in the message released on March 31. (UCANews)

VIETNAM OFFICIAL PRAISES CATHOLIC CHURCH AS RELATIONS THAW Vatican-Vietnam ties will develop further in the coming days and there is a plan for a papal visit to the Southeast Asian nation, says a top Vietnam minister. Deputy Home Minister Vu Chien Thang also said Vietnam and the Vatican respect each other SAFETY CONCERNS KEEP BURKINA FASO to work towards a friendly CATHOLICS AWAY FROM MASS relationship. Thang said the bilateral agreements he majority of Christians in Burkiboth the parties signed recently are based na Faso are now shying away from on a road map and international convenSunday services and instead praying at tions. This news was first reported by home after a series of deadly attacks by, a publication of the Islamist militants targeted churches and ruling Communist Party of Vietnam, on killed scores of worshippers. March 6. The latest attack by insurThe thaw in relations gents on a Catholic church in the northeastern part of the helped the Vatican to apcountry on February 25 left at least 15 people dead. Local point Archbishop Marek Church officials stated that gunmen on motorcycles suspected Zalewski as the first resito be Islamist militants raided the church during Sunday worship in dent pontifical representative Essakane village, close to the border with Mali, indiscriminately to Vietnam last December. shooting at worshippers, including little children on their parents’ laps. The government is happy to receive “People are devastated and are… avoiding Sunday Mass for fear of Pope Francis, Thang said amid media refurther attacks,” said Father Jean-Pierre Sawadogo, vicar general of ports about a possible papal visit to Vietthe Diocese of Dori, where the attack took place. nam this year. Vietnam is the only commuThe West African nation of 21 million people has experienced civil nist country where the Holy See has a reswar between the government and Islamist rebels since 2015. The reident pontifical representative. cent report by Human Rights Watch underlined that non-state armed Other communist Asian countries— groups control up to 50% of the country’s territory, and the conflict has China, Laos and North Korea—have no led to the death of thousands of people and displaced over 2 million papal envoys. (UCANews)m people. (OSVNews)



Food FoR THoUGHT All photos are courtesy of Archaeological Park of Pompeii, Italy



Slaves, devoid of all rights, were hen Mount Vesuvius erupted in irst exhibition about omPeii s considered tools and shackled if they 79 A.D., at least 3,000 of Pomrebelled. On display in “Servile Famipeii’s some 15,000 inhabitants lower classes and slaves ly” are reproductions of slaves’ rope were killed, buried under continuous mattresses, shackles, and an inscribed gold serpent-shaped armwaves of 700° ash-containing toxic gas. The deceased were eiband (probably a gift from a master to his favorite slave). ther the wealthy who didn’t want to abandon their valuables or “Clothing and Beauty Care” displays several plaster casts of the poor and slaves with nowhere else to go. the dead, some still clothed (photo). Slaves and the lower classA fascinating new exhibition, “The Other Pompeii, Ordinary es had only one tunicatus populus, usually made of burlap, and Lives in the Shadow of Mount Vesuvius,” is now being held in weren’t allowed to wear above it the toga reserved for the elite. the Great Gymnasium in Pompeii’s archaeological park until The most common tunic was the hesomide, which reached only December 15, 2024. For the first time ever, an exhibition delves halfway down the thigh and was stopped at the waist by a belt. into the daily lives of the city’s less affluent classes: artisans, Several of the plaster casts are wearing wool tunics, so Mt. shopkeepers, ex-slaves, who accounted for 50% of the populaVesuvius probably erupted during the autumn, not in summer, tion, and slaves from Syria, Jerusalem, Africa, Northern Euas commonly believed. Also shown here are charred textile rope, and Greece — an additional 30%. fragments, jewelry, combs, tweezers, and bronze mirrors. Almost all the 300 artifacts, on display for the first time, The centerpiece of “Entertainment come from the site’s storerooms. and Leisure Time” is a large terracotta They’re divided into seven aspects of mask worn by male actors (actors, like daily life: childhood; food and nutrigladiators, were often slaves). The citition; family; clothing and accessories; zens of Pompeii in their free time enleisure time and entertainment; comjoyed the public baths. Slaves were merce; and ending with religious faith, able to accompany their masters to the death, and the afterlife. baths, and could enjoy the waters and Survival during pregnancy, childtreatments. Gambling was a widebirth, infancy and childhood were prespread local “sport” practiced at all socarious for Pompeii’s lower classes cial levels (confirmed by the large and slaves. Infanticide and abandonTheaters of Pompeii with Mt. Vesuvius in the background number of dice and their shakers). ment at birth were legal and the morBoard games were also popular, with many on display. During tality rate during the first year of life was 30% to 40%. Around the main celebration of the year, the Saturnalia in mid-Decem50% of those who survived infancy didn’t reach their 10th ber, social norms between free Pompeiians and their slaves birthday. On display in “Infancy” are marble statues and a freswere relaxed and even, for one day, inverted. co of happy small children playing with their pet ducks, but In “Travel and Commerce,” a model wooden boat filled with these artworks purposefully contrast with numerous marble or amphorae symbolizes the importance of maritime travel for stone burial markers, known as columellae, of a stylized anthrocommerce. Wall panels show the main trade routes in the pomorphic shape inscribed with the name and age of the dead Mediterranean and the types of merchandise carried on these child. trade routes to and from Pompeii. Exports included terracotta The centerpiece of “Food and Nutrition” is a long table with pottery. Imports included wine from Asia minor and Greece, oil charred food remnants: loaves of bread flanked by grains, from North Africa, garum (a fermented fish sauce used as a legumes, carobs, walnuts, pomegranates, figs, egg shells, and condiment in the cuisines of Phoenicia, ancient Greece, Rome, fish and animal bones. Carthage and later Byzantium) from Sicily and Spain, and dried Slaves were kept on a rationed, high-energy diet and largely fruit from the Middle East. Slaves from many different regions subsisted on bread, legumes, vegetable soups, and only occaand cultures were also imported. sionally dried fruits and olives. However, the lower and middle Among the lower classes, Pompeii’s most popular cults honclasses had access to local fish and chicken eggs, the quantity ored Dionysus and Isis, represented here by many small homedepending on their finances. shrines’ statues. Associated with commerce and agriculture, In addition to the central table on display here are terracotta these cults centered around the promise of a better life on earth crookery and glassware as well as two frescoes, one depicting as well as after death and subsequent cremation, pagan Pomfish and eels, the other a rooster and exotic fruits, foods eaten peii’s predominant funerary rite.m only by the wealthy.



Left, Columellae or burial markers for children; a table displaying food remnants; a plaster cast of a corpse showing clothing; and a glass burial urn


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“‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given’: he is the ‘Prince of Peace.’ Let us welcome him!” -POPE FR ANCIS

Christmas in Italy and the Opening of the Jubilee Year December 2024 Christmas is a wonderful time to be in Rome. The entire city seems to light up with a special joy, and there is even more peace throughout the city than usual. The entire city can actually seem to become a small village. We, too, will become “Roman villagers” at Christmas. Throughout Italy, every church constructs a presepio (or presepe) — a Nativity tableau which may even include “living” crèche scenes with real people and animals — ranging from charmingly simple to stunningly elaborate. Some include hills, trees, lakes, rivers, angels suspended by wires, the Christmas star and reproductions of an entire village or the countryside of Bethlehem. Always, the straw-filled manger remains empty until the night of Natale — the birth of Christ. Christmas time is also a special time to visit Assisi. St. Francis of Assisi began the Christian tradition of the manger scene by creating the very first one, with live people and animals, in the nearby town of Greccio. In Assisi, a beautiful life-size manger scene is displayed each Christmas in front of St. Francis’ Basilica. Join us for this joyous Christmas celebration! Visit us online for more information on this moving spiritual pilgrimage.


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