IM 2022 6 EN Summary

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Innovative Materials Summary volume 6 2022

This is a summary of the most recent edition of Innovative Materials. Want to read the full articles? HERE you will find more information about subscriptions.

Innovative Materials is an interactive, digital magazine about new and/or innovative applied materials in civil engineering sector, construction, architecture and design.

Bio-cyber physical ‘planetoids’

Researchers Henriette Bier and Pierre Oskam developed bio-cyber-physical capsules, so-called ‘planetoids’, in the Robotic Building lab. This was done in collaboration with a team of landscape architects, architects and roboticists.

Disposable electronics on a sheet of paper

Earlier this year, an article in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces presented a prototype printed circuit board made from a sheet of paper with fully integrated electrical components.

Design award for terracotta airco

Last October, the website paid attention to the Nave air conditioning system by the Israeli industrial designer Yael Issacharov. It is a terracotta air conditioning system that is one of the winners (2021/2022) of the Adesign award & competition.

Research project on 3D concrete printing wins second prize RAAK award

The Konkreter research project, which investigated the possibilities of 3D concrete printing, won the second prize of the so-called RAAK Awards. The prize is awarded each year by the SIA Directorate (part of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, NWO) for the best practice-oriented research from universities of applied sciences.

1.4 million euros for research on circular renovation

A consortium led by principal investigator Lisanne Havinga, assistant professor in the Building Performance group, and co-principal investigator Torsten Schröder, assistant professor in the Architectural Design and Engineering group, will investigate how buildings can be renovated in a circular and emission-free manner.

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Breakthrough electrolyser: 200 times less iridium needed

Researchers at TNO have been the first to succeed in developing a method that requires 200 times less iridium and with which a performance of 25 - 46 percent of the current generation of electrolysers can already be achieved.

PlasticRoad at Schiphol

Schiphol is the first airport in the world to have a road made of recycled plastic (PlasticRoad). The PlasticRoad that has been constructed is made from waste from the terminal.

A wooden chair

could arrive

flat, then dry into a 3D shape

Wooden objects are usually made by sawing, carving, bending or pressing. That might change. Scientists have developed a method by which flat wooden shapes extruded by a 3D printer can be programmed to transform themselves into complex 3D shapes at any time. In the future, this technique could be used to make furniture or other wooden products that could be shipped flat to a destination and then dried to form the desired final shape.

Transparant bamboo

China National Bamboo Research gave an overview of the possibilities of the new transparent bamboo composite (TBC) material in the Magazine Polymers earlier this year.

Magnet removes microplastics from water

Researchers at Australia’s RMIT University have found a way to quickly remove microplastics from water using magnets. Existing methods can take days to remove microplastics, while RMIT’s relatively inexpensive process achieves better results in as little as an hour.

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Algae-grown limestone concrete

A research team led by scientists from the University of Colorado (CU) Boulder has devised a way to make cement production carbon neutral - and even carbon negative - by removing carbon dioxide from the air using microalgae.

Renewable cellulose-based fillers

Replacing petrochemical materials with materials from renewable raw materials is an important step towards sustainability. After two years of intensive and open collaboration between Empa and Datwyler Schweiz AG, as part of an Innosuisse project, a process was successfully developed that brought together the worlds of cellulose and rubber.

From CO2 to stone: Permanent mineralization of carbon dioxide Trees and vegetation are not the only form of carbon absorption from the atmosphere. Large amounts of carbon are naturally stored in rocks. Geothermal company Carbfix from Icelandic Kópavogur has developed a process that CO2 permanently mineralizes in rock, mimicking and accelerating this natural process. At the geothermal power plant in Hellisheiði, Iceland, the underground injection of CO2 from Switzerland started in early November.

Dutch Design Week 2022

Every year in October, the Dutch Design Week (DDW) takes place in Eindhoven. Northern Europe’s largest design event presented the work of designers between 16 and 24 October, spread over more than a hundred locations in the city. And again this year there was attention for material innovations, 3D-printed materials and objects, biomaterials and, above all, there was a lot of circularity.

Kijken in de grond

´Kijken in de grond´ is an initiative of studio STEPHAN SCHAGEN and CHRITH architects with the aim of making a series of ‘portraits’ of the Dutch soil based on a geological map of the Netherlands in the form of wind-dried, pressed earthen blocks.

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Welcome to the New Stone Age

During the event ‘Welcome to the New Stone Age’, organized by StoneCycling during the DDW 2022, new building materials were presented that have a positive influence on construction and architecture. Such as bricks made from waste, tiles produced using bacteria and concrete pavers without cement and much more.

Urban Reef

Urban Reef is a young startup that researches, develops and designs interactions and objects for more than a human-centric urban environment. During DDW22, Urban Reef presented its research into materials, bioapplicability and interaction design.


CHEMARTS is a long-term strategic collaboration project between two Aalto University schools: The School of Chemical Engineering (CHEM) and The School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS). The aim is to carry out innovative research into biobased materials. The results were exhibited during the DDW.

Solar Pavilon

The Solar Pavilon is the final piece of the Solar Biennale 2022. It was designed by V8 Architects and Marjan van Aubel Studio and was built as the central pavilion for Dutch Design Week 2022. Energy and heat were generated on site using the latest techniques and aesthetic solar panels.


Medulla is a materials research project by Don Yaw Kwiang on pitrus (Juncus effusus); a kind of rush. Pitrus is a cosmopolitan swamp plant and often a dominant and usually unwanted crop. The plant is best known for the woven Japanese tatami mats for which the plant is grown, but the soft rush is considered a weed in most countries. In the Netherlands, thousands of kilos of soft rush plants are removed from nature by Staatsbosbeheer every year.

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Rainwater retention panel

Designer Tjeerd Veenoven came up with a locally manufactured ceramic facade panel in which rainwater can be stored. The water is retained for a maximum of three days, where it evaporates due to the heat of the sun and causes the temperature in the stone to drop, which has a cooling effect on the house and the environment.


MAKE IT MATTER is compiled in collaboration with MaterialDistrict ( In this section new, and/or interesting developments and innovative materials are highlighted.

Material District Utrecht 2023

With 150 exhibitors, an exhibition with 250 materials and a lecture programme with 50 speakers, MaterialDistrict Utrecht will once again be full of material inspiration from 8 to 10 March 2023, again in Werkspoorkathedraal Utrecht. The event is fully committed to the circular economy.

Dates & opening hours MaterialDistrict Utrecht 2023

Wednesday, 8 March, 2023: 10.00 – 18.00 h Thursday, 9 March, 2023: 10.00 – 18.00 h Friday, 10 March, 2023: 10.00 – 17.00 h

More at Material District>

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Moulded Wood Glass foam YIBRICK


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InfraTech 2023 17 - 20 January 2023, Rotterdam

47th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics 22 - 27 January 2023

Daytona Beach

Bouwbeurs 2023 6 - 10 February 2023, Utrecht

Glassman Europe 2023 8 - 9 February 2023, Istanbul

Fastener Fair Stuttgart 21 -23 March 2023, Stuttgart

European Coatings Show 2022 28 - 30 March 2023, Nurnberg

Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023 19 - 20 April 2023, Cologne

KUTENO Kunststofftechnik Nord 9 - 11 May 2023, Rheda-Wiedenbrück

Renewable Materials Conference 2023 23 - 25 mei 2023, Siegburg/ Cologne

Maintenance Dortmund 24 - 25 mei 2023, Dortmund


12 - 16 juni 2023, Düsseldorf


12 -16 juni 2023, Düsseldorf

GIFA 12 - 16 June 2023, Düsseldorf

Moulding Expo 2023 13 - 16 June 2023, Stuttgart

LightCon 13 - 14 June 2023, Hannover

BetonTage 20 - 22 June 2023, Ulm

Materials Challenges in Alternative & Renewable Energy 2023 (MCARE 2023) 21 - 24 August 2023, Bellevue

Steinexpo 2023 26 - 28 Augustus 2023 Homberg/Nieder-Ofleiden

AM Expo 12 - 13 September 2023, Luzern


19 - 21 September 2023, Linz

Partec 2023 26 - 28 September 2023, Nurnberg

Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories 26 - 29 September 2023, Frankfurt am Main

POWTECH 26 - 28Sseptember 2023, Nurnberg

ACerS 125th Annual Meetig/ Materials Science & Technology 2023

1 - 5 October 2023, Columbus

4TU.HTM Research Programme New Horizons in Designer Materials | Visibility and accessibility of Materials Science & Engineering | Annual symposium Dutch Materials | 4TU.Joint Materials Science Activities | web application @4TU_HTM High-Tech Materials form the key to innovative and sustainable technology Select key words and find relevant materials scientists or research groups within 4TU.
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Innovative Materials, the international version of the Dutch magazine Innovatieve Materialen, is now available in English. Innovative Materials is an interactive, digital magazine about new and/or innovatively applied materials. Innovative Materials provides information on material innovations, or innovative use of materials. The idea is that the ever increasing demands lead to a constant search for better and safer products as well as material and energy savings. Enabling these innovations is crucial, not only to be competitive but also to meet the challenges of enhancing and protecting the environment, like durability, C2C and carbon footprint.

By opting for smart, sustainable and innovative materials constructors, engineers and designers obtain more opportunities to distinguish themselves. As a platform Innovative Materials wants to help to achieve this by connecting supply and demand.

Innovative Materials is distributed among its own subscribers/network, but also through the networks of the partners. In 2021 this includes organisations like M2i, MaterialDesign, 4TU (a cooperation between the four Technical Universities in the Netherlands), the Bond voor Materialenkennis (material sciences), SIM Flanders, FLAM3D, RVO and Material District.

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