visit london

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CEFIRE DE ELDA Lengua extranjera: Inglés


ÍNDICE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Introducción: pag. 2 Objetivos: pag 2 Vertebración de la unidad: pag 3 Contenidos pag 3 Secuencia concreta: pag 4 Actividades: pag 5 Evaluación: pag 18 Bibliografía: pag 18

Mª Carmen Torró Fornés Abril 2004

1. INTRODUCCIÓN Esta unidad didáctica trata de ser una especie de repaso a ciertos conceptos que se suelen tratar en la clase de inglés, a la vez que sirve de evaluación de los mismos. Es un tema que les suele motivar a los alumnos, ya que se sienten partícipes del aprendizaje, les da la oportunidad de decidir en varias actividades y de darse cuenta de cual es su progreso en el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera. Se plantean actividades en equipo, en las que han de saber organizarse y colaborar con los demás para conseguir algo que beneficie a todos. Título: Summer holidays in London Área: Lengua extranjera: inglés Bloque: Hacer planes usando la estructura: sujeto + vebo to be + going + infinitivo Tema: Las vacaciones y el tiempo libre Tiempo estimado para su realización: 4 sesiones durante el último mes del curso. Conocimientos que se supone que los alumnos ya tienen: - Medios de trasporte: by car, bus bus, by train, etc. - Fechas: números ordinales, días de la semana y meses - Can-can’t - Verbo: To be Alumnado: Primaria, primer nivel del tercer ciclo Metodología: Se ha tratado de seguir una metodología comunicativa, intentando recrear ámbitos en los cuales los alumnos usen la lengua de una manera similar a como lo harían los nativos. Además se ha intentado basarse en los alumnos, cuales son sus gustos e intereses, a la vez que hacerles partícipes, en gran medida de su propio aprendizaje. Evaluación: La unidad didáctica sirve de repaso de algunos conceptos que los alumnos han ido aprendiendo durante en curso, por lo que a través de las actividades se puede observar el grado de consecución adquirido. Además, la actividad final de esta unidad didáctica sirve de gran medida para observar si han sido capaces de usar el vocabulario y las estructuras gramaticales pretendidas. Previsión de los materiales: Los únicos materiales necesarios son algunas fichas, que vienen preparadas en esta unidad didáctica, y el material que aporten los alumnos: información sobre la ciudad de Londres


Respetar a los compañeros y trabajar cooperativamente en equipo Usar la lengua extranjera para establecer las comunicaciones con el / la maestro / a, y con el resto de sus compañeros Mostrar interés en aprender sobre otras culturas y mostrar una actitud de respeto hacia ellas Entender textos orales y escritos sencillos, relacionados con la unidad. Producir textos escritos sencillos basados en sus conocimientos sobre la lengua extranjera, usando también los nuevos conocimientos adquiridos.


3. VERTEBRACIÓN DE LA UNIDAD REVISION: - Dates - Transport - Countries


NEW STRUCTURE: To be + going + infinitive


Cultural information about London


FINAL PROJECT  make a poster 4. CONTENIDOS 4.1. Conceptuales Contenidos léxicos Vocabulario relacionado con “London”: Houses of Parliament, Big Red Bus, etc. Vocabulario relacionado con los medios de transporte (repaso): car, bus, train, plane, etc. Meses (repaso) Días de la semana (repaso) Números ordinales (repaso) Contenidos funcionales Hacer planes Exponents of function: Contenidos gramaticales: Can / can’t Verbs: to visit, to travel, to explore, to walk Verb to be (repaso) We can go to Barcelona by car We are going to … Prepositions: in + months ; on + month 4.2. Procedimientos: Extraer información de un texto Dialogar con los alumnos Completar cuadros, gráficas


Buscar información sobre la ciudad de Londres Jugar al BINGO Hacer un póster 4.3. Actitudes: Showing interest in learning something about English traditions. Respecting other’s performances. Know how to work in groups 4.4. Temas transversals: Educación para la paz: conocer, valorar y respetar otras culturas y formas de vivir. Educación cívica y moral: saber trabajar cooperativamente en equipo y respetar el trabajo de los demás. 5. SECUENCIA CONCRETA LESSON 1: 1. A trip to: Actividad de introducción al tema. Conversación con los alumnos sobre sus experiencias en viajes 2. Dates: revisar como se dicen las fechas en inglés 3. Review transports 4. Holiday advertisements: leer varios textos con ofertas de viajes. Introducir la estructura: sujeto + verbo to be + going + infinitivo LESSON 2: 1. Gessing game: actividad oral para captar su atención y comenzar la lección 2. Match and complete: actividad oral y escrita que repasa la estructura de hacer planes 3. A letter to a friend: Un dictado en ingles 4. Write their own letter: comenzar a hacer planes sobre viajes 5. Start holiday planning: hacer los primeros planes de la visita a Londres LESSON 3: 1. Warm up: hacer una pequeña revisión de lo que saben hasta ahora 2. Places to visit and things to do in London: repasar la información que los alumnos han aportado sobre la ciudad de Londres 3. Complete information about London: lectura detallada sobre algunos aspectos importantes de London 4. Trip timetable: completar un horario sobre el viaje (usar una sencilla tabla) LESSON 4: 1. Write sentences: escribir frases basadas en la tabla que completaron sobre sus planes del viaje 2. Make a poster



LESSON 1 ACTIVITY ONE: Actividad en gran grupo como introducción Warm up: A TRIP TO… Time: 10’ Description:Establish a dialogue with the pupils talking about another city they have visited: for example we can talk about Valencia: -

Have you ever been to Valencia? How can we go to Valencia? What can we visit in Valencia?

Talk about travels: Talk about places they have been - How did you go there? By car, by train, etc. - What can we visit there? Then choose a place to visit next summer. We can use a world map As during the year we have been working the cultural aspects of the language we suppose they are interested on those places where the English is a mother language. So we suppose they choose a trip to London Divide the class in groups of five- six students and they have to find information about London and places they can visit there. Try to use some places the teacher knows: it would be easier to carry out the activities and he / she can offer personal experiences. In class: big group Aids: the world map Interaction: T-SS / SS-T Skills: Listening and speaking


ACTIVITY TWO: Actividad en gran grupo de repaso y de desarrollo DATES Time: 20’ Description: We are going to establish the dates of the travel: We revise the months Revise the prepositions: in + month Revise concrete dates (ordinal numbers, days of the week, month, etc.) Choose concrete dates for our trip, using a real calendar ACTIVITIES TO REVIEW THE WRITTEN FORMS OF MONTHS AND DAYS: 1.- The teacher writes these letters on the blackboard for the pupils to guess: yadnom  Monday dadenewsy  Wednesday 2.- Write each month and a festivity related to it. We can use English or Spanish festivities. It is also a good idea to use their birthdays. Write the complete date: ordinal number and month. Aids: the calendar In class: big group Interaction: T-SS / SS-T Skills: listening- speaking – reading – writing ACTIVITY THREE: Actividad de gran grupo de repaso y de desarrollo REVISE THE TRANSPORTS Time: 15’ Description: The students are going to revise the transports. The teacher writes on the blackboard some cities to visit and some transports. In pairs they have to write six sentences using all these words.


For example: Cities: Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Tenerife, Castellón, Valencia, my school Transports: train, plane, ship, bus, car and bike. Barcelona






Train Plane Ship Bus Train Bike They write sentences as: I can go Tenerife by plane. The teacher shows a chart with the real combinations. When the pupils have finish the teacher plays BINGO with the different (logical) combinations of these words: Then choose a transport to London - How can we go to London? In class: big group and in pairs Aids: The blackboard Interaction: T-SS / SS-SS / SS-T Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing ACTIVITY FOUR Actividad individual y de gran grupo. Actividad de desarrollo HOLIDAYS ADVERTISEMENTS Time: 10’ Description: The teacher prepares a sheet with texts related to holiday advertisements and the things they can do there. Introduce the structure: To be + going + infinitive Read the texts individually and match Read with all the class and check the answers and the words they don’t know In class: individually and big group Aids: the sheets Interactions: T-SS / SS - T Skills: reading, listening and speaking


Read and match the texts

Egypt An unforgettable experience, a different vision of Egypt thro its beautiful nature. From the sand of the dessert to beautiful Nile. Visit the pyramids and the sphinx.

New York: visit the big apple. The city of the dreams. It’s a cosmopolitan, open and funny city. Come to see it by yourself.

Mallorca: Beautiful beaches and a great city to visit. The cathedral, Bellver castle and the roman baths are some of the places you can’t miss.

Go walking in the beautiful mountains. Go camping in the forests. Go fishing in the rivers 1 We are going to go by plane. We are going to stay for two weeks. We are going to visit historical places. 3 We are going to stay for a week

2 We are going to go by boat We are going to take our swimming costumes and lots of t-shirts. I’m going to take my camera. 4 We are going to take our rucksack and our 8

We are going to visit the statue of liberty and Central Park We are going to go by plane LESSON 2

sleeping bags We are going by train

ACTIVITY ONE: Actividad en gran grupo de introducción GUESSING GAME: Time: 10’ Description: The pupils have to guess what the teacher “thinks”: I’m on holidays in Europe: - Where am I? (the pupils have to say some countries in Europe until find the one the teacher thinks) - I have come here by… (means of transports) - What’s the weather like? - What am I doing here? (swimming, skiing, walking…) In class: big group Interaction: T-SS / SS-T Skills: listening-speaking ACTIVITY TWO: Actividad individual de profundización LISTEN, MATCH AND COMPLETE Time: 15’ Description: The teacher reads a text. The pupils have to match some pictures related to the listening. Then they have to write a text using the structure: subject + verb to be + going + infinitive In class: individually Aids: the sheet Interaction: T-SS Skills: listening, reading and writing Text: 1.- I’m going to go to the USA on holidays. I’m going to visit my sister that lives there. I’m going to go by plane. I’m going in July for a month. 2.- Sarah is going to go to Portugal. She’s going to go by car. She’s going to go in April for one week 3.- We are going to go to Italy. We are going to go by boat. We are going to go in April for two weeks . 4.- John is going to go to France by train. He’s going to go for three days in May.


Listen and match

Complete the sentences 1.- I is / are / am going to ________________ by _______________ in __________________ for ___________________.

2.- Sarah is / are / am going to ________________ by _______________ in __________________ for ___________________. 3.- We is / are / am going to ________________ by _______________ in __________________ for ___________________. 4.- John ‌


ACTIVITY THREE: Actividad individual de profundización A LETTER TO A FRIEND Time: 10’ Description: The teacher dictates a letter for them to copy in English: “Dear Paul, Next August I’m going to go on holiday with my friends. We are going to visit Scotland. We are going to stay in a tent. We are going to stay for two weeks. We are going to walk, fish and visit different towns. We are very happy. See you soon” In class: Individually Interaction: T-SS Skills: Listening and writing ACTIVITY FOUR Actividad individual de profundización WRITE THEIR OWN LETTER Time: 10’ Description: The pupils write a letter by themselves, using as an example the dictation In class: individually Skills: reading and writing ACTIVITY FIVE: Actividad en gran grupo de tesis START HOLIDAY PLANNING Time: 10’ Description: the whole group decide when are they going, how long are they going to stay, say the concrete dates and things they are going to do in their visit to London. In class: big group Interaction: T-SS / SS-T / SS – T Skills: Listening, speaking and writing


HOMEWORK: Look for information about London: internet, travel agency, books, etc. LESSON 3: ACTIVITY ONE: Actividad de gran grupo de introducción Warm up: A LITTLE REVISION Time: 5’ Description: Establish a dialogue with the students about the work made in the session before. Revise the places they are going to go, the dates and the means of transport. In class: big group Aids: nothing Interaction: T-SS / SS -T Skills: listening and speaking ACTIVITY TWO. Actividad en gran grupo de repaso PLACES TO VISIT AND THINGS TO DO IN LONDON Time: 10’ Description: The groups expose to the class the places they can visit in London. They show the information they have compilate. They can also suggest activities to do during these holidays. In class:the groups talk to the rest of the class Aids: the materials the students bring to the class Interaction: SS-SS Skills: listening and speaking ACTIVITY THREE: Actividad individual y de gran grupo de profundización COMPLETE THE INFORMATION ABOUT LONDON Time: 20’ Description: The teacher offers the pupils a simple text with some information about London in order to complete and to make a little revision to the materials they have brought to the class. Read the text in class. It is very important the information the teacher can give about this place. In class: big group. Aids: the text Interaction: T-SS / SS-T


Skills: Reading, listening and speaking

London is a very big city of about 7,000,000 people. It is in the south- east of England There are lots of things to see in London: The Tower Bridge is a very old bridge across the river Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, were you can see the crown jewels. They are used on important official occasions by the present queen or king. The beefeaters are the guard that take care of them.

By the river Thames you can also see the Houses of Parliament and the Clock Tower. The Big Ben is the bell that strikes every hour. Westminster Abbey is near to this place.

In the British Museum you can visit 2 million years of history, including Egyptian mummys!

Queen Elisabeth II lives in Buckingham Palace. The “Changing of the Guard occurs here from time to time. The soldiers march about and wave their guns around.


Saint Paul’s Cathedral is one the biggest in the world Madame Tussaud’s is a museum full of wax models of famous people. There are singers, film stars, sports people, and kings and queens

Harrods, the world's greatest department store, has more extravagant items for sale than any other store under the sun.

Hyde Park is London’s largest open space

HOW TO GET TO LONDON: London has five airports. All of them have their equivalent “sky trains” that offer a good service.

Victoria railway station and Victoria coach station are the most important in London.


ACTIVITY FOUR Actividad en pequeños grupos de tesis TRIP TIMETABLE Time: 20’ Description: In groups the pupils complete a chart with some ideas about the places they can visit in London and the things they can do there. The teacher will offear the help the pupils need. In class: In groups Aims: the chart and the information they have brought to the class Interaction: SS-SS Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.


Arriving to Gadwich Airport Go to London by train


Have lunch at the hotel


Take a Big red bus to visit the Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament Have dinner at Picadilli Circus





Visit the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge.

Have a picnic near the Tower Bridge Visit the British Museum Etc.


LESSON 3 ACTIVITY ONE Actividad en pequeños grupos de tesis Time: 15’ Description: From the chart they have completed the day before, the pupils have to write some sentences related to their trip, using the form: To be + going + infinitive We are going to go by plane We are going to visit the Houses of Parliament. In class: In groups Aids: the chart and the information about London Interaction: SS-SS Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing. ACTIVITY TWO Actividad en pequeños grupos de tesis The pupils work in groups to complete a poster about their plans to their holidays in London.


EXTRA ACTIVITIES Se puede completar la unidad didรกctica con actividades sobre Londres o sobre los viajes, que podemos encontrar en libros de texto como: - CANT. A, CHARRINGTON. M, VILLARROEL. M , (1998) Bingo 4, Longman - HOLDERNESS. J, SUPERFINE. W, (2001) Best friends 5, Oxford



HOLDERNESS. J, SUPERFINE. W, (2001) Best friends 6, Oxford LOBO, MªJosé y SUBIRÁ, Pepita (2000) Super Bus 4, Macmillan Heinemann

Para repasar los viajes y los países se pueden hacer actividades orales que aparecen en el siguiente libro: - SCOTT, Wendy (1979) Are you listening?, Oxford English Sería ideal trabajar con un video que mostrara los aspectos más importantes de Londres Se puede trabajar a través de internet para obtener más información o simplemente imágenes.

7. EVALUACIÓN Al tratarse de una unidad didáctica que tiene como fin la realización de un proyecto final, es muy fácil de evaluar tanto el progreso de los alumnos como el proceso educativo llevado a cabo por el maestro o la maestra. Los alumnos necesitan haber adquirido los conocimientos básicos para poder llevar a cabo esta actividad final. En los momentos de producción propia como en la carta que han de escribir o cuando hacen los planes definitivos se observará cuáles son las dificultades y si se necesita algún refuerzo en especial. Esta unidad didáctica también nos servirá para comprobar si han adquirido otros conocimientos como los medios de transporte, el verbo to be, las fechas, etc. 8. BIBLIOGRAFÍA Y RECURSOS INTERNET:



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