In Light Times, June 2012 Concepts for Conscious Living magazine

Page 24

Health Lights Continued From Page 17

De-clutter Your Emotional & Spiritual World By Susan Apollon

7. Choose to Be Inspired. Choose to read or listen to materials that inform, soothe, entertain, and connect you with your own soul. It’s amazing how reading and listening to inspirational works can keep you on track with your spiritual practice. It’s good maintenance and can yield all sorts of insights you’d never gain otherwise. 8. Take Action Regarding at Least One Intention. Choose to gather your courage each day and take action toward the creating of at least one intention. For example, if you intend to get a degree, contact the universities of your choice and ask for a catalogue; then make an appointment to speak with the admissions department or heads of programs in which you are interested. Each evening, before sleep, consider several possible intentions for the following day—or future. Write about these the following morning—or the same evening, if desired. As you visualize your intention, feel excited about fulfilling it. 9. Create a Sacred Space for Prayer.

Create a sacred space in your home or office. On a small table or part of your desk, have a candle, a picture of a loved one, or even a lovely figurine or crystal. Use a soft blanket or a small, pretty rug or mat to create feelings of warmth and sacredness. In your sacred space pray daily, expressing gratitude and/ or asking for assistance or on behalf of others in need of help. Of course, don’t limit yourself to your sacred space. Know you can pray anywhere. The simplest prayer— Please, help me—is often the best. 10. Remember Your Blessings. Choose to show gratitude when you address your higher power, be it God, the Universe, your angels, Jesus, Mary, Buddha, or any other deity. Thank you is a high vibration. Throughout the day, express appreciation for every one of your blessings. Visualize each blessing and give thanks for it; as you say it, picture it and appreciate it. 11. Love Yourself First; Then Love Others. Pampering yourself may seem like odd

spiritual advice, but Apollon swears by it. Choose to love yourself every day by devoting at least a half-hour to an hour or more doing something for yourself. Find your passion and pursue it! Perhaps you might want to take a bath, get your nails done, visit with a friend for lunch, coffee, or breakfast, take a class, learn to play an instrument, or go shopping and buy yourself something pretty or frivolous. People tend to think they ‘should’ deny themselves and lavish attention on others, but they’re wrong. You are God’s creation just like everyone else. Why wouldn’t you honor yourself? You really can’t love others if you don’t first love yourself. You are your most significant other. Do not forget this—ever! 12. Smile, Laugh, Tell a Joke or Funny Story. Watch a funny movie or video, dance your favorite dance, or listen to your favorite music that makes your heart sing. Laughter and music are good for the body, for raising your energetic vibrations, and for you.

Remember, you are here for joy. Choose what makes you feel joy and you shall attract good things to you. Spiritual healing feels good. Yes, it takes work and practice, but it’s not some tough, rigorous discipline. Why else would we do it?

Susan Apollon, a psychologist and author, empowers and heals the body, mind, and soul; as an educator, she informs; as a speaker, she inspires and touches the heart. Susan’s work is scientifically based and enhanced by her ability to trust her own intuitive wisdom. She is an avid researcher of Mind, Consciousness, Intuition, Energy, Prayer, and Healing. Please visit www. or

By Govinda Miller • Edited by Janet Rose

Continued From Page 8

Venus Transit & Our Search for Sacred Love The

in communications. Essentially, these shadows block our ability to truly love another person completely. These repressed emotions began during our early childhoods and/or were carried over from past lifetimes.

we appreciate and enjoy most in life. In our relationships, it is good to let others know how much we appreciate them and all of their unique qualities. Remember that what you appreciate, appreciates.

Conscious and unconscious, fear-based emotions can be obstacles to higher love. It is important to observe our feelings and behavior with other people, and to come to terms with dysfunctional emotional patterns. We must take responsibility for how we show up in our relationships with others. It may be helpful and revealing for each of us to ask ourselves these questions: “When am I not truly open, honest and real in my relationships with others?”, “At what point do I shut down emotionally?”, “Where are my boundaries?” and “Are these boundaries healthy or are they blocking intimacy?”

The most effective way to accomplish self-understanding and personal mastery is through our relationships. We can monitor the personal mastery of our egos by observing our interrelations with others. The Golden Rule, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’, supports mastery of our human selves and our relationships. It helps to ask, “What is the highest good for all concerned?” The higher good for all can be perceived in your heart, from a feeling of love.

what you appreciate, Appreciates

Venus represents our values and what

no man is an island

Never underestimate your power to influence the evolution of the world. Each of us is an integral part of the Collective Consciousness. When one

PAGE 24 • june, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

person evolves spiritually, Humanity evolves as well. Whenever one person increases compassion and opens their heart to unconditional love, they raise the vibrational frequency of the World. Also, as the Collective Consciousness evolves, so too shall each individual. A quote from Bette Reese says it all: “If you think you’re too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.”

integrating sacred love

The ultimate, most sacred relationship that we have is our relationship with our Higher Self. The ego self is an extension of Source that is manifesting as an individuated expression of consciousness. Our relationship with other beings is an outward manifestation and reflection of our inner relationship with our Higher Self. As we integrate our ego self with our Higher Self, we will see the reflection of that union in our personal relationships. In other words, as we develop Sacred Love within ourselves, we will see this reflected in

our outer world. We will naturally attract higher love into our relationships. Each individual person is a part of the greater whole. Love is the expression of recognition of our connection with All That Is. When we truly love another person, we acknowledge and appreciate our oneness with that person. Sacred Love expands when the Divine in one person appreciates and honors the Divine in another. Then, the sacred wheel of love is in motion, and Heaven on Earth can manifest for those individuals. As this happens, inner peace becomes a reality. Govinda is a nationally and internationally published author, a teacher of Conscious Meditation, a Chakra Clearing & Balancing practitioner and teacher, a Reiki Master, and has a working knowledge of nutrition, herbology, gemology and yoga. He has practiced professional astrology since 1973.Please visit: www.

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