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News from the heart of the Inland Valley Since 1992

September 14, 2017


Volume 26/ No. 37/ Section A

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2009 Porterfield Way, Suite C Upland, California 91786

rescuers scour Hard-Hit Florida Keys as aid is rushed in

Hundreds of people gather in an emergency shelter at the Miami-Dade County Fair Expo

Hurricane Irma leaves destruction in Florida

Trees uprooted from the strong winds of Hurricane Irma MIAMI (AP) — Search-andBy Freida Frisaro and Martha rescue teams scoured the Florida Mendoza Keys’ farthest reaches Tuesday, Associated Press while crews worked to repair the

single washed-out highway connecting the islands and rush aid to Hurricane Irma’s victims. Two days after Irma roared into the island chain with 130 mph winds, residents were allowed to return to the parts of the Keys closest to Florida’s

mainland. But the full extent of the damage remained a question mark because communications and access were cut off. “It’s going to be pretty hard for those coming home,” said Petrona Hernandez, whose concrete Plantation Key home

with 35-foot walls was unscathed, unlike others a few blocks away. “It’s going to be devastating to them.” Statewide, as many as 13 million people - two-thirds of Florida’s population - were without electricity in the tropical

heat, and officials warned it could take 10 days or more for power to be fully restored. About 110,000 remained in shelters across Florida.

Hurricane irma cont’d on page a2

8-year-old Biracial Boy Nearly lynched, getting Up to speed NH police refuse to release information on the equifax data Breach scandal

By Angela Helm The Root

Say what you want, but when the U.S. president defends avowed white supremacists, one can’t be surprised when bullying takes on a decidedly racist tone, as it did with an 8-year-old biracial boy who was hanged from a tree in the year 2017. The climate has been set. Yes, there are nooses hanging all over America, and some little cretins decided to use one, unfortunately. NH1 reports that a Rope wounds on the 8-year-old boy who was nearly lynched Claremont, N.H., boy had to be flown to Dartmouth-Hitchcock tree with a rope. horrific photo of her baby’s neck Medical Center after one or more on Facebook and even then gave The boy’s mother, teens decided to hang him from a Cassandra Merlin, posted the those responsible the benefit of

the doubt. The caption reads in part, “So my son is being flown to Dartmouth after a 14 year old kid decided to hang him from a tree. I don’t care if this was a so called accident or not. My son almost died because of some little sh** teenage kids.” The town of Claremeont, N.H., has 13,000 residents and is 96 percent white, 0.6 percent African American and 1.8 percent biracial, according to the 2010 census. The boy’s uncle, Lyrik Merlin, who also posted photos of his injuries on social media, wrote in a post that he wasn’t

Nearly lynched cont’d on page a2

Conservatives Claim ‘Black lives Matter’ Course is politically Biased By Manny Otiko California Black Media Statewide—A San Diego State University (SDSU) course based on the Black Lives Matter movement has raised the ire of some Republicans. The course, titled, “Black Minds Matter,” is the brainchild of Dr. J. Luke Wood. According to a press release, Wood said the goal of the course is to organize Black

college professors, teachers and students. The course is open to the public and will be live streamed to 10,000 learners, said Wood. “Our class is training educators to prepare and mobilize their classrooms. We want them to see their classrooms as sites for civil resistance,” said Wood. “The goal is to radically transform the

way educators view their role because the traditional educational model has failed our students and culture.” He added that the course uses the principles of the Black Lives Matter movement, which sprang up to protest police violence after the killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, unarmed black men. “The course will draw parallels between the violence

done to Black boys and men on the streets by police officers and the same patterns that take place in the classroom,” said Wood. However, conservatives are not happy with the course or its political direction. A Republican coalition called Education NOT Indoctrination described the course as “left wing” and “segregationist”

BlM Course cont’d on page a8

By Ken Sweet, Business Writer Associated Press New York, NY (AP) — Equifax has been scrambling to explain itself since disclosing last week that it exposed vital data about 143 million Americans effectively most of the U.S. adult population. It’s come under fire from members of Congress, state attorneys general, and people who are getting conflicting answers about whether their information was stolen. The company keeps track of the detailed financial affairs of all Americans in order to gauge how much of a risk they are for borrowing money. That means it and its competitors, TransUnion and Experian, are a detailed storehouse of some of the most personal and sensitive information of Americans’ financial lives. And all of it could be used for identity theft. Here’s the latest on what you need to know about the breach: WHAT EQUIFAX IS SAYING- Equifax is trying again to clarify language about people’s right to sue, and said Monday it has made other changes to address customer complaints. The company is trying

to staff up its call centers more in order to handle the increased customer service calls. It also now says people will get randomly generated PINs when they try to put a security freeze in place. People had complained about PINs being based on the time and date requests were made. Equifax also acknowledged that its language particularly over the right to sue has been confusing at best, and said it was removing that language from their website. “Enrolling in the free credit file monitoring and identity theft protection that we are offering as part of this cybersecurity incident does not waive any rights to take legal action,” it said. Some lawyers have already announced suits that they hope will be class-action cases. AM I AFFECTED? IT’S BEEN HARD TO TELL Equifax has been the focus of anger and distrust, not only for the breach but over how it initially was handled. It discovered the hack July 29, but didn’t publicly announce it until more than a month later. People trying to find out if they were affected have gotten some

equifax Breach cont’d on page a5

A Look Inside This Edition

Vision to Learn is Leveling the Playing Field

Tips on Retirement and the Single Woman

How to Fix Bad Credit

See A2 Education

See A4 Live Well. Feel Well

See A5 Business

LA Neighborhood to be Renamed after Obama See A6 Arts&Entertainment

SECTIONS A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10

Legacy Senior Services Presents its 2nd Summit See A10 Community

Education Lifestyle Live Well. Feel Well.

Business Arts& Entertainment Family Religion Sports & Auto Community

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Education A2

Inland Valley News

Hurricane Irma cont’d from page A1

Seven deaths in Florida have been blamed on Irma, along with three in South Carolina and two in Georgia. At least 35 were killed in the Caribbean. “We’ve got a lot of work to do, but everybody’s going to come together,” Florida Gov. Rick Scott said. “We’re going to get this state rebuilt. This state is a state of strong resilient people.” The Keys appeared to be the hardest-hit part of Florida, even though the 400-mile-wide storm engulfed nearly the entire state. Drinking water was cut off, all three of the islands’ hospitals were closed, and the supply of gas was extremely limited. Officials said it was not known how many people ignored evacuation orders to stay behind in the Keys. An aircraft carrier was positioned off Key West to help in the search-and-rescue effort. And crews worked to repair two washed-out, 300-foot sections of U.S. 1, the lone highway from the mainland, and check the safety of the 42 bridges linking the islands. Authorities were stopping people to check documentation such as proof of residency or business ownership before allowing them back into the Upper Keys, including Key Largo, Tavernier and Islamorada. But the Lower Keys including the chain’s most distant and most populous island, Key West, with 27,000 people - were still off-limits, with a roadblock in place where the road was washed out. Corey Smith, a UPS driver who rode out the hurricane in Key Largo, said though it was a relief that many buildings on the island escaped major damage, those who sought to return should recognize conditions were still not good, with branches blocking roads and supermarkets remaining closed.

Nearly Lynched cont’d from page A1 sure the attack was racially motivated, but the boy’s grandmother went on record saying that the teens taunted the boy for being half-black. Lorrie Slattery told the Valley News that the incident was, in fact, racially motivated and “intentional.” Slattery said that she was able to recount what happened from her grandson’s 11-year-old sister and other children present (there were no

All stories are available at

“They’re shoving people back to a place with no resources,” he said by telephone. “It’s just going to get crazy pretty quick.” Lower Keys resident Leyla Nedin said she doesn’t plan to return anytime soon to her home near where Irma came ashore on Cudjoe Key. “We are still without water, power, sewer, gas and cell service,” she said. “My concern is that even if we get to go in to the Lower Keys, our fragile infrastructure could be even more compromised.” Irma’s rainy remnants, meanwhile, pushed through Alabama and Mississippi after drenching Georgia. Flash-flood watches and warnings were issued around the Southeast. In a parting blow as Irma exited Florida, it caused record flooding in the Jacksonville area, where the sheriff’s office reported rescuing at least 356 people. On its Twitter account, said it hopes “people who had their lives saved yesterday will take evacuation orders seriously in the future.” Eddie Hinan waded through knee-deep water to reach his flooded apartment in the San Marco neighborhood of Jacksonville on Tuesday, staying just long enough to grab a plastic bag of clean clothes. His girlfriend, Deborah Smith, waited behind, struck by the devastation around her. “I just started crying,” she said. “I already knew it was gone, the apartment and everything in it. We lost everything.” Mendoza reported from Atlanta. Associated Press writers Terry Spencer in Palm Beach County; Gary Fineout and Joe Reedy in Tallahassee; Jay Reeves in Immokalee; Terrance Harris in Orlando; Claire Galofaro in Jacksonville; and Jason Dearen, Jennifer Kay, Curt Anderson and David Fischer in Miami contributed to this report. adults): Her grandson and some teens were playing in a yard on Aug. 28 when the teens started calling the little boy “racial epithets” and throwing sticks and rocks at his legs. Some or all of the teens allegedly stepped up on a picnic table and grabbed a nearby rope that had been part of a tire swing, Slattery said. “The [teenagers] said, ‘Look at this,’ supposedly putting the rope around their necks,” Slattery said. “One boy said to

Nearly Lynched cont’d on page A4

September 14, 2017

This Eye-Opening Program is Boosting Test Scores For Low Income Students in LA By Researchers have discovered that poor school performance among low-income students can often be traced to poor eyesight. Because of this, a new program called Vision To Learn was formed to help improve performance among poor students by giving them free eye glasses, and it improved reading efficiency significantly.How the concept got started Founded in 2012 in Los Angeles, Vision To Learn provides children with free eye exams and free glasses by bringing its mobile eye clinics to schools and to other youth and neighborhood community organizations. Kids’ vision issues often go undetected, with as many as one in five children lacking the ability to see clearly. Students with impaired vision can struggle to read a book, study math, see the board, or even

participate in class—all of which can result in poor grades and adversely affect academic achievement. Vision To Learn alters these outcomes by coordinating screenings for children, and supplying those in need with eye exams and glasses—an age-old yet critical tool for success. The research doesn’t lie- UCLA research shows Vision To Learn

succeeds in having a positive and direct impact on education: grades have improved for kids helped by Vision To Learn; and with large groups of children being helped at once, not only does receiving new glasses become a shared experience, but teachers have noted an improved learning environment in entire classrooms as a result. NBC Nightly News

recently did a feature on the organization called “Making a Difference”, which gives greater insight into the services they provide and the children they serve. Thousands of children being helped- Vision To Learn is proud of all it has accomplished in just three short years, and plans to serve as a model for the rest of the nation. Their mobile services offer a practical solution to the more than 1.5 million children nationwide who lack the resources or means to gain access to prescription eyeglasses; and they look forward to helping children for many years to come. So far the program has given eyeglasses and/or eye exams to more than 90,000 children! For more details about to Learn, visit Vision

How Smart Home Technology Can Help Your Child Eliminate Stress this School Year (StatePoint) Many parents have worries around the back-toschool season, especially if kids will be alone for a portion of the afternoon or in the morning before catching the bus. What if you could keep a better eye on things when you’re not physically there? Here are some ways to use smart home technology to simplify daily routines and minimize stress knowing the kids are safe. Start with a Hub- A hub is like the brain of your home tech and connects to your router, allowing devices like locks, thermostats and lighting to communicate with one another. The hub can even send notifications to your mobile phone, so you can monitor and control your home remotely. With hubs such as SmartThings, Wink or Nexia, setting up your devices and customizations is simple. However, you may prefer a hub disguised as security panels, such as ADT Pulse or Vivint, or those that work with popular voice speakers, such as Amazon Echo and Google Home. Customize- Scenes are an easy way to sync smart devices to perform a series of

actions that make life more convenient. For example, you can wake your kids with a “good morning” scene that turns lights on and plays music via an Echo or Google Home. Worried about energy bills? Keep kids from cranking the air after school with a smart thermostat, which lets you control the temperature throughout the day. After homework and chores are complete, a voice control assistant will keep kids entertained with music, and a movie scene can lower lights and turn on speakers. Finish the day with a “good night scene,” that shuts off lights, lowers the temperature, locks the doors and arms the security system. Think Safety- Your smart home can keep a watchful eye on kids. Smart door locks like Schlage or Kwikset eliminate the need for kids to keep track of housekeys, and let you know if they forget to lock the door when they leave. When they get home, you’ll receive a notification letting you know they’ve arrived safely. Security-focused solutions like the Piper NV camera and hub, or Abode’s DIY

security solution alert you when someone enters and exits, and even provide video clips to your phone. Smart sensors, such as those from Aeotec, can notify you whenever a window, door or even a cabinet drawer is opened. During emergencies, kids can press Fibaro’s Button device to activate an emergency scene that signals an alarm and sends a notification to your phone indicating they need help. Future-Proof Your Tech- Smart home tech doesn’t have to be expensive; you can start small with a hub and a few

devices and add more as your needs change. Just be sure all your devices can talk to one another now and in the future. With Z-Wave technology for example, devices from different manufacturers can communicate, no matter where you bought them, so consider looking for the Z-Wave logo when shopping for smart home technology. For smart home ideas and customer support, visit Alleviate back-toschool stress with new tools that help you keep kids safe and streamline your day.

We Must Act on the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Marian Wright Edelman “In this dark day of discontent So many feel despair As poverty and dissidence Cause sadness everywhere.” On May 11, 1997 Senator Ted Kennedy (DMassachusetts) began his remarks at a Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) conference with the lyrics above from “Freedom’s Light,” a song written by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), as the two together announced historic legislation that ultimately led to the creation of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) which has brought light, hope and health care to nearly 9

million low-income children in the form of affordable health insurance. Thanks to their tireless bipartisan work over many months Senators Kennedy and Hatch got CHIP across the finish line and it was signed into law by President Clinton on August 5, 1997. I described it then and now as one of the biggest advances for children in decades. It was another historical moment when politics were divisive and broader efforts at health reform had failed – but members of Congress put children first and moved forward. It was CHIP’s bipartisan beginning that set it on the path to success. For 20 years CHIP has been there, giving working families the security of knowing their children had access to high-quality, childappropriate health coverage they could afford. CHIP has helped reduce the number of uninsured children by half, improved health outcomes and access to care for children, and helped reduce school absenteeism and improve children’s readiness to learn. Today CHIP is a lifeline for 8.9 million children living in families who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to buy

private coverage. They are children like Brandon, a Houston six-year-old who needed CHIP to help cover his treatments for asthma and high blood pressure after his father lost his job; or the Philadelphia family who relied on CHIP for their three young children to see providers at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania Health System and for routine needs like visits to a mobile dental van; and others whose stories we’ve shared over the years. Together CHIP and Medicaid form the foundation of our nation’s health care system for children. Now 20 years after CHIP put an entire generation of children on the path to a healthy adulthood, we stand at another pivotal moment: unless Congress takes action, funding for this essential, popular, highly successful program will end after September 30, 2017. Without this funding, millions of children could lose health coverage or pay more for less comprehensive coverage, leaving these children significantly worse off than they are today. Senator Hatch is once again leading the bipartisan charge to extend CHIP funding

this time partnering with Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon). They convened a Senate Finance Committee hearing on September 7th to discuss CHIP’s future and lay the groundwork for its urgent extension millions of children need. With CHIP funding possibly ending by the end of this month, states face critical decisions about the future of their programs. If funding is not forthcoming quickly, states will have to take actions that will create chaos in program administration and confusion for families trying to access coverage for their children, including establishing waiting lists and sending out disenrollment notices. Congress must act now to avoid harmful disruption to children’s health and well-being. CDF hopes you will join us in urging Congress to assure by September 30th a CHIP extension that: Ensures continued funding and stability for at least the next five years. Any shorter term funding extension would not allow states to invest in improvements to child health or make responsible budgeting decisions. Advance planning is critical for all states, and

especially for those operating under biennial budgets. Maintains current CHIP policy to ensure coverage, eligibility levels and cost-sharing protections will be continued for the duration of the funding extension. With state budgets already finalized for the coming year, states and families are depending on stability in CHIP policy and funding. Maintaining CHIP’s enhanced matching rate and maintenance of effort requirements in current law will help states avoid significant disruption in children’s coverage. Relieves state agencies of the need for contingency planning. Congress cannot wait to extend CHIP. Many states are developing their future budgets, making commitments to children and families, and negotiating contracts with insurers right now. They need to know whether and what federal CHIP funding will remain or states will have to begin expensive and chaotic contingency planning that could lead to drastic program cuts through enrollment caps, reductions in eligibility and/or benefits, and/or cuts in provider payments. Is not coupled with any cuts, caps or other changes to

Medicaid or the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Medicaid and CHIP work together and make up the foundation of health coverage for children in America. As Congressional leaders contemplate changes to our health care system, they must not hold CHIP hostage by enacting structural changes or cuts to Medicaid or other legislative proposals harmful to children and low-income Americans. Congress must not play politics with the health of so many millions of our children. Amidst so much unrest and insecurity in our country and instability in our health care system facing an opioid crisis and the aftermath of damaging hurricanes afflicting countless children, Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle must step up together to ensure a healthy start for the 46 million children now helped by Medicaid and CHIP. Assuring children access to needed health coverage to survive and thrive is surely something we can agree on and get done now. Children should not be political footballs for any politician or political party.

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Lifestyle September 14, 2017

Etiquette Excursion with Mona Johnson

Mona Johnson Are we attached to our cell phones? Oh yes, we are. Try to find someone over the age of fourteen without a cell phone. And do we misuse them. Oh yes, we do. We use them in the movie, even though they have asked us not to. We use them at the dinner table and snuff out family time. Parents us them and therefor the kids use them. Do you have a cellular phone? Most people do and most people overuse and misuse their cell phone more often than not. Cellular phones are a wonderful invention and they can truly be a business asset and a business faux pas. We allow our children to play with our phones during church. Yes, it keeps your child quiet but it can be annoying to other church attendees. But, probably not as annoying as a blue tooth on someone’s ear during church. You probably are not going to answer the phone during the service, so why not

Inland Valley News

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put the ear piece in your pocket or purse. Most of you probably have an application for the Bible, which is very helpful. But when you start texting I doubt it is to God. Misuse of the cell phone in the office is just out of control. Over use of a cell phone in the office can create problems. For individuals who are in the office eight hours a day the use of a cell phone on business time can be misconstrued as a nonwork related personal call. Calling other businesses from your personal cell phone when you work full time in the office is not a good business practice. Now they can contact you on your personal phone. This is great if you want every to know that much about you. individuals Calling about business at their home from your cell phone can create problems for the person you are calling as well as you if you need to document your work. Most personal cell phones will not have the appropriate greeting if the person should return the call and you for some reason are not able to answer. This could be bewildering and frustrating for the caller. If you use a cell phone for business ensure that it has the appropriate greeting so the caller will know they have the proper telephone number. Your personal cell phone should be used for your

own personal business and not for your work. If you are permanently stationed in your office you should use the office phones. If you are making business phone calls from your cell phone while you are in the office the question is why? Office phones are less likely to have the call dropped. Unless your office has no phones or if everyone has access to cell phone only, you should make business calls from the office phone. Unless you are on the go and in and out of your car be business and professional in your behavior. Remember, people can hear you. Be careful of what you share in public. As they say, big brother is watching and listening. Join me weekly as I answer your questions and share ideas as we explore the journey to good manners! Send your questions or comments to the Inland Valley News, 2009 Porterfield Way, Suite C, Upland, 91786, e-mail to CA or e-mail, Mona Johnson is the CEO of Personnel Best a consulting firm specializing in how to conduct effective meetings, teaching public speaking, team building, development, leadership microphone use, networking, organizational and selfawareness.

Ten-to-Win with Kim Anthony:

“10 Inexpensive Ways to Continue Your Education Outside of School”

Colleges and universities are great institutions at which to learn subjects of specialty that to enhance your skills. However, in this week’s “Ten-to-Win,” Kim shares ten inexpensive ways to continue your education outside of college. Enjoy! 1. YouTube. YouTube is a great resource for instruction on just about any subject you could think of. On the subject of foreign languages, the options are endless, from Learn Arabic with Maha to French lessons with Alexa Polidoro. Math help and science videos are also found on everything from Earth Science to Calculus, and everything in between. All it takes is a quick YouTube search and your world of knowledge opens up. 2. Code Academy. Having a knowledge of coding is an important and useful skill for today’s job market. Code Academy makes learning common coding languages, like HTML/CSS, Javascript, Python, Ruby, among other languages more approachable for the individual without extensive experience. Code Academy lessons allow you to learn the basics and figure out what direction you’d like to go in learning how to code in an advanced manner. 3. Khan Academy.

Kimberly Anthony Khan Academy is a great resource for individuals who want to learn in depth on just about just about any subject. Its useful for both children and graduated adults alike and has a vast array of subjects, all free to learn. It’s also at your own pace, ensuring that what matters is that you are learning, not trying to make a deadline. 4. Ivy League “MOOCs”. MOOCs are Massive Open Online Courses that allow you to learn from Ivy League professors in the comfort of your own home. Along with each school offering their own domain for courses, iTunes U and Coursera are two other popular MOOC providers. 5. Udemy. Udemy is the resource for individuals looking to learn and get started with applying technical skills,

like programming and learning the advanced aspects of certain desktop applications and office suites. However, Udemy also offers lessons and courses on a wide variety of subjects as well. 6. TED Talks. TED Talks are a compilation of videos of TED and TEDx conference speakers held around the world. While they aren’t courses or your conventional “lessons” they do offer a lot that individuals can take away from. In the technical sense, TED talks are educational. You can view the official TED website at 7. Approach the Source. Another great way to learn is by approaching individuals in the industries and subjects you are interested in learning more about. They can act as your mentor, offering tips, advice, or even explanations on the complex factors of their industry that they work in. They don’t have to be award winning laureates, they can be a friend who works as a software engineer, or a family member working in marketing and you’re looking to get into either one of those sectors. 8.Entertainment. Entertainment isn’t always considered a time waster. If you


cont’d on page A4

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Live Well. Feel Well. Stay Well. Inland Valley News


September 14, 2017

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Ways to Bring Warmth into Your Home this Fall With the shorter days and cooler nights of fall can come the urge to hibernate. But first prepare yourself and your home for the season with these cozy and warm accents that will make time spent indoors cozier. 1. Incorporate Metallic Décor. While you’re breaking out the pumpkins, cornstalks and cornucopias, take a different approach this season and incorporate copper or brass accents. These metallic items will elevate décor, and the orange and yellow tones will complement the changing leaves outside. Try picking out a unique candelabra or vase or small decorative pieces to style the room. 2. Makeover the Fireplace. Fireplace season is on the horizon, so start thinking about new ways to make it the focal point of a room. Try painting it with a subtle whitewash for a look that will instantly revive brick and brighten the space. Before you get started, prep the fireplace by scrubbing brick with a wire brush to remove any residue. Then, tape off any areas you don’t want painted with a quality painter’s

tape like FrogTape brand painter’s tape, to prevent paint bleed and achieve professionallooking results. 3. Layer, Layer, Layer. Bare floors can make your home feel chilly. Warm up a space by layering area rugs on hardwood floors or to an already carpeted area. Not only will this add color and texture to a room, the extra cushioning will ensure feet avoid the cold, so you can keep your slippers tucked away. 4. Update the Guest Bedroom. With the holidays on the horizon, there’s no better time to give your guest bedroom a

cozy update. Surprise overnight guests by painting the room a moody green or blue that is on trend and sets a relaxing tone. Don’t forget to incorporate little touches like books or a plant on the nightstand to make them feel at home. 5. Update Window Coverings. Heavy drapes keep out drafts and make a room feel luxurious. Switch out summer sheers for curtains with a heavier weight, or layer drapes for an elegant look. 6. Don’t Underestimate the Power of White Paint. Vibrant doesn’t always have to mean using bold colors. Make a

space feel brand new again by repainting wood trim a crisp white color. It may seem like a tedious task, but with a little effort, you can completely transform a room. Start by filling in any imperfections, sanding and cleaning the surfaces to be painted. Then, you’ll want to tape off the wall next to the trim so your handiwork looks like that of a professional. For this job you’ll want a quality product like FrogTape painter’s tape, treated with patented PaintBlock Technology, to help ensure your work looks professional and allows you to achieve the sharpest paint lines possible. When painting trim, opt for a semi-gloss paint to make elements stand out. For different project inspirations, visit Grab your pumpkin spice latte and start adding little touches like these to your home, for a cozy and stylish season. (StatePoint)

Caitlin McCabe: As the Value of Homes Rise, More Fear a Housing Bubble, Survey Finds

Today’s real estate market rekindles memories of the Flipping houses is back in vogue, last decade’s housing bubble. interest rates are low, and According to a national survey property values are appreciating released this month, people have grown increasingly concerned faster than they have in years.

By Caitlin McCabe

Nearly Lynched cont’d from page A2 [her grandson], ‘Let’s do this,’ and then pushed him off the picnic table and hung him.” The boy swung back and forth by his neck three times before he was able to remove the rope; Slattery said none of the teens came to his aid. As late as Friday, Claremont Police Chief Mark Chase would not comment on the specifics of the case, saying only that they were still investigating

and that those involved are juveniles, prohibiting him from specifically making any comment. Chase also said that the kids being investigated (who knows if they’re charged?) should be “protected.” “Mistakes they make as a young child should not have to follow them for the rest of their life,” Chase said. Notice how he called these predators “young children,” infantilizing the white teens. Conversely, teens like Trayvon Martin are made out to be

about the state of today’s housing market: Fifty-eight percent of the nearly 1,100 people surveyed in July say they expect there will be a “housing bubble and a price correction” in the next two years — a 12 percentage point increase since April. Already, the survey found, such unease has produced a pool of buyers who are more wary about purchasing homes than they once were. Sixty-three percent of all home buyers and 72 percent of millennials say they worry about timing the market accurately and want to ensure that they are not “buying high.” Even more, 80 percent of homeowners surveyed reported that they think now is a good time to sell. At first glance, the

results of the survey, conducted by Dallas-based ValueInsured, a down-payment insurance company, seem disturbing: People are afraid of what the market will do, and homeownership fell last year to a 50-year low. That translates into their not buying. While nearly 10 years out from the burst of the bubble, many people are still recovering — financially and emotionally — from the 2007-09 recession. “What this is telling us about today’s home buyer is that they are much smarter and much savvier … they don’t want to get caught up in a similar situation as they were in 2007,” Joe Melendez, CEO of ValueInsured, said in an interview.

hulking, menacing adults. Chase seems to be centering the perpetrators’ feelings and futures, all but forgetting about the trauma of a little boy who had his so-called friends hang him from a tree to the point where he had to be medevaced to a hospital. Activists, who got wind of the case only through the boy’s mother’s social media post, are demanding more information, reports Valley News. “I am upset and saddened and angered about how the police and city officials have

chosen to play this,” said Kendra Colburn of the Upper Valley chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice. “[They] all seem like they do not want media attention on this story, and I am concerned about that. I am really concerned that we can’t change what we don’t know about or refuse to look at.” Chief Chase confirmed that no other information would be released about the case, including whether it was racially motivated. America 2017.

Retirement and the Single Woman By Terry Savage The Network Journal More women spend more time living alone. And that’s having a big impact on retirement planning. I had come to this conclusion long ago, but now it’s reinforced by a new study from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. The study shows that in each of four age cohorts studied, the percentage of adult years that women spent married has dropped dramatically. They look at “woman years,” the years over age 20, and the amount of those years that are spent in marriage. Not surprisingly, the oldest cohort spent about 72 percent of their woman years in marriage. But younger women, defined as “mid-baby boomers,” spent only 52 percent of their adult years in marriage. And the figures show a continued downtrend. The survey says the reasons are three-fold: 1) fewer women get married; 2) when they do marry, they get married later; and 3) more women end up divorced. Look around. These figures should not come as a shock. The message for women: Don’t count on anyone else for your retirement security. Then here’s another frightening statistic that impacts women’s retirement planning. Women live longer than men! According to Social Security’s actuarial tables, a 60-year-old male has a life expectancy of 21.55 years, while a woman of the same age can expect to live another 24.56 years. And we’re all “above average” — so that translates into more years and more expenses. Most of those additional expenses will be in the cost of health care. While it’s notoriously difficult to predict future medical expenses (and what programs will be available to pay for them), one study expects that a 65-year-old man who retires this year will spend about $200,000 in healthcare expenses, while a woman will spend about $35,000 more over her retirement lifetime. And that doesn’t include the cost of long term care — support not covered by Medicare or supplements, except for a short period after you’ve been in a hospital. Women living longer are likely to be women living alone. But living alone can be dangerous in many ways, and single women need to start early to consider the possibility of needing help with basic activities of daily living.

10-to-Win cont’d on page A4 are learning a language, making use of multimedia including movies and television shows are a great way to not only keep the language fresh, but to also make use of context clues to learn new words. 9. Read On. If you are like a lot of students, you may find that learning out of your textbook, along with a bit of supplemental Q&A time with a knowledgeable individual on the

Equifax Breach cont’d from page A1 confusing or contradictory information. Consumers calling the number Equifax set up complained of jammed phone lines and uninformed representatives, and initial responses from the website gave inconsistent responses. Many got no response, just a notice that they could return later to register for identity protection. Equifax says it’s fixed the issue of inconsistent responses, in which people could get one response on

Gosh, this is depressing. What’s a single woman to do? I’m not suggesting marriage as a solution, because you could wind up being the “nurse” and still find yourself alone at the end! But there are some steps to consider now, while you have the flexibility to plan. –Save more money. Time leverages money. Even a small additional amount saved every year in your company retirement plan or IRA can make a big difference in the long run. –Open a health savings account. If your employer provides a qualified highdeductible health care plan, you may be eligible to open an HSA. It allows you to save on a tax-free basis for costs you might encounter after retirement, even if the funds are not spent on current expenses. Or buy a highdeductible insurance plan in combination with an HSA at –Consider long-term care insurance. Yes, the premiums could rise as you age, making the cost unaffordable. But look into the policies that combine with life insurance, and fix your annual premium. If you don’t spend the money on care, your heirs will get the death benefit. Or you can borrow out some cash for unexpected expenses, diminishing the amount available for care. –Plan with friends. You know who your single girlfriends are. Many don’t have children, so they are in the same predicament. Buy a retirement home together or get apartments next door to each other. Or let a friend move into your empty-nest second bedroom and share costs. At the very least, you’ll have someone to call in the middle of the night in an emergency. There’s a lot to be said for being 60 and single. In fact, there’s even a website devoted to the proposition that life is better than ever for older single women, It points with pride to the fact that 37 percent of women over 65 live by themselves — and enjoy it! subject can be more beneficial than sitting in an hour long class itself. 10. Apply Your Skills. Once you begin to gain skills, or even with the skills that you already have, it may be wise to find ways to apply these skills through internships or entry level jobs in your field or position you’re looking to obtain. Make use of internship and job websites to find opportunities and pay close attention to benefits they have for continual certification assistance. the computer and a different one when checking on the phone. The site is and the number is 866-447-7559. Equifax also says it’ll send a notice to all who had personally identifiable information stolen. Equifax is offering free credit monitoring for a year, which people can sign up for at the website. But considering the size and scope of the breach, it’s probably

Equifax Breach cont’d on page A5

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Business All stories are available at

September 14, 2017


Inland Valley News

Jonathan Takiff: The Best Credit Cards Budget Friendly of 2017 Depends on Your Spending Habits Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs By Jonathan Takiff

Playing credit card roulette has become a sport for deal seekers, as issuers pile on the incentives. “The competition is intense, the rewards just keep getting better,” said Lisa Gerstner of and the Kiplinger Letter. “The six largest credit card issuers are spending twice as much on card rewards as they did in 2010.” Reading Gerstner’s report (“The Best Rewards Credit Cards, 2017”) and another in the September 2017 issue of Consumer Reports (“How to Cash In on Cash-Back Credit Cards”) might be dizzying. Both suggest there is no easy way to determine “the best card.” Marketers shape cards to appeal to special interests and habits. So a responsible card rater must do the same, taking into account how you live and what your needs and interests are, and then calculating the payback based on your spending. Are you a single male or female professional who eats out and travels for work or pleasure? A family of four that spends heavily on groceries and gasoline? Retirees on a budget? Also — have you the perseverance to “game” the system — signing up for deals, and then getting out as the “free introductory year” ends? While never forgetting to pay your card on time? “The interest rates on reward cards can be as high as 25 percent,” warns Queen Villagebased CPA Steve Ramm. “If you don’t pay punctually, you can quickly wipe out all the money saved by using those cards with ‘cash-back’ rewards and no annual fees, which are the generally the best deals, in my book.” Cashing in: Consumer Reports found that users can earn

up to 40 percent extra cash back by strategically using two cards instead of one. So where to start? Almost every financial “authority” loves the Citi Double Cash MasterCard. Users earn 1 percent per purchase, and then another 1 percent when you pay the bill (on time) for a total of 2 percent, returned as a check, bank account credit (Citi or another), or gift card. Kiplinger also top-rates for “savers” the Fidelity Rewards Visa Signature Card, paying 2 percent on all purchases. Its hook? Money is deposited into an eligible Fidelity Investments account (or up to five) including brokerage, retirement, 529 college savings, and even a friend’s or relative’s account. You need some computer savvy to track the online money flow. Splitting the difference: As your cards proliferate, you may need (as Ramm does) to put notations in marker or sticky tape on the back of each to keep the incentives straight. The free Citi Costco Anywhere card earns 4 percent cash back on the first $7,000 in gas purchases, 3 percent on restaurant and travel charges, 2 percent at Costco/ Everything else is 1 percent. American Express Blue Cash Everyday (its no-fee card) offers 2 percent back on grocery bills totaling up to $6,000

annually. (Superstores such as Walmart and Target don’t qualify. I use the latter’s house brand card for 5 percent off every day on every item.) Gas is 2 percent back, everything else 1 percent. The AMEX Blue Cash Preferred card raises the grocery kickback to 6 percent and does 3 percent at select department stores and gas stations, but costs $95 annually. Chase Freedom Visa, another freebie, offers 5 percent back on up to $1,500 spent in a category that changes each quarter. “Currently it’s on restaurants and movies,” Ramm said. Travel rewards: We’ve heard of people going around the world on the bonus miles from travel-centric charge cards. The free BankAmericard Travel Rewards Visa card offers new customers 20,000 points when you spend $1,000 in the first 90 days. The free Discover It Miles calculates 1.5 miles per dollar on all purchases, with miles doubling the first year of use. Among cards with fees, Kiplinger is high on Barclaycard Arrival Plus World Elite MasterCard, delivering 50,000 bonus miles when you’ve spent $3,000 on the card in the first 90 days, with its $89 annual fee waived the first year. The

newsletter also touts the Chase Sapphire Preferred Visa, which comes with a 50,000-point signing bonus when you spend $4,000 in the first three months. Chase calculates 2 points per dollar spent on travel and dining. Also top rated, for flyers, is the Southwest Rapid Rewards Premier Visa, which rewards 60,000 points after you charge $3,000 on it in the first three months and gives an annual 6,000-point anniversary bonus, “which just about covers the value of the ($99) annual fee,” said Brian Karmizad of Waiving currency conversion fees, the Capital One Quicksilver Card is smart for international use. Another hot item is the Starwood Preferred Guest Credit Card from American Express. It grants a 25,000-point sign-up bonus if you spend $3,000 in the first three months and waives the first-year fee of $95. The big deal here: Those 25,000 points can be tripled/converted to 75,000 Marriott points since the chains’ merger. And when both halves of a couple sign up separately for the card, they can merge amassed points. Cautionary notes: Ramm suggests that travel cards are overrated once the honeymoon is over as you’re paying “retail value in points for airfare and hotel rooms that could otherwise be purchased for a lot less” and leftover points are “useless.” Kiplinger’s Gerstner warns against signing up for lots of bonus-points-endowed cards and then abruptly canceling, as “that negatively affects your credit rating for a while, remaining points in your account expire, and you may have trouble getting other cards. Chase is well-known for the “5-24” rule. If you’ve applied for more than five cards in the last 24 months, they might reject you.”

Here Are Valuable Tips To Fix Bad Credit By Ryan Velez Financial Juneteenth A bad credit score is a massive financial headache that may affect you in ways that you may not realize at first. A bad credit score is a massive financial headache that may affect you in ways that you may not realize at first. Whether you are trying to buy a home, finance a car, or get your business off the ground, a bad credit score will make things that much difficult. Because of this, there is a lot of misinformation and bad advice out there promising credit relief. A recent Black Enterprise article shares some tips that may not equal instant credit solutions, but will set you in the right direction. For one, you want to get a proper lay of the land when it comes to your credit, and that means getting regular credit reports. Speaker, author, business coach and 10-year real estate

Equifax Breach cont’d from page A4 better just to assume you were part of it. WHAT ABOUT THE CONTROVERSY OVER THE RIGHT TO SUE THEM? There has been a significant amount of confusion about that. It partly comes from the industry practice of mandatory arbitration, in which the fine print on many financial products says customers have to use a private third-party arbitration service in order to resolve their disputes. Regulators are trying to crack down on the practice, particularly after the Wells Fargo sales practices scandal.

wealth strategist Danielle Pierce recommends getting copies of your report once a year from If you do see errors in these online reports, try to avoid disputing them or firing off a bunch of disputes to the respective credit bureaus. The reason for this is that if you don’t send things separately and with detail, they are likely to get marked as “frivolous.” Sometimes, what was once a good idea may not be now. Pierce recommends keeping your credit utilization percentage at 10%, which may be a bit surprising if you recall that it was recommended to be 30% a short time ago. “But, to get in that super, high-achievers club, 10% is the new standard. This means that if your total credit card limits are $10,000, your balance should never exceed $1,000,” Pierce explains. When it comes to

getting your credit right, you shouldn’t be afraid to use every resource at your disposal. A great asset is a credit union, but if you want to sign up for one, be sure to do so with a long-term relationship in mind. After all, once you join a credit union, you are now a member/part-owner of the credit union. Being part of a credit union can mean lower rates on credit cards, auto loans, home loans, and many other products. In addition, if you have

charged off accounts and/or past due accounts that you are thinking of paying off, be sure to bring a trusted credit professional into the mix. Paying off a collection account won’t necessarily remove it automatically, and may even lower your score. Note that these methods take time, and don’t be surprised if it takes 180 days before you see results. Being patient and proactive is the way to go.

Equifax released a statement Friday evening declaring that the arbitration requirement and class-action waiver will not apply to this particular breach. In its statement Monday, it said it had again adjusted the language in the FAQs on its website. WHAT SHOULD I DO? Ultimately, the onus will probably be on consumers to try to protect themselves. People should do all the things they’re probably already heard about: - Closely monitor their own credit reports, which are available free once a year, and stagger them to see one every four months. - Stay vigilant, possibly for a

long time. Scammers who get ahold of the data could use it at any time - and with 143 million to choose from, they may be patient. - Consider freezing your credit reports. That stops thieves from opening new credit cards or loans in your name, but it also prevents you from opening new accounts. So if you want to apply for something, you need to lift the freeze a few days beforehand. WHO’S INVESTIGATING THIS? A host of state and federal authorities as well as politicians have stepped in to investigate. Credit bureaus like Equifax are lightly regulated compared to other parts of the financial

system. Expect more scrutiny from regulators over the credit bureaus. The chairmen of at least two U.S. House committees say they want to hold hearings. Like the Wells Fargo sales scandal, the Equifax breach is causing bipartisan outrage and concern, but there has been no talk of any new laws to further regulate the industry. Several state attorneys general have also said they would investigate, which could result in fines at the state level. Lastly the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the nation’s watchdog entity for financial issues, says it has the

Equifax Breach cont’d from page A4

By Drew Hendricks Having participated in building numerous startups, I’ve seen many founders spend too much on their marketing efforts out of a perceived need that they have to spend money to make money (and get noticed). They end up struggling to continue. Plus, investors don’t look too highly on unnecessary expenditures. It isn’t really necessary to spend anywhere close to the amounts being allocated for marketing. This must come as a relief to any bootstrapping startup founder. I’ve picked up some marketing strategies that are more about the effort and less about the money: Start with a budget: Just because you don’t need to spend a lot of money on marketing as a startup doesn’t mean you shouldn’t establish a budget. This is a necessary tool in order to keep you focused on return on any size investment made in this channel. A budget also gives you some accountability and discipline to stick to only what you said you’d spend. Create a budget based on what you have in your bootstrap fund that you believe you can spend without putting you in a cash crisis that will impact other areas of your business development. Also, prioritize one or two marketing strategies that may have a dollar sign attached to them (even if it’s a small one). Develop your thought leadership position One of the best ways to develop marketing on a dime is to focus on thought leadership, which builds a reputation in your industry or segment for providing expert advice, thoughtful insights and valuable tips that your audience can use. Start with your own blog about what you are doing and what you see happening in your niche area. Share those posts everywhere you can to build a following. This initial thought leadership effort can get you noticed by other publishing platforms that will consider you for their own sites, where you can further that thought leadership. While they won’t pay you to contribute content, you’ll be able to guest blog or syndicate your articles online. Getting your content out there in front of a target audience also helps generate interest in the product or service your startup offers. In this way, you are marketing without obviously doing so and only using sweat equity to develop that publicity. Nurture an online influencer network: Developing online influencers works much faster and is more effective than spending money on advertising or other paid placement activities at this early stage in the bootstrapping process. Obviously, you can’t go straight to the big influencers who typically want to be paid. Instead, start with your own network of people who believe in what you are doing and ask them to share

information with their circles. You can give them a free demo product to try and talk about on their own social media profiles or blogs. I’ve seen this work incredibly well. Those who begin to spread the news are often asked where to get a demo to try. Send out product samples to those who come through this influencer network. Look for strategic partnerships: Existing brands do have large audiences and are continually looking for ways to further their value. That’s where you come in, as a startup with something new and interesting that could add that value for that known brand. Look for brands that would align with your product or service offering and approach them with your idea to strategically partner. Be sure to have the benefits listed out for that brand. Illustrate why your shared values will create a mutually beneficial relationship. From there, you’ll be able to leverage their marketing resources, channels, and audience access to establish your own credibility while the brand delivers more to its customers and further differentiates itself from the competition. Think locally: It’s always good to look into your local community to see where you can plant those grassroots efforts that pay off in big ways for startups. This can be through local events that provide you with a booth where you can share what you offer and build offline interest. These events typically do not cost a lot of money but allow you to interact directly with your target audience and let your enthusiasm strike a chord with those in the community. Visitors may look for you online and join your social media sites as well as share with others through pictures and content on their own profiles. That’s free advertising and maximizes the investment in the local event. Plus, these potential customers will get to put a face to the new company, helping you to build trust at an earlier stage than if you had just stuck with online marketing strategies. Track every marketing effort and collect data along the way. Even if the marketing strategy does not involve any money, you’re still spending considerable time and effort. That’s why you should track the results of each marketing tactic you deploy. This will help you figure out if these marketing strategies are beneficial to repeat in the future and who your target audience is. All these low-cost marketing tools can also still collect valuable data, including information on each audience member you interacted with, ways to contact them in the future, what interests them, and how they respond to your product or service. It’s worth its

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September 14, 2017

Harlem’s Fashion Row Celebrates 10 Years While I Contemplate Whether I’m Over- or Underdressed By Danielle C Belton The Root First off, I didn’t realize check-in was at 7, not 8:30. It was just the beginning of a series of disasters that led to my living out one of my nightmares: showing up late for ... anything. I abhor being late. I have recurring nightmares about it, and normally I’m the spy who shows up an hour early and chats up the host, eyeballs everyone coming into the party and snags a decent seat up front. But nothing was working for me the night of Harlem’s Fashion Row’s 10thanniversary show on Wednesday honoring director Spike Lee, Fashion Bomb Daily founder Claire Sulmers and the Editor of the Year Award recipient, Vogue’s Chioma Nnadi. My unnecessarily elaborate dress broke, so I had to fix it, which took 20 ungodly minutes. My nails broke, so I had to run to a salon to fix them. And it rained, rained, rained and rained. (It also didn’t help that the email letting me know that I needed to be there by 7 p.m. didn’t show up until the day after the event, at 6:45 a.m. Thursday. I might have wrapped my mind around the day differently if I’d known that I needed to be dressed and out the door, heading to La Marina, where the event was being held, by 6:30 p.m. and not 8.) But that’s beside the point. Hello, I’m Danielle Belton, and this is Antisocial, the society-and-events column for people who have no clue what they’re doing and don’t know who anyone is ever. Let’s drink and be glamorously awkward together! A little background: For the first 32-odd years of my life, I was a hard-core extrovert. Like, borderline delusional extrovert. (I had no shame and no filter.) Nothing made me happier than making lots of friends, working a room and talking as loudly as possible. I liked being a big fish in a small pond and enjoyed all the perks that came with that. But somewhere—I guess around age 27 to 32—it got harder and harder to be social, thanks to a very crippling social anxiety disorder that gradually developed alongside my ever-present bipolar disorder (which I was

diagnosed with in late 2005).Suddenly, the idea of being tossed into a room of strangers became less and less appealing. Still, I powered through, often fueled by alcohol, pretending to be what I once was. But because I’ve decided that I don’t want to be an alcoholic, I curbed my drinking at events years ago and started barreling into these soirees stone-cold sober. What a horror. It’s not that I’m not fun sober. I’m capable of a dry wit. I have the capacity for charm. I’ve been told I have an approachable face and a friendly smile. But I’m more of a mystery box of late, where you literally have no idea what you’re getting on any given day. I could be a social butterfly or have the personality of a block of wood. Harlem’s Fashion Row’s 10th-anniversary show honoring Spike Lee, among others, had me as an occasionally fun, mostly sober block of wood with broken wings, wandering around the party (which was outdoors underneath some tents during a downpour), often talking to myself and wondering, I overdressed or “Am underdressed?” Somehow, I managed to be both in a room full of interestingly styled dresses, lacy knee-high boots and lots of vibrant colors, mixed with the army of black-clad stylish New Yorkers who often frequent these sorts of events. I was neither colorful nor “dressed in all black like The Omen,” because after a year of living in New York City for the second go-round (the first was in 2012, when I was head writer for a short-lived talk show on BET), I still have no clue as to how to dress for these things. Problem: I’m a full-figured woman. The way I’m shaped, I can’t just throw on black pants, black boots and a chic black top without looking like I still work at Macy’s. (Shoutout to my employer from 2008 to 2009!) I also regularly struggle with walking in heels, still cursed from that time I went on my first newspaper reporting assignment in Bakersfield, Calif., that involved me standing on concrete in stiletto boots, for hours, waiting for the police to

Brandice Daniel (center), CEO and founder of Harlem’s Fashion Row (Johnny Nunez) pull a submerged car out of a ravine near the old Rockin’ Rodeo. Unlike Washington, D.C., where I lived off and on for six years, the New York party dress code is more “whatever you think looks good ... in shades of black,” and less “government/corporate dull suit and boring dress with kitten heels” after work. It’s also definitely not Atlanta’s “LOOK AT ME in 10 pounds of makeup” or Miami’s “see and be seen ... while sexy” social scene, either. So I quite honestly never know what to wear. I debated wearing a Falcon Crest-esque, throwingchampagne-in-someone’s-facein-the-1980s dark-blue dress with high shoulder pads and my old standbys: various Africanprint dresses that, depending on what shoes you wear, look either dressed up or dressed down. Since Harlem’s Fashion Row was both a fashion show and an awards show, I chose to err on the side of “awards show” and dress like a Jackie Collins novel. I mean, it is what it is. Once you’re there, you can’t exactly go back home and find some ripped jeans, artistically dirty boots and an African-print top and start over. Harlem’s Fashion Row was founded by Brandice Daniel, a woman who ditched studying premed to immerse herself in the world of fashion. She founded Harlem’s Fashion Row, a platform for multicultural designers, in 2007, leading it through year after year of hot, on-the-rise, ones-to-watch fashion designers of color during New York’s September Fashion

Week. This year’s event showcased the works of designers Fe Noel, Undra Celeste New York, K. RaShaé and Kimberly Goldson.I’d tell you about their fashions, but because I was so late to the show, my view was comically bad. I mostly watched it, half getting wet, from some bushes. During the reception afterward, I fared slightly better but ran into the drama of what happens when you go to these sorts of things alone (never again), just hoping you’ll run into a few people you know and meet some new folks down for chatting. Unfortunately, I barely knew anyone, because my world is media, not fashion. Of the few folks I knew because I’d met them a handful of times—the always glamorous entrepreneur and author Lauren Maillian, style and beauty expert/TV personality Wharton and Paul columnist/syndicated radio star Flo Anthony—it had been so long since I’d seen them that they didn’t recognize me at first. Or at least that was the case with Flo, with whom I spent most of a trip to Los Angeles for the African American Film Critics Association Awards about six months ago. (I don’t think it helped that I have drastically changed my look—cutting off my trademark long, dark, oftstraightened mane and turning it into a short, blond, bouncy natural cut ... but it could also be that I wasn’t memorable! The woman meets so many people!) For others, like Paul, it had been so long (like six years) since I’d seen them, it felt incredibly awkward to chat them up.

I mean, I did it anyway, and everyone was super nice and chill, but still ... The people I didn’t chat up were legion, although I did my best to be social, when all I wanted to do was find someone, anyone, I’d met within the last year and had spoken with for more than 15 minutes. I had to settle for sips of wine in between staring at the beautiful people while wondering if the rain would ever stop and whether or not was I doomed to hold a giant bag with an umbrella in it the whole night (I was). In fact, I ended up with two bags when some woman, tired of holding her swag bag, literally just shoved it upon me as if I were the coat-check girl. She was nice about it, though.“Hey, do you want this?” “Sure.” Because I’m secretly a basic bitch, the only celebs I recognized were the ones from TV shows I watch heavily to escape the dystopian, disasterfilled future we’re presently living in. Namely, Marlo Hampton from Bravo’s Real Housewives of Atlanta (who looked great) and Donshea Hopkins, the kid who played Raina on Power (who also looked great). Both were in black and clearly looked as if they’d done this multiple times before. I also had the briefest-of-brief conversation with Al Reynolds, one of those folks you know but you have no idea why you know them, who I swore was someone else I knew from D.C. until I was halfway through the conversation in which he actually joked about how awful Washington is. (I actually love the D.C. area—in all its awfulness and beauty— and miss it at times, but that’s neither here nor there.) Anyway, I couldn’t even tell you who I mistakenly thought he was, and I’m sure he’d be horrified to know I thought he was a D.C. person, so let’s keep that between us, shall we? While the party was all the things I like in a hot New York City party—crowded and fun, with lots of free food and drinks—I knew it was time to go home when one of the waitstaff started hitting on me. I had been worried all night that somehow my short hair had turned me into the invisible woman (I’ve only had one date since I chopped it

Lauren Maillian (Johnny Nunez) all off months ago), but what do you know? Random guys with thick accents still think I’m the one. “Can I take your glass?” he said. “No, I’m still working on it,” I said. “Did you have any food? I can bring you some food. I saw you walking around here,” he quickly spat out. “Oh, that’s cool. I’m good.” “I’m going to come back with some food for you and get your number,” he mumbled together so fast, I wasn’t even sure what I heard. “Huh?” “I want to get your number when I come back. Can I get your number?” Even though the chances were minimal that my outright rejection would not be met with hostility at a fancy cocktail party where dude was supposed to be working, I’d never gone wrong in overestimating the size of a man’s ego when you’re rejecting him. “No, I’m married,” I said, failing to mention that the marriage was more than 17 years ago and only lasted a year. He politely bowed out, telling me how great I looked and how “lucky” my nonexistent husband was, and I quickly called it quits, absconding away into the rainy night in a Lyft, where the driver and I indulged our inner basic bitches and talked about Power the whole ride back to midtown.

Stretch Of Highway Running Through A Hipster Los Angeles Neighborhood To Be Named After 44th President Barack Obama By Dr. Sinclair N. Grey III Your Black World History is full of people doing things. That’s right; things that are great and things that are not so great. Books, periodicals, and internet sites have a long list of individuals who dared to go against the status quo to show that anything is possible. When it comes to trailblazers in Black History, it’s good to read about the accomplishments men and women made in the past so that

we can have certain freedoms and privileges today. Let’s face it – without their toil and effort, America would not be in the position it is now. Just look at integration and voting rights. Even though there are people within the halls of Congress who wish to eliminate voting rights for Blacks, the truth of the matter is that many of them will not succeed. As we look at what Blacks have been able to achieve, we have to admit that we have

published in the Daily Mail, “A stretch of the 134 Freeway passing through the hipster Eagle Rock section of Los Angeles and the cities of Glendale and Pasadena will be known as the President Barack H. Obama Highway after the Legislature signed off on a resolution Tuesday.” As a note: before transferring to Columbia University in New York, Obama attended Occidental in Eagle Rock for two years.

come a long way. Yes, it may not be far enough but we have come a long way since the 1800’s and 1900’s. The election of Barack Obama to become President of the United States of America in 2008 was a task many thought they would never see. A Black man sitting in the Oval Office. After serving 8 years as president, Obama is receiving the honor of having a portion of a California highway named after him. According to a story

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IVNedition_9_14_2017 NEW_Layout 1 9/12/17 1:51 PM Page 7

Family September 14, 2017

All stories are available at

Inland Valley News


Families Get Savvier Ryan Velez: Is Mentorship The Missing Paying for College Ingredient That Young Men Of Color Need ? By Ryan Velez Financial Juneteenth

(StatePoint) College costs may be on the rise, but families are as determined as ever to make higher education a reality for their children. What’s more, families are becoming savvier about how they meet the expense, suggests a new study. According to “How America Pays for College 2017,” a national study from Sallie Mae and Ipsos, students and parents shared paying for college responsibilities equally in academic year 2016-17, each contributing about one-third of the expense, with scholarships and grants covering most of the rest. In addition, 98 percent of families surveyed took proactive measures in order to reduce college costs. That included choosing an in-state school, living at home, and

enrolling in an accelerated program. “Throughout our 10 years of conducting this study, families have consistently demonstrated they are determined to make college happen, and they’ve also become more value-conscious as they pay for higher education,” said Raymond J. Quinlan, chairman and chief executive officer, Sallie Mae. For those families with college-bound students, Sallie Mae recommends a 1-2-3 approach. • Maximize money that doesn’t need to be repaid. Scholarships and grants paid 35 percent of college costs last school year; and scholarships were used by 49 percent of all

Paying for College cont’d from page A7

Black Enterprise has recently covered the first-ever Black Men XCEL Summit and one interesting topic coming out of the summit was how to ensure success for Black male students. Black Enterprise has recently covered the first-ever Black Men XCEL Summit and one interesting topic coming out of the summit was how to ensure success for Black male students. The session “BE Smart: How to Scale Models for Mentorship,” sponsored by JPMorgan Chase & Co, says that mentorship could be the winning ingredient to help young Black men. This session looked to the Fellowship Initiative, created JP Morgan Chase by professionals that “provides intensive academic and leadership training to help young men of color from economicallydistressed communities complete their high school education and better prepare them to excel in colleges and universities.” “Instead of donating money, our firm wanted to get on the ground to have a firmer impact in these young men’s lives,” said Miles L. Warren III, vice president of global philanthropy at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

TFI combines three Saturday sessions a month as well as holiday break intensives with speakers and special projects plus a two- to threeweek summer program. The program’s results are already showing positive effects in the young men who choose to use it, with 100% of the students who have completed the program have graduated from high school and been accepted to a four-year college. In addition, since 2013, students who have gone through the TFI program have earned more than $28 million in scholarships and financial aid. At the session, five students were in attendance,

crediting TFI with helping with the college process, providing a support system, improving their communication skills, and giving them greater exposure. Also attending the panel were several JPMorgan and Chase professionals, Jonathan B. Simon, Executive Director, Head of Student Strategy Advancing Black Leaders; Malcolm Johnson, Executive Director, Real Estate Banking; Gerald Owusu, Fixed Income Sales Analyst, who was part of the first TFI cohort in 2009; and Daniel Horgan, Senior Director of Corporate Engagement. “All of us can choose to apply our talents at any bank, but

there are no other firms who have a commitment to the people who look exactly like I did 18 years ago. And that was meaningful to me,” Johnson said. “So it was a no-brainer to raise my hand to be a mentor.” Johnson added that everyone in attendance should go back to their firms and challenge them to back young black males and their potential success. “Fifty-one percent of mentoring programs operate on an annual budget of less than $50,000. We’ve got to invest a lot more in the mentoring field,” added Horgan.

IVNedition_9_14_2017 NEW_Layout 1 9/12/17 2:04 PM Page 8

Religion A8

Inland Valley News

September 14, 2017

All stories are available at

BLM Course cont’d from page A1 Brandon Jones, president of the SDSU College Republicans, has called for the course to be canceled. “The university must distance itself from this project and others like it that teach students to become victims instead of preparing them to become contributing members of society,” said Jones. Craig DeLuz, a member of the Robla School District in Sacramento and leader of the coalition, was particularly aggrieved by the course and its political stance. DeLuz said that he didn’t believe SDSU should be funding a course which has a political bias. “This is not what taxpayer dollars are to be used for,” said DeLuz in a phone interview. DeLuz also took issue with some other Black Lives Matter actions. He said the group was “exclusionary” and compared it to the alt-right (white nationalists,) a loose-knit group of far-right conservatives who recently staged a torch-lit march in Charlottesville, N.C. According to DeLuz, Black Lives Matter also incites violence against police. He cited the incident when marchers at a Black Lives Matter rally chanted “Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.” DeLuz said SDSU doesn’t need to promote a course with a political stance, especially when the campus is currently not to “right-of-center” open speakers. In the past, right-wing commentators such as Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos, have had campus speeches around the country disrupted by activists who have tried to shut

Paying for College cont’d from page A7

families. You can get in on this action by utilizing free scholarship search tools from companies like Fastweb, Chegg, and Sallie Mae. To stay maintain a organized, spreadsheet of each scholarship’s details, including application due dates. • Explore federal student loans. All college-bound students should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, no matter what they

Equifax Breach cont’d from page A4 authority to investigate the data breach, and fine and sanction Equifax if warranted. Company executives are also under scrutiny, after it was found that three Equifax executives sold shares worth a combined $1.8 million just a few days after the company discovered the

believe their eligibility is – and repeat this every year they are in school. This is the key to securing federal and state financial aid for college. To learn more, visit • Consider a responsible private student loan. Regardless of cost, nearly all families (98 percent) agreed college is an investment in a student’s future, and 86 percent of families said they expected their child to attend college since he or she was preschool age or younger. Even further, 59 percent said they expected their child to pursue a graduate degree. Making these

dreams happen may require seeking out a private student loan. Be sure you turn to a responsible lender so there are no surprises down the line when it comes time to pay back. To learn more about “How America Pays for College visit 2017” s. Higher education remains an important aspect of the American dream for many families. As cost remains a deciding factor, more families are taking creative and proactive steps to make college affordable.

breach, according to documents filed with securities regulators. Equifax said the three executives “had no knowledge that an intrusion had occurred at the time they sold their shares.” Given the seriousness of the breach, there are worries about the long-term future of the company. The sole purpose of why Equifax and the other credit

bureaus exist is to be a secure storehouse of crucial financial information. Equifax failed at that. The stock has fallen more than 25 percent since Thursday and the company is meeting with investors this week in New York in hopes to contain the fallout.

BLM Course cont’d on page A9

Local Church Directory SERVICE SCHEDULES Sunday Sunday Morning – Throne Room Service 8:00 am Imani Power Generation (Youth Class) 9:30 am Vision Concepts New Members Class 9:30 am Faith and Baptism New Community Class 9:30 am Foundation Covenant Class 9:30am Imani Power Generation (Youth Church) 10:30 am Sunday Community Worship Celebration 10:30am 510 W. Monterey Pomona, CA 91768

Phat Tuesday 1st & 3rd of each month Women Seeking Christ (WSC) 7:00 pm Man4mation (M4M) 7:00 pm Thursday Faith Community Bible Study 7:00 pm

Victory Community Church ‘People Discovering Purpose & Developing Faith’

Saturday Tephillah Prayer Move 7:00 am

Office: 909-620-9161 Fax: 909-620-9981

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Tuesday Mid-Week Services Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday Mid-Week Services Noon Day Bible Study 12:00 p.m.

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First Union Missionary Baptist Church 880 West Grand Avenue-Pomona, CA

Church Number- 909 623 0921 Fax- 909 622 7781 Samuel W. Jarnagian- Pastor Service Schedule Sunday School- 9:30am Morning Worship- 11 am Bible Study Wednesday- 6pm 1st Sunday Lords Supper- 6pm

Pastor Tommy Morrow M.A., and Lady Kimberly Morrow

Spiritual Formation Class New Members Orientation Gifts & Givings Purpose Driven Life Covenant Relationships Pastoral Bible Study Discipleship

Join us for Worship, Bible Study or Prayer! For more information please call our office.

2009 Porterfield Way Ste. F Upland, CA 91786 909.981.1195

Bethel Chapel Community Church 5879 Crenshaw Blvd Los Angeles, CA Office: (323) 295-8455 SERVICE SCHEDULES Discipleship Class Sunday 9:00 A.M. Sunday School Sunday 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship Sunday 11:00 A.M. Bible Study Tuesday 7:00 P.M. Dr. James Satterfield Pastor

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IVNedition_9_14_2017 NEW_Layout 1 9/12/17 2:04 PM Page 9

Sports & Auto September 14, 2017

All stories are available at

The National Sports Beat with Brad Pye LOS ANGELES—Notes, quotes and things picked on the run from coast-to-coast and all the stops in between and beyond. Here is a note the Dodgers were sent on Sept. 5! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop: It’s time to stop losing! These suggestions didn’t help as the locals lost to the Arizona Diamondbacks, who collected their tenth straight win. At the time the Dodgers had been whipped 10 times in their last 11 contests. Poor Dodgers! It’s well beyond winning time. Come on gang let’s start winning again! Stanford Coach David Shaw came to the Coliseum comparing USC’s wide receiver Ronald Jones II to the NFL’s standout Jamal Charles. Jones debuted 159-ards and three TDs vs. Western Michigan. After four years, former L.A. Lakers great Michael Cooper is out as head coach of the Atlanta Dream. Cooper formerly coached the Sparks to a pair of WNBA titles. Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll responded when he found out how his player. Michael Bennett was man handled by two Las Vegas police officers, Carroll stated: “He hopes the incident inspires people to respond with compassion. We can do better. We should do better. And, not just because a high-profile football player was subjected to such apparent abuse. USA TODAY Sports’ Lindsay H, Jones predicts the

New England Patriots Tom Brady and his five time Super Bowl Champions didn’t believe the K.C. Chief could beat them up 42-27 liked they did on Sept. 7. The Chiefs’ Kareem Hunt ripped off 243-yards and scored four TDs. Brady passed 16 of 36 for 267-yards and no TDs. USC’s Heisman Trophy candidate Sam Darnold didn’t pass for a TD in the Trojans opener. Cleveland Both Cavaliers and the Cleveland Indians are currently operating as champions. As of Sept. 9 the Indians had won 16 straight, The Cavaliers and LeBron James should be title contenders again this coming season. QB Sam USC’s Darnold tuned up for Coach David Shaw’s Stanford Cardinals with 23 of 33 for 289yards and two TDs and two interceptions vs. Western Michigan enroute to a 42-24 victory. Will Greir was right behind Jackson with five TDs to lead West Virginia to 56-20 win over East Carolina. Did you know that Sanford’s coach David Shaw’s uncle was an All-American at USC? The Trojans and Cardinals matched TDs in the first period—with three a piece by Heisman Trophy QB Sam Darnold and Stanford’s QB Keller Chryst. But Stanford couldn’t hold on and the Trojans

Brad Pye Jr.

Seattle Seahawk’s Russell Wilson will win the MVP Award ahead of the Patriots’ Tom Brady and the Green Bay Packers’ Aaron Rodgers. Me too! At least I hope so. And the beat continues! The Seattle Seahawks’ Russell Wilson’s back ups are Trevone Boykin and Austin Davis. The 24-year old Sloane Stephens upset 37-year old Venus Williams in a semi-finals match in the U.S. Open on. Sept. 8. Venus is part of the Williams duo. This duo features champ/ Serena Williams. In the other semi-finals match Madison Keys took on CoCo Vandeweghe. Keys was the third Lady of Color to make it this far in the U.S. Open. Keys says: “Playing tennis is an amazing thing, and I am lucky that I’m able to play a sport for a living. I really love playing tennis. I think it was just kind of an eye opening. When I wasn’t playing of course I loved my See Remainder of Article time off.” on approved to speak on most indoctrination.” BLM Course campuses”, said DeLuz. “But However, Dr. Melina cont’d from page A8 liberal speakers are not only Abdullah, lead organizer of down their message. getting funded to push a political Black Lives Matter Los Angeles, “Conservative students ideology, the students who come said DeLuz’s accusations are a have to fight universities tooth to hear them can get college common way to discredit the and nail to get conservatives credit. That’s not education. It’s movement. She said they are a

Inland Valley News

USC Trojans are Triumphant Over the Stanford Cardinals By Gary George IVN Sports Los Angeles, California - On Saturday evening the USC Trojans faced the Stanford Cardinal at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. In attendance were 77,614 fans to witness the PAC-12 college football game. The Trojans continued their quest to be the best as they look for their second win of the season. Their first win came against Western Michigan last week winning by a score of 49 - 31. In their past three meetings against Stanford they have loss; so, they were certainly ready to end the draught. This contest would be a great yardstick for the Trojans to validate their No. 6 ranking against Stanford which was ranked at No. 14. Coach Clay Helton led the Trojans to a 2017 Rose Bowl Championship, while Coach David Shaw has won two (2013, 2016) Rose Bowl Championships for Stanford. The Trojans started off strong by scoring first and never looked back as quarterback Sam Darnold had a tremendous game. His leadership on the field led the Trojans to a 42-24 victory over Stanford. He continues to validate his candidacy for a Heisman Trophy. Sam had a very explosive game by passing for 316 yards, on 21 of 26 attempts, and four touchdowns. His only diversionary tactic used to deflect attention away from Black Lives Matters’ goal of protesting police violence. “They’re trying to divert the conversation,” said Abdullah, a professor at Cal State

hiccups for his performance were two interceptions. Nevertheless, he simply continued to pick apart the defense of the Stanford. His favorite receivers were Deontay Burnett 9/121, two touchdowns, and Steven Mitchell Jr. 4/94, two touchdowns. The rushing performance by the Trojans was unstoppable as they accumulated 307 yards for the game. The leading rushers were freshman Steven Carr (11/119) and Ronald Jones II (23/116) and two touchdowns. The combined offensive output by the Trojans was 623 yards. With the offense hitting on all cylinders, it was upon the shoulders of the defense to neutralize the offensive attack of Stanford. In the first half Stanford was in contention by trailing the Trojans 17-28.

However, in the second half they were only able to score one touchdown which allowed the Trojans to cease the victory. The triumphant Trojans simply fought onto victory to the delight of all their fans. For Stanford, quarterback Keller Chryst passed for 172 yards and two touchdowns. His touchdown receivers were J.J. ArcegaWhiteside and Dalton Schultz. Their rushing leader was Bryce Love with 17 carries for160 yards and a touchdown. He carried the rushing load as the team totaled 170 yards. Up next for the Trojans will be a home contest on Saturday against the University of Texas Longhorns from Austin, Texas. “Fight On”.

University, Los Angeles. “Rather than address the issue (of police violence,) they’d rather create a false narrative.” Abdullah also said there have been no recorded cases of Black Lives Matter activists

committing acts of violence against police officers. The chants of “pigs in a blanket,” were just words and they never led to action, she said. Email your thoughts to

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For Change of Name Order To Show Cause for Name Change Of Name CASE NUMBER: KS020845 To all interested persons: 1. Petitioner: files a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: Adlemi Nataly Garcia To Adlemi Nataly Ruiz 2. The Court Orders that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should be granted. Notice of Hearing a. Date: September 13 , 2017 Time: 8:30 Dept. J Room: b. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, East District, 400 Civic Center Plaza, Pomona, CA 91766 3. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Inland Valley News Date: August 22, 2017 Dan Thomas Oki Judge of the Superior Court Pub: August 24, 2017, August 31, 2017, September 7, 2017, and September 14, 2017

IVNedition_9_14_2017 NEW_Layout 1 9/12/17 2:06 PM Page 10

Community A10

Inland Valley News

All stories are available at

September 14, 2017

Legacy Senior Services Presents its 2nd Annual Savvy Seniors Summit

Dr. Margaret Hill

Mother Evelyn Wilson

Dwan Smith-Fortier

Roy Dennis

Upland, CA-- “Live Your Best Life Now” will be the theme as Legacy Senior Services, Inc., a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization that is dedicated to improving the quality of life for senior citizens presents 2nd Annual Savvy Seniors Summit. This one-day empowerment summit for seniors (and the family, friends and loved-ones who care for them) will take place on Saturday, September 23, 2017

from 8:30am-3:30pm at the Inland Valley Conference Center; 2009 Porterfield Way, Upland, CA 91786. “Now in our 2nd year, Savvy Seniors Summit will bring together experts from various professions to provide information and inspiration to support “boomers” aged 50+ to make the rest of their life, the best of their life,” said Nina Erving, Founder and Executive

Director of Legacy Senior Services. The event will precede with a continental breakfast and will also feature our 2017 Savvy Seniors Awards celebrating Southern California seniors who are living examples of what it is to truly live your absolute best life, regardless of one’s numerical age. This year’s celebrants include Mother Evelyn Wilson, Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church; Dr. Margaret Hill, best-selling author and President of the San Bernardino City Unified School District; Roy Dennis, Founder and CEO, Urban Ballroom Conservatory; and Dwan SmithFortier, movie actress (Sparkle [1976] and more than 60 local and national television commercials; community leader and philanthropist. For more information or to rsvp visit m or call (951) 317-3543. IVN Editor’s Note: We at the Inland Valley News would like to honor Legacy Senior Services on its 2nd Annual Event. The work that you continue to do in our community does not go unnoticed. We are so excited our continued about partnership. To all of the honorees, we celebrate you and your contribution to making the world a better place. Congratulations again to Legacy Senior Services on a job well done!

Help Us Conserve Energy This Summer, SoCal!

Did you know that natural gas is the single largest source for electricity generation in California? Because of the limited availability of natural gas locally this summer, there’s less natural gas available to produce electricity. That means there may not be enough electricity to keep up with demand. That’s why we need your help! Here’s how you can reduce energy use in your home: • Set your air conditioning to 78°F when you’re home and turn it off when away. • Cool your home using fans and close your curtains. • Turn off all unnecessary lights and appliances. • Avoid using major appliances, like the washing machine or dishwasher, during the afternoon and early evening. Thanks for helping conserve, SoCal!

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