Ink Magazine - November 2018

Page 21


“It’s exactly what I wanted.” Keith says, “It is an awesome feeling for us knowing we made a customer feel that way, to know we’ve done our job.” Keith, Sr., Jane, and Keith A. are all heavily invested in the town of Old Saybrook.“We’ve grown up in this community,” Keith A. says, “and we love it. We appreciate the terrific Chamber of Commerce we have in this town and the way all the businesses seem to work together to make Old Saybrook a real destination. A rising tide lifts all boats, and that’s what you have among the businesses of Old Saybrook.” An institution for 41 years, Saybrook Home is firmly rooted in this community. They are the gateway to its downtown, and a staple of fine, quality home furnishings throughout the shoreline and beyond. So changing the name changes nothing whatsoever inside their doors. They are still a well respected, high quality operation, they still staff every department with thorough professionals in their respective fields, they still buy at the gift shows and furniture markets with the preferences of their clients always in mind, and they always listen intently to their customer base because it is these customers who have formed the cornerstone of their success. So don’t just sit there! Hop in the car, plan a day, and see what’s new at Saybrook Home...besides their name. Quality home furnishings and apparel, the best customer service, and a strong and sincere commitment to be part of this community for a long, long time. Always was, always will be...home. The shops that make up Saybrook Home are located at 2 Main Street, right at the very start of downtown. (860) 388-0891 Come see what’s new with an old friend.

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