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CAN YOU TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF? My name is Sydnee Glenn and I’m a 26-yearold hand lettering artist and graphic designer. During my current 40-hour week, I work with digital media advertising and branding, for one of the largest publishing companies in the U.S. The first time I picked up a pencil, I was a 3-year-old in Kindergarten, seeing a girl drawing letters and low-key copied them when she wasn’t looking my way. Going from then into high school, then flash-forwarding into higher education where my eyes caught a handlettered poster.. and that changed my world. It’ll be 8 years in August since I’ve started this journey into lettering. Over the years I’ve picked up different styles of lettering from traditional, faux calligraphy, and now utilizing my iPad Pro with Procreate. My focus is to create the things I want to see in the world, creating passion projects for my lettering based on my interests as opposed to trends. Sparking my “One Word A Day” project, in the beginning, helped to structure and refine my skill set as well as produce consistent work (both are essential to my path!) In addition to my year’s ride, I also have participated in Inktober, which I chose to hand letter all 31 days in October – to help boost my productivity and flex that creative muscle. My current project is creating a Lettering Oracle Deck which will include hand-lettered

phrases I’ve hear from my friends and family. Remembering and honoring the people in my life by taking in their wisdom is the greatest inspiration for my hand lettering, as well as providing the boost I need to pursue this craft. YOU MENTIONED THAT YOU WORK IN DIGITAL MEDIA ADVERTISING AND BRANDING. CAN YOU TELL US A LITTLE BIT MORE IN DETAIL WHAT YOU DO? I’ve been working at the company for 3 years as of this September. I started out in the Print Department creating advertisements in an ad production environment. Within ad production one receives various types of ads from newspapers or magazines and multiple sized ads that can be static or animated. The demographic constantly changes because the company works with representatives from multiple states. In this role, I could work on auto, real estate or grocery ads and create them using Adobe InDesign. I stayed at this position for over a year and learned the process of creating an ad, while also working with a team of other graphic artists to meet required turn times and to utilize the branding of each client. After some time, there was an opening in the Digital Department and I jumped at the opportunity to gain more experience. I started working in the Digital Department at the beginning of 2017 and I’m still in it now. I produce a lot of animated and rich media ads during my day and work with a team full of digital designers.

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