July 27, 2023

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Celebrating 31 Years of Service in Inglewood, Airport area Communities Your Community Connection Since 1994

July 27 - August 2, 2023 VOL. 38, No. 30

City of Champions

Message to LeBron James Family “It’s Not Worth It!”

Dwayne Polee Sr. endured similar excruciating experience with his son

LeBron James and his wife Savannah experienced what all parents are most fearful of. Losing a child!

Their first born, Bronny James survived a cardiac arrest during a morning basketball practice at USC’s Galen center on July 24th.

“Yesterday while practicing Bronny James suffered a cardiac arrest,” a James family spokesperson said in a statement. “Medical staff was able to treat Bronny and take him to the hospital. He is now in stable condition and no longer in ICU. We ask for respect and privacy for the James family and we will update media when there is more information.

According to a published report in the Los Angeles Times, the Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics were called to the Galen Center, where USC practices, at 9:26 a.m. Monday for a medical emergency, according to a department spokeswoman. Sources said Bronny James was taken “code three lights and sirens” to a hospital shortly after the ambulance arrived.

The 18-year USC freshman and ballyhooed hoop prodigy is among the most popular athletes in America, with more than 7 million Instagram followers, plus a personal cash nest of more than $10.5 earned through endorsements.

Aspirations are sky high for Bronny following a injury pleagued career at Sierra Canyon he burst out, starring in the prestigious McDonalds All

America Game. Few will admit it, but he probably isn’t in that game if his name isn’t Bronny James, but he accounted for himself in the showcase in supreme fashion.

LeBron also has dreams of someday suiting up with his namesake on an NBA team before the curtain closes on his illustrious career.

However, after the near tragic event that unfolded in an empty arena on a summer day in late July LeBron is grateful to have his son alive.

Cardiac arrest, also known as sudden cardiac arrest, is when the heart stops beating suddenly.

It occurs more with basketball players, specifically male, than it does in any of the three major sporting events.

Dwayne Polee, Sr., considered to be the greatest high school basketball player in Los Angeles City Section history and the father of former Los Angeles City Section Player of the Year Dwayne Polee, Jr. know precisely what the James family is going through.

Much like, Bronny, Polee, Jr. was considered to be high level

Continued on page 8

Biden Pays Tribute to Emmett Till; Acknowledges the Vital Role of the Black Press in the Civil Rights Movement

Recognizing the country’s painful racial history and honoring the legacy of Emmett Till, President Joe Biden signed a proclamation on Tuesday designating a national monument spanning two states to memorialize Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Till-Bradley.

A distinguished audience included Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., President & CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), as well as several members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Chair Steven Horsford, Minority Whip James Clyburn, and Mississippi Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson.

The NNPA is the trade association that represents the Black Press of


The men’s trial, which occurred before an all-white jury, ended in their acquittal, sparking outrage and disbelief nationwide.

Till, a 14-year-old Black teenager from Chicago, was tragically murdered in Money, Mississippi, on August 28, 1955, after being accused by a white woman of whistling at her.

His brutal killing became a catalyst

for the Civil Rights movement when his mother, Mamie Till, chose to hold an open-casket funeral, and a photograph of her son’s disfigured body was published in Black media, bringing national attention to the horrors of racism and sparking outrage across the nation.

Continued on page 8

‘‘PBC Ambassador Sam Watson front and center...” See Page 5
1st an n i v e r yras

Your roundup of stories you might have missed last week.

State Superintendent Thurmond Forcibly Removed from School Board Meeting

Last week, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond was removed from a Chino Valley Unified School District board of education meeting after speaking out against a policy requiring school staff to notify parents if their child identifies as transgender.

Thurmond was invited to the meeting by students concerned about the policy.

After Thurmond spoke, he was verbally attacked by the board president, Sonja Shaw.

“You’re in Sacramento purposing things that pervert children,” she said.

Thurmond wrote in a series of tweets, “I don’t mind being thrown out of a board meeting by extremists. I can take the heat - it’s part of the job. What I can’t accept is the mistreatment of vulnerable students whose privacy is being taken away.”

Thurmond has been a vocal advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and has spoken out against book bans.

The Chino Valley school board voted to approve the policy, which is similar to Assembly Bill 1314, authored by Assemblymember Bill

Essayli (R-Riverside) which failed to get a hearing in the state Assembly.

Essayli also spoke at the school board meeting and received mixed reactions from the attendees.

That evening, California Attorney General Rob Bonta issued a statement urging the school district to protect students’ privacy.

Rep. Barbara Lee PAC Launches

Advocates to Gov. Newsom: Ban Cannabis Products Targeting Children

Last week, a coalition of groups committed to raising awareness about the cannabis industry’s practice of targeting children through marketing, called on Gov. Gavin Newsom to enact a “Cannabis Candy Ban.”

announced that Senate Bill (SB) 290, “Domestic Violence Documentation: Victim Access,” was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom.


Mission” After Falling Behind in Polls, Fundraising

A Super PAC supporting Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA-12) is making a push for her to secure a spot among the top-two candidates in the close race to succeed Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) in the U.S. Senate.

The PAC’s organizers stated that they need to start introducing Lee to a broader statewide audience immediately and outlined an ambitious goal for a TV advertising budget.

So far, Lee’s outside group ‘She Speaks for Me’ has raised more than $1.5 million in the second quarter, which surpasses the $1.4 million the campaign has in the bank so far. However, that amount is lower than the fundraising totals of her Democratic rivals, Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA-30) and Katie Porter (D-CA-47). Schiff’s campaign has raised nearly $30 million while Porter’s campaign has netted over $10 million.

A recent poll placed Porter and Schiff ahead of Lee among likely voters.

Youth Forward, an organization working to shape cannabis policy, is leading the charge with a petition to direct tax revenues from marijuana into youth and community reinvestment programs.

“Currently, the industry legally sells cannabis products that mimic wellknown household brands and features bright colors, fonts and cartoon food images that are attractive to children,” said Youth Forward in a release. “The success of the cannabis industry should not cost the safety of California youth and children.”

The Cannabis Candy Child Safety Act, Assembly Bill (AB) 1207, authored by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks), passed the Assembly with a 61-0 vote in May. The bill aims to prevent children from consuming cannabis products by regulating packaging and advertising.

AB 1207 is currently under review in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

New California Law Eliminates Fees Domestic Violence Survivors Pay for Case Evidence

Sen. Dave Min (D-Irvine) last week

California Black Media Political Playback: News You Might Have Missed Inglewood Seniors! Understand Lung Cancer: Warning Signs

Lung cancer is an awful disease that develops when cells divide and mutate uncontrollably. It is the third most common cancer in the United States. Over time, cancer prevents your lungs from working properly, resulting in unpleasant symptoms.

According to the National Cancer Institute, lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States. It’s estimated that there are over 200,000 new cases each year. Unfortunately, it often goes undiagnosed until it’s in an advanced stage. But cancer screenings offer hope in detecting cancer early. One way you can protect your health is by getting informed.

Unfortunately, the American Cancer Society says most lung cancers don’t cause any symptoms until the disease has spread. But there are still early warning signs you should be on the lookout for that could indicate lung cancer. For starters, the Cleveland Clinic says a persistent cough or pneumonia that keeps coming back after treatment can be an early warning sign of lung cancer. Other warning signs include: a cough that doesn’t go away, a cough that gets worse, shortness of breath, chest pain, hoarseness, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, fatigue and weakness, and new onset wheezing.

Several of these symptoms can indicate something far less serious, but it’s always important to have any new or persistent symptoms checked by a doctor.

If lung cancer goes undetected it can spread to other parts of the body. This can cause more advanced symptoms. The American Cancer Society says to watch for the following signs that cancer has spread to other areas of the body: bone pain, yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), which occurs if cancer spreads to the liver, swelling of the lymph nodes, and nervous system changes if cancer spreads to the brain. This can be presented as headaches, dizziness, weakness, balance problems, and seizures.

The American Cancer Society says 80-percent of lung cancer fatalities are caused by smoking. And unfortunately, the source also notes that many other cases are caused by exposure to secondhand smoke.

Though smoking is the leading cause, not everyone who smokes develops lung cancer. Many other factors such as genetics could play a role. According to the Cleveland Clinic, up to 20-percent of people with lung cancer have never smoked. So, if this is the case, the American Cancer Society says other causes include secondhand smoke,

The new law modernizes the Access to Domestic Violence Reports Act of 1999 to make it easier for domestic violence survivors to access the evidence they need to try to obtain court-ordered legal protections. SB 290 eliminates the fees for digital records, including 911 recordings and photographs of injuries, property damage, or other abuse, that have been passed along to crime victims since 1999.

“Until now, DV survivors have had to pay for the evidence they need to seek legal protections from their abusers, often at exorbitant costs they cannot afford,” said Min. “SB 290 will allow more DV survivors to seek and receive the protection measures that will keep them safe.”

The new law applies to domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, stalking, and elder and dependent abuse survivors.

Justice-related costs are common for victims. Female victims pay over $1,000 after they petition courts for protection. The estimated lifetime costs of abuse—including the costs of court, health problems, and lost productivity—are $103,767 for women and $23,414 for men.

exposure to radon (a naturally occurring radioactive gas), and air pollution. Exposure to harsh chemicals, diesel exhaust, and asbestos in the workplace can also lead to lung cancer for some people. The source also notes that in a few cases, lung cancer develops with no known risk factors. While it may be due to random events, the source says it could also be caused by factors that haven’t been discovered yet.

If you’re showing signs of lung cancer or are at risk, you should contact your doctor right away. Diagnosing lung cancer typically starts with a physical exam, reviewing your medical history, and your current symptoms. During the physical exam, your doctor will listen to your heart and lungs.

People who have a high risk of developing lung cancer should be screened. Johns Hopkins Medicine says the following are criteria for high-risk individuals: a history of heavy smoking (at least a pack per day for 30-years), current or former smokers who quit within the past 15-years, and if you are between the ages of 55 to 80.

If you’re worried about your risk of lung cancer, contact your doctor. They can help determine if you’re at risk, whether you should be screened, and help you develop healthy habits to reduce your risk.

July 27 - August 2, 2023 Page 2 PRESIDENT/ EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER Willie Brown PUBLISHER Kenneth Miller VICE PRESIDENT Gloria Kennedy PRODUCTION Kenneth Denson QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER Gloria Kennedy Inglewood Today Weekly is a legally adjudicated newspaper of public cir culation, published weekly by Ads Up Advertising, Inc. News and press releases may be submitted for consideration by mail to 9111 La Cienega Boulevard, Suite 100, Inglewood, CA 90301 or by email to itnetworks@msn.com. You can reach us at 310-670-9600 or by fax 310-338-9130 www.inglewoodtoday.com The artistic contents of Inglewood Today Weekly are copyrighted by Ads Up Advertising, Inc. and permission to reprint any article herein must be obtained in writing from the Publisher. DISPLAY ADVERTISING 310-670-9600 X107 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 310-670-9600 X104 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscriptions are available by mail for $100.00 per year. Home Delivery may not be available in all areas, or gated communities.

City Council Meeting July 25, 2023

The council conducted a public hearing to consider adoption of the Draft City of Inglewood 2023-2024

Annual Action Plan and adopted the Draft City of Inglewood 2023-2024

Annual Action Plan and approved the Minutes of the Meeting held on March 29, 2023, and approved the Minutes of the Meeting held on April 4, 2023

The council authorized the payment, in the total amount of $5,175, of an invoice submitted by KJLH Radio, 102.3 FM, payable to Taxi Productions, Inc., for onair broadcasts of the City’s inaugural Inglewood Music Festival (Festival), held on Saturday, June 24, 2023, at Darby Park.

The council adopted a resolution to eliminate the $275,000 annual not-to-exceed amount for County of Los Angeles Department of Animal Care and Control (DACC)


The council awarded a contract and approved an agreement with At Your Service Construction & Energy, Inc., for the Crenshaw-Imperial Library Improvement Project, per Bid No. CB23-08.

the term by twenty-four months (24) months to August 1, 2025, and increasing the agreement compensation by an additional amount not to exceed $6,541,128 for two additional service years, for Traffic Management and Control Services.

Control District (LACFCD) for maintenance of trash excluders (catchbasin screen & baskets) installed by the City inside LACFCD owned catch basins.

The council approved Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 22-288 with HHJ Construction, Inc., extending the term to May 30, 2024, to complete the residential sound insulation work on 62 Units (Project XV, Group 32).to reflect a total pooled amount of $9.6 million for all three years of the agreement with eight consultants:

The council approved Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 20-219 with A+ Traffic Management, Inc., extending

The council approved an agreement between the City of Inglewood (City) and the Los Angeles County Flood

The council submitted two (2) applications to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) through the ExpressLanes Net Toll Revenue Re-Investment Grant Program (Grant Program) in furtherance of the Inglewood Transit Connector (ITC) Project.

Proposal for $2,400 Extra in Social Security Checks Expanded and Reintroduced

In June, INGLEWOOD TODAY reported that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Social Security Expansion Act was reintroduced in Congress, but the

measure has remained dormant until now when a renewed interest, among from fellow lawmakers pushing the initiative, has emerged amid proposed cuts to Social Security as the U.S. faces its latest debt ceiling crisis.

Under terms of the original bill, anyone who is a current Social Security recipient, or who will turn 62 in 2023, would receive an extra $200 in each monthly check, or an additional $2,400 a year in benefits if the bill wins approval. The latest draft of the bill also provides a way forward for the severely underfunded program, ensuring that future generations can receive benefits through 2096 by taxing the highest earners in the country. According to Sanders’ office, this will be done “all without raising taxes by one penny on over 93% of American households that make $250,000 or less.”

“At a time when nearly half of older Americans have no retirement savings and almost 50% of our nation’s seniors are trying to survive on an income of less than $25,000 a year, our job is not to cut Social Security,” Sanders said in the statement.

“Our job is to expand Social Security

so that every senior in America can retire with the dignity that they deserve and every person with a disability can live with the security they need. The legislation that we are introducing today will expand Social Security benefits by $2,400 a year and will extend the solvency of Social Security for the next 75 years by making sure that the wealthiest people in our society pay their fair share into the system. Right now, a Wall Street CEO who makes $30 million pays the same amount into Social Security as someone who makes $160,000 a year. Our bill puts an end to that absurdity which will allow us to protect Social Security for generations to come while lifting millions of seniors out of poverty,” Sanders said.

As House Republicans try to use a manufactured debt ceiling crisis to cut the Social Security that Americans have earned, Sanders is working to expand Social Security and extend its solvency by making the wealthy pay their fair share, so everyone can retire with dignity.

The Social Security Expansion Act bill is timely for a couple of reasons. First, it follows a Social Security Administration announcement in 2022 that Americans will stop receiving their full benefits in about 13 years without actions to bolster the program.

It also comes during a period of historically high inflation that has a particularly big impact on seniors living on fixed incomes,

many of whom rely solely on Social Security payments. According to the press release from Senator Sanders’ office: “Nearly 40 percent of seniors rely on Social Security for a majority of their income; one in seven rely on it for more than 90 percent of their income; and nearly half of Americans aged 55 and older have no retirement savings at all.”

The new bill aims to ease the financial strain by boosting each recipient’s

monthly check. The average monthly Social Security check was about $1,658 as of Dec. 2022, meaning a $200 increase would represent a 12% boost.

In addition to Sanders, there are additional Congresspeople supporting the Social Security Expansion Act and more than 50 organizations have also endorsed the bill.

Inglewood Seniors Invited to Sr. Margaret’s Center Food Program

St. Margaret’s Center, located at 10217 Inglewood Avenue, invites all Inglewood seniors, 60 years and older, with one form of identification, to participate in their new Food program. Eligible participants can receive a free food kit once per month in addition to the food they are already receiving from the food pantry.

The food kit is prepared with specific nutritional needs such as meats, canned fruits and vegetables, dry milk and related products, cereals, and other grain products, plus much more. The food distribution takes place on the third Tuesday of every month from 9-11 a.m. The Center also offers free assistance in applying for CalFresh,

troubleshooting, certification, followup, and submission of applications. Help is available by telephone at 310672-2208.

In addition to the Food Bank, St. Margaret’s Center provides a broad range of social services and public programs from free diapers for eligible babies and toddlers as well as female hygiene products, showers for homeless persons and gas and electric utility assistance to immigration processing, literacy tutoring and health insurance application assistance, to name only a few.

Save St. Margaret’s telephone number into your cell phone. They are there for the citizens of Inglewood and the adjacent communities.

July 27 - August 2, 2023 Page 3

Area Communities

Serving Ladera, Hawthorne, Westchester, Lawndale, Gardena, Carson

Calif. Atty Gen. Rob Bonta Takes Action to Protect Section 8 Renters

It took authorities in Los Angeles 12 years to process and approve Delsean Keys’ Section 8 housing application.

After finally being accepted into the federal government’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program for lowincome households, the 41-year-old Keys was informed that he had only 90 days to find an apartment before his housing voucher would expire.

“Most landlords wanted to do a background and credit check along with income verification,” Keys, who lives in the Wilmington neighborhood of Los Angeles, told California Black Media (CBM).

After securing Section 8 housing at his current residence, where he’s lived for five years, Keys’ challenges did not end.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, our landlord tried to raise rent, but we as tenants petitioned against it, pushing back that they couldn’t do that,” Keys said. “We were facing a global pandemic at no fault of our own. Many of us were on unemployment and they even attempted to receive back rent.”

Keys eventually accepted a minimal rent increase due to a change in his income which is allowed as income must be reported to the local Housing Authority.

For many tenants like Keys, who receive rental assistance through the HCV program, the California Department of Justice (DOJ) reports that it is common for landlords to raise their rents in violation of the law, while adhering to established rent caps for renters who pay market rates.

On June 30, California Attorney General Rob Bonta issued a letter to all housing authorities in the state, reminding them that tenants who receive Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers are protected under California’s Tenant Protection Act (TPA).

According to the DOJ’s Housing Justice Team, there have been numerous complaints about some local housing authorities approving rent increases that exceed the TPA’s rent cap.

Landlords receiving approvals for rent increases may think they are in compliance with state and local law, but Bonta clarified in his letter that any rent increases outside of the guidelines of the TPA violate state or local laws and are “plainly wrong” and that the DOJ is taking those violations seriously.

Bonta emphasized that recipients of Section 8 vouchers are equally protected under laws that establish rent caps.

“As California grapples with an unprecedented housing crisis, it’s

critical that we work together to protect those most at risk of losing their homes,” said Bonta. “Section 8 recipients are some of the most vulnerable of California’s tenants and subjecting them to illegal and burdensome rent increases is unfair and may contribute to homelessness.”

In the letters, Bonta explained that California’s TPA, which bars landlords from raising rent for most tenants by more than 5%, plus inflation, or 10% total each year, whichever is lower, applies to recipients of the Section 8 Housing Choice vouchers and other similar housing assistance programs.

“Unfortunately, there are some shady landlords who are not in compliance with how Section 8 operates,” says Joel Green, 38, a landlord who provides permanent and supportive housing for the elderly at Abode Communities. “Some private landlords discriminate, or they judge tenants based on their previous experiences, which is not fair. We need to shine light on what’s actually going on with those landlords who are doing things that are not compliant with Section 8 rules.”

The federal government’s Section 8 HCV program – whose waiting list is currently closed for public registration due to a backlog of applicants -- is the country’s major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly,

and the disabled to afford safe and sanitary housing in the private market. Since housing assistance is provided on behalf of the family or individual, participants are allowed to find their own housing. The participant is free to choose any housing that meets the requirements of the program.

Housing choice vouchers are administered locally by public housing agencies (PHAs). The PHAs receive federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to administer the voucher program.

Housing subsidies are paid to the landlord directly by the PHA on behalf of the participating family. The family then pays the difference between the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the program.

Another landlord who spoke to CBM off the record said sometimes landlords do not intend to increase rents, but “problematic” tenants give them few options.

She said those tenants sometimes ill-treat or damage the properties they rent, which leads to “harsher-thannormal wear and tear, leading to host to exorbitant maintenance and repair costs.

July 27 - August 2, 2023 Page 4
The Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation invited teens participating in the Dodgers Dreamteam League in the City of Inglewood to field visit to the University of Southern California. Participants were led by current USC undergraduate students who provided a general overview of the university. These teens represent Inglewood Parks where the summer season is underway. (Kenneth Miller/ Photo)

Sports & Entertainment

PBC Ambassador Sam Watson front and center at another mega fight Spence versus Crawford is another illustration of boxing series power

Premier Boxing Champions

Ambassador Sam (aka Sammy) Watson will be the first to climb between the ropes at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on Saturday July 29 when Errol Spence Jr. (28-0, 22 KO) collides with Terrance Crawford (39-0, 30 KO) televised live to a global audience on Pay Per View.

It is the most highly anticipated boxing event since Floyd Mayweather defeated Manny Pacquaio more than eight years ago, an event in which Sammy and PBC was also instrumental in.

The evolution of PBC boxing series is the genius of the ghost of boxing Al Haymon, the Cleveland raised Harvard economist who also has mastered the concert promotion business.

Sammy throughout the years has been Haymon’s right hand man in the live event space until the mastermind was convinced by Sammy to take a dive into the sinister sport of boxing often ran by cons, crooks and in some cases thugs.

Although Haymon is a registered boxing manager and earned Manager of the Year for his brilliance with Mayweather, taking ‘Money’ from talented fighter to the brink of billionaire status garnering the attention of every fighter in the sport.

The auspicious foray of the duo of Sammy and Al was launched when their first fighter the late Vernon Forrest was knocked out by Ricardo Mayorga for the WBA and WBC welterweight titles more than 10 years ago.

They haven’t lost since.

Sammy had inspected the sport for years by obtaining press credentials and befriending pugilist and all of the decision makers involved in the sport.

He ultimately convinced the much reserved Haymon to take a shot.

And on Saturday night during their

anniversary year it will be a shot felt and heard around the world.

Fighters Black, white, Mexican and many other nationalities flocked to Haymon seek that ‘Money’ Mayweather payday that was so elusive for so many who have fought for years to only leave the sport broke and brain damaged.

Spence Jr./Crawford is a culmination of the trust fighters like Saul Canelo Alvarez have in the team of PBC.

Sammy, the Ambassador is the face of that and the organization that he represents consist primarily of Black operatives like his two sons Brandon and Marcus.

In the sport of boxing there are only two big players in the sport PBC and Top Rank in that order with Golden Boy Promotions and Oscar de la Hoya a distant third.

Crawford like Mayweather before him left Top Rank, Alvarez had long since left Oscar and recently joined PBC.

The company hires promoters such as Tom Brown who’s is the promoter for the mega fight with Spence and Crawford as independent contractors, fighters have much more input with PBC and their checks are actually what the contract says.

Premier Boxing Champions is a live boxing television series that features the greatest array of boxing talent in all weight divisions, with fighters

representing over 10 countries including the United States and Mexico. From former Olympians to Champions of all nationalities, the series can be seen on various networks in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and many other countries.

Name a great young fighter and the chances are he will be featured in the PBC series, a model that is not by any means revolutionary but never executed to this extent independently.

That credit goes to Haymon and his Ambassador Sammy Watson who was a staple in Inglewood long before SoFi

Stadium broke ground on Century Blvd. Sammy moved on from Inglewood to bigger and as you can see better things.

However, he has never forgot where he came from and consistently gives back through The Watson Foundation, scholarships and donations to individuals and organizations from money raise by their celebrity basketball and softball events.

So, when you tune in to watch the big fight, any big fight and notice the gray haired man with the suit standing in the center of it all it’s likely Sammy Watson.

What Justin Herbert’s Contract Extension Means for the Chargers

The Chargers announced Tuesday that they have agreed to terms on a multi-year contract extension with Justin Herbert, a move that keep the Bolts franchise quarterback (and face of the organization) in powder blue for years to come.

There was never any question this would get done. It was only a matter of when, not if, the Chargers would lock up Herbert.

The deal comes on the eve of training camp, meaning Herbert (happily) doesn’t have to answer any looming questions about this topic.

Even though Herbert made it clear in mid-June that he was going to

participate in camp even without a finalized deal.

“That would put you quite into the deficit,” Herbert said. “I think we’ve done a great job of picking up the offense and doing exactly what [Chargers Offensive Coordinator] Kellen [Moore] has asked of us.

“When it comes time for camp, the role of the quarterback is to be out there for his team and do everything that he can to put that team in a position to win,” Herbert added. “I understand that responsibility. It’s something that you’ll address when the time comes, but I guess we’ll see.”

Chargers Head Coach Brandon Staley said he had zero concerns with his star quarterback.

“I know that Justin is going to be ready to go and this team is ready to take off,” Staley said. “I’m just excited to get to training camp and put the work in.”

That new pact between the Chargers and Herbert is now complete, and it’s one that the quarterback surely earned over his first three seasons in the NFL.

Good luck finding a quarterback in NFL history who put up the numbers Herbert has through three seasons.

He ranks first in completions (1,316), passing yards (14,089), combined touchdowns (102) and 300-yard games (22) over the first three seasons of a career. His 94 passing touchdowns, by the way, are the second-most ever in that span.

Herbert is also the only player in history to top 4,000 passing yards in each of his first three seasons, and is one of just two players to begin a career with three consecutive seasons of 25plus touchdown passes.

So, yeah, Herbert certainly earned this new contract in more ways than one.

But the biggest takeaway I have about this new deal is that it ensures the Chargers have set themselves up for sustained success for the long run.

It is hard to find a franchise quarterback in this league. Some teams search for years, or even decades, trying to find the guy that will lead the team in

Continued on page 6

July 27 - August 2, 2023 Page 5


Now and Later® and La La Anthony Team Up to Spotlight Self-Care Companies for National Black Business Month

The candy brand launches ‘Pause Now, Hustle Later’ awarding a total of $50,000 in grants to five emerging Black-owned self-care brands Chicago, IL, July 24, 2023 – Now and Later® candy with its bold flavors, hard-to-soft chew, and long-lasting eating experience recognizes that with the hustle of the daily grind, there is a benefit in taking a much-needed pause for self-care. In continued support of go-getters and changemakers in the Black community, the brand is launching ‘Pause Now, Hustle Later’ in partnership with media personality, entrepreneur, and candy lover La La Anthony, to spotlight five emerging black-owned businesses in the self-care space and to encourage fans to take a pause NOW, so that they can reset and reenergize for their daily hustle LATER.

Kicking off today in honor of International Self-Care Day, Now and Later and La La are encouraging everyone to take a pause in their day for a moment of self-care. To help fans celebrate, La La has unveiled a handpicked list of Black-owned self-care businesses with products and services that can be added to any self-care routine.

Leading into National Black Business month in August, Now and Later is also committing $50,000 in financial support to the selected small businesses through the ‘Pause Now, Hustle Later’ Grant. Each business will receive $10,000 that will help fuel their hustle and aid in their continued growth.

“As a mom and businesswoman, the hustle is a part of my daily grind. I’m always on the go but at the same time, I have to pause and prioritize self-care so that I can show up as my best self,” said La La Anthony. “One of my favorite ways to unwind is to enjoy a sweet treat like Now and Later, and now I get to encourage others to take a pause while also shouting out some of my favorite go-to Black-owned companies.”

La La’s selected self-care brands

Continued from page 5: What...

the huddle, in the locker room and in the community.

Herbert has done all of that, and more, early on in powder blue. And he will now be viewed as the biggest piece to the Bolts as they try to win their first Super Bowl in franchise history.

Yes, Herbert will be asked to take on more as the Chargers navigate around his contract amount in the coming years.

Yet for those who have been around Herbert for multiple years, they know exactly who the Bolts have under


Buttah Skin, is a line of highly effective products for both women and men, formulated to target everyday skin conditions leaving skin glowing, healthy, and renewed.

Fancy Homebody, celebrates the idea of embracing a low-key lifestyle, inspiring women to achieve their own version of luxury. The lifestyle brand offers a wide variety of loungewear and other casual essentials that are as chic as they are comfy.

I See You Wellness, is a Brooklynbased wellness and lifestyle brand that exists to empower communities of color through accessible wellness and radical self-care, specializing in handmade apothecary products and community healing experiences.

Natural Radiant Life, is a clean, organic and vegan brand that harnesses the power of 100% whole-food ingredients to replace toxic chemicals in skin care and slow down the visible signs of aging.

Kimberly New York, is a niche fragrance house featuring artsy, longlasting scents safe for sensitive skin.

“Now and Later is dedicated


Corey Linsley raved about Herbert’s leadership and dedication in January.

“Just being himself, getting more comfortable, everything,” Linsley said. “When I say, ‘being himself,’ it’s being consistent. He’s the same person.

“He’s committed to this team and that’s huge. He’s the least ego statistical person I’ve ever met, it’s incredible,” Linsley added. “He cares about what’s important, not all of the flash, which brings us all closer and makes us want to work even harder for him.”

to supporting Black leaders and entrepreneurs who are making a positive impact in their communities, which is why we launched the ‘Pause Now, Hustle Later’ Grant during Black Business Month,” said Dave Foldes, Director of Marketing at Now and Later. “According to the Small Business Association, 50 percent of small businesses fail within the first five years due to lack of financial resources. In recognition of the hustle of entrepreneurship, we’re proud to help amplify these small businesses, and to partner with an advocate like La La who not only shares Now and Later’s Brooklyn-born origins, but also embodies the brand’s bold and vibrant spirit.”

‘‘Pause Now, Hustle Later’ is the latest way that Now and Later is staying true to its commitment to celebrate and amplify Black voices through its #RecognizetheChew program. Through this program, the brand aims to encourage the next generation of changemakers who Champion, Hustle, Empower and Win (C.H.E.W.) in their daily pursuit to make their communities better. Previously the brand has teamed up with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), to celebrate and recognize Black community leaders and entrepreneurs. In 2021, the #RecognizeTheChew program donated financial grants to both the Mass Media Arts department at Clark Atlanta University and the Cathy Hughes Schools of Communications at Howard University.

Fans can visit @nowandlatercandy on

And Staley said that Herbert is only scratching the surface to what he can accomplish, noting how impressive his 2022 season was despite chaos around him.

“It really brought out the best in him as a player, in terms of the challenges, from an injury standpoint, both upfront and at his skill positions,” Staley said. “I thought you were really able to discover a lot of the intangibles that make him so special. For his first two years, I think people talk about the tangible — what they can see, the output or production or

Instagram to find all of the ‘Pause Now, Hustle Later’ grant recipients, take a glimpse into La La’s self-care routine and learn how she takes advantage of ‘the pause’ to help fuel her hustle. For more info about Now and Later candy, visit us at NowandLater.com.

About Ferrara

For more than 115 years, Ferrara has created sugar confections that share delight in every bite to candy lovers of all generations. Today, the company is the #1 sugar confectioner in the United States. Ferrara boasts a passionate team of more than 4,600 employees working together to create and deliver hundreds of products sold under a portfolio of more than 20 popular brands such as Brach’s®, NERDS®, SweeTARTS®, Laffy Taffy®, Trolli®, and Now and Later® to more than 66 million U.S. households annually. Ferrara’s success in industry-leading innovation has been driven by deep consumer insights, strong retailer co-creation and partnerships, and a dedication to diversity of thought, experience, and people. A privately held company, Ferrara has its global headquarters in Chicago and an operational network of more than 13 locations in North America that includes manufacturing, distribution, sales, and R&D facilities. The company has a close relationship with the Ferrero Group as a related company which provides industry partnership and collaboration opportunities. Learn more at www. ferrarausa.com or www.linkedin.com/ company/ferrara.

About Now and Later® Now and Later® was originally launched in 1962 in Brooklyn, New York and it has been a part of the Ferrara Candy Company family of brands since 2012. With its unique hard-to-soft chew and long-lasting eating experience, Now and Later® offers fruit-flavored candy chews available in many mouthfilling bold flavors. The Now and Later® product portfolio includes Original, Chewy, and Morphs.

the style of some of these throws that he can make — but what he really showed were the intangibles that, I think, make him one of the top players in the NFL.

“Him being able to lead our offense, to kind of will us down the stretch to a playoff appearance, I think show you all the growth that he has,” Staley added. “He’s just continuing to grow as a player and as a leader on this football team.”

The Chargers extending Herbert on Tuesday ensures the vision of that happening is alive and well.

July 27 - August 2, 2023 Page 6
Inglewood Today News


Fictitious Business Name Statement

File No. 2023147521

The following Person is doing business as:

Satiated For Life, LLC

1407 Foothill Blvd. La Verne, CA 91750

Registered Owner(s): Satiated For Life, LLC, 1407 Foothill Blvd., La Verne, CA 91750

This business is conducted by an individual(s). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business listed above on July 7, 2023

I (We) declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.

(A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Satiated For Life, LLC, Owner.

This statement was filed with the County Clerk on July 7, 2023

NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration.

The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State or common law (See Section 14411 et.seq., Business and Professions Code.)

Original July 13, 20, 27; August 3, 2023


Inglewood Today



NAME Case # 23TRCP00282


Petitioner: Enrico Fulton Cottle, 13813 Spinning Ave., Gardena, CA 90249, has filed a petition with the Superior Court Of California, County Of Los Angeles, 1 E. Regent St., Inglewood, CA 90301, to change his name.

FROM: Enrico Fulton Cottle-TO: Enrico

Abdishakur Fulton Bilal-Cottle

THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing on, August 25, 2023, 9:30 AM, Dept. 8, Room 504, to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name change described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.

Publication Dates: July 27; August 3, 10, 17, 2023.


July 27 - August 2, 2023 Page 7

Continued from page 1: Message...

basketball prospect when he starred at Westchester High School with the potential to play in the NBA.

Because his father was so great of a player, the expectations were unreasonably high, but throughout high school he lived up to the hype.

After high school he went to St. Johns in New York on a scholarship but transferred following his freshman year to San Diego State.

While at SDSU, Polee was diagnosed with a form of cardiac arrhythmia, or an irregular heartbeat, that doctors

told him was not life threatening. He received catheter ablations after two incidents during college, a procedure where an electrode is threaded through an artery in the groin to cauterize – or zap – the abnormal heart cells causing the electrical disturbance.

Polee first collapsed during a December 2013 practice and missed two games. He collapsed again on Dec. 22, 2014, against UC Riverside and wasn’t cleared to play for nearly two months, seeing six doctors, undergoing dozens of tests and

signing a liability waiver.

At the time Polee Sr., said: “If it were up to me, I’m not sure I’d want him to play anymore. I’m praying before and after every game now. You just never know. I get texts from my friends. They’re divided on it. Some say: ‘Is the game that important to risk your son’s life?’ It’s a tough deal.”

Polee, Jr. continued playing, chasing his dream of playing in the NBA that was ended after a G-League stint with the Brooklyn Nets affiliate.

His career is over now, but he’s

country, as patriots, we know that we must remember and teach our full history, even when it is painful — especially when it is painful.

“Today, there are those in our nation who would prefer to erase or even rewrite the ugly parts of our past; those who attempt to teach that enslaved people benefitted from slavery; those who insult us in an attempt to gaslight us, who try to divide our nation with unnecessary debates.”

She concluded:

“Let us not be seduced into believing that somehow, we will be better if we forget. We will be better if we remember. We will be stronger if we remember.”

blessed to spend time working and raising his son Dwayne Polee III.

When reached recently, Polee Sr. was asked his thoughts about Bronny and what advice he would offer LeBron.

“It’s not worth it. Do you want your kid to stay alive or risk the chance of dying on a basketball court?”

That’s a question that could be out of Lebron’s hands.

future generations will remember and preserve the history of racial injustice.

The move comes at a time when some states are facing debates over how to teach their historical past in public schools, with Biden and Harris advocating for an inclusive and accurate education that confronts the darker chapters of American history.

The ceremony took place on what would have been Emmett Till’s 82nd birthday, emphasizing the occasion’s significance.

“There’s really critical work ahead to continue the fight for racial justice and equality for all Americans,” Biden insisted.

The Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ in Chicago, where Till’s funeral took place, Graball Landing in Mississippi, thought to be the site of his body’s discovery, and the Tallahatchie County Second District Courthouse, where an all-white jury found the white men responsible for his murder not guilty, make up the 5.7 acres of the newly designated national monument.

During the ceremony, Biden acknowledged the significant role played by the Black Press in shedding light on Till’s tragic story and the

The Biden administration has taken strong action by designating the site as a national monument to ensure that painful aspects of the nation’s past, acknowledging that darkness and denialism cannot erase history.

Vice President Kamala Harris, also present at the event, echoed Biden’s sentiments and emphasized the critical role that the story of Till and the courage of Mamie Till played in fueling the civil rights movement.

She emphasized her connection to the cause because, while serving in the United States Senate, she sponsored the Emmett Till Antilynching Act, which President Biden later signed

“And my administration is committed to leading a path forward. And I know the members of Congress here are even more committed than that.”

broader struggle for civil rights.

He applauded the bravery and unwavering dedication of publications like JET Magazine, the Chicago Defender, and other newspapers and radio announcers who fearlessly reported on the events surrounding Till’s murder, ensuring that the truth reached the American people.

“The reason the world saw what Mrs. Till-Mobley saw was because of another hero in this story: the Black Press,” Biden remarked, receiving applause from the audience.

He emphasized the importance of shining a light of truth on the

into law and made lynching a federal crime.

Harris emphasized that embracing the complete history of the United States, even its painful chapters, is essential to pursuing justice and equality.

She thanked the many leaders at the ceremony, acknowledging their contributions to progress in the civil rights fight.

“Our history as a nation is born of tragedy and triumph, of struggle and success. That is who we are,” Harris asserted.

“And as people who love our

July 27 - August 2, 2023 Page 8
Stay aware of heat illness. Common symptoms include muscle cramps, headache, and nausea. Stay cool and comfortable. Know the location of your nearest air-conditioned space or transportation. Stay connected with loved ones. Check in on family, friends, and neighbors on hot days. Be ready with an extreme heat plan: Learn how to stay safer from extreme heat at Rising temperatures mean rising risks for Black Californians.

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