January 18, 2024

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January 18-24, 2024

VOL. 39, No. 03

Your Community Connection Since 1994

Inglewood and LA Clippers To Host NBA All-Star 2026

LA Clippers

The National Basketball Association (NBA) today announced that Los Angeles has been selected to host NBA All-Star 2026. The 75th NBA All-Star Game will take place at Intuit Dome in Inglewood, home of the LA Clippers, on Sunday, Feb. 15, 2026. This will mark the record seventh NBA All-Star in Los Angeles, and the first time the Intuit Dome will host the annual midseason showcase reaching fans in more than 200 countries and territories in more than 50 languages. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver made the announcement today during a press conference at Intuit Dome, where he was joined by Clippers Chairman Steve Ballmer, Clippers Gillian Zucker, and the Clippers President of Business Operations organization for their commitment to Gillian Zucker, Los Angeles Mayor delivering a world-class showcase of Karen Bass and Inglewood Mayor the very best of our sport.” James T. Butts Jr. Intuit Dome, which is set to open in “The Intuit Dome promises to August 2024, is a multipurpose venue present a unique and innovative live that will be the new home of the LA basketball experience which will be Clippers. an extraordinary venue for the NBA “We are building Intuit Dome to All-Star Game in 2026,” said Silver. house and showcase the best basketball “Thanks again to Steve Ballmer, players in the world, and we are

honored they will all be under our roof for NBA All Star,” said Ballmer. “Along with Inglewood and Los Angeles, we thank the NBA for bringing the league’s marquee event to Intuit Dome in 2026.” The LA Clippers worked in collaboration with the Continued on page 8

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January 18-24, 2024

People, Politics, Primaries and Results By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher San Diego Voice & Viewpoint Newspaper

Now that the New Year is fully underway, MLK celebrations are over and Black History is on the horizon, let us not forget that the “Political Season” is also upon us with Primaries and Special Elections. While conservative White America has reviewed that racism is more important than law and democracy, through the Iowa Caucuses overwhelming endorsement of Donald Trump for another term as President of the United States, alarms should be sounding for those of use who still believe that Joe Biden is the lawful President of the United States and that Donald Trump is both dangerous and should probably be in jail as well as bared under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, from running for Office again. Let’s be very clear. America is in a Crisis of leadership and laws. The Caucuses and Primaries will determine which candidate receives the required number of delegate votes by the time of the Party Conventions to compete for the Presidency under our two party system. With the high frustration with Biden over the Border Crisis and unrelated influx of migrants, more people could be encouraged to vote for Trump just to close the Borders. Instead of complaining about the failure of the Republicans in the House and Senate to act on Border legislation, Biden could order federal troops to close the entire border until such legislative action is taken. He could also federalize the National Guard

PRESIDENT/ EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER Willie Brown PUBLISHER Willie Brown VICE PRESIDENT Gloria Kennedy PRODUCTION Kenneth Denson QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER Gloria Kennedy Inglewood Today Weekly is a legally adjudicated newspaper of public cir­c ulation, published weekly by Ads Up Advertising, Inc. News and press releases may be submitted for consideration by mail to 9111 La Cienega Boulevard, Suite 100, Inglewood, CA 90301 or by email to itnetworks@msn.com.

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in Texas, taking authority for their use away from the Governor who has used them to lock out federal border agents seeking to deal with migrants. Biden could also take a firm stance with Israel on the Palestinian Crisis in Gaza and he needs to find a way to help Ukraine so that Russia does not win this war outright. The frustration with Biden and Trump, could lead to a third party candidate which would all but guarantee that Trump would be elected, whether or not he gets the “Orange Jumpsuit” that will come with a conviction if he loses in Federal Court. In California, we are just a little over 40 days away from our State Primary. and other state primaries follow. Every ballot position is important from local City Council seats to the State, U.S. House of Representatives positions and White House. Now is the time to determine if the candidates who are promising to solve all our problems, line up with our personal needs and interests.

Are you registered to vote? Do you remember Dr. King’s 1957 speech in which he said “Give us the ballot and we will elect the people needed” Or do you remember the struggle for both the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act and the price for those freedoms? Well, now is pay up with the use of our rights to vote; with the use of our ability to examine the issues and the ability to see that America is truly divided by race and color and that to a minority of

Whites, the fear of race is greater than the respect for the Constitution and the laws we agreed to live by. The failure to register and vote is like expecting to win the lottery without buying a lottery ticket. Let’s not vote personalities like the Iowa Caucuses did. Let’s look toward the much needed results and put pressure on both the parties and the people that we think can save America and our allies.

News You Might Have Missed Tanu Henry, Lila Brown and Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

Four Black Californians Among 10 Inductees Into State’s 17th Class of Hall of Famers On Jan. 11, Gov. Gavin Newsom, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and the California Museum announced inductees into the 17th Class of the state’s Hall of Famers. Among this year’s 10 inductees -- both groups and individuals -- are four Black Californians: Former San Francisco Mayor and California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown; award-winning filmmaker Ava Duvernay; Federal Judge and civil rights leader Thelton E. Henderson; and basketball Hall of Fame player and broadcaster Cheryl Miller. Other 2024 inductees are: master chef and “mother of fusion cuisine Helene An; computer scientist and “father of the internet Vincent A. Cerf; all-female pop punk band The GoGos; Chicano Rock band Los Lobos; former U.S. Secretary of Defense and Congressman Leon E. Panetta; and artistic director and choreographer Brenda Way. This year’s honorees join 150 other Californians who have been inducted

into the Hall of Fame. “The contributions of this newest class of the Hall of Fame will have an impact on California – and the nation – for generations to come. Through their boundless qualities and trailblazing achievements, these visionaries embody the spirit of California and will continue to inspire millions more,” Newsom said in a press release issued after videotaped announcement last week. First Partner Siebel Newsom also welcomed the “spectacular new group of trailblazers.” “With a penchant for challenging the status quo, these individuals wholly reflect the courageous, ambitious, and bold spirit of California, and have made an indelible mark on our state, nation, and world,” she said. Inductees are selected annually by the Governor and First Partner. Sen. Butler Marks First 100 Days in Office With Message and Meetings U.S. Sen. Laphonza Butler (D-Calif.), a former labor organizer and advocate for women in politics, marked her first 100 days in office on Jan. 13. Butler commemorated the occasion with a message to constituents and hosting two open houses in Los

Angeles and San Diego for community members and youth organizations. “My first 100 days have been filled with opportunities to listen, to learn and to lead on behalf of generations of Californians demanding a government that works for them and protects their fundamental freedoms,” said Butler, who Gov. Newsom appointed in October to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein after she passed away on Sept. 29. “From voting rights and housing affordability to mental health and reproductive rights, young people and especially young women are facing headwinds, and I’m committed to using my time in the Senate to hold the door open for them,” continued Butler. On Jan. 13 and Jan. 14, Butler held two roundtables with young people in Los Angeles and San Diego that were closed to the press, according to her office. “At a time of pervasive cynicism about our government, it is more important than ever to invest in restoring confidence in our democracy and to build a partnership with the next Continued on page 7

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January 18-24, 2024

Despite Deficit, Newsom’s Budget Guarantees Funding for Essential State Programs

Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

Gov. Gavin Newsom presented a $291 billion spending plan to the California Legislature on Jan. 10. Despite a looming shortfall estimated at tens of billions of dollars, Newsom avoided making cuts to critical expenditures in education, public safety, curbing organized retail theft, housing for the homeless, mental health care reform, climate action, and other issues that are priorities. During his speech, delivered at the auditorium of the Secretary of State building in Sacramento, Newsom clarified that he expects the state to have a $37.9 billion deficit. That figure is considerably lower than the nearly $68 billion deficit projected last month by the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst

Office (LAO). “Those of you who’ve been writing about a different number I hope you’re immediately correcting,” Newsom said moments into his presentation. “We’ve been pretty damn transparent with you by making the point publicly, not just privately that that was not the number, but it continues to be reported as the gospel.” On Jan. 13, the LAO released an analysis of Newsom’s budget proposal that placed the amount of the budget deficit problem to about $58 billion, $10 billion lower than its original projection and nearly $20 million more than the Department of Finance calculations. In addition to ordering a reduction on general fund spending last month, Newsom proposed a number of actions

Mark F. Weinberg Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

Mark F. Weinberg began his public service career in 1973 and joined the City of Inglewood in 1976. He served as the Executive Director of the regional Centinela Valley Juvenile Diversion Project under the auspices of the Inglewood Police Department before becoming the Department’s first Civilian Administrative Services Bureau Commander. In 1996, Mr. Weinberg moved over to City Hall and served as Deputy and Assistant City Manager before being appointed as Inglewood City Manager in 2003. Mr. Weinberg retired in 2006 and subsequently served as City Manager for Medina, Washington and San Bernardino, California. San Bernardino

Mayor Pat Morris introduced Mr. Weinberg as the “Red Adair of Municipal Budget Fires” and credited him with eliminating most of that City’s $39 million operating deficit. In 2010, Mr. Weinberg returned to Inglewood as Interim City Manager. His arrival followed a Mayor’s resignation and the City Manager’s termination, and he was greeted by a departing Finance Director who warned the City that it would not be able to make payroll within a matter of weeks. Mr. Weinberg served as the architect of a seven-point plan to rescue Inglewood from imminent bankruptcy in 2010. He served under Mayor James T. Butts, Jr. during the Mayor’s first several months in office to help launch the City’s recovery and remarkable

to bridge the budget gap during his presentation, including the possibility of declaring a budget emergency, which would allow him to borrow cash from the state’s reserves. He also suggested making “moderate cuts” totaling $8.5 billion in spending from some programs that support climate change initiatives, housing and other services; and reconsidering the healthcare wage increase. “Our state is in a strong position to close this shortfall while protecting key priorities and programs that millions of Californians rely on,” Newsom remained upbeat about the state’s economic forecast. “I look forward to partnering with the Legislature to meet this moment with a balanced approach that meets the needs of Californians

and safeguards our state’s future.” During the Q&A session after his presentation, Newsom, in response to a question posed by California Black Media stated that he took deliberate steps to safeguard programs that the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) had identified as important. They included the state’s equity multiplier funding program designed to support schools with significant numbers of socioeconomically disadvantaged children – an initiative strongly advocated by Assemblymember Akilah Weber (D-La Mesa), and funding for the Ralph J.Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA. In a statement released Jan. 11, State Continued on page 7

comeback. He has provided municipal as, “The perfect municipal executive to management consulting services in help guide the City during the current Southern California during the last period of transition.” decade, including work for Inglewood on the Forum, SoFi Stadium, and the Hollywood Park Projects. More recently, Mr. Weinberg served as the City’s Assistant City Manager/Chief Financial Officer in 2022, and is currently playing an instrumental role in the City on special projects, such as the Inglewood Transit Connector and planning for the LA28 Olympic Games. On January 1, 2024, Mr. Weinberg was appointed as Inglewood City Manager. Mr. Weinberg is well known throughout City Hall and the community and is both liked and respected by residents and staff alike. Mayor James T. Butts, Jr. described Mr. Weinberg

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January 18-24, 2024

Area Communities S e r v i n g L a d e r a , H a w t h o r n e , W e s t c h e s t e r, L a w n d a l e , G a r d e n a , C a r s o n

Annual Black Caucus MLK Jr Breakfast Uplifts King’s Legacy; Need to Generate Wealth Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

On Jan. 11, the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) honored the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, at a breakfast celebration held at the Grand Ballroom of the Town and Country Event Center in downtown Sacramento. The annual CLBC event was attended by about 200 people, including members of the Legislature from diverse backgrounds, community leaders, staffers from the State Capitol, among other attendees. “It was an honor to host this year’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day breakfast. The California Legislative Black Caucus put on another lively event with great discussion on ways we can honor Dr. King’s legacy and uplift all Californians,” CLBC Chair, Assemblymember Lori A. Wilson (D-Suisun City), posted Jan. 11 on the social media platform X. At the breakfast, Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles), a member of the CLBC, served as the master of ceremonies at the breakfast held four days prior to the date that would have marked King’s 95th birthday on Jan. 15. CLBC members Assemblymember Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) provided the invocation and Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) led the Pledge of Allegiance. Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Inglewood), Vice Chair of the CLBC, shared a message from members of the Black Caucus. Bradford revealed a little unknown fact about Dr. King’s name. He was born Michael King, Jr., on Jan. 15, 1929. In 1934, his father, a pastor, traveled to Germany where he was inspired by Protestant Reformation leader Martin Luther, Bradford said. “As a result, King, Sr. changed his own name as well as that of his 5-yearold son,” Bradford shared. To the delight of the audience at the event, sponsored by Vertex Pharmaceuticals, vocalist Nia MooreWeathers performed a powerful rendition of the Black National Anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” a hymn written as poem by National Association for the Advancement of Color People (NAACP) leader James Weldon Johnson in 1900. Wilson held a 30-minute fireside chat with guest speaker Kwame Anku about Dr. King’s life, achievements, and vision, and the importance of building wealth in Black families and communities. Anku is the founding managing

partner and chief investment officer of Black Star Fund, an early-stage venture capital fund. He got the idea to start the fund on the urging of Roger “Prince” Nelson, the singer, songwriter, multimusic instrumentalist who passed away in 2016. Anku was named the 2022 Entrepreneur of the Year by Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and was also among 21 distinguished recipients of the prestigious Aspen Ascent Fellowship awarded by the Aspen Institute. He said King’s famous 1963 address at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., the “I Have a Dream speech,” could have been more aptly titled “America, It’s Time to Look in the Mirror” reflecting its core messages of accountability and denied justice. “We’re telling ourselves how great we are but we’re not living up to the promise that we’ve made to ourselves because that’s the bedrock of what we do when he said we have come here today to cash the check,” Anku told Wilson. “So, we’ve come to cash the check because this check guarantees us

the riches of freedom and the security of justice. So now we’re not just cashing that check. Now, we are writing those checks.” This year marks the 57th Anniversary of the CLBC. For nearly six decades, the CLBC has been a key advocate for issues such as fair housing and the prevention of homelessness. Historically, the coalition of Black lawmakers has actively resisted redlining in banking and insurance in California, and fought against apartheid in South Africa, among other issues. The CLBC plans to continue the

legacy of Dr. King by developing legislation around its current priorities, which include pursuing reparations for eligible Black Californians, criminal justice reform, environmental justice, and helping to ensure greater access to education and enterprise for African Americans. During the 2024 legislative session, the CLBC aspires to secure funding for critical programs and organizations working to enhance the lives of Black Californians. There are 12 members of the CLBC serving in the California Assembly and Senate.

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January 18-24, 2024

Sports & Entertainment Los Angeles Rams To Host ‘Ride With Rampage’ Readings To Welcome Students Back To School


To kick off 2024 and welcome students back to school from winter break, Rams Cheerleaders and mascot Rampage will visit Aspire Titan Academy, Will Rogers Learning Community and Stoner Avenue Elementary School to read the team’s children’s book, Ride with Rampage, to more than 600 first through third graders as part of the Rams Readers literacy program. Each student will also receive their own copy of the book and a Rams bookmark to take home. Ride with Rampage is a key component of the Rams Readers program, which encourages students to explore the excitement that reading can provide while helping improve literacy rates among students throughout Los Angeles. The book centers around mascot Rampage, driving a Ramsbranded double decker bus around Southern California, picking up young

275 Will Rogers Learning Community students 165 Stoner Avenue Elementary School students WHEN & WHERE Tuesday, January 16 from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. PT Aspire Titan Academy located at 6720 Alameda St, Huntington Park, CA 90255 Rams fans and Rams Cheerleaders at each stop along the scenic route to the team’s home at SoFi Stadium. The Rams kicked off the Rams Readers literacy program and released Ride with Rampage on March 2, 2022, in celebration of Read Across America Day. Since launching the program in 2022, the Rams have visited more than 38 schools and distributed over 7,000 copies of Ride with Rampage to first through third grade students in schools

Wednesday, January 17 from 10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. PT Will Rogers Learning Community School located at 2401 14th St, Santa Monica, CA 90405

across Southern California. Copies of Ride with Rampage can be purchased at www.ramsfanshop.com, Amazon, and in select Barnes & Noble locations across Los Angeles. All proceeds from Thursday, January 18 from 10:00 retail purchases will benefit the Los a.m. - 11:00 a.m. PT Angeles Rams Foundation. Stoner Avenue Elementary School located at 11735 Braddock Dr, Culver WHO: City, CA 90230 Rams Cheerleaders Rams mascot Rampage 163 Aspire Titan Academy students

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Aden Ferguson

January 18-24, 2024

Finding Your Target Market: A Step-by-Step Guide for Business Owners

As a business owner, identifying your target market is a crucial step in developing an effective marketing strategy. Your target market consists of the specific group of customers who are most likely to buy your products or services. Without a clear understanding of who your target customers are, you run the risk of wasting time and money marketing to the wrong people. Follow these steps to precisely define your target market: Step 1: Identify Demographics Start by looking at demographic factors like age, gender, location, income level, education, occupation, marital status, and family size. Ask yourself questions like: What age group would have a need for my product? Where is my ideal customer located? What is the income bracket of potential customers? Narrow down the demographics that make up your ideal customer profile. Step 2: Consider Psychographics Demographic information only tells part of the story. Look at the attitudes, interests, values, opinions, and lifestyles of potential customers. For example, are they tech-savvy early adopters? Do they value sustainability? Are they motivated by status or price consciousness? Developing an understanding of what makes your Ideal customers tick helps further refine your target market definition. Step 3: Research Your Competition Analyze who your competitors are targeting and what unmet needs exist in the marketplace. If several businesses target similar demographics, you may need to get more niche with your target customer profile. Identify gaps where consumer needs are not being met. Your target market could exist within those

gaps. Step 4: Talk to Existing Customers Already have some customers? Tap into customer data and feedback to analyze what types of people have already responded positively to your product or service. Look for common patterns and themes that you can apply to your target market profile. Step 5: Test and Refine

Develop hypotheses around your target customer characteristics and test those assumptions. Run small pilot marketing campaigns directed at your suspected target market and see how they respond. Be prepared to tweak your profile based on the results. An iterative process of testing and refining will help you dial in on your true target market more precisely.

Defining your target market clearly is one of the most important things any business owner can do. Following these steps will help you identify profitable customers and better allocate your marketing resources toward winning their business. With a well-defined target market, you can develop products and messaging that truly resonate with the right people.

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January 18-24, 2024 Continued from page 2: News...

generation of leaders,” said Butler, and Tara Lynn Gray (Director of The who has announced that she will not California Office of Small Business join the race for the U.S. Senate seat Advocate - CalOSBA), among others. she currently holds. They will also participate in the State In the U.S. Senate, Butler, who has of California Economy Panel. been a strong supporter of pro-labor Another discussion will be a legislation at the federal level, serves Mayor’s Roundtable, featuring on the Judiciary Committee. African American mayors from Since her appointment, Butler Northern, Central, and Southern has also supported the Youth Voting California. Regional perspectives on Rights Act, which would allow African American participation in the eligible 16-year-olds to pre-register California economy will be shared by to vote; and other legislation that these panelists as well as challenges would improve the lives of women and opportunities for businesses and children, including the Women’s in their respective cities. Deborah Health Protection Act of 2023, which Robertson, Mayor of Rialto, will be the would protect access to abortion; the roundtable’s moderator. Child Care for Working Families Act CAACC Chairman Timothy Alan and the Protect Vulnerable Immigrant Simon Esq. will host a fireside chat Youth Act. with keynote speaker Janice BryantCalifornia African American Howroyd. Bryant-Howroyd is the Chamber of Commerce to Host founder and chief executive officer of Economic Summit in Los Angeles Los Angeles-based The ActOne Group, The California African American the largest privately held, minorityChamber of Commerce (CAACC) and woman-owned personnel company California African American Action founded in the United States. Fund (CAAAF) will hold their 2nd Vaughn M. Williams III, Principal Annual State of California African Supplier Diversity Advisor for American Economy Summit in L.A. SoCalGas Company will be the on Jan. 24 and Jan 25. moderator for Business Matchmaking, The Summit will be held at the a session that facilitates networking Westin Los Angeles Airport located at among business owners across sectors. 5400 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, For more information on the summit, CA 90045. call (800) 791-7068. The Conference is designed to L.A. Mayor Bass Announces L.A. discuss specific economic topics as Police Chief Moore’s Retirement well as provide opportunities for On Jan.12, Los Angeles Mayor business owners, entrepreneurs, Karen Bass held a press conference to advocates and other guests to connect, announce the retirement of LAPD Chief learn, and grow. Michel Moore, who will officially step Speakers at the summit will include down at the end of February. Dr. Julianne Malveaux (Economist), Moore will be retained on contract as Dr. Anthony Samad (Executive a consultant during the transition to a Director Mervyn Dymally Institute), new chief.

“I want to thank Chief Michel Moore for his more than 40 years of service to the people of Los Angeles, and for his partnership in bringing homicides and violent crime down over the last year,” said Bass at the news briefing. Bass remained even keeled although Moore was pressured to resign by a coalition of clergy and community leaders after a Los Angeles Times investigation revealed that he ordered detectives to investigate the merit of Bass’ scholarship at USC while she was running for mayor in 2022. “If LAPD Chief Moore has directed detectives to investigate our mayor, Mayor Karen Bass, based on a personal agenda, we are asking him to resign immediately,” said the Rev. K.W. Tulloss in December, according to an L.A. Focus report. Tulloss, who is the Pastor of Weller Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles and President of the Baptist Ministers, Conference, added,” If he does not resign? We’re asking that the L.A. Police Commission to immediately remove him.” At the news conference there were no signs of tensions between Bass and Moore. “Amidst a national police-recruiting crisis, LAPD also saw more than 1,000 applicants to its academy in a single month, which is the highest number in years. I have directed the immediate launch of a nationwide search for LAPD’s next chief, which will include significant community input and consultation with law enforcement officers and experts, said Bass. The appointment of an interim chief will be made by the Board of Police Commissioners.”

Continued from page 3: Despite...

Controller Malia M. Cohen, who is “In addition, the Budget includes responsible for accountability and funding to support the Help America disbursement of the state’s resources, Vote Act mandates and resources says that she has faith in Newsom’s to continue the CAL-ACCESS projections. Replacement System (CARS) Project “While the Governor had difficult and to support the continuation of choices to make to address the the Notary Automation Program budget shortfall, I’m confident that Replacement Project (NAP 2.0) which the budget announced (Jan. 10) will are mission critical and vital to the keep California moving forward and services the SOS provides to the public, continue the work necessary to support Legislature, and its stakeholders,” vital public health and safety programs Weber added. along with other core services,” Cohen Several Republican lawmakers stated. “As Controller, my office is expressed their disapproval of prepared to provide the tools and Newsom’s spending plan, including resources necessary to ensure the state Assembly Minority Leader James meets its financial obligations and Gallagher (R-Yuba City), who called the maintains economic stability.” Governor’s budget “pure fantasyland.” Newsom’s budget plan reflects $18.4 Senate Minority Leader Brian W. billion in total budgetary reserves, Jones (R-San Diego) and Vice Chair of including $11.1 billion in the Rainy the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Day Fund. Committee, Sen. Roger Niello (R-Fair Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber Oaks) also shared thanked Newsom’s for keeping funding their views on flat for programs that are central to Newsom’s budget the services her department delivers, proposal. including two new digital programs Jones stated in a that promote transparency in political Jan. 10 statement financing and provides electronic that Newsom’s notarization of business documents. plan is “year six “The January Budget includes of ‘Gavinomics’ resources for the Secretary of State to where his budgets maintain its core ongoing operations,” turn surpluses into said Weber. deficits and his

policies push Californians to flee.” Niello stated that the governor’s rhetoric is a way to weave “through a deficit of dollars.” “As the governor pulls revenue gimmicks and accounting tricks, it’s impossible to bury the truth: California is bleeding because of a decade of Democrats’ one-party rule and reckless spending,” Niello stated. Calling California’s economy, the “greatest wealth generator in the world,” Newsom said he is confident California will close its budget gap, continue on its overall path of prosperity while providing innovative solutions to address social and economic issues. “This is a story of correction, a story of normalization after a period of a tremendous amount of distortion,” Newsom said.


Fictitious Business Name Statement File No. 2024001949 The following Person is doing business as: Gateway Tax Service 11200 Crenshaw Blvd. Inglewood, CA 90303

Registered Owner(s): GTS Franchising LLC, 11200 Crenshaw Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90303 This business is conducted by an individual(s). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business listed above on January 3, 2024. I (We) declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) GTS Franchising LLC, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk on January 3, 2024. NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State or common law (See Section 14411 et.seq., Business and Professions Code.) Original January 11, 18, 25; February 1, 2024 IT0042230120020397 Inglewood Today


Fictitious Business Name Statement File No. 2023270877 The following Person is doing business as: Dawah Security 233 E. Buckthorn St., #1 Inglewood, CA 90301

Registered Owner(s): Jennifer Flanagan, 233 E. Buckthorn Street, #1, Inglewood, CA 90301 This business is conducted by an Individual(s). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business listed above on December 19, 2023 I (We) declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jennifer Flanagan, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk on December 19, 2023 NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State or common law (See Section 14411 et.seq., Business and Professions Code.) Original January 4, 11, 18, 25, 2024 IT002230120020396 Inglewood Today

PUBLIC NOTICE RUBY BALDWIN PROBATE Publication Notice of Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF RUBY BALDWIN, deceased. Notice is hereby given to the creditors and contingent creditors of the above-named decedent, that all persons having claims against the decedent are required to file them with the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, California 90012, and mail a copy to Dion Baldwin, as the Personal Representative of the estate of Ruby Baldwin, c/o Attorney Shaune Arnold, Esq., Of FINNEY ARNOLD LLP, 633 W. 5th Street, 28th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90071. The decedent resided at 3509 W. 118th Street, Inglewood, California 90303, within the later of four months after January 5, 2024 (the date of the first publication of notice to creditors) or, if notice is mailed or personally delivered to you, as creditor, no later than 60 days after the date this notice is mailed or personally delivered to you, as creditor. A Creditor Claim form may be obtained from the Superior Court clerk. For your protection, you are encouraged to file your claim by certified mail, with return receipt requested.

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January 18-24, 2024

Continued from page 1: Inglewood...

Los Angeles Sports & Entertainment Commission to bring NBA All-Star 2026 to Los Angeles. NBA All-Star on-court events will tip off on Friday, Feb. 13 at Intuit

The league will also continue to celebrate its commitment to social responsibility with a full schedule of NBA Cares events during NBA AllStar 2026. Through partnerships with

NBA All-Star in the Los Angeles area, which hosted the event in 2018, 2011, 2004, 1983, 1972 and 1963, and the first time the midseason showcase has been held at the Intuit Dome. The

Julius Erving (1983), Jerry West (1972) and Bill Russell (1963). The most recent NBA All-Star Game in Los Angeles (2018) featured a dramatic finish as Team LeBron

Dome with NBA Rising Stars, an annual showcase for top rookies and second-year NBA players. On Feb. 14, State Farm AllStar Saturday Night will feature the Kia Skills Challenge, the Starry 3-Point Challenge and AT&T Slam Dunk. NBA All-Star 2026 will culminate with the NBA All-Star Game on Sunday, Feb. 15. The NBA will host several events for fans of all ages at venues throughout Los Angeles and Inglewood, including at Kia Forum and the Los Angeles Convention Center. These events, including NBA All-Star Practice presented by AT&T, the Ruffles NBA All-Star Celebrity Game and an NBA All-Star fan fest, will feature basketball programming and entertainment for fans as well as up-close access to NBA players, legends and celebrities.

schools, local and national nonprofit previous six NBA All-Star events in rallied from a 13-point deficit with organizations, the league will reach Los Angeles (including two at The seven minutes to play to defeat Team thousands of children and families Forum in Inglewood) have showcased Stephen 148-145 in the first All- Star Game without a matchup between the Eastern Conference and Western Conference. As the captain of Team LeBron, James made a gametying three-pointer with 1:30 remaining and a goahead layup with 34.5 seconds left in the game. NBA All-Star 2026 will mark the 15th anniversary of the 2011 midseason celebration in Los Angeles, where the Clippers’ Blake Griffin played on the winning teams in the All-Star Game and Rising Stars and was crowned Slam in Los Angeles, Inglewood and the surrounding areas extraordinary performances by some Dunk champion as a rookie. That year, and provide critical resources to of the best players in league history. the Los Angeles Lakers’ Bryant earned Each NBA All-Star Game MVP in his record-tying fourth NBA All-Star community-based programs. Photo, video and transcriptions from Los Angeles was named to the NBA Game MVP Award after scoring 37 today’s announcement event can be 75th Anniversary Team and selected points to lift the Western Conference to at least 11 All-Star Games: LeBron past the Eastern Conference 148-143. found HERE. NBA All-Star History in Los Angeles James (MVP in 2018), Kobe Bryant This will mark the record seventh (2011), Shaquille O’Neal (2004),

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