Impact Newsletter - August 2022

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We’ve delivered 6,843 workshops, enrolled 5,218 customers onto external courses and referred 7,542 customers to intervention services.

Did you know that we support someone into work every 7 minutes through the Restart Scheme?

Enough people to fill the Etihad Stadium joined the Restart Scheme.

Page 6 Nottingham MP visits National Citizen Service

Over the past 12 months...

From 25 Restart Scheme centres, with over 1,000 employees, serving 50 Jobcentre Plus’ across 28 local boroughs in 3 regions - a huge thank you to everyone who has played a part in helping us to make the Restart Scheme a success!

oneCelebratingyearof the Restart Scheme

We delivered 6,843 in-house workshops, and enrolled 5,218 customers onto external courses. minutes7Schemebackintoworkevery

13.6% of jobs we’ve filled have been in retail, catering and hospitality.

Issue no.12 / August 2022 Ingeus Newsletter 1

What’s inside...

CRS launches Finance, Benefits and Debt (FBD) service

We referred 7,542 customers to intervention services.


Page 8 Reassurance for Results Day

Over the first 12 months of the programme, we’re proud to have supported more participants than would fit in the Ethiad Stadium and have helped enough people find work to fill 18.5 airbuses.

We helped enough people to find work to fill 18.5 airbuses.

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Issue No.12 / August 2022

Research by Ingeus has shown that helping people on probation to deal with debt and navigate the benefits system can be key to reducing reoffending. Pat Bannigan, Head of Programme Delivery for Ingeus, says: “Struggling with financial problems is a major barrier when it comes to rebuilding your life. So, this new service will not only help the participants but also their families and communities. We are offering wraparound support in conjunction with experienced partners licensed to offer the best possible advice to make a real difference to these men’s

The service includes one-to-one and online support with case advisers providing practical help. Included as part of the team are community support workers, many of whom have been through the probation service and faced similar financial issues to the scheme participants. This ‘lived experience’ means they can better relate to the issues faced by those looking to turn their lives around.

Thefutures.”service is part of the Ministry of Justice’s Commissioned Rehabilitative Services, and complements Ingeus’ existing services in Education, Training & Employment, Accommodation, and Personal Wellbeing.

Men in the community being supervised by Probation are to receive specific support with managing their finances in a bid to reduce their barriers causing reoffending. It follows the launch this month of a Finance, Benefits and Debt (FBD) service.

CRS launches Finance, Benefits and Debt (FBD) service

The service offers people on probation help to understand and apply for benefits, support to open a bank account, personal budgeting planning and looking at the options

when dealing with debt. Specialist debt support will be available through our Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) accredited partners Birmingham Settlement and Access 2 Advice. Group work interventions giving insight to all elements of FBD will be a major part of the service, delivered from our “Looking at” programmes, for example Looking at Benefits, and Looking at Banking. The aim being to give practical insights and knowledge to develop financial awareness.

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of Jamaica Rugby.”

He adds: “The business is now growing and I am starting to place coaches at schools and expand into new geographic areas. There is nothing more exciting than starting a new business, but more than that is the opportunity to see young people grow in confidence and to give my coaching staff opportunities that haven’t been available to them for some time.”

That’s where he found expert support from Ingeus advisers who helped him to discover a new route into employment. And not just for himself,

In the last half-term holiday he ran a multi sports camp in conjunction with the London Borough of Barnet and when he needed staff to help him he knew one place to call where they WOULD listen – the Ingeus team in the “Theyborough.provided five ideal candidates from the Restart Scheme to become part of my fledgling business,” says Nash.

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“They supported my journey at every stage with advice, information, courses, and expenses.

After twenty years running businesses and helping others start their own, Nash thought rugbywrong,storm.weatherskillsentrepreneurialhiswouldhelphimtheCovidButhewasandtheex-prowenttwo

He’s going to need all that help during the school summer holidays when he is due to be running a five-week multisports camp in North Finchley, hosting more than 100 children a day, largely supported by staff recommended through Ingeus.

but for some of his fellow Restart Scheme participants too.

“Six months later I am running five after-school tag rugby clubs Monday to Friday, a weekly Saturday sports club, holiday camps and have just been appointed to the coaching team

He recalls: “It was a tough period, but my guiding principles were, ‘Follow your passion, do what you love, make your vision a reality’.” So that’s what he did.

He determined to marry the skills he had built up as a businessman and former rugby player to launch Accelerate Sports, offering coaching to young people outside of school hours.

“At the beginning of the year I started with nothing. I had to figure out how to create a business in a new sector without any obvious track record! So, I picked up the phone and set about selling my idea to school after school.

Restart Scheme helps ex-rugby pro kickstart a new career

years without finding work.

“Everything I tried to get off the ground failed,” he says. It led to some soul-searching and eventually to the Restart Scheme, launched by the Government initially to combat soaring unemployment levels caused by the pandemic.

“I was lucky enough to have the backing of Ingeus through the Restart Scheme,” he says.

The visit was also thoroughly enjoyed by the NCS teens. Danielle Bradford, a young person on the NCS programme, said meeting Nadia was “brilliant”. Danielle continued: “I’ve followed her political journey for a while. She is one of the people that inspired me to pursue a career in politics. She was very interested in our views and you can tell that she really took what we had to say on Nadiaboard.”commented: “It was great to see all the work the young people at NCS are

doing for our community in Nottingham. From raising money for Imara charity which helps people recover from the impact, to a project combatting loneliness in care homes, these young people are leading important campaigns. All young people should have the opportunity to participate in projects like these.”

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Nottingham MP visits

Tamsaine Weir, NCS Delivery Manager for Ingeus, said: “It was wonderful to see the young people interacting with Nadia and getting so engaged with what she had to say. These types of visits are really important because they encourage conversations that can spark political

interest in young people and help them explore new ideas. Nadia took a lot of interest in the social action projects that the young people were doing and gave them tips on how they could develop them – which was well received.”


cancer.thatabusyManchesterteamsIngeuswaterbeingManagementto‘BravingStephenFromcancerfundraiseteamsforlivestreamingRamsbottomtheShave’theManchesterteampeltedwithballoons,ourRestartSchemeacrossGreaterhavebeenfundraisingfornumberofcharitiessupportthosewith Including offline donations, the team raised an £2,744.15!incredible

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Every 2 minutes in the UK, someone is diagnosed with cancer and sadly this has affected some of our colleagues. The three charities that the team chose to support were Bury Hospice, St Catherine’s Hospice, and Breast Cancer UK.

Nicola Lennox, Head of Supply Chain Delivery, said: “What an amazing day everyone had fundraising for these incredible causes. Thank you so much to every single person who donated and took part in the activities.”

With the sun beating down during the unusual English heatwave, the team got to work sprucing up the site and chatting with the welcoming residents. One group tackled the shrubs; taming

weeds and nettles, whilst the others got creative and painted garden benches, dining sets, and planters.

By the end, the team were covered in paint and dirt, but it was all worth it as the residents were pleased with the transformation!

Paint brushes and gardening shears in hand, they recently spent the day volunteering at Thomas Regan Court Housing Care!

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The JETS teams have been having some fun throughoutvolunteeringAugust.

JETS teams give back to their local community

We recently hit the road to visit teams across the country and hear first-hand how we’re betterenablinglives.

The Ingeus culture - defined by you

Click here to view

GCSE, AS and A-Level Results Day fell in August, so it was an acrossforanxiety-inducingoverwhelminginevitablyandtimeyoungpeoplethecountry.

We also shared an article which provided top tips on ways that young people can protect their mental health. The tips included doing lots of exercise, getting plenty of sleep and posing distractions with activities they enjoy.

Watch the video on our You Tube channel to hear what our teams had to say!

• Not to panic and reminding yourself that you have plenty of options;

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Our NCS Youth advisors shared their own personal experiences of getting their exam results in a video and how they dealt with it. You can watch the video here on our social media channels.

The tips included:

• Confiding in others around you and utilising your support system, and more.

Reassurance for Results Day

To provide some comfort and reassurance, ahead of Results Day, we created a blog where Director of Ingeus Youth services, Simon Smitherson, provided some informative advice to students on what to do next after leaving school.

We strive to create an inclusive culture where everyone can be their best to make a positive difference, so we couldn’t resist asking – how would you describe the Ingeus culture?

• Doing what’s best for you and remembering that each person is different;

work on such an incredible contract with such an amazing team of Vocational Rehabilitation Consultants (VRCs). Mental health is so important, especially after the challenges we have all experienced in the last few years. Knowing that the work I do supports our team to deliver this vital service to enable people to manage their mental health and stay in work is so rewarding and definitely motivates me each day! Aside from this, one of the best things about working for Ingeus is the people - I’ve met and worked with so many wonderful people over the years.

We questions:essentialsomeVictoriaaskedoflife’s

Victoria Pugh, Quality Manager at Able Futures

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Holidays or home comforts?

Getting to know you with...

Night City or countryside?


“I’m responsible for ensuring that we deliver an excellent service to our participants and deliver in line with our contractual requirements and quality standards. My role is very varied - it includes completing audits and quality checks with our commissioner, delivering training sessions and one-toone coaching, reviewing, and updating processes on Promapp, supporting the team with queries, and ultimately driving continuous improvement and supporting the management team.

Phone calls or emails?

Victoria has worked for Ingeus since December 2011, and has been in her current role since February 2020.

Dressed up or casual?


Cats or dogs?

Summer or Winter?

Chocolate Night or morning?

My favourite part of my role is reviewing all the feedback we receive which is overwhelmingly positive. Reading stories about how the service has changed people’s lives and supported them through dark times makes me proud to


When I’m not in work I love to spend time with my husband and 11-year-old son, going for long walks and playing board games. We go skiing every winter – in January we went to Lapland in Finland. I also like wild swimming; I even managed a dip in the sea without a wetsuit in February when the water was only 6 degrees! I love to read, especially gothic novels and ghost stories, anything creepy or weird! I’m also quite crafty and love to knit, crochet and bake when I have time.”

Chocolate or sweets?

Night out or night in?

This month, we’re putting Victoria Pugh, Quality Manager for Able Futures, Ingeus’ Mental Health Support Service, in the spotlight.


Books or films?

Night in


Find out more about Able Futures at



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