InfUSion Magazine Spring 2011 Issue

Page 53

Inexpensive anti-aging ceriums, make-up, mosturizers and more can be found at local walmarts.

Images by: Heather Pitts


1. Make-up can be found in most shades that moisturizes and keep skin looking fresh all day, thus allowing you to look younger and vibrant.

Permanent Make-Up


2. Nightly make up removing creames can help keep skin stay younger longer. Ponds evens skin tone and helps reduce the appearance of dark spots.

By: Meredith Seay

Women are putting away their blush, eyeliner, and lipstick in favor of a far more convenient alternative. Instead of applying make-up every day, more and more women are opting out of the conventional methods and turning to permanent cosmetics. Permanent cosmetics, or micropigmentation, are procedures that use tattooing to enhance facial features just as makeup would, but with more permanent results. The procedure is performed by a doctor using a standard tattoo gun or sometimes a pen-like utensil. Most procedures are minor and only take 20 to 30 minutes. Of the procedures, the most common enhancements are done on the eyebrows, eyes, lips, and cheeks. The eyebrows are either shaded in to give a fuller, more defined look or the hair is completely removed and eyebrows are drawn in with specified color, length, and arch. Procedures on the lips, eyes, and cheeks all mimic the appearance of wearing lipstick, eyeliner, and blush. In a fast-paced society obsessed with saving time, shortcuts seem to be an advantage. Clearly, many women highly value permanent make-up and shaving time off their daily routines. Although the procedures seem expensive, the price is actually less than the repeated purchase of overpriced cosmetics. Other than convenience and saving money, micropigmentation is also beneficial to people with health problems. Cataracts and poor vision make for a great deal of difficulty in safely and accurately applying makeup. Those who have conditions which limit movement benefit from no longer having to apply makeup themselves, and the permanent makeup also alleviates cosmetic allergies. continued on next page.


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