Electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly carcinogenic to humans.
What About
5G technology is deploying fast but, to date, the scientific community is not yet sure of the consequences of electromagnetic pollution on humans, especially on the more sensitive, children, adolescents and the sick. Given that for ionizing radiation these risks are already scientifically proven, possible health risks that could be associated with various forms of non-ionizing radiation are still under investigation and prudence is advised by suggesting avoiding installing antennas near hospitals, schools and kindergartens.
WHO is conducting a health risk assessment from exposure to radiofrequencies, covering the entire radiofrequency range, including 5G, to be published by 2022.
Infomedix International | 2 2020
According to statistics published by the National Cancer Institute, the rate of brain cancer in the US went down between 1992 and 2016 even as mobile phone use skyrocketed. Source: IMF – World Economic Outlook Database