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April 2018

Vol. 11 No. 4

Edu catin g Youn g M in ds for E xcel l en ce • K- 6 t h G ra d e

October 2017

October 2017

October 2017

Vol. 10 No. 10

Alleigh Phillips Anthony Garcia N’Dia Fletcher

October 2017

STEAM Rules of the Ball

Page 2

Vol. 10 No. 10

STEAM What is Engineering

Page 3

STEAM Ice Tray Battery

Page 4

STEAM Spring is here

Page 9

This new




2| April 2018

April 2018


4| April 2018

April 2018


pring time is officially here! The clear blues skies are exposed. Flowers are starting to bloom, and cool breezes feel the air. For this reason, students are excited about the Easter holiday approaching. KIDSPRESS interviewed students from various local schools in Longview about their meaning of Easter and why we celebrate. Our first stop Bramlette Elementary School. KIDSPRESS interviewed 3rd grade students who eagerly shared their thoughts about the meaning of Easter. Alleigh Phillips led the discussion. “The Easter holiday is a time we celebrate Jesus dying on the cross and rising again,” she said. “We take out time to thank him for this special gift.” N’Dia Fletcher discussed a little further explaining why Jesus died on the cross. “Jesus was sent here by his father to save us,” said Fletcher. “When he died on the cross he took away all our sins, so we can be free.” According to Anthony Garcia, Jesus showed us love. “When Jesus rose from the grave he showed us the greatest example of love,” Garcia said. “He did not have to die for us, but he loved us so much that he did anyways.”

Samuel Contreras

6| April 2018

In addition, Spring Hill Intermediate School 5th graders gave their prospective of Easter. Aidyn Edney volunteered to share her thoughts first. “Easter is a time for family, going to church and learning about the sacrifice God made when he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross,” she said. “Being with family is a blessing and we should all be thankful.” An outspoken Allie Hilburn was prepared to share her truth. “So many people think Easter is about the presents, big baskets, flashy clothes and stuff but it is not,” she said. “It is about JESUS, who hung on the cross with nails in his hands.” Nathan Avant agreed with Hilburn and added family is most important. “Spending time with family during this holiday is what matters,” he said. “Inviting people over and sharing the story of Jesus is what it is about.”

Samuel Contreras, Olaedo Ibeh and Wilson Page

There are several reasons why we celebrate Easter. Our next stop, Hudson PEP Elementary School 3rd graders has so much to say. Leading the pack, Wilson Page was quick to share his beliefs about Easter. “Jesus dying on the cross took away all our sins and we celebrate to thank him,” said Page. “My favorite part of the day is going to my Nana’s house and hanging with my family.” Olaedo Ibeh agreed with Page. “We celebrate Easter because Jesus died for us,” she said. “I enjoy celebrating with my church family and seeing the Easter bunny.” According to Ibeh, we should not forget the reasons we celebrate Easter. “Even though Easter might be fun, we can not forget to celebrate Jesus on this day.” Samuel Contreras summed up the interview. “Easter is a very significant holiday in which families unite and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, he said.” “The most special thing about this holiday is it reminds us of the big sacrifice Jesus made for us and the endless love he gives everyone daily.”

Aidyn Edney, Nathan Avant and Allie Hilburn

April 2018


8| April 2018

April 2018


• Make sure outside hoses and sprinklers don’t leak. • Water lawns and gardens in the morning on hot summer days, so the water isn’t evaporated quickly by the heat. • Use a broom to clean off sidewalks instead of hosing them down with water. • Use a bucket of water to wash cars and bikes. Use short bursts of water from the hose to rinse them off.

10| April 2018

Rain barrels are easy to install and use. Place the rain barrel under the gutter of your house so the rain water from the gutters can collect in the rain barrel. Attach a hose to the bottom of the rain barrel. You can use the water collected in the rain barrels to water the garden and yard instead of using the water from the faucet.

April 2018


Edu ca tin g Youn g Min ds for E xcel l en ce • K- 6 t h G ra d e

Yamile Castillo, Ashton Valentine and Kaydence Porter

The last but not the least Birch Elementary School 4th graders stressed the importance of knowing the meaning of Easter. Yamile Castillo agrees that hunting for Easter eggs is fun but it is not the main reason why we celebrate. “For me, Easter is a celebration for God,” said Castillo. “It is not about the eggs nor the bunny but what he has done for us. He sent his only son to give

up his life for us.” Ashton Valentine enjoys the time being together with family. “I love the fact that I attend church with my family to thank God for what he has done for us,” he said. “However, I also like that we have a big Easter egg hunt on this day. Celebrating and being with family is the greatest gift of all.” Kaydence Porter said it best. “Having the family together to thank God is most

important,” she said. “Attending church and learning more about the resurrection should be the goal of everyone. Without him we are nothing.” Porter also went on to explain that even though Jesus is the reason, there is nothing wrong with a little fun. “Although we are celebrating Jesus there is nothing wrong with a family egg hunt, which I hope I win this year!”

903-236-0406 12| April 2018

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