Industry Europe – Issue 25.4

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VOLUME 25/4 – 2015

The world of European manufacturing






L’etranger Two hundred years after Wellington’s victory Britain is battling in Belgium again.


ou wouldn’t expect the French to do much to commemorate the Battle of Waterloo. It may have been, as Wellington observed afterwards, ‘the nearest-run thing you ever saw in your life’ and things could have gone very differently if Grouchy had not lost contact with the Prussians after their defeat at Ligny, but he did and the rest, as they say, is history. So it was quite a surprise when Le Monde chose to mark the 200th anniversary of the battle with an editorial and even more of one that they did it in English. Of course the paper was at pains to insist that though it was a defeat it was a glorious defeat and, anyway, who now remembered Wellington? But what was important was that after 1815 Europe enjoyed a century of unprecedented peace, stability and progress in science and industry. In fact, the peace between France and Britain was to last for 200 years. That was why Le Monde was taking this opportunity to encourage its friends across the Channel to resist the ‘siren calls of a fake independence’ that sought to pull them away from Europe. ‘The country that cornered Napoleon cannot succumb to Nigel Farage’, it cried. ‘Messieurs les Anglais, le Brexit pourrait etre votre Waterloo.’ But when Le Monde mentioned that as well as losing an Emperor in 1815 France also lost its ‘dream of hegemony’, a few alarm bells may have rung chez les Anglais. That century of peace ended, of course, in two even more appalling struggles to resist hegemonic ambitions in Europe and there are people on this side of the Channel who suspect that France’s determined pursuit of the European project since 1945 has been driven at least in part by dreams of a new French hegemony, albeit through language, political culture and economic cooperation rather than military force. Of course, unfortunately for France, it hasn’t quite worked

out like that and not even memories of past glory can obscure who are the masters in Europe now. So the French should be able to understand that ‘independence’ continues to be a significant political issue in Britain – after all the Scots never stop going on about it, even though it’s not independence from the EU that they want, and Greece is a tragic reminder of what happens when you effectively lose it altogether. So it would be well to take seriously Mr Cameron’s determination to get significant changes in the UK’s relationship with the EU even if his aim is undoubtedly to reach a deal that he can sell to the British in a referendum and so settle the issue for good.

Rebranding Britain On the face of it his current demands seem modest – curbs on benefits to migrants from the EU, more powers for national parliaments, especially over workplace regulation, an exemption from the EU commitment to ‘ever-closer union’ and assurances of protection of the rights of EU members that remain outside the single currency. People are talking, in fact, about some kind of rebranding of Britain in the EU as, perhaps, an ‘associate member’ – something that reflects the country’s primary interests in the completion of the single market and the promotion of global free trade. Of course, some EU members – maybe even the French – might say that Britain has already a pretty cosy deal in Europe. As Gideon Rachman points out in the Financial Times, the opt-outs it already enjoys are insulating it from the two major crises currently gripping the EU. It is not a member of the euro so it is only minimally exposed to losses on bail-outs to Greece and it is not signed up to the common asylum policy or the Schengen border agreements so it has no obligation to take any of the thousands

of refugees washing up on the shores of Italy or to let them in if they make it to Calais – although it is very hard to keep them out. But, even so, Mr Cameron’s deal may be hard to cut. Since the UK is not in the euro and is never likely to be so, it’s obvious to the British that they need assurances that their interests – terms of trade, financial market regulation etc – are not going to be harmed by the increasing integration that the eurozone is bound to pursue – especially after the mess it has got itself into in the Greek crisis. And, by the same token, it’s absurd to expect Britain to even pay lip service to an ‘ever-closer’ union’ while it remains outside the single currency that is at the heart of that process. Chancellor Merkel says that the euro is the central symbol of the EU and that if it fails, Europe fails. Maybe she even believes that. But the fact is that ‘ever-closer union’ is a key commitment of the treaties that govern the EU. And European law is unequivocal in declaring that the euro is the currency of that union. The British – and Danish – opt outs from the euro therefore have to be treated as if they were temporary, much like Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, who are encouraged to form an orderly queue. But this legalistic pretence cannot survive a serious British re-negotiation of its membership or, indeed, the further fiscal unity that the eurozone must achieve if it is to survive – Greece will not be the last crisis. So everyone will have to admit that more integration for the EU means less for Britain. It’s not a question, as Le Monde supposes, of placating Mr Farage; it’s just facing reality. But if Mr Cameron may find it hard to get Europe’s leaders to accept this reality, they themselves are facing an even greater challenge. The proper federal union that they must pursue may actually be politically impossible to achieve. Then maybe both the n euro and the EU may really fail. Industry Europe 1

CONTENTS Editor Peter Mercer

IT Support Jack Everson

Deputy Editor Victoria Hattersley

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Profile Writers Abigail Saltmarsh Felicity Landon Piotr Sadowski Emma-Jane Batey Barbara Rossi Philip Yorke Edina Sin

Administration Anna Chamberlain Amber Dawson Kayleigh Harvey

Art Director Gareth Harrey

Designers Leon Esterhuizen Paul Abbott Claire Bidle Web Development Neil Robertson

1 4

Opinion L’etranger Bill Jamieson Where’s the recovery?

Aerospace Industry

Art Administration Tania Balderson

6 9

Advertising Manager Andrew Briggs

Rail Industry

Sector Managers Matthew Howe Milada Preslova Massimo Ragazzo Helen Leisi Anthony McClintock Anna Dudek Stephen Moore Martin Gisborne Victoria Pease

Art Editor Rob Czerwinski


Industry Europe

12 15 18

Multi-billion dollar challenges Bombardier takes on the giants

Aerospace news The latest from the industry

Rail equipment industry consolidates Facing competition from Asia

Rail news The latest from the industry High speed rail heads south France’s Tours-Bordeaux link

News 20 22 24 25 26 27

Winning business New orders and contracts Linking up Combining strengths Moving on Relocations and expansions Industry people Appointments Technology spotlight Advances in technology Notice board New products and processes

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Automation & Tooling

28 29


Focus on Germany Allan Hall reports from Berlin Focus on France Ian Sparks reports from Paris

Smart, versatile machine-tool solutions LNS Group

Automotive © Industry Europe 2015 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form for any purpose, other than short sections for the purpose of review, without prior consent of the publisher. POSITIVE PUBLICATIONS

34 38 42 45

Precision metallic components Linamar Futuristic vision Fritz Group Energy efficient tyre technology Kordsa Global Paving the way for growth AD Plastik

Construction A Square Root Company

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2 Industry Europe

50 54 56 61 64 69 72

Inspiring sustainable flooring solutions Tarkett Polish company with a European reach OKNOPLAST

Window of profitability QFORT - Casa Noastra Dynamic lighting producer RZB Success on tap Franke Water Systems Global steel giant Ruukki Constructing a better future JSC BMGS

VOL 24/8

Above: LNS p30

Above: Franke Water Systems p64

Above: JSC BMGS p72

Consumer Goods

Mining & Metals

75 82

159 164 168 172

A sustainable future for P&G Procter & Gamble Stepping out in front Lloyd

Energy & Utilities 86 90 96

Creating new energy Belleli Energy Modern drilling technology Drillmec Optimising energy management Schneider Electric

A one-stop solutions provider FLSmidth A long-term success story Beltrame Group In the frame Exalco Aluminium Systems Identifying opportunities Rudnik

Packaging & Sealing 176 Celebrating success Robino & Galandrino 180 Moulding innovation SIBO

Food & Drink


106 110 115 118

184 On the right track Astra Vagoane Calatori 188 Power-hauling ahead Tulomsas

Norwegian sea delicacies for global markets Limito

Real Italian ice-cream Sammontana Pasta master Pastas Romero Sweet dreams Cukry Nyskie

Heavy Machinery 121 Uncompromising power and agility Ponsse 126 Generating growth Yanmar 129 Farmers’ friend CEMA

HVAC 134 144 148 152 156

Global leader in heat processing solutions SECO/WARWICK Group

Valves for the most demanding applications Vexve

Keeping you warm Baxi Success is in the air WOLF Hot innovation Backer

Above: Drillmec p90 Below: Ponsse p121


Above: WOLF p152 Below: Trumpf p199

192 Global ambitions TWE Group 196 World leader in carbon fibre production Zoltek

Also in this issue... 199 204 208 212 216 219 222 226

Laser-sharp innovation Trumpf A new identity Bühler Success that sticks Lohmann Going offshore Remazel Engineering Cutting-edge technologies Wild A virtuous circle W. Hamburger Advanced heating technology Riello Antiallergenic cosmetics for sensitive skin OCEANIC

Industry Europe 3




Executive Editor of The Scotsman

Where’s the recovery? The eurozone has a bigger problem than just Greece.


hatever the outcome of the latest stand-off between Greece, the European Union, the European Central Bank and the IMF, it almost beggars belief that this crisis has now dragged on into its seventh year. When you consider one of the oft-cited benefits of the European single currency was that it would bring greater economic policy cohesion and cooperation, a crisis of the type that has engulfed Greece was just not supposed to happen, never mind drag on for seven years. That it has persisted this long is itself an indictment of the institutions and structures of the euro currency and the manifest failure of the central bank and the authorities in Brussels to have achieved anything like a reconciliation. With every twist and turn has come fresh anxiety, not only about the fate of the Greek economy but also the survival of the euro itself. Each new stand-off is seen as a potential trigger for similar confrontations elsewhere in the eurozone and thus a threat to the single currency as a whole. We have lost count of all the ‘crisis summits’, the ‘final deadlines’, ‘the last minute compromises’. Greece has crashed and burned its way through so many ‘last chance’ moments that it is now hard to imagine a meeting of EU leaders where Greece is not at or near the top of the list for discussion. After each one some fudged compromise has been arrived at, a ‘vital breathing space’ conceded and a new deadline grudgingly agreed. Nothing has really been resolved but the result is hailed as a success – and a communique issued that leaves most of us little the wiser as to what actually has been agreed. Until the next time.

Feeble growth And while this danse macabre continues, we almost lose sight of the bigger crisis that 4 Industry Europe

continues to grip the collective economy of the eurozone – the signal and continuing failure to mount a convincing recovery from the 2009–2010 recession, let alone achieve an overall step change in economic growth – another founding claim of the single currency. We’ve almost become inured to the low growth out-turns for the eurozone. Indeed, even the smallest improvement in the pulse rate is hailed as a major step forward. EU statistics for the first quarter of 2015 showed combined growth across the economies of the eurozone at 0.4 per cent – hailed as a marked improvement on the 0.3 per cent pace of the previous quarter and the fastest pace for two years.

With every twist and turn has come fresh anxiety, not only about the fate of the Greek economy but also the survival of the euro itself. Each new stand-off is seen as a potential trigger for similar confrontations elsewhere in the eurozone. However, Greece is back in recession, Germany has had a growth stumble and the first quarter outcome disappointed analysts who had been predicting better. On an annualised basis, the eurozone economy grew by just 1.6 per cent. If this is the best the single currency can do after the ECB’s resort to monetary pump priming and the sharp fall in the price of oil,

one struggles to imagine what combination of circumstances would be needed to take growth up to 2.5 per cent and beyond. Little wonder that commentators continue to fret about the arrival of secular stagnation. There’s now an uncomfortable word for it – predictably Greek. It’s called hysteresis. This refers to the possibility that after long periods of low growth and high unemployment, an economy loses its capacity to recover to more ‘normal’ levels. The Financial Times likened it to placing a weight on a metal spring. The spring will stretch, but then return to its original shape when the weight is removed. But if the weight is too heavy, the metal will forever lose its spring. Thus, when an economy has had a long period of recession, high unemployment and lack of investment, the condition becomes permanent. People are out of work for such a long period that they lose skills while companies fail to invest in training their staff. This destroys an economy’s ability to grow permanently, even when demand recovers. For the record, the latest Eurostat figures show unemployment across the eurozone at 11.3 per cent – 18.2 million people. Rates vary from 10.1 per cent in France to 12.5 per cent in Italy to 14.9 per cent in Portugal and 25.2 per cent in Spain. In Greece the figure is 27.3 per cent. While these rates are down on the levels of a few years ago they are high by Western advanced economy standards – and have been so for many years. Far from EU policy having helped alleviate matters, intrusive and extensive labour market regulation has made them worse. It has fussed over smaller matters to make the big problem – joblessness – even worse. It is a baleful reminder that however headline-hogging the Greek crisis might be, the bigger one is the recurring economic failure of the eurozone itself – and no sign of any stepn change improvement on the horizon.

Industry Europe 5

Entry costs into the airliner business are formidable and even the two major players are upgrading their aircraft rather than committing to new designs. Murdo Morrison, Editor of Flight International, reports.

Airbus A380


uopolies are hard to break, and the dominance of Airbus and Boeing in the market for airliners of over 120 seats looks fortress-like. Canada’s Bombardier is determined to disprove that with its CSeries, and at June’s Paris air show finally displayed in public the two variants of the single-aisle jet. The airframer – which has specialised in smaller regional and corporate jets – launched its 110-seat CS100 and 130-seat CS300 programmes in 2008 and the aircraft were meant to be flying passengers by now. After several delays, the CSeries should start paying its way next year, but Bombardier is still several dozen short of the 300 orders it wants by the time the aircraft enter service, and Paris – for all the hype surrounding the debuts – failed to secure any more. Bombardier is not the only entrant vying for a slice of a market for some 1000 narrowbod6 Industry Europe

ies a year – a market set to grow perhaps by a half by 2020 as regions such as Latin America and South East Asia continue with their seemingly insatiable appetite for short-haul air travel. Russia’s Irkut and China’s Comac both have large single-aisle jets in development, powered by Western technology, including variants of the CFM International and Pratt & Whitney engines on the latest Airbus and Boeing narrowbodies. Prototypes of the Chinese C919 and the Irkut MC-21 are in assembly and due to begin test flights in the next 12 months. Of the two, the C919 arguably has the stronger prospects, with 450 commitments so far, most from Chinese customers. The challenge for these interlopers is cracking a duopoly enjoyed by Toulouse and Seattle for 20 years. Entry barriers are huge. The multi-billion-dollar expense of developing a new aircraft has proved almost disastrous

for Bombardier, which has had to fund the CSeries (and two long-range business jet launches) at the same time as sales of its regional aircraft and lighter business jets have been falling. Russian industry, despite its heritage of building airliners for a captive Soviet market, has had to reinvent its business model to compete with the West. China may have deep pockets and a large local customer base, but developing its closeto-certification ARJ21 regional jet has been fraught with problems, and, despite Western input, the much larger C919 is unproven. Critical mass is another barrier. With monthly narrowbody production of more than 40 aircraft each and global supply chains – with components dual-sourced to encourage competition – the big two are able to price products attractively. Not only that, but with a range spanning single- and

twin-aisle jets, Airbus and Boeing can offer deals across entire airline fleets, throwing in tempting aftercare and pilot training packages. Rather, for Toulouse and Seattle, the biggest problem is one the newbies would love: ramping up their monthly production to 60 narrowbodies a month or beyond in the next two years to meet demand – and convincing a nervous supply chain, burned previously by investing heavily in capital ahead of a cyclical downturn, to do the same. Despite this ramp-up occurring as the industry approaches the tenth anniversary of the previous post-2008 downcycle – some sort of ‘correction’ has occurred roughly every decade since the 1960s – few seem worried that unprecedented demand is creating an orders bubble that will at some point burst. Short of a unforseen geopolitical cataclysm, most experts believe average global GDP growth of 2 per cent

into the 2020s will sustain current production forecasts of some 120 narrowbodies a month. Of course, the fortunes of Airbus and Boeing will depend on how successful the newcomers are, but even the three new kids on the block are not suggesting they can take more than a small share from the big two this side of the 2030s.

Different strategies While Airbus and Boeing face competition in narrowbodies, in twin-aisle aircraft barriers to entry are even higher and their only rivals are each other. But unlike narrowbodies – where they each enjoy roughly half the market with broadly parallel ranges – their widebody product strategies diverge. Seattle has based its offering around two families – the 250- to 320-seat 787 Dreamliner, and the larger, long-range 777, to be superseded towards the end of the decade by two new versions of

the twinjet. The latest variant of its venerable jumbo, the 747-8, sells modestly and mostly as a freighter. Boeing may also launch a socalled middle-of-the-market replacement for its 757, an out-of-production larger singleaisle aircraft used mostly for thin transatlantic and coast-to-coast routes. Airbus has what it likes to think is a simpler product range, based on two versions of its A350 XWB, which competes with both the larger 787s and the 777, and its A380 superjumbo, although last year it took the decision to prolong the life of its smaller A330 – the most successful widebody jet ever – with a re-engined version called the A330neo. The latter effectively takes the place of the smallest A350, the -800, which was not selling. With around 700 orders for the now-in-service A350-900 and the soon-to-follow, larger A350-1000, that programme has kept Airbus a serious contender in the long-haul segment.

Boeing 737s in production

Industry Europe 7

Bombardier CSeries

Toulouse’s problem is its biggest jet – the A380 – which almost a decade after entering service has only sold in serious volumes to one customer, Emirates. With around 50 aircraft in service and another 90 on order (some as replacements), the Dubai carrier represents around half the fleet and order backlog for the 550-seat superjumbo – the biggest airliner ever built. Other blue-chip airlines, from British Airways, Air France, Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines to Qatar Airways and Etihad, operate the A380, but in single or low double figures, far fewer than the previous-generation 747-400 that the A380 was intended to displace. Instead, it is Boeing’s fuel-efficient 777-300ER twinjet that has taken the jumbo jet’s place as the longhaul airliner of choice in the 350-passengerplus segment, and Airbus’s best chance of competing with the latest 777s, the -8X and -9X, is with its smaller A350.

Regional rivalries One space in which Airbus and Boeing do not play and is arguably the most dynamic in terms of new entrants is regional jets. This is a market that has been changing considerably since the 1990s, with the ubiquitous 50-seat commuter aircraft replaced by larger 70- to 110-seaters. After Saab, Fokker and British Aerospace exited the market by the early 2000s, leaving just Bombardier and Embraer to compete, three new players have entered the market and look to enjoy varying degrees of success. Sukhoi was first, with the Superjet – produced in association with Italy’s Alenia Aermacchi and France’s engine-maker Snecma. However, the 8 Industry Europe

Russian-built aircraft has enjoyed only modest success, with most sales in its home market to the likes of Aeroflot. Elsewhere, Mitsubishi will soon fly its Mitsubishi Regional Jet and has built a bank of around 250 orders for the first new commercial programme from Japan in the modern era. Meanwhile, after a long gestation China’s ARJ21 may struggle to secure much of a following outside that country. Bombardier gambled its investment dollars into the CSeries, leaving the Montreal-based airframer’s CRJ range of 70- to 100-seat regional jets looking distinctly last-century, while rival Embraer looks to have played its cards right by, more conservatively, putting a new engine and wings on its successful E-Jet family to revamp a range of aircraft designed to fly both connector and short-haul routes that cannot justify a larger narrowbody from Airbus or Boeing. One unlikely success in the airliner market is ATR – a 35-year-old joint venture between Airbus and Alenia Aermacchi – that builds 45-seat and 75-seat turboprops. After a neardeath experience a decade ago, when the rage for regional jets threatened to put it out of business, the Toulouse-based manufacturer has gone from annual production in single figures to close to treble figures. Its only competitor is Bombardier’s Q400 turboprop, but it is beating it soundly in the market. The joint venture has spoken about developing a larger 90-seat turboprop as a more economical competitor to larger Bombardier and Embraer regional jets, but with sales of the current variants ticking along nicely, 50 per cent shareholder Airbus has shown

little appetite for investing billions into such a project. With no all-new Airbus or Boeing programmes in development – all their projects are variants of aircraft currently flying, albeit with major alterations such as stretched fuselages, new engines or wings – the heady days of the noughties seem far behind. Then, Airbus was almost derailed by the complexity of engineering the A380 across dysfunctional French and German organisations, while it had to go back to the drawing board with its original A350 in the mid-2000s and design an all-new aircraft. Senior management heads rolled. Boeing, meanwhile, abandoned its short-lived, high-speed Sonic Cruiser in 2002 in favour of the first all-composite airliner, the 787. However, despite strong orders, delays to that programme caused major crises within Boeing and its supply chain. Shareholder scares mean both firms are less inclined these days to attempt moonshots. That is why Airbus and Boeing early this decade decided simply to tweak their present-generation narrowbodies rather than design all-new aircraft. And with order books for the new 737 Max and A320neo stretching into the 2020s, these calls look to have been the right ones. Innovation is taking baby steps – after the advent of large-scale manufacturing of carbonfibre aircraft sections in the early 2000s, the latest industrial trend is additive layer manufacturing of parts, also known as 3D printing, a big theme at Paris. Engines too are quietly advancing in terms of technology. But for the next big leap in commercial aerospace product development, we n probably have to look beyond 2030.



New developments in the Aerospace industry

STG Aerospace wins 6th consecutive Boeing Performance Excellence Award


pioneer in aircraft cabin lighting technologies, STG Aerospace has won its sixth consecutive Boeing Performance Excellence Award – an achievement that positions the company as a topperforming European supplier in the Interiors category for Boeing. The company’s association with Boeing goes back to 2000 when the Seattle-based aircraft manufacturer began offering STG Aerospace’s photoluminescent floorpath marking systems as a factory fit option. In 2013, Boeing extended its contract with STG Aerospace for a further 10 years, appointing the company as an SFE supplier for the Next-Generation 737 and the 737 MAX. Visit:

ATR announces 46 firm aircraft orders Bombardier C Series Aircraft flies into Belfast and 35 options at the Paris show


ombardier’s CS300 commercial aircraft has flown into Belfast following a world debut at the 2015 International Paris Air Show. On its first UK flight, the CS300 airliner touched down in Belfast for a demonstration at Bombardier’s wing facility. Bombardier’s investment of £520 million, the largest single inward investment in Northern Ireland, has facilitated research, design, manufacture and assembly of the C Series aircraft wings, including a purpose-built 600,000 square feet facility. The innovative carbon-fibre composite technology, developed in Belfast to produce the wings, enables both material and aircraft weight savings, contributing significantly to the C Series airliner’s gamechanging economic and environmental credentials. Visit:


contract signed with Japan Airlines opens up a new market for ATR and enables it to exceed 1500 firm orders since the beginning of the program. This is the first commercial contract for ATR in Japan; a high-potential market with more than 130 regional aircraft in service, including 109 aging 14 years old. In addition to the arrival of these first ATRs in the country, ATR is preparing to open a commercial branch office in Tokyo. Contracts were also signed for ATR 72-600s with Cebu Pacific (Philippines), Binter (Canary Islands), Braathens, Bahamasair, Air Madagascar and Air New Zealand. Visit:

Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines worth $500m to power Ethiopian Airlines


thiopian Airlines has decided to take RollsRoyce Trent 1000 engines and long-term TotalCare® support worth $500m to power six Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner aircraft. The decision marks a significant vote of confidence in the Trent 1000, Ethiopian having previously selected engines from another


the International Paris Air Show 2015 Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company and Yakutia Airlines signed a contract for the delivery of three additional Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft starting from 2017. The contract envisages delivery of the SSJ100 Long Range version with 93 seats: 8 seats for business class and 85 for economy. “Entry into service of three more SSJ100 aircraft will allow the company not only to upgrade the fleet and expand the route network, but also to reduce the financial risks related to lease payments guarantee due to a fixed rate in Russian Roubles,” said Ilya Tarasenko, president of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company. Visit:

OPTIS solutions for aerospace

O From left to right: Employment and Learning Minister, Dr Stephen Farry, Rob Dewar, vicepresident, C Series, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft, Finance and Personnel Minister, Arlene Foster, and Michael Ryan vice-president and general manager, Bombardier Belfast.

Yakutia Airlines expands its fleet to five Sukhoi Superjet 100

PTIS is the leading software vendor for the scientific simulation of light, human vision and physically correct visualisation. At the Paris Air show OPTIS introduced its market-leading solutions and technologies dedicated to aerospace, and, for the first time, HIM Aerospace. OPTIS recently developed this specific version of HIM dedicated to aerospace, in partnership with AIRBUS Group. HIM is a unique virtual reality

technology, which allows people equipped with virtual reality glasses, helmet, or simply using an avatar, to freely explore a life-size 3D environment. OPTIS now presents HIM Aerospace, a version with all the features necessary to airship manufacturers: customisable avatars, simulation of interventions on highly complex systems, to recreate any case and ease the use, maintenance and mounting of aircraft. Visit:

provider to power 13 Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft. Dominic Horwood, Rolls-Royce, chief customer officer – Civil Large Engines, said: “This is a significant selection by a valued customer that continues the Trent 1000 success story. We have real momentum in the marketplace – in the past five years the Trent 1000 has been selected in more than 60% of engine competitions.”

Rolls-Royce powered the very first Boeing 787 test flight in December 2009, the first 787-8 to enter service in October 2011, and the first 787-9 to enter service in 2014. Ethiopian has ordered Trent XWB engines to power 12 Airbus A350 XWB aircraft and has three RB211-powered Boeing 757 aircraft in service. Visit: Industry Europe 9


New developments in the Aerospace industry

Lockheed Martin to deliver Sniper® advanced targeting pods to Royal Jordanian Air Force

Airbus wins $57 billion of aircraft orders at Paris Air Show


ockheed Martin has received a contract to deliver Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods (ATP) to the Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) in support of urgent operational requirements. Under the contract, Lockheed Martin will deliver 10 Sniper ATPs and provide integration support beginning later this year. The RJAF is currently conducting precision-strike missions with five Sniper ATPs it acquired in 2014. Sniper ATP detects, identifies, automatically tracks and laser-designates small tactical targets at long ranges. It also supports employment of all laser and GPS-guided weapons against multiple fixed and moving targets. Sniper ATP’s interoperability enables coalition air forces to use the pod across multiple platforms, including US Air Force and multinational F-15, F-16, F-18, A-10, B-1 and B-52 aircraft. Visit:

for delivery later this year. Each aircraft is fitted with six wheels and Dunlop estimates that its contract with the airline’s maintenance company, GMF AeroAsia, will be worth in excess of US$3 million. “Garuda is one of Asia’s fastest-growing airlines and we are very pleased to have been given the chance to support its fleet of CRJ1000s,” said Dunlop Aircraft Tyres’ chairman, Ian Edmondson. Dunlop Aircraft Tyres recently announced that it had secured one of the largest contracts in its 105-year history – a deal to support the world’s fleet of more than 270 Boeing C-17 Globemaster III military transport aircraft. Visit:

uring the 2015 Paris Air Show, Airbus won $57 billion worth of business for a total of 421 aircraft. The deals comprise firm orders for 124 aircraft worth $16.3 billion and commitments for 297 aircraft worth $40.7 billion. In the widebody market, Airbus kicked off the show with the announcement of the first operator for the new A330 Regional, with Saudi Arabian Airlines taking 20 on lease from IAFC, a leading leasor in the Middle East. The A350 XWB also continues to attract new business with commitments for 31 A350-900s, reinforcing its leading position as the world’s most modern, advanced widebody aircraft. In the single-aisle sector, the market leading A320 Family garnered an impressive 366 endorsements (comprising 103 firm orders and 263 commitments) worth USD 41.4 billion. Of these, 323 are neos, taking total orders and commitments for the A320neo Family beyond 4000 since launch in December 2010. John Leahy, Airbus’ chief operating officer, Customers said: “Our latest forecast for 32,600 planes in the next 20 years is being proved correct. The orders and commitments at this year’s Paris Air Show demonstrate three things; Asia is powering the growth, we are leading in singleaisle and widebody and our A321neo is the aircraft of choice in the middle of the market.” Visit:

weapons integration lead for Typhoon and the weapons manufacturers MBDA and Raytheon UK. If the research is successful this could be the latest development in a programme of activity to ensure that Typhoon continues to deliver world-leading capability for the armed forces. Andy Eddleston, Typhoon Product Development and Future Capability direc-

tor said: “Developing a common weapon launcher solution could significantly enhance Typhoon’s ability to deliver increased weapons persistence and effects. Each launcher could be capable of carrying up to three weapons, providing a great deal of flexibility and persistence for the operator.” Visit:

Bodycote to open new plant in Poland B odycote, the world’s largest thermal processing services provider, recently opened a new heat treatment site in Wroclaw, Poland as part of its expansion strategy in eastern Europe. Building on this investment Bodycote has now announced its intention to open another greenfield heat treatment site in the aviation valley close to Rzeszow, Poland. The new facility will support the manufac-

turing supply chains in this region and is expected to be operational by the second half of 2016. The new facility will hold international quality standards including Nadcap and AS 9100, as well as OEM approvals. First-tier suppliers to United Technologies Corporation (UTC), Rolls-Royce and SAFRAN, among others, will be supported. Visit:

Dunlop wins deal to support Indonesian airline Garuda


unlop Aircraft Tyres announced at the Paris Air Show that it has clinched a three-year deal to support Garuda Indonesia’s fleet of Bombardier CRJ1000 NextGen regional jets. The airline operates 15 of the aircraft and has three more on order

BAE to develop common launcher for Typhoon


he UK Ministry of Defence has provided £1.7 million of funding to research a common weapon launcher for Typhoon that could be capable of carrying multiple weapons and weapon types on one aircraft attachment point. The project will bring together expertise from BAE as the

10 Industry Europe


INDUSTRYNEWS Dassault’s Falcon 8X displayed at Le Bourget MTU Aero Engines


assault’s flagship business jet, the Falcon 8X, put on a daily flying display at the Paris show. The ultra-long-range Falcon 8X is capable of flying 6450 nautical miles non-stop. It features the longest Falcon cabin ever and a new-generation EASy flight deck, inspired by the model on the Falcon 5X. The cabin layout is at the heart of the customer experience, with a choice of 30 different configurations for the highest degree of personalisation offered by any widebody business jet. The 8X is up to 30% more eco-efficient than its competitors, and is capable of using airports inaccessible by other aircraft in its class, including London City, Aspen, La Môle-Saint Tropez and Saanen. Its non-stop capabilities are impressive, including city pairs such as New York-Beijing, ParisSingapore and Sao Paulo-Moscow. Visit:

reports strong 2015 Paris Air Show results

The Boeing Company awards GKN Aerospace a longterm contract for components and subassemblies


KN Aerospace has been awarded a contract to supply inlet lip skins for the Boeing 737 MAX and 777X and to assemble the 787 Dreamliner Section 47 floor grid. In conjunction with the Boeing award, GKN has acquired Sheets Manufactur-

ing Inc. (SMI). SMI is a small privately held metallic spin forming company located in Camarillo, CA. It is a technology leader in the manufacture of aircraft engine inlet lip skins with legacy program positions on the Boeing 747-8 and KC-46 tanker. Kevin Cummings, chief executive officer, GKN Aerospace said: “GKN is proud to have been selected to supply the 737 MAX and 777X inlet lip skins and 787 Section 47 floor grids. This contract award is a clear reflection of our strong commitment to the application of industry leading technologies in partnership with Boeing Commercial Airplanes.” Visit:

Thales AVANT and connectivity solutions to fly on Air Caraibes A350 fleet


hales is to supply the AVANT inflight entertainment and connectivity solutions for Air Caraibes A350 XWB aircraft. Air Caraibes will be an A350 XWB launch customer in France. The three A350-900 and three A350-1000 series aircraft will be equipped with the state-of-the-art Thales AVANT system based on Android technologies to service business, premium-economy and economy cabins as a scaled solution. The first deliveries are scheduled to enter service in December of 2016. Business class passengers will enjoy 17-inch screens with the Touch Passenger Media Unit, in-seat power, dual audio jack and USB port. In premium economy, passengers will enjoy 11.6-inch screens, dual audio jacks and USB port. The economy cabin will be equipped with 10.1-inch seatback screens. Visit:

Falcon Aviation Services takes delivery of two AW189 helicopters


inmeccanica – AgustaWestland has announced that Falcon Aviation Services (FALCON) of Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) has taken delivery of two AW189 super medium helicopters in offshore transport configuration. “It is a beginning of a new era for Falcon.

With the modernisation of our helicopter fleet we set a higher standard for offshore operations in the region. Being the first operator of AW189s in the United Arab Emirates, our involvement in achieving the ever growing demands of safety, reliability and fuel efficiency within the MENA region will deepen,” said His Highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Bin Khalifa, chairman of Falcon Aviation Services.


TU Aero Engines, Germany’s leading engine manufacturer, has announced orders valued at more than €800 million at the Paris Air Show with the PW1000G family of geared turbofan engines doing particularly well. For MTU, the geared turbofan (GTF) engines for the Airbus A320neo family ranked top of the list in terms of orders received at the trade show. The largest order came in from carrier Turkish Airlines; taken together with the deals signed by SMBC Aviation Capital, a leading global aircraft leasing company, Korean Air and the China Aircraft Leasing Company (CALC), a total of 170 aircraft powered by PurePower PW1100G engines were purchased for the customers’ A320neo fleets. Contract wins were scored also for the PW1900G, the geared turbofan version for the new generation of Embraer’s E-Jets. The South American aircraft manufacturer took in firm orders for 25 aircraft. The customer in this case is US leasing company Aircastle. Visit:

The AW189 was designed in response to the growing market demand for a versatile, affordable, multi-role medium twin engine helicopter. The new 8.3 tonne AW189 is optimized for offshore transport and SAR missions and has already received orders for 150 helicopters making it the outright market leader in its class. Visit: Industry Europe 11

Bombardier’s Traxx electric locomotive has proved a successful design.

RAIL EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY CONSOLIDATES James Abbott, Editor, Modern Railways, reports on new challenges to Europe’s train manufacturers.


ergers planned over the past year are changing the face of the railway equipment manufacturing industry. First and foremost is the merger of China’s two massive train-building firms, CNR (the former China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Group) and CSR (the China South equivalent), which has been approved by anti-trust authorities. The joining of these two entities to form the new CRRC Corporation makes the Chinese firm easily the largest train manufacturer in the world with annual revenues of the order of US$30billion, three times as large as the next in line, the Canadian Bombardier Corporation (whose railway equipment arm is headquartered in Berlin). The immense size of CRRC is largely founded 12 Industry Europe

on the home market, with the impressive Chinese metro and high-speed rail building programmes fuelling demand. But CRRC is also a big exporter, with products ranging from basic technology freight wagons built for Australia to sophisticated dual-voltage electric locos for South Africa. An announcement last autumn from Massachusetts Department of Transportation that it had decided to award a joint venture of China CNR Corp and CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles a US$ 430·2million contract to supply 284 metro cars for Boston’s Red and Orange lines (with an option for a further 58 cars which would take the contract value to $566·6 million) was a major breakthrough for the Chinese: the first contract for them in North America and meaning they now export

to all continents. A final assembly plant will be built in Massachusetts to meet local content requirements in the contract.

Hitachi enters Europe The onward march of the Chinese firms means the European ‘Big Three’ (Bombardier, Alstom of France and Siemens of Germany) that have dominated the global export market for the past couple of decades are having to look to their laurels. Further competition from Asia is coming in the shape of the European expansion of Hitachi of Japan. Hitachi, which had grown into a sizeable manufacturer on the back of the stable Japanese domestic market, held ambitions to expand globally and secured a coup with an order for Class 395 trains for the UK’s first

An artist’s impression of how National Express’s new Rhine-Ruhr Express trains will look in service.

high-speed line, HS1, a decade ago. On the back of this it subsequently won orders for new inter-city trains in the UK and recently secured a contract to build regional trains for Scotland. These orders will be assembled in Hitachi’s new factory at Newton Aycliffe in County Durham in the north of England, which is due to start production this September. Underlining its international ambitions, last year Hitachi relocated its global headquarters from Japan to London and made the head of Hitachi Rail Europe, Alastair Dormer, the global Chief Executive Officer. This has now been followed with a significant coup, with Hitachi being selected as purchaser of the Ansaldo-Breda group and beating off Chinese competition for the ailing Italian conglomerate. Ansaldo-Breda is a mixed bag, with the Ansaldo part of the company contributing a successful signalling business (which is what attracted bidders) along with Breda’s rolling stock factories. Breda had a couple of disastrous northern European orders, with late and unreliable trains for Denmark followed by even worse performance in the Low Countries, where new Fyra trains for the high-speed line between Brussels and Amsterdam were so poor that the Dutch and Belgians forced Breda to take the trains back, cancel the order and pay damages. Hitachi is relieving parent group Finmeccanica of three of Breda’s four rolling stock

factories. While the domestic Italian market provides a bedrock of work, the Japanese firm will be faced with an uphill struggle to restore the confidence of the export market. The deal only includes 40 per cent ownership of the signalling arm: Hitachi intends to purchase shares on the open market to gain full control. Most anti-trust hurdles have been cleared and when Ansaldo-Breda is assimilated Hitachi in Europe will be a curious hybrid, with the state-of-the-art assembly centre in Newton Aycliffe – a rare new factory in a sector which historically has been plagued with over capacity – coupled with the aged plants in Italy.

Alstom and Bombardier restructuring Against this backdrop, one of the traditional European majors has also been playing the M&A game. French firm Alstom has long been a hybrid, with power station generator manufacturing and railway equipment arms bound together as historically both had their roots in electrical engineering. General Electric of the USA is in the same boat, with the company offering both power station and railway equipment. The two have agreed to swap assets, leaving the French company specialising in railway equipment. The deal involves the sale to Alstom of GE’s signalling business (with its €400 million annual turnover) and there are multiple collaboration agreements

involving services, technology, supply chain and manufacturing and commercial support. This is expected to help Alstom promote its flagship high-speed train technology in North America and could help GE increase penetration of the European locomotive market, where success is so far limited to the UK and Turkey. In June 2015 the European Commission was still considering GE’s planned €12.4 billion acquisition of Alstom’s power equipment arm, which would leave mainly Chinese competition in that market. Nevertheless the deal was expected to go through, perhaps with further anti-trust concessions from GE. Meanwhile, Bombardier has announced that an initial public offering in Frankfurt of a minority share of its transportation company will take place in the autumn of 2015. This will allow the company to raise funds, which will be useful for its aerospace arm where development costs are high, ‘while preserving flexibility should Bombardier wish to participate in future rail equipment industry consolidation’.

Smaller suppliers The second-tier European suppliers have been active. Spanish rolling stock builder Talgo, famed for its production of tilting trains, sold 45 per cent of the company in an initial public offering in Madrid in May 2015, raising €570 million. Industry Europe 13

Hitachi Rail Europe images of its conceptual train interior for its very high speed train at Railtex 2015. (Above: the conceptual Standard Class interior)

Another independent Spanish firm, CAF, has been buoyed by export work. The same can be said of Stadler of Switzerland, with factories in Berlin and Siedlce (Poland) helping it sidestep the strength of the Swiss franc. Another winner has been the Polish company Pesa, which has won a big order for diesel multiple-units from Deutsche Bahn of Germany – the latter anxious to expand its supplier base and keep prices keen. German company Vossloh has said it wants to sell off its locomotive-building plants in Kiel, Germany, and Valencia, Spain, in order to concentrate on its permanent way supply business. It said it wanted to divest itself, or move to a minority stake, in the factories by 2017. Vossloh’s move follows that of Voith, which also had a locomotive factory in Kiel. That closed last year after Voith failed to find a buyer. The Kiel companies’ decisions highlight the precarious nature of the European diesel locomotive market. With much of the continent’s network electrified, most freight locos are electric models supplied by the Big Three, with small ‘last mile’ diesel engines to gain access to unelectrified sidings now a common offer. The lion’s share of the global diesel locomotive market is held by two North American firms: General Electric and the ElectroMotive division of Caterpillar. With enormous orders for heavy-haulers across the plains of the US, these two often find export markets more trouble than they are worth. The tortuous product acceptance arrangements in the European Union, where the green light 14 Industry Europe

has to be won country by country, have now been compounded by extremely arduous emissions legislation. All this has left those European freight operators that do depend on diesel locos, such as Eurotunnel’s GBRf arm in the UK, wondering about future sources of motive power. GBRf has traditionally bought EMD locos, but the company’s European model no longer meets the emissions requirements. An order of 100+ is required to justify the development expense of a new model – but there is no such order on the horizon in a sector where margins are wafer thin and operators are used to buying penny packets of locos rather than splashing out on mega orders. The consequence in the UK freight sector, where diesel haulage remains the order of the day, has been a scrabble for any compatible locos that might be purchased as surplus to requirements in Continental European countries, and even the pressing into service of 50-year-old preserved heritage locos with grandfather rights on emissions.

State railways dominate While the railway equipment supply sector has been undergoing change, on the operating side of the railway the story has been one of the major state railways – DB of Germany and SNCF of France – seeking to assert their hegemony. The European Commission has fought a long war to introduce more competition in the sector, but Brussels looks to be losing to the nation states. The state railways have responded to the opening of markets by buying up competi-

tors. The UK, the most open market in the EU, numbers the state railways of Germany, France and the Netherlands as major players in its franchised system. Meanwhile, private sector competitors face an uphill struggle. National Express of the UK has had some success in the German regional rail market, celebrating the award of a contract in North Rhine Westfalia in June to add to its earlier win of the Rhine Munster Express service. But the choice of National Express to run the Nuremburg S-Bahn prompted an appeal by the German incumbent and has been bogged down in the courts. Sweden has proved as open a market as the UK: its local services have been tendered for many years and the inter-city market has now also been opened up. MTR of Hong Kong has built on its success with an operating contract for the Stockholm metro and taken advantage of the market opening by introducing a long-distance service this year between Gothenburg and Stockholm. But in much of the rest of the continent the state operators have been successful in applying political pressure to keep out competitors. Introduction of the Fourth Railway Package, a set of proposals from the Commission requiring competitive tendering of public service contracts by December 2019 (but allowing national operators to compete for such contracts), has thus far been frustrated by an alliance of the French and Germans. The issue has come to be seen as a litmus test for the future of competition in the sector: will the Commission or the state n railways come out on top?


New developments in the Rail industry

Alstom’s Régiolis in Lower Normandy to be maintained in a new workshop in Granville


lstom’s Régiolis for the Paris-Granville line will be maintained in a new workshop, inaugurated on 10 June by the region of Lower Normandy and SNCF Basse-Normandie. The region of Lower Normandy has bought 15 hybrid (electric and diesel) and dual-voltage (1.5 and 25 Kv) Régiolis train sets. 9 train sets have already been delivered and a team of 15 service technicians now ensure maintenance operations in SNCF’s workshops in Granville.

The ‘intercity’ version of Régiolis bought by the Lower Normandy region has a number of specific facilities: passenger counting system, first-class luggage space, modular spaces for bicycles, individual bins, newspaper racks, comfortable seating. The production of Régiolis trains creates over 4000 jobs in France for Alstom and its suppliers. 6 of the 12 Alstom sites in France participate in this project: Reichshoffen for the design and assembly, Ornans for the motors, Le Creusot for the bogies, Tarbes for the traction chains, Villeurbanne for the on-board electronics and Saint-Ouen for the design. Visit:

Vossloh and VR Track found two joint ventures in Finland


ossloh and VR Track, a subsidiary of the Finnish state-owned railway company VR Group, have formed two joint ventures. Together with the partner, Vossloh will operate three switch production locations as well as a long welded rail production. Vossloh will take on a 60% stake in each joint venture. Signing of the contracts took place in May. The estimated annual turnover of the two joint ventures amounts to €20 million to €30 million with operationally positive income contributions already in 2015. Dr. h.c. Hans Martin Schabert, CEO of Vossloh AG: “By forming the joint ventures with VR Track, we are improving our access to the demanding Finnish market and laying an important foundation for accelerated growth in our core business divisions in northern Europe. We look forward to further intensifying the cooperation with our experienced long-term business partner, VR Track.” Visit:

London Underground showcases the station design of the future


ondoners have been taking a look at the future of London Underground stations at an exhibition at design agency Studio Egret West (SEW). The exhibition showcases London Underground’s new design vision, which has been developed with SEW to ensure future station design builds upon the network’s heritage and provides customers with welcoming, comfortable and easy journeys. The vision outlined in the London Underground Station Design Idiom covers every aspect of station architecture and ambience from pavement to platform. It provides a set of design principles that will be applied to every style of station and every project, from smallscale repairs to major refurbishments and new stations. This will ensure stations are built and developed with uniformly high standards of design which retain and celebrate individuality and local character while forming part of a cohesive network. Visit:

DB Schenker opens ‘Terminal of the Future’ in Finland


Schenker Logistics has opened one of its largest and most modern terminals in Finland. The new location, near the capital of Helsinki, represents one of the largest investments that DB Schenker has made worldwide at €57 million. “Combining four locations and operations such as land transport, air and sea freight in one building will improve our efficiency and productivity and streamline our cargo flows

Rolls-Royce showcases MTU Hybrid PowerPack at Railtex Exhibition


early 2015, extensive trials were carried out using the Hybrid PowerPack in a VT 642 regional railcar operated by Deutsche Bahn on the Staudenbahn railway line near the city of Augsburg in Bavaria. “These tests confirmed what we had already verified in theory in computer

between the different transport modes,” says Dr Karl-Friedrich Rausch, CEO and chairman of the board of management, Schenker AG. “The new location has various advantages,” adds Dr Rausch. “It is near the airport, closer to the harbour than before, and it has a better connection to the road network.” The terminal also has one of DB Schenker’s biggest sorters – 35,000 to 40,000 deliveries will be processed per day. Visit: simulations and on the test stand,” said Dr Ingo Wintruff, vice-president Propulsion & Power Generation and head of the Rail, Mining and Oil & Gas Business at MTU. “Achieving a fuel saving of a good 15% in this repowered vehicle is an outstanding result. A saving of up to 25% is possible – compared to current EU Stage IIIBcompliant diesel drives. Considering that

fuel consumption accounts for around 90% of the total costs of a rail drive system, the potential savings as compared with conventional diesel drives are very apparent.” During standstill, the railcar is a full 21 decibels quieter because the auxiliary consumers can be supplied from the batteries and the diesel engine can be shut down. Visit: Industry Europe 15


New developments in the Rail industry

Bombardier wins contract to manufacture and Arriva strengthens maintain up to 156 trams for Vienna, Austria in the Netherlands


ail technology leader Bombardier Transportation and the Vienna transport authority, Wiener Linien, have signed a contract for the manufacture of 119 FLEXITY Vienna trams, which includes a 24-year FlexCare maintenance management system agreement. The contract is valued at approximately €431 million ($480 million US) and

includes an option for an additional 37 trams and further maintenance support. The vehicles will be manufactured at Bombardier’s Vienna site. Günter Steinbauer, CEO, Wiener Linien, said, “We wanted a vehicle that is modern, comfortable and environmentally friendly, that fits the existing infrastructure and offers good value for money.” Carsten Bopp, head of Light Rail Vehicles, Bombardier Transportation Austria, said, “We are delighted that Wiener Linien has opted for our FLEXITY trams and the FlexCare maintenance management system. Our employees at the Vienna site are particularly proud that Bombardier trams will operate in their hometown. We would like to thank Wiener Linien for their trust and for giving us the opportunity to play a part in shaping the cityscape of Vienna.” Visit:

Hitachi Rail Europe debuts conceptual high speed train interiors


itachi Rail Europe has released images of the conceptual train interior for its very high speed train at the UK’s flagship rail trade show. These images have been produced with the help of extensive user research and passenger studies, and build upon Hitachi’s expertise in delivering rolling stock for HS1 and the iconic Shinkansen trains in Japan. The high speed offering has been designed with the growing needs of passengers now and in the medium to long term, forming part of Hitachi Rail Europe’s headline vision for the future of high speed rail travel in the UK. Visitors to the HRE stand (J11) at Railtex 2015 were able to physically explore the con-

Voith refurbishment of 22000 class vehicle front ends


oith has provided new aluminum fairing for the front ends of 62 trains of the 22000 class for Irish Rail. This is not just a facelift for these diesel railcars, but rather a redesign with many operational advantages and a substantial enhancement in the visual appearance of the cars. 16 Industry Europe

cept of the new very high speed virtual concept through a 3D imaging showcase and a fully immersive virtual reality walk-through. Visit: www.hitachirail-eu

The Hyundai Rotem cars have been in use on the Emerald Isle as inter-city trains since 2007. With top speeds of up to 160 km/h, the lower vehicle range, which can be made up of three, four, five or six units, is constantly subjected to damage. Up until now, a glass fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP) element from the manufacturer protected the lower vehicle range, however this did not provide sufficient


eading European passenger transport group Arriva has been awarded a £1.4 billion bus and rail contract in the Netherlands. Arriva will begin the 15-year contract in the Dutch province of Limburg from 11 December 2016 and will operate a fleet of 226 new buses which will serve passengers in towns and cities including Maastricht, Heerlen and Roermond. A fleet of 36 new trains will also be operated by Arriva in the Limburg province with services including cross-border trains to Germany and Belgium. The contract award cements the firm’s position as one of the leading public transport operators in the Netherlands where they already operate 1200 buses, 101 trains and have 5000 employees. Arriva has a total of 55,000 employees across Europe. As part of the contract Arriva will be running a direct train service between Liege and Aachen via a hub in Eijsden and will launch a simplified ticketing system for both bus and rail. Visit:

B Logistics Group expands SWL network with Rotterdam and Köln Shuttles


he B Logistics Group is steadily expanding its own fast and direct European network for distributed transport and has added two short-distance destinations. The Xpedys Rotterdam Shuttle and the Xpedys Köln Shuttle are scheduled rail connections, with a transit time known in advance, between Belgium and the economic centres round Rotterdam and Cologne. Thanks to these rail links, customers in the Netherlands and Germany can also avail themselves of the Xpress services of B Logistics: the Swiss Xpress, the Austria Xpress and the Slovakia Xpress. Moreover they are connected to the national Belgian SWL network. Visit: robustness or ease of repair. Irish Rail therefore searched for potential improvements. Voith developed this easy to repair and robust multi-part aluminum fairing for Irish Rail. This aluminum fairing is 2.5mm thick. It is pressed like an automobile fender and is attached to the car using a steel auxiliary frame in compliance with the car tolerances. Visit:



Roxtec in the Hallandsås Tunnel T

he Hallandsås Ridge Tunnel project in Sweden has been delayed due to the construction problems in the late 1990s. But in December 2015, the trains will finally use the improved link between Gothenburg and Copenhagen, Denmark. Roxtec is one of the suppliers of safety products to the project. In 2011, the Swedish Transport Administration and Skanska-Vinci specified the use of Roxtec fire-proof, watertight and blast load resistant cable seals instead of sealing compounds above and below the fire rated doors to the 19 interconnect-

Ghost station uncovered by London’s Thameslink team

ing tunnels. These tunnels, which connect the two parallel 8.7km-long single rail tunnels, serve both for emergency and technical purposes. The underground substations, high voltage transformers and alarm and telecom equipment require power and signal cables as well as optical fibre. Roxtec also supported with cable configuration drawings. The drawings are produced directly in the web-based tool Roxtec Transit Designer, either by Roxtec designers or by engineers handling cables or pipes in a project. Visit:

T Thales wins 1st Taiwanese ligt rail transit contract


hales has been awarded a €17 million contract for the design and manufacture of signaling, communications and Operational Control Centre (OCC) systems for the Danhai Light Rail Transit project, Taiwan’s second Tramway line and one of the first Tramway projects in Asia Pacific. Taiwan’s local industry giant China Steel Corp. along with its subsidiaries United Steel Engineering & Construction Corp. and Taiwan Rolling Stock Co., will construct Danhai’s Light Rail Phase 1 Corridors, including the Green Mountain Line (11 stations), a section of Blue Ocean Line (3 stations) and a depot. This project, expected to be completed in 2018, will run a total of approximately 10km. Thales, a leader in cutting-edge urban transportation technology, has already delivered numerous metro projects in Malaysia, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Japan and China. This first LRT project in Taiwan therefore represents a key milestone for Thales extending its footprint in Asia. Visit:

First broad gauge Vectron arrives in Finland


he first Siemens Vectron locomotive built for a broad gauge rail system has been presented in the Finnish capital Helsinki. The Vectron has been brought to Finland for testing. It’s a so-called advance locomotive for testing purposes. The locomotive will operate in Finland in the spring and summer.

A modified version of the locomotive type, which is in use in Europe, is to be built for northern conditions and delivered from 2016. The advance locomotive with the series number 193 971 is equipped with instrumented wheelsets to deliver operating data to technicians. The locomotive’s train control system will also be tested. All recorded test data will flow directly into the develop-

he ghostly remains of a long-lost south London railway station – closed 100 years ago – have been uncovered by engineers constructing the Bermondsey Dive Under, as part of the Thameslink Programme. Southwark Park station, perched on a viaduct above Rotherhithe New Road, only served passengers from 1902 to 1915 before it closed for good. Now engineers working on a massive project to rebuild the railway in Bermondsey have rediscovered the former ticket hall and platforms. Project manager Greg Thornett said: “The Bermondsey Dive Under is a key part of the Thameslink Programme, creating the railway necessary to provide a frequent and reliable service through London Bridge and make a huge difference to passengers’ journeys, cutting journey times and making the services more reliable.” Visit:

ment of the serial locomotives ordered by the Finnish Railways VR Group. Under the plan, the VR Group’s test runs of the electric locomotive in Finland will begin in early 2016. The first ten locomotives are to start operating in commercial transport in 2017. The aim is for all 80 locomotives to be delivered by 2026. Vist: www. Industry Europe 17

Rob Williams reports on another ‘grand projet’ for France’s rail system.




rance is continuing to push ahead with the extension of its high-speed rail network. The biggest of the three projects currently under way is the new line between Tours, where the TGV heading south from Paris ends, and trains return to the ‘classic’ line, and Bordeaux, on the Atlantic coast. The Tours-Bordeaux High-Speed Rail Project was proposed as part of an integrated plan for developing national and European high-speed railway networks. It is an exten18 Industry Europe

sion to the LGV Atlantique, the high-speed line from Paris to western France that opened in 1989–1990. The current line runs westward to Le Mans towards Brittany, and the second branch runs south to Tours. The new South-Europe Atlantic (SEA) highspeed rail line between Tours and Bordeaux is Europe’s largest construction site. This is another grand projet of grand proportions. There are 302km of track to lay, and a further 38km of connections to existing lines.

Construction involves building 24 bridges over rivers and valleys, as well as underpasses (one almost two kilometres long), and gradeseparated junctions. Ultimately, it is expected that 18 million travellers (a 20 per cent increase from the current number) per year will take advantage of the new line, which will bring people and regions closer together. At the moment, the journey time from Paris to Bordeaux by train is a little more

than three hours; when this project is finished, it will take just over two. Alain Juppé, mayor of Bordeaux and previously prime minister of France, is an enthusiast (unsurprisingly, perhaps, for Bordeaux will pay next to nothing for it). He thinks the number of rail passengers coming to his city will rise from 9m to 20m a year and hopes to persuade a number of big companies to open national headquarters in Bordeaux. The project is also a response to the heavy traffic on the existing rail lines. Lines are most efficiently used when all trains travel at the same speed and have identical stops. The significant speed difference between TGV trains, which run on the existing tracks at speeds up to 220 km/h, and slower freight and regional trains, which share the same track, means that the gap between these trains is longer and there is congestion. Such potential benefits will be magnified when the next link in the high-speed network is put in place between Bordeaux and Toulouse, although work on that link will not begin before 2020, and another proposed extension – to Spain – has been postponed indefinitely.

Doing it differently For the first time France is using a publicprivate partnership – in which essentially a single company designs, finances, builds, runs and maintains it – to create a major railway line, though it is already common for autoroutes. Réseau Ferré de France (RFF) awarded the concession contract to LISEA, a special purpose company promoted by VINCI in June 2011. LISEA is owned by Vinci (33.4 per cent), CDC Infrastructure (25.4 per cent), SOJAS (22 per cent) and AXA Private Equity (19.2 per cent). Vinci is working to a tight schedule, and this means doing things differently. Normally on a project of this type work is carried out sequentially. Studies are completed, then land is acquired, suppliers commissioned and so on. This time, relying on information technology, Vinci is doing several things at

once. Not all land has been finally transferred, and one of the 222 wildlife species specified as requiring protection could yet turn up in unexpected places. Earthmoving has been on a heroic scale: four times more earth has been excavated than in the construction of the Channel Tunnel. The works are concentrated next to the A10 autoroute, which has been re-routed in places. Flotillas of heavy equipment alternate along the route with thousands of tonnes of pre-positioned ballast. As the infrastructure works draw to a close, the South Europe Atlantic high-speed line has entered the railway works phase, with the first 432-metre continuously welded rails (CWRs) laid along the track bed of the line near the railway works staging base at Villognon, in the Charente département. An interesting feature of the project is the innovation involved in its construction, from the CWR ‘pusher’ wagon to the remotely controlled ballast cars, or ‘laying machines’ that continuously place the sleepers. These techniques enhance the safety of these operations and accelerate the construction works. The new method for laying the continuous welded rails is unique in Europe. A pushing wagon with two telescopic arms, each with 16t of tractive force, is used to unload the 400m-long rails. In synchronisation a spider digger positions the rails on guides placed on the sleepers. In total 412km of rails have been laid this way. With this new technique, it is no longer

necessary to install a temporary track, bringing cost and time savings. And because the new rail line is laid directly in 400m-plus sections, it took only three days to lay the 42 rails stored on the train – measuring 8.4km of track. This process also presents substantial safety advantages by automating many manual handling operations. It’s all down to innovation. Innovation and determination. And both stem from the private finance model that is being used to build the project, according to Laurent Cavrois, president of project concessionaire Lisea. “We have to finance and build this railway and then operate and maintain it for 44 years,” he explained. “We have a 50-year concession, six years of which will be construction.” And as Lisea doesn’t start recouping any of its investment until it starts charging passenger and freight operators a track access charge, speed of construction is vital. The €7.8 billion project is on time and on budget, according to COSEA. It has every reason to move quickly. The sooner the trains start running, the sooner Vinci stops spending money and starts making it. The date is set for August 2017. There has also been a determination to overcome obstacles without delay, “At the end of 2016, we will be commissioning this railway with real trains and with real drivers,” says Gilles Godard, chief executive of delivery consortium Cosea. The line will enter service in 2017 – just five years after civil n work began. That’s rapid progress.

Industry Europe 19


New contracts and orders in industry

Geldof builds petroleum Alcatel-Lucent provides fibre-optic technology for China railway authorities lcatel-Lucent has been selected by the Beijing the implementation of 10G-speed technology, storage tanks in Poland



elgian company Geldof (Engicon nv) has started the construction of two gigantic petroleum storage tanks in the Polish city of Gdańsk. The final client PERN ‘Przyjaźń’ Group is investing €200m to build Poland’s very first port terminal. The port project will safeguard the supplies of crude oil, liquid fuels and chemicals in the region. Geldof is providing a significant portion of the terminal’s total storage volume with the construction of two new double-walled tanks, each with a capacity of 62,500m³. The storage capacity of the first phase which is currently being executed is 375.000m³. In total the terminal will be able to store 700,000m³. PERN ‘Przyjaźń’ Group will bring the Geldof storage tanks into use at the end of this year. “This terminal is strategically very important for Poland,” explains Krzysztof Marek Diduch, managing director of Engicon Poland, the Polish branch of Geldof. “Poland is currently reliant on crude oil supplies from Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union. The country has limited possibilities for producing its own crude oil, but this terminal means Poland can now import crude oil from all over the world. The storage tanks will safeguard the energy supplies for the entire region.” Visit:

ABB to provide traction equipment for Stadler Rail trains


BB has received orders worth $85 million from Swiss train manufacturer Stadler Rail to supply traction equipment for projects to expand public rail networks in Switzerland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. The traction equipment will be installed in a total of 90 electric trains, including 20 Industry Europe

and Nanning Railway Bureaus in China to upgrade the ‘backbone’ communications networks of rail lines in China. The authorities will deploy Alcatel-Lucent optical transport technology to enhance communications links and support mission critical rail operations, including operational communications, signalling and video surveillance, to ensure safe and on-time passenger journeys China Railways will deploy the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS), the latest generation DWDM optical solution, on the Beijing Railway Bureau’s third ring, which connects Beijing to towns and cities via a rail network spanning 623km. This will dramatically increase the performance of the communication network with

and lay the foundation for future 100G services. For the Nanning Railway Bureau, AlcatelLucent will upgrade the 200km line between the cities of Guilin and Liuzhou to cost-effectively upgrade the embedded SDH solution with advanced multiservice switching. This allows the network to flexibly support high-bandwidth services and prepare for future interoperation with mobile ultra-broadband networks. Luis Martinez-Amago, CEO of Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell said: “Alcatel-Lucent is committed to delivering technologies that offer greater network capacity and performance and drive the evolution and convergence of rail communications systems.” Visit:

NCC to build housing at Islands Brygge in Copenhagen


CC has been commissioned to build housing at Islands Brygge in Copenhagen on behalf of the Danish pension fund, Pension Danmark. The order is worth SEK 360 million. NCC is to build the housing units on the first of a total of five construction sites, which will jointly constitute a new residential block at Islands Brygge Syd, in Copenhagen. The first residential building will mark the start of construction on the last undeveloped site at Islands Brygge. NCC is the turnkey contractor for the assignment. Construction start has been set for 1 June 2015. The order will be registered during the second quarter of 2015 in the NCC Construction Denmark business area. Visit: double-decker ‘KISS’ (for comfortable innovative speedy suburban in German) and regional ‘FLIRT’ (Fast Light Innovative Regional Train) trains for both suburban and intercity routes. The new order includes powerful and energy efficient traction converters with integrated power supplies, traction transformers, and battery chargers for 19 new double-

decker trains for SBB’s S-Bahn in Zurich. Luxembourg’s CFL is expanding their existing Stadler double-decker KISS fleet for 15 kV alternating current (kVAC) and 25 kVAC line voltage for cross-border service between Luxembourg and Germany with additional 11 double-decker trains with ABB traction converters and traction transformers. Visit:

WINNINGBUSINESS AkzoNobel to build performance coatings facility in Thailand


kzoNobel has announced plans to invest more than €30 million in a manufacturing facility in Thailand to support regional growth of its Performance Coatings business. The project, which is being supported by the Thailand Board of Investment, involves constructing a 120,000m2 site within the Hemaraj Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate in Chonburi.

Earmarked for an initial capacity of 45,000 tonnes per year, production is due to start in the third quarter of 2016. The new plant will support several Performance Coatings businesses, including Metal Coatings, Protective Coatings, Speciality Coatings and Marine Coatings, as well certain products from the company’s Decorative Paints business. “By investing in this new facility we are supporting our continued growth within Thailand, as well as making progress with our regional business expansion strategy,” explained AB Ghosh, managing director of AkzoNobel’s Metal Coatings business. “A number of existing operations will be consolidated into the new site, allowing us to achieve world class operational standards.” Visit:

MODUS orders Seaeye Sabertooth hybrid AUV/ROV from SAAB


Company Modus Seabed Intervention Ltd and Saab Dynamics AB of Sweden have entered into a Collaboration Agreement to further develop the operational use and applications of the Saab Sabertooth hovering Hybrid AUV/ROV for the Oil and Gas and Offshore Renewables markets. Under the agreement, Modus and Saab will work in collaboration to develop this game changing innovation and its applications in life of field subsea survey and inspection. Following a two-year evaluation and development programme, Modus have ordered the first in

a planned fleet of Sabertooth vehicles from Saab which will be launched in Q1 2016. The system will be equipped with additional batteries for extended autonomous endurance and with increased thrust for high speed survey, making it ideal for both high current and deepwater applications. The vehicle has been configured to allow additional sensors, such as standard MBES, cathodic protection (CP) probes and laser scanning systems to be quickly integrated against project specific applications. Visit:

CybAero successfully performs factory acceptance tests

CybAero completed the tests and trials for the first system which will be supplied to China Customs for operational use from the new ships. The tests were performed with the Chinese shipyard that builds the ships for the end user. The main component of the system is CybAero’s APID 60 autonomous helicopter with the extended capability to automati-


ybAero, which develops and manufactures remotely piloted helicopter systems, received an order in January 2014 for three systems to China Customs. The systems will be based on three new ships and used for applications such as customs control, port management and anti-smuggling operations.

Spheros wins Bahrain contract


pheros’s Spanish subsidiary has received an order worth about €1 million from CaetanoBus/Portugal to install air conditioning in 127 buses destined for the Emirate of Bahrain. High demands are placed on a bus air conditioning system in hot countries such as Bahrain: at outside temperatures of up to 50°C a maximum cooling capacity must be reached within the shortest possible time to achieve an inside temperature of approx. 24°C. A failure of the air conditioning system would be equivalent to a breakdown of the bus itself – reason enough for the manufacturer Caetano to select Spheros as a proven partner and install the modular REVO rooftop system as a reliable air conditioning solution in the Bahrain buses. A total of 88 buses of 10.5 metres in length on MAN A66 chassis are being equipped with the REVO 400 and 39 buses of 12.7 metres in length on MAN RC2 chassis with the tropical version REVO 450 with a maximum cooling capacity of 45 kW. Thanks to the optimum composition of advanced components the A/C system achieves the highest level of performance and longevity at significantly reduced life-cycle costs. Visit:

cally operate from ships. This also includes ground control stations, landing systems supporting the capability of the helicopters to automatically take off and land on ships. This unique capability makes the system state of the art. China Customs will be the first client in the world to adopt this unique functionality. Visit: Industry Europe 21


Combining strengths

Addtech acquires CERATIZIT Group acquires Klenk Mediplast AB C


ife Science, a business area in the Addtech Group, has signed an agreement to acquire all shares in Mediplast AB. Mediplast AB is the parent company of the Mediplast Group and is a leading Nordic supplier of medical technology equipment and consumables. The company has its head offices in Malmö and its own trading companies in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and the Netherlands. Mediplast also has its own production facilities in Denmark, Finland and Italy. The company markets both its own products as well as those of leading suppliers in the areas of surgery, intensive care, thorax/neuro, ENT and ostomy care. The acquisition of Mediplast marks an important entry into the field of medical technology for the Life Science business area, and it will form the basis of the newly established Medical Technology business unit. “The motive for a separate listing is that Life Science has achieved a size and level of profitability that makes the business attractive as an independent, listed company. As a listed company, Life Science will be able to continue to grow via new operations and acquisitions,” says Johan Sjö, Addtech’s president and CEO. Visit:

ASSA ABLOY acquires L-Door in Belgium


SSA ABLOY has signed an agreement to acquire the Belgian company L-Door, one of the market leaders in sectional doors. “I am very pleased that L-Door is joining the ASSA ABLOY Group. I welcome this addition that further reinforces the ASSA ABLOY Group’s leadership in entrance 22 Industry Europe

ERATIZIT SA has acquired the German manufacturer of solid carbide cutting tools Klenk GmbH & Co. KG. The group is thereby augmenting its product portfolio with customised solutions for solid carbide round tools. The purchase is part of the worldwide acquisition strategy and reinforces the positioning of the CERATIZIT Group as a premium provider of all kinds of cutting tools. The acquisition of Klenk further advances CERATIZIT’s growth in the aerospace, automotive and medical technology industries. With the addition of Klenk, the CERATIZIT Group further strengthens its position in the solid carbide tools market: “It is our aim to be perceived as a global premium player for all cutting tools,” explains Thierry Wolter, member of the executive board of the CERATIZIT Group. “With this acquisition we are expanding the product portfolio.” At the same time Klenk

will profit from the global sales network of the CERATIZIT Group and its strong presence on the world market. The acquisition provides a spurt in the growth of the CERATIZIT Group in important target sectors as KLENK mainly produces solutions for the aerospace, automotive and the medical technology industries. Visit:

Chemetall purchases aluminium finishing business of Chemal


hemetall, a global business unit of Albemarle, has acquired the business of Chemal GmbH & Co. KG, based in Hamm, Germany. This transaction will enhance the integrated portfolio for the Aluminum Finishing industry. Founded in 1975, Chemal GmbH & Co. KG specialises in research and development of surface finishing chemicals for aluminum and its alloys with emphasis on anodizing and pretreatment technologies. With an extensive history of success, Chemal has become a reference point for the surface finishing of aluminum. “Consisting of advanced pretreatment and anodising technologies, Chemetall is one of the few players globally positioned with a comprehensive product range for the Aluminium Finishing industry,” says Joris Merckx, president Chemetall. “This transaction will expand our expertise in this market and, combined with strong technical services offered by our wholly-owned subsidiaries around the world, will enable us to further expand our presence in a key market.” Chemetall has achieved a growing reputation in the aluminium finishing industry. With chromefree pretreatment technologies, such as the zirconium-titanium Gardobond® X and the silane-based, multi-metal Oxsilan® technology, the company has taken a leading role in launching innovative and high quality processes to the market. Visit: automation, growing from SEK 3 billion in 2008 to more than SEK 15 billion proforma in 2014,” says Johan Molin, president and CEO of ASSA ABLOY. “L-Door is another important step to increase our strong market position in the sectional door industry. Besides a strong brand and innovative products L-door has a strong service organization offering an

excellent market coverage in Belgium. I welcome the entire L-door team,” says Juan Vargues, executive vice-president of ASSA ABLOY and head of Division Entrance Systems. L-Door was established in 1997 and has some 120 employees. The head office and factory is located in Liedekerke, Belgium. Visit:

LINKINGUP Coats Group acquires GSD Corporate Ltd


oats Group plc, the world’s leading industrial thread and consumer textile crafts business, and GSD are pleased to announce that, following the strategic alliance announced in May 2014, Coats has acquired 100% of GSD Corporate Ltd, which becomes a Coats Group company. GSD, a UK based company, supplies expert management solutions that analyse time, cost and production capability in the sewn products sector with the focus on maximising productivity and controlling costs. GSD will become part of Coats Global Services, which was launched in 2013 in response to customer demands to

help them realise productivity and supply chain improvements, develop technical skills and enhance corporate responsibility. Paul Forman, chief executive, Coats Group plc, said: “We are delighted that GSD will be joining Coats Group. GSD is a world leader in its field, with a comprehensive offering that meets both cost efficiency and social compliance needs at a time when we are seeing growth in demand in these areas. Coats is also a recognised industry leader, with longstanding expertise and deep industry relationships.” Visit:

DCC Energy to take over Shell Butagaz LPG business


hell has received a binding offer of €464 million ($529 million) from DCC Energy for its Butagaz Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) business in France. In reply to this offer, DCC Energy has been granted exclusivity while Shell consults with the staff councils of both Butagaz and Shell France. The transaction is expected to complete in 2015. All other Shell Businesses in France – Aviation, Commercial Fleet, Lubricants, Retail and Specialties – will continue to operate as before. The transaction is consistent with Shell’s strategy to concentrate its Downstream footprint on a smaller number of assets and markets where it can be most competitive, and is part of an on-going exit from the LPG business globally. Visit:

Magellan Aerospace acquires Euravia Engineering & Supply


agellan Aerospace Corporation has announced that it has acquired Euravia Engineering & Supply Co. Limited. Magellan’s president and CEO Phillip Underwood commented, “The acquisition of Euravia complements Magellan’s existing repair and overhaul capability in North

TenCate agrees to sell Xennia Technology Ltd


enCate has signed the agreements with Sensient Technologies Corporation (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA) to acquire the assets of Xennia Technology Ltd (Letchworth, UK). Xennia Technology is predominantly an ink supplier for industrial digital inkjet processes for various industries. In recent years Xennia Technology successfully developed inks for various niche applications, mainly for the ceramic industry and the (technical) textile industry. As an enabling partner, Xennia Technology has been part of the technological innovation of TenCate in connection with digital printing and finishing. The current stage of this development has enabled TenCate to review its ownership position. As from 2014 TenCate successfully launched its first commercial products on the basis of digital inkjet technology in the market segment of outdoor fabrics. Sensient Technologies Corporation is a leading global manufacturer and marketer of colours, flavours and fragrances. The activities of Xennia Technology will become part of the Sensient Colors Group. Visit:

America. Euravia has an excellent reputation for providing high quality MRO capabilities, supporting a global customer base, and delivering exceptional customer service.” Dennis G. Mendoros, OBE, Euravia’s chief executive stated, “The acquisition by Magellan leads Euravia to the next development level, opening potential new business opportunities in North America and enabling

us to offer enhanced customer support and dedicated aftersales service. In addition, Magellan’s global reach augments Euravia’s existing partnerships in the Middle East, Asia-Pacific and across Europe.” Magellan Aerospace Corporation is one of the world’s most integrated aerospace industry suppliers. Visit: Industry Europe 23



Relocations and expansions across Europe

E.ON to build Rampion offshore wind farm Million pound investment for Newark Steel



.ON has confirmed the investment decision for the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm in the UK. The total investment is approximately €1.9 billion. The UK Green Investment Bank plc (GIB) has acquired a €327 million stake in the project. The project is located in the English Channel, 13 kilometres from the Sussex coast due south of Brighton. The development will have the capacity to generate 400 megawatts of electricity and is expected to generate 1300 gigawatt hours of renewable energy annually, enough to supply the equivalent of up to 300,000 homes and reduce CO2 emissions by up to 600,000 tonnes a year. The project is comprised of 116 3.45 megawatt wind turbines, associated foundations, an offshore substation and cabling. The water depth ranges from 19 to 40 meters. Mike Winkel, E.ON board member, said: “Technically, the project is an optimised evolution of our four most recent offshore wind projects. We rely on proven technology and installation processes. With these preconditions E.ON will demonstrate its top-class competencies that we have developed in managing the construction and operation of offshore wind farms.” Visit:

Volvo Cars Torslanda plant starts up a third production shift


he third shift in Volvo Cars’ Torslanda plant has started, creating nearly 1500 new jobs in the company’s Western Swedish home region. The introduction of the additional night shift comes as Volvo has now started production of the all new XC90 seven-seater SUV, for which the company has already received close to 30,000 pre-orders. Following this latest expansion, Volvo Cars has approximately 17,300 employees in Sweden, of which 13,500 are in Gothenburg where 4800 people work in the Torslanda plant. “I am very pleased by the extraordinary positive reception of our new XC90 model and that we can welcome 1,500 new employees to the Torslanda plant to produce this new car’, says president and CEO Håkan Samuelsson. “This is just the start – we will launch a whole range of new cars in the coming four years, many of which will be produced here in Torslanda.” Visit:

WACKER Expands Technical Centre in Moscow


unich-based chemicals group WACKER has expanded its technical centre in Moscow, Russia. The facility will serve as a test lab for silicone elastomers and readyto-use silicone compounds and will cater to the energy, electrical and automotive industries. This investment aims at further

24 Industry Europe

investment worth £1m has been announced at Barrett Steel’s Newark plant, which will result in a 50%-plus production increase in painted product. Part of the General Steels Division, Newark Steel plans to boost production from 200 tonnes to 500-plus tonnes each month of CE accredited shotblasted and painted product. Adrian Spencer, managing director of Barrett Steel’s Eastern Region, explains how the investment will dramatically improve efficiency in the shot blasting and painting areas: “We have installed two new Kone 28.5 span, 5-tonne, twin hoist cranes, a pre-heater, a paint booth and drying tunnel. The equipment will help us to overcome the problem of blasting what was quite often a ‘wet’ product. Now steel products will originate from our outside gantries, hence the need for the new twin hoist, purpose-built outside cranes. The products will run through a pre-heater using recently installed natural gas, reaching a temperature of 30/35, and enter the shotblaster completely dry. From the blaster they will proceed immediately to the automated paint booth.” Visit:

Bauer opens flagship production facilities to halve lead times


uesday 5 May marked the official opening of the new Bauer production facility at the company headquarters in Esslingen. The facility will act as the flagship for Bauer’s new production concept, which increases the flexibility of the company’s ability to deliver engineered solutions for all applications on extremely short lead times. Karl-Peter Simon, Bauer Gear Motor managing director, explains: “This new facility represents the next step in Bauer’s production concept, which will eventually expand to our key regions around the world. We have adapted our production facilities to operate as one piece flow, moving assembly lines. This prepares us for fast delivery of both small and large customer orders. “We have been able to create a connected factory concept whereby our production facilities in Germany are supported with just-in-time deliveries from our production factory in Slovakia. With this concept we are prepared for implementing Industry 4.0. This means that the two sites are operating on the same production schedule. This will allow us to reduce our current standard production time for configurable gear motors from 10 days to 5 days.” Visit:

enhancing services to key customers in Russia and eastern Europe and spurring WACKER’s silicone business in the region. The lab is located south of downtown Moscow, right next to the technical centre, which has supported customers since 2003. The new lab is entirely geared to silicones customers. It will formulate and test high- and room-temperature curing

silicone rubber and ready-to-use silicone compounds. WACKER also expects midand long-term business growth from the Russian automotive industry. Silicone rubber is increasingly used in cars because of its unique set of properties and because it meets the industry’s ever more complex requirements better than other plastics. Visit:


INDUSTRYPEOPLE Bentley announces new design director Jan Moström appointed CEO of LKAB


entley Motors has announced Stefan Sielaff as its new director of Design. He succeeds Luc Donckerwolke who has been with Bentley since 2012. Mr Sielaff joins Bentley from his current dual role as head of Volkswagen Group Interior Design and design director at Volkswagen Design Center Potsdam. In his role at Bentley, he will report to Rolf Frech, Bentley’s member of the board for Engineering. He will also retain his position as head of Volkswagen Group Interior Design, reporting to director of Volkswagen Group Design, Dr Walter de Silva. Mr Sielaff has a career spanning more than 25 years in the Volkswagen group, most prominently with Audi where he started as an intern and progressed to spending five years as design director for the business from 2006. Visit:


Remi Eriksen appointed new group CEO at DNV GL T

Magnus Johansson new CEO of Mekonomen

he board of directors of DNV GL Group has appointed Remi Eriksen as the new Group president & CEO. He is succeeding Henrik O. Madsen, who is retiring on 1 August. Leif-Arne Langøy, chairman of the board of DNV GL Group, says: “I am very pleased to announce that Remi Eriksen has accepted the position as DNV GL’s new Group president & CEO. Eriksen has a solid track record in leading positions within the company for two decades. He has gained extensive international experience in the oil & gas, maritime, and renewable energy industries, and has led our operations in Asia, Europe and the Americas. His success in these positions led him to his current role as DNV GL Group COO.” Visit:

Accutronics appoints new chairman


nternational battery manufacturer Accutronics has appointed Steve Lamb as its new chairman. Lamb brings with him an extensive amount of knowledge and expertise. UK-based Accutronics is a leading battery and charger design, development and manufacturing company with more than 40 years’ experience serving OEMs worldwide.

KAB’s board of directors has decided to appoint Jan Moström as the new president and CEO of LKAB. Jan Moström´s most recent role was director of Mining Operations for Boliden as well as having extensive experience from senior positions in the mining industry. In connection with Jan Moström’s new appointment, current president and CEO Lars-Eric Aaro will be leaving his position at LKAB. “LKAB is facing an intensely changing market which requires a somewhat different leadership competence, with increased focus on cost efficiency and productivity. LKAB’s board has decided to appoint a new CEO with experience in rationalisation and development of the mining industry. Jan Moström will contribute great knowledge especially in production,” says LKAB’s chairman Sten Jakobsson. Visit:


he board of directors of Mekonomen has appointed Magnus Johansson as new president and CEO. Magnus has extensive experience of developing operations in senior positions and is currently president of Mekonomen Nordic. Magnus has previously held several senior positions with such companies as Lantmännen and Coop. Since 2014, he has been a member of Mekonomen Group’s management team as president of Mekonomen Nordic, with responsibility for Mekonomen’s combined operations in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland. “For me, it is very inspiring and, at the same time, an exciting challenge to assume the role of president and CEO. There are major opportunities to further strengthen our position in the market by continuing to create innovative customer offerings and new concepts in the Mekonomen Group,” says Magnus Johansson. Visit:

Lamb began his career in manufacturing before moving into the IT sector with the advent of 3D CAD/CAM systems in the early 1980s. His previous senior roles and directorships have included positions at software development business ECS, GADC Networks and on the International Executive Committee of listed European firm GFI Informatique. Visit: Industry Europe 25


TECHNOLOGYSPOTLIGHT Professor Ulrich Rüdiger, rector of the University of Konstanz

Advances in technology across industry

Cellulose – a supermaterial of the future


innish researchers are working together to develop new biomaterial applications within the ‘Design Driven Value Chains in the World of Cellulose’ (DWoC) 2.0 project coordinated by VTT (the Technical Research Centre of Finland). The DWoC project is seeking new design-driven applications for cellulose and is developing related technology as well as exploring new ways to create value in cellulose-based ecosystems. These new materials and innovations can replace fossil-based raw materials in textile products, interior decoration elements and car interior materials. “The Government Programme emphasises the importance of the bioeconomy for Finland’s future and economic renewal. Renewal necessitates giant research-driven leaps, strong risk taking and national investment in research and innovation funding. Wood the – the ‘green gold’ of Finland – is a renewable raw material and wood cellulose can be converted to a golden opportunity when we find new high added value applications alongside the traditional paper and pulp industry,” says Project Coordinator Johanna Buchert, vice-president, Research, VTT. In the second phase of the project textile applications such as 3D printing of cellulose are being developed and the application of cellulose-based materials in the built environment is being studied. Visit:

Boost for Visual Computing


he German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the creation of a new transregional collaborative research centre (SFB/Transregio) for the University of Konstanz, University of Stuttgart, and the Max-Planck-Institute for biological cybernetics in Tübingen. The new SFB/Transregio 161 ‘Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing’ is concerned with the computer-assisted processing and representation of image information. The goal is to make the quality and applicability of data and images determinable and measurable. The DFG will support the research for the next four years with approximately eight million euros. “The representation and analysis of visual information is a central research focus of the department of computer and information science,” explains Professor Ulrich Rüdiger, rector of the University of Konstanz. “Through the acquisition of the transregional collaborative research centre ‘Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing’, we can develop this key research area further.” SFB/Transregio 161 focuses on the computer-assisted processing and representation of image information. Examples include: the visualisation of collected data or simulations, virtual maps and tours or computer generated film scenes. Visit: 26 Industry Europe

Solvay opens biotechnology laboratory in Brazil


olvay today opened in Brazil its first fully dedicated Industrial Biotechnology Laboratory (IBL) to boost the development of innovations and solutions based on sustainable chemistry, used in a growing range of end-markets. The fully integrated laboratory in Paulinia will chiefly focus on researching new processes and molecules derived from biomass, which is mostly plant or vegetable based and abundantly available in Brazil with its favourable climate and vast surface. “With this laboratory Solvay can further nourish its innovation portfolio, using renewable resources, with tailored solutions to meet sustainability demands from customers in multiple end-markets,” said Louis Neltner, Solvay’s Research & Innovation Group general manager. “Thanks to Brazil’s wide variety of biomass, competitive agricultural businesses and biotech expertise the country has all the required conditions to develop and grow products and solutions based on renewable resources.” Visit:


NOTICEBOARD Non-toxic thermal fluid makes solar energy more efficient

New premium-class scan system from SCANLAB



eat transfer fluid specialist Global Heat Transfer has launched its first non-toxic heat transfer fluid for solar applications, Globaltherm Omnipure. The new, high performance, heat transfer fluid also boasts low flammability, making solar applications safer, while also reducing insurance and maintenance costs. Globaltherm Omnipure is a non-fouling, non toxic and odourless heat transfer fluid designed specifically for concentrated solar plants, PET and plastics production and chemical applications. Concentrated solar power systems generate solar power by using mirrors or lenses to concentrate a large area of sunlight, or solar thermal energy, onto a small area. The heat transfer fluid is use to either drive a conventional steam turbine or heat a storage medium. Globaltherm Omnipure has exemplary thermal oxidation stability, which allows it to operate at temperatures of up to 326 degrees Celsius for extended periods. Its stable chemical composition makes the fluid non-hazardous, increasing the safety features of heat transfer applications for the solar energy market. This in turn can significantly reduce a company’s insurance expenses and increases staff safety levels and environmental issues. Visit:


the leading OEM supplier of laser deflection and positioning systems, SCANLAB has introduced a new high-end scan system. excelliSCAN utilises servo innovations to deliver significant productivity gains in numerous industrial applications – e.g. micro-processing. Specially developed to meet rigorous demands for dynamics, precision and long-term stability in 24/7 operation, SCANLAB’s excelliSCAN scan system newly defines the core elements of scan technology.
It utilises galvo scanners with ultraprecise digital angle sensors and a completely new SCANahead servo control: this control solution enables highly dynamic laser processing unencumbered by the existing limitations of conventional servos with tracking error. The new servo design achieves a previously unattainable union of very high speed with very high dynamic performance, thus delivering clear productivity gains to users. Moreover, high-speed contour marking accuracy is significantly improved.


HARMAN delivers special JBL sound for smart show-cars


New range of ball bearing pressure rollers for roof layers

the automotive audio industry, few things are more challenging than to get an audio system in a small car to sound great. That is why HARMAN International Industries Incorporated and JBL have created the JBL audio systems for the current smart fortwo and forfour. The system in the fortwo features eight speakers with 240 W, the system in the forfour features twelve speakers with 320 W. Both systems set new standards for compact-car audio and are tailor-made for the narrow dimensions of the smart models. Furthermore, in cooperation with German tuning company X-Dream Car Audio, two smart fortwo cars’ interiors were completely stripped to create the ultimate fun sound experience in a small car. The whole interior was rebuilt from scratch, with a completely isolated cabin, 100m cables, a customisable RGB ambient lighting for the interior as well as the underbody, and controls for lighting and audio processing. But the heart of the two smart cars is definitely the audio system: fitted into custom-made plates, a topof-the-line JBL sound system was integrated, creating a maximum sound pressure level of 150 dB. Visit:

ievert is launching a new range of pressure rollers for professional roof layers. The new ball bearing pressure rollers are fitted with ergonomical wooden handles. The rollers come in several different models for work with both hot and cold seaming of varying layered seams. The new pressure rollers are used to seam membrane roofing using hand welding, for example with Sievert’s hot air tools. Although these can also be used for membrane that is cold seamed with different types of glue. “Correctly welded membrane is essential to the overall weather proofing of the roof,” said Mikael Brelin, president and CEO at Sievert AB. “The right sort of pressure roller is essential to attaining optimum results with hand welding.” Visit:

Solvay fuels development of Polimotor 2 all-plastic car engine


olvay is taking a leadership role in the development of the Polimotor 2 all-plastic automotive engine to be tested in a race car next year, demonstrating the company’s unique and industry-leading advanced speciality polymer technologies in lightweighting through metal replacement. Polimotor 2 aims to develop an engine weighing 138–148 lbs (63–67kg), or about 90 lbs (41kg) less than today’s standard production engine. “Through this partnership we will further challenge our boundaries, showing that our high-performance polymers are solutions in reducing weight and lowering fuel consumption, and that they are a key contributor in diminishing CO2 emissions,” said Augusto Di Donfrancesco, president of Solvay’s Speciality Polymers Global Business Unit. In Polimotor 2, Solvay will replace up to ten metal engine components with parts made from seven of its high-performing thermoplastic materials. The Polimotor 2 four-cylinder, double-overhead CAM engine will ultimately be installed in a Norma M-20 concept car in 2016 for competitive racing at Lime Rock Park, Conn. Visit: Industry Europe 27



Germany Allan Hall reports from Berlin on a small energy revolution.


walk on the wild side in the hamlet of Feldheim doesn’t feel particularly exhilarating. There are bucolic fields as far as the eye can see, just 37 homes, no pubs, some 43 giant wind turbines obscuring the landscape and often a rather exotic whiff of pig manure that one local proudly calls “the scent of history.” By that he means the smell of success that wind power – along with pig waste – has brought to this village some 40 miles south-west of Berlin: a village which has broken with a past which climate experts say has no future. Feldheim was described by one critic as being “more boring than a caravan park in winter,” but it is the centre of the universe for those seeking green energy solutions for a world running out of resources. Nothing less than a power revolution has happened here and its success draws in would-be imitators, politicians and engineers from around the globe who want to recreate what Feldheim has achieved in their own backyards. Energiequelle Gmbh is the local power company which has made Feldheim the poster community for renewable power. and now gets all of its electricity and heating through local renewable sources, primarily wind and biogas. What started with a few windmills on the horizon in 1995 has morphed into the vision that Germany wants to become in the post-Fukushima age. It was after the tsunami which wrecked Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant, and much else besides, that Chancellor Angela Merkel announced a phase-out for Germany’s nuclear power plants and set the goal of requiring 35 per cent of Germany’s energy to come from renewables by 2020 – up from 20 per cent at the time. During the long years of division between east and west, Feldheim was a communist collective farm. In 1995, a local entrepreneur paid for Feldheim’s first wind turbine and 28 Industry Europe

the canny local farmers, now immersed in a capitalist system, realised that they could make more money from renting land for wind power towers than growing beets and potatoes. Energiequelle, a local renewable firm, saw the potential and installed the 43 turbines with capacity of 74.1 MW. Renewable fervour began to spread among the locals. In 2008, Energiequelle bought a 111-acre former Soviet military site five miles from the village to construct a 284-panel solar farm which now produces more than 2700 MWh per year. That same year, the town of Feldheim and Energiequelle established a joint venture, Feldheim Energie GmbH & Co. The

Feldheim is the only town in Germany that has started its own energy grid. new company built a biogas factory converting pig manure and unused corn into heat, thus saving on 40,000 gallons of heating oil which used to keep locals warm in winter. By 2009 Feldheim was producing all its own energy. After this, thought locals, it was time to take on the big boys. The local utility company E.ON refused to sell the part of the energy grid which ran through Feldheim – so the villagers built their own, each household stumping up 3000 euros. They also qualified for €850,000 grants from the EU in Brussels and the government in Berlin. On average the Feldheim burghers pay 31 per cent less for electricity and 10 per cent less for heating than they used to. Because it is such a small place it consumes less than 1 per cent of the electricity it produces each year – power which is sold back to the national grid. And the biomass plant produces high-grade fertiliser from pig and cow waste that is sold back at a handsome profit to local farmers for their fields.

Uncertain government support It seems there is no end to the good news about Feldheim: slap-bang in the middle of that part of Germany burdened by an average jobless rate of 30 per cent, Feldheim “virtually erased its unemployment overnight,” according to Energiequielle spokesman Werner Frohwitter. “Most people work in the biogas plant or are employed doing maintenance jobs on wind and solar farms.” The latest addition to the green revolution in Feldheim has been the installation of an electric car power charging station and a 10 MW lithium-ion battery from South Korea is being installed. Although it will give Feldheim enough power for 48 hours should anything go wrong, it will mostly be rented out to a regional power company as a buffer against grid fluctations. Yet for all its remarkable achievements, and its allure for environmentally conscious politicians and energy seekers, Feldheim has failed to inspire in any material way the German government. Germany embarked on phasing out its nuclear power stations following Fukushima but, as of 2012, the last year for which full figures are available, it still relies on 17.7 per cent of its energy needs on atomic power. And Germany took the decision in January this year to cut its subsidies for renewable energies, even though the plan remains for the country to glean 80 per cent of its energy needs from renewables by 2050. Sylvia Pilarsky-Grosch, president of Bundesverbandes WindEnergie, said the cuts would put a halt to an ‘energy revolution’. “The acceptance of renewable energy by the people is enormous, the demand for 100 per cent renewable power is growing,” she said. “To successfully continue on the path we need a courageous policy. With this the energy policies are going in the wrong direction. The energy revolution is liable to n be thwarted.”



France Ian Sparks reports from Paris on good news for the wine industry.


rench wine producers are celebrating this month after MPs voted to overturn a law which made the media afraid to even ‘mention’ the nation’s most famous export for fear of being prosecuted for illegal advertising. France’s strict 1991 law on the promotion of alcohol passed in 1991 meant it became illegal to ‘indirectly advertise’ alcoholic drinks on the radio, television or in print. The wording of the law – aimed at improving public health – was so vague and open to interpretation by judges that the media risked prosecution by even mentioning the drink. Then in May, Bordeaux Senator Gerard Cesar proposed an amendment to a consumer law going through parliament offering a clearly-defined difference between giving information about alcohol and advertising it. The entire text has now been voted into law by both houses of the French parliament – despite rampant opposition from the health lobby. In future, it will be necessary to prove a direct commercial link between the ‘advertiser’ and a specific product, and there will also have to be an intention to advertise, the mention of a specific alcoholic product, and a reason to think the general public would consider it an advert. Senator Mr Cesar – himself a former wine producer – says the amended law will now allow for the difference between ‘information’ on alcoholic drinks and ‘direct TV advertising’ of alcohol, which will remain banned in France. He has won support from many prominent figures in the wine industry, including wine writer Jacques Dupont, who told Le Figaro newspaper that educating people about drinking wine is the best way to fight against alcoholism. He said: “We live in France with this paradox: we are the country of wine, but we have the most restrictive legislation on alcohol in Europe. We are very happy to sell wine abroad, but at the same time the message sent by the Ministry of Health is ‘Be care-

ful, the wine is highly poisonous! As a result it became impossible to even talk positively about wine on television in France because it would be judged as ‘encouraging alcoholism’. “It is as if we are treating the entire population as children who are blindly beguiled by any form of advertising and are able to take no responsibility for their own alcohol intake.”

“We live in France with this paradox: we are the country of wine, but we have the most restrictive legislation on alcohol in Europe.” The reform is part of the Loi Macron – named after economy minister Emmanuel Macron – which contains a raft of reforms aimed at boosting the French economy, including allowing more Sunday trading in tourist areas and relaxing competition rules between transport operators.

Taxi wars But meanwhile, there is no such spirit of competition in the French taxi industry, where cabbies staged strikes across France this month in protest at the government’s refusal to crack down on the car-sharing service Uber. The action which caused gridlock around major train stations and airports comes after Uber announced that is opening up its controversial Uberpop-booked via smartphone apps in three new French cities, despite it still being illegal. Scuffles broke out on the streets of Paris when several taxi drivers parading as clients, tricked a group of UberPop drivers into pick-

ing them up and then attacked them. Taxi drivers also vandalised Uber vehicles, blocked access to the Gare du Nord station and put barricades on the Paris peripherique ring road in both directions. Thousands of cabs also assembled in other major cities, blockading roads in Lille, Bordeaux, Nice and Lyon. The strikes and violence were the latest example of the simmering tensions between traditional taxi drivers and UberPop, whose operators use GPS-enabled smartphones to link up with passengers. Taxi drivers consider this to be ‘unfair competition’ because Uber drivers charge less, and also have a 4-euro minimum fare, which is less than the 6.86 euros that the government has set for taxis. Karim Asnoun of the left-wing CGT union, told the AFP news agency: “We will stage sit-ins, no marches. The aim is to occupy the entire space, because we are fed up. Our drivers pay taxes and UberPop drivers don’t. The public and their customers don’t see these problems. Around 40 per cent of the private hire cab drivers don’t respect the rules, UberPop especially. We are asking the government to do something but they’re doing nothing.” UberPop is technically banned in France, and Uber drivers are not allowed to offer cabhailing services. Instead they must operate from a permanent base, but in practice this rule is seldom respected. Transport experts say it is the legal uncertainties surrounding UberPop that have allowed it to flourish, and the American company has announced it will now roll out its services in three new French cities – Marseille, Strasbourg and Nantes. Taxi union spokesperson Ms Asnoun added: “The existence of Uber threatens our entire livliehoods and we will simply not sit back and allow them to steal our business. The strikes will go on and on until the government outlaws their unsafe, unlicenced n and illegal practices.” Industry Europe 29


MACHINE-TOOL SOLUTIONS The LNS Group is the global market leader in the development and manufacture of automation systems for the machine tool industry. Philip Yorke talked to Gilbert Lile, the company’s CEO for Europe, about its latest ‘Smart’ chip conveyors and innovative bar feeding systems.

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NS was founded in Switzerland in 1973 by three entrepreneurs with a technical background who decided to design bar feeders that improved the speed and efficiency of fixed and sliding headstock lathes. Their success is now recognised worldwide and innovation remains at the heart of all LNS Group operations. Last year the company celebrated 40 years of pioneering innovation that has revolutionised the machine tool industry. Today LNS is the global market leader in automating machine tools with more than 800 employees worldwide. The group operates nine state-of-the-art production facilities located in Switzerland, the UK, Italy, Turkey, North America, China, Taiwan and Japan. To date, more than 120,000 bar feeders have been produced and delivered by LNS and over 250,000 chip conveyors installed worldwide.

Optimising productivity The LNS group mission is simple – to be the global partner of choice in automating manufacturing with innovative solutions. The group offers ‘one-stopshop’ solutions for the machine tool industry and is committed to providing the highest levels of innovation and customer-focused service. LNS supports its customers with a wide range of peripheral products designed to optimise their efficiency

in its key markets. At the 2013 EMO trade show in Hannover the company showcased its latest entry-level, Alpha 552 bar feeder in Europe for the first time. Other innovative products were also on display including its all-new oil mist collector, the Fox WT700, which will become available during 2014, as well as its Fox SC500 spray cabin. Gilbert Lile said, “With the development of the SC500 spray cabin, we want to contribute to providing a healthy, clean and safe working environment for operators. The SC 500 achieves this with its high efficiency filtration, low noise level and mobile, compact design. Similarly, with our introduction of the Alpha 552, we have increased operator efficiency and extended our entry-level bar feeder range.” “Looking to the future, whilst our high-end bar feeders such as the Express and Sprint series continue to be very successful, we expect the entry level sector to grow significantly in the coming years. The main characteristic of the Alpha 552 is its outstanding reliability and ‘quick-change system’, which allows the operator to replace the guiding elements without the need for any kind of tool. In addition, the touch screen is also very user friendly with its enhanced memory and supported languages. Last but not least, the Alpha 552 meets the highest safety standards.”

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Sumitomo Drive Technologies

SM-Cyclo UK, based in Hull, is the British subsidiary of Sumitomo Cyclo Drive Germany and serves the markets in Great Britain, parts of Africa and Middle East/Arabia. SM-Cyclo UK, Ltd Unit 29, Bergen Way, Sutton Fields Industrial Estate, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, HU7 0YQ, United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)1482 790340 |

32 Industry Europe

With over a hundred years experience in the field, Sumitomo Drive Technologies are consistent world leaders in the design and manufacture of speed reducers and geared motors for industrial applications. In today’s economic environment, innovation and strategic development are essential in order to reduce production costs, exceed targets and increase profit margins. We offer bespoke, customer specific solutions for an everchanging industry, tailored to ensure your machinery operates at optimum speed, with sustained durability and precision. Our teams are dedicated to continuous innovation, safeguarding the strength and advancement of your business objectives within fierce market competition. Commitment to our customers is paramount, and with a dependable, international service network spanning 50 countries, you can count on our support to help you adapt, update and evolve. We are proud to announce our current partnership with the LNS Turbo Group, and would like to extend our best wishes for all future collaborations.

Gilbert Lile added, “As far as our European markets are concerned, Switzerland remains our biggest single market. However, Germany and Italy also have very large machine tool markets, as do France, Spain and the UK. What’s more, despite being a global company we think and work on a local level and our facilities are strategically located to be as close as possible to our customers. We are the only company in our sector that can offer a truly ‘one-stopshop’ service, because none of our competitors are able to match our comprehensive package of products and services. “Not only do we cover all four key areas of machine tool operations – bar feeders, chip conveyors, air filtration systems and coolant systems, but we also offer the most comprehensive range of peripherals on the market too. We work closely with our customers to design optimised products to suit their specific needs. A recent example of this was our development of the ‘Tryton Watch Industry’ bar feeder. This unit was designed to further upgrade production efficiency while limiting certain functionalities to suit the individual requirements of the customer. “Our latest chip conveyor system is also unique in that unlike most traditional conveyors the LNS Turbo MH series operates with only one motor and belt and it filters all chip types and shapes, as well as any kind of materials. In addition, the energy consumption has been cut by 50 per cent, which makes it one of the most eco-friendly filtering conveyor systems on the market. This is all about being smart; we optimise the product’s strength and improve the design and reliability without adding significantly to the cost. For customers with the Turbo MH500, for example, it’s a simple matter to upgrade to the latest Turbo MH250 model.”

optimise supply chain management throughout the group’s relevant production sites. These focus groups ensure that design for new manufacturing concepts and assembly processes are continuously optimised to guarantee the high level of quality and reliability that is n synonymous with the LNS brand. For further details of the LNS Group’s innovative products and services visit:

Global one-stopshop approach The strength of the LNS Group lies in its unique global structure. The company’s regional offices throughout the world continuously monitor local market needs. This is done by leveraging the close relationship the company has established with its key partners and users. At the group’s extensive R&D centre in Switzerland, engineers develop new products in collaboration with their R&D experts located around the world. From the early stages of each project, the LNS R&D team also partners with the company’s synergy team, which is a specialised workforce committed to achieving operational excellence and to

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COMPONENTS The Canadian multinational Linamar is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of precision metallic components and systems for the agricultural, automotive and energy industries. Its Hungarian operations have seen significant investments in recent years, as Industry Europe discovers.


inamar established a presence in Hungary in 1992 and introduced new technological solutions and an efficient working culture to the small town of Orosháza, in the south-east of Hungary. At present there are three production centres in Hungary, two of them engaged in the automotive and precision component production. These plants are located in Békéscsaba and Orosháza whilst the division in Oros specialises in general machine production. Today Linamar Hungary Zrt is a vital part of Linamar’s global operations and investments have been constantly made by the group to increase the firm’s competitiveness in its markets. February this year (2015) saw the inauguration of a new HUF 5.5 billion development at the Orosháza plant. This investment, which was mainly to add capacity and additional technology to the plant, could raise sales by more than €250 million.

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Mr Csaba Havasi, the managing director of the Linamar group in Europe said: “Linamar in Hungary is the largest employment provider in the region. Significant investments were made both this year and last year to acquire new machinery and assets for both the automotive and machine manufacturing units, and we will continue with these investments.”

Product portfolio The company manufactures a wide range of products for the automotive industry; the portfolio includes engine components, gearbox, driving, braking, steering wheel and compressor components. In addition to this, the production of large size generator components and motor generator components is also significant. Both automotive divisions acquired the ISO TS 16949 quality assurance certificate in addition to

meeting the criteria of the environmental EN ISO 14001 and the health and safety requirements of the OHSAS 18001standards. The Oros division specialises in general machine production; its product range includes agricultural machinery, road construction machines and erector machines for the construction industry. The Oros division has been developing and supplying corn and sunflower adapters for over 35 years. The company’s core product is the high quality corn harvesting adapter, the Oros cornhead, that can be fitted to all type of harvesters, and is suitable for harvesting corns and sunflowers that are planted in 70–100cm rows. The company’s CORNADO corn harvesting machines were redeveloped this year; customers can choose from 6 rows to 16 rows, or whether they want the product to be fixed or foldable. Industry Europe 35

• Design, production, assembly and installation of customized machines, production lines • Industrial automation • Manufacturing complete hydraulic systems • Sales of hydraulic components from stock • Diagnostics, service, repair H-9027 Győr, Juharfa u. 20. | Tel: +36 96 512 060 | Fax: +36 96 419 537 E-mail: |

36 Industry Europe

Continuous product development has always been a priority for Linamar. The Oros Sun hydrostatic sunflower harvesting adapter was launched in 2011. This is an innovative quality product, which is equipped with a stalk crashing facility whilst operating with reduced energy and minimizing seed dropping. During the development process the company’s aim was to develop an adapter that reduces harvesting waste to a minimum: the adapter is fitted with a row of trays that collect the falling sunflower heads and seeds. Its simple construction and light weight also allow users to significantly reduce costs during the harvesting process.

Global presence In parallel with the global strategy of the Linamar group, Linamar Hungary Zrt mainly concentrates on the European market; more than 80 per cent of the products are exported to countries including

Germany, UK, France, Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Croatia. The company’s in-house developed products are also sold in North America. Mr Janos Ivanics, CEO of the Linamar Hungary Zrt, explains why he is optimistic for the future: “Due to the considerable amount of funds we received for investment purposes, our technological developments have been significant in recent years. In addition to this, we have increased our efficiency by raising our requirements to recruit skilled professionals and by continuously improving our work environment. “We will continue our investments in the next few years in both automotive component production and in the machine manufacturing division too. The customer base of Linamar is continuously extending, and our capacities in both automotive divisions are 100 per cent utilised. In the next few years we would like to continue to extend our capacities in n this sector as well as in our own machinery production.” Industry Europe 37

FUTURISTIC VISION The Fritz Group is a European market leader in the development and manufacture of window modules and glass coatings for the automotive industry. Philip Yorke spoke to Dr Thomas Dueckers, the company’s CEO, about its latest self-cleaning glass and strategy for future growth.

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he Fritz Group was founded in Stuttgart, Germany in 1958 by Richard Fritz, who founded a wholesale company for moulded rubber and plastic engineering parts. The success of the new company meant that it was able to establish its own manufacturing facility in Besigheim, Germany shortly afterwards where it produced injection moulded window seals for the fast growing automotive industry. Another milestone was reached in the 1980s when Richard Fritz launched its first glass coating lines for Europe’s leading automotive OEMs. In June 2013 the Fritz Group was acquired by one of the world’s largest glass manufacturers; Sisecam Group. Şişecam Group is a global actor producing flat glass, glassware, glass packaging and fiberglass, as well as soda and chrome compounds. Sisecam purchased Fritz Group in order to complement another of its major subsidiaries, Trakya Cam. As a leading manufacturer of automotive glazing in Turkey for over 45 years, Trakya Cam supplies major global OEMs and aftermarket customers with its value-added products and services and has also committed itself to caring for the environment. Now with the acquisition

of Richard Fritz Holding GmbH a broader range of OEMs needs and expectations will be served by this strong partnership. Today the Fritz Group employs more than 1500 people and is an internationally recognised player serving global brands such as Mercedes Benz, VW, Citroen, BMW, Land Rover, Opel, Lamborghini and Audi.

Quality assured precision The Richard Fritz group is renowned for its commitment to quality and innovation in the development of window system solutions and glass coatings. The company is continuously working on improving its products and processes as well as on the development of new technologies for glass coatings and moulded parts. The Fritz Group invests heavily in future technologies and constantly researches new materials and processes at its headquarters in Besigheim, Germany. Its innovative concepts form the basis for its on-going success as it leads from the front in a highly competitive industry.

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Dr Thomas Dueckers said, “From the managing director to the trainee, we believe that it is important to meet the high expectations of our customers at all times. Our objective is to build steadily on our reputation and innovative product portfolio and to take advantage of the market opportunities that present themselves. We pay special attention to environmental protection and we design our products and manufacturing processes as efficiently as possible, especially in relation to the use of energy and resources.” Dueckers added, “In the European theatre we are the number one premium car glass supplier in our field. The slump in the auto industry associated with the global recession naturally had a negative effect on sales but we have recovered well from that and are now seeing strong growth in our three key product areas: Glass Coatings, System Solutions and Hydrophobic coatings. We work in close partnership with our clients in order to optimise their efficiency and competitiveness. Our patented 2K Technology and encapsulation processes are fully operational at our state-of-the-art facilities, in Germany, Slovakia and Hungary, where robotics play a major role in achieving the high precision required of our products.

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“We are also a company with a regional footprint as well as being a global partner when it comes to having a competent network of suppliers in the automobile industry. This combination provides unlimited flexibility when responding to our customers specifications where optimal quality is guaranteed even for very large volumes.”

Broad product portfolio The Fritz Group provides the automotive industry with a broad range of specialised products including glass coatings that offer coated side windows with thermoplastics and elastomers, as well as coated windshields and rear windows. The company also supplies glass elements for glass roofs and fitting attachments. This is in addition to hydrophobic coatings, plastic panels, window system solutions and products that range from window frame solutions to functional and logistic solutions. The Fritz Group were early pioneers of hydrophobic coatings and maintain their leading role in the development of these ‘self-cleaning’ glass solutions. The surface behaviour of glass with self-cleaning properties is altered in relation to normal glass because dirt finds it

difficult to stick to the surface and any that does manage to attach itself to the glass is quickly washed away by the flow of water when it rains. Glass with self-cleaning properties is linked to nano-technology, which has given rise to the term, ‘nano-coating’. The latest nano-coatings from the Fritz Group guarantee improved vision in adverse weather conditions and increase driving safety, as well as lowering contamination in key areas such as wing mirrors and windshields.

Fast changing market The automotive market is possibly the most progressive and demanding sector of all manufacturing industries. Today it is not only necessary to provide complex shapes, but trouble-free operatio must also be guaranteed for many years ahead regardless of tem-

perature and the harsh weather conditions encountered. Thanks to its advanced research and development capabilities, the Fritz Group can provide optimised design solutions as well as many others in the development of materials and process engineering in order to meet the automotive industry’s increasing challenges. The company’s products in the glass coating field set new standards in the automotive industry and include coated side windows with thermoplastics and elastomers such as TPE, PVC, EPDM and PUR. The Fritz Group’s coated winds-shields and rear windows employ TPE and PUR. The company’s unique expertise in the processing of window sealing materials continues to provide solutions n for the automotive industry of tomorrow. For further details of the Fritz Group’s innovative glass products and services visit:

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ENERGY EFFICIENT TYRE TECHNOLOGY Kordsa Global is the world’s leading producer of nylon and polyester yarns, tyre cord fabrics and single end cords for the tyre reinforcement industry. Industry Europe looks at the company’s growth, biggest achievements and investments over the past year.


ordsa Global’s success story began with the investment in the cord fabric plant in Izmit, Turkey in 1973. Following a number of strategic acquisitions and investments on a global scale, over the last 36 years the company has emerged as the foremost producer of nylon and polyester yarns in the world. Today, with 11 plants in 9 countries across 5 continents and a workforce of 400 people, Kordsa Global exports to more than 80 countries throughout the world and its sales figure reached TL 1.7 billion in 2014. In fact, the company increased its profitability by 145 per cent in 2014, and in the first quarter of 2015 its total sales have increased by 27 per cent compared to the previous year.

World-leading products As the world’s leading producer of Nylon 6.6 and HMLS polyester yarns and fabrics, the company’s first objective is to deliver new generation products with enhanced physical, thermal and chemical properties. A company spokesperson said, “Our continuing investment in R&D has resulted in a new range of products. Hybrid cords, the combination of different kinds of fibres such as aramid, nylon and polyester, in single end cords, is one area where we are launching a series of entirely new products. With almost 40 years of specialised experience in twisting, weaving and dipping technologies, we can process metallic and different textile materials together, to tailor reinforcement properties to meet the specific tyre design and processing requirements of our customers.” In addition, the company has patented two ‘strip-production’ technologies. This allows Kordsa Global to deliver reinforcement materials direct to tyre building machines, thus eliminating the ‘calendering’ and ‘slitting’ processes and leading to significantly reduced costs for customers. In recent years the company has also been working on the synthesis of new polymers and adhesives, modification of fibres and fabrics with nano technology and new types of processing techniques. In March, Kordsa attended Tire Technology Expo and attracted a great deal of interest with its innovation cap ply solution Capmax, following a conference presentation given by project leader Evren Güner. In the presentation, the company demonstrated how the production stages of passenger tire nylon overlay production can be simplified with the use of Capmax. In January this year, Kordsa Global extended its product range with the introduction of its new Kratos Macro line for concrete reinforcement within the construction industry. Opened this year, the new Kratos Marco production line will have a total capacity of 2000 tonnes per year. Industry Europe 43

CEO Cenk Alper said: “We offered Kratos for the first time in October 2014 during the Turkey Build fair and received very positive feedback. Kordsa Global is the world leader in the manufacturing of tire reinforcement materials and we want to bring our experience to new industries.” Kordsa continues to invest in expanding its business both in the domestic market and abroad. For example, in January this year it made a major investment in the Asia-Pacific region with the opening of its second tire cord fabric and polyester yarn facility in the region, in Bogor-Citeureup on the western side of Java Island. The investment, totalling USD 100 million, saw the establishment of an 18 kiloton tire cord fabric facility and a 14 kiloton 3rd and 4th generation polyester HMLS yarn facility.

Dedicated to sustainability As a global company, Kordsa Global is committed to providing sustainable production methods and value creation for all stakeholders, as its spokesperson explains, “We will continue to strive for improved manufacturing practices that result in sustainable value for all. We will do this by continuously improving our processes, maximising customer satisfaction and leveraging our globally diverse resources. We adhere to the highest standards for safe operation of our facilities and for the protection of our environment, our employees, our customers and the people of the communities in which we do business.” “Furthermore, all our 11 plants have been independently audited and certified to conform with ISO 9001 Quality Management Standards and three of our biggest plants have also been certified to ISO 14001 Environment Management System Certification. As a result we are achieving a reduction in our ‘global footprint’ year on year.” In fact, in February this year Kordsa Global received the third-place for ‘Improving Energy Efficiency in Industry’ (IEEIP) at the 6th Energy Efficiency Forum and Exhibition (EVF) during the 34th Energy Efficiency

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Week. It was awarded for its project ‘Improvement in Compressed Air Dryer System in Polyester Manufacturing Silo’ which aims to increase the awareness of energy efficiency among industrial corporations.

Future outlook: Continued innovation Kordsa’s Global Technology Centre is dedicated to providing further advancements and innovations for tyre reinforcement materials. Currently more than 50 researchers focus their attention on developing new fabric and fibre reinforcement solutions. Speaking of his confidence that the recent positive growth trend and technological advancement will continue Kordsa CEO Cenk Alper said recently: “Kordsa is in a significant year of leap. Our aim is to open a new Composite Technologies Excellence Centre at the beginning of 2016, where we will be working in cooperation with Sabanci University. We will be able to produce advanced composite material technologies integrated with nanotechnology, which will create a transformation in various industries from aeronautics to automotive. We think this investment is important not only for Turkey, but also for the region.” n


FOR GROWTH Marinko Došen

As a company that works with some of the biggest names in the automotive industry, Croatian AD Plastik is something of a trendsetter. Operating in a country that does not have its automotive industry and is currently going through a prolonged economic crisis, AD Plastik is a shining example of how a home-grown Croatian company can contribute to the regeneration of the local economy. Vanja Švačko talks to Marinko Došen, the new president of the management board, to find out more.

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he development and manufacture of plastic components for the automotive industry is the foundation upon which AD Plastik has built up its core business, vision and values. There are four main technologies used in the manufacturing process: injection moulding/ painting, thermoforming, extrusion and blow moulding. Its product portfolio encompasses: plastic parts for vehicles such as instrument and door panels, headliners, sun visors, grab handles, pillar trims etc (for interiors); and bumper skin components, side trims, wheel arch liners and extruded sealing systems (for exteriors). AD Plastik

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offers independent development, industrialisation and manufacturing of those parts from the existing production sites or in collaboration with partners. Its customers include Renault, Nissan, AutoVAZ, Dacia, Opel, PSA, VW, Ford, Fiat, BMW, Faurecia, Visteon, Antolin, Webasto, Hella, Magna and many others. Although two years ago the company was looking to increase sales of its non-automotive products, today the objective has somewhat changed. “Our ultimate goal is to become an eastern European leader in the field by offering innovative solutions and

Acoustic and Thermal Insulators ARI® GEOPANNEL® is a family business founded in 1944. Our aim is to achieve a better and more efficient and sustainable insulator range. Our technology, unique at a European level, together with the study and development of new materials in coordination with other private companies, research centres and European Universities, has led us to create and manufacture products completely adapted to the toughest demands of the best automobile and construction companies. Since its foundation, ARI® GEOPANNEL® has been devoted to the regeneration of textile fibres and its later use as base material in the production of felt applied in the footwear, car, upholstery, bedding, labour protection and construction industries. In order to fight the petrol dependence and its high environmental impact, we continuously develop, create and improve our products basing them on natural fibres and resins, 100% recyclable. Sustainability, efficiency, price stability and adaptability to the needs of each project mark the character of our products.

In collaboration with prestigious Research and Development centres and according to the strict quality regulation of UNE ISO TS 16949 and UNE EN ISO 9001:2008, we have developed different ranges of products completely ecological and 100% recyclable, which widely comply with all the expectations final clients ask for: aesthetic, green, easy handling and assembly, long duration, security and profitability. We use the latest high-tech technology for felt production, foams, kiss cutting, die cutting, lamination, self-adhesive, and our own labs including fire tests, chemical tests, dynamometers and acoustics even with a homologated alpha cabin in order to achieve all requirements of our customers.

The automotive industry in particular requires increasingly advanced solutions to incorporate into their models. The ARI® GEOPANNEL® products are part of the acoustic equipment of the most prestigious brands in the global automotive system. Following the principles of quality and sustainability and with the only aim of creating better products each time, ARI® -- GEOPANNEL® works closely with its clients to develop advanced pieces and components with better features. Ángel Ruiz Ibáñez S.A. C/ Las Cañas 101 Polígono Industrial Cantabria II 26006 Logroño (La Rioja) España Telephone: +34 941 255 321 or +34 941 255 321 | Fax: +34 941 211 212 E-mail:

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services. Focusing our strategy on improving the core business has consequently led to the discontinuation of the part of portfolio we had outside of the automotive industry,” explains Mr Došen.

Turning the crisis into an opportunity AD Plastik has nine plants in Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Russia and Romania. Following the opening of an additional subsidiary in Russia and its first facility in Serbia in 2012, the company invested heavily in

machinery and tools to meet the market needs. The actual market conditions and a significant depreciation of the Russian ruble resulted in a decrease in sales in the Russian market – but sales did grow at Group level. “Despite the complex situation in that region,” continues Mr Došen, “we have succeeded in expanding our production capacities. Various economic difficulties forced many companies to close their businesses, including a number of our competitors, which has given us the chance to increase our market share and to strengthen our customer base. We have used this crisis to seize opportunities and therefore we do not exclude the possibility of acquisitions or joint ventures in the Russian market. Russia will always stay in our focus.” Of the about €50 million invested over the past two and half years, €30 million was used for financing new factories in Serbia and Kaluga, the extension of production capacity in Togliatti, project X52, and other Russian projects. The majority of them are starting this year with active serial production, which is expected to lead to an increase in profits in comparison to last year.

Project Edison The remainder of the investment (more than €20 million) was put towards preparations for a new collaboration with Renault and Daimler Chrysler under the project name ‘Edison’. Renault has chosen AD

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Plastik as a supplier of exterior and interior plastic parts for the new vehicles Renault Twingo and Smart 2S and 4S, whose total annual production is estimated at about 300,000 units. Mr Došen says, “The sale of Renault Twingo and Smart with two and four doors started last year. According to our predictions, the production of these models should continue for the next five to seven years, depending on their market success.” To meet these demands, the company has recently built a new, fully automated painting line, one of the most advanced technological solutions for this type of production and subject to the highest environmental standards.

growth of more than 25 per cent in Croatia, while at the group level there are expectations of 12 per cent growth in the current year. “The planned growth and profitability of our company are steadily increasing. Our objective to utilise existing production capacities to the maximum is logical given the investments in the past two years. But it does not exclude plans for expansion into new markets. Therefore, we expect the future development of our company to come not only through organic expansion but through possible acquisitions or n partnerships as well.” Visit:

The importance of innovation AD Plastik pays special attention to strengthening the development of its knowledge and innovation. Last year the company closed a deal with Chrysler thanks to its newly designed grab handle which is ergonomically sophisticated and has a high level of functionality. The company was able to come up with solutions that also significantly reduced installation time, while meeting high quality requirements. In the Russian factory in Kaluga the company is starting the mass production of injected parts for the interior and exterior of the new Dacia Duster, whilst from the factory in Togliatti more orders are expected from Dacia Logan and Sandero.

Carefully considered acquisitions Talking about future prospects, Mr Došen underlines the fact that the organic expansion at AD Plastik continues through primary revenue Industry Europe 49



Tarkett is a global leader in the development and manufacture of sustainable flooring and sports surface products. Today the company’s focus is very much on the manufacture of sustainable flooring that is designed to enhance every customer’s quality of life. Philip Yorke looks at a company that dominates the world stage in its sector and continues to grow through its inspired products and strategic acquisitions.

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arkett was founded in 1880 in by two young entrepreneurs, Joseph Allibert and Francois Sommer, whose early success set the stage for the future growth of the company. Today the same entrepreneurial spirit flourishes at Tarkett’s new headquarters in La Defence, Paris. A combination of continuous improvement and innovation has been largely responsible for its remarkable, on-going success. Today the company serves customers in over 100 countries and employs around 12,000 people worldwide. In 2014 Tarkett recorded sales of over €2.4 billion. The Tarkett Group sells more than 1.4 million square metres of flooring every single day, manufactured in-house by its 34 production sites spread across four continents. Tarkett’s extensive range of products can be found in schools, hospitals, hotels, offices, retail stores and sports fields in wood

and laminate, carpet and rubber as well as in synthetic turf and athletics track. For over a decade, Tarkett has been listed on the Euronext Stock Exchange in Paris.

Expanding global reach Tarkett has one of the broadest global reaches of any company in its field and also has unparalleled experience of local cultures, trends, technical requirements and building regulations. Strategic acquisitions have played a major role in the company’s global expansion programme, with 14 companies being integrated into the Tarkett group in the last five years alone. Today Tarkett operates modern manufacturing plants in Canada, USA, Brazil, Russia and the Ukraine, as well as owning 14 production facilities throughout the EU. The company’s global operations are divided into three regions: North America, EMEA and eastern Europe.

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AKCROS CHEMICALS - Additives for Performance Proud to be a partner of Tarkett

Akcros Chemicals is a leading global brand in the polymer additives industry and is a major supplier of innovative, market leading, low emission additives to Tarkett with manufacturing facilities now established in Europe, US and Asia. Akcros specialises in offering high levels of customer support and has a broad product range which includes products developed specifically for the flooring industry such as: • • • • •

Low emission and high efficiency phenol free PVC Stabilisers Phenol free Phosphites Low emission Viscosity Modifiers Antistatic Agents Epoxy Plasticisers

Akcros has a highly sustainable, global product portfolio containing more than 50% of renewably sourced raw materials and is also: • • • •

Industry leading in technology and technical service Specialists in antimicrobial and antifungal protection of PVC Committed to Health, Safety, Quality and the Environment Accredited to ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO 18001 management systems

Significant acquisitions over the past decade include many of the world’s brand leaders including FieldTurf, Marley Floors, Johnsonite and Tandus, the leading US commercial carpet company. However, the company’s most recent ‘jewel in its crown’ is Desso, a global leader in carpets and sports field solutions. Desso is a well-established global brand that produces high-end and innovative carpet flooring mainly for commercial applications and also serves the sports market with artificial turf and a unique, reinforced natural grass system known as ‘GrassMaster®’. “Through the acquisition of Desso, we have strengthened our product portfolio, adding high-end carpets and carpet tiles for our European clients. The operation enables us to reinforce our geographical presence in EMEA and allows Tarkett to provide commercial carpet solutions to all customers worldwide, leveraging on the successful acquisition of Tandus in North America in 2012. Desso is a recognised brand for high quality and innovative products and is 52 Industry Europe

Akcros is committed to the principles of Responsible Care, promotes products that conform to all the latest and pending regulations such as REACH & TSCA for chemicals and EPA/BPR regulations for biocides. For more information about Akcros please refer to our website or contact us at

strongly committed to sustainability. We are very pleased that as of today, Desso is part of Tarkett, and we warmly welcome all employees joining our group,” said Michael Gianuzzi, CEO of Tarkett.

Gaining ground in Asia The Tarkett Group has been operating in China for many years selling its vinyl flooring solutions, as well as being responsible for the production and sales of its Tandus carpet tiles. However, the company recently further strengthened its commercial and industrial activities in China through a number of strategic transactions. These included the acquisition of a 30 per cent minority interest in Tarkett’s subsidiary, currently dedicated to the distribution of Tarket products in China, which has now become a fully-owned subsidiary. In addition, the company acquired the assets for vinyl flooring production, located near Beijing, which is now fully operational and producing a wide range of Tarkett flooring products.

This acquisition will enable Tarkett to capitalise on the fast growing demand in China for high-performance vinyl flooring solutions, in particular in the commercial segments of health and education. “By strengthening its flooring industrial and commercial footprint in China, Tarkett improves its positions in this fast growing region. These investments in China will allow us to deliver improved service and valueadded flooring solutions for our local customers. It will also enhance our balanced and global footprint,” commented Giannuzzi.

Focus on sustainability Tarkett sees sustainability as ‘the backbone’ of its strategy for growth and believes that driving forward on a daily basis for greater sustainability is the best way to assure long-term growth and ecorespect for the planet. A good example of the direction that the company is heading, in terms of sustainability is its launch in the EMEA region of a unique, modular vinyl solution known as ‘iD Click’. Made in Germany the LVT iD Click is a high-quality modular vinyl flooring that offers an ideal solution for commercial working spaces. Thanks to its unique fold-down click system, the installation becomes much faster than those with traditional glue-down products. As part of Tarkett’s commitment to greater sustainability and ecoinnovation, this new range of phthalate-free, 100 per cent recyclable products contributes to people’s well-being, as well as providing optimal indoor air quality with very low TVOC emissions. For further information about Tarkett’s innovative, sustainable flooring products n visit:

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POLISH COMPANY WITH A EUROPEAN REACH OKNOPLAST is one of the five largest manufacturers of windows in Europe. The company carries out its business across 10 different markets, where it operates over 1800 offices under its own brand. OKNOPLAST is planning to further develop its international business activities. Piotr Sadowski reports.


KNOPLAST has over 20 years of direct experience in PVC window production. Its offices, which have grown in number over the past decade or so at a truly impressive rate, are located throughout Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, France, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland. The company is proud to be cooperating regularly with the leading European suppliers of components and is rightly seen as one of the leading experts in constructing complex solutions in windowmanufacturing technologies. What makes it so different from other competitors on the market is the fact that its wide-ranging product offer includes many unique, exceptional and patented designs for windows and doors. It offers a professional advisory and assembly service and over 70 per cent of its customers come from direct recommendations from previous clients. With its modern machine park, OKNOPLAST, amongst other production technologies, manufactures window solutions with low-emission coatings, some of which also use hardened glass.

Strong development across European markets Headquartered in Kraków, OKNOPLAST was established in 1994 and is therefore one of the largest producers of its kind in Poland and one of the most active in Europe, with a strong position as one 54 Industry Europe

of the leaders in the PVC windows market. Thanks to its state-ofthe-art technologies, it is also a leader in terms of quality and innovation. By introducing innovative solutions and through its dynamic approach to meeting the needs of the market, the company has quickly and successfully established its brand outside of Poland. Of vital importance for OKNOPLAST are Poland’s southern neighbours, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The company has been carrying out its business activities in these markets since 2004 and over the years has developed a very strong position. It is now the third largest window technology manufacturer in both countries. The portfolio of products offered in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is practically identical to that offered for the Polish market. Sales in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are continuously growing, at an annual rate of 10 per cent compared to the year before. The strategy of OKNOPLAST involves further strengthening of its market position and securing an even higher number of clients on these markets. This will be achieved partly through the further development of its sales network, with forecasts of around 20 per cent annual growth. The company’s products in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are already available in 80 authorised showrooms. It is also important to note that there are other important markets for OKNOPLAST, particularly Italy and France. In Italy, OKNOPLAST is the second most popular brand amongst customers when it

comes to PVC windows. Its products can be purchased in several hundreds of showrooms across the country. The company is also actively and intensively developing its operations in France, where it has been recently recognised and honoured by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland with the title of ‘The Best Polish Exporter’. In addition to European markets, the excellent and innovative solutions offered by OKNOPLAST can also be found in far-flung export destinations such as, for example, Chile and Mexico.

Standing out from the competition

Market trends and future outlook The company’s development strategy is focused first and foremost on further strengthening its European market position, as well as conquering and securing new export markets. OKNPOLAST aims to become the number one brand of windows in Europe. When working on new products and services the company will continue to cooperate closely with its business partners, so that it can even better answer the growing needs of customers. Its goal is not to follow n trends, but, on the contrary, to be the trend setter.

One of the most effective ways in which OKNOPLAST is able to differentiate itself from its market rivals is through its well thoughtout approach to sales. Across the many sales points in Poland and abroad, expertly trained store representatives are capable of advising customers on appropriate products which will perfectly match their needs. The company is also one of very few manufacturers of windows which offer longer guarantee periods than its competitors.

Strong technologies and commitment to quality OKNOPLAST strongly believes that not all windows are alike and therefore, through its technological back-up and carefully selected business partners, it delivers unique products and solutions. OKNOPLAST operates fully automated lines from renowned, mainly German, manufacturers and regularly invests in expanding its production facilities. One of the most important objectives set forth by OKNOPLAST’s management board is manufacturing to the highest standards of quality. The wide-ranging stock of machinery used in the production of windows is based on the most advanced equipment from world leading PVC machine manufacturers. The production process is managed fully online using advanced software solutions which comply with all the required quality standards. The highest quality components, automated machinery and, above all, a highly skilled workforce can guarantee of the quality of OKNOPLAST’s products. The company has received the European Q-Zert certification from the German institute IFT Rosenheim in recognition of the quality of its products. OKNOPLAST manufactures its products in compliance with the European standard EN 14351:2006 and labels them with the CE logo. Industry Europe 55

WINDOW OF PROFITABILITY QFORT is a Romanian company that produces and supplies polyvinyl chloride (PVC) windows and doors. Mr Cosmin Ionescu, one of the company’s shareholders, talks about the main trends in the industry with a strong focus on product improvement, comfort and safety. Vanja Švačko reports.

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eing one of the major window producers in south-eastern Europe, QFORT operates in the majority of European countries from Italy, France, Austria, Germany and the Netherlands to Belgium, Switzerland and Romania. Established in 1995, the company started as a distributer of PVC windows and doors manufactured by another Romanian company. In July 2004 it was ready to start its own production of systems for doors and PVC windows and insulating glass. This led to the creation of its own brand QFORT in 2007, resulting in a synergy of quality and comfort that has made it the most enduring thermal insulation system in Romania. Mr Ionescu explains, “In the past 10 years we have invested around €30 million in production facilities, offices and logistics. Currently we are based in the city of Craiova.”

A window every minute Today the company has three state-of-the-art production facilities covering an area of 15,000m2 (with plans to expand that space to 20,000m2 by the end of 2016), logistics capacities of 10,000m2 and a fleet which encompasses 250 cars and trucks for transportation purposes. Apart from 1,300 resellers throughout Europe, QFORT has numerous logistic centres to which products are sent for distribution. The company employs more than 1,000 people. It does not come as a surprise, therefore, that such an organisational structure enables its plants to produce windows at the rate of one per minute. The raw materials used in door and window manufacturing are produced by the world’s best suppliers. Among them are the German

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VEKA AG and Aluplast, two of the most renowned and innovative PVC profile manufacturers globally. The glass required for the production of insulating glass units is supplied by the French Saint-Gobain, American Guardian and Japanese AGC. The Italian company HOPPE is also on the list of QFORT’s top handle suppliers while the most experienced in producing hardware for windows and doors is the German company Winkhaus AG. The company holds ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 quality certifications. Their products and production are certified and regularly audited by the prestigious German testing institute IFT Rosenheim. “The institute evaluates our products and makes the audit every year to ensure that we are following the processes and rules and delivering a product with consistent quality according to the initial tests,” says Mr Ionescu.

In-house control The diverse product range offered by QFORT includes windows, doors, sliding doors, roller shutters, insect nets, windows sills and other accessories. All parts are manufactured with fully automated machinery in-house, which enables comprehensive quality control. According to Mr Ionescu, the company’s product range is very straightforward and easy to understand. “Windows and doors are not luxury products and generally customers do not spend time in

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research, but buy things based on recommendations from the field expert or retailer. Even so, we have made categorisation as easy as possible for them to understand: we have chosen a familiar star system, offering 4-star, 5-star and 6-star ranges of windows. The 4-star ranges are composed of PVC profiles with depths of 70mm, while higher stars have different depths and are certified for either more severe weather conditions or optimum energy-saving.” To underline its commitment to durability, comfort, energy saving and security, QFORT has recently introduced an innovative range of doors with a new security system, as well as sliding doors with automatic opening. The company also put forward different models of door panels and highlighted its range of new colours for both windows and doors. “In terms of the end use of our products,” continues Mr Ionescu, “they are mostly destined for residential buildings. This is because larger glass areas require the more stable frames provided by aluminium. But that is at the expense of thermal insulation, which is not as critical for commercial buildings as it is for residential. We produce windows using Super LowE (low emissivity) insulating glass units and warm-edge spacers with an excellent thermal and sound insulation as well as solar protection. In fact, all our products have similar

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features as standard. We try to add more of those that mean higher durability and functionality. We also have excellent delivery times in Europe and very comprehensive presale and after sale services for retailers and the end customers.”

Promising future This year, QFORT aims to achieve 75 per cent of its turnover from exports, focusing primarily on Italian and French markets. While the projected turnover for 2015 is €43–44 million, the target for 2018 is €80 million. It is a very realistic goal given that the company has increased its production capacity by 30 per cent last year. There is also a possibility for increasing production due to reserves of capacities. “Apart from production and turnover, we are also looking to increase our logistics network in Europe. However, for the next five years we do not have any acquisitions in mind.” The Romanian real estate market is on the rise. Therefore QFORT’s durable windows and doors alongside the wide range of consulting and professional services presents a winning combination that can n stand up to any competition. Visit:

The RZB product portfolio comprises interior and exterior luminaires, as well as emergency lighting solutions of the highest quality. Julia Snow spoke to Sales Director Pascal Rinckenberger about the dynamic developments in recent years.



lthough the company is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, one could be forgiven for thinking that such energy can only come from a start-up enterprise: “In the last three years we have set a fast pace in product innovation with an average of 50 new products each year. Our product portfolio has experienced a fast turnaround, with 50 per cent of turnover now coming from products that are less than four years old.” reports Mr Rinckenberger. Based in Bamberg, near Nuremburg, the company has evolved into one of the most influential enterprises in the European lighting industry. “We can say that we have developed into a true systems provider, supporting our customers with full lighting solutions, from planning through to execution,” explains Mr Rinckenberger. Around 700 employees devote themselves to innovation and the challenge of developing Industry IndustryEurope Europe 61

and manufacturing luminaires of the highest quality, resulting in the production of more than 20,000 lighting implements each day. The company showed strong development in the last five years, winning awards and wowing audiences at international exhibitions: “Product innovations are a strong focus, and to back this up we have invested in our production,” says Mr Rinckenberger.

International expansion RZB has also stepped up the pace in terms of internationalization of the business: in addition to the direct representations in Europe, the company created a new office in the Middle East (Dubai) and in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), covering the Asian Pacific area. While there have been sales in the areas men-

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tioned before, a direct representation means a change of intensity: “In these new areas, we enter just on the strength of our brand and our superior products. Building on previous business through distributors, we can now offer the full package including design, so the local presence will make a big difference.”

Innovations galore A company that describes its new best-inclass LED spotlight as ‘a mini powerhouse and work of art’, clearly is more than passionate about its products. RZB has won more than 44 international design prizes, including the red dot design award, if design award, German Design Prize, German Design Award, and Good Design award. “The light + building fair in April this year has marked another

important milestone for our company: it saw our launch into the segment of replacing fluorescent tubes with LED – this is a huge market right now. We also showed our LED profile lighting, which is a market with exceptionally high potential.” Digital technology has accelerated the development of new possibilities in lighting. “We are good at both: Supplying traditional designs with modern technology integrated, and offering completely new solutions that were only made possible by the new technologies.” RZB also offers ‘light control+3’, a modular plug&play light management system that offers a holistic approach to quality lighting design solutions. “Whether you are looking for an energy-saving daylightdependent system or a light management

system for lighting scenes or for dynamic RGB shoplighting, our range of light management systems is so amazingly extensive that you’re bound to find the ideal solution for any office, meeting room or store.”

Much more than just lights Traditionally RZB had the role of a generalist in the professional lighting segment, selling mainly to – and through – wholesalers, explains Mr Rinckenberger. “Increasingly though we are moving into multi-specialisation. We are talking to architects, to lighting planners and to installers direct, and we have developed special knowledge in the areas of industry lighting, shop lighting and emergency lighting. Through these direct contacts we know more about the requirements than the end customer, and we are able to support them with our in-depth knowledge – we know which type of light is best to bring out the colours of textiles in fashion boutiques for example.”

main driver and full of opportunities thanks to our innovation policy. LED technology represents 45 per cent of our turnover and is expected to rise up to 90 per cent in the next 3–4 years.” “New players enter our market all the time,” adds Mr Rinckenberger. “ But we have a strong positioning: we combine tradition and innovation, and we can guarantee the quality of the newest products and services – without

risk. We are leaders in cutting edge product innovation, but we equally provide a high degree of continuity: there is a five year guarantee on all our LED products, and we have long standing, close working partnerships with our important distributors who represent our brand out there in the market. We have been around for 75 years, and our customers know that this means expertise and stability n to a high degree.”

Lighting the way ahead As a family owned enterprise RZB is growth orientated, willing to seize any opportunities or options for the stable extension of business activities. “Germany provides the majority of the turnover and is still a place where we have strong growth. Beside this, export is the Industry Europe 63

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SUCCESS ON TAP A world-leading supplier of design-lead intelligent washroom solutions for the public and commercial sectors, Franke Water Systems offers strong brands that are rapidly growing worldwide. Emma-Jane Batey spoke to CEO Roger Basler to learn how this is being achieved.


ranke Water Systems is an integral part of the Swiss Franke Group, which was founded in 1911 as a sheet metal business that started producing sanitary equipment in 1925. Today, Franke Group operates six core businesses, all of which are wholly owned by Franke Holding AG. The holding group belongs to the global Artemis Group which employs around 11,400 people worldwide and generated consolidated sales of CHF 2.6 billion in 2013. Headquartered in Aarburg, Switzerland and employing over 9000 people, the Franke Group is established in 37 countries worldwide with 72 subsidiaries. Well-known as a market leader in intelligent systems for water-consuming applications, all of the core businesses in the group are consistently active at the top of their markets. Franke Kitchen Systems is the world leader in providing kitchen systems

that consist of sinks, taps, waste systems, cooker hoods and cooking appliances; Franke Foodservice Systems produces kitchen systems and services for quick-service restaurants; Franke Water Systems offers sanitary washroom equipment and systems for the residential and public kitchen and bathroom sectors; Franke Coffee Systems makes superautomatic, professional and semi-professional coffee machines; Franke Beverage Systems produces beverage containers. To break it down further, there are several companies operating under the Franke Water Systems umbrella: Franke Aquarotter GmbH (Germany) is a leading sanitary specialist operating a competence centre for commercial construction water-engineering solutions; Franke Sissons Ltd (UK) is one of Europe’s largest manufacturers of stainless steel sanitary ware and the UK’s leading manufacturer

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of industrial sinks and associated catering equipment; Franke GmbH (Germany) provides innovative stainless steel products for washroom and sanitary applications; Franke Finland Oy produces a range of kitchen equipment; KWC AG is the leading Swiss manufacturer of taps with an international reputation built on outstanding quality and innovative design; and Dark Valley Systems (UK) has been manufacturing water saving products for the washroom industry since 1985. Further afield, Franke Kindred Canada Limited has been an active leader in the design, production and distribution of stainless steel sinkware in North America and around the world for more than 60 years; Franke L.L.C. (UAE) manufactures washroom and special fabricated products to support Franke’s customers in the Middle East region; and Nokite Plumbing and Sanitary Products Co. Ltd (China) designs and produces an extensive range of quality taps and accessories for global distribution to public, semi-public and commercial sectors.

Famous and functional Industry Europe spoke to Roger Basler, CEO of Franke Water Systems. As one division of the Franke Group, Franke Water Systems has two ‘legs’. Mr Basler explained, “As the world-leading provider of intelligent washroom

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solutions to the public, semi-public and commercial sectors, Franke Water Systems has two complementary legs; our washrooms and our residential taps. The washrooms include sanitary solutions and special solutions for healthcare and stadium-type applications. Our taps are created under the famous KWC brand, which has an excellent reputation for quality and design.” Franke Water Systems is actually comprised of several companies that all sit under the same umbrella. The ten different companies that make up Franke Water Systems are all carefully synergised to deliver a complete solution. Incorporating commercial construction of water-engineering systems and a stainless steel manufacturer, the various sites are located worldwide. Mr Basler continued, “We have several state-of-the-art production sites, all nicely spread out across the world. Our main centres are in Canada, South Africa, the UK, Finland, Switzerland, Germany and the UAE. Our latest addition was the acquisition of Nokite, a stainless steel tap manufacturer in China that supports our growth expectations in the region.” Franke Water Systems’ customers are also well spread out worldwide. Active in some 50 countries, its core markets are Europe and North America, with Canada well established and rapid growth currently

being enjoyed in the US. Mr Basler added, “We are also already active in six or seven key markets in Asia and are increasingly present in the Middle East. Our smart, strategic growth plans of identifying and acquiring companies whose own philosophy and approach to the market is well-matched to our own dedication to exceptional quality and performance has allowed us to grow in expanding markets and to maximise our potential in well-established markets.”

Trust and value From its two ‘legs’, Franke Water Systems offers a range of high-end products that fall into either the washroom category, such as washbasins, flushings and stainless steel accessories; or taps, all of which are from the KWC brand. Mr Basler said, “All of our products, at whichever of our sites they are produced and whatever their destination market or applications, are created and manufactured under the same three fundamentals of precision, innovation and aesthetics. Everything we do promises to excel in these areas and I believe this is what our customers trust and value.” In terms of new product development, Franke Water Systems’ latest development is its smart wave shower, under its Aqua brand, which allows for sophisticated water saving

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and easy installation and maintenance. For the tap division, the brand new KWC ZOE brings together all of KWC’s kitchen expertise into a single tap. With Mr Basler calling the ZOE ‘the freshest tap on the market’, this sculptural, highly attractive tap is perfectly suited to both private bathrooms and kitchens. Mr Basler added, “From every angle, the ZOE is a design masterpiece. And its function is in a class of its own too – it offers a pull-out spray, two types of jet, an LED light and our ingenious JETCLEAN technology that helps prevent mineral deposits.” In order to boost KWC’s already-strong brand reputation, Franke Water Systems is currently about to launch a new brand positioning specifically for KWC. Taking a step-by-step 68 Industry IndustryEurope Europe

approach and starting with communicating the new brand position to its trade partners, the aim is to highlight how the three fundamentals of precision, innovation and aesthetics are perfectly in harmony in every KWC tap using the ‘KWC – Swiss Water Experience’ strapline. The future of Franke Water Systems and the KWC brand will likely see growth across all of its active markets and particularly from the Middle East, Asia and South Africa. With a network of trade partners and distributors sitting closely alongside the company’s global manufacturing sites and the support available from the Franke Group, its aggressive growth plans and aim to double the business within the next five years look set n to be achieved.

GLOBAL STEEL GIANT Ruukki is a market leader in the design and manufacture of energy-efficient steel construction products for a broad range of industrial applications. Industry Europe takes a look at the company and how it continues to set new standards in quality and energy efficiency.


nitially known as Rautaruukki, the company was founded in Finland in 1960 by the Finnish government in association with a number of leading Finnish industrials. The reason behind this cooperative venture was to ensure the availability of raw materials for the Finnish shipbuilding industry as well as for other steel-dependent industries. With its early commitment to quality and innovation, Ruukki was the first company in the western countries to produce steel using the costefficient ‘continuous casting’ method. The success that the company enjoyed as a result of this innovation was exceptional and by the end of the 1970s it was employing more than 7000 people. By the 1990s,

following major investments in new plant and technology, the company expanded into the construction business and at the same time acquired a leading Finnish steel roof manufacturer: Rannila. In 2004 the company’s steel business began to focus on the manufacture of special steel products to meet the demands of the world’s most challenging construction and engineering projects. In October 2012 another milestone was reached with the creation of ‘Fortaco’ in association with ‘CapMan’ managed funds, which has become Europe’s leading manufacturing partner for the engineering industry. Industry Europe 69

As of July 2014, Ruukki has been a part of SSAB, the global steel giant. SSAB and Ruukki combined have around 17,300 employees and an annual steel production capacity of 8.8 million tonnes.

New challenges Ruukki’s vision is to become the leading global provider of energyefficient steel solutions in order to build a better living environment for all, together with its customers. The company has a worldwide network of dealers and distributors in the Nordic countries, Russia and elsewhere in Europe, as well as in the emerging markets, of India and South America. Today Ruukki is responding to the increasing demand for greater energy efficiency and this is driving its commitment to produce more innovative, energy-efficient steel solutions. The overall objective is to cut energy costs throughout the life-cycle of an end-user product or solution. The company offers a broad portfolio of engineering products, including building solutions, infrastructure solutions, steel products, mineral products and stainless steel and aluminium products. In the building components sector, Ruukki’s energy-efficient steels are at work in steel frame structures, steel pile foundations, façade claddings, load-bearing sheets and pre-fabricated roof elements. Ruuki’s commitment to innovation is also contributing to major road and bridge infrastructure projects throughout the world. Its coils, sheets and plates include hot and cold-rolled steels, colour coated steels and metal coated steels. Precision tubes, pipes and hollow steel sections are also created by Ruukki to optimise energy efficiency and are the result of the company’s ongoing investments in its manufacturing processes and its firm commitment to R&D. In May this year (2015) Ruukki further expanded its energy efficiency offering with the introduction of a new solar panel solution that can be installed on a building’s façade. The Ruukki on-wall solar system converts sunlight into electricity for a building. The panel can be installed on both new and renovated buildings. 70 Industry Europe

Leading the field in environmental management As one of the world’s largest companies in its field, Ruukki takes its responsibilities concerning the environment very seriously. A company spokesman said, “Improving energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective ways to combat climate change. We aim to provide our customers with environmentally effective solutions and to continuously improve the level of environmental protection and energy efficiency of our operations. “As a fully recyclable material, steel forms a good base for energy efficient construction solutions. Our recyclable, wear resistant, and highstrength special steel products improve the material efficiency of lifting, handling and transportation equipment and reduce energy consumption.” Energy efficiency is systematically promoted at all Ruukki’s production sites as part of its ISO 14001 environmental management programme. Each and every person at Ruukki is responsible for their own environmental performance. In-house training provides employees with the means to manage the environmental impacts of their jobs. The company also encourages its subcontractors to take environmental issues into account during their own business operations. In addition, Ruuki constantly evaluates the impacts of its ‘logistical’ supply chain. By optimising transport routes and schedules, unnecessary transportation can be avoided and thereby minimise energy consumption. n

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CONSTRUCTING A BETTER FUTURE After six decades of working in the area of civil engineering and hydraulic engineering construction in Baltic Sea harbours, Latvian company JSC BMGS is taking advantage of the fast growing construction sector in the Baltic region. Mr Ilya Rogov, the company’s purchasing and customs manager, explains the core lines of business offered by BMGS and how they differ from the competition. Vanja Švačko reports.


ince BMGS was established in 1952, its main business focus has remained unchanged. Not long ago the company added the production of foundations and precast reinforced concrete structures to its portfolio. The key strategy for maintaining a strong market position is the continuous development of all business lines. From its several branch offices in the Baltic region, BMGS offers its expertise in the design and construc72 Industry Europe

tion of various types of structures (bridges, railway structures, ports, pile foundations etc.). It has a department for on- and offshore geological surveys and three certified mixing plants for concrete manufacture in Riga and Ventspils. The manufacturing and assembly of precast concrete structures is organised in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. Speaking about the profit hierarchy, Mr Rogov says, “Being predominantly a construction company, our main revenue

is generated within that section, whilst the design and engineering are supplementary services. The fact that we produce concrete enables us to add more value and to provide the most efficient price level on the market.”

An extended business plan During the recent financial crisis, BMGS acquired one of its daughter companies and is now fully responsible for the production of precast concrete elements. This new busi-

ness activity has been developing for the past two and a half years. The company produces standard housings for concrete elements and non-standard precast concrete elements for foundations and various types of constructions. As an example, Mr Rogov mentions the work it has carried out for the Latvian state-owned energy company Latvenergo. “This involved the construction of a brand new and a high voltage transmitting network in Kurzemes, for which we have produced and delivered foundation logs and entirely bespoke precast units.” It is therefore understandable that the company’s main investment focus is on these new production lines. All products from Riga and Ventspils manufactured for assembling houses, apartments, logistic centres and

supermarkets are mostly intended for export. Around 80 per cent of production from those plants is exported to Sweden.

Efficiently executed projects BMGS has been winning tenders for highprofile construction projects in the Baltic region. One that was recently finalised and has created significant media attention was for a liquefied natural gas terminal in Klaipeda harbour. The project aimed to provide more energy security to the region and was fully designed and built by BMGS. “In 2013 the Lithuania-based oil company Klaipedos Nafta awarded BMGS the engineering, procurement and construction project for this terminal,” says Mr Rogov. “It was one of the rare projects which was fully

compatible with our core business direction. We were able to offer the full scope of services starting from design, production of concrete and up to the construction of the gas terminal itself.” Other successful projects on the company’s reference list include the extension and development of Krievu Island in Riga free harbour, signed two years ago for €100 million, as well as the recently completed new ferry terminal in Tallinn harbour. Of course, huge marine construction projects call for a reliable supply chain. BMGS works with UAB Delta Nova from Lithuania, a company offering a wide variety of building materials, products and technologies used in transport hubs, industrial buildings and civil engineering works. The company also Industry Europe 73

works with ArcelorMittal, one of the biggest suppliers of steel pipes and sheet piles in the world. Cement for the production of concrete for precast elements is supplied by CEMEX’s production line in Latvia. The company buys inserts from Swedish Teiko, while the steel pipes for the ferry terminal are supplied by Swedish company SSAB/Finnish Ruukki – one of the leading suppliers of steel foundation structures in Europe.

A confident outlook Although the expansion of its civil construction activities means increased market competition for BMGS, at the same time it opens up more opportunities. Mr Rogov explains, “Some of our products and services are quite unique. I have in mind particularly technologies that we hold and that are offered exclusively by our company. There could be substitutes but these technologies have certain advantages that can only be used on this market with our geotechnical and geological conditions.” With the market situation becoming more complicated thanks to the unstable political situation in Ukraine, BMGS has had to postpone its activities on the Black Sea 74 Industry Europe

and is more focused on Scandinavia. “We are using the precast concrete elements to penetrate the Scandinavian market, with Sweden as a gate,” adds Mr Rogov. The company is already present there in a few projects as a supplier of products and services for apartments and industrial structures through some famous contractors such as Skanska and Piab. Whilst it is not possible to evade the possible risks connected to existing geopolitical

tension in the Black Sea region, Mr Rogov is still confident that the market offers good prospects for the future. “Regardless of the fact that we have major investments from our biggest neighbour Russia, we are still seeing interest in the development of the private projects on the territory of the Latvian free harbour, which allows us to hope that, together with the market, we are heading in n the right direction.” Visit:

A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE FOR P&G The global consumer products giant Procter & Gamble has this year expanded its sustainability goals across its entire operations. In the future it will continue to focus on creating value whilst conserving valuable resources. Industry Europe looks at what this renewed focus on environmental protection will involve, as well as casting an eye over some of the group’s most exciting product launches over the past year or so.


ounded in 1837, today Procter & Gamble is a truly global phenomenon, with operations in more than 70 countries and serving more than 4.8 billion people around the world. It has one of the strongest portfolios of quality leadership brands, including Always, Ariel, Braun, Gillette, Lenor, Olay and Pantene to name just a few. This year, the group announced its plans to sell off its Duracell battery business as part of a long-term plan to give it a sharper focus. This brand was acquired as part of Gillette in 2005 and has healthy annual sales of $2 billion.

Sustainability is key In addition to continued brand development, the future for P&G will see an increased focus on sustainability issues. To this end, in October this year (2014) it announced the expansion of its sustainability goals to continue creating value with consumer-preferred brands and products whilst conserving resources, protecting the environment and improving social conditions for those who need it most. Since 2010 P&G has been guided by its vision to achieve 100 per cent renewable energy use, 100 per cent renewable or recyclable materials for all products and

packaging, and zero consumer and manufacturing waste going to landfills. Its recent announcement has seen the addition of new goals for 2020, with an emphasis on water conservation and product packaging. For the first of these, it is looking to reduce the water used at its manufacturing facilities by an additional 20 per cent per unit of production, as well as providing one billion people with access to water efficient products. In terms of packaging sustainability, it will be looking to double the use of recycled resin in its plastic packaging and ensuring that 90 per cent of its product Industry Europe 75

packaging is recyclable or that programs are in place to create the ability to recycle it. In addition to these two expanded goals, P&G is working across its supply chain to develop the capability, by 2020, to replace top petroleum-derived raw materials as far as cost and scale permit.

Unique organisation P&G’s unique organisational structure is one of the key reasons behind its continued ability to grow and achieve new targets. It combines the benefits that come from being a global $79 billion company with a local focus. This latter point is vital: all of its operations and products can be tailored to meet the needs of its customers wherever they are in the world. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Its four main Global Business Units are: Global Beauty; Global Baby, Feminine and Family Care; Global Fabric and Home Care; and Global Health and Grooming. P&G’s products include many of its most recognised brands in the areas of beauty and personal care, feminine hygiene, health and grooming. It would be impossible to name every single product that sits under the P&G umbrella, so vast is its sphere of influence, but some of the many highlights include: Aussie haircare products; Dolce&Gabbana, Dunhill and Gucci Fragrances; Gillette; Head & Shoulders; Herbal Essences; Max Factor cosmetics; Olay; Old Spice; Tampax; Pantene and Wella. One of the more recent product launches in its beauty subdivision is the new Herbal Essences Naked Collection. This range of haircare products is free from heavy residues and provides a custom premium fragrance blend infused with fresh mint. It comes in three varieties: Naked Moisture; Naked Shine and Naked Volume. Also in the area of haircare, the new Head & Shoulders range with Fresh Scent 76 Industry Europe

Technology is a breakthrough anti-dandruff shampoo that provides scalp relief and flake-free hair along with an appealing scent. Head & Shoulders has been a wellknown leader in the anti-dandruff category for over 50 years, developing an innovative approach that combines proprietary scalp technology and proven hair benefits with a water-activated fragrance boost. P&G also owns one of the world’s biggest feminine care brands, the abovementioned Always. The company regularly updates its product offering and August 2014 saw the launch of the new Always Discreet for sensitive bladders. This is a revolutionary way for women to manage sensitive bladder issues using innovative liners and pads specifically designed to absorb leaks and odours in seconds. The pads are up to 40 per cent thinner than the leading brand.

Honouring key suppliers Each year, P&G recognises the importance of its suppliers with its prestitious Partner of the Year awards. The most recent event took place in January 2015 and saw seven companies honoured with the coveted External Business Partner of the Year award. These were: EY; Monosol, Kuraray WS Film Division; PEGAS NONWOVENS; Rising Display Products (Zhongshan Co. Ltd); RONCHI MARIO SpA; SUPERPAC Inc.; and Yamada Electric. In addition to the above winners, 51 companies received Excellence Awards for consistently high performance. There were: Albany International Corp.; AMPACET CORPORATION; Arkay Packaging; Bilfinger Industrial Services Inc.; Breakthrough Fuel; Carat NA Planning; Cartus; Cellfire Inc.; Chase Design Group; CHEP; Citizen Relations; D.Cloostermans-Huwaert NV; DAWSON Integrated Marketing Communications Co. Ltd; Diamond Packaging; Diversified Supply Inc.; ECS European Containers NV;

ELIF; Éltex Ltd; Encapsys; FDK Corporation; Fibria Celulose; FIRMENICH; FLUOR Industrial Services; FOBOHA GmbH; Givaudan Fragrances; Gulsan; Havpak Inc.; Hitachi Metals Ltd; HPV Engineering s.r.o.; JLL; Kang Na Hsiung Enterprise Co. Ltd; Lingaro; Model Kramp; Mondi; NIPPON SHOKUBAI Co. Ltd; Novozymes; One Asia Network; PwC; QPSI / RockTenn; Quality Associates, Inc.; Rialto Enterprises Pvt. Ltd; Saatchi & Saatchi X; Sasol Performance Chemicals; SCHNEIDER NATIONAL CARRIERS, Inc.; SelectNY; Shandong Tianli Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd; Starcom UK TV &

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Digital Activation Team; Technimark LLC; THE SHIBUSAWA WAREHOUSE Co. Ltd; Van Genechten Packaging and WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY. Two of these companies, CHEP and FLUOR Industrial Services, were specifically reocgnised for their efforts and results in the area of Supplier Diversity.

Leading grooming brands Some of the world’s biggest grooming brands are also part of the P&G family, including, of course, Braun and Gillette. Headquartered in Germany, Braun’s small electrical appliances have long been famous for their successful combination of superior engineering with elegant design. The Braun technical centre at Kronberg is also the group’s Global Centre of Excellence for Devices and cooperates on product development with Gillette.

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A significant new product launch in the area of men’s grooming products is the new Gillette Fusion ProGlide featuring FlexBall technology. Gillette has pioneered shaving innovation for more than 100 years. With this new razor, whilst the blades will remain straight, thin and sharp, the handle itself moves and adjusts to fit the contours of a man’s face. According to P&G it will “change the face of shaving by allowing each cartridge to ride the facial contours for more constant contact.” This FlexBall technology builds on an innovation that Gillette first brought to shaving in 1977 with the first ever razor pivot.

Greener household products As with the beauty and personal care products, Procter & Gamble’s fabric care, family care and household products include some of the most instantly

recognisable global brands. From Ambi Pur, Ariel, Bounce, Downy, Daz, Fairy and Lenor to Pampers, Pepto-Bismol and Vicks, these brands reflect the diversity at play within the group’s portfolio. But what all the P&G brands have in common, whatever their sector or target audience, is their focus on meeting and indeed exceeding sustainability standards when it comes to both manufacturing and the development of new products. Perhaps nowhere is this best exemplified than in its leading European Ariel brand portfolio, which has long been recognised for its dedication to water saving, sustainable production and social responsibility. Its Research & Development departments have created a global sustainability team to continually explore ways of delivering sustainability benefits through its products without compromising on cleaning results.

Ariel is a strong proponent of the principle that washing at low temperatures is the single most important thing we can do to lower our CO2 emissions while doing our laundry. Its cold-water washing campaigns such as ‘Turn to 30°C’ have helped reduce around 58,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions by educating consumers on how to save energy. Furthermore, the launch of Ariel Excel Gel has helped the company to significantly reduce the overall environmental impact of its products. The basic principle behind this is that a more concentrated product, such as a gel, can reduce packaging per wash and also clean better at lower temperatures. One of Ariel’s most recent product launches is its 3 in 1 pods. The Ariel POD is the first compartment laundry liquid tab product. Thanks to the POD’s super-imposed pouch,

ingredients can be kept stable and separate until they reach the wash. It is a unique predosed super compacted liquid detergent that combines 3 actions in 1 product: cleaning, lifting stains and brightening.

Sweet dreams Meanwhile, in the US market, P&G has been demonstrating its dedication to social responsibility with the launch of its newest fabric care regimen, the Sweet Dreams Collection, to support the US National Sleep Foundation’s Sleep Awareness Week 2014. The line of products is formulated with ingredients to clean, soften and freshen bedtime fabrics, from bed linens to nightwear, helping to create a relaxing sleeping environment. The regimen, all of which are official products of the National Sleep Foundation,

includes Tide plus A touch of Downy Sweet Dreams, Downy UNSTOPABLES Dreams, Downy Infusions Sweet Dreams and Bounce and Sweet Dreams. This initiative is in line with the findings of a survey conducted by Healthcare Research and Analytics (HRA), in which 100 per cent of doctors agreed that an appropriate sleeping environment is critical to aiding a person’s ability to relax so they can fall asleep.

Revolutions in cognitive science for fabric care Indeed, innovative fabric care products will continue to be a major focus for development at P&G, as was demonstrated at its recent Future Fabrics forum held in Berlin. This was primarily to showcase the latest advances from its Ariel and Lenor/Downy fabric care brands

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and brought together a number of fashion, fabric and human psychology experts to talk about how our unconscious decisions affect our perceptions of clothing. John Turner, P&G’s Research & Development director, explained that the company’s fibre scientists are introducing new advances in the Ariel 3-step FibreSCIENCE approach – to Clean, Protect and Enhance – with a focus on prolonging and improving the multi-sensorial fabric properties (the look, the feel and the smell) that influence how people perceive their clothes. He said: “Our closets are full of clothes, yet we only wear 20 per cent of them 80 per cent of the time, so why aren’t we wearing the rest? P&G is looking at Fabric Care from a new angle to find out the answer. We’re breaking new ground by applying the latest research in the cognitive science of human perception to understand WHY we reject a garment and how or relationship with clothes changes over time. By applying this knowledge to our FibreSCIENCE expertise we are redefining what Fabric Care means for consumers and their clothes.”

Leaders in baby care But of course, P&G’s Household Products division doesn’t only cover cleaning products. It is also one of the world’s leaders in babycare products, with its Pampers brand being one of the most obvious examples. This brand continues to lead the field and develop new and innovative solutions. November 2014 saw the introduction of the new Pampers Premium Care Pants with allround elastic that can be pulled on like underwear. The soft belt fits the baby no matter how much he or she moves during the night and its stretchy, ultra-soft materials provide an all-round softness that is gentle on the skin. Its 1,000,000 breathable Micropores allow humid air to escape and let the skin breathe,

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which helps keep the skin dry and comfortable. These pants have been designed using the company’s proprietary technology, which includes the unique extra dry layer.

Global reputation for development With such a vast array of brands, Global Innovation is a constant focus for Procter & Gamble. This dedication to delivering a strong innovation portfolio means that each year the companies in its stable are responsible for some of the world’s most talkedabout product launches. The success of this approach was proven yet again this year when the group became the biggest winners of the 2013 New Product Pacesetters list, launching seven of the top 10 most successful non-food products of the year. P&G innovations that made the list were Tide Pods (# 1), ZzzGuil (#3), Vidal Sassoon Pro Series (#4); Downy Infusions (#6), Always/Tampax Radiant (#8), Secret Outlast (#9) and Puffs Basic (#10). In fact, P&G was able to capture 73 per cent of the total sales of the top 10 Pacesetters in non-food categories. The year 2013 thus marked its best performance on the list in the 19 years it has been published. In this time, P&G has had 155 products make the top 25 Pacesetters list in non-food categories – more than its six largest competitors combined.

Innovations in beauty products Whether it is for its beauty, grooming or household care divisions, the group’s Global Innovation activities result in a steady stream of new and exciting product launches. For example, the new Max Factor Masterpiece Transform Mascara has been designed to capture and volumise each lash, making them appear instantly fuller and thicker. It reverses the ‘bigger the mascara brush, the bigger the lashes’ concept with a small

mascara wand which is easier to control than the bulkier designs to create more precise make-up. Furthermore, the shorter bristles of the unique Masterpiece Transform brush allow the lashes to get into direct contact with the mascara formula, coating them on the first stroke. Meanwhile rows of rotating bristles ensure that, as the lashes are brushed through, every one is captured and coated. Originally available in Germany, Russia and Sweden, this product will be sold in other markets from 2015. Another new product making headlines in the beauty press is the COVERGIRL + Olay FaceLift Effect Firming Makeup, currently targeted at the US market. This breakthrough makeup was developed specifically for the ‘Boomer’ population, which is expected to grow by 35 per cent over the next 10 years. It combines flawless coverage with the hydrating effects of a night cream. The result, according to Olay, is ‘firmer-looking skin for an instant facelift effect’. This new collaboration between COVERGIRL and Olay combines the latest and most innovative technologies to create products to meet women’s specific needs. Because it doesn’t contain a powder system, FaceLift Effect has a lightweight feel to provide natural coverage and improve tone without feeling heavy. The exclusive Olay FaceFirm technology is infused with

a concentrated vitamin complex for all-day hydration to plump and lift the skin. The principle is that, as the foundation hydrates over time, the skin becomes more elastic or firm and lifted. Another product introduced by Olay last year was the new Pro-X Mircodermabrasion and Advanced Cleansing System. This is meant to offer professional skin care results at home for a fraction of the price. It has been designed to help reduce the effects of UV exposure, pollution and other factors of daily life that contribute to dull, dry skin. This device comes with three speeds: the first two allow for daily gentle cleansing or daily deep cleansing. The rotating tool’s new third speed, Microdermabrasion Foam Head and

Thermal Crystal Polisher exfoliate to remove discolouration and even up the skin tone. This system has been available wherever Olay products are sold since August 2013.

Advances in clothing care In the area of fabric care, a recent product introduced for the US market is the revolutionary new SWASH clothing care system which reduces wrinkles, refreshes fabric, restores the fit lost after wear and preserves clothing with just the push of a button. This system was developed through a collaboration between P&G and Whirlpool Corporation. SWASH uses an integrated tension system to gently hold clothes in place, while an advanced spray technology applies a unique

designed solution to the clothing from the SWASH PODS cup. Following this, a rapid thermal drying function combines an express heat system with airflow recirculation to dry clothes quickly. It is highly convenient as it can be plugged directly into a standard wall outlet and requires no water, plumbing, pipes, vents or professional installation. It is also energy efficient, using 1300 watts which is less than most hairdryers. With all of the above product launches and more, it is easy to see why Procter & Gamble remains one of the world’s consumer goods superpowers. Its product development teams are always ready to respond to the latest consumer demands as well as meeting n global sustainability criteria.

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STEPPING OUT IN FRONT Lloyd is a leading European shoe manufacturer and offers a diverse range of shoes and accessories for men and women. Industry Europe finds out more about the company.

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hen H.F.Meyer founded the company in 1888 he could not have imagined the scale of the success that was to follow. The Lloyd brand name was registered in 1905 and the famous red stripe was introduced in 1968 as a brand identifier of quality and design. In 1983 the company moved into the sports and leisure shoe sector motivated by the boom in training shoes. Soon the sports brand ‘Rocky’ had taken the market by storm and still remains an iconic market leader today. LLOYD men and women’s shoes are manufactured in its factories located in Sulingen and Romania. It also maintains longstanding partnerships with globally based suppliers in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Thailand and China amongst others. The leather used by LLOYD originates predominantly from Europe (Italy, Germany, Poland, Portugal). Furthermore, LLOYD collaborates with selected tanneries in South East Asia that are consistent with the product- and process-related LLOYD standards. Amongst other things, its partners have to meet the guidelines according to its Code of Conduct (Social and Environmental), ‘CADS List of Restricted Substances in Shoes’ and the European regulation on restriction of Chemicals (REACH).

‘Concept Stores’ In 2004 the company launched its first collection of accessories for men and women and this paved the way for the opening of a string of new ‘Concept Stores’ around the world. The future looks very promising for Lloyd with the company going from strength to strength and with new stores opening worldwide. In addition, Lloyd has recently launched an entirely new shoe concept called the

‘Bio-Extralite’ crossover shoe Lloyd opened its first company-owned ‘Concept Store’ in Fashion Street, Budapest, in Hungary in 2007. This launch was the forerunner to many others which have been opened across Europe and the Middle East and which today total more than 50 stores. This includes those in Hong Kong and China, which are owned on a partnership basis. A company spokesperson said, “We have been very encouraged by the success of our ‘Concept Stores’ in Germany. Outside Germany, our biggest markets in Europe remain Denmark and the Netherlands although our sales in eastern Europe and in particular Russia and the Ukraine are now showing strong growth. We also

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have wholesale operations in the UAE in Dubai and in Saudi Arabia. Our exports continue to do well in other countries too such as Australia and New Zealand where we have well-established agents. However, our biggest opportunities for growth lie in the emerging markets of China and Russia.”

Exports driven by quality and style Quality and design have always been the hallmark of Lloyd Shoes. It wasn’t until the late 1990s that Lloyd turned its attention to developing a collection of Leisure shoes, known as ‘week-enders’. Lloyd has its own design team but still utilise top design teams from Italy and Germany for certain collections. To promote its portfolio the company attends International trade fairs such as the GDS fair in Dusseldorf and the MICAM trade fair in Italy. This is in addition to annual exhibitions held in Denmark and Holland. The company has also been selling shoes successfully in Moscow for more than 30 years, and this is one of the company’s biggest markets outside Denmark as the spokesperson explains, “We see ourselves as a truly pan-European shoe designer, manufacturer and wholesaler and we are seeing strong growth in countries like Russia and the Ukraine where the trend is towards the sort of stylish, quality shoes that we are famous for. “Our designer accessories are also doing well where we have our concept stores and it is worth noting that everything that we produce is quality controlled here and in Romania where our second factory is located. I believe that we are the only manufacturer of quality shoes that still has manufacturing facilities in Germany.”

Crossover shoes Lloyd has been famous for its ‘business’ shoes since the firm started in 1888. However, the big trend in informal shoe wear has led to a type of shoe being developed by Lloyd that bridges the gap between leisure and business wear. This is called the ‘crossover’ 84 Industry Europe

shoe. This shoe affords more comfort for the wearer and the ability to provide greater shock absorption characteristics. Therefore someone travelling to a meeting can do so in comfort and does not need to change into a business shoe as is often the case at present. Another remarkable innovation from Lloyd is its ‘Bio-Extralite’ collection. These unique shoes are bio-degradable and bio-compostable. This means that when their useful life is over they can be put in the ground where they will decompose within three months. Unlike traditional shoes which can take up to 300 years to achieve the same result. In fact all of Lloyd’s shoes are made with sustainability and eco-friendly production methods in mind. The company uses water based glues and other eco-approved materials in their shoe compositions as well as managing waste products in the most n eco-friendly manner.

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CREATING NEW ENERGY Barbara Rossi speaks to Sergio Garrone, MD of Belleli Energy Srl and Belleli Energy CPE (Critical Process Equipment) Srl , to find out about the wide range of products and services on offer and the developments which have taken place since Industry Europe last reported on the two companies.

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elleli Energy Srl and Belleli Energy CPE are two totally independent entities, but share the same MD, some services and work in close partnership. They are both headquartered in Mantua, northern Italy, where Belleli Energy CPE also has production facilities. On the other hand, Belleli Energy Srl operates plants in the Middle East, particularly in the UAE. Both companies are wholly owned by Exterran, an American organisation listed on the NYSE, which operates on the global gas market, supplying products and services for gas compression and treatment.

Hi-tech products The range of products offered by both companies is extremely diverse. It includes the supply of equipment for various industries, namely oil & gas, petrochemical, energy production and water desalination. With regards to oil & gas, it mainly serves the refinery sector, offering large reactors and

weights produced using sophisticated technologies, high-pressure heat exchangers, and tank farms which are prefabricated at the Belleli facilities and then installed on-site. The petrochemical industry is supplied with ammonia, urea and methanol producing equipment under licence from the most important process owners in these markets. In terms of energy production, Belleli supplies oil, gas and nuclear plants, alongside the emerging coal gasification segment. In water desalination it supplies equipment and plant engineering services for the transformation of sea water into drinking water. It goes without saying that Belleli holds all the relevant certifications. Belleli Energy Srl is active in the oil & gas, petrochemical and energy sectors with a recently recorded turnover of USD 170 million. The company is mainly focused on EPC, particularly plant construction and revamping (including desalination plants) and the manufacturing and installation of

tank farms, with operations mainly based in the Gulf. It has two facilities in the UAE, one in Hamryiah (Sharjah) and one in Dubai. The Hamryah plant comprises four workshops, occupying a large covered area. This facility has recently been developed thanks to a considerable investment. “Although this is not its core business, in the Middle East Belleli Energy Srl is engaged in the fabrication of many offshore and onshore modules for Exterran,” Mr Garrone explains. As mentioned above, many hi-tech products (for instance heavy wall reactors and heat exchangers) are designed and manufactured in Mantua by Belleli Energy CPE. The company’s facilities have recently been expanded and new equipment has been acquired; its most recently recorded turnover figure was USD 100 million. “However, when there are complex orders, either in terms of volume or logistics, the company can work in synergy with Belleli Energy Srl and its facilities in the UAE. This formula has allowed us to acquire important orders, comprising a mix of products, which reflect our high level of range diversification. “A recent product development for Belleli Energy CPE is coal gasification. For instance, we have developed the main components for IGCC (Integrated Gas Combined Cycle) plants, which produce gas and steam from coal combustion. We have also developed GTL (Gas to Liquid) reactors,

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for example for Shell. This a technology for the transformation of gas into liquid fuel and it involves both the Belleli companies.” With regard to Belleli Energy Srl, its range has been expanded to include cryogenic plants which keep different fuels at low temperatures. In addition to this, the company has been working on increased geographical diversification. It now also operates in Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Success in a competitive market

flourishing, encouraging new competitors to invest in this once promising business. This temporary boom brought an increase in the number of suppliers and therefore the level of international competition. Today some of these competitors can count on low labour costs (for instance India and Korea) or a weak currency (Japan). “We have had to ward off competition and keep our wide range of international clients thanks to our reliability, quality and flexibility. We will continue to do this, as we

know that not all of our competitors can claim to be able to do the same. Moreover, thanks to our organisation we are able to offer an impressively wide range, from the most complex to the most basic equipment, whilst always guaranteeing the same quality and reliability levels. “We have noticed that many customers rely on this, because it allows them to have a highly skilled and fully reliable company as their sole supplier, instead of having to deal n with a number of different companies.

“The future is really hard to predict. I can say that we are not planning to carry out acquisitions, but otherwise it is not easy to paint an exact picture of our future development. There is ever-increasing competition on our market and we will be seeing highs and lows.” In fact, Belleli has to take into account changes which have affected the market and therefore the new landscape that has been created. This is down to various factors, namely the decrease in oil prices and the political and financial conditions affecting countries such as Brazil, Russia, Egypt, Iraq, Libya and others, which have caused a slowdown in the important projects that they still have in the pipeline and thus a slowdown in the global market for Belleli’s products. This followed a 5–6 year period during which the market was Industry Europe 89


TECHNOLOGY Drillmec specialises in the manufacture and engineering of products for the upstream energy industry. The company plays an important role in the Trevi Group to which it belongs, generating about 45 per cent of total sales. Barbara Rossi spoke to sales manager Giuseppe Falbo to find out more.

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rillmec is headquartered in Piacenza, in the northern Italian region of EmiliaRomagna, renowned the world over for its engineering culture. It incorporates five companies which have been operating in the field of drilling equipment since 1922 and is therefore able to draw on their experience and know-how. In 1996 Drillmec took over two experienced manufacturing companies, Massarenti and Ballerini – both based in Piacenza – which had been operating in the drilling sector since the beginning of Italy’s oilfield drilling activity. A few years later it took over Houstonbased Branham Industries. The Texan company became part of the Drillmec organisation and, operating under the name of Drillmec Inc., has been a real focal point for the US market, offering manufacturing facilities, spare parts services and after sales assistance. Mr Falbo added, “Moreover, in 2013 Drillmec SpA acquired a 51 per cent share of mechanical engineering enterprise Belorusneft — OJSC ‘Seismotekhnika’ – which, thanks to its new partnership with our Russian branch Drillmec Russia, will enhance our services to the Russian and Belarusian markets.”

The latest generation of rigs At the 2014 Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Drillmec introduced its latest generation of drilling rigs, named AHEAD

– Advanced Hydraulic Electrical Automated Drillers with the target to set a new standard for hydraulic rigs. The hydraulic rigs in fact, also called HH Rigs (as in ‘Hydraulic Hoist’), are well-known products that given Drillmec a great deal of visibility and prestige in the global oil & gas business.. With the AHEAD Series we’re going to overtake the standard of the HH series by increasing the maximum hook load capacity from 350 up to 500 tons and bringing to the market a new rig concept able to handle double range 3-drill pipes. All of these features are going to make the Drillmec hydraulic rigs very attractive in comparison to conventional versions. This will also happen in the offshore market where AHEAD is a truly valuable solution, particularly interesting for platforms and jack-ups with limited space available. But converting ideas into a real-world project would not be possible without knowledge and experience. This is why Drillmec is pushing the notion of training programmes as essential to innovation. “This is the principle behind the Drillmec Academy, a training facility which is open to both our customers and staff.” said Mr Falbo “Our aim is to guarantee to our customers that their trained personnel will be ready to manage all the drilling operations, as well as understand the main topics and issues arising during drilling.” “Our skilled team of instructors offer students both classroom-based and on-

field oil rig lessons about rig operations (for both mechanical and hydraulic drilling rigs), standard maintenance and troubleshooting. the training practical aspect is important as much as the classroom-based lessons. For this reason we have developed a dedicated training programme including practical training on the rig site, in order to manage the actual rig issues. Whenever this solution is not feasible, a new drilling rig simulator could help the trainee learn and practice in a real control cabin environment.” The company sees customer satisfaction as the key to its success. “We’re always ready to assist our clients with dedicated working teams, from engineering and sales to project management and production. Staff will work to analyse and fulfil clients’ requirements by customising their rigs so as to comply with the specifications of each project. To put this ‘client-friendly’ approach into practice, Drillmec is able to offer feasibility studies, FEED analysis, live support and real time diagnostics.” As proven by its HH-series and the new AHEAD products, Drillmec is always developing new technology to meet the latest standards and comply with even the most restrictive regulations all over the world. As always, Drillmec (as well as the Trevi Group) will pay special attention to new safety and environmental standards. The company Industry Europe 91

Frigomeccanica Group operates in the conditioning and refrigeration systems in the oil & gas industry. The strong technical staff and the experience matured over the years, represent excellent value Frigomeccanica Group can provide to all its customers. The main activities Frigomeccanica group can perform are: Preliminary executive and detailed engineering, Procurement and units construction, Factory acceptant test, Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance and service, Rental. The main types of plants Frigomeccanica can install and commission are: HVAC systems for onshore buildings, for safe and atex zone, HVAC systems for offshore platforms for safe and atex zone, Industrial and process refrigeration systems for safe and atex zone. Frigomeccanica Group Via B. Buozzi 40 - 48123 Ravenna, Italy Phone: +39 0544-607611 E-mail:

NUOVA CMF - COSTRUZIONI MECCANICHE FUCINE S.r.l. was established in 1991 and started its activity in 1994. Its plant covers an 11,000 sqm area - 3,000sqm of which are covered. CERTIFICATIONS Since 1996 the company has been ISO 9001 certified by RINA with number 456/96/S. Since March 2015 the company has also been ISO/TS 29001 certified. On December 18, 2014, the Test Laboratory of NUOVA CMF S.r.l. has received accreditation by ACCREDIA according to standard ISO/IEC 17025, indentified as LAB No.1494. We are approved by most important organizations such as RINA, LLOYD’S REGISTER OF SHIPPING, BUREAU VERITAS, DET NORSKE VERITAS, AMERICAN BUREAU of SHIPPING, KOREAN REGISTER, CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY, GERMANISHER LLOYD, NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAY, TUV (according AD2000-W0) e NORSOK (according to M123-1 G355 thickness 320mm).

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The company is specialised in the manufacturing of forged components ranging from 100 to 10,000 kg, such as: - rings and disks with a 1,800 mm maximum diameter. - forged nuts or pipes with a maximum length of 3,500 mm. - plates and rods with a maximum length of 12,000 mm. - shaped shafts or pinions with a maximum 1,000 mm plank diameter and a maximum length of 12,000 mm. Forgings are manufactured using low and high alloy carbon steel, stainless steel (austenic, ferritic, martensitic) and tool steel for hot and/or cold working (all vacuum degassed steel or ESR). Our products are destined to a variety of sectors, such as general and plant engineering, petrochemical, shipbuilding, energy production, hydraulics and oil and gas. NUOVA CMF S.r.l. Via G. Ferraris, 25 Z.I., 34071 CORMONS – GO, ITALY Tel. +39 0481 1680022 (Sales Manager) (Sales Department) (Sales Department)

Casella Autogrù Srl is a crane services provider based in Italy. Competence gained over the past, reliability and a customer orientation are the key features of the company. With our team and thanks to our fleet, that includes modern mobile cranes, we are ready to meet any challenge. We would be pleased to assist you in your project.

Casella Autogru S.r.l. Registered office: via Garibaldi nr. 8 -29010 Pontenure (Pc) - Italy warehouse: via Foscolo nr. 24 Loc.tà I Casoni – 29027 Podenzano (Pc) - Italy VAT: 01050710332 Tel. 0039 (0) 523-524432 | Fax 0039 (0) 0523-524434 e-mail: Pec : | Web :

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is particularly proud of this approach, proven by its ISO14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications. and of course the American Petroleum Institute licences which are suitable for almost all rig package accessories.

Reputation for reliability Thanks to its extensive engineering development, timely deliveries and excellent after-sales service, Drillmec is renowned the world over for its reliability. “One of our latest new products is the electric top drive. The market we are facing is becoming more and more focused on regulations and safety, so this is the reason that both oil companies and drilling contractors are seeking modern, reliable equipment. The standard top drive with hydraulic motors has conquered a large share of the market in the past few years, but the natural evolution of this technology will be the electric version. Drillmec serves

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major oil companies and drilling contractors worldwide. It supplies the upstream oil and gas sector, specifically the drilling, exploration and production segments. The company is involved in conventional and unconventional oil drilling (CBM, shale gas etc) as well as geothermal drilling. For each of these applications Drillmec is able to provide a suitable drilling rig to meet the requirements of each specific project.

Part of the Trevi Group As a member of the Trevi group, Drillmec already operates at international level. The group has been in business for over 50 years and has more than 6000 employees in 70 countries. It includes five group companies and 30 subsidiaries. Each company is specialised in a specific sector, ranging from construction and ground engineering to drilling fields.

Drillmec itself can rely on the Trevi Group organisation and its strategic subsidiaries, such as the Drillmec branches in the USA, Belarus, India and Venezuela. Drillmec is currently involved mainly in the on-shore market, where it is a European leader in the design and manufacture of drilling rigs. It is now interested in increasing its activity in the off-shore market, in order to become one of the leading company providing a full rig package for applications on fixed platforms, barges, jack-ups, semisubmersibles and drill ships. “For this reason, we are working hard, investing in research and opening new branches to expand our network. The latest addition to our network is the Drillmec Singapore branch, located in an interesting area with a lot of growth potential.” Over the years, the Trevi Group itself has achieved a leading position in the field of foundation engineering worldwide, carrying

out special foundation work, tunnel excavation, soil consolidation and construction of special rigs and equipment. To achieve its targets the specialised group is organised into four main divisions. The civil and construction sectors are taken care of by Soilmec and Trevi, while the oil and gas industries are served by drilling rigs manufacturer Drillmec and drilling contractor Petreven. “Each of the four divisions has a different specialisation. While Trevi carries out underground engineering work and supplies services with high added value and high profitability margins, Soilmec manufactures plants and rigs that are used for foundation engineering. Its products are the result of 40 years’ experience and are tested under the most difficult conditions in the projects carried out by the Trevi division all over the world. Petreven is a drilling contractor, whose objective is to provide drilling services in those areas where the use of our technology and expertise will be able to offer increased drilling performance, cost reduction, high safety standards and environmental protection. The fourth division n is the previously discussed Drillmec.” Industry Europe 95

OPTIMISING ENERGY MANAGEMENT Schneider Electric is a European multinational corporation that specialises in electricity distribution, automation management and the manufacture of installation components for energy management. Philip Yorke looks at a company that leads the field in its many chosen disciplines and discovers how it plans to meet the environmental challenges facing the energy sector of the future.

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chneider Electric was founded in France in 1836 by the Schneider brothers who acquired the Creusot foundries in order to make armaments and heavy machinery. Innovation played a key role in its fortunes and by 1891 Schneider had become a major player in the emerging global electricity market. Today the group leads the field in its key market sectors including UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) Movement Control and Building

Automation. Furthermore, it has continued to strengthen its lead in advanced ‘Smart Grid’ technology. Schneider is headquartered in Rueil-Malmaison, France and is also based at the World Trade Centre in Grenoble, Switzerland. Currently the Schneider Group is represented in over 100 countries and employs more than 140,000 people worldwide. In 2014 the leading multinational electrical group recorded sales of over €25 billion.

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FEPAC’s plant. Foshan. Guangdong. China

Thermostatic bimetal strips

Button contacts

Bimetal strip & part & lead frame material

Foshan Tongbao Electrical Precision Alloy Co., Ltd, FEPAC for short, is a high-tech enterprise engaging in manufacturing, developing and marketing thermostatic bimetal strip&parts, electrical contact material, high precision thin strip (lead frame material) and other kinds of bonding metal. Our products are widely used in the industries of low-voltage electrical apparatus, appliances, battery, automobile, bus bars and high-end electronic communications. Specially , our electrical contact product, with its high security and reliability, could perfectly work in the harsh environment of high heat, high pressure, high strength and corrosion, and has been used in the aerospace industry, making contribution to Chinese aerospace industry. Now, FEPAC has become one of the top 3 thermostatic bimetal manufacturers in the world and one of the leading enterprises in domestic electrical contact industry.

Welding contacts

Bimetal strips

In 2008, FEPAC completed the joint-stock transformation after the resource’s optimization and reallocation. Currently, FEPAC owns 65% domestic market share, and besides Asia market and America market, we are massively supplying the bimetal strips and parts to Europe market. Schneider Electric, Chint, Siemens, Delixi electric and ABB which are famous in the low-voltage electric power industry are our main customers. Furthermore, FEPAC has obtained ISO9001,ISO14001, and OHSAS18001 certificates, and joined the United Nations Global Compact. Our products meet the EU RoHS requests, ensure the products’ reliable quality. FEPAC is always focus on providing the safe and reliable products to the middle and high-end clients. FEPAC not only provides users with safe, reliable, and efficient products, but also with meticulous and comprehensive service. Our actions are always for your safety! If your product is related with electrical current and temperature protection, you may need our service. Do not hesitate, please contact us immediately and will obtain professional solutions.

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The latest technology: Traceable ID. All of the records and information from raw material to finished product, can be traced and checked from the stamped parts. This is the technology pioneered by FEPAC in thermostatic bimetal in the world.

FEPAC solidated and stablized its marketing rank of the top 1 in Asia, top 3 in the world in 2014. Besides, FEPAC obtained the progressive graph in the product’s quality and satisfaction from our customer. Those progress is most sensitive and significant for us. Honor and Rewards:

Green and preferred supplier to Schneider Electric 2014 RAW MATERIALS MARKET AWARD

Excellent Supplier of SANYOU RELAYS

Qualified Green Supplier of CHINT

Excellent Supplier of SIEMENS

Combined different metal properties to design and manufacture your required metal products. Contact to us, and we will offer you the best solutions to your requirement.

Address: No.60, Zhangcha 3rd road, Chancheng, Foshan, Guangdong, China Phone: +86 0757-88332210 / +86 0757-83618621 E-mail: Industry Europe 99

Innovation driving sales Schneider Electric develops technologies and solutions to make energy safe, reliable, efficient, productive and green. The company’s huge investment in R&D is designed to sustain its programme of innovation and differentiation, with a strong commitment to sustainable development. Innovation drives Schneider’s strategy for growth and dictates the research and development priorities designed to solve the planet’s energy dilemma and to make the IoT (Internet of Things) and the Smart Grid a reality. Having a deep understanding of its customers’ needs the company’s R&D teams create comprehensive, scalable

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and flexible solutions for both energy and operational efficiency. Every year Schneider invests around 5 per cent of its revenues in its various R&D programmes. Today the company’s biggest markets are energy management, automation and control products for the metals, mining and water management industries. This is where Schneider’s programmable PLCs and validated architecture makes it easy for it to be much more energy efficient. All Schneider’s latest energy management products, including its revolutionary Modicon M580 automation controller, were showcased recently at the SCA Trade Fair held in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Most ethical company For the fifth consecutive year Schneider Electric has been honoured as one of the world’s most ethical companies for its unswerving commitment to the protection of the environment. As a result, the company’s leading ethical business standards ensure long-term value to key stakeholders including customers, employees, suppliers, regulators and investors. To underscore this, every year the Ethisphere Institute recognises companies that have had a positive material impact on the way their business is conducted by fostering a culture of ethics and transparency at every level of the company. “Schneider Electric is delighted to have been selected by Etisphere for the fifth consecutive year. The challenge for the group consists in living up to the expectations of its stakeholders every day,” said Emmanuel Babeau, deputy CEO in charge of finance and legal affairs at Schneider Electric. “This is why Schneider Electric has been developing an active strategy of empowering its associates through the implementation of a range of processes and dedicated tools.” At Schneider Electric ethics and governance are considered key elements of growth and enhance the company’s competitiveness. Industry Europe 101

CSB CSB battery with its 30 years history in the battery industry grew from its infancy by partnering with global UPS industry leaders such as APC and MGE, who are today both part of the Schneider Electric group, so in other words one can say that CSB has a long withstanding history with Schneider, its people, its technology and its needs. Established in 1998, MSS India is a wholly owned subsidiary of the UK-based MSS Group of Companies. The company benefits from state-of-the-art production facilities, professional management, skilled workforce, internationally recognised quality standards, innovation and cost-competitiveness. Entirely export-oriented, MSS India focuses on the manufacture of switchgear products for the power industry, DC bus bar systems and battery accessories. Our company is driven by the understanding that the market and our customers continue to evolve and we must stay attuned to this. As such, we must be prepared to reinvent ourselves in ways that ensure we continue to serve our customers’ needs, no matter how they change. Our extensive know-how in non-ferrous means we can meet even the most precise client specifications. Our promise to our customers is that we can give them the competitive edge by supporting them in order to enhance their products, processes and services. Working together with our customers, suppliers and employees, we at MSS India will meet every challenge that comes our way. Head Office: MSS India Pvt Ltd H-8, MIDC, Ambad, Nasik Maharashtra, India, zip-422 010 Tel: +91 253 662 5299,661 1124 Email:

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European Office: MSS PRODUCTS Ltd Bankfield Road, Tyldesley, Manchester, M29 8QH, UK Tel: +44 (0)161 7039990 Email:

Throughout these 30 years, CSB has grown to become one of the biggest battery suppliers in the world, with its network presence in more than 150 countries, 3 manufacturing sites worldwide, Taiwan, Vietnam, The Philippines and upcoming in China, producing more than 3 million battery units per month, sales offices in Taiwan, America, Europe and China. Because of our diverse global partners commitment to CSB, we are able to continue to develop and learn how to serve our partners even better with our full total solution service, starting from our local sales support, through our own designed Enersizer software to create instant total solution proposal, our R&D is in constant development of new battery technology, CSB has grown from a simple VRLA battery offering to today’s full range of power such as cycling, lithium, forklift, solar and wind power storage battery solutions.

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Advancing IT technology Schneider Electric is dedicated to the development of new products that are smarter and more cost-effective than those currently on the market. This is being achieved through a continuous investment in R&D and changing the architecture of the company’s products. Schneider Electric is growing the market in a number of key areas such as its advanced power breakers and PLCs and by matching these to existing IT networks. This means that there is now a seed change in the way that Schneider allows its software compatibility to be integrated into third party systems and software. In addition, when it comes to solutions, the company utilises its own products and tests them in its own factories to make them more reliable and cost-effective.

City of the future

As a diamond partner in the 2014 European event, which attracted more than 200,000 visitors, Schneider Electric supported the competition organisers by installing a smart-grid system that connected the entire solar village. Schneider Electric also presented their most innovative home energy management solutions during the event. As one of the leading stakeholders in the Solar Decathlon project, Schneider Electric presented a world exclusive – an entirely new concept in sustainable social housing that blends comfort with energy efficiency. This innovative concept is backed by the La Varappe social inclusion group and is in line with the company’s foundation programme dedicated to combat fuel poverty. n For further details of Scneider Electric’s latest innovative products and services visit:

The ‘Solar Decathlon’ international ‘City of the Future’ competition was launched in 2002 by the US Department of Energy (DoE) and has been supported by Schneider Electric since 2007. Universities across the world were involved in the project to design, build and operate energy-efficient solar powered houses.

FEPAC FEPAC, as a manufacturer of thermostatic bimetal and electrical contact material, is a top 1 in Asia, in the top 3 in the world. We imported the technology and production line, key equipment from USA, Germany and Japan. FEPAC research and produce nontoxic contact metals, such as AgSnO which are being used in China’s aerospace ship and satellite… FEPAC’s thermostatic bimetal have the unique traceable ID, which is the latest technology pioneered by FEPAC in the word. Our goal is to make our clients more competitive and achieve dependence from our clients. We will serve our clients with the best products and satisfactory service.

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The Polish company Limito was established in 2004 in Gdańsk. In its relatively short history, it has quickly become one of the leading suppliers of Norwegian salmon and other fish and seafood in Poland, as well as across many other European and global markets. Piotr Sadowski reports.

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Robert Wijata CEO of Limito


nitially, Limito began its business activities as a trading company, focusing on the sale of Norwegian salmon, other fish and seafood, in Poland. Export operations were added in 2008, expanding primarily across the central and eastern European region. “However, in early March 2012, at our newly built factory in Grudziądz, we launched our first own production line,” explains Robert Wijata, CEO of Limito. “It is one of the most modern plants in Europe, using technologies from some of the world’s leading suppliers. They include Marel Food Systems for fish processing lines from raw to finished products, Innova System, the providers of intelligent production control solutions, as well as Multivac, for packaging machinery.”

Strong capacity As the company’s chief executive informs me, the launch of its own production in Grudziądz enabled Limito to significantly expand export operations. In fact, while in 2012 around 70 per cent of sales were reaching the Polish market, nowadays the situation has been completely reversed: 85 per cent of the total production is destined for various export markets. “The factory in Grudziądz is brand new and equipped with the best possible technologies, which also means we still have spare production capacity,” says Mr Wijata. “This is really important as we are expanding our portfolio of products, including organic salmon. We have secured the relevant certification to enable us to enter and expand in German

retail networks, for Norwegian salmon trout, amongst others. In 2015 we are also going to significantly increase the production of smoked Norwegian salmon.” When asked about how the company promotes itself, Mr Wijata explains that the best promotion is achieved through the excellent quality of the products offered by Limito. Some PR activities are carried out on dedicated fish and seafood Internet portals, but nevertheless the company continuously strengthens its position and increases its sales by offering the best quality products. “This means that today we are present, as a producer of our own brand, as well as distributor of private brands, in nearly all well-known retail networks in Poland and Europe,” adds Mr Wijata. “Backed by the

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most important certificates, such as IFS, BRC, GlobalGap, Kosher, Halal, Organic and others, we are able to successfully enter many new export markets.” By far the company’s largest export destination is Germany, followed by countries such as Denmark, France, Italy, Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as some other European markets. It is also worth noting that Limito, using the best Norwegian raw products, is

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expanding, through cooperation with local importers, to destinations such as Israel, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan and other far-flung markets.

Spotlight on the factory The manufacturing plant in Grudziądz, with an area of 6800m2, is located on a total area of 30,000m2 (with the possibility to extend the area by a further 35,000m2).

This location offers a convenient position at the crossroads of major transportation routes: it takes five hours to reach the eastern border, just over four hours to reach the border between Poland and Germany, and up to seven hours to drive to the southern border. In Grudziądz, Limito has the ability to control efficiency and offer full traceability of production batches, from receiving resources, through their processing to

finished products delivered to customers. The plant is divided into the following areas: intake of raw fish, pre-treatment, smokehouse, processing of smoked fillet, processing of fresh and frozen products, and packing. The following areas are also separated out: storage areas, product shipping and technical support, power station, compressor station and transformer station. The upper floors of the factory house the office and conference rooms. The production capacity of the factory is 8000–10,000 tonnes of fish, including 1000 tonnes of fresh salmon (packaged in a pro-

tective atmosphere using MAP technology), 3000 tonnes of frozen salmon, 1000 tonnes of smoked salmon per year under the brand Limito, and another 4000 tonnes for its own brands. The plant is HACCP certified to ensure food safety by identifying hazards and estimate the scale of risk in terms of health requirements for food and the risk of hazards during all stages of production and marketing food products.

Bright future ahead Its location in the heart of Europe means that Limito will continue to focus on the

European markets, with France and Italy being particularly attractive countries to expand across, as retail prices are still comparatively high and offer good return opportunities. “The future however is also in the Asian markets, as well as in the Middle East and Africa,” predicts Mr Wijata. “With an excellent portfolio of products, the technological back-up of a modern production plant equipped with the best machinery from leading suppliers who offer the best possible servicing options, we are more than prepared to n reach further than before.”

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REAL ITALIAN ICE-CREAM In the early 1940s, Romeo Bagnoli earned himself a reputation as a maker of fine ice-creams in his dairy and ice-cream parlour in Empoli, Tuscany. He used the very best milk from a nearby farm called Sammontana and, in the end, the farm gave its name to the ice-cream parlour and the company that grew out of it. In the spring of 1948, his eldest son, Renzo, transformed the small parlour into a veritable ice-cream workshop. The story of a company that is now one of the most important in the Italian ice-cream market began. Laura Travierso reports.


oday Mr Leonardo Bagnoli, grandson of Romeo and CEO of the company, shares with us his forecast for the future of the family firm. “Sammontana is a company with an annual turnover of over €330 million. We rank number two in the Italian ice-cream market, and we are the leader in the Italian pastry market thanks to our property brands Tre Marie and Il Pasticciere.” The reasons for the company’s success are simple: high-tech equipment, total quality assurance at every stage of the production

process (including the selection of ingredients), and continuous innovation in order to anticipate and satisfy the needs of consumers, who remain the top priority. By adopting these business ethics, Sammontana has become the second largest ice-cream manufacturer in Italy and the largest fully Italian-owned company, behind the multinational Algida-Unilever. The Tuscan company was also the first ice-cream manufacturer to achieve ISO 9001 certification and since 1997 has complied with this most advanced and rigorous quality standard.

The international overview Currently, international markets account for 3 per cent of the company’s turnover, but this share is expected to increase quickly and soon. In the UK and Germany, Sammontana operates as a private label, producing for well-known companies like Iceland, Edeka, Aldi Sud and Aldi Nord with brands as Mucci and Gelateria Ducali. “It is difficult to affirm our own Sammontana brand in foreign countries,” says Mr Bagnoli. “Indeed, in this industry the lion’s

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The Gruppo Arti Grafiche Reggiane has been active in the paper processing industry for more than 50 years, manufacturing boxes with different printing methods for a variety of sectors, namely ice-cream, food and personal care, as well as wine and spirit. Furthermore, with its subsidiaries - Fag Artigrafiche and Espo & Cartotec - it is one of the main producer of microwave boxes, display units and POP products.


share is made by multinational players like Unilever or Nestlé. “In some cases, therefore, we have chosen to enter new markets through the private label approach. We are certainly able to grant a high standard of quality in the production process, as we can offer a wide range of different product solutions, from the original or tailor made recipes to the celiac ones.”

Innovative production lines Sammontana has two ice-cream production facilities, in Empoli and Verona, and two supplementary plants dedicated to croissants – one in Vinci, near Empoli and the other in

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Rome. In this year alone, the company has already invested about €4 million into a new machinery line at the Empoli factory. This new production line enables the highest quality cone production standards: thanks to this, the wafer cone is worked out in a plumb-line that allows for the more even spraying of chocolate in the wafer.

Barattolino Sammontana In 1970, Sammontana launched is first Barattolino. This was a revolution in the Italian ice-cream market: for the first time, economysized tubs of soft and creamy ‘mantecato’ ice-cream entered Italian homes. “Now, it’s

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time to launch our Barattolino all over the world,” reveals Mr Bagnoli. “Barattolino will seduce all of you. Our goal is to present the real Italian ice-cream taste in two different sizes (1000ml and 500ml) in a limited edition. The ice-cream will come in five appealing flavours: Cioccolato, the award winning toscano black 66 per cent chocolate by Amedei in a smooth and bold gelato; Affogato al caffè, 114 Industry Europe

a creamy coffee gelato folded with smooth coffee ripple and enriched by caramelised hazelnut pieces; Limoncello, creamy gelato with a sweet and lemony ripple of Limoncello Liqueur from the Amalfi coast enriched by white chocolate drops; Cantuccini e Vin Santo, the almond taste of cantuccini biscuits and the sweet notes of Vin Santo-a classic Tuscan pairing of flavours; and Mascar-

pone, rich mascarpone cheese gelato with a smooth soft fruit ripple and crunchy biscuits. “The new flavours,” continues Mr Bagnoli, “are exclusively made for the foreign market. Our goal for the next few years is to spread the Italian ice-cream taste all over the world. For this reason we decided to start from Barattolino, our iconic brand on n the domestic market.”

Long-established family-owned pasta manufacturer Pastas Romero specialises in creating 100 per cent natural pasta in various shapes and flavours for food businesses across Europe and, increasingly, worldwide. Emma-Jane Batey spoke to export manager Nacho Santisteve to learn more.



ounded in Daroca, Spain in 1926 by D. Manuel Romero Marques, Pastas Alimenticias Romero SA has gained nearly 90 years of knowledge and experience in the artisanal production of dried pasta. Consistent growth and development has seen the company become one of the Spanish food industry’s leading players, with a key position across Europe. Today, Pastas Romero exports to nearly 30 countries worldwide, following a strategic decision to push its products abroad in the early 1990s. Export manager Nacho Santisteve spoke to Industry Europe to explain how the company’s solid family history gives it an excellent foundation from which to grow. Mr Santisteve said, “As a family business with nearly 90 years of expertise in pasta making, we have a business that I am very proud to work for; we have fast decision mak-

ing, a delicious product range and a reliable quality and service that our customers really appreciate. We have a production capacity of 300,000 kilos a day and we produce a variety of shapes and flavours of pasta – all created with our customers’ requirements in mind.” Utilising its modern production facilities covering a total area of 75,000 square metres, Pastas Romero develops and manufactures pasta types including egg pasta, 100 per cent wheat Durum semolina pasta, a range of low humidity pasta (dehydrated), quick cook pasta. It is also Spain’s largest producer of organic pasta, a sector which is enjoying considerable growth. Mr Santisteve continued, “Organic pasta is a rapidly growing sector and we’re finding that it is a particularly interesting product for producers of ready meals. We work with a number of large-scale European proIndustry Industry Europe Europe 115115

ducers of ready meals and have developed various organic pasta shapes that are in accordance with what our customers know the consumer wants. As a company with many years of experience and a family-owned structure that lets us quickly respond to our customers, we’ve found that we can always meet whatever challenges our customers face through using our facilities, our skills and our knowledge.”

Artisan and automated Operating six fully-automated production lines, three for short pasta, two for long pasta and one for speciality pasta, Pastas Romero uses state-of-the-art technology as well as high qual-

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ity ingredients to produce its goods. As the first company in the Spanish food industry to gain the ISO 9000 quality assurance, it also holds a number of other quality and environmental certificates including ISO 14001, IFS (at higher level) and ISO 22000. Mr Santisteve added, “It’s a wonderful mix. We are located in the beautiful area of Daroca which is very close to where the best quality Durum wheat is grown and transformed into semolina, so we are neighbours with a number of the most important semolina manufacturers in Spain. This is the main ingredient in our pastas and we are passionate about using the best to keep our ‘Superior Quality’ mark according to strict Spanish technical and health regulations.” Romero is a shareholder in two of the top semolina producers.

Pastas Romero also offers a number of flavoured pastas, all made with 100 per cent natural ingredients. With no additives, artificial colouring or flavourings added to any of its products, the speciality pastas offered include spinach, tomato and squid ink pasta as well as egg pasta made with pasteurised egg. Mr Santisteve noted, “As we manufacture our pasta at high temperatures and with a low water content, our natural products have a best-before date of up to three years. Everything we make is subject to very strict quality control testing and we operate a centralised Quality Department in our modern factory with its own laboratory. It is here we are focused on constant improvement across our facilities.”

Delicious growth Pastas Romero’s product portfolio is regularly expanding. Its latest offer includes new lines of products made of whole wheat or

different shapes for children one of them is the family Simpson (a 20th Century Fox license), special bronze dye pasta and, new colours like red beet pasta. It has a great deal of flexibility and an expert team to quickly develop ‘tailor made’ recipes out of the standard products for new demands or projects. As Pastas Romero continues to grow through working with food producers worldwide, the company is expanding its production facilities. Mr Santisteve concluded, “We are more than ready to meet the demands of our customers wherever they are in the world. We are experienced in exporting pasta products, in developing innovative pasta products and in using our unrivalled knowledge of delicious pasta with only natural ingredients. We are very excited about the future as we see many opportunities across our business, from organic pasta for ready meals to flavoured pasta and bulk pasta for n food producers.” Industry Europe 117

SWEET DREAMS Since its establishment, Cukry Nyskie of Poland has been renowned for its ever-expanding range of biscuits and wafers. Today, its products include creams, wafers, sponge cakes, crackers and biscuits. Piotr Sadowski reports.

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ur company and our staff put their hearts into all our activities, which combine a rich production tradition with modern technologies to create products that we can be truly proud of,” says Andrzej Obirek, commercial director at Cukry Nyskie. “The fine quality, variety and unique taste of our products have been appreciated by customers in Poland and other countries for many years.” In addition, the excellent reputation and strong brand awareness amongst consumers, as well as the company’s approach to ethical business operations, are regularly recognised by the market. In 2014, Cukry Nyskie was awarded, for the fourth time, an Employer of the Year title in its region, as well as receiving a highly prestigious Silver Laurel of Competence and Skills from the Opole Commerce Chamber. “This has also

coincided with very good business results both in terms of the level of sales and production volume over 2014 and 2015,” adds Mr Obirek.

Strong results and ongoing investments As the company’s commercial director explains, Cukry Nyskie enjoys a very stable market position, and faces no problems with the distribution of its products. In 2015 the company is focusing on continuing to increase sales and output, whilst maintaining the same level of employment. “The bottleneck is within the area of packaging our products and for that reason we are investing in brand new and highly efficient rapid packing machinery,” says Mr Obirek. “We are also going to expand the range of packaging volumes for our new products: traditionally a lot of products are

packaged in 2.5 and 3kg volumes; now we will increase the range of products in packaging of up to 1kg, offering 5 items in such volumes.” By doing so, the company is directly responding to market demand. In the last quarter of 2014 it introduced Petit Beurre cocoa biscuits in 200g packaging; it also added gingerbread biscuits in 240g packaging. In addition, last year saw the re-branding of its sugar-free light biscuits, including the reduction of the packaging weight. “By the end of the second quarter 2015 we will be introducing two new products, but we will make formal announcements of what they are in due course,” confirms Mr Obirek. “These will be very innovative products which are not yet available at all on the Polish market and we expect that they will be very favourably received by consumers.”

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A renowned producer With nearly seven decades of operations on the Polish market under its belt, Cukry Nyskie is a brand that is immediately recognised by tens of thousands of loyal consumers. The company sees that as a real affirmation of its hard work over the years, but it does not rest on its laurels. Quite the opposite: promotion has also become an important activity, an example of which is the current countrywide radio marketing campaign. “We are also taking part in a number of trade fairs, both local, national and international ones,” says the commercial director. “In 2014, as part of a consortium of Polish exhibitors, we took part in a major trade fair in Paris, whilst in 2015 we will be exhibiting at our own stand in Copenhagen and in 2016 in Cologne.” Promotion is also one of the ways in which the company is able to diversify its distribution channels and increase its export share. In Poland, Cukry Nyskie has so far been selling around 60 per cent of

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its products in the traditional retail market and 40 per cent in the modern channel. However, the latter is now increasing its overall market share and the company is present in all modern European and Polish retail networks operating in Poland, such as Kaufland, Tesco, Eurocash, Żabka and others. It is also important to point out that the level of exports in terms of overall sales is also on the rise. The company distributes its products in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the Czech Republic – and has been doing so for many years now – and since October 2014 it has also been exporting to the US. In addition, it is currently in talks with potential distributors in Canada and Kazakhstan, which, if successful, will pave the way for Cukry Nyskie to distribute its excellent products to these two new markets.

Strong prospects Looking ahead, Cukry Nyskie is focusing primarily on organic growth. Working with global suppliers of sugar, flour, fats, cocoa and other

raw materials, the company ensures that it has a stable base of raw materials. Mr Obirek concludes: “We are not closing the doors on other forms of growth, such as acquisitions, but first and foremost the focus is on boosting our output capacity, ensuring we offer a good mix of traditional as well as brand new products. Diversifying our sales markets and reaching new clients are also going to be an n important concern for us.”


When Ponsse was founded in 1970 by a Finnish forestry entrepreneur, its products took the market by storm. Light, powerful and agile, the unique machines were the brainchild of Einari Vidgren. When other manufacturers’ machines were unable to withstand the heavy-duty use that Vidgren required, he decided to build his own. As a result, Ponsse quickly became a market leader in the development and manufacture of heavy-duty forestry machines designed for the ‘cut-to-length’ method. Philip Yorke reports.


onsse is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of forestry machines and its customer-orientated operations are still guided by the wishes and needs of forest machine entrepreneurs worldwide. The company’s products cover the diverse requirements of efficient harvesting faced by the global forestry industry. Tree species can vary greatly around the world from old pine to eucalyptus, and the machines have to endure tropical heat and arctic conditions without damaging the local terrain and be capable of climbing the steepest gradients. Ponsse specialises in the production, sale and maintenance of forest machines specially designed for the cut-to-length method of harvesting, as well as their related information systems. Today innovation lies at the heart of the company’s business, which remains an independent family-

owned concern. From the outset Ponsse has been dedicated to meeting the precise and challenging demands of the global forestry industry as dictated by forestry owners and operators worldwide.

Tailor-made efficiency Ponsse’s mission is to supply its customers with the best possible tools to suit all tree species and harvesting environments. Ponsse only designs products that meet its customers’ strict demands for efficiency, reliability, safety, durability and ease of use. Ponsse forestry machines are acknowledged as the best in the world. All its machines are developed as a result of close collaboration with its customers. For example, the new Ponsse 2015 series is a prime example of the vital role that custom-

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DSV, at your service comprehensively across all logistics needs DSV offer its customers global and competitive transport and logistics services of a consistent high quality standard. We provide well-proven and cost-effective services as well as more tailored solutions to our customers. Our powerful concepts are developed through integrated relationships with our long term and loyal customers like Ponsse, DSV Road Finland’s Sales and Marketing Director Jurkka Mäkelä says. In their recently released strategy DSV promise to offer strong industry insight into specific verticals, and support its customers through a clear account responsibility and high visibility. We are one company and aim for the right balance between local, divisional and central tasks and responsibilities. In marketing we talk about One DSV meaning that customers can buy all their logistics needs with a single-stop principle, Mäkelä emphasize. DSV’s corporate structure is built on three divisions: DSV Road, DSV Air & Sea and DSV Solutions. In all companies the business models and processes are clear and similar. This means that the quality differences between the companies are minor. All the companies are also managed in order to adapt to local market conditions and customer needs. When DSV deliver transport services to their customers, great focus is naturally placed on quality and price, but this is not always the only priority. Operational excellence and customer intimacy are key words DSV trust. In Finland we have created several specific customer service models which we call Control Towers. The employees working in Control Towers are dedicated to one specific customer and are taking care of all the customer’s needs. This way they are always aware of what is going on in any part of the world regarding to the customer like Ponsse, Mäkelä explains.

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ers play in determining the development of solutions that enable the production of more powerful, reliable and ergonomic harvesting. Ponsse harvesters handle both wood for bio-energy and largerdiameter trunks quickly and efficiently. Because these machines are so versatile, they ensure maximum productivity in all weather and terrain conditions, offering perfect comfort for the operator in the process. The company’s ‘BuffaloDual’ machine is also unique, in that it can be transformed from an efficient harvester into a powerful forwarder in a matter of minutes. When the employment of two machines is too much, then this is the perfect solution. It is arguably the most versatile forest machine on the market and manufactured with uncompromising power and the most advanced technology. In addition, Ponsse offer specially designed models in different sizes that guarantee users the most efficient harvester head regardless of the harvesting site terrain for heavy-duty logging or energy wood harvesting.

Expanding global reach Although Scandinavia remains the company’s main market it is also gaining ground in mainland Europe, Russia and South and North America. The company is also expanding into other regional growth areas such as China, which has vast eucalyptus plantations where many of Ponsse’s machines are already in operation. China also uses a lot of wood pulp so the opportunities for growth in this market are very strong and equal to similar opportunities in Russia and South America. Recently, Ponsse appointed a new retailer in Brazil: Timber Forest Equipmentos, which is focused on heavy-duty felling head solutions and n operates in the countries three southernmost states. For further details of Ponsse’s latest innovative and powerful forestry machinery visit:

Powerful performers When using forestry machines, the majority of the work is performed using cranes and loaders. This means that strength, movement, speed and controllability of cranes and loaders are critical to achieving optimal harvesting efficiency. Ponsse meets these challenges by offering products with unusually powerful performance for their size, with extensive hydraulic capacity and the company’s unique ‘OptiControl’ system. To ensure optimised power and accurate data, Ponsse designs and manufactures all of the control and measuring systems needed for the harvesting chain. The new 2015 product series provide new engine technology and combined with improved hydraulics have enabled the service intervals to be extended from 600/1200 hours to 900/1800 hours. These long service intervals increase efficient working hours and reduce operating costs. In addition, the Ponsse Elk, Wisent and Gazelle all now provide significantly higher torque and power. The 8-wheeler Ponsse Bear is the largest harvester in the Ponsse range and an unrivalled powerhouse for the harvesting of thick trees in demanding conditions. The company’s new ScorpionKing also offers improved productivity, cost-efficiency and comfort to the most challenging logging sites. Another important model is the 2015 series Ergo 8w, which offers a highly efficient Mercedes-Benz engine with a dual circuit hydraulic system that ensures the most powerful performance for its size in its class. In addition, the upgraded Ponsse Buffalo is a highly efficient and reliable middle-sized forwarder designed to offer excellent tree thinning capabilities and regeneration felling. An all-new cabin suspension system has been also designed for the company’s 8-wheelers that provides a simple, more functional structure that suspends any sideways movement that may be directed towards the driver. Industry IndustryEurope Europe 125

GENERATING GROWTH Yanmar Italy SpA is a member of Yanmar Co. Ltd, the Japanese multinational set up in 1912 and currently owned by the Yamaoka family and based in Osaka. The Yanmar Group is a global leader in the manufacture of diesel engines for industrial, agricultural and marine use, as well as tractors, excavators, generators and cogenerators. Eugenia Fiusco talks to Massimo Canni Ferrari, assistant manager of the sales division, to find out more about the company.

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anmar Italy manufactures air-cooled diesel engines with a power range from 3.5kW to 7.4kW, and distributes watercooled diesel engines manufactured in Yanmar Japan Biwa plant and air-cooled engines to the Italian market. “Thus, our main customers are Italian OEMs that manufacture agricultural machinery, generators, construction equipment and refrigeration systems,” said Massimo Canni Ferrari.

A wide global network Yanmar Italy was first set up in 1996 as Yanmar Cagiva, a joint venture with the company Cagiva focused on the production and distribution of small air-cooled diesels. It was in 1999 that it became a 100 per cent Yanmar subsidiary and in December 2009 its name changed to Yanmar Italy SpA.

During that time, Yanmar Italy became the sole global production hub for small air-cooled L Series diesel engines when the other L-Series production centre at the Japanese Nagahama Plant was closed down. Yanmar Italy supplies air-cooled L-series engines worldwide through Yanmar Regional Headquarters located in Japan, Singapore, US, The Netherlands and their distribution networks. Yanmar European HQ located in Holland distributes all Yanmar engine models to the European market. Since it was established, Yanmar Italy has grown continuously and today employs around 150 people, with sales in excess of €60 million. Yanmar’s core business is the development and manufacture of diesel engines. Its history reflects its total dedication to quality and progress, and its overriding faith in the future of the diesel engine.

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Focus on environment and sustainability All of Yanmar’s products are developed with an eye to sustainability. For example, the group has just introduced a line of EPA Tier4 compliant engines equipped with a DPF (diesel particulate filter), which are designed to remove diesel particulate matter from the exhaust gas of a diesel engine. “Yanmar Italy is investing in designing engines that are compliant with the latest emission regulations. In particular, Yanmar EPA Tier4 engines already comply with the incoming Stage 5 of the European NRMM emission regulations.”

Looking to the future The group’s diverse range of future goals does not stop here; it is also planning to upgrade its engine line-up, aiming to increase engine power in order to satisfy the needs of a wider customer base. “The year 2015 saw a really positive start, thanks to our new customers in the construction and power generation sector. Here we boast customers who are amongst the major players in this industry,” continued Mr Canni Ferrari. When asked about the names of its major customers, Mr Canni Ferrari explained that there would not be sufficient space to name them all. Therefore, he preferred not to mention any as it would not be right to give preference to some over others: “All our customers n are equally important to us,” he concluded.

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FARMERS’ FRIEND As ‘the voice of the innovators and developers of agricultural machinery in Europe’ CEMA has an important role to fill. Emma-Jane Batey spoke to Secretary General Ulrich Adam to learn how this association is supporting and promoting its members’ activities across Europe.

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ased in Brussels, CEMA is the European Association of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery. Representing the interests of the European agricultural machinery industry, CEMA is the ‘face and voice’ of the industry in Brussels regarding key international organisations, legislative decision-makers and policy-makers. The European agricultural machinery industry is huge: more than 4500 manufacturers including large multinational corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises generate a turnover of more than €26 billion and employe over 135,000 people directly with a further 125,000 indirectly through its distribution and service network. As an ‘association of associations’, CEMA’s members are primarily the key 11 country members’ associations, such as the major EU states of the UK, France, Italy, Germany and Spain as well as smaller states including Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Turkey. CEMA’s Secretary General Ulrich Adam spoke to Industry Europe to explain how the association supports its members and promotes their activities. Mr Adam said, “As the EU platform for the manufacturers of agricultural equipment, we’re here to bring forward the message that European agricultural machinery is very much a key solutions provider for sustainable productivity growth in food production: tractors can have

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a traditional, old-fashioned image but the truth is that today’s tractors are highly technology driven. Agricultural machinery today is capable of doing things that even the most advanced cars are not capable of; they’re largely automated and are focused on helping farmers to produce more with less.”

Exciting opportunities CEMA and its members have identified a huge range of exciting opportunities for farmers to stay innovative for many years to come through harnessing the best of the latest technology and combining that with upto-date knowledge of legislative and policy issues. Mr Adam continued, “Europe is the world’s biggest producer of agricultural machinery and we want and need it to stay that way. CEMA helps our members stay ahead of the game through various means including a dynamic regulatory framework here in Brussels. We’re very specialised thanks to our unique mix of agricultural policy, research policy and technical policy, all of which come together to ensure that we are at the very front of the issues that impact on the European agricultural machinery industry.” In addition to the national agricultural associations many of the manufacturers themselves are active in CEMA’s day-to-day work.

This gives a valuable balance to the organisation, particularly as it covers both big internationally active companies and small familyowned operations. Mr Adam explained, “In particular, we have smaller members in the agricultural implement and equipment sector. The broad range of our members gives us a varied understanding of our whole industry as we represent over 98 per cent of the European agricultural machinery market. It’s a very strong platform on which to stand and helps our members enormously.” CEMA’s mission is to work towards a balanced legislative and regulatory framework in the EU that is able to support the competitiveness of the industry in Europe and can enable the industry to provide smart solutions that help farmers worldwide to grow food affordably and sustainably. Mr Adam explained, “With population growth comes a greater demand for food, so efficient, effective growth of crops is important for everyone, not just farmers. This year CEMA will be attending the EXPO Milano which is all about feeding the growing world safely and, with research showing that the world population will grow to 10 billion people by 2050, our goal of being able to feed more people using fewer natural resources and fewer people is a integral element of that happening.”

be managed from the farmer’s laptop; they can see how their crops are doing, address any issues, implement pest control, see irrigation’s really a farming revolution and we’re at the heart of it.” As well as EXPO Milano, CEMA is soon organising a major summit in September entitled ‘Smart Regulations for Smart Machines’. This will support its call for a strong regulatory framework in Europe and is another example of how the organisation is pushing forward for the benefit of its members. Mr Adam concluded, “One important question right now is how European agricultural policy can support farmers in producing more and higher quality crops with less impact on the environment. Investing in modern precision machinery is a a central part of the solution. The ability of farmers to make such investments depends on all sorts of factors, such as a good price for their crop. As old European support schemes such as milk quota subsidies and sugar quota subsidies disintegrate, we will need to find new ways to support farmers in their quest to modernise their n production processes in a sustainable way.”

A deeper understanding With CEMA’s dedication to promoting and supporting innovative activities throughout the European agricultural machinery industry, it not only acts to promote a deeper understanding of the industry among EU decision-makers, regulators and stakeholders but also to advise on how farmers can manage their farms efficiently through various means. Mr Adam said, “We are seeing some really exciting developments that integrate digital technology such as precision farming, whereby advanced machinery is used in the field with remote satellite guidance, technical mapping and ways of tailoring your inputs and calculations. It means that the farm of the future can essentially

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NEW HOLLAND AGRICULTURE BRINGS SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE TO EXPO MILANO 2015 Today we all face a daunting challenge: feeding a planet with a population that is projected to reach 9 billion less than 40 years from now while preserving natural resources and dealing with Climate Change. This issue is high up in the agenda of every government, international organization and agricultural association. As an equipment manufacturer and a global player in agriculture, New Holland has a responsibility in addressing this issue that is at the root of the Clean Energy Leader® strategy, launched in 2006. It aims to support a sustainable development of agriculture through increased productivity, rural economic development, food security and the promotion of local production of equipment, together with the reduction of the environmental footprint of agriculture through the adoption of sustainable farming practices and lower machinery emissions.


he Expo Milano 2015’s theme of ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’ provides New Holland with a unique opportunity to share this vision of sustainable agriculture with the general public and to show the key role of agricultural mechanization in the food supply chain while preserving the natural resources and reducing the environmental impact. Thanks to the Expo global partnership of FCA and CNH Industrial, New Holland is the only agricultural machinery brand participating to this important world event with its own pavilion that shows visitors its concept of

the sustainable farm of today and tomorrow. A future in which the production of food, energy and revenue are part of a single virtuous circle based on the use of renewable resources, respect for the land and the environment, and the elimination of waste. The 1,258 sqm Sustainable Farm pavilion hosts the best of New Holland in terms of sustainable agricultural equipment and technology, aimed to meet the growing needs to feed the planet. The building is designed and built according to energy-saving and sustainable architectural rules and at the end of the exhibition it will be disassembled, reassembled and used for different purposes. Inside the pavilion, visitors live an emotional experience through multiple interactive tools, video installations, augmented reality and product displays. They get closer to farming and understand how mechanization and technology help to improve the production of quality food and clean energy and at the same time reduce pollution, waste and human fatigue. The visit experience begins from an outdoor stairway that treats visitors to a panoramic view alongside a kaleidoscope installation and the T6 Methane Power tractor prototype placed on the roof and continues through an indoor ramp that descends the whole building. On the first floor, an area is dedicated to the Energy Independent Farm, the ‘Do more with less’ concept and The seeds of Life series, that tells the stories of farmers - our customers - all over the world who help feeding the planet. On the ground floor guests discover three agricultural machines - the T7.270 high horsepower tractor, the CR9.90 combine and the Braud 9060L self-propelled grape harvester - and are surrounded by an emotional video showing the story of a seed in the soil to the food on our tables all over the world. The visit continues with the story telling of 120 years of history and technology of New Holland and on a driving and harvesting simulator that reproduces the real farming experience.

Want to see it live? Expo Milano 2015 runs until October 31st, 2015. Come and visit the New Holland Sustainable Farm Pavilion. 132 Industry Europe

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GLOBAL LEADER IN HEAT PROCESSING SOLUTIONS The SECO/WARWICK Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of heat processing solutions. Thanks to its innovative research and development centre, equipped with industrial furnaces, as well as its cooperations with technological academic institutions in Europe, the Group delivers innovative and unique technological solutions. Since 1991 SECO/WARWICK has been operating in Poland, as Piotr Sadowski reports. Active Only Indexing CAB Furnace

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GAMAGAZ Both in Poland and in developed countries share of solid fuels is constantly and steadily decreasing to liquid and gaseous fuels. The use of renewable energy sources is increasing. This prompted the company to give attention to the flammable gas utilization technology both in industry and municipal economy (heating technology). We cooperate with the leading European gas fittings manufacturer - German DUNGS GmbH. When we developed industrial furnaces tanning technology, the group of manufacturers was joined by two Italian companies: ECONEX srl and the ESA-PYRONICS srl Our close cooperation with such companies as Seco/Warwick SA allows us to participate in large projects, e.g. the largest project in Europe, i.e. the laboratory testing the fire resistance of materials and the ITB structures in Pionki and in the related CTO realization in Gdansk. Conscientiousness, diligence, honesty and loyalty are the principles we follow. In consequence, we are very well regarded by the market, which allows us to perform large-scale tasks. Seco/Warwick Europe is our business partner, with whom we make complete heating systems for industrial furnaces.


oday SECO/WARWICK consists of ten companies with locations across four continents. The Group’s solutions reach 45 countries worldwide. It serves customers in the steel, titanium and aluminium production industries, as well as the automotive, aircraft, military industries, commercial hardening, HVAC/R, electronics, wind energy, medical equipment and nuclear sectors. “In 1991 SECO/WARWICK Ltd was created and in 2003 the company took over the enterprise ELTERMA SA,” explains Bartosz Klinowski, president of the board of SECO/WARWICK Europe. “Subsequently, in 2006, a reverse acquisition of the mother company took place, as a result of which the main headquarters of the Group were transferred to Poland. One year later we were launched on the stock exchange and in 2013 we separated the SECO/WARWICK SA Holding, with the entirety of the operational arm located in SECO/ WARWICK Europe.” 136 Industry Europe

Ahead of the competition The SECO/WARWICK Group is a global player that delivers industrial equipment and cutting-edge technologies for the heat processing of metals. The Group has achieved a tremendously high level of innovation compared to other companies, thanks to which it has become one of the leaders in its sector. “We carry out entirely prototype projects, together with our clients and partners,” adds Mr Klinowski. “The equipment solutions we offer are technologically very complex and based on a client’s specific requirements; the customer remains present throughout the entire project.” The Group’s well developed internal research and development activities are combined with a long-term cooperation with leading research and development, and academic, centres in Poland, the US, China and across the whole of Europe. The Group ensures the highest level of competence and the continuous professional devel-

Solid Logistics Solid Logistics is a global logistics operator. Committed to the “one stop shop” principle, we offer our customers comprehensive services in the field of maritime (FCL, LCL, Project Cargo), air, road, and rail transports, as well as custom, fiscal, logistics, warehousing and distribution services. Our cooperation with Seco Warwick has been going on for more than 10 years. Nature of the industry, in which our partner operates, often requires abnormative load transport in different parts of the world. For years, we successfully have served such shipments, giving our customer comprehensive logistics services. We are aware that the industry leader sets high standards in collaboration with its suppliers. The more we are pleased Seco Warwick has been giving us its trust for years.

Parker Hannifin Parker Hannifin is a leading global manufacturer of innovative drive and control technologies in a wide range of possible industrial applications and applied media. The company’s range of products includes components and systems for high-tech hydraulics, pneumatics, electromechanical drives, filtration, fluid connectors and seals. The cooperation with SECO/WARWICK focuses mainly on hydraulic drives used in metallurgical production lines. Parker product range can successfully expand application possibilities. We provide ready-made solution, after a very thorough consultation with the SECO/WARWICK design offices. Drives with precise positioning for lifting, move or rotate systems are worth to be mentioned. Parker is also a producer of proven technical solutions for providing basic media used by advanced SECO/WARWICK technological lines. Parker Hiross is a recognized supplier of equipment for cooling the technological water - industrial chillers used in closed and open water systems. Parker offer includes also nitrogen generators - the devices that allow companies on site produce the nitrogen from the compressed air and take control of their own gas supply. Nitrogen is commonly used to exclude oxygen from heat treatment furnaces and ovens. Parker can supply nitrogen generation systems to replace expensive bulk vessel liquid supplies or cylinders for many heat treatment processes. Extremely wide range of Parker products allows the realization of innovative projects.

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VACMAX specialize in: • full-scale renovation of heat treatment furnaces • molybdenum and graphite heating chambers • manufacturing and assembly spare parts to vacuum furnaces • assembly and disassembly heat treatment furnaces • tungsten and molybdenum parts VACMAX Jan Błaszczuk • Pl, 66- 200 Świebodzin, Wilkowo 61 tel/fax +48 (68) 38 114 17 • mobile: +48 606 279 437 e-mail: / •


MJS Technika

VACMAX Jan Błaszczuk company is located In Wilkowo about 3

MJS Technika is a company that was established in 2006 to

kilometers from Świebodzin (Lubuskie province). We possess

follow on from the STAMET family business. By combining

many years practice and experience in built, modernization and

the company’s more than thirty years of the engineering

full-scale repairs vacuum furnaces. In wide range we cooper-

experience (in construction of machinery and equipment for

ate with companies like Seco/Warwick S.A. and Bodycote.

the food industry, for environmental protection, for water and heat energy, and for steel structures), with its technical and

Vacmax offers helium leak detector services in vacuum

organizational capabilities, we are able to implement complex

furnaces. Specialist Management team, trained employers and

engineering tasks in machining of metals and construction of

many years experience guarantee full of satisfy our customers

welded structures.

each time. MJS Technika has a qualified crew, capabilities and technical Thanks to huge experience in heat treatment equipment

expertise, which allows us to take up various projects.

VACMAX Jan Błaszczuk offers renovations and modernizations vacuum furnaces in full of range.

We use our own technical facilities as well as the potential of our partners, providing our customers with fast, reliable and

Total renovated vacuum furnace made by VACMAX bring about

comprehensive services.

that furnace is practically new confirmed received guarantee. Thanks to our flexible pricing policy, we can confidently create To correct productivity, extend economic conditions and bring

our image as a partner in achieving better results while

back primary technical parameters of furnace we invite to

minimizing costs.

contact with our experience technical team.

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Metal Work Metal Work is an Italian company specialised in the production of pneumatic components for automation systems. Established in 1967 , has gradually extended its structure and production range to become a market leader. We currently market five separate product ranges: actuators, valves, FRL units, fittings and handling/robotic components, all of which appear in our 1000-page catalogue. The main production plant is located in north Italy, Concesio near Brescia, and the group now has a total workforce of over 1000 . Metal Work obtained ISO 9001 quality certification in 1992, followed by ISO 14001 in 2000 and OHSAS 18001 since 2007 . Almost all Group.s Companies worked in one integrated ERP by SAP. Product distribution and technical assistance are handled by over 40 branches in Italy and abroad that are in direct daily contact with the market and provide a capillary service. Product quality and an efficient sales organisation are the corner stones on which Metal Work firmly rests ones which enable it to meet the diverse needs of pneumatic automation

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Radam is a company, which has been based in Wroclaw, Poland for 14 years. The company is well known to customers as a competent partner who can fulfill orders professionally and provide guarantee of the quality for its products. We offer comprehensive solutions regarding protection of cables and wires: - rigid, galvanized, steel pipes with accessories, - INOX rigid pipes with fittings, - Metal hoses, coated, sleeved with accessories, - PVC, PA, PU hoses with accessories, - Metal, aluminum, PP and others cans, - The plate edges shields - PVC cable glands, nickel-plated brass, INOX including ATEX - Various accessories used to protect the cables and wires. They are compatible systems that combine rigid and flexible pipes on the innovative principle of couplings. Products supplied by our company are of high quality and aesthetic designs, as well as they meet Poland’s and international standards. We always offer our customers the advice and technical assistance in selecting the most appropriate solutions that meet the highest world standards and at the same time, are economically justified. Wide range of our customers includes both: companies producing various machinery and equipment, as well as those belonging to the energy, chemical, food, automotive, and rail sectors. Our systems are used wherever the rock-solid protection of cables and wires against mechanical damage and the harmful effects of various external conditions is needed.

51-608 Wrocław; AI. L. Różyckiego 1c tel: +48 71 356 77 17 e-mail:

Radam Our cooperation with SECO/WARWICK EUROPE has been lasting from 2001 and has continued up to now. That time, based on excellent relations, has been a good test for both companies. On the one hand, we have the hurdle set high for the quality of supplied materials, on the other hand, we get satisfaction that we meet all the criteria, which largely contributes to the high quality of the final products. Constantly expanding range of special furnaces by SECO/WARWICK EUROPE make us facing a diverse and outstanding challenges, so we can rapidly develop and propose solutions at the highest level. The fact that electrical installation equipment supplied by us for the production of such magnificent furnaces lives up to expectations of such demanding customer is our great satisfaction. The furnaces designs are based on a wealth of knowledge and experience

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of the SECO/WARWICK engineers, which we can confirm as a company that for years has fulfilled the orders with varying degrees of difficulty. Professionalism, reliability, experience and mutual trust are an excellent foundation, on which we build our forward-looking relationships. The SECO/ WARWICK’s dynamic development, which is also associated with the graphene allows us to be optimistic about the future cooperation. Our company is ready to undertake the upcoming tasks and meet new orders. We are focused on modernity and innovative solutions, which are also the distinctive features of our partner. The trust of our customers is a great honour for us, and is also the motivation and commitment to the further development and exploration of innovative solutions.

Roller Hearth Furnace System for Transformer Core Annealing

Vacuum Induction Melting Furnace (VIM)

opment of its staff. At the same time, through a flexible approach to its customers, it delivers tailor-made solutions developed by experienced and efficient R&D teams.

Bartosz Klinowski has been associated with the SECO/ WARWICK Group for 12 years. Since 2003 he was an IT programmer for SECO/WARWICK S.A. Two years later he became the deputy director of the electrics factory. In 2010 he took the post of the operations director and vice-president in the Swiebodzin-based company of the SECO/WARWICK Group. Since 2013 he has been the president of SECO/WARWICK Europe.

Innovative solutions SECO/WARWICK’s annual turnover is somewhere in the region of PLN 0.5 billion. Its product portfolio includes a wide range of solutions, including: furnaces and technological lines for heat treatment in vacuum; furnaces and technological lines for atmosphere heat treatment; furnaces for the heat treatment of aluminium; solutions dedicated to vacuum metallurgy; appliances for the controlled atmosphere brazing of heat exchangers; furnaces made according to individual specifications; laboratory furnaces for testing fire resistance; and a range of aftermarket services. In terms of the geographic coverage, SECO/WARWICK aims to ensure that its entire product range is available in all the markets in which it operates. “Around 50 per cent of the overall production of SECO/WARWICK Europe reaches Europe, excluding Poland,” explains Mr Klinowski. “Poland on its own constitutes 25 per cent of the overall production; we deliver 11 per cent of our solutions to the US and 6 per cent to Asia. The remaining 6 per cent reaches all other global export markets.”

Research and development SECO/WARWICK has consistently adhered to its winning strategy of offering its customers innovative products of the highest quality. The research and development department of SECO/WARWICK works on technologies which improve the efficiency and quality of heat treatment processes. The laboratory, equipped with full-size industrial furnaces, is available for clients to test samples in order to ensure that the equipment offered by SECO/WARWICK meets all agreed specifications. The Group continues to work closely with leading academic institutions in Poland and abroad, allowing it to create the most innovative, niche technologies for the heat treatment of metals. Flagship products include important innovations such as the FineCarb® appliance for vacuum carburising and the ZeroFlow® nitriding appliance. “I must also mention our furnaces for the production of graphene,” says the president of the board of SECO/WARWICK Europe. “Graphene has unlimited – perhaps apart from the food industry – applications, from the production of asphalt, electronics and many other, key industrial sectors. We strongly believe that graphene is the future; that is why we are working intensively on innovative appliances for its production.” To this end, SECO/WARWICK recently exhibited at the fifth edition of the Graphene Conference series – the largest European platform dedicated to grapheme and 2D materials. This served to confirm the n Group’s important position in the European graphene market.

GraphMaster - CVD reactors for large format graphene production

LPC FineCarb Vacuum Carburizing Furnace Industry Europe 143


DEMANDING APPLICATIONS Finnish company Vexve’s acquisition of Naval Oy in 2014 has created a strong valve family with unparalleled district heating and cooling expertise. Felicity Landon reports on a family-owned company with ambitions for significant further growth.

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exve Oy is known for industry expertise, high quality, fast deliveries and superior customer service. It has gained a string of awards in recent years, including the President of Finland’s Internationalisation Award in 2013, and it has set some ambitious targets increasing turnover. The world’s leading manufacturer of high-quality valves specifically designed and developed for the most demanding district heating and district cooling applications, Vexve also manufactures a wide range of valves and smart heating controllers for heating and cooling systems, as well as high-quality valves for the oil & gas sector. Vexve’s headquarters are located in Sastamala; all of its products are manufactured at its plants in Sastamala and Laitila.

In 2009, Vexve acquired Automix, adding controls and loading products to the portfolio; there was further expansion of production in 2010 and 2012, and large ball valve production began in 2013. Last year, as well as the Naval acquisition, Vexve launched its hydraulic actuators range. Last year (2014), Vexve acquired Naval Oy from the American group Flowserve. The fusion of these two successful valve suppliers, officially completed by the start of 2015, has created a leader in the market place; the combined forces have also enhanced Vexve’s operations with centralised functions. The aim, says the company, is to serve its customers even better in the future.

Company background

“Our employees’ know-how, modern production methods and highly automated production guarantee high quality and economically optimised manufacturing,” says current owner, chairman and managing director Jarmo Nieminen, who is the son of the founder. “Vexve’s business has been developed in a responsible manner with long-term objectives. Partnership thinking, social responsibil-

Vexve was first established by Jorma Nieminen in 1960, as a company specialising in HVAC contracting. In 1990, it expanded into ball valve production – an activity that doubled in size just six years later. Butterfly valve production started in 2004, and in 2008 there was a further expansion of ball valve production.

Production profile

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ity and a strong set of values have been the cornerstones of the company’s success.” “Our production capacity is currently about one million valves per year, with no immediate need for a capacity increase,” says Mr Nieminen. “Our service centres in Beijing and St Petersburg, as well as a worldwide network of partners, provide local customer support.” The product range includes district heating/district cooling products – steel ball valves, butterfly valves, long stem ball valves, branching valves, hot tapping valves and drilling equipment; oil and gas products – gas ball valves, long stem gas ball valves, steel and stainless steel ball valves, steel and stainless steel balancing valves, smart heating controllers, mixing valves and bio-loading units. “Our cleantech products are designed for the entire lifecycle of district cooling and heating systems, delivering the highest possible energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness throughout the whole network,” says Mr Nieminen. “We also offer manual gears, electric and hydraulic actuators, extension spindles and pre-insulated valve assemblies tailored according to customer-specific requirements.” New products and innovations are always ongoing at Vexve. Mr Nieminen says: “For the easy and reliable optimisation of district heating/ cooling network operations, we recommend our new HydroX solutions, for automatic opening/closing. Offering minimum maintenance and complete safety, HydroX actuators can be manually, automatically or remotely controlled and are specifically designed for district heating and district cooling applications, with full compatibility to Vexve Valves.” The core focus of Vexve’s R&D is the continuous efficiency improvement of energy distribution networks, he says. “In addition, we cooperate with boiler and heat exchanger manufacturers, for instance, to further develop our products and meet the changing challenges of energy production. Finland is one of the leading European countries in renewable energy deployment.”

Global network Through its comprehensive dealer network, Vexve serves gas and energy plants, specialised companies requiring pre-insulated valves, boiler and heat exchanger manufacturers, heating and cooling systems companies, and building services contractors. It has long-term clients across Europe and China in particular.

“Our products are delivered all over the world and our distributors serve end customers in more than 30 countries,” says Mr Nieminen. “The main market areas are Europe, China, Russia and North America, with most recently the rapidly growing Middle East market.” Vexve has built its success on long and well established relationships. “We strongly believe in shared success and partnership,” he says. “It is only with the cooperation of suppliers, subcontractors, agents and distributors that we are able to provide our customers with superior end products and services. A good example of a long supplier relationship is the excellent cooperation we have with ball supplier Inoxforma S.L.”

Showcasing new developments Vexve regularly takes part in various industry events and exhibitions. “We want to build our network, learn new things and, at the same time, promote our products and development work,” says Mr Nieminen. At the ISH trade fair in Frankfurt, Vexve is looking to generate interest in a number of building services products. Its latest development is the AM45 smart district heating controller, self-learning and based on the actual flow of produced hot water. With many other advanced control features, AM45 is a fully customisable solution for control of the district heating substation. The company will also be focusing on the AM40 control, which guarantees superior operation and living comfort with energy savings. This innovative control solution for hydronic underfloor heating and cooling systems is also scalable for hybrid systems. Another important product is the AM20-W smart temperature control solution with wireless room temperature control. The controller makes individual room temperature control simple and intelligent. And finally, Vexve will be promoting its weldable control valve solutions that are extremely installer-friendly, reliable and maintenance-free. And so, to the future. How does Mr Nieminen see Vexve developing over the next few years? “We strongly believe that Finnish energy expertise is in demand around the world,” he says. “In the future we will also be able provide expertise and experience, as well as high-quality products developed in demanding real-world operating environments. “Our focus is on organic growth in the near future, but in the longer term growth may also be acquisition driven. Our goal is to break the n €100 million turnover threshold within three years.” Industry Europe 147

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KEEPING YOU WARM Italian-based Baxi SpA, part of the BDR Thermea Group, is one of the European leaders in the heating sector with a commercial presence in over 50 countries. Barbara Rossi reports on the company, which believes that its future success depends on the continuous development of technologically advanced solutions.

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Baxi SpA (Baxi Italy) is based in Bassano del Grappa, near Vicenza, in the north-east of the country. Its made-in-Italy range is produced there at its 100,000m2 facility, which houses the largest plant in Europe for the heating sector, as well as hosting warehouses and a wide area dedicated to logistics. This site has been producing Baxi’s range of wall-hung and floor-standing boilers and heating systems for over 35 years. Thanks to its 13 production lines, it is able to produce up to 4000 boilers a day. This technologically-advanced plant is continuously striving towards further improvement. Its current lean production and zero defect projects are tangible proof of this approach. The company, which since 1978 has produced over eight million boilers, is equipped with very significant know-how and a large

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amount of experience. In fact, its roots go back to 1925 when it was established by the Austrian Westen family and traded as Smalterie Metallurgiche Venete. Initially the plant produced enamelled products, mainly electric water-heaters, bathtubs and steel radiators. By the end of the 1970s Baxi had focused its production on the heating sector, and by the mid-1980s it had consolidated its presence on the Italian market and started expanding at international level. In 1999 it became part of the British Baxi Group, leader of the European heating sector. Finally, in 2009 De Dietrich Remeha Group and Baxi Group announced the creation of BDR Thermea. The success of Baxi is based on its excellent service, the high performance and reliability of its cutting-edge boilers and heating

systems, and its commitment to energy saving. In fact, the company – which obtained its ISO 9001 certification in 1993, ISO 14001 in 2001 and OHSAS 18001 in 2004 – has a strong commitment to the environment, the health and safety of its staff and customer satisfaction. Its continuous focus on innovation, meanwhile, is proven by the fact that it has always had a department dedicated to product design and development. Over €10 million has been invested in research in recent years. Thanks to this, the BDR Thermea Group has been awarded the title of ‘centre of excellence’.

Core products The range of products offered by the company includes gas condensing boilers, gas boilers, hybrid systems, solid fuel boilers, HE commercial applications, wireless heat boxes, solar systems, indirect cylinders, and gas and electric solar heaters. This comprehensive range of energy-efficient models has evolved over the years, moving from individual products to integrated renewable-sources systems, in order to better serve the market and offer a simpler and more efficient arrangement. As well as continuing to offer this wide range of high-efficiency boilers and systems, Baxi increasingly intends to implement and improve the range of services that it makes available to distributors, installers, heat technicians and assistance centres. It does this by offering continuous training and a technical call centre, amongst other things.

All over the world Thanks to its highly professional technical assistance centres, based both in Italy and abroad, Baxi can guarantee an efficient post-sales support service to its customers, who are based in over 50 countries all over the world. The company can also offer a very efficient spare parts and components service. All of the above means that Baxi is in a market leading position in many of the countries in which it is present. This is the case, for example, in Russia where the company has been present since 2002. Last year, after a long and strong cooperation in the gas boiler field, Baxi has also established a new strategic partnership with Garmiran in order to better serve the Iranian market. Thanks to this agreement, the best-selling Baxi ECO3 boiler model will be assembled in Iran and then supplied to the local market, but using all original made-in-Italy components. With more than 500,000 boilers produced, BAXI ECO3 is recognised worldwide as one of the best gas boilers ever designed in terms of reliability, performance and ease of use. As mentioned above, Baxi places a strong emphasis on the use of renewable energy sources, saving energy and reducing emissions. The company manufactures biomass boilers, as well as high power condensing boilers (both wall-hung and floor-standing). In condensing boilers almost all the heat available through combustion is recovered without wasting energy, unlike with traditional boilers. Baxi was also the first boiler producer to supply hybrid systems, thanks to its Luna Platinum CSI model. Solar systems are another important part of its offer: the Baxi integrated solar system offers an optimum performance, fully exploiting solar power whilst also reducing heat loss to a minimum. This integrated solar system has been designed to be easily combined with the company’s range of boilers. Last, but not least, Baxi offers a new SPC range of water heaters, which are highly efficient and able to heat water up to a temperature of 65° using a minimum level of power, as these devices absorb heat n directly from the air. Industry Europe 151

SUCCESS IS IN THE AIR WOLF Anlagen Technik is a European leader in air technology, with activities divided into three separate business divisions – Surface Engineering, Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning and Agricultural Engineering. Industry Europe finds out more about these three divisions, and looks at the latest technologies from the company.

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was back in 1950, in the heart of the world’s largest hopgrowing region Hallertau, that Anton Wolf started a business that dealt with the development and construction of hop kilns. Soon he developed the first German hop-picking machine, followed by the manufacture of air heaters and hot air generators for industrial use – the birth of the air conditioning division. In 1972 WOLF added the production of painting and drying booths for refinishing which led to the Surface Technology division. The interplay of innovative ideas, continuous product development, advanced manufacturing and production technology and, not least, the commitment and loyalty of employees has enabled the company to grow from a family business to a medium-sized industrial enterprise. Currently around 280 people, mainly from the region, are looking after customers – from research and development, planning, design and manufacturing to installation and customer service. Planning and construction are located exclusively in-house, and the production is equipped with the most modern CNC manufacturing and processing machinery in conjunction with a CAD-bending cell. The premises cover a total area of around 93,000m².

range from blowing, extracting, cooling or warming, filtering and cleaning through to drying, moistening and silencing,” explains a company spokesperson. Air conditioning units are the company’s core products – offered in a very diverse range. There are industrial units for heating and ventilation of large areas such as warehouses, high temperature equipment for process engineering, roof top units, hygiene and refrigeration air handling units as well as full air handling units. Satisfied customers include hotels, large hospitals, rehabilitation centres, airports, schools and institutes, swimming pools, shopping centres and many more. “We make one of the best ‘weatherproof’ air conditioning units for interior and exterior use, up to the highest class T1/TB1, as well as fulfilling highest hygiene requirements for operating theatres. “We keep pushing the development of our products, so that we can stay ahead of the field. We also need to look out for constantly changing norms and guidelines that are issued by legislative and professional bodies. When we build a customised system we need to make sure that it is future proof by incorporating the latest knowhow and technologies.”

Hi-tech products for many applications

The company was present at the 2015 ISH/Aircontec show in Frankfurt in March this year, where it presented innovative products as well as individual systems and plant competence. Martin Neubauer, WOLF sales manager, commented at the time: “Apart from efficient

“We have chosen the motto ‘Spirit of Air’, because the common factor between hop picking machines, air conditioning units and paint booths is the use of air in different ways. The processes

Showcasing innovative solutions

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Air heating batteries from Volta Tradition and experience are the basics of our performance.

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standard solutions, WOLF have got the know-how to advise the customers even for most difficult projects professionally all around buildings, energy and systems technology and to supply the 100 per cent suitable plant solution.” This is a recurring theme for all exhibits and interactive elements At the show, the functions and synergy of the single components and the processes of an interactive air-conditioning unit were shown as a ‘living’ animation on a large LED-screen. On a touch-terminal, the visitors were able to control the animation and to retrieve background information. The company also showcased its highly efficient and multi-functional hydraulic station for high-performance cycle compound systems with MSR and special software. Depending on project requirements, the system can be individually adjusted to the customers’ requests and enables an absolute separation of outlet and inlet air. A multifunctional use by additional feeding of heating or refrigerating capacity as well as permanent capacity measuring for capacity recording and automatic capacity optimisation are possible. The extremely compact system with frequency converter regulated highperformance pump enables dry heat recovery coefficients of over 70 per cent and can be used for ecological and economic refrigeration by combining it with other systems, for instance an adiabatic humidification unit in exhaust air. Furthermore, the functioning exhibit WK-com H demonstrated impressively how efficient technology can be realised with extremely low space requirements, complying with all valid standards and regulations. “The inverter regulated refrigeration technology has got the advantage that we can operate this plant with stepless control and highest efficiency,” said Neubauer. The fan wall with EC technology in inlet and outlet air provides an

energy-saving operation and ensures all plant functions even in case of a fan failure. The complete regulation technology has been integrated into the unit.

Agricultural technology In the division of agricultural machines WOLF has customers in hops farming worldwide. Currently there is a focus on export markets and on new application areas like tea drying. Well-known customers in the division of surface technologies include major automotive brands, the paint industry as well as paint institutes, but also machine builders and general industry. Within this division there is also currently much emphasis on export activities, but also in industrial coating systems. In air conditioning, which is the strongest in terms of sales, the main market is still Germany – but there are local offices in Austria, Afghanistan, Holland, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden.

Looking forward “While the world population is growing, we see potential for growth in surface technologies and in air conditioning. In air conditioning it is working in our favour that automated air conditioning systems

have definitely replaced the manual control of room temperatures as a much more efficient method,” says the company spokesperson. “When it comes to growth, we prefer a steady step by step approach, but of course we see that consolidation is happening all over the markets. Acquisitions are part of this, but we cannot say whether there may be one on the cards for us in the future.” n

Jung-Leuchten GmbH Jung-Leuchten GmbH located in Bodelshausen is very proud to be a supplier of WOLF Anlagen-Technik GmbH & Co. KG for already more than a quarter century and counting. As a innovative and high-performing supplier of industrial lights, along with an experience of over 6 decades, we offer for special requirements a compatible pruduction concept with high quality standards.

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HOT INNOVATION Backer is a global leader in the design and manufacture of electric heating systems and components. Philip Yorke reports on a company that is seeing strong growth thanks to its increasing range of innovative new products.

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he Backer Group was founded in Sosdala, Sweden in 1949 by Christian Backer, an entrepreneurial heating engineer who took out a patent in 1921 known today as the ‘Backer Element’. This ground-breaking device consisted of a resistance wire positioned in the centre of a tube, which was then filled with magnesium oxide prior to being compressed and sealed. The unique ability of the magnesium oxide to work as a highly efficient conductor of heat, as well as an electric insulator, set the stage for the success of the Backer company. Today innovation is at the heart of its culture and Backer continues to lead the field with its cutting-edge heating and temperature control systems. With a turnover in excess of €2 billion and more than 3000 employees worldwide, the company continues to enjoy strong growth in all its key markets, particularly in Asia and South America. Although the Backer Group operates globally, it focuses on offering a full customer service at a local level wherever it is represented. Backer manufacturing facilities are located in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Italy and Spain. This is in addition to the company’s other state-of-the-art plants located in the UK, Mexico and China. All these facilities are designed to manufacture the most common types of tubular heating elements, as well as being capable of producing thick film, cartridge heaters and heating cables. The company also produces resistors and elements for deep-fat fryers, ovens and tumble dryers. One of the main goals of the Backer Group is to continually expand its product portfolio and specialisations, in order to make production more efficient and to provide optimal technical support for its customers.

Innovation driving sales Research and new product development have always been a priority at the Backer Group. This is underscored by its on-going investments in new plant and technology, which represent over 7 per cent of its turnover. In 2005 Backer created an entirely new laboratory at its head office in Sosdala, Sweden, with the aim of being able to carry out measurements with greater efficiency and precision. The extensive and futuristic research laboratory offers some of the world’s most advanced technical facilities. The new laboratories

are available to customers with whom Backer works in partnership in order to develop and test new products. As a result, Backer’s customers do not need to carry out costly introductory trials, as when a new product has been created, they can utilise the Backer laboratory facilities to undertake their own pre-launch testing. At the Backer R&D centre there are climate chambers, test systems for infra-red measurement tools and equipment for complete product lifecycle tests. The company also has test facilities that can assess how products and materials can operate under extreme conditions. The company’s continuous commitment to improvement and innovation drives its success and the ultimate competitiveness of its customers.

New generation products The Backer Group’s product applications are far reaching and can be found across many industry sectors, including automotive, rail, food preparation and cooling. The company’s new product pipeline is extensive and sets the gold standard for the industry. Backer’s next generation of compressor heat-technology products includes its new aluminium crankcase heater, which offers significantly improved performance and has special, installer-friendly features. This product includes a high-temperature, silicone rubber heat cable which, in addition, has an extremely efficient aluminium casting with a unique profile. Furthermore, the product has an adjustable toggle clamp and band with a maximum operating temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. Other outstanding new products from Backer include its latest submersible oil heater and its terminal box K31A, which utilises a 3-pole combi-thermostat, designed for use in conjunction with Backer’s own 1.1/4” to 2” element heads.

Strategic acquisitions As part of its global plan to extend its product pipeline and increase its worldwide manufacturing capabilities, the Backer Group has an open-door policy when it comes to the subject of acquisitions. Last year Backer purchased the Springfield Wire Company Inc., thus bringing another 1000 highly qualified employees into the Backer Industry Europe 157

fold. This strategic acquisition has meant that the company has strengthened its know-how and range of products in new technologies in the electric heating sector. The company’s operations in the US and Mexico are now integrated with Backer EHP as Backer Springfield, whist the Chinese section of the company continues to operate independently as Springfield Wire. Another major milestone was achieved recently when Backer bought Diamond H Controls Ltd of the UK. This significant purchase introduces an entirely new range of low-profile thermostats to the market that have been specially designed to meet the demands of today’s modern cooking appliances, where compartment space is very limited. These latest energy regulators are manufactured to a very high -performance specification with an ambient temperature rating of 125°C.

Future vision The company’s vision of the future includes a major emphasis on sustainability and the protection of the environment. As subcontractors, Backer operations are mainly dictated by customer demands and the company works in close partnership with its clients to take the environment into account during product development, choice of materi158 Industry Europe

als, design and production. In its own routines Backer takes protective and preventative measures to ensure that its operations do not endanger the environment or human life. This commitment includes a programme of continuous improvement and steps to reduce pollution and the consumption of resources. Today Backer’s manufacturing and logistics processes are complemented by full certification to ISO 14001 throughout its global production facilities. Today the company continues to focus on these issues whilst targeting many new markets in the energy and railway sectors where n the focus is on sustainable values across the board. For further details of the Backer Group’s innovative products and services visit:

A ONE-STOP SOLUTIONS PROVIDER FLSmidth is a leader in the supply of equipment and services to the global cement and minerals industries. Industry Europe reports on the company’s core expertise and recent contract wins.

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LSmidth won its first contract for a cement plant, near Limhamm in Sweden, in 1887. Today the Danish company supplies the cement and minerals industries globally with engineering, single machines and complete processing plants as well as comprehensive maintenance and support services that range up to the complete operation of customers’ processing facilities. FLSmidth currently offers its full service solutions in six core focus industries: cement, coal, iron ore, copper, gold and fertilisers; its technologies and services range from material handling in the quarry through the entire processing operations of the end product. Headquartered at Valby, near Copenhagen, a site it moved to in 1956, FLSmidth today employs more than 15,000 people all over the world. Until the later part of the 20th century the company was focused on designing and producing machinery for the cement industry. It introduced the coal-fired rotary kiln to the European market at the end of the 19th century – an innovation from the USA that revolutionised cement production – and by the 1950s FLSmidth machinery was used in 40 per cent of all cement production in the entire world. In the following years the company continued to introduce new machines and processes that reinforced its position as a technology leader in the industry, including the ATOX vertical mill, which combined the grinding, separation and drying processes into a single unit. Since the 1980s FLSmidth has sold more than 300 ATOX mills.

Refocusing and expansion Then, following the economic recession of the 1980s, FLSmidth began to diversify into a number of other businesses until it had grown into a group of some 125 companies in which two thirds of sales were in non-core activities. However at the beginning of the 21st century it was decided to dispose of the group’s nonstrategic interests and refocus on the development and production of equipment, production plants, systems and services for the global

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cement and minerals industries. This return to the company’s roots was marked in 2006 when it was awarded a contract by Holcim to supply the world’s biggest cement production line at Ste Genevieve, Missouri, in the USA. At the same time the company began a series of strategic acquisitions that would enable it to expand its services into the minerals industries. Perhaps the most important of these was the acquisition in 2007 of the process division of the Canadian company GL&V, consisting of Dorr-Oliver Eimco and Krebs Engineers. The expertise in separation equipment for the metals and minerals industries that this purchase brought to the group enabled FLSmidth to offer customers the entire flow sheet of a typical minerals plant, from raw material extraction to the final end product. As an example of its work in this area, in March this year (2015) FLSmidth received a contract worth approximately €30 million from the Moroccan phosphate and fertiliser producer Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) for the supply of material handling equipment to a port facility and mine site in Morocco. The order covers supply of equipment, supervision of erection as well as commissioning. The equipment to be supplied includes three bucket wheel reclaimers, each with a capacity of 2000 tonnes per hour, two stackers with a capacity of 2000 tonnes per hour, two stackers with a capacity of 1000 tonnes per hour and finally associated yard conveyors. “Our strategy is to be the leading single-source supplier in all the industries we serve,” explains a company spokesperson. “We have built up this position in the cement industry over many years and, thanks to our strategy of key acquisitions, we can now offer the minerals industry the same complete service. In fact today around one third of our business is in the cement industry and two thirds in industries such as copper, gold, iron ore and coal. “Our continued expansion has been reinforced by the global branding strategy that we adopted in 2009 – ‘One Company – One

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We are located in Romania, Resita, a city with an old industrial history, and many manufacturing possibilities. We manufacture: • Welded assemblies • Steel structures • Rubber and metallic rubber vulcanised parts • Machined parts We have the following certifications: ISO 9001:2008, DIN EN 15085-2, EN3834-2, and we are approved by the Romanian Railway Authority for the manufacture of vulcanised parts. We can be reached at telephone 004.0255.213.817 and e-mail Proud to be Flsmidth suppliers.

Name – One Source’ – highlighting our position as a supplier of the whole value chain to both the cement and the minerals processing industries. So customers in the copper industry, for example, can now source from us everything they need for the complete processing operation – equipment for crushing, grinding, filtration, flotation, material handling, screening, thickening and even for sampling and on-line analysis.”

Global leader in cement FLSmidth’s has over 130 years of experience in guiding large and small cement plant design and construction around the world. Its ‘one source’ strategy enables it to offer customers everything from process design and project management to equipment supply and commissioning, even including training for the operators who will run the plant.

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A recent example of a project for the cement industry, announced in November 2014, was an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contract which the company signed with one of the world’s largest cement producers, CEMEX, for the supply of a new cement production line to be installed at CEMEX’s Odessa cement plant in western Texas, USA. Once the installation is finished, the cement line is expected to have a capacity of around 2540 metric tonnes per day. The expansion will utilise state-of-the-art production technology resulting in higher fuel efficiency and improved productivity. The equipment scope includes a 5-stage ILC preheater with a Low NOx Calciner, 3-pier kiln, FLSmidth® Cross-Bar® cooler, Duoflex® burner, Pfister® weighing and dosing systems, gas analysers and three Fuller-Kinyon® pumps. Furthermore, an FLSmidth control system will ensure the most efficient operation.

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This contract was followed the next month by another contract from CEMEX to supply a 2800 tonnes per day cement production line to be installed at their new Cementera del Magdalena Medio S.A.S. cement plant. The plant is located in the department of Antioquia, approximately 135 km from the capital of Antioquia, Medellin. The line will use the latest production technologies and achieve high environmental and quality standards. The department of Antioquia is a region in Colombia that is expected to see an increase in cement demand resulting from continued economic growth as well as planned investments in infrastructure.

Cutting edge technology In all its business areas FLSmidth leads the way in improving environmental protection through cutting edge technology and optimised product manufacturing, fabrication and installation. “Our R&D activity is a huge part of the business we carry out inhouse and our Dania R&D Centre in Denmark is the largest facility of its kind in the industry,” says the company spokesperson. “Cement production is, of course, extremely energy intensive so a lot of our work in recent years has been in improving energy efficiency but we

are also putting a lot of effort into reducing emissions. Our HOTDISC combustion system was introduced 15 years ago but it remains a highly effective process for burning alternative fuels in a controlled and environmentally-friendly manner. It can burn all forms of solid waste, from sludge or grains to huge used tyres or large pieces of timber such as old telephone poles and so turns otherwise useless and environmentally challenging solid waste into useful energy in a completely a safe and economical way. Most new cement plants today are equipped with this technology.” FLSmidth is also an industry leader in the development of air pollution technology and offers a wide range of solutions to reduce particulate matter and gaseous emissions. With more than 8000 systems installed worldwide, the company is a one-stop source for helping customers comply with environmental regulations all the way through from project development to after-sale services. FLSmidth is also leading the way in waste heat recovery systems. Its Kalina Cycle technology is a unique system that uses a binary working fluid of ammonia and water to achieve improved heat transfer and higher efficiency. The system is ideally suited to the waste gas streams of the pre-heater and clinker cooler n vent of a cement plant. Industry Europe 163



The Italian Beltrame Group has been operating in the steel industry for over a century, producing rolled sections used in construction, shipyards and excavators. Laura Travierso talks to CEO Riccardo Garrè to find out more.

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eltrame’s production facilities, which have a capacity of approximately 3.2 million tonnes, include four electric furnaces and 10 rolling mills. These are scattered in seven plants located in Italy, France, Switzerland and Romania. Their geographical distribution is very advantageous, taking into account the areas where the products are sold and where raw materials are purchased.
The group has a commercial presence in all European markets as well as in the Mediterranean region through JVs, shares in local companies, agents or its internal sales force. All employees, amounting to approximately 2300 people, are strongly committed and motivated to satisfy its customers’ needs through constant improvements in production, organisation and level of service. “The company has been caught, as have all of its competitors, in the middle of the European crisis which has produced particularly negative effects on a sector plagued by a material excess of capacity,” said CEO Riccardo Garrè. “The management’s answer has been twofold. On one hand, the company has opted for enhancing the commercial

proposition, by focusing its supply efforts on the most sophisticated side of industry. By leveraging its know-how and its knowledge of the industry, the company has been able to offer a more value added, hi-tech range of products. Also, Beltrame has decided to increase its supply of complementary services to its customer base in order to meet their growing needs and to preserve the strength of its commercial relationships. “On the other hand, in order to strengthen its competitive profile, the company has rationalised its production structure and its cost base. This was achieved through cutting staff costs and through the adoption of more energy efficient means of production.” Also, with the aim of optimising raw material efficiency, the company is supplying its factories with 100 per cent cheap iron scrap. The group has become number one in its sector in Italy and a leader in the European market thanks to continuous innovation and the centuries-old culture of productivity and quality. These characteristics have brought the group to make strategic choices aimed at constantly achieving key objec-

tives: high-quality products, environmental sustainability, the safety of its workforce and energy savings.

The green steel In line with the principle of sustainable development, the Vicenza plant has a system for the production of inert industrial aggregate made from slag resulting from the melting process in the electric arc furnace (EAF). The controlled production of slag, from the moment of its generation in the EAF to the processes that it undergoes in subsequent phases, aims to obtain an industrial aggregate with physical, chemical and geotechnical properties equivalent to those of the best natural aggregates such as quarry basalt. The BELTRECO aggregate is used in infrastructure construction and civil engineering, and more specifically in the foundations and embankments for roads and railways. The use of this product yields the double benefit of reducing the exploitation of finite natural resources, as well as lowering the amount of waste.
The inert BELTRECO aggregate (available in 0/40 and 0/90 ratios)

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is produced according to the technical specification EN 13242:2002, and is compliant with the 2+ certification system envisioned by EU Directive 89/106/EEC. The 2+ certification system requires the analysis of initial type tests (ITTs), the implementation of a production control system, and the presence of a Notified Certification Body. The latter is responsible for an initial visit to the plant and yearly monitoring, as well as the verification and certification of the production management system.

Protecting the future In order to support the principles laid out in its Quality, Health and Safety, and the Environment (QHSE) policy, all production plants have adopted an Integrated Management System. The management system has the goal of simplifying the process of identifying, tracking and evaluating results related to QHSE in order to guide the continuous improvement process. “In the most recent past,” explained Mr Garrè, “the company has been able to once again increase its range of products dedi-

cated to its customer base. This is a less standardised, more tailor-made offer thanks to a renewed stream of investments which have allowed us to offer a most sophisticated mix of solutions. The new strategy has allowed the Beltrame group to maintain its leading position.” In 2014 Beltrame Group obtained the Environmental Product Declaration, EPD®, related to the hot-rolled steel profiles and merchant bars manufactured in Vicenza (Italy) and Trith n Saint Lèger (France).

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IN THE FRAME Integrated industrial company Exalco Aluminium Systems creates and manufactures a wide range of modern aluminium profiles for both structural and architectural applications. Emma-Jane Batey spoke to CEO George Kantonias to learn more.

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ocated in Larissa, Greece, Exalco Aluminium Systems is an integrated industrial business producing aluminium profiles for customers all over the world. From its two state-of-the-art factories, both in Larissa, Exalco utilises its output capacity of 33,000 tonnes annually to deliver a wide range of architectural and structural aluminium profiles, all made to the highest European standards. Across its nearly 180,000m2 of privately-owned facilities, Exalco’s production capabilities include extrusion units with four presses from 1100 tonnes up to 2840 tonnes, a dedicated extrusion die section, a surface treatment and anodising unit and both vertical and horizontal

powder coating units. CEO George Kantonias spoke to Industry Europe about the company’s extensive site and the benefits it offers its customers. He said, “Our fully integrated company ensures that we can design and produce aluminium profiles that cover all the modern structural and architectural needs of our customers. Both of our sites are carefully equipped with the latest machinery and technology that can enable us to meet their demands, with everything of the highest quality. For example, our powder coating unit works with wood, marble and granite as well as fantasy decoration and we have our own foundry unit with an annual capacity of 12,000 tonnes each year.”

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Beauty and performance Part of the Biokarpet Group, alongside complementary operations in Bulgaria, Romania and Japan, Exalco’s dedication to aluminium profile systems means that it has a well-deserved reputation for excellence in its field. Its product portfolio includes systems for curtains walls, façades, office partition walls, folding doors and windows,opening doors and windows using high security multilock mechanisms, sliding doors and railing systems as well as its standard profiles, all environmentally responsible thanks to their recyclable materials.

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Exalco also offers a bespoke service. Mr Kantonias continued, “All of our products are technically designed to ensure the maximum performance with the best appearance. The profiles are carefully created to be strong and long-lasting in all weathers. Customers know that they can rely on Exalco quality.” As Greece’s leading aluminium profiles company, Exalco’s portfolio also includes new technology systems achieving the highest thermal insulation standards. The new entrance door is a system for premium security doors, which is an innovation with European

standards, that combines luxurious design with maximum security and absolute thermal insulation. Exalco’s latest product launch is still relatively under wraps, but Mr Kantonias was happy to tell Industry Europe that the new frame will certainly be something fresh to the market. He said, “The new Exalco frame named ORAMA is very exciting because it’s mostly a glass product. That may sound strange coming from an aluminium profile company but we’re very pleased with it because it will offer new building application opportunities. You actually don’t see the frame very much at all but it’s still got all the hallmarks of Exalco quality. We’re launching it across Europe.” With live projects in Italy, Romania, France, Bulgaria, Nigeria, Canada, USA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Greece, Exalco’s interesting range of both modern and more traditional applications shows how flexible its aluminium profiles are and the vast potential it offers to its customers throughout the world. Mr Kantonias said, “From the huge glass-fronted EQHO skyscraper in France to the brickwork ING office in Bulgaria, we love to work on interesting projects that really harness the practicality and beauty of our products. We have a number of live projects currently and are excited about the potential n for our new Exalco frame.”

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IDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIES Rudnik, Serbia’s first privatised underground mine, produces zinc, lead, copper and silver. In an interview with Vanja Švačko, Darko Vukobratović, general manager and co-owner of Rudnik’s holding company Contango along with the company Mineco, talks about the company’s strategies in seeking opportunities to expand its operations.


he name Rudnik signifies three different aspects in one common concept: it is the mountain in which the polymetalic deposit mine is located, a small mining town built upon it and the company engaged in production and processing of metals and their concentrates. The mine covers an area of 3x1.5 km, with over 90 ore bodies of

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various sizes, volumes and spatial positions, mined by frontal excavation. There is evidence that mineral exploitations in this archeologically rich region dates back to the Neolithic period. In the Middle Ages the mine was the basis of the country’s wealth and power, symbolising prosperity through the centuries, not least in its produc-

tion of silver for coins. In the 19th century iron and lead were used for military purposes and the operation in the mine started to take the shape of an organised industry. Throughout its turbulent history the mine survived several wars. It was in 1952 that the current company Rudnik was founded. Despite the flotation plant being burnt

down entirely in the great fire of 1987, the company managed to build a new state-ofthe-art plant in no time. Today the mine is of no less importance for the economy since mining is still a key industry in Serbia.

Successful revival When in 2004 Contango Ltd, an enterprise engaged in the metal industry and metal trading, decided to buy Rudnik it was a fresh beginning for the mine. Fast forward ten years and the business is bucking the economic trend, demonstrating stable growth and excellent potential. “Today the mine produces three concentrates: lead, zinc and copper. We are developing production of the oxide concentrates,

researching tungsten reserves and the possibilities of its pre-concentrate or concentrates,” says Mr Vukobratović. Tungsten is found in existing metal ore bodies and represents a new potential revenue stream. Estimation of current zinc, lead, copper and silver reserves indicates ten years of operation at current production levels. The company exports lead and zinc concentrates to Bulgaria and copper concentrates to China. Successful privatisation brought about significant changes. In the last decade the number of employees has increased to 420, with 350 new openings pending and more young people joining the industry. Positive trends are the result of investing more than

$8.5 million in infrastructure, equipment and machinery. The production scope has also been doubled, with all parameters significantly improving. Mr Vukobratović stresses the importance of getting the certificates ISO 9001, 14001 and 18001. “Being the first one in Serbia to obtain these documents from WRG Certification Company (Chicago) and to implement them into the Integrated Management System indicates the high standards of our business. They are proofs of our corporate social responsibility and activities that comply with legislation on domestic and international levels. We are working seriously on environmental protection and strictly comply with all legal parameters.”

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POBJEDA-RUDET d.d. is a company with well-known industrial tradition in manufacturing of initiating means for several commercial purposes, which has great technological and manufacturing abilities. POBJEDA-RUDET is capable to lead projects concerning transfer of technology by system turnkey, individually or in cooperation with other reputable manufacturers. To keep up the competition on the market and maintain the quality of the product, we work constantly on the improvement of the current and at the same time conquering of new technologies. Quality management with the Environment Management politics became a part of the strategic policy of the Company POBJEDA-RUDET d.d. with the introducion of the standard BAS EN ISO 9001:2000 i BAS EN 14001:2005. Our production program - electric detonators - plain detonators N 6 and N 8 0 0 - delay elements (connectors) - non-electric detonators - non-electric connectors - non-electric system BIHNEL-DUAL - shock tube POBJEDA –RUDET d.d., has obtained the EC certificate according to Directive 93/15/EC for the following products; plain detonator DK-8, TED, TMED, 30-MSED, 30-MMSED, BIHNEL tube, non electric detonator BIHNEL MS, BIHNEL LP and BIHNEL UNIDET, non-electric connector BIHNEL SL and nonelectric system BIHNEL DUAL.

73000 Goražde | ul. Višegradska bb | Bosnia & Herzegovina phone: +387 38 22 13 36, +387 38 22 11 50 | fax: +387 38 22 13 35 | e-mail: | 174 Industry Europe

One of the priorities set by the management is to ensure a safe working environment and culture. “Throughout the training and education of staff and various proactive and strategic measures,” adds Mr Vukobratović, “the company is making the working environment as safe as possible and significantly reducing the number of injuries at work. We assume that because of our exceptional corporate policy, which is unfortunately not too common in Serbia, we have managed to stand out among those who are going through the similar privatisation process in the country. What makes us the best in our business are appropriate development strategies and proper selection of priorities.” In recognition of its high quality operations in the year when the company celebrates a decade of its continuous success, the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia decided to entrust hosting the central celebra-

tion of the Serbian Miners’ Day to Rudnik, as one of the most representative mines in Serbia.

Long-term investments The company is investing annually in exploring and discovering new reserves in the mine. The last major investment was in superelevation and upgrades of the tailings dam and a more effective notification and alerting system. There are plans for buying new highly productive manufacturing equipment and reconstructing parts of the processing plant. “The emphasis on the mine development and increase of ore reserves rather than on short term profits, and thus on prolonging the life of the mine, enables us to make maximum usage of the otherwise scarce resources at our disposal,” explains Mr Vukobratović. “We believe that our research area has the potential for new mineral reserves and further increase of production.

“We have also obtained the rights to explore locations geographically separate from the existing capacities and if our expectations are confirmed, we intend to open new production facilities (mine and processing plant) at these locations. At the same time, with our partners from Mineco Group we are considering the possibility of taking over some existing mines in Serbia and connecting them to our system. If there is a significant discovery of ore reserves or if production of oxide of lead and/or tungsten concentrate proves to be technologically feasible and economically viable, we will be investing in increasing the processing capacity of the mine.” The company hopes to continue keeping track of innovations in the mining industry and to capitalise on its strategic position. So far it remains confident of the market outlook. n Visit:

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CELEBRATING SUCCESS This year, Robino & Galandrino is celebrating its first 50 years as a leading manufacturer of automatic machines for the secondary sealing of bottles. The company continues to invest in technology to innovate and diversify its offer. Daniele Garavaglia reports.


very day, millions of bottles of champagne, whisky or beer are opened throughout the world. Many of those bottles have been capped and sealed using machines manufactured by Robino & Galandrino, a company established 50 years ago in Canelli (Asti), in the land of ‘spumante’, the traditional Italian sparkling wine. After half a century, and five years of extraordinary success, Robino & Galandrino is looking to the future with great confidence, under the guidance of president Andrea Tacchella and CEO Lorenzo Rosselli.

Meeting market demands According to sales manager Fabrizio Panza: “We specialise in the production of machines for the secondary sealing of any kinds of bottles and products. The solutions we offer can meet the most demanding market needs. We supply our products to all major wine producing companies in the world, as well as to many cider makers, breweries, distilleries, oil mills and vinegar manufacturers.

“It is no coincidence that 80 per cent of our production is sold abroad, mainly in France where we have a 95 per cent market share. Our products are used for some of the most famous champagne brands, from Dom Perignon to Krug, Veuve Cliquot and Crystal. Other important markets are the UK, where our customers include Ballantines or Glen Grant, and the US, both for spirits and beer. We also enjoy a consolidated position in Russia, whilst in the past few years the strategic importance of the Chinese market has also grown.” The company’s global success has resulted in the doubling of production and revenue in the last five years. When asked what might account for this tremendous increase, Mr Panza explains: “We have grown with the market, always focusing on designing and producing client-oriented equipment. Customisation is our working philosophy. We have found that the bigger the client is, the higher their customisation requirement will be. This is

why the market acknowledges that two features strongly distinguish us from our competitors: leadership in system technology, resulting from the hard work of our R&D department; and the structural soundness of our machines, designed for high-output industrial use.”

Wide range of automatic machines Robino & Galandrino’s core products are its Rekord automatic rotary wirehooding machines, for the automatic dispensing and closing of metal wirehoods onto champagne bottles (production speeds from 4000 b/h to 25,000 b/h). These machines include automatic pick-up systems and wirehood dispensers, bottle infeed screws, multiple-head rotary carousels for wirehood closing, and electronic controls for starting or stopping the machine based on bottle flow at the entry/exit of the line. All machine functions are controlled by a central control panel through a PLC and an inverter. Rekord T, a monobloc automatic rotary version,

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is available for corking and wirehooding champagne bottles when space issues have to be considered. As for capsulating machines, Robino & Galandrino’s range includes as many as seven different automatic machines: from automatic distribution and rolling monoblocs to the revolutionary Poker system for the application of any types of capsules.

Partnership with world leading companies “For electronic and control systems, we rely on leading vendors in the markets to which we export, since they are already aware of the issues local users are facing. To mention just a few, we work with Schneider Telemecanique for France, Siemens for Germany and Allen-Bradley for the USA. SMC and Festo are our vendors for pneumatic components. Omron, Schneider, Danfoss, and Allen-Bradley supply us with inverters, while

Specialized in metal carpentry processes, 3D Laser offer its customers a 360° service: carpentry, mechanics, assembly and electronics. Thanks to the expertise of its technical department, 3D Laser is able to manage different kinds of projects for different types of products: from industrial ones to consumption goods and accessories. We have a wide and well-organized managerial and manufacturing structure able to satisfy different needs for the production of stainless steel, or other metal-made components and structures. 3D Laser has chosen to be UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified, pursuing a well-defined quality management goal for its manufacturing and organization processes. These certifications are a warranty of satisfaction for our Customers and Suppliers. Reliability and Performance are our primary goals. Thanks to Reliability and Performance, we win the trust of our Customers: that is our most valuable asset. Innovation and

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Experience represent our strength and enable 3D Laser to provide excellent products and custom-made solutions. The products and services we offer include: Carpentry: • 2D Laser Cutting; • 3D Laser Cutting; • Tube Laser Cutting; • TIG/MIG Welding; • Bending; • Special moldings; • Finishing operations. Pneumatics. Staircases and footbridges systems. Assembly department. Product engineering.


3D Laser - Lavorazione Metalli e Acciaio Viale Italia, 204 Canelli Asti 14053 Italia Phone: +39 0141 822101 Fax: +39 0141 822066 E-mail: Web:

for geared motors and drive systems we rely on Bonfiglioli and Sew-Eurodrive,” explains Mr Panza. Other technical collaborations are developing within the company. At the end of 2012, Robino & Galandrino acquired Omar (now renamed Omar R&G) – a competitor specialising in automatic machines. “Besides producing low/medium output bottling machines, Omar R&G has expanded our range with the addition of washing-drying machines and bottle heating tunnels.”

Another fast-growing area for the company is packaging. Its TS Packaging Division handles the design and manufacturing of complete automatic systems for filling pouches, such as flexible bags for packaging liquid (juices, soups, detergents, etc.) and dry products (powders, drugs, seeds, toiletries, etc.).

Three directions for growth Robino & Galandrino’s success is in part based on taking advantage of the synergies within each of its divisions, and this will con-

tinue to shape the group’s development. As such, Mr Panza tells us: “We are planning our growth in three directions. Our business is our priority – i.e. the development of new models of capsuling and sealing machines and the expansion into new markets. Then comes production and commercial integration with Omar R&G to offer our customers and prospects a wider range of equipment. And last but not least, focusing systematically on pouches – a market that is currently n seeing double-digit growth.”

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MOULDING INNOVATION The Slovenia-based company SIBO specialises in injection moulding for technical plastics as well as caps and closures. It serves a wide range of industry sectors, including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, household products and many more. Industry Europe looks at its history of success in the market, current capacity and its latest products.

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IBO was founded in 1967 by Franc Sifrar and initially produced only plastic closures for the cosmetics industry. In 1976 it moved to a larger factory and expanded its activities to include tool manufacturing. Over the years it branched out into food, household products, automotive and finally injection blow moulding technology for the pharmaceutical sector. Today the company has two manufacturing facilities, both based in Slovenia, with four production halls. All production is based upon GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) principles. In total, the company owns almost 150 different machines for injection moulding and processing. It also has several Class 8 clean rooms, which are equipped with fully-electric machines with clamping forces ranging between 50 and 380 tonnes, and linear robots. All its production is certified according to the ISO 9001 quality standard. SIBO is a truly worldwide player. Its products are currently sold in 55 countries and it has more than 130 long-term customers. In all,

around 90 per cent of its production is destined for export markets. Its turnover for 2014 was 3.100.000 kpcs and for 2015 its target is to achieve growth of 20 per cent.

Group structure The SIBO Group is organised into various divisions: Tool Shop, Pharmacy, Medicine, Technical Parts, Assembling and R&D. Last year (2014) it also made a strategic acquisition when it purchased the company Kittel Equipment in order to move into the cosmetics packaging production sector. The Tool Shop is where the construction and manufacturing of tools for the injection-moulding of polymer materials takes place. It uses the latest CAD/CAM computer technology (Catia, SolidWorks etc) and state-of-the-art CNC processing machines. Here, SIBO can create a 3D model of a tool, construct it and then carry out a review and make adjustments if necessary.

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The group’s injection moulding activities also cover a huge variety of caps and closures, for areas such as household products, pharmaceuticals, food etc. Production for its Pharmacy and Medicine divisions takes place in a clean room environment which has been certified according to the ISO 14644 Class 8 standard. Its Pharmacy products include closures for aluminium tubes, laminate tubes and plastic tubes.

New product development SIBO’s R&D department focuses on packaging development for the needs of the personal care industry (such as caps and shoulders for toothpaste), the food industry (such as caps for mayonnaise), the cosmetic industry (including flip-tops for gels) and the pharmaceutical industry. The company feels it offers a number of competitive advantages when it comes to product development. It is able to offer complete solutions with a combination of mould design, tool production and thermoplastic production. It is able to adapt to individual customer needs and is always open to exploring new ideas or technologies. All of this, plus state-of-the-art equipment and its reputation for quality and reliability, make it the ideal partner.

tors on some of the markets where our customers are present. We would like to establish the same hi-tech production facility and offer excellent service and further benefits to our customers.” SIBO is particularly focused on developing its pharmacy business and stepping up its activities in the Middle East and Asia. In addition to acquisitions, growth will also be of an organic nature. “In the past 10 years the average SIBO growth in terms of turnover was 20 per cent and in the past five years it was around 30 per cent. We would like to continue this trend of expansion in the n next five to 10 years.”

Forward-thinking A representative from the company discusses the ways in which it intends to move forward: “There are plans to move closer to our customers in the future or to buy some of our smaller competiIndustry Europe 183

ON THE RIGHT TRACK Astra Vagoane Calatori is a market leader in the design and manufacture of railway passenger coaches, trams and rolling stock. This long-established company is seeing strong growth today and continues to set new standards in the express coach sector as Philip Yorke reports.

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stra’s roots go back to 1891 when industrialist Johann Weitzer founded the Wagons and Motor Factory in Arad, Romania, in order to meet the demand for new rolling stock for the entire eastern area of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and south eastern Europe. At that time the company produced not only passenger coaches and freight wagons, but also military equipment and agricultural machinery. Today Astra is a vibrant, modern and high-tech company that is focused on the manufacture and repair of passenger coaches, trams and rolling stock. The company operates three state-of-the-art workshops, which manufacture and test rail vehicles as well as car-bodies, bogies and a large number of related rail transport components. Interestingly, as part of its current diversification strategy, Astra has made the decision to produce electric trains and railcars in addition to its standard range of coaches and trams.

Advanced express coaches Currently Astra Passenger Coaches Plc has the capabilities to produce all types of 200kmph passenger coaches for international traffic. This includes Metro vehicles, trams, rolling stock and passenger coaches.

The company also provides turnkey solutions for its individual client’s requirements and provides a complete consultancy service with dedicated after sales support. Today Astra manufactures the AV200 family of Z-Type passenger coaches, which can travel up to 200km/h and meet all UIC 567-2 requirements. All AVA200 express coaches are equipped with HVAC vacuum toilets, a public address system, a diagnostic control panel, sockets for laptops and a special passenger information system, as well as a video surveillance facility. All AVA200ADW express passenger coaches are of an advanced saloon type design and built to suit international traffic. The first class saloons have 58 seats and second-class coaches 84 seats. By contrast, the AVA200 PRM AEC express carriage is designed as a second-class saloon only with 76 seats. This special passenger coach also complies with TSI directives for people with mobility problems. The access system includes a special toilet and reserved seating as well as all necessary indicators for people with reduced mobility. Astra’s rail dining cars are modern in every respect and equipped with a kitchen for the preparation of food, as well as an attractive bar area with comfortable saloon seating for 30 people.

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• Inner and Outer GRP-systems and load-bearing composite structures for mass-transportation vehicles • Service from design, mould-making, production to preassembly • Most strict standards as UIC 564-2 A, DIN 5510-2 S4 SR2 ST2 and EN 45545 HL2

When it comes to sleeping cars and amenities the AVA200 WLAB series offer optimal comfort for travel by day or by night. The coach has a steward compartment, four A-class compartments with two berths and six B-class compartments with three berths. Astra works in close cooperation with many of Europe’s leading high-tech companies, including Siemens, Alstrom, Faiveley and Stadler of Switzerland. The company exports its advanced railway vehicles to Europe, Asia, South Africa and South America.

Innovation at Inno-Trans Astra Passenger Coaches will be showcasing its latest modern, innovative coaches and rolling stock at the forthcoming InnoTrans trade fair in Berlin, Germany. This venue is the main focus for Europe’s transport engineering industry and is an international industry showplace focused on railway technology and railway infrastructure. Astra will be displaying its latest express coach technology as well as its modern first- and second-class passenger coaches. All Astra products are built to the highest European standards and tailored to meet the specific requirements of each individual customer. The company provides a ‘just-in-time’ delivery systems and also offers a full repair and refurbishment service to its clients. The company’s motto ‘performance in comfort’ will be endorsed by the products it will have on display at the forthcoming Inno-Trans trade fair later this year. 186 Industry Europe

Consistent growth Astra continues to win new business with its latest range of trams and passenger coaches. It is currently participating in the tender for a €250 million order for 220 metro cars together with Electroputere, part of the Grampet group. In addition the company has delivered the five of its planned six trams due to be operational by the Arad municipality during 2015. Astra is also in talks with Sri Lanka Railways (SLR) for the delivery of 280 railway caches. This will be for 160 coaches required urgently and 120 in a second phase delivery schedule. The company has also recently signed a €8.3 million contract for the delivery of six Imperio trams. Astra acquired the tramway licence from it long-term n business partner, Siemens. For further information about Astra Passenger Coaches innovative products and services visit,

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POWER-HAULING AHEAD Tulomsas is a leading European locomotive and wagon builder and the main supplier to Turkish State Railways. The company also produces GE ‘PowerHaul’ locomotives under a partnership agreement with General Electric Transportation of the USA. Philip Yorke looks at a company that is driving forward its sales both in Europe and beyond and is expanding its on-going business with GE.

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ulomsas was founded in 1894 in Turkey and began as a small workshop focused on the maintenance and repair of the State Railway’s locomotives and wagons. Tulomsas grew steadily as an affiliate of the state owned railway company until in 1985 when it re-launched itself as the Turkish Locomotive and Engine industry and became a major player in the development and manufacture of locomotives and wagons. This strategic decision saw it evolve into a company that was both innovative and resourceful, thus leading to it become a significant locomotive manufacturer and a major exporter of its powerful, high-quality diesel locomotives. Today Tulomsas is a leading heavy-industry manufacturing company that employs over 2000 people and operates seven state-ofthe-art production plants. Its manufacturing capabilities are impressive and the company currently produces 70 locomotives and over 100 diesel engines a year in addition to more than 500 bogie freight cars. The company’s modern foundry and chemical process factory has an annual casting capacity of more than 2500 tons. In addition, tempering, annealing, case hardening, bitrating and induction hardening are all performed at Tulomsas’ Heat Treatment Facility, where chrome, nickel, silver and zinc coating and phosphating are conducted. Certified to ISO9001 the company’s quality management system controls and optimises its extensive engineering production lines. Today Tulomsas offers advanced technology and innovative engi-

neering solutions as well as high production capabilities in order to meet the increasing demands of modern rail travel. Tulomsas uses the most up-to-date production methods. These are based on EFQM protocols and total quality management by objectives, as well as by process management, effective planning and corporate identity studies. As far as the future is concerned, Tulomsas’ strategic goal is to scale-up its production of high-speed trains, DMUs (Diesel Multiple Units) and light rail vehicles. Tulomsas is committed to increasing its overseas exports and will continue to set the standards of a significant enterprise within the Turkish heavy industry sector. Following this mandate, Tulomsas has been successful in extending its sales to countries outside its national borders. These include countries in the Middle East, North Africa and the Balkans. In addition, the company is targeting new customers throughout mainland Europe and Scandinavia.

New ‘PowerHaul’ technology At the Innotrans Trade Fair in Berlin in 2012 Tulomsas announced that its strategic partnership with the General Electric Company (GE) had resulted in the first GE PowerHaul locomotive to be manufactured in Turkey. GE’s strategic partnership with Tulomsas allows the granting of licences to Tulomsas for producing locomotives for the European, Middle East and North African markets. GE provides the

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cutting-edge technology and components, whilst Tulomsas contributes modern manufacturing and assembly facilities in Turkey for the PowerHaul series. This latest rail series is GE’s most technologically advanced, fuel efficient and low emission diesel locomotive. Following on from this success, GE and Tulomsas announced in 2013 that a further 50 PowerHaul diesel locomotives were to be built by Tulomsas at their Eskisehir plant in Turkey. GE also confirmed that it is investing more than USD 150 million in the design and development of the latest PowerHaul locomotives and for the technology transfer to Turkey. In the longer term it is expected that the two high-tech companies will manufacture between 50 and 100 locomotives a year, of which up to 70 per cent would be exported. This will result in the generation of export revenues to Turkey of more than USD 1.5 billion. The latest PowerHaul locomotive is described by the company as a state-of-the-art vehicle with significantly increased hauling capacity, improved fuel economy and very low emissions. The PowerHaul locomotive has a V-16 twin turbo diesel engine rated at 2750kW, which meets all European ‘Stage 111a’ emissions standards. The

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modular construction is also designed to offer a flexible assembly platform, thereby permitting easy adaptation to meet local requirements worldwide.

On-going innovation Innovation in its design and manufacturing processes has been key to the company’s notable success. Today Tulomsas makes an important contribution to Turkey’s economy through its unique expertise and the manufacturing capabilities that it has developed over the years. The company’s engineering software programmes include ‘Solid Works’ and ‘Autocad’ as well as TUB_TAK, from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. The company also works in close collaboration with European universities and various professional industrial organisations. These studies focus on improving Tulomsas’ products in relation to safety, comfort, ergonomics and emission control.

Rail manufacturing hub With its railway transportation testing facility now operational and the increasing number of locomotive spares engineering companies clustering around Eskisehir, the city is set to become the engineering hub of the region’s railway systems. Furthermore, the company’s latest PowerHaul series will now be utilised worldwide with GE transportation’s future projection of sales in Turkey in line with the government’s 2023 plans. GE’s head of transportation Lorenzo Simonelli said, “We are pleased to confirm a US$900m investment plan in line with Turkey’s decision to double the length of its 12,000km long railway network by 2023.” With the increasing global demand for high-speed, eco-friendly rail n Transport, the future for Tulomsas looks assured. For further details of Tulomsas’ innovative railway products and services visit:

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GLOBAL AMBITIONS With a longlasting experience, the TWE Group is one of the world leaders in the development and production of nonwovens for a wide range of industry applications. Victoria Hattersley spoke to Hugo Christiaen, member of the management team of the TWE Group, to find out about the company’s production profile, a recent major acquisition and its plans for future global expansion.

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his year saw one of the most significant milestones in the TWE Group’s recent history, and a major step forward in its international expansion strategy, when it acquired the US company Vita Nonwovens (effective retrospectively from 1 January 2015). Vita Nonwovens LLC is a recognised manufacturer of nonwoven materials previously belonging to a private equity investor. It has sites in Fort Wayne (Indiana), High Point (North Carolina) and Schertz (Texas), with whose help it will expand the TWE Group’s expertise in the North American market. According to Mr Christiaen, “Vita Nonwovens LLC’s core competencies – the development and manufacture of functional nonwovens always tailored to our customers’ requirements and produced individually – and the geographical locations of the three sites make the company a perfect member of the TWE Group. This will allow us to meet

customer requirements even more efficiently in the future and set new standards for the quality of the TWE Group products. More than 1300 staff are now working hard together to make use of the development capacity and turn innovations into reality.”

Background and structure Before going on to look at the products and innovations TWE offers to its customers throughout the world, it’s worth pausing to take a look at its current structure. Originally established in 1912, it has seen its most significant growth since the late 1990s. After the acquisition of various companies in Germany in this decade, a production facility was set up in China in 2007. This was followed, in 2012, by the acquisition of the Belgium-based nonwovens producer Libeltex. Mr Christiaen tells us: “This was especially important because before

this point TWE was only really present in Germany, but after this it had a broader European presence. And now, with the acquisition of Vita Nonwovens, it has gone all the way from being a smaller German group to an international player.” Today, the group has a total of 12 plants across Germany, Belgium, France, Sweden the US and China. Its total revenue amounts to around €400 million and it employs more than1300 people (including the 200 recently added from the US acquisition).

Production technology The world of textile production is divided into both traditional textiles and nonwovens, the latter of which has only been in existence for around 30 years. Today TWE focuses solely on nonwovens and continues to lead the field when it comes to pioneering, innovative products and technologies.

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The production of nonwovens takes place in three basic stages: web formation, web bonding and finishing treatments. Within these there are three different web formation methods – drylaid, spunmelt and wetlaid – although TWE only focuses on drylaid. There are many different bonding methods, including chemical, thermal and mechanical. According to Mr Christiaen: “We use all of these bonding methods at various points but not all of them are used at every one of our plants.”

The TWE Group’s nonwoven products fall into seven distinct application groups: Hygiene, Medical, Mobiltech, Filtration, Building & Construction, Wipes and Comfort. For the first of these, Hygiene, the company produces mainly unique three-layer ‘Slimcore’ ADL (Acquisition Distribution Layers) as well as top sheets and back sheets for baby, femcare and adult incontinence

products. Its products enable customers to produce considerably thinner diaper layers, reducing transportation costs and providing a competitive edge. For its Medical nonwovens, TWE focuses on three areas: OCP (Orthopaedic Cast Padding) bandages, wound care products and disposable gloves for hospital use. It is, for example, one of the European leaders in wash clothes, with highly advanced needlepunched nonwoven production facilities. When it comes to its Mobiltech division, TWE mainly serves the automotive industry where its products find hundreds of applications. As technical components its nonwovens (produced under brand names including Caliweb, QuietWeb and AeroFil) can soundproof, seal and filter. They can be placed in car boots, used for seat heating products and much, much more besides. The Filtration division has two main enduse areas: air filtration and liquid filtration.

TWE Group Management, Jörg Ortmeier (COO) and Ralf Berens (CCO)

Hugo Christiaen, member of the management team of the TWE Group

Production profile

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Products can provide secure filter action and durable performance in spray booths, vacuum cleaner bags and filters, kitchen hoods and so on. Meanwhile, in the Wipes division, TWE produces a wide variety of household cleaning wipes in many colours. The group is able to meet even the most stringent customer demands when it comes to anti-bacterial features, coating and refining processes. Building & Construction is playing an increasingly important role in the TWE Group’s overall production portfolio. When it comes to this, it would probably be quicker to list the areas of the home in which its nonwovens aren’t used, so many and varied are its applications. To put it as succinctly as possible, the group offers solutions for effective thermal and acoustic insulation in all areas of the house, both interior and exterior. To give just one example, Mr Christiaen tells us: “In swimming pools in France it is common not to use tiles but PVC. But in

order to protect the PVC foil you have to put a protection layer in-between that and the ground. That is where we come in.” The final division is Comfort. Here TWE makes nonwovens for three separate application areas: furniture, bedding and apparel. Under its Isosoft label, the company offers a broad spectrum of durable and sustainable insulation with high performance when it comes to weight, coating, layer structure and fibre strength. As an example, it might make the layer that sits between the leather and foam cushion on a sofa. Within each of these units, Mr Christiaen tells us that “we can do both standard and customised products but more and more we are finding we have to customise them. R&D is therefore very important for us if we want to remain successful for years to come. We need to be inventive and come up with new solutions so we work very closely with both our customers and suppliers to come up with the right products.” All TWE’s production plants are certified according to the ISO 9001 standard. In addition, its German plants hold 50001 energy management certification and the group is working on rolling this out across all its global sites in the near future. The emphasis the company places on quality can be seen from the fact that it regularly receives prestigious awards: For example, in 2014 it won a coveted Ontex Award for ‘Excellence in Customer Service’. The group regularly attends some of the world’s leading trade shows in order to showcase its products and solutions. For example, in March this year it was present at Filtech and

also exhibited at the Bau building & construction show in Munich. Later this year it can be found at Techtextil in Frankfurt, where it will be concentrating mainly on its Mobiltech and Construction business areas. The week after they will exhibit at the Anex fair in Shanghai.

Continued leadership and quality As a leading global player, TWE is aware of the need to continue expanding its footprint in order to offer a better service to its clients. The above-mentioned US acquisition will allow it to do just that, by increasing the number of products it is able to offer this market. Mr Christiaen explains the reason for this: “For some of our products, logistics costs are an important factor. For example, when it comes to our Hygiene and Mobiltech products, which are very lightweight, we can supply anywhere in the world – even as far away

as New Zealand. But for areas such as our Comfort products, the logistics costs are much higher which restricts us in terms of where we can sell them. Establishing production bases in strategic locations is the obvious solution. We want to strengthen our presence in Asia and the US and at the same time we will continue to streamline our operations and look for synergies. It’s a two-pronged approach.” He concludes by describing the current business ethos of the group: “In recent years we have moved firmly away from purchasing raw materials based on price alone and are now focusing only on higher added-value products. We’re not a ‘bread and butter’-type business, as innovation and meeting customer demands is more important to us than price. We build on strategic partnerships: that is how we will continue to survive and indeed thrive in n this environment.”

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WORLD LEADER IN CARBON FIBRE PRODUCTION Zoltek Zrt, based in Nyergesújfalu in Hungary, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the US-based Zoltek Companies Inc. This successful arm of the global corporation has the biggest carbon fibre production capacity in the world. Industry Europe looks at the company’s history and recent activities.


part of Zoltek Companies Inc., Zoltek Zrt has long been a major European player in the field of carbon fibre production. In March this year (2015) it further consolidated its position when it signed formal strategic cooperation agreement with Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. This agreement outlined a plan to expand production capacity and employment at the company’s main plant in Nyergesújfalu, which is already the largest carbon fibre factory in the world and manufactures a wide range of materials for use in the wind energy, aerospace and automotive industries. This expansion is set to create 100 additional jobs immediately and another 200–300 over the next few years.

Company history It is in part the company’s long-term experience that has enables it to maintain its leading position. Magyar Viscosa, the predecessor of Zoltek Zrt, was established in Hungary in 1941 as a manufacturer of basic commodities for the textile industry. Ten years later it began the production of carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) under its own licence, and during the next few years it began producing Poliamid 6-based staple fibre and filament under the brand name DAMAMID, and acrylic fibre under the brand name CRUMERON. Its product range continued to expand, and by the 1980s it was coping with the production of plastic nets and mesh, engineering plastic and polyamid compounds. In 1993 the company became a state-owned company under the name Magyar Viscosa Rt. Two years later the American company Zoltek bought the shares owned by the Hungarian Privatisation and State Hold-

ing Company and Magyar Viscosa Rt. became a subsidiary of Zoltek Companies Inc, operating under the name Zoltek Zrt. Carbon fibre production and carbon fibre textile processing began in Hungary in 1997. In 2004 Zoltek Zrt went through a significant transformation: It ceased the production of viscose staple fibre and launched a number of new production lines. Capacity increased as a result of new capital expenditure and the profile of R & D was also raised. One outcome of this was the establishment of a domestic base for membrane ultra-filtration production and research.

Production profile Zoltek Zrt’s carbon fibre business unit manufactures carbon fibre as a reinforcing material for composites in the automotive, plastic and building industries. In addition, it produces oxidised PAN fibre for carbon-carbon composites and flame retardant materials for the aerospace and automotive industries. The company uses two different manufacturing technologies: PANEX 35 carbon fibre tow and PYRON (oxidised PAN) tow, which has less carbon content. The two types of carbon fibre differ according to their end uses. Panex 35 is a low-cost commercial carbon fibre manufactured in a proprietary high-throughput process that allows it to be the lowest cost commercial carbon fibre on the market. Panex 35 is the dominant carbon fibre in the wind turbine industry and is at the forefront of many other applications including infrastructure, automotive, pressure vessels, offshore drilling, and other industrial applications. In electrical applications, carbon fibres can be used to tailor the electrical properties of injection moulding compounds, paints and Industry Europe 197

Megawatt Kft was established in December 1989 and is owned by Hungarian private individuals. The company established two sites: a sales department in Nyergesújfalu and a construction department in Lábatlan. The sales department distributes products of prominent manufacturers to partners including companies and private persons. The construction department primarily provides services including the design and implementation of strong/weak current industrial facilities and of the strong current construction and process control of industrial technologies. In addition we take part in design and construction of office buildings, public buildings and private flats. Megawatt Kft applies ISO 9001 quality management system.

Design/Implementation/Production: 2541 Lábatlan, Rákóczi F. u. 262. Tel: +36 33 463 223 Fax: +36 33 361 169 E-mail:

Sales: 2536 Nyergesújfalu, Kossuth L. u. 129. Tel: +36 33 454 000 Fax: +36 33 454 494 E-mail: Web:

adhesives. The resulting products provide the benefits of plastics with the conductivity and electrical shielding capabilities of metals. When used in adhesives, the electrical conductivity of carbon can be used to enhance cure times in RF environments by an order of magnitude. The electrical properties of carbon fibre and the ability to configure the material into a semi-permeable membrane with defined mass transport properties make carbon an ideal choice for Next Generation fuel cell engines. In friction applications, carbon fibre is used to create materials that can withstand extremely high temperatures coupled with brutal abrasive wear. Small amounts of carbon can even be used to control the explosive burn of airbag propellants, resulting in the safer deployment of airbags in automotive applications. PYRON Oxidised PAN Fibres are ideally suited for chemically resistant and thermally stable applications. The fibre is made by continuously oxidising pan precursor to a carbon level of 62 per cent. PYRON carbon fibres are generally used to replace asbestos in low-cost friction applications such as automotive or industrial clutches and brakes. Other applications include protective fabrics and chemically resistant packings for pumps and valves.

Zoltek products at JEC Some of Zoltek’s latest carbon fibre developments in wind energy and automotive were showcased at this year’s JEC Europe trade show. For example, the automotive section of the company’s booth showcased its intermediate carbon fibre products specifically formulated for use in automotive, and a variety of commercially-ready surface and structural carbon fibre automotive parts. These included a carbon fibre roof panel with a premium and paintable surface manufactured via a new process called ‘Surface RTM’. This process is the result of a year-long industry partnership with using the latest KraussMaffei RTM technology, Henkel PU chemistry, Chomarat

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We are able to offer the following services from our factory that complies with the MSZ EN ISO 3834-2 quality assurance standards: • Production of stainless steel tanks referring to the 97/23/EG, G Modul, IV. category pressure equipment directive • Design and production of unique industrial equipment from rust- and acid-proof steel • Assembly and implementation of complete technological systems • Production of AQUAREX INOX hydraulic pressure control vales in DN50-200 sizes • Design and production of interior decor and household items and handrails

GYGV Kanizsa Kft. 8800 Nagykanizsa Egerszegi u. 2/F, Hungary Phone: +36-93/313-283 - E-mail: -

C-Ply fabrics, Ruhl PU coatings and Zoltek’s specially-sized Panex 35 50K carbon fibre. The partnership resulted in an impressive carbon fibre roof panel for the Roding Roadster that is ready to paint directly out of the moulds and is suitable for structural and semistructural parts. In the area of wind energy, Zoltek showcased its pultruded profiles, including segments of wind blade spar caps built with pultruded profiles. They can also view spar caps built with Panex 35 prepegs and fabrics. In fact, many other markets besides the wind energy sector are beginning to open up for Zoltek now that its pultruded products are fully commercialised. The high strength and stiffness, as well as lightweight and corrosion resistant properties of carbon fibre pultruded profiles, are performing and testing well in offshore drilling, infrastructure and other industrial markets. Finally, Zoltek displayed its newly formulated Panex 35 prepegs with specific resin formulations available for wind energy, automotive, marine, medical and consumer electronics. Its recent expansion into a new 12,500m2 prepeg manufacturing facility has given the company the manufacturing capacity required for large scale projects, n specifically in the wind energy and automotive sectors.

LASER-SHARP INNOVATION Trumpf is a multi-faceted global technology group that leads the field with its innovative, cutting-edge products. The company produces advanced machine tools, lasers and electronics for a diverse range of industrial applications. Last year the Trumpf Group had its most successful year since its foundation and saw major global expansion. Philip Yorke looks at what is driving the company’s strong growth.

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rumpf was founded in 1923 as a mechanical workshop, since which time it has made the creation of innovative, quality products its hallmark. The company remains privately owned by descendents of the same founding family and through a policy of continuous change and improvement has become a global market and technology leader. With over 60 subsidiaries, the group is represented in almost every European country as well as having a major presence in North and South America and in Asia. Trumpf’s key production facilities

are located in Germany, Austria, China, the Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, Japan. Mexico, Poland, Switzerland and the USA. In the fiscal year 2013–2014 the company generated sales of more than €2.59 billion, and currently employs over 11,000 people worldwide.

Reaching new heights Trumpf has always been a company in the process of continuous change and its performance reached new heights in the last fiscal year, which proved to be its best

ever. The purchase of the Chinese machine tool manufacturer JFY was the largest in the company’s history and is just one of many acquisitions it undertook in 2014. At Trumpf, behind every acquisition there is a clear strategic objective. Whether it is the entry into a key new market segment as with JFY, the extension to an existing product portfolio, or the takeover of the Italian panel-bending specialist, Codatto International, the focus on portfolio enhancement and growth is clear. In addition, during the same fiscal period, Trumpf also secured

Schmalz Schmalz is the worldwide leading provider of vacuum solu-

for furniture pieces, or by an operator to lift items ranging

tions in automation, handling and clamping technology.

from boxes to solar modules. In its headquarters in Glatten

Schmalz products are used in various production processes

(Germany) and in 16 additional subsidiaries the company

– for example, as grippers on robot arms in the production of

employs a total of around 900 persons.

car bodies, as clamping solutions in CNC machining centers

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important future technologies, as with the take-over of Igeneric GmbH and the Italian laser producer Sisma SpA, both of which have added significantly to the company’s technological competences. “By means of acquisitions, changes to our internal structures, further improvement of our processes and, most importantly, innovative products, we at Trumpf have created a good basis for seizing global opportunities in key markets. We will continue to focus on that in the new fiscal year 2014–15,” Said Dr phil. Nicola LeibingerKamm Uller, president and chairwoman of the managing board of directors.

New light-based technologies The United Nations has proclaimed 2015 to be the ‘International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies’. Trumpf is at the vanguard

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Innovative, versatile and efficient They need to be versatile, have a fair amount of organisational talent and know what is currently happening in the market. We are talking about systems suppliers. These are companies which supply customised products, stand out because of their excellent in-house development skills and offer design, drafting and engineering services. LQ Mechatronik-Systeme GmbH is just such a specialist. The experts from Besigheim, who operate according to the principle “complete functions instead of lots of individual parts”, develop and design complete systems for electromechanical equipment for use in the mechanical and plant process engineering sector. The systems suppliers focus on their core competencies, thus allowing the customer to concentrate on their main field of business. The LQ GROUP is one of the first companies to apply this system to the field of the machine tool industry. From the development of prototypes to series production – as a systems supplier LQ develops and designs components for manufacturers in the mechanical and plant process engineering sector. Apart from engineering, the company’s range of services also includes design and assembly of equipment as well as logistics and service.

Complete functions instead of many individual parts The LQ GROUP consolidates components into functional units for both controls and machine installations and these are then supplied to the customers ready to assemble and with the functional checks already carried out. This allows the mechatronics experts to offer companies significant competitive advantages and to simplify process structures. Apart from reducing the number of parts involved and the assembly throughput time, this also significantly reduces the outlay for procurement and cuts warehousing costs dramatically. Around 280 employees on three continents make sure that customers receive individual solutions that are tailored to their requirements. Apart from the company’s head office in Besigheim, the LQ Group operates three other sites: Branford (USA), Grüsch (Switzerland) and Taicang (China). LQ MECHATRONIK-SYSTEME GMBH Carl-Benz-Straße 6 _D-74354 Besigheim T+49.7143.9683-0 _F+49.7143.9683-99

LQ Mechatronik-Systeme GmbH LQ Mechatronik-Systeme GmbH, a medium-sized company from Besigheim, is a successful systems and product supplier of comprehensive electromechanical solutions for control and installation applications. Whether for modular control cabinets or cable drag chains – mechatronic experts focus on the reduction of complexity. LQ takes a modular principle with standardised interfaces as a basis for combining individual

of product innovation in this sector with an unrivalled variety of beam sources for every conceivable industrial laser application. These range from the laser welding of thick steel panels for cruise ships and the cutting of hightech sheet metal components, to the drilling of multi-layered printed circuit boards (PCBs). For its customers, Trumpf delivers new light-based technologies that offer unique potential and open up new design possibilities for countless industrial manufacturing sectors. When it comes to medical applications, advanced laser technology is setting the 202 Industry Europe

components to form compact functional units or installationready systems, thus supplying mechanical and plant process engineering companies with complete electromechanical units. The company employs 280 employees on three continents. Apart from its headquarters in Germany, the LQ GROUP has branches in Switzerland, the USA and China.

pace. Today Trumpf is at the forefront of these exciting developments. Owing to its versatility and special abilities, the laser is the optimal choice as a production tool for cutting, welding and the production of complex medical technology products. “The laser is a pioneer of miniaturisation and with minimal focus diameters, with around 25 micrometres for marking and 10 micrometres for removal structuring, it makes entirely new product designs possible,” explains Dr Alexander Knitsch, the head of the medical technology division at Trumpf.

In the automotive sector Trumpf technology is also making a difference. In addition to increasing processing speeds, which are up to ten times faster than competitive products, the designers and production specialists particularly value the greater flexibility in body construction that Trumpf offers. Welding patterns are possible in any shape. For example, as a circle or a staple, in an S-shape or as an interrupted seam. The new laser technology means that welding patterns are precisely adapted to the load with much smaller flanges used than

those required for spot welding. The finished automotive components are therefore smaller, lighter and more cost-effective.

Smart functions In other industrial fields, Trumpf is also leading the way with its cutting-edge innovation, whether in the development of lightweight batteries or powerful punching machines such as the company’s latest ‘TruPunch 5000’. This, the world’s fastest punching machine, now offers even higher speeds and greater efficiency. The newly developed hydraulic drives increase axis accelerations and rotation speeds resulting in a significant boost in productivity. With its high-power hydraulic drive, the new model punches

at up to 1600 strokes a minute and marks at 3000 strokes per minute. In addition, specially developed ‘smart functions’ ensure that every process runs reliably and is trouble-free. This in turn translates this additional power into higher throughput and increased productivity. In line with its commitment to innovation and performance, Trumpf recently announced the launch of its new ‘TruTool’, the DD1010, a high performance, hand-held power tool. This unique battery-powered drill-driver is distinguished from all others by its ergonomically correct design and superb operating performance. It draws its power from an advanced 10.8 volt Li-ion battery with two ampere-hours of capacity, which

ensures a long-duty cycle and is also used n in other Trumpf power tools. For further details of Trumpf’s innovative, hightechnology products visit:

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Since January 1, 2015, Leybold Optics GmbH is operating as Bühler Alzenau GmbH. The company, which has been a business area of the Bühler Group since May 2012, is thus concluding its successful integration into the Swiss Group. The Alzenau-based specialist in vacuum coating technologies has benefited in many ways from the incorporation into the multinational Bühler Group. This allowed for significant business growth in the current fiscal year and a record number of orders received in 2014 in market segments such as Optics, Automotive, Web and Glass.


ollowing the change of name, the name Leybold Optics will still be employed for the purposes of corporate communications. “The legal unit is renamed,” explains Antonio Requena, who has 25 years of experience at Leybold Optics and has been its managing director since 2013, “but the tradition-rich name continues to be used in the names of our well known machines and in our business area within the Bühler Group.” After the consolidation of the business in Alzenau and the integration of the subsidiaries into the Bühler Group, the strategy of the business area will be retained, Antonio Requena emphasizes. However, Bühler is striving to strengthen the ties within the ‘Advanced Materials’ corporate area to fully exploit synergies. He continues: “As part of Bühler, we are stronger than ever before. Even more important than the name are our values – satisfied customers, sustainability, 204 Industry IndustryEurope Europe

motivated employees, profitability and growth – which remain the same and that we can continue to drive forward with Bühler.”

Perfect complement to Bühler The Swiss Bühler Group bought Leybold Optics in May 2012. The strategic acquisition was a key step towards expanding its capabilities to include the production of functional coatings. “These display highly attractive potential for growth – thanks to global trends, for which Leybold Optics provides tailored solutions, for example in the areas of architectural glass, flexible electronics, food packaging, precision optics, ophthalmic optics, and the automotive industry,” Antonio Requena explains. The acquisition of Leybold Optics was an ideal complement to Bühler’s overall portfolio when it comes to both technology and market access. For example, Bühler is the market leader in light metal die-casting solu-

tions for the automotive industry. Furthermore, with its bead mills it is also the leader in the field of paint and coating manufacture for the automobile industry.

Reinforcing competitiveness But it is not only the parent company that has benefitted from the acquisition – Leybold Optics has too and will continue to do so in the future. “With Bühler, we have a parent company that allows us to fully develop our strengths,” Antonio Requena explains. For the traditional Alzenau-based company, being a part of Bühler will enable it to take an active part in the growth of the group and, in the process, make use of the advantages of the global Bühler platform, for example in the area of sales. “We now have access to many Bühler specialists throughout the world with the expertise and experience to help improve processes

Production location of Bühler Alzenau GmbH Industry IndustryEurope Europe 205

Soleras Advanced Coatings offers reliable rotatable sputter hardware and a broad portfolio of sputter targets made via different production methods (cast, thermal spray, HIPed, sleeved & bonded) in order to find the right solution for every customer; whether active in large area glass coating, flat panel display, optical coatings, photovoltaics, electrochromic, tribological or decorative coatings, we have the right answer for you. Our customers can benefit from our broad experience in rotatable and planar magnetron sputtering.

Soleras Advanced Coatings has production facilities in Maine and Wisconsin (US), Belgium (EU) and JiangYin (China) and maintenance centers and excellent sales and customer service teams around the world. Soleras Advanced Coatings’ customized total solutions for sputtering consist of: • Complete rotatable sputter magnetron solutions: - Cathodes, end blocks, Magnet bars, including former Applied Materials’ product lines - Magnet bars,manual and on line adjustable - Gas distribution systems - Automation and control systems • Rotatable sputter targets • Planar sputter targets and bonding All these components can be customized and integrated in each new or existing coating line. The wide portfolio of high quality rotatable targets is produced in high volumes, in all dimensions and with all existing fixations. For more information, please visit our website Soleras Advanced Coatings BVBA E3 Laan 75/79, 9800 Deinze, Belgium • Phone: +32 9 381 61 61

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Small vacuum coater STAR with sputter technology

and generate new application areas,” Mr Requena continues. “This will help our company to remain competitive globally.”

Belonging to Bühler Its membership of Bühler means the outlook is good for the Leybold Optics business area. Thanks to the synergies, it has achieved, more resources have been freed up to enable it to remain competitive in a future-proof manner. “We reinvest a significant amount each year in research and development,” explains Antonio Requena. “Among other things, we are driving forward developments initiated over the past few years to target the fast-growing markets of emerging industrial countries.” “When it comes to service, investments are being made in the global Bühler network, above all.” Many sales and service stations have already been integrated. In China and the US, the sites there continue to be independently responsible for the Leybold Optics business fields. “Thanks to our heightened presence as part of the Bühler network, we will be able to improve the quality of our customer service even further, in particular when it comes to retrofits and upgrades,” he concludes. “With our new products and a significantly improved service, customers receive real added value, which they can successfully make use of in their own company. We are proud to be part of this success story at Leybold Optics and we are ready for a new era under Bühler n Alzenau GmbH.” Industry Europe 207

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Pioneering adhesive tape manufacturer Lohmann GmbH & Co. KG is active in over 50 countries and covers the entire value chain, creating and delivering customer-focused solutions in a rapidly growing sector. Emma-Jane Batey spoke to head of PR and corporate communications Christina Barg-Becker to learn more.


ounded in Frankfurt, Germany in 1851, Lohmann GmbH & Co. KG has steadily grown to become a leading force in bonding solutions. With its long history stretching out over more than 160 years, the company’s unrivalled knowledge of the adhesive tape industry has helped it earn its well-deserved reputation for innovative bonding solutions across the value chain. Head of PR and corporate communications Christina BargBecker explained how Lohmann’s many years of experience have given it a unique position in a rapidly-expanding market. She said, “Lohmann is certainly one of the pioneering forces in adhesive tape technology and we are now active on a global scale. In 1938, we created the first double-sided adhesive tape for technical bonds in the printing industry and ever since we have continued to use the experience we’ve gained in manufacturing plasters for the continual development of effective, high-tech adhesive tapes.” Many more important benchmarks feature in Lohmann’s product development history, including in 1967, when its double-sided adhesive tapes for securing printing plates in letterpress printing formed

the backbone of the adhesive tape industry, and in 1969, when numerous technical innovations led to the breakthrough in marketing double-sided tapes for industrial uses. Ms Barg-Becker added, “Today, Lohmann bonding solutions are in use in nearly all areas of industry including more than adhesive products. They may be invisible, but Lohmann adhesive products are all around us, e.g. from securing external or internal parts on cars to creating efficient fridge seals, and from diaper closures to sealing and insulating applications in the construction industry.”

Around the world With Lohmann’s Adhesive Tape Group headquarters located in Neuwied, Germany, the company has over 1600 employees based at 27 international sites and has exclusive sales partnerships across its network of 50 countries worldwide. Its subsidiaries are located in countries including the UK, Poland, India, Russia and Korea, giving it excellent coverage and ensuring that there is always a local site for new and existing customers. Ms Barg-Becker noted, “As a longIndustry Europe 209

established German company that has been a leading international player for many decades, we are always close at hand. When required, our international project teams will work closely with our customers across site and national boundaries and our extensive network means that Lohmann is a reliable global partner.” Well known as ‘the bonding engineers’, Lohmann’s product portfolio includes what it calls the ‘smart bonding approach’. Offering individual concepts, a convincing product portfolio and efficient

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process integration, its bonding offer is very much a ‘concept to completion’ range. Ms Barg-Becker added, “One of the prerequisites for the perfect adhesive solution is to know exactly how, where and under what conditions it will be used. For example, does it have to be thermally conductive, tolerance compensating or removable? Our bonding engineers stay by our customers’ sides as competent partners from the moment the first concept is born. Armed with detailed knowledge of the specific bonding task in hand, we then

turn to finding the right adhesive solution with the desired properties. To achieve this goal, we either build on existing products or, when needed, develop a completely new solution.” In order to achieve these solutions, Lohmann’s research and development department is continually looking at new and future trends, new materials and new potential for existing solutions. Ms Barg-Becker continued, “Since functionality is becoming more and more important, we believe there will be a greater demand for thermal conductive adhesives and optical clear adhesives. Further, we see future trends in the field of miniaturization and light-weight construction. Here, structural bonding through reactive adhesive films like our DuploTEC SBF (Superior Bonding Films) is an excellent alternative.”

Yes to development Primarily active in the hygiene, consumer goods and electronics, graphics, building and renewable energies, medical, automotive and automotive electronics sectors, Lohmann’s adhesive products can be found across practically all industry sectors. The company has recently extended its state-of-the-art FlexoLAB development and manufacturing facilities in Neuwied in order to boost its strategic partnership with testing and simulation company TRESU and to ensure that it is creating innovative products that flourish in the real world. Ms Barg-Becker added, “Our new technology centre in Neuwied is Lohmann’s clear ‘yes’ to progress, innovation and a thorough focus on our customers. With this major investment of almost €10 million we have not only strengthened our expertise when it comes to development and technology but also enhanced our competitiveness, all whilst making a sustainable development in the future.” This investment is a key factor in Lohmann’s positive expectations for its future growth on the world stage. As a company that is committed to taking advantage of opportunities, its aim is to remain n a pioneering spirit in the bonding solutions industry.

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GOING OFFSHORE Italian company Remazel Engineering is active in a range of sectors, with products for the offshore industry a particularly important focus for the future. Industry Europe looks at the latest from the company.

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emazel Engineering was founded in 2010, thanks to the merger of Rema Engineering and Zambetti e Lumina. Zambetti e Lumina had taken its name from that of the two partners who had founded it at the end of the 1960s, while Rema Engineering had been set up at the beginning of the 1980s by Mr Gamba, who had spent the previous fifteen years managing other companies dedicated to producing special equipment and involved in the off-shore sector. The merger took place because Rema, which was a specialist in offshore engineering and plant subcontracting, as well as carrying out assembly and installation, wanted to further develop its deep water range and, in order to do this, needed the right organisation to qualify and control all the production activities, including expediting and cost control. For this reason, there was the need for a more structured organisation. Zambetti e Lumina was identified as being

of particular interest because of its supply and production time management, as well as its quality control capabilities. Through the merger the original objective was achieved. Remazel Engineering is organised into three divisions: Zambetti e Lumina, Metrio and Rema. Zambetti e Lumina, with its over 50 years of experience in the field, manufactures turbine components, specifically GT burners, GT combustion chambers, GT parts, boiler burners and mechanical components, making its products according to customers’ specifications. One of its notable clients is Ansaldo. Metrio designs and manufactures diverters, exhaust systems, diffusers, guillotines, silencers and expansion joints, as well as multi-louvre, biplane, stack and butterfly dampers. The Metrio division works on the basis of a consolidated know-how, which is then customised to respond to clients’ needs. The main sectors to which it supplies its products are oil and gas, paper, Industry Europe 213

cement, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgy. The Rema Division has developed its activity in a range of sectors (oil and gas, power transmission, railway), but its core business is machines and systems for oil and gas offshore production. It deals with all the equipment for pipe laying vessels and their anchorage, alongside those for drilling units, lifting vessels and accommodation barges, as well as with complete permanent mooring systems for FPSOs. Design and engineering play a main role in the work of this division, as all machines and systems are fully customised. The division’s main clients are Saipem, Petrofac, SBM, Technip and Engevix/Petrobras. All facilities and offices are based in the Bergamo area of northern Italy. In 2013 a new assembling unit for large machinery, especially for the offshore sector, was installed, allowing engineering and assembling to be in close direct contact. “Assembling for off-

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shore now takes place at our Stezzano site (that will be kept as an assembly unit), while in Endine Gaiano we have two plants used by Zambetti e Lumina and Metrio, respectively dealing with onshore products and burners for gas turbines,” explains Mr Gamba. “Geographically we mainly serve European, Brazilian and Asian markets, but the balance changes very rapidly, as the market situation is very dynamic. While direct clients are based in those countries, the actual products sold are deployed all over the world. “At the moment the balance between the output of Rema’s offshore products and that of the rest of our range dealt with by Zambetti e Lumina and Metrio is about 65 per cent, but we plan to further develop the offshore side of the business in the future, as this is the area offering the greatest scope for growth. The intention would be that of making offshore into our core business.”

New foreign ventures “In terms of ways of growing, we have been considering several further possibilities. The first is a possible joint venture with a company with quick access to the sea, so as to be able to assemble equipment at the sea front. We have opened branches in China, Brazil and Singapore, mainly for offshore Rema products. While in Singapore this is limited to a commercial and support assistance activity, in the other two countries there is also a production element. In both cases the products offered to these markets are a mixture of locally manufactured products and machinery imported from Italy. As well as allowing us to comply with local political requirements, production in these countries will allow us to get round transport costs and remain competitive in terms of prices. “Similarly we are thinking of opening a branch for Metrio products in India. Again, partly producing on site is going to help us both in terms of transport cost and with regard to lead times, which when using sea shipment can reach up to four to six weeks. Sometimes being able to deliver quickly is vital, as today the market operates in

a last minute context. We are already commercially present in all of the above-mentioned markets.” The company holds various certifications, namely ISO9001, ISO 14001, ISO3834-2 and OHSAS 18001. Quality is paramount, something proven by the fact that Remazel has 50 members of staff dedicated to engineering, between technicians and actual engineers, and 20 people who take care of project management, expediting and quality control. The company’s suppliers also have to abide by a strict series of checks, so as to contribute to maintaining high product quality. Suppliers have to hold certifications, as being certified according to international standards is a requirement of the offshore sector. “Virtually all of our suppliers are based in Europe, exactly for this reason, and they are one of our greatest resources. “As well as dedicating resources to engineering and quality control, we also pay a lot of attention to the training and growth of our internal staff. We aim to identify their potential and to help them grow n their skills.”

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ounded in 1970, WILD can look back on over 40 years of experience in systems, equipment, and components for the optical technology, precision mechanics, electronics, medical, and plastics technology sectors. The company offers precision parts, injection moldings, press and follow-on composite tools, electroplating, painting products, and assemblies, as well as providing comprehensive after sales services, repairs, and value analysis services. Headquartered in Völkermarkt, Austria, the WILD group offers a wide spectrum of performance with its five components of Wild GmbH, Photonic Optische Geräte GmbH & Co KG, WILD Elektronik u. Kunststoff GmbH & Co KG, all based in Austria, Solar Semi GmbH in Germany, and finally WILD Technologies s.r.o. in Slovakia. The production facilities have been certified to ISO 9001, 13485 and 9100, and cleanroom production is fully compliant with class 1000 and 10,000. Altogether the group currently employs more than 300 people and has a production capacity of 250,000 hours per year.

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The Austrian company Wild GmbH is a leader in the development and production of sophisticated components and systems for medical and optical hi-tech applications.

Two main markets In medical technology Wild GmbH can offer the specific know-how, highest precision, absolute reliability and flexibility required by customers. Services and products offered include diagnostic systems, therapy systems and prosthetics. In the field of optical technology, the combination of precision mechanics, optics and electronics give the company a special edge. Activities here range from laboratory technology and metrology to photogrammetry and products for the semiconductor industry/photovoltaics.

UltraCam revolutionises aerial photography With the UltraCam Eagle Wild introduced a digital revolution that sets completely new standards in aerial photography: the first large-scale digital aerial image camera with interchangeable lenses. Named UltraCam Eagle by development partner and Microsoft subsidiary Vexcel, it is the first with a sensor head that has an interchangeable lens system

with two different focal widths. This enables aerial photography companies to have enormous flexibility regarding aircraft altitude and resolution on the ground. The unit boasts a modular construction, with separate or integrated computer units, so that the UltraCam Eagle can be considerably more compact than previous models, weighing 70 instead of 140kg - suitable for use in single and twin engine aircraft, as well as jets. The camera can store 3.3TB per storage unit, or 3800 pictures, and the choice is between 8 or 16 bit colours and the formats PAN, RGB, CIR und RGBI.

Focus on magnesium Magnesium processing is becoming increasingly sought-after by customers. The light metal is not only being used in technical optics, there is also an enormous potential in medical technology. WILD has already worked with magnesium for 20 years. Now, in the course of the technology roadmap, the opto-mechatronic spe-

cialist has reinforced its focus on this material and is advising its customers on possible areas of application including surface treatments. On the scales magnesium alloys have a similar weight to plastic, but with a higher level of strength. According to Stefan Werkl, head of Technical Optics at WILD, a property that makes magnesium interesting for WILD is this: “Wherever weight plays an important role, you will not be able to beat magnesium in the future. Even in small and medium production quantities.” In addition, magnesium has a very good damping capacity. These parts can insulate acoustic noise very well and reduce vibrations from vibratory stresses. A surface treatment is necessary not only for aesthetic reasons but also to protect the magnesium from wear and corrosion. WILD currently offers its customers two different methods. No further finishing is necessary with the plasma-chemical process, akin to the black-anodised process. However, with pure passivation the magnesium is refined using painting or coating.

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Good advice around CE-certification Medical technology is one of the most strictly regulated markets worldwide, and any product within the EU requires the CE-Certificate. While the mark stands for patient safety, it also represents high costs and high barriers to market entry, especially for smaller producers. Any delays around the certification process can prove costly, so WILD is offering a specialist advice service to customers who are entering the medical sector, using its 40 years of experience with quality systems in the medical sector to help others prepare and complete the documentation and certification process.

Pure perfection WILD also has a high precision cleaning facility. Both the demand for and the demands on precision cleaning have risen enormously - whether in medical technology, in analytics or in the production of lasers or semiconductors, manufacturers require parts that are absolutely free from particles or other production residue. WILD’s manual precision cleaning facility allows for a variety of working cycles, according to customer demands, that guarantees residuefree cleaning, even with difficult geometric parts. In this facility parts are processed through an 8-phase cleaning cycle, containing seven heated ultra scan containers with alkaline cleaning agents to clean, rinse, neutralise and final rinse in purest water up to 0,055µS. The 60l containers can accommodate parts of up to ca. 400x400x400mm.

Core strengths and future plans A privately owned company that responds proactively to market requirements – this mix of continuity and openness for new things has

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been the basis for WILD’s success. High levels of customer loyalty – the average cooperation with clients is more than 8 years – prove that WILD can offer added value: Because large parts of the value chain are covered in-house, customers benefit from the convenience of a one stop shop and very short times to market. The company’s comprehensive development capacities also allow an early integration in the development processes of clients. Looking ahead, WILD will be strengthening its development of additional know-how in the digital imaging sector. Modern image processing and analysis systems guarantee flawless products and flawless processes and in medical technology they ensure that diagnosis and monitoring are significantly more precise. In recent years WILD has developed a range of innovative application solutions including a camera system for automatically determining skin types using indicators, as well as a system for lens testing which is able to recognise the smallest surface defects. In the process the lenses of laser optics are irradiated with diffused light. A camera is focused on the individual lens surfaces and, thanks to a resolution in the micrometre range, it is able to record even the smallest particles, scratches or bubbles in the glass. “As part of the technology roadmap, in the future WILD will strengthen the development of know-how in the production of digital image data using sensors and cameras as well as in their editing and processing,” says a spokesperson from the comapny. Supporting the systems partner are University Prof Dr Robert Sablatnig from the TU Vienna and Dr Raimund Leitner from CTR, among others, who are contributing their expertise in the fields computer vision, document analysis, visual surveillance, 3D data acquisition and reconstruction, machine learning, pattern n recognition and hyper-spectral image processing.

A VIRTUOUS CIRCLE W. Hamburger is one of Europe’s most highly regarded containerboard producers with an annual capacity of around 1.6 million tonnes of paper. Industry Europe looks at the company’s activities and current production facilities.


ow one of Europe’s leading producers of high quality containerboard, W. Hamburger GmbH was first established in 1853 by Wilheim Hamburger with his purchase of a factory for rag pulp in Pitten, Germany, where one of the five mills is still located. Wilheim Hamburger was dedicated to the continued prosperity of this town, and this commitment is still reflected in the company ethos today. W. Hamburger GmbH is currently made up of several containerboard mills, with Hamburger Pitten, Hamburger Rieger, Hamburger Spremburg, Hamburger Hungaria and its Croatian mill all sharing

the well-proven company value that being ‘flexible, committed and customer-centred’ is what creates long-lasting success and value. The most recent addition to the

Market factors As the vast majority of the containerboard manufacturing activities at W. Hamburger are from recovered paper, with around 40 per cent integrated production and 60 per cent acquired from the free market, so the cost and availability of raw materials is crucial to its Industry Europe 219

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performance. In order to maintain its market leading position, W. Hamburger constantly invests in the latest technology and machinery, with a company-wide policy to only buy brand new, top quality machines that will allow the high-end production to grow as the market demands. W. Hamburger’s facilities all contain state-of-the-art paper machines with high productivity values. With its well-respected containerboard brands including Austroliner, Riegerliner and Spreewhite and SpreeGips, W. Hamburger is keen to continually enhance its range to maximise its potential as a ‘one-stop shop’ provider for the containerboard industry. The company’s R&D department is working hard to create cost-competitive lightweight products made from recovered paper as a direct response to the market’s changing trends.

Increasing capabilities A company spokesperson informed us, “Over the past few years we’ve made major investments in our white test liner production, with coated and uncoated containerboard available. We produce around 45,000 tonnes of white paper for printing annually. This is increasingly in demand as white containerboard offers a greater opportunity for

colour printing, as you can’t print on brown containerboard and retain the same print quality. W. Hamburger white liner offers a terrific face for printing and our products are the highest quality available on the market, with excellent profitability for the company.” Brown containerboard still represents an important market for W. Hamburger, particularly in eastern Europe, and the company has invested in an established paper mill in Hungary to capture the growth in this region. All of the W. Hamburger paper mills and its paper machines are strictly operated under the tightest European standards, with ecological responsibility at the top of the agenda. As it deals solely in recovered paper, W. Hamburger is essentially part of a virtuous circle that collects recovered paper, brings it to the mill and reprocesses it into containerboard, so its very business is founded on a sustainable, modern principle. There are also a wide range of eco-responsible practices adopted across W. Hamburger, with power and water consumption kept to a minimum, and there is also a dedicated power station that converts up to 90 per cent of its power into energy. As W. Hamburger looks ahead, its increasingly strong performance is n giving the company the confidence to predict continued success.

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ADVANCED HEATING TECHNOLOGY Riello Urzadzenia Grzewcze SA of Torun, Poland, is one of the most important manufacturing plants in the Riello group. The group, of Italian origin, is a leading European producer of heating systems and technologies.

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iello Group is the worldwide leader in the production of burners and one of the major European players offering products and services in the heating and air-conditioning market. The company’s mission is to optimise comfort where people live and work, by proposing projects and solutions which enable it to create the perfect harmony of climate, thanks to the integrated systems and services which are always focused on the impact on the environment. The group takes pride in its nine production sites, provides employment for 2200 people, owns four operations abroad, has a commercial network comprising 13 international companies and has customers in more than 60 countries. Riello owns two modern research and development centres, too. The Riello Group’s average share in each European country is about 10 per cent. As the number-one manufacturer in the global market, Riello produces around 500,000 burners, 450,000 wallhung boilers, 150,000 water heaters and 70,000 floor-standing boilers per year. Wall hung boilers and water heaters make up around

50 per cent of the whole production: burners and units 23 per cent, floor standing boilers 9 per cent, air conditioners 6 per cent, and other products 13 per cent.

Focus on boilers The vast range of products in the company’s world-renowned Beretta range includes: gas-fired boilers, condensing boilers, boiler auxiliary equipment, air conditioning systems, under floor-heating systems, and solar systems. The factory in Torun is mainly focused on producing wall-hung boilers, and water heaters. Condensing boilers are by far the most efficient and economical boilers in the market. The term ‘condensing’ is derived from the creation of condensation within the boiler. The advantage of such boilers over non-condensing boilers is a reduction in fuel costs. It has an efficiency of around 100 per cent compared to about 91 per cent for a non-condensing boiler. This also reduces emissions of both carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide to extremely low levels.

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However, offering a good condensing boiler is not enough in the modern world, because there is a growing demand to develop other kinds of energy, such as solar or wind. Today the company offers state-of-the-art technologies for the most sophisticated heating and air-conditioning systems, where it is working to set new standards in terms of efficiency, reduction of energy consumption and protection of the environment. Beretta intends to remain one of the most important players in the market. This involves further development. The key idea is to adapt to changing conditions, and to anticipate future trends such as a development of the different kinds of energy production systems. The company’s objective is to be a leader in innovative integrated systems and applications for intelligent climate control.

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Twenty years in Poland Both Riello Urzadzenia Grzewcze SA and Beretta brand have been well known in Poland for years. RUG was founded in 2001 while Beretta entered the Polish market nine years earlier. At the beginning, it was a presence only in terms of sales. In those days inefficient central heating systems and old power stations made Polish customers keen on looking for modern heating solutions. After some years Riello faced production problems in Italy as the costs of production appeared to be too high. The company started to look for the possibility of opening a factory abroad. It decided to build a plant in Poland because this was a reliable country, especially compared with other eastern European countries. At the end of the 1990s Riello was looking for the best

Plastic materials moulding and mould manufacturing ALFAPLAST S.p.A. started its activity in 1983 and its legal and operational site is located in Via 1° Maggio n. 4, in the industrial area of Missaglia (Lecco). ALFAPLAST S.p.A. occupies an overall area of 34,000 m2, with a covered area of 25,500 m2, which includes 3,500 m2 for thermoplastic moulding of small and medium components, 1,200 m2 for assembling and pad printing, and a new 5,800 m2 site for the moulding of large components. Moreover, Alfaplast has a 15,000 m2 department for painting and Telene moulding. ALFAPLAST S.p.A. is able to carry out co-design projects, developing projects for making moulds suitable for the manufacture of both thermoplastic and Telene components and is able to directly supply subgroups assembled according to client’s requests. ALFAPLAST S.p.A. has a machine fleet for thermoplastic moulding ranging from 40 tonnes to 3,150 tonnes with associated accessories, and a staff of 50 employees. The painting and Telene moulding department employs 45 people. We have a diversified production in several sectors: tractors, motorbikes, cars, household appliances, heating, pharmaceutical, furniture, and others. We are ISO-9001:2008, ISO /TS 16949:2009 and UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 certified.

place for the investment in the north part of Poland. Finally, such a place was founded in Torun. Twelve years later the company is still very satisfied with the decision to establish the Beretta plant there. The boilers from Torun have gained a significant position in Poland’s market of heating devices.

Burners from Wroclaw At the same time as Beretta was entering the Polish market, the company Boren Jan Borkowski started to operate as the official importer of Riello burners. Two years later, the Office of Technical Inspection performed the factory certification. This way Riello obtained approval for production in Poland and Riello Burners in Wroclaw was created. The company is fully owned by the Italian company Riello SA and is the number one producer of burners sold in Poland. Knowledge, skills and experience allowed it to offer burners for boiler solutions, as well as for many specialised devices where the technological process is based on the heat generated by the combustion of gas or oil. Every year, the Riello Burners training centre in Wroclaw conducts more than 30 training sessions for about 300 technicians. Moreover, Riello Burners also manages the distribution of burners to Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, n Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

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Mr Leszek Kłosiński, president of the board, Oceanic SA


FOR SENSITIVE SKIN OCEANIC SA focuses on the production of world-class antiallergenic cosmetics under the AA brand. Dariusz Balcerzyk reports on its activities and global success.


ur mission is to help people with sensitive and allergy-prone skin through creating safe, effective and modern cosmetics that will help them to live a normal life with no allergy ailments,” begins Leszek Kłosiński, president of the management board of OCEANIC SA. According to scientific research, more than 30 per cent of the world’s population worldwide suffers from various allergic diseases. In order to meet this global challenge, OCEANIC SA has developed a range of antiallergenic cosmetics, supported by state-of-the-art medical and cosmetic research. OCEANIC SA, a company from Sopot, is one of Poland’s cosmetics market leaders. For 33 years it has specialised in the production of world quality AA antiallergenic cosmetics. In 2000 the company built its pharmaceutical production unit, thus combining its two core markets: cosmetic and pharmaceutical. In 2003 it was awarded accreditation for the production of pharmaceuticals and was also certified according to the ISO 9001:2000 quality management standard for its production and distribution of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics are produced in a modern factory that complies with the standards of pharmaceutical GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice). 226 Industry Europe

The implementation of SAP, an Enterprise Resource Planning system, in April 2009 has maximised Oceanic’s efficiency and ensured its competitive advantage on the market. In 2007, the company launched its AA PRESTIGE Brand – a complementary, prestigious range for face and body care. A few years later, in 2011, OCEANIC SA made a significant step forward when it created its breakthrough brand of AA ECO: a range of natural, ecological cosmetics prepared for people with sensitive and allergy-prone skin.

Worldwide success “OCEANIC employs more than 300 people. Our annual sales are around €50 million. Our range of products exceeds 700, whilst our monthly production capacity is more than 2 million items,” says Mr Klosinski. “It is worth noting that Poland is one of the most competitive cosmetics markets in Europe as all major international companies are present here alongside more than 400 local companies. Even so, OCEANIC is still one of the leaders on the Polish cosmetic market.” Indeed, the domestic market accounts for 90 per cent of the company’s total sales, while the remaining 10 per cent of production is sold

abroad to over 30 foreign markets and 50 foreign customers. OCEANIC is present in several EU countries, which are the main export market, in eastern Europe and on the other four continents: Asia, both Americas and Australia/Oceania. In order to build its international reputation, it participates in the main international cosmetic fairs in places such as Bologna, Dubai, Hong Kong and Moscow.

Range of products “Our offer includes cosmetics for everyone, both men and women, older and younger people, for children from the very first day of life, to diabetics, people with skin problems and skin dysfunctions and for medical therapy (for example the Oncoderma brand is designed to meet the needs of patients after radiotherapy and chemotherapy, developed with the participation of dermatologists and oncologists),” says Mr Kłosiński. “Our products have one common feature: they all are safe for use. I mean it, since we have implemented special product safety procedures at OCEANIC. Each preparation goes through the two-stage test in our R&D laboratory before it is allowed to be sold. Unlike many other companies that allow for a certain percentage of skin irritation cases, our primary rule is that the preparation has to be 100 per cent secure; that is, if there is at least one case of skin irritation, the product will be Industry Europe 227

EcoWipes EcoWipes is a leading European manufacturer of nonwovens, wet wipes, cosmetic pads, buds and household products for Customers in many countries under their own Private Labels. EcoWipes’ mission is to provide Clients with innovative and safe products. EcoWipes’ production process is fully integrated, with the entire process from fibres to final product contained under one roof. As a result, the company offers a wide range of differentiated products which help customers to build their product portfolios and strengthen their brands. EcoWipes possesses unique technological patented solutions which guarantee innovative products such as cosmetic pads in 3L technology, hygienic buds with Centre Press opening or natural and certified organic cotton wipes. The company’s innovative approach was acknowledged during the latest PLMA International Trade Show, during which as many as seven innovative products were selected for the Idea Supermarket gallery. EcoWipes follows global consumer trends. Therefore, its latest innovative product portfolio is based on organic cotton and certified organic extracts. This is confirmed by certificates issued by international authorities such as ECOCERT, GOTS, FSC and PEFC.

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withdrawn for further research. What contrasts us with other producers are the unique and detailed tests with the participation of patients with sensitive and allergic skin. Thanks to these tests we can be absolutely certain that the products we manufacture are safe.” The testing is performed in two stages and carried out in cooperation with the Medical Academy in Gdańsk and with the participation of patients. Stage 1: dermatological tests: 50 people – 50 per cent with allergies Stage 2: application tests: 30 people – 100 per cent with allergies Any irritation or allergic reaction at any of the stages results in a formulary change and new testing. In comparison, standard cosmetics testing is performed on a group of people a quarter of the size. There are healthy people in a test group and single allergy symptoms are allowed. “Only when product is completely safe can it go into production. We have one of the most modern laboratory complexes in Europe, with a team of 30 specialists with scientific backgrounds to ensure our products are always of the highest quality. We cooperate with academies and science centres in Poland and worldwide, including the Medical Academy in Gdansk, Interacademy Biotechnology Department at Gdansk University and also with the Children’s Health Centre. Our research is also carried out in cooperation with various experts, scientists, dermatologists, aerologist and gynecologists. We work together with leading specialised commercial laboratories offering worldwide standard services such as INTERTEK, EUROFINS and SILIKER. OCEANIC’s wide range of AA brand cosmetics includes such product lines as: AA MEZZOLASER, whose advanced formula, linking the unique hyaluronic molecules system with innovative Hexapeptyd NG +, combines the precision of laser treatment with mesotherapy; and AA REVITA INTENSA, which is a series of cosmetics based on professional rejuvenating and regenerating procedures. LONG4LASHES eyelash/eyebrow serum is an extremely efficient serum for eyelashes and eyebrows, with a unique formula that

lengthens, thickens, strengthens and improves the condition of eyelashes and eyebrows. The Oillan range of hypoallergenic emollients is a recipe for effectively and safely restoring balance to skin that is dry, irritated, sensitive and allergy-prone. Specially selected formulations contain active substances that comprehensively deal with skin dysfunctions by soothing lesions and preventing new ones. AA Oil Infusion2 is a powerful anti-wrinkle care programme, based on the rejuvenating action of precious oils. Luxury oils, which are highly biocompatible with the skin, complement deficiencies found in the substance of building, whilst stimulating the cells to regain youthful vitality. As a result, the skin goes through a true metamorphosis, becoming smooth, moisturised and radiant. A recipe enriched with innovative dual infusion – the Infusion2 system – further strengthens the action of preparations. An extremely lightweight formula provides rapid absorption and pleasant application. Recently OCEANIC entered the private label segment. “This is a market segment with very strong growth prospects, in which we are very active. We have developed a special division devoted the customers n who are interested in this kind of cooperation,” says Mr. Kłosiński.

Industry Europe 229


3D Laser


Foshan Tongboa Electrical



Frigomeccanica Group


Nedcon Magazijninrichting BV 77




The Bombay Dyeing &


T 89 195

Advanced Energy



New Holland


Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

Agilent Technologies




Nippon Carbon




Akcros Chemicals


Gerosa Group






AkzoNobel Wood Finishes


Ghani Rasheed & Co







GI Auto


NSK Italia



Alfa Laval








Guarniflon SpA


Angel Ruiz


Guenther Polska Sp. z o.o.



GYGV Kanizsa Kft



Arti Grafiche Reggiane




Atlas Copco



P Parker Hannifin


PGI Polymer Group


Bamberger Polymers (Europe) BV 182



Belimo Automation



Outside back

Birla AG


Breuer-Motoren GmbH





Jankovits Hidraulika Kft



J. Schmalz GmbH


Jung Leuchten






135 81 162









48 138







CSB Battery


KMK Box Group


Rulmeca Holding


Konrad Hornschuch


Kraiburg TPE


Linpac Packaging LOB SA


Lohmann GmbH & Co. KG


S Saia-Burgess Controls AG


Saint-Gobain Glass Romania


Scheidt GmbH



Seda Group




ebm papst


LQ Mechatronik-Systeme GmbH 202

Shanghai G-Shank

Eco Wipes


Lučební závody

Precision Machinery

Elcon Geraetebau


Draslovka a.s. Kolín





Exide Technologies


F Fabryka Kart Trefl -


Kraków Spókka Förarmiljö AB


Fornaci Zulian



M Maber Srl


MegaWatt Kft.




CCS Healthcare

Dynamic Robotic Solutions GmbH 47


Well Ball Industrial Corp. 142 163


Wallenius Wilhelmsen






Reitz India



Pobjeda-Rudet d.d. Goražde



Videojet Technologies Inc.



Delta Nova

220 191

Kiilto Polska



Veolia Biothane Voith Turbo


Casella Autogrú Srl



PPG Industries

C CAAC Pioneer Logistics

Umicore Thin Film Products AG 206


Helsingborgs Gummifabriks AB 158





Bech Packaging


59 102

Sidertaglio Lamiere




Soleras Advanced Coatings


Solid Logistics



Metal Work Polska Sp. z o.o. 141

Steklarna Hrastnik

MJS Technika


Südpack Polska Sp. z o.o.

Mori 2A Srl


MSS India


74 62 109

Sumitomo Drive Technologies


Szabo Gear Manufacturing



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Articles inside

Advanced heating technology Riello

pages 224-227

Antiallergenic cosmetics for sensitive skin

pages 228-234

Cutting-edge technologies Wild

pages 218-220

A virtuous circle W. Hamburger

pages 221-223

Going offshore Remazel Engineering

pages 214-217

Success that sticks Lohmann

pages 210-213

A new identity Bühler

pages 206-209

Laser-sharp innovation Trumpf

pages 201-205

World leader in carbon fibre production Zoltek

pages 198-200

Global ambitions TWE Group

pages 194-197

Power-hauling ahead Tulomsas

pages 190-193

Moulding innovation SIBO

pages 182-185

Celebrating success Robino & Galandrino

pages 178-181

Identifying opportunities Rudnik

pages 174-177

In the frame Exalco Aluminium Systems

pages 170-173

On the right track Astra Vagoane Calatori

pages 186-189

A long-term success story Beltrame Group

pages 166-169

A one-stop solutions provider FLSmidth

pages 161-165

Success is in the air WOLF

pages 154-157

Keeping you warm Baxi

pages 150-153

Global leader in heat processing solutions

pages 136-145

Hot innovation Backer

pages 158-160

Valves for the most demanding applications

pages 146-149

Farmers’ friend CEMA

pages 131-135

Generating growth Yanmar

pages 128-130

Uncompromising power and agility Ponsse

pages 123-127

Pasta master Pastas Romero

pages 117-119

Sweet dreams Cukry Nyskie

pages 120-122

Real Italian ice-cream Sammontana

pages 112-116

Norwegian sea delicacies for global markets

pages 108-111

Optimising energy management

pages 98-107

Modern drilling technology Drillmec

pages 92-97

Creating new energy Belleli Energy

pages 88-91

Stepping out in front Lloyd

pages 84-87

A sustainable future for P&G Procter & Gamble

pages 77-83

Constructing a better future JSC BMGS

pages 74-76

Global steel giant Ruukki

pages 71-73

Success on tap Franke Water Systems

pages 66-70

Dynamic lighting producer RZB

pages 63-65

Energy efficient tyre technology Kordsa Global

pages 44-46

Inspiring sustainable flooring solutions Tarkett

pages 52-55

Window of profitability QFORT - Casa Noastra

pages 58-62

Futuristic vision Fritz Group

pages 40-43

Polish company with a European reach

pages 56-57

Paving the way for growth AD Plastik

pages 47-51

Precision metallic components Linamar

pages 36-39

Smart, versatile machine-tool solutions

pages 32-35

High speed rail heads south

pages 20-21

Focus on France Ian Sparks reports from Paris

page 31

Moving on Relocations and expansions

page 26

Bill Jamieson Where’s the recovery?

pages 6-7

Multi-billion dollar challenges

pages 8-10

Winning business New orders and contracts

pages 22-23

Linking up Combining strengths

pages 24-25

Technology spotlight Advances in technology

page 28
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