InD'tale Magazine December 2023

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Our Staff Founder

Social Media

TJ MacKay

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick

Editor-in-Chief Katy Nielsen

Columnists Tamara Cribley

Copy Editors

Scott Carpenter

Katy Nielsen

Laramie Briscoe

Marc Joseph

Becky Flade

Special Publications Editors

Graphics Elle J. Rossi Tamara Cribley

Sarah McEachron

RONE Awards Coordinator Sarah McEachron

Reviewers* Ruth Lynn Ritter

Joan Lai

Piper Valentine

Valerie Vicars

Amy Rubottom

Jennifer Shepherd

Emerson Matthews

Stephanie Bell

Cara Ceislak

Victoria Zumbrum

Sarah E. Bradley

Tricia hill

Sadie Wilson


Carey Sullivan


Chelsea Andersen

Moira Wolf

Viola Robbins

Tonya Mathenia

Simone Dober

Roslynn Ernst

Austen grace

Belinda Wilson

*Please note, ALL InD’tale staff are required at times to read and review books. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. All books and material reviewed by InD’tale have been read by the stated reviewer and are the opinions of that reader.




Audiobook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Contemporary: Steamy. . . . . . . . . 28 Contemporary: Sweet. . . . . . . . . . . 31 Fantasy/Urban Fantasy. . . . . . . . 32 Historical: Steamy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Historical: Sweet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Mystery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Novella. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


Paranormal: Short. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Paranormal: Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Suspense/Thriller: Steamy . . . . 51

Meet the RONE Winners


FOMO No More Everywhere you can read books that's not Amazon or KU Laramie Briscoe


Ebooks are Real and Here to Stay Becky Flade



Turning The Page One Last Time Scott Carpenter

20 What Now? What will your Readers do When they Reach ‘The End?’ Tamara Cribley

60 Meet Some of our Staff

Ghost Creek Kevin G. Chapman

65 Anthology 65 Audiobook 66 Contemporary 72 Fantasy 73 Historical 77 Inspirational 78 LGBT 78 Mystery 81 Novella 83 Other 84 Paranormal 88 Sci-Fi 89 Suspense/Thriller 95 Time Travel 95 Young Adult

54 Photo by Ioann-Mark Kuznietsov on Unsplash

Contributors Tamara Cribley Tamara Cribley is a self-professed formatting junkie who believes beautiful books don't happen by chance. Having worked as a Commercial Photographer, Graphic Artist, and Art Director, Tamara’s unique skills enable her to put together classy and professional books that keep the reader focused on the story.

Becky Flade When I was little, I thought everyone had stories in their head. When I found out only special people had stories to tell, I wanted to be one of the magical ones who shared their stories with the world. I wrote my first book in kindergarten with the help of my teacher, Mrs. Daniels. My mom – my biggest fan and most ardent supporter – has that little crayon-drawn book tucked into the pages of her family bible. It took almost thirty years to get from there to published, but here I am, making my own dreams come true, one happily ever after at a time.

S.L. Carpenter A lifetime Californian, Scott Carpenter lives the ordinary life of a husband and father. Humor has always played a large role in his life, and he enjoys making people smile. His stories range from the outright absurd to the deeply poignant, and his mastery of the short story format is undeniable. If asked, he'll describe himself as just another guy. His many fans will tell you that his writing paints quite a different picture.

Kevin G. Chapman Kevin G. Chapman is an attorney specializing in labor and employment law, and an independent author from New Jersey. In 2021, Kevin finished the first five books in the Mike Stoneman Thriller series. His next novel, The Other Murder, will be published in early 2024.

Laramie Briscoe Laramie Briscoe is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of over 30 books, with sales of over half a million copies. Since self-publishing her first book in May of 2013, Laramie has appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling E-books Lists on Apple Books, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. Her books have been known to make readers laugh and cry. They are guaranteed to be emotional, steamy reads. When she's not writing alpha males who seriously love their women, she loves spending time with friends, reading, and marathoning shows on Netflix.


InD’Tale Magazine

Hello Readers!


t’s no secret that the last few years have been incredibly hard on so many people, and small businesses especially. When InD’tale paused over the summer, we knew the only way we

from the


would be able to move forward in the current economy would be to become a subscription-based service. We had high hopes that that small change would enable us to continue serving the indie and small press community, and helping all indie authors. But, unfortunately, that has not been the case. Resistance to the small charge requested has been significant, and yet without that monetary means with which to continue publishing, we have been faced with an incredibly difficult decision. Many tears have been shed, and hearts have been broken as we sadly announce that InD’tale Magazine must close our doors. This, our December issue, will be our last. We have loved every single moment working at InD’tale, from meeting authors and readers, reviewing

demand equal exposure. Sadly, InD’tale will now have

new and exciting books, to helping brand new authors

to support from the sidelines as individuals take over

navigate the world of Indie publishing and watching

the cause.

them fly… we wouldn’t trade a minute of the last almost

We wish, with every fiber of our beings, that there

13 years for anything in this world. We’ve made won-

was another option available to us right now. Clos-

derful friends, but most of all, we’ve made a difference

ing InD’tale feels like we’re all losing a dearly loved

to the way Indie and Small Press authors are seen.

friend. Who knows… maybe down the line things

InD’tale Magazine has been instrumental in initiating

will right themselves… but until then, keep writing

so many huge changes in the publishing world, from

and enjoying those stories, keep believing you can

pushing for better access for indies as signing events,

do this, because we KNOW that you can. It’s been our

to providing conferences and awards that showcase

absolute joy, pleasure, and above all, our honor, to be

the amazing talent indie published authors can bring

a part of your author and reader journey. We cheer

to the table, to informing and educating, highlight-

your successes, and wish you all the best. Thank you

ing and promoting, pushing and supporting, until the

for trusting us with your books.

moniker of “Independently Published” has become a badge of honor rather than a second-hand title. Is it enough? Of course not! There is still so much work to do to get all the hard-working authors and loyal indie readers on the national and international

Wishing you all the merriest of Christmases, a wonderful holiday season, and all the books you can read… Happy Reading, friends. We are going to miss you.

community. Independents have achieved greater

Katy Nielson,

TJ Mackay,

success in many (monetary) ways, but still must

Editor in Chief


stages alongside the deeply entrenched traditional


FOMO No More Everywhere you can read books that's not Amazon or KU

Laramie Briscoe


InD’Tale Magazine


OMO - Fear Of Missing Out The



Kobo Plus is a subscription based


program that is similar to Kindle Unlim-

lishing has done a lot for the

ited, but unlike Kindle Unlimited, which

romance community.

caps borrows at twenty, Kobo Plus is truly

In today's reading landscape, I know it

unlimited. There is also an audio option

feels like one of two things are happening,

that can be included with your Kobo Plus

and it leads to all of us feeling like we're


missing out on something.

You may also download the Kobo app on your phone or tablet and read in it,


Every book is in Kindle Unlimited.

2. Authors are pulling their books out of Kindle Unlimited because of dropping payouts, or some other reason. I realize that these situations are contradictory of each other, but it's what a lot of readers run into, depending on how they choose to consume their books. I'm here to tell you, you're not missing out on anything, because there are numerous ways to consume your media, and none of them are the right, or wrong, way. The most accessible for you, is definitely the way to go. Below you will find a list of vendors, and ways that you'll be able to consume your audio or e-books. Have I listed all of them? Probably not, and there will always be a new one. These are the most popular and widely available. Settle in, and I'll explain to you all the ways you can read your favorite romance authors.

without getting a subscription through Kobo Plus. In order to do this, you will purchase





individually. Kobo has both an app, and a dedicated e-reader. If a dedicated e-reader is a plus for you, Kobo is a great option.

Scribd (Everand) If subscription based programs is the way you prefer to go, there is another option as well. A program called Scribd (please note they have very recently changed their name to Everand). It's much like a Kindle Unlimited or Kobo Plus subscription. You pay a monthly fee, and you're allowed to borrow the e-books and audiobooks they have in their library. Not all books are available in this program, but there is a wide variety of romance that will keep you entertained for months. Authors tend to rotate their books in and out of this program, and readers should be able to find enough to keep their binge-read streak going. Please note, this program is only

Kobo and Kobo Plus

available as an app. They do not have a

Kobo has two options for anyone who

dedicated e-reader, or physical books to

wants to read from their platform.



Apple Books

Because they are so internationally

If you use an iPhone or an iPad, then

focused, you can find a more robust market

you're more than likely already familiar

here for anime and k-drama type stories.

with Apple Books. It is an app that can

I know for a certain section of romance

only be downloaded on an iOS device.

readers, that is something they are con-

They have no subscription service, and

stantly looking for without having to pay

you will need to purchase each e-book or

per episode. This is the option for you.

audiobook individually.

Their app is downloaded on your

While they do have the iPad that many

android product, and while they don't

consider their device of choice to read on,

have a subscription service, they do have

Apple Books is an app only program. They

a very robust bundling option for authors

do not have a dedicated e-reader, and they

to make series cheaper for readers.

do not have physical books to purchase.

They do not have a dedicated e-reader or physical books. However, any Samsung

Barnes & Noble

or Android tablet will be integrated with

Barnes & Noble is one of the only brick

Google Play Books.

and mortar stores available for booksellers any longer. Because of that, they


are one of the only vendors other than

For readers who are looking to save some

Amazon to offer e-books, audiobooks, and

money, the one place they head is the local

print books. In many ways they harken

library. Over the past few years, libraries

back to the days where you would get in

have upped their game to become relevant

the car, head to your favorite book store,

in the digital age. They now have their

and flip over to the back of a paperback

own app called 'Libby' that allows users to

that catches your interest.

download e-books and audiobooks.

While they are a bit old-fashioned,

While there sometimes may be a bit of

they are branching out into the new world

a wait, there is no cost to you, unless you

of apps, and e-readers.

want there to be.

They have an app that is available

There are a number of libraries in the

through phones and tablets. Much like

US that allow you to purchase a yearly

Apple, they do not have a subscription

card with them for a small amount of

service, and you will need to purchase

money, and you can have access to their

each e-book or audiobook individually.

library when you purchase their card.

One thing to note – they do not allow

Some off the top of my head are Las Vegas,

purchases anywhere other than the

Houston, and New York.

United States. If you are an international reader, you will need to purchase



This is one of the newer services out there. It is an audiobook program that has its


Google Play

own app. They run deals every single day.

If you are an Android user for your phone

There's a possibility you can get free audio-

or tablet, then you probably already know

books, or deeply discounted e-books. Many

about Google Play.

authors choose to feature their audio on

InD’Tale Magazine

there, and while you may not be able to listen to their entire backlist at a discount, it gives many who can't afford Audible prices, a place to get their listening in.

Serial Apps There are a lot of these, so I'm going to group them together. These are much more popular in countries outside of the US. In some countries, this is the only way for readers to get their fix of romance novels, because of certain laws they have on their books. All serial apps will require you to purchase chapters using coins one at a time – oftentimes they will provide you with a certain amount free, and then the user will need to purchase the rest that they want to read. Many times they are not edited to the degree that normal books are, and they are high on angst, because the author would like for you to continue purchasing the episodes. There are a large number of stories that are on-going and don't plan on ending. Please know that if you get sucked in, you will be spending quite a bit of money to read a massive book. However, you can also get titles from your favorite romance authors on there, if your country doesn't allow you to have access to the other vendors. Just be aware, there isn't a lot of policing on these apps. Some serial apps include - Radish, Yonder, iReader, Moboreader, Dreame, and KISS. As you can see, there are a lot of options out there for anyone who wants to read. There isn't a one-size-fits-all, and there is a program out there for everyone. The most important thing? Read those books! They take us away from reality for a few short hours.



InD’Tale Magazine


Ebooks are Real and Here to Stay Becky Flade

Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish...


...and someday, you will be a real book, too.

kay, assuming most everyone

Woo-whoo. Used to be you woo an

has seen Pinocchio, we all

agent, and if successful, the agent led the

know that's not how the line

quest for a publisher. But with digital first

goes. Nevertheless, that's how

publishers, in large part, you go directly to

life as a digital first author feels.

the horse.

Digital first?? What's that?? I am so

With the dawn of digital first (no

glad you asked. Before the advent of the

paper) came a flood of small, boutique

eReader, being published was HARD.

publishers catering to a specific demo-

Like really hard. You had to sacrifice a

graphic – the electronic Reader. These

virgin under a purple moon naked on the

houses accept non-agented submissions,

third Thursday of the seventh-year kind

largely because they don’t offer advances.

of hard.

And the author is expected to bear the

Then came the eReader. And digital

brunt of the marketing – something that

first was born. It’s not exactly easy now,

was, previously, done in large part by the

but it is POSSIBLE. And that’s delightful.


You write a book, then polish it to per-

Because there are no agents, no

fection (or your vision of perfection) and

advances, and the publisher isn’t paying

begin submitting it to… publishers.

for the bulk of the promotional work, the

12 InD’Tale Magazine

publisher sees more revenue AS DO THE

to create your cover. Or any combination

ATHORS. This provides a REAL opportu-

thereof. The author absorbs 100% of the

nity for new writers and new material to

overhead. She also maintains 100% cre-

be competitive in a market that – let’s face

ative control, and receives 100% of the

it – wasn't. And finally, non-traditional


voices, not conforming to market trends,

And of course, a new animal was

are being published, being read, and

born – the hybrid author. Her catalog can

changing perspectives.

include self-published and traditionally

It’s an amazing time to be an author.

published works. Did I say it’s an amazing time to be an

And as in all things… the cream rose to the top Some



author yet? I often use music as an analogy when failed.

explaining my place in the publishing

Others flourished. As in all endeavors,

world to those aren’t part of it. I’m at the

quality rises to the top. And several of the

level between The Eras Tour and selling

finest digital-first imprints have been

CDs out of the trunk of my car.

acquired by a Big-5 publisher, Hachette, Harper Collins, Simon & Schuster, Pen-

Video Didn’t Slay the Radio Star

guin Random House, and Macmillan,

But in the midst of all this wonder, some-

further legitimizing the digital-first busi-


ness plan.

emerged. People, readers, critics, and so

But the ones who didn’t fold and weren’t absorbed, have developed an





on, who don’t consider digital books to be REAL books.

impressive stable of authors offering new

Going back to the music analogy:

voices and breaking down old stereotypes.

When your favorite band went digital,

As I explained above, before e-books

were their songs no longer music?

changed the face of publishing, you had to

If John Lennon were alive, would you

secure an agent if you wanted your book

tell him his music wasn’t real because

produced by a publisher. What I didn’t

the song was released digitally instead of

address was vanity presses. An author

pressed into vinyl?

who couldn’t find an agent to represent

Obviously, I’m not the John Lennon of

them, and therefore couldn’t obtain a

romantic suspense [I am pretty good, if I

contract with a publisher, could, if they

do say so myself]. It was allegorical. Vinyl,

so wished, pay a vanity press to produce

8 tracks, cassettes, compact discs, and

their book and sell it themselves.

mp3s, it’s music regardless of the format.

The digital revolution changed that, too. Now, if an author wishes, they can self-publish their book digitally with-

And guess what, ladies and gentlemen? The same can, and should, be said for books.

out paying for the privilege. You can do

Digital books revolutionized the pub-

this without any editorial oversight, and

lishing industry, giving life to unique,

can create your own cover. Or you can

diverse, authentic voices who were lost

pay for professionals to edit, proofread,

in the traditional commercial system.

and format your text, and pay an artist

Paperbacks, hardbacks, and audio, still


sell, and well. Digital didn’t kill trade. The

devices. These apps are as free and easy

base widened as it pulled in new, and dare

to download as Candy Crush. And by the

I say it, younger readers. Face it, younger

way, most e-books are less expensive than

people are quicker to embrace new tech-

a Candy Crush booster pack.

nological trends.

Love your local library? I do too.

And still, paperbacks and hardbacks,

They’re my happy place. In fact, my bucket

and audio, continue to flourish. We’re not

list of places in the world I want to visit is

competition. We’re an alternative.

based entirely on libraries I want to see.

My books are real books, regardless if

Outside of the United States, libraries

they went digital first or not. The rights

are treated like places of worship, as they

were purchased by a publisher. They

should be. And guess what? They have

were professionally edited and format-

digital catalogs. YES, YOU CAN BORROW

ted. They are copyrighted and registered


with the Library of Congress. They can be borrowed from the public library’s digital

But, but, the smell…

catalog. I get royalty payments. And I can

You got me. There’s nothing quite like

sue anyone who infringes upon my intel-

picking a beloved hardback or paper-

lectual property.

back from your shelf for the hundredth

And the self-published authors, the

time, opening it, and breathing deep. You

ones selling CDs out of the trunk of their

know why it smells like that? Because

car as it were, have those same protections.

it’s decomposing. Like a rotting corpse.

Is it not art if it was created with a

Once a tall regal tree, it is slowly dying on

computer instead of with paint? Tell

your shelf.

that malarkey to Pixar. Oh, you wouldn’t?

E-books don’t do that.

Then why would you tell an author their

Digital is green. It’s affordable (average

book doesn’t deserve that same respect? My books are real books, but if paper

$3-$7). It isn’t going anywhere. And they are incredibly real.

is your gauge for authenticity, many

**I believe a large part of the contro-

digital-first publishing houses do offer

versy is due to readers using BOOK and

Print-on-Demand. Instead of the pub-

NOVEL interchangeably. They’re not

lisher printing out thousands of copies

synonymous. Mirriam-Webster defines

on speculation, a book is printed as it’s

a book as a set of written sheets of skin

ordered by the reader who then incurs

or paper or tablets of wood or ivory. This

the cost of printing the book. They cost

applies to fiction, poetry, instructional

the reader more than both traditionally

manuals, academic texts, and so on. They

published paperbacks and the digital ver-

define novel as an invented prose narra-

sions will, but it does cut down on waste.

tive that is usually long and complex and

I’ve heard the arguments over ‘it’s not

deals especially with human experience

about the cost of the book, but the cost of

through a usually connected sequence

the e-reader’. Yeah, that dog doesn’t hunt

of events.

either. Every Apple device comes with iBooks on it by default. Kindle, Nook, and Kobo have apps available for all smart

14 InD’Tale Magazine

Did you enjoy the novel? Then who cares, really, what format it’s in?



InD’Tale Magazine

Turning the page one last time

Scott Carpenter


s the end of the year approaches, we ready

had fun trying to figure out ways to turn any subject

ourselves for the inevitable changes

into something book related.

it brings.

I realize now it was fortunate I never wrote about

The weather shifts, you recycle your

anything prehistoric. Of course there were cave draw-

underwear drawer, everyone’s state of mind—all the

ings that showed the daily lives of our ancestors, so I

little things in everyday life that shift as we say fare-

guess you could say those were early books? Some of

well to the old year.

those folks were pretty good artists. Better than some

This year, there are some things changing that I

paintings I’ve seen—you know the ones— random

didn’t expect, and here’s one... this will be my last arti-

splashes of color that look like a paint mixer exploded,

cle for a magazine I have been part of for a long time.

and carrying a price tag of $70,000? To quote your

I have written columns on every holiday, every

everyday caveman... “Uggh”.

genre, different writers, do-it-yourself books, and

Where was I?

even covered sports and Hallmark movies. Nothing

Oh yes, change.

was sacred, and everything was a target. I’ll admit I

Chapter One

I found InD’tale a long time ago. I’d see it at conventions and hear people talk about it. Then one day, I received an email telling me that I was nominated for an award for some cover art I had done, so I figured… hey, it’s party time. After I lost (we won’t talk about that), I spoke to a couple of people I had met at the InD’scribe convention and asked if they needed writers. I plied them with drinks, and they agreed, not really understanding what they were agreeing to. Back then, I was a little more unhinged (I know, hard to believe) and more than a few people worried that I couldn’t play well with others. My main concern was that I’d have to tone things down and write more professionally. YUCK.


I have loved being able to ramble on about anything and everything in this magazine. There were

Chapter Three

I can’t help but think that times are changing way too

reservations when I was given full freedom to write

fast. I think our society is getting away from the little

about anything I wanted. It could have seemed like a

things that add pleasure to life. A good book, a glass of

big mistake. But the caveat was that my articles had to

your favorite beverage, a pet, and a quiet place where

be PG13 in content, around 1000 words in length, and

you can unwind and let go.

about books. (Which was fair, given that the magazine

More and more people want everything shown to

itself was about books. But it did mean I had to shelve

them in a two-hour movie with a bucket of popcorn, an

my notes on why tacos are healthy, how a good movie

extra-large drink, some candy, and a side of nachos for

is better than therapy, and why cookies should be a

good measure. They end up having to go to the restroom

national treasure and celebrated everywhere at least

halfway through the movie, and have indigestion for

once a month with a parade... marching band included.)

hours afterwards. Meanwhile, the screen blasts imag-

Chapter Two

Ahh readers!! THAT was the main reason I wrote for the

ery and loud sounds at them, instantly presenting the story in vibrant technicolor, and removing the need for any kind of imagination.

magazine. After a couple of years, I had exhausted all

On a side note: Not all book heroes look like Henry

the standard things about cover art, writing tips, and

Cavill or Brad Pitt. I do understand why some readers

some slightly weird areas like the history of horror.

may want that (my wife has explained it at length)

Then the publisher pulled me aside, and as we

but please understand that us average men can’t

talked, I asked if I could write more from a reader’s per-

compete. We tend to have more flesh and less hair.

spective, or as a book lover talking about nerdy book

But that’s beside the point.

stuff. I wanted to do something different; to speak directly to people in my odd little way. As a writer, it is much more fun for me to feel like I’m sharing my

Final Chapter

In conclusion, I’m going to add a few personal

thoughts with those who will understand them—and

comments. I really hope everyone liked my mental

that’s you, readers.

gymnastics and easily distracted train of thought. I

So every month, I’d pick an idea and write about

figured if it was my slightly off-kilter sense of humor

it. Or there would be a theme for the month, or holi-

and lack of direction they wanted, who am I to refuse?

day, that would spur me to see what else I could find.

Just ask my editor what it’s like to keep me focused.

Then I’d be like Dr. Frankenstein, piecing together

Squirrel…no, wait... butterfly...

my weird ideas.

This magazine gave me the chance to write stream-

At the conventions I attended, I loved listening to

of-consciousness style articles, where I could discuss

readers talk about their passion for books. It’s pretty

my feelings about books, authors, and genres. And as

amazing to hear how intense people are about the sto-

I did, I learned a lot about a variety of amazing things.

ries they read. To me, that was what really mattered.

For that I will always be grateful.

The backbone of the literary world is the readers. Writers can write a thousand books about billionaire

A direct note to all you readers: thank you for letting me play on these pages every month. I had a blast.

bachelors and their random journeys into romance,

And with that, I am writing my last sentences

but if readers don’t read those books... Monitoring

here. Like the end of a great novel, you know it’s inev-

trends, and understanding readers’ interests will

itable. So, you will turn the page and read those two

always be crucial for writers, and magazines help in

final words...

that area, along with surveys, questionnaires, market trend reports, and so on.


InD’Tale Magazine

The End.


What Now? What will your Readers do When they Reach ‘The End?’ Tamara Cribley


InD’Tale Magazine

Photo by Arno Senoner on Unsplash


ndie publishing is tough. And while

follow you on social media. It might be

writing and publishing aren’t for

an invitation to join your ARC team or

the faint of heart, most authors will

sign up for your newsletter. Maybe it’s all

tell you that marketing is the most

those things. Include CTAs in your front

challenging aspect. There’s no checklist

and back matter and when you post on

or recipe for success that that will guaran-

social media, or write your next blog.

tee book sales. Just when you think you’ve

Most first-time authors start their

figured it out… the algorithms change.

marketing efforts towards the end of the

And when you publish through platforms

writing and publishing process. Prolific

like Amazon, IngramSpark, and KDP, you

authors have learned the value of pre-

have no access to customer information.

marketing and building anticipation and

That means that you can’t invite them

excitement for the upcoming release or

to your book tour or ask them to be part

series. CTAs can take many forms, and

of your ‘Street Team’. You can’t ask them

the ones you choose will depend upon

for reviews or to engage with you on

your audience and goals. Works of fiction

social media. You can’t tell them that the

and non-fiction might have some very

next book is ready to publish and invite

different tactics, but there are also many

them to your launch party. They don’t


know that you’re available for speaking

There are two ways to broadly classify

engagements or to facilitate book club

our efforts. The first is to ask your readers

discussions. With a Call-to-Action, You

to take a step to ‘boost business’. Asking

can tell them all of that without spending

for reviews and including your backlist or

any more money.

an excerpt to the next book in the series

One of the biggest missed opportuni-

are examples that help boost sales, and

ties that I see independent authors make,

your business of publishing. They have

is not including ‘calls-to-action’ (CTAs) in

the potential to lead to a direct increase

your books and your marketing. It is your

in revenue. The second is to drive engage-

chance to invite your readers to engage

ment. An invitation to follow you on social

with you in whatever ways you choose. I

media, join your Patreon, or sign up for

see some incredible examples of this from

your newsletter, are ways to build commu-

prolific romance and fantasy authors.

nity. They’re generally not directly linked

There is something special about being

to generating revenue, though platforms

able to engage with someone whose work

like Patreon can do so. The intent is to

you admire, and technology makes it so

build ways to engage with readers beyond

easy to do. Being in the crowd that “knew

just books. Maybe you share insights into

them before they were famous” is a badge

your writing—the inspiration for your

of honor. So how can you, as an indepen-

characters or setting. It can be an invita-

dent author, find your crowd? You invite

tion to be part of your ARC/Beta Reader

them. You invite them in your market-

or ‘Street’ teams (a group of fans that

ing and in your books. You invite them to

help you promote your books). Perhaps

take another step. You Call them to Action.

your community will have exclusive or

This can take many forms. It might be

advanced access to unpublished or new

as simple as a request for a review, or to

content, like cover reveals.


22 InD’Tale Magazine

Regardless which category your CTAs

or know how to use their smart phone to

fall into, there are some key consider-

read QR codes. Some would rather use a

ations to making them effective. We live

tablet or computer. If you use a QR code,

in a world of convenience, so it’s impor-

add a URL to accompany it for those read-

tant to make it quick and simple for

ers who prefer them.

readers to take the actions you desire.

Long or confusing URLs can be chal-

The mechanisms that you use may vary

lenging to type in. There are a couple

between print, digital, and audio. The way

of techniques to help reduce error and

that readers interact with each format is

frustration. For example, it is easier to

different. Let’s look at ways to optimize

differentiate and remember the words in

your calls-to-action to ensure that read-

a URL when they are all capitalized: www.

ers can follow through quickly and easily

deliberatepage vs www. DeliberatePage.

in any format.

com. In the first example, the words run together and depending on your URL,

Use Clear and Simple Messaging

could read differently than you intend.

This is not a place where you want to be

In the second, it’s very clear what words

verbose and flowery with your language.

make up the URL. An example of words

State clearly what you want your read-

that are easy to misread: analbumcover

ers to do:

vs. AnAlbumCover.

• Sign up for the newsletter • Follow me on social • Leave a review • Send me an email • Join my group

More challenging, are long URLs with seemingly non-sensical letters and numbers. The chances of a reader accurately typing


Earl-Enchantress-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/ B07JGCRNV6/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1SSEDOQL TEP48&keywords=the+earl+and+the+en chantress&qid=1700420395&sprefix=Th e+Earl+and+the+Enchantress%2Caps%2 C172&sr=8-1, if at all, are slim. There are a

Easy Access

few ways to overcome this particular chal-

Make it as simple as possible to complete

lenge. The first, is to use a URL shortener.

the action you desire. There may be dif-

There are many free options available

ferent mechanisms for different formats,

with a quick internet search. Like QR

but be sure to consider the fastest and eas-

code generators, be sure that your short-

iest way to optimize each experience.

ened URL will work perpetually. You can

In print, QR codes can be very effec-

also use a Universal Book Link: https://

tive. Be sure to use one that you know will

work indefinitely. Some free QR code gen-

services that provide these links for free.

erators are free for a short time, and then

Alternatively, you can provide a link to a

will no longer function if you do not pay for

landing page on your website with infor-

them. Be sure the one you use will always

mation about that specific book: https://

take readers to your intended destination.

Also remember that not all readers have

the-enchantress or ALL of your books



23 books.

Some benefits are simple. Reviews

This last option is by far, my favorite.

invite readers to share with you and

Hopefully, once your readers land on your

others what they liked or didn’t like. They

website, they’ll take some time exploring

have the potential to impact your sales

and find other ways and opportunities to

both positively and negatively. Singing

engage with you, like signing up for your

up for ARCs or to be part of your com-


munity may get them early or exclusive

Think about audiobooks. In this case,

access to new content. What is your read-

it’s very important that URLS are short

ers’ WIIFM (What’s in it for ME?). State

and easy to remember because your read-

that in your CTA: “Sign up for my monthly

ers may not have any other ways to follow

newsletter and get exclusive access to my

through. An obvious and easy to remem-

monthly serial.”

ber URL is very important. While QR codes can work in digital,

Comply with Terms of Service (TOS)

hyperlinks are far more effective. Read-

Finally, and perhaps most importantly,

ers like to click and arrive immediately

be sure that your CTAs comply with the

at their destination. Instant gratification

Terms of Service on each platform where

is very effective. However, depending on

you publish. Most platforms will restrict

the device or app that your reader uses,

references or links to competitor plat-

the end experience may not be ideal. Just

forms. Fixing any issues might be a minor

like URLs in print and audio, it’s helpful

inconvenience, or it might be a costly

to include a URL that is easy to remember

mistake. To avoid conflicts such as these,

and type into a different device. Another

I recommend that authors push readers

key consideration in digital is using

to a landing page on their website where

hidden URLS. We see that with a link like

they can include any, and all, desired

“Click Here”. If your reader wants to access

links without risk of violating any TOS.

that link on a different device, they may

This has two added benefits. The first is

not be able to find the actual URL to do so.

that you can update links and retail plat-

Including the actual typed-out URL may

forms without having to update the front

not look quite as clean, but it does ensure

or back matter of your book. The second is

that your readers will be able to act, just as

that it encourages readers to spend some

you intend. And function should take pri-

exploring your website and find addi-

ority of form in this case.

tional books or ways to engage with their favorite author.

State the Benefit From a marketing standpoint, CTAs ben-

So… What will you ask your readers to do when they reach ‘The End?’

efit you, the author. So, what does the


reader get out of it? Altruism is nice, but

If you enjoy articles like these, I invite you

not a realistic goal. It’s the same reason

to visit my website where I post articles

that you can’t count on friends and

and advice to help independent and self-

family supporting your author career, just

publishing authors find the right path to

because they like you. For it to be sustain-

achieve their specific publishing goals. Visit

able, there must be a benefit to the reader.

InD’Tale Magazine




Winner: A Knight’s Reward by Catherine Kean, Narrated by James Gillies

Meet Catherine Kean, our 2023 RONE Winner for Audiobooks.

ideas and fictional places, and to learn about the world

She is an award-winning, Kindle Unlimited All-Star author of

around us. I’d finish one book and immediately start the

captivating medieval historical, and lighthearted contempo-

next. Sometimes I had several on the go at the same time.

rary paranormal romances. A Knight’s Reward is her winning

Without a doubt, reading at a young age enriched

title, and you can grab it here.

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading?

my imagination and helped spark my interest in writing. Sometimes I’d finish a book and think: What if the heroine had made this choice instead of that one? What might the outcome have been then? I still have copies of my early stories, written in

When I was a child, I loved to read. I grew up in a house

pencil in lined notebooks. Putting pencil to paper is

with shelves full of books. My parents were both teach-

still my favorite way to write, but I don’t do that very

ers who believed that being able to read was an important

often now, as it’s much more convenient to work on my

life skill. For me, reading was a way to explore new-to-me



InD’Tale Magazine

What made you want to be a writer? Since I was a child, I’ve known in my heart that I am a writer with stories to tell. I wrote my first novella when I was 12, and my first full-length book when I was 16. Ideas come to me all the time, often from the news or magazine articles. If I don’t write for a few days, I get quite restless and cranky. Writing stories is an integral part of who I am.

Does your family read your books? Yes, they sure do! My boyfriend is super supportive and always willing to read early drafts and share his thoughts. My parents, who have always encouraged my writing, cheer along with me when my books win awards and tell people they meet about my novels. My sister is my beta reader and critiques my books once I’ve completed the first draft. She always has excellent suggestions. I’m very lucky to have such a strong support network.

What is it that drew you to writing your genre? I write in two romance genres. I pen angsty, edgeof-your-seat medieval historical romances set in England, and lighthearted, funny contemporary paranormals set in the fictional seaside town of Cat’s Paw Cove, Florida. I decided to write historical romance because I’d been reading books in the genre. I especially enjoyed medieval romances, where bold knights risked all to save the headstrong ladies they loved. I wrote my first medieval romance, A Knight’s Vengeance, as a challenge to myself. I did a lot of research on the early Middle Ages, honed in on the late 12th to early 13th centuries, and started writing. A Knight’s Vengeance went through seven complete rewrites as I improved my writing craft, before I was offered a contract on it. It became the first

technology we have today. In the museums, I saw displays of armor, swords, coins, furniture, jewelry, silver, and much more. When I wrote my books, I incorporated some of the things I’d seen into my stories. In my early twenties, I also studied for a year with Sotheby’s in London. On the Works of Art course, I learned about paintings, sculpture, ceramics, silver, furniture, glass, and textiles from the Middle Ages through the twentieth century. It was a year that enriched my love of the past, and also helped inspire my early books. My paranormal romances are part of the 25-book Cat’s Paw Cove Romance series. A Witch in Time, Hot Magic, and Christmas Magic are funny, laugh-out-loud stories featuring snarky talking cats and antiques that have magical properties. I love writing these novels because they’re very different from my emotionallycharged medievals.

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel? My favorite part of writing a new novel is the excitement of starting a sparkly, shiny new project. There’s something very magical and exhilarating about the creative buzz. I’ve had days when I’ve sat down at my computer to write, and the next time I’ve looked at the clock, three hours have passed, because I’ve become lost in the storytelling. The most dreaded part is getting the opening chapter right. It’s a delicate balance between getting the story underway and providing enough details for your readers so that they aren’t inundated with backstory but still understand the goals, motivations, and conflicts of your main characters. I often write the first chapter numerous times—and I trust my gut instincts to tell me when it needs more revision or when I’ve got it right.

If you could have one of your stories turned I also love history and antiques. When I was a teen- into a movie, which one would it be?

novel in my six-book Knight’s Series.

ager, my British father took me to England during summer vacations. We visited castles, museums, and other historic sites (including Stonehenge and West Kennet Long Barrow), and I found myself in awe of what people made centuries ago without the machinery and

I’d love to have my six-book Knight’s Series turned into a movie or a Netflix series. It’s very Game of Thronesish. There are so many layers of family and personal conflict between the characters, and I think it would be very powerful and captivating.


If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be?

What is something you’d like readers to know about you?

My advice is to be willing to learn. Learn all that you can

I adore cats. Every day, I feed three strays that live in my boy-

about the writing craft and the techniques of storytell-

friend’s garden. I would have a house full of cats if I could!

ing, including developing your story arc, pacing, GMC, dialogue, point of view, and characterization. After more than 22 books and winning awards, I am still learning.

Contemporary: Steamy Winner: Somewhere In Between by Natalie Parker

Please welcome this year’s winner in the Contemporary: Steamy category, Natalie Parker! Ms. Parker is a busy mom who has a soft spot for musicians, which comes through in her fabulously addicting Turn it Up series. Somewhere In Between, won her the award this year, and you can grab

What made you want to be a writer? I had always thought about it, and I think it’s the idea of making up a story and having it go any which way you want it to.

it here.

Does your family read your books?

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading?

No they don’t, and I’m find with that. I almost feel as if

Yes I was, but I’m not sure what influenced me. I just

What is it that drew you to writing your genre?

know I was always excited to get a new book. It’s amazing how one object could entertain you for an extended period of time.


InD’Tale Magazine

my author persona is separate from the me my family knows, but they are all very supportive.

Again, it was the idea of experiencing a story, or perhaps another life, in any way that you want to.

Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? If so, give us some examples!

What’s a writing bucket list item of yours?

Not a whole lot to be honest. In each book, I’ve for sure

best seller that is recognized by a news column.

inserted little tidbits from my real life, but nothing consequential. In Picture Us, when Annie gives birth, it was kind of a mash up of when I delivered both of my

I have a book about two dancers that I’ve had to put on hold because, again, writer’s block. I also hope to write a

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be?

daughters. Bobbi’s mother in Somewhere in Between

I would say either Where You Are, or my new release,

asks her to make Gramma Kay’s creamed onions, which

Lavender Moon.

is my recipe from my grandmother. Just little things like that.

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be?

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel?

To not rush the creative process. Write when you feel

My favorite parts are the swoony scenes, and any part

mind, and only then will you create the story you want.

of the book where I’m just feeling it and it’s flowing. On the flip side, I dread the writer’s block that I know I’m going to run into, as I do with every book. I’m a mood

inspired, or when the characters are very vivid in your

What is something you’d like readers to know about you?

writer. I can’t just sit down and type out a story like

I guess it would be how hard I try. I work very hard to put

other authors.

stories out. Also that I’m a weirdo.

Contemporary: Steamy Runner-Up: Broody Devil by Melissa Ivers


When she’s not busy at work, bingeing Netf-

Characters, yes. Avery from my fourth book is

lix, or spending time with her family, this year’s

a single mom, a new single mom, but still going

Contemporary: Steamy Runner-Up pens the

through a lot of the struggles that single parents

yummylicious Nashville Devils series. Her plac-

face. I was a single parent for the majority of my

ing title, Broody Devil, can be bought here. Get

son’s life, and I tried to translate a lot of the tur-

to know the brain behind the delightfully fun

moil and heartache that goes into being the sole

hockey team!

provider into her character.

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading?

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel?

Absolutely. I started reading as soon as I could. My

enemies to lovers; the whole I hate you even

mom was a big reader so I would take her books

though I really don’t. My least favorite part is

when I was in middle school and read her old Dani-

probably the break up. I don’t like wallowing

elle Steele, and some of her mysteries. Eventually, I

around and the sadness, but as long as they have

started getting books of my own, like Goosebumps

a good reason for breaking up, I will muddle

and Sweet Valley High. I’ve always been in love

through it.

with the written word, always been fascinated by it, and always wanted to be a part of that community.

What made you want to be a writer? Honestly, I’m not sure. It was just this deep seated connection that I had from probably the sixth grade. It was just a part of me, and who I was.

Does your family read your books?

I love doing the tension – especially with an

What’s a writing bucket list item of yours? Well, I do want to crack the top 100 of Amazon. That would make me happy, haha! I would also really love to do a fun Why Choose.

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be? Probably Forbidden Devil, just because it was the

My mom does! We don’t talk about it, I just ask her if

first in my Nashville Devils series, so that makes

she likes it, she gives me a simple yes, and we move

the most sense. But Bossy Devil is my favorite, and

on, lol! I’ve also got several people I work with read-

it’s coming soon!

ing my books, including one of my male surgeons. (I work in the healthcare field.)

What is it that drew you to writing your genre?

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be? You’re gonna tell yourself that you can’t do it. A

Believe it or not, young adult fantasy, and regu-

lot. You’re a liar. Just get the words out, and as long

lar fantasy without romance. I was obsessed with

as you have words on the page, you have some-

anything fantasy for a long time, although, when

where to go.

I discovered contemporary romance, particularly sports romance, I knew I was home.

Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? If so, give us some examples!


InD’Tale Magazine

What is something you’d like readers to know about you? I have a bit of a dark side and might be working on a dark romance pen name… watch this space!

Contemporary: Sweet Winner: A Summer to Cherish by Josie Riviera

Josie Riviera is a USA TODAY Bestselling Author of

entire inspirational “Cherish” series is based in a

contemporary, inspirational, and historical sweet

small fiction town, and the series centers on the

romances. She won the RONE this year for the Con-

music store, the various musicians in town, and

temporary: Sweet category. Get to know this lovely

an artist.

lady better! Her winning title, A Summer to Cherish, can be purchased here.

Were you a big reader when you were younger? Yes, I’ve always loved to read.

What do you think influenced your love of reading? My excellent English teachers in high school were a great encouragement.

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel? I am one of the few writers who loves the editing process. I’ve always said that writing is simply “rewriting”. Sometimes, that involves several hours to get the sentence “just right”. My dreaded part of writing is staring at the blinking cursor on the blank page of my computer.

Does your family read your books?

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be?

Except for my sister, who is one of my beta readers,

That’s easy. Seeking Patience, my Romany Gypsy

no one in my family has read any of my books.

Regency inspirational romance.

Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? If so, give us some examples! I am a professional musician, a pianist, and many of my books feature musicians and pianists. My

The Romany Gypsy hero, Luca, is extraordinary, and the heroine, Lady Patience Blakwell, is gentle, yet strong.

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be?


Writing is not reading. If you decide to write, you’ll

reflected in my books. In the back of all my books,

never be able to read a book in the same way. If

I list a Spotify collection of songs to listen to while

you’re like me, you’ll constantly be editing it.

reading. We also have a sweet 11 year old dog, a Shih Tzu

What is something you’d like readers to know about you?

named Henry, and readers will find several refer-

As I mentioned above, I am a professional musi-

I purchased a small apartment in Italy in a small

cian, as are both of my adult sons. Music is a very

mountain town, and I hope to write a fun series

important part of our lives, and I hope that is

exploring the wonderful country of Italy.

ences to dogs in my books. Lastly, my husband and

Fantasy/Urban Fantasy Winner: The Necromancer’s Daughter by D. Wallace Peach

Say hello to D. Wallace Peach, award winning Fantasy

consisted of three channels with fuzzy reception.

author, and the recipient of the 2023 RONE Award in the

Then I picked up a book by J. R. R. Tolkien titled The

Fantasy/Urban Fantasy category. Her winning title,

Hobbit, and an entire world of imagination exploded

The Necromancer’s Daughter, can be purchased here.

in my head. I read all three books of The Lord of the Rings in a week, and I was irretrievably hooked.

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading?

What made you want to be a writer?

I wasn’t a big reader as a young person. Assigned

a temporary move landed me in a rural log cabin

reading in school and the obligatory book reports

with nothing pressing to occupy my time. My

negated any suggestion that books were a form of

husband suggested that I write a book, and with

entertainment. I much preferred television, which

absolutely no idea what I was doing, I took him up


InD’Tale Magazine

I never considered writing as a vocation. Then,

on the suggestion. Three months later, I’d written

a child and family counselor, and I saw firsthand

189,000 words. The book was horrible, full of tan-

how hard it is for people to climb out of poverty.

gents and head hopping, and other writing sins,

The barriers are ten miles high. It was heartbreak-

but the whole experience was magical.

ing, and the unfairness of a system that rewards

The tome required years of revision, and I slashed

wealth and punishes the poor made me furious!

so many words that it felt like a flaying, but by then I

One theme that recurs in my books is the need to

was a writing fanatic, tapping on my laptop ten hours

value people based not on wealth or power, but on

a day, six days a week. The book found a publisher,

their intrinsic qualities of kindness, compassion,

and for the next few years, I published two novels

justice, and generosity of spirit.

annually. I’ve slowed down, but I’ve never stopped.

Does your family read your books?

Most of my protagonists are decent people from modest means, and most of the antagonists are rife with power and greedy for more. In The Necromancer’s

My husband reads all my books because if he

Daughter, I wanted to write a story about truly good

doesn’t, he’ll be in big trouble! Just kidding. He’s

people who get in the way of the world’s power struc-

amazingly supportive of my work, as are my brother

ture and hang on to their values, even when their

and parents. I’m tickled when other family mem-

lives are in jeopardy. Aster and her father, Barus, are

bers enjoy my stories, but I don’t pester anyone or

reviled, and yet they never surrender their kindness.

apply any pressure. I love them anyway.

What is it that drew you to writing your genre?

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel?

My father was an avid reader of fantasy and sci-

I absolutely love that moment when I finish my

ence fiction, and he bought nickel paperbacks by

first draft. For me, the initial draft is the most

the bagful at the thrift store in town. We spent our

stressful part of writing. Characters are tripping

summers in a rustic cabin in Vermont without

over each other in my skull, ideas are out of con-

electricity or plumbing, but we had books. Shelves

trol, and I’m trying to rein them all in and create

and shelves of paperbacks lined our walls, and

some sense of the chaos before they flee. I feel

once Tolkien gifted me with the reading bug, I had

the pressure of bringing the story together into a

hundreds of books to devour. When I started writ-

cohesive whole. When I first write “The End” on a

ing, the question of what genre I would tackle never

manuscript, it comes with a huge sense of relief.

surfaced. By then I’d read all my father’s books, and

After that, the next 18 drafts will be a piece of cake.

started a fantasy library of my own.

Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? If so, give us some examples!

What do I dread? Not much. Even the extremely tedious task of line by line editing and replacing thousands of lame words with more interesting ones is rewarding. I love language; I love the imagery and the hidden music in the way syllables,

Without a doubt. I was raised in the woods by a real

phrases, and sentences flow. I love the unique

mountain man, and I love the natural world. Most

sensory details and the deep emotions. All that

of my fantasy reads take place in wild places, or

surfaces during the long, painstaking work of edit-

at least close to the land. I frequently draw on my

ing, and it feels like magic.

knowledge of the northern forests to bring a sense of reality to my prose.

What’s a writing bucket list item of yours?

The biggest influence, however, is what I did

I’m fortunate to have reached best-selling status,

for a living during my younger years. I worked as

and delighted that some of my books are award


winners. I’ve ticked those boxes. A movie would be

a make-up artist and costume designer’s dream.

a thrill, but I’m not holding my breath on that one.

With the advancements in special effects, and the

Maybe one day, I’ll turn my books into screen plays

more recent advent of AI technology, I imagine the

and pitch them to the world of wishes, hoping they

visual possibilities would be unlimited.

don’t land in the deep dark void. The great thing about being an indie writer is that I’m the mistress of my domain, the queen of my

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be?

castle when it comes to following my muse. I’m free

This is an easy one to answer, and I feel strongly

to pursue any inspiration that comes my way, write

about the advice, though I know it can be challeng-

any length novel, write a series or fairytale retell-

ing. Seek criticism. Join a critique group and ask

ing, and participate in group projects. I’ve done all

for honest, pointed, constructive feedback. I was a

of those. And fantasy is a broad genre with dozens

member of a writing group for five years. Our criti-

of variations. I’ve only touched on a few of them,

cism of each other’s work had one goal – to help

but no one is telling me that I can’t explore others.

each of us become successful authors.

The magic in my books has always been

Most of us dislike hearing what’s wrong with

narrow with hard rules—a single magical ability,

our books, but often, we can’t see its flaws. We’re

enchanted tool, or mythical creature. Recently, I’ve

too close to the story. And even when we write

wanted to write a book with a much broader take

to the best of our ability, we don’t know what we

on all three, a pervasive magic interwoven with

don’t know! Writing is a craft with defined tech-

myth and folklore. Because no one is standing over

niques, but it’s also dependent on stylistic choices

my shoulder directing my work, I’ve started writ-

and finding balance and knowing when the rules

ing just that.

should be broken. There’s always something to

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be?

learn, so specific constructive criticism is a true gift. It’s the fastest most effective way to learn. Do I implement all suggestions? No. But if

I’d love to have ANY book turned into a movie, but

someone takes the time to share their thoughts,

the one with the most fantastical visuals would be

I value the feedback, weigh their words, and my

The Melding of Aeris, one of my earlier works. In

choices about my story are more deliberate.

this book, human vanity has lost all constraints,

Of course, I enjoy receiving compliments, but

and powerful people have learned how to graft

it’s the less than stellar feedback that allows me

animal parts onto their bodies.

to grow as an author, to hone my skills, and tell a

Men meld spiral horns to their skulls and rep-

better story. When I joined my critique group, none

tilian scales to their chests. They embed the razor

of us had published. When I left, we all had. Now I

teeth of sea-beasts into the bones of their forearms

have a critique partner who’s brutal, and I love it!

and replace the flesh on their backs with the pelts of wolves. Women of wealth adorn their bodies with serpent skin as elegant as black lace, tufted

What is something you’d like readers to know about you?

tails, and plumed feathers, their own skin cast off,

I didn’t start writing until I was fifty years old, and

no longer desirable. Then they bear children, mis-

now have more than twenty published books.

matched monsters who long to be human. And there’s only one way to get human skin.

I remember the day I realized that writing could sustain me beyond the exuberance of youth

That was a plug, in case anyone missed it. Lol.

into the foreign frontier of old age. It was a mar-

It was a fun book to write, and I think it would be

velously glorious day when I understood my own


InD’Tale Magazine

story wouldn’t go flat or seize up on the highway

they’re smelly, starved, and head-bobbing at their

of life. I can write until I’m old and silver-haired,

desks, and questioning whether they have what it

wrinkled and whiskered, complaining of warts

takes to write, I tell them my story.

and aching bones. I can write until I’m shrunken

I remind them that there’s no ticking clock

and bent, sagging and frizzy, home-bound and bed-

telling them that time is running out. Imagination

bound. A lovely image, isn’t it? Yes, I declare.

isn't bound by age. The creative spirit that

When I chat with authors who are working

breathes life into art never grows old. As long as

and raising children, I’m in awe. How do they do

we can imagine, we can write, and enjoy this beau-

that and still have time to shower, eat, and sleep? If

tiful life.

Fantasy/Urban Fantasy Runner-Up: Elemental Fire by E.G. Manetti

The Runner-Up in the Fantasy/Urban Fantasy cat-

handbag. I know that my love of books began before I

egory this year is a multi-award winning author

could read, when my parents read to me from picture

herself! Get to know the fascinating lady that is EG

books. I couldn’t wait to learn to read and be able to

Manetti, author of the fascinating Twelve Systems

read on my own. One of the first books I ever owned

Chronicles series, as well as the Hidden Realms

was a book of fairy tales given to me when I was seven

series, and many others! Her placing title, Elemental

or eight. There is a family Christmas picture of me at

Fire, can be purchased here.

eight or nine reading it to my younger sisters.

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading?

What made you want to be a writer?

I have always loved reading. In the days before

the stories never developed beyond a few chapters.

e-readers, there was always a book in my backpack or

Then, I was struck by the inspiration for The Cartel.

I have always had a vivid imagination, and indulged in occasional scribbling. Despite great plot bunnies,


To my surprise and delight, the story kept coming

That ‘all resemblance, real or imagined, is a coin-

and coming. When I hit 250K words, I knew I had a

cidence’ at the start of each book serves a purpose.

series. With the help of my first development editor,

That said, yes, to a degree.

Common Market Entertainment, I structured, The

I have a master’s degree in business adminis-

Cartel: The Apprentice, Volume 1. It was released in

tration, and worked for almost thirty years in large

December 2012 and—suddenly—I was a writer.

corporations and federal agencies as a business pro-

Most days. Some days, I am an imposter.

cess and technology consultant. The intrigue and

Does your family read your books?

politics depicted in my novels are only modestly exaggerated, but none reflect actual events.

Two of my three sisters, and both sisters-in-law are

As for the characters, a lot of their mannerisms

big fans of my books. Neither of my brothers can

and foibles were lifted from people I know. Those

handle the steamy bits; too much information.

little personality quirks make characters unique and

What is it that drew you to writing your genre?

three-dimensional. And—to be completely candid—I indulge in one of an author’s greatest pleasures: fic-

I have loved science fiction in all its forms for as long

tionally destroying those who have wronged me or

as I can recall. I remember being entranced with TV

those I love.

series like Time Tunnel and Lost in Space as a child, and then discovering Star Trek and Doctor Who as a teenager. I still love those shows in all their various

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel?

incarnations. My first stop in libraries and book-

Starting a new novel makes me nervous. I always

stores was always the science-fiction section. I loved

worry that inspiration will fail me. Once I get on a

Robert Heinlein’s stories, and Frank Herbert’s Dune

roll, I love bringing characters and situations to life.

rocked my world. I discovered sci-fi romance with

I think that’s why I gravitate to science fiction and

Anne McCaffery’s Restoree, and was thrilled that

fantasy—there are no limits except my imagination.

there was sci-fi with romance as a primary element.

Well, and physics. In sci-fi, it’s important to ground

As mentioned in the question about The Twelve

all the future-tech in at least theoretical physics and

Systems Chronicles’ origins, it wasn’t so much that I

math. There is a little more leeway in urban fantasy,

chose sci-fi, it was more like sci-fi chose me.

but even in that genre, there needs to be consistency

My enjoyment of paranormal and urban fantasy grew from my love of fairy tales. I’m an avid fan of Patricia Briggs, Karen Chance, and Ilona Andrews. The inspiration for Elemental Fire, this

in how magic works/doesn’t work.

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be?

year’s RONE Runner-up in Fantasy/Urban Fantasy,

If I’m only allowed one, Elemental Fire. It stands

was a flash fiction prompt in a GoodReads group

on its own, where The Twelve Systems Chronicles

Halloween party in 2020. I was eager to develop it

are so integrated it would be almost impossible to

into a full-length novel, but first I had to finish The

make only one into a movie that would do the story

Twelve Systems Chronicles.


Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? If so, give us some examples!

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be?

Tricksy question. I could get in a lot of trouble with this one.


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I love this question. First and foremost, find a good story editor and a good copy editor. It is not always the same person.

What is something you’d like structural suggestions along with feedback on the readers to know about you? Beta readers can help, but a professional will provide

overall story ‘goodness’. If the budget does not stretch to both, go with the copy editor. Readers forgive plot holes if they love the characters. Sloppy grammar and punctuation will drive them away.

I am a total sap for the United States holiday season. I love everything about the run from Halloween to New Year's; the food, the decorations, the often overthe-top holiday specials, and the parties.

Historical: Steamy Winner: Saving Her Highland Traitor by Maeve Greyson

Maeve Greyson is this year’s winner in our Historical: Steamy category. When this lovely lady isn’t busy plotting her next Historical romance, she’s busy with her husband, grandchildren, and herding cats! Get to know the lady behind those drool-worthy Highlanders! Saving Her Highland Traitor, this year’s winner, can be bought here.

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading? Absolutely! Books were my escape from a very unpleasant childhood. With books, I could be anywhere in time and anywhere in the world, rather than stuck in my terrible reality.

What made you want to be a writer? My middle school English teacher convinced me that the stories I wrote for her creative writing assignment showed promise, and that I should consider writing more. Ever hungry for praise at that age, I took her advice and discovered writing to be another wonderful way to escape.

Does your family read your books? Ha! Good heavens, no. My daughters refuse to read anything steamy that their MOTHER wrote! My husband fully supports me, but he’s more into reading thrillers than romances.


What is it that drew you to writing your genre? I live for a world of happily-ever-afters where everyone achieves their dreams. Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? If so, give us some examples! My villains are always based on real people who have rubbed my fur the wrong way. I can’t give any examples – they might recognize themselves! ;)

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel? Dreaded? The blank page staring back at me when it’s time to start a new story. I hate it when that cursor just sits there and blinks at me. It’s so judgie! Favorite? The editing/polishing process where the story fully forms and takes on a lovely shine.

What’s a writing bucket list item of yours? Write an epic fantasy that includes dragons, where,

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be? Hmm… probably the last book of my Time to Love a Highlander series. I SO enjoyed writing Delighting Her Highland Devil, and think it would make a great Scottish Historical Time Travel Romance movie.

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be? Write the story. Don’t put it off. Don’t give up. Don’t play the “what if I fail” game. Just do it.

What is something you’d like readers to know about you? I’m so introverted that my driver’s license should state I am a hermit. However, I have been known to brave the wilds of civilization when promised an ooey gooey cinnamon roll that’s still warm from the oven.

of course, the dragons are the good guys.

Historical: Sweet Winner: Edward and Amelia by Karen Thornell


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Welcome Karen Thornell, recipient of the 2023 RONE

similar to family and friends – some unintentionally,

Award in the Historical: Sweet category. Karen is a busy

but I guess they just have good names!

wife and mom who loves to know what the characters that live in her head get up to – when she has time to sit down and write! Her winning title, Edward and Amelia, can be bought here.

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading?

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel? My favorite part is when you write something and realize you unintentionally foreshadowed it before, or that it connects to something you have planned for later. Those little surprises are the best. The worst is probably the middle when I start to get lost in my plotline, and it

Yes, absolutely. I vividly recall pretending to be asleep

feels like the story is dragging as I try to tie everything

when my parents came to check on me, and then quickly

up for the conclusion.

pulling out my book after they left. I do think my mom is to blame though – she had hundreds of books, and I loved to go to the “library” on her shelves.

What made you want to be a writer?

What’s a writing bucket list item of yours? To visit England, solely as a research trip for my regency novels. I’ve been once before for fun, but I’d love to visit the places my characters walk, and take copious notes to

Several things, but ultimately, I think it came down to a

improve my stories. In terms of stories I’d like to write

desire to extend myself creatively, and to create charac-

though… I have a fairytale retelling I’m itching to write.

ters that I would love as much as those I read about.

I just have to reach the right time in my career first.

Does your family read your books?

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be?

Some of them do. My husband has read several. My mom has read them all, as has my grandma. All the women in

I think my novella, Pursuing Miss Hall, would make a

my family have read at least a few. But the most surprising

great movie! The hero climbs through windows to enter-

has been to learn that my father- in-law and several of my

tain the heroine, there is a rainstorm and some danger,

brothers-in-law have picked up my novels as well!

plus the most adorable love confession scene. I love it all!

What is it that drew you to writing your genre?

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be?

I’ve always felt that a little romance improved all stories, and so it was natural for me to write in that genre. More

Enjoy the time in which the story is yours and yours alone.

specifically, I began writing in the regency era because it

Don’t feel the pressure to move faster than your creative

was a sort of fantastical escape; an opportunity to expe-

process desires, and simply write what you love.

rience a new world. And then I took up contemporary romance because I was desperate for a break from all the research haha!

Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? If so, give us some examples!

What is something you’d like readers to know about you? That’s a tough one… Maybe that I truly care about them and their experience in reading my books. I want them to love and be entertained by it, of course, but I would mostly hope for my book to positively change the way

I think life naturally bleeds into my writing, but I’ve

you see yourself or another person. Or that their feed-

never specifically written any life experiences into my

back means the world to me and every time someone

novels. I have given a few characters names that are

tells me they enjoyed one of my books, they make my day!


Historical: Sweet Runner-Up: The Call of the Sea by Sian Ann Bessey

Meet Sian Ann Bessey, this year’s Runner-Up in

but I will always be drawn to stories set in Wales

the Historical: Sweet category. She is a USA Today

because part of my heart will always belong to my

bestselling author, and when not busy writing, she’s


spending time with her family, cooking, and reading. Her placing title, The Call of the Sea, can be grabbed here.

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading?

Does your family read your books? My extended family members read my books and are always anxious to know when the next one is releasing. My husband and children have read some of my books. They see me going through the entire creative process from first draft to final

I was one of those children who lay under the covers

copy, and I think it’s harder for them to separate

reading by flashlight after everyone else had gone

me from my stories.

to bed. I loved getting lost in a good book. My father was a big reader, and he introduced me to all his

What is it that drew you to writing your genre?

favorite books. When I was young, I read adventure

I love reading fiction that teaches me something

stories. As I grew older, I gravitated toward roman-

new—particularly historically. I’ve written in

tic suspense, and historical romance.

multiple genres, but my favorite is historical fic-

What made you want to be a writer?

tion because I feel that a fictional story based on something or someone real is a marvelous way

I grew up in Wales, but I married an American and

to introduce readers to people, places, and events

live in the US now. My first few books were set in

that they may never know otherwise. When I

Wales, and I wrote them as a way for my children

was a teenager, I read several novels set in differ-

to connect with their Welsh heritage. Since then,

ent European countries during WWII. I think I

I’ve written books set in many places and eras,


InD’Tale Magazine

learned more about the war through those books

well enough for that to happen at the beginning.

than I did in my history classes at school.

Once I’m well into the manuscript, my biggest

Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? If so, give us some examples! Some of my historical novels are based on the experiences of my ancestors. One Last Spring details the flooding of a Welsh valley to create a reservoir

dread is writing kissing scenes. I write sweet/ clean romances, and so the kissing scenes are very important to both the characters and the climax of the story. I always feel the pressure to get them right and make them meaningful.

What’s a writing bucket list item of yours?

to provide water for Liverpool. My ancestors lived

As far as professional recognition goes, having a

in that valley and were forced to relocate. Within

book on the New York Times Bestseller List would

the Dark Hills is set in a Welsh mining community.

be amazing. On a personal level, I would love to feel

My mother’s family were coal miners. Doing the

that I’ve written a book that touches someone so

research for that book—including going down a

deeply that the story stays with them, that it lifts

coal mine in South Wales—gave me a new appreci-

their spirits and helps them through a challeng-

ation for them and the challenging lives they lived.

ing time.

The Heart of the Rebellion features the Tudors. Many people associate the Tudors with the English royal family, but they were originally from

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be?

Anglesey, a small island off the north coast of

Truthfully, I’d love to have any and all of my books

Wales. I grew up on Anglesey and often visited the

made into a movie. I think The Gem Thief would

castles the Tudor brothers would have known.

make a marvelous contemporary romantic sus-

I love to set my novels in places that I’ve visited.

pense movie. The exotic locations and focus on

A good portion of my romantic suspense novel, The

unique jewelry and gemstones would be really fun.

Gem Thief, takes place on a cruise ship in the Med-

Any of the books in my Georgian Gentlemen series

iterranean. I took the same cruise with my family,

would make great historical dramas. Each one fea-

and loved reliving our time in those beautiful loca-

tures something that actually happened in the

tions as I wrote the book.

late 1700s (such as smuggling, the foundling hos-

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel? My first look at the galley proofs always takes my breath away. Seeing my story laid out as it will appear in print makes everything feel real. I will

pital, inventions, forgery, and the cowpox vaccine), so they would be a great blend of period drama and history.

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be?

never get over the miracle of creating a new story.

Read, read, read. And when you find a book or

As far as the writing itself goes, I love writing witty

a story you really love, try to analyze what it is

banter. A hint of humor always brings the charac-

about the story that made you love it so much. Was

ters to life and makes me smile.

it the descriptive writing, the depth of characters,

Starting a new novel and staring at a blank

a unique setting or challenge, the word usage, or

screen, wondering exactly how to begin a story

the world building? Whatever it is, use that as

is always a challenge. Once the characters have

your guide and try to develop a similar skill set

become real people to me, they often dictate their

that will enable you to create a wonderful story of

lines and actions, but I don’t often know them

your own.


What is something you’d like readers to know about you? I grew up in Wales, in the UK, which means that just like the characters in the Harry Potter books, I wore a school uniform, was put into a school house, took ordinary and advance level exams, and was a prefect. Unfortunately, no magic classes were offered at my school, and the staircases never moved, but I credit my British schooling with helping me to develop my love for reading and writing.

I enjoy traveling and experiencing new cultures. I also love to cook and bake. In fact, I recently co-authored a cookbook (The Fiction Kitchen Cookbook) with Sarah M. Eden and Traci Hunter Abramson that features recipes for foods found in our books—from contemporary to medieval. I have many tried-and-true recipes, but I’m always up for trying something new. Half my family has celiac disease, so my kitchen is both a gluten-free and gluten-filled zone. Sharing the treats that come from my oven with family, friends, and neighbors is one of my favorite things to do.

Mystery Winner: What Lies Beneath Stillwater by Susan Clayton-Goldner

Say hello to Susan Clayton-Goldner, the winner of the

I was an avid reader as a child. My family was quite

2023 RONE in our Mystery category. Ms Clayton-

poor, my father disabled from a grenade blowing up in

Goldner is an award-winning author, with this year’s

his hand in World War II. Both my parents were unedu-

title being What Lies Beneath Stillwater, which you

cated, and there were no books in our home. There was,

can grab here. Get to know the brain behind Winston

however, a bookmobile that came to my neighborhood


once a week. For me there was nothing in the world

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading?


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more magical than that small bus, its walls lined with books. I can remember riding my tricycle to the corner where the vehicle parked and taking out the maximum

of 5 books. By the time the mobile arrived the following

the way the girl, Robin Lee Carter, felt, and present it on

week, I’d read them all at least once.

the page.

What made you want to be a writer?

In Lake of the Dead, the character of Sully, with his pet racoon, Rodney, is similar to so many men in

I believe I was born a writer. From the time I could hold

my father’s family from the mountains of Sugar Grove,

a pencil, I was writing sentimental poems and terrible

Virginia. Sully is a little rough around the edges, but a

short stories. Fortunately, they got better with practice

good-hearted man who is stubborn and very opinion-

and time. My tenth grade English teacher, after reading

ated. He’s a nuisance, but a delightful one, and thinks of

one of my essays, called me to his desk and said, “You

himself as Radhauser’s right hand man in solving the

should be a writer.” I took his advice and majored in cre-

murder case.

ative writing in college.

Does your family read your books?

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel?

I have three cousins, two nephews, and two nieces who

I enjoy almost everything about the writing process,

are avid readers of my books. My brother, not so much.

from finding the perfect opening line, to plotting the

My daughter has read some, my son has read none—as

“step sheet”. I like editing and giving my publisher my

far as I know.

ideas for the cover. It’s ultimately their decision, but

What is it that drew you to writing your genre?

they’ve always tried their best to meet my expectations. What I dread most is writing the synopsis or book

I stumbled into the mystery-writing genre—though I

description. Funny, isn’t it? A 90,000-word novel is not

liked to read them. I thought I’d write contemporary

as intimidating to me as the 400-word book description.

women’s fiction, but after reading my book, Redemption Lake, an agent said she’d like to see me turn it into a mys-

What’s a writing bucket list item of yours?

tery. I did, and Detective Winston Radhauser was born.

Like most novelists, I suppose, my bucket list would

I’m currently completing my 14

novel in the series.

include having one of my novels made into a movie… Or

Three of my books have won the RONE award, several

having my Winston Radhauser detective series be made

others have been finalists.

into a Netflix or Amazon Prime series.

Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? If so, give us some examples!

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be?

Yes, of course. I think all writers draw from their lives—

traumatic, yet extraordinary life. It’s a story about for-

the people they’ve known and the things they have

giveness and redemption. A story of his courage to go on

experienced. Writing what we know (as the old mas-

when he’d lost so many pieces of himself.


ters used to advise) gives authenticity to the work, and makes it easier for the writer to find both the emotion and the conflict. My writing coach told me, “We sell

Missing Pieces, because it would honor my father’s

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be?

emotion”. I believe that is true. A couple of examples of

I believe tenacity is the best gift a writer can receive.

times I’ve used characters from my past are the mother

Don’t give up. Make writing a priority in your life. Write

in A Bend In The Willow. Laura Carter is very much like

every day. Everyone gets rejected, but it only takes

my own mother who died from breast cancer when I

one “yes” to launch yourself. Enter contests. Winning

was 29. In the story, the mother dies when her daughter

or being a finalist gives your work some credibility. I

is still in high school, but it was easy for me to discover

know that’s more than one—but most of them relate to


tenacity. My father gave me this gift, and I will be forever

into my life. He emailed me to see how I was doing. I told


him the truth—it was rough, but gradually things got

What is something you’d like readers to know about you?

better and my responses to his emails more positive. One surprising day, he wrote, “I missed the boat 38 years ago and I don’t want to miss it again.” He flew from Tucson to

I got married two weeks ago. I think I must be the oldest

Oregon. The rest is history. We saw each other and it was

bride in history. My husband of 34 years died almost

as if no time had passed—all the feelings were still there.

3 years ago from a massive brain bleed. It was a terrible

Perhaps that is true of love. If it is real in the first place, it

time that I thought marked the end of happiness… But

never goes away. On a lighter side, I only have 9 toes on my

life has a way of surprising us. A man with whom I was

left foot. Some of my writing friends call me, Suzy9Toes. It

in love 2 years before I met and married Andy came back

does not, however, entitle me to a discount on pedicures.

Novella Winner: Tempted by Rebecca Rivard

USA Today bestselling, and multi-award-winning author,

books for me and my siblings to read and had an exten-

Rebecca Rivard, won the RONE this year for the Novella cat-

sive library of fantasy, sci-fi, and literary novels, and

egory. Her winning title, Tempted, can be bought here. When

my mom was a huge reader of mysteries and romances.

she’s not busy writing, Ms. Rivard loves to take pictures and

I read everything indiscriminately, so between them, I

spend time outdoors with her husband. Get to know her better!

pretty much covered the spectrum. My mom also went

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading? Oh, yeah! I was the kid who always had her nose buried in a book. My parents were both big readers, so they’re my biggest influence. My dad brought home comic


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to the library once a week and allowed me to check out whatever I wanted (which is pretty cool when I think about it).

What made you want to be a writer? If I didn’t, the stories would burn a hole in my head.

Does your family read your books? Yes, and I can say that the only thing worse than your mom reading your sexy romances is your (adult) kids reading them! My husband also read a couple, which was hilarious—he skipped to the steamy parts. My brothers and sisters read my first published novel (Seducing the Sun Fae), but I don’t think they’ve read any since. None of them are really romance readers.

What is it that drew you to writing your genre? Vampires + Shifters + Fae = Magic Men! So there’s that, lol. I also love creating a world from the ground up,

My books also have a strong sense of place. Some of them are set in and around my home in Maryland on the Chesapeake Bay, including the city of Baltimore. Or, I may set stories in places I’ve traveled to such as Montreal, Paris, and New York City. And as a romance author, I draw on my experience in relationships. I love thinking about why and how people fall in love. Last but not least—almost all my books have a scene or two with chocolate (because chocolate is the food of the gods, lol). Even my vampires eat it occasionally. It’s the only human food they can consume other than wine.

What is your absolute favorite and most in my Fada Shapeshifter series, the three main dreaded parts of writing a new novel? types of fae absorb life-energy from different That’s somewhat of a moving target, depending on sources. The sun fae draw energy from the sun’s the project. I love those early pages, when you’re rays (through their queen, who is a conduit), the in that white-hot creative haze, and I also love night fae are energy vampires who feed on negarevisions, when it finally starts coming together. tive emotions, and the ice fae absorb energy from My least favorite part is probably what I call the the movement of molecules (they can literally Messy Middle, where you’re figuring out where freeze you where you stand). you want to go, and how to get there. It can keep me As for my Vampire Syndicate world, I had the up at night… idea of combining vampire romance and mafia romance, two genres that I read and love. Vampires What’s a writing bucket list item of yours? and the mafia are such a perfect fit, I’m surprised it I’m gearing up to produce audiobooks of my Vamhasn’t been done more often. And since I make the pire Syndicate series. rules, my vampires can have one or more children (depending on whom they mate with). This creates If you could give anyone wanting to write a all kinds of interesting issues, since the dhampir story one piece of advice, what would it be? spawn (half-vampire, half-human) have a lower Just get something down on paper. A first draft that status in the syndicates. is just that—a draft. You can always fix it in reviDid any of your life experiences influence sions. As Nora Roberts says, “I can fix a bad page. I any of your storylines or characters? can’t fix a blank one.” If so, give us some examples! What is something you’d like Well, I come from a large family (three sisters, two readers to know about you? brothers) and my books almost always feature famiI read as much I write (maybe more!), so if you’re lies of some sort—the rival shifter clans in my Fada fangirling or-boying about a favorite author, I’m Shapeshifter series, the trio of dhampir brothers in probably right there with you! my Vampire Syndicate series (to name two examples). including the rules the magic takes. For example,


Paranormal: Short Winner: Becoming Crone by Lydia M Hawke

Award-winning urban fantasy and paranormal women’s fiction author Lydia M. Hawke is the delightfully dark alter-ego of romance writer Linda Poitevin. Get to know the recipient of the 2023 RONE Paranormal: Short category! Her winning title, Becoming Crone, can be purchased here.

What is it that drew you to writing your genre? I love bringing magick and the paranormal/supernatural into real, present-day life to see what will happen. With my Crone Wars books, I wanted to push that envelope a little further and see what would happen if a woman my

Were you a big reader when you were younger?

own age (I was 60 when I wrote the first book) suddenly

What do you think influenced your love of reading?

discovered that she was magick. There was just so much

I was always an avid reader, yes. I was the oldest of four, and books were my escape from chores and responsibil-

room to play in that idea—and the idea that a character could still grow enormously at that stage of life.

Did any of your life experiences influence all of us, and some of my best memories involve going to any of your storylines or characters? a library. So many books! If so, give us some examples! ities, I think. Both my parents encouraged reading with

What made you want to be a writer? I have a vivid imagination, and as much as I love books in general, they don’t always tell stories the way I think they should, lol.

Does your family read your books? My husband reads all my books, yes. My daughters have all read some of them, but they have busy lives and don’t have much time for reading anything—and I’m not sure how much my books about older characters appeal to them at this stage in their lives. Maybe later?


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As a woman of “a certain age” myself, I’ve come to realize just how dismissive society can be when it comes to older women. We quite literally become invisible sometimes—I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had younger people almost run into me on sidewalks, only to sidestep at the last second (I refuse to move, lol), and friends have told me of similar experiences. I also went through a period of time when, like Claire in Becoming Crone, I was searching for new purpose as my family outgrew me as ‘mom’ and I needed to redefine myself. So yes, there are definitely some parallels between me and her, but she’s the only one who got the magick!

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel?

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be?

Favorite part: editing the first draft. I love cleaning

Start. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how much/

things up and tying them together.

little time you think you have. Just start. And then keep

Most dreaded part: writing that first draft.

going. You can do this.

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be?

What is something you’d like readers to know about you?

All of them, lol, because it would be a huge kick to see my

I truly love the age that I am, and I love writing about

characters come to life on the big screen. But more seri-

this age. I am more comfortable in my skin now than I

ously, Becoming Crone, because just as I think we need more

have ever been, I know myself better, I love myself more,

books about older women, I think we need more movies

and I am nowhere near finished growing and learning.

about them, too. And not just with them as side characters,

That’s the kind of growth I love showing in my charac-

but as the heroes and the role models for younger women.

ters, too.

Paranormal: Long Winner: Lucky Me by Genevieve Jack

Say hello to USA Today bestselling and multi-award winning

Reading was and continues to be a big part of my life, and

author Genevieve Jack writes wild, witty, and wicked-hot

my number one hobby. Books are a key feature in every

paranormal romance and urban fantasy romance. She is the

room in our house. I’ve also been in a book club with ten

winner of the 2023 RONE Award in the Paranormal: Long

marvelous women for over a decade. We always had books

category. Her winning title, Lucky Me, can be found here.

in my childhood home because my aunt was an English

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading?

teacher, so my parents would inherit her books every time she updated her classroom library. My older siblings


What is your absolute favorite and most their reading habits as well, which thankfully happened dreaded parts of writing a new novel? added to that library as they grew up, so I benefited from to include my favorite fantasy and romance genres.

What made you want to be a writer? Necessity! In 2010, I had a sick child who just wasn’t getting better, and holding down a traditional job became impossible. I’d been writing and publishing flash fiction in magazines successfully for a few years, and decided to write the full-length YA fantasy that was living in my head. I finished that book and queried agents for a few months. Although the feedback was marvelous, no one wanted to take a chance on an unknown name at the time. Another author suggested self-publishing. I had nothing to lose, so I gave it a try. That book and the series that followed (published under my YA pseudonym) earned more than what I was earning at my corporate job, and

The absolute best part of writing a novel is the day you type ‘The End’ on a story you feel has turned out exactly as you envisioned it. The most dreaded part of writing a novel for me is marketing it. Boiling down a 300-page masterpiece into a picture and a few lines of text is just not something I ever look forward to doing. Some authors are great at it. I’m not one of those authors. Please, for the love of all that is holy, if you read one of my books and love it, tell the world, because that is the greatest gift you can give me, honestly.

What’s a writing bucket list item of yours? I’m closing in on a million copies sold. I’m not sure exactly when that will happen, but it’s definitely on my bucket list to see that come to fruition.

If you could have one of your stories turned the move to paranormal romance in 2012,and the rest into a movie, which one would it be? kicked off my full-time career as an author. I made is history.

Does your family read your books? Absolutely.

What is it that drew you to writing your genre? The key to a good romance is the happily ever after, and there is no greater happily ever after than in a paranormal romance where the hero and heroine are immortal, and ever after equals eternity.

Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? If so, give us some examples!

Lucky Me. The idea of fairies running a theme park for profit in a world where they are otherwise marginalized, I think, would translate really well to a streaming series. But the setting is just the start. This story has so much to say about social stratification, across the tracks romance, family, culture, betrayal, and what it means to be lucky, all wrapped up in a suspenseful mystery.

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be? Start with what your character is feeling. Not where they are, or what they are doing, or who else is in the room. How do they feel and why?

What is something you’d like with brain cancer at the start of the book. I’ve lost two readers to know about you? In the Dragon of New Orleans, Raven is terminally ill

friends to glioblastoma, as well as the husband of a close friend. My sister was also battling AML at the time I wrote that book. More than anything, I wish magic was real and could stop cancer. My experience with those illnesses, though, inspired the character of Raven, and especially her desire to make the most of the time she has left and to live without fear.


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I appreciate every one of you. From the time I was in first grade, I dreamed about being a writer. The fact that I get to do this full time is a privilege, a blessing, and entirely because readers like you are willing to pay for my work. As an independent artist, I can’t say enough about what that means to me and my family. I appreciate you. I’m thankful for you.

Paranormal: Long Runner-Up: Fire Magic and Ice Cream by Lauren Connolly

Lauren Connolly is the Runner-Up in our Paranormal:

books. Another creator might have chosen film or song,

Long category this year. An award-winning author in her

but writing is what clicked for me. It’s the story telling

own right (including a previous RONE win in the Contem-

method I’m comfortable with and capable of.

porary: Steamy category), Ms. Connolly pens addictive and

I even went to college to study writing. My bachelor’s

fun contemporary and paranormal romance tales. You can

degree is in writing. Something that I wish I had realized

grab her placing title, Fire Magic & Ice Cream, here.

earlier—back when I was earning that degree—is the dif-

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading?

ference between being a professional novel writer and a hobbyist novel writer. Not that one is better than the other, but writing professionally means trying to establish a writing career which involves having a business mindset.

I devoured books when I was younger. I would often read

It’s not until after I self-published a few books that I really

during class and miss half of what the teacher said. Hon-

thought about my author business. I would have taken some

estly, my grades probably suffered because I was such

business courses alongside my writing ones. Over the years

a big reader. If the choice was homework or book, I’d

I’ve learned that information on my own, but the process

always choose book.

took longer. Still, I have an established author business now.

When I was young my mother would read to me

And that’s what I wanted and still want today – to

every night before bed, and I think that instilled a love

not only be a writer, but to be a professional one, who

of stories in me. Then I discovered fantasy and romance

supports myself financially with my creativity, because

through Tamora Pierce, and I was done for.

this way, I get to spend most of my days making stories.

What made you want to be a writer? My love of stories. Since I was young, I’ve always been

And that’s the dream!

Does your family read your books?

making them up in my head, and I came to realize that

Most of my immediate family has read at least one—

the best way to put them in the world was through

not that I asked them to! I’m adamant that friends and


family should not feel obligated to read my books, especially if they don’t normally read romance. But they’re supportive! My dad was even able to sell one of his coworkers a few of my books, and my parents always keep copies on hand to stick in Little Free Libraries.

What is it that drew you to writing your genre?

All inspired by true events in my life, believe it or not!

What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel? My favorite part is outlining the story. This is when I’m telling the story to myself in whatever messy way I want! And when I’m in that bird’s-eye view position, I have

Romance is what I like to read, and those are the stories

an easier time keeping track of the plot and characters.

that naturally play out in my head. I’m a sucker for two

Once I start writing the book, everything gets messy.

(or three) people being cute and spicy with each other.

I dread when I have the book 80-90% done because

Making up banter is how I spend my time when I walk

this is when I’m tired of the story. I’ve been working on

my dog (though he does give me strange looks when I

it for months, and I want to think about anything else.

start to speak the words out loud to myself). Plus, I love

New ideas for other books start popping into my head,

the comfort of an HEA at the end of a story; knowing

begging to be written, but I can’t write them because the

that even if characters go through hell, they’ll find some

finish line is right there.

contentment when we get to the last page. I’m the type of person who gets consumed by a story, so if it ends on

What’s a writing bucket list item of yours?

a sad note, then I’m left unbalanced and uncomfortable

I write contemporary and paranormal romance, but I’d

for the rest of my day—maybe the rest of my week. There

love to write an epic fantasy romance like what first

are enough depressing endings in the world, I don’t need

had me falling in love with reading. The authors that

to seek out more in my fiction, and I certainly don’t want

showed me how magical books could be were Tamora

to be the one creating them. Besides, writing towards

Pierce, Juliet Marillier, and Sharon Shinn. The possibil-

an HEA feels like solving a puzzle to me. Romance is a

ity of creating a story that makes readers feel the way I

sudoku. It’s fun!

felt reading theirs is a dream. One day…

Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? If so, give us some examples!

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be?

You’re going to find a lot of librarians in my books. I write

In 2024 I have a book coming out about a woman having

what I know! I’ve worked in multiple academic libraries

to spread her brother’s ashes across the United States

around the country, and I think they’re great settings

with the man she hates (spoiler alert: they fall in love). I

for romances and character exploration. You meet so

think the destinations they go do would be beautiful on

many different people working in a library! Maybe the

screen. Hopefully a production studio is interested in

next love of your life…

PS: I Hate You.

I’ll also take funny situations from my life and up the tension and awkwardness to make them good romcom scenes like: The sleeping arrangements in The Bed Hierarchy

Get comfortable writing a bad, messy, nonsensical first

Jumping into a frigid lake to save someone in

draft. Over and over, I hear how people are taking forever

Seduced by a Selkie

to get past writing the first few chapters of their story

The shower fainting scene in Read Me

because they keep going back to edit and make them

Running through the house naked because some-

better. FYI: your book can always be better. I re-read

thing is on fire in Fire Magic & Ice Cream


If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be?

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books I’ve published and see things I wish I could change.

But when you get so focused on writing perfectly, you’ll stress yourself out to the point where you don’t write anything at all.

What is something you’d like readers to know about you?

Write a bad book. Write the whole terrible thing. Then when

Dry quips and banter and shenanigans are in all of

you’re done, you can fix it, polish it, make it good (but not

my books. Even when I get around to writing that epic

perfect, because it will never be perfect). Or you can shelve it

romantasy, I’m still going to be writing with laugh-

and move on to a new project, secure in the knowledge that

ter in my brain. I can’t help it. There will be jokes at a

you are capable of writing all the words needed for a book.


No matter what I’m writing, there’s going to be humor.

Suspense/Thriller: Steamy Winner: Whiskey Storm by Taryn Rivers

Say hello to Taryn Rivers, author behind the Whiskey Falls

love to me. I think it’s a generational thing, since both

series. Her title, Whiskey Storm, the winner of the RONE in

my grandparents were also big readers. I have many

our Suspense/Thriller: Steamy category can be bought here.

fond memories of my grandfather stretched out in his

When Ms. Rivers isn’t busy penning her next installment,

bedroom reading Zane Grey westerns and listening

she’s busy reading, spending time with family, reading,

to his Western Swing music. I actually got my love of

plotting, or reading. Get to know this lovely lady better!

romances from my grandmother. I’d sneak them away

Were you a big reader when you were younger? What do you think influenced your love of reading?

from her room and read them under the covers late into the night. It wasn’t just romance though. Fantasy, mystery, spy

One of my first memories is of “counting my gold”, and

novels, paranormal, even those westerns my dad and

by that, I mean my Little Golden Books. I hoarded them

grandfather loved so much—I’d read anything I could

and got jealous if I had to share with other kids. My

get my hands on. I was one of those kids that always had

parents were both avid readers and passed down that

a book with me, ready to whip out in any lull in activity.


As for what influenced my love of reading, life wasn’t

drafts to him on road trips while he drives. He helps me

easy. As an Army brat, we moved a lot. First through fourth

look for plot holes or awkward wording. It’s worked out so

grade we lived in Germany, and then from sixth grade on

well, we may start planning road trips around my releases.

I had to switch schools every year. So I went through the

Some of my biggest fans are my five aunts and my

horror of being the new kid in school nine times. Some-

cousins. I was absolutely horrified when they men-

times the characters in my stories felt like the only friends

tioned wanting to read my books, but gave them copies of

I had. Books are what got me through those times. To this

Whiskey Home before it released, and they loved it. They

day, when the going gets tough, I pull out a book, and I

can’t even wait for me to mail them copies now if I can’t

always have one at hand—something much easier done

get them before the book releases. They order their own.

now since I can carry my books with me on my phone.

Even funnier, one of my uncles helps me with research.

What made you want to be a writer?

With the books based in Wisconsin and me living in Arkansas, sometimes I need a place checked out and

I’ve always written stories. Things would happen

he'll do it for me. He even came up with Rosalie’s sled

around me that would trigger an idea, and I’d sit down

dogs when I called to pick his brain about snowmobil-

with my journal and write a story – or occasionally a

ing through national forests in Minnesota. Now I can’t

poem – although those were really, really, bad. But life

imagine Whiskey Dream without Ares and Athena in it.

got in the way, and I got married, had babies, and my stories got put away in a box for years. I still read every

What is it that drew you to writing your genre?

day, but it was stolen moments throughout the day, and

The happily-ever-afters. I turned back to romance after I

every night before I’d go to sleep.

retired. I needed books where strong heroines overcome

When I was medically retired at forty-one, my sweet

their struggles with the support of a handsome hero, fall

husband gave me a generous book budget, knowing I’d

in love, and live happily ever after. I was lost for a while

need them to get me through it. He even bought me my

after having to sell my business and quit most of my

first e-reader, a Nook. But as much as I love to read, sitting

volunteer jobs, and those stories and the support of my

around all day got old fast. I’m an action girl at heart, and

husband and family helped me find my way again. I love

needed to feel like I was contributing to something. Since

that now it’s my stories that people are losing themselves

anything physical was out, I started reviewing, then alpha

in, especially with as crazy as the world is right now.

and beta reading for other authors. Finally, a couple of

Did any of your life experiences influence any of your storylines or characters? Writing a full-length novel is a whole different ball game If so, give us some examples! author friends of mine told me I needed to write my own.

than jotting down little scenes and stories in a journal. It took me over two years to get Whiskey Home written, and

Oh, my gosh, yes. My dad inspired Joe, my first heroine,

I was plagued by doubts the entire time, but I finished it. I

Bree’s, father. The story about him and his four exes –

am so glad I did. I’ve done a lot of things in my life, but writ-

and the current wife all named Cindy came from Dad

ing that first book is one of the things I’m most proud of.

and his five Lindas. Josie, the beloved, outspoken, let-it-

Does your family read your books?

all-hang-out bar owner with the heart of gold is inspired by my very favorite ex-stepmother. She is so loved by

My daughter not only reads them, she designed the For-

my readers. My editor made me write a holiday novella,

saken Aces logo for my upcoming spinoff series, along

Whiskey Gifts, with Josie as the heroine, a book I swore

with the graphics for my book swag and webstore. She

I’d never write because, well, writing steamy scenes

swears to me she skips past the steamy stuff, though, and

around a mother figure is just wrong. I had to keep

I’m choosing to believe her. My son, although a big reader,

reminding myself that ‘inspired by’ does not mean she

is not a romance fan, but supports me in other ways with

is the character. In the end, my editor was right. I love

his computer skills. As for my husband, I read my final

my little Christmas story.


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What is your absolute favorite and most dreaded parts of writing a new novel?

If you could have one of your stories turned into a movie, which one would it be?

Writing the first chapter. You have to capture the reader

With my dad gone—he passed away right before Whis-

with the first sentence, then keep them turning the pages

key Home released—that one would be hard for me to

and have them completely hooked by the end of it. The

watch, but Whiskey Dream or Whiskey Storm would

pressure is real, I tell you! I’ll start and stop, rewriting it

be fun. Lots of action, lots of steam. And let’s not forget

multiple times before I finally get it right. It can take me a

Rose’s sled dogs in Whiskey Dream, or the hot bikers

week or more. In fact, I’m on week three with my current

in Storm... Then you add in Savage Cove with its Night

work in progress and still fighting with that first scene!

Stalker heroine and Delta Force Operator hero set near

Thankfully, once I get past it, the words tend to flow, at least

Bayfield, Wisconsin, on the shores of Lake Superior… I

until I get to the middle. It’s usually a slog to get through too.

don’t know. That’d be a tough decision. Probably Whis-

What’s a writing bucket list item of yours? Writing a paranormal romance series. It’s one of my favorite genres. I love me some hot shape shifters. Wolves, and bears, and dragons… oh my. Plus, how the authors handle the issues that come up with being able to shift

key Storm just for the Griff factor, and the fact it’s an action-packed later-in-life romance. I think we need more of those on the big screen.

If you could give anyone wanting to write a story one piece of advice, what would it be?

into another animal is always intriguing to me. Is their

Even the biggest authors out there doubt their stories.

animal half a separate being? Do they talk to it? Or is it just

Don’t let your doubts and insecurities stop you from

another facet of their soul? Are the shifters out, or do they

writing yours. Just sit down and let it out. You and your

hide their abilities from society? The whole thought of it

future readers will be all the happier for it.

intrigues me. Someday I will tackle it, but creating a whole new world is daunting. I’d probably write it under a different pen name though, so as not to confuse my readers.



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THE FAIR To listen to this chapter, click the following link: For those wanting to read the remainder of the novella, you will be able to do so at the same link. police investigated the identity of the body, a real estate agent showed up and told Penny that her father made a deal to sell the farm to a group of developers he represented. The family lawyer then explained to Penny that, although her father was restricted from selling the farm except to the town, she now owned it free and clear and could do what she wanted. While Penny and Chuck got reacquainted, they worked together to get the old farm tractor working. When Chuck came to the farm expecting a romantic dinner, Penny wasn’t ready to eat. She had found Eric’s suicide note. She said she suspected the dead body might be a boy named Oliver, who came to visit the farm shortly before Eric killed himself.}

{Penny Thompson returned to her family farm after her father died suddenly. Penny is haunted by memories of her mother who died of cancer when Penny was a teenager, and the tragic death of her brother, Eric, in a car accident. Penny was resigned to the plan of selling the farm to the town of Westfield, which made a deal with Penny’s father to keep the land undeveloped in exchange for a monthly payment. The mayor, Chester Almon, told Penny the open space deal with the town set the sale price at $450,000. Before Penny could sign the deal and go back to the City, she and her old high school sweetheart, Chuck Foreman, now a Sheriff ’s deputy, discovered a body buried in the embankment of the creek out by the cow pasture. As the



FTER PENNY STOPPED CRYING, Chuck led her downstairs, her old yellow Lab, Duke, padding along behind. Chuck threw together a dinner with the stray ingredients he found in the fridge. Trying to distract her from the emotional experience of finding her brother’s suicide note more than two years after his death, Chuck talked about the farm. The extraordinarily hot summer continued unabated except for brief interruptions of thunderstorms and torrential rain. It was not a good combination for the local farmers. Penny was happy her family had not worried about the size of its crop for years because of the open space agreement with the town. Still, the diminutive corn stalks were a sad sight.

Penny mentioned the Mayor’s comment about how she needed to keep something growing on the farm to fulfill the obligations of the open space deal. She lamented that the pumpkin crop had not been planted. “You could still plant,” Chuck suggested hopefully. “I know, but what’s the point?” “The kids will be bummed out if there are no pumpkins for Halloween. Even if you sell the farm, the next owner won’t be able to plant in time to have a crop this year. I can help.” “You’ve got a job, Chuck. You can’t be out here working the farm. Besides, we still don’t have the tractor fixed.” “You have a working tractor out in the equipment shed.”


“I know, but I don’t want that one,” Penny crossed her arms defiantly. Chuck scooped up his last bite of food, then set down his fork with a clang, prompting Duke to raise his head off the gray pillow in the corner. The prospect of stray food always got his attention. “I can see that your dad let the place get a bit run down over the past few years, but I was thinking about that. Maybe you could get some of the local high school kids to help clean the place up. They could even help plant the pumpkin crop.” “Why would they want to do that?” “Because they all grew up getting their jack-o-lanterns from your dad’s farm, and they’re good kids. I work with some of ’em after school.” “Doing what?” Penny sat forward, suddenly more interested in the subject. “Doing… well, doing community service.” “You mean the delinquents? You do the detention duty now?” “They’re not delinquents!” Chuck was instantly protective. “They’ve had some problems and some scrapes with the law. Some of ’em smoked some weed and got caught, and other stuff like that, and they all need remedial driver safety training.” “And stuff ?”

“OK, a few of ’em stole a car, and one of ’em assaulted a teacher, but that’s just a few. Most of ’em are good kids who need some guidance.” “And you’re guiding them?” Penny’s lips curled; her recent tears forgotten. “You always were a softie for the younger kids.” “I’m trying to help them. It’s one of the best things about being a Deputy. But, like I said, I bet I could get some of them to come down and help out. What do you say?” Penny didn’t agree, but she didn’t say no, either. Instead, they talked about pleasant memories involving the farm— the strawberry field berry fights, the Haunted Hayrides, chasing each other through the corn maze, and the lazy Sundays out in the pasture by the creek. When he had arrived for dinner, Chuck’s plan had been to coax Penny out that evening to the county fair, hosted each year by Westfield. Penny had happy memories of her father judging the livestock competition while she and Eric ran with friends, ate cotton candy and corn dogs, and rode the giant Ferris Wheel in the traveling carnival that showed up each year for the festivities. Chuck had escorted Penny to the fair when they were a couple in high school. It was a connection to Westfield. Penny wasn’t jazzed about the idea, but a persistent Chuck eventually broke her down and convinced her to come along for one night.

••• WALKING UNDER THE blazing bulbs spelling out “FAIR,” Penny slid her left arm under Chuck’s elbow and leaned into his shoulder. The scene was exactly the same as she remembered it from when she was ten years old. The fairgrounds were unchanged. The pigs, cows, chickens, goats, and sheep were in the same enclosures as always. The big wheel glowed perhaps a bit brighter, but the corn dog and shaved ice vendors were the same as ever. The familiar odors of hay and frying grease brought back a flood of memories, mostly of fun and good friends. They strolled through the midway, past squealing children and amorous teen couples tossing rings or softballs, hoping for a coveted stuffed animal prize. Then, Chuck stopped short. Penny looked ahead and saw the rotund form of Mayor Chester Almon coming toward them with


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a group of middle-aged companions, one of whom Penny recognized as his wife. “Hey, Mr. Mayor!” Chuck called out. “Chuck? What are you doing?” Penny dug her nails into his forearm. He turned to her and whispered, “Trust me, this is perfect.” He raised a muscular arm and waved again, making eye contact with the Mayor, who had little choice but to nod his acknowledgement. Chuck maneuvered through the crowd in the narrow space between midway games until they blocked the Mayor’s group. Chuck held out a hand and shook with Almon. “Sir, I’m glad we bumped into you. Penny needs to let you know that she got an offer from a real estate developer to sell the Thompson farm, and it’s a whole lot more money than

the offer from the town. I guess you would know what the land is worth, though, right?” “Well,” Almon stalled, obviously contemplating his response, “that’s nice to know. But we’re here to have fun tonight and not talk about politics or town business, so why don’t you give me a call tomorrow and we can talk about it?” “That’s fine,” Chuck said, fully immersed in his role as Penny’s spokesperson while Penny clung to his arm and smiled weakly. “We also spoke to Stuart King, who’s the family’s lawyer, and he confirmed that Penny has no restrictions on selling the farm, because the agreement the town had with Gary Thompson expired when he died. You must have known that, right?” “Well, I can’t say whether I ever really thought about it, Mr. Foreman. I’ll have to consult with the town’s lawyers to confirm that—tomorrow. It would be a shame, though, if the farm got sold to developers and turned into a strip mall or a housing complex. We all love that old farm. We’re looking forward to the pumpkins in the fall, like always. For now, it’s been nice seeing you, and you, too, Miss Thompson.” He tipped an imaginary hat toward Penny as he dragged his wife away by the arm. The Mayor’s little entourage followed dutifully. Penny exhaled, not realizing she had been holding her breath. “Oh, he is such a snake!” “Sure, but now he’s on record with those witnesses. He can’t claim that you are obligated to sell only to the town. Not unless he gets his lawyers to find something in the open space agreement that says otherwise. You’ll be clear to sell for whatever price you can get—if you decide you want to sell.” Penny squeezed Chuck’s arm harder, but did not reply. They walked forward, lost in the lights, sounds, and smells. After inspecting the contestants in the competition for the best pie in several categories, Penny wanted something sweet. Chuck bought her an ice cream cone and they sat on a wooden bench, trading licks. Chuck’s fingers overlapped Penny’s as they jointly held the delicate treat. They didn’t talk, but stared into each other’s eyes, deep in their own thoughts. The moment was broken by a shrill voice directly in front of them. “Why, Chuck, honey, it’s so nice to see you out tonight. And is that Penny Thompson?” Her voice raised

an octave at the end of her question. Penny recognized Lisa Linderman’s squeaky voice even before seeing her face. Lisa’s long, thin legs were displayed below a skirt that barely covered her panties, ending in platform heels that were totally inappropriate for trudging around the dirt paths inside the fairgrounds. Lisa, however, was more concerned with style than comfort or practicality. A bright red halter-top left her midriff exposed to the warm night air, along with an ample portion of her cleavage. Long dangling silver earrings accentuated the length of her bare neck and her shimmering lipstick that matched her top. Penny had envied Lisa’s style, maturity, and confidence when they were in high school. The intervening years had given Penny more of her own confidence and style. Now, she thought Lisa looked like a tramp. “Hello, Lisa,” Penny chirped, not removing her hand from the ice cream cone. “Nice to see you.” Lisa, flanked by two other women Penny recognized as high school cohorts, blinked her eyes, showing off their enhanced lashes. Lisa’s blue eyes had been able to capture whatever boy she wanted when they were all seventeen. “I heard you were back in town for a bit.” Chuck released the ice cream and stood up, awkwardly saying, “Hey, Lisa.” “Oh, come here,” Lisa held out her arms and leaned into Chuck, lifting up onto her toes and wrapping her arms around Chuck’s neck. She planted a kiss on his surprised mouth. “I miss you, deputy sheriff. When you get done escorting old Penny around, you come find me, OK?” She pecked another quick kiss, then slithered her arms down Chuck’s chest, stepping back gracefully. “C’mon, ladies,” she gestured down the path and led her companions away. Penny turned her head when Chuck sat back down, pulling the ice cream cone to her chest. “It looks like you and Lisa are awfully friendly,” she said with a voice frostier than the chocolate-vanilla swirl in her hand. “Well, we used to be,” Chuck’s eyes followed Lisa’s legs as she sauntered away. Penny stood abruptly, the ice cream flopping out of her cone and splatting onto the compressed dirt. “Are you dating her?”


“No! I’m not.” Chuck held out his hands toward Penny. “I was, but she broke up with me, so…” “You like her? She’s such a slut! At least, she was, and I don’t see any indication that she’s changed.” “She’s not—I mean… Look, you know how she is. She saw you and me and she just had to butt in and make trouble. She can’t stand it when anybody isn’t paying attention to her. Right?” “Did you sleep with her?” “Huh?” Penny looked down at Chuck. “I asked you if you slept with Lisa when you were dating?” “Well… I… Sure…Yes, I did.” Penny turned and walked in the opposite direction from where Lisa and her group had gone, Chuck quickly following. He caught up and grabbed Penny’s elbow, pulling gently. She spun around as he let go. Fair-goers passed by them on both sides, eager to reach their next destination. The hot day had given way to a comfortable evening with moderate humidity and everyone was in a good mood. Nobody paid the couple any attention. “Oh, I just hate her.” Penny’s eyes watered and threatened to gush.

Chuck melted. “Pen, I’m so sorry. I’ve been lonely since I got back. You know me; I’m no Don Juan, and there’re not many girls my age who aren’t already married. Lisa and I hooked up. I couldn’t say no to her, you know? I mean, I’m not proud of it, but I’m not going to apologize. It’s not like you were here. I guess she figured I was as good as anyone else in this town.” Penny dropped her head, a blubber escaping her lips as her shoulders shuddered. Chuck hesitated an instant, then moved forward and embraced her as she cried into his chest. “You’re probably the best guy in any town. You’re way too good for Lisa.” “I could say the same for you. I’m surprised some rich dude in the city hasn’t scooped you up.” She looked up at him, and said softly, “I’ve dated a few guys in the city, but they’re mostly jerks. I didn’t sleep with any of them. Since Eric died, I haven’t really been ready for a serious boyfriend. I… I keep thinking about Eric.” “What about Eric?” Penny pushed away from Chuck so she could see his face better. “I always wanted him to be happy, but he never was. I thought this boy, Oliver, could make him happy. I think he and Eric were lovers. But instead of making him happy… it killed him.”

Read the remainder of the story at

Kevin G. Chapman is an attorney specializing in labor and employment law and an independent author from New Jersey. In 2021, Kevin finished the first five books in the Mike Stoneman Thriller series. Righteous Assassin (Mike Stoneman Thriller #1), was named one of the top 20 Mystery/Thrillers of 2019 by the Kindle Book Review and was a finalist for the Chanticleer Book Review CLUE award. Deadly Enterprise (Mike Stoneman Thriller #2) was a top-20 Mystery/Thriller of 2020 according to the Kindle Book Review and made the Short-List for the 2020 CLUE Award. Book #3, Lethal Voyage, was the winner of the 2021 Kindle Book Award and a Finalist for the CLUE and for the InD’Tale Magazine RONE Award. Book #4 in the series, Fatal Infraction, was named Best Police Procedural of the year by the Chanticleer Book Review, and book #5 (Perilous Gambit) was published November 24, 2021. The Mike Stoneman Thriller series books are available through IngramSpark and Dead Winner, a stand-alone mystery, was the winner of the CLUE Award for best suspense/thriller of 2022. Kevin’s next novel, The Other Murder, will be published in early 2024. Contact Kevin via his website at


InD’Tale Magazine


Meet Some of our Staff Although InD’tale may be closing its doors, many of our reviewers would love to continue reviewing books for authors who have sent their books in to us over the years. We have set up a generic email address, should any of you wonderful authors wish to request any particular one of our reviewers, to review your upcoming release. Please reach out to to request a specific reviewer, and we will forward your information to them.

Belinda Wilson Although this is goodbye, I’d like to tell you about

Senior Quality Control Analyst, and Departmen-

myself. I have been married for thirty-seven years,

tal Trainer. I enjoy almost every genre for except

and have three daughters and a grandson. I’ve been

romanticized demons and audiobooks. Reading is

on the staff of InD’tale Magazine for the past eight

my safe haven, my escape from fear and pain, and

years as a reviewer, which I have absolutely loved.

my joyful entry to new worlds and adventure. I'd

I also review every book I read on Amazon. I have

like to make myself available to continue reading

a therapy dog, Teddy, and we visit nursing homes.

and reviewing books.

I also enjoy sewing and crocheting when I am not reviewing or doing visits with Teddy. Although

Chelsea Andersen

the magazine is being retired, I will remain avail-

I’m a wannabe writer of speculative fiction who

able for writing reviews for whoever is interested.

writes under the name Cloud S. Riser. You can

Please reach out via the email address above. I

find my work on Wattpad for FREE. I read way too

would love to hear from you!

much, and would love to keep reading your books in exchange for reviews! When I’m not reading or

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick

writing, I’m most likely playing a video game, going

It has been amazing to review for InD'tale for the

for a walk, or being Mom.

last 8 years, and I'm sad that it is coming to an end. I have found absolutely amazing authors whose

Amy Rubottom

books I continue to read, and would never have

I love reading any steam level and most genres, and

found if not for the magazine. I am still open to do

would be happy to provide reviews in the future.

reviews, and feel free to contact me if you have a

Books are my escape from the real world, and from

book for me to read.

the many hours at work, so I try to read as much as possible. Please reach out if I can review for you in

Tonya Mathenia

the future.

I’ve been an avid reader since my Mama taught me to read at 2 years old because my favorite two ques-

Joan Lai

tions were "What does this say?" and "Mama, read

I am grateful for my time spent as a member of the

this to me please?" I began my professional review

InD’tale family. Through InD’tale Magazine, I have

career with InD'tale in late 2018, after retiring from

enjoyed stacks of delightful books, and been intro-

a 30 year career as a Mortgage Document Auditor,

duced to authors whom I now consider my literary


InD’Tale Magazine

friends. Although this chapter of my experience as

Moira Wolf

a Reviewer comes to a close, there is no end to my

I have loved reviewing the amazing stories InD’tale

love of reading and reviewing. I plan to continue

has received over the years. I am thankful to all of

offering my support and reviews to the hard-work-

the authors for sharing and entrusting their work

ing and courageous authors who bring us so much

to us. I would love to continue reviewing or partic-

joy. Congratulations to TJ Mackay, Katy Nielsen,

ipating as a Beta reader for any thriller/mystery

and the rest of the InD’tale team, for their valuable

authors. I wish everyone well, and encourage you

contributions to indie and small publishing.

to keep writing!

Piper Valentine

Carey Sullivan

I have loved being a book reviewer with InD’tale,

I’ve enjoyed reading books and listening to audio-

and I am more than happy to do so in the future.

books from a plethora of new authors over the

I have never worked with such a great group of

past five years spent reviewing for InD’tale Mag-

people! They never looked at you funny for talk-

azine. I’ve discovered some new favorite authors

ing about a character as if it were a real person,

and spent countless hours absorbed in intrigu-

was always happy to get another “oh boy! You have

ing stories. I’d like to thank the authors who

GOT TO READ this author!” email, and never tired

spend their days crafting intelligent and exciting

of talking books. I have found so many wonderful

storylines, and the staff, reviewers, and publish-

authors because of InD’tale, and I am incredibly

ers of this incredible publication. It’s been a fun

thankful for that. I stand by my words when I say

ride, and I’m a better and more critical reader and

authors are heroes. They give you that place to

reviewer because of this experience. Thank you!

escape to when life gets hard, and for many of us,

I wish everyone the best, and I hope we all con-

it’s been far too hard the last few years. Keep those

tinue to share our favorite books and authors with

books coming, authors. You make more difference

each other.

in people’s lives than you’ll ever realize.


Fun! Last month we asked you: The Codex Leicester by Leonardo da Vinci, the most expensive book in the world, sold for how much? $29.8 million $30.8 million $31.8 million

The answer is $30.8 million! Yikes!

Did you know? According to Guinness World Records, ‘Remembrance of Things Past’ is the longest book in the world. It has 9,609,000 characters, including spaces. It was written in 1912 by Marcel Proust, who was from France.

Photo by Sergiu Vălenaș on Unsplash


InD’Tale Magazine

Memorable Lines of the Month

“If you wanna fly, and don’t have the money for the ticket, I hope you’re able to sprout wings.” From Rag Lady by Susie Black

“Need you fully with me. Nothing gets you focused faster than pissing you off.” From Light Angel by M.K. Collings

“The dazzling stars light the night sky and make it a wondrous spectacle to behold. You are the light in my eternal darkness. Without you, there is nothing. My love.” From The Vampire’s Witch by J.M. Davies

“What do you say, Sweetness? You want to become an ol’ cowboy’s wife and ride off into the sunset with me?” From Whiskey Gifts by Taryn Rivers

“Wait here.” “No way. The scared bunny who stays behind always gets axed in the stories.” From The Fast and the Furies by Luna Joya

"He has a relationship with a perfectly gorgeous woman. Well, not perfect. But she is gorgeous." From Divinely Dramatic by Sandra L. Young

“You should have been nicer to her. She could spit in your food, and you’d never know.” From Slaughterhouse by K.A. Lugo

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash




Reviews Ratings We use a Standard 5-star Rating System EXCEPTIONAL EXCELLENT GOOD FAIR POOR CNF: If the problems in a book are such that a reviewer is unable to finish it, the book will be given to another reviewer to read. If both reviewers are unable to finish the book, it will receive the rating of “CNF” or “Could Not Finish” We also rate the "Steam" or sex factor so readers can enjoy whatever level they are most comfortable with.

The Criteria is as Follows Nothing but kisses

Passionate kissing,

Sex but the door is closed

Slightly steamy sex with some description

Steamy sex with somewhat graphic description

Those books receiving a 4.5 or a 5 star review will also be awarded the "Crowned Heart" for excellence. This symbol will be seen beside the review in the magazine. 64

InD’Tale Magazine



Timeless Georgian Collection: A Midnight Masquerade Elizabeth Johns, Jen Geigle Johnson, Annette Lyon

HISTORIAL: The latest collection of Timeless tales, "A Double Masquerade" by Elizabeth Johns features an unwilling Lord Claremont in search of a wife, who finds his match dressed as a peacock at a masquerade. Phoebe Cartwright isn’t supposed to be out this season, but a last-minute swap to help her cousin soon draws the attention of a fox she doesn’t wish to share. In "Their Masked Secret" by Jen Geigle Johnson, James Holbrook and his friends find themselves compelled to find wealthy wives by the end of the season and decide to attend a masquerade all dressed alike. Newly ennobled, Meredith isn’t sure how to sort to the fortune hunters from true love, but first she’ll need to discover which of the similarly masked men she fell for. Finally, in "Masquerade A-la-Mode" by Annette Lyon, scarred and battle-weary Charles Ballam is sure he’ll never marry, no matter what his friend, Doughty thinks. Clarissa and her companion, Mary, risk trouble if they were caught reading the lonely-hearts advertisements, but when the right one appears, the potential trouble doesn’t stop them from replying. Once again, the "Timeless Collection" series has provided readers with the ideal short and sweet romances! All three tales focus on masquerades, secrets, and love that sees beyond the mask, stays light and clean, but still has swoon-worthy moments. The best part is the way the characters find each other after the masquerades, less chance, and more pursuit of love. While the stories are by necessity too short for great depth or passion, the characters still manage to be distinct, their stories different, and the messes they get into keeping secrets are entertaining as they are sorted out! Overall, readers who want quick, delightful romances that are both fun and sweet should look no further than this fantastic collection!

Sarah E. Bradley


House of Secrets

King of Gems

ANTHOLOGY: Like The Twilight Zone of years past, this audiobook will leave listeners thinking about these stories long after the book is complete. Some of these 26 stories will force readers to reevaluate their perception of a situation. Secrets are everywhere and can sometimes harm others; sometimes they harm self; but rarely do they harm none. Each story has a tie to Ohio: they expose its imperfections and flaws, yet they also show strength and the power of relationships and dreams. A few in detail: In "Home", listeners learn what really matters, as the protagonist makes peace with her past, knowing she is dying of lymphoma. In "The Evil Twin", a simple soda and an autopsy help catch a killer. In "Just a Touch" a young teen finds her strength and her voice to combat evil. In "Redemption", a ‘Christian’ woman finds herself making incorrect assumptions, and then acting on them in a harmful way. In "Leakproof", two astronauts are both in love with the same woman, and one stoops to sabotage and murder. And in "Such Secrets as Starfish Keep", an alien being imparts wisdom and knowledge to a receptive human who shows kindness and humanity to a new friend. There is beauty and power and wisdom in this audiobook! In an impressive feat of writing skill, most of these stories feel complete, despite their brevity. Two or three seem to end abruptly, but most end at a reasonable place. These stories are all about people being people. There are secrets exposed and sacrifices are sometimes made; however, a few stories don’t end with ‘sweetness and light’ conclusions. Nevertheless, these stories will resonate with many readers/listeners, sometimes in profound and hopeful ways. The short stories in this audiobook actually earned a 5.0 rating, but lost half a point due to a break in the recording and a sentence repeated twice. Overlooking that, the narrators do a fine job of conveying the heart and essence of each story to the listener.

SUSPENSE/THRILLER: This story starts with a bang, as the Chandran starship Equinox is struck by an asteroid while mapping an unexplored region of the galaxy. With no hope of rescue, the survivors hatch a daring plan to download the ‘essence’ of each crewmember into a nearby digital network before they all die. Unknowingly, they land in an advanced computer game, where they suddenly have bodies again, and must learn to survive in a world filled with danger, alien animals, and magical weapons. Numerous characters are introduced to the listener early on, and it takes some time to figure out who is who. Regardless, this is a clever premise with a creative plot, and well-worth a listen! Dr. Anthony Kennan is the lead player in this game, and has the ability to insert himself into and out of it as needed. He teaches the Chandran survivors how to navigate this strange new world in which they find themselves. This audiobook is fascinating and intense. Listeners get pulled in from the first chapter and something essential happens in each subsequent chapter to keep them listening. The pace stays even, and there aren’t many slow parts. The tension ramps up near the end, when several things are happening at once; yet the ending is somewhat unexpected, but fitting. There are a couple of ego-driven characters whose pride causes them to miss out on an expected reward, but they get a different ‘reward,’ regardless. Jack de Golia does a fine job narrating this audiobook. There are numerous characters to track, and each one has a slightly different voice. The production quality is excellent and there aren’t any unexpected noises in the recording. This audiobook is an unexpected delight – even for listeners who may not be fans of the genre!


Carey Sullivan

Jim Cronin

Carey Sullivan



Motion of Intervals Kristy McGinnis

CONTEMPORARY: Kenna Shepherd is the daughter of America’s sweetheart – Tessa Shepherd – and has always lived in her mother’s shadow. When a mistake gets her expelled from school and publicly shamed, Kenna knows her mother will never let her hear the end of it. She needs an escape, and that comes in the form of an email from the woman who birthed her: Rachel. Grieving the loss of her wife, Rachel sees the drama in Kenna’s life and sends her a word of encouragement. Kenna takes that as an invitation. Soon, the two are embarking on the road trip of a lifetime! Both are running from their past, and both are trying to find a new future where they can hopefully be happy. "Motion of Intervals" is a loving story of self-discovery, second chances, and the bonds that bind us. It tugs at the heartstrings and leaves readers in a book hangover well after the end! Ms. McGinnis creates a genuine tale of a woman’s journey to find herself, and the family she’s always longed for. Kenna is well crafted: innocent, driven, and timid, the way she comes into her own is beautiful and believable. Rachel’s path of grief is grounded in reality as well, and her free personality is a perfect contrast to Kenna’s. Both are easy to relate to. The focus of the story is their relationship dynamic as mother and sort-of daughter. It’s characterdriven and emotional, and absolutely fantastic! Ms. Johnson gives a solid performance as both women. Her Kenna tone tackles the naivety of the character, and with ease, she switches to a more confident tone for Rachel. While her voice doesn’t change dramatically, she does it just enough to make it obvious and easy for the reader to tell which character is being read for. There is passion in her performance that keeps the reader engaged, even during the slower moments. The pacing is spot-on, making this is an incredible listen! Lovers of women’s fiction and family tales need to read or listen this book! 66

Chelsea Andersen

InD’Tale Magazine


The Paradise Planets: The Fallen from Paradise Shaun Barrowes

YOUNG ADULT: Kassiana has always known a life of privilege on the planet of Nemal. As part of the Paradise Planet system, she’s also always known that all sirens must partake in the siren games. Because of her status, she’s never thought much of it… then she is taken from home and forced to live on Earth as a lower status citizen. There she must endure abuse and work her way up the ladder if she has any hope of ever going back home again. She must also find her voice – literally. An injury has taken away her siren song, and without that, she might never see her family again. Fast paced and intriguing, "The Paradise Planets: The Fallen From Paradise" will keep readers hooked from start to finish! Right away, readers are immersed by a world like no other! The twist on a post-apocalyptic Earth that Mr. Barrowes creates is like no other. Kassiana is instantly likable; her journey from privilege to the bottom is emotional. The bonds she makes with the other characters are strong. Each character is well developed and stands on their own, making it easy to connect with them too, despite their role as a supporting player to Kassiana’s story. It’s an action packed coming of age adventure. The audio production of "The Paradise Planets: The Fallen From Paradise" is top-notch! With a full cast, each character has their own actor while the main story is narrated by Ms. Tuttle. She brings every emotion to life and has a strong connection to the book – as well as the character she portrays. Along with the full cast, the production also has performances of all the songs the characters sing in the book. There are some catchy bops written for the story! Unfortunately, there are also some distracting sound effects that take away from the experience. Too much background chatter or weather related sounds that are confusing at times or are a little too loud. Overall, it is an incredible listen, and a great tale for lovers of young adult and science fiction!

Chelsea Andersen

Candy Cane Cookie Crush Suzanne Kamata

Lauren Murata, a scholar of gender studies, meets Kazu Mori at the bake sale held at his daughter’s school. Kazu Mori has recently lost his wife, so he is new to the dating scene. However, while at the school, Lauren and Kazu meet and realize how close their children are to each other. Lauren and Kazu seem to hit it off over some candy cane cookies as they decide to schedule playdates, so their children can see more of each other. Everything seems to be going great for their kids and for them until a hashtag about the person who Kazu is managing goes viral putting Kazu and Lauren’s relationship in an awkward place. "Candy Cane Cookie Crush" is a standalone, easy read for all ages. In this romance, Suzanne Kamata puts two people together from different cultures. Set in today’s era where social media comes into play with Kazu’s clients, the readers can see how one hashtag can not only affect one person’s life, but the career of a major star. Through this hashtag complication, Suzanne Kamata shows, with her descriptive writing, how Lauren and Kazu change, growing not only as individuals but also as a couple. Gender studies is the main topic throughout the book; however, the author portrays this topic in a fun and adventurous way showing how both male and female roles aren’t that different from one another. This is a must-read romance as two people are brought together, by chance, over a plate full of candy cane cookies.

Stephanie Bell



Forever Mine Vicki Crum

Healing Hearts in Jenns Cove Marc Sanderson

Reunited and it feels so good… Jenna and Luke have come together again after 13 years of living their own lives right after high school graduation. Jenna is heading to Los Angeles to meet up with Luke, who needed to return for meetings and rehearsals so his band could go back on the road for a final farewell tour, dedicated to his best friend and bandmate who recently lost his life. Jenna has her eight year old daughter in tow, and is so excited for their adventure, she’s started a L.A. bucket list of all the must sees and do’s. Upon arrival, a very attractive woman appears to be ‘finishing up’ in Luke’s master bath/bedroom. Words are spoken and Jenna cannot flee fast enough. Can Luke catch up and repair damages before his second chance leaves him in the dust? Ms. Crum has built a lovely second chance romance with high drama, suspense, and life on the road with rock ‘n roll icons. This is book two of the duet, following "The Long Road Home". The protagonists are strong willed, independent characters, dealing with difficulties all throughout this book. The draw and history the two share is deliberate and special. The fear of losing this opportunity – and each other –to forces beyond their control churns on a bit longer than readers need reminding of. The magic between two people that belong together is played up well, as they each contribute their strengths and talents to the cause. Readers definitely need to read book one as it sets the pace for this continuation of loss, love, and rock ‘n roll.

Viola Robbins

Doctor Katie Gallagher is a well-respected ER physician at a big hospital in Seattle, living the live she thinks she wants – but then a call from her older sister in the middle of the night has her racing back to her hometown to handle her father’s practice as he recovers from a heart attack. Being home is the last thing Katie wants… at least she thinks so. Merrick Evans is living the fast live in DC when a call changes his life. Becoming a new single dad to a five-year-old boy has Merrick rethinking his life choices, and taking an offer to work in Jenns Cove for an environmental research company. Katie jumps to conclusions about Merrick, thanks to local gossip, but soon learns there’s far more to meet the eye. The only problem is that Katie is supposed to go back to Seattle when her dad is well again… right? Merrick and his son are making Katie want things she never thought she would, but is a happy ending possible for two headstrong people from different parts of the country? This delightful conclusion to the Jenns Cove series ties up the Gallagher family love stories with a pretty bow. Katie has been somewhat of a closed-off character due what she perceives as abandonment when she was a child. Merrick breaks through Katie’s walls – with the help of his adorable son – but she fights tooth and nail! Their chemistry is sizzling from the get-go. Katie’s waffling may be irritating at some points, but at the same time, readers can understand why. Their chemistry sizzles off the pages, causing e-readers to double as fans. Overall, a delightful and satisfying conclusion to the Gallaghers of Jenns Cove. Well done, Mr. Sanderson!

Piper Valentine 68

InD’Tale Magazine

Lavender Moon Natalie Parker

Summer camp is where Kaleb and Luna meet as young children, and return for many summers thereafter. Camp is Kaleb’s escape from his broken home, and Luna becomes his only friend. Luna’s mother a recovering addict, and Kaleb, who is being raised by his hard working grandfather, play big parts in who they become. Everyone at camp witnesses how inseparable the two are, and when they return as counselors at eighteen, their relationship changes, but an argument leaves them with no way to contact each other as Kaleb heads to Army boot camp. When a night out three years later brings them back together, it’s the reunion they both desperately hoped for. Their chemistry is still undeniable, but can they figure out their future when he’s set to deploy for a year, and nothing happens the way it’s supposed to. Hold on to your hats! Ms. Parker is showing off with all the feels in "Lavender Moon". Readers get a front row seat to the main characters as they meet as kids and blossom into young adults. Each has lived a lot of ‘life’ and are forced into ‘adulting’ at young ages. Their struggles and experiences are all relatable, and some situations may create triggers. The hero, a wounded war veteran who comes home with PTSD, and our heroine, who survives domestic violence in his absence, are bound together even when miles apart. Both survivors create a relationship that readers can’t help but cheer for! They are delightful characters that will capture reader’s hearts. This is another fantastic read by Natalie Parker, an author who should definitely be on one’s one-click list. An absolutely heart-wrenching read with the perfect happy ending for readers to escape with, "Lavender Moon" is a mustread that is unputdownable!

Viola Robbins




One Small Secret

Rag Lady

Route to Romance

After practically banishing her to Vietnam for three years, Candance Crane has no interest in the famous and stunningly handsome Ruben Palmer – except to make it to the top floor of Palmer Hotels HQ. She doesn’t count on her stepsister showing up Candance’s second day back with a baby, and then bailing without him. Between everyone thinking the baby is hers, and one mistake at work, Candance finds her return home to be more complicated than expected, especially once she runs into Ruben again. Despite him ignoring her for the past three years, Candance now can’t seem to shake him, but the chance to fall back into their former friendship, or perhaps even more, might just be the Christmas magic they both want after all. One of the best Holiday Contemporary romances, "One Small Secret" has everything fans can adore! It’s Hallmark-esqe in that the female lead is a driven career woman, and the hero is the handsome heir of a local business. But this second chance romance actually balances the duo, gives their relationship depth, and some actual communication to go along with the sparks. Add in some hilarious moments, and some realistic emotions by the main leads that practically leap off the page, and this book isn’t one to put down. The pace of the plot is steady, and all the side characters are both believable and properly utilized to help the main characters grow. While neither the main idea nor the ending are unique, the story is such a delight to read that if readers are only going to read one Christmas themed book this year, this book should definitely be a contender!

A future journalism grad student, Holly Schlivnik gets sidetracked by a family emergency and sucked into the family business of being a ladies’ apparel sales rep with her father, Mike. She and her father work hard together and expand the territory with a rebranding as Daddy N’ Me. Holly speaks her mind, and along the way becomes a marketing genius while facing much society turmoil in the Deep South. She and her father outsell everyone else for the new swimsuit line and start working exclusively with Ditzy swimsuits. Will Holly be able to get ahead or wind up stuck as a secretary? Will she end up a grand success and swim, or fail and sink into the depths of the water? Holly is a strong female character in a true coming of age story. Life lessons are only learned by living in this warm-hearted tale. The interaction between Holly and her nana is priceless, and everyone needs a nana like that to teach them how to drive, how to care, how to swear… and how to live life to the fullest. Lovable and well written characters draw a picture and make the reader feel like a part of the story. Along the way, Holly learns acceptance and how not to judge a book by its cover, and how to make fun of herself as well with the characters Jody and Cora Lee. Laughter, heartache, tears, surprise, and more flow through the pages in this coming-of-age story for Holly, as she not only finds herself, acceptance of others, and success as well. Glass ceilings are made to be broken in this story.

Shelby Harrison has a career she should love but doesn’t, and it shows. Finally, her boss encourages her to take a road trip to sort her head out, so Shelby rents an RV and heads off to visit her family. Along the way, she accidentally bumps into a boy she remembers from high school – only he has grown into an incredibly handsome man! Jason’s songwriting career is in a rut. Trying to get over a recent heartbreak and out of a serious case of writer’s block, he decides to take to the road – along with his trusty dog, Cooper, he sets out to anywhere. That very evening, however, he inadvertently runs into his high school crush, and she has only grown more beautiful! After a joking conversation, the two go their separate ways – only to keep running into each other along the road. Is there a reason? For anyone feeling a bit nostalgic for younger, better days, this is absolutely the book for you! The author deftly weaves all those wonderful childhood experiences into a sweet romp of a story. Both characters are searching for something they have lost but are blind to the opportunities right in front of them… until they discover each other. The writing is sweet and easy, but there isn’t any depth beyond the surface. There are many points that seemingly pop up out of nowhere other than to throw the couple together, leaving it feeling like a bit of a fantasy for those who wish their lives were different. That is not necessarily a bad thing, however, especially if one is in the mood to escape and reminisce!

Esther Hatch

Sarah E. Bradley


InD’Tale Magazine

Susie Black

Amy Rubottom

Savannah Hendricks

Ruth Lynn Ritter


Spies Don’t Fall for Their Asset Meg Easton

Jace Lancaster (a spy who normally uses the last name of Langston) is in the midst of meeting an ‘asset’ at a restaurant, when he encounters Mackenzie MacNeil having a cringe worthy date. With her ok, he decides to intervene and ‘rescue’ her from said date, by coming up with a plausible backstory that enables her to escape without any ramifications. They part ways, never expecting to see each other again. However, shortly thereafter, Mackenzie is in the wrong place at the wrong time, and inadvertently gets placed in danger. Jace (and the FBI) decide to make sure she stays safe… and Mackenzie and Jace start spending time together. This book has awkward moments, funny moments, and heartwarming moments and is a delight from start to finish. Jace and Mackenzie have supportive community/families, which adds warmth to the story, making these characters into the kind of people who almost anyone would love to have as neighbors. These protagonists are multi-dimensional and well-thought-out. The pacing is moderate throughout the story, with a couple of slower sections interspersed with some faster sections. The tension ramps up in places when needed, and gets broken up a bit with some funny or awkward scenes. Mackenzie has some sass, and she’s not afraid to show it. It’s somewhat implausible that Jace is employed with most of his family members, and they all get along, but somehow Meg Easton makes it work in this story. The plot has some original elements within it, and the author adds humor to what could be some very tense and dangerous situations. Nevertheless, Jace and Mackenzie end up being wonderful partners.

The Bait and Tackle Switch

The Long Road Home

"The Secret Seven" are at it again, and this time the matchmaking seniors have set their sights on the retirement community’s activity planner, Sophie, and the Fish and Tackle owner, Lucas. What the seniors don’t know is that Sophie and Lucas had already caught each other’s eye. While neither had made a move yet, both are very interested in finding out more. Secrets, surprises, and schemes stand in the way of these two finding true love, and the seniors worry this might be the time their matchmaking skills fail them. Can Sophia and Lucas find a way past all the secrets and schemes and get their own happy-ever-after? Step into Diamond Cove and find out how trust and honesty can be the foundation of quite the romance. Readers should prepare themselves for a lovely visit to Diamond Cove. "The Bait and Tackle Switch" is part of a series set in small town Diamond Cove and will send readers on their way to find all the other stories in the series. This book has the basic small town helpful neighbors storyline but adds a new twist when the reader finds that the matchmakers behind the scenes are the matched couple’s own grandparents and their secret seven group. If you are a fan of simple, sweet romance with a bit of scheming, you are in the right place. This book may not be filled with thrilling, high speed action, but the fun antics of the characters will definitely put a smile in readers’ hearts.

Jenna’s cheating husband is facing legal charges; honestly her marriage has been over for quite some time. He’s been an absent father (not to mention lover), so now is the time for Jenna and her daughter to head home to Oregon. With Boston in her rearview mirror, she’s now dealing with her mother’s last possessions, home, and her final farewell. Luke Stillwater is unsettled and at a loss since his best friend and bandmate overdosed and died. Heading back to Bend, Oregon, where Luke has fond memories of his grandparents, their country home he continues to pay taxes on, and of course, his one and only love… Luke longs to know how Jenna is and knows about her married life in Boston, which is a far cry from their home turf where their story began as kids and a first love. "The Long Road Home" will have readers fully engaged from the very beginning. The protagonists are both dealing with damages to their hearts, minds, and spirits. The draw which pulls them ‘home’ is a comfort many will admire. The additional family and friends which make up supporting characters are drawn perfectly, especially the villain. The arc of the story holds at a steady pace, although a second chance at love is not an uncommon trope, this one holds its own. This does state Book One in a Duet… so beware, it ends quite suddenly in the middle of the story, just as things really get cooking! Have the second book at the ready as they should never have been separated. Ms. Crum nails the Rock ‘n Roll lifestyle and all the drama that surrounds it.

Maria Hoagland

Valerie Vicars

Vicki Crum

Viola Robbins

Carey Sullivan



What Eyes Can’t See Paulette Stout

Barbara Washington has always lived a privileged lifestyle, and has always had a plan. Things changed dramatically when she walked in on her fiancé with another woman in their bed. While on a vacation, she meets an amazing and handsome man named Sebastian. They click immediately… until they don’t. Barbara is up for a promotion at work and ready for the challenges. While attending the announcement, Barbara is shocked to hear Sebastian’s name for her position. Both try to figure out the whys of the decisions made, always coming back to the same result. Can they find a way to work around the challenges, or will the great divide keep them separated in their different worlds? "What Eyes Can’t See" is an eye-opener reflecting on life of a black female working twice as hard to keep up with the male counterparts in corporate law. The main characters are both strong and independent, and show growth from their pasts to their now ‘adulting’. The flaws that Barbara realizes about her upbringing and the ‘correct’ ways to lead her life are well portrayed. The discovery about her father and his secrets are slightly overstated and churn on a bit longer than necessary. The life that Barbara is meant to live is rewarding after paying her dues in a ‘good ole boys’ arena. The interracial relationship is eloquently described and thoughtfully developed. Ms. Stout has a knack for shedding light on an area that all too often is overlooked.

Viola Robbins


Captive of the Stolen Empire Megan Van Dyke

Ilya Valerious stands watching her entire life crumble around her. Born and trained to rule her city-state, she now must watch it being sacked and conquered by the cruel emperor and his magical captains. Everyone is being killed, those she loves devastated, and herself taken captive to be held at the palace – and Lucien, the man responsible, is now her captor. As she joins other rulers in her same predicament, her rage and need for revenge burns hot. Lucien has never known anything but complete and utter devotion to the emperor who saved him as a child and raised him as his own. Why doesn’t the beautiful Ilya see that her conquered people will ultimately be better? As the threads of both worlds unwind, both Ilya and Lucien discover that not all is as it seems and maybe changing their world is the only way to understand and make it better. Wow, what an emotional and compelling story! It begins with a punch to the plexus and doesn’t let go until the final sigh at the end. The author does an absolutely superb job of drawing all the emotions of the characters right into the heart of the reader until one is completely invested and fast-turning every page. It is because of this talent, however, that Ilya and Lucien’s relationship needs more time and depth to be believable. We read about the changes and understand the motivations behind them, but aren’t really able to digest and fully believe them. Still, the gifted storytelling, along with the twists and turns that lead to that happy ending, are just too scrumptious to put down!

Ruth Lynn Ritter

72 InD’Tale Magazine

Where Oceans Burn Casey L. Bond

Elira, a young sky warrior on the Cloud of Empyrea is grieving the death of her second in command, Aderyn. She’s now on a mission to avenge Aderyn’s death by killing The Shark, a leading sea warrior in a war with the sky. When Elira is chosen by the Goddess Neera to end the Great War, everyone’s eyes are on her to succeed. However, Elira finds herself at the mercy of The Shark, whose true name is Crest, and she quickly realizes the war might not be as black-andwhite as their worlds think they are. Could Crest and Elira cultivate an alliance between their worlds? Grab your adventure shoes, because Casey L. Bond will have readers running through this story, flying along with Elira during her epic mission, wrapped up in the magical and intensely divided world of the sea and the sky. The world-building in this novel is breathtakingly well-done. Readers can almost feel the mist of the sky and dance through the waves of the water just from the author’s descriptions and story-telling skill. Unfortunately, the pace of the plot is very slow, and the action doesn’t start getting intense until halfway through. Luckily, the author does a better job of surprising readers throughout the story, keeping them consistently on their toes and surprising them with an unexpected enemies-to-lovers plotline. The characters are well-developed and have such a beautiful depth to them. Be ready to fall in deep with this world because once readers pick this one up they won’t want to put it down.

Austen Grace




Highland Skies

A Counterfeit Wife

YOUNG ADULT: Zakalor is better known as Zak. A regular teen who struggles to pay attention at school, he is destined to be a smithy like his father. Every year Zak is tested, and every year, he remains someone with no magical talents and mediocre fighting skills… Until one testing day a different scout comes for the testing. All at once, Zak finds what he knew of his past isn’t accurate, and he has had suppressed magical abilities all along. His newfound magic and discovered ancient bloodline hurtles him into a world where he is now being sought by the Consortium and the League. The Consortium needs him to complete their evil experiments, and he is the League’s only hope of defeating the Consortium for good. When Kal, his best friend, is kidnapped in his place, Zak’s focus is on saving his friend. In order to save his friend, Zak must train and learn to control the magic flowing through his veins before he is overtaken by the Consortium or his own abilities. Zak and Kal have a fun, easy, banterfilled friendship with years of loyalty built in. Once Zak leaves to train with the League and save his friend, he is surrounded by new people who have no prior relationship with him. Zak and Sorwin, his mentor, build a trust and friendship through their struggles. Zak has terrific character growth as he learns to build his skills and trust in himself. Kal was always the friend with all the skill, and Zak must learn to rely on his own abilities to save his friend. This quick and fun adventure is intense from the start. Zak is easily relatable and likeable. As J.R. Douglas builds this fantasy world, the twists and turns keep the pages turning, and the ending comes far too soon! Fantasy fans will be eagerly awaiting the next installment.

HISTORICAL: Wanting to wield his ability to fly using wings inherited from his Fae father is a secret desire Liam MacCleod cannot deny. He just has to sneak into the Fae Realm, avoid getting his halfling arse kicked, and being stabbed and left for dead. Never to wield powers stripped from her family by the Fae King, Sienna longs to have her magic along with the herbal healing knowledge taught to her by her grandmother. While gathering medicinal herbs, Sienna rescues a wounded Liam she believes to be an exiled Fae Warrior. The two are inexplicably drawn to one another while knowing their relationship is impossible. Learning of an evil mage’s diabolical plan for her hand in marriage, they devise a plan to save her family and to get Liam safely home. Will the plan be successful? Will they overcome the obstacles keeping them apart? "Highland Skies" is a Fae-filled fantasy star-crossed lovers romance with hottie Highlanders, magic wielding Warriors, and beautiful damsels in distress. Readers will be enchanted by a love story between two characters unable to resist their mutual attraction to one another. The very interesting secondary characters play an integral part in the predictable trope of ‘will the two lovebirds be able to surmount the obstacles to their happy-ever-after tale’. The colorful descriptions of the Fae Realm will pull readers into the fantasy world of magical beings in search of love and power. The power-hungry villain provides the perfect perilous plan requiring a rescue and hopeful vanquishment. This installment of the Highland Treasures fairytale sagas is a satisfying continuation of the MacCleod clan, and the epic romantic adventures they embark upon.

Phoebe Whittington, daughter of a wealthy textile merchant with a large dowry, does not prefer the matches her father arranged for her, either to the Marquess of Pickering or the Earl of Collumby, and prefers to try her hand at true love. She hatches a scheme to elope while sending her maid, J’non Butler, on to marry the Marquess in her place. J’non, the daughter of Sir Julian, baronet, is orphaned and turned out by her aunt to the streets of London following a scandal, and only becomes Phoebe’s maid by chance. Trevor Gaines, now the Marquess of Pickering, watched his father decline after his mother deserted them both, and has sworn never to find love, only marrying for the large dowry to repair the marquess estate he inherited. Will J’non and Trevor get to keep the love they’ve found, or will the name signed in the register cause scandal and keep them forever apart? An interesting tale about falling in love with your wife, the only catch is they are not legally married at the time! Laughter, tears, clean, heartfelt love, protection, devotion, and more are found between the pages. Beautifully written and well-developed characters come alive, and J’non is truly a character to root for at every instance. Many occurrences make one feel that she will be discovered, and relief follows when she is not, until Phoebe returns, unwed. The author’s talent will have readers wanting to read more about the other characters and how they came to be together as hints were left unanswered, and the aunt should be accountable for her deeds, so this thread may be unsatisfying to some. An interesting story with twists of fate and the luck of chance that ends much too soon!

Tonya Mathenia

Amy Rubottom

J. R. Douglas

C.A. Czarek

Cara Ceislak

Paullett Golden



A Duke, Love & Sunshine

An Amiable Alliance

Courting Fire

Iona Richards leaves her home to try and make it in a male dominated society. She is alone, until she meets the Duke of Rosewood. Iona wants to work as a landscape architect, and she is very good at her job. She goes around trying to find jobs to showcase her talent. When Thorpe Covington, the Duke of Rosewood, first meets Iona, she tells him about her talent as a landscaper and how she can turn his manor into a beautiful place. The duke has his doubts, but as the days go by and he sees the beautiful land around his home transform, he realizes, that he might be wrong about Iona. "A Duke, Love, & Sunshine" is the first book within The Seaside Society of Spinsters series, which can be read as a standalone. This historical romance is an adult read that will have readers hooked by the first page. Tabetha Waite’s quick wit, humor, and just a dash of romance pulls readers in with each word, leaving them wanting more. The author shows readers how hard it was for a young woman back then to try to make it in a society run by men. Not only is Iona supposed to be married--she also isn’t supposed to break away from her family to try and make a name for herself. Readers are thrown into another time with Tabetha Waite’s historical romance, feeling the emotion and power not only within the words of the pages but the emotional connection between the duke and Iona, making this a must-read adventure.

Lady Esther Harington is determined not to marry the lord her father and stepfather have arranged for her. A chance encounter with Samuel Moore, barrister and eldest son of a viscount, offers her a way out. By giving the appearance of a courtship, Lady Esther can use the Season to find the man she can love, while Samuel can show the woman who spurned him that he is over her. As the two forge a friendship, events heat up around them to test emotional boundaries and to try to separate them. Yet, when danger touches Esther’s family, will the two realize that the love they have is once in a lifetime? "An Amiable Alliance" is a sweet, charming tale that will make readers laugh, smile, and sigh in delight! Lady Esther is compassionate and kind with a depth that gives her character. Samuel stands out for his commitment to his work as a barrister and his desire to make lives better. The two make a perfect match and it is a joy to watch them find their way to one another. The secondary characters add unexpected humor, while Lady Esther’s relationship with her stepmother nicely avoids the cliché to show growth over the course of the story. At times, the language feels rather modern as do some of the interactions with the servants. However, "An Amiable Alliance" is a book that readers will not want to put down because Lady Esther and Samuel are a couple who will capture readers’ imaginations from page one and will sweep them up in a story of love and happily ever after!

Mattie Duncan, headstrong daughter of the owners of Duncan Mercantile in Boston, has decided to become a firefighter to be closer to the man she loves. Jack Taylor, suffering from guilt for his younger brother’s fiery death two years ago, reluctantly agrees to train her. Out of respect for his brother’s unrequited feelings for Mattie, he decides he can never pursue a relationship with her. At her mother’s insistence, Mattie attends a dinner party where she overhears a powerful member of society discussing his hold on Jack’s father, with a possible threat on Jack’s life. Their investigation of her findings put Mattie and her family in danger; leaving Jack to wonder if he can help his father, keep Mattie safe, and continue to hide his growing feelings. "Courting Fire" is a three-alarm love story with little tidbits of history wrapped in layers of danger over a smoking romance! Mattie and Jack are like moths drawn to a flame by feelings they can’t deny. Their family members, friends, and fellow firemen are strong supportive characters who help to provide kindling to the story. Unfortunately, some of the plot points and the character’s motivations are sprinkled repetitively, causing a drag in the storyline. The nefarious powerful villain never really makes an appearance to explain his reasons, but his behind-the-scenes machinations may be considered pretty explanatory. The historical information on Boston’s Great Fire and the women’s suffrage movement are cleverly inserted into the love story. Ms. Hughes’ poetic license of Boston’s history is crackling with humor and broiling with suspense while providing a slow simmer to a love that will be "Courting Fire" forever.

Tabetha Waite

Stephanie Bell

Laura Beers

Tricia Hill

Tamara Hughes

Tonya Mathenia 74

InD’Tale Magazine


Keeper of the Gate (The Three Sisters MacBeith Series) Laura Strickland

Moira MacBeith has lost both her mother and brother, and she’s taken over as the right-hand woman to her father, the chief Iain MacBeith, along with her two sisters. After her father is slain in the battle against Rory MacLeod, everything changes in a heartbeat. A scheme is hatched as no one can know he perished in the battle till they have a plan. She is the acting chief and has taken an important prisoner from the MacLeod clan, in Rory’s friend, Farlan MacLeod. Moira and Farlan, sworn enemies from birth before meeting each other now have dreams of a destiny together. The war chief, Alasdair, has wedding on his mind with Moira, and once Rory MacLeod learns of Chief Iain MacBeith’s death, he too considers marriage to Moira. Will Moria be able to overcome a lifetime of hate to fulfill her destiny? Or will the needs of the clan come before her own desperate desires? Romeo and Juliet have nothing on Moria and Farlan. Taught from a young age to hate one another, adding to the fact that Farlan took away her beloved father with the blow that took his life, and that Moira tortures Farlan, they both have a great many things to overcome to even come close to loving each other. Bit by bit they work to overcome the impossible situation and face destiny head on. Some of the language seemed not period appropriate, but the tale is one that drives emotion and cheering for the couple at each hurdle in the road. The characters are well developed and enjoyable, and the passionate, stolen exchanges are a great add to the story. A strong female lead with great supporting characters makes this an enjoyable page turner.

Once Upon a Christmas Castle Virginia Barlow

Rosalind Chatham is getting married, whether she wants to or not. As Christmas approaches, Rosalind and her family are arriving at the Duke of Westons castle. They are there to celebrate the Christmas holiday and her marriage to the much older Earl of Gloucester. When the Earl’s arrival reveals he is even more odious than she had feared, Rosalind finds herself desperate for an alternative that will allow her to continue to have her brother in her life but also ends the nightmare of her upcoming nuptials. Lucius, Duke of Weston, finds himself drawn to Rosalind despite knowing she is already taken. Feeling desperate and left with no choice, Rosalind flees the life planned for her and in doing so puts her life in danger. Suddenly the Duke finds he is much less concerned about what he should be doing and more concerned about the woman he has come to realize be can’t live without. While readers can expect exactly what they are looking for in a historical romance, when they read "Once Upon A Christmas Castle," they will also find themselves treated to some surprising twists. Readers will find themselves with a main character whose stepfather is supportive and loving, and when he makes mistakes, those errors of judgement are always made out of love for his step-daughter. The story does contain elements of sexual abuse and could be triggering for some readers. Ultimately the story is sweet, funny, and entertaining, and readers will be happy with the journey they have taken.

Valerie Vicars

Pretty Pride

Dorothy A. Bell

Families who settled in the frontier of America had grit or died. Some died anyway, often from reasons undiscovered for years. Zola Pretty and her younger brother Forest find their family homestead up for auction, and themselves included in the property sale as ranch hands, just to keep a roof over their heads. Ms. Bell deftly illustrates the deeprooted strengths of honor, pride, and tenacity, highlighted in the endearing Lola, Forest, and the man who wins the Pretty property and buildings, Leif Kenyon. The despicable Amos Emory shows his insatiable greed in the extremes he goes to in order to secure the property. Is it because he is infatuated with Lola or something more sinister? The Pacific Northwest in the late 1800s is an ideal setting for this exciting Wild West tale of the life and times of small towns with interdependent associations and blatant gossip. Readers get to walk through the evolving town, travel in comfort on steam trains through the majestic Rockies, watch entrepreneurs develop new commerce to grow the thriving region. They will also experience the work necessary to grow homesteads into family empires. Zola and Leif begin their unplanned relationship from opposing sides, built on their convictions. Still, they strive to find common ground and realize mutual respect is critical to success. Unexpected events threatening the Pretty Homestead feed the action and adventure of the story while bringing good versus evil into the forefront. Each problem unites the couple as the reasons for the ongoing threats get uncovered. Fans of Westerns will enjoy the historical elements and romantic undercurrents as they race through the pages to discover the truth.

Simone Dober

Amy Rubottom



The Lord and the Lady Astronomer Alissa Baxter

Miss Abigail "Abby" Grantham loves astronomy. When her uncle asks her to come to his home to do star charting for him, Abby doesn’t hesitate to go. On the way, Abby stops the carriage so she can look at the stars. A stranger approaches, who Abby pokes in the stomach with her umbrella. The outsider isn’t really an intruder, but William, Viscount Rochvale. When William is formally introduced to Abby as not only Mr. Longmore’s niece, but also the one who will record the stars, William is entranced. However, he must keep his feelings to himself because there is just no way she would see him as anything else. When William’s cousin comes and meets Abby, he likes her, too. William must eventually show Abby that he wants her for his wife, or he will lose her to someone else. This is a delightful historical romance by Ms. Baxter! The book moves along at a fine pace, and the story is beautifully told with many explanations of astronomy without making it boring. Regency mores of the period are even adhered to, which most aficionados will agree with. All the characters are compelling, too! Unfortunately, the main romance between the principal characters moves very slowly and seems to be thwarted at every opportunity, which could be a bit frustrating for most readers, so when they eventually get together, it doesn’t feel at all believable. Abby, the smart, independent heroine, seems to know the heavens, but is clueless about how to express how she really feels. William also moves leisurely when it comes to love, too. Still, it is an enchanting tale that is a pleasant read!

Roslynn Ernst

The Sea’s Edge Garth Pettersen

1030 C.E. The king of Engla-lond, Cnute, has ordered his son, Harald Harefoot, to travel to Erui-lond to unseat the current king, as he is too strong. King Cnute wishes to replace Rhydderch ap Iestyn with a weak, malleable king, Iago. Harald would prefer to stay with his wife, Selia, who has recently had a miscarriage. They have their own property they work and tenants who depend upon them. Reluctantly, Harald takes his best friend, Gwyn, and a contingent of soldiers along with him to visit King Iago. There he finds Iago’s wife, Madwen, is the true ruler. She directs Iago in what he should do, and he appears to be even weaker than described. Iago agrees to form an alliance with King Cnute to overthrow Rhydderch. From here, the seductive Madwen insists on traveling with Harald. Madwen is a master seducer of men. Will Harald be able to resist her and be successful in his quest? "The Sea’s Edge" is a brilliantly crafted epic immediately immersing the reader in the medieval world of Harald Harefoot. Authenticity is lent to the story by using Old English, Welsh, and Latin. This novel is mostly based on true stories of the time, and it is obvious Mr. Pettersen has done his research. Several stories merge in this ambitious account: Selia’s story, Harold’s quest, and Rhydderch’s fall. The main characters in each story have a depth of character and emotion seldom seen. This fourth novel in a series is an excellent stand-alone story, but to get the full experience, one should read the previous three books first. Truly, Garth Pettersen at his best!

Belinda Wilson

When the Skies Rained Freedom

Annette Oppenlander

In 1948, after Hitler surrendered, Berlin lay in ruins and Lotte Berger realizes that she has lost everything. Lotte and her mother still manage to find shelter, moving from one broken-down place to another. When Lotte meets Meg, who lets her move into her small apartment, Lotte is happy to finally find a place that she can call home for a while. Lotte realizes that her joy is shortlived when the Americans find and take over the place. Luckily, a handsome pilot, Mitch Cameron, manages to save Lotte, when she is severely injured. Mitch brings her food, hope and even love. Lotte and Mitch have a passionate affair, but the war is far from over. The fragile love that Mitch and Lotte have for each other cannot withstand a brutal dictator, nor the secrets that both keep from each other. Annette Oppenlander has written a beautiful, poignant, historical romance that is just so heartrendingly captivating! The epic tale describes the end of World War II, which destroyed many Berliners, and the Berlin airlift. It accurately shows the true human spirit! This sensational story moves from one gripping, touching portrayal of horror, to despair, and a bit of hope, showcasing the harsh reality of what people lived through with amazing realism! The strong, resilient heroine, Lotte, grows throughout the novel, learning from her devastating heartbreak and finding better circumstances, managing difficulties courageously through it all. Mitch is a real American hero and is truly the epitome of a wonderful savior. Readers will appreciate the amazing attention to detail and how eloquently the book is written—while probably having a satisfying cry throughout.

Roslynn Ernst 76

InD’Tale Magazine


Winter Solstice in the Crystal Castle Jennifer Ivy Walker

Gabrielle has just returned from Paris at her father, the king’s, bidding. He suspects he is dying and wishes to see her wed before he passes. He has one offer for her; Robert Cauchon, le Marquis de Nantes, wishes her to wed his son, Ugolin. Gabrielle is repulsed. She wishes to marry Sir Bastien, but Bastien is a poor knight with no noble title and no lands, so he is ineligible to wed the princess. A joust is planned, and the winner wins the hand of Gabrielle. She is displeased because only nobility can participate. Bastien has loved Gabrielle for years, but cannot tell her. He loathes the idea of her being in another man’s arms. Ugolin will stop at nothing to wed Gabrielle so he can control the borders of France. Surely there is a way for Bastien to be Gabrielle’s champion! Jennifer Ivy Walker’s ingenuity is delightfully showcased in her historical novel, "Winter Solstice in the Crystal Castle". Several storylines play out simultaneously: the king’s mysterious illness, the romance between Gabrielle and Bastien, and Ugolin’s plot. The character development throughout this story is incredible! The character interactions are amazing, however, Bastien acts implausibly when his courtly love turns physical. There are several anachronisms which can jar the reader out of the otherwise outstanding story. Repetition runs rampant throughout the tale, which drags down the pace of this wonderful adventurous account. Nevertheless, the plotlines are cleverly woven together, drawing the reader in. Descriptions of the characters, cave, and jousting arena make this magical story come to life. An interesting read!

Belinda Wilson


The Lady and the Earl

Challenging the Chef

Set in 1816, this book is filled with rich detail and intriguing characters. Lady Harriet Manning (Hattie) is practicing to be a physician. Her father, a well-known doctor, has been training her at his side for years. Now she can do much of what he can do. When Asheton, Earl of Lockford, is injured by his horse, he is taken to the clinic where Lady Harriet is working. She sets the bone and gets Ashe started toward recovery. Since the clinic isn’t set up for overnight guests, Ashe stays with her parents. He has done some dangerous work for England, and he must keep this secret from this family, even though he hates that. He falls for Hattie, but has to take care of some details before he can commit. However, once Hattie learns who he really is and meets his friends, they encounter some roadblocks... This story dishes up multiple characters to keep track of, and the author throws in some ‘red herrings’ to keep readers guessing about who is evil and who is good. Misunderstandings lead to some dangerous situations, but everything works out beautifully in the end. It is somewhat confusing that many historical stories set near London that include references to Whitehall, spell it as one word. However, throughout this story, it is referred to as White Hall. It is also somewhat improbable that a woman would be given the training to be a physician in the early 1800’s. Nevertheless, this is an entertaining story that will intrigue readers who enjoy books featuring strong protagonists.

CONTEMPORARY: Tawni Young is a burned-out school psychologist. Her aunt bids on an auction package and wins, gifting it to Tawni. A weeklong trip to Summer Creek, full of great benefits, and topped off with four days of cooking lessons from nonother than Celebrity chef, Owen Thorpe. Tawni used to have the biggest crush on Owen, and now they’ll be sharing a kitchen! Owen Thorpe left the glitz and fame of NY to move to Summer Creek. He enjoys the peace and quiet of the small town and its league of strong family relationships – until he is forced to be part of a tourist package offered in auction. His contribution is to give cooking lessons to a chef wannabe for four days. Shanna Hatfield fans will enjoy the final book in the Summer Creek series. It would be advised to read the books in order to fully understand the supporting characters. Owen has major control issues, and the first day with Tawni starts and ends rough. They may have a quick attraction, but that doesn’t mean an instant fondness. Sharing his kitchen with anyone is never pleasant, and it’s even worse when the winner of the auction package is someone who knows her way around a kitchen. She might know as much as him, and worse yet, she’s a delight to be around. The details about the setting and Owen’s mysterious habits could have been made clearer, but Ms. Hatfield gets her point across. The mouthwatering recipes—including a tantalizing Brookie—will keep readers hungry for both the sweet and the spicy of Tawni and Owen’s romance, and the wholesome Christian message.

Ruth A. Casie

Carey Sullivan

Shanna Hatfield

Emerson Matthews






To Dance with Destiny

Cruel Lessons

YOUNG ADULT: Michael is the teen protagonist readers follow throughout the story. To make sense of much of the references and backstory, it is recommended to read books 1 & 2 first. Michael’s father had made the Vanish costume in book one to help his son survive on the rough docks of Lowtown, where orphans sometimes go missing. Michael is now an orphan himself and relies on his Vanish skills. Some friends know who his alter ego is, some do not. Book 3 finds him "loaned out" to the Constabulary: a young orphan is missing, and a string of crimes committed with Vanish seem to blame. Michael had been ready to set aside Vanish, but he still needs the skills and reputation to find the kidnapped children, clear his name, and convince the skeptical Constabulary he’s not a criminal. Michael is a appealing character readers will swiftly get behind and cheer! God, and Michael’s growing awareness and relationship with God, feels heavily factored into the storylines. Various sub-plots, weaving through each plot, are full of conflict for everyone. Lives, reputations, and more are on the line. The story doesn’t work well as a standalone so readers may be confused by names, settings, and backstory. Excess punctuation errors and typos might detract from smooth reading. The story is highly creative and the language is as one might expect for early twentieth-century London. Michael’s voice is spot-on for a frustrated and typical teen-ager. It is exciting to see him grow and mature into a solid, dependable, young man of God and reluctant hero. Read the series and prepare to be entertained and inspired!

HISTORICAL THRILLER: From the Iron Age, Estrada, along with the warriorbard, Conall, and girl-fighter, Sorcha, arrive in present day Ireland tasked with saving the world from vampires. Estrada journeys from village to village looking for a way to stop them and must find a way to save the city too. Along the way, Estrada loses hope, support from friends, and even his companions, but still attempts to find a way to fight against them all. Estrada also secretly loves Conall, despite his reluctance, because he lost his ex-Michael to the demons long ago. Estrada wants to show Conall how he really feels, especially when a darker evil and Michael wants to pull them apart without losing himself in the process as well. Estrada then must find a way to stop the monsters from getting to him and Conall before it’s too late. This LGBTQ saga penned brilliantly by W.L. Hawkin is just a fantastical delight! The riveting tale moves fluidly from one harrowing, heart-stopping adventure to the next! There is some slight confusion in the beginning though, when trying to figure out what is going on. So, it might help to read the previous books in the series just to understand the motivations of everyone and everything that is going on, yet it can also be read alone. The marvelous world-building and amazingly written characters are drawn as beautifully flawed but very relatable. Estrada, the lovelorn, angsty hero who is devoted to the enemy and questionably could be or not be a vampire, yet also loves the soldier minstrel Conall, is pretty identifiable too. Readers will savor the alluring immersive tale that is well worth reading!

When a group of fifth graders experiment with a new drug on a camping trip, the result is tragic, and it devastates a small town. Ken Parks, Assistant Superintendent, is determined to figure out where the kids got the drugs, and prevent another tragedy happening to anyone else. When an arrest is made, Ken is convinced that they have not caught the right person. He makes it his mission to figure out who is pushing these drugs, and when he receives a threat to stop his investigation or the people he loves will be hurt, Ken must decide whether to continue fighting and risk those he loves, or give up with the chance that even more innocent people could die. The topic of child death may be a tough one for some readers, so reader discretion is advised. Ken is an interesting character who is determined to find the person responsible for the deaths of the kids on the camping trip. "Cruel Lessons" is a good start to the Lessons In Peril series and it will be interesting to see where the series goes from here. It is definitely one to keep an eye on. Well written and with engaging characters, it has a lot to offer. There is a race against time aspect which adds to the tension, and makes this a page-turner worthy of the title. Fans of both mystery and suspense will enjoy this book. It won’t disappoint, and will keep a tight grip until the very last page.

Victoria Bastedo

Emerson Matthews


InD’Tale Magazine

W.L. Hawkin

Roslynn Ernst

Randy Overbeck

Lynn-Alexandria Mckendrick


Divinely Dramatic

Once Upon A Crime

One Hour In Freedom

Marcy, creative salesclerk for Divine Vintage, can see auras! Asked to fill-in as costume designer for a community play, she’s anticipating the challenge of pulling together period costumes. However, she’s not anticipating a prickly, divine looking director with a pulsing red aura and gorgeous girlfriend, or the eerie, luminous white aura in the costume loft. Mike is a project engineer by day and director o, "The Importance of Being Earnest" by night. The last thing he anticipates is babysitting a rookie designer with distractingly long legs and a personal fashion style highlighting those distracting long legs! When they start experiencing strange things in the theater, Marcy calls on her Divine Vintage friends to help solve the mystery of the white aura. The ladies are pulled into a tragic vision from the theater’s past that may involve a love triangle – and murder! "Divinely Dramatic" delivers intrigue with a touch of the woo-woo and the whoohoo! Reader’s will enjoy the spectral mystery of yesteryear with the backdrop of a modern romance. Dialogue running the gamut of snarky to insightful provides spot-on voices to the whole cast of characters. The push-and-pull of familial and romantic relationships, plus the self-discovery of adulting is presented in a refreshing manner. The romantic scenes may have some wishing for a steamier rewrite, while some may find them just their cup of tea. The supernatural happenings set the stage for a mystery solved with little fanfare. The costume descriptions will have vintage fashionistas salivating. Act II of Ms. Young’s Divine Vintage series is a standalone performance, enticing readers to wonder about Act I while hoping there is a short intermission to the third. Brava!

A serial killer is stalking the streets of Fort Worth. P.G is targeting sex offenders and taunting Detective Madison Chase with bad poetry, and leaving headless pedophiles as a calling card. Hunting down the killer would be just part of her job, but unfortunately, this killer soon sets its sights on Maddie’s 4-yearold daughter, Emily, and makes it personal. Stopping the killer and preventing her daughter from being either kidnapped, or worse, turned over to her useless ex-husband by the courts, has the detective on her toes, but it’s just a matter of time until P.G slips up, and then Detective Chase will stop the vigilante’s killing spree for good. An intense story told from three points of view, readers will get caught up in the minds of Maddie, her ex-husband, Don Wilson, and the killer, as the cat and mouse game begins with a Halloween beheading. Despite the switch between POV, the pace remains steady through the book and the plot is well developed. The emotions and slow mental breakdown in at least two of the points of view add to the tension, but without causing confusion. Although, there is little doubt that Maddie will catch the killer in the end, and the story does lack that added spark, a surprise twist combined with brief periods of action and drama do keep the reader invested. Additionally, while most of the gore is kept off screen, the reader is left in no doubt what is happening, upping the danger. Overall, this is a good detective novel and should be perused by fans of this genre.

HISTORICAL: Ellie Nomikos knew her past would catch up to her someday, but she didn’t expect to be ordered to kill the man who once held her heart. However, Ellie has no interest in obeying the crime lord threatening her, and instead she determines to find Dan Moriarty and hope that the lies that tore them apart won’t keep them from saving their daughter now. Dan Moriarty didn’t expect to see Ellie again after accusing her of treason so long ago, but he’s not surprised to find out someone is targeting him. Uncovering the corruption in the Thames River Police, stopping the crime lord targeting him, and reuniting with his family become his priority, and with the help of some old friends from Lion’s Zoo, he might be able to accomplish all three, and get justice from some past troubles as well. A quick paced adventure with all the excitement of romance, former spies, and a bit of mystery, "One Hour of Freedom" is a fantastic book that can be read as a standalone but is best read in order to fully understand the drama and troubles that began in prior books. The cast of characters are interesting and distinct, and the sparks between Ellie and Dan begin from the moment they see each other again until passion cannot be denied any longer while still leaving much to the reader’s imagination. The mystery and adventure plotlines smoothly tie up many loose ends and keep the story engaging, even when conversation involving detangling lies, motives, and possibilities is the focus. The only downside is that readers are only told about the villain getting their just desserts instead of being shown it. Overall, readers who love spies, adventure, and a healthy does of romance should definitely take a look at this book!

Sandra L. Young

Tonya Mathenia

Alan Brenham

Sarah E. Bradley

Jude Knight

Sarah E. Bradley



Raven Crosses the Line

When Things Fall Apart

A Lyon of Her Own

URBAN FANTASY: Bram Farrell is a private investigator better known as Raven or The Raven. He was born in Fictionland, a figment of an author’s imagination, as are all fictional characters. But Raven has become more real. He lives in the real world now, in Detroit, and is becoming more human by the day. Now that he has developed free will, however, his author, Callie, has developed a plan in Faerie to destroy Raven. Raven must travel to Faerie through a smugglers hole in Fictionland… but Fictionland is not as he left it, and his P.I. instincts and skills draw him into solving some crimes and mysteries cropping up. As he partners with other Ravens bred from fan fiction, he has to decide who he can trust and who might agree that all worlds would be better free of the original Raven. Raven is a likeable, fun character who often talks directly to the reader, bringing the reader in as a part of the story. J.B. Dane has created a unique world of fiction where characters are born of authors ideas, along with the real world and well-known fantasy lore of Faerie. This original take on fictional characters and their muses leads to amusing situations and a cast of interesting characters. All the while, Raven is still working toward his original objective of foiling Callie’s plan to destroy him, and finding and destroying her. There are footnotes and references throughout to other Raven books. While it can be read as a stand-alone title, it would be better enjoyed as the fourth in the series. With witty humor and a cast of intriguing characters, this fantasy is a must read!

Kit Hanover is a Native American who always wanted to be a police officer. She has a very loving and supporting family who supported her in this endeavor. Kit is a new homicide detective, who is paired with a racist, crusty veteran partner on her first murder case. Her partner continues to antagonize and torment Kit. He lets his racist thoughts rule him to the point he does not see that Kit is a good detective, and continually tries to get her off the case. When her first murder case proves devastating, Kit is reassigned. Despite being warned by her boss, she continues to investigate on her own time. Kit puts her family and herself in danger and becomes the target of a madman who continually attempts to kill them. "When Things Fall Apart" is book 1 in the Kit Hanover Series, and what a brilliant start it is! Alan Brenham, the author, has done an excellent job in describing the mind of a crazed killer, and how one thinks and behaves. The author has also described racism in the workplace extremely well, and how a new officer can be treated based on her being a woman and a Native American to closed-minded older officers. The reader will love Kit, a strong heroine who is continuously put down yet continues to pursue her murder case. Despite all obstacles, heartaches, and injuries, Kit never gives up and fights for what she wants. "When Things Fall Apart" is a fast-paced mystery thriller that leaves the reader on the edge of their seat, and throws a lot of twists and turns that leave one guessing until the end as to who the murderer is!

Cara Ceislak

Victoria Zumbrum

HISTORICAL: Alexander Douglas, Earl of Wrotham, is playing cards at the Lyon’s Den when he notices a peculiar young man playing at one of the other tables. The only information he can glean is he is Mr. Paul Smith. Alex is not interested in marrying, but his mother insists he escort her and his sister to a ball. Once there, he cannot take his eyes off the stunning Pricilla Giffard. He asks the fiery haired girl for a waltz… then asks for another. This is out of character for him. He is trying to solve the family mystery of what happened to their wealth. At the Lyon’s Den again, Alex realizes Mr. Smith is in reality, Pricilla. He feels he must protect her and goes to her father with his information. Her father asks him to protect her by pretending to court her. Before long, that fake courtship becomes a courtship in reality! "A Lyon of Her Own" is an astounding addition to the Lyon’s Den Connected World. Ms. St. Claire mesmerizes her readers. Alexander and Pricilla are deep characters with much on their minds. The ancillary characters of Pricilla’s parents, her mother in particular, are also full-bodied with baggage of their own. It is delightful to see Mrs. Dove-Lyon interacting with the other characters. The one blemish in this story is the author was not consistent in how she spelled the hero’s last name. This was a minor distraction. There is also a murder and intrigue in this story of innocent love. The Bow Street Runners get involved, and Alex is on the hunt for his father’s diaries which may be the key to solving the mystery! A great read!

J.B. Dane


InD’Tale Magazine

Alan Brenham

Anna St. Claire

Belinda Wilson


Miller’s View: The Dead and Breakfast Marlene Potts

PARANORMAL: Mildred Carrington lost both her parents, and her husband, Edward Carrington and never having any children, she is completely alone. She opens The Carrington House as a quaint bed and breakfast, and after a few years, passes away in her sleep. Awaking back in Carrington House, she is visited by Chemin Sombre, a dark arts teacher, and learns the art of mind manipulation. Her advertisements state time will feel like it is standing still. Strange happenings at the house, including memory altering and missing time, get the police involved, mainly Detectives Jonathan Miller, Branson, Boyd, and Pasteur. Jonathan Miller has his own teacher who was trained by Sombre, Daeva Keket, who has imparted him with rose tinted glasses that help him see the truth. Will the bed and breakfast be forced to close, or can they arrive at a solution to keep it open that works for everyone? The story is a twisted but enthralling tale. There is wonderful descriptions and imaginative character development of the main characters. As part of a series, it would be best to read in order as some of the details are unclear in reading just this one, but in reading on many initial questions are solved later in the pages. Mainly revolving around missing people cases, memory loss, and missing time with a hint of paranormal activity, it’s fascinating to read what happens next and how the bed and breakfast came to be, as well as the descriptions of the mysterious village and the inhabitants who show up only when needed. An interesting tale from beginning to end!

Amy Rubottom


Before Brady

Earl of Griffith

CONTEMPORARY: Alicia Maxwell is dedicated, putting all of her focus and energy into making her bakery, Bitty Cakes, a rousing success – without any help or interference from her police officer father and brothers. Alicia is so determined to succeed that she has erected walls around herself to prevent anyone from getting in her way. When she lands the gig of providing a full-size slicing cake and dozens of cupcakes for an anniversary party, things devolve into chaos which she’s afraid could ruin the reputation of her bakery, not to mention the couple are Brady’s parents, the sexy, yummylicious cop who pulled her over for speeding just the other week. Sparks sure fly, but there’s one major problem – Alicia has sworn off dating cops because she’s related to so many of them, but Brady is determined to be the exception to her rule. Can this man in blue break down Alicia’s walls so they can explore the sizzling chemistry between them? Or will Alicia blow her chance at true happiness over the uniform Brady wears? Well, prepare to be glued to the pages and not move until you’re done with this fun, lighthearted rom-com that will leave readers smiling throughout! Ms. Proctor-King continues her series with this wonderfully delicious installment, which will have newcomers backtracking to read the previous tales. The story is engrossing and fun, moving at a steady pace. Readers will be rooting for Brady to win over Alicia, and the getting to that point is wonderful fun – not to mention the descriptions of the cakes will have readers salivating (recipes, please!). The characters are delightful, and the locale picturesque. Readers looking for a quick and charming read need look no further. Simply enchanting!

HISTORICAL: After impetuously running off and eloping with Roarik O’Neill, Lady Helen quickly realizes her mistake. She has left luxury behind to be a servant to her Irish husband and his cronies. She loves him but understands he loves Ireland more than her. After he is killed in a political brawl, Helen and her three year old, Maeve, must flee back to England and safety. Her brother, Gideon, Earl of Stanfeld, asks his friend, Conway, Earl of Griffith, to escort his sister and her toddler home from the docks. Conway agrees, and it is love at first sight. Helen is gun-shy and not interested in wedding again. Maeve immediately likes Conway, enough to ride in the saddle with him most of the way to Stanfeld Estate. Conway has plans for Helen, because he knows she is the only woman for him. They correspond once Conway leaves for home, and his love grows deeper. Helen is convinced of his sincerity, but is still leery of another marriage. "Earl of Griffith" is a lighthearted story with dark undertones due to Lady Helen’s past. The characters are well-written and Helen has a lot of depth. The other characters, while enjoyable, are one dimensional. Throughout the novel, Helen remains in denial about her husband’s death. Her overthinking everything gets repetitious and slows the story. A lot of characters from previous stories are included, but it feels as though some of them are only there to make this novel fit into the series. The daughter, Maeve, is the true star of this tale. Ms. Wynne does exceptionally well in portraying this little girl. A lively story, it is a quick and delightfully fun read.

Cindy Procter-King

Aubrey Wynne

Belinda Wilson

Piper Valentine



Minuet at Midnight

The Lady and Her Secret

The Wizard of her Heart

HISTORICAL: In her short life, Primrose McKessick, the soon-to-be twenty-oneyear-old has trusted her instincts. Her mother came from English society and raised Primrose as a self-assured, educated individual, trying to break her habit of relating people to dog breeds. Primrose boldly travels from Scotland to be a companion to her Aunt Rhodesia during a cruise to Italy. Primrose is running from an unacceptable arranged marriage in Scotland, but could she fall prey to something worse? Her cousin, not her aunt, meets her at the port and makes up a story about a change in the sailing date. Suspicious, she asks a stranger for details regarding the soon-todepart ship’s destination. The unpretentious Lord Leonides Westbrook provides the clarity that confirms her concerns were well-founded. Their unexpected encounter changes their lives as they discover mutual friendship and respect. Primrose settles in as a bookkeeper at De la Chance, a social club owned by Leonides’s brother. The practical arrangement keeps her safe and protected. It also places the honorable Leonidas and strongwilled Primrose into various encounters punctuated with spirited dialogue as they discover the different aspects of each other, and dreams that do not align regarding marriage and family. When the Scottish fiancé discovers Primrose, Leonidas offers a plan she would love to accept, but her heart won’t let her. "Minuet at Midnight" is a charming tale with masterfully woven threads of adventure, risk, and romantic surprises, laced with humor, honor, and hope to keep readers guessing how the ending will unfold. Historical romance fans will laugh, cry, and enjoy this sweet story from the first page to the last.

HISTORICAL: A melancholy Lady Rachel Emerson, daughter of the Duke of Harrington, has returned to Sommer-by-the-Sea after a very long absence. It is the day before the Halloween Ball at Emerson Manor. The manor is being sold to the Historical Society at midnight, so Rachel only has a few hours today to search the manse to find her missing locket she lost so many years ago. She bumps into her childhood friend and sometime nemesis, Brenna Hutchington, several times, but each time, Brenna screams and runs away. Rachel reminisces about her one true love, Pryce Drake, Earl Sommerset. It is he who gave her the locket which read "My heart is yours – Forever". They had a favorite oak tree where they often met and left messages for one another. Now she is hoping to see Pryce one more time before she leaves again, but bound for where? Ms. Casie quickly draws the reader into her novella, "The Lady and Her Secret", with her descriptive language which creates a general feeling of melancholy and loss of something dear. Rachel richly tells the story through flashbacks in between bits of real time activities. The reader questions why Brenna runs screaming from Rachel every time they meet, but this is eventually explained. One questions what the secret could possibly be since everything is so straightforward. This is revealed in a twist one never sees coming, and all of a sudden, everything in the entire story becomes crystal clear. A haunting tale which will stay with the reader long after the last page is turned.

PARANORMAL: Sydney is looking for a fresh start for her and her daughter and moving to Zen, Ohio, is it! In Zen she can continue building her soap business with her sister, while also working in her field at a local publishing house. What she isn’t expecting is that Zen isn’t your typical small town, in fact, some folks might say the town is downright magical. An awkward first encounter in town sends her mind racing, and she finds herself infuriated and confused when her fender bender disappears as quickly as it appeared. As luck would have it, both the fender bender and her new job bring her face to face with her new boss, Wyatt. Wyatt is a widowed father, who has a bit of magic up his sleeve, and he isn’t afraid to use it. His publishing company focuses entirely on the mysterious, something Sydney isn’t even sure she believes exists. Readers looking for a sweet and cozy read, with a nice dose of whimsy, need look no farther. This is the book has just what they’re looking to find. A smalltown romance is always a blast to read, but this one takes the usual trope a step further by adding magic to the mix. Love, magic… and big-foot? Who could possibly resist? Readers should be sure to keep an open mind, because the people of Zen, Ohio have some magical mayhem ready to let loose. Readers will be pleased to find a story heavy on laughs and strength, while still being a sweet story of second love for single parents.

Collette Cameron


InD’Tale Magazine

Simone Dober

Ruth A. Casie

Belinda Wilson

Terry Newman

Valerie Vicars



Web of Lies

Rightside/Wrongside Cathy Hester Seckman

Frederick Douglass Reynolds

FANTASY: Arachne is tangled up in a degenerating curse and web of her own secrets. Eons ago, Arachne traded places with her twin and voluntarily took on the other woman’s curse so that her sister could be happy. But the time she spends each night in a monster’s body has been gradually increasing. Soon Arachne may no longer be human! Maybe it’s her own fault. As Arachne made peace with spending her nights as a spider, and her weaving of gorgeous fabrics and tapestries won acclaim throughout Olympus, the curse seemed less of a curse. Even her business partner doesn’t know the truth. Arachne’s weaving derives inspiration from vivid dreams of a stunningly handsome man, her nightly lover and muse. As her spider form becomes more unpredictable, her agitation causes sleepless, and dreamless, nights. Will her new friend, Pandora, be able to help Arachne control the changes? "Web of Lies" is Arachne and Morpheus’ story and is the fourth of D. A. Henneman’s delightful re-imaginings of the Greek myths. Familiar characters are given an unabashedly modern revision that is fresh, clever, and feels so right that one wishes it was the original. Arachne takes charge of her fate and endeavors to alter her curse. Along the way, she discovers that her dream lover is the God of Dreams and Nightmares. Arachne and Morpheus’ chemistry is ethereally pleasing as befits their mutual talents. But it takes more than chemistry to build a lasting relationship. Trust, respect, and communication require work. Arachne and Morpheus’ intellectual and relational transformation elegantly mirrors their respective magical transformations, elevating this novella to a tender and thoughtful masterpiece.

DYSTOPIAN: In the future, Earth is abandoned by humans, and a group of them settle on a foreign planet. Here, the inhabitants decide to create a different version of life, one where the men and women live separately. While the women are in charge and have control over society in Rightside, the men live in harder times on Wrongside. The only time men and women interact with one another is when there is a need for sex. If a woman becomes pregnant with a boy, she must give him up to be raised by the father and never see him again. Two women, Jessie and Tenosha, aren’t okay with these rules. Together, they hatch a plan that might accidently be the beginning of a civil war. Rich with world building, "Rightside/ Wrongside" creates a dystopian adventure that feels eerily possible! Full of rich character development, the people in this novel feel real! There is a slow burn to the pacing. While there are moments of action, the focus of the first few chapters is to set up the lives of those living in Rightside and Wrongside. Hester Seckman does a great job of doing this in a way that sparks intrigue, but also doesn’t overwhelm readers. Once the world is set, the events start to pick up speed. Readers will find themselves engrossed in all of the attention to details! Jessie is a strong female lead. She starts as someone readers might dislike, but as the story goes on, she becomes someone easy to root for. It’s a great take on an unknowing villain being redeemed! All of the characters are just as richly developed! This is a great read, especially for those who love unique settings and post-apocalyptic worlds!

TRUE CRIME: A homicide in Long Beach, California, takes two detectives on a crazy journey to find a killer. Detectives McGuire and Cortes must use all their experience from their years on the force to put together the pieces of a very grizzly puzzle. With so many obstacles in their way, they will find themselves traveling distances they never anticipated in order to bring the killer to justice. The murders are horrific and give an insight into the workings of the police department when they are faced with a difficult case. This is a true crime book that has detailed accounts of murders that occurred, reader discretion is advised. Fans of true crime and even crime fiction will love this offering from Frederick Douglas Reynolds. The story keeps the reader gripped throughout, and will have them on the edge of their seat. The writing is great and the pace is even which will have time passing quickly – so if starting it before bed, be aware that it might keep one up all night! The book is well researched and it is clear that the author knows what they are doing when it comes to writing true crime, while still being able to keep the interest of the reader. This is definitely one to add to the e-reader this holiday season – wrapped up in a blanket with a hot drink and a roaring fire would be the best way to enjoy this book. Frederick Douglas Reynolds is an author that people will read again and again, and if this is the first book of his read, readers will head out check out his other offerings.

DA Henneman

Saint Bloodbath

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick

Chelsea Andersen

Joan Lai



Bond Crushed

Hotshot Mogul

Light Angel

Marguerite Fontaine is a 500-year-old vampire, so it is difficult to believe that she hasn’t found her mate yet. Her mental health is steadily declining, which occurs in older vampires. The only way to stop this decline is by finding a mate, and she is dreading that task. She has been matched with a human musician named Mikey Madeley, and he is less than appealing in her eyes, and he definitely does not rise to Marguerite’s social standards. Against her better judgment, she mates with Mikey, and then disappears without a trace, leaving the new vampire on his own with no knowledge of what’s just happened to him. Marguerite decides to experiment with some drugs to try to suppress her feelings created by the bond with Mikey, while Mikey teams up with some vampire hunters to try to capture her. "Bond Crushed" is the second book in The Bonded Vampire Chronicles but it can be read as a standalone. The characters are well developed with a good history of both main characters, and what they have been through in their lives leading up to this point. Given that Marguerite is 500 years old, readers are provided with enough information to understand why she acts the way that she does. While the characters are developed well, there are quite a few grammatical errors throughout the book that readers may find annoying. There are also some strange characteristics about the vampires that are a little off the wall, and not common to vampire stories. The pacing of the story is also a little fast, and readers will have a difficult time picturing certain scenes throughout the story due to lack of description. However, "Bond Crushed" is a thrilling and steamy vampire novel filled with love, lust, and deception, and it will keep readers wanting more.

Bruce Clynes is a hotshot developer who is working on a new project and wants to tear down trees in the glade he owns near Lake Michigan. Anneliese is a tree spirit, who takes over a human body to stop Bruce from destroying her oak tree – and the other trees. She’s lived in the oak tree for over 300 years. She has five days to stop Bruce from destroying the trees, or she will remain in the human body forever. When Anneliese meets Bruce, she realizes that he is her true love that she lost 400 years ago in the glade when it was New France. Is there a happy ending for them this time around? "Hotshot Mogul: A Hero Club Novel" is a paranormal romance that makes the reader believe in true love and the power of soulmates. Tara Eldana has created a unique and creative storyline that one may not have seen before. The characters are well developed and very likable, especially Anneliese. One can feel her pain and sorrow in the story as she relives losing Bruce over 400 years ago – along with his child. The chemistry and passion between Bruce and Anneliese were extraordinarily strong and steam up the pages. Although the reader will enjoy the love story, the pace is incredibly slow, almost dragging at times. One will enjoy the secondary characters as well, and the folklore of Native Americans is fascinating. "Hotshot Mogul" is a beautiful love story that will leave the reader wanting more, and will surely bring a smile to one’s face.

SUSPENSE/THRILLER: The town of Shandaken has many secrets. Anya O’Clery inherits property from her grandmother with two conditions: first, she must keep the property in the family, and second, protect the town and its people. A few years pass and then Anya must choose a path according to her dreams. Hunter McAllister is hired by Margaret Bordeaux to find her husband as she suspects him cheating, but instead finds Grant Bordeaux dead from a mysterious animal attack. Grant releases an ancient wendigo from its castle prison and unleashes it upon the town. Anya and Hunter, long lost childhood friends and new lovers, must team up to defeat the wendigo. Will the darkness destroy Anya and Hunter’s newfound love first? Will Anya be able to even call upon the light, or will the darkness rule the land if she can’t figure out how to use her new power? Laughter, tears, mystery, and thrills await in this tale. Both strong male and female characters come together with witty banter and loving, tortuous threats and puns, bringing hilarity throughout the pages. Anya and Hunter’s banter is both priceless and fun. Anya hasn’t had an easy time since losing both Hunter and her memories of him, but once she finds her twin flame once again, things start to heat up for certain. Small mention of an abusive past relationship could be triggering for some, but warnings are included. Unwinding the tale of her past and melding it with the present are masterfully presented in the story. Readers will love the hints of mystery for books to come, with both Hunter’s mysterious past as well as Heather’s. Hard to put down, and will have readers waiting on tenterhooks for more!

Christie Clayton


Jennifer Shepherd

InD’Tale Magazine

Tara Eldana

Victoria Zumbrum

M.K. Collings

Amy Rubottom


Rebirth of Ruby’s Ranch Book 5 Ruby’s Ranch Series


Mary Morgan


Emma Lattrell, called home from New York to care for her sick momma during a deadly pandemic, is unprepared for whom and what is awaiting her arrival at Ruby’s Ranch. Grown-up and sexy as all get out, Matthew Kincaid waits at the airport to see her home, and catch her up on the family’s tragic news. Emma’s nursing skills are tested when she arrives at her sister’s ranch, but she’s truly unprepared for the mysterious family secrets that takes her on a supernatural journey full of discovery and betrayal. She’s left wondering if her connection to a life-changing legacy will take her away from Matthew’s love, or if his promise to never leave her will remain strong and unbroken. "Rebirth of Ruby’s Ranch" is a poignant love story with a country twang and a paranormal zing! Readers will fall headover-hoof for the romance of Emma and Matthew as the two embark on a fantastical affair of the heart. The family of characters surrounding them are supportive and secretive as well. The story moves along between a slow, easy canter and a mind-numbing gallop that readers may find a little confusing if they have not read the four previous installments of the Ruby Ranch series. The paranormal activity is a blend of mythology, mysticism, and magic, with other worldly guides and supernatural ancestors. Old and new readers of this story will leave Ruby’s Ranch with justice served to the villainous culprits and questions answered about a family’s legacy. Rhonda Frankhouser manages to provide readers with a finale to the series with a tale of heroic women, hot cowboys, and hope for future spinoffs.

HISTORICAL: Steinar MacDougall is descended from power and nobility. The Pirate Wolf serves King William of Scotland as the sea-loving member of Clan Sutherland. Steinar spies a vessel of the rival Olafsson clan close to his own shores and their two mighty ships face off during a vicious storm. A surprise turn of events has the Pirate Wolf swept overboard and into the clutches of a siren! Only a mysterious bargain saves him, and Steinar ends up on the enemy ship making a deal to steer the Serpents of Olafsson to a magical island where Odin’s treasure awaits. What the world doesn’t know, is that the Serpents are led by a woman. Inga the Ruthless stuns Steinar with her beauty and he and his wolf lay claim immediately. But when treasure and treachery are conquered, will Steinar and Inga’s forbidden love survive the censure of the gods? "Steinar" is introduced with the energy and passion of an angry, turbulent sea. Mary Morgan draws her power couple with natural intensity. Inga marvels at how Steinar lashes himself to the prow, laughing into the waves as the ocean crashes over him. Steinar is unable to fight his own attraction to Inga’s loveliness and is impressed by her authority over her raucous brothers. Their first kiss, in a stable, is overwhelmingly incendiary. Readers will want to keep water handy for the kindling that goes up in flames, again and again! But while they maneuver through intrigue and secret romance, all the characters seem less dangerous than promised. "Steinar" will please the romance lover who enjoys a touch of magic with their protective alpha males.

Tonya Mathenia

Joan Lai

HISTORICAL: After her mother’s passing, Rynna Dalton is obliged to return to the familial enclave at Stonebridge Manor. The massive and stately mansion is populated with frigid and judgmental relatives. Although Rynna yearns to escape this new prison, she discovers warmth in the ghostly presence of her mother’s long dead cousin, Rosalind. Why does Rosalind’s essence seem to linger in the music room, and what message does she have for Rynna? Rynna seems patently incapable of contributing towards her own independence and instead falls for the charm of her charismatic cousin, Jason, much to the chagrin of their ornery and plainspoken cousin, Ted. When the matriarch, Edwina Demeray, is suddenly found dead, that’s when the real drama begins. There are allegations that Grandmother was murdered, and perhaps the kitchen maid knew more about that than she let on. When Rynna refuses to heed Ted’s warnings about her relationship with Jason, Rosalind becomes agitated. Will premonitions of doom help alter Rynna’s fate? Linda Griffin’s vivid imagery and elegant prose flow beautifully and provide a smooth, precise, and haunting reading experience. "Stonebridge" is dark. It’s themes of spousal abuse and feminine dependence will resonate with some readers and perhaps trigger others. Rynna, Jason, and Ted grapple with domestic violence, manipulation, ableism, and infidelity, but the exploration never extends beyond the superficial, nor are the characters afforded any transformative insight. Mystery elements surrounding Edwina’s death and the maid’s involvement remain ambiguous, while the denouement of Rynna’s domestic woes relies on supernatural intervention to deliver a lukewarm resolution. This immersive read favors readers who seek a contemplative journey into a darker side of marital bliss in the 1950’s.

Rhonda Frankhouser

Linda Griffin Joan Lai 85


Tempting the Maiden

Tempting the Outlaw

The Color of Shame

Maid Marian would rather be known as the greatest swordswoman or the best rider in all the land than the fairest. Her family has managed to keep their heritage a secret for decades, and avoiding the villainous Prince John is the only way to do that. She never thought hiding in a monastery would bring trouble her way, but enemies lurk everywhere. As the third son of a lord, Tuck was expected to join the monastery and become a Friar, although he could think of no fate worse for him. Being cooped up praying is the last thing his lion wants… until he comes across Marian during one of his nightly escapades. Marian knows Tuck is a good man and meant for much more than being a simple Friar, but is there any way on earth the two of them could be together? As the third and final installment of Anna Lowe’s Sherwood Forest Shifter series, all overarching story threads are tied up in a devilishly fun and satisfying bow (Read them in order!). Readers won’t be able to help falling in love with Tuck, the kindhearted man of mischief who would be wasted as a Friar, and Marian, the strong and feisty heroine is a perfect match for him. Watching their relationship develop is a treat, and learning of Marian’s secret heritage may just have some jaws dropping. The appearance of all the Merry Men cast – and that of the elusive "Robin Hood" – bring action to the pages and have one reading faster and faster to make sure everyone gets the happy endings they deserve. Anyone looking for a fun paranormal trilogy with fabulous twists on the Robin Hood legends need look no further. This series hits all the spots!

Willa Scarlett is charged with a secret mission by her mistress – travel with a trunk full of treasure (some of which are magic) through Sherwood Forest, where Robin Hood and the Merry Men are supposed to steal it in order to keep it from the evil hands of the villainous Prince John. Well… they do get stopped by the merry band of miscreants, but the big lout who seems to be in charge lets them through – without stealing the treasure! Drat the man. John Little, bear shifter, is little only in name. His temper and stubbornness are unmatched by any – until he meets Willa. His inherent distrust of humans has his brain telling him he needs to get far away from the infuriating little spitfire, but his heart – and his bear – are telling him something totally different. Yet another installment from the wonderfully talented Anna Lowe! Readers who love a little history twisted in a fun way will absolutely adore this series (this is book 2 in the Sherwood Forest Shifters series). Willa is a spunky, hard-headed heroine who is determined to do what her mistress tasked of her, no matter the cost. John is a bear of a man – literally – with a soft heart hiding behind the stubbornness, and the pair will have smiles on reader’s faces as they constantly challenge each other throughout. The supporting characters add extra fun and will have readers wanting to know more about them. Some of the scenes will have one on tenterhooks, wondering if the good guys will prevail, and entire play on the Robin Hood legends is skillfully done. Anyone looking for a fun, engaging paranormal tale with hints of history woven throughout, look no further. Absolutely enchanting!

Sara Strausser works mindlessly at a restaurant. One day while Sara was sitting, both Mr. Beckett Convery, who is a respected professor of Wells College, and his mom, claims that someone stole her tennis bracelet. Beckett’s mom asks him to read people’s minds. When Beckett touches Sara, he realizes that her mind is impenetrable, and something he has never seen before. Sara knew instantly what Beckett was doing. When Sara fights back though, she ends up losing her job. Beckett realizes his mistake and offers Sara a position as his assistant. Sara doesn’t have a choice and decides to take the assignment, but only as Beckett’s make-believe girlfriend. Of course, the longer Sara plays at being his fake girlfriend, the things they both feel become far from pretend. What a captivating paranormal romance! The lush scenery shimmers with a realism, and the three-dimensional characters are easy to imagine. Unfortunately, since this is the third book in the series, things aren’t always very well explained. It really might help to read the other books in the series first before reading this one. The candid heroine, Sara, is just delightful! She might have had a tough life yet she still knows how to have fun. Beckett, the uppity aristocratic hero, isn’t benevolent to Sara, however, maybe to everyone else, he just oozes charm. Readers will have a hard time trusting him, especially in his treatment of Sara. Ms. Smurthwaite has still written a very intriguing story that manages to be an exhilarating rush from beginning to end!

Anna Lowe

Piper Valentine


InD’Tale Magazine

Anna Lowe

Piper Valentine

Hollie Smurthwaite

Roslynn Ernst


The Fast and the Furies Luna Joya

Nolan is a rising star detective among the Nashville wolf marshals. Living with a shameful family secret, he’s on a personal mission to clear his dead brother’s name of the horrific Tucker family slaughter, which included Sadie, his unclaimed mate. Living in Syn City as Slaya, reborn roller-derby Fury Sister and makeup influencer, Sadie Tucker is known for her shifter hatred due to unrequited vengeance for hers and her family’s murders. So she’s not flying over the moon when The Syndicate makes an exception allowing a wolf marshal into the city. She’s even more pissed when it turns out to be her first-life crush! When he arrives to investigate more shifter murders, Nolan is surprised to find the mate-bond survived Sadie’s rebirth! Facing dire consequences, they are given a short deadline to solve the murders. Their incomplete mate-bond and new dangers are just a few twists and turns in their race against evil. "The Fast and The Furies" is a story of mystical mayhem and mystery! Set in a world where a Fury roller-derby star and a star wolf-shifter detective come together in an enemy-to-lovers romance and a paranormal who-done-it. Their heated attraction is a howling, feather ruffling, roller coaster ride! The many mythological residents of Syn City are strong supportive characters who throw out pithy one liners and sage advice. The action-filled plot delivers a decent mystery, memorable characters, and sizzling love scenes. Luna Joya doesn’t disappoint with this standalone installment to her Syn City Shifters series, but don’t get it twisted, readers will definitely want to return to Syn City for more of the thrilling and romantic adventures found within its limits!

The Vampire’s Witch J.M. Davies

MYSTERY: When a witch wanders into vampire territory, Roman De Luca, the vampire Prince of the Northern Territories, is mesmerized. Suddenly, the witch is attacked by a monster, and Roman feels compelled to save her and heal her with his blood. Isabella Lockhart, a gifted hunter for her coven of witches, works for a security team known as Orion, and their main goal is to kill monsters. When the unlikely pair collides, and Roman claims Isabella as his own, they must survive the danger that surrounds them and set aside their differences, as Isabella becomes the hunted instead of the hunter. "The Vampire’s Witch" is a spinoff of The Rise of Orion series, but it can be read as a standalone. This enemies-to-lovers paranormal story is very well-written, and it is chock full of love, lust, deception, heartbreak, and some very unexpected twists and turns throughout. The characters are very well developed throughout the book, and readers will find it very easy to fall in love with all of them. Ms. Davies does not hold back on the spicy scenes either, and readers will be entranced by the connection between the characters. The premise is incredibly entertaining, and the story moves very fluidly. Readers will easily fly through this book. The scenes in "The Vampire’s Witch" are perfectly painted and readers will find themselves swept away by the story of Roman and Isabella. Fans of supernatural romance stories, specifically the enemies-to-lovers trope, will not want to miss this spicy and suspenseful read!

Jennifer Shepherd

Descension: Knights of the Seraphim Olivia Boothe

URBAN FANTASY: After defeating four Horsemen and delaying Samael’s escape from a fiery prison in New York City, the Damned are still walking the street with the virus – but continue to evolve. Believing the angelic angels and Mikha’el have deserted them, Jax and Kate are leading a group of survivors to Albany in search of The Sanctuary, which promises protection and a new future. Kate is pregnant with Jax’s child, a miracle since she was told she could never have children. Along the way, the survivors are ambushed by a new enemy which has Jax and Kate fighting to save humanity again. "Descension: A Dark Apocalyptic Romance" is Book 2 in the Hell’s Angel series, and is a retelling of Lucifer’s downfall in a post-apocalyptic love story. Olivia Boothe has created a frightening and terrifying world with frightening monsters that will scare one to death. The horrors that humanity now faces will leave the reader with nightmares that will keep one up late into the night. The story is filled with a lot of action and twists and turns, leaving the reader wondering what will happen next. The scenes between Jax and Kate are extremely hot and steamy, and burn up the pages. The chemistry between Jax and Kate is very believable, and both characters are extraordinarily strong and dedicated to one another. "Descension can be read as a standalone, but one really should read the series in order to get a better understanding of what is happening. Chilling fun!

Victoria Zumbrum

Tonya Mathenia



Angel Guardian Vijaya Schartz

Kal is an angel who is stuck on a frozen planet named Laxxar, and his memory has been wiped clean. Indra is on a mission to rescue a foreign angel and she has a sidekick who just so happens to be a telepathic cat named Panthera. Indra herself is also telepathic and a trained warrior, although she doesn’t usually feel like she is warrior material. When Kal and Indra cross paths, Indra is not sure if she can trust Kal and must determine whether he is an angel for good or evil. If Indra’s instincts are wrong, it could be detrimental for the entire galaxy. "Angel Guardian" is a science fiction romance novel that follows two very interesting characters through some very stressful and romantic moments. While the characters are intriguing, they lack a little in development, making them mediocre at best. This may be because this is the third book in the series. There may be a lot more backstory to be learned about these characters in the previous books, and readers would probably enjoy their company more having read the first and second books. The world building is also a little difficult to understand without reading the series in its published order. The story itself is a little slow-paced. There is a lot of technological jargon that some readers may not enjoy. However, readers who are fans of very hi-tech science fiction novels will enjoy following this dynamic duo along with a strange but trustworthy sidekick, Panthera.

Jennifer Shepherd

CHRYS: Thornscore, Volume 1 E.G. Manetti

Chrys and Verity have been working with one another for some time. There is no one Chrys trusts more, so when he is sent on a mission that takes him across the galaxy, it only makes sense that Verity come along for the ride. Verity has desired Chrys for a long time, and has been searching for a way to get him to notice her. Perhaps now that they’re working together – alone –she’ll finally have a chance to do so. Chrys is too focused on building his successful life amongst the galaxy’s cartels, so she’s definitely got her work cut out for her. Unfortunately for them, betrayal is in the air, and outside forces will do whatever it takes to distract them from their respective goals. Steamy and out of this world, "CHRYS" is a continuation of The Twelve Systems Chronicles by the same author, though it contains new characters and is more of a spin-off. Readers who have not read the previous series can read this one with ease! All necessary information is shared, making the world building complete and richly developed. Verity is intelligent and loyal – and easy to underestimate. Chrys is a strong, kind, male character, who believes in hard work and determination. Together they have a sizzling chemistry and take on the forces against them. A few places the book’s pacing feels a bit rushed, and a bit deeper character development would help readers connect to the characters on a better level. There are a lot of twists and turns in this action packed novel. Overall, it’s the perfect start to a new series, that will leave readers excited for the next installments! This is a great read for lovers of smoldering science-fiction romance!

Chelsea Anderse 88

InD’Tale Magazine

Pulse: Book 2 B.A. Bellec

Eric Wright has been in exile after being removed from the company he co-founded, Pulse, after he disagreed with their practices. When tragedy strikes at a festival, Eric is approached by his ex-business partner, Mark Sharpe, who wants to right the wrongs he has done and bring Pulse in line with Eric’s vision, what it should be. They are working to save humanity, but there is something dark that wants them to fail. No matter what they do, it seems to be just that little bit ahead of them at every turn, and is determined to prevent them from succeeding in their mission. Will Eric and Mark be able to bring their company back to what it should be? Or will they die trying? Wow. That would be the best word to use to describe this book. B.A. Bellec has written a terrifying world that will horrify and fascinate at the same time. With so many different topics handled, there are an array of issues that face the characters in this novel. The descriptions are so vivid, it will have the reader feeling as though they are standing right in the middle of the action, and given the horror aspect, those who enjoy a good scare will most definitely enjoy it! "Pulse: Book 2" is engaging, terrifying, and brilliant all at the same time. If there was one book to read this winter, it’s this one. The writing style is amazing and the concept terrifying. A true page turner!

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick



World of Blood

Ballroom Fever Natalie Cross

Sharon Buchbinder

Brutal dystopian societies rife with apocalyptic doom have always been author Andra’s specialty. She has for a knack for the doomsday special. However, when fiction meets reality, nothing could ever prepare Andra for the new world surrounding her. She curses the day modern man ever stepped foot on the Andaman Islands and wrought havoc in the world around them. But she will stop at nothing to survive and to ensure her daughter’s survival as well. In real life, that may be more difficult than in the novels she writes, especially with violent creatures lurking about. From the very beginning, Kate L. Mary creates an intense, thrilling, and mysterious world that incites chills of terror. The first two chapters of the book feel as though they belong in an entirely different novel, but they offer an incredible look into the origins of the apocalypse. As the story shifts to focus on Andra and her family, however, the characters from the first chapters remain pivotal as Andra learns of the U.S. Mission to the Andaman Islands. Andra watches as their behavior sparks concern. All the characters interact flawlessly together, and their character development is written to fit perfectly into the story’s apocalyptic world. There is even slight humor in the "end-of-times romance" that Andra mocks; however, this small dose of humor is nothing in comparison to the thrills and fear of the story. Every turn of the page will have readers peeking around the corners of their house at night in search of monstrous creatures!

Anita Goodman and Patrick O’Leary find themselves in a bit of a sticky situation, and it is a far cry from the smooth floor of the dance floor they’re both used to. Both will learn truths about one another – and others – that they never thought possible. With assistance from a true crime fanatic and Deputy John Flaherty, they will strive to discover the truth, and will find that their relationship is put to the test. Will they be able to get through the difficulties and keep their relationship both on and off the dance floor intact? Or are they doomed to be torn apart from one another forever? What immediately stands out about this book is the relationship between the two main characters. Not only are they dance partners, but they are also romantically involved, which is something that a lot of authors may struggle to write. It is clear that Natalie Cross has done her research on ballroom dancing, and the descriptions really pull the reader into the action. The writing is well done and the plot moves at a brisk pace. The characters are portrayed and described well. If this is the first book in the Dancesport Mysteries read, there will be an eagerness to go back and check out the previous book in the series. Fans of Dancing with the Stars and Strictly Come Dancing will eat this book up! A great addition to the holiday to-be-read pile, a great excuse to curl up cold winters’ night!

Lola Getz has never forgotten her first love. Webster Bond was a boy she fell for in high school, but their romance was cut short when she had to return to Mexico following the death of her parents. Years have passed, and Lola, now a celebrated artist, is terrorized when armed men break into her home. She decides to go to her twenty-fifth high school reunion; the one place she feels might be a safe haven for her. Webster, now a cop, is immediately drawn back to her, and he promises that he will keep her safe. Will he keep his promise to protect her? Or will those who want to harm Lola succeed? This is a classic story of a woman going back to her hometown and running into her old high school sweetheart. There is added tension with Lola being attacked, and the dynamic between her and Webster is engaging and hot. There is something to be said for a suspense romance that has some of the clichés, but sometimes, that is exactly what is needed. Sharon Buchbinder has given fans of romance precisely what they want in a book, and has written it splendidly to boot. Whether already a fan of the author, or if this is the first time reading her, there will be cause to go back and check out her other work and enjoy those. Another great one to add to the list this holiday season, and perhaps one that could be completed in one sitting.

Kate L. Mary

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick

Bonded for Life

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick

Sadie Wilson



Deadly Betrayal

Every Silent Thing

Fade into the Night

The last thing Cassie wanted was to move back to the Gulf Shores of Mississippi and start over. Her marriage has failed, and the numerous times she was passed over for an FBI field agent position is enough to know its not happening. Upon her return, she’s set to begin a new job with a local Ma and Pa private investigating team. She will show up her first day, just so she can quit. She seriously needs a do-over in life! Her new employers have a case brewing on her first day, and it just so happens to involve her high school boyfriend ( JD) who left years ago with no contact at all. Once she realizes JD is in real trouble, Cassie decides to stay on and is ‘all in’ to solve her first case! "Deadly Betrayal" is a fast moving, suspenseful murder mystery! The history between high school friends is deep and sincere… until it isn’t. Ms. Kell has a multilayered drama with a murder and a young boy left in its wake. The starting pace is a bit slow but builds nicely… and then it’s over. Readers may have a hard time as the slow burn of a second chance is always near the surface, and then it’s happening. The supporting family members are a draw to the authenticity of the book. This is book one in the series and does stand alone, however, readers may want for more and follow up on JD, Cassie, and Kyle Henry as they begin their next chapter.

Triplets Claire, Megan, and Boyd, are adopted and raised by the Deveraux’s, Sidney and Annika. Claire is deaf but working hard in the U.S. Embassy in Paris, and witnesses the murder of a woman in the Louvre while receiving a flash drive and strange set of code words, L’homme Champagne Trois. Meanwhile in Texas, her sister, Megan, witnesses the murder of her boyfriend, Randy, who was part of a diamond heist and steals the diamonds from his cohorts to avenge his murder. Claire is hunted by the Louvre killer while Megan is hunted down by the El Grande Cartel, the original owner of the diamonds. Will Claire be able to solve the codewords and stay alive? Will Megan be able to keep out of the hands of the cartel, or will she lose her family for the trivial diamonds? A terrific crime thriller with exhilarating twists and turns including wild child behavior, murder, and international exploration, high crime and more! The characters leap to life in the pages, and the ways in which each triplet deals with the situations presented to them is intoxicating to read and hard to step away from. Claire, while deaf and shy, is a strong female character who knows how to take care of herself in every situation. Mistaken identity between the twin girls is humorous, fun, and laughable. The path Megan takes to becoming a nun is an interesting twist in the plot as well. The death of Claire’s friend and coworker, Barbara Mason, is a surprising spin as well, and reading the inspector suspected her in the death is horrifying. All in all, a wonderfully riveting tale with family issues, danger, murder, and plenty of past secrets!

Serial murders draw Special Agent Noah Danes to the Philadelphia area from D.C. His work with the FBI had him in the area previously while working another homicide. He got to know Sadie Potter during that previous case, and now he runs into her again while working on the current Beltway Romeo murder investigation. There were sparks flying and chemistry galore between them four years ago, and even though they’d lost touch, there is still something brewing between them. While the murders continue, Noah knows there has to be connections somewhere but cannot come up with them. Sadie is now caught in the middle and he swore to protector her at all costs. However, he may be too late… Ms. Flade has an amazing talent for spinning suspenseful criminal stories! Her knack for details paints vivid scenes, allowing readers to dive head-first into these books. The heroine, Sadie, is independent, strongwilled, and admirable. Noah is the classic hero who has his own tumultuous past. Their chemistry is off the charts sizzling; e-readers may double as fans! The criminal psychology is fascinating and addicting, leading to much suspense and spine-tingling perfection. This is book 5 in the series and stands alone, however, the supporting cast is from prior books in the series, and readers would likely appreciate their appearance more if the previous books have been read first. "Fade into the Night" will grab readers at the first page and not let up until the conclusion. This is a hold on to your hat book, completely unputdownable, that will take readers on a wild and crazy ride!

Sheila Kell

Viola Robbins

Alan Brenham

Amy Rubottom


InD’Tale Magazine

Becky Flade

Viola Robbins


Into the Fog


The Last Golden Isle

Heidi Crawford’s typical drive home turns worrisome as she hits her brakes in the fog of the mountains of Alberta. The fog engulfs her Jeep, making her quick displacement a bit of a shock when icy roads are replaced by a brown desert ghost town. Dustin, the local cook at the diner, welcomes Heidi, who is desperate to get home to her daughter. The other strangers of the mysterious ghost town are less than welcoming. Meanwhile, Heidi’s daughter, Emma, grows concerned with her mother’s disappearance. She not only pleads for help from local law enforcement, but Emma even enlists her mother’s high school nemesis to help. As the search for Heidi grows concerning, she continues to unravel the mysteries surrounding her, bringing Heidi’s fear of being watched to a reality she never saw coming. "Into the Fog" is a unique suspense/ science fiction story that kicks into action from the start. Readers will enjoy the thrill of twists and turns. Emma’s and Heidi’s point of view are well written. Readers will enjoy the love the mother and daughter share. However, the physical relationships that Heidi encounters may feel planted since they do not contribute to the story’s arc. If anything, readers may feel deflated with some unique twists that miss the mark in satisfying the overall premise. While this story has elements of a thriller, mystery, and romance, it has more of a science fiction feel, and a few spelling errors can easily be cleaned up. "Into the Fog" will intrigue those who wonder the next time they drive into the fog if they, too, will end up in a mysterious ghost town.

Four years ago, Jack Slaughter’s family was decimated. His child and the family dog were, pardon the pun, slaughtered in his kitchen; and his wife vanished – then he killed a cannibalistic serial killer in his living room. Now a man commits suicide in Jack’s abandoned home. Oh yeah, his confidante, Father Nick, has passed. A despondent Jack gets his affairs in order, pours himself a shot of Jameson, and plans to end his nightmare with a bullet. By divine intervention –or just dumb luck, his ex-partner, Ray, interrupts his plan by asking for help investigating a possible connection with Jack’s tragedy. Bullet dodged…for now, Jack goes undercover in a desperate, dangerous sting, hoping to finally find closure. "Slaughterhouse" delivers a thrilling tale of suspense that will have readers speeding through the pages faster than a 90 mph coastal ride on a Harley Fatboy! Jack’s despair is palpable which will get a stranglehold on readers’ hearts as it wafts from the page like a cold misty fog from the San Francisco Bay. Ray’s steadfast loyalty and love provides the worry, anger, and humor of a longstanding friendship, keeping Jack grounded. The vivid descriptions of the landmarks and streets of San Francisco manage to inform, while also ensnaring the reader’s imagination. A masterful tale of one man’s mission to find answers using his deductive skills, a few friendly favors, and possibly the help of a guardian angel to solve the mystery of his family’s slaughter – and hopefully slay a den of dragons. K. A. Lugo delivers a heartbreaking, heart-pounding tale of angst and suspense that pulls readers in from page one and holds them tight until it’s done!

Clare Matthews has been through a lot in her life. Trauma from when she was in college now means she tends to keep men at a distance. Finding herself on one of Georgia’s Golden Isle’s, she is surprised when she meets a security guard, Jon, who is tall, stern, and there is something about him that she cannot shake. As they spend more time together, Clare finds herself hoping that she is finally dealing with the trauma that had caused her keep men at armslength. However, when it seems that Jon is part of something sinister, Clare is once more thrown into a deep end that she didn’t want, and has no idea how she will get out of it. Will Jon prove her wrong, and will her feelings for him be right on the money? "The Last Golden Isle" has a mix of romance and intrigue that will keep readers guessing until the end. The descriptions and characterizations are splendid, and there is a question of is-he-or-isn’t-he when it comes to Jon and his real motives. The writing really pulls the reader in and refuses to let go until the last page. The feelings that Clare has with regards to her previous trauma are well handled, and it is great to see that Patricia McAlexander has done her research when it comes to writing such a delicate subject. It’ll be good to go back and check out other books written by this talented author. A page-turning suspense tale!

Michelle Godard-Richer

Moira Wolf

K.A. Lugo

Patricia McAlexander

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick

Tonya Mathenia



InD’Tale Magazine


The Other Murder

The Unexpected Hostage

Whiskey Gifts

A scream is heard in the darkness, followed by a gunshot. A girl’s body is discovered, and then another gunshot breaks the silence. The girl is Angelica Monroe, a sophomore at NYU. Her purse contains a large baggie of weed, and $500.00. Shortly thereafter, a second body is discovered on the opposite end of Washington Square Park. It is a Hispanic male, Javier Estrada. Hannah Hawthorne is a cable news producer, and she is on the scene immediately to write the story about Angelica. Paulo Richardson is a reporter from an online newspaper. He too, is writing a story, but he writes about Javier Estrada. He and Hannah work together so they can get the scoop of the year. Working with the detectives on the case, they secure valuable interviews. They do not know it, but they are dealing with deadly killers. Will they be the next victims? Gritty writing makes the characters come to life in "The Other Murder". Mr. Chapman takes his readers into the dark world of drug dealing in this magnificent novel, leading everyone on a merry chase in search of the connection between the two murders. The detectives on the case are no-nonsense, but are very human. Hannah and Paulo are deep, intensive characters who endear themselves to the reader. They are both underdogs, soon to shed that moniker as they involve themselves in the case. A convoluted plot engages the reader and makes this tome impossible to put down. The story is very realistic, and it is obvious the writer knows his subject matter. An excellent story, it is a must read for mysterysuspense/thriller lovers!

Tess Bennett lost her fiancé, Kyle MacTavish, in a terrible car accident a year ago. Still drowning in grief, she throws herself into work. Called to an international conference in place of her boss, David Kingsley, she finds herself thrust into the hands of dangerous cyber terrorists – along with Dr. Mark Nygaard – after watching her mentor, Riku, shot down next to her. Tess and Mark must work together to survive and escape the grasp of the terrorists. As Tess and Mark journey forward, they must pull up all their reserves, not only to escape the terrorists, but to save her company as well as survive. Will loving again require more risk than fighting terrorists? Will Tess be able to save the company and Mark, or will the cyber terrorists win and plunge the banks into bankruptcy while she loses her newfound love? Terrorism, cybercrime, record altering, suspense, mystery, puzzles, love, and more! Strong lead characters keep a reader guessing as to who can be trusted. "The Unexpected Hostage" is a page-turning, globetrotting, adventurous tale that absorbs and thrills the reader until the very end! Bonding over trauma and previous shared loss is a beautiful way to bring Tess and Mark together, albeit’s a bit rushed when Tess is still actively grieving Kyle. The breakneck paced thills and adventure are sprinkled with bits of hurried romance in between the action. Some description of torture, violence, murder, PTSD, loss, may be upsetting to some readers, but there is some healing in the end. There are great twists with the hidden puzzle codes from Tess’s lost fiancé, Kyle, as well as his help to save the day from the grave. An unputdownable tale!

Josie is running on empty; the flu has hit her staff hard, and she is running to keep up with the steady flow of bar patrons. The holiday hub-bub that is drawing a steady dining crew is almost too much. While out back dumping the trash, Josie discovers a young girl, who looks like a runaway. The Wisconsin winter is upon them, and Josie is concerned the girl will freeze. With that she makes sure to leave food, cold weather supplies, and always a tender note to let the girl know she can come for help. Judge has finally found a woman that makes his heart skip a beat, and it only took him his fifty years to find her. He’d do anything for Josie and those she loves and holds dear. Now with a stranger asking about his ‘missing daughter’, the crew of Whiskey Falls needs to find the girl before he does – and can Judge rescue Josie’s Christmas spirit in the process? "Whiskey Gifts" is the gift that keeps giving, long after the story ends! Ms. Rivers has delivered another amazing installment in the Whiskey Falls series. This is book four and stands alone, however, with many repeat characters that we learn to love in the previous books, readers would glean more from reading them prior. Josie is a hoot and every one’s favorite ‘mom’ figure. Her strong sense of self and love of her family and friends shines throughout all her actions. Judge is her best suited Alpha male, and the way he takes care of his own is endearing throughout the tale. The suspense of the runaway and the subplot of the family growing with a pregnancy is a treat in itself. The arc is steady and flows rapidly, meaning readers will not put this one down until the very end! Simply fabulous from start to finish.

Amy Rubottom

Viola Robbins

Kevin G. Chapman

Belinda Wilson

Allison McKenzie

Taryn Rivers




InD’Tale Magazine


A Tryst in Paris Annie Armistead

A trip to Paris to pick up a few things for her ill mother at an enigmatic antique’s shop, leaves Mirabelle Montgomery with a mysterious coin purse and a note that leads her to the Luxembourg Carousel. A quick ride out of nostalgia, however, takes her through a time travel vortex back to 1900 Paris with only a warning to "Vanish into the past which holds your future. Return only if you right the wrong destiny that has befallen him." Mirabelle is determined to succeed in her mission and return home, but whose destiny must she fix? The dangerously sexy Jacques Thibaut, whose ward she meets on arrival, or someone else? Jacques was a police detective until he was wrongly accused of working with the anarchists. While the two are drawn together, Mirabelle knows she is needed in the future, but unless she can complete her mission, she will be trapped in the past for good. An engrossing time travel romance, "A Tryst in Paris" is full of tempting passion, mystery, a bit of action, and delightful bits of history. The story smoothly balances the sparks between the main characters, the mystery around Jacques, and Mirabelle’s own personal growth as she lets go of past hurts and opens herself to love again. Additionally, regardless of whether the characters are main or side, they all show distinct mannerisms and depth which will further engage the reader, and make the pages turn even faster. Although a few of the threads are left open at the end for future books, lovers of time travel, romance, brave and independent heroines, and even history, will thoroughly enjoy this book!

Sarah E. Bradley


Tuscan Time Belle Ami

Gumshoe Goes to a Quinceanera Laura Hawks

After she’s transported back to 1902 through a painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Gabriella D’Angelo, a chef from an Italian restaurant in Chicago, finds herself in a dire situation in Tuscany, Italy before she is miraculously saved by the handsome John ( Jack) Henry Langsford. Gaby tries to not let herself get distracted by Jack while she’s on a mission to get back to present-day Chicago through solving the mystery of the artist Marco Allegretto’s painting. Jack seems to be in the same predicament with his Gaby distraction. After just being disowned as the Earl of Witton and Marquess of Bainbridge, Jack is forced to live with his Aunt Kitty in Italy. Now his plan is to marry heiress Cynthia Maxwell to become noble again. However, the chemistry and passion between Gaby and Jack may just be the end for both of their plans. This riveting novel about time-travel is something readers have never seen before. It’s sexy, mysterious, and passionate, driving readers to want to sidle up right beside Gaby as she encounters this whole new world, while being distracted by a brooding Londoner. Readers get a passionate love story, a unique plotline, likable characters, and a perfectly paced plot. Unfortunately, the story is sometimes too light-hearted, and readers may be stuck searching for more depth or conflict surrounding the protagonists’ individual problems which just aren’t there beyond surface-level concerns. Otherwise, this book is a lovely read that really allows readers to sink into the mystery and root for Gaby and Jack to get together. Readers who love passionate romances mixed with time-travelling historical novels should pick this up.

PARANORMAL: Amelia, called Mia by friends and family, has just turned fifteen, and has found out that growing a year older is bringing a lot of changes. The biggest is that she is a witch, and has a familiar named Gumshoe. Gumshoe is not your typical pet, he is a seal point Siamese cat, and in his last life during the 1940s, he was a private eye. When Mia is not busy with school and life as a fifteen-year-old, she is also helping Gumshoe figure out what happened to his human family after his murder. But first, her and Gumshoe find themselves working together to solve a murder in their town, find out who is hurting her friend, Tiffany, and prepare all the food for Tiffany’s upcoming Quinceañera. No big deal for this magical duo, it’s just another day in the magical lives of Mia and Gumshoe. Do not let the idea of the young main character and a talking cat chase you away from this magical caper! While Mia is young the story is not afraid to cover real things that happen in the lives of teens. The book covers topics such as physical abuse, drug abuse, and relationship abuse, and does so in a way that relates to both the age of the characters and the real problems their lives might encounter. This book is part of a series and is an enjoyable read for any age group who is looking for something fun, and following the clues alongside Mia and Gumshoe bring extra enjoyment as one feels they’re helping solve the mystery! Delightful fun from beginning to end.

Valerie Vicars

Austen Grace




InD’Tale Magazine


Wiccan Mirror (The Witches of Vegas 5)

Dead Girl Kerrie Faye

Mark Rosendorf

PARANORMAL: Isis and Zack have been through a lot in their teenage lives. Nothing is quite like what hits them next, though! When the Witches of Vegas return for a reunion show, Isis finds herself being accused of murdering someone from her past. The person she needs the most, Zack, is abducted. Isis and Zack must find a way to save the world yet again, only they won’t be next to one another when they do so. Isis must face a version of herself that has all of the darkness she’s been trying to ignore. Her only hint on how to save the world comes from a boy named Harry who claims to be from the future. He tells her a hard truth: whatever plan she’s come up with isn’t going to work! How is she supposed to change the future when she’s destined to fail? "Wiccan Mirror" is an explosive finale to a unique young adult paranormal series! The beginning is action packed, leading into a story of magic, time travel, and true love. Isis is once again faced with an impossible decision as she tries to lead her community of witches. In doing so, she is thrown into danger. Isis is smart and easy to like. Zack, her romantic partner, balances her well. Even when they aren’t together, their personality traits remain strong, making them both enjoyable to read about. There are a lot of other characters in the novel that are just as developed and fun! There’s a slight pacing lull after the initial hook, and if readers have not read the other books in the series, they may be lost. Overall, it is a wonderful and satisfying conclusion that fans will savor! This is a great read for lovers of urban fantasy and young adult novels!

PARANORMAL: Ember O’Neill has been bullied her entire life and has only ever wanted to fit in and have friends. She believes this year is going to be different, and decides to dress differently. Ember makes a new friend with the new girl in school, but despite that, the bullying continues. When a prank by one of her bullies goes horrible wrong at a party, Ember is brought back from the brink of death. Her life changes after that, and she manages to snag the new kid as a boyfriend instead of the drama queen. Ember loves and adores her father, who is murdered by a creature that she has never seen before. After the death of her father and the dreams she keeps having, she questions her entire life… and if she is human. "Dead Girl" is a young adult paranormal story that brings heartache to those who have experienced bullying before. Kerrie Faye, the author, has created a unique and brilliant stor line that will hold the reader’s attention to the end, as Ember discovers who she truly is. Ms. Faye has created complex and strong characters, especially Ember, who has always been powerful, but never knew the truth. The reader will feel the story for her at times and will want to cry as she continually tries to fit in and make friends. When the Order sends an assassin to kill Ember, she must use her powers to protect herself and her friends – but risks losing everything. The reader will cheer her on as she finally stands up for herself and her friends. This tale will leave readers wanting to know more – especially about Ember’s father. An intriguing and fascinating story!

Victoria Zumbrum

Chelsea Andersen

Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash




InD’Tale Magazine

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