Friday, July 27, 2018 • Vol. 37, No. 29
Indo American News
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Celebration of Devotion
Rath Yatra
Dhadak Movie Review
P19 Life Story of
P17 Tickets Giveaway
Coming Next Week !
Mahatma Gandhi
This Week Inside
Recipe P20
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July 27, 2018
July 27, 2018 COMMUNITY IACAN’s Outreach Event on Melanoma
On Sunday, June 24, the Indian American Cancer Network (IACAN) held an informative outreach event on melanoma at the Arya Samaj, Houston. Drs. Kelly Nelson and Hussein Tawbi, Associate Professors of Dermatology and Melanoma Medical Oncology, respectively, at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, presented information on melanoma. Dr. Nelson provided an overview of skin cancer, with detailed information on melanoma identification and prevention. Specific educational highlights of Dr. Nelson’s lecture included review of acral melanoma (melanoma that occurs on the hands, feet, or nail units) that typically appears as a dark spot larger than a pencil eraser on the palms or soles, or a band of pigmentation extending the length of the nail itself. While some normal pigmentation of the nail plate may occur, typically several nails are involved. With melanoma, the band of pigmentation is darker than the other bands, may involve more than half of the nail plate, and may enlarge over time. Melanoma
Dr. Jagannadha Sastry introducing Dr. Hussein Tawbi
Dr. Kelly Nelson addressing the audience
prevention focuses on protecting the skin from UV exposure, and being aware of one’s skin. Dr. Tawbi provided a review of the recent dramatic advances in treatments for patients with metastatic melanoma, with in-depth discussions of immunotherapy (taking the breaks off the body’s immune system to enhance recognition of melanoma tumors) and targeted therapeutics (exploiting specific genetic mistakes, or mutations, in
the patient’s melanoma, by using medications that target the specific mutation) which have revolutionized the care of patients over the past several years. Drs. Tawbi and Nelson are both co-leaders with the MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Melanoma Moonshot, which provides institutional support to build collaborative multi-disciplinary research teams addressing complex challenges within a specific cancer type. Dr. Nelson provides education to dermatologists across the state of Texas to support recognition of melanoma at its earliest stages, and Dr. Tawbi’s background in drug development supports the creation of new therapies for patients with metastatic melanoma, with specific emphasis on patients with melanoma that has spread to the brain. IACAN is planning on conducting their Biennial Gala on Saturday, September 8, 2018 at Red Oak Ballroom. The keynote address will be provided by Dr. Patrick Hwu, Head of the Division of Cancer Medicine, who will also speak on immunotherapy. Tickets for the event can be purchase at
July 27, 2018
Raju Reddy Named Vice Chair of the 2nd World Hindu Congress BY MANU SHAH
HOUSTON: Silicon Valley will make its
presence felt at the 2nd World Hindu Congress (WHC) with 200 technocrats registering for the conference. One of their own, Angel Investor Raju Reddy is Vice Chair – an invitation he accepted because he’s come to believe that it takes “scale” to make an impact. WHC is, after all, scale in its truest sense - a gigantic undertaking that will seek to impact Hindus around the globe. Over 2000 prominent Hindus and 250 thought leaders will gather in Chicago from 7th- 9th September, 2018 to spark dialogue and discussion on how Hindus can make a bigger soci-
etal impact globally. Heads of States, media personalities, top tier corporate executives and national community leaders will share the dais to discuss how Hindus can make their presence felt in 7 key areas: education, economy, media, politics, greater visibility of Hindu Women and Youth and Hindu organizations. Hindus, reflects Raju, are viewed as great doctors, engineers and entrepreneurs, as positive role models but they need to become “change makers.” This requires them to be organized. The release of a Diwali stamp by the US Postal service, corrections about Hinduism in California textbooks, the election of the first Hindu Congressman Ro Khanna are visible examples of the benefits of organization and would have been im-
possible “if Hindus had not organized themselves.” America, he continues, is our “Karmabhoomi” and as proud Hindus and Indo Americans, we need to do more philanthropy in our local communities, be more active in public policy and more visible as people making a positive difference. WHC, according to him, is a perfect opportunity to elevate this goal. Raju is from Nizamabad, Telangana. His father, an active leader in the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), enrolled him in the Sainik School in Korukonda. Studying in a school that trained people for the armed forces proved invaluable in teaching him discipline, integrity, team over self and loyalty – values that helped the entrepreneur
in him. He is a BITS, Pilani and Virginia Tech graduate, worked at Intel for 10 years, then took his mentor Kanwal Rekhi’s advice and started Sierra Atlantic – an IT solutions company in 1993. It was a substantial company with 2500 people operating in 12 countries before it was bought by Hitachi in 2010. Raju discovered a second calling with his newfound time – mentoring and philanthropy. He brings 25 startups from India to Stanford each year and invites senior executives from Silicon Valley to meet with them under the StartupBridgeIndia initiative. His second big initiative is Kakatiya Sandbox – a nonprofit that focusses on creating better economic opportunities and positive role models at the grass root levels in rural Telangana, his home state. RSS volunteers in the villages and small towns, he says, were “truly selfless, patriotic people” who helped him in this endeavor. These initiatives require Raju to travel to India every two months but as he puts it, there’s no substitute for being there in person. He shares his optimism about India’s youth and its future and goes so far as to say that “India will produce global technology brands like Google or Facebook in the coming decade.” He’s equally positive about the upcoming WHC conference and believes that every attendee will return infused with the confidence that they “can make a difference in their local communities.” To learn about or participate in the 2018 World Hindu Congress, visit http://
Indo American News (ISSN 887-5936) is published weekly every Friday (for a subscription of $40 per year) by IndoAmerican News Inc., 7457 Harwin Dr., Suite 262, Houston, TX 77036., tel: 713-789-6397, fax:713-789-6399, email: indoamericannews@ Periodical postage paid at Houston, Texas. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Indo American News,7457 Harwin Dr., Suite 262, Houston, TX 77036 INDO-AMERICAN NEWS • FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2018 • ONLINE EDITION: WWW.INDOAMERICAN-NEWS.COM
Houston Celebrates 11th Annual Rath Yatra
Houstonians celebrated the annual Rath Yatra on July 14, the very same day when it was also celebrated in Puri, India with pomp and gaiety. Rath Yatra is the celebration of devotion, universal brotherhood, cultural diversity and spiritual bonhomie and that is what was exhibited at India House on the sunny Texas summer day. Orissa Culture Center (OCC) in collaboration with Shri Sitaram Foundation has been organizing Rath Yatra since 2008 and this is the 11th year running. This particular year is special as the Rath Yatra was supported and promoted by City of Houston and Houston Arts Alliance. India House was decorated and decked up since the night before, with volunteers working in synergy up until the very day to have everything ready for Rath Yatra. Traditionally, the build-up for Rath Yatra starts on Akshaya Tritiya, in the last week of April, and that is exactly when the Houston Odia community led by OCC began the activities for Jagannatha Rath Yatra. Like the previous years, Houston Rath Yatra was a daylong event beginning with traditional ‘puja-archana’ which involved havan and puja dedicated to Shri Balabhadra, Devi Subhadra and Shri Jagannatha. The customary ‘Chhappan Bhoga’, which includes 56 Odia delicacies, was offered to the deities along with the prayers for individual and global peace. Concurrently in the morning, free community health and dental fair was offered as part of the daylong festivity. Following the scrumptious afternoon ‘Maha Prasad’, there was a lull for an hour where the deities were rested and volunteers prepared for the big event. As the evening approached a host of cultural activities kicked off the second part of the daylong Rath Yatra. Celebrating the core message of Universalism, the evening culturals had a rich mix of dance forms like Mariachi Ore De (Houston Mariachi Band), Colombian Folkoric
July 27, 2018
Dance (Colombian Folk Dance Troupe) along with the traditional Indian dance forms like Bharatnatyam and Odissi. Bharatnatyam by Abhinaya School of Dance showcased ‘Amba Stuti’ whereas two forms of ‘Mangalacharan’ Ganesha Bandana and Rama Bandana were rendered in Odissi by Odissi Academy of Houston and Kalangan School of Odissi. Even the contemporary Bollywood dance form made its presence felt with a devotional dance performance. The fabulous dance performances were topped off with Vedic sukta-ucharan done by priests from various Hindu temples of our
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vibrant Houston city. By now India House was beaming with people from all walks of life, in all shapes and sizes, beating the heat to drench themselves in high-octane spiritual experience, in anticipation of the chariot-pulling. The procession of deities or the pahandi started with the eldest in the family, Shri Balabhadra, which was followed by Devi Subhadra and finally Shri Jagannatha. The pahandi of each deity was associated with high-energy ecstatic dance and music, which reached its crescendo when Shri Jagannatha or known fondly as ‘Kalia’ made way to the Chariot. Before the
Chariot could roll the ceremonial sweeping or the Chhera Pahanra, where traditionally the King of Odisha or the Gajapati sweeps the Chariots was emulated by anointing a prominent member of the community. The Chariot powered by devotion made a big parikrama around the India House and made its way back to be greeted by representatives from various religious and spiritual organizations of Greater Houston area. As the sun was setting with the sanguine hue in the sky, the ‘Samuhika Maha Aarti’ was performed which was followed by personal darshan, thus bringing close to yet another eventful and fulfilling Rath Yatra. The Houston Odia communities led by Orissa Culture Center (OCC) is blessed to be able to organize Houston Rath Yatra and are
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Cell: 832-877-9625 | Fax: 713-977-2221 | Email: | web: 6666 Harwin Dr, Suite 335, Houston, TX 77036 INDO-AMERICAN NEWS • FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2018 • ONLINE EDITION: WWW.INDOAMERICAN-NEWS.COM
thankful of City of Houston for their generosity and co-operation without which event of such scale would certainly be a herculean task. We sincerely thank all the spiritual organizations of Greater Houston for the moral support and participation in making Rath Yatra truly an international event. Finally we would like to thank India House for being an accommodative host and Darshak Thacker for managing the audio tech beautifully. With the success and blessing of this year’s Rath Yatra we look forward to re-create the same synergy in 2019. Jai Jagannath!! For more information and interesting facts please check us at We are also on Facebook at www.
July 27, 2018
HOUSTON: There are sixteen
associations of alumni of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) across North America, under the Federation of Aligarh Alumni Associations (FAAA) who have been working together for many years with similar mission towards bringing about a positive social and educational change, which were the views and vision of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the founder of Aligarh Muslim University. The alumni of AMU, spread all over the world and involved in the academic pursuits of so many institutions of higher learning, who personify the spirit of open hearted acceptance of the ‘other’ and follow the concept of ‘Unity in Diversity’ cultivating harmony and amity among various religious, ethnic and racial groups. Majority of alumni of AMU are professionals who continue to make significant contributions for the betterment in the lives of the citizens of the country, they live in. Every year, FAAA organizes
COMMUNITY 17th Annual Convention of The Federation of Aligarh Alumni Associations (FAAA) Aligs joining hands together to build the nation
Dr. Shahid Jameel, Chief Guest
its convention to bring Aligs and other well-wishers together to discuss its accomplishments, vision and future plans. This year the Aligarh Alumni Association of Texas (Houston) hosted the 17th Annual Convention of the FAAA, on July 13th thru 15th, 2018. The theme of the Convention was; “Role of
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Deputy Consul General, Houston, Surendra Adhana
AMU Alumni in Nation Building”. In partnership with other member Associations, the AMU Alumni Association of Texas at Houston endeavored to offer the delegates an enriching Convention experience to invigorate new ideas and promote initiatives to advance our Alma Mater. The Convention was attended by delegates from different cities of USA, Canada, India and Saudi Arabia. On July 13, during the day time session, Dr. Shahid Jameel (CEO of The Wellcome Trust/ DBT India Alliance), Chief Guest of the event, in his keynote address talked about role of University in a society and how can universities be more effective. Dr. Zafar Mehmood (President Zakat Foundation of India), Guest of Honor,
Welcome address by Dr. Nausha Asrar, President of the FAAA
highlighted the necessity of AMU Alumni to compete civil services examinations. Dr. Suhail Sabir, Ex-Chairman of the AMU Alumni Affairs Committee, talked about importance of Alumni in strengthening their alma mater. He mentioned that numerous, projects funded by Alumni, are ongoing in AMU. Among other speakers of the morning sessions were Dr. Samina Salim, Dr. Saif Sheikh, Dr. Shaheer Khan, Amtul Suhail and Syed Naved. Banquet of the Convention, attend by over 175 people (Houstonians and delegates), was addressed by the Chief Guest, Dr. Shahid Jameel, and Guest of Honor, Deputy Consul General Surendra Adhana. Banquet started with the recitation of holy Quran
by Prof. Basheer Khumawala, followed by welcome address of Dr. Nausha Asrar, President of the FAAA. While welcoming the attendees Dr. Asrar emphasized that more than ever before, the views and vision of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the founder of Aligarh Muslim University who put forward a model of the compatibility of religion with modern western education, Science and Technology needs to be presented as a ‘model’ to the entire world. Sir Syed said, “We (Hindus and Muslims) eat the same crop, drink water from the same rivers and breathe the same air. As a matter of fact Hindus and Muslims are the two eyes of the beautiful bride that is Hindustan. Weakness of any one of them will spoil the beauty of the bride (dulhan)”. Dr. Shahid Jameel and Surendra Adhana gave very thoughtful and inspiring addresses about Aligarh Muslim University, its contribution in nation building and need to strengthen the bonds between alumni and their alma mater. After the delicious dinner, all the attendees were entertained by the melodious ghazal singing of Sheeba Naved and Dastaangoi (storytelling) by Jawed Danish. These artists took the banquet of the Convention to the next level of Indian classical singing and mesmerized the audience by unique art of storytelling.
July 27, 2018
8 July 27, 2018 COMMUNITY On the Day She Turns 90, Mama is Celebrated by 200 BY JAWAHAR MALHOTRA
HOUSTON: It is a remarkable transi-
tion for a woman who only immigrated to the US 14 years ago at the age of 76 to a well-known and even household name in the South Asian community at age 90. She even gets stopped by people wanting to talk to her and get their picture taken with her at places she visits or gatherings she attends. All this because of her calm, soothing and smiling personality, the sereneness she radiates and the recipes that she writes every week for this newspaper. Shakuntla Malhotra – almost universally known as mama by people far and near – has been able to share her wealth of knowledge about cooking and the little household hints that also imparts every week with the entire desi community not only in Houston but globally through the IAN website and has touched the hearts and minds of everyone with her genuineness. She also amazes them with her recollections of her family’s passage through the Indian Partition and her knowledge and devotion to her Hindu faith. And this past Sunday afternoon, July 22, on the date that she was born in 1928 in Lahore, Pre-Partitioned India, over 200 people came to celebrate her milestone 90th birthday, organized by her two sons Dr. Jayant Malhotra of Chicago and this reporter, the publisher of Indo American News. She was surrounded by her grandsons Sanjay Stefan (and his wife Dr. Alexandra Shepherd) and Jeremy Gyan (of Washington, DC) and other family and many, many friends.
Jayant Malhotra, mama’s eldest son from Chicago, produced and directed the lively entertainment for the party.
Jayant produced and directed an entertainment program that included a skit that spoofed Mama’s Cooking School (she does not actually have one) and acted out hilariously by Diane Wutzke, Sarita Mehta, Anil Dandona as students and Anjana Dhingra as mama. Mama’s sons opened with a twist on “ke mere prem pattar pur kar”, 13-year-old Eesha Dhairyawan did an opening dance and Surender Talwar sang an opening bhajan. Everyone had a treat when mama sang a CONTINUED ON PAGE 09
Mama’s grandsons Sanjay Stefan (left) and Jeremy Gyan (right) greeted guest Ajay Shah at the entrance to India House where the party was held on Sunday, July 22, mama’s actual birthdate.
The members of the India Culture Center and the International Hindi Association presented mama with a shawl and a plaque for her dedicated support for 14 years.
July 27, 2018
On the Day She Turns 90
Ina C. Patel Named to New York Life’s Chairman’s Council
Mama’s admirers were eager to get a picture with her. Her younger son Jawahar Malhotra is on extreme right.
From left, Diane Wutzke, Sarita Mehta, Anil Dandona and Anjana Dhingra (as mama) did a spoof of Mama’s Cooking School.
Punjabi folk song “mera lal dupatta mal-mal da” and Jayant concluded the show with a memorable rendition of “mere angane mein”, roping in a few people from the audience to hilarious delight. Jawahar interjected with comments about the people and organizations that have made mama a part of them and helped her to develop a legacy with people of all faiths. Making it all that much more memorable were decorations by Polly Allam, sound system and drums by Darshak Thacker, event photography by Navin Mediwala and lunch catered by Nirvana Indian restaurant. As people entered India House, under the rotunda, there were poster prints of mama throughout her life from when she was 17 till now, for guests to sign.
Ina C Patel has been named a member of the 2018 Chairman’s Council of New York Life today. Members of the elite Chairman’s Council rank in the top three percent of New York Life’s elite sales force of more than [12,000] licensed agents in sales achievement. Ms. Patel has been a New York Life agent since 2005, and is associated with New York Life’s Houston General Office in Houston. She is also a Qualifying MDRT Member 2018 A member of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA), A member of the Asian American Hotel Owners Association (AAHOA) She currently resides in Richmond, TX with her husband, and 3 sons. New York Life Insurance Company, a Fortune 100 company founded in 1845, is the largest mutual life insurance company in the United States* and one of the largest life insurers in the world. Headquartered in New York City, New York Life’s family of companies offers life insurance, retirement income, investments and long-term care insurance. New York Life has the highest possible financial strength ratings currently awarded to any life insurer from
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10 July 27, 2018
Academician Asks for “Branch & Root” Reform for India’s Education Ills BY PRAMOD KULKARNI
OUSTON: A professor of English literature at New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) with an 18year tenure, Makarand Paranjape was the guest speaker on the topic of “Education in India – Challenges & Imperatives”, hosted by the Indian Consulate on Saturday, July 21. Deputy Consul General Surendra Adhana welcomed an audience of about 50 guests. Consul General Anupam Ray then introduced Professor Paranjape as “a truly extraordinary mind. I’ve rarely met an intellectual with such diverse knowledge and with amazing insights into what it is to be an Indian. He also has an ability to analyze the past and bring it into the present.” Sunanda Vashisht, a blogger and commentator on Indian culture and politics, provided Professor Paranjape’s academic background. He received his undergraduate degree from St. Stephen’s College in New Delhi and both his MA and PhD from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Paranjape’s literary achievements include more than 40 books on both academic subjects and poetry, including Debating the ‘Post’
JNU Professor Makarand Paranjape keeps the audience and emcee Sunanda Vashisht in rapt attention during his wide-ranging talk on India’s education challenges and potential solutions.
Condition in India, and The Death and Afterlife of Mahatma Gandhi. He is currently researching the archives of author Raja Rao at the University of Texas in Austin. “He is both an insider and an outsider and not afraid to question the status quo,” said Vashisht. Tracing the history of education in India, Dr. Paranjape said the first instance of an academy documented in the world was in the Upani-
shads (850 BCE) in the form of a dialogue between a father and a son, who has just returned from 12 years of schooling. The father asks his son, “Do you know who you are? Do you have knowledge of the atma (soul)?” In this context, Dr. Paranjape said. “The thrust of education in India has always been more than practical or vocational, but focused on transformation—intellectual, cultural and spiritual.”
Dr. Paranjape also mentioned that India’s oldest university was at Taxila (now in Afghanistan), followed by the Nalanda University in Bihar. Dr. Paranjape cited the destruction of Nalanda and its library by Bakhtiyar Khilji as the end of classical India in 1293 CE. It was at this time that education in India shifted from the intellectual to the practical. The Mughal kings were interested in metallurgy or
manufacturing, for example. Some Mughals such as Akbar and Dara Shuko were patrons of learning. The next milestone for Indian education, according to Dr. Paranjape, was the death of Aurangzeb, the last great Mughal emperor, and the subsequent British victory at Plassey, when medieval India ended and colonial India began. The British provided only a miniscule budget for education and resisted educating the Indians in practical knowledge such as steel manufacturing, Speaking of the current educational system after independence in 1947, Dr. Paranjape said, “We’ve completely failed in providing quality, free primary education, despite huge budgets both at the central and state levels.” “Why did we fail?” Dr. Paranjape asked. “It is because of the lack of political will. There is no clear thinking, but piecemeal efforts.” “We need branch and root reform, rethink and come up with a better model for universal education. We need a public-private partnership and entrust delivery to reputed NGO-type organizations on a turnkey basis with high level of accountability.”
July 27, 2018
Cypress Woods Students Earn National Recognition elimination round. After an HOUSTON: Cypress outstanding performance Woods sophomores Govind Chada and Aayush Gupta were among the 9600 of America’s best and brightest students who traveled to Maryland to FBLA National Leadership Conference held June 28-July 1. Govind and Aayush earned their berth at the national competition after winning first place at the Texas State Leadership Conference. Govind and Aayush designed and developed a mobile application from the ground up to manage and distribute books in a library using technologies such as iOS, Google Firebase and Agile development methodologies. The competition judged the application quality using criteria such as ease of use, social media integration, graphics and robustness. The students were also judged on their ability to deliver a business presentation highlighting the value and impact of their solution. Competing with 70+ top teams in the nation, they made it to the final round after going through the
Govind Chada (right) & Aayush Gupta
in the finals, Govind and Aayush were recognized with a 10th place award at the Awards of Excellence Program during the closing ceremony. “Govind and Aayush have shown great passion and initiative throughout the year to develop a mobile application that solves a real business problem,” said Lori Andrade, Cypress Woods FBLA club adviser. “The project required hundreds of hours of effort and was many months in the making and it is rewarding to see them succeed at the highest levels.” The award was part of a comprehensive national competitive events program sponsored by FBLA-Phi Beta Lambda that recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. For many students, the events are the capstone activity of their academic careers. In addition to competitions, students immersed themselves in interactive workshops, visited an information-packed exhibit hall, and heard from motivational speakers on a broad range of business topics.
Dr. Manu Vora Receives “NRI of the Year Award 2018” for Philanthropy
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Jesal Patel ARPC, CLTC, LUTCF From left: Anukreethy Vas (Femina Miss India World), Hon. Kiren Rijiju (Union MoS, Home Affairs), Dr. Manu Vora, Sanjay Chougule, Senior GM, ICICI Bank
ILLINOIS: Times Now, India’s leading English news channel from the Times Network and ICICI Bank hosted the 5th Edition of NRI of the Year Awards 2018 on July 11, 2018 in Mumbai. The NRI of the Year Awards salute the spirit of global Indians who have been an inspiration and made a mark for themselves worldwide. From 11,500 entries, total 23 awards were presented including five in Academ-
ics, four in Art & Culture, four in Entrepreneur, three in Philanthropy, four in Professional, one in Start-Up, one for India’s Global Icon - Sports, and one Special Jury Award amidst a glittering evening. Dr. Manu Vora received NRI of the Year Award 2018 in Philanthropy category from North America (other two winners were from Middle East and UK & Europe) for his 30 years of dedicated service to Blind Foundation for
India (BFI) and five years of free gift of knowledge transfer project using technology to empower youth and professionals in India with soft skills and quality manCONTINUED ON PAGE 14
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12 July 27, 2018
July 27, 2018
14 July 27, 2018
COMMUNITY/ OBITUARY Sanjay Grover, a Gentle Soul Passes Unexpectedly, 1972-2018 MISSOURI CITY: Tragedy struck the Grover family again when their youngest son, Sanjay, 46, suddenly passed away while watching television at his home in Olympia Lakes, Missouri City. He had returned home from work and apparently suffered a massive heart attack, though he never exhibited any prior symptoms. A few years ago, the Grover family lost their younger son, Sandeep, also suddenly, and this new loss leaves them and friends stunned. He leaves behind his grieving wife Jyoti, his 10 year-old son Amit, oldest brother Dr. Pawan Grover and parents Nimmi and Chaman Grover. T h e family lived together in their home by the water in Olympia Lakes. “He was the most innocent, sweetest kid that you ever met,” recalled Pawan. “My fondest memories of him were
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 agement knowledge. Hon. Shri Kiren Rijiju, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs of India was the chief guest for the evening and the event was graced by notable personalities. Mandira Bedi and Samir Kochhar hosted the gala event. The evening also witnessed a mesmerizing dance performance by Terrence Lewis Dance Institute. NRI of the Year is India’s most distinctive awards recognizing the outstanding achievements of the Indian Diaspora globally. With their grit
playing basketball with him and Amit.” Sanjay Grover was born in Indianapolis, Indiana and moved to the Houston area with his family
in the late 80s. After his education, he started working in his brother Pawan’s medical practice. A generous person at heart, he was also very considerate. Almost 25 years ago, when his older brother Sanjay needed a kidney transplant, he gladly donated his own without any concerns for himself. Even minutes before he died, he had gone to get a blanket for his son Amit, whom he adored and checked on frequently. “He was an instantly likeable person,” Pawan added, “and was the most popular person among the cast and crew when we were filming my movie ‘Unspeakable’.” Funeral and cremation services for Sanjay were held at the Winford Funeral Home at 8514 Tybor Drive in southwest Houston on Sunday, July 15 and were attended by family and many friends, whose unwavering love and support the Grovers are grateful for.
Dr. Manu Vora and perseverance, Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) have achieved tremendous success in various fields in the countries they have chosen to adopt as their homes. This year, the awards covered the top four regions across the globe – North America, UK & Europe, Middle East, and Asia Pacific. The NRI of the Year awards captures the journey of global Indians who have kept the Indian flag flying high globally and continue to inspire other Indians. Dr. Manu Vora is the Founder Director and President of BFI since 1989 and his team has raised over $4 million to help over one million visually impaired people in India. The BFI Mission is to prevent and cure blindness, and educate and rehabilitate permanently blind people in India. So far, BFI has supported over 200,000 free Cataract operations, donated 128 Mobile Vans for transport of eye doctors and patients, distributed 10,000 Braille Kits to blind children for their education, and checked eye sight of 900,000 school children and provided necessary interventions such as free eye drops, Vitamin A, glasses, or Cataract operations as needed. This is a Free ‘Chakshu Daan’ Project since 1989 (https:// Dr. Vora shared his “Leadership Excellence Series” focusing on life-long transferable knowledge of soft skills and quality manage-
ment free-of-cost to over 675,000 people in 14 States of India covering 50 Colleges/Universities. This is a Free ‘Gyan Daan’ Project since 2013 ( leadership-excellence-series/). Dr. Vora is the Chairman and President of Business Excellence, Inc., USA. He has over 43 years of leadership experience guiding Fortune 500 companies in US Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework. For the last 25 years as an Adjunct Faculty he teaches Operations Management courses globally. He is connected with over 80 educational institutes world-wide. He holds Ph.D. and M.S. (both from IIT, Chicago), B. Tech. (Honors) in chemical engineering from IIT (BHU), Varanasi, and MBA with marketing management. In 2016, he was appointed Fulbright Specialist by the US Department of State and completed his first Fulbright Specialist Project in March 2018 at IIT(BHU), Varanasi. He has delivered over 770 presentations globally and published over 70 scholarly articles. He has received 35 awards/honors for his life-long community service including U. S. President’s Volunteer Service Award and 52 awards/honors for his outstanding professional service. For more information about the NRI of the Year Awards, visit:
July 27, 2018
16 July 27, 2018
Desis Make Waves in Cricket, the Prison and in Medicare BY JAWAHAR MALHOTRA
HOUSTON: In a continuation
of the impact that desis are having on their adopted country, here are three more people who have surfaced in news stories recently.
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Seema Verma, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has proposed patient information portability rules meant to improve care for patients and help providers. Just this week she has proposed changes in the way that Medicare pays doctors for office visits, offering physicians the same amount regardless of the patient’s condition of complexity of services provided, a proposal that she has come under fire for from most practitioners. Under this rule, patients would pay one rate for new patients and a lower rate for established patients. Born in Virginia, and her husband Sanjay, a child psychiatrist who runs a medical practice through the Indiana Health Group, live in Carmel, Indiana with their two children. She received her bachelor’s in life sciences from the University of Maryland, College Park in 1993 and a master’s in
public health with a concentration in health policy and management from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in 1996. She was confirmed in her current position on March 13, 2017. Tanweer Ahmed, 50, has quietly
been building a cricketer’s destination on 86-acres near Prairie View A&M University off US 290 north on the outskirts of Houston. Using his own money, he has planned for 10 to 12 fields and hopes to sustain the complex with dues and fees from leagues and lessons under his new nonprofit, the Kalsoom Prairie View Cricket Association, named after his mother. As President of PAK Foods, Ahmed owns more than 150 franchise restaurants in four states, plus an energy company and half of a medical research venture. He has always been passionate about cricket but was never able to indulge in it as a child as he had to help support his family in Sialkot, Pakistan, and then later as an adult became busy with work. Seeing the growing demand for cricket, but the lack of facilities in the Houston area which has scattered cricket fields, Ahmed took the plunge to
First Death Anniversary In loving memory of Jasumati Ramanlal Upadhyay. We remember you with pride and gratitude. We miss your love, affection, and guidance. Fondly remembered by Upadhyay, Trivedi and Pathak Parivar
build his complex. It is expected to drive in lots of business to the local community, which is very supportive of the complex. Iyman Faris, 49, is a PakistaniAmerican who served as a double agent for the FBI before pleading guilty in May 2003 of providing material support to Al Qaeda. A
United States citizen since 1999, he had worked as a truck driver and lived in Columbus, Ohio. Since September 2003, Faris is the only confessed al Qaeda sleeper caught on U.S. soil. Faris came to the United States as a young man in 1994 on a student visa but never enrolled in school. In 1995, he married Geneva Bowling and became a U.S. citizen in 1999. He returned to Pakistan in 2000. After his father had just died and his five-year marriage was ending. Just this week, a federal judge has ruled that he can retain his citizenship despite being sentenced to 20 years in prison for his guilty plea in plotting to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge in 2003.
July 27, 2018
The Extraordinary Life and Times of Mahatma Gandhi - Part 7
he story thus far… Gandhi realizes that he could be more effective at supporting the cause of the Indians in South Africa if he returned to India. Once in Calcutta, he drew attention to the plight of the South African Indians to the Indian government and media, where there was widespread support. But he was soon recalled to South Africa as the Lord Chamberlain was visiting South Africa. In 1906, an ordinance introduced by the Transvaal government required all Indian men, women, and children, to register themselves and obtain a personal certificate bearing their name and thumb impressions. It was demeaning and humiliating to Indians, who refused to submit to the terms of the ordinance. They resolved to fight it. Gandhi saw the need for passive resistance or satyagraha. He explained to the people his concept of satyagraha. First, he said, they must be prepared to observe absolute nonviolence. The authorities would take all measures to put down the agitation. They might use violence, arrest people and send them to jail, but all this must be faced without resistance, Gandhi told them. “Merely disobeying the government’s laws will not be enough,” Gandhi told them. “You must have no hatred in your hearts and you must cast away all fear.” The Government ignored all Indian protests against the ordinance and it came fully into force. The Indians decided to disobey the provisions of the ‘Black Act.’ Hundreds of Indians were arrested, tried, and jailed. They all pleaded guilty and went to jail without putting up any defense. Gandhi too was imprisoned. Then one day he was taken out of prison and sent to Pretoria to see General Jan Smuts. “This movement you have started,” Smuts said, “must stop at once. It is not in me to dislike Indians, but they must obey the law”. “I would rather die than submit to this law,” Gandhi replied. “It is meant to humiliate the Indians.” After some argument, however, they reached a compromise. Gandhi promised to end the satyagraha if the act was repealed and the prisoners released. Smuts agreed to do this provided the Indians would register of their own accord. On this agreement, they parted. Back in Johannesburg, Gandhi called a meeting of the Indians. “We must now register voluntarily to show that we do not intend to bring a single Indian to the Transvaal by fraud,” he said. “If we show our goodwill by prompt registration, General Smuts will see to it that the “Black Act” is repealed,” added
Gandhi. Many Indians agreed with Gandhi, but a man named Mir Alam disagreed, saying it was Gandhi who had earlier preached that only criminals get finger-printed. He wanted to know why Gandhi had changed his mind. Early the next morning Gandhi, with his fellow satyagrahis, set out for the registration office. But on the way Mir Alam attacked him with a heavy stick. Gandhi fell down unconscious. Mir Alam and his associates went on beating him until he was rescued. When Gandhi recovered consciousness, he found himself on a couch in the house of an Englishman whom he hardly knew. Struggling to sit up, Gandhi requested that Mir Alam not be judged too harshly for not understanding Gandhi’s stance about the registration. Then he insisted that a clerk from the registration office should come to take his thumb impression and make out his certificate. In this way Gandhi was duly registered. Many Indians followed Gandhi by registering voluntarily. But General Smuts, reneged on the deal and did not repeal the “Black Act.” The Indians, disappointed at the Government’s attitude, demanded a return of their applications for voluntary registration. The Transvaal government did not budge. Gandhi, who had by then recovered from his injuries, gave the government a very firm ultimatum: If the Black Act is not repealed before a fixed date, the certificates collected by the Indians will be burnt. When the Government ignored this threat, Gandhi started another satyagraha movement. A big bonfire was lit and more than two thousand certificates were burnt. Many Indians openly crossed the border into the Transvaal, where their presence was illegal. Gandhi and many of his compatriots were imprisoned several times in the course of the agitation. When Gandhi came out of jail for the third time, the Indians held a meeting and decided to send a deputation to England to acquaint the British Government with the real situation
in South Africa. GandhiandSethHajiHabib were asked to go to London and present the grievances of the Indians. Accordingly they went, but accomplished nothing as the British government favored the British domiciled in South Africa. They returned with grim determination to fight to the bitter end. Gandhi then made a big decision. He gave up his practice as a lawyer. He felt it was a conflict of interest earning his living by law while defying it. Hermann Kallenbach, a white farmer, was so impressed with the peaceful way of life at Phoenix that he offered Gandhi his own big farm near Johannesburg to start another colony. He suggested that all those who had lost their jobs and homes by their participation in the satyagraha could settle there. The new colony was established in 1910 and named “Tolstoy Farm” after the Russian writer whom Gandhi much admired. Here people who were different in nationality, religion, and color lived together like one family. They worked hard and shared the fruits of their labor. Gandhi spent much of his time at Tolstoy Farm. He was engaged in teaching the children and in other constructive activities. Gandhi’s efforts to persuade General Smuts to change the attitude of the Government towards the Indians had failed. Meanwhile, the struggle continued against the Black Act and the poll-tax. And now hundreds of Indian women, including Kasturbai, joined the movement. Meanwhile a recent court decision in South Africa holding that the law did not recognize Indian marriages, drew much unhappiness amongst the Indian women who could not stand this attack on family ties. They openly broke the law and were imprisoned in large numbers. In the coalmines at Newcastle, in Natal, Indian workers went on strike protesting against the repression. News of the arrests, the deportation of passive resisters, and the untold sufferings of Indian families angered the people of India. A large amount of money was collected for the relief of the victims. Many satyagrahis were beaten and flogged, and some lost their lives. Gandhi, who felt intensely the humiliation his people suffered, took a triple vow of self-suffering. He decided to dress like a poor laborer, to walk barefoot, and to have only one meal a day, till the poll-tax and other injustices were abolished. But Gandhi found the Government relentless. There was no solution in sight. He knew he had to take further drastic measures for any chance of change benefitting the Indians and people of color in South Africa. — To be continued next week
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The contest are open to all children in the greater Houston Area. The winners of these contests will be recognized at the 1000 Lights for Peace, a celebration of Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday, on Sunday, October 14, 2017. For more information and registration visit
18 July 27, 2018
More Bothered about Trump I first noticed this in 2016. Friends on social media began sharing posts lamenting the end of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. It continued into 2017 when these friends began sharing statuses marked with a defiant #NotMyPresident. And then, more recently, students marched through cities (with posters that conspicuously featured #MarchForOurLives) demanding a change in gun control laws. All perfectly normal events except, of course, these passionate, outraged, conscientious friends all live in India, hold Indian passports, and study in Indian universities. They commiserate with their fellow global — American — citizens in their times of distress, when popular American politicians retired, when American lawmakers refused to pass basic gun control legislation and when an American man who offended their liberal American sensibilities won an election to run their country. Why then, does this group not react as emphatically when similar events occur in India? This is a trend that exposes a more fundamental feature of our country’s politics. There is a sizable portion of affluent, urban, educated English-speaking Indians (or Indo-Anglians as Sajith Pai calls them) who are far more interested and aware of developments in American politics than in similar events back-home in India. I believe this preference for American, and usually Western, politics has two core reasons. One, for the group in question, American politics and politicians are more relatable. These people constitute the privileged, who can afford to only have a cursory relationship with the Indian government. If stimulating, sophisticated entertainment is what this group desires, American politics has much to offer. It includes well-publicised debates with discussions that involve policy, action plans and worldviews. Two, and I think more importantly, American film and literature have made politics even more exciting, providing an additional menu of conversation starters for the internationalist urban Indian. FA variety of biographers and historians analyze, document and repackage the legacies of American politicians for the part-time citizen And every night, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah and others provide further political entertainment on live television. Is it not natural that the casual political observer would follow American politics? I think this group’s lack of participation in the electoral process is unfortunate. Of course, they only constitute a small fraction of the overall population. That said, when we lose educated privileged citizens’ interest, we also lose their time, their capital and their ability. They do not even care enough to vote – in the recent election in Karnataka, voter turnout in Bengaluru was 51per cent, compared to 78 per cent in rural Karnataka. Why will these citizens, who have so much to give back to the country, do so without necessity nor inspiration? -- Vinay Sridhar in Indian Express
Are We Ravaged by Egoism?
BY RAJEEV BHARGAVA Egoism emerges when an act disregarding others is propelled by the deeper belief that others have no value at all Several years ago, driving on the then wide and spacious Ring Road of Delhi, I was nearly hit by a car that dashed out from a side lane. I brought my own car to a screaming halt, sprang agitatedly towards the offender and asked him if he knew that the driver on the main road has the right of way. Completely unruffled, he replied: ‘Jo jis road par chalta hai, wahi road uske liye main road hoti hai (Whichever road one is on becomes their main road)’. At that time I used it as an example to teach my students the meaning of relativism. But it can as easily be used as an example of how people brazenly put their own self-interest before the interest of others. Already a symptom of a developing social disease then, today the malaise has deepend: there is a free reign in our society of unspeakable moral insensitivity. In short, a very worrying aspect of contemporary India is a rampaging egoism engulfing us all. Let me immediately allay the fears of those who suspect that the target of my attack is self-interest. It is not. Indeed, it is extremely important that self-interest be distinguished from egoism. So, it is the galloping growth of egoism that alarms me, not the legitimate pursuit of self-interest. Self-interest is the awakened attention of one’s self towards its own desires or good. This awakened attention to one’s own good may lead one to desire it when it is absent, to actively pursue it in order to attain it, and to have positive feelings when it is achieved. There is clearly nothing wrong in this. Indeed, we want people to recognise their interests and pursue them with care and concentration. We reprimand a diabetic parent who eats sweets on the sly, a child who does not wash his hands before dining or who does not study before an important exam. Not knowing one’s interests or failing to pursue them appropriately is hardly a virtue. Indeed, we not only need to pay heed to our self-interest but keep enriching it. We need to discriminate
between what is good for us and what we happen to currently desire; to attend to our real self-interest; to recognise, for instance, that it is unhealthy to regularly consume fast food and therefore inappropriate to even want it. And to switch instead to a home-cooked, balanced diet. But what if my self-interest, rich or poor, conflicts with the interests of others? Isn’t egoism just this: the pursuit of self-interest at the expense of others? Is this the problem of rampaging egoism — that all of us are currently pursuing our own interests disregarding the interests of others? Not quite. Why? Egoism is a pathological by-product of modern reason, a rationally evaluated perspective for which the only entity in the world that matters is one’s own self. All other persons are entirely worthless, without any value. And it comes in two forms. If the self coincides with one person, we obtain individual egoism. If it extends and encompasses several persons, then we have communitarian egoism. Such egoism may focus on the family, the caste, or a linguistic, religious or national community. For communitarian egoism, only my community has value; other communities are entirely worthless. This should immediately clarify that a person pursuing self-interest even when disregarding others is not necessarily an egoist. An egoist’s disregard for the interests of others is different from the non-egoist’s. The difference is this: egoism emerges only when an act disregarding others is propelled by the deeper belief that others have no value at all. The selfinterest of two persons who recognise each other’s value may conflict but such conflicts can be resolved or reconciled because deep down they share a moral framework. But the
INDIA: ASEEM KULKARNI ®All rights reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be published without the written consent of the publisher. The deadline for advertising and articles is 4 pm on Monday of each week. Please include self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of all unsolicited material. Published at 7457 Harwin Drive, Suite 262, Houston, Texas 77036. Tel: 713-789-6397 email:, website:
egoist is numb to others; he altogether lacks a moral dimension. In fact, the pursuit of self-interest can even serve justice. Let me offer some examples to illustrate my point. An apple is placed before Alok and Neel. Alok already possesses six apples and wants the seventh. Neel has none. Both Alok, who is clearly greedy, and the needy Neel want the apple. But Neel, disregarding the current interests of Alok takes it. Though Neel has successfully pursued his self-interest at Alok’s expense, he is not an egoist. Take another example. Ram and Ravi are travelling in a compartment of a fast moving train. Neither can leave the compartment. Ravi lights a cigarette. Ram suffers from asthma and so requests Ravi to stop smoking but to no avail. Ram snatches the cigarette from Ravi and throws it out of the window. He has acted protecting his interest, disregarding the interest of Ravi, but he is not an egoist. These are not fanciful examples of philosophers. The poor who suffered in, say, the Odisha cyclone and looted food reserves of local baniyas because of the complete breakdown of the public distribution system can hardly be called egoists. So, what is worrying about our current socio-cultural malaise is this: there are lots of people amidst us acting against others to not only realise their self-interest but to brutally convey that others are altogether worthless. What else is conveyed by the callous indifference to children dying out of neglect in hospitals, by an 80-year-old swami being kicked and abused, by the collective savagery of the rape of little girls, and lynching of innocents by feral mobs? -- The Hindu. Rajeev Bhargava is a political theorist with the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, New Delhi
July 27, 2018
Dhadak Movie Review There is no ‘dhak dhak’ in this Janhvi Kapoor Starrer R
emaking Sairat was always going to be a tough ask for mainstream Bollywood. The edges of that searing 2016 tale of love-in-the-timeof-caste were necessarily going to have to be blunted and softened, because too much ‘realism’ is hard for us to handle. There isn’t a filmmaker working in India who can match Sairat director Nagraj Manjule’s appetite for recreating raw slap-in-the-face directness for the screen: the only one who can match him is Sanal Sashidharan, and neither of them work, for obvious reasons, in Bollywood, where dirt needs to be proffered up in pretty ribbons. What I was expecting from this Karan Johar production, I got– a polish-up-the-muck aesthetic to make it palatable for mainstream audiences. What I didn’t get, was feeling. That sense of playfulness which director Shashank Khaitan, going by his previous films (Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhaniya and Badrinath Ki Dulhaniya) exhibited in his earlier work, a quality which made
his young leads spark, is missing from Dhadak. So is Johar’s uncanny ability to ratchet up emotions, to create frisson between two lovers, those moments full of awareness of the other, without which no love story can be effective. Barring a few patches, Dhadak has neither requisite drama nor authenticity. It underlines all its scenes with blaring background music, to tell us how to feel. It doesn’t work, not as an official copy of Sairat, nor as a standalone Bollywood romance. There is, I’m afraid, no ‘dhak dhak’ in this Dhadak. Caste is such a hot button issue that it burns. Or, should we say, it rightfully should, when used in a film as a central theme. Here it is bandied about a couple of times as a phrase, without any real attempt to delve into the complexities and miseries of what it means to be of lower caste in today’s India. Great love stories, and god knows we need them more than ever, especially ones which dare to put the spotlight on age-old inequalities and deep-seated prejudices of caste and
class and religion, shift something. The best ones go after barriers, subvert hidebound notions of honour, give us a new way of coming at that oldest story in the world: love, or something like it. More than anything else, they give us passion, incendiary passion, that burns the screen. There is so little going on between Madhukar (Khatter) and Parthavi (Kapoor) — yes, there’s some amount of flirty ‘nonk-jhonk’; but not enough of the giddiness and
the swirliness of true young love: neither Khattar, whom we’ve seen before, and Janhvi Kapoor, the late Sridevi’s daughter whose debut this is – come across as if they will live and die for their love. Sairat was set in rural Maharashtra, and takes its young leads to a slummy outpost in Hyderabad. Parshu and Archi learn the hard way that you can run, but not hide, and lead us to one of the most wrenching climaxes in the movies. Dhadak gives us Udaipur and Kolkata and glossedup grunge, and provides Madhukar and his ‘oonchi-jaat’ love Parthavi some tough times via her snarly father (Rana), which they ride over so easily that the end is not earned enough. Finally, you look around to see the people who belong to this tale— Aditya Kumar as Roop, Parthavi’s menacing brother, and Kharaj Mukherjee, the Santa Claus figure in
BHARAT, Salman Khan-Ali Abbas Zafar’s Film Goes on Floor
Salman Khan’s next film Bharat’s
shoot is all set to begin from today. The director Ali Abbas Zafar took to Twitter to announce the same with a photo of himself and Salman. “So here we are together again…. ”
wrote Ali. Director-actor duo Ali Abbas Zafar and Salman Khan are collaborating again after the success of Tiger Zinda Hai. And after Race 3, Salman is all set to sway the audience’s heart in
an altogether new avatar. Earlier, about the film’s shoot, a source told, “We begin shooting an important sequence that has a circus set up. Since Ali Abbas Zafar is very specific about the details, he roped in Bulgarian gymnasts who will be performing acrobatic moves in this sequence. We will be shooting with Salman Khan, Disha Patani and Sunil Grover. Ali has roped in South Korean action director SeaYoung Oh who had earlier worked with Shah Rukh Khan on Fan. Reportedly, Ali Abbas Zafar’s Bharat will showcase him as a daredevil stunt motorcyclist. In the film, he will be working at a circus along
with Disha Patani, who’s a trapeze artist. Also, both Salman and Priyanka will be sporting several looks. The team will begin shooting for a circus scene set in the late 60’s. About the same, Ali had shared that the idea is to create an Indian-Russian circus like the one created for Mera Naam Joker. For the same, many performers will be flown down. Other than Salman Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Disha Patani, Bharat also stars Tabu, Sunil Grover, Varun Sharma and Aasif Sheikh. Priyanka will soon join the rest of the cast and the outdoor schedule will begin in August.
Kolkata—stand out. Khatter has a mobile, expressive face. He is a natural. Kapoor, though, has a hard time emoting. On their own, they each have a couple of scenes which they work: together, there is no zing, no `zingaaat’. There will be a modern contemporary Bollywood romance posting new frontiers on the casteand-class front. Dhadak is not it.
Sanjay Dutt July 29, 1959
Sonu Sood July 30, 1973
Sony Nigam July 30, 1973
Siddharth Roy Kapur
August 02, 1974
20 July 27, 2018
SUDOKU Place a Number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.
Send us the correct answer before August 01, 2018. Email us at or mail to 7457 Harwin Drive, Suite 262, Houston, TX 77036. Send us your solved Sudoku for your name to be published (for first three entrees only & 1 submission per month).
Solution Next Week
Mama’s Punjabi Recipes
Talk to a Punjabi about jalebis (sweet flour spirals) and he will immediately mention hot milk to go with it! Jalebis are a dish adopted from the Persians, but now so Indianized that it is claimed as our own. Below is a reprint of Mama’s Jalebi recipe, which is a tasty sweet seldom found in Indian restaurants. It is reprinted with some additional information and directions.
Some dishes that originated in
Northern India have been so widely accepted that they are available all around the country now, especially the sweet desserts. Gulab jamun (fried rose colored ball); ras gullas (syrup soaked sponge balls); burfi (evaporated milk wedges); ladoos (chickpea flour balls) are just some of these. To this list, you must add jalebis, the delectable deep-fried, soft flour spirals. You can find jalebis being made in a large kadai (wok) full of hot oil at any corner halwai’s (confectioner) shop in the evenings and many people will stop by to buy some piping hot ones to eat with their chai. Jalebis are especially popular at weddings and birthdays and during the Ramadan, Dusserah and Diwali seasons. They are really popular on cold, winter days when they are dipped in warm milk and devoured!
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Jalebis are popular in other countries too, in the Middle East, Libya, Egypt, Iran, Africa and the Maldives. The dish was brought to India in the 15th century by Persian invaders, and is called zulbia in Farsi. Although it may seem easy to make good jalebis, it is really an art of perfect flour mix; syrup consistency and timing to get them out of the deep-fry with the crunchy crispiness that makes chewing them a delight. It is one of the few dishes that require two people to make. If the jalebis are taken out too quickly, they become soft, limp and taste a little mushy. During the festival season, it is best to make some extra chasni (syrup) and keep it aside for quick use in making jalebis. Ingredients: • 2 cups maida - (bleached white flour) • 2 cups chinni (sugar) • 2 cups pani (water) • Vegetable or sunflower oil for frying • 1 tsp orange food coloring • 1 tsp baking soda • Small clean muslin or cotton cloth
Directions: 1. To make the chasni, pour the sugar into a wide saucepan, add the water and orange coloring and mix thoroughly with a spoon. Bring to a boil for 10 minutes then turn off the heat and keep to the side. 2. Mix in the water and baking soda into the maida so that the dough is a paste, but not runny. 3. Make a small ¼ inch hole in the cloth. Pour some dough paste in the middle, then fold the cloth around it in the shape of a fat ball. 4. Heat the oil on high in the kadai and when hot, squeeze some of the paste in from the cloth in spirals till the surface is full. 5. The other person should quickly take the fried spirals out once it is a golden color. The first person then squeezes out more dough into the hot oil to repeat the process.
6. Dip the hot spirals into the chasni and after 1 minute, take them out with a strainer to drip. 7. Break into smaller spirals and serve hot with milk or chai. Shakuntla Malhotra is a skilled cook of Punjabi dishes made in the oldfashioned style that she learnt as a young woman in her ancestral home in Lyallpur, India (since renamed Faisalabad) before it became part of Pakistan after the Partition in 1947. People have often admired her cooking for its simplicity and taste that comes with each mouthful. Even in her late-eighties, she continues to cook daily and agreed to share her delectable Punjabi recipes for future generations.
Jalebis taste really go like a fried light w od if they are fresh, fluffy, light and cr afer. Their crunchin isp; almost es experience of eatin g jalebis, but if ther s is an important part of the e are together, then these taste soft and chew large pieces of flour lumped y.
The trick is to mak e sary to add some ba the batter fluffy, and to do this quickly, it king soda when the paste is being mad is necesway is organic but e. The other requires better prep aration. Mix the pa baking soda and th ste without the en two days. It will ris let it set in a warm spot, like inside th e by itself and be na e oven, for turally light.
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July 27, 2018
Rosneft Files $1.4 B Lawsuit vs. Sakhalin-1 firms: ONGC, Others MOSCOW: Russia’s largest oil company Rosneft filed an 89 billion rouble ($1.41 billion) lawsuit on Monday against participants of the Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project operated by Exxon Mobil subsidiary Exxon Neftegaz Ltd. The suit, received by an arbitration court in the Sakhalin region in Russia’s Far East, seeks to recover funds gained by parties between 10 July 2015, and 31 May 2018, through “unjust enrichment and interest gained by using other people’s money”, according to paperwork issued by the court. The lawsuit has been filed against five entities, claiming 10 billion roubles from Sakhalinmorneftegaz, 7.5 billion from RN-Astra, 26.7 billion from Exxon Neftegaz Ltd, 26.7 billion from Sakhalin Oil and Gas Development Co., and 17.8 billion from India’s ONGC Videsh Ltd. Sakhalin-1 is operated by Exxon Neftegaz Ltd, through which Exx-
onMobil owns 30% in the project. Rosneft and ONGC control 20% each. Japanese consortium SODECO owns 30%. A Rosneft spokesperson confirmed it had filed the suit, but declined to elaborate. Exxon Neftegaz said it was “aware of the court action, rejects the claims and will take action to defend the rights of the Sakhalin-1 consortium”. A preliminary court hearing
was set for 10 September. When state-owned ONGC-Videsh had decided to go for equity participation by pumping in $2.7 billion in the inhospitable Sakhalin Island in Russian Far East in 2001 in a challenging offshore project, many thought money would go down the drain. Since 2003, when the first Sakhalin-1 well was drilled, six of the world’s 10 record-setting extended
reach drilling wells have been drilled at the fields of the project, using the Yastreb rig. It has set multiple industry records for length, rate of penetration and directional drilling. On 27 August 2012, Exxon Neftegas Ltd beat its own record by completing Z-44 Chayvo well. This ERD well reached a measured total length of 12,376 meters (40,604 ft). In 2007, the consortium reached its production goal of 250,000 barrels per day In addition, natural gas production for the peak winter season in 2007 was 140 million cubic feet per day. The project was declared a success five years later when Vyacheslav I. Trubnikov, then Russian ambassador to India, handed over a decanter of crude oil from the Sakhalin-I project to then petroleum minister Murali Deora on December 2, 2006. ONGC aims to bring a million barrels of crude and oil equivalent gas per day from the Russian oil field.
McDonald’s to Power its Trucks by Recycling Cooking Oil MUMBAI: Hardcastle Restaurants, the master franchisee for McDonald’s in the western and southern markets, is planning to recycle the used cooking oil and covert it into biodiesel for powering its refrigerated supply delivery trucks, a top company official said on Monday. The company is currently piloting the project in Mumbai and is also looking at Bengaluru. “We will soon bring all our 277 outlets under the recycling programme,” Vikram Ogale, director, supply chain and quality assurance, Hardcastle Restaurants (HRPL), told reporters here. The company started the pilot last year, with Unicon Biofuels, and has so far scaled it up to cover 85 restaurants in the city, converting over 35,000 litres every month into biodiesel, he said. Ogale claimed the biodiesel made from the used cooking oil
to be a cleaner fuel with 75 per cent lower carbon emissions than diesel over its entire life cycle. Sandeep Chaturvedi, president of the Biodiesel Association of India, said HRPL and Unicon Biofuels have been working for the past one year to convert used cooking oil to biodiesel as per the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). “The Biodiesel Association of India encourages all food companies to
learn from this initiative and apply it to their business model,” he added. Based on the original versatility of the diesel engine, oil recycling entrepreneurs such as Justin Carven, the founder of Greasecar Vegetable Fuel Systems, a revolutionary company that has developed a conversion system that can be installed in diesel cars and trucks to make them run on straight vegetable oil, has opened up a new realm of possibilities. Used in
concert with existing cooking oil recycling and filtering methods, this offers an intriguing fuel alternative to traditional gasoline and diesel. Biodiesel is completely biodegradable and far safer to store than fossil diesel. Harmful emissions are dramatically reduced and biodiesel lubricates more efficiently than fossil diesel fuel, so it has the potential to increase engine life. “It starts with the correct raw material. The first choice is a triglyceride oil or fat. This can be any vegetable oil, but I suggest one of the more common and therefore cheaper varieties such as sunflower, safflower, palm, canola or soya oil,” explains Paul Maher inventor of the process and technical director at Bio-Dynamic, a South African startup. Biodiesel can be used safely in any diesel-powered engine, whether it is fitted on a forklift truck, a harvester or anything in between. -- Indian Express
Indo-American Couple Makes $2B from Syntel BENGALURU: Indian-American couple Bharat Desai and Neerja Sethi have sold their IT services company Syntel to French IT major Atos for $3.4 billion. The two together held 57% stake in the company, which means they receive nearly $2 billion from the deal. Desai was born in Kenya, grew up in Mombasa and in Ahmedabad, and then did electrical engineering from IIT-Bombay. He worked briefly in TCS before moving to the University of Michigan for an MBA. That is where he met Sethi and, in 1980, while they were still studying, the two decided to start a company (they married later) that was in some ways modelled along the lines of TCS. Syntel, which had $923 million in revenue in fiscal 2017, was started with $2,000. Syntel earned $30,000 in its first year, and got a boost in 1982 when it signed on General Motors as a client. At an entrepreneur event in 2013 in Delhi, Desai is reported to have said, “I always wanted to run a business of my own. I was a horrible employee and could not live by anybody else’s rule. So, the best way was to start my own company. My wife is the toughest board member.” Desai had further said that he knew the IT services industry would grow significantly and with the right moves, “we could outpace overall growth”. Syntel was initially an IT staffing company, but soon evolved into a firm providing IT applications services. That’s when it also started its India development centres.
Syntel founders Neerja Sethi and Bharat Desai.
22 July 27, 2018 What Does India Need to Do to Win in England? BY CRICKET MONTHLY LEEDS (ESPN Crickinfo): There are 15 things India must do to win in England. 1. Catch India got a new slip cordon in 2013-14, who went to South Africa last December having taken 32 and dropped 45 of the opportunities their fast bowlers had created. Then they dropped Keshav Maharaj in the first Test, in Cape Town, and a host of chances went down in the second Test, in Centurion. Two-nil, series over. Just to underline the point further, in the Test that India won, South Africa dropped Virat Kohli twice; India took all their catches. 2. M Vijay and Cheteshwar Pujara They are two anomalies in modern cricket, in that they love playing defensively. Their first job is to protect Kohli and Ajinkya Rahane from the new ball, and they played uncharacteristic shots - and too many of them - in the first two Tests in South Africa. They were back to defensive cricket when India won. 3. Judge form India want to pick players on current form but when there is no firstclass match between Tests, how do those sitting out stake their claim for a place? India will have to be smart at managing those outside the XI. 4. Don’t rule out spin India’s overseas wins are usually two kinds: low-scorer on a seaming track or runs on board and then spin, spin, spin. One of India’s three wins in England this century was through spin. The Tests on this tour are in August and September, by which time the pitches will be tired and worn out. Keep open the option of playing two spinners - one wrist and one finger - with R Ashwin playing the allrounder’s role. 5 Rahane Don’t drop him again. He has played a crucial role in both of India’s last two wins in England and South Africa. At Lord’s in 2014 he scored a hundred and shepherded the tail on a green seamer; on a difficult Wanderers pitch this year, playing his first Test of the series, he top-scored for India in the second innings, helping put the chase beyond South Africa. 6. Runs from wicketkeepr
Wriddhiman Saha has been great at home but he, as well as Parthiv Patel, could not make much of a contribution with the bat in South Africa. That MS Dhoni hole, in that sense, is not yet filled. Dinesh Karthik and Rishabh Pant have their task cut out. 7. Kohli First, keep him fit. Next, sort out that defensive shot outside off which gets him so often. He likes to feel bat on ball early on but in doing that he tends to defend balls he can leave. If he middles them he gets no runs, but if he edges them he is gone; none of these balls threaten his pads or stumps. Once he is through that initial phase, everybody knows how destructive he can be. Finally, consider getting him a bad haircut. It helps with the media pressure. 8. Manage the seamers’ workload They are up against five Tests in under six weeks. Injuries to Jasprit Bumrah and Bhuvneshwar Kumar have made it worse. Ishant Sharma, Umesh Yadav and Mohammed Shami might have to carry India at the start. It is of absolute importance that if and when the two injured fast bowlers join the team, they be fresh and ready to go. 9. Don’t give Joe Root an easy run Try the Aussie trick of going after the captain. Root is already under pressure after a long winless streak
overseas and a drawn series against Pakistan at home. 10 Negate home support Birmingham and London are well represented by Indian crowds. Do well, and they will travel to Nottingham and Southampton too. 11. Don’t give wickets to the opposition spinner Moeen Ali took 19 against India the last time. Nathan Lyon took 23 on the Australia tour that followed. 12. Go after England’s third seamer James Anderson and Stuart Broad are not young. Keep forcing them to come back for spell after spell. 13. Don’t be shy of picking six batsmen Especially when playing on a green seamer. In Johannesburg this year, for
example, an extra batsman would have been more helpful than the few overs Hardik Pandya got in. While he has proved himself to be a better option than Stuart Binny, who went to England in 2014, Pandya is best utilised on flatter pitches, where bowlers need frequent breaks and batting doesn’t demand the best technique. 14. Pujara between the wickets He mustn’t run himself out. He mustn’t run anybody else out - except while fielding. 15 Vijay’s opening partner Work out who it should be, and how many Tests should he be given. Ever since Virender Sehwag left, India haven’t had a settled pair at the top. Vijay, Shikhar Dhawan and KL Rahul are the survivors, but it helps to have clarity of roles.
Fakhar Zaman Quickest to Reach 1000 ISLAMABAD: Pakistan opening batsman Fakhar Zaman became the quickest player to reach the 1000 runs in one-day internationals (ODI), breaking the record of West Indies Legend Vivian Richards, here on Sunday. He achieved the feat during the fifth and final ODI of the ongoing fivematch series against Zimbabwe. The 28-year-old took 18 innings to reach the 1000 mark while the West Indies batsman had achieved the figure in 21 matches. During the course of the ODI series in Zimbabwe, Za-
man had recorded scores of 60, 117 (not out), 43 (not out) and 210 (not out) prior to the latest innings. Zaman made his ODI debut just over a year ago in the ICC Champions Trophy 2017 and smashed 252 runs in just four innings in India-Pakistan final. His innings of 210 runs in the fourth match against Zimbabwe was the first double century in the format by a Pakistani cricketer, and only the eighth overall after Rohit Sharma, Sachin Tendulkar, Virender Sehwag, Chris Gayle and Martin Guptill.
Lakshya Sen Wins India’s First Men’s Singles Gold
JAKARTA: Lakshya Sen was unaware that he was making history until after he had gone ahead and done it. His 21-19, 21-18 victory over reigning world junior champion Kunlavut Vitidsarn in the final of the Asian Junior Badminton Championships meant he was the first Indian man in 53 years to have held the continental title. It’s put him in elite company - other winners include Olympic champions Taufik Hidayat (1997), Lin Dan (2000) and Chen Long (2007). “I had no idea about any of that,” he says. Mature beyond his 15 years, a fast learner and equipped with a game that already has virtually no loopholes, Lakshya Sen’s rise to the top of the badminton world seems almost inevitable, writes Susan Ninan. Junior World No. 3 Lakshya Sen prevailed over stablemate Meiraba Luwang 21-13, 12-21, 21-13 for a passage into the pre-quarterfinals of the senior badminton nationals on Sunday. Even if he’s not nearly in their league yet, Sen has long been talked up as one of the brightest prospects in Indian men’s singles. This win over the best of his compatriots in Asia will only add to that chatter. His talent was undeniable -- a couple of years ago at 15 he became the youngest player to make the final of the National Championships and he’s been world no. 1 in the juniors in the past. Despite being the second seed at the 2017 World Junior Championships, he fell in the quarterfinals. He was the top seed at the Asian Junior Championships, where he lost in the fourth round. This year he hasn’t been in strong form. To begin with, he was carrying a couple of injuries. A niggle in his hitting shoulder had cost him two months at the very start of the year. And recurring pain in his shins prevented him even from running outside the court.
July 27, 2018
July 27, 2018