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Prayers for little Gurshan

It is a tragedy that has stunned and shocked the community. Not just here in Melbourne, but Australia-wide, and also back home in India. It is hard to imagine how a little child, a beautiful boy could be plucked from his home and left to die in a location 30 kms away and in such an inhumane manner. The very thought is sufficient to send shivers down the spine. No doubt we can expect to hear more chilling details in the next few days, but we already know that a housemate has been taken into custody and charged with manslaughter.

Our hearts go out to the bereaved parents, mum Harpreet Kaur Channa and dad Harjit Singh Channa, who have looked too stunned to even cry in the photos we have seen of them since the death of their young son. How many of us as parents have imagined the same situation: it’s a regular day, you go out briefly, your wife’s in the shower, and in those few moments when your child is unattended, the unthinkable happens…

Photos from the family album show a young, happy family and a smiling, content child. However, they weren’t as happy in Melbourne, with the dad unable to find a job and having to share housing with over half a dozen other people in Lalor. And we now know that they intended heading back home to India, as things hadn’t worked out in Australia.

The 23 year old Indian taxi driver Gursewak Dhillon who was charged manslaughter due to criminal negligence, was a housemate of the family. Reports that emerged at the time of going to press indicate that Dhillon admitted putting the unconscious three-year-old into the boot of his car and driving around with him for three hours before dumping him without checking whether he was alive. The

For the family, it’s a relief to hear that the perpetrator of this crime is now in custody. Said family spokesman Tim Singh Laurence, “(They) were not just coping with the loss of a three-year-old, but also coping with not knowing what would happen. So that is some small relief, thanks to the Victoria Police.”

A small group of friends, Consulate officials, the FIAV and the entire Indian community and indeed, the state have all offered support. “They were also touched by people who sent messages heartrending in what must surely still be a bewildering situation for them.

The boy’s parents desperately want to bring his body home. “They’re now focused on taking the child back to where their family and community is and following the Sikh customs there to lay their child to rest,” said Laurence.

We offer sincere condolences to the bereaved family and hope they find the strength to bear this terrible loss.

Rest in peace, little Gurshan.

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