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Tarot ‘n’ You Tarot ‘n’ You

Tarot predictions for March 2010

ARIES March 21–April 20

Your dreams are trying to convey a message to you. You will be able to find answers to the questions in your mind if you pay heed to your intuition. You need to be careful towards deceit in any form. You should not accept things at their face value as certain things involve deeper issues that might be hidden from your view. In such cases, you should pay attention to the voice of your subconscious mind. In a relationship reading, Tarot sees the need to resolve certain issues.

TAURUS April 21–May 21

You may feel restricted as you are not able to see anything in a clear perspective. You seem to have submitted your personal power to the challenges posed in front of you, leaving you feeling trapped in a specific situation. You are undergoing a mental conflict due to an inner crisis and therefore, you are under stress. Do not lose hope as things and situations would get sorted out in due course.

GEMINI May 22–June 23

Tarot indicates the simple union of two people in love. A good partnership or bond is suggested here. It is a time for harmony and unity. Tarot suggests that matters can be healed and peace can be restored. This month represents love, passion, friendship, affinity, union, sympathy and harmony. There is a spiritual connection where there is an equal partnership which benefits both the parties. In a relationship reading, Tarot foresees marriage, or a deeper commitment.

CANCER June 23–July 22

Tarot indicates a time when your actions revolve around emotions and a sense of fulfilment and peace. This month your focus is likely to be on the awakening of new thoughts concerning your inner desires. You may undergo psychic development leading to heightened intuition. Let yourself be spiritually free. Things look promising for a new relationship. You will benefit by connecting to life through feelings.

LEO July 23–August 23

Your focus is likely to be on family matters and relationships. You will encounter a friendly and loving person who is not only popular in company, but also clever in business and works with drive and enthusiasm. This person may bring you success in business. You are advised to adopt such qualities yourself. You are likely to achieve success through inner strength. Tarot suggests a good business proposal. Anything to do with property or security is well favoured.

VIRGO August 24–September 22

You are likely to find yourself emotionally satisfied as far as relationships are concerned. The card for you represents friendship, happiness, contentment of the heart and love. Your family situation is likely to be congenial, where the entire family is committed towards deep rooted values, leading to inner contentment. You are in a work environment where team work is very important for achieving common goals. Collaboration is the key to your success.

LIBRA September 23 – October 23

Your focus is likely to be on circumstances concerning legalities and partnerships. You are likely to receive positive advice at this point of time. You need to be decisive and take responsibility for your actions. You need a balanced approach to resolve any problems that confront you. You are likely to reap what you have sown. The future is yours to make, based on your present decisions. Honesty with self and the partner is the keyword.

SCORPIO October 24–November 22

This month your focus is likely to be on your ambitions. Tarot indicates that you will have a favourable encounter with an assertive person who will support you during a difficult time. He/ she will be good looking, well built, honest and kind. He/she will be a mature person who is good with people. He/she will be a helpful sort of a person, though he/she may not be emotionally involved in the situation. Tarot suggests that it will be beneficial for you to you adopt the above-mentioned qualities. You will do well in a career in sales or in any goal-oriented position.

SAGITTARIUS November 23–December 21

There is a focus on strength in opposition. Suspension of events is indicated. This period of delay should be used productively to reassess the line of action for the future. It is a card that tells you to complete a few of the incomplete projects in your life. In a relationship reading, it describes a cautious attitude towards the partner or relationships in general. You have perhaps been hurt by your partner or are yet to come to terms with your past relationships, and in turn are not able to commit yourself fully to the present one

CAPRICORN December 22–January 19

You realise that you can no longer stay away from issues and are required to face your problems and responsibilities. There is a conflict in the air that may have brought about the worst side of everyone involved. You need to be careful of someone who can create trouble. You have to avoid arguments, for your reputation may be at stake. The end result is not likely to give anyone much happiness. You should be careful, taking up only as much responsibility as you can cope with

AQUARIUS January 20–February 18

Your focus this month is on aspirations and ambitions. You may come across a sensitive person who would be able to give sound business advice as he/she would be intuitive about people. He/she will be trustworthy and would sincerely work towards the general good. His/her practicality and communicativeness would get him/her through situations and people. Tarot signifies security in money and status. You are likely to be helped by such a person. You need to trust his/her abilities. You can be successful through practical application of your ideas.

PISCES February 19–March 20

You need to focus on making important decisions. Tarot indicates changes of some kind, which may be to do with residence or job and could either be temporary or permanent. You could be bored with life and might feel the need for a change. The card for you represents flight, emigration or a new relationship. It is good to be fearless, but be careful and avoid being rash and impulsive. You are likely to find yourself being forthright, positive and eager for action

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