Kekiongan 1973

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Ge!NEALO 977.202 F77KEK 1973



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DR. ' ALTER J. WILLIAMS. Vt ce-Prestden t and Aca demtc Dean for t he co llege

MS. CATHERIN MILLER, Secretary of the co llege and Secret ary to Pres ident Terrell

/ CHERYL WOMACK. Sec retary t o Dr. Williams

MR. ROY SUTPHIN, Direct o r of Fin ances


MS. MARJORIE DOW, Cashier of Studen t Acco unts




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RO E E TROSTEL. Secret ary for Adm ass ton s Dept. (Next T me Turn Around D

MS . PAM KISER. Nurse f o r Health Department

PROF. ROBE RT MARSHALL. Dir ect o r of Place ment Off1ce ard Co-operat tve Educat 1on

MR. DAVID ECC LESTONE, Director of Alumni Relations and Public Relations

r,~s .

ROSMARIE HOY. Sec retary fo r Public Relations an d AIu m n ' Relattons Off tce




MS. GRETA McCALL Y, Secretary to the Reg1strar


DR. ROY DOORNBOS. Directo r of Student Servic es

MS. ANN LANGDON . Secretary to the Registrar

MS. EVELYN Services

EHRMAN . Sec retary t o Director of Student


S ll DA PERKI S Secretary for Fo r etgn Student Servtces

MS. NANCY McCAGUE , Switc h o bard Oper at o r

• ,

MR. ART FILLMAN , Otrector o f Securt t y

MS. RUTHA N N CROZ IER, Boo k st o r e Manage r

ALA N VA UGHN , Prtn t Shop Manager


.. Pro f. BenJ amin L. Dow

Dr. Chun g-Li Sun

" Aw ... th e l1ttle bit sy pl ane broke up."

Dr . Ktn -Ht ng Luk


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Dr. Dav id K. Pet erson

Dr. William A. Kl emm

" Turn off that damn Bunsen burner!! "

Prof, Paul J . Orosz, Jr.

Prof . Ro bert J. Sw in dell

Dr. Warren Hoffm an



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Dr Robert P Bla rr "Oh , no ! ... not ano th er Bl air t est!' '


Dr. Lou is G. Petro

Dr. Oskar M1 cheJda

Dr. Lloyd Ketc hum

Dr. Will iam Shrad er


MS. DOROTHY ASHER , Secretary f o r Civil En g. Dept. (Also Aer os pace and Mechan ica l En g . Depts.)

PROF MARY LEE RICHESO N (Lecturer of 81ology)


Prof Gordon E Johnson

Pro f. Earl Dev l1n


Prof. Cha rl es Kitc hen

Dr. Akhouri S. C. Sinha

MS. ELAINE GLASER, Secretary for El ectr ical Eng. Dept. (also Math and Ph ys ics Depts.)

Prof. Chimanlal R. Patel




Prof. Herbert A. Meussl ing

Dr Mered1th J Sprunger




Prof . Karl David Schlundt

Prof James P. Arnold


Prof. Herbert Birkman

Prof. Mary E. We1m er


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S1ster Jacinta Witke

MS . GLORIA BHODE, Secretary for Liberal Arts Dept. (a lso Che mical Eng. and Chemistry Depts.)


MS. GAIL DOORNBOS , Prof. for Rec reat ional Mgt. Dept.

Pro f . Cha rl es R. Ca rr

Mr. Gary Rai lsback


MS A N WINTRODE, D1rect o r o f McArllen Libr ary

Ms. Do r oth y E. Feust el


MS. MARY ZEDAKER, Library Worker

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Prof. Benjamin L. Dow

Prof. Thomas L. Eddy

Dr. Roshan Ahuja

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Dr. Kozabu ro Miyaka wa

Prof. Daniel T . Dwyer


Coach David McCra c ken

Maj . Smith

Co l. Munson

Capt . Laine



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Capt. Blood


Sgt. Breckenr idge

Sgt. Good r urn


Sgt R1ce

Sfc . Wh1 te



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The big line-up to unload and move tn .

"So n, are you sure this is th e r ight school ?"



At long last. a I ive-in co-ed

" Th ere mu st be an east wind . .. I ca n smell Fal st aff "


Vvell, what have we here?!

Dr. Terrell ass uring th e parents that their children will be sa fe at Tech



" Hi. there!! "

" OOPS! ___ wro ng sc h oo l! "

" I wonder if th ey allow w ives to l ive in the dorm? "

" Honey. do n 't f o rget t o tell j un ior not t o get in with the wron g k ind of peo pl e."

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BELOW. LEFT: Vic Vaaccaro , Roch Wegenka , and Jo hn Mic k put the finishing t o uc h es on r esident co-ed Sarah Washingto n BELOW. RIGHT: Chris Allison and others get a taste of Tec h Hospital ity during the annua l podding ceremony



LEFT: So m e of th e deco rat ing an d preparat io n f o r th e fest; CENTER: Happy Dtwalt Day is rea lly Happy New Yea r fo r lnd1a ; RIG HT : th€ perf o rm anc e of a c lassic lnd1ana dan ce. .....

So me o f t he guest s atten d 1ng t he D1wal1 fest 1v1 t 1es

Inc lud ing so m e guest s o f h ono rable m entio n

·Ao re gu est s awa rt tn g th e drnne r and perf o rm ance o f lndran

Perfo r mance of t he Art i (prayer) t o begi n th e New Yea r f o r t he peo pl e o f India




Tech gets a helicopter for a week,

two trees

for keeps;

Fort Wayne gets a new bridge, and


K.D. Schlundt goes on a -


24 qq









Glona B.




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L t o R: Benn ett Kem p, Ro bert Mar shall. Ma rge Dow , Ben Dow. T homas Eddy, Kin-Hin g Luk, Ros han Ahu ja, C. Sun


Prof. Dow r eceiv tng a present fro m his bo wlin g t ea m

Dr . T errell g ivi ng h is after -d inn er speech

Doc Sprunger . why do I have these shooting pai ns in he stde of m; head?"

" H i ! I ·m a soc io I o gy pro f . . . w h at 's yo u r n a m e? "




Th e Tr i umvirate: (L t o R) Dr. Terrell (Pres.). Ben L. Dow (Head of AeE&ME Depts .) . Dr . W1lliams (V-Pres.)


" Gen t le Ben "

Ahu ja, Marshall, and Eddy congra tul ate Prof . Dow

Mr. and Mrs. Cox (L) before dinner with Dr. Petro ( R)

Prof. Swindell (L) and Dr . and Mrs. Doo rnbo s ( R) listening intently t o after-dinner conversation

Providing entert ai nment for th e m ales at theta ble



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even in Ft. Wayne . .. even at Tech

LEFT: A four-year-old tradition of decorating Room 246 to match the season may well come to an end with the graduation of its resident, Thomas Fellabaum , and the other guys living near-by who always pitched in to make it Christmas ... even at Tech.

"O .K., gang, you've had eno ugh Chri stm as. Better c lean up the mess before th e co unselo rs get here."




KNEELING . L t o R: Scott Ern st. Rick Rasch. Anwa r-UL Haq , Dave Duroch er , Kerry Eve r so le, a nd Ma rk Massaro STAN DIN G, L to R: Sgt. Ma J. Goodrum (Asst. Coach), Cliff Kibellus , Shike Ba ca l. Ron Shupler, Elroy Szabo , Pet er Kloko w, Zu lfik a r MuiJI. John Brady, Fran c1sco lshuu . C pt. Bl oo d (Coach )


Thethnll of w 1nn1ng

SZABO THE GOALIE ··Mr. Cos m 1c"



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5 12 6 0 5 2 5

The Indiana Tech soccer team ... plagued with inexperien ce and lack of ben c h strength . . . ended up with a 2-8 mark for the '72 season . Coached by Ken Blood , the team was full of desire, but lacking in the skills required to win big. Four seniors were selected to play in the Senior East-West All -Star game at Marion College Francisco , Ish u u, Rich M igl ietta , Scott Ernst, and Shike Bacal ; Elroy Szabo was selected to play goalie . -


TOP: Half-ttm e break f or th e Tech Warri o rs MIDDLE. LEFT : Brady def ending th e goa l against a Gosh ener MIDDLE, RIGHT: Ev ersole and Mu ljt m ov ing in for th e kil l BOTIOM , LEFT: Rasc h and Szabo attempting to bloc k a shot BOTIOM , RIGHT: Shu pier heading th e ball to Bacal at ce nter fi eld


J. P. Mic kll



L t o R Do u g Foster. J o hn Ranges. Dave Ba rta , Raym ond Setyo n o, Ken Woi t aszek, Todd Ga rber , and Ma j . Smi th (Coa c h ) OT PICTURED. Bo b Lukey and Go r don Ross

Season Summary Sc hool

The lnd1ana Tech t enn is t ea m , co ached by MaJo r Stanley Smith. wrapped u p its sea son with imp resSive VICt o ri es. Th e nu c leus o f the team for next yea r w il l be undercl assmen. an d h o pes f o r an M.C.C. ch amp1onsh1p ar e prevalent. Th e t o p f o ur players on th e '72 squad were Doug Fost er . John Ranges, Dave Ba rta . and Go rd on Ross.



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4th pl ace in M .C.C. T o urn a m ent


J. P. Mick ll



MARK J OLSO N B S.M.E.; Dean 's L1 st (2)

SHIKE BACAL B.S.E.E.; Varsity Soccer ... se lect ed to play Senior East-West All-St ar ga m e; o n Dea n' s Li st (2).

EDWARD J. HINKEL B.S. Ma ; Alph a Sigm a Phi ... Publ ic Rel ations Chairm an , Social Chai rman . Little Sisters Chairman; KEKIONGAN photographer ( 1968); NUCLEUS ph otographer ( 196970); President's Li st ( 1); Intra-mural Bowlin g.

BALKRISHNA V. PATEL B.S. Ch .E.; member Chemi cal Engineering Soci ety ; member In dia Associa t ion ; Dean's List (3).

DURGESH J . SHAH B.S.Ch .E.; m ember Chemical Engineering Society ; mem ber Indi a Associa ti o n ; President's Li st ( 1); Dean's Li st (3) .



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WALTER M. DLUGOLECKI B.S.M.E.; T ec h Man or Club; I.F.C .; T a u Ka ppa Epsil o n ... Spo rt s Ch a irm a n ; Reserv e Voll eyba ll.


BRIJMOHAN GUPTA B.S .C h .E.; Sec ret ary o f Ch emica l Engin ee rin g So c iety ( 1971 -7 2); Vi cePres id ent of India Associ ation ( 1970-71 ); Stu dent Sen at e ... Sen ator at Large ( 1971 -7 2) ; Pres ident 's List ( 1); Dea n 's Li st (4 ) .


CHARLES A. LINGENFELTER B.S.M .E.; m em ber T a u Ka ppa Epsil o n ; Vi ce-Pres ident o f I.F.C .; Intra-mura l Spo rt s; Speec h Award ( 1971 ) .

RAKESH PRASAD B .S.E.E.; m ember In stitute of El ectri ca l a nd El ectro n ics En g in eer s.

KIRISHNAKANT K. MERCHAN ,- B.S .Ch.E .; Vi cePresid ent of Chemi ca l En g in eerin g Soc iety ( 1970-71 ) ; Pres id ent of Ch emi ca l En g in ee rin g So c iety ( 1971 -72); Pres ident o f In dia Assoc iati o n ( 1969-70) .

GENE PUDLEINER B.S.M .E.; m ember Societ y of Autom o t ive En g in ee rs; Sigm a Pi ... Treasurer and Soci al C h ai rm a n ; I.F.C. re presentat iv e; intra-mura l spo rts.

GEORGE MIYAGI B.S .C.E. ; member Am eri ca n Soc iety of Civil Engin eer s; Dea n 's List (2) .

JEFFREY L. ROBERT S B.S.C. E.; Sig m a Pi ... Sec retary and Pres id ent; m ember o f T ec h Bowling Club .

BRADFORD MOLNAR B.S.E.E.; m e mber Si g m a Phi Epsilon.


RONALD L. SMALLEY B.S.C.E.; m ember Am erica n So c iety o f Civ il En gi n eer s; Th et a X i ... Vi ce-Pres id ent; Juni or C lass Vi c e-Preside nt o n Student Sen at e

ROBERT C. NORRIS , JR. B.S. C.E.; Secr et ary . of Ameri ca n So c iety of Civil En g in ee rs; m em ber A.W.W.A .; Theta Xi ... Pres id ent, Trea s u r e r , a n d Sc hoI a st i c C h a irm a n ; J u n i or CI a s s President on Stud ent Sen at e; Intra-mura ls; Varsity Soccer; Dea n 's Li st (2).

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The b1g proposal of 1963 a Quad with e'verythang. even bowling alleys

Th e real ity of 1965 . . . not quite what we ex pected t o see


Dr Ivan Pla nck as a freshman

Mark Wegenka looking th e sa m e then as he does now


Pro f Carr and h1s f1rst toy from IBM

John Rose looki ng quite different during his younger years at Tec h


Th e da ys before Krogers cl uttered up Tech F1 eld




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January. 1973. k1cks off w1th the demol1t1on of some of Tech's oldest bulld 1ngs ..

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Below is a 3-0 pi cture





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I have to pa1nt one more wall . t'll Ju mp out th is w1n do w!"

" Just wait until Dr. Peterson sees what we have plan ned for him! "

" Do I get a bonu s if I pa int past this spot ? Pl ease??''



You mean l' m not supposed t o pa1nt he glass''

"I detest ma nu al labor! !! "



" Now , if I wer e at Ieast seve n feet ta II . . . ··

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STUDENT SE NATE LINE-UP: Pau l Boggs, Rich Boh lim , Bob Sandy, Joh n Mic k , Chris Al lison, Jim Fisch er , Larry Kell er.

FACULTY LIN E-UP: T om Eddy, Earl " Dirty Earl" Devl in , Hugh " Tank" Mun so n , Ll oyd " Ro y " Ket c hum . Paul Or osz. " Doc" T errel l, Charles Go odrum




Zaffars Tabani observt ng th e serv ing of th e m any Pakistani delicactes wh tch were prepared by th e Pa kist ani St udents

ABOVE: The lovely Lind a Perkins model s a Pakistani fash ion during th e after-dinner f estivities BELOW: Some of th e entertainment inc lu ded th e performance of Pakistani dances, whi c h were authentic in both origin and costume

An ov erv tew of the multitu de of guests fr o m th e Fort Wayne area wh o attended the Pakistani Student Dinner

The eventng tnc luded speec hes deltvered by m embers o f lndtana Tech's Pak tst an t Student Assoctatto n •





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KNEELING , L t o R: Mrke Cook, Lew Kreger, David Chesnut. Johnny Wilson . Qurnt Pie rson , Bob Wi lso n . STANDING , L to R Coach McCrac ken. Rr ch Clendenen. Mark Wege nka, Randy H ill. Dr c k Lowery. Brll Fa rrrs, and Assrstant Coach Rrck We lls








63 71 81


"Tech's 15-10 basketba ll reco rd co uld have been much better and some stiff co mpetition and close games heald the Warri o rs to th eir reco rd . John Wilson and Randy Hill were mo st improved. Bob Wilson was named captai n, Lew Krege r was ' Mr. Hustle, ' and Mark Wegenka was the m ental leader. D1ck Lowery, onl y a fresh man , was named most valuable player ." -

J. P. Mic kll






81 90 81 80 83

75 82 61

73 WON



67 72


52 90 69 61 93 87 80

89 80

75 72

59 96 91 12 1







ABOVE (LEFT): Bi ll Farr is, bl oc ked by a Huntington play er. t akes a shot th at was high and o ut of ra nge. ABOVE: M IKE COOK ... m ost o utst andin g roo k ie o f t he Wa rri o r s' 7 2-73 seaso n . LEFT: Coo k t ak in g a shot to put T ech ah ea d o f a t ie positi o n o f 4 1-41. BELOW (LEFT): Dick Lowry easily co nqu er s a j ump-up at Huntington . BELOW: Dic k Lowry , th is t im e on th e T ech court, m a kes a gr eat sh ot des pit e h eavy bl oc k ing .




ABOVE: Randy Hill m ost 1mproved vet eran pl aye r for the Warno rs· 72-7 3 season . ABOVE (RIGHT): Bi ll Farns mak1ng o ne of h 1s powerful lay-up sh ot s. RI GHT: Chalk up another two po1 nts f o r t he m 1ghty Tec h Warnors! BELOW: (Joh nn y Wilso n 1n full con t ro l of a Jump up aga1 nst a Spartan . BELOW ( RI GHT): Coo k charg1ng th rough to m ake a Farn s-styl e lay-up sh ot.








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Prof. Charlie Kit chen gtves t humbs down to th e ftnal scor e: Senate 52-Fac ulty 40

Student Body Pres tdent Paul Boggs goes agat nst Prof. Devlin in the opening Jump .


ABOVE: Prof . Eddy streaks down th e cou rt whil e Bill Baker attempts to block BELOW: Tank Munson " aidtng" an inj ured Senator

ABOVE: Baker and Devl i n ar e at tt agatn. but th is t tm e Devl1n is dotng th e blocktng BELOW: Roy Sutphin try ing some co nfu sion ta c t 1cs

UWÂŁ22 p

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KNEELIN G, L to R: Ed Kel waski , Joe Fuhrm ann , Bob Durkin, and Tom Burns . STANDING. L t o R: Ken Woitaszek, Merritt Wi c hner. Dave Repasz, Walt Wolos, Rex Ashbaugh, John Neu stadter, Steve Thi eroff . Walt Za hn , Walt Dlugolec ki, Wayne Carter, Tony Pl onski , Mark Massa ro , and Steve Bloom .

KNE ELIN G, L to R: Qu int Pierson, Andy Powell , Sarah Washington , Ri c h Ch u , Bob Sa ndy . STANDING, L t o R: Dudley Duc ker, Paul Murchiso n , Lest er Desroches , Roc h Wegenka .

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KN EELIN G, L to R: R.C. Duane Osborn, Kevin Gou ld, Ri ch Schm1dt. STANDING, L to R: Wayn e Will ia m s, Pat Purdy, John Gard lik.



SAID EQAB FRAU B.S.C.E.; We ight Ltft tng Instructor: Prestdent of Wetght Ltft rngCiub

THOMAS L. BURNS B.S.C.E.; member of Amer ican Society of Civ il En gi neers (4): Tau Kappa Epsilon . . Pres tdent and Vi ce- Pres ident (3); Pr esident of Tec h Bowl ing League (4); Inter-Frat ernity Council Presi dent and Represent ative (2); lntramurals parti cipant (4 ).

DAVID L. DICKMAN B.S.M.E.; Dean's List (4).

RANDEL DALE FRY B.S.M.E.; Co-o p Student .. co mpleted 5 sessions with Cumm ins Engine Co .; Sigm a Phi Delta Vi ce- President and Ho use Manager (4); Inter-Frat ern ity Cou nc il VicePresi dent and Treas urer; Inter-Fraternity Sports ; Studen t Admi ssi ons Board ; Dean 's Ltst (2) .

ROBERT N. FRY B.S.Ph .; Physics Club; Tau Kappa Epsi lon . . . Socia l Chairm an ; Vice- Presi dent of America n In stitute of Aeronauti cs and Astro na uti cs ; KEKIONGAN editor ( 1970-71 ) and assistant editor; participant in Intramural basketba ll , softball, and golf.


XAVIER KAKKANATHU B.S.C. E.; m ember o f Ameri ca n Society of Civil Engineers : Dean's Li st (2).

RI CHARD V. KENDERIAN B.S.C.E.; Secr et ary of Amer ica n Societ y o f Civi l En gi neer s ( 197 1-72) ; member Alpha Sigma Phi; Student Senate . . T .M.C. Representative and Food Co mmittee: Soccer and Intramural Tennis parti c ipant.

MICHAEL J. KIRKPATRICK B.A. Psy.: Bowling League: Presiden t 's Li st and Dean 's List.

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.... . .. THOMAS MADAK B.S.E.E. : Sigma Phi Delta ... House Manager, Profession al Program D1rector, Co ncessio n s Manager, Publi ca tions Ed ito r

NAVIN C. PATEL B.S.Ch .E.; India Associa t ion . . . Secr et ary and Treas urer ( 197 1-72); member Chem ica l En gineerin g Society; Dean 's Li st ( 1) .


CHAITANYA V. SHASTR I B.S.Ch .E.; President of India Associat io n .




ROBERT W. BAIRD B.S. Ph .; member Physics Clu b: m ember Delta Sigma Phi ; m ember o f Gl ee Club and Band.


DOUGLAS B. FOSTE R B.S.E.T .; m ember o f Tech Vets ; Varsity T enn is ; Dea n 's List (Sum m er . 1972).

ROBERT J. HAUSER B.S .C.E.; member of Am eri ca n So c iety of Civi l En gin eers (served as Secret ary at University of Dayton ); m em ber o f Iot a Tau Kappa; Pres id ent's List ( 1); Dea n 's Li st (2) .

ROBERT L. GOWDY B.S.M.E.; m ember Ph i Kap pa Th eta .

BRIAN C. HOLLIES B.S.M.E. ; Alph a Sigma Phi ... Secret ary and Treas urer; Student Sen ate Representativ e; Inter-Frat ernity Counci l .. . Represe ntative and Pres id ent; Al c oa Found ation Sch o larship ( 1971 -7 2); Stud ent Admi ssio n s Bo ard ; President' s Li st (5); Dea n' s List

(4 ).


DENNIS H. JACKSON B.S. Psy .; KEKIONGAN Assistant Editor ( 1972); Presid ent's List (4); Dean 's List (4).

ROCKY G. PETERS B.S .Ae .E.; Ameri ca n Institute of Aeronauti cs and Astronautics ... Treasurer ( 1968); Sigma Ph i Epsil on ... VicePresident ( 1971 ); Vars ity Fencing Team ( 196871 ): awarded Certificate of Mer it f or Engineering Graph ics ( 1968).

PETER F. KLOKOW B.S.E.E.; Dean's List ( 1)

ANTHONY J. PLONSKI B.S.E.E .; member of In stitute of El ectr ica l and Electronics En gineers; Presid ent of Inter-Frat ernity Co un cil; member Tau Kappa Epsil on; member Weight Lifting Club; Dorm Counselor; Dean's List (4); President's Li st ( 1).

JON S. KRUEGER B.S .M.E.; member Mechanical Engineering Society; member Soc iety Automotive En gineers ; member Tech Vets ; President 's List ( 1); Dean 's List (3).

JOHN L. ROSE B.S.C.E. ; member of A.W.W.A. and Ameri ca n So ciety of C1v il En gi neers ; member Alpha Epsilon Pi ; Student Senate . . . Student Representative and Sophomore Class President.

HENRY A. LISOWSKI B.S.M.E. ; member of Society of Automotive Engineers; member of Mecha ni ca l Engineering Society; member of Tech Vets; Dean 's List (2); other activities ... flying, F.A.A., A.O .P.A.

BRIAN D. SOLARI B.S.E.E. ; Alpha Omega Tau . . . President. Vice-President. and Business Manager ; given Speec h Award ( 1971 ).

RAJENDRA R. PARIKH B.S .Ch.E. ; activiti es ... reading and sports.

GARY W. STEINKE B.S.Ch .E.; Alpha Epsilon Pi ... Scr ibe, House Man ager , Steward , Social Chairman , and Pledge Master ; member Student Senate .


DONALD R. VAUGHN B.S.M.E.; member of Society of Automot ive Engineers; member Mecha nica l Engineering Society ; member of Tech Vets .



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WL YV, 35 WITB, 32

ABOVE (SITTING): Ted Hatc h. ABOVE (STANDING) L to R: Bob Ham ilt on (Nat 'l Program Direct o r), Chu c k Ric hards , Chris O'Brien , Jay Walker, Frank Nac hazel. Larry Bower. Gal e Hat c h , Herb Weber (General Mgr. & Pres .), Bill St auffer. Ken Rhoades.

LEFT, ROW 1, L t o R: Ben Fi sher , Chuc k Will er , Kirk Teet ers. ROW 2, L t o R: Jo hn Dudl ey, Ev erett Smith , Don Barta, Steve Blake. ROW 3, L t o R: Mark Wegenka, Steve Zem anek , Jay Morri s, Kevin Young, Craig Teet ers . ROW 4, L t o R: Tim En gle, To m Schu erm an. -~

BELOW: A few of th e ga m e highl ights ...




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FRONT. L to R: Darryl Farmer, Bob Keister . Joh n Ulery, and Dave Durocher. REAR, L t o R: Jo hnny Wilson , Mark Gen sic, Rtc k Wells. Rich Clendenen , Rick Winkler, and Coach Denny Johnson .

.. The volleyball team, with All American Rick Wells and Coach Denny Johnson . was running into all kinds of problems. The 2- 12 mark was hard to grasp si nce everyone (?) antic ipated a tr1p to the Nat io nals." -


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BELOW: Tech 's o ppon ents attempt t o bl ock a spike fro m R1ch Cl enden en . RIGHT: An oth er spike by Clenden en , ove r th e sho u lder no less. set up by Joh n Ul ery . MI DDLE LEFT: Keister and Wells t ea m ing t ogeth er t o bl oc k a spi ke whrl e Winkler stands by o n g ua rd . MIDDLE RIGHT: Wells and Ul ery watch wh il e th e op positi on successfu lly ret u rn s Clenden en's spike. BOTTOM LEFT: Th e o pposit ion is f loo r ed by t he T ech Warr iors. BOTTOM RIGHT: At last ... t i m e o ut!!



R to L: J•m Allen . Kelly Grisw o ld. M ike Hoverma n , John Jakubowski. Coach Ben Dow Not pictured : Bob Fin ley (Most Valuable Golf Team Member of 1972-73 ). a nd Pa ul KI JOWSk i. . •


"The gol f sq u ad, w1th a se ni o r m aJOrity . had a success ful year a nd only Tr i-State blocked t he way t o an M .C.C. Cham p io n shi p. John Jakubowski pl aced fourth in the Bethel To urn ey, a n d this was a h1ghl1ght of the seaso n an d left no doubt as t o Jo hn 's pro wess as a ltnksman.

Prof. Ben Dow, the t eam's coac h , lo o k s toward a br igh t ' 74 seaso n Jf enough rec ru tts r epo rt f o r the i ntt ral practtces ." - J .P. Mt c k II



10- 5 8- 7 8- 7 13- 2 15- 0 14.5- .5 2- 13 9 .5- 5.5 9th 11 .5- 3 .5 14- 1 5 .5- 9 .5 15- 0 13- 2 11 .5- 3 .5 9 .5- 5 .5

12.5- 2.5 4th 2nd 9th

ROW 1. L to R: Col. Mu nson. Pete Wesson . Ri ch Bohlim, Bob Vitko , Sgt. Goodrum ROW 2 . L to R: Mark Wegenka. Johnny Wilson, Ron Shupler, Darryl Farmer, Ben Fl etcher ROW 3 . L to R: Ed James. M ike Lange NOT PICTURED: Paul Boggs, Scott Ernst, John M ick

" Th e baseball team had its ups and downs th JS year . w1th vi c tories and m any close defeats. Col. Hugh Mun son , in h is second year as coach. feels that '74 w ill be a turn around year w ith a good showing fro m the ent1re squad .








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T HEM 3 2 3 10

Ma ny players Bohlim . Wesson . Boggs, Farmer. Ern st, Wilson . Wegenall helped the squad and many ka w ill return to make '7 4 very Interesting for th e oth er squads in the M .C.C."

4 4 lost lost lost won

I '


Bob Vitko. a senior from Buffa lo . N.Y .. was named to the M .C.C. All-Conference Team as a shortstop. Bob wa s a leader and all -purpose player, and had a .395 batt1 ng ave rage .

2 6

- J .P. Mick II

12 17


ROW 1. L to R: Tony Grasso , Ken Stempien, Don Barta. Coach David McCracken ROW 2. L to R: Dave Kib lin , Jo hnny Wil son, and Darryl Farmer Not pictured : Dave Duroc her. Kerry Everso le, and Mikey Py ne


BOTTOM ROW Beth Mentzer. Nan Lauer. and Bonn1e Guant TOP ROW: Barb Cummins. and Pam Mc l eod


• •


• •


GREGORY J. ANDORKA B.S.E.E.; member of Inst itute of Electri ca I and El ectro n iCS Engi nee rs; me m ber of WITS ; Dean's Li st ( 1 ).

JA ES S. BAR NES B.S.C.E.; m ember o f Amenca n Soc1ety o f Civ1l Engrnee rs l ser 1ed as Presrden t ): Dean 's L1 st (2): Pres den s Lts t (2 )

WILLI AM R. BARTELS B.S.E.E.; m em ber of Tech Vet s: received B.S.M .E. f ro m Indiana In st it ute of Tec hn o logy tn Au g ust, 1967.


ROBERT JEAN ARRENDELL B.S.Ch .E. ; Alp ha Om ega Ta u . .. Vi ce-President; m ember o f Am eri can Institute of Chemical En ginee rs; Am eri can Chem ical Soc iety . . . Sec ret ar y and Vi cePres iden t.

ALAN E. BAUMBAUGH B.S.Ph . (Math opt io n): Physics Club . . . President (197 1-73); Stud ent Senat e . .. Junior Class Representative. Se nio r Cl ass Representat ive, Stu dent Body Vi cePresident ( 1972-73), Acting Stud ent Body President (1972); Ed it or of 1973 KR EEPI ONGAN : KEKI ONGAN st aff ; William Davi d Coo lidge Award (1972); Sigma Phi Epsil on Award ( 1973).

ALFRED C. BONACCI B.S. E.E.; served as lab assistant f o r Graphi cs Department; Delta Sigma Phi . President; Tec h Manor Cl ub . Sec retary ; Caswell Engineenng Drawing Award ; Dea n 's L1 st ( 1).

MUHAMMAD AZAM C HOWDHRY B.S. E.E.: member of Inst itute o f Ele ctncal and Electronics Engin ee rs; Pak ista n i Student Associa t ion . General Sec retary : Dean路 s Li st ( 1).

RICHARD B. CLENDENEN B.S.M.E.: member of Alph a Sigma Ph1 ; Varsity Basketball; Vars1ty Volleyball ; Varsi ty Tra c k Captain .

" I don't think we should have anno un ced the tuition hike until September! "

ARK S. CONWAY B.S.E.T.: member of Kek 1ongan Am ateur Cl ub; Pres ident's Ltst: Dean 路s List ( 4 ).

t'EVI 路 L GRISWOLD B.S.M.E.: member of 1\echantcal Engtneenng Soc1e ty: Dorm1tory Counselo r : served as Head Dorm1tory Counselor : Va rstty Golf Team ember member of T.M.C.; Presaden 路s L1st ( 1) Dean 路s Ltst (6 ).

WAY NE S. EDWARDS B.S.M.E.; m em ber of Mec hanical Engi nee r ing Society: member of Society of Autom ot ive Engtneers.

LYLE C. HAWS B.A. Psy.; Dea n's Li st ( 4 ): President's List (3); other act iv ities rn cl ude membersh ip in Sports Car Club of Amen ca.


HENRY T. GREENE B.S.E.T.; m ember of Institute of El ectrica l and El ectronics Eng ineers; m ember of Bowl ing League; m em ber of Weight Lifting Clu b; Dea n 's Li st ( 1).

EDWARD A. HERB B.S.C.E.: m ember of Am er ica n Society of Civi l Engi nee rs; m ember of Am er ica n Wat er Wo rks Associa t io n ; Alph a Epsilo n Pi ... Mast er. Steward (3), Hist o r ia n (4). Publi c Relatr ons: se rved o n NUCLEU S st aff phot o edi t o r ( 1), ph ot ograph er (3); President's Li st; Dea n' s Li st; m ember of lzaa k Walto n League of Am er ica; m ember of Professio nal Phtographers of Am erica (Associa te).

IQBAL MOHAMMAD IBRAHIM B.S. Ch.E.; Muslim Studen t s Associa tion President ( 1972-73), Vi ce- Pre sident ( 1971-72); Student Sena t e . Fo re ign Students' Representa t ive; Dean 's List.

DAVID A. KANCZUZEWSKI B.A.Psy.; m ember o f Tec h Vets; KEKIONGAN ... Photo Editor, Ed it o r ( 1971-72), Assistant Ed1tor ( 1972-73); Dean's List: President's Li st.

AHSAN AHMED KHAN B.S.Ch .E.; member of Varsity Tenn is Team ; General Sec retary of Mu slim Students AssoCiation.



THOMAS G. KIRKHAM B.S.M.E.: member of Society of Automotive Engineers; Mechanical Engineering Society . . Co-ordination Chai rman ; Tech Vets . . . Vice-President; member of Physi cs Club; Alpha Omega Tau ... Treasurer. President; member of Student Senate Disciplinary Comm ittee; 1970 Ind iana Publ ic Serv1ce Grant; served as Graph1 cs Lab Assistant; Dean 's List (3): President 's List (3).

HENRY KIAM-SEN LEO B.S.E.T.; Dean's List ( 1).


MICHAEL R. LESSARD B.S.M.E. ; member of Soc iety of Automotive Engineers: Mec ha n ica I Engineering Society . . . President; member of Tech Vets ; member of Iota Tau Kappa ; awarded Charles L. Zoltani Memoria l Award ( 1973); Dean 's List: President's List.

RICHARD L. MIGLI ETI A B.S.M.E.: member of Soc tety of Automot1ve Engmeers: member of Mec hanical Englneenng Soc1ety: Ph 1 Kappa Theta . Soctal Cha1 rm an: Vars1ty So cce r (4 years): Varstty Baseba ll ( 1 year) PresIdents Ltst ( 1 ). Dean 's List (3 ): act1ve tn uscula r Dtstrophy Dnves.

SEAN T . O' BRIEN B.S.M.E.: Soc1ety of Auto m ot ive Engi neers Sec ret aryTreas urer : Ph i Kappa Th eta President. Vice-Pres1dent. Ru sh Brother of the Te r m (2 ); Stu dent Sena t e SoCial Chai r ma n, J unio r Class Pres td ent. Sen1o r Class V1 ce-Pres1d ent. IFC Represen t at ive: Gree k Man -of -t he-Yea r 路 Intram ural Spo rts: Stude nt Rep. t o th e Phys tcal Ope rat io n s Co mm 1ttee ; Dean's List (5): Preside nt's Ltst (2 ).

"Yo u 'll ta ke a D in m ath , and you ' lllike it!! "


STEVEN A. PALM B.S.C.E.; Ameri can Soc iety of Civil En gi nee rs Stud ent Chapter T reas urer; Sigm a Pi .. VicePresi?ent_; m ember of Iota Tau Kappa; Dean s L1 st (6); Presi dent's Li st (6).

MAHENDRAKUMAR M. PATEL B.S. Ch . E.; member of India Asso ctatton ; member of Ameri ca n Institute of Chem ical Engineers; Dean 's List.

MAHESH B. PATEL B.S.Ch .E.; member of Ind ia Associa t ion.

DAVID E. PHIPP S B.S.C.E.: American Society o f Civtl Engtneers . . VicePresident: AI ph a Omega Ta u Vi cePresi dent; Tec h Man or Club Chai rm an and Student Sena te Representative ; member of Iot a Tau Kappa : Dean 's Li st (5); Presiden t 's Li st (3).

DAVID J. REPASZ B.S.Ch .E.; Tau Kappa Epsilon ... President, Ho use Manager : member of lnter-Fraterity Co unc il.

JAMES D. RI CHARD B.S.E.E.; Alpha Sigma Ph i ... Vice-President; member of Kekiongan Amateur Rad io Club (f reshman year): Dean 's List (2 ).

JAYENDRA CHINUBHAI SHAH B.S.Ch .E. ; member of Chemi cal Eng ineering Society ( 1971 -72): India Association ... Sec retary, member ( 1971 73): served on KEKIONGAN Yearbook staff Dean 's Li st (Fall '70); PrP sident's List (Wint. . Sprg., Fall ' 71 ).



URESH D. SHAH B.S.Ch.E.: member of lnd 1a Association: Dean 's L1st.

VINOD J . SHAH B.S.Ch .E.; member of Ind ia Associati o n; Dean 's Li st.

SHAUKATHUSE IN G. SHAIKH B.S . Ch. E.; Sihl er Hall Dormitory Co unselor ( 1972-73); m ember of In dia Associa ti on; member of Chemica l Engin ee ring Society.

MICHAEL J . SHEFCHIK B.S.M.E.: Deans L1st (2 ): President' s L1 st (4).

SCOTT R. SPOO NER B.S.C.E.; Sig m a Pi Secret ary and President; active in intramura l bowling, football , go lf , softball , and table t ennis.

KENT LEE STEPHENS B.S.E.E. ; Institute of Electri cal and Electroni cs En gineers ... Vice-President; Inter-Va rsity Christian Fel low sh ip . . Pres ident ; Iota Tau Kappa ... Secret ary-Treasurer .


JOHN P. VALENGAVICH B.S.C.E.; Theta X 1 . Scholast ic Cha irman ; active in intramural spo rts .

ROBE RT P. VITKO B.S.Ma; Am eri ca n Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics . . Sec retary; Alpha Sigma Phi . Marshall , Sec retary; Student Senate .. Senator-at-Large; Varsity Baseball; Intramural f ootball and basketba II; Bowling C I u b _. . Sec r etary. President; Kek iongan Feather Award ( 1973); Dean's List ( 1): Most Val uabl e Baseba ll Playe r 1972-73.

PETER PH I LIP von STE IN B.S. M. E. ; Soc 1ety of Automot ive Enginee rs .. President ( 2 years); member of M e~ chan ica! En g1neenng Society; Ph 1 Kappa Theta Sec retary; member of Student Admissi o ns Bo ard ; Dean 's Li st (3); Presiden t's L1st ( 1).

Ill d o n't ca re what Doc Sprunger says . .. there 's no life on Urantia~"

VALIANT B. WEBSTER B.S.Ae .E.: Amertcan lnstttute of Aerona uttcs and Astronauttcs Prestdent; Del t a Stgma Pht Vtce- Prestdent: Inter-Fratern tty Councif Vtce-Prestdent; Fly tng Club Fltght Co-o rd inato r: other activtt ies inc I uded fen cing.

MARK A. WEGENKA B.S.M.E.: Delta Sigma Ph i ... Ho use Manage r, Pl edge Maste r; WITB . Mu sic Di rec t o r; Varsity Basketball ; Intramural Athleti cs; Tec h Man o r Cl ub; Iot a Tau Kappa . President: G.M. Schola r sh tp ; Mec hanical Engineenng Award ( 1973): Phil Zirkle Award f o r Ba sketball ( 1973); PresIdent's Li st ( 10 ).

MICHAEL R. WILBURN B.S.E.E.: member of Inst itute of Elec tri ca l and El ectro n ics Engineers; m ember of Iota Tau Kappa; membe r of Inter-Varsi t y Christ ian Fell owship; President 's Li st ( 12).


RUEBEN J . ANKNEY B.S.M.E.; member of Mec hanica l Engineering Soc iety; member of Iota Tau Kap pa; Pres id ent's Li st (9). LYNN R. FRAUHIGER B.S.M .E.; member of Soc iety of Automotive En g ineers; member of Mec hani ca l Engineering So ciety ; Dean 's Li st; Pres ide nt's Li st. JOSE PH L. GENSIC II B.S.Ch.; Am eri ca n Chemical Society ... Vi ce-Pre side nt ; Alph a Om ega Tau . . Secretary, Busin ess Manager; Pres id ent's List ( 10); other activiti es in c luded theatrical g ro up. ROBERT M . WILSON B.S.E.E.: Varsity Baseball (2 years ): Varstty Basketball f4 fears). Varstty Volleyball ( 1 year): Captatns· Award for Basketball ( 197273): Asstst Award for Basketball ( 197273): Dean s Lt st (3): Prest dent's Li st ( 1).

FRANCISCO TADAS HI ISHUU B.S.E.E.; m ember of Institute of El ectri ca l and Electroni cs Engineers; Alph a Si g m a Phi .. . Corres po nding Secretary ; Varsity So cce r ( 1,2, 4); M .C.C. Conference ( 1,2 ): All -St a rs (4); Dea n 's Li st (Wint '69 , Sprg '70, Fall '70, Wint '7 2, Sprg '72 ... total 5).


• •

FELIX V. LaBELLA, JR. B.S.C. E. ; Alph a Sigm a Phi . . . Pledge Master, Publi c Relati o ns; member of Ameri ca n Society of Civil Engin ee rs. ROBERT H. LILES B.S. Ma; Si g m a Phi Epsilon . . . Comptroller; Student Senate Vice-President of So ph omo re Class; Dean's List (4); President 's List (2 ). JOHN G. NOLFI B.S.M .E.; Inter-Frat ernity Co un cil Represe ntative; member of Theta Xi; m embe r of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; active in i ntra m u ra I spa rts.


KIRIT C. SHAH B.S.Ch .E.; m embe r of Chemical Engi neering Society; m embe r of India Association .

RI CHARD E. WALKER B.S.E.E.; Caswell En ginee ring Drawing Award.

RI CK A. WELLS B.A.Psy.;ty Basketball (4 years ); Varsity Vo lleyball (4 years ); Varsity Track ( 1 year ); All -St ate Bas ketball/ All -American Vol leybal l (2 ye ars); Dea n 's Li st Preside nt 's List.


" Does th is mean I ca n 't g rad uate until summ er quarter?!"



e: George W. Heise Awa rd Joseph Gensic f: Prof. Ca rr present1ng th e Mat hem at ics Award g: W1ll1 a m David Coo lidge Award - Joseph Gensic h: Th e Award-Winnin g Army ROTC Tea m of Col. Mun son , Richard H. Rasch , Ben ja min F. Fl et c her, Clifford C. K1bellus. Jam es L. Fai rchild, Tim E. Engle, and Will1 am R. Harshm an .


"en ...... c 0 •..., "' (.)

a. Mechantcal Engtneenng Award Mark A. Wegenka b: Arch1e T. Keene Award Jam es S. Barn es c: Prof. Johnson presents th e Electri ca l En gi neer ing Award t o Kenneth R. Rauscher d: IEEE Award- Kent Lee Stephens

More award s ph ot os are on page 124


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L toR : Joseph Siewick. William 8 a r r. Edwa rd Sutton , Robe rt Lukey. Arturo Sald iva r , Ralph Rearick. Robert Gary Ll oyd, Robert Gr iffith. Will ia m Wan g, Howard Mongold, Mark Galinsky. Ed wa rd Herb FOREGROUND : Yakk i Kudnu



L to R: Skip King, Dave Mill er , Lynn Wo oda rd , Pa ul Boggs, Dave Anderson , Vic Canale , Joe Gensic, Gary Wilson , Harold Bl aettn er, Dave Ha rbor , Mike Mc Kee, Dave Ba rrett Dave Ph ipp s, Tom Kirkh am Not Pictured (Gradu at ed) : Bri a n Solari and Denni s Jackso n Not Pictured : Bob Arrendell and T om Tracy



ROW 1. L to R: Rich Bohli m , Franc isco lshuu . Wayn e Kl opfen st ein , Ken Galst er, Kerry Everso le, Dave MacPherso n. Dave Chesnut, Robe rt Cates ROW 2, L to R: Bob Vitko , Tom Chamberl a in , Di c k Sh aff er , Ed Hinkel, Tom Bla c k loc k , Ro n Sh upl er , Ri c h Kenderi an, Geo rge Moffat, Bob Lomoriello ROW 3 . L to R: Bnan Hollies. Dave Cha rl esworth , Ed Jam es, Ken Rausc her , Ri ch Clendenen, Randy Hill. Bob F1nl ey


SITTING : Jay Young STA N Dl NG, L to R: Steph en Zemanek, David Ki bl in , Vince nt Sosso, Ja m es Dou glas Hoyt NOT PICTURED : Alfred Bona cc i, Louis La Bell a, Leo Songst er , Val ia nt Webster





SITTING , L to R: T erry Sensen ich. Ri c k Winkl er, and Jeff Fa ahs STA NDING, L to R: Raymond Ka rlyk , Mark Majch er, Pa u I Bossert Jim Allen, B iII Sh ickert, Greg Si m merm acher NOT PICTURED : Gary Camody, M ic ha el Fil ardo, Stephen Getz, Paul Tar iel lo, and Eu gen e Zazulak


ROW 1. L t o R: Ed Delunas, Ric h a rd Ric hter , Th o m as Mada k , a nd J ac k DiGi ovann a ROW 2, L to R: Mtchael Erh a rdt. and Charl es Gudai t is ROW 3, L t o R: Ra n da ll Fry , a nd Ro n Onyskow
















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CLOC KWISE (FROM BOTTOM POINT OF HEART): Dave Duroc h er , Marc Wa lls , Kevin Leech , Kim Kr ieger, John Brady, Chuck Wright, Mike Cook, Ri c h Gron czews ki , John Ranges, Pa ul Gardn er, Bill Farr is, Scott Ernst , Rich Stirratt, John Wa sh burn , Do ug Schultz, Seth Kursm an , Brad Moln ar , Lon Leech, John Kinn en , Chris Allison, Larry Kel ler



KNEELING , L to R: Mark Massa r o, Steve Th ieroff, and Bob Durkin STA NDING , L to R: Bill Sc hurr, Way ne Carter, Merritt Wichner, Ken Woita szek , Ed Kelwaski , Rex Ashba ugh, Frank Nagy , an d Walt Wo los NOT PI CTURED : Steve Bloom, T om Burns, Walt Dlu go lec ki , Joe Fuhrm an , John Neust adter, Tony Pl onski, Dave Repasz




Thomas Ackley William Baker Howard Bishop Kenneth Bogacik David Brawnall Alfonso Chico Robert Crosb~ George DiMarco Raymond Eimerman Robert Hansen James LeBeau John Nolfi Richard Rasch David Russell

John Valengavich Wayne Whitacre

Thomas Woods


• •


ROW 1. L t o R: Prof . Sw 1n de II , A IIan R. Kn err , Rich ard S. Schmidt (President), Gregg A. Jaros (Vice-Pres ident), John T . No lan , Wil l ia m R. Shic kert ROW 2, L to R: Kenneth E. Bogacik, Th o m as J . Bla c kl oc k , Jose ph Gens ic, To m Avery, Robert J . Lo m one llo ROW 3, L t o R: Roy A. Buzdor, Jo hn M. Gardltk, Mtc hael K. Mc Kee, Alfo nso Chico

• •


• • L to R: No r man C. Leet. Andrew Pow ell . Jo hn R. Ranges, John F. Washbu rn. St ephen F. Zam an ek , Kerry B. Eversole , Qutnton E. Pterson. Val tan t B. Webster , Va lmore J . Semidey

KNEELI NG, L t o R: Jul io R. Torres, James M. LeBea u, Kenn eth L. Ga lst er , and Ja m es S. Barnes STANDING , ROW 1, L to R: David E. Phipps, St eph en H, Getz, David M. And erson , David L. Mtller. Lynn A. Wooda rd, Ro nald S. Shupler, Patri c k J. Purdy, William Ta Pen g Wang, George K. Mo ffat. David MacPh erso n STAN DING. ROW 2, L t o R: St even A. Pal m. Mark L. Gensic , Jac k M. White, James L. Eml ey , Edward A. Herb , and Jam es L. Gumbel

• •





• • •

ROW 1. L t o R: Raymond A. Tippin . Dav id A. Durocher. Will iam F. Barr , an d Kent Lee Stephens ROW 2, L to R: Professor Eddy, Dav1d J . Glen, Kenn eth R. Rausc her, Albert A. Coombs , and Mic hael R. Wilburn

• I


L t o R: Manubha i C. Patel, Chaitanya V. Sh astri, Dr. Pet erson , and Jayendra C. Sh ah

I •

ROW 1. L to R: Bob E. Roper. Rub in J. Ankney , Kent Lee Stephens , Dav id E. Phipps ROW 2, L to R: Mic hael R. Wilburn. Mic hae l R. Lessa rd, Mark A. Wegenka , Stev en A. Palm , Dav id Lee Cha rl esworth



L t o R: Prof. K. David Schlun dt (Fac u lty Adv iso r) , Dea n R. Kazmie r cza k (Ed ito r ), an d Davi d A. Ka ncz uzewski (AsSist a nt Edi t o r) NOT PICTURED: Ed Delun as (Ph ot ogr a ph er , Fal l Qrt.), M it c h ell Geier (Ph o t og r aph er , Fa II Qrt.), El r oy Szabo ( Ph o t o Edit o r . Wnt. Qrt .), To m Bl ac kl oc k (Ph ot o Edit o r , Spn g, Qrt.), AI Ba umba ug h (Layo ut Ass ist a nt), Sgt. Rice (Ty pist )





l to R: Ray A. Stoller. Bill Barr. Randy Harshman , T im C. Brown (Treasurer). Raymond A. T i ppin . Dav1d Bart a (Secreta ry), and Fo rest Sh 1c k (President)

FRONT ROW : Jo n Kru ege r , Mic h ae l J. Sh efc h ik, Steph en P. Bl oom, Wayn e Kl o pfen st ei n , Dav id C . Brown ell , Lynn R. Fra uh iger , St eph en B. Kaise r , Th o m as G. K irkh a m M IDDLE ROW: Wi II ia m J . Sc h u r r , Th o m as G . C h a m be rIa in , Rich a r d L. Sh aff er , Wa lter P. Tittm a n, Pro f . Ben ja min Dow, Ms. Patr icia Dr a ke, a nd Rich ard L. M iglietta REAR ROW : Kevin L. Gr isw o ld, Don a ld Va ug h a n , Pro f . Th o m as Edd y , Th o m as A. Tracy, Mic hae l R. Lessa rd, Rub in Jay Ankn ey , Pet er Vo n Stei n , an d Wayn e R. Edwa r ds

• • I


L t o R: Dave Ch arl esworth (Ed it o r), John Mick (Sports Edito r), Dea n Kazm ier czak (C ulture Ed it o r), Larry Kell er (Assist ant Ed it o r) , To m Bl ac kl ock (Ph ot ogr aph er). NOT PICTURED: Ch ar les Gu dati s (Art ist ), Willi am Wang (Co l umnist ), Kashm ir i Mir (Co lumn ist ), Gl o r ia Bo hde (Typ ist ). ·--=""')·~· :.....

SITTING , L t o R: Mohamm ed Zia ullah (Gen eral Sec ret ary), Muhammad Sh oa ib Khan (Vice- Pres1dent), Dr. William A. Kl emm (Faculty Advi so r), Mir Asi f Hu ssai n (Presi dent) . STAND ING, L to R: Mushtaq Ahm ed (Soc ial Sec r et ary) Mohad . A. Abdu l (Finan cial Secretary ).


SEATED: Dr. Kozuburo Miya kawa. f acu lty adviso r STANDING . L to R: Ti m Ha ll . Joe Siewick. Raymo nd Setyono. Alan Baumbaugh


FRO NT , L to R: Bnan Holl ies, Thom as Chamberlain, Wayne Klopfenstei n, Fred Norris. Lynn Frauhiger, Ms. Patri c ia Drake, Richard M1 g l1 ett a, and Walter Tittman REAR, L. to R: Jo n Krueger, Donald Vaughan , Thomas Tracy , Mic hael Lessard. Peter Von Stein, Wayne Edwards



FRONT: John P. M1ck II ROW 1. L to R: Barry Baumbaugh. Alan Baumbaugh (V1ce-Presrdent), Sarah Washtngton. Ch r is All1son. Larry Keller (Secreta ry-Treasurer), Ed Sutton ROW 2, L to R: Bob Vitko. R1ch Bohl1m Pau l Boggs (President) ROW 3. L to R: Tom Hiss. Tom Fellabaum , V1c Canale. Davtd Durocher

I KERRY B. EVERSOLE Governor , 2nd North

BARRY W. BAUMBAUGH Asst. Gov., 2nd No rt h

DONALD J. BARTA Assoc. Gov., 2nd North

RICHA RD S. SCHMIDT Governor, 2nd South

THOMAS E. WOODS Asst . Gov., 2nd South

DEAN R. KAZMIERCZAK Assoc. Gov., 2nd South

ELROY Z. SZABO Governor. 3rd North

PAUL MURCHISON Asst. Gov .. 3rd South


NOT PICTURED: Pres1dent Merritt P. Wichner . Asststant Governor David L. Ki bl i n (3rd No rth ), Governor Ric hard Chu (3rd South )



• •

L to R: Dav id Phipps, Sk ip Kin g, Dav id And erso n , David Bar rett. Will ia m Bart els, Paul Boggs , Da vid Mill er , Jac k White, Ly nn Woodard

• • •


LEFT: Jake Der , Bo b Mc Duffee, Ren ee Farm er, Jo hn Robin , Mike Scott , St eve Zem an ek THE UN SEEN CAST AND CREW OF WITS: Ben Fi sher, Chuc k Will er , Jay Mo rr is, Kevin Yo ung, Craig Teet er s, Tim Eng le, To m Sc huerm an







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L to R: Valmore Semidey, Habib Ibrah im , Do uglas Ziegler, Saqib S. Jafarey, Parvez Iqbal Mon ga, Zahoor-UL Islam, Raymond Spooner ( ITT Student), Syed Z.H. Sherazi , Moham m ad M. Hussain , and Quang Van Tran

NOT PICTURED: Bill Bond ( ITT Student), Janak Brahmbh att. Randy Down s ( Ivy Tec h), Yogesh Desai , Jamn adas Govin d Gh eti a, Harold Gund erm an ( ITT Student), L e Ba Th an h , Ken net h M c La ugh I in ( Ivy Tech ), Akber Sh a mshuddin Meru ani , Sh arukh Moosa Mun ji, Ajitkumar Babubh ai Patel , Girishbhai F. Patel , Harsh ad bh ai B. Pate l, Prahl ad bh ai J . Patel , Rasiklal Sankabhai Patel , Abdul Az iz , Pirani , Gunvantlal D. Th akka r , Mark Tom any , Gary Townsend ( ITT Student), Yousuf Yacoob Va id , Mohammed Zi aull ah



I QUANG VA N TRAN Counselor, 1st FJ oor North


SITTING. L t o R: Thoma s Ackl ey and Ri c hard Schmidt STANDING, L to R: Timothy Ha ll, Randy Hi ll , Alfonso Ch ico, Dougl as Sc hultz, Ron ald Shupler, Robert Cros by, and Sa farl i Bharwani

NOT PICTURED: Christopher Allison, J a msheed Behra n a, Edw a rd De lun as, Da rryl Fa rmer , Kevin Fon seca , D a v i d G Ien , Ro bert G riff it h , K e II y G r iswold , An atol e Ha id a i, Zahoor Ul Is la m , John Ja ku bowski, Edwa rd Ja m es, Gregg Ja ros, Stephen Ka iser. La rry Ke ll e r , Bill Lea r, Zulfikar Mulji , Za ri a N. No shirwa ni, Azizuddin Raj w a ni, Timothy Saylor, Cyril David Schaller, Vin ce nt Sasso, Ke nn eth Stem pi en , Ma r c Wa ll s, Thom as Wood s


DEA N 路路 unscr upu lous" KAZM IERCZAK Counse,or. 2nd Floor So uth




FRONT, TOP-BOT: David Mac Pherson, Alan Baumbaugh . Dav1d Durocher REAR, TOP-BOT: Th omas Fella baum. Rub in Ankney , Richard Shaffer, Michael Filardo , Barry Baumbaugh, Michael Mc Dannel

NOT PI CTURED : Shaukat Anjarwals, Sika nd er Ali Ansari , David Barta, Donald Ba rta, Ric hard Berri s, 路 Michael Cook , Kerry Eversole, James Ka lkst ei n , Jerry Mills , Will ia m Sc hurr, Mohammed Shah id, Walter Wolos




RICHARD " Lamarr" SHAFFER Coun selor, 2nd Floor North


ON GROUND : Th o m as Sc huerm an ROW 1, L t o R; Johnny Wil so n , Paul Mur c h iso n, An dy Powell , Qu into n Pi er so n , Ruth ann Albertso n, Dudl ey Du cker . Rich ard Ch u, To ny Grasso, Ca rl os Alvarez ROW 2, L t o R: Benja min Fletc her, Da rw in Hect or , Quin Wege nka, Ri c hard Mayell , Mark Conway , Tias Lu cas Udaet a, Raym o nd Setyo no ROW 3, L t o R: Roc h Wegenka, Jay Mo r ri s, Bob Mc Duffee ON TOP: Jo hn M ic k

NOT PICTURED : Jo hn Brady, Ga ry Ch apuli s, Alb ert Coo mbs, Tim En gle, Geo rge Mo ff at, Ro bert Petrill o, Ro bert Sandy , Greg Simm erm acher , Juli o Torres , Dav id Wat ers, Kevin Yo ung, Walter Zahn


QUI T PIERSO N Counselor . 3rd Floor Sou t h




ROW 1. L t o R: T homas lmbinbo. Lou is LaBella, Richa rd Rasch. Jt m Gumbel ROW 2. L to R: David Ktbltn . Lloyd Brown . Wil l iam Barr. Gera ld Walsh

NOT PICTU RE D: Wayne Ca rte r, Francis Cou ry , James Hoyt, Mo hd . ldrees ll yas, No r man Leet, William Plac e, Curtis Ro bi nso n, Leo Songster, Scott 路 Spoone r , Edward Sutton , Elroy Szabo




JAMES ''Redneck'' GUMBEL Counselor. 3rd Floor North



SITTING , L t o R: Vinod Bhyralal Ad eshara. Manoj Parikh , Din eshandra Patel , Taher Master, Chet Patel STANDING , L t o R: Na ranbhai B. Pat el. Ramsinh Gam it, Shauka t Shaikh (Co unselor) , Jagdip Maha nt. Pankaj Mankad . Kint N. Sh ah

Shaukat Shaikh,

NOT PI CTURED : Bh a mu skhnker Avl ani, Pa k Sui Gee, Arv ind T . Hala ni , Kwan -C h at Ho , Ahsa n Ahm ed Kh a n , Shamjebhai M . Kumbh a ni , Geo rge W. Lim , Ha ribh ai Pat e l, lshwa rbh ai Pat el, Ra m sn J . Pat el, Rames h M . Pat el, Mi c h ae l Pyn e, Dwa r a ka n ath Setty


Counselor, Sihler Hall


[qbal Ahmad

Salim Razzak Kassa m

Mushtaq Ahmed

Kh airuddi n J. Kazi

Samiuad:irn Ahmed

Am er Ali Lukmani

~oar Mohiuddin Ahmed

Vijay Chaturbhuj Merchant Nasirudd in S. Pirani Sirajul Muktadir Qazi

Asad B. M. Faridi

Khurshid Hasan Rizvi

Sikander Ghia

Syed I mtiaz Haider Rizvi

Maqsoodul Hayat

Musarrat Shabbir




Zaffar Sattar Tabani

Syed Amar Hussain

Zahid Hussain Uqaili

Mirza Kamran

Nooruddin Noman Yusufaly



ZAFFAR SATTAR TAB ANI Co un se lo r . Intern ati o nal Ho use










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" Thi s used to be the Tech barbershop before Lind a Perkins moved in .'


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" Betch a can't catch this!" 111



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Qu ad 's s ett 11 n g a few

m o r e i n c h e s! " ,.__

" Any o n e for steak dinner at my house?" Scourge of Second North



The Ci i s. runn ing another e per san itatron ab ..



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' REC 490 c lass"

"Co ng ratul ations! You m ade a hol e-in -o ne!"


Th e Inc red ib le Bongo Ba nd

Mea n wh ile , ba c k at the Tet c h T reasure Hu nt ...





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··oh , no , not an other tu it io n h ike!"

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.. Grea t Goos! We ' re pump1ng 50.000 watts i nto t he power li nes!!"

.. Don' t t o uc h me! Do n't yo u ever t o uch m e!" 路路oh . God , where' s th e 1gnit ion sw1 t c h! "

" O.K .! Tim e to hand in your t est pa pers! "

" Do n 't wake m e t ill half-past September "

路' c an I ma ke yo ur c onn ection? "

• •


Does it co m e wi th t h e Bu ye r Prot ect io n Pl an? "

" Better ca ll W-MEE f o r a copy of th e n ew s."

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER S: Ed Delu n as , M it c he ll Ge ier , Va li a nt Webst er , T o m Bl ac kloc k , Ca pt. Ru do lph Lai ne, David Ka nczuzews k i, Dean Kazmie rcza k , Steve Kaiser (co lo r ph ot o - pg 30), Ala n Ba u m baug h , K. Dav id Sc h lundt Pak ist ani Stu de nt Assoc ia t io n , India Asso c iatio n , Tec h Vet s, Alp ha Si gma Ph i TITLE PAGE ILLUSTRATI O N: Ba rry Ba um ba ug h THANK S t o Sgt. Rice f o r typin g th e r ost er THANK S t o Eddi e Maz ur f o r th e loa n of hi s 192 5 Rem ingt o n No ise less wh ile o ur m ac hin e w as in f o r repa irs THANK S t o Kitty at L.S. Ay res f o r th e g rad uat e ph ot og rap h s SPEC IAL t han ks to 20th Century Fox , wh o d idn 't k now better , and gave us stills fro m liTh e Posei d on Ad ven ture" (pages 12 , 13, 14, 30, 41 , 60161 71 7 7 111 11 21 113, 1151 11 7) THANK S t o MGM f o r st i ll s fr o m II Pat Ga rrett a nd Bill y th e Kid " (pages 74, 114, 116) MORE th a nk s t o MGM f o r th e still fr o m ~~ Lud ­ wi g " (page 79) SPEC IAL th a nk s t o Jim Ar t hur, Am er ica n Yea rb oo k Co mpa ny represe ntat ive, f o r helpi ng us accom p lish th is produ ct io n .

IITo rn ado , a nyo n e?"

II Exc use m e, but m ay I see yo ur stud ent ID ?" •





Dean R. Kazmi er czak, Ed itor 1973 KEKI ONGA N 117


• I

..Johnny GotH s Gun · ··rhe 8 r d ' th the Crystal Plumage .. ··The 1g tv 1s1tor



-. -





KHANLADA SHAKIL ABRAR B.S.Ch .E. ; Mu slin Student Association . . . General Sec retary ( 1972); member of Chemi ca l Engineering Society.

VICTOR CANALE. JR. B.S.Ma and Co m .Sc.; Te c h Vets Treasurer; Alpha Omega Tau c haplatn . Student Senate Sento r Class President; recerved Kektongan Feather Award ; Dean's List (5 ); Prestdent's Ltst (2 ).

THOMAS G. CHAMBERLAIN B.S.M.E.: Alpha Sigma Phi Secretary. President, Vi ce-President; Society of Auto m ot ive Engineers .. Secretary, Treasurer; member of Mechani ca l Engineering Society; Dean's Li st (8).


BARRY R. COLE B.S.Ae.E.: member o f American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics : Alpha Epsilon Pi ... Treas urer. Vice-Pre side nt. Publ ic Relations Chairm an. Execut1ve Comm1ttee and Rush Chairman : Student Senate ( 1.2.3) . Student Body Vi ce-President (2 ). Student Body President (3). Student Inquiry Board ( 1): NUCLEUS ( 1): KEKI ONGAN Yearbook ( 1): lntramurals ( 1.2.3): Presidential Selection Advisory Committee: Alumn i Committee; Alumn i Committee ; Kek1 o ngan Feathe r Award (so ph omo re and JUnio r years ): l1sted i n WH O'S WHO AMONG ST STUDENT LEADERS IN AMERICAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES: listed 1n NATI ONAL STUD ENT REGI STER (sophomore and junior yea r s); Blood Mob1le Cha1 r man (6): Heart Fun d Chai rman , Co-Chairman : Ma rc h o f Dimes CoChairman; Un it ed Community Services Yo uth Council.

TH OMAS R. FELLABAUM B.S.M .E. : Student Senate Senior Class Vice-President; Tech Bowl1ng League; Intramural Volleyball .


THOMAS J. HISS B.S.E.E.; member of Institute of Electrical and El ectr onics Enginee rs ; member of Stud ent Senate: Dean 's List ( 1): President 's List (9).

JASIM PERVAIZ KASHMIR! MIR B.S.Ch .E.: Pak1 stan i Student Associa tion ... V1 ce-Pres1dent: NUCLEUS ... International Corner Col umn 1st; De an's L1st ( 1).


ROBERT J . KU ZMICH B.S.M.E.; m ember of Mec ha nical En g1 nee r ing Soc tet y; act ive in Intra m u ra I Spo rts.

RONALD A. ONYSKOW B.S.E.E.: Sigm a Phi Delt a ... House Manage r, Sec ret ary, Co ncessio ns Manager; o n Dea n 's Li st.


LYNN A. WOODARD B.S.C.E.; me mber of Am eri can Soc iet y of Civil Engi nee rs; Tech Vet s . . Sec ret ary; Alph a Omega Tau ... Vice-Pres ide nt ; Dean 's Li st.

DARRYL 8 . TOMS B.S.E.E.: m ember of lnter-Varsttf Chnsttan Fellowship; Dea n's Lt st ( 1).




• •

THOMAS F. DAVENPORT, JR. B.S.M.E.; Phi Kappa Theta ... Vi ce-President, Treasurer.

PAUL R. HALAMAR B.A.Psy. ; Dean 's Li st (4).

GREGORY J. JUDICE B.S . Com. Sc.; Phi Kappa Th eta ... Treasurer; Varsity Trac k (freshma n and soph o m o re years); Dea n's Li st (3).

ANTHONY M. OSWALD B.A. Psy. Student Senate , .. President of Freshman • Class; NUCLEUS staff (freshman); served on the Committee to Select a New College President as Student representative; KEKIONGAN Yearbook Editor; Dean 's List (fall '71 , Wint '71 . .. total 2).

JAMES STANLEY SLAWINSKI B.S .M.E.; member of Soc iety of Automotive Engineers; member of Mechanical Engineering Society; member of Alpha Sigm a Phi .

ROBERT F. TROENDL Y B.S.M.E.; m ember of Mechanica l Engin ee rin g Society; member of Am eri ca n Soc iety of Mec hanical En gi neers; Varsi ty Trac k.






en .... c

a: St eve Bloom presen t i n g the IFC Greek Awa rd t o To m Cha mberl ai n of Al ph a Sigma Ph1 b: Wil l tam Wang acce pt1n g the Vam pire Award f o r Alph a Epsilo n Pt c : Da rw1n Hect o r and Raym o n d Sety on o. w inn ers o f th e secon d Presi dent's lnvttatt o nal Tennt s To urna m ent an d All-Ca mpu s Champs t ro ph tes. d : Kek 1ongan Fea ther Award - Paul A. Boggs, Prestde nt o f Student Sen at e

e: Kek 1on ga n Feath er Award - Robert P. Vitko Co l. Hugh Mun son f: Keki onga n Fea th er Award Robert g: L t o R Most Valu abl e Golf Tea m Member F. Finl ey ; Most Valu abl e Baseball Pl ayer - Robert P. Vitko; Most Valu abl e Tennis Player - John R. Ran ges ; Most Valu abl e Trac k Tea m Member Darryl Farm er h : President Terrell get s th e award of answerin g stu dents' g ripes and qu esti ons


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dh 124

Abrar K S/Karachi Pak/ SR CHE Ackley T 0/ Sayre PA/ SO EE Adams R G/l'larkham IL/JR EE Adesara V B/Botad Ind i a/ SO CHE Ahmad I/Karachi Pak/FR EE Ahmed ~1/M. ra ch i Pak/ SO CHE ..~hmed N ~!/Kara c h i Pak/ FR EE Ahmed S/Karachi Pa k/SO CHE Akhter P /Rarachi Pak/ JR l1E Albert s o n R/F t Way ne IN/SO PSY Ald r i ch K A/Ft \~ay ne IN / JR MA Alkateeb I M/Kuwait Kuwai t /SO CE Alle n J H/We llsville NY/ SO AEE Alliso n C/Bou lde r CO/FR EE Alvarez A C F/Sa n J o se Cos ta Rica/SO AEE Amin }1 F/Karachi Pa k/SO CHE Ad ner so n D ~1 / J ame s town NY/SO CE Andorka G J/Ca nto n OH/ SR EE Anj arwa l a S H/Karachi Pak/FR EE Ankne y R J / Sherwood OH/SR ME Ansar i S A/Kara chi Pak/SO EE Arre nde l J/S N Aruba Neth Ant/SR CHE Ashbaugh R E/Van We rt OH/JR EE Attarwa l a A S/Ahmedab Indi a /SR CHE Aut r y J 1/Ft Way ne IN/SO REC Avla ni B N/Ra j ko t India /SO CHE Bacal S Ca li Columbia/SR EE Bailey W G/F t Way ne IN/FR REC Baird R W/S Vie nna OH /SR PH Bake r W S/Bethesda MD /SO CH Bar nes J S/Fa l co ne r NY/SR CE Barr W F/Midlothi a n IL/SO EE Barrett D/Churubusco IN/SO EE Barta D J/Cleve l a nd OH/JR EE Barta D J/Middle burg Ht s OH/FR CH Barte l s W R/Lagra nge IN/SR EE Baumbaugh A E/Sy ra cuse I N/SR PH Baumbaugh B W/Syra cuse IN/FR PH Beck T L/Na po l eo n OH/JR CE Behrana J D/Kara chi Pak /FR CE Berri s R E J r /Hi gh l a nd Pk IL/JR EE Beuche l M R/ New Have n I N/SO CE Bharwani S S/ Karachi Pak/FR EE Bishop H B/ At l a nt i c Ci ty NJ/ SR AEE Black l ock T J/Akro n NY/JR CH Blaettner H E/ Ft Way ne IN /JR PH Blood D K/F t Way ne IN/FR SPEC Bloom S P / Nati ck MA /JR ME Bogaci k K E/ W Mi ff liriPA/ JR CH Boggs P A/F t Way ne IN / JR EE


Bohlin R C/Mi ch City IN/JR CE Bo nacci A/Water loo NY/SR EE Bossert P J J r /Hamburg NY/JR CHE Brady J W/Mi ch City IN/FR AEE Brahmbhatt J M/Ahmedabad India/FR CHE Brown L A/Washi ngto n PA/FR CH Brown T C/Hager s town MD/SR EE Browne ll D C/Glover svll NY/JR ME Bruns T L/Fo rest Park IL/SR CE Bush J A/Rome NY/JR AEE Buzdor R A/Lorain OH/JR CH Bye rs J G/F t Wayne IN/SO EE Camody G A/ Alle nt own PA/JR ME Campbe ll J C/New Haven IN/JR EE Canale V/Ful to n NY/SR MATH Car naha n C C/Auburn IN/SR EE Ca rter W A/P rovide nce RI/SO AE Chamberlain T G/Johns town NY/SR ME Charle sworth D LIE Otto NY/JR CHE Chesnu t D T/Bl oomf i e ld IN/SO ME Chi co A/Guada l a jara Mex/FR CH Chowdhry M A/Kara chi Pak/SR EE Christian M/St Thomas VI/SR CE Chu R/New York NY/JR EE Cle nde ne n R/Ce lina OH /SR ME Cole B R/Alexandria Bay NY/SR AEE Cook M W/Bloomfield IN/FR ME Co nway M S/Evansville IN/SR ET Coombs A A/Brookl yn NY/SR EE Coury F M/Highland Park NJ/FR PSY Crider W R/Le wis town PA/JR CE Crosby R A/Pa nama NY/SO ME Da l ey E ÂŁ/Sche nectad y NY/SR ME Dave nport T F Jr/Cedar Grove NJ/SR ME Day M R/W Chi cago IL/JR CHE De lunas E A/Hillsid e NJ/JR EE De sai Y D/Nad i ad India/FR CHE Digiova nna J/Franklin Square NY/JR ME Di ckman D L/Minster OH/SR ME Diker C/Is ta nbul Turkey/FR ME Diller D L/Def iance OH /JR ME Dimarco G S/Gloversville NY/JR CE Dlugolecki W M/Marcy NY/SR ME Drake P J/Sherwood OH /SR ME Ducker D A/Phila de lphia PA/SO EE Durkin R J/Hartford CT/SO EE Duroche r D A/Canto n NY/SO EE Edwards W R/Co lumbia Ci ty IN/SR ME Ehrman C 1/Ft Wayne IN/FR REC Eime rman R S/Wa ukega n IL/JR ME

Gudaitis C N/Charleston SC/JR ME Gumbel J L/Bondville IL/JR CE Gupta B M/ Ahmedabad India/SR CE Hagadorn R/Ft Wayne IN/FR PSY Haidai A/Mishawaka IN/FR EE Haines R £/Moorestown NJ/SR EE Ha lamar P R/Andalusia PA/SR PSY Halani A T/Ahmedabad India /JR CHE Hall T P/Lombard IL/SO PH Hamed Z M/Nublus Israel/SR ME Ha nson R C/Elk Grove Vil IL/JR ME Haq A/Ka rach i Pak/SO ME Harber D J/Ft Wayne IN/JR EE Hargett R L/New Haven IN/JR ET Harshman W R/Huntington IN/SO EE Hasch R/Sherwood OH/SR CE Hauser R J/Aike n SC/SR CE Haws L C/Fulton NY/SR PSY Hayat M/Karachi Pak/JR CHE Hector D E/St Croix VI/SO ME Heinfeld B W/New Bremen OH/JR EE Herb E A/F t Plain NY/SR CE Hess P A/Elmira Hgts NY/SO CH Hill R C/Libertyville IL/SO CE Hinkel E J/Wychoff NJ/SR MATH Hi ss T J/Co lumbia City IN/SR EE Ho K C/Hong Ko ng /JR EE Hoffman M B/Buffalo NY/SR EE Hoffma n W E 11/Ft Wayne IN/FR SPEC Ho llies B C/Bethesda MD/SR ME Hoyt J D/Walton NY/FR CE Hoverman M/Van Wert OH / JR ME Howell P D/Ft Wayne IN/FR PH Hussain M A/ Karachi Pak/JR EE Hussain M M/Karachi Pak/SO ME Hussain S A/ Karach i Pak/SO CE Ibrahim H/Karachi Pak/FR AEE Imbimbo T T/Wa llingto n NJ/JR CE Iqbal M 1/Karachi Pak/SR CHE Ishuu F T/Santa Cruz Bolivia /SR EE Islam Z/Abbottabad Pak/SO CE J ackso n D H/Ft Wayne IN/SR PSY Jafarey S S/Kara chi Pak/FR CHE Jakubowski J C/N Tonawanda NY/SR EE James E A/ Ashville NJ/SO CE Jansse n T P/Ft Wayne IN/JR ET Jaros G A/Buffalo NY/JR CH Jinnings J W/Columbia City IN/SO CE Johanns G R/Pa ulding OH/JR CE Johnson R W/Ft Wayne IN/JR CPE

Emley J L/Huntington IN/SR CE Engle T E/Warsaw IN/FR EE Ernst S A/Fleetwood PA/SR PSY Eversole K B/Wapping CT/JR AEE Faahs J W/Phoe nixville PA/SO EE Fairchild J L/Roa noke IN/SO EE Faridi A B M/I<arachi Pak/SO CHE Fa rmer D/Harvey IL/FR EE Farris W P/Bloomfi e ld IN/JR ME Fe llabaum T R/To ledo OH/SR ME Filardo M J Jr/Thornwood NY/JR ME Filler K LIFt Way ne IN/JR ET Finley R F/Ly nbro ok NY/SR AEE Fl etche r B F/Wa shingto n DC/SO EE Fonseca K D/Gary IN/FR CHE Foster D B/Spofford NH/SR ET Fra ij S E/Tulkarm Israe l/SR CE Frauhi ger L R/Bluffto n IN/SR ME Fry R N/Tiffin OH/SR PHY Fry R D/Kankake e IL/SR ME Fuhrma nn M R/W Fa lls NY/SO CE Futre ll W J/Marce llus NY/JR CE Ga jjar R !/Ahmeda bad India /SR CHE Galinsky M J/Winsted CT/SR MATH Gall F A/O rego n OH/JR CE Ga ls te r K L/S t James City FL/SR CE Gamit R K/Sura t India /JR CHE Gardlik J M/Ft Way ne IN/JR CH Gardner P H/Evans Mills NY/JR ME Gar ner L D/Decatur IN/FR AEE Gee P S/Gle n Fa lls NY/JR CHE Gensic J/Mark l e IN/SR CH Gensic M L/Ft Wayne IN/JR CE Getz S H/Kea sbe y NJ/JR CE Ghetia J G/Gujarat India/FR CHE Ghia S/Karachi Pak/JR CHE Glasser E H/Ft Way ne IN/FR SPEC Glen D J/Chamber sburg PA/JR EE Goelz W E/Hoag l a nd IN/SO AE , Goodrum C A/Ft Way ne IN/FR SPEC Gould K R/Ossian IN/SO MA Gowdy R L/Phoenix NY/SR ME Grannas R £/Ho lliday sburg PA/SR CE Grasso T A/El Paso TX/SO ME Graziano T C Jr/Uti ca NY/JR EE Greene H T/Bogota NJ/SR ET Greene D R/Hatfield PA/ SR CHE Griffith R E/Trenton NJ/SR ME Griswold K L/Oneonta NY/SR ME Gronczewski R K/Prospect Hts IL/SO ME


Lisowski H A/Gle nview IL/SR ME Lloyd R G/P e nfie ld NY/SR AEE Lomori e llo R J/Dumo nt NJ/SR CH Loraine W J/F t Way ne IN/FR UNCL Lowe r y R V/Ft W ay ne IN/FR REC • Lukey R M/We s tche s te r IL/SO PH Lukma ni A A/ Karac hi Pa k/FR CHE Mc Cague N/F t Way ne IN/FR SPEC Mc Co nne ll D R/Ashla nd OH/SO CH McDo nne ll M/Berk l ey Hgt s NJ/SO ME McDuffee R/Way ne NJ/JR EE McKe e M K/New Ha ve n IN/JR CH Mabis T/Pa yne OH/SO PH MacP he r so n D R/Ke nmore NY/JR CE Madak T/Bingha mto n NY/SR EE Ma ha nt J H/Dho lka India/JR CHE Ma j che r C M/Bldwnsville NY/JR AEE Ma nkad P N/Ahmedaba d India /JR CHE Ma ssa ro M V/Totowa NJ/SO CE Mas ter T Y/ Ahme da ba d Indi a /JR CHE Maye ll R W/Ava l o n NJ/SR ME Me cuk A/F t Way ne IN/FR EE Mer chan t K K/Bombay India /SR CHE Me r chant V C/Bombay India /SO CH Me r ua ni A S/Kara chi Pa k/FR EE Mi ck J P II/India na polis IN/SO CE Mi g lie tta R L/P ort Wa shingto n NY/SR ME Mille r D L/Ft Wa y ne IN/JR CE Miller G W/Some r ville NJ / SR CHE Milli o n L P/Dayto n OH/SR EE Mills J F/Cle ve l a nd Ht s OH/JR CE Minha s M Y/ Kara chi Pa k/JR CHE Mi r J P K/ Ka r a chi Pak/SR CHE Mi rza H A/ Ahme da bad India /SR CHE Mi yag i G/Ho no lulu HI/SR CE Moffat G K/Endwe ll NY/JR CE Moha mmed A A/ Kar achi Pak/SO CHE Mo l e n R D/Ea s t Orange NJ/SR PSY Mo lnar B/Bridgeto n NJ/SR EE Mo nga P I/ Kara chi Pa k/FR CHE Mo ngo ld H GIVa n We rt OH/SO EE Morr is J E/Elwood IN/FR CH Mulji Z M/ Kinsha sa Re p Du Zair/FR EE Munji S M/ Karac hi Pak/SO EE Murc hison P/Eli zabeth NJ/SO CHE Nagy F R J r /Bethle he n PA/SO CE Ne ustad ter J/Ver non NY/JR MA No l a n J T J r /Sy ra cuse NY/SR CH No l f i J G/Glasspor t PA/SR ME Norri s F R J r /Me r t s t own PA/SR ME

J ud i ce G J / Cos Co b CT/ SR ~1A TH Ka i ser S B/Cambr i dge Spgs PA/ JR l'-1E Kakka nathu X/ ~era l a I ndia / SR CE ~lkste in J L/ Spr i ng Va l l ey NY/ JR AEE Kamran 1'1/Karachi Pak/ SO !viE M nczuze\vski D/ Ft ~vay ne I N/ SR P SY Karlyk R/Boo nto n NY/JR ME :Kas sam S R/M.rachi Pak /FR CHE kaz i ~ J /Ahmeda bad Indi a /SR EE Kazmi erczak D R/ N To nawa nda NY/JR PSY Ke i ster R L/ Ft \\lay ne I N/FR EE Kel l er L T/ Ga ry IN/SO CHE ~e l\vask i H E/D ewi ttv i l l e NY/SO EE Ke nderi a n R V/Leo ni a NJ / SR CE Dlan A A/Karachi Pa k/SR CHE klla n t-1 S/Ka r achi Pa k/ JR EE Ki be llus C C/Ft Way ne I N/ FR PSY Ki b l i n D L/ Buffa l o NY/ FR ME Kij ows ki P ~1/N To na wa nda NY/JR EE King H M/ Schohari e NY/JR CE Kinne n J B/Ell cottville NY/JR CHE Ki rkham T G/Corydo n IN/SR ME Ki rkpat ri ck M J /F t Pla in NY/SR P SY Klo pfe ns te in W/Ha v i la nd OH/JR ME Kl okow P F/F t Way ne IN/ SE EE Knerr A R/F t Wayne IN /JR CH Kreger L W/P i e r ceto n I N/JR CE Kri eger K E/Shffld Lake OH/JR EE Kr ueger J S/Ft Wayne IN/SR ME Kuehnert A C/Ft Way ne I N/FR ME Kumbha ni S M/Ahmeda bad India /JR CHE Kursma n S/Rockaway NJ I JR CHE Kuz mi ch R J/Av eri l l Park NY/SR ME Labe lla F V/ Ut i ca NY/ SR CE Labe lla L W/ Uti ca NY/ FR CE La ine R 1/Ft Way ne IN / FR SPEC Lakhi a A M/ Ahmeda ba d I ndi a /FR CHE La nge M B/F t Way ne IN/FR PH La nge S E/Mi l l town NJ/SO ME Lear W H/Gree nca s t l e IN / FR REC Lebeau J M/ Rochester NY/ JR CE Lee H/ Seou l Korea / SR CPE Leech L B/ Watertown NY/ JR ME Leet N C/Ho nesda l e PA/ SR AEE Leo H K S/ Ho ng Ko ng / SR ET Le pi co P S/ Ogde ns burg NY/ SO PSY Lessard M R/ Spr ingf i e l d MA / SR ME Li les R H/ Pottsville PA / SR MATH Lim G W/ Pasay Ci ty Phi lippi ne / SO MATH Lingenfelter C A/ Coraopo li s PA/ SR ME


Pulley J D/Bluffton IN/JR EE Purdy P J/Ft Wayne IN/JR CE Pyne M C/Jama ica West Indies /JR CE Qazi S M/Rawal-Pindi Pak/JR EE Railsback G V/Ft Wayne IN/SO MA Rajwani A M/Karachi Pak/FR ME Ranges J R/Cre sskill NJ/JR AEE Ras ch R H/Allentown PA/FR EE Rauscher K R/Hellertown PA Raval R H/Rajkot India /SR CHE Ray E C Jr/Auburn NY/SR ME Rearick R L/Spring Mills PA/JR MA Repasz D J/Lima OH/SR CHE Rhode s L J/Ft Wa yne IN/FR EE Ri chard J D/Ft Wayne IN/SR EE Ricke r E L/Ft Way ne IN/FR SPEC Risch R R/Ft Way ne IN/FR GED Rizvi S I H/Karachi Pak/SO ME Rizvi H H/Karachi Pak/SO EE Roberts J L/Zane sville OH/SR CE Robinson C/Wa shington DC/JR CE Roper B E/New Haven IN/SR EE Rose J L/Kingston NY/SR r.E Rowlett J R/Ft Wayne IN/FR REC Russell C PRome NY/SO ME Russe ll D B/Ft Wayne IN/JR EE Russell R B/New City NY/SR ME Sack W L/Ft Wayne IN/FR REC Saffen S E/Garrett IN/FR REC Saldiva r A/S ter lin IL/JR CPE Sandy R E/Columbus Grove OH/SO CH Sata N S/Bombay India/FR REC Say lor T D/Wabash IN/FR REC Schaller C D/Springfield VA/FR EE Schiele J L/Ft Wayne IN/JR EE Schmidt R S/Pa ssaic NJ/JR CH Schoonmaker W S/Millville NJ/SR CHE Schuerman T M/Ft Jennings OH/SO EE Schultz D C/Hamlin NJ/FR EE Schurr W J/Tonawanda NY/JR ME Scott B T/Detroit MI/SO CE Semidey V J/Carcas Venezula/SO AEE Sensenich T R/Irwin PA/SR ME Setyo no R H/Hong Kong/SO EE Setty D V/Ahmedabad India/SO CHE Shabbir M/Karachi Pak/FR CE Shaffer R L Jr/Cherry Crre k NY/JR ME Shah D J/Ahrnedabad India/SR CHE Shah J C/Shahput India/SR CHE Shah K M/Kaira India/SR CHE

Norris R L/Rochester NY/SR CE Noshirwani Z N/Karachi Pak/FR EE Obrien S T/Webster NY/SR ME Odisho T W/Ba ghdad Irag/SO CHE Olson M J/New Hartford NY/SR ME Onyskow R A/Meadville PA/ SR EE OrÂŁ R J/River Edge NJ/JR CHE Osborn R C D/Willshire OH/JR EE Oswald A M/Buffalo NY/SR PSY Padia A D/Jetpur India/SR CHE Pa lm S A/ James town NY/SR CE Pa lmer G B/Gle nwood IL/JR EE Panoch J J/Ft Way ne IN/SR PSY Parikh M R/Bombay India/SO CHE Parikh R R/Devgad India/SR CHE Park H L/Kyung Nam Korea/SO EE Pate l A B/Ahmedabad India/FR CHE Pate l B V/Ahmedabad India/SR CHE J?.ate l C M/Ahmedabad India/SR CHE Pate l D D/Ahmedabad India/JR CHE Pate l G F/Kaira India/FR CHE Pa te l H M/Bombay India/JR CHE Pate l H B/Nadiad India/FR CHE Pate l I L/Surat India/JR CHE Pa te l J K/Ahmedabad India/SR CHE Pa te l M M/Patan India/SR CHE Pate l M B/Ahmed India/SR CHE Pa te l M C/Ahmedabad India/SR CHE Patel N B/Mehsana India/SO CHE Patel N C/Ahmedabad India/SR CHE Pa te l N L/Ahrne dabad India/SR CHE Pa te l P J/Gujarat India/FR CHE Patel R J/Kaira India/JR CHE Patel R N/Surat India/JR CHE Patel R M/Anand India/SR CHE Patel R S/Ahme dabad India/FR CHE Patel S D/Surat India/JR ME Pate l T R/Ahmedabad India/SR CHE . Peters R G/Berea OH/SR AE Petrillo R A/Wilmette IL/FR EE Phipps D E/Winche ster MA/SR CE Pie rson Q E Jr/Montclair NJ/SR AEE Pinney M A/Ft Way ne IN/SO AEE Pirani N S/Karachi Pak/SO EE Pirani A A/Karachi Pak/FR EE Place I W/Sudbury MS/JR CE Plonski A J Jr/Brookfield CT/SR EE Powell A/Gary IN/SO AEE Prasad R/New Delhi India/SR EE Pudleiner G R/Allentown PA/SR ME


Shah K C/flehsana Ind i a/ SR CHE Shah K N/Bombay India/ JR CHE Shah U D/Ahrnedabad India/SR CHE Shah V J / 1ehsana I nd i a / SR CHE Shahi d ~1/Karach i Pak/SO CHE Sha i kh H R/Ahmedabad I nd i a /SR CHE Shai kh S G/Jamalpur lnd i a /SR CHE Shastri C V/Surat Indi a /SR CHE Shef chi k ~~ J/Berge nf i e l d NJ/ SR ME Sherazi S Z H/Karachi Pak/FR ME Sheth S G/D ohad Ind i a /JR CHE Shi ck F £/Rocheste r NY/SR EE Shickert W R/Bethe l Park PA/ SR CH Shupler R S/ Fa i r l awn NJ/ SO CE Sie,vi ck J T/ Great Fa ll s VA/ SO PH Si mmermacher G D/ Springf i e l d VA/SR EE Slag le M C/Ft Way ne I N/FR REC Sla\vinsk i J S/ Scotch P l a ins NJ /SR ME Smalley R L/Chester NJ / SR CE Smj th T A/Decatur I N/FR REC Solari B D/Ft Way ne IN /SR EE Sellner G H/Vi rginia Beach VA/SR CH Sommer R A/Northampto n MA /JR ME Songster L T/ Wy ncote PA/ FR CH Sasso V A/Whi tes boro NY /JR ET Spooner S R/W Spr ingfi e ld MA /JR CE Steinke G W/Ci cero IL/CHE Ste mpie n K B/Bri sto l CT /FR CE St ephens K L/Mark l e IN / SR EE Sti rra t t E B/Cheektowaga NY/JR EE Stol l er R A/Pau l d ing OH/JR EE Sutton E W/ Char l esto n WV/JR ME Szabo E Z/Lake Vi ew NY/JR P SY Tabani Z S/Sukkur Pak / SR ME Tar i e ll o P J/ Sche ne c tady NY/JR EE Taut kus J J / Mari on IN / SO ME Thakkar G D/Ahrnedabad I nd i a /FR CHE Tha nh L B/Sai go n Vi et nam/ FR EE Thi e r off S A/ Philade l phi a PA/JR CE Tippin R A/F t Wayne IN / JR EE Ti ttma n W p/ Ft Wayne IN / SR ME Toma ny M A/ Romeov i lle 11/FR AEE Toms D B/Gerrna ntown MD / SR EE Tor r es J R/ San Sa l El Sa l vador /JR CE Tracy T A/Churubusco IN / SR ME Tran V Q/ Nha Trang Vi et nam/ SR ME Troe ndly R/F t Wa y ne IN/SR ME Ty l er vl E/ Maple He i ghts OH /JR ET Ul ery J R/ 1ogans port IN / JR CE Uqaili Z H/ Kara chi Pa k / FR EE

Uta si J G/Ma nville NJ/JR EE Va id Y Y/ Karachi Pak/SO CHE Va l e ngavi c h J P/New Bri tain CT/SR CE Va ugha n D R/Teati cke t MA/SR ME Vi t ko R P/Buf fal o NY/SR MA Vo n Ste in P/Je ne r o OH/SR ME Wa lker R E/Ft Wayne IN/SR EE Wa ll s M S/Newa rk DE/FR CE Wa l sh G SIN Adams MA /FR EE Wa l ter W C/Ft Way ne IN/FR PSY Wa shingto n S P/Gary IN/FR PSY Wa ng W T P/Hong Kong/JR CE Wa shbur n J F/Akron OH/JR AEE Wa shingto n M D/Ft Wayne IN/FR REC Waters D 1/Por t l a nd IN/FR ME Webs te r V B/De t ro it MI/SR AEE Wege nka M A/Co lumbus OH/SR ME Wege nka Q M/Co lumbua OH/FR ME Wege nka R A/Co lumbus OH/SO EE We lls R A/F t Way ne IN/SR PSY We sson P J/P eek skill NY/JR CE Whee l er S P/Ft Way ne IN/SO EE Whi tacre W/Mont pe lier IN/JR ME Whi te J M/Carme l IN/SR CE Wiblin H F/Ft Way ne IN/SR EE Wi chner M P/Springfi e ld OH/SO EE Wilbur n M R/ Os sia n IN/SR EE Wilson G 1/York PA/JR CHE Wils on J 0 /Chi cago IL/SO PSY Wils on R M/Madison IN/SR EE Winkler R J/We s co sville PA/JR EE Woi tasze k K S/Hambu rg NY/JR EE Wo l os W W/Wa llington NJ/SR CE Woodward L A/Gra nville NY/SR CE Woods T E J r /Liberty MO/FR CE Wr i gh t C E J r /Pe nnsa uke n NJ/SR ME Yoder D M/Li tchf i e ld CT/SR CE Young J J/Tre nto n NJ/JR PSY Young K 1/Noblesville IN/FR EE Yus ufa l y N N/ Kar achi Pak/SO ME Zankowski 1/Fayetteville NY/SR AEE Za zulak E w/Philade lphia PA/SR ME Zemane k S F/Ober lin OH/SR AEE Zi a ulla n M/ Karac hi Pak/SO ME Zi eg l er D R/D ef i a nce OH/FR REC •


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