Kekiongan 1963

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indiana tech • 1963 • theme • challenging worlds •

administration •

faculty •


acttvtttes •

the cam pus • new friends • professors • new courses •

organizations • graduates • the new horizon •


•• •

Fall term and a freshman, Pat O'Connell, enters the new and challenging world of college.

Entering this new world requues registration and payment of fees, • •










setting up a good schedule of classes,

and meeting the new roommate,

but the new student finds that studying is the most inlportant part of this new world.




Tech's coeds are studious and beautiful. This is Alice Kupper, a civil engineering student.

.. . . . . . . .

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Left: This is Pari Seirafi, shown with her husband, Farhad. They are from Iran. Right: This is Maritza Ramirez, shown with her brother, Carlos. They are from Venezuela.


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Ron Joseph and Harvey Baker study during a coffee break in the "College Inn."

Tech s Glee Club welcomes Freshman n1embers.

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Studyin g starts ea rly . . .

. . . and ends late.

Dennis Pa rrott in che1n la b.

H enry Cook and F ra n cis H ager plumber ? ?





think they need a

Prof. Guindon and Phil Conarroe \vay."

" it has to work that

G erald Lilla and Mike Seaver create a sine wave. -

jim Vesey and Tom Wong


catalyst or catastrophe??



Bob Stavinoga run into a probleau . . . . . . an d ge t s Wisniewski .


S ome

help fron1 Earl Maki and Ray

Son1e studious elec trica I n1a.1ors.



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a M u :1 .• rr " '

Between classes.

• •

Rupesh Saikia with Professor Dixon, inspecting model.

quizzes, midtern1s, and finals. II







The new name was unveiled at the precise moment that chairman Arthur Fruechtenicht pronounced the ' vords. " Indiana Institute of Technology."

Paul McDowell, superintendent of buildings and grounds.

Mrs. Horiak



a good friend to the foreign students.

Christmas vacation and only a few students remain on campus.

Spring convocation with George Davis spea king and reciting James Whitcomb Riley.

Burt M eans to keeps us all well fed.




Earl \Vrightson and Lois Hunt entertained Tech at one of the spring Artist and Celebrity series.

Coed, Shirley Snyder, sitting between Anthony Fallone and Donald Crissman, taking the spring finals.

The spring homecon1ing queen, Miss Indiana Institute of Technology, Miss Maureen Freeman. (Left to right ) First runner-up C harmainne Thomas, last year's queen , Mary Badenhop, and second runner-up Patricia Sue Krebs.










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Philip Sporn addresses administration and student bod y at a convocation on " The C hallen ge of En gineering."

Philip Sporn presents Pres. K eene with a certificate fof the Philip and Sadie "Sporn Educational Student Loan Grant."

Pres. K eene presents Philip and Sadie Sporn the " Award of Honor'' scroll.


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Natty B. Davis, second from left, legal adviser to the President of Liberia, attends his son's, C. Pryde Davis', graduation.


June graduation dignitaries.

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Meredith Willson, compose r of our Alma Mater, receives honorary Doctorate .


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It is often said that , " Behind every grea t n1a n there is a wonta n. ~· Here Mrs. Archie K een e is presented with a special a wa rd by Don T emple, president of Inrliana T ech 's Alun1ni Association.

FOR 27 YEARS The mentor of faculty, staff, and students; The guide through perilous and trying times; The director of progress in spite of great odds; The patron of a large and challenging family· This describes President Emeritus Archie T. Keene and his service to Tech. To his devotion and determination, and to the man, we dedicate this 1963 KEKIONGAN.

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,... .. Ed Gehringer~ a forn1er student of President Keene, is a surprise guest at the "Salute to President Keene" dinner .

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C. A.



Vice-President and Treasurer •



Dean of Facuity



Dean of Engineering






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J.a. 0 • •




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Dean of Students



Business Manager and Director of Purchases

• •



Secretary to the Board of Trustees Secretary to the President and Foreign Student Advisor

. .. . .......... •





• '


.. ·"


Director of Placement


A ssistant to the President



, . .,.

Director of Industrial Relations •


Director of Research and Development



Freshman Advisor




Assistant Registrar


aeronautical eng1neer•ng The Aeronautical Engineering Department at Indiana Institute of Technology strives to have the student well prepared in the basic sciences before the adva nced aeronautical topics are undertaken. A graduate with a B.S. degree in Aeronautical Engineering may enter many phases of the aeronautical field. The everincreasing advances in the field of aeronautics, such as the earth satellite program, will continue to offer a challenge to the engineer of the present and future .

• •

Benj a min L . D ow ( C h a irm a n ) , L ynn Cohrn .

J oseph \ V. Cranmer, J ohn Coch ra n ( C ha irman ) .

chemical eng1neenng The Department of Chemical Engineering aims to develop the student into a well-rounded, competent, and socially adjusted graduate. The development of the ability to THINK is paramount. The project method of instruction is used in the laboratory which is equipped with standard pilot plant apparatus such as stills, evaporators, filter presses, and mass and energy transfer units. The curriculum covers basic sciences, engineering sciences, applied science (engineering) , and general subjects, which gives a broad foundation enabling the student to be employed in design, operation, sales, teaching, and research.

Tod B. Dixon

civil engl11eenng Civil Engineering is the oldest of all the engineering fields. It has always been concerned with projects of both public and private nature that affect the social and economic life of the people. Originally, Civil Engineering was concerned with the construction of bridges, roads and buildings which are still rna jor areas in the Civil Engineering field. In the last half-century, additional areas have been added to the field of Civil Engineering, such as: water supply, waste disposal, city planning, and traffic engineering. These are of importance for the p ublic health and welfare.

electrical engtneermg Electrical Engineering encompasses many and varied fields. The g raduate electrical engineer may find himself working in the fields of radar, guided missiles and satellites, atomic energy, electronic computers, radio communications, television, control systems, power generation and distribution, and other numerous specialized phases of Electrical Engineering in commercial industrial and military fields.

R obert C . R uhl ( C hai rn1an ) , Willi a m D . Shrade r .

M orris Si n1n1on s, P e te r Sore nso n , J ohn Whitn ey, Cl a rr n, .,. Cain , Arthur Pri ce, W a lter J. Willi a n1 . Jr. ( C h a irman ).

' f

Robert Marshall, Ivan A. Planck (Chairman) , Cleo J. Quinn, Er\vin Horiak, Howard A. Macklin .

.. •

tnechanical eng1neenng


The Mechanical Engineer is responsible for the designing and building of machines to produce power and the machines to utilize that power. Every manufactured article, no matter what its nature, requires the services of Mechanical Engineers both in the design of the machines by which it is manufactured and in the operation of the factory itself. Creative thinking is nurtured and encouraged in the Mechanical Engineering class rooms and in the Mechanica 1 Engineering Laboratories.

Chemistry is the science of change, and serves as one of the main foundation stones for all Science and Engineering. It is one of the essential backgrounds for every educated man in this Technological Age. The Department of Chemistry not only serves to provide instruction in basic Chemistry for all Science and Engineering disciplines, but offers Advanced Courses in Chemistry for those interested in Research in industry or in further study in Graduate Schools.


Norman 0. L ong_, C hairma n ; L aszlo Szegedy, Warren Hoffman, R obert Swindell, R obert Blair, E dward Guindon .

English depa•·tanent The primary purpose of the English Department in an engineering school is to teach the engineering student to express himself effectively in both speech and writing. The English Department offers courses in composition, literature, and speech so that the student may become a well-rounded per.son able to meet the challenges in life.

Left to right: Alvin Steinbach, M a rgaret Huff, Loren Yaggy, M ary Weimer (Cha irman ), H elen Riorda n, D a rrow Fox, H elen Dinius.

Left to right: Dona ld H enderson, H a rry M ellin, Hugh H a rp, R obert L eeper, G ordon Cole, Rich ard Sa rber , Jua na Santa na, J ames Dohner , Wa lter Ba rtlett, C ha rles Carr (C ha irma n ) .

mathematics depa•·r•nent


In our complex society, scientific progress depends on the mathematician, the engineer and many other scientists whose primary tool is mathematics. The Department of Mathetnatics offers a well-rounded course for the young mathematicians, as well as the essential mathematics for the engineering, physics and chemistry students .



Richa rd R eeves, R a lph Bracht, Kozaburo Miya kawa Dwyer Jua na Sa n ta na, C h a m anla l P a tel.

(C h a irma n )

D aniel

• •

physics departrnent If, as has been said, ttthis is the atomic age,'' then this is the age of physics. Nuclear weapons and machine's are products of the physics laboratory. Each new day finds the physicists of our nation ever widening horizons of man's knowledge. Therefore, Indiana Institute of Technology meets the need for training in physics by offering basic and advanced courses designed to prepare a student either for direct participation in industry, or for a scientific career of the more traditional type .

L ee Bernha rdt t C h a i r m a n ) Dwight Case.

eng1neenng .


phics •



Engineering Graphics is a descriptive graphical language us~ by engineer~ and designers throughout the world to express, develop and record their ideas and information. Men _of industry have indicated that Engineering Graphic~ is not only important, but absolutely necessary. Students must have training in space visualization; they must develop their powers of analysis, synthesis, and creative thinking. Their abilities to develop and record ideas must be constantly challenged.




34 -




Assistant Professor of History



Instructor of Economics

Assistant Professor of History

general education subjects



Associate Professor of Philosophy

Instructor of Physical Education


Assistd'nt Professor of Physical Education and Athletic Director • I'


• I



First Row: RoBERT A . ALBRIGHT, BChE ; Emmaus, Pennsylvania ; American Chemical Society ; Chemical Engineering Society, President, Secr etary.

RoBERT G EN E BEINEKE, BSME ; Decatur, Indiana; President's List ( 3 ) ; D ean's List ( 1); Senior Class Secreta ry ; Am erican Society of Mech a nical Engineers.

Second Row: J o H N A . BERTRAND> BSElE, M a th O ption ; Sleep y E ye, Minnesota ; D ean's List ( 2) ; Electronic Engin eering

Society ;

Newma n




President ; Student Co uncil ; Glee Club. -w-..


• •

J. BowsER> BSEIE ; F ort W ayne, Indi an a ;

President's List ( 13 ) ; D ean 's List ( 2) ; Institute of R a dio Engineers.

Third Row: STEVEN W . BREINER, BSME ; St. Marys, Ohio ; D ean's List ( 1) ; M echanical Club, Vice-President ; Sigm a Phi D elta; Student Co uncil, Treasurer, President.

FREDDY N. B us TILLO S, BSME, Mech anical Dra ftin g O pt. ; Barquisimeto, V enezuela; President's List ( 1 ) ; M ech a nical Club ; Phi Iota Alpha ; W eight Lifting •• C lub ; F encing T eam ; Soccer T eam .

Fourth Row: D ANIEL CARAVAGGIO, BE & EIE ; Inwood , L.I. New •

York ; D ean's List ( 2 ) ; {nstitute of Radio Engineers.



C AS SIDY }R. , BSCE ; Elkins Park, P ennsyl-

vania ; D ean 's List ( 1 ) ; Associa tion of Civil Engin eers ; Sigma Phi D elta; Student Council ( 2 ) ; Sophomore Class

President ;


Class Treasurer ;

W eight

Lifting C lub, President ; Student Instructor PE ( 4 ) .


First Row: J AME S HAROLD CLINE, BSAeE ; Taylorville, North Carolina; D ean's List (2); Assistant Instructor ( Engineering Graphics )

( 1) ; Student Council ; Sigm a

Phi D elta; W eight Lifting Club.

LYNN M. CoHEN, BSAeE ; Coraopolis, Pennsylvania; Iota Tau K app a ; President's L1st ( 8 ) ; D ean' s List ( 10 ); Theta Xi, President, Vice-President ; Interfraternity Council, Secretary ; W eight Lifting C lub ; I ntramurals.

Second Row: CLIFFORD A NDREW DoYLE, BSEE, M ath Option ; Avoca, Iowa ; I ota Tau K appa ; President's List ( 5 ) ; D ean 's List ( 6 ) · Electronic Engineering Society.

BABA F ATOO RACH I, BSEE · Tehran, Iran · American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Treasurer ; Iranian Student's O rganiza tion, President.

Third Row: YooHA NNA




Iran ;

American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Ira nian Student's O rganization, Treasurer .


Option ;

Rochest er ~

New York · Electro nic Engineering Society.

Fourth Row: C HRISTIA N FREDERIKSEN) BSElE ; D ean s List

(2) ·

Institute of Radio Engineers; Society of American Military Engineers ; Audio Engineering Society.

GEORGE J . GANDOLFO, BSCE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; D ean's List ( 1) ; Theta Xi, Vice-President ; Association of C ivil Engineers· Intramura ls.


First Row: GoMEZ VELEZ GoNZALOJ BSME · Armenia, Quindio, Columbia ; Mechanical Club.

BELA HAFF NER) BChE; South Norwalk, Co,nnecticut ; President's List ( 5) ; Caswell Engineering Graphics Award ; Tech Manor Club Scholastic Achievement Award ; Chemical Engineering Society.

Second Row: REUBEN F. HARTJ BSCE ; Wolf Summit, West Virginia ; Association of Civil Engineers ; Glee Club ; In tram urals.

SuBHA Nu r F. HAQ, BSEE ; Karachi, Pakistan ; Presi( 3 ); American Institute of Electrical

dent's List

Engineers ; Pakistan Students AssO'ciation, President ; N ucleus ; T ech Flying Club ; Nations United Club.

Third Row: LEO NARD P. HrLZE NDAGERJ BSCE ; Rugby, North Dakota ; Dean's List ( 1) ; Association of Civil Engineers ; Glee Club.

jOHN PAUL HoFFMAN, BSEIE ; Carlock, Illinois ; Iota Tau

Kappa ; Presid ent's List

C hristian


( 10 );

Vice-President ;

Inter-Varsity Sophomore

C lass Treasurer . •

Fourth Row: GALEN HoRS CHJ BSME ; Dewey, Illinois ; Society of Automotive ·Engineers ; Theta Mu Pi, Secretary.

NrRANJAN S. Iocu NJIJ BSElE ; Bombay, India ; President's List ( 1) ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; India Association, Secretary ; Tennis Team .


First Row: WILLIAM G . joH NSONJ BSE & ElE, M a th O ption · R and alia, I owa ; President's List

( 13 ) ; I ota T au

K appa ; Electronic Engineering Society . D ENN is E . KIDDJ BSElE ; Adrian, Michigan ; K appa Sigm a Phi, President, Secretary ; Interfra ternity R e•

presen tat1ve.

Second Row: PA UL


K ooBJ BSME ; I ona, Minnesot a ; Presiden t's

List (2); D ean 's List (8 ); M echa nical C lub · Newm an C lub ; Physics L abora tory Assistant ( 2 ) . R oBERT ] . K os iAREKJ BSEIE ; Sa ugatuck, Michigan · Am erican Institute of Electrical Engineers · Thet a Xi Presid ent, T reasu rer; In tram urals.

Third Row: L ARRY K UGLER, BSElE ; C hurubusco , Ind iana ; D ean s List ( 2 ) · Institute of R adio Engineers · America n R ocket Society ; K ekiongan . D AN IEL L EE, BSElE, M ath O ption · New York, New York ; President's List ( 1) ; D ean's List

( 4 ) · In-

stitute of R a dio Engineers· Student Council ; Th eta Mu


V ice-President

Secreta ry,


Council R epresentative ; C hinese Studen t Associat ion , President.

Fourth Row: AR NOLD L EVYJ BSElE ; New York, New York ; Presi d ent's List ( 1) ; D ean 's List ( 1); Institute of R adio Engineers ; N ucleus; Dram a C lub, Presiden t. H ERM AN


M EYER jR.J BSElE, M ath O p tion ; St.

C h a rles, Illinois ; Iota T a u Kappa ; President's List ( 9 ) ; D ean's List ( 1); Student Council, Secretary, 1 'reasurer ; Sigm a Phi D elta, President, Secretary· K ekiongan Ama teur R adio Club, President, VicePresident ; Bowling C lub ; Student Instruc tor, El-1 30 .

First Row: RAYMO ND A . Mrc KNAJ BSME ; Stafford Springs, Connecticut ; Flying C lub.







J am aica; D ean's List ( 4) ; Chemistry L ab Assista nt ( 3) ; Institute of Radio Engineers ; W est Indian Stu-

d en ts Associa tion, Public R ela tion s O fficer ; N ations U nited Club.

Second Row: S. K. M u RGAIJ BME ; P atiala, India ; Presiden t's List ; Indian Association .

; Bombay, India . J . M . NANDHAJ BME •

Third Row: ARTHUR W. N ICHOLSON) BSAeE ; N ewburgh, New York · Presiden t's List ( 2 ) ; Institute of Aerosp ace Sciences; Sigm a Phi D a lta.

EARL N OZ A KI) BEE, (Electronics O pt. ) ; Honolulu, H awaii ; Presid ents' List ( 2 ) ; D ean's List ( 7 ) ; American Institute of Electrical Engineering ; Electronic Engineering Society ; Institute of R adio Engineers: Alpha Gamma U psilon ; H awa iia n C lub, P residen t, T r easurer ; Intramura ls.

Fourth Row: J AcKIE L . 0LSONJ BSAeE ; Rockville, Connecticut ; Drafting L ab Assistant ( 1) ; Flying Club, Treasurer .



ElE ; Gujra t,

India ;

D ean's List ( 2 ) ; Physics L ab Assistant ( 4 ) .


First Row: RoY B. R . PENNANT., BSCE ; Kingston, Jamaica; Association of Civil Engineers ; W est India n Studen t Associa tion, President.

BILLIE W. PHILLIPS, BSElE, M ath O ption ; Fountain, North Carolina ; Electronic Engineering Society ; Flying Club ; In tram ura ls.

Second Row: MYRON A. R EASER, BSElE · Fort W ayne, Indiana · Physics C lub.

PAUL L . R EKER, BSEIE, M a th Option· Fostoria, O hio· D ean s List ( 4 ) .

Third Row: MICHAEL R o c KWELL, BSElE · North Baltimore O hio · A.udio Engineering Society, Chairman, Vice-C h airm an .

MARIO R uFo., BElE ; Phila delphia, Pennsylvania.

Fourth Row: H ENRI ST. DENIS, BSCE ; Lake Ronkonkoma, New York ; D ean's List ( 1) ; American Society of C ivil Engineers, Secretary ; Bowling Club ; In tram urals.

RoDGER S. ST. joH N_, BME ; Carlsbad, New M exico ; President' s List ( 4) ; M echanical Club ; Theta T a u Upsilon ; N ewman Club; In tram urals.


First Row: RICHARD K. SANDERS, BSElE ; New Paris, Ohio ; Institute of Radio Engineers ; Glee Club.

Ric HARD M. SciBELLI., BSElE, Math Option; Brooklyn, New York ; President's List ( 4 ) ; Junior Class President ; Student Council, Vice-President, Sophomore Representative.



Second Row: F AH IM A. SHAM SI, BEE & BElE ; Karachi, Pakistan ; President's List ( 1) ; Pakistan Students Association, Presid ent

BABUBHAI M. SHETH, BME ; Bombay, India . •

Third Row: D ARW1N K . SMIDT, BSElE ; Pipestone, Minnesota ; President's List ( 1) ; Dean's List ( 5) .

DAVID S. SoLOMON, BSCE ; Baghdad, Iraq ; President's List

( 3) ; Association of Civil Engineers ; Alpha

Omega Tau.

Fourth Row:

.T ACOB SPOOR, BSElE ; Columbus, Ohio ; Electronic Engineering Society ; Institute of Radio Engineers · R esearch and D evelopment Laboratories.

BLAINE D. STANDAGE, BSElE Math Option; Odessa, Texas· President's List ( 8 ) ; Dean's List ( 1) ; International Club.


First Row: jAMES J . STORCK, BCE; Dayton, Ohio; President' s List ( 2 ) ; Association of Civil Engineers. VIJAY J . THAKKAR, BME; Bombay, India; American Society of M echanical Engineers ; International Club; India Association.

Second Row: ANDREW M. ToMKO, BSAeE ; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvani a路 Institute of Aerospace Sciences, Vice-Chairman ; Phi Kappa Lambda, Treasurer ; Interfraternity Council, Treasurer. MIGUEL VALVERDE-AcuNA, BSCE ; San Jose, Cost a Rica ; Presid ent's List ( 1) ; Association of Civil Engineers ; Phi Iota Alpha, President ; Soccer Team .

Third Row: ALLEN L. VoiGT, BSE & EIE ; D anville Illinois 路 Dean's List ( 1) ; Indiana T ech Electrical Association ; Kappa Sigma Phi ; Glee Club; Intra.murals. CHARLES E. WHELAN JR., BSCE ; Plainville, Conn ecticut ; Iota Tau Kappa ; Civil L ab Assistant ( 1) 路 Association of Civil Engineers.

Fourth Row: DENNEY R. WILSON, BSME ; Ossian, Indiana路 American Society of M ech anical Engineers. Jo sEPH J . ZALESKI, BSEIE ; Shamokin Penn sylvania ; Phi K app a L ambda, Vice Presid ent, Secretary. V. N. DAMLE, BChE ; Bombay, India ; Chemical Engineering Society ; India Student Association.


First Row: HARLEY E . BAILEY, BSElE ; New Lebanon, O hio ; Electronic Engineering Society, Society of American Military Engineers, President, Vice-President ; Theta Mu Pi, President, Vice-President; Interfraternity Council ; Student Council ; Glee Club ; In tram urals.

R uDOLPH BAS SELMAN, BME ; Deshler, Ohio ; M echanical Club ; Glee Club.

Second Row: RoB ERT L . BEAUDETTE, BSElE ; Lewiston , Maine· Pres id ent' s List ( 1) ; D ean's List ( 4 ) ; Institute of Electrical and Electronical Engineering ; Tennis.

CHARLES F . BEESO N jR., BSME ; Etna Green, India na· President's List ( 1) ; D ean's List ( 1) ; Mecha nical C lub.

Third Row: CLARENCE BENINATI, BEE ; Bayside, Long Island N ew York ; President's List ( 1) ; D ean's List ( 4 ).

WALTER BING-ZAREMBA, BSEE ; Bogota, Columbia ; America n Institute of Electrical Engineers · Nucleus· Glee C lub ; Weight Lifting Club · Flying Club, Treasurer .

Fourth Row: GENE CLYDE EBERLY, BSAeE ; Myerstown, Pennsylvania ; D ean's List ( 1) ; Institute of Aeronautical Sciences ; Flying Club.

PAUL C. CoLOMBO, BSElE, Math Option ; Sellersville, Pennsylvania; Sigma Phi D elta ; Bowling T eam .


First Row: BISHNU PADA DATTAJ BME ; Dibrugarh, India · India Associa tion ; Nations U nited.


CHRI STOS N . D EMOPOULo s, BEE ; Oak Pa rk, Illinois ; American Institute of Electrical Engineers ; Theta M u Pi ; Soccer.

Second Row: joH N R . EssER, BSAeE, BS Math ; Coldwa ter, Michigan ; D ean's List ( 7 ) ; American Rocket Society ; N ewma n C lub.

D . P. GANATRA, BSCh, BEChE ; Bombay, India ; D ean's List ( 1) ; Iota T au K appa ; Chemical Engineering Society · Nations United Club .

Third Row: FRA NCIS M. H AGERJ BSME ; Towner, North D akota ; D ean's List ( 8 ) .

AMANU LLAH KHAN jADooN, BEME ; Abbottabad, W est Pakistan· Pakistan Student Associa tion , Presid ent.


Fourth Row: V ERNON PAU L joNESJ BSME ; Follansbee, West Virginia· D ean s List ( 2 ) ; M echanical Club ; Society of Automotive Engineers ; Junior Class, Vice-President, R epresenta tive ; T heta Mu Pi ; Flying Club· Weight Lifting Club ; In tram urals.

.JoH N F. KITA, BSME ; Latrobe, Pennsylvania; Society of Automotive En gin eers~ Mecha nical Club .

tnter 47






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First Row: L ou ELL G. KRANDELL_, BSEE & El ; Fort W ayne, India n a ; D ean s List ( 3 ) . ALLAN S. LEO NARD_, BSME ; Dedham, Massachusetts ; Dean 's List ( 3) ; Physics Lab Instructor ( 5 ) ; Society of Automotive Engin eers.

Second Row: H ARRY L . LI NEMA N_, BSElE & ( Math Opt. ) ; Franklin, Pennsylvania ; President's List ( 10 ) ; Electronic Engineering Society ; Alpha Omega Tau. joH N E . LoNG_, BEE ; Poughkeepsie, New York ; President's List ( 2 ) ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Junior Class, Treasurer ; Theta M u Pi ; Flying Club, Public Relatio ns Officer· W eight Lifting Club.

Third Row: AHMAD MIRESKANDARI_, BSME ; Saveh, Iran ; Irania n Students Organization. Roo NEY H . MoRIMOTO, BSElE ; Honolulu, Hawaii ; President's List ( 1) ; Dean's List ( 1) ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Hawaiian Club, President.

Fourth Row: MICHAEL JosEPH O'BRIEN, BSME ; St. Petersburg, Florida; President's List ( 7 ) ; D ean 's List ( 1) ; Ameri can Society of Tool and Manufac turing Engineers· American Society for Metals. jAMES B. PATRICK _, BSME ; Mt. Vernon, Ohio; Assistant to D ean of Students ; Mechanical Club, President, Treasurer ; Society of Automotive Engineers· Sigma Phi Epsilon, Secretary ; Tech Manor Club, C hairman ; Student Council, Senior Representative . •



First Row: GEORGE R . PoLEN) BSME ; Lewisville, O hio ; Presid ent' s Li st ( 1 ); D ean s List ( 7 ) ; M ec h a nical C lub ; Societ y o f Autom o tive Engineers.




Math Optio n ; South

Ya rmouth, M assachusetts ; Institute of R a dio Engin eers; Electro nic Eng ineering Socie ty.

Second Row: ARTH UR P uccETTr, BSAeE ; Sc h e n ect a d y, New York · D ean ' s List ( 1) ; T'h et a Xi, Sec re t a r y· F en c ing Tea111 ; Wres tling ; lntra mura ls.

WI LS ON W . R EILLY JR . BSEE ; C lifto n N ew J er se ·; T heta X i .

Third Row: ELDON 0 . RI CE, BSElE ; Fort W ay ne, Indi a n a ; Presid ent's List ( 9 ) · Institute of Radio Engin eers.



C h em ica l Eng ineering Society· Indi a n A ssocia tion.

Fourth Row: WI LLIAM


SAVEL., BSElE · St. M a rys, P ennsylvani a ;

Electronic Engineering Society; Institute o f Electrica l a nd Electronic Eng ineering.

jAM ES Sc H UTT) BSEE ; Holland, Michigan ; Presid ent' s Li st ( 3 ) · American Institute of El ec trical En g in ee rs· Bowling T eam .

tnter 49

First Row: RoBERT A. STEWART, BSME ; Ford City, Pennsylvania ; Society





Treasurer ; Theta Mu Pi, Treasurer ; Pistol T ea m , Vice-President, Presid ent ; In tram urals. j oHN


Pennsylvania ;

President's List ( 1) ; Electronic Engineering Society ;

Alpha Omega Tau ; Tennis T eam ; Intramurals.

Second Row: j ERALD L . VA N ERTJ BSCE ; Wisconsin R apids, Wisconsi n ; D ean s List ( 4 ) ; Weight Lifting Instructor

( 2 ) ; Association of Civil Engineers ; Newman Club· W eight Lifting Club, Vice-President; Intramurals. PuRUSHOTTAM stitute


VYASJ BElE ; J odhpur, India ;


India n Associa tion.




Engineering · •

Third Row: H ERBERT R . WEIERJ BSElE ; F ort Wayne, Indian a ; President's List ( 1) ; Electronic Engineering Society. CHARLES WILLIAM WRIGHT, BSChE, ( Math Opt. ) · Hickory, North Carolina; D ean's List ( 4 ); Assistant t o D ean of Students

( 4 ) ; Chemical Engineering

Society Secretary ; Sigma Phi D elta ; Student Council President R epresenta tive; Weight Lifting Club ; Intram urals.



First Row: ] AMES E . Ac HESON) BSCE ; F ort R ecovery, O hio ; Presiden t's List ( 1) ; Association of Civil E ngineer s, Secretary ; Flying Club ; In tram urals.

HossEINALI ALIDAI) BSAeE ; T ehran, Iran ; Iranian Student O rganization.

Second Row: R ALPH APA) BSCE ; Buffalo, New York ; D ean' s List ( 1) · Association of Civil Engineers; Bowling C lub ; Intramurals.

RoB ERT L . As HBY) BSAeE, M a th O ption ; Sheldon, Illinois ; President's List ( 6 ) ; D ean's List ( 6 ) ; American Institute of Aero na utics and Astrona utics Scholarship Award ; Aerospace Engineering Outs tanding Stud ent Award ; Io ta Tau K appa, Secretary-Treasurer ; Institute of Aerospace Sciences ; Student Council ; N ucleus ; Golf T eam ; lntramura ls.

Third Row: H ARV EY 0 . BAKER) BSCh,

BSMa th ;


India na ; Presid ent's List ('6 ) ; D ean's List ( 6 ) ; I ota T a u K appa ; C hemistry L abora tory Assistant

(7) ·

American C hemical Society ; Studen t Council, Secreta ry · Junior Class, Vice-President ; Sigma Phi Epsilon ; Track T eam .

] AMES R . BANNISTER) BSME ; Portage, Indiana.

Fourth Row: RICHARD J. BECKER) BSCE ; Centra l Bridge, New York ; Association of Civil Engineers .

LARRY J. BEERM AN) BSME ; Fort W ayne, India na ; Student Council ; Senior Class, Secret ary ; Varsity Basketball, Baseball, Golf .

First Row: D oNALD E. BEESON, BSPh, Math Op tion ; Etna Green Indi a na ; President's List ( 8 ) ; D ean's List ( 3) · Physics D epa rtment Scholastic Award; Phi Mu C hi Awa rd ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Award ; Physics L aboratory Assistant ( 5 ) ; Physics Club, Treasurer ; In term urals. R oBERT L . BIRM AN, BSElE_, M a th Option ; H astings, Michigan ; President's List ( 1) ; D ean's List

( 1) ;

Institute of R adio Engineers; Institute of Electrica l a nd Electronic Engineers, Treasurer ; N ucleus.

Second Row: BRIAN E. Bo EHMER, BSME ; Sarasota, Florida ; Society of Automo tive Engineers ; Sophomore C lass Secretary ; Theta Mu Pi · I·ntermurals. RoBERT L . BozER, BSME ; F ort Wayne, Indiana ; M ec ha nical Club ; Judo Club.

Third Row: EARL CAREY) BEE & El Opti on ; Easton , Pennsylvania· Institute of El ectronic a nd Electrica l Enginee rs ; Student Co uncil, C lub, President.

Vice-President ; Newma n

LYNN CARPENTER, BSME ; Bedford, Massachusetts · American Society of M ech a nica l Engineers .

Fourth Row: H ENRY GEORGE CooK, BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; President' s List

( 2) ·. Dean's List

( 11 ) · ASTME

Schol arship · Zoltani M echanical Engin eering Award ; M echanical L a bora tory Assistant

( 2 ) ; M echanical

C lub ; Nucleus; Student Council ( 2). W ARR EN A. CouTURE, BS M ath, BSAeE · Fort W ayne , Indi a nn .


First Row: PRYDE


DAVI SJ BSCE, M a th Option · M onroYia.

Libe ri a· Presid ent's List ( 1) ; D ea n 's List ( 2) ; Assoc ia tio n


C iv il


Intern a tiona l

C lub,

C h airma n ; Stude nt Counci l Secre ta ry· Socce r T eam ; I ntra mura ls.

R .\YMO i':D


H am pshire·


BEl£ ;


C laretno nt


Council R epresenta tive; Newman



C lub , Presid ent ;

Trac k Team ; Intramurals.

Second Row: PER VIZ K . D uaAs H) BEE ; Bombay, Indi a ; Presid ent' s (4) ;

Li st

Indi a

Associa tion,

Secret a r y·

Nucleus ;

Nati ons United C lub, Presid e nt .



BSPH ; Pacific Grove, California ; Physics

Labora tory I nstruc tor ; Physics C lub · Se nior C lass Vice -Presi d ent : Student Council ~ The t a Mu Pi, \ ic e President · N ucl e us; G lee C lub ; In tram ura ls.

Third Row: DAVID




K entucky ;

D ean 's Li s ts~ 'Theta Mu Pi, Vice -Presid ent ; M ech a nia l C lub

Treas ure r ~


In tram ura ls.




York ; I n sti tu tc of Elec tric a 1 a nd Electronic En g in cc rs.

Fourth Row: CoRNELius GOLTERMANNJ· BEE· Bayside, New York ; D ean's L ist ( 2 ) · Institute of Elec trical and Electronic Engin eers· In tra m ura ls.


CARL H AC IH ARAJ BElE ; H o n olulu, H a wa ii, Institute ~J f

Elec trical and

Electronic Engin eers· H a w a iia n

C lub Presid ent ; In tram ura ls .

r1n 53


First Row:

.TOH N A. HAMILTON, BSChE, BSCh ; Brazi l, Indi an a· D ean s List ( 6 ) ; H eise .~wa rd ; Chemistry Laboratory Assistant ( 6 ) ; Chemical Engineering Society, VicePresident ; American C h emical Society; Electroc hemical Society ; Sigma Phi Epsilon, President ; Student Council ; Baseball Team ; In tram urals.

GEORGE A. HAMM, BSCE ; Rudolph, Wisconsin ; Dean's Li st ( 1) ; Association of Civi l Engi n eers; Newm a n C lub ; In tram urals.

Second Row: H ARRY N. HARTMAN, BSElE, Math Option· L eba non Penn sylvania · Tau K appa Epsi lon , Secretary· Bowling C lub, Secretary ; Intramurals. •

STEVE E . HITE, BSME ; Huntington, Indiana ; Dea n's ' List ( 1) · M ech a nical Engineering Club, Chainnan:

Theta Mu Pi, Vi ce-President ; Intramurals.

Third Row: WILLIAM A. HOLLING ER JR., BSChE ; Monroe Indian a ; President's List ( 3 ) · D ean's List ( 3) · H eise Award · C h emical Engineering Society.

MooN HI JoE, BME · Seoul, Korea ; Socie~y of Automotive Engineers· H awaiian C lub.

Fourth Ro,v: RICHARD A. Jo sLIN, BSME ; Wisconsin Rapids Wisconsin · Theta Xi · In tram urals.

STEPHEN KARP, BCE ; Whitestone, New York; Dean's List ( 2 ) ; Theta Mu Pi ; Baseb all ; In tram urals .

sentors 54

First Row: K EN T KELLY, BSME ; Greenfield, Indiana; D ean's List ( 1) ; C aswell Engineering Drawing Award ; Physical Education Student Instructor ( 1) ; K ekiongan Staff ; Interfra ternity Council R epresentative ; Alpha Gamma

Upsilon ,

V ice-President ;

Baseba ll,

M ost

Valuable Player Awa rd ; Intramurals .

C HARLEs K ERNICK, BS M ath ; Homstead , Pennsylva ni a ; Glee C lub ; Sigma Phi D elta· In tram urals.

Second Row: PRAVIN KoRADIA, BEChE ; Bombay, India ; C h emical Engin eering Society· Intern ation al C lub ; Indi a As•

soc1atton .

ILKO KowALENKO, BME ; Whitestone, N ew York ; D ean 's List ( 2 )


Alph a O m ega T a u .

Third Row: j o HN M ARTI N KRUSE, BSME ; C learfield, Pennsylvania ; D ean 's List ( 1) ; Bas ketball M an ager ; Wrestling T eam , Pl ayer and Coach ; IIAA " Little Sta te," YMC A State Wrestling C h ampion ; T au K appa Epsilon ; I n tramurals.

GERALD LILJ A> BSME ; R ockford ,

Illino i s ~

D ean ·s

List ( 4 ) .

Fourth Row: IRVI N R. Lo NGENEC KER, BSME ; F ort Wayne, Indi an a .



M ACEY, BSElE ; South Bend, Indian a .

rtn 55




fir t Ro\\': j AM E .

\'ania ;

R . MAc i NTYRE) BSCE ; Alum Bank PennsylAssociation


Civi l

En gineer s;

Ameri ca n

Soc iet y of Civil Eng ineers · G lee C lub .


Mo NSE F )

BSCE ; T ehra n , Ira n· D ean's

Li st ( 2) · Am erican Soc iety o f Civil En gineer s; Iranian Stud e nt

O rg an izatio n ,

Vi ce -Presid ent ;

Volleyb a ll

'1'ca1n ( 2 ) · Soccer T eam ( 4- ) · In tram urals.

Second Row: D oi':ALD MoRI NG IELLOJ BSME, Math Option · Brooklyn, Ne w Yo rk · Presid ent' s Li st ( 2 ) · D ean 's List ( 1) : Eng in ee rin g Graphics Assista nt ( -t ) · M ech a nical Ena inee rin g C lub : Stude nt Co un c i l ~ Theta Mu Pi, PresiI

d nt : Se ni o r C la ss Presiden t ; \'\!e ig ht Liftin g CH1b : lnt rt1mur ~d .

j AME •



BSPh ; Fort

W ayne

Indian a ;

Ph ys ics L abo r a tory A ssist a nt · Physics C lub .

Third Row: \ .ALDU R PR ATK A BEE ; \ i a lley Stre.a m. New Y ork : T ec h M a nor C lub ; Fl ying C lu b.

H O\"-'ARD PR ATT BSME : Avill a , In diana ; p ean 's L ist ( + ) ; M ec h a ni cal Eng ineering C lu b , Vice-C h a irma n ;

The t a Mu Pi ; Stud ent Counci l. •

Fourth Row: PAu L A . Qu EVILLONJ BSME · Kirkland L ake, Ontario : M ec h a nica l Engineering C lub President · D ean ' s Li st

( t ).

R u PE SH SAIKIA) BC hE ; Assam , Indi a· C h emical En15 in ee ring Society · Indi a Assoc ia tion.


First Row: PRAVI N A . SA NG HAVI 1 BEE ~ B o n1b ay , Ind ia~ D ea n· List ( .f ) ; I ndi a n A ssocia tio n .

jiTE=" DRA H . S ANG Hvr, B C hE · Bo mbay, I ndia ; Che m ical

En g in eering


Treas ure r ;

Inte rn a tio n a l

C lu b · Indi a n A ssoc ia ti o n .

'econd Row: RI CHARD D . S c HI NELLA, BSElE B SPh , M a th Optio n ; e w Yo rk : Presid e nt' s Li st ( 3 ) ; D ea n List

Bro nx,

(:~ ) ; Physics

( 3 ) : Ph ysics L a bo ra tory A ssi t a nt

.Iuh :

] ' hc t a M u Pi .



BSAe E ;

Mille rto n,


Yo rk ;

I nsti tu tc o f Ae rosp ace Sc ie nces, C h n i rn1C1 n : Si g m a Ph i D elta: Fl ying C l u b, \ icc-Pre id c n t.

Third Row: (; . G o RDO;\; SETSER

BSPh , M a th ()pti o n ; Ca md e n .

() hi o ; Pi Mu Chi Awa rd ; Phys ics L a bo r a to r y A sis ta n t ( 6 ) ; Ph ys ics C l ub, Presid e nt .

/\Rvt N D B. S H H, BEE ; B o rnbay, In di a ; D ea n '

L is t

( 1) .

Fourth Row: D . SH ERWOOD1 BSE lE : Cun1 berl a nd , M a r y-


la nd ; T h e t a Xi, R e presenta tive·

Presid e nt ~

Bo wling

Interfra te rnity Co unc il

C lub ,

Presid e nt ;

I ndi a n a

1 'ec h N IBA Bo w lin g T ea n1 ; Intra mura l .

] . TH OMA · SMO LAREK , BChE · Wi scon sin Wisco nsin : D ea n 's List

R a pids,

( 3 ) : C h e m ica l Eng in ee ring

Socie t y ; Am e rican Insti tute o f C h e mi cal Eng ineers ; Ame rican C he mical Socie ty· Phi K a ppa Th e ta , Vi cePresid e nt .

• 57

----------- ------- ---------------------


- .


First Row: THOMA S M . STOCKAMP_, BCE ; F o rt Wayn e, Indiana ; Presid en t's List ( 5 ) ; D ean 's List ( 1 ) ; Iota T a u K app a ; Associa tio n of C ivil Engineers.

GEORGE Su PCOEJ BEE ; Robinson C reek, K entucky ; I nsti tu te of Electrical and Electro nic Engineers.

Second Row: Jo N M . S u RPRI SE_, BSElE ; L owell, India na; I o ta T a u K a ppa ·

I o ta

T au

K a ppa

O utstanding


Awa rd ; Electrica l Engineering O utstanding Student Award · Electrical Engineering L abora to ry As sis ta n t

( I ) · Electro nic


Socie ty ; In stitute of

Electrica l and Electro nic Engin eers ; N ucleus. •

lRAD J T oo J ARIEH, BSC E ; T e h eran, Ira n ; D ean s List ( 2 ) · Associa ti o n of C ivil Engineers; Civil Engineering

C lub · Ira ni an Stude nt O rga nization , Vice-President · S tu de nt Council · T h eta Mu Pi ; Intramura ls.

Third Row: D AVID L . VIDITO_, BSC hE · Thorntown, India n a ; President' s L ist ( 1 ) ; C h emical Engineering Society.

ERNES T C. VYRO STEKJ BSME ; F ort W ayn e, Indi an a · Societ y


A u tomo ti\'c

Engin eers ·

Flyi ng

C lub :

'"' ei ght Lift ing C lub .

Fourth Row: STEVEN W EIH L, BSElE ; T o·l edo, O h io ; D ean 's List ( 1 ) · In stitute of Electrical a n d Electronic Engin eers.

D oN




Pe nnsylvania:

D ean s List ( 1) · M ech anical C lub ; American Society o f M ec hanical En gineers· i\lph a G amma U psilon , ] 'rcas urc r, Sec retary· Intratnura ls.


First Row: DAVID S. WIL SONJ BSChE ; Ripley, W est Virgini a· America n C h emical Society · American In stitute of C hemical Engineers· T au K ~1 pp a Epsilon ; Intra murals. •t• ' .

JoH N jAMES- WINTERHALTER) BSEE, M a th Option ; Alexis Illinois ; President's List ( 4) ; D ean's Li st ( 3) ; Iota 'T a u K app a· Electrical Engineering L abora tory Instructo r ( 1) · In stitute of Electri ca l a nd Electroni c Engin eers· Student Co uncil, Treasurer ; Sigm a Ph i D elta, Vice-Pres ident.

Second Row: KARL Jo sE PH Yoou s HO CKJ BSC E ; Ford C ity, Penn sylvania· D ean 's List ( 3) ; Association of C ivil Engineers· N ewma n C lub ; Intramurals.

ERNEST E . YouNGJ BSC h · Albion, Indi an a ; D ean 's List ( 5 ) ; C hemi stry L abora tory Assista nt ( 4 ) · Physical Educa tion Student Instructor ( 2 ) ; America n C h emical Society Vice-Presid ent · T rack T eam · T ennis T eam .


First Row: C H.\ RLES A l'\DRACCHIOJ BS ME ; M o unt Canne l, P ennsylvania ;

Pres ide nt s


( 3 ) · D ea n s List

( 1);

M ec hani ca l C lub · Stude n t Co u ncil ; Inter-Fra ternity 'ou n cil ~ The ta Mu Pi.

D ALE E . BARB OU R BSElE · F o rt W ayn e , India na· D ea n 's L is t ( 1) .

Second Row: H AROLD D . BEC KJ BSME M a th O ption ; Hunting t on, Ind ia n a; Presid ent s Li st ( 7 ) ; D ean's List (2 ) ; Iota T a u K appa, President · A lph a G a mma Upsilon Sch ola rship Aw a rd ~ Socie ty o f A utom o tive Eng ineers ; Stud ent Co uncil ( 2 ) . •

K AYE C . C LoY s) BSElE ; F o rt W ayn e, Indi a n a ; Physi c t:~ l

E du catio n Student In struc to r

( 12 ) ; Baske tba ll

( 3 ) ~ Baseball ( 2 ) .

Third Row: FRAN KLIN CoRDIER) BE & ElE · Ce lina, O hio ; Institute of Elec trical a nd Electro ni c Eng ineers· Nucle u s.

' -IRG!L


DYK ES) BSPh · F o rt Way n e

Presid ent' s Li st (-+ ) .; D ea n 's L ist ( + )


Indiana ·

Ph ysics L a b

S tudent I nstrur to r ( 4 ) . •

Fourth Row:


MES C. GADLEYJ BSC E ~ O il C ity, P e nnsylvan ia:

D ea n's List ( 3 ) · Associa ti o n o f C ivil Engineers· Alpha Gamma U psilo n .


G ANGAR BEME : Bomba y India · M echanic a l

Eng inee ring C lub · Indi a .\ oc ia tio n .


sentors 6o

First Row: M ARWA N S . GH AMIAN, BSME ; D a m asc us, Syri a .

L LOYD A . G REEN, BSME ; Ska n eateles

New Yo rk ~

M ech a nical C lub, Vi ce-Preside nt ; Soc ie ty of Automotive Eng ineer s路 Alpha Omega Tau, Presid ent ; Bowling T eam , Treasurer ; Intra mura ls.

Second Row: A Lvi N R o Y H A RRI ~ , BSME ; Co ro n a , New D ean 's List Counc il ,

Yo rk ;

( 1 ); M ec h a nica l C lub _; Inte rfra t ernity

Vice-Preside nt ;

K a ppa

A lpha

Psi, Vice -

Presid e nt ; Inte rn a tio n a l C lub .

K ENNETH R AY HIK E, BEC hE ; F o rt W ayn e, Indian a : D ea n' s L is t ( 2 ).

Third Row: ST EVEN




F ort

W ay ne,

India n a ; Presid ent's List ( 4 ) ; D ea n s Li st ( 2 ) ; I o ta T a u K a ppa : F e nc ing T eam .

ToM HoRNIKG, BSME ; Crestline Ohio ; D ea n 's List ( 1 ) 路 M ech a ni cal C lub, Secr eta ry ; W e ight Liftin g C l uh .

Fourth Row: D AVID H o w ARD, BSEIE ; Fo rt Wa yn e India n a.

Jo s EPH L . I ACOV ELLI, BSEIE ; Elmwood Pa rk, Illi n ois ; Institute of R a dio Engineers ; Institute of Electrical a nd Electronic Engineers ; Newman Club路 W eig ht I .ifting C lub ; Th e ta Mu Pi . Sec ret a ry ; In tram ura ls.


- - - - - - - -- -- - -- - ----


First Row: R AM R ATAN j ALANIJ BEE & El ; Jodupur, India ; D ean's List ( 3) ; Insti tute of Electrical a nd Electronic E ngineer s; India Associa tion, President.

NAZIR M o HAMM AD KH ANJ BME ; K ar achi, Pakistan ; M echa nical Engineerin g Club ; Pakistan Student Association, President.

Second Row: R o BERT K.

KR UEGERJ BSC h ; Ixonia,

Presid ent's List

( 1) ; D ean's List

Wiscon sin ;

( 5) ; C hemistry

L a boratory Assist ant ( 3) ; American C h emical Society President ; Alpha Gam ma U psilon, T reasurer ; G lee C lub· Intramurals . •

L ARRY T. K uNrMoToJ BEE, Elec. Opt.; Honolulu, H awaii ; Presid en t's List ( 1 ) ; D ean's List ( 1) ; Institute of E lectrican an d

Electronic Engineering ;

H awaiian Club, President.

Third Row: LYNN B. M c Kr NNEYJ BSME ; Canton, O hio; M ech anical Club, Presiden t ; Glee Club.

H ENRY J. MICHALS KI jR.J BSEE ; Buffalo, New York ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engin eering ; Studen t Council.

Fourth Row: GARY O vER, BSME ; Knox, P ennsylvania ; M echa nical Clu b ; N ucleus Staff .

C LIF FORD L . PANG, BCE ; Hong Kong; D ean 's List ( 2) ; Associa tion of Civil Engineer s; C hinese Student Associa tion, President ; In tram urals.


First Row: SoMABHAI G. PAT EL, BME · Pinsad India ; M ech a llical Enginee ring Club.

jACK C. PENN, BEE & El Opt.; Creve Ceour, Illinois ; R esearch and D evelopment Laboratory Assistant ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering ; Alph a O mega T a u, Secretary.

Second Row: CLIFTON C. PERRY, BSElE ; Ouaquaga, New York ; Audio

Engin eering Society ;

Intervarsity C hristian

F ellowship ; Am a teur Radio Club.

RoBERT PooLER, BSElE ; Portsmouth

New Hamp-

shire ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic

Engin eers ~

Sigma Phi Epsi lon.

Third Row: ANDRE L . PRIOLEAU, BSEE ; Corona, New York · Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers · Kappa Alpha Psi · Interfraternity Council R epresenta tive.

PRESCOTT W . PRouTY, BSME ; Marlboro, Massachusetts~

Presiden ts List ( 2 ) : D ean s List ( 3 ) .

Fourth Row: RAFAEL RoBLES, BSME, Math Option ; Guayaquil Ecuador·

President's List

( 2) ; D ean's List

( 1) ;

M ech a nical Club · Flying Club· Soccer T eam .

VAUGH N RoBERTS, BSElE · Wells, Omega Tau, Secretary.

Maine ; Alpha

- - - - --- - - - -

First Ro,-v: HIM ATLAI SHAH, BElE ; Bombay, India.

TA NSU KH V . SHETH J BC hE · Bombay, India.

Second Row: R EIN HARD ] . SIEBERT) BEChE ; Coalda le


Can ad a; Presid ent's Li st ( 3 ) ; D ean's List ( 2 ) ; Chemical Eng in eering Society, Treasurer ; Sigm a Phi Epsilon; Nations U nited Club ; T ech M a nor Club ; Newm a n C lub.

Uoo SMIDJ BME · Dusseldorf, Germany ; Soccer Team . • •

Third Row: J AME s


STEELE) BSC E · Arling ton, Virginia · Prcsi-

dent's List ( 1 ) · Dean' s List ( 6 ) · Civil Eng ineering L a bo r a tory Student Instruc tor ( 4 ) ; American Socie ty of Civil Eng in eers ; Tech M a nor C lub, Treasurer · Student Council.

WALTER E. SuEVERJ BElE ; D elphos, Ohio; Institute of Elec trical and Electronic Eng ineers· Alpha Omega T a u, Vice-President ; Studen t Council · Junior C lass Treasurer ;

Fourth Row: GRAHAM

F . THIEMA N) BSPh ; Madison, Indiana ·

D ean 's List ( 6 ) ; Physics Labora tory Assistant ( 12 ) · Physics Club · Intramurals.

jAMES R. VvvERBERG, BEE ; South Holland , Illinoi s; D cCi n's Li st ( 1 ) ; Tech M a nor C lub: GoYernor .


First Row: j AMES W. WEB STER, BSME ; Fort W ayn e, India n a · D ean's Li st ( 3) ; Socie ty of Automo tive Engi nee rs.

GERALD j AY WI NS HIP, BEE & Electronic New O rlean s, L ouisiana ; D ean 's List

Option ~

( 1) ; Alpha

Omega T a u, Secre ta ry ; Judo Club· lntramurals.

Second Row: JoH N YA NKANIGH

]R. , BSEIE ; Schellsburg , P enn-

sylvania ; K appa Sigm a Phi · In tra m ura ls.

R AFAEL Z AVALA, BSEE · Caracas d ent' s L ist ( 1 ); D ean 's List

V en ez ue la ; Presi-

( 2 ) ; Phi I o ta A lpha

Presid ent · Intra murals.

Third Row: HowARD





( 1) ;

K ekiong an, Pho to Editor ; Student Council ; Interfraternity Counci] ~ Library Staff · Alpha Gamma Upsilon .


- --- -


-- --

- -----------------------~--------~~------------------------------------~


C h emi stry Lab Assistant ( 2 ) · Senior Class Stude nt Coun cil.

j uE JH~EN FL UEGG E) BS C hE ( M e ta llurgy Option )

President ;

Sulzbac h -R ose nber g-H ue tte , W es t G e rm a n y : Preside nt s List ( 1) ; D ea n 's L ist ( 1) : C h emi c a l Eng in eering Societ y ; I n tern a ti on a l Soc ie ty .

A NIL WAGLE) BChE ; Donbiva li, Bombay India ; Chemic a l Eng in eering Socie ty, Presid e nt · Student Council.

.TAME M Ac PH ER ox_, BS C hE · K e nsing to n , Connectic ut · C h e m ica l Socie ty : Am eric a n Institute o f C h emi ca l Engin ee r : Alph a G a mma U p silo n ; Intra mura l Sports.

- sUJlltllerRA LPH CHRI STMA N_, BEE ( Electronics Option ) ; Quak er C ity, O hio ; Dea n ' s List ( 4 ) · Institute of E lectronic and Electri cal Engineers · Casw ell Engineering Drawing Awa rd ; The ta Mu Pi.

R AFEE K M o HAMMED_, BSEE ; Phoe nix P a rk C a lifornia · D ean 's Li st ( 1 ); Electric a l Club ; N uc le us Sta ff · N ations U nited C lub ; V a rsity F en c ing .

LARRY DoMI NY_, BSE lE · Fort Wayn e, Indiana ; Presid e nt' Li st ( 1) .

FR ED EIT ZEL_, BSElE ; F ort W ayn e India n a ; Elec tronic Eng ineering Soc ie ty. Sec re ta r y, Treasure r ; Pistol Club : Alph a O m ega T au .

J ERRY DRALL_, BEE ( Elec tro nic s Option ) : Milwaukee, Wisconsin : D ean 's List ( 5 ) : Stud ent Council · Theta Mu P i.

A LF RED K EXT 0LSO);, BSAe E ; Rig by Id a h o · D e an ' s L ist ( 8 ) : In t i tu te of A ero n a uti c a l Sc ien ces.

R o x ALD PR u ITT J Spo rts.

BSCE · Milford

Illinois ; In tramura l

D EVEi'.'"DRA K . SANGHA VI_, BChE · Ahmedabad , Ind ia : C h emic al Engin eering Socie ty· Nations Un ited C lub : Int ern a tio n a l C lub .


Eo O r-\ WEBB_, BEE ; Marion , Indiana · Dean's List ( 1) · Boa rd o f G overno rs.

\Vr LB UR BRYA);T, BEE ; M cK eesp o rt , P e nnsylva ni a · Presid e nt' L i t ~ Eng inee r ing Graphics As ist a nt ( 1 ) : V a rsity G olf.


D o x ALD G .-\ UGLER_, BA eE ; F o r t V\' ayn e, Indian a · I n stitute of Ae ro n a utic a l Scien ce s ; Student Council ; Sigma Phi D e lt a .

FRED M . HAYES_,. BSCE · Danielson, Conn ec tic u t ; Civi l C lub, Vice -President ( 2 ) · Stude nt C o unc il ( 2) · Bowling T eam ; In tra m ura ls.

\\'r LLIAM H uN KLER, BSEE · F ort W a yn e India n a· Preside n t' s L ist.

JAM ES MooRE, BEE ; Cambridg e, Ohio ; President's L ist ( 2 ) ~ I nsti tu te of Electronic a nd E lec trica l Engineers~ Th e ta Mu Pi .

R oBERT KR UEGER, BSME ; Gra nd R a pids, Mic hig an ; D ea n 's List ( 2 ) · M ech a nica l Engine erin g C lub · Student Counc il · ucle us, Editor-in-C hie f · V a rsity Soccer M a nage r ( 3 years ) .

THOMA S jAI\S IEWICZJ BEE· Frui tport Michig an· Dean ~ s Li st ( 1 ) · Institute of E lec tronic a nd E lect rica l Eng ineers ; Gl ee Club.

.f.\M E · Sc H UTT) BSEE ; H ollan d, M ichiga n · Presid e nt' s List ( 3 ) ; Ameri ca n Institute o f Electric a l Engin eers ; Bow ling T eam .

RAY L . O oAFFER BSCE ; Circleville List ( 1 ) ~ The ta Mu Pi· I ntramura ls.

O h io · Presid ent' s

GEo RGE Sc ouRTI ) BChE ( M a th O ptio n ) ; D ayton, Ohio · . m e r ica n C h emic a l Soc iety· Interna tio n a l C lub .

.fACQUY PoLLET_, BS Math· Montreal Canada.

.TAME L . SMITH_, BSEE · F o rt \ rV ayn e Indian a · Preside nt' s List ( 3 ) ~ D eans Li st ( 6 ) ; In stitute of Radio Engin ee r : Ins titute o f El ec tro n ic a nd Elec tric a l Engineers ;

MoHAM ED ZAHARNA_, BSEE ( Math Option ); Gaza Pales tine; Arab C lub , Secr etar y, Treasurer · Nation s U nited C lub .



the sentor class


joH NsoN

I ota Tau Kappa Award


H eise A w ard


Institut e of Aerosp ace Sciencf s Award GEO RGE SETSER

I ota Tau. Kappa A ward P hi M u Chi A ward Science D ep artment Sch olastic A ward ( Ph)'sics)



I ota Tau Kapp a Award

Not Pictured: RoB ERT

( Math );


of Nucleus; J ACQUY PoLLET_, Science D epart~ment I ota Tau Kappa Award; FRANCIS H AGER, W.all Street


Aerospace Engineering Outstanding Student Award American Institute of Aerospace Sciences Award Aeronautical S cholastic Award ]o N SuRPRISE Electrical Engineering Outstanding Student Award Institute of Electrical and Electronic E ngineering Paper Contest A ward


I ota T au Kappa A wa.rd



I ota



Kappa Award



i\1/aharajh Tr oph y for Chemical Engi.n eering


Phi Mu Chi A ward



the senior class H EJ\"RY


Zolta ni Award


Alpha Gamma Up silon Award I ota T au Kappa Awa.rd


Sigma Phi Ep silon A ward


I ota T au Kappa Award


I ota T au Kappa A ward

D oxALD B EEsox

Alpha Garnma Upsilon Award I ota Tau Kappa A ward Phi Mu Chi A ward S cie nce D epartment Scholastic A ward ( P hysics).



First Row: D ave Hi ckman, L a rry Beerma n, J ohn G res, J ohn Winebrenner , R a y Thompson, J erre M cM an a ma ( Ass' t Coach ) . Second Row: R a lph Spen ce r, D ave C a rroll L es Bridges D ave Norr, R on Zigler , M ike G ige r, Bob M a cy (Coac h ) . Don t kill the ref

we'r e winning.

Coach Macy directed the Tech basketball team to school records of _20 victories and 89 points averaged per game. The team placed third in the Mid-Central Conference and third in the R.I. T. tourney. Ron Zigler was chosen the Most Valuable Player as he set a school record of 597 points scored in one season. Les Bridges received the award for the most improved player. Dave Hickman and Ron Zigler were chosen members of the all-conference team. Larry Beerman, Honorary Captain, is the only man graduating this year. The 12 returning lettermen should give T ech another strong squad next season.

WARRIORS COMPILE 20-7 RECORD 1962-63 Tech . . ........ . 102· Malone . . . . . .. . 53 ' Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . 103· Spring Arbor . . . . . 83 ' 67 Tech . . . . . . . . . . . 84· Rio Grande ... .

Tech Tech

Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech

• •





' . . . . . - . . . . . . 81· ' . . . . . . . . . . . 74· ' 91· ' 92· .... . . . ... ' •

• •

• • • • • • •




. . . . .

. ..



Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . C'edarville .......

72 87

Franklin Hanover . . ..


• •



. .




Huntington .



Concordia . . . . . ..




Tech Tech


• • •


. . . .

. .

. •

. . .

Cedarville . . .


. .


' 53· Drexel '



Hey ... this Flu bber really \Vorks.

Detroit Tech

Where's the ball ??


71 70 53 67



90 99



' 98· Huntington . . . . 106 ' 106· Taylor 95 '


..... . Tech . . . . . . . . 80 ; Tri-State . . Tech . . . . . . . . . 12 5 ; Spring Arbor Tech . . . . . . . . . . 85. Concordia .... ' 103· Northwood . . . . . Tech Tech .. Tech . . . ..


Tri-State . . Manchester .

105· Olivet .. ' 97 . Griffen ... . . . . .. .

Tech . . . . . . . . . .

Marion .. .. . ... . . . . .


71 85

. . . .


' Tech . . . . . . . . . . 77· Hillsdale . . . .. . . 75 ' 75· Anderson ... . . . . . . 90 Tech . . . . . . . . . . . ' Tech Tech

. ...

73 68




. . .





Ro ·~, :

J ohn Gre , K enn e th E as te r, D a ,·e Crosse, R oss And r ew(\. G e rald Fl e tche r . eco nd Ro'' : Gale Bronn e nber g. E d I-Ia nnne r bar her. L es Bridges, a r y t ~1 nl ey, Eh·in N c.--.-vhou c. J errr :\I r ~ f a n a m a ( Coac h ) .

Left to Ri ght: 'Terr y Bu r n ~ . h\·ala. Shirley Snyd e r . D e n i e Swill e r added th ~


Ginny good fo rm a nd spirit th a t wa baske t ball ga1nc .

need ed a t T ec h's hon 1\'

. no t he r t " ·o point .




T ech gets two more. C an' t get then1 all.

Missed ¡ 110\V get that rebound.

Ray drives for another two points.


• •

' •

• •





. ..



• •






.. •

• •






. .. .









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r -:. .. . ~



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. . .

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.. ill

• •

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• •


First Row : Ed J\1orton ( Coach ) , K en l~ ay l o r , Ste\·e P i ttL Bjorn Oseid . M anou chehr M onsef. V assiliad is L issandros. Second R ow Left to Ri ght: 1\fa n uel M edina , Tim .T uJ·,

'f awfig 'fill a wi, R oge r K er ber , Ri cha rd J a ros, M oha n1mecl Erfani, K adhim R asoo l. J im N elson. X avier H aaz, Lu is !vi u rillo ( Ass· t. Coach ).

A ln1os1 .. . but not qui tt: . •



.. •

• •


• •









• Ito

• •



' •



Coach Ed M orton faced the problem of having just



• •



two re turning lett_e rmen as a nucleus for this year's teatn. They were M a noucher M onsef and Jeff Davis .



• •

The Warriors were only able to win their opening game with G oshen C ollege. They then faltered , losing four in a row. They we re only able to salvage a tie with Indiana Unive rsity and then .finished the season by losing two mo re gam es. The most o utstanding feature of the season was the con sis tent play of freshman Steven Pi ttl. In his very :first collegiate game he tied the school record for ((most goals scored in a single game'' with two goals. O t her bright spots included the play of Dominic Arbitrio, Manuel Medina, and Wjoah Boayue, all of wh on1 were fr eshn1en.



.. ...



. but we


get your oranges here .

this one. .Just n1issed that one ...

New dance sensa tion ??





. .


anges, Oranges




.. •











• ._,_...,



___ .. •

- .


First Row: J erry Dowden , T erry H awk, D an H elker, D an L ambert, J ohn I-Iamilton, Bob Ba illa r geon, D on K iewitt, Fred G aspa rdo . Second Row: K en Benoit, Steve K arp, Benny D aniels, J acob Brem anis, .John Werner , Tom Miu -

nella, Pe ter R osin, J erre M cM a nama (Coach ) . Third Row: K ent Sh erman, Walt C hrush, .T ohn L ewis, C h a rles Funk, Dua ne L ibbie, Ar t Goldstein , .Terry C h eselka .Toe D el G a tto, H a rvey Kreigsma n, J oh n Brown ( M a nager) . 1

SCOREBOARD 1963 Tech . .. .. . .. . . . . . . 0· ' 0· Tech ' Tech . . . . . . . . .. . . . 5· ' Tech . . .. . . . . . . . . . 10· ' Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . 6· ' Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . 6· ' Tech . .. . . .. . . . . . . . 1. ' Tech . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0· ' 2· Tech ' Tech . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 5· ' Tech . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 6· ' Tech . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 0· ' Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5· ' Tech 8; 3· Tech . . . . . . . . . . ' 3· Tech ..


















Tech Tech Tech











Ball State . . . . . . . . . Ball State ........ . Spring Arbor . . . . . . T n-. state . _. . . . _. . Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace . _. . . . . . . . . . Concordia . . . . . _ _. Concordia . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . H un ttngton Manchester . . . . . . . ~ace .. _......... Grace . . . . . . . . . . _ _ Concordia . . . . . . . . Concordia _. . . . . . . Goshen .. ....... _ Tri-State ........ . ' 7· Huntington ...... . ' 3· D efiance . . . . _. . . . ' 8· Defiance . .. . . . . . . .


*Mid-Central Conference Games

10 19 6

2* 8* 4

2* 12 4* 11 14* 11

8* 9

7 1* 1* 4


The 1963 Tech baseball team ended the season with five wins and fourteen losses over-all and a 3-5 record in conference games. Don Kiewett earned the team batting crown. Tech's most valuable players were the ace pitcher Dan Lambert, who had four victories, and the hustling shortstop Dan H elker. The team posted a record fielding average of .924. With John Hamilton being the only player to be graduated, the experience gained this year will help in producing a wellrounded team.

- -


- --------------~~==~==~~


The Tech putters, coached by Ben Dow, fashioned a 4-3 record in match play. In tournament play, the team placed second in the Mid-Central Conference Tournament and eleventh out of twenty-one colleges in the Little State Annual Golf Match. Robert Ashby played in the number-one position this year and is the only member to be lost through graduation. Ed Gillen and Woody Stillwagon will be strong contenders for the number-one slot next year.


.Ben Dow ( Coach ), Ed Gillen , .Jim N elso n L a rry Bee rIna u Woodrow Stillwagon , R obert Ashby .



L eft to Right: Bob Beaude tte, Niru l dgunji , Don Crissman, H owa rd Gray less E rnest Young Ben D ow ( coa ch ) .



This season the Tech racketmen, coached by Ben Dow, tied for second place in the Mid-Central Conference with a record of five wins and three losses. D on Crissman was selected as the Most Valuable Player. Next fall's squad should be strong with the return of Howard Grayless and Don Crissman.


The thin-clads, coached by Bob Macy, were ham· pered this year by a lack of depth on the team and the loss of half of the practice field. The team's main

strength was in the dashes. New school records were set by Gerald Fletcher in the 440-yard dash and Homer Fager, Ted Washington, Charles McKim and Gerald Fletcher in the mile relay. The young team picked up invaluable experience which, coupled with their great spirit, will prove beneficial next year.

U p and over.

trac They're off.



.... ·-


... . ...

or antzattons



First Row: President, L ewis J. Born mann · Vice-Presiden t, Ea rl W . Carey · R ecord ing Secreta ry, Pryde D avis ; Corresponding Secre tary, Bruce J ones· Don ald Le mont, R ay Stuzman. Second Row: Russel Steele , Dona ld Cathca r t, Ri cha rd Ch ute, H enry J. Mi cha lski Ri cha rd DuBois

K en Plummer, James K eel. Third Row: J erry Smith, Melvin Appelba um, Treasurer; John Winterhalter, L arry Wa mbsganss R obert Craig, Grant T aylor \Voodrow Stillwagon Richa rd Krebs.

The Student Council is an organization composed of elected students of each class. It serves as a liaison organization between the administration, the student body, and other colleges in 1natters relating to student . . .

actt vt n es.

The Inter-Fraternity Council is the judicial bod y

1nter aternt


which governs the standardiza tion of the pledging p rog ra m, and p romo tes coope ra tion among th e f ra ternities in both scholas tic and social a ffai rs. I t is com posed of representa tives of each f ra ternity on campus.


F irst Row : D ave Bowse r Alvin H arris L ynn Cohen , Floyd Foust Advisor Donal d H ende rson , Abel Sha hverdian. econd Ro\\·: \'\lilliam Sheph erd , J oh n Cu rrier , Ru se ll Bo-

ger D a niel H elker, Edwa rd Loescher , T hi rd R ow: K en Plummer R obert Baillargeon, Smokey \1\fil on, Eugene Pitstick D on Sherwood.



First Row: Ba ba Fa toorachi, Ahm ad Mireska ndari I r adj 'fod j ~rric h . I raj H agh naz~1 rz ~H.l e h . Second Ro,v: II ~1£e:

Erfa ni Y-ooha nna F a toorachi M a nou chehr M onsef R ez'l T a mhidi.


The Iranian Student Club is an organization of


students from Iran now studying at Indiana Institute

stu ent or at 11 zatton

of Technology. Its purpose is to promote better understanding between themselves and the American peo-


ple, and to assist the students in coming in closer contact with one another .


.. •


assoctatton 0


The Association of Civil Engineers of Indiana In-

stitute of Technology is an organization of students and faculty in the civil engineering department. The purpose of this organization is to attempt to con1municate to the student some of the difficulties h e will experience in his chosen field. This is accomplished by inviting as guest speakers n1en from different branches of the civil-engineering field.

Front Row: K eith J orgensen, Alice Kup per Fred H ayes , D avid Solomon, lradj Todj arieh . Second Row: C ha rles Whela n, Pryde D avis, R eza T amhidi , .Terry V a n Ert, R en-

ben H a rt, Fra nk Saam. Back Row: .Jan1es Gadley, Eugene Wa tern1an, J ames Acheson George H amn1, Woodrow S till""·agon H enri St. D enis.

First Row: P ryde D avis, Chairman ; D avi d Brown e Secre ta ry· Alice K upper, Corresponding Secreta ry· Catherine Wa lsh, Mod erator ; Abdou Abou-Antoune; Adid Ali Kha n, Treasurer ; P aul Wei I. Back Ro"-v: Shirish J as an i;

Anil Wagle; Wa lter German ; Juergen Fluegge· E.A.V . Horia k, Modera tor · F arris Elgee, Vice-chairma n · Williarn Hickey.

The purposes of the International Oub of Indiana Institute of Technology are:


1. To stimulate better student-to-student relation-


ships and understanding through common activities, discussions, and debates on matters of international nature, and through these discussions, to acquaint the students with problems of the world, thus providing the students with the knowledge to converse intelligently on national and international problems; 2. To serve as an area for cultural exchange be-

tween both American and Foreign students here on campus; 3. To be the linking medium between all countries, for both the purpose of realizing and analyzing the differences and similarities of the students;

4. To help smooth the adjustment of new students to the cosmopolitan atmosphere on the campus of

I. I. T.



The Chemical Engineering Society is open to any


student in Chemical Engineering. Its purpose is to



help develop the student in his profession by disseminating knowledge relating to the practice and theory of chemical engineering for him.

Front Row: R obert Albright, Anil Wagle, Ji tendra Sanghvi, Faculty Moderator Joseph Cra nmer, Pravin cha ndra Koradia Edward Loescher, D evendra Sanghavi. Back

Row: Rupesh Saikia Dharamshi Ganatra, Tom Smolarek, J uergen Fluegge, J ohn H amil ton Shashi Ana nd pur~ , She th T ansukh .

First Row: Donald G eeks, Richa rd Bla nk, Baba Fa toorachi, W. J. Williams, C a rl H agihara, Angel Padilla, Richa ro Sanoers, Robert Beaude tte. Second Row: Richa rd G ibbs, L a rry Kunimoto, Rodney Morimoto, Cha rl es Trinkle, Robert Birman, Adsou Abou-Antoune, Russel Steele, Earl Nozaki, Andre Prioleau, Cha rles Cro thers, Ba kr M . Berna wi. Third Row: R aymond Wisniewski, C hrist D emo-

poulos, Earl C arey, Steve Weihl, Johannes Louterborn, D aniel Olive, Reynold Gia nna ttasio, H enry Michalshi, Nira nj a Idgunji, G erald Cheney. Fourth Row: Cha rles Lehman, M elvin Appelba um, L a rry Kugler, Willia1n Savel, ] ames Feldwisch, D a niel G aravaggio, Richa rd Bussen, Rudy Schalow, .T ohn Long, Theodore C a rroll .T r.


-..... •

mstttute o a11

The Indiana Tech Electrical Association is an asso-

e ectroruc en meers

ciation devoted to promoting professional growth in students in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. It prepares the student for his profession by field trips into industry and guest speakers from industry in these fields.


The association is an affiliate of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and membership is open to any student enrolled in the electrical or electronic departments.

To be a member of the Chinese Club, one must be of Chinese origin. The primary purpose of this organization is to promote cui tural and social relationships for members. This is accomplished by participation in intramural sports, study of both western and oriental cultures, and instillment of a worthy philosophy of life.

Front Row: Norma n 0 . Long, Clifford P ang, William Ng John \Voo, George Kwong. Second Row: Edwin Chan, '




Benjamin B. Lew, Benton Moon, Allan L ee, H ang-Kien Kwa n.


• •


First Row: M ic hael Seaver R ober t Ashby, L aywn 1'ekulve, Bruce Ea kle, D avid K a plin . Back Row: T'om A tkins, R on .T aye, Gene P eotte r, Phil P owell Art N icholson .

The Institute of Aeronautical Sciences is the rep-

mstttute o •

resentative society for engineers, designers, and tech-

aeronauttca sctences

nical specialists in all of the sciences related to the design and development of airborne craft. Student membership provides the student engineer or scientist with broad opportunities to engage in activities associated with his future career in aviation.


The Mechanical Engineering Club is an affiliate of the Fort Wayne section of the American Society of


Mechanical Engineers. Membership is available to



students enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering department. The purpose of this organization is to advance, promote, and teach new phases of mechanical engineering. This is accomplished by speeches by experienced engineers and field trips to area industry.

Over, T om H orning Steve Breiner, Floyd F oust. Third Row: P a ul Q uevill on, J oh n T yner, L ynn M cKi nney, M el Schurdell Lloyd G ree n , D ona ld Cath ca rt , Wes ArforJ, Ly n n C a rpenter

Front Row: Steve Rite, Richa rd Segletes, D avid Gahlinger H owa rd Pra tt, .Tack Q uinn (faculty mod er a tor ), R ona ld Sheffer, K en Coon, D on a ld L e mont. Second Row: Phillip Vogel, I-Ienry Cook, P aul K oob, Steven Hippensteele, Ga t y




First Row : R obert Ber ry, G a len H orsch W . R on M ercer , Moon ] oh. Back Row: D onald Gorr, P hi llip Cona rroe, L eon Bra ntman, R obert Stewa rt.


The Society of Automotive Engineers at Indiana


Institute of Technology is a student branch affiliated

automottve en meers

with the na tional society. It is sponsored by the Mechanical Engineering Department and is open to all engineering students who are interested in the advancement of the automotive industry.


-----------------------~~----~-~ ~~-

- - - --- --

The purpose of the Indiana Institute of Technology Judo Club is to promote Kodokan Judo on this campus. The club was founded in the spring of 1962 and was f ully accredited by the school in December 1962. The club is a member of the National Collegiate Judo Association and is fully accredited by the Judo Black Belt Federation of America. The club is under the jurisdiction of the Chicago Black Belt Association and all prom otions are sanctioned by this association.

ter, Art M a t tson, R obert Sieben. Third Row: Ronald Pipczynski , Walter German, .James Schirott, .John .Tones, Christia n Holst, Richa rd Wi ttaker, Gerald Winship , Ku rt A. Siem.

First Row: M elvin Appelbaum, J oe Boehrer , Gas ton Fortoul, Kozaburo Miyaka wa (faculty advisor ), .Toe Costanza, Josh Field, Larry Kreigh . Second Row: Duane Liibbe, Bud Congleton, D ennis Sassa, Angel Padilla, D avid Webs-


Front Row: L ewis Bornm a n n, J ohn K oszegh y, Bill Sch eyer, Rich a rd H ixson, D avid K a pla n , Mich ael D in berg. Back Row: R obert K eegan H . A. Frye .T r . L eon

G ia nn akeff, J a m es F eldwish , L awren ce Presler , R icha rd Webs ter, D nn O li,T.

The Kekiongan Amateur Radio Club's objectives are to promote amateur radio activities among interested students and to bring together students who have an interest in the practical application of com•


m untca ttons. To qualify for membership, a student or faculty member must have a Federal Communications Commission License ranging from novice to advanced. Instruction for these licenses is provided by the qualified members to those who wish to take the examinations for then1.

The Indiana Tech Flying Club was formed to give members an opportunity to fl. y, to obtain their licenses


and to learn to fly at minimum cost. Day and night,


local and cross-country flights are tnade at slight expense of the members. The organization has two planes: a Cessna 140, and a Cessna 120, both of which are hangared at Smith Field. Membership is open to all students and faculty of Indiana Institute of Technology.

Front Row: .James Widenhofer, Mich ael Seave r, R oger K erber, Walter Bing-Zaremba, Addie Ottley, Ben Dow ( Faculty M od era tor ) . Second Row: D avid K aplan ,

Edu a rdo Gohl , R ay Z ook, L a rry Cherry, Stephen Smith . Rich a rd C hute , D on Ba ll a rd .


First Row: Billy Youn g, J erry V anert Phil Por ta nova Charles Kn a rr . Back Row: D a le Kra uskopf Willie Wright: L arr y C herr y .T an1es D ohner ( faculty a dviser ) .

The Indiana Tech Weight-Lifting and Body-Build-


ing Club began in January of 1958. Its purpose is to 0



promote physical culture and further sportsmanship and tean1work. Teams from the club have entered and have placed satisfactorily in college competition. Membership is available to any student who is not on scholastic probation .





- -

- .




The goal of the Physics Club is the advancement


and diffusion of know ledge pertaining to the science of physics and its application to human welfare. The org~nization has acquired a laboratory for experimental projects. Besides these projects, the organization's goal is reached by trips into industry and noted lecturers in the field of physics.

First Row: L ew Bornmann , R oy M ask, R obert Lindner, Grah am Thieman. Second Row: Walter Bolhman, .Tames R eed, Ches ter Pie tras, La wren ce Presler.

-..... •


.. _


Front Row: Oma r A.bbas, A . Chaoki Salloum, Ba kr Belnawi , .Ta lal :\. El-S a leh , R iad H a la by. Second Ro\-v: F arouk Saad , Moharnmed J abbar, T a wfig Tillawi , ~I o-

h a rned Z a h a rna. Third Row: T a riq A l-Ba rra k Sa bah R ayyes, I brahim D agher, Th abet Kheiry D a ll a 1 Eii··. K adhim R assool.


The objectives of the Arab Student Club are: the


promotion of better understanding with the American people, the dissemination of true and adequate information about Arab people, the extension of help and guidance to Arab students at Indiana Institute of Technology, and the securing of scholarships for the benefit of Arab students. Membership in this organization is available to any Arab students and any stu-


dents interested in the Arab world.



The primary purpose of the Hawaiian Club is to

awaua11 c u

be of helpful assistance to the members in their undergraduate studies at Indiana Institute of Technology. The state of Hawaii is the only state represented by a student organization at Tech. Membership is open to any student in good standing.

aid Yanagiha ra, K ay K a wabe, Ea rl Noza ki , Lief K oyanagi. Cha rl es Crothers, W endell Foo .

Front Row: Carl H agihar a H enry Nitta Alfred Tengan , L a rry Kunimoto R odney M orimoto. Second Ro,v: Do n•




wa l, M adhu Sha h, H asmukh Shah, Manendra Bhatt, Bhupendra P a rekh, R avi Chand Bothra, A.. M . Arnonkar N. ]. P atel. Fourth Row: Vij ay P atil, J aga t Gosalia, F eroze Ira ni , Husain J a msa Dilip Pa rikh Arvind Patel, C himan Gandhi, Amrut P atel, Vij ay Tha kka r Niranjan Gandhi, H a rendra M ehta.

t 'irst Row: Cha ndrasen Dhotre, Neville Vatcha, .Jitendra

Gaglani, K antil al Khokha ni, Vinod M ehta, N avin Cangar, Shrenik M emta, R aghbir Goya l. Second Row: R~­ j endra Kha ndha r Sa tish Shah, Dilip Sha h ] . J. Bha tt, R a m .T a la ni , Prabodh K otha ri, Des R a j M a lhotra, Dinesh Sheth, R atila l C hheda , Nal in Vaidya. Third Ro\v: K . D . Pa tc L S. 1VL /\ na ndp ura, P . H . M a lka n, N a ra ttam Agra-

The purpose of the organization is to provide bet-

m 1a assoc1at1on

ter understanding between the Indian students and non-Indian students at Indiana Tech and to extend guidance to new Indian students. Membership is available to any student who is in..terested in Indian culture. Our participation in social functions may enhance •


closer ties between the Indian students and the Americans . •




The ACS students' affiliate of Indiana Tech is a Chapter of the American Chemical Society, the world's



largest organization devoted to a single science. The purpose of this Club is to create and stimulate interest among students of chemistry and chemical engineering and to help them academically and socially to become better qualified candidates for future positions. Periodic field trips also help to acquaint the students with industry and give them some insight into the vast potential of their chosen field.

Ernie Young, V ice-President; Edwa rd Guindon, Advisor; L eon R eynolds.

First Row: Cha rles Saweikis, Edward K oos, Theodore J ay, Dennis P a rrott, Phil R eed, Gra nt T aylor . Second Row: Chester Pietras, Sec-Treas; James Troska, President;


N azir Mohammad Khan , Amanulla h .Jadoon , Fa him Ahmad Shamsi .

The purpose of the P·a kistan Student Association

1sta11 •

stu ent assoc1at1on

is to interpret· the culture, problems and aspirations of the Pakistanis to the campuses and communities of America. Any student or trainee who is a citizen of Pakistan and who is enrolled in any Fort 'Wayne institute of higher learning or attached to any organized training group is eligible for membership .


The purpose of the Tech Manor Club is to provide


ma11or c u

the self-government ot dortnitory students, to represent dormitory students to the College administration, to promote scholastic a tta.inmen t, and to promote the social development and general welfare of the students living in the dormitories at Indiana Institute of Technology.

Row: Richard A. DuBois; V aldur Pra tk a ; Edward L . Murphy ; J ames Dohner, Faculty Advisor ; J ohn Pe tko ; Richard C . Bla nk , Advisor .

Front Row: Charles Brown, Chairma n ; Joseph Concannon; Stanley Mitchell, Social Chairman ; D ennis Pa rrott, Secre tary ; James J . Steele, Advisor; John H easley. Second •




... .


C. GRANT TAYLOR Editor-in-Chief


The year 1962-63 has been a period of many •

changes and challenges for Tech in which we have gained many rich memories. The staff of the 1963




hope that this book, in a future time and

place, will help us to recall a fond memory or two and make our intellectual growing pains trivia. We have attempted to present through words and photos an attractive record of various events which have highlighted the year and added to our growth.

DAN HARTNETT Graduate Editor



-...; ~: .


. ,•





J. Morton, Alice Kupper, Dick Morris and Dick Gibbs.

We of the staff like to feel that we have fulfilled our duty to be a true representative of the students. Our purpose is to represent news and information of importance to all at Indiana Tech. We believe in Indiana Tech and its principles, and we consistantly support all organizations and programs which contribute to the welfare and progress of the college. Whenever criticisms are leveled, we intend them to be constructive, and in keeping with our

policy of responsible reporting.

nuc eus


Left to Right: R ay Wisniewski, Ron .Joseph, Tom Folga R ay Shepa rd, Don Sherwood, Bob Marshall (advisor) . Not Shown: Bud G reen and Gene Gulliver.


Indiana Tech's bowling team is a member of the


National Intercollegiate Bowling Association, the first national college association for

bowling. The matches,

except for the roll-offs, are all postal matches to determine the championship: During the 1962-63 season, the Indiana Tech team competed with Carnegie Tech, University of Pittsburgh and the University of Akron. The team placed third in season competition which entitled them to bowl in the roll-offs with the teams from Pittsburgh and Akron at Ohio State University. The Tech team came in third. This year, for the first time, the members of the intercollegiate bowling team were awarded letters by the school. 108

Organized in July of 195 7, the purpose of Indiana Tech Students' Wives Club has been to further social activities, acquaintances, and friendship among the wives of students of liT. Wives of all married students of liT are eligible for membership. The clu5 arranges programs of varied types for the members. These rna y range from an address on the so<:ial problems of our time by a local authority to bingo or a humorous skit given by members of the Club. It is also the purpose of Indiana Tech Students' Wives Club to contribute to and work for the good of the College whenever possible. At banquets held twice annually wives of graduating students are presented with their P .H.T. (Putting Hubby Through) degrees.

Front Row: Mrs. J oseph Bochrer M rs. M ichae l Gi gl'r. Mrs. 1~h codo re C a rroll, J r. :Ni rs. Wa lter Sucver. Mrc;;. Charles L ep ley, M rs. K.ei th Austin , lvf rs. D avid Durand, 1ifrs. R oger 1v'I ontgon1cr y, Mrs. E dwa rd K ouder. Second Row: Mrs. Al ex D avidson , Mrs. Wilfred M ai ll et, 1 I rs . R alph D eP aolo, 11rs. D an F in ch , J\1 rs. Ernes t V yrostek. Ad,·iscr M rs . Edw in H oria k, M rs . George W a lk er I\·.

stu ents' wtves cu

Adviser Mrs. Clarence Cain , ~1 rs. K eith J orgensen. Back Row: ~ I rs . Steven Za krzewski, l\1rs. R ichard Gibbs, Mrs. Angel P ad illa, I rs. J ohn D iehm. ~ I rs. I lko K owa lenko. Mrs. Bruce Browa nd , 11rs. ~1 arcus \ Vhitman. 1:1rs. Charles Boo ker, J\I rs. Th omLts toc kan1p. Mrs. J ira ir Yessayan, Mrs. J ohn Cron1 ic. •









Beta Chapter of The Alpha Gamma Upsilon was accepted by Indiana Institute of Technology in May,

193 2

the first fraternity installed in the College. The

aim and purpose of Alpha Gamma Upsilon is summed up briefly in the following passage: ((This fraternity shall be a secret fraternal organization whose aim and purpose is to promote friendship, comradeship, and n1utual understanding among the members; to develop character· to uphold the ideals of the College, and to fos ter the highest ideals of ethical conduct and good citizenship."

First Row: Anthony F allone , D a ll as Lunsford , Michael Dinberg, R ich a rd Sa rber , facuity m odera tor. Second Row: IV! arion Griffin , Charles Saweikis, R obert Krueger , ThomJs Wong Bjorn O seid, J am es V esey, H owa rd Sa lles. Third

Row: Robert Hunsicker J a mes Gadley R obert R a na ldo. K en t K elly K enneth D a nder L a rry L evine, Gene G ul live r.




First Row: Bill Shepherd , R on H offma n, Ca rl Lundval , Tom Drav is, M elvin 1vfixner K en Coon , .Ta mes R ood. Second Row: J ohn Foster , K en Plummer, Don a ld C a thca1t , N icholas Brewer, Wa lter C hrush , R ober t L eiendecker,

The one-time local Kappa Sigma Phi was installed

Wes Arford , .Joseph D 'ita lia. Third Row: Eugene D a iglr, Alla n Voigt, Michael Bethell .Jam es P a tterson, A. N elson Stradlin g, Willia m P orter, Peter R osin , K a rl Ca rter, Gregg W a lker G lenn Bu rguer .




April 27-28, 1963, as the Iota Lambda chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon. Love, Charity, and Esteem, these are the guiding lights of Teke. These all boil down to •

brotherhood, a main goal of our fraternity. We believe that a fraternity is not solely made great by its fraters but also by the keen competition pressed upon it by the other organizations. Tau Kappa Epsilon is the largest national fraternity and is constantly expanding by initiating top local fraternities on catnpuses across the United States.


First Row: L ee Bernhardt, faculty modera tor ; Abel Shahverdia n, D avid Gahlinger, D a n Finch, Galen Horsch, Ronald Sheffer, Robert Stewa rt. Second Row: D on Moringiello, John Chin, lradj Todj a rieh , Steve J ura ni cs P aul Smith, H afez Erfani, William N g. Third Row: D a niel L ee, Milford T ennity, Angel P adilla, R alph C hrist-

- -- --


- -- - - -- -

m an, Cha rles Andracchio, Howa rd Pra tt, Grover L ee .Toe Ca pa rrotti. Fourth Row: Thomas Ba rbiere, Arnold Voehrin ger, M a rvin Cunningham , Christ D emopouloc;, Richa rd L eGra nd R a y Odaffer , H arl ey Bailey, StevP K a rp , Steve Hite, H owa rd Grayless, Jim M oore.


eta mu


Originally organized at Indiana Institute of Tech-


nology in January, 1957, Theta Mu Pi Fraternity places special importance on three items: EQUALITY, UNOERSTANDING, and UNITY. A constructive pledge program with no hazing or degradation of any sort, as well as special stress being placed on high scholarship as a requisite to a successful fraternity, are an integral part of the program. All members are accepted solely on their own individual worth, regardless of race, color, or creed. 114


Phi Kappa Lambda offers a brotherhood fraternity


for the Catholic students at Indiana Tech. Phi Kappa

a atn


was the name selected by the membership to serve as the outward sign of an organization that endeavors to promote conduct consistent with good morals, and an active Catholic faith, creating an atmosphere which will stimulate substantial intellectual progress and scholastic achievement; and also to promote principles of fraternal loyalty through brotherhood.

Front Row: Eugen e Pi tstick, C ha rles U trias, Edwa rd Loescher , J oh n Currier, Mike Shirey, Andrew Funich, J oseph Z alesk i. Second Row: R ona ld Viele Vin cent D organ, Gene R ebert, J ohn D a ly, G erald Esse nmacher, R obert Sieben.

Back Row: Charles H iltunen, R onald P ip czynski, Andy Tomko, Torn Smola rek, R a lph Griffi n, J r. , M ich ael D obbins.



The purpose of Sigma Phi Delta is to promote ad-


vancement of the engineering profession; to foster the advancement of engineering education ; to instill a greater spirit of cooperation among engineering students and organizations; to inculcate in its members the highest ideals of good citizenship, Christian manhood, obedience to law and to brotherhood ; and to encourage excellence in scholarship. The fraternity was founded at the University of Southern California in April, 1924. The membership totals nearl y 4,000 engineers and engineering students .

S teve Breiner . Back Row: William Engle William W rig h t, Billy Young, J oh n Zink, L arry Cherry H erma n M eyer , P au l Colo nibo.

Front Row: R obert Ba illargeon, Ed Smith, D a n H a rtwick, D ick C h ute K en Benoit, Floyd F oust G era ld Whi te. Second Row: R ichard Torncheski , Thom as Cassidy Michael Seaver , D ave Bowse r Arthur N icholson, R oger K erber,






, 2

First Row: .John Hamilton, .James Kane, James P a trick, Victor Smith, Allen Price, Ray D enault, T ed Blan ey, David Nash. Second Row: D amon O sterhout, D on ald Lomont, Ron Siebert, .John H easley, Richa rd Krebs, Russel Steele, Dan Olive, D ave Albert, Robert Swindell. Third Row: Lewis J. Bornmann, Joseph A. Cormican, Bruce R.

Theta Tau Upsilon Fraternity was originated on April 7, 1962, by sixteen students of Indiana Institute of Technology with the basic purpose of becoming a National Fraternity. The membership grew until 38 men were granted charter membership. The members then resigned themselves to the task of reaching the initial goal. The Fraternity standards were established to instill a strong foundation and to make membership a true honor and privileg.e. The basic ideals of the Fraternity were to promote high academic standards, provide a useful service to college and community, to guide and manage gentlemanly conduct at all times, to always put forth with highest moral character, and to develop an unsurpassable union of brotherhood that will serve as a guide throughout a lifetime. •

• -



Jones, Forrest E. Estep, D avid Norr, Donald C . Alcorn, Stanley Mitchell, Jr., Robert P ooler, R ay Stutzman, Robert M a rshall. Fourth Row: J ames Troska, Clement M ar us, D ennis P a rrott, John L en z, L arry W ambsga nss, G a rry Smith, Wa lter Kraatz, Fra nk Ello, Ba rry Ga rtma n, J im Fitzgibbons, Fra ncis Kushner, Rich ard Blank.



Bona tsos, Robert P erillo. Third Row: Robert Weich elt, Richard J oslin, N orbert .Jakuszeski, Frank J edliskowski , Bob M cM onigal, D an Helk~r, Don Sherwood.

Front Row: Bill Frey, G eorge Perna, Gerald Berba um, Vina y Kha nn a. Second Ro,v: L ynn Cohen, D avid King, L a rry 11cCl in ton , Wilson R eilly, Dennis Blesey, Vlassios


The purpose of Theta Xi (formerly Kappa Sigma

eta xt

Kappa) is to develop and enhance the personality of its members, to encourage scholastic achievement and good conduct, broaden outside interests, promote mutual understanding and increase loyalty on the part of the fraternity brothers to Indiana Tech. Membership is open to all male students of Indiana Tech.


Kappa Alpha Psi, a college fraternity now com-


prised of more than 200 undergraduate and alumni




chapters on major campuses and in cities throughout the country, boasts a membership of over 20,000. It was founded in the school year of 1910-1911 on the campus of Indiana University at Bloomington, Indiana. Its constitution is the law of an organization predicated upon, and dedicated to, the principles of achievement through a democratic fraternity. Preparation of the coat of arms was completed during the summer of 1911 by three of the founders who solicited the aid of a professor of Greek Art at the Indiana University together with that of a professor of Greek at Concordia University. The second chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi was chartered in 1913.

First Row: Alvin R . H a rris, Louis J. Cook Andre P rioleau. Back Row: H erma n M oseley, R ichard J. G ibbs,

Rober t Kirkl and.








1ota tau


Iota Tau Kappa is an honorary engineering fra-


ternity whose name symbolized Industry (Iota) , Thrift (Tau), and Knowledge (Kappa). The chief objective of this organization is to promote and to inculcate high ideals and attitudes of scholarship among the members of the student body of Indiana Institute of Technology. In order to become a member of Iota Tau Kappa, an engineering student must have a grade-point average of 3.5 or more for four terms, not necessarily consecutive terrns. At least sixteen college credit hours shall comprise each of these four terrns .


L ehma n, C ha rles J . Myers, Jr. H erma n ]. M eyer , C lifford D oyle.

First Row: H a rold Beck, R obert Ashby, Rudy Scha low, Will iam J ohnson. Second Row: Alex Davidson, C ha rles




Front Row: Gerald Winship, Robert M cGirr, Roger Olmstead, Charles Lepler, Lloyd Green, Faculty Moderator E. A. V. Horiak, Walter Suever, V aughn R oberts, K ei th Austin, Peter File, C . D. Booker . Back Row: J oseph

Boehrer, Roger Lehman , L ane Fisher, Richard M cBride, John Sanders , Arthur Szabo, J ohn Updgraff, I. Kow~ ­ lenko, Bruce Browa nd.

The Alpha Omega Tau social fraternity became a

a om

part of Indiana Institute of Technology in January,

a tau

1957. The purpose of this fraternity is to promote fel-

lowship, social, scholastic, and recreational activities for its members.



' TKE -

at sna s

Poker p ennies?? . ••

fI j

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8 TT

Ahh .... Ahh .... Ahh Choo.



ArT -

Smile, Mr. Sarber you're on Candid Camera .

All together now ...




You're elected!

Bow down peasant!



Banquet time again.

Dave and Dan entertain .

• •



The champ and trainer.


11 111 111 assoc1at1on

Contrary to popular belief, the Alumni Relations Office, located on Center Drive, just south of the President's Office, is not operated exclusively for Indiana Tech graduates. On-campus students are invited to visit the offices at any time when the staff can offer constructive counsel regarding campus or alumni activities. Any student is welcome to drop in for a visit if for no other purpose than to learn what the National Alumni Association accomp lishes for its members and what is expected of grad uates after they have left the campus. The A ssociation looks on each student as a potential alumnus, who will some day become a vital part of the foundation on which the College is built. College graduates everywhere share the psychological urge to be identified as a member of the group, which

Bob Harold is the Executive Secretary of the National Alumni Association. T he national association maintains records on all members: active, susta ining, honorary and associate. It provides assistance to a ll gra duates in their school , business and social life.

is perhaps better described as the desire for {(belonging." Truly once a student earns the title alumnus) he enters an exciting new part of the brotherhood of man.

Alun1ni Homecoming is a big a nnual event on campus, but graduates and forn1 er students are welcome to visit any • t1n1e.

/ • '

, ,-


- •


. -•





~·· 1111111111111~ •. ~--


Any College is what it is perceived to be. The Pub-













c re attons

lic Relations Office is charged with the responsibility of determining what the image of Indiana Institute of Technology is and with seeing that this image is an accurate reflection of the many facets of the College. In order to properly fill its raison

d' etre) the Public

Relations Office must interrelate a complex of publics, including students, faculty, alumni, community, business, religious, and many other groups. Each year many students become familiar with this office because of the service it renders in aiding them with special and extracurricular events. As a result of this service and the nature of its function, the Public Relations Office also helps the student gain an awareness of many other groups and organizations outside the sphere of school •


Lou Culp is Director of both Public and Alumni Relations for the College, and also handles the activities of the News Bureau. Offices for all three areas of activity are located in Sumn1it House on Center Drive.

Winifred Troyer, Public Relations staff secretary, prepares a publicity information card for the extensive records maintained by the Public Relations Office.

Rig~t, Harold Belt, working in conjunction with Vice-

president and Treasurer C. A. Overholt reports directly to President Keene on long-range Coll~ge development and financing.



editor in chief

grant taylor

editor: senior class and organizations •

dan hartnett

editor: sports and fraternities


JOe concannon

staff photographer •

bill dvorak

fac ulty moderator

darrow fox


photography: the president, administration, faculty

wm. j. keller, inc., bill dvorak, darrow fox

photography: fraternities, clubs, societies

allen lomont, bill dvorak

photography: senior class

photo-reflex studio at wolf & dessauer

photography: sports and candid

bill dvorak, grant taylor, darrow fox, david schaefer






darrow fox

beck told

benson printing company






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