Kekiongan 1960

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INDIANA TECHNICAL COLLEGE FORT WAYNE, INDIANA EUGENE RICCI, Editor-in-Chief FERDNAN LaROCHELLE, Photographic Editor KENNETH CROWE, Assistant Photographic Editor KEITH CHUNG, Editor, Organi{ations and Graduates JERRY SALTER, Editor, Athletics and Facuity DONALD JACOBSON, Copy Writer NICHOLAS ALBANESE, Copy Writer DARROW FOX, Faculty Ad'Yisor

After the graduate has left the campus with his diploma in his hand, his mind will often return to the scenes of the past and his former life as a student. These scenes, like the images of a kaleidoscope, some vivid, some vague, will show remembered pictures of campus life similar to the scenes on these pages.

Warriors!! !

Relax.i ng in the new student lounge

Study! Study! Study!


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Coffee Break

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Smoke Break

I could have danced all night

Pennys from heaven

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Long Hours

Peek-a-boo •








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Now we have to go to work

Some Day


"BABE" Dow

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Rolling Pin Throwing Contest

Chipping Contest Winner



Our first homeco1ning queen

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-- 'r::::--_ Campus decorations


Science exhibits


eene The dignity of man is not a thing that comes to one, or a group, or a nation through grandstand plays, braggadocio, blatant do-goodism, verbose generosity, or self-dramatized unselfishness. The dignity of man is achieved by the simple process of doing the things your heart dictates, of taking seriously the responsibilities of family, business and the social structure in which we live. The dignity of man is achieved by unobtrusively recognizing that your fellow man has his rights and that it is only natural for you to respect them. The dignity of man is self-apparent when charity is given so quietly as never to call attention to oneself, nor cause embarrassment to the recipient. A man may make mistakes, but he isn't a failure until he starts blaming someone else.




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Vice-President and Treasurer

Business Manager and Director of Purchases






ROBERT C. RUHL Dean of Eng-ineering

DR. DON D. RANDALL Dean of Students

DR. RALPH W. YOUNG Dean of Arts and Sciences



MEREDITH J. SPRUNGER Director of the Freshman Division Assistant Professor of Psychology

OREN B. HUFFER Registrar and Director of Admissions

DR. LOUIS H. DOBBS Assistant to the President

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EVELYN M. BOWYER Assistant to the Registrar



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Aeronautical Engineering has made momentous strides in the 56 years since the first flight of heavierthan-air machines. Since the Wright Brothers first airplane to today's supersonic fighters, the aircraft industry has seen many changes. Today's aircraft designers and builders work as a team. Individual engineers concentrate their efforts on small phases of the overall project, resulting in a complicated but efficient design. More and more scientific knowledge is necessary to keep pace with today's advanced aircraft. The importance of basic knowledge in the fields of mathematics, physics, and mechanics is becoming more apparent. The Aeronautical Engineering Department at Indiana Technical College strives to have the student well prepared in the basic sciences before the advanced aeronautical topics are undertaken. A graduate with a B.S. degree in Aeronautical Engineering may enter many phases of the aeronautical field. The ever increasing advances in the field of aeronautics, such as the ea·rth satellite project, will continue to offer a challenge to the engineer of the present and future.




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PROFESSOR BENJAMIN L. DOW Head, Aeronautical Engineering Department



Assistant Professor







One of the newest branches of engineering, Chemical Engineering, has advanced rapidly. Practically all industry in some stage of processing, develop:nent, or manufacturing, must depend upon men with a knowledge of chemistry. Today there are highly specialized and diversified fields such as Gas, Metallurgical, Ceramics, and Petroleum. Because of its being the basic technology underlying the development and operation of virtually all industry, Chemical Engineering will realize even greater growth in the years to come.

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DR. TOD B. DIXON Head, Chemical Engineering

JOSEPH W. CRANMER Assistant Professor


JOHN COCHRAN Assistant Professor





The development in the various branches of engineering has created new problerr1s in the design and


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construction of buildings, highways, airports, and other structures. The Civil Engineer is meeting the demands of our present age with new- methods and


ideas. Even though Civil _Engineering is the oldest


of the fields of engineering, it continues to grow ••

and develop and provide opportunities for men of •












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PROFESSOR ROBERT C. RUHL Head, Civil Engineering Department








The increasing utilization of electrical power in this country makes immense demands on the Professional Electrical Engineer. He must know how to select, design, work out economics and production. He is the mastermind in the field of controls, as evidence by today's automation. The skill and creative ability of the Electrical Engineer transforms theoretical knowledge into practical service to meet the challenges of the future.

PROFESSOR RICHARD D. DERMER Head, Electrical Engineering Department

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Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor



Electronic Engineering is a highly specialized branch of Electrical Engineering. The importance of electronics is recognized as a field of engineering in its own right. To the Electronic Engineer is attributed outstanding development in such realms as guided missiles, radar, color television, electronic computer, radio communication, and atomic energy. The Electronic Engineering curriculum is planned to specialize a fundamental knowledge of electrical engineering to scientific application in the field of electronics.

PROFESSOR RALPH S. CARSON Head, Electronic Engineering Department


ARTHUR B. PRICE Assistant Professor

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RAY KING Assistant Professor





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The field of Mechanical Engineering is so broad that no man can be an authority on all of its branches. Consequently, Mechanical Engineers tend to become specialists in chosen branches. Therefore, the student is given a thorough background in the basic sciences. This field is very extensive, for practically every manufactured article requires the services of mechanical engineers both in the design of the machine on which it is made and in the production of the article on those machines in the factory.

DR. IVAN A. PLANCK Head, Mechanical Department


tneertn ROBERT R. MARSHALL Assistant Professor

HOWARD MACKLIN Associate Professor


CLEO J. QUINN Instructor




Engineering Drawing is a descriptive graphical language used by engineers and designers throughout the world to express, develop, and record their ideas and information. Men of industry have indicated that Engineering Drawing is not .only important, but absolutely necessary. Students need a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of science and communication, and should be trained early in the engineering approach for the solution of problems. They tnust have training in space visualization; they must develop their powers of analysis and synthesis; they must be given experience in creative thinking at the start of their college work; and their abilities to develop and record ideas must be constantly challenged.

LEE F. BERNHARDT Head, Engineering Drawing






Chemistry is one of the fundamental sciences, important both in that it underlies all phases of modern living and in its own right as a field of employment fo r the several hundred thousand American chemists. Its scope includes everything from process control and analysis to the ((glamor" fields of nuclear science and radioactive tracer technique, biochemical research, and organic synthesis of vital drugs, plastics and explosives.

DR. NORIVIAN 0. LONG Head, Chen1istry Department



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' EDWARD GUINDON Assistant Professor

ROBERT SWINDELL Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor



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MARY E. WEIMER Associate Professor Head, English Department

First Row: MARGARET HUFF .............. A ssistant Professor HELEN DIN IUS ......................... Lecturer Second Row: DARROW C. FOX ............... A ssistant Professor BASIL L. GRAY ................. A ssistant Professor ALVIN C. STEINBACH ................. In stru ctor •


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In our complex society, scientific progress depends on the mathematician, the engineer, and many other scientists whose primary tool is mathematics. The Department of Mathematics offers a well rounded course fo r the young mathematicians, as well as the essential rna thematics for the engineering, physics, and chemistrY students. I

BOTTOM, First Row: FRED H . GRONINGER . . . .... . ...... . .... L ecturer HUGH G. HARP .. . .. . . .. . . ..... A ssociate Professor ROBERT G. HOEHN .... . ...... . . A ssistant Professor WALTER W. BARTLETT .... . ..... . ... . Inst ru c tor CH ARLES W. PECK . . . . . . • . . . . ......... In stru ct or Second Ro\¥:

JAMES F. J ACOBS .... . .. ....... . ....... In stru ct oir WILLIAM H . WOODS . . ... . . . .......... Instru ct or JAMES R . DOH NER .. . . .. .. . ... . ... . .. . Inst ru ct or RAD OS AV RAKE TIC . . . .... .. . .. ....... Inst ru ctor GARVER C. vVRIGHT . . .. .. .... .. A ssistant P rofessor



CHARLES R. CARR Associate Professor

RICHARD E. SARBER Assistant Professor

DANIEL T. DWYER Instructor

GORDON L. COLE Assistant Professor




If, as has been said, uthis is the atomic age," ~hen this is the age of physics. Nuclear weapons and machines are products· of the physics laboratory. Each new day finds the physicists of our nation ever widening horizons of man's knowledge. Therefore, Indiana Technical College meets the need for training in physics by offering basic and advanced courses designed to prepare a student either for direct participation in industry, or for a scientific career of the more traditional type.

DR. RALPH W. YOUNG Head, Mathe1natics Department Acting Head of Physics Department








Assistant Professor

Instructor •



DR. LOUIS H. DOBBS Psychology and Law

DR. MEREDITH J. SPRUNGER Assistant Professor of Psychology

DR. LON D. RANDALL Assistant Professor of Psychology



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ROBERT L. KAAG Lecturer of Law

CARL E. BASHAM Instructor, Law and Economics


IRVING J. WEINSTEIN Sociology and Economics

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PER ASBJORN ANTI, BSEIE ; Hasle, Sandefjord, Norway ; K appa Sigma Ka ppa; President's List ( 3 ); Honor Roll ( 1) .

ALAN B. ASHBY, BSME ; Kennewick, Wash. ; S.A.M.E. ; President's List ( 1) . JOHN D . BADOVINAC, BSEIE ; Harrietta, Mich. ; President's List. ( 1).

SYLVESTER J. AMAN, BSME ; Barberton, Ohio ; Mechanical Club ; S.A.E.; President's List ( 2).


RICHARD R. BAYLES, BSCE ; M.ath Option ; Bozeman, Montana ; A.C .E., Vice-President ; Student Instructor C E-155A. ( 1) ; President's List ( 7 ) .

CLARENCE P. CAIN, BSEIE ; Luling, Texas; E..E.S., Chairn1an; A.C.E., Chairman ; K.A.R .C.; Student Council ( 2) ; President's List ( 6 ) ; Honor Roll ( 2).

ELSTON J. BOUTILIER, BSEIE ; Math Option; Nova Scoti a ; President's List ( 2 ).

DELBERT F . CASE, BSAeE; Waynesfield, Ohio; Alpha Omega 1'au, Chaplain; I.A.S., Secretary, Vice Chairman ; Outstanding Student Award, Departmental ; President's List ( 2 ) .

WHYLIE A. CHAMBERS, BSCE; Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies; A. C. E.; S.A.M.E.; President's List ( 7 ) ; Honor Roll ( 1 ) . STEPHEN J. CHARNEY, BSME; Johnstown, Pa.; Mechanical Club; Students Council ( 4) ; Male Chorus.




ROBERT M. CLARKE, BSEE ; Letart, W.Va.; Assistant Instructor EE 182A ( 1); President's List (2) . CHARLES D. CLAWSON, BSEIE ; Attica, Ind. ; Kappa Sigma Phi, Treasurer ; Pistol Club ; E.E.S. ; President's List.

GERALD W. CORMIER, BSEIE ; Math Option ; Fort Wayne, Ind. ; E .E.S.; Math Club; Beta Sigma Tau, Sgt. at Arms, Athletic Director. DONALD L. CROSSMAN, BSCE ; L ewistown, Pa.; Association of Civil Engineers, Treasurer ; Intramural Softball, \ ' olleyball, Football; President's List ( 4 ); Honor Roll ( 2).

DICK JACOB, BSCE ; L eaming ton, Ontario ; A.C .E. ; President's List ( 3 ) ; Honor Roll ( 2 ) . DAVID DREGER, BSCE ; Garrettsville, Ohio; A.C .E. ; Honor Roll ( 2 ) .

RUSSELL E. DUDLEY, BSCE ; Glassport, Pa.; A.C.E . C. A. DUHARTE FRANCID, BSChE ; Fort Wayne, Ind. ; Chemical Engineering Society; American Institute of Chemical Engineers.






GEORGE K . EMERY, BSEE ; Ontario, Canada ; A.I.E.E., Membership Chairman ; Intramural Swimming, Baseball, Football ; President's List ( 3). JOSEPII P. ESPOSITO, BSEE ; Long Island, New York ; A.I.E.E.; Kappa Sign1a Phi, Vice President ; Presid ent's List ( 1) .






SERGIO H . ESTRADA, Drafting ; Pla nta s/ n Arternisa P. del Rio, C uba ; Phi I ota Alpha, Chapter President, Vice President, Secretary ; 1 Year R adio Broadcasting Program . MELVIN Y..l . EVANS, BSME, BE Math ; Anderson, Ind.; M echanical C lub Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer ; President's List ( 11 ) ; Student Instructor M ech. L a b ( 1 ) ; Assistant Lab Instructor ( 5 ) .




PAUL BRUCE FLE~1ING, BSchE ; Shawnee, O kla.; A.C.S. ; A. I.Ch.E ; I1'C Basketba ll, Track ; Presid ent's List ; Ho nor R oll. R OBE RT K . FRANCIS, BSEE ; Elgin, Ill. ; Beta Phi Theta.


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ARNOLD R . GARLINGER, BSME, M a th O ption ; Valley Station, K y. ; Mechanical C lub, Secretary, Treasurer, President ( 2 ) ; Mechanical Club, Outstanding M ember Summer 1959. J OSE ARTURO GAR C I A, BSCE ; Colombia, South America ; A.C. E.

ARTHUR B. GERUNDA, BSChE ; W est Islip, N.Y. ; C hemical Engineering Society ; Kappa Sigma K appa, Treasurer, Pledge Master ; Baske tball. R O BERT L. GIFFIN, BSME ; Quincy, M ass.; Newman C lub ; Intramura l Tennis ; Presid ent's List ( 2 ) .

HERBERT GITELL, BSCE; Newton, Mass .; A.S.C.E.; Beta Sigma Tau, President, Treasurer; 1'ec hnician ( 1) ; President's List ( 1). FRANK R. HALL, BSEE ; Fort I.T.C.E.A.; President's List ( 1) .





VINCENT E. HEMMING, BSCE ; Kingston 5, J amaica, W. Indies; A.C .E.; S.A.M.E. ; Kappa Alpha Phi; Student Council; President's List ( 3). HARRY Y. HONDA, BSEE, BSEIE ; Puunene, M aui, Hawaii; Hawaii Club, Vice President; Presid ent's List (2) .

GLENN R. HUDSON, BSME ; High Point, N. C. ; M echanical Engineering Club, Vice President, Secretary ; Intramural Athle tics, President's List ( 3 ) ; Honor Roll ( 1) .

dent's List ( 1) ; Caswell Engineering Drawing Award. R O BERT E. LITTLE, BSME; North M a nches ter , India na ; S.A.E. ; Varsity Club; Varsity Basketball (2 years ); President's List ( 2 ) .

JOHN LASLO, BSChe; Wella nd, Ontario, Canada; A.C.E.; C.E.S.; Vice Pres. (2 ) ; Fencing T eam ; Presi-

LLEWELLYN L. LESHER, Lebanon, Pennsylva nia.

GLEEN W. LUDWIG JR. , BSAeE ; Port Allegany, Pa.; I.A.S.; Bowling Club; President's List ( 1).

WALTER J. JAEGER, BSEE ; Cincinnati, Ohio; Indiana T ech Electrical Association.

RADWAN JABER, BSCE ; Tripole, L ebanon; A.C.E., Advertising Sec. ; Arab Students Council, Corr. Secretary; President's List ( 6 ) ; Nations United Club; Fort Wayne Y.W.C.A.

HARLAND C. JORDING, BCSE: Jacksonville, Illinois ; A.C.E. ; Glee Club; President's List ( 1) .

JAMES W. J USTI C E, BSEE ; Fort W ayne, Indiana ; I.T.E.A. ; Beta Sigma Tau, Corresponding Secretary ; Presiden t's List ( 1 ); Honor R oll ( 3 ); Student Instructor EE 11 0 ( 1 ).

EDWARD P. KOEPPE , BSEIE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; W e.ightlifting Club, Vice President ; President's List (3) . ETHEM R. KOK , BSEE ; Ista nbul, Turkey; President's List (2); Honor Roll ( 2 ) .

M OSES KAZANJIAN, BSC E ; Beirut, Lebanon ; A .C .E .; President's List 4 ).


MARIO E . I N IGUEZ, BSEE ; Cuenca, Eucador. D ONALD H . KING, BSCE ; Oregon City, Ohio; A .C.E., Secre tary ; Kappa Sigma Phi, President, Vice President; Intramural Basketball, Softball, Footba ll, Swimming, Bowling.

PETER LOUIE, BSCE ; New York 13, New York ; A.C .E. ; President's List (2) . ROGER D . LUECK, BSCE ; Cumberland, M~ryland ; A.C.E ., President, Vice President; S.A.M.E. ; President's List ( 2 ); Assistant Instructor Surveying.

SUHAYL EL-MAMOUN, BSME ; Beirut, Lebanon; M echa nical Club; Arab Student. Club, Vice President, Treasurer; Nations United Club. ANGUS L. McDONALD, BSCE ; Rochester, New York; A.C.E. ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon ; Bowling Club, Secretary; President's List ( 2) .



BERNARD J. MANNING, BSME ; Fort Wayn e, India na ; S.A.M.E. ; President's List ( 1); Asst. Inst. ED-23. XENOPHON MAROUDIS, BMetE ; Ashland, Ky. ; A.I.Ch.E ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon; Iota Tau K a ppa; President's List ( 4); H onor Roll ( 4 ); Assistant Instructor Ch 22, ChE 2 12.

ERNEST J . MASCARELLO, BSME ; Omaha, N ebraska; S.A.E., Treasurer ; President's List ( 3).

JORGE Y. MEDOVOI, BSEE, M a th Option ; T el Aviv, Israel.

ROBERT J . MASTERSON, BSEIE; N ewburgh, New York ; President's List (3 ) .

V. F . MASULLO, BSEE ; Ossining New York ; I.T.E .A., Vice President ; Iota Tau K appa, Secretary, Treasurer ; Intra mural Softball Bowling; Presiden t's L ist (9 ); H onor R oll ( 5 ) ; Assistant Instru ctor EE 140A.



JOHN W. MUNSON, BSME ; Connersville, Indiana; S.A.E.

HAGOP NA ZARIAN, BSCE; i\leppo, Syria ; A.C.E .; Canterbury Club ; President's List (4) .

GEORGE V. MUSISCA, BSEIE ; Canton, Ohio ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon ; N ewman Club, Secretary ; Glee Club ; President's List ( 9 ) .

DARREL C. NEAL, BSAeE ; Staples, Minnesota; I.A.S. ; President's List ( 2) .

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SEDRICK W. NEWELL, BSChE ; Fort Recovery, Ohio; Chemical Engineering Society.

ANDREW NOG UEIRA, BSChE ; Newark, N ew J ersey; Chemic tal Engineering Society, President; Bowling ; President's List ( 1).

GEORGE E. NEWMAN, BSEIE ; East Islip, N ew York ; A.E.S .; E .E.S. ; Student Council.

JOHN S. NOLTE, BSEIE, M ath Option ; Watkins, Iowa ; President' s List ( 6 ); Assistant Instru ctor EI 250A.

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JUERGEN M. NORDHAUSEN, BSEIE, Math Option ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; E .E.S.; Math Club.

RUDOLPH G. OPDERBECK, BSME ; St. Louis, Mo. · I.A.S. ; President's List ( 2 ).

ROBERT C. NULL, Mechanical Drafting; Fort Wayne, Indiana.

JOHN OSADCZUK, BSCE; Fort Wayne, Indiana· A.C .E. ; Chess Club; Ukrainian Student Club, Vice President; Intramural Volleyball.

FERNALD C . PARENT, BSEIE ; Yarmouth, Maine; Beta Sigma Tau, Vive President, Publications Director; President's List ( 2 ); Assistant Instructor EI 140A.

DIEGO PARRA, BSEIE ; Caracas, Venezuela .




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LOUIS G. PREVAL, BSME ; Oriente, Cuba; Phi Iota Alpha, Secretary, President Social Committee. JAMES E . PERON, BSEIE ; Indiana, Pennsylvania ; E.E.S.; K.A.R.C. , President; President's List ( 3 ).

THOMAS E. PINKHAM, BSEE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; I.T.E.A. ; President's List ( 3 ); Honor Roll ( 1 ) .

RONALD H. POWNALL, BSCE ; Columbia City, Indiana; A.C.E .; President's List ( 5 ) .

ALLYN L. PONTIUS, BSME ; Jacksonville, Illinois ; M echanical Club, Vice President; Yearbook Editor ; Intramural Volleyball, Softball, Football ; President's List ( 2 ) ; Honor Roll.

LAWRENC E T. PRICE, BSCE ; Newcastle, Wyoming ; A.C .E. ; President's List ( 1); Honor Roll ( 1) .

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JAMES PUTTERBAUGH, BSME ; Rochester, Indiana ; A.C.E.; S.A.M.E. ; President's List ( 1) .

BOB F . REINHARDT, BSME ; Elkin, North Carolina; President's List ( 1) .

R. LINDSAY RASH, BSCE ; Blackstone, Virginia; A.C.E. ; S.A.M.E. ; Sigma Phi Delta, House Manager, Chaplain ; Intramural Football.

WILLIAM A. RICHARDS, BSEIE ; Oil City, Pennsylvania; President's List ( 5 ); Honor Roll ( 1).








JAMES S. ROBERTSON, BSME ; Amityville, New York ; Mechanical Club; W eightlifting Club, Pres., Treasurer ; Student Council ( 3); Senior Class President; President's List (2); Assistant Instru ctor ED 13, 21, 22, 23 (6) .

HERNANDO ROJAS, BSEE ; Bogota, Colombia, South America. THOMAS F. RYAN, BSEIE ; New York City, New York ; Beta Sigma Tau, President, Vic~ President, Athletic Director, Pledge Master ; N ewrhan Club, President; President's List (4) .

EDDIE L . ROBINSON, BSEE ; L ancaster, K entu cky ; I.T.E.A ., Treasurer; Intramural Softball, Football; Honor Roll ( 1 ) . •


HARRY SABADA, BSChE; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; A.C.S. ; Chemical Engineering Society, Secretary, Newman Club. NORMAN L. SCHROEDER, BSME ; Grand Jun ction, Michigan ; President's List ( 1).

PARMPAL S. SIDHU, BSME ; Punjab, India; India Association; Nations United Club ; President's List ( 1). JOHN J . SILVERSON, BS Math; Beach Haven Crest, New Jersey; Physics Club, Secretary, Vice President; Technician Staff; Bowling Team.

JI\VAN L. SINGLA, BSCE; Punjab, India; A.C.E .; India Association, Secretary; Nations United Club. DEAN W. SNYDER, BSME ; Waupaca, Wisconsin ; I.T.C. ; Flying Club, Treasurer; Mechanical Club. ~1!'11 0.,



JOHN P. SNYDER, BSEIE ; Creston, Iowa; E.E.S .; A.E.S., Treasurer ; President's List ( 3). GERALD STANKIEWICZ, BSME ; Saginaw, Michigan; S.A.E.; S.A.M.E. ; Newman Club, Vice President; Intramural Sports; Bowling T eam.

JERRY D. STEPHENSON, BSEIE ; Rockford, Ohio ; I.T.E.A. ; lTC Flying Club; President's List ( 2 ) . RICHARD E . TAVANO, BSChE ; Brooklyn, New York ; A.C.S. ; Chemical Engineering Society, President, Secretary; Weightlifting Club; President's List ( 1).

LEO H. THAMAN, BSEE ; Anna, Ohio; Newman Club ; I.T.E.A. ; Intramural Softball, Basketball, Football ; Honor Roll ( 1 ) . LEONARD L. URBACK, BSME ; Barnum, Minnesota.





DONALD J. WAGNER, BSME ; Clara City, Minnesota; Mechanical Club, Secretary, Treasurer ; Technician Staff; Donnitory Counselor; President's List ( 5 ). LEONARD WATKINS, BSEIE; East Chicago, Indiana ; Kappa Alpha Psi, President.

WILBUR A. WILKINSON, BSEE; Howell, Michigan ; Lutheran Student Association; President; Glee Club. JOHN ZARUCKI, BSCE; Maspeth, New York ; A.C.E. ; President's List ( 3); Honor Roll ( 1) .




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F . Z. ABDISHI, Drafting; Baghdad, Iraq ; Mechanical Club; Camera Club; Newman Club.

STANLEY BABBITT, BSEE, BSEIE ; Norwich, Conn.; Flying Club; Bowling Club; K ekionga Amateur Radio Club, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary; President's List ( 1).

EDWARD J . L. ARNOLD; BSME ; Richmond, Indiana; Student Council ( 4), Treasurer ( 3); President's List ( 1 ).

JAMES R. BARD, BSME ; Bryan, Ohio .

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DANIAL D . BEDNARSKI: BSEIE ; Erie, Pennsylvania; Weightlifting Club, President; Indiana Tech Bowling League ; President's List (2).

ANTHONY C . BETTINELLI, BSCE; Donora, Pennslyvania; Treasurer Senior Class; -Beta. Sigma Tau ; A.C.E., President; S.A.M.E. ; Student Council; IFC Softball; In tram ural Softball, Football, Basketball.

RICHARD E. BERNDT, BSEEl BSEIE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; A.I.E.E.; Alpha Gamma Upsilon; President's List ( 2).

ANTHONY E. BICK, BSEE; Math Option; Marion, Indiana.

GARY E. BLACK, BSEE ; Columbia City, Indiana; Indiana Tech Glee Club ( 6 ); President's List ( 1); Honor Roll ( 1 ) . IRWIN BLUESTEIN, BSEIE ; Math Option; Brooklyn 14, New York ; E.E.S., Publicity Director (2); Student Council ( 2); President's List ( 4).

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LEVON BOHDJELIAN, BSChE ; Ashraffie, Beirut L ebanon; President's List ( 2); H onor Roll ( 2) . WILLIAM F. BOTTS, BSEIE ; Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

HILARY J . BUHL, BSEIE, M ath Option ; Browerville, Minn.; Electronic Engineering Society, Math Club; President's List (8 ); Student Instructor EI 120A ( 1), EI 140A ( 1) . WILLIAM E. CA RROLL, BSCE ; Saratoga, Springs, New York ; A.C .E. ; Varsity Club ( 3 Years ); Varsity

Baseball ( 3 years ); Intramural Football, Softball, Basketball ; President's List ( 2 ); Honor Roll ( 2) . FREDERICK M. COPE~IAN , BSME ; Elkins, W . Virginia; S.A.E.; Flying Club. FRANK CROCE JR., BSAeE ; Glen H ead, New York ; Honor Roll ( 4 ) ; Iota Tau Kappa ( 3) .

..... tnter A. W. CUSTARD, A.S.C.E.; S.A.M.E.





VITTORIO DE ANGELIS, BSEIE; Math Option; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Electronic Engineering Society; American Institute Of Electrical Engineers. MORRIS J. DITLINGER, BSME; Payne, Ohio; Kappa

Sigma Phi, Secretary; Weightlifting Club ; Mechanical Club. JAMES R. DOHNER, BSEIE ; Mathematics ; Lebanon, Penna.; Weightlifting Club, Secretary; Mathematics Club, Sec., Tres.; President's List ( 7 ); Iota Tau Kappa (2); Bowling Team.

ERICH R. DUHN, BSChE ; Jamaica Plain 30, Mass.; Chemical Engineering .Society, Treasurer ; Student Ins tru c tor C h 12 ( 1 ) .

SARKIS K. GARIBIAN, BSEE, Math Option; Baghdad, Iraq ; A.I.E.E. ; Math Club; Kappa Sigma Kappa, Vice President; Varsity Tennis T eam , Basketb::tJl, S\vimming, Bo"vling; President's List (2) .

JOHN B. GALLETL Y JR., BSEE ; Pawtu cket, Rhode I sland ; A.I.E .E., Athletics Chainnan (2); Varsity Golf Team ; lTC Bowling L eague ; Intramural Basketball, Football ; President's List ( 2); Honor Roll ( 2 ) .

GLEN A. GARRELTS, BSCE ; Atlanta, Missouri ; A.C.E., President ( 1), Secretary (2 ); S.A.M.E., Secretary ( 1); Honor Roll ( 3 ) .

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EDWIN L . GEDIMAN, BSME ; Bath, Maine ; Alpha Omega Tau, President, Treasurer; Intramural Softball.

E. F. GRAVITT, BSEIE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Student Council ( 2 ). .

LAZAR GILINSKI, BSCE ; Columbia, South America; S.A.E .; A.C .E .; Phi Iota Alpha, President; President's List ( 2) ; Spanish Hour WGL.

OSWALDO GUADA, BSME ; Valencia, Venezuela; S.A.E. ; M echanical Club; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List ( 6 ).

JAMES HALLEY, BSEE ; Connersville, Indiana. BYRON D. HENNING, B.S ME; New Ulm, Minn. ; Mechanical Club; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List ( 6 ) ; Honor Roll ( 4 ) .


REU BEN D . HERND ON, BSEIE ; O maha, braska; President's L ist ( 4 ) .


BELA G. HI G H , BSCE ; C levela nd 9, O hio; A.C .E.; Fencing C lub; C hess C lub ; Student Council ( 1); T able T ennis T eam ; A.C.I.

PAU L K . JODON, BSEIE ; M onessen, Penna. ; Electronic Engineering Society; Electri cal Engineering Society; Audio Engineering Society; President's List ( 1); Honor R oll ( 4).

R O BERT L. KEEHN, BSCE ; Pres ton, Minnesota; A.O.T. ; A.C. E.; President's List ( 1) ; H onor R oll ( 1) . J O H N R. KENNEDY, BSME ; Cla rksburg, West Virginia; M echanical Club.

ZISSIS KALIVAS, BSEIE ; Souix C ity, I owa ; Elec tronic Engineering Society; President's List ( 1).


1nter CHARLES L. KINMAN , BSEIE ; Jonesboro, Ark. ; Electronic Engineering Society; Honor Roll ( 1) .

FARREL L. KRALL, BSME ; Willshire, Ohio; Fiying Club; S.A.E.

RAYMOND L . KNAPP, BSCE ; R a ndolph, Ohio; Associa tion of Civil Engineers; S.A.M.E. ; Weightlifting Club; President's List (2); Honor Roll (2) .

EDWIN C . KRIDLER, BSCE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Associa tion of Civil Engineers; Weightlifting Club ; President's List ( 2); Assistant Instructor, Engineering Drawing 11 ( 2 ) .

t JAMES M . LEWIS, BSME; GOSHEN, N ew York ; Society of Automotive Engineers ; Phi Sigma Kappa; N ewman Club ; President's List ( 1) .

CHARLES G. LAMB, BSAeE ; Collegedale, Tennessee; I.A.S.; ITC Flying Club, Safety Officer ( 2 ) . HERBERT H. LENZKES, BSEIE ; Option in Math ; Alliance, Ohio ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon; A.I.E .E. ; President's List ( 7 ); Honor Roll ( 2 ) ; Weightlifting Club.

JOHN McHENRY, BSEE ; R eading, Michigan ; Iota Tau Kappa; Presidenfs List ( 10 ) . •

tnter •






ROBERT V. MACDONALD, BSME ; Saginaw, Michigan; Mechanical Engineering Club; President's List ( 1) .

OLIN D . MILLER, BSEE ; Goshen, Indiana ; ITC Electrical Club; A.I.E.E., Secretary; President's List ( 7 ); Iota Tau Kappa; Honor Roll ( 3) .

PAUL E. MERRIMAN, BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; S.A.E.; S.A.M.E.; Bowling; President's List ( 4); Phi Eta Sigma.

IRVING W. MOODY, BSEIE, Math Option; Springfi eld, Illinois; Audio Engineering Society.

JOHN MUTKOSKI, BSME ; Brooklyn, New York; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Secretary; Newman Club, Secretary; I.F.C., Secretary, Treasurer; I.F .C. Softball Team ; A.G.U. Bowling Team. JOHN C. NASR, BSCE, Math Option; Alexandria, Egypt; Arab Club .


... ,./



-""""' ISAIAH R. NORMAN, BSAeE ; J ackson, Miss.; Institute of Aeronautical Sciences ; K appa Alpha Psi ; Co-Chainnan Soci1a l Committee ; ITC Glee C lub. JAMES E. NORRIS, BSAeE ; Churubusco, Indiana ; I.A.S.

DON KEITH OATES, BSEE ; Charlotte, North Carolina ; A.I.E.E .; Intramural Football, Softball ; President's List ( 3 ) ; Instructor EE 110 ( 1 ) . JOHN L . O'DONNELL, BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; S.A.E.; Mechanical Engineering Club; President's List ( 1) .

E. A. PENTHENY, BSAeE ; Sun Valley, Idaho ; I.A.S.; Glee Club ( 3 ); President's List ( 4 ) . J OHN PIDLISNY, BSCE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; A.C.E.; Ukrainian Student Club, Vice President ; Chess Club: Intramural Volleyball, Basketball ; President's List ( 2 ).


tnter WILLIAM R. POKRZYWKA, BSMath ; Dunkirk, New York ; Phi Kappa, President ; Newman Club; President's List ( 1) ; Intramural Baseball, Track. PAUL E. PORTER, BSEIE; Chillicothe, Ohio; Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor.

DWIGHT B. RADDATZ. BSEE ; Winona, Minnesota ; A.I.E.E. ; A.W.T., Business Manager, Chaplain, Presiden't List: Intramural Softball: Instructor EE 120A ( 7 ), Phy 42A ( 2 ). EMIL B. RA VENDA JR., BSCheE ; Port Chester, New York: C .E.S. : A.C.S. : A.I.C.E . ; President's List ( 2 ) ; Assistant Instructor Organic Chemistry ( 7 ).

• -




ROBERT E. RIFE, BSME ; Fort W ayn e, ing Club. R.P. ROHY ANS A.C .E .; S.A.M .E .



GLEN SCHMIDT, BSEIE ; Math Option ; Rock Island ; Illinois.

II, BSC E ; Fort Wa yne, Indiana:

NAVI N H . SHAH, BSME ; Bombay India ; President's List ( 1).


JOHN C. SHOEMAKER, BSAeE ; Bryant, Indiana : I.A.S., Treasurer, ( 2 ).

York ; Beta Sigma Tau, House Manager ( 2 ), Historian ( 2 ) , President ( 2 ) ; President's List ( 4 ) ; Student Instructor Phy Lab. 22, 23 ( 7 ), Math 21 ( 1).

SIDNEY H . SMITH, BSEIE, Math Option ; Rosiclare, Illinois.


WILLIAM T . K . STIEBER, BSME ; Anderson, Indiana: Flying Club, Publicity ; President' s List ( 1) .

THOMAS SODANO, BSMath ; Niagara Falls, New

RAY SUTHERLAND, BSME ; Ellsworth, Penna. ; S.A.E. ; Mechanical Club. SANTIAGO T AKEMURA, BSElE ; Math Option ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; President's List ( 4 ) ; Honor Roll ( 4 ) ; U .S. Reserve Officers Association.


.. CHARLES DALE TANNER, BSME ; Stonefo rt, Illinois ; Vice President of Junior Class ; M echa nical Club, Executive Committee ; Student Council, Treas. ( 2 ) ; Honor Roll ( 7 ) . JAMES 0 . TENN IES, BSME ; Cattaraugus, New York ; Society of Automotive Engineers.

DON.A.LD L. E . TERRY, BSME ; Pana, Illinois ; Society of Automotive Engineers ; Student Council ( 1) : Iota T au K appa ( 4 ); Secretary Senior Class (2); Treasurer Senior Class ( 2).

]. T . TRACY BSElE ; F ort Wayne, Ind iana. KE ETH A.C. E.




I ndiana ;

KENNETH E. THOMPSON, BSCE ; Lincoln, Illinois ; A.C.E.; President's List ( 1) .


tnter DOMINICK EMIL TUCCI, BSME ; Port Chester, New York ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Vice P.resident, Pled gemaster, Member at Large ; President's List ( 4 ) ; Student Council ; Senior Class Representative, I.F .C. ; Intramural Sports. FRANK B. VANADIA JR. , BSAeE ; Yonkers, N.Y. ; A.R .S. ; I.A.S. ; Sigma Phi Delta ; Student Council ( 7 ) ;



F ootball, Softball · President's List structor ED 2 1, 22, 23 ( 4 ) . ERNEST C . VYROSTEK Penna.; W eightlifting Club.

( 3 ); Student In-



LAWRENCE V. WALKOWSKI, BSME ; J ohnstown, Penna. ; M echanical Engineering Club, Secretary ( 1 ) ; President's List ( 2 ) .


B. '\VEINBERG, BS.AeE ; Fort Wayne, Inr dia na ; President's List ( 1) ; American R ocket Society: American Astronautical Society.

ing Society, Vice Presid ent ; President's List ( 8 ) ; Honor R oll ( 3 ) . EDWARD R . WIEMANN, BSME ; Fort Wayne Indian3 ; M echa nical C lub ; President's List ( 2 ) .

DONALD G . WHITE, BSChE ; Math Option ; Phelps New York ; A.S .C ., Vice President ; Chemical Engineer-

FALL GRADUATES NOT SHOWN ASADULLAH AZAD, BSME; Karachi, Pakistan; Pakistan Student Association of America, Fort Wayne Chapter, Ge neral Secretary; President' s List ( 2 ) . SABRI S. BARGHOUT, BSChE; Ramallah, J ordan; O rganization of Arab Students, President; Student Council. JOHNNY CHOW, BSChE ; New York City, New York; Chinese Club, Vice President ; President's L ist ( 1) . RO~ALD E . D UPUY, BSME ; Huntertown, Indiana ; S .A.E ., Chairma n, T reasure r ; Honur R oll (1 ) . ROBERT E. DUDLEY, BSEE ; Glassport, Pennsylvania . J . FER.t'IANDEZ, BSCE ; Havana, Cuba; A.C.E .; Athletics; President's List. PAUL J. FINDLAY, BSME ; Meadville, P ennsylvania. DONEL K. FISK , BSCE; Slinger, Wisconsin ; A.C.E., Vice P resident, Secretary ; Male Chorus. FRA-'1Z A . FRASSMANN, BSElE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Auruo Engineering Society; Kappa Sigma Phi, Presiden~ Secretary, Historian ; I.F.C., Vice P resident; P resident's List (4 ) ; Honor R oll ( 1) ; Assistant Instructor El Lab.-El 130A (2) .

ARTHUR W. GILLMAN, BSCE; Thomaston, Conn.; A.C.E.; S.A.M .E . C. J . INGRA:t\i, BSME; Kingston, Jamaica; Male Chorus, Weightlifting ; Soccer. ROBERT ]. KULSIK, BSME ; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Kappa Sigma Phi, Pledgemaster, Sgt. at Arms; Chess Club; Technician Staff; Intramural Sports; President' s List (1). RAYMOND C . McGU IRE, BSElE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; ITC Flying Club, Safety Officer. S . M. NEHAL, BSEE ; Ranchi Bihar, India; A.I.E.E.; India Club. CHARLES SEMLICH, BSCE; New York, New York; S.A.M.E., Treasurer, Newman Club, Treasurer; Student Council. DAVID E. SN IDER, BSElE ; New Lexington, Ohio. K.AZIMIERZ SZCZEPANIAK, BSChE; Lakewood, Ohio; Chemical Engineering Society. JAMES W. \LNG , BSME; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Mechanical Club, Treasurer.


WINTER GRADUATES NOT SHOWN RICHARD ~-. LIEBERMANN, Physics, Math; Latrobe, Pennsylvania; Physics Club ; President, Secretary, Treasurer; Iota Tau Kappa, President; Coolidge Award in Physics; President's List (13); Student I nstructor (8 ) ; Assistant Instructor (2) . JORGE Y. MEDOROI, BSEE; Math Option; Tel Avive, Israel. A . T. MAYCOCK, BSEIE ; Nassau, N.P. Bahamas; Varsity Club; Glee Club; Male Chorus; President' s List {3). WILLIAM MAS! , BSCE ; Port Chester, New York ; A.C.E.; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Vice President; President's List ( 1). HERNAN MUJICA, BSME; Santiago, Chile; Phi Iota Alpha, Secre-

R OY BL'RGESS, BSChE; Kingston Jamaica, West Indies. ] . R. CALLAWAY, BSCE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana. PAL"L M . CUARINO, BSChE; Newark, New Jerse~y ; Chemical Engineering Society; Alpha P hi D elta; Intramural Sports; A.C.S. Bowling Team ; American Institute of Chemical Engineers. PAUL D . DEAN, BSMath; Kingsport, Tenn . ; President's List (3 ) ; H onor Roll (3 ) . cm路rrARAJAN D . DALAL, BSChE; Navapur, India ; ITC Chemical Engineering Society. RAYMOND E. FOUNTAINE, BSCE ; Fort Wane, Indiana ; Association o[ Civil Engineers, Treasurer; P resident's L ist (5 ) ; H onor R oll ( 2) . AG NAR, E . EIK.E, BSElE, Math Option ; Nations United Club; E .E.S. L . C . F..HRESMANN, BSCE ; Delmont, South Dakota; A.C .E.; S.A .M .E .; President L ist ( 1). RONALD E . ECKERT, BSME; Fort Wayne, Indiana. JES u S L UIS HERNAi'1DEZ, BSElE ; Yaguajay, Las Villas, Cuba; A.E.S.; E.E.S.; P hi Iota Alpha. ERl'lEST L . JENSON, BS~fE; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Treasurer Junior Class; H onor R oU ( 3}; S.A.E.; M echanical Club. LEROY S. H UTSON , JR., MSEI E ; Math Option; N . Weymouth 91 , Mass.; President's List (2 ) . MOSES KAZANJIAN, BSCE ; Beirut, Lebanon ; Association of Civil Engineers. J. SINGH KALOURIA, BSCE; Patiala, India ; A. C. E . ; India Association, P reside nt ; Intramural Volleyball ; Nation United Club.

~ry .



JOHN CECIL OLSON, BSME; Dobbs :ferry, New York; Mechamcal Club; Student Council, Corresponding Secretary; Student Instructor ED 21 ( 4 ) , 22 ( 1 ), 23 (1 ) . . . DARREL RICHARDS, BSElE; D exter, Mmnesota; Flytng Club; Amateur Radio Club. ANTHONY GERALD RECCHIA, BSAeE; Malden, Mass.; Alpha Gamma Upsilon; Intramural Football, Basketball, Softball. EMANUEL P . SARDARO, JR., BASeE; Norristown , Pennsylvania; Institute Aeronautical Sciences. CARL W. SCHULTE, BSAeE; Milford, Connecticut; President's List (8 ) ; Student Instructor AM 41, AM 51 , . AeE 100 (1). EDWIN A. SMITH, BSME; Memphis, Tenn.; Mechanical Engineering Club; S.A.E. JIWAN LAL SINGLA, BSCE; Ragho-Majra, Patiala, Punjab, India; A.C.E.; India Association, Secretary; United Nations Club.


A. K . ADAMS BSME ; Kansas City, Missouri ; Mechanical Club ; President's List ( 2).

HERBERT ALLEN, BSME ; Irie, Pennsylvania ; I .A.S. ; Male Chorus.

GERALD E . ALGER, BSElE, Math Option; Lakeview, Or.egon ; A.I.E.E., Program Chainnan ; Glee Club ( 2 ) .

ANAHID ALYANAK, BSME ; Istanbul, Turkey; Senior Class R epresentative in Student pouncil.

rtn '


JOHN BAGLIERE, BSCE ; West New York, New Jersey ; _t\.C.E. ; Beta Sigtna T~u, Treasurer, Pledgemaster, Sgt. At Arn1s, Activities Director, Athletics Director ; I.F .C ., President, Secretary.

KENNETH G. BIERLEIN, BSChE ; Columbus, Indiana ; Chemical Engineering Society, Chairman ; President' s List ( 3 ) ;Honor Roll ( 1 ) ; Phi Eta Sigma. HAROLD A. ·BETKA, BSME ; Ludington, Michigan ; Mechanical Club ; President's List ( 2).

BALDEV BHATIA, BSChE ; Wadala, Bombay, India ; President's List ( 3 ) .

A. F. BJORLING, BSEE ; Brooklyn 20, New York ; Alpha Omega Tau, Business Manager, Publicity ; Radio Club, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Publicity ; Flying Club, Publicity Officer ; Technician Staff, Photo Editor ; Tennis Team ; Chorus; C'ampus Photographer ; President's List ( 1) ; Technician Key Award.


RAY L. BLACKMAN, BSElE, Math Option ; Selma, NoTth Carolina ; E.E.S. ; Flying Club ; President's List ( 4) ; Honor Roll ( 1 ) .


LOUIS J. BOGNAR, BSEIE; New Brunswick, New Jersey; Flying Club. THOMAS E. BOHMER, BSEE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Technician Staff, Business Manager, Advertising Manager (9 ) ; E.E.S.

JOSEPH E. BOONE, BSEIE ; Louisville, Kentucky ; E.E.S.; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Treasurer, House Manager; Varsity Club ; I.F.C., President ; Varsity Golf Team, Captain; Intramural Tennis Singles Champion ( 1959 ) ; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List ( 5 ) ; Student Instructor El 1OOA ( 1). MERTON BUSHONG, BSElE ; Syracuse, Indiana; Iota

Tau Kappa Freshman .I \ ward ; Iota Tau Kappa, President ; Pulliam Scholarship ; President' s List ( 9 ) ; Honor Roll ( 7 ) . CHARLES D. CARTER, BSEE ; Benton, Illinois ; President's List ( 1) . RA YOMND G. CASTLE, BSME ; Freeport, Illinois ; President' s List ( 1).


ABDELHAFIZ CHEHADE, BSCE; Tripoli, Lebanon ; Association of Civil Engineers, Entertainment Committee; Arab Student Club ; Nations United Club.

CHARLES T. CLEVENGER, BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; S.A.M.E., Secretary; Student Council ( 4 ) ; Sophomore Class President ; Intramural Sports.

CLARENCE A. CHIPMAN, BSCE; Orleans, Michigan ; Association of Civil Engineers; S.A.M.E. ; President's List ( 1).

WINFIELD COLLINS, BSCE ; Trinidad, T.W.I. ; A.C.E.; S.A.M.E.; Nations United Club ; President's List ( 4).

> •


..... -.,¢'


BENJAMIN M. COMER, BSElE ; Math Option ; Swayzee, Indiana; President's List ( 3 ).


• «· .. ,Jpjtl 0

Club, Secretary, Treasurer; Student Instructor, El 100 ( 2 ), El 250 ( 1), El 110 ( 2 ) ; Fort Wayne Chess Club, President ; Fort Wayne Philharmonic Chorus.

RICHARD E. COUTURE, BSME ; Bristol, Conn .; A.S.M.E., Secretary ; Intramural Football.

PAUL M. GUARINO, BSChE ; Newark, New Jersey ; A.I.C.E. ; C.E .S. ; Alpha Phi Delta ; Intramural Sports ; A.C .S. Bowling Team, Captain.

DENNIS COWDRICK, BSElE, Math Option ; Napoleon, Ohio ; K .A.R .C ., Vice President ; Glee Club; Philosophy


. . , .

JERRY N. DENTON, BSME; Marion, Ohio; S.A.E ., Treasurer ; Mechanical Engineering Club; President's List ( 1) . MARVIN DILLON, BSElE ; A.I.E.E.; President's List ( 6 ) .


Pa. ;


EDWIN J. DUNBAR, BSCE; Monrovia, Liberia; Chemical Engineering Club. CARL TON L. DUNCAN, BSME; Columbus, Indiana ; S.A.E. ; Student Council ( 4 ) ; President's List ( 3) ; Honor Roll ( 2) ; Student Instructor ME 16 ( 1).

E.E.S. ;

JA WDAT M. EAD, BSME; Deir Omar, Tripoli, Lebanon; Arab Student Organization; Nations United Club. ROGER B. ELEY, BSEIE; Decatur, Indiana; Male Chorus ( 7) ; President's List ( 1) .



ROBERT ESCHBA UGH, BSEE ; Decatur, Illinois; Student Instructor EE 110 ( 1) . J. HECTO R LEAL FERNANDEZ, BSEM; ~i c aro ­ Oriente, C uba; Phi Iota Alpha, President, Vice President ; Soccer T eam; I.F .C . Softball T eam ; Intramural Bowling, Softball, Swimming, Basketball, Volleyball.

FREDERICK S. ELLER, BSAeE, M a th Option ; T orrington, Conn.; Flying Club.

R ONALD A. FULO P, BSElE ; Q ueens, New York City ; Electronic Engineering Society, Secretary, Ch ai t 1nan · Student Assista nt Instructo r Electronic Engi neering D ep a rtment ( 1) .

D ONALD O RVILLE FRY, BSC E ; Sacramento, C aliforni a; K appa Sigma Phi ; Flying C lub ; lTC Varsity Baseball.

H O MER R . G ILL JR. BSElE ; For t Wayne, Indi a na ; Iota T a u K appa .


t"'t ,.. .¥"..._



. &db --

rtn DON GOON, BSAeE ; New York Chinese Club, President.

13, New York ;

J O HN R . GU IDISH, BSElE ; Ma th O ption ; Munhall, Pennsylva nia· Sigma Phi D elta, H ouse Ma nager ; Freshma n and Junior Class President ; Student Council ( 4 ) , Secretary, Treasurer ; V arsity Baseball.

ROBERT C. GUARD, BSElE ; Cape Girardeau, Mo.; Society of American Military Engineers ; Intramural Football, Basketball, Swimming; President's List ( 4) ; Student Instructor El 120A ( 2 ) .

MAX L. HAGAN, BSME ; Argos, Indiana.



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ter, Sgt. at Ar n1s, Vice President ; Technician R eporter ; Student Council Alternate ; Intramural Football, Track ; President's List ( 1) .

THOMAS HAMADA, BSME ; Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii ; H awaiian Club, President ; Bowling; President's List ( 1) DAVID G . HARRINGTON, BSCE ; Taylorsville, North Carolina; A.C.E .; Flying Club, Publicity Officer; Campus Council ( 2 ); Iota Tau Kappa ; Presid ent' s List ( 2).

DON HENDERSON, BSMath ; Fort Wayne, Indian"; Varsity Club, Treasurer; Kappa Sigma Kappa, President, R ecording Secretary, Sgt. at Arms, Pledgemaster, IFC R epresentative; President's List ( 3 ) ; Assistant V arsity Basketball Coach .

GERALD W . HAWK, BSElE ; Montpelier, Indiana · E.E .S.; Electrical Club · K appa Sigma Phi, Pledgemas-











PAUL HENDRICK BSCE ; Philpot, Kentucky; Honor R oll ( 4 ) .

List (2); Student Council Key Award ; Fort Wayne Engineers Club ; A.R.S.

MAU RICE A. HUBS CHER, BSME ; Wabash, Indiana · K appa Sigma Phi, Treasurer, Secretary, Pled gemaster, Sgt. at Arms ; Mechanical Club; Student Council; I.F .C .; Intramural F ootball, Volleyball, Softball ; President's

GEORGE W . HURMAN, BSCE ; Portsmouth, New Hampshire; A.C·. E. ; Honor Roll ( 1 ). JAMES R. HULTGREN, BSEE ; Schofield, Wisconsin ; Electrical Club; Glee Club ; Intramural Sports.

FRED L. HURBAN, BSAeE ; Minotola, New Jersey ; I.A.S.; A.R .S. ; Varsity Club ; Varsity Soccer ( 2 years ) Captain ; President's List ( 1) . GEORGE IRWIN, BSEE; Janesville, Iowa ; A.I.E.E.



MANABENDRA NATH JANA, BSME· Midnapvr, West Bengal, India ; Nations United Club ; Indian Student Association, Vice President ; Anthony Wayne's Dinner Wire Winner, for Social and Musical Activities ; Indian Muscial and Cultural Activities for lTC ; Student Grader ; Program Director of "A Night Of Indian Spring'' . VERNE JURGENSEN, BSElE ; Delmar, Iowa.

JASBIR SINGH KALOURIA, BSCE ; Pa ti.ala, India ; A.C .E.; Intramural Volleyball ; Indi a Student Association, President ; Na tions United Club. MICHAEL F . KELLEHER, BSElE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Audio Engineering Society. JAN KERREBYN JR., BSME ; Curacao, N etherlands Antilles; S.A.E. ; American Society for M etals ; Iota T a u



K a ppa ; President's List ( 8 ) ; H onor R oll ( 8 ) ; L ab Assistant Physics 22, 32 ( 3 ). THOMAS P. KILMU RRY, BSC E · Yonkers, New York City ; A .C .E., Vice Presid ent ; Alpha G amma U psilon, President ; I.F. C . President · Student Council ; I.F .C. Softball T eam, M anager · All Intra mural Sports ; President's List ( 3 ) ; Flying Club, President ; Artist Celebrity Series, C hairman ; First Annu al Science Fair a nd Carnival, Chairman .



rtn JAY C. KING, BSElE ; Mth Option ; Ashland, K entucky; E.E.S., Vice Chainnan; Vice President Senior Class ; Secretary Junior Class ; Technician, Editor ; Student Council ; President's List ( 5) ; Honor Roll ( 3) ; Technician Key; Student Council Key ; Student Instructor El 130A ( 2 ) , El 140A ( 1) .

chanica! Engineering Club, President, Vice President· Inter Club Council, Presid ent ~ Science Fair and C arnival, Co-Chairman ; President's List ( 1) ; Mechanical Engineering Club outstanding M ember Award ; lntramur:al Sports ; Publicity Manager for lTC Basketball Team.

TED R. LAKE, BSME ; Cambridge, Ohio ; S.A.E., Vice Chairman ; President's List ( 4 ).

RONALD L. LANCASTER BSAeE ; Hunting ton, Indiana ; I.A.S. ; Flying Club ; President's List ( 6 ) ; Honor Roll ( 3 ) .

GERALD W. KNEPP, BSME; Clearfield, Penna. ; Me-




D . K . LOUKIDIS, BSME ; Athens, Greece ; S.A.E. ; S.A.M .E., Public R elations Officer.

HERBERT C. LEGG JR., BSAeE ; Paterson, New J ersey ; I.A.S. ; Sigma Phi Delta, Professio nal Director ; Intram ural Football, GoH.

D ONALD J. M cBURNEY, BSElE ; Mexico, Penna.; Audio Engineering Society; President's List ( 6 ) ; Lab. Instructor El 210.

HARRY L . LENTZ, BSCE ; Boise, Idaho ; A.C.E. ; Sgt. at Anns. •





C HARLES C . M cVI CKER, BSElE, M ath Option ; Cincinnati 42, Ohio ; Glee Club.

JAMES MARTINSON, BSCE ; Minneapolis, Minnesota ; Association of Civil Engineers ; President's List ( 7) .


V . MICKEVICIUS, BSME ; Brooklyn 1, New York; S.A.E .; Mechanical Engineering Club ; President's List ( 4 ) ; Honor Roll ( 4) .




R. J. MILLER, BSElE; Paulding, Ohio; Fencing Club ; Fencing Team ; President's List ( 1) . K . H. MOUSSA, BSEE ; Bmalkeh Tartous, Syria, U .A.R.; Organization of Arab Students, President, Vice President ; Student Council ( 1) ; President's List ( 3 ) ; Honor Roll ( 1); Nations United Club, Secretary, Vice President.




RICHARD W. MUIR, BSElE ; M ath O ption ; Springfield 9, Mass. ; Sigma Phi D elta ; Glee Club ; Intramural Football, Basketball, Bowling. ARTHUR T. NEWTO N, BSME ; T enafl y, New J ersey ; Phi K appa.

ANTOINE G. NIMEH, BSME ; Martin Arnou.k, Tartous, Syria, U .A.R.; Arab Students O rganization, Secretary ; N ations United Club, Program Ch ainnan ; President's List ( 2) . ROBERT W. NUSSDORFER, BSME ; Muskegon, Michigan ; Mechanical Engineering Club, Vice C hainnan ; President's List ( 2 ) ; Honor Roll ( 5 ) . KENNETH OLSON, BSME ; Clintonville, Wisconsin ;

Mechanical Engineering Club, Chai1 n1an ; Student Council ; Secretary Sophomore Class ; Intramural Bowling, Volleyball ; A.R.S.; Runner Up Caswell Award ; Student Council Gold Key ; Artist Celebrity Series Sales 2nd Place Prize ; Student Instructor Engineering Drawing ( 6 ). CO NSTANTINE PAPAGEO RGHI O V, BSME ; Athens, Greece ; President's List ( 1).

rtn •

ROBERT F. PECKHAM, BSCE ; New York, New York ; Association of Civil Engineers, President, Secretary, Sgt. at Arms ; Intramural Football, Softball ; President's List ( 3 ) ; Honor Roll ( 1 ) . CHARLES R. PINER, BSElE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana.




.M'' \



ROBERT W. PRATHER, BSEE ; Columbus, Indiana ; Beta Sigma Tau, Vice President ; President's List ( 1) . RALPH V. PRENGER, BSME ; Maria Stein, Ohio ; President's List ( 2 ) .


R O BERTO P UC HE, BSCE ; Barranquilla, Colombia. J OE D . P U MPHREY BSPhysics, BSMath ; D ayton, O hio ; Physics Club ; President's List ( 2 ) · Student Assis ta nt L ab . Instructor Ph 22 ( 1). JAMAL I. QAT A TO, BSChE ; Birzeit, R a mallah Jor-


dan ; C. E.S., Treasurer ; O rganizatio n of Arab Students ; Nations United Club ; Social Chainnan · Honor Roll ( 1); Assistant Instructor Ch 22, Ch 146, 147 (2). RI CHARD E. REYNO LDS, BSCE ; Saratoga Springs, New York ; Associa tion of Civil Engineers, Secretary ; H onor Roll ( 2 ) ; Intramural T ennis.

rtn • •

CA RL T . RILLI NG, BSEE ; M ath O ption ; Akron 10 ; O hio ; Phi K appa A.I.E.E .; Newma n Club ; S.A.M.E. ; Intramural Sports. Y AMAL America.






DEMETZIUS SCAUTZO S, BSME ; L ebanon, Pennsylvania ; S.A.M.E., Corresponding Secreta ry ; S.A.E. ; Inter-Club Council. EDWARD C. SCHAUT, BSCE ; St. M arys, Pennsylvania ; A.C .E., Field trip Committee Chainnan; S.A.M.E.; Weightlifting Club ; President's List ( 1) ; Intramural Bowling, T ennis.

MARVIN P. Rohfield, BSElE ; Hollywood, California ; M ale Chorus ; President's List ( 4). WASSIM H. SADER, BSCE ; Beirut, L ebanon ; A.C .E .; K appa Sigma Kappa ; Varsity Fencing T eam ; President' s List ( 2) ; Honor Roll ( 2) .

C HARLES V. SCHERBAN, BSCE ; New York, New York ; M echanical Engineering Club; Varsity Club ; Varsity Baseball ; Intramural Softball, Football ; Honor Roll ( 2); President's List (7 ); Student Instructor ED 21 , 22 (6 ) .

JAMES T. SCROGGIN, BSME ; Romulus, Michigan ; Chess Club, President ; President's List ( 7 ) .

JAN M . SMITH, BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; S.A. E., Chairman, Vice Chainnan ; President's List.

JOHN F. SCOTT, BSElE, Math Option ; Laurelton 13, New York ; A.E.S., President ; Sigma Phi D elta, Chaplain ; Lutheran Student Association, President ; Student Council, Secretary ; Secretary Senior Class; Resident Counselor. ·

RICHARD J. SMITH, BSEIE ; Garrison, New York ; E.E .S.; A.I.E.E.


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DONALD S. SONGER, BSME ; Xenia, Illinois ; M echanical Engineering Club.

RONALD W. STRAUB, BSME ; St. Groton, Conn. ; S.A.E.

RUDOLF STEGELMAN, BSME ; Angola, Indiana ; Varsity Club ; Varsity Basketball (4 Years ); Varsity Track ( 3 Years ) ; Student Instructor P.E: ( 7 ) .

KWONG NG SZE, BSEE ; Kowloon, Hong Hong.

ROGER B. THOMSON, BSElE ; South Whitley, Indiana; Iota Tau Kappa; Coolidge Physics Award 195859; President's List (9) ; Honor Roll ( 8).

RUSSELL F. TROESTER, BSElE, Math Option ; Villa Ridge, Illinois ; Glee Club. BILLY J . VANCE, BSElE ; San Pedro, California.









FRANK RICHARD V ITA, BSME ; Brooklyn 23, New York · Alpha Gamma U psilon, Vice President, H ouse M anager. BILLIE W. WELLMAN, BSME ; Louisa, Kentucky ; S.A.E .; M echanical Club, Activities Committee, Executive Committee ; President's List ( 1).


KENNETH V. WHITE~ BSElE, Math Option ; West Palm Beach, Florida ; A. I.E.E ., Vice President ; Sigma Phi Delta, Business Manager ; Intramural Football, Golf, Volleyball ; Presj dent's List ( 1 ) . CHARLES T. WILLIAMS, BSEE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana.



THOMAS H . WILLIAMS, BSC E ; Maryland, New York ; A.C.E. ~ Intramural Softball, H orseshoes ; President's List ( 2) ; Student Instructor C E 155A ( 2 ). TAl SHING WONG, BSchE ; Kowloon, Hong Kong; American Chemical Society; Chinese Club ; Honor Roll ( 2).

GLENN W . YOUNG JR., BSElE ; Alton, Illinois ; Flying Club, Treasurer. GLENN J. YOUNGBLOOD, BSAeE ; Miami, Florida; Sigma Phi Delta, Assistant Pledgemaster. SAMMY T. ZAAN_, BSME ; Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii;


~--~ .


A. WURGLER, BSEIE ; Alliance, Ohio ; A.I.E.E. ; Can terbury Club ; Flying Club. STEPHEN· C. J. YONG, BSME ; Vancouver, B.C., Canada; Mechanical Club ; President's List ( 4 ); Flying Club ; Chinese Club, President, Treasurer.

Mechanical Club ; H awaii Club, President, Vice President, Sgt. a t Arms ; Intramural Sports, Bowling. JAMES T. ZOFC HAK, BSME ; Cleveland 3, Ohio ; S.A.E. ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Treasurer ; Track Team·; Intramural Sports ; Iota Tau Kappa ; President's List (9) .

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SHAIKH J. AHMAD, BSEE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; A.I.E.E.; Nations United Club, President ; Pakistan Students Association, President, Vice President ; President's List ( 2).

RONALD F . ALESZCZYK, BSME ; U tica, New York ; Flying Club ; Weightlifting Club ; Honor Roll ( 1) . AVILA ALFONSO, BSCE ; Caracas, Venezuela ; Soccer.

A. B. ALBERS, BSEE ; Cincinnati, Ohio; Alpha Gamma Upsilon.




JAMES H. ANSON, BSME ; Uhrichsville, Ohio; Mechanical Club; Technician Staff ; Iota Tau Kappa ; President's List ( 8 ) ; Honor Roll ( 7 ) . JACK J. ARMSTRONG, BSElE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Presidenfs List ( 1) .

BARTLEY D. BOWERS, BSCE ; Mansfield, OhiO' · ' A.C.E. ; S.A.M.E. ; President's List ( 1). JURGIS A. BALCIUNAS, BSAeE ; Strasburg, Ohio ; I.A.S.; President's List ( 1) .

IND·E R DUTT BHARGAVA, BSChE; Kiohangarh, Royasthan, India.

JESSIE L. BUTNER JR., BSEE ; Boissevain, Virginia ; President's List ( 6 ) ; Honor Roll ( 2 ) .

CHARLES R. BUSKIRK, BSME ; Cooper.stown, Pennsylvania; Honor Roll ( 2).

FORREST D. CHAPMAN, BSME ; Midlothian, Maryland ; Mechanical Club; Iota Tau Kappa ; President's List ( 8 ) ; Honor Roll ( 6 ) .








I ROBERT W. CHIPPS, BSAES ; Ga rden City, Michigan.

JAMES R . DEBLEYKER, BSME ; Easton, Pennsylva nia ; Bowling Club; Weightlifting Club, Vice President, Secr etar y; Intramural Basketball, Footb:1ll, Softball, Track ; I:onor Roll ( 1); Student Instructor P . E.

FRANK M . CLAIR, BSME ; Lan caster , Pennsylvania; Bowling ; Chess Club; Flying Club, President.

( 3) .

LYMAN R . DAY, BSAeE ; Southbridge, Mass. ; I.A.S.; Sigma Phi Delta ; ITC Pistol Club, President .


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JOHN T . D eGEORGE, BSAeE ; West Albany, New York ; I.A.S. , Secretary, Chain nan Publicity Committee; Bowling Club. ROBERT L . DENNIS, BSElE ; Indianapolis, Indiana; E .E.S .; President's List ( 1); Instructor Fort Wayne Commercial Colle.e;e. JOHN JOSEPH DICKEY, BSME ; Richmond, Indi-

WILLIAM FRISBIE, BSElE ; Rahns, Pennsylvania ; K ekongia Amateur Radio Club, President, Vice President; Glee Club; President's List ( 2 ); Honor Roll ( 1) . DON GERMAN, BSCE ; Stratford, Conn.; A.C.E. ; Kappa Sigma Kappa, President; Bowling Club ; Intra-






ana; S.A.E. ; Technician Staff ( 3 ); President's List ( 2 ); Honor Roll ( 1 ) . ROBERT R. FEATHERINGHAM, BSElE, Math Option; Massillon, Ohio; A.E .S.: Inter-Club Council Representative; Sigma Phi Delta, Alumni, Secretary, Business Manager, IFC Representative ; Student Council, Corresponding Secretary ; President's List ( 2 ); Intramural Football, Volleyball, Softball, Basketball, Bo)Vling.

mural Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Golf, Softball. WILLIAM GIBSON, BSME ; Grand Rapids, Michigan ; S.A.E. HAROLD DAVID GRABER, BSElE ; Wilder, Idaho ; Male Chorus ( 6 ); President's List ( 4 ) ; Honor Roll ( 1) .


HAROLD T. GRISWOLD, BSME ; Bayside, N ew York ; A.S.M.E .; K appa Sigma Phi, President, Vice President, Assistant Pled gemaster ; Varsity Baseball; V arsity Club. ERNEST J. GROO ME, BSME ; Foxboro, Mass.; M echa nical Engineering Club ; S.A.E. ; Student Council ; President's List ( 7 ).

RICHARD L . HAINES, BSMa th ; N ew Haven , Indiana ; M a th Club; S.A.E .; Glee Club ; I ota T a u K a ppa. SEYMOU R HATCH, BSME ; L ake Geneva, Wisconsin; K appa Sigrna Phi ; President's List ( 6 ); H onor Roll (2 ) .

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R . B. HETTINGA, BSME ; L eeuwarden , Holland. ALLEN LEE HEYDRICK, BSElE, Math Option ; K enilworth, Illinois; S.A.M.E., President; President's List ( 3 ); Honor Roll ( 3 ); Intramural Sports ; Assista nt Instructor El 250A ( 2 ), El 120A ( 1) . DENN IS M . JEN SEN, BSME ; Belgrade, Minn.; S.A.E.;

M echa nical Club, Secretary; Honor Roll dent's List ( 7 ).

KENT JOHNS , BSME ; Petroleum, Indiana; Varsity Club; V a rsity Track (2 years ); V a rsity Basketball (4 Years ); President's List ( 1); H onor Roll ( 1); Assistant P. E. Instru ctor ( 10 ).

STU ART I. LAN GSAM , BSCE ; Brooklyn 7, New York ; Associa tion of Civil Engineers ; Societ y of Ameri can Milita ry Engineers ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon ; Weig htlifting; Pistol T eam ; Fencing T eam: Intramural Football, Softball, Track, T ennis, \ Tolleyball.

THOMAS L. KOCH , BSME ; O conomowoc, Wisconsin ; Mechanical Engineering Club.

( 2 ) ; Presi-

H AR O LD KELLER BSElE, M a th Option ; Upper Sandusky, Ohio ; Weightlifting Club ; Sigma Phi D elta, Secretary ; Student Council ( 2 ); President's List ( 1); Intramural Sports.

NICHOLAS LAZARCHICK .JR. , BSElE, Ma th O ption ; Port Ca rbon, Pennsylvania; President's List ( 5 ) .

SANG H . LEE, BSME · Seoul= K orea; M echanical Engineeri ng C lub. J O H N S. LEYSE BSME ; K ewa unee, Wisconsin ; M echa nical Engineering C lub ; Luthera n Student Association ; In tram ural Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball ; President's List ( 1) . GARTH H . M cKEN , BSME ; Nelson B. C . Ca nada ;



Iota T a u K a ppa , Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer; S.A.E.; Fencing T eam ; Captain of EPEE Squad; President' s L is t ( 1). JAMES A. MJiLNES, BSME ; Nashville, Indiana; M echanical C lub , Secr etary; W eightlifting Club; Flying C lub, M embership O fficer ; Intramural Football, Softball, Volleyball.

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RICHARD J. MISKUFF, BSME ; Walling ton, N ew J ersey; Alpha Gamma U psilon, President; Baseball, Bowling C lub , President ; Intramural Sports.

STEPHEN E. MOTWAY, BSElE, Math Option ; Middletown, P ennsylvania; Sigma Phi D elta, Secretary, Pled gemas ter ; Intramural Sports.

WALTER N. MIC HELL, BSElE ; Ann Arbor, Michigan.

ROBERT NEC HAMKIN, BS11E ; Brooklyn New York ; President's List ( 1) .

PAUL E. O RSTADT, BSAeE ; Valparaiso, Indiana; I.A.S.'; President's List ( 1 ) ; Iota T a u K a ppa ; Honor Roll ( 1).

O mega Tau President, Secretary; Student Council, President, Secretary; Male Chorus; Varsity T ennis; Intramural Basketball, Softball ; President's List ( 4 ) ; Senior Class President.

NARIND ER P. PASSEY, BSCE ; Patiala, Punjab, India; A.C. E.; India Association ; President's List ( 2 ). R O LLIE


PIPES, BSElE ; Newark, Ohio ; Alpha

DAVID E. NEVERS, BSME ; chanical Club.








Indiana ; Me-



JAMES G. H. QUAN, BSEE, BSElE ; Whitewood, Sask., Canada; A.I.E.E. ; Chinese Club, Vice President. LEON RECKER, BSEIE, Math Option; Jasper, Indiana; A.E.S. GEORGE J. SCHURECK .JR. , BSElE, Math Option;

KEVIN M. SPEIGHT, BSELE, Math Option ; Middletown , Conn.; Math Club; President's List ( 10 ) .

Fern Creek, K entucky; E.E.S.: Newman Club ; Intramural Softball. DONALD E. SHAW, BSCE ; Connellsville, Pennsylvania ; A.C.E. ; Flying Club; Weightlifting Club; Honor Roll ( 3 ) .

JAMES F. STUMPF, BSEE ; Brooklyn, New York.

JOSEPH M. STEVENS, BSEIE; Ridgewood 27, New York ; Theta Gamma National Organization; A.I.E.E.

ABDUL R . SUKKARIYYAH, BSCE ; Baal beck, Lebanon ; A.C.E. ; Organization of Arab Students, President; Philosophy Club ; Student Council; Varsity Soccer ; President's List ( 1); Nations United Club, President.

MARTHA SZAMOSSI, BSCE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; A.C.E.; Student Council ( 2); President's List ( 6).

DAVID .J. TAYLOR, BSEE; McKeesport, Pennsylvania.

GAYSON LEE TERRY, BSME; Yorktown, Indiana; Glee Club.


JERRY LEE TAYLOR, BSElE; K ernersville. North Carolina; Beta Sigma Tau, Recording Secretary.






ZOHRAB K. TAZIAN, BSCE ; Beirut} Lebanon ; A.C .E .; Pres ident's List ( 1) .

GEORGE B. TILL, BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; S.A.E., Secretary ; President's List ( 7); Honor Roll (2 ) .

BU D V. THTARP, BSME ; Fort Wayn e, Indiana ; Honor Roll.

EARON H. TONEY, BSEE ; Forest City, North Carolina ; Varsity Golf ; Intramural Basketball, Football ; President's List 1 ( 7 ) .






ARGYRIS A . TRIGONIS, BSElE ; Veria, Greece; E.E .S.; S.A.M.E .; Male Chorus; President's List ( 2 ); Toastmasters International Club.

JOHN C. WELLING. BSME; Vanderbilt, Michigan. PAUL F . WELTY, BSElE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana~ Kekiongan Amateur Radio Club, Vice President.

JERRY K . WALKER, BSCE ; Columbia City, Indiana; A.C.E. ; Intramural Basketball.

MELVIN D. WESSLER, BSEE ; Arenzville, Illinois ; A.I.E.E.} President ; Sigma Phi D elta, Secretary, Alumni, Corresponding Secretary; Glee Club ; IFC Softball Team; President's List ( 4 ) . JOHN H . WINKELMAN, BSElE ; Huntington, Indiana.

ROBERT WOO, BSME ; Los Angeles 26, California; Hawaiian Club, Treasurer; Rifle Club. EUGENE GERARD VAEREWYCK, BSPhysics ; Mishawaka, Indiana~ Technician Staff ( 3 ); Freshman Scholastic Award ; Honor Roll ( 10 ); Lab. Assistant Instructor Ph ( 7) .

HOLLIS V . YOUNG. BSCE ; Muncie, Indiana ; I.A .S.; A.C .E . · Bowling Club ; Alpha G amn1a Upsilon , Pledgemaster , Corres ponding Secreta ry ; K ekiongan Sta ff ( 6 ), Assistant Editor ( 1 ); K ekiongan K ey ; Presiden t's List. JOHN N . YOUNG , BSElE ; R osevill e, Illin ois ; E .E .S.; A.E .S.; Bowling Club ~ President , Secretary; Glee C lub ; President's List ( 2) ; Honor R oll ( 2 ) .

JAMES CONWAY, BSEE , Math Option ; D etroit 40, Mi chigan ; A.I.E.E .; Intramura l Swimming, Football ; President's List ( 6 ); Honor R oll ( 2); Student Instructo r EE 110 ( 1); Iota T a u K appa ( 3 ) . PAU L MELTON MELVIN, BSCE ; Caseyville, Illinois ; A.C.E., Treasurer ( 2 ); Sigma Phi D elta, Chief Engineer ( 1 ), Business M a nager ( 2 ) . Guide; Student Council ( 5 ); Vice President ; Intramural Sports ; W eightlifting Club, Treasurer ( 2 ) ; President's List ( 5 ); Vice Chairman Artists Celebrity Series.



R. D . MILLER, BSME ; Fort W ayne, India na. N I C H O LAS D . SARLIS, BSChE, Option M etallurgy ; Long _Island , ~ ew Yo rk ~ Society of Chemical Engin ee rs; ~m e n ca n Institute of C hemica l Eng ineers ; WeightliftIng C lub ; M ember of Sports C lub " O lympia ns" of Fort W ayn e.


SPRING GRADUATES NOT SHOWN ARCHIE .M. ARVOLA, Drafting; Embarrass, Minnesota; President's List ( 1) ; Honor Roll ( 1 ) . BENNIE A. BARNWELL, BSElE ; Miami, Florida. HENRY L. CASO, JR., BSElE; Camden, New J ersey; A.I .E.E. , Treasurer; Intramural Basketball, Football; President's List (3); Honor Roll (2) . I. G. CRESSMAN, BSCE; Kitchener, Ontario, Canada; A. C. E.; President's List (4 ) ; Honor Roll ( 2 ) . NAT HANANO, BSME ; Aleppo, Syria, U.A.R.; O.A.S. ; R epresentative of I. C. C.; Social Committee; Varsity Soccer. ROBERT C. HILL, BSEE; Decatur, Alabama. J~MES B. HINSON, BSElE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; President's Ltst ( 3) ; Amateur Radio Club. JOSEPH KWIATKOWSKE, BSCE; Richmond, Indiana; A.C.E. ; S.A.M.E., Public Relations Officer. XENOPHON S. MAROUDIS, BSChE, B.S. Met. E ; Ashland, Kentucky; O .E.S.; Alpha Gamma Upsilon; President's List (5); Honor Roll (6); Iota Tau Kappa; Assistant Student Instructor ChE 212 ( 1). RICHARD D. MILLER, BSME; Fort Wayne, Indiana. EDWARD D. NEESE, JR. , BSME; Butler, Pennsylavnia; S.A.E.; In tram ural Basketball, Softball; 3rd Place Caswell Award ; President's List ( 1); Student Instructor Engineering D rawing (3) . STEPHEN F . NEWELL, llSC£; Fort \ vayne, Indiana; Association Civil .Engineers. STANLEY' ORR, BSE IE ; Teaneck, New Jersey; A.E.S.; E .E.S . ; President's List ( 1) . RONALD N . RACING, BSElE · Dunkirk New York; President's List (2). ' ' BE~TON A. RETZ, BSCE; Manchester, Iowa; Association of Civil Engmeers. RICHARD L. RICHESON, BSElE ; Melb~urne, Iowa; A.I.E.E. NICHOLAS D. SARLIS, BSChE, Option Metallurgy; North BabyJo!l, L.I., New York; Society of Chemical Engineers· Institute o{ Chemical Engiheers; Weightlifting Club; "Olympians'~ Sports-Club of Fort Wayne. GHASSAN. A .. SHOUSHM;li, BSEE; Tripoli, Lebanon; Arab Student Orgamzat10n, Sports Dtrector; President's List. STANLEY A. SO~DEEN,, BSqhE; Sa~ Fernando, Trinidad, F.W.I.; A.I.Ch.E.; Chemical Engmeermg Society; A.C.S.; Nations United Club; Intramural Tennis; Swimming. TERRY L. STONER, BSME; Fort Wayne, Indiana. JAMES T. YAMAKI, BSElE ; Ewa, Hawaii; Hawaiian Club.


ROBERT M . BASSETT, BSElE; Pontiac, M ichigan ; Bowling Club . JAMES BIANCHOTI A, BSCE; Taylorville, Illinois; A.C .E. ARDEN E. BICKER, BS Physics; Woodburn, Indiana; Physics Club, Vice President (2 ); President' s List ( 10 ) ; Assistant Lab . Instructor Ph 22, 32, 42 ( 5 ) ; Physics A Instructor ( 4 ). PHAIROT BULPAKDI , BSME ; Bangkok, Thailand. WALTER ELLISON , BSME; Jackson, Michiga n. SERGIO H . ESTRADA, BSME ; Drafting ; Artemi~a_, P. Del Ri~ , Cuba ; Phi Iota Alpha , President, Secretary, Admtmstrator; Prest. denes List ( 1) . YORK K . FISCHER, BSElE, Math Option; Hilltown, Pennsylvan.ta ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, President, Vice ?resident, Secretary; Club, President, Vice President; Bowhng Club, Team Captam ; Intramural Sports, Bowling . MICHAEL E. GAVIN, BS£1E ; Portland, Indiana. THOMAS HESTER, BSEE ; Saginaw, Michigan . DELMAR H . H UENER, BSEE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana . NESRIN KOK BS Math; Istanbul, Turkey; Honor Roll (2). MELVIN B. MELTON, BSCE; Caseyville, Illinois; A.C .E. , Tr~as­ urer; Sigma Phi Delta, Chief E!lgineer, Business M anager, G~tde ; Student Council ( 5 ) Vice President; Intramural Sports; Weightlifting Club, Treasur'er (2); President's List (5 ); Vice Chairman Artists Celebrity Series. RAUL E. MOSERES, BSCE; Barranguilla, Colombia, South America ; A. C. E. FRED MYERS, JR., BSElE ; Tabor City, North Carolina; Kappa Alpha Psi, Polemarch, Keeper of Records, Historian-Reporter. ADEL NABHAN, BSEE; Sheik Saad, Tartous, Syria, U.A.R . ; Arab Student Club, Treasurer. CLARENCE PICCARD, BSChE , Option Metallurgy ; Grand Rapids, Michigan; A.C.S., Vice President ( 2 ) ; A.I.Ch .E . SAMUEL A. REITZ, BSME; Finleyville, Pennsylvania; Sigma Phi Delta, Pledgemaster; Intramural Sports. NARENDRA NATH SARIN, BSChE; Farrukhabad, U.P., India. WOLFRAIN SCHONFELD BSME; Dusseldorf-O' Kessel, Germany. WALTER SCHULTZ, BSE'tE, BSEE ; Pt. Townsend, Washington ; President's List ( 2) . JA~IES T. SCROGGIN , BEME ; Romulus, ~ichigan ;, Chess Club, President; American Society of M etals; Pres1dent' s Ltst (7) ; Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award. C . R. SHOVE, BSME; Waterford, Conn. KRISHAN SINGAL, tiECE ; Babu Ram Ram Sarup, Dhuri, India ; President's List (2). ARMANDO VALLES, BSME; Cavacas, Venezuela; Phi Iota Alpha ; Weightlifting Club. ARTH U R PETER VINE BSEE ; New London , Conn . ; A.I.E .E .; Electrical Club, CorrespoC:ding Sec retary, Program Chairman. MOHAMMAD WAJEEHUDDIN, BSCE; Mirpur Khas, Pakistan; A.C .E.

MERTON BUSHONG, BSEIE; Syracuse, Indiana ; Iota Tau Kappa Freshman Award; Iota Tau Kappa, President ( 2 ); Pulliam Scholarship; President's List ( 9 ) ; Honor Roll ( 7 ) .



JAN KERREBYN, JR., BSME ; Netherlands Antilles; Society of Automotive Engineers ; American Society For M etals ; Iota Tau Kappa ; Honor Roll (8 ); President's List ( 8 ) ; Assista nt Lab. Instructor, Physics 22, 32 ( 3 ) ; Reader of Thennodynamics for Mechanical D epa.rtment ( 1); M echanical Engineering Award to Outstanding Student.


THO MAS P. KILMURRY, BSCE ; Yonkers, New York ; A.C. E., Vice President, President ; Interfraternity Council, President ; Student Council ; IFC Softball T eam, M anager ; All Intramural Sports ; President's List ( 3) ; Flying Club, President ; First Annual Science Fair and Carnival, Chainnan ; Artist Celebrity Series, C hainnan. JAY C. KING, BSElE, Math Option ; Ashla nd, K entucky ; Electronic Engineering Society, Vice C hairman; Vice President of Senior Class ; Secretary of Junior Class ; Te chnician Staff, Editor ; Student Council ; President's List ( 5 ) ; Honor Roll ( 3 ) ; T echnician K ey; Student Council K ey ; Student Instructor E 1 130A ( 2 ) , E 1 140A ( 1).

ROLLIE E. PIPES, BSE1E ; Newark, Ohio ; Alpha Omega Tau, President, Secretary ; Student Council, President, Secretary ; Male Chorus ; Varsity Tennis ; Intramural Basketball, Softball ; President' s List ( 4 ); Senior Class President. ALLYN L. PONTIUS, BSME ; Jacksonville, Illinois; Mechanical Engineering Club, Vice President; Society of Automotive Engineers ; KEKIONGAN Staff, Editor ; Intramural Volleyball, Softball, Football; President's List ·(2 ); Honor Roll ( 1) .






First Row, left to right: Dale Tanner, Bob O¡lson, Will Drabenstat, Roy Haugen, John Baglier e. Second Row: John Barghout, Carlton Duncan, Martha Zamucki, Robert Winslow, J erry Fields, John Downs, Buc Gravitt. Third Row: Stephan Charney, Irwin Bluestein,. Richard Hultquist, Mike McCammond, Pail Melton, Jim Robertson.

The Student Council, as the official representative "Commencement Dance' ~

of the student body, serves as a liaison organization between the administration, the student body, and other colleges in matters relating to student activities. The Council is composed of a group of elected students dedicated to the duties and responsibilities of leadership and service.



The Interfraternity Council is the Judicial body

The Interfraternity Council is a cooperative organization composed of representatives from each

which governs the standardization of the pledging

fraternity on campus, dedicated towards the coprogra, and promotes good intefraternity relation-

ordination of fraternal activities as concerns the school and community.


First Row, left to right: Joe Boone, Wayne Smith, Franc Wesley, Bob Cline. Second Row: Charles Altoona, Donald Ge rma~, John Bagliere, Frank Henderson, Richard

Fletcher, Tom Kilmurry. Third Row: Bob Featheringham, Jose Romas, Ron Gustin, Pransas Kizis, Lyman Day.


nter raternt 69





EUGENE RICCI Editor in Chief

. •• 4ft


JERRY SAI.TER Editor, Athletics and Faculty

FERDNAN I.aROCHEI.LE Photographic Editor


Here at college we have learned much of the art of working together on a big project. Memories may fade, but our accomplishment will endure. We, the staff of the 1960 KEKIONGANJ humbly submit this book. It is in part a record of the hours we spent in learning all about our campus, in part an endeavor

KEITH CHUNG Editor, Or,g anizations and Gradua,t es


to be of service to our college. But especially it is an attempt, though words and photos, to present an attractive and authentic picture of the school year and its activities. This staff is especially grateful to Mr. Darrow Fox for the time he ha~ so generously given.

.' •


• •




First Row, left to right: Carmon Coutinho, Louis H. Lenert, Phillip E. Hoi t, Michael A. Warren. Second Row: K eith E. Nelsen, Robert 0. Gavitt, Walter BingZaremba, Bernard H . Freund.

We of the staff like to feel that we have done a good job in representing the students here at Tech. It has been the object of the paper to arouse student interest where interest was lacking, to promote the school spirit and to bring the student closer to the problem he will face in his profession upon graduation. Above all other things, the interests of Indiana Technical College both locally, nationally and worldwide were kept upperrnost in mind because we believe in Tech and have faith in the principles upon which it was founded. Criticisms, where criticism was warranted, was intended to make Tech a better collegf"-eone which we can be proud of.

Executive Meeting


1. \-' il ~

.~ '



Working? ? ? ?



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Ba llifus, Pa uline Phipps, Mary Anna Lafoon, Verna Mae Huttula, Barbara Jacobson, Dawn Larson, Shirley Linton, J a ne t J edliskowski, Sonya Spoor, Janice Camden, Jennifer Grimm, M a ry L ake, Barbara Chipman, Kathy Irwin, Nancy Aberdschum, Margare t LePa ge, Nancy Clontz. Fourth Row: Patricia L a France, Doris Kostin, Pat Dunne_, Gari Streeter, Catherine Hultquist, Darlene Doll¡ Shelby G~oome, Kumie I\.fclntyre, Shirley T estone: Thelma J?Illon, Ann K obiske, J oan Bennett, J elen Delworth, Ktta Standage, J ea nne Sea graves, Marilyn Hultgren, K a y Acheson; G loria Noel, Virginia Piner.

First Row, left to right: Bushra Haffa r, Marie Higgins, Susie H a tch, President ; Rose T ennies, Vice President; M a ry Stewa rt, Secr etary ; Ramona Wiseman, Treasurer; J a net Abraham , Mickey M cG onegal. Second Row: N ajla J arjour, Mrs. Lon R a nda ll, F aculty Advisor; Ruth Ballentine; Be tty Schooley, Secre ta ry, Summer T erm ; Joan Sch erba n, Lorra ine Wola nske, Rosann Lowry, Pat Tribolet, Sue Casper , N icki T azian, Ca nnela Wellma n, Nancy Bowers, Joa ne U pdegra ff, Mrs. Carl Basham, Faculty Advisor ; T erry Thomas, Eileen Strong. Third Row: Luz d e Sandoval, Owen Ba rney, Dulcie Coonrad, Anne


Tech Wives' booth at the Science Fair and Carnival

The Tech Student Wives' Club is designed to promote acquaintances, and provide social activities for wives of Tech students. Highlighting the year are the semi-annual banquets, at which wives of graduating seniors are presented with ((Wives' Diplomas," or ((PHT"

(Putting Hubby Through)

Degrees. •


The first Indiana Tech Glee Club was formed during the fall of 1958. Since that time some 35 to 40 men have taken the time to rehearse diligently each term to produce a singing organization of which Tech can be proud. Radio and TV programs, appearances at Tech convocations and other college programs, including baccalaureate and commencement twice a year, plus performances at high schools in the Tri-State area are only a small part of the Glee Club's activities. A banquet sponsored by the Engineering Societies of Fort Wayne opening National Engineers Week, two programs for the Fort Wayne Fine Arts Festival, and several trips on the road, including an appearance at the Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, where the above picture was taken, have also been achieved. William S. Hazard, instructor in the Aero Department, trains and is the conductor for the Glee Club. Mr. Lee Melugin has served as President, and the accompanists have been Barbara Modricker and Sally Elliott.


Front Row, left to right: Jesus Rodriguez, Wilbur Wilkinson, Ronald Stubart, William Robb, David Dewoody, William Hazard (Conductor) , Steven Sanford, R ex Stewart, Buddy Lippert, K enneth Woodis, Milford McClung, Gary Winterrowd. Middle Row: Richard Weymouth, Roger Eley, Warren Vogel, Isaiah N onnan, Joseph Longo, John Lambert, Terry Hughes, Tiny Pentheny, Merlyn Bloom, Harlan Jurding, J ames Hult路 gren, Lowell Michaels, Melvin Wessler. Back Row: Julian Houtz, Dick Muir, Lynn McKinney, Gerald Jodon, Anthony Testone, Russell Tro路ester, Alan Curtis, David Graber, Robert Maine, Stephen Charney, L ee Melugin ( President), Robert Bey, Charles Me Vicker, William Hunkler. Accompanist, Barbara Mudricker.



ssoctatton o

First Row, left to right: Martha Szamossi, Bela G. High, M. Saifi, R . D . Lueck, President; R. Bayles, Vice President; R . Jaber, R. Reynolds, Secretary; J. Singla. Second Row: Harry Lentz, E. Sweet, L. Fletcher, D. Fisk, D. Grossmann, Treasurer; D. Woelfel, T . Kilmurry, V. H emming, G. 0. Williams, W. Carroll, R. C. Ruhl, Faculty Moderator. Third Row: B. Masi, A. R. Sukkariyyah, Glen Garrelts, Tony Bettinelli, L . Rash, W. H. Sader, R. F. D eckham, W. A. Chambers, A. L. McDonald, A. W. Gillman, R . Knapp.

The Association of Civil Engineers of Indiana Technical College is an organization of students and faculty from the Civil Engineering Department. The club has one field trip each term, a mid-term party, a banquet in honor of all the seniors of the club, and an award given to the outstanding graduating senior each tertn.









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The Student Section of the Audio Engineering Society enables Tech students interested in Audio Engineering, either as a career or as a hobby, to exchange ideas, and to learn of new developments in the field. Members of the Student Section hold the grade of Student Member in the Audio Engineering Society, and as such, receive full benefit of membership in that organization.


First Row, left to right: Stephen S. Sanford, Treasurer ; John F. Scott, Chainuan; David Babcock, Secretary. Second Row: W. F. Botts, W. H . Rushton, L . L. Fleck, R. Wiseman, L . T . Dreiband. Third Row: J. L. H ernandez, J. F . Moore, J. M. Rockwell, Co-chairman; J. A. Betram, W. Strandberg.

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First Row, left to right: J ohn R . Cochran, Faculty Advisor; Wahling Ng; Ramesh L. M ehta, R on V. TraS. Abdul-Rahman, han, Ahmed C harles T . Dils, Joseph Cranmer, Faculty Advisor. Second Row: I. D. Bhargava, Thomas Lembke, J ames Shearer, Ronald Cloutz, Acham S. Chow, Gary Winterroud, Stanley Soodeen. Third Row: William Wright, Alan S. Gould, Seung W . Lyu, Rogal A. Ru tt, Anthony Mucciardi, C harles Denton.



The purpose of the Chemical Engineering Society is to disseminate knowledge pertaining to the theory and practice of chemical engineering and its applied fields and to further professional development of the students. Membership is open to any student in chemical engineering.


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The Indiana Tech Electrical Association is an affiliate of the Atnerican Institute of Electrical Engineers. Membership is open to any student enrolled in the electrical or electronic departments. The purpose of the association is to promote new interests in electrical engineering and prepare the student for his profession by sponsoring field trips and informal discussions with professional men ·from industry.



Kneeling: B. Cespedes, J. Stevens. First Row, standing, left to right: D. M cCook, G. Tyndall, Vice President; D . Reith, Treasurer ; B. Higgins, Secre tary; M . Wessler, President; C. Rilling, K . White, P. Knapp, K. Glazier , J. Agliers, E. Devlin, Faculty Advisor. Second Row: R. Speckman, L. Gupta, S. Ahmad, J. Hu tlgren, J. Purselis, W. H errmeyer, R . Schooley, D . M cCarthy, H. Caso, T. Paide, G . Irwin.





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Seated, left to right: Schureck, A. Trigonis, C. Cain, Faculty Moderator ; R . Fulop, Chainnan ; E. H . T ennies, Vice Chairman; C . B. Lafoon. Second Row: J. R . Dangler, R . J. Smith, E. S. Nishiie, G. K. Thomas, R. N. Wiseman, A. B. Huttula, J. N. Ba llentine. Third Row: ]. R . Grimm, M . T eal, R . L. Dennis, R . C . Small, R . Haxes, C. E. Drew, H . A. Harp, M . Dillon.



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The purpose of the Electronic Engineering Society is to advance and stimulate interest in electronic engineering and its allied fields. The Society provides electronic engineering students with an opportunity to hear qualified speakers from industry, and to tour plants of companies engaged in the design and production of electronic •

equtpment. •


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The Institute of Aeronautical Sciences is the representative society for engineers, designers, and technical specialists in all the sciences telated to the design and development of airborne craft. Student membership provides the student engineer or scientist with broad opportunities to engage in activities associated with their future •

careers m avtatton.


First Row, left to right: David L. Vidito, Vice Chainnan; John F . DeG eorge, Secretary; J erome Widmer, Treasurer; H erbert C. March, Chairman. Second .Row: Mike Warren, Frank B. Vanadia, Larry Lines, James Norris, Herbert C. Legg~ Fred L. Hurhan, E. A. Pentheny. Third Row: Wing Eng, Frank Patten, Joseph Walko, Dennis Agler, Charles Lamb, Ronald Hobiske. Fourth Row: William H azard, Faculty Moderator; L. R. Day, H. A. Smith, R. L. Lancaster, Bob Ashby, C . W. Johnson. Fifth Row: L. Winslow, H. Oda, R . Beckert, Robert Beech , Ken Strong, H. L. Allen.

First Row, left to right: Dennis M. J ensen, J ames W. Ting, Treasurer ; William R. Nusedorfer, Vice Chairman; L ee W. Benedic t, Chairman; Richard E. Couture, Secretary; John R. K ennedy. Second Row: Edwin A. Smith, Allyn L . Pontius, John L. O'Donnell, Chuck T . Clevenger, Robert M. Winslow, John S. L eyse, Sylvester J. Aman, Thomas L. Koch , Arnold R. Gahlinger, Harold A. Be tka. Third Row: Richard W. Gasdorf, Oswald J . Guada, M elvin W . Eva ns, Morris J . Ditlinger, Edward R. Wiemann, R obert V. MacDonald, Glenn R . Hudson, Jay R. K elchner.

Members of the Mechanical Engineering Club are local affiliates of the Fort Wayne Branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME. The objectives of the club are to advance, promote, and teach new phases of mechanical engineering. Programs include talks by experienced


engineers, and field trips to industries in the Tri-State area.





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The Society of Automotive Engineers is an affiliate of the National Society of Automotive Engineers, and is sponsored by the Mechanical Engineering Department. Membership is open to all engineering students who are interested in the advancement of the automotive industry.


First Row, left to right: H owa rd M a cklin , Faculty Advisor ; Rudolph O pderbeck, Ernest M asza rello, Treasurer ; J a n Sn1ith, R ona ld Dup uy, President ; R onald C laes Dimitris Loukid is, Connie Wester, Alla n Leonard. Second Row: All yn Pontius, R onald Cowa n , Pa ul M cCrillis, Vyta u tas Mickevicius, Sylves ter Aman, Pa ul M err ima n, Peter Schroed er , Ri cha rd Weymouth, J ohn W elling, J a n K errebyn, Jr., Robert Little, .James Lewis, J ohn O ' Donnell. Third Row: D onald T erry, Fred Copema n D emetrius Sca ntzos, J ames T ennies, Carl ton Duncan, Ernest Groome, Oswaldo Guad a, George Till.




-Front Row, left to right: Bart Bowers, F. V. Pfafman, Lee Heydrick, Jerry Salter, Rudy Hellmold, D. Loukidis, D. Scantzos. Second Row: Glen Garrelts, R. C. Guard, G. H. Horsch, R. W. Powell, G. Scott, G . D. Brewster.

The purpose of the Society of American Military Engineers is to advance knowledge and understanding of the science of military engineering in connection with its service to the United States of America. All full time students are eligible for admission as student members of the national organization .




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The purpose of the Kekionga Amateur Radio Club of Indiana Technical College is to promote amateur radio activities among inter· ested students of the College and to bring together students who have an interest in the practical appreciation in communications. To qualify for membership a person must be a student or faculty member of the College and must have a Federal Communications Commission License ranging from novice to advanced.


First Row, left to right: Mr. Cochran, Faculty Advisor; Darrell Richards, Bill Frisbee, Jesse Durbin. Second Row: Al Bjorling, Hank Corson, Ton is Paide, Daryl Waite, D ennis Cowdrjck.

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The I.T.C. Flying Club, largest and most active student body group, is composed of sixty members. The Club owns two planes, a Cessna 140, and a Cessna 120; both are hangared at Smith Field. Day and night, local and cross-country flights are made at a very slight expense to the members. The Club was formed to make flying possible for the students who own licenses, and qualified instruction possible for the students who wish to obtain a license at reasonable cost. The Club operation is solely supported by members' dues . •


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Seated, left to right: Robert Maine, Larry Sterling, Charles Kernick. Standing: Thomas Cassidy, James Dohne r, Fern LaR ochelle, Stephen Nemeth.

The Indiana Technical College Weight-Lifting and Body-Building Club was formed four years ago. One of the services offered by this organization is that of instructing students in the art of weightlifting and body building. During the previous year, the Oub has had entries in the A.A. U. odd-lift meet at Indianapolis, and the Northern Indiana Olympic life meet at East Chicago. At the A.A. U. meet, first and second places were won by members Robert Maine and Frank Stomel, respectively, in the 132 pound weight class. A fifth place was won by Frank Stomel at the Northern Indiana Olympic meet.

Frank Stomel works out



First Row, left to right: Louis Shehade, Farouk Hamoui, Mohamed Shashani, Nour Adra, Antoine Nimeh, Marwan Ghamian, Adel Nabhan. Second Row: Khairalla Moussa, Jamal Qatato, Abdul-Rahman Sukkariyyah, Ghassan Shoushani, Adnan Kayyal, Khalid Ismail. Third Row: Ibrahim Baltagi, Mitri Barghout, Nat Hanano, Mahdi Saifi, Abdul-Sattar M awlawi, John Raffoul.

The functions of the Arab Student Club are the dissemination of true and adequate information about the Arab people, the promotion of better understanding and stronger ties with the American people, and the extension of help and guidar.ce to Arab students at Indiana Technical College. Membership is open to all Arab students and all other students with an interest in the Arab world.



The primary function of the Hawaiian Club is mutual assistance during the course of the members' undergraduate study. This year we attained the distinction of being the only state in the Union to be represented by a student organization at Tech.


Seated, left to right: Richard Hayashi, Thomas Hamada, Prof. Arthur Price, Faculty Advisor; Robert Woo. Standing: Rodney Morimotto, Edward Nishiie, President; Henry Oda, Donald Suzuki, Lawrence Kitsuki, Leonard Nagata, Treasurer ; Robert Tanaka, Yoshio Kawamoto, Benny 0. Cespedes, Thomas Asato.

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Seated, left to right: L . D. Gupta, J . L . Singla , Secretary; C . Coutinho, President; M. J a na, J oint Secre tary. Standing: 0 . P. Singla, Khetani, ] . S. Sekhon, S. S. Padam, J. S. Kalouria, K . S. Sandhu, J. P. Singh.


Mutual understanding, and social and cultural relations among the Indian students at Indiana Tech and non-Indians are the aims of the India Association. All Indian students are encouraged to keep in close contact by joining the Association .



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First Row, left to right: . J erry Alger, Father M cCormick, Chaplain; Edward P. Guindon, H erbert Carter, Advisor. Second Row: Elston Boutilier, Dick Muir, Winston Wurgler, H enry Corson, J oseph M. Tretter, H erbert Lenzkes, Dennis Cowdrick.

The Canterbury Club is an organization of college students of the Episcopalian faith. The objective of the club is to interpret to member students the meaning and method of full Christian living and to train students in active, intelligent ,church and community leadership. The Canterbury Club rneets at the Trinity Episcopal Church.



Left to right: Farid Jadoon, Muhammad Ashraf, Rafiq Ahmad, Salim Akhtar, Muhammad Nairn.

On September 15, 1956, the Pakistan Students' Association of America, Fort Wayne Chapter, was organized. The purpose of the organization is to create better understanding between Americans and Pakistanis through education and cultural activities, and to promote closer contact and cooperation between Pakistani students.




The Newman Club is an organization funded for the purpose of deepening the spiritual and enriching the temporal lives of its members through a balanced program of religious, intellectual, and social ac•

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The inspiration of the great Cardinal Newman, long an advisor at Oxford University, is the beacon guiding the clubs, which exist at over 300 colleges and universities in the United States


Seated, left to right: Cannen Coutino, Joseph Cranmer, Faculty Advisor; Fr. Eugene Zimmerman, Chaplain ; Jim Bodette, Treasurer ; J erry Monti, Vice President ; John Esser, Richard Fletcher, Secretary; Fra nk Deckelman, Richard Woelfel. Standing: Paul Koob, Richard Voedish, Robert Wise, Joe Walko, Ronald Trahan, John Wallace, Carl Rilling, J oe Gryglewski, Bill Pokrzywka, Mike Bohannon, Abdiel Dimanno, Roy Rutt, Joe Zaleski, John Bertrand, Earl Jones, Pete Hartman, Larry Schuler . President Bill Farley was absent when the picture was taken.



Front Row, left to right: Rudy Chung, Jimmy Quan, Vice President; Edgar L ee, Publications Director; Neville Chung, President; Andrew Wong, Treasurer ; Mr. Chiang K eng Liu, Faculty Advisor; Wee Man Eng, T a i Ching Lee, Don Luke. Second Row: Ernest M a, Wing Eng, Kwong Lun Chiang, Stephen Yong, Hing N in C han, Tai Sing Wong, J oe Liao, Steve Moy, Athletics Director; Chaisum Yau .

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The purpose of the Chinese Club is to develop a better understanding of general culture, and to provide social relationships for students of Chinese descent at Indiana Technical College. Membership is open to all Indiana Tech students of Chinese descent. This year saw no fewer that eight of our members graduating. The graduates were feted at a Chinese banquet given in their honor by fellow members of the club .




The Varsity Club is an association of men who have been awarded varsity letters for participation in inter-collegiate activities at Indiana Technical College. The purposes of the club are to act as a service organization and provide social activities for members in good standing. Membersh~p is open to all students of the college who have been

awarded varsity letters for participation in athletics.


Seating Chart. First Row, .left to right: Nelson Wenerick, Thurman Shelton, K enton Quin t, Bill Carroll, Toiro M a iste, Larry Beerma n. Second Row: Murra y M endenhall, H a rry O keson, Darwin King, R a y R owles, J oe Moore, Sam Walker, Harold Griswold, Secre ta ry ; Bob Wentz, President.

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Seated, left to right: K enneth McCarthy, Mrs. T amar Avneri, Myron R eeser . SPtnding: D avid Babcock, James Wolff, Vice Presid ent; James Wheatley, Vincent Chimelis, Secretary; Phillip Willcox, President; Wayne Blakehedges, Treasurer ; Richard Lieberman, Faculty; Ralph Bracht, F aculty Advisor.

The Physics Club has set as its goal the advancement and diffusion of knowledge of the science of physics and its application to human welfare. Notable lecturers in the field of Physics are presented from •

trme to ttme. The club's laboratory provides facilities for experimental projects.


First Row, left to right: Chuck Broyles, Rodge Schmidt, Bud Streeter, Don Willis, Jon Martinsen, Marty Flanigan, Gene Gulliver.

Third Row, Tom Kilmurry, Dick Cunningham, Mike Flanigan, John Mutkowski, Kemp Stieber, Herb Lenskes, Rodger Allen, Pete Banahoski. Fourth Row: Joe Cozzolino, Dan Lucci, Jim Zofchak, Bill Kunst, Sid Barash. Fifth Row: Milt Spieler, Ron Weaver, Frank Germano, Fra nk Rockas, Dick Walsh, Ray Shirley, Dave Crotty.

Second Row: Tony Staltare, Niel Harrington, Dick Gaudi, Jim Headley, Bob Jackel, George Carrie, C. B. Joyner, Scott Hoeck, York Fischer, Frank Vita, Stuie Langsam.


Beta Chapter of the Alpha Gamma Upsilon was accepted by Indiana Technical College in May, 1932

the first fra-

ternity installed in the College. The aim and purpose of Alpha Gamma Upsilon is summed up briefly in the following passage: tc:This fraternity shall be a secret fraternal organization whose aim and purpose is to promote friendship, comradeship, and mutual understanding among the members; to develop character; to uphold the ideals of the College, and to foster the highest ideals of ,ethical conduct and good " Tom Kilmurry accepting the all sports trophy from Murray Mendenhall.

A stag Smoker







The purpose of this fraternity is to promote fellowship, social, scholastic, and recreational activities for the members in good standing. Membership is open to any student of Indiana Tech who is vouched for by a present member or who is registered on the Tyler's Record of a regularly constituted Blue L.odge within . the Fort Wayne area.

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First Row, left to right: Lawrence Richie, RoBie Pipes, Dr. I. Planck, J ohn Main, Ed Gediman.



Second Row: Martin Donahue, L eon Riggs, Bob Dale, J oe Miller, AI Bjorling, D elbert Case, Bob Keehn.



Iota Tau Kappa is an honorary engineering fraternity whose name symbolizes industry

(Iota) ,

Thrift (Tau), and Knowledge (Kappa). The chief

In order to become a member of Iota Tau Kappa,

objective of this organization is to promote and to

an engmeering student must have a grade-point

inculcate high ideas and attitudes of scholarship

average of 3.5 or more for four terms, not necessarily

among the members of the student body of Indiana

consecutive terms. At least sixteen college credit hours

Technical College.

shall comprise each of these four terms.


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First Row, left to right: Louis H. Lenert, Philip Holt. Second Row: Neville K. Chung, James H. Anson, For-

res t D . C h apma n, H . G a rth McK en, Carl M . Powe, D avid Babcock.


Third Row: Al Torrie, Ed Lorah, Pranas Kizis, John Bagliere, Bob Prather, Richard Northey, Tony Behinelly, Dick Fletcher.

First Row, left to right: John Rankin, Don Moringello, William Buyers, Bernie Res. Second Row: Tony T estone, Tom Sodano, J erry Taylor, Gerald West, Chuck Robson .


Originally organized at Indiana Technical College in January, 1957, as Theta Mu Pi Fraternity, Beta Sigma Tau places special in1portance on three items: EQUALITY, UNDERSTANDING, and UNITY. As the first national fraternity of its kind, Beta Sigma Tau was founded in 1948 to level, not to raise, barriers among men, to provide the atmosphere for cooperation, and to daily practice the golden rule of brothrrhood. A constructive pledge program with no hazing or degradation of any sort as well as special stress being placed on high scholarship as a requisite to a successful fraternity, are an integral part of the program. All members are accepted solely on their own individual worth, regardless of race, color, or creed. It is the aim of Beta Sigma Tau to contribute to the community by helping to prepare better students and better • • ctttzens.

Help Night



Taylor, Alumni Advisor; Richard K. Tobin, Odes J. Kyle, Jr., D ean of Pledges; George Smith, II, Vice Polemarch .

Front Row: Al Richey, Charles Poigna rd . Back Row: Fred Myers, Jr., Polemarch, Orlando L.



Kappa Alpha Psi, a college fraternity now comprised of more than 200 undergraduate and alumni chapters on major campuses and in cities throughout the country, boasts a membership of over 20,000. It was founded in the school year of 1910-1911 on the campus of Indiana University at Bloomington, Indiana. Its constitution is the law of an organization predicated upon, and dedicated to the principles of achievement through a democratic fraternity. Preparation of the coat-of-arms was completed during the summer of 1911 by three of the founders who solicited the aid of a professor of Greek Art at the Indiana University together with that of a professor of Greek at Concordia University, Fort Wayne, Indiana. The second chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi was chartered in 1913.

"A conscientious pledge"

A fraternity brother bites the dust



First Row, left to right: .Bob Bey, Don Leonard, Don Germa n, Vice President; Joe Rosselli, John Conrad.

Third Row: R a y Suhre, Public Relations ; Dick Kosiarek, Secreta ry; Bob Kosiarek, Treasurer; Richie Schienlla, Jim Stevens.

Second Row: Jon Stroup, Don H enderson, President; Bill Gregg, Bill Clark, K eith Frances, Bon Ingraham, Roger Wilson, Chaplain-Historian.

Fourth Row: Bill Halpen, Ace N egretti, Pledgemaster; N elson Wenrick, Tom Noller, Wayne Smith.



The purpose of Kappa Sigma Kappa is to develop and enhance the personality of its members, to encourage good scholarship, broaden outside interests, promote mutual under-


standing and increase loyalty on the part of the fraternity brothers to Indiana Tech. Membership in Alpha Chapter is open to all male students of Indiana Tech.



"Down by the old mill stream"


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First Row, left to right: David Vidito, Jerry Hawk, Vi ce President; Harold Griswold, President; Bill Brewer, Secretary; M aurice Hubscher, Treasurer.

ert, Bryan Grapentine, Warren Rushton, John Semelsberger, Jack Halley. Fourth Row: Ron Dickerson, Dennis Kidd, Conny Copeland, Cal H ensler, Karl Karinch.

Second Row: Toivo Maiste, John Kruse, Jim Arnold, Ed K eener.

Fifth Row: Harry Hartman, Larry Winslow, Smokey Wilson, Kirby Glazier, Darwin King.

Third Row: James Hurt, Morris Ditlinger, John Lamb-






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Kappa Sigma Phi is a social fraternity of coHege men dedi~ated to the promotion of Fellowship, Scholarship, and Sportsmanship. The purpose of this fraternity is to bring together, in close bonds, the brothers of this fraternity ; to assist one another while in school as well as in the business world. Kappa Sigma Phi fraternity has a standing membership of approxitnately forty active members each term. As the turnover in membership is usually large because of the number of members graduating each term, several pledges are accepted for initiation into the fraternity each term.

"Wreeking the green monster"

May I have your signature sir?



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Second Row: j. Toyos, H. Mujica, J. E. Echemendia, S. Estrada, R. Pumarejo, H. Leal, F. McLean, G. O 'Bryne, J. Salazar, T. Ramon.

First Row, left to right: A. Villa, R. Hernandez, M. Del Valle, R. H ernandez, A. Valles.


Phi Iota Alpha is a national fraternity of Latin-American Students in the United States. Nu Chapter, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, has a membership representing eight Latin-American countries. The aims of the fraternity are to unite its members fraternally, stimulate scientific study of the social and economic problems of Latin America, and to serve as an ideological university wherein the student may find a favorable atmosphere for the development of his ideals.

The Halloween "spirit"

Banquet in honor of graduates











First .Row, left to right: Steve Seplak, Dick Voedoisch, Mr. A. Steinbach, Herb March, Joe Zaleski.

Third Row: Bob Wise, Art Newton, Roy Rutt, Art Belisle, Tony ~{ucciardi, Andy Tomko.

Second Row: Eel -McKean, Bill Pokrzywka, Jim Scanlon, Carl Rilling, Charles Hiltunen, Ed Smart, Abdiel Di' manno.

Fourth Row: Terry Hugh~, Jerry Monti, Mike Bohannen, Jim Bodette, Steve Sanford, Joe Gryglewski, Ron Trahan.

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Phi Kappa offers a brotherhood fraternity for the Catholic students at Indiana Tech. Phi Kappa was the name selected by the charter group to serve as the outward sign of an organization that will endeavor to promote conduct consistent with good morals, create at atmosphere which will stimulate substantial intellectual progress, and to promote principles of fraternal loyalty in brotherhood.

"Try again"

"Sweetheart Dance''·







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H einy, Mike Katovich, Dick Muir, Jack Guidish, Bill Strandberg, Harry Keller, Mike Koch, Dennis After, Robert Featheringham, Alumni Secretary; Glen Youngblood.

First Row, left to right: Earlyn Stone, Larry Oglesby, Joseph J ereb, Douglas Emery, Thomas Schauer, Owen Cranston, Dave Paul. Second Row: Lyman Day, Pledgemaster ; Paul ~elton, Business Manager; M el Wessler, Secretary; Frank Vanadia, Chief Engineer; Gene Mars, Assistant Chief Engineer ; Ken White, Guide; Ed Smith, Chaplain.

Fourth Row: Larry Fleck, Sam Reitz, Herbert Legg, Ed Good, Steve Motway, Darryl Bach, Historian; Jerry Widmer, Roger Lee, House Manager; Jack Dierkes, Tom Paragian, ·G eneral Convention D elegate; Gary Ridenour.

Third Row: Mich Storlee, William Willgohs, Richard

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The purpose of Sigma Phi Delta is to promote advancement of the engineering profression; to foster the advancement of engineering education; to instill a greater spirit of cooperation among engineering students and organizations; to inculcate in its members the highest ideals of good citizenship, christian manhood, obedience to law, and to brotherhood; and to encourage excellence in scholarship. The fraternity was founded at the University of Southern California in April, 1924. The membership totals nearly 4,000 engineers and engineering students.


Party time


Wirt Fairman, librarian

Among the memories of college life, the Library remains a pleasant place associated with unhurried study and satisfying research, with soft-spoken and gentle people, and with the smell of new magazines and old books.


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Front Row, left to right: K ent J ohns, K a ye Cloys, Steve H atch, Don L eona rd, Jon Stroup, Robert Hubenthal. Back Row: L arry Beerman, Bill Cole, Rudy Stegelmann, D ale Foster, T on1 Beerma n, Coach Murray M endenhall, Jr.

Senior Kent Johns, guard

Senior Rudy Stegelmann, center




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Pep Talk???

The one that got away

Coach Murray Mendenhal, Jr., after guiding the Warriors thru their fourth successful season, under his direction, announced his decision to retire from the coaching ranks. Coach Mendenhall's knowledge

T. Beerman tries for two points

and skill was one of the foremost factors in building Tech's recognition as a powerful contender in the MID-CENTRAL COLLEGIATE conference. He will be greatly missed. The 1959-60 basketball season saw the Warriors compiling an impressive 18 won- 8 lost record which enabled them to finish second in conference play. By virtue of their outstanding record, the Warriors became the first Tech team to participate in the ROCHESTER INVITATIONAL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT. Top Warrior scorers were seniors Kent Johns and Rudy Stegelmann and junior Tom Beerman. Rudy Stegelmann also led the team in offensive and defensive rebounds, running up the impressive total of 408 for the season. Will it, or won't it?


SEASON RECORD Opponent We Giffin, Ohio ....... . .............. 107 Bliss, Ohio ..................... . . 104 Grace, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 T aylor, India na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 M a ria n, India na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Bliss, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Anderson, India na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Fra nklin, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 N ewa rk, N ew J ersey ............... 99 Tri-State, India na .......... :. . . . . 8 2 Roches ter, N ew York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 M alone, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 H a nover, India na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74


They 39 67 42

Opponent We Huntington, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Tri-State, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 M a nchester, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 L awrence, Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Concordia, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Grace. Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Anderson, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Hunting ton, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Vincennes, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 India na C entral ................... 102 Tri-State, Indiana ................. 83 Concordia, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 La\\'rence, Michigan ............... 101

81 64 93

They 83

75 80 58 65 65

48 93

68 .90 74 47 60 97 84 76 76 70 63


BASKETBALL ROSTER 1959-60 Name Pos. Year Beet tnan, Larry .......................... G 2 Beerma n, Tom ........................... F 2 Cole, Bill ................................ F 2 Foster, Dale ............................. F 1 H a tch, Steve ............................ G 2 Hubenthal, Robert ........................ F 1 Johns, Kent ............................ : G 4 L eonard, Don ........................... G 2 L ewis, Sam ............................. C-F 3 Stegelmann, Rudy ........................ C 4 Stroup, Jon ............................. G 3 Cloys, Kay .............................. G 1

Who's got the ball ?


Age 22 19 20

18 19

23 21 18 23 21 20


Ht. 5' 11" 6' 1" 6' 2" 6' 3" 5' 8"

6' 5' 10" 5' 8" 6' 3" 6' 4"

6' 5' 10" Cheer

Wt. Hometown 190 .......... Hoagland, Ind. 175 .......... Hoagland, Ind. 180 .......... Albion, Ind. 195 .......... New Castle, Ind. 146 .......... Fort Wayne, Ind. 180 .......... Lucerne, Ind. 175 .......... Petroleum, Ind. 145 .......... Bluffton, Ind. 208 .......... Fort Wayne, Ind. 210 .......... Hamil ton, Ind. 165 .......... Fort Wayne, Ind. 155 .......... Jackson, Ind. Le~ders,

Tom Case, Steve Seplak, Tom Hughes

WARRIORS SWEEP TOURNEY Adding to their season's laurels, the Techmen romped off with the championship of the second annual Rochester Invitational Basketball Tournament, by beating the defending champion and host, Rochester Institute of T.echnology, by a score of 84-65. Other victims of the Techmen were the Highlanders of the Newark College of Engineering, 99-58; and a fellow-member of the Mid-Central Collegiate Conference, Tri-State College, 82-65. As quoted from the Indiana Technician, ccThe Techmen ran off with almost everything but the gym's cornerstone." In addition to the trophy won by the team, Kent Johns, Tom Beerman, and Rudy Stegelmann were voted to the All-Technical College first string. Rudy Stegelmann, because of his outstanding performance and sportsmanship, was voted the outstanding player of the tournament.

-,. ,.. ,..

Rudy drives in for two points

Rudy walks off with the outstanding player trophy

Introducing Indiana Technical College

Warriors enjoy victory celebration

Junior Varsity Basketball Team




"The Bench"

ase I

"Pitcher Hap Headlough"


With hopes of rebuilding the team for the future, the Warriors, aided by the coaching talents of Murray Mendenhall Jr., embarked on a 15-game schedule, including 10 Mid-Central Conference games, against Concordia, Grace, Huntington, and Tri-State Colleges. With an impressive 7 won- 3 lost record, Tech finished a close second to Huntington in Conference play. Jack Barker, shortstop, topped the team in hitting by finishing the season with a .429 average. The pitching squad was paced by Dave Lewis with a 3 won, no loss record. With only a few men lost to graduation, the future looks bright for '61.





CONFERENCE SCHEDULE AND RESULTS Concordia . . . . . . . . . . . 7;

Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Concordia . . . . . . . . . . . 8;

Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1;

Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Grace .............. . 2;

Tech .............. 15

Huntington ........ . . 3·

Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Huntington . . . . . . . . . . 2;

Tech. . . . . . . . ..... 10

Tri-State ............ 18;

Tech .............. 10

Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0;

Tech .... ...... .. .. 20

Huntington . . . . . . . . . . 7;

Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Concordia . ......... . 5·

Tech .. .. .......... 10



Won 7;

Lost 3 Infielder, Jack Guidish

Front Row, left to right: Hap H eadlough, J ohn Sem elsberg er; D on Fry, Thurman Shelton, Pra nas Kizis, D arwin King. Second Row: Dave L ewis, Skip Cloys, R on Gustin, Norb R omie, Wayne Beck, K ent K elly _ elson Wenrick. Third Row: Coach Murray M endenhall, Larry Beerman, K elly H effn er J ack Guidish, J oe M oore, J ack Barker, Bob Hubenthal Ri ck Gesue.








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Front Row, left to right: Charles K erzetskic, Bill Buyers, Steve Hoover, Charles Kitchen, Rudy Stegelmann, John Grasberger. Second Row: John Meshberger, lvars V eldra, Jame s Zofchak, John Bagliere, Ernie Young, Senny Lyn, AI Mainwaring, Gilbert B a umgartner, Coach .

The ((never say die" spirit of Tech's Track Team, coached by Gilbert Baumgartner, was not quite enough to compensate for the apparent lack of team strength. Winless in all five scheduled meets, Tech -came closest to victory in a dual meet with Manchester College. Although Tech won eight of the fifteen events, Manchester defeated the Warriors 70.5 to 60.5 by taking the first three places in the pole vault and by getting a break when Techman John Meshberger stumbled and fell while on the way to victory in 220-yard low hurdles. Top performer of the season was I vars V eldra, a blue-ribbon winner eleven times over in the discus,

shotpu t, and javelin throws. As Tech's singular en try in the Intercollegiate Track and Field meet at Notre Dame, V eldra took fourth place in the shotput, fourth place in the javelin, and third place in the discus throw, giving Tech seventh place against such competition as the Big Three Indiana University, Notre Dame, and Purdue. Sixteen colleges participated. Other event winning_ Warriors during the season were Larry McLaughlin, 440; Havey Baker, mile; Ernie Young, high-jump; Ab Mainwaring, 2-mile; John Meshberger, high hurdles; Kent Johns, mile and 2-mile; and Forrest Williams, broad jump.


Front Ro~·, left to right: M elville Chung, Arthur Puccetti, Rafeek Mohammed, John Rollins, Daniel Sayre. Back Row: Jairo Sandaval, Tom Noll, Charles Brothers, George Osipon, H enry Wall, Bill Warner, Garth McKen Frank McKenn• 1ng.

enctn As the game composed of mind, spirit, and muscle, fencing demands intense concentration, strength~ and quickness of both n1ind and body. In tournament fencing a team must compete in three weapons the foil, the epee, and the sabre. Each has its own set of rules. Under the expert coaching of Henry E. Wahl, Indiana Tech has competed with schools such as Indiana University, Notre Dame, University of Chicago, and the University of Detroit. Soccer, perhaps the fastest growing sport at Indiana Tech, demands a great amount of team work and skill. Coach Robert Leffers expert guidance has developed the teamwork, brought out the skill, and has successfully molded Indiana Tech into. a strong contender in intercollegiate soccer. The past season saw Tech compile a won and 3 lost record against outstanding competition which included the University of Chicago and Michigan State University. The future season will see Tech go into even stiffer competition as Purdue and Indiana University have been added to the schedule.







Left to Right: Holt Toney, Stan Harper , Hank Kostin, Bob Ashby, Don H enderson, Coach Ben Dow. Missing from picture is D ean H eaton and Joe Boone.

Under the Tutelage of Benjamin Dow, the Tech golf team wound up the season with an impressive 6-2 record and placed 8th out of 19 teams in the Indiana Collegiate Conference Tourney. • In the Mid-Central Conference Tournament, Tech not only placed second, but senior Joe Boone gained recognition by capturing Med~:ist honors for lowest score in the tourney. Three returning members of last year's Varsity Tennis Team were the nucleus for the 1959 tennis squad, which wound up the season with a 2 won- 5 lost record. Rollie Pipes was the key man in getting the team well organized. A fine ne\vcomer to the team was Kelly Heffner, who played in the Number 1 P osition during the latter part of the season. Art Firtion and Jack Updeg raff were also newcomers to the team, and we should hear much from these n1en during the next Varsity Tennis Competition. Much rebuilding of the team will have to be done with the graduation of Rollie Pipes, Olwen Legall, and Sarkis Garbibian.

Left to Right: Art Firtion, Jack Updegraff, Rollie Pipes, Olwen L egall, Coach Ben Dow. Missing from picture is Sarkis Garibian, Kelly Heffner.

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