Kekiongan 1957

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EDITOR • Richard E. Bender ASSISTANT EDITOR • Ronald L. Gould PORT

• Robert Bryan

PHOTOGRAPHY • Photoa·eflex Studio, Wolf & De auer; Neun1an Studio; Walter Studio; Robert Gatz; Larry Shrout •


DatTow Fox, Dar]

CLUB AND ORGANIZATIONS • Holly Young, Hal Weidner FACULTY ADVISOR • Mr. Darrow Fox


the July l t Convocation, President K een e r eceived the k eys to the ivy¡ cover ed hall from Concordia s Pre ident H erbe rt G. Bre dem ever . •

The sp eech es wer e about the history of the Campus and the future of Indiana T echnical College.

v From the beginning

Indiana Tech has dreamed of its

own campus. Now that dream is a reality. On July l , 1957, the College formally took po e ion of its new home. The move to the new can1pu marks another milestone in the progress of Indiana Technical College. Immediately a gr eat transfor1n ation tarted taking place. The old i giving "\tVay to the ne,.v! Rebuilding on the turdy -

foundations of the past

the Indiana Tech campus i

rising and growing into a plant of beauty and efficiency. All these changes were made possible by the Charle A. Dana Foundation, the Fort Wayne community, and the Indiana Tech Alumni. Thi generosity has, not only helped to make Indiana Tech an even greater college, but has thus served the cause of free rnen everywhere. 3






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President Keene prepares to leave the old campu for the new.

"There can be no progre

without chang . There can be no progre ive

change without coura geou deci ion. Abotlt three year ago Indiana T echnical College made it deci ion. The new campu wa purcha ed. On July 1, 1957, the college forn1ally took po e ion, and i now proudly widening it

cope of

service to students, the alun1ni and it friend . The future of Indiana Tech is wholly one of progre . Thi impose upon Tech a great re ponsibility and challenge. We face the future with the full knowledge that we can achieve our goal only with the help and prayer of our loyal student , alun1ni and friend . W e look forward to the day when Indiana Tech will stand on the highe t pinnacles of education and ervi ce. W e have made our 111ove. We will not fail. ' ARCHIE

s SSA Mr. Overholt; Ken Sickler, Director of the Advancement Program; and President Keene discuss Tech' future.




I NEZ M. PO TIU R egi trar

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C. A. OVERHOLT Treasurer and Busi11ess Manager

MEDFORD MAXWELL Assistant to the President



MAC A. F ELBER Assistant Busin ess M anager and Direc tor o f Prlrcha es



A dn1-inistrative E n gineer














R e gistration at H eadquarte r ' te nt on campu

Aluntni lunch eon



··=· ' .






Aer onautical Engineering has made 1non1entou tride in the 54 years since the first flight of ince the Wright heavier-than-air 1nachines. Brother fir t airplane t o today's supersonic fighter ., the aircraft industry has seen man y changes. T oday aircraft designers and builder work as a tean1. Individual engineers concentrate their effort on n1all phases of the overall proj ect, r eultin g in a co1n plicated but efficient design. More and m ore scientific knowledge i necessary to keep pace vvith to da y~s advanced aircraft. The irnportance of basic knowledge in the fi elds of 1n athernatics, physics and mechanics i becon1ing 1nor e apparent. The Aer onautical Department at Indiana Technical College strives to have the student '"'ell prepared in the basic cience befor e the advanced aer onautical topics are undertaken . graduate with a B.S. degree in Aeronautical Engineering n1ay enter many phases of the aer onautical field. The ever increasing advances in the field of aer onautics, such as the earth satellite proj ect, will continue to offer a challenge to the engin eers of the present and future.

PRO FE . ._ OR B E:N,JA)IJX L. DO'V H e ad, Aeronautical E n g·ineering D ep a rh11 ent.



B E:NN E TT L. 1'-E JIP A i tant Pr of ~ ·ot·

'YILLIA::\1 . HAZZARD In truc tor


A.eronautical e ngineering student at work in Aero d e ign lab.

Aero students discu ssing model of new wind tunnel to be installed in the n e w e nginee ring laboratory building.







. .·.•

DR. TOD B. DIXON H e ad, Ch e n1i<'al E nginee ring

engineerin g~

such as Gas~ Metallurgical Cera1nics and P etro-

Chemical Engineering, has advanced rapidly.

leun1. Because of its being the basic technology

One of the newest branches of

Practically all indu try jn son1e stage of process-

underlying the develop1nent and operation of vir-

ing, development, or Inanufacturing must depend upon men with a knowledge of ch emistry. T oday

tually all industry, Chen1ical Engineering will r eal-

there are highly specialized and diversified fields

ize even greater gr owth in the years to co1ne.

JO EFH ,Y. CRAN l\lER A si tant Profes or

JOHX C O C BRE~ Assistant Professor


Future Ch emical Engineer s work in Lab

Floor Plan for n e w Chemical Engineering Lab













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safety ladder

steel Qrotin floor


PROFESSOR ROB E R T C. RtTHL H ead. Ci \'ll E n g·ineering· D e parhne n t

1'he development in the variou branches of en-

ods and ideas. Even though Civil Engineering is

gineering has created n ew problems in the design the oldest of the fields of engineering, it continues and construction of buildings, highways, airports, to gr ow and develop and pr ovide opportunities for

and other structures. The Civil Engineer is meet-

1nen of vision.

ing the demands of our present age with new m eth-

D O~

BER GE U Ins tru ctor


l\l c A N I~I S

L ecturer


)l EL YIN H. ROD E ~B EC I( In h ·u c t•1r






PROFE. SOR RICHARD D. DERMER Hea(l, E le dri(.'al E ng路ineering D e partn1 e nt

1'he increa ing utilization of electrical power

trois, as evidenced by tod ay'

automation. The

in thi s country makes jn1n1en e de1nands on the skill and creative ability of the Electrical Engineer Profes ional Electrical Engineer. H e must know transform s theoretical knowledge into practical

h ow to elect~ design '"'ork out econ omics and pro-

service to meet the challenges of the future.

duction. He i the mastermind in the field of con-

JOHN " 'BITNE Y A s i tant Profe sor

1\IA U RICE A. Il\IMON A i tant Pr<Jfes or










PROFE._._OR RALPH . . AR . 0 ~ 1l eac.l, E lect r onic E n g ineerin g路 De partm ent

such r ealm a guided 1n i iles, radar, color tele-

Ele troni Engineering L a highly pecialized

computer s, r adio communica-

bran h of Electrical Engineering. T he i1nportance

vi ion electroni

of electronic in indu try ha gr own t o such an

tion and atomic energy. The Electronic Engineer-

extent that electronic is recognized a a field of

ing curriculu1n is planned to specialize a funda-

engineering in its own right. To the Electronic

n1ental knowledge of electrical engineering t o sci-

Engineer i attributed out tanding development in

entific application in the field of electronics.

R AY KING Instructor

A R T H U R B . PRI E A i tant Profe or


• •

Moving into

Han~ ey


Moving from downtown



The fi eld of Mechanical Engineering is so broad that no 1nan can be an authority on all of it branche . Con equentl _ Mechanical Engineer tend to beco1ne specialist

in chosen bran hes.

Therefore. the student is given a thor ough background in the basic sciences. This field is ver y xten ive. for practicall y ever y n1anufactured article r equires the ser vices of 1nechanical en gineer s both in the design of the n1achine on '.vhich it is m ade and in the p r oduction of the article on tho e n1achines in the factor y. DR. IYAN A . PLANCK H ead, )Jechanical E n g inee ring



HO,\"ARD l\l ACliLI ~ .A s i ' tant Profe o r

H OB E R T R. )JAR HAI,L A - is tan t Profe or

A s i tant Prof e s or

F RITZ E RLE R Ins tru ctor

CL E O Q U I NN Ins tru c tor

ROBE RT D. :S"l'DER In -true tor


Thirty-three enior Me bani al Engineering tudent and two profe or vi ited SURF ACE COMBUSTION in Toledo October 5.

The group vi ited five tation et up b pla11t per onnel to illu trate the engineering a pect of the company' operation . M.~.

Mr. C. C. yke explains how the company applie its engineering knowledge to automated machinery. M•·· Bob E colt explains plant layout.

Paul Hem explain and answer s ques tions on the air-conditioning and drying proces e • Mr·. Robert Pon1eroy explain and di cu e comhu tion problems with tude nt •



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DR. 'VIL LIAl\1 E . DONAH UE H ead, Ch e tnistry D epart.ue nt

fr on1 proce

Chen1istry i one of the fundan1ental c1ences,

control and analysis to the 'glan1or"

in1portant both in that it underlies all phases of

fi elds of nuclear science and radioactive tracer

1nodern living and in its own r.ight as a field of

techniqu e~

en1ployn1ent for the several hundred thousand

the£is of vital drugs . pla~tics. and explosives.

bi ochemical research , and organic s yn-

A1nerican chen1i t . Its scope include everything

( 'HARLE D. DILTS Le(·turer

UOBERT J. S \\' I~DELI.. Ins truc tor




\\- EIN~TE I~

A ssis tant Professur

Cle an-up day.

A little h e at.

The book sa ys - - - - -

T en-drops only.


A Engineering Drawing is a de criptive graphical lan guage

u ed


en gineer


designer s

through out the world to expre : develop, and record their ideas and infortnation. Men of indu try have indicated that Engineering Drawing i n ot onl

i1np o rtant~

but ab olutely nece ar y.

tudent need a thor ough gr ounding in the fundan1entals of science and communication and sh ould be trained early in the engineering approach for the solution of problen1s. They mu t ha ve training in pace visualization: they n1u. . t develop their po,\'er

of analysis and synthe i : they mu . . t be

given experience in cr eative thinking at the start L EE F . B E R :NH A RDT H ead , E ngineering Drawing

of their college work路 and their abilities to develop and record ideas must be constantly challenged.

'"fiLLIAl\1 R. DA NFORD L ecturer

The Engineering Drawing room on the new campus is large and we ll lighted.




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1\IARY E. \l"Eil\IER A sociate rrofe or Head, E n g lis h Depart'm t>nt

1\IARGARET HUFF Assi tant Professor Engli h

\l"ILLIAl\1 R. APPLEGATE Lecturer, Developn1ental Reading an<l EngUsh

ABA TIRLING Lecturer, En gli ~ h

FLORENCE HOUIGRE:S Le<'tut路er, E ng:i s h


Le<路hlt'er, E n g lis h

HELEN RIORDAN Lecturer, E 'n g lis h


EARL D. 1\IA YER Assistant Professor E nglis h

DAnno"路 Fox Assistant ProfE-ssor l>eve loa)lnental Reading路 nnd English



In o ur cotnplex society, scientific pr og r e8s depends on the 1nathen1atician, the eng ineer" a nd !nan y other sci enli ~ ts ''r~1 o~e p r in1 a r ) tool is 1na th-

e rn atics. rfhc De pa rt n1ent of M athetn a tic3 offer s

a 'rcll r o un d ed

co ur~ c

{o r t he yo un g n1 ath en1 a ~ i-

cian. as ' vell as th e e ~ sential n1athe1natic fo r the

en gineerin g, ph ysics and chen1istry tud ents. DR.RALPHW. Y OUNG H ead i\Iath D e partme nt

('HARLE . R. CARR A ssoc iate Professor

~I U RH .\



~-\ ssis tant


F U ED H .

C RO ~ I~ GE R

L e<: turer


RADO:-iAV RAKE TIC Ins truc tor

L E O ~ .-\RD A s ~i ~h\ nt

R . E TTE U J>ro fessor

HTCHARD E . S ARBE R Ins truc tor


R OB E R T G. HO E H N .A s ~i s tant

J>rofe , so r

R U TH ~ PR E tT ER l .. e<•turt>r

\. l~ OR GE .-\ ~N A

HODGSO N Lec ture •·

G .-\RYER C'. \l'RIGHT .-\ ~s:s tant

l'rof es!'t~: r



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DR. RALPHW. YOUNG Head, Phrsics Department


Therefor e, Indiana T echnical College 1neets the

then this is the age of physics nuclear weapons

n eed for training in physics by offering basic and

and n1achine are product of the phy ics labora-

advanced courses designed to prepare a student

tor y. Each n ew day finds the physicists of our na-

either for direct participation in industry or for

tion ever widening h orizons of n1an s knowledge.

a cientific career of the n1or e traditional t ype.

If, a has been said, this is the aton1ic age


ociate Profe


CHARLE ECKl\IA:N, JR. L ecturer

RALPH " ' 路 BRACHT A i taut Professor



)IE REDITH l{ELLOGG Ins tructor

Simmering B ee-Bees ?

E yeball unde r strain-Wire under te n sion. .

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"Kickoff" dinner~ January 29 ~ 1957. Left to right: C. V. Sorenson~ Charles A. Dana, and Presid en l Keene .

ANA Pt·oposed new Engineering and Science Laboratory Building •


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In n1any way -- a library is like a bank~·

yet infinitely more valuable.

.· .

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library i

the con11non repo itory of all of n1an' idea --, in piration , and deed . On record here i the tory of all a pects of th e development of ivilization. All advancement in knowledge and progre

in civilization must begin here.

\YIRT F . -\ . IR ~L<\ ~ A ' Sis tant Profe or, H ead , Library

The great consulting room of the wise 1nan is the library.


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Mr . Mona Turpin, As i tant L ibrarian

Mr. Fairman d escribes the operation of n e w Ve rifax machine which can make r eproduc tio n of any book or magazine .

from the page








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Type.. o [ R ~ea rch and De el pn1en t \Vo rk 1 erut 1natic elec tronic contr L.

forn1 d-

le t equip n1ent t o rn eet

u ... t 111

EM . STM. A A peci-

fications anal tical chen1i try. ele tri al con1ponent ... . fu el anal y es rnechanical on1po n nt . con1-

1 r ..... ion.


n .. ion. strain . . tre

te3tin g hi gh-h·e-

g uenc ' hea tin g . . . Lructura 1 de. . ign. n vironJnental Rl H:\ RD D. D E R i\I E R J> rof t·~ ... o r. Dire<· t o r of R esearc h and D e·\' el opme nt

t ... tin g. applied n1athem a tic . .

T e ting a n e w Voltage R egulator for motor g e net·ator.


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Sihle r Hall's fir t r eside nts wer e J. B. Sumrall, K e ndall Klo n e r , Donald S te wart, James R eese, a nd K en Paschall, Counsellor.

With the b eginning of the Fall T erm, one hundre d and twe lve students moved into Sihler Hall.

First Row:

Phi Delta, Chief E ngineer· Student Co uncil, Secretary ; Fir~ t Assist. Editor Technician Staff.

'IlCHAEL E. AKAMI E, B.S .. El. E.; B.S.E.E .; Ft. W ayne, In d. JO SE R . AZORES, B. .El.E. · San P ab lo, Philippines; E.E. .

DALLAS W . BREEDE , B.S. 1.E.; Barbour ville, Va. ; }fech. Club; K appa Sigma Phi ; S.A.E., Secretary.

MAX E. BA U~I GARDNES, B.S.M .E.; Yoder , Ind.; Alpha Gamma Up ilon ; Student Council vice-president; Varsity Basketball, 3 yrs.; Varsity Baseball , 2 yrs.; Pre ident's Li t (2) ; Junior Class Pre id ent ; enior C l a~- Pre ident.

JOHN F. BRENNE , B.S.C.E. ; i aga ra F all , rn a up s1·1o n ; A .C . E . ·, ewma n Club.

GEO RGE K . BL E B . .lVI.E. ;

T hird Row:

an Diego, Calif.

DA Y CARTA , B . . E.E. ; Club ; Male Choru .

Second Row: RAYNIO D H . BO D, B.S .E.E. ;

fcH enry, Ill. ; A .I.E.E. · Flying

RALPH E. CASE, B. .E.E .; W iUshire. Ohio: tudent Council: Pre ident' Li -t.

ewberry, 1\llich.; Al EE.

J O EPH F . BOWERS, B . .El.E. ; Frostburg, Md . ; E .E.S .;

.Y. ; Alpha Gam-

igma Phi Delta ;

RA Y~IOND E . CLARK, B. .M.E. ; Fremont, Ohio; A.S.NI.E.; .A.E.; K appa Sigma Phi. RAYl\lfO D L . COLECHIA, B. . l\II.E.; ~~I:-s ti c, Conn .; Trea urer; S.A .E.



First Row:

J OH1 R. FRAZIER, B . .:YI.E. ; Ga llipolis, Ohio; A.S.lvf.E.

ROBERT L. COLLARD, B.. EL.E.; J ackson, Nfi ch .; K .A.R.C., Treasurer; Intramural Basketball.

AKIHAR U F UK U IOTO, B. .Ae.E.; Honolulu , Oahu T .H.: I.A.S.; I ota Tau Kappa ; L A. . Schola tic Award ; Honor Roll

(9). JOHN U. COO, B.S.C.E. ; Iloilo City, Ph ilippines; A.C.E. JORGE DAVIN, B.S.M.E.; Mexico. D.F ., Mexico; S.A.E.; Flying Club; President's List (4).

Third Row: JOH N GRUSHA , B.S.M.E. ~ Green Spring, W.Va . ; A.S.M.E. : S.A.E. ; Student Co uncil ; Pre ident's List (2).

LAWRENCE J. DRA CHAK, B.S.M.E. ; Scranton , Pa. ; A .S.~.LE. , President; S.A.E.; Kappa Sigma Phi, President: Inter-Fraternity Council, Treasurer ; F encing Club ; Pre id ent's Li t (3) ; Open House Gen. Asst.

PHILIP M. GUSTIN, B.S.C.E.; Antwerp , Ohio; Var ity Baskethall. RI CHARD H. HART, B.S.Ae.E.; Gard ena, Calif. ; A.R.S.

Second Row: JOSEPH E. DYER, B.S.E.E.; Dull in, Ind.; Pre ident's List ( 1 ) Honor Roll (5). DANNY Y. ENG, B.S.E.E.; B.S.EL.E.; A.I.E.E.; E.E.S.; S.A.E.

ROGER J . HAYES, B.S.M.E.; Lancaster , Wis. ; A.S.M.E .; S.A.E. : President's List ( 6) ; Iota Tau Kappa Honor Roll ( 1).


ew York City, N.Y. ;


First Row: LUI S J UA

licity Director and Chairman ; S.A.R.E.; A.E.S.; A.R.S. ; Student路 Council 路 Pre id en t' Li t ( 2) .

HILGERT-PER A, B. . ELE.; La Punta , CaJlao, P eru .

WALTER J . JA 1KOWSKI, B .. El.E.; B.S.E.E.; orwich , Co nn .~ Sigma Phi Delta; ewman Club: tudent Council ( 1) ; Intramural oftball ; Bowling Club .

THOMAS T. HIRO AGA, B.S.Ae.E.; H onomu , H awaii : I.A .. : Bowlin g Club ; Pre ident' List (2). GEORGE A. HOEGLER, B.S.lVI.E.; Brooklyn 37, Gamma Up ilon ; H onor Roll (2).

. Y.; Alpha

DALLAS J. HOLLlVIA , B.S.E.E. ; Ft. Way ne, Ind .

Third Row:

Second Row:

JA IES P. KE DLE. B.S .El.E.; lVIi hawaka, Ind.: Student Coun cil; Pre ident's List (7); H onor Roll (3); Student In tructor for RE-lOlA and RE-lOOA.

ROBERT C. HOLMES. Draftin g Degree ; A.SJvLE.; Bowling Club. JAMES M. HOWELL, B. . l\ILE.; Bainbridge


W <1yne, In d .: RAY J . KI G, B.S.El.E.; ~~I ontro e, Colo.; A .I.E.拢 .; Sigma Phi Delta; Iota Tau K appa; Studen t Council (3), Treasurer (2) ; Male Choru : Intra mural Golf ; Student Instr uctor-A~f-41 (2).

Ga. : A . .l\II.E

HAROLD E. H U T , B. . El.E.; Huntington. Ind .: E.E.S. Pub-


CHARLES D. KYLER , B.S.iVI.E. ; Clearfield, Pa . ; A.S.M.E.; Flying Club, Treasurer路 Ianager of I.T.C. Ba eball T eam. THEODORE LEGAKIS, B.S.C.E.; President s Lis t (2).

s 40

Brookl yn,

.Y.: S.A.M.E.;

First Row:

CALIXTO MEJIA -CASTRO, B.S.C.E. ; Valledupar-Magdalenu , Colombia, S.A.; Newman Club ; Soccer; Fencing.

NOEL E. LEITZMAN, B.S.Ae.E.; Ladora, Iowa; I.A.S.; ViceChairman; K.A.R.C., Treasurer ; President's List (5); Honor Roll

EDUARDO MERLA NO, A. C. E.; Newman Club.

(2) .

JOSEPH P . LIEGEY, B.S.M.E.; Karthaus, Pa.; S.A.E . ; A.S.M.E. ; President's List (3); Honor Roll ( 1); Caswell Engineering Drawing Award ( 2nd Prize).

B.S.C.E. ;




Third Row: •

RICHARD W. MOORE. B.S.E.E. ; South Fork, Pa.; A.I.E.E.; President's List (5).

JOHN J . LINEHAN, JR ., B.S.E.E.; Fort Wayne, Ind.; A.I.E .E.; Kappa Sigma Phi .

WALTER MURAKAMI, B.S.El.E. ; B.S.E.E.; Honolulu, Hawruii; Hruwaiian Club , Vice-President, Treasurer, Social Chairman; Student Council.

HUGH G. McCANN. B.S.M.E.; Royrul Oak, Mich. ; T echnician (2); Male Chorus (3); President's List (5); Student Instructor in Physics 21A (2) ; Physics 31A (1).

JOSEPH S. MURCKO , JR., B.S.E.E. ; Stratford, Conn.; S.A.M.E. ; President's List (7). GEORGE E. MYERS, B.S.E.E.; Waterburg 12, Conn.; A.I.E.E. ; Kappa Sigma Kappa , Treasurer ; Student Council (1); Sophomore Class President ; President's List -(4) .

Second Row: EDWARD A. MARSH. B.S.E.E.; Sidney, Ohio; A.I.E.E.; President's List (5). CARRELL R. MARSHALL. B.S.Ch.E.; Milford, Ill. ; A.C.S.; Chi Epsilon Tau; Bowling Club; Student Instructor : Ch-12A (4), CH32 (4), Organic Chern. Lab. (4), Physical Chern. Lab. (4) .


First Row : WALTER R .

. Y.; A.S.Yf.E.: ew JOH R . QUIGLEY. B. S.:YI.E.; Hudson, man Club, President ; Male Chorus (8), President, Secretary; Asst. Chairman Mech. Dept. Open Hou e.

EWLO • B.S.El.E. ; Berea, W.Va.

WALTER 1. OTHAFT, B.S.M.E.; Tampa, Fla. : Mech Club; Kappa Sigma Phi ; S.A.E.; President. Secr etary; Intramural Baseball and Basketball; Intra-Fratern ity Baseball: President~ List

CLEO J . QUIN , B.S.l\II.E.: Ft. Wayne, Ind . ; A.S.M.E.; S.A.E .. Treasurer; Student Coun cil ; T echnician Staff , Sports Editor; Student In tructor : M-11 (2), Ed-11 (1).

(4). KIERA .T . O'FARRELL, B.S.E.E.; President's List (6). WILLI

iagara F alls,

THOMAS RAH NIA . S.A.M.E., Secretary.

.Y.; A.I.E.E. :

S. PRIBBLE, B.S.C. E. ; Parker burg, W .Va.; A.C.E.

B.S.C.E. ;

Long I sland, N.Y.:


Third Row : ALFRED R . RATHMELL, B.S.Ae.E.; Oakland 12, Calif.; I.A.S .. Chai rman ; Kappa Sigma Kappa, Vice-Pre ident ; Flying Club, President, Treasurer , Secretary· Pre ident's Li t ( 2); A.R.S .

Secon d R ow : ALWI N R. P UR VI IS, B.S.El.E. : York, Pa.; A.I .E. E.; T.R .E. : President's Li t ( 1) ; Honor Roll ( 2).

GEORGE B. REGA , B. . f. E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind.; S.A.E.: Honor Roll ( 2) . GEORGE B. RILEY, B.S.C.E. ; Carrollton, Ohio; A.C.E.; Student Council; President's List (5) .


LUIS H. RODRIQ UEZ, B.S.M.E.; Bogota, Colombia. S.A.


:.VIARIO B. TU LTS , B.S.El.E.; ew H ave n, Ind .; Sigma Phi Delta, Pledgema ter , Publications Ed itor ; A .R.S., Secr etary, Trea~颅 ur er ; S tuden t Co uncil , Secretary; T ech nician S taff ; Bowling Club, P resid ent, ecretary, Team Cap tai n ; Intramural Basketball. Softb all.

First Row: BERNARD ROME, B.S.M .E.; Rockville Centre, .Y .; A . . lYL E .. President, Vice-President, Secr etar y, Treasurer ; S.A.E., Presi d ent ~ Kappa Sigma Phi , Trea urer ; S tud ent Council (2 ); Ca well E ngi路 neerin g Drawing Award ; President's List (7) 路 Student In tructor : ME-100. DANIEL G. SMITH, B.S.El. E.; Shelocta, P a.; E .E.S.; Flyin g Club. MA URlCE R . SMITH, B. S.El.E.; B.S.E.E.; Lar ned, K ans. ; K.A .R .C., Vice-President, Publicity Chairman ; E .E.S. : President's List (3) . EDWIN U. SOWERS, III ; B.S .M .E. ~ Lebanon , P a.; A.S.M .E.: S.A.E., President ; Iota Ta u Kapp a; Kappa Sigma Phi ; S tudent Council.

Third Row: MANNUEL SY, B.S.ElE. ; Ermita, Manila; Va,r iety Soccer: President's Li t (4). SEYNIA NSKI, WILLIAM J ., B.S .C.E.: Pittsfi eld , M a s., Civil Club , Newman Club ; Pre ident's List (5) 路 S tud ent In st. CE155A. SUEO, TA AB E, B. . M.E.; Ma ui, T . H. ; H awaii Club , Secretar y; SAE. TEMPLE, LOWELL DO , B.S.E .E.; R ockford , Oh io; AlEE ; President Freshman Class; Vice-President Sophomore Cla'SS; I.T.K., Secr etary & Trea urer ; Flying Club ; Student Co uncil : M~:lle Chorus; ITK ; AGU Award ; President's List (8); Honor R ole (7); S tudent Instructor Phy. 21 , 31, E E-110.

Second Row: GEORGE E . SPOHR, B.S.M.E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind.; President's List (1 ).

GEORGE B. STEARNS, B .S.E.E.; Minot , N .D . : A.I.E.E. : Iota Ta u Ka ppa ; President's List ( 6) . DA~ID A. STEVENSON, B.S.El.E .; Ft. Wayne, Ind .; E.E.S. : Pres1dent Camera Club; T echanician Staff ; KEKIONGAN Staff: M ale Chorus ; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List (9); Student Instructor: (3), EE-120. ~


Fir tRow :

T hit路d R ow:

ERGIO CARLOS TORRES , B .. E.E. ; E t. . P aulo, Brazil. S .A. ; A.I.E.E.; S.A.E. ; E .E .. : Camera Cl ub , Vice-Pre ident : N a tio n ~ nited Cl ub. MI CHAEL UGE TI, B . .El.E . ; B. . E .E .: Long I land City, .Y. ; K ap pa Sigma K appa; P r esiden t s Li t (3); H onor Roll (7) . DA L. WEI SS, B. .M.E. ; Appleton, Wi . ; Mechanical Cluh ; Pre ident' Li t ( 1).

RICHARD . v;ro G, B. . i.E.; e' York , .Y. ; .A.E . ; H awaii Clu b ~ Ca well Drawing A ward ( E.D .-12) ; Pre ident's List ( 4) ; tud ent In tr uctor. Drawin g (2 ) ;_ A s t. In tructor, Drawing ( 7). C TT C. YEW, B.S.M.E . ;

or th P oint. H ong Kong.

T H EODORE R . ZIT EY, B.S. ti .E . ; Trumb ull, Conn .;

.A.E .

econd R ow : GEORGE B. F LI 1T , J R ., B . .E .E., B.S.EI.E.; R ye: N.H. ; President' Li t ( 4 ); tudent l n .. tructor R E-110, ( 2) .

LOTHARIO ~1AX WIDMER , B. .E .E . ; a P aulo, Brazil, .A. ; H onor Roll (3 ) ; President's Li t ( 5); 1a ti ons United Cluh : Soccer ; Swi mming. PAUL A. WILKIE , B.S.C.E. ; F t. Wayne, Ind .: A.C.E. DAVID RAY WILSO ; B.S.C.E. ; Claypool, In d. ; A.C.E.: K appa igma Kap pa ; Student Council (4) , T reasurer ( 1) ; Honor Roll ( 1) ; Open H ouse (1955) ; Basketball. In tram ural; Softb all, Intramural.

A TO 1IO GO.ME , B. .E .E. ; Lu dlow, Mass. HOWARD B. KELL ER, PHILIP A. KE

B . S . El. E .~

Brooklyn ,

EL, B. .Ae.E.; Ro edale,


.Y. 路 Pre ident's Lisl

( 5) .

MA RVI A. R BIN, B. S.C.E .路 Dalla , Texas : A.C.E.; S .A.M .E . ; Pre ident s Lit (4) ; H onor Roll ( 1). K T Kappa CARLO


YVERSO , B.S.C.E . ; Parkdale, Ore. ; A.C.E. 路 S .A.M.E.; igma Phi. H . TO BAR, B.S.C.E .; Bogota, Colombia, S.A.

HARRY W. ALLEI , B. .JLE.; Quincy, Ill. ; A. . I.E .: H onor Roll (2); Pre ident' List (9); Ca~ well Drawing Award (ED-14); Op en Hou ~e-Mechanica l Dept. Ft. Way ne. In d.:

.. .


·.· .·· .


JO H - W. BOLA}!, B. . E.E. ~ Clea rwater, Fla.; A.I.E.E.; :\ .R . . ; Flying Club : Bowling Club.

First Row:

J Ar J . A DRUSZKO . B.S .Ae.E. ; Pre ident' List ( 1).



JOSEPH J. BO URDO . B.S.E.E. · Muskegon , Nlich.

LA .. ;

Third Row:

ROBERT LEE BABBITT B.S.C.E.: Plai nfield, .J.: A.C.E.: S .A.~1 . E .; Alpha Ga mm a Up ilon , Sgt. at Arm ; Pre ident' Li t (1) : Var .. ity Baseball ; Basketball, In tram ural.

DALE G. BRYANT , B.. El.E.; Ba tesville, Ark .; K .A.R .C.; Alpha Omega T au, President ; Pre ident' List (4). ~lARIO

CA EDO , B.S.Ch.E.; Cochabanba, A.I.Ch.E. · Sigma Phi Delta ; Glee CluL .

A DRES G. BA CH~1A . B.S.C.E. ; Bogota, Colombia, S.A .: A.C.E. : Rifle Club ; ewman Club ; Presid ent's List ( 4) ; H on or Roll ( 1).


Bolivia ;

A.C.S. ;

avy, Thailand .

JAMES W. CRAIG. B . S.~LE .; Spr_ingfield . Ill.; S.A.E.; A .S.M .E . ; President' Li t (5).

Second Row: ORMA LEROY BEELER , B.S.Ae.E.; Marshall , ~1o. ; I.A.S., Secreta ry; Presidene List (8) ; Honor Roll ( 2). WAY E C. BOH AN ON , B.S.Ae.E. ~ Louisville, Ky.; I.A.S., Secr etary; President 's List (3); Honor Roll (1) .


·. . ·:·· ·.



F irst R ow : PHILI


DAJI, B.. Ch.E.; K arachi,

P a ki~t a n:

I.MON GAR BEDIA);. B . .E.E . : Armenian Qua rter. J erusalem ; President' List ( 1).

Pre... ident's LL t

( 1).

JAOQ I T A. DIAZ-GRAl'\DA , B.S.C.E . ; Call e, Santa Colombia, .A. PA L J. DO 1ATO , B.S.C.E.; Dor che_ter, :\'Ia ... ~ .; dent ; Pre ident's List ( 2).

RICHARD C. GREE BLATT, B. .El.E.; Ft. Wayne. I nd . : VicePresident Fre. hman Cia ... : Pre... ident's Li_t {9) ; tuden t Instructor-Ph y... ic~ 22A , 32 , 42A, and Phy... ics B ( 4 term ) .

~I arth a,

S . A .~L E. ,

Pre i-

T hird R ow:

WILLI:\ I R. DU KELBERGER , B.S.Ae.E.: Bristol, Pa.; I. . . : A.R . . ; tu dent Co uncil; T echnician Staff .

GCY . G R KL B . .Ae.E. ; Frankfort. .Y.: F encing Club , P re -ident ; A.R . . ; T ech nician Staff : F encin g Team (Cap t. )

Second Row:

FRA ' CISCO A. HE N_ E EY, B. . E.E. ; Bogota. Colomb ia, S.A. ; A.I.E.E.; Phi Iota Alpha ( ecr etary).

OTTO E . ECHEM E DIA , B.S.E.E . ; Habana, Cuba .

YER 1 E E . JACO B E , B. .C.E . ; LeR oy, ~linn .; K appa Sigma Kappa, Pre ident, Cor. Secretary: T echnician Staff. Advertising l\rfanager ; I .F .C. ; Pre ident s Li t (7) .

CHARLES F . FI HER, B.S.Ae.E.; Ft. Wayne Ind.

HARRY J. JA ZO , B .S.~1.E.; Ae.E.; Brooklyn , .Y. · S .A.E.: Pre ident's Li t (10); H on or Roll (9) · Student I n tructor , Physic , 32A and 42A.


First Row:

dent; Student Council ; Iota Tau Kappa : President's List (9) ; H onor Roll ( 4); Vice路President Freshman Cl ass.

LYNDON P. JARVI S, B.S.El.E. ; Ft. Wayne, In d.; Newman Club ; President's List (2); H onor Roll (7).

J OH N NIACCAGI NAN, B.S.C.E.; Lakeville, Conn. ; S.A.:M.E.

NASUH AREF KHATIB, B.S.M .E.; C.E. ; Da mascus, Syria; A.S.M.E.; A.C.E. ; Camera Club! Arab Student Club.

Third Row:

ALFRED KNOLL, B.S.E.E.; Morland , Kans.; F encing Club , President ; Flying Club ; F encing Team, Capt.; Mal e Chorus.

MARIO L. MARCHESE, B.S.M .E. ; Forest H ills, N.Y. ; A.S.M.E., P ublic;ity Chairman ; Sigma Phi Delta , Treasurer and Historian路 S.A.E., Program Director ; In Lramural Softb all ; Presi dent's List (3) ~ H onor Roll ( 1).

MAURICE E. LA NDFORD, B.S.Ae.E.; Sullivan, Ohio; I.A .S., President and Treasurer ; Iota Tau Kappa, Vice-President; Yearbook Staff; Intramural Sports, Golf, Softball , BasketbalL Bowling; Student Council (4), Vice-President; Caswell Award ( 2nd Place); President's List (6); H onor Roll (9); Stud ent Instructor AM-41, Physics Lab 22 and- 32 ; Student Advisory Committee.

MARVIN M. MA RSH, II, B.S.C.E.; J ackson, Mi ch .; A. C. E. ; Sigma Phi Delta; President's List (1). DAVID B. MARSHALL, B.S.E.E.; Des Arc, Ark .; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List ( 10).

Second Row:

ALBERT R . MARTIN, B.S.El.E.; Lar go, Fla. ; Iota Tau Kappa ; H onor Roll ( 8) ; Student Instructor , EE-120, RE-110A, RE路150A.

BUD H. LOVEJOY, B.S.E.E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind. LARRY D. McKIBBEN, B.S.M.E.; A.S.M.E.

Bradford, Ohio ; A.R.S. :

ROBERT E. McMAKEN, B.S.M.E.; Louisville, Ky. ; S.A.E. ; Sigma Phi Delta, Historian, Treasurer ; Inter-Fraternity Council, Presi-


Fir tRow: ROBERT C. l'VIATHI A , J R ., B . .n~f. E .; dent' List ( 2 ). "'TEPHE


LYELL V. n1YER , B. ..M.E.: dent's List (8): H on or Roll (3).

ew Tripoli, P a.; Pret-i-

H OMER CHARLE EEZGE R. B.S .El.E ., E .E.: Yida, Mont.: .A.R .E . : Pre~ id en t, Secre ta r y; tuden t Cou neil ( 3) : enior Cla- s Pre~ ide n t ~ Elec tron ic Dept.. Ou L tandin g Stud ent of Year 1955-56; Presid ent 路 Li t (12) ~ H ono r Roll (3): Stude nt In truc tor. RE120A , 100, lOOA , 130A .

~ IELEGA , B . .1\LE.; W eila nd . Onta rio.

DO ALD lYIERLI1 0 , B.S .El.E.; Atlantic City. .J .: .A.R.E.: Alpha Gamma U psilon, Vice-Pre id ent , H ou e lVIanager; Electronic Dept. ; Ba k e tball T eam, !vi anager ~ tud ent In tructor Ph-22A , 32A and 路12A 路 President s Li t (5) ; A.R . . E GE E C. M ILLER, B . .A e.E . ; Ba ke tball; Pre~ id ent's List (1).

ew Y ork,

helb ina. ~fo.: A . .}I.E. : Pre i-


J A.M E H . T ELL, B . . R .E.: Chicago, Ill. ; I ota Tau Kap pa; President's LLt (8): tud en t I n ...tructor . Math-A, 11. 21 ; Ph-22.

.Y.; In tramura l

Third Row: EDWARD A. OUDT, B.S .E.E.; Lon g I land, r.Y. ; Kapp a S igma Phi , Sgt. a t Arm ; Varsity Ba eball ( 2); Intra mural Softball ; Intramural Ba k etball ; In terfraternal Softb a ll ; Bowling.

Second Row: ROGER MOODY, B.S .C.E. ; W olfeboro, Pre ide nt 's List (l ) .

.H .: A.C .E. ;

.A. 1I.E. ;

R ALPH K . PAR SO S, B.S .R.E.; Roseburg Ore. DAVID P ATTER SO , B.S.Ch .E.:

Canon burg, P a.:


FREDERICK A. R EEVE . Drafting Diploma : Farmdale. Obi ; Flying Club .


First Row:



A.S . if. E .; H awaiian Club,

ROBERT W. ROGER , B.S.El. E. : Ft. Wayne, Ind. HOWARD E. SCHULTZ, B.S. I.E.; Douglas, Mich. ; Kappa Sigma Kappa, Secretary ; Intramural Ba_ketball ; Intramu ral Softball.

B . . M.E .;

Wailuk a,


H awaii ;

g t. at Arm : Pre id ent 's List ( 1).

Third Row:

J ACK J. SHUMSKY, B.S.R. E.; Manitoba , Canada; A.E.S.; Kappa Sigma Phi, Treasurer; Camera Club , Secretary, Trea urer ; Technician Staff; KEKIO 1 CA N Staff Coordin ator.

AUBREY G. T HOMAS, B . . EI.E.; Gracey, Ky.;

.A .R .E.; Intra-

mural Ba 路ketb al1 . THOMA

CALVI N R. SKEID , B.S.E.E.; Connorville, Ohio; A.I.E.E.

ICHOLAS, B .. E.E. :

Iew Rochelle,

.Y.; S.A.E.

PATRICK A. TO UTE , B.S.El.E .; Daytona Beach, Fla. ; E.E . . ; President's Li


(4 ) .

Second Row:

EDWIN TURANSKY, B.S.M.E . ; Freeport, N.Y.; Sigma Phi Delta,

ROBERT W . SMURR, !l.S.M.E. ; Lad tto, Ind .; Vice-President Senior Class.

Secreta,ry, Pledgemaster ; S.A .E. , Trea urer : H onor R oll Vice-Pre ident Sophomore Clas .

ALI SUKKARIYYAH, B.S .C.E. ; Alfakiat, Baalbeck, Lebanon. MELVIN S. TAMASHIRO , B.S.C.E.; Hawaiian Club ; President's List ( 1).

Hawi, H awaii;

A .C.E .;


( 1) :


.... •

Fir tRow:


ROBERT ALA VI TT , B.S.El.E.; Corden , Illinois: S.A.R .E.; E.E . . : Kekiongan Amateur R adio Club : Pre~ iden t, Vice-Preside nt: ecretary.

GUY C. v;7RIG HT, J R., B. ..)I.£ .: Clark~hurg, W .Va.: A. .~1f. E.

GEORGE E. WEATHERFORD , B.S.C.E.; Rockwood, P re iden t's List (3); tudent In ~ tru ctor , Phy... ic Lab. ~IA RK

P . WER ER , B. .Ae.E . ;

BLY A. .A.M .E.


G. WI ~C H E TER , B.. E.E.: Roanoke, Ind . ; LA.. : Flyin g Club ; A.R .S.

Tenn .;

Third Row:

prings, P a.; I.A.S.

B .. 1.E.:


EVER ETT YAG UD, B.S.M.E.; Baldwin, .Y. ; S.A.E., President and Vice-Pre ident ; A.S.:NLE., Pre ident, Vice-President and Trea urer ; Camer a Club ; K appa Sigma Phi : Student Council ( 1 ): Interfra ternity Softb all ; P resident' List ( 2); S tudent Instructor , Tool Design .

P ortland , Me.;

Second Row: EUGE E F . WIE BKE, B. . El.E.;

chenec tady,

.Y ALFO SO YEP ES B.S.C.E.: Armenia, Colombi a. South America: Phi I otru Alpha; H onor Roll ( 7).

DO NALD E. WILLIAM S, B.S.E .E.; Waba h , Ind .; Alpha Gamma Upsilon , Chai rman, Athletic Committee; S tudent Council ( 2 ); Varsity Basketball ( 2); Presi dent' List ( 2 ).


A. YI G, B.S. Ch.E .; J amaica British West Ind ies.

JO SEPH ZAMBITO , B.S.El.E. ; R o lindale, .Mass.; A.I.E .E . · Kappa Sigma K appa, Chapl ai n and Treasurer : President ' List ( 2 ); Interfra ternity Council ; Intramural Softb all ; ewman Club .



ETH P . ZIEGLER, B.S.M.E.; Milton, Ma s.




a rr era, Barranquilla, Colombia

OT SHOWN Trea u rer; A.I.Ch.E., Trea~ urer ; tuden t Council, ecretary: T echnician taff ; Pre iden t' Li t ( 4) ; Student In tru ctor , General Chemi try and Qualitative. AH KO G SlEW, B. . E. E. and B. . El.E.; Ma.Jacca, Malaya; Pre id ent' LL t {8). ROBERT G. SIM , B. . E.E.; Van Wert, Ohio; A.l.E.E., ecretary: Kap pa igma Phi . LARS W. WERHOLM, B.S.E.E.; Worce ter , ~[ a . ; A.I.E.E.; Rifle Club ; Alpha Omega Tau ; Year book ta.ff ; tudent Instructor, Ph-31A , 2. R . ~1. ZOLLER , B . .Ae.E.: Ft. Way ne, Ind .

PAUL L. BOWER , B.S.l\1.E. ; F ort W ay ne, Ind .; K appa igma Phi, Secretary; In tructor, ED-11 ED-12, ED-14. KAROL ROY CHI , Draftin g; Kin g ton, J amaica, B.W .I. ; Rifle Club. DICKRA K . GARIBIA , B. .E.E.; B. .El.E .; Bag hdad, Iraq ; Kappa Sigma Ka ppa ; Ara b Club· President ' Li t ( 1) . MA UEL E. CRESPO, B.S.C.E.; La Praz, Bolivia, . . ; A.C.E.; A.S.M.E .; Pre ident's Li t ( 1). WILLIAM D. Mci NNI S, JR ., B.S.Ae.E.; Hender on, .C.; I.A.S. ; Pre ident's Li t ( 4). DA I EL F . l\1 RPHY, B . .Ch .E. : Ft. W ay ne, Ind .; A.C . .. o










First Row:

Second Row:

JOHN A. ANDERSO , JR. B.S.l\rf.E.; F ort Wayne, Ind .; Sigma Phi Delta, Secretary Pledge l\l[a ter ; A .S.M .E.; Flying Club ; Stu dent Council , Vice-Pre ident · Pre ident' Li t (2) ; Open House, 1955. JOH N A . ARIA OUTSO , B.S.C.E.; Brooklyn, .Y.; A.C.E. ; Flying Club; S.A.M.E.; Student Instructor, ED (2); A sistant Instructor, ED ( 3) . JAMES R. BERTHOLD, B.S.El.E. ; Churchville, N.Y.; Honor Roll (9) . NICKOLAS A. BIRBILIS , P as aic, .J. ; .A.E.; A.I.E.E.; United Nations Club.

VI CE T G. BI A OR, B.S.Ch.E.; Water Lane Race Cour e P .O. , J amaica, Briti h W est In die ; A.C.S. ; Ca nterbury Club ; President' Lit {1). RICHARD E. BOYER , B.S.l\ILE. : Chamber burg, P a.; Ka ppa Sigma Phi, Pled gem a ter; Pre ident · Li t ( 2). JOH N CHARLES BUR TO , B.S.C.E.; Ea t Aurora , .Y. ; A.C.E.; Presidenet's List (2); Honor Roll (2). DOYLE E. CAGLE, B.S.C.E. ; Whit esboro, Texas· A .C.E. , Secretary ; Iota T ruu Kappa; President's Li t (8).


First Row:

man Club , Trea urer ;


Iota T au K a,p pa ; H onor R oll

( 9 ).

CHARLES OTTO CA RTER , B.S.El.E.; F ort Way ne, Ind .; A.I.E.E. ~ E.E.S.; Te chnician R eporter , F ea ture Writer , A t. Editor, Editor ; tud ent Advi or; Student Co unciL

DONALD ALLE COPENHAVER B.S.M.E. ; Coshoc ton, Ohio; A.S.lVI.E.; Alpha Gamma Upsilon , Pre ident, Sgt. a t Arms.

ROBERT J . CASEY, B . . E.E. · Long I land , .Y.; Ka,ppa Sigma Phi, Vice-President ; Stu dent Co uncil (3), Secretar y; Intramural oftball , Baske tball ; Senior Cia Pre ident.

ALEJANDRO CORREA , B.S.C.E . · Ni edellin, Colomb ia; H onor R oll (1 ) .

ROBERT LEE CASTLEBERRY, JR ., B.S.E.E.; Ekalaka, Mont.· A.I.E.E. ; Rifle Cl ub~ Iota Ta u K appa; President's List (9).

KAROLY CSIKOS, JR., B.S. El.E.; Cleveland , Ohio· S.A.R.E.; A.E.S.; Pre id ent's List ( 2).

ROBERT J . CE SAK, B.S.NI.E. ; Meriden, Conn. ; A .S.M.E.; .A.E.; R .A .S., Publicity Directo r ; KEKIONGA '.

Third Row: EUGENE ALTON DAVE PORT, B.S.Ch.E . · Northville, N .Y. ~ Tennis Tea m, 1956, 1957 .

Second Row: JO SEPH M . CHABOT, B.S.lVLE.; Lewiston, Me. ; A .S.M.E. ; New-

RICHARD E. DAWLEY, B.S.E.E.; Hope, R .I. ; A.R.S . ~ Iota Tau Kappa ; Student Co uncil. JACK A . DEA , B.S.El.E.; Reed ville, Pa.; Alpha Gamma Upsilon. CHRISTOPHER J. DE CARLO, B.S.M.E.


First Row:

THOMAS E. F I CUS, B . . E.E.: Aliquippa, Pa .: A .I.E.E.: President's Li t (9) .

RONALD K . DEWALT, B.S.Ch .E.; East Liverpool, Ohio; A.C.S.; Chi Epsilon Tau ; A .R .S.; Bowling Club ; Varsity Baseball and Basketball ; In tram ural Softball and Ba ketball.

Third Row: CHESTER W. DUR NI N, B.S.E.E.; New Brita in , Conn. ; A.I.E .E. ANTHO Y J. FREE LA D, B.S.C.E. : Junior Cia Secr etary.

DA IEL T. DWYER, B.S.El.E. ; Quincy, 1a . J ULIUS B. ELLI S, B.S.El.E .; Wildwood , F la.; A .E.S. 路 A.I.E.E .; President' List ( 5) .

F owler , Ind. ;

A .C.E.;

RICHARD J . FRENCH , B.S.Ch .E . ; P ay ne, Ohi o~ A .C.S. ; A .I. C.E. 路 Sigma Phi Delta; Student Council; Pre ident' Li t (3); Student In tructor , Chern 12, Chern 32, Chern 164 (5) .

Second Row:

ALA N R . GA UL, B.S.E.E .; Belfast, Me.; Kappa Sigma Phi; Bowling Club.

LAUR E CE E . E GLER , B.S. f.E .; T acoma, Wash. ; A.S.M .E.: Rifle Clu b.

lVfACK H. GLAZI ER, JR ., B.S.lVI.E. : St. P etersburg, Fla.

RI CHARD M . ERI CKSO N, B.S .Ae.E.; Duluth, Minn .; I.A.S. ; Student Council ; Inter-Fratern ity Softball ; Intram ura l Softb all and Basketball. FRANCISCO ESTEVEZ, B.S.lVLE .; H abana, Cuba.


Firs t Row:

DAVID B. HODGE, B. .E.E.: F t. Wayne, Ind.

H ERl\1A GOLDE ' BAGE , B.S.NI. E.; Colum bus, Ohio; A.S.lVLE.; Iota T au Kap pa~ Pre ident'.. Li t (8); Honor Roll (6) 路 Junio r Cia Secretary and Trea ur er.



E. HOLLICH , B.S.E.E. ~ Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; A.I.E.E.;

I.R .E. ~ Honor Roll (5). J ERRY HOLSI GER , B . .El.E.;

DARIO A. GOMEZ, B.S.C.E.: Colombia, S.A.: A.C.E.; S.A.M.E. : President's Lis t ( 2) ; Honor Roll ( 2).

e\v Haven, Ind.; President's

Li t (5).

WILLIAM H . GUY, B.S.C.E. 路 Wilmin gton , .C.; A.C.E., VicePre ident and Trea urer~ Junior Class Pre id ent ~ Stud ent Council

Third Row :

( 2).


JANIES R . HAUSF ELD, B.S.El.E. ; Coldwa ter , Ohio ; S.A.R .E.; Pre id ent 's

Li ~ t

B.S.E.E.; T iffin , Ohio ; President's Li t

( 2) .

( 7); Honor Roll (3).

DWIGHT W. HU T ER, B.S.NLE.; Orofino, Idaho; Flying Club , Trea urer ; K EKIO r CAN tafi.

Second Row:

ADAM M . JA OTIK, B. .M.E .; Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; Iota Tau Kappa; Ca well Awa rd for E.D.-14; President's List ( 9); Honor Roll (8) ; S tudent In tructor: AlVI-41 ( 2), A f- 51 (3) .

PAUL D. H ERALD B. .C. E. ; Princeton, W .Va.; A.C.E., Treawurer.

K URT F. JEPSE , B.S.M.E. ; Hamburg, Germany ; A.S.M.E.; S.A.E. 路 Student Council 路 President's List (10) ; Student Instructor: ~1ach i ne Tool Lab ( 100, 105), l\tlath 21.


First Row: BOBBY D. J OH SO ) B.S.El.E .; Lufkin , T exas ; rl ent's Li t (6) .

ARD ELL B. KYLER, B . .E.E.; Clearfield , P a .; Honor Roll ( 1); President's List (6).

.A.R.E .; Presi-

ELWOOD R . LAAKSO , B.S.E.E.; Duluth , Minn. ; A .I.E.E., Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Trea urer, Secretar y; A.E.S., Treasurer; Sigma Phi Delta; Student Council, Treasurer ; T echnician Staff; Intramural Basketball. Softball and Golf; Honor R oll ( 2 ) ; President's List ( 4).

ROBERT T . J ONES, B.S.M .E.; Llewelelyn, P a. ; Sigma Phi Delta, ecretary; Bowling Club , ecretar y; Ca well Award ; President's List (3 ) . MICHAEL KATA IK , B.S.Ae.E.; Cleveland 27. Ohio~ I.A . . ; In tra m ural Ba ketball ; F encing ; A .R .S.

Third Row:

RAY J. KI G, B. . El.E. ; lVfontrose, Colo.; A.I.E.E.; Sigma Phi Delta; Student Co uncil (3), Treaesurer ; .Male Chorus (2) ~ I ota Tau Kappa; Pre idenf Li ~ t (1 1); Student Instructor; AM 41 ( 2 ), EE 165 ( 1), EE 190 (l ); Intramural Golf.

JAMES H. LAlVIB, B. .Aif.E. ~ Dallas, T exas. JAMES C. LINDSEY, B.S.El.E .; W estfi eld , N.Y. ; E.E.S.; Prosident s List (2); H onor R oll (7) . PETER N. MALECKAS, B.S .El.E.; K earn y, tary; E.E.S. ; S.A.R.E. ; ewman Club.

Second Row:

RALPH E . MA GES, B.S.M.E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind .

JAMES R. KIRKHOFF, B.S.lVLE. · Ft. W ay ne, Ind.: A.S .M.E.; A.R.S.; Iota Tau Kappa (8), Secr etary and Treasurer ; President s List (9) ; Student Instructor: Ph 22 (3). RICHARD A. KOBLE, B.S.M.E.; New York 54, N.Y.


.J.: A.E.S .. Secr e-



RI CHARD F . :M A , B.S.E.E.; Franklin quare, N.Y.; Sigma Phi Delta, Trea urer , Pledge master ; Student Council; Bowling Club ; Interfraternity Softball ; President's Li t (1 ).

RBY R . l\11URTLA D , B. .filL E.; Kitta nnin g, P a.; A.S .~LE .. ecre tary, Trea urer, Vice-Pre ident · Sigma Phi Delta 1 Secr eta ry : tudent Council, Corre ponding ecre tary, Pre iden t; T echnician taff ; I ota T a u Kappa; Pre ident' Li t (10); tudent In struc tor · Ph-A & B, Ph-22 (2) Al\II-41; Sophomore Class Pre id ent.

RALPH E . ~1AR C HIO DA, JR ., B.S .El.E. · J ohn on 9, R .I.: A.l.E.E.; K a ppa Sigma Phi , Pre id ent · ewma n Club ; Student Co uncil ; lnterf ra ternity Council, Pre iden t ; enior Cia VicePre ident; Pre ident's List ( 1); Student In truc tor; Phy ics 21A.

CLARE 1CE A. A YO I , B.S.Ch.E . ; Rockford, Ill. · A.C.S . ; Ch; Ep ilon Tau , Treasurer ; Student Co uncil ; Var ity Ba eball; I ntramural Bask etba ll. oftb all ; Bowling Club .

ER E T A. MARTH, B.S.C.E.; P a lmer Ala ka : A.C.E.; K appa igmru Phi ; Pre ident's L ist (2); Flying Club "ecreta rv .

A THO Y NESTO, B.S.El.E. · Dorch e ter, Kappa, Pre~ ident.

F ir tRow :

Ia . ; K appa

• 1gma

EUGE E MAUER, B . .El.E.; Trumbull, Conn . : E.E.S.: A .E .

T hird Row: EDWARD

Second Row: GERALD W . MILLER, B.S.E.E.; Freeport, Ill. ; Presi dent's Li


ORE A , B .S.El.E. ; Bogo ta, Colombia, S.A.

CLARE CE . OHASHI , B.S.M.E.: H aiku, Maui T .H .: S.A.E. ; A . . M.E.: H awaiian Club; Bowling Club: Pre ident' List (6) ; A t. In truc tor: ED-13 (3).



E DUA RDO A. PARRO B. .C.E.: Barqui ime to, Vene;;:uela, S.A . : occer T eam· President's Li t ( l ): H onor R oll ( l ) . WI PE, B. . C.E. : lVIinbu, Burma; Pre ident's Li t ( l ).


TED PYLA T , B.S.El.E.; Ardmor e, Okla.; A.E .S.; A.I.E .E.; President's List ( 6).

First Row: DAVID PETERSEN, B.S.El.E. ; PlwinweU, Mich.; President's List ( 7 ).

FABIO P ESTREPO, B.S.C.E. ; Medellin, Colombia, S.A. ; A.C.E.; S.A.M.E.

RALPH E. P ETERSON, B.S.El.E.; Minneapolis, Minn . RICHARD E. PFEIFER, B.S.E.E. ; Belleville, Ill. ; A.I.E.E. ; Bowling Club , Vice-Presid ent ; Sigma Phi Delta, President, Vice-President, Corresponding Secr etary ; Student Council, President, VicePresident ; IFC; President's List (5 ); Intramural Golf, T eam Cap. • ta m.

Third Row: P EDRO R. RODRIQUEZ, B.S.M.E. ; Camaquey, Cuba; Honor Roll ( 1) . DONALD E. ROOT, B.S.A e.E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind .

REX E. PIERSON, JR., B.S.Ae.E. ; Upper Lake, Calif.; I.A.S., Secretary Treasurer ; Flying Club , Safety Officer ; Student Council ; Technician Staff, Asst. Editor ; Intramural Softb all; A.R.S.; SLUdent Instructor: Ph-22 and 32 ( 2).

JAMES C. SAGNIS, JR., B.S.El.E.; Atlanti c City, N.J .; Newman Club, President ; Student Council ; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List (8); Student Instructor : RE-l10A ( 2), l\ll a-21 ( 1). TEO MAN M. SARABI, B.S.C.E.; An ka r a, Turkey; A.C.E.

Second Row: RICHARD L. PITCHFORD , B.S.M.E.; J amaica, N.Y. DARIO PO SADA, B.S.M.E.; Medellin, Colombia, S.A.



First Row:

LAIRD W. SNIITH, B.S.C.E. ; Ba ttle Creek, Mich.; A.C.E., Treas· urer; Student Council ; President's List ( 3) .



ew Haven, Ind .; Flying B . S .~f.E.;

Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Club .


ROBERTO S. GAG AIRE, B.S.NI.E. · Nlexico (12) D.F., Mexico.

EARL A. STA EK, B.S. LE.; Winona, lVIinn.; A .S.M.E.; President's List (9) ; Honor R oll (9).

JOSEPH J . SHECORA, B.S.El.E.; Shamokin , Pa. ; Alpha Gamma Up ilon; President's List (1). CLARE CE J . SNIITH, B.S.El.E.;

Third Row:

ew Ca tie, Ind.· E.E.S.

RO ALD E. STRAIT, B.S.El.E. ; Lynn, Ind.; President's Li

Second Row:


(4) .

PAUL J. TA AKA, B.S.M.E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind.; A.S. i.E. ; Hawaiian Club ; President's List (3) .

JACK A. SMITH, B.S.El.E. ; Wauseon, Ohio; A.I.E.E.; Bowling Club ; A .R.C.; President s List ( 4) ; Honor Roll (1) .

TH0~11AS A. TO!VfAI E, B.S.A e.E. ·

Carbondale, Pa.; I.A.S. ·

Treasurer; A.R.S. SALVADOR A. TUESCA, B.S.M.E.; Barranquilla, Colombia, S.A. · Soccer Team ; Honor Roll (2).



First Row: ADOLF VARTANIAN, B.S.M.E. ; Long Island , N.Y.; A.S.E .; Weightlifting Club ; Swimming T eam ; Presi dent's List (3).

JOSEPH F. CAVANAGH, B.S .El.E. ; Ontario. Canruda ; Sigma Phi Delta; A.R.S . ; H onor Roll ( 1) ; President's List ( 1).

r:LIFFORD S. WECHSLER, B.S.El.E.; Huntin gton , Ind .

FRA CI SCO J. GUERRA , B.S.C.E.; Colombia, S.A. ; A.C.E. DIMITRI G. HADDAD, B.S.M.E.; Beirut, Leban on ; President's List (7).

DENNIS S. WEIR, B.S.C.E.; Sidney, Mont.; A.C.W., President , Vice-President, Secretary; Honor Roll (2); President's List (9); Student In tructor : Ph-22 Lab, Ph-32 Lab .

BRIA N. KELLER, B.S.Ch .E .; Ft. Wayne, Ind .; A.C.S. ; Student Council.

NORMAN J . WILLIAMS, B.S.E.E.; H olga tem, Ohio; A.I.E.E., Tn~asurer ; Student Council ; President's List (7); Senior Class

LEO R . KENYON, B.S.C.E. ; Cazenovia, N.Y.; A.C.E.; K appa Sigma K appa.

P.~ re tar y.

MORRES F. MADSÂŁ , B.S.M.E. ; Minneapolis, Minn.; A.S.M.E.

Second Row:

CHARLES F. POWELL, B.S.M .E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind . ; Var sity Basketball ; Presid ent's List ( 4) .

PAUL WILSON, B.S.Ae.E. ; Ontario, Canada : I.A .S.; K appa Sigma Kappa ; KEKIO GA Sta ff ; T echnician Staff.

VA IA HORMAZ, B.S.E.E.; K ara,c hi, Paki tan ; A.I.E.E.

KEN NETH S. WINDISH, B.S.El.E .; Richmond , Va. ; S.A.R .E., Vice-Chairman ; E.E.S ., Vice-Chairm an ; A.E.S., Vice-Chairman .

ANTO J. ZADEL, B.S.Ae.E. ; B.S.M.E.; Muskegon H eights, Mich. ; I.A.S ., Vice-Chairman ; President's List ( 2); Asst. Instructor : ED-14 ; A.R.S.

BERNARD J. WITCZAK, B.S.M .E.; Manitowoc, Wis. ; Newman Club ; Student Council ; Male Chorus ; President's List ( 1) ; Honor Roll (3); Student Instructor: ED-11 and ED-12 (3) . IVANHOE E . YOUNG, B.S.E.E.; Tamaica, B.W.I .; A.S.M .E.


First Row:

List ( 4); Student Instructor : CE-103 ( 4), CE-104 (3), CE-llO ( l ).

WALTER W . APPEL, B.S.El.E .; Trenton , Ill.; A.I.E.E.; ViceChairman; A.E.S.; Student Council ; Intramural Basketball ; President's Li st ( 4) ; Stud ent Instructor: R E-lOOA (2).

WOLFRIED BLUMFELD, B.S.C.E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind.; S.A.M.E. ~ Volley Team. CARL S. BODLEY, B.S.Ae.E.; La J ara, Colo.; I.A .S.; Kappa Sigma Kappa; Student Council ; President's List (3) ; Intramural Sotfball.

ROBERT L. APPLEBY, B.S.C.E. : Plattsmouth, Neb. : Honor Roll (3); President's Li t (9). DELEVEN J. ARNOLD, B.S.M.E.; P aw P aw, Mich.; S.A.E.; A .S.M.E. 路 Kappa Sigma Phi; Interfra ternity Council ; President's List ( 4).

JAMES E. BROCK, B.S.C.E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind.

LEO N BAKOW , B.S.C.E.; Philadelphia, Pa.

Third Row: SHU-KIT CHAN, B.S.C.E. ; Lexington, Va.

Second Row:

PETER J. CHA NG, B.S.E.E.; Maui, Hawaii; A.I .E.E.; Hawaiian Club ; Var ity Golf ; Intramural Softball.

DONALD K . BERGER, B.S.C.E.; Medford Pines, N.J.; A.C.E. ; S.A.M .E., President and Vice-President; Golf Team ; President's

CARROLL P. CORBETT, B.S.M.E.; Pittsburgh, P a.; A.S.M.E.; Technician S taff ; Pre ident' List ( 1); Newman Club, Secretary; Flying Club. ALFONSE CORTES, B.S.E.E.; Bogota, Colombia, S.A . ; Newman Club.


First Row:

dent ; Si gma P hi Delta; Student Council, Vice-P r e ident, Treasurer , Correspondi ng Secr etary ; H onor R oll ( 5); Senior Class Secr eta,ry; In tramural Softb all.

H EN RY DAVI S~ JR ., B . . El.E .; Ft. Wayne, Ind .; E.E.S . ; P r e iden t ' s Li t ( 2 ) . WILLIAM R. DAVIS, B. .E .E. ; Wilming ton , O hio; A.I.E .E .; Alpha Omega Tau, P r esident, Vice-Pre ident 路 Pre ident List ( 4).

ROBERT T . F ITZGERALD, B . .M .E . ; Phoenix, Ariz.

J ACK E . DEWITT, B. .C.E. ; Browning, Ill. ; A .E .S .; A .I.E .E .; President's List ( l ).

Third Row: SAMUEL L . F OLLEY, JR., B.S.E.E .; Dillsburg, P a. ; President's List (6).

RICHARD D. EDDY, B.S .E .E.; F ilion, M ich . ; Presiden t 's List ( 1) .

RO NALD D. FRY BACK , B.S.Ae.E.; Bluffton , Ind . ; Flyi ng Club ; H onor Roll ( l ) . GALLAGH ER , B.S.Ae.E.; Benezett, P a.; Student M ERLE J . Council ; Pre ident's List (4) .

Second Row: ROYCE F . E VANS, B.S.El.E . ; Swimming.

Ft. Way ne, Ind .; lntramu ra1

KENNETH R. GERHARDST EI N , B.S.E.E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; A .I.E.E.; A .R.S.; H onor R oll (3) .

AMERICO R . F ALCIO NI, B.S.C.E.; Archbald, Pa. ; A.C.I. ; A.S.M.E. ; I.A .S.; Va rsity Baseball ; Intramural Softb all ; President's List ( 4) ; H onor R oll ( l ) . RICHARD A . FILLER, B.S.C.E . ; Bethlehem, P a. ; A .C.E ., Presi-


ED\\' ARD P . GUI DO , B. . Ch.E.; Toledo , Ohio · A.C.S., Secretary; tudent Council; P reiden t' List (3); tudent In tructor: Ch-12 Lab, Ch-32 Lab , Qualita tive Analysis.

First Row: DAVID R . GERHARDT, B.S.C.E. ; H alifax, A.C.E.; S.A.M.E.; A.C.S. · KEKIO CAN Staff . H ERBERT A. GILLE , B.S.ELE .; Lockwood,

ova Scotia, Canada;

JO J. AS GUMBELEVICIUS, B.S.Ch.E.; St. Loui 6, ~~I o. ~ A.C.S. · A.I.Ch.E. : e·wman Club ; Ukranian tudent Club : Pre~ ident's Li st ( 4) ; Studen t Instr uctor: Ch -12 Lab ( 4) .

Mi ~s.

A THO Y J. GIORDA 0 , B.S.Ch.E.; Phillip burg, Treasurer; ewrnan Club; Student Council.

.J. ; A.C . .,

RALPH L. H ABER STOCK. B.S.El.E. · Toledo, Ohio~ .A.R.E., Vi ce-President ; Sigma Phi Delta; lVfale Chorus (3); Camera Club ; In tram ural Ba~ ke tb all.

GERALD E. GOODBLOOD, B.S.Ae.E.; F air fi eld , 1\'I e. : Flyin g Club , President.

Third Row:

Second Row:

EAL HAYASHIDA , B.S.E.E.; H onolulu , T .H.; A.I.E.E. JA 0 GROSSMAN, B.S.C.E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; A.S.!YL.E ; T echnician Staff .

ROY HEDGER , JR ., B.S.El.E. ; Fleming burg, Ky.· K .A.R .C. RO ALD W. HEL fSTADT, B.S.C.E.; Long Island, S.A.M.E.; Student Council ; President's List (5).

.Y. A.C.E.:

LEWIS B. HERR , B.S.C.E.; Miller ville, P a.; A.C.E.; S.A ..Yf.E. ; Varsity Baseball ; H onor Roll (2) .



«- f ~

First Row:


BOBBIE L. LEIPOLD , B.S.El.E.; Affton, Mo.; Rifle Club ; Bowli ng Club : Amateur Radio Clu b ; P resident ' List (3) .

RO ALD J. HOFFER , B.S.iVLE .; Wau au, Wi . ; H onor Roll (3). ALBERTO H URTADO, B.S.Ch.E. ; Santiago, Chile, S.A.; A.C.S ., Chairman · Newman Club ; Honor Roll ( 1) ; Student Instructor , Chern 12, 32, 164. Gilb ert, ~1 i nn .;


OX; ••

RICH ARD D. LAl\IB, B.S.C.E.; Winter set, Iowa ; A.C.E., Treas· urer ~ Iota Tau Kappa ; P resident' List (9).

WAY E C. HILDRETH , B.S.C.E.; Bridgeport, W.Va. ; P yrnmid Club ; A .C.E.; K appa Si gma Ph i: President' List.

ROBERT 11. JOH SO , B. .E.E.; Honor Roll (6).


Third Row: ARCHIE B. LOWE , B.S.C.E.; Key West, Fla .; A.C.E. ; P r e.. iden t's List ( 2).

A.I.E .E. ·



McCOI , B.S.M.E.; Wolco tt, Ind. S.A.E., Secr etar y.

Second Row:

HOWARD V. MAY, B.S.El.E. · Mor ganton, N.C.; Student Council ; Presiden t's List (9).

J OH N W. KORPAL, B.S.E.E.; Stevens P oint, Wis.; Student Council ; Pre ident's Li t (3); Honor Roll (1); Student Instructor, Physics Lab.

1viOHAlVIED A. MOHID, B.S.C.E.; Aruba, N.A.; A.C.E.; Phi I ota Alpha ; A.C.E.; S .A.M.E.

CHARLES J . KWACZALA , JR., B.S.M.E.; Lancaster , N.Y.· A.R .S.; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, H ouse 1\llanager ; President's List ( 2) .


. ...

:? I \

It I I


Ill &

·y . B. . ~I.E.: ~Ia riun. Oh itl; A . . ~I.E.: .A. E . ~ Pre.. id ent Fre ·h man Cla .. s ~ tudent Co uncil ; President 's Li t ( 8) .

0 W RD L . R

Fir tRow: rfA


K . M IR , B . .El.E. · Beaver, Uta h .

AM M. PATELL, B. . C.E.; K ara chi , P ak i ta n ; P ak i tan A ocia ti on , A ctin g Vice-President ; A. .C.E. ; dent' List (1) ~ TennL T eam. THER

1. P A TTO


tudent if ale Chorus; Presi-

WALTER J . nccer T ea m .

P E LLI, B . . R .E.:

Iuntevid o.

ru guay,


R BERT \V . OTT, JR .• B. . .E.~ Yonk er. 1.Y.: . . E.; Alpha Gamma Up .. ilon, Chai rman of Award s ~ I.T .C. G o lf ~ Intramural Golf, a pta in : Vice-President 1unior Cia . . ; tud en t In ... truetor CE-155 .

B..M .E.; Ft. W ay ne, In d .

• THOM PAY E, B. . f.E. ~ !\1iddl e... bor o, Ky .~ A .. ~1 .E.; 1gma Phi Delta, Vice-President a nd Chaplain ; President Lis t (3) ; Interfra te rnit y Council; Int erfratern ity Softb a ll.

Third Row:

Second Row:


WALTER R . PFISTER , B . . ~I. E.· Lead, .D. · A . . 1 .E., President Vi ce-Pre ident, ecre tary and Trea urer; K a ppa Sigm ru Phi ; A . .M .E. · Softball T eam· Interfra ternity oftball· A istant Intructor , Mac hine h op.





B . .E.E. · Bombay, India.

liTH, B . . El.E.; London, K y.; H onor R oll ( 4 ).

GALE E. STEELE B.S.Ch .E. · Sigel, P a.; A.C.S., Vice-Pre ident a nd Trea urer ; I ota Tau K a ppa, Vice-S ecre ta r y a nd Trea urer ; Bowl ing Club ; tud ent Council ; Intramural oftba ll and Baske t· ba ll· Pulliam Schola r hip ; H onor Roll (6) ~ Pre ident's List ( 2 ); tud ent In tru ctor , Chern 12L, 12A, 32L 32A . TERBA, B.S .E .E. ~ H E RY F . H onor Roll (7).


India napoli . Ind .;

A .I.E.E. ;

.·.. ·.: '$::$ :-.., ·. . ;:(18

Fi ..





B. .JI.E .; El

P a~n,

Ill. ; Prewidcn t 's Li

ELDO L. TE KE, B.. El.E . ~ Topeka, Kan .; E.E.S. ~ A.I.E.E.; • • Intramural w1mmmg.




10HIB TAHAHABEY AH. B.. E.E.; Bloudan, yn• a; A.LE.E.; Arab tudent Club , President ; Soccer, Swimming.

RICHARD A. SUTTO , B..l\I.E.; Ft. Wayne, Ind . · A. .NLE.; Alpha Gamma Up ilon, Corre pondin g Secretary and Sgt. at Arms; Fre~hman Varsity Ba ketball. OR 'lA

SWAGLER, B. .El.E.; Endico tt ,

.Y. ; Pre-id cnt's Li

Thi .. d Row:


JO EPH A. TIGHE, JR ., B.S.C.E. ; orth Bergen, N.J. ; A.C.E. : .. ewman Club , ecretary; Yearbook Staff ; Pre id ent's Li t ( 1) ; Intramural Basketball.


TAMOTSU TAIRA , B.S.M.E.; Hilo, Hawaii ; A.S .M.E.; Hawaii an Club, President and Vice-Pre ident ; Honor Roll (2) ; Pre ident' Li t (7).

J A iES R. WALL, J R., B.. C.E.; .A.M.E.

Collin vi lle, Ill. ; A.C.E. ;

WILLIAM D. WILGUS, B.. E.E.; Bellefontaine, Ohio.

Second Row:

H. WILKI S, B.. LE. ; San Rafael, Calif.; A.S .~I.E. ; ALA President's List ( 1).

YAS UTOSHI TAKU HI, B.. E.E. · Haiku Maui, Hawaii ; A.LE.E. ; Hawaiian Club : Bowling Club ; Pre id ent' List ( 1) . ALFREDO E. TCHERASSI, B.S.C.E. ; Barranquilla , Colombia ; Pre id ent' List (1) . 65

s A



ROB ERT D. YO GER, B.S.El.E. ; Ft. Wayne. Ind. ~ E.E . . : Iota Tau Kappa , Pre ident ; Coolidge Award in Phy.. ic ; President'_ Li t (9).

J A ~I E V. WILLIAM 0 , B.S.El.E.; F t. Wa yn , Ind.; A. E. '"' .. Trea urer and Vice-Chai rman: Pre ' id n t 's Li t ( 2) .


THOMA M. McCARTHY, B. .nLE .; Lim a, Ohio : A .. 1\ LE.; Ca mera; Club ; Pre ident's List ( 1) .

J ACK J . ALT, B..E.E.; Clifton Heights, Pa.· .I .E.E.: Alpha Ga mma p il n Vi re-Pre ·ident ; tu dent Coun il ; Interfraternity Council , Pre id ent, ec retary and Trea urer ; Pre id ent 1unior la · Varsity Ba .. eball : Intramural oftball and Golf : Pres id ent ·~ Li t 1 . 1

0 CAR RAMIR EZ A RA~1IZ, B.. h.E.;


FLOYD H. MATTER , B.E.El.E. ~ Comfort Texa . RALPH OTIS ORE 1DORF. Draftin g .A.E.

an Lui s Poto i, lexico.

Diplo ma ~

Bridgeville, Del.:

WALTER W. BARTLETT, B.S.El.E .; Wald en, N.Y.; Pre id ent's Li t (3); As t . Instructor : l\1a-41 l'vfa-71 : tud nt In tructor: Ph-22 .

KENNETH T . P EM BERTO N, B.. C.E.; Wind or , Ontario; Fl ying Club · Student Co uncil ( 2); President' Li st (8); Honor Roll (4) : tud ent In structor, Ed-31, CE-151, CE-152.

J AME B. BE DER, B.S.El.E .; Yonker , .Y.; Iota Tau Kappa, Presid ent· ewman Club ; Pre iden t's Li t (3 ).

1\1ARTI R U GE B.E.El.E .; hawano, WL . · A.E .. : A.I. E.E.: tud en t Coun cil ( 1) ; Pre iden t ' Li t ( 1) . CHARLE R. TO BART, B.E.El.E. · Senecaville, Ohi o ~ A.E.S. ~ E.E .. · Flying Club: Presid ent ' LLt (3) ~ Honor Roll (5).

BLAI ·E BROYLE , B.. El.E .; Charle_ton 2, W.Va.; T echnician taff .


J AME L. DAVI , Drafting Dipluma; Baltimore, Md.; A.C.E. ec retary ~ ewman Club ; T echnician Staff; Var ity Soccer.

B. DHO DY, B..M.E .; Bomb ay, Indi a·


ETH S BLETT, B.S.El. E. · Howenwald , Tenn .; E.E ..

JO EPH J . DOL, B.S.l\II.E. ; P addock wood Pre~ id nt' Li t (2) ~ Caswell Award.

ROBERT A. TTO , Draftin g Diploma· Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; Alpha Gamma Up ilon. GEO RGE SWYE R . B.S. El.E. ~ Rend


Canad a·

.A.E.; S.A . I.E.

CARL FERRA TE ~ B.S.Ch.E. ~ Los Angeles 43, Calif.; A.C .. : A.R . . ; Pre id nt 's Lit (3) . ARL E. H AI 1ER, B. .El.E.;

Sa k.

, Pa.

Haven, ln d.; Honor Roll ( 3) . WILLIA~I

H. TAYLOR. B.S.El.E.; Ft. Worth , Texa · Iota Tau Kappa, Pre ident ; Golf ; Pre ident' Li t (8); tudent In tructur , EE-120L, EE-120, Ph-42, Ph32A , Ph-B 1ath-21 , 'l ath-31.

HAROLD 0 . HA E B.S.El.E. ; Kioep vik Ty fj ord , Norway: Kappa igma Kappa ; Interfratern ity Council. BO~ll

D. KER AWALLA. B. . I.E.; Bombay 14 India; .A .M.E.

JACK D. KER TETTER, B.S.C.E.; Tau Kappa.

LLOYD R. WAD EKA iPER, B. .A .E., B.S.l\f.E. ; apa, Cali f.: A.R.S. , Pre ident, Board of Direc tor : Student Council (4); Technician taff: Aerona•utical Dept.; Ba ketball Team, I\1anager ; Pre ident's Li ' t (4) .


terling, Ohio; A.C.E. ; Iota RICHARD E. Z RBUCH, B.S.El.E .; Ft. Wayne, Ind .


Opportunity w e at· a 111ile .

v F inally, the luxury of a choi ce.


~--_, UGJ s+

-..: ••

Dr. R e nder Tuan and Mr . Tuan move d in with the T ech facult y family at the b eginning of the Summer T e rm.

President K een e and Mrs. K een e move d into the Pre ide nt's Cottage shortly b e fore the b e ginning of the Fall T e rm.

.. • ,4,.


'"' ~

. •



" .a ~

.. ..


-.. •

Tech new coach, Murry Mendenhall, Jr., following in hi father's foot tep a head of '"f ech' \Varrior -- ha proved in hi fir t ea-

on that he i capable of building a winning

quad. Hi 56-57 quad fini hed the ea on

with a 12-10 record and Tetained pos e

of the Bulging Boiler. COACH MENDENHALL

CHEDULE ov. 2~-T a _1or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A \ V a y ov. 29

Ander on .. .. ...... . ..... . .. Awa y

Dec. 4. Find1a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H on1 e Dec. 7 B1i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H o111e Dec. 8 Con ord ia ....... . .......... H orne Dec. 14

Oak] and Cit)¡ .. . . .. .. ..... ... H o1ne

Dec . 15,- La "''renee ............... .. .. A \Va' .I

Dec . 28

Oakland Cit) . .. .... .. . .. .... Awa

Dec. 29

Vin enne..





. .... .. .. .. ....... Awa \

tate .. . .. .. . .. . . .... . .. H ornt'

Manche ter ... .. ....... . .. . . A"'ra y

Jan. 12

Huntington ....... ... ...... . Avva

Jan. 15

La '"'renee .... . .. - . . . ........ Ho1ne

Jan. 18

Vin enne

Jan. 25

Concordia .................. Away

Jan. 26


........ . ......... H on1e Fans

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A\'\1 a,.,. .I

Jan . 2 9 An de r o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H o111 e F eb.


tate ................... Away

Feb. 12

Indiana Central .............. Awa y

Feb. 16

Hanover .................... Away

Feb. 19

Huntington ................. Home

AS 70







Byerly, Boyd . .... . ... . ...... . 21 Byer ~ Fred . .... . .......... .. 23 Coffer, Wayne .... . ....... .. . . 25 Deeter, J oe .. .... . . . . . .. .. . .. 18 Gr aft, Dale .. .. . ... . .. . . . ... . 21 Hip her~ J erry ......... . . . .. . 18 J ohn , K ent ... .... . ... ...... 18 Mock Larry .............. . . . 18 Pelic, Ed . .... . . .. ....... ... 19 mith Harold . ......... .. .. .. 19 umn1ey, Bob .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . 21 tegeln1an, Rudy ........ . . .. . 18 tephen , Earne t .......... .. 22 Watkin Clarence ... ........ . 26 Whitti g R oger ..... .. . ...... . 23 William , Don . . ........ . ... . 24

6' 6'6" 6'6" 6'2" 6'3" 6'3"

185 200 190 185 200 200 170


,. an~e

5'10" 6' 6'3"

5 4


165 205

5'11" 6'1"






5'11" 6'1"



2 11 10


170 185

1 0 9 6

Home Town

Yr. on T~a nt Teran

0 ... ian, In d ia na ... ......... . ......... 3 P ompano, Beach . Fb. . ...... . ....... . 2 Oak Park, TIL ......... ............ .. 2 W aha h, Ind. . ........ . . . ........... . 1 0 . . ian, Ind. . .. . .... .. . ......... . . .. . 3 W aba h, Ind. . . ....... . ....... .. ... .. 1 Petroleum, Ind. . .............. . ..... 1 yracu .. e, N.Y .. .............. . ....... l Brooklyn .Y. . ......... . . . . ... . .... . 2 Green burg, Ind. . ........... . . . ...... 2 Fort Wa yne, Ind. . . . .... . .... . ...... . l A ngola Ind. . . . ... ................. .. 1 H o u ton, Texa ......... . .. .. ... ... . . 2 Columbu , Ohio ... . ................ . 1 Hud .. on, Ind. . ................... . . . . 1 W aha h, Ind . . .. . .. . .... . ........... 2

8 6 5 2

8 2 2 2 6

3 2

2 6

1 4


Scorekeeper R obert R ebbe Manager Harvey Wes t, Gerald Blackwell Tin1er Art Price

F r ont R o w: Kent Jol1n , Jaren ce Watkin , E arne t tepben . )Iidd le R ow: Jn~ Deet~r, Bob umn~y. Bo)·d By~t·l~· , D on 'l'illia •n , Haro1<1 "'mit h . Buck .Row : EI-! PPli c, Dal e G raft, '~ayne utfer, Rud y t egeln1an, J err) Hipsh~r.








Guard. Age


21. Height




6'. Boyd hails from Ossian, Indiana. This

is his third year with the Warriors. He was the top scorer on last year 's team.


Center. Age

18. Height

6'5". Rudy is from Angola, Indiana.

This is Rudy s first season as a Warrior , but he seems to have the stuff it takes.


Guard. Age

18. Height

5'10". Kent is an Indiana boy, too. This is

Kent's first year as part of the Tech five. The 5'1 0" frame seems to be an asset rather than a handicap.








Forward. Age

18. Height

6'3". Jerry made his start playing

basketball in high school at Wabash, Indiana. He is listed as a forward but holds the center spot down very well when needed.


Forward. Age

24. Height

6'. Don is another Hoosier from

Wabash, Indiana. This is Don's second year with Tech. He is a real good man to have on a team as he plays good ball both on the offense and the defense.


Forward. Age

21. Height 6'3"'. Dale came to Tech fro1n Ossian,

Indiana. This is his third year on Tech's tean1. Dale is listed as a forward, but he plays all positions equally well. 73


cor路e 59-60 with one second remaining

tar路ting five

Ch eer lead er s and Ma cot




to Right, .__' tanding: Robert A. 'V{"Intz, Ro.\ Prentice, Dnn Gaugler, Donald 1\'Iartin, Professo1· Ben.ia•nin Dow, Aeoro Dept. Head; Lloyd Wadekamper. Left to right, kneeling: Raymond Hoffman, Jerry A. Day.

In intratnural basketball the Aeronautical

the first round of competition, and the Aero --

Department won the championship by de-

the second round. The ti e necessitated a

feating the Electronics Department in the

playoff game which the Aeros won. Aero

play-off. The Electronics Department won

were also champs for the 1955 season. 75

. eated, Left to Right: Bob \Yentz, Ho~e r \\~hittiJr ••Tim \\'inters , ._am \l"nlker, .Je rry Blackwe ll, Ii'arold Gri w o ld . . 'tanding: Bill Carroll, al Turano, Gene Teff, Harry 01U'8on, ~Iurray-)fendenhall (Coach ), E rnie 't e)lhen , Bill n ·il on, Ray Rowle .

I 9

A s




Jim Wintt'rs, pitcher; Bill Wilson, catcher; Harry Okeson, infield; Gene Neff, infield.


Ander on ......... 19; Marion . . . . . . . . . . . 0; Huntington ........ 2; Huntington ........ 12; Manchester . . . . . . . . 7; Ander on . . . . . . . . . 0; Huntington . . . . . . . . 3; Huntington ........ 6; Manche ter . . . . . . . . 2; Manchester ..... .. . 10 ; Tri- tate .......... 25;

Tech ............ 13 Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tech ............ 7 Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tech ............ 2 Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tech ............ 19 76




Blackwell • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 30 Stephens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Okeason . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 37

14 13 13 10 10 16 10 1 10 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

.466 .333 .351 .250 .333 .388 .485 .344 .050 .454 .111 .000 .100 .000 .000 .000 .000 .333 .000 .000 .000





• •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

40 30 18 33 29 20 22

Wentz • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Carroll • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Whittig • • • • • • • • • • • Wilson • • • • • • • • • • • • elson • • • • • • • • • • • • Rowles • • • • • • • • • • • • Forsythe • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 8 Winters • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10 Mock • • • • • 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Walsh • • • • • • • • 3 • • • • • • • Scalzo • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • Turano • • • • • • • • • • 3 • • • Falcioni • • • • • • • 3 • • • • Frelich • • • • • • • • 1 • • • A1nbrose . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Griswold • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 •


............. . ... 345




Winters • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Whittig • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Walker • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Grisw oI d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R owles ............... . .. . .... .. . . .. . calzo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •


GGER , Left to Rigl1t: Jerry Bla k-well, Roger ' '' hittig, Ray Rowles.

6 4 5 3 ?



w 4 1 1 0 0 0





0 1 0

5 3 5 2 3 0 8 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3

10 5 13 11 11 8 6 6 5 6 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0





7 10 11 7 14 6 3 7 1 1 4

0 0 0 0 2


In. P.

0 0 0 1 2 0

27 222!;3 15 2/3

Left to Right: a1n ''f'alker, !litcher; Bill Bob W entz. outfield; Harold Gri wold, tephen • outfi~l<l.

8% 10 1%

arroU, outfield; J>itcher; Ernie

'r E ' H FEX E R S : F r on t R ow , l e ft t o ri g ht: G. Harper, L . hrout, . H. Carr, ~.;; . Grunnenkant, T . )lotl E.'y. R ·. zer e jlco, 0. Drozd, J. ' Ve bb , P. clunitz, \V. E lli on, K. Quint, and Coa -ch ' Vah1.

~.;: econd

R ow:



The F en cing Club was or ganized with the purpo e of furthering the inter est of fencing. Both novices and advanced fencing students make up the club and are given expert instruction by Henr Wahl. J

The entire squad is ready. willing and able to keep up the good name of Indiana Tech in athletic abilit and good sportsmanlike conduct. Tech has ._


a r eputation of bein g good sports as well as fine

• • •y

• I


- .

athletes amon g the



~ch oo1 s

peted with in the past .


that they ha ve coln-


A SEASON RESULTS Tech. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tech. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tech.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

2· ' 7·

Tri-State Tri-State

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

26 ·


• •

17 · ' 22·


• • • •



• •

• •

• • • •



• • • • • • • • • •


• • • • • • • • •

• • •


. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


• • • • • • • • • • • • • •


• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •


• • •

• •

• • • • • •



• • • • • • • • • • • •


Stutzman ..

Burger ..

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


• • • • • • • • ••



• • •

• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •


• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •


• •

• • • • •


















. 100

T eam 1\lember s : Brue, Tay lor, Bw·ger, Stutzman, Scott, Pfeifer. .. •

• ' •


.. --~...--··-~--





' ~-









Fir t Ronr: Robert 1\Iarsllall, 1\lurry 1\fendenhall, Jr., Ted Spitler, George Peterson, Ri<'hard M c Kenna. Second Row: William Hambrocl{ , Ric hard Ben<ler, 1\larion tults, Richard Mann, Donald Gaugler, Hideo Toyama, Da路l 'id egawa. Third Row: C. E. Ba.rnun1, tanley Pushl{arz, Hawthorne, James Cu h, Patrie ){ Riddle, Jim Doyle, Thomas Goebel, Jerr~' Okan1ura., Richard Ji'renc h. Fourth Row: 1\'lic hel Grimshaw, Quinn, Ri chard Huff, Holly Young, Robert Julian, Ronald Gould, Richard Sa.r ber, '. fh01nas ealzo, 'Vorley, Clarence Nayonis. Last Row: Smith, Frank Wilson, Richard Barclay, "lViJliam Ga~ braitb, Clarence Ohashi, Harry Brown, Ronald DeWalt, Gale Steele, Joseph Linteau.




A Games

Ha'~ a i i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Sigma-Phi-Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Electricals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Mechanicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Aerona uticals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Civils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Alpha-Gamma-Up ilon . . . . . . . . . . 78 Offsprings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Kappa- igma-Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Newman Club ................. 78

Total Pins




High 3

High l

59919 55161 58784 56640 54629

768 707 753 726 700 723

48 47 46 45 45 41 40 40 34 32 31 27 26

2536 2299 2413 2388 2413 2314 2439 2435 2144 2197 2230 2385 2251 2163

942 880 876 834


30 31 32 33 33 34 37 38 38


58099 55414 51239 52723 5220 l 54893 46664 51074

Total pins bowled by league 763,888 League average per individual 141 First Round Winner Hawaii

710 656 675 669 703 686 654



46 47

51 52

Second Round Winner Mechanicals School Champions Mechanicals



870 900 827 878 810 774

872 819 788

SCHOOL CHAMPIONS '' Mechanicals" :Front Row, left t o right: Richard M c K enna, Barr~ 路 Brown, Ri c hard Huff. Uow: Ri c hard Bra cla.r, James u h, 1\'I ichael Grim haw.

Richard Pu ti, Ho pitalized, still gets award . T e d Spitler make pt路e entation to Pu ti.

Past President' "Sport manship Award": Marion Stult make ~ pre entation to Richat~d McKenna.


INTERCOLLEGIATE TEAM Left to Ri g ht: Rkhar<l Huff, Richard 1\'IcKenna., Willian1 Ham brock, Clarence Ohas hi .

McKenna displays his form

Julian lays it down


The howling club is probably the mo t popular activity at Tech during the fall and winter term . During the pa


ea on n1ore

than 120 tudent pa1ticipated. 'fhe fir t round of the ea on went to the Hawaiian team, with the Mechanic topping the econd round. The Mechanical then won the pa y-off to become the school chan1pion -- . B e nde r

hoots for a

" R UNNERS UP" HAWAllAN L e ft to Rig ht: Hideu To ynma, Dav id egawa., Clare n ce Oha ¡hi , J erry OJ{amura . •



Mr. Dow pre ent

trophie to Intramural Golf winne r , Laurilla and runer-up, W est.

Participation throughout the ea on wa excel-





lent. Durin g the sun1n1er , a tourna1nent was held )n which 50 or n1or e students participated. The con1petition was keen, the weather n1an was cooperative and a good season wa enj oyed by all.

Laurilla tee off

150 ... 200 ... 250 ... ? ?

The end of the u1nmer tern1 1narked the clo ing of another successful season in the eries of intramural sports at Indiana Tech. A dozen teams, powered with from twelve to fifteen men each,

N s



competed in softball leagues. Gan1e ranged from tight close contests to those with high scor es.

I~ •






N F ir t Row: Boy(l B~·erl ey, Jerr.v Blackwell, Dale Craft. Jim l'\7 inter s. Secontl Row: Sam lVallcer. Larry, Bob Brue, lVayne Coffe r. Thirtl Row: Gen e Neft', 'font St'alzo. Fourth Row: Larry 1\loch:, Bill l\'il on. Fifth Row: Kenton Quint. Harold G ri wold. ixth Row: Dale Taylor. Ray Rowles. ·event h Row: Roger lVhitti~, Kent ,Jolm • Bob l\·entz, Jerrx Kall.

" Dad" Pontius move d out too to h e lp make things comfortable for the n e w te nants.

Soon after T ech 's move to the n ew campus, contruction starte d on the Dana Building which will make possible T ech ' move into a gre at future .








-f) 0


ince it inception in 1941 the A ociation of Civil En gineer formerly known a the P yramid Club. ha had for its goal the pron1oti on of interest and study in all pha es of the fi eld of Civil Engineering. 'fo attain this end the Association trives t o present a v ari ed progran1 to its member s through the mediwn of motion picture

field trip to local and distant construction projects and lecture~ by prominent civil

engineer s many of whon1 are T ech graduates.


Majors in chemical engineering may affiliate

certain priYilege which h elp to improve his pro-

with the American Chemical Society a national fessional standing as ' veil as his educational backorganization of chemists and chemical engineers. The American Chemical Society grants the affiliate

gr ound and e1nployn1ent opportunities.

Front Row, eated left t o right: )fr. ";ndell, Dr. Db:on, ,V. 1\ltmson, . eeretary ; D Didier, President; Prof. Crannn er, Facult;\· )loderator; G. teele, Dr. Donahue . .'"'econd R ow: E. Kenkar , E . Guindon , A. Giordano, Trea urer; J. Kradler, P. Robert , R. D e,\'alt, R. Burzres , A. Hurtado, 0 . Ferrant e , " ·· Bt·o wn, J, Gumbel evic iu , ,,~. Jenning . Third Row: .T. Bro wn, R. Co ul ter, J. t~I>hen , L. \"l"ickliffe, C. Xa~·oni , J. Linteau, T. i'lindock, N . Hal!)E>rn, ' ''· LaPonte, G. OliYo, K. Toga ~gi.

AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY The tudent section f the udi Engineering o iety \Vas organized in the Winter Term 19551956., t provide a 1nediun1 for Tech students inter e ted in udio Engineerin g either as a career r a hobby., to exchan ge idea and to learn of new d velopn1ent in the field .

Me1nber of the Student

ection hold the grade

of Student Member in the Audio Engineering ociet

and as such r eceive full benefit of 1nen1·

ber ship in that organization.

The Electrical Club affiliated with the Fort Wayne ection of the American Institute of Electrical Engjneer , is open to all students in the Electrical and Electronic Department . A in the pa t, everal field trips were taken to variou points of intere t to tho e in th e departn1ent. AI o many intere tin g peaker from different branche of the Electrical Engineering field pre'" ented valuable information to the pro pective engineer at many of the meetings held by the club. First Row, left to right: l\lohammed I man Hus ain, Thoma \\7 • Gurr, Billy J. arr, 'l ,heodore W. H. Alt, . tephen pi hock, T. E. Fiscus, Henry F. Sterba, Dean G. Shaw, Duane E. Jennings. econd Row: Pete-r Nortman, Frederick l\Iowery, Donald B. Fori ter, Donald A. 1\'lcClain, A'an L. Fros , John J. Carroll, Earl L. Ke-lsey, Charle A. '\'iltiam . Third Row: Thurman H. Bender on, John A. Brob t, Romie . E rwood, Jr., Lonnie . .i\1eadow ~ , Jame 'Vinter , George cbnmacher. Fourth Row: Albe rt Gibson, Neal Hayat,hi<la, Ric hard A. Courtney, \Yilliam A. Dietz, Gilbert K. Budde nbaum, Robert E. lark, Jr., Jonah ":'\Iann, P. Varhola, Paul .i\liike.

Seated, left to right: P e t er Chang, tei>hen Bolbih, Ra~· King, Faculty 1\loderator; Edward Dt-Lane~·, Corr. Lee.; Lavern D e lzer, Sec., Ya uto h Talnashi, Henry l\I<·Clure, ' ' · ( 'hairman; G lt'n Clapper, Chairn1an; B evli Gurcl1aran - li"iingh, Ran,jit ._ingh Grewal, -.:: ulchbir Singh Yirlc. SeC(tnd Row: Earnt- t St ephen s, Kuldip Singh Sekhon, Robert Kaufman, Robert Barker, James S n1ith, arl Leses n e, 'Ve .. le~· Car}>ent er , L~·nn stewart, G urd e\' . ingb, Ric hard Han!!'ien. Third Row: Anthon~· 0 h·o~lci, t ephen Tru ik, Leonard . t enbe rg, Lui Fun eca, Nick B~ rbili , Dean R eily, Lloyd Geer, Kenneth Gerhard t ein, Shah Mir Khan. Fourth R ow: LeRoy Smith, Robert \\ il1ianls , \\1illiam Davi , Donald De\\'ildt, Norman \\'illiams , Donald Ric hard on, l\Iorri O ·w en, Jr., J. R. Bunting, '\'illiam Calhoun, Charle Von 'Vein t e in, Ralph )lut>ller. 1




The Mechanical Club of Indiana Technical Col-

to promote an interest in Mechanical Engineering.

lege is an affiliate of the Fort Wayne Branch of

The plans of the club include social fun ctions to

the A1nerican Society of Mechanical Engineer s.

increase fellowship and field trips to broaden our

'fh e principal purpose of the Mechanical Club is

knowlenge of en gineering.

Front R ow, l eft to right : Paul Newh ou se, Daniel D. Eichenauer, Alan H. Wilkins, Arnol(l I. Cowan, Harry J. Dell, Treas urer; R ollan L. D esautels , Chairman ; R ob ert Snyd e r, Facult~- Advisor; Harry P. Bro,vn, ' 7ic e-Chairman; Richard Barclay, Secretary; Jacl< Ander o n, D. Runyan, Ri cl1ard Huff: Ri c hard JlcK enna. econd Ro,v: Norman Guy, Gurtna.c Pnldas, Thonms Hooper, Yito Ga i, Alan Burrough , R. P. S<>-hn1idt, l\"illia,Jn E llison, Morres )lad en, S. V. Libbing- Georg-e Pavlou, J on Hiles, Henrik Es k esen, Haro ld Gris w old , E dward Fox, L. '"路 h erwood, L. A . Hemmin~, Gostba 1\Iaity, Clar~nce 011as hi . T hird Row: T h o n1 a~ Payn e . G. . Thind, Hern1an Golden bagen , Da,路id :\IcCarty, Gordon L. Fer2"USOn, Edmtmd L. Pie r ce, Earl A. Stan ek, Ronald A lt, CJ)路de T . Hauey, Billy J. Peel, Ge rald 1\Ianue l, Ri c ha.rd Go dorf, Paul H e r h ey, Donald Riley, Theodore Trudel, Jatnes Cr eech , 'Tilliam ll'ilson.



ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING SOCIETY The Electronic Engineering ociety wa officially formed on March 27, 1956 and i the departmental organization of the Electronic Engineering Department. Th e Electronic Engineering Society h old monthly meeting which feature speaker s from variou electronic e quipment n1anufacturer . These intere ting program ~ u ually feature lectures and demon tration of a technical nature. The aims of the Electronic Engineering Society are to further the inter e t in Electronic Engineering and to promote harmony and cooperation between other Electronic organiza ti on at Indiana T echnical College. The Electronic Engineering Society also publishes a monthly new letter , The Electron, which describes activities of the E.E.S. and future events of interest to Electronic Engineering students.


First Row, left to right: Carl Nadeau, Chairman ; Ern t Hannen1an, Trea ... urer; Leon hulz, Cbair1nan; Dr. Perr·y ' ' i11iarns , Guest pea.ker; Proffi Ralph Car on, Faculty Ad,•i or; Kenneth R eed, Publicity Direc tor; Carl Lilie. econd Row: Donald Lawton, Darrell Green, :i\ lelvin ~cboono ,· er, Arthur Goldin, llgl"ar . 'au ai , Clarence Smith, Carl Lese ne, Robert Jone , Nick Eaker. Third Row: Robert Williatu , Robert Dale, Eugene )Iauer, Charle Ol,er trom, Robert Young·er, A lvaro Quiro. , Fredericli )Iimken, Thoma rsai, l\Ir. Gordon R ebn1eyer, , 'ecretary (ab ent ) .


J ,

peaker e xplain vanguard Rocket


f tudent of


er onautical Engineering Departn1ent with


gener al p urp . . e of br adening their knowl-

ed ae in their fi eld. Men1ber hip includes the p rivi-


tudent Branch of the In titute of Aer o·

n autical ciences had another bu y ear at Tech. Man

1novies were sh own and a field trip t o

tudebaker-Packard in

outh Bend Indiana , was

lege of the P aul Koll man Librar of Aeronautical


Book .

worth students in the club.

umer ous awards wer e al o given t o

F irst R o w, l eft to rig ht : K enne th E . I{ em, K enne th D. Hueb chn1an, D. . H offman, Yice-Pre ident ; B. L. Dow, Fa~ ult . clvi ~ o r: R. E. B e nde r, Pre ' id e nt; J. D. Boccaleo ni, "' ecr e tary; Ru - -el Rhode -, Trea urer; A. J. Zadel, . R. ,.., tinc hfield, R. Prentice. econ(l R o w: Dona I d R. P et e r -, J oe ooley, Ray m ond T. H offman, R o be rt Hot on, Darl )lo ~o ,• e, Phil L eck enby , H e ino B o rn, E l<le an B oett (·h er , D o na d :\lartin, J erry .A. D ay, Ed P elic , John Zwirle in, L. R. 'T"ade lian1per. Thir d R ow: P e t e r . . , chmitz, H erb Kredi e t , Dal e ~t eY en , D on Gaug l er , H o lly Y o ung , )le i )Iiiler , ad Bo dl e~-, Ed Cox, 'Yilliam Galbraitll, R ob ert . 'l"entz.

Senti-Annual Banque t put on by .A.E. Attended by ovel' 100 S.A.E. nletnbe r ' and guests.


ociety of A uton1otiv Engin

dent branch, affiliated ' vith the of A uton1 otive Eng ineer

an l

the M ecbanical E nginee rin g


ational j


a tu-

ber._hip i

ociet y

are inter e ted in the advancen1ent of the Auton1 o-

pon or ed b y

p n


all engin eerin g

tud nt '"'h o

tive Ind u ... tr .

D parltnent. Men1-

Ji1 r ont Row, l~ft tu right: .\. 'owan, C. T. Han·~, li: t-ha~· iogloY 'J'h~ohari s , Bill li: t- l' t- r, S t•t r e tar~ ; Dou Riley, Yi ce Pres; d ent ; Howanl A. )laddin, Fac ult y Advisor: Harr~ P. Brown, Pt·e. ide nt : Ri c h ar<l E. Huff, Trea!-. urer; R o nald A lt, H. L. Biper~. Paul Ne wh om;;t', Gerald .'"" tandl~i t> Wi(· Z . . t'('cmcl Uow : J•Jhn A. )loeller, ~i c k ..\.. Birbi Iis, Bom i I>. Ii:era wal!a, Ru ~ Dhondy, D o ward Run~· on, Cla r t> n ce- Ohal>ohi , 'Yilli ~un I ~ . \\"ill>oOn, Huber t C'hPl>otPr, ,Jon Hil e ~ , E dward Pede, Uonal<l Petroff, Geo r C"e I>avlon, V ito Y. Gal:o!S i. Third n ow : .John n . Dnff, L. ,,., S h t-r wcHHl, C'. E . B a rnum, ,Joe J{o dow~ ld , eo rge F irth, ,,~a lt er Ba('on, J(enne th ovey, Harold La urila, Bill~- .J. t>e e l , Dalt- E . C rai g, Uobe r t 'Yin<l, R~l ! ph Ore n<lorf, .-\lan G. Burrnugh, Rub e •·t ~p e n ct" r.

Seated. L eft t o Ri~l1t : H. A<h·ani, .\ . 0 . Pari ld•. ·- · S. ~i _ijar, G. , . Thin<l, . •J. Quinn, Tom -c~a ~ . ~- .... ing-l1 , J. X. Patel. ""' econd Uow: G. lS. B e vli. 'h a h, I\:. ,·. ~e ld wn, .] . . . Kalouria, U. S. C hl1ina, H. S. B liu t:", Attri, , . P . Gu1>ta, A. ,_ in~h , T hird Row: G. B. )laity, l\1. V. lUethe w , H. ~I. Dave, C . N . De, . . YirJ~ , J. L . ..... ingla, l\1. ing h , H. , 1n g h.


S. A.



Student Council is the general repre entative organization of the

tudent body.

Through ample representation it exercises

advi ory control of all student activities and function in connection with the faculty for the general welfare of the college.

DI K B E .SDER E dit or-in- hie f

RoN GouLD Assistant Editor


• •

Bob Gatz and Larry Shrout ch ecking o ver photos .


Pre viou work of art

You wondered , the staff wondered . . . guess ever ybody wondered whether the 1956-57 K EKI ONGAI

was going to come out or n ot and if so, when .

The task of putting together a yearbook is n ot

Ron and Hal

one of mer ely ' vaiting for the clubs departments. fraternities, etc., to submit material in the forn1 •

of pictures and copy · rather it is the screening and arrangement of the material after it has been r eceived. This again is simplified very much if all who ""'ish to he represented in the yearbook would, on receivement of notice for material, r esp ond within a reasonable amount of tin1e instead of putting off until tomorrow what should be don e today. This factor along with an undern1anned , completely new staff are the chief contributor s to the lateness of this years'


It is the

Staff's sincer est h ope that this situation will be re1nedied in the future, thus, insuring a better b ook at an earlier publication. The Stafl




ED PIERCE Editor-in-Chief

The purpose of the T echnician is to provide for the engineering students'\ faculty and alumni a ource of information, well r ounded in coverage

student written articles of particular interest, and n ews picture stories. The first edition of The Technician was pub-

of college activities pertaining to the engineers' interests : some of the latest developments reported

lished in January, 1932. It was then an eight by

by the nation's r esearch organizations, news of

eleven mimeographed sheet. Since then " The voice

alumni, report of T ech 's own re ear ch program,

of the students," has grown with the school.

First Row, left to right: Chal'le L. Reed, Kenneth E. Pa chal, Robert G. Dale, Harry P. Brown, Duane G. Hoffman . . .:; econd Row: William H. Hannun1~ Busine Ad,·i or; John F. ~Ietzger, Patrick Riddle, 1\lr . Katharine Corbe tt, Carroll P. Corbett, Ralph H. i co. ' ''illiam Ban·ow . •

I -, 'r


N •


) •

. ...

"Doc" Young given honorary membership

The Flying Club is made up of students of

strtlctor' s licenses aid their fellow students

all departn1ents that have a common intere t

in obtaining their private pilot's license.

in flying. Students with commercial and in-

Front Row, kneeling, left to rigbt: John Ander on, Carl Rhoda, John Arianout o , Paul Bare tta, Herbert Orth, Tony ton. Back Row·: Ben Dow, Fa-culty l\loderator: John 'Vencil, ec reta•·~Y ; Albert G ib on, Pre i<lent: Richard Filler, Kenneth Pe.rnberton. Back Row: Thoma E ichorn, Trea urer; George "'e nunich, Jan1e Cr eec11, Robert J ohn on , F light In tructor; John Roge r , F light In" tructor; Erne t )larth, Douglas 'Yalker, '\'esley 1\:l un on.

I . .C • •


"' •

Home of the Hawaiian Student

The Ha\vaiian Club i T echnical College

End-of-term party honoring graduate


on1po ed of Indiana

tudenL fro1n the Ha,-vaiian

TAMOT u TAIRA .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . President HID E O ToYAMA . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Vi ce-President

I.Jand . The prin1ary purpo._e of the organization PA


n1utual a istance during the course of the

n1 en1ber

under graduate tudy.


MnKE ... . ............ . ......... ecretary





A TO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tr easurer


TEI N . . . . . . . . . . . . Sgt.-of-Arms

Front Row, left to right: Erne t Bu bo o, Frank Natividad, J erry Okarnura, .<\gripino Batoon, Richard Aga.wa. e cond Row: barles H . Von Wein t e in, Hideo Toyama, Tamot u Taira, Arthur Price, Fac ulty Advi or: Paol 1\liike, tanley Yumen, Haruo l\lat onaga, higeo Ful~u hima. Third Row: Peter J. Chang, Jienji Nal<ahara, Roy Tanikawa, lVilfred Honda, I.awr en ce 'Vatanbe, Pa.Q 'Vong, Robert eo, I amu Higa, Harry Honda, l\Ianuel A lbera , Jame Takeuchi, David egawa. Fourth Row: Thoma Hamada, Too1io ""ato, Frank Ya1nada, "' am Yamauc hi, Paul Tanaka, Clarence Oha hi, Donald Oishi, harle A ato, Yasuto hi Taint hi, Jiazuo Toz:-a l1i, Albert Yaman1.oto, tanle)~ Uyec hi. )li ing front Picture : Tada.Q Kuroda, higern Fuknm oto, '"'am rn y Zaan.

Front Row, l eft to right: Ronald Hughe , 1\l el 1\HBer, Gus Su szko, B enne t t Kemp. Back R ow : Robert 1\forri , Garry Suter, Bill Barrow , Donald Coulte r, G ilbert Bu<l<lenbaum, Rus e l Rhod es.





S itting, left to ri,arht: Ha nain, .Ta n~ <l, sec r e tan ; ~lu -htaqu e , Pre ident ; Patell, Vice- l'rt-sj<le nt; Rawa ia, Alvi, 1\fian, Ag ha, lihan, Sid<liqui, G ill.

. Z

.. ta.










0 I









• • •




Front Row, left to right: Cba,r les 'V. Hinkle, Cl~rde F. Davenport, Ralph C. Carson, 1\loderator; James A. 1\lclnnis, Alvaro Qniros, Charles D. Yelverton. Second R ow: \Villiam F. Frisbie, Ric hard I. Bain, Richa,rd L . P l'l.UlSJ,e, Richard F . Boha.ych e l{, Ivan E . Folken, Leon l\1. chulz. Third Row: Jon k . Wood, Ken S. \ Vindisb, Thomas E . He t er, William E. Clinger, Ra ymond J. R yan, Stanley L. Ba,b bitt, I samu Riga,, ·=·



.. • •

Kekion a

R~~p~o_ CLUB -

t AIOR.Irlllf!rs





Membership of the K.A.R.C. is composed of students and faculty of Indiana Technical College who are especially interested in A1nateur Radio activity ... transrnission r eception experimentation and fellowship. The club was originally cal1ed ~'Technic al An1ateur Radio Club of Fort Wayne" and was the first radio club in the city. In 1951 the club wa broken into two groups'\ one known as the F ort Wayne Radio Club and the other is the pre ent K.A.R.C.


• 0H3PP

The club is licensed by the Federal Co1nn1unications Con1n1ission under the call letter s W9BHR. The first radio contact by the club was in 1938. The K.A.R.C. is a n1ember of the Indiana Radio Club Council, Inc. , and is one of the most active groups in the college. Through the close cooperatio nof its men1bership, the organization continues to grow with Tech.


Members find it ea y to relax and study at the ir n e w house




F r on t Row, l~ft to right: Peter Co r~· ea, Lawrence Burch, Jame Ca s i<l Y. Ge rald tankie wicz, Yic~Presi<lent; Robert . . : pencer, Prt-sident: Charles Sentlich, T r easure r: ,,.illian1 Coy le, Alan Frelich, Bernard A ntbro e . . econd R ow : Leo G ogan , Donald Sk iba, Georg-e . churec k. Peter Varhola, Robert Thene, )Iichael BrinkntSn, T h o ntas Zruno, :!\ lartin Hermann , Leo Th01nan, Ca rl ~adea u, Fra nk ,"'z ing·e •·, Dalt- C rai g, Alex Zampieri. T hir<l Row: )lanuel Ga rcia, Loui Geri cs, E dward Petie, John Toy, Paul Car on , John .King, John :'\Intko~ ki, John ' ''agner, Fred ericli. For. ~· the.

The Newman Club is designed to help the Catholic students on ecular and tate college campuses in their religiou , cultural and social life. The various activitie


sored are aimed to supplen1 ent and round out the education of the tudent , under the guidance of chaplains appointed by the Bi shop of the Diocese. The inspiration of the great Cardinal Newm an, long an adviser at Oxford University, is the beacon guiding

Time out for r e fre hrn e nts

the various foundations which exist at over 300 colleges and universities in the United States.

Honte cooke d n1e al

8 ball in side

poc k~t •

0 I •








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On December 14_ 1956 the Ukrainian Student

Ukrainian students who are naturalized citizens.

Club of Indiana Technical College was organized.

This club shall attempt to achieve its purpose



in an organizational~

The purpose of this club is to promote closer con-

by : Helping its

tact and co·operation between those studen ts born

n1.oral, cultural, professional and material n1an·

in the United State of Ukrainian descent and those

n er · r epresenting the aspirations of Ukrainian

First Row, left to righ t: G~orge Li , George Semenink, 'Volo£1.rn1~·r Fe<lol'iw, P r of. Joseph Cranuner. Boh dan K u kh:rc l<y,j, O r est teinberg. Second Row: 1\fak~.rrn Kocur, Twan Pidli n~", 'l'wan Osadch u.k, Jonnas Gu1nbr a lh•iciu s, Myc h a l A n clrijen ko, ' Y"a s y l Dolis hnyj, Victor . tel masl1enko, Bas il Turi an ky, R01n an ' Yoznial{.



Ukrainian folk dance, "Hopak"

students befor e local, legal and public institutions;

The officer of the club are: Bohdan Kulchyckyj,

co-operating with all student organizations and in-

President ; Wolodymyr Fedoriw, Vice-President ;

stitutions that act in the interest of students; ar-

George en1eniuk, Secretary, and Orest Steinberg,

ranging meetings, conferences, lectures and social



Ukrainian Club singing Christma cat·ols



·.· ... '}. . .·. :: .·..

;.·. :~






Officers, left to right: 1\fary Lou Roseba.ugJ1, Seeretary ; ~a ll y King, President ; Darlen e ~eff, Vice-Pre iclent ; and B e tty wis h e r, Trea s ur ~r

The "Tech Wives Club" l1a

abotlt 52

ever y other Wednesday night at 8:00p.m. on

n1 en1bers from approxin1ately 12 states and

the campus. All Tech wives are welcome to

four foreign countrie . Meetings are held

join the club.

itting in front. left to right: 1\'Iar~' Rosbaugl1, SaUy King. First Row: Beve rly Gara.b e(lia.n, Irene Steiner, Shirley Smith, Yvette Dowe, Joyce Thaler, .1\laralyn M c Vay, Chris ta Hus ton, Janet Neson, Janet Stutzma.n , Roberta Lockwood, Jerry McAnallY, andy Kl ein, Annetta 'VJ1ittig, Vivian "\Til helm, Huguette Ztnuidzinas. Second Row: Joan ~Iunson., l\'I ary Faulkenberry, J oan ' Vood, Joan " -ar<lle, Ma.r ge Pi erce, Hele n e Zura, Pat Ritari, ,Jac '\Tilson, Iris R e ily, Violet 1\'l onteith, Betty Paulson, B e tty Seyn1our, Kay Bradley, C a.rol~'n Mayo, Roberta. Dale, birley Esbensen, Chris tine 'lnite, Sue Ba~h, Pat Davis , Judy Hawk, l\'l aril,rn R eeser, Pat Dun harm, Delores Owen. Thi rd R o w: Marilyn Eckert, Violet Peters , 1\f.arion Esl{esen, Mirian1 Fergu on, Donna A l1by, Vir g inia Piner, E ;s ie Rogers, Nancy Davis, Eleanor Donohoe, Ma,rilyn. 'Miller, Alice ~ troad , 1\large Ta~路 lor, Barbara Briggs, hirley Daffing, P h yllis Nel s on, andra Hers h ey. Officers Not Present: Darlene :Neff, Bett.r S wis her.

The members sltown below served a s ushers for the "Kickoff" Dintter. Front Row, left to right: Ri cl1artl F iller, E lwood Laa.l{SO, Anthony Giordano. Center Row: 1\-(a.uri<'e Lnndfonl, \\' i'liam '~' il on, Richard Pfeifer, Curby l\Iurt 1a.nd, ll'illi wm Taylor, Thon1as Corby, Jatnes Cavan a u g h, Lloyd lYade l<a n1per. BacJ' Ro,v : Gale teel, Jack Alt, James Logue, Robert Cas ~ e ~', Laird . mith, Jay G riffit h.






s Printing Office










... • •

ign of growth





• '*ii'<


Our Gy1n

s The ladie in the. bookstore

R e gistrar's office


,. •


.,.."" ,..,. ~








• .



• •

... :·· «





L eft t o rigl1 t , standing: A n t hony Gies, Alpha Gam1n a . U p s ilon; Al Shapiro, B eta Sign1.a Tau ; Gen e Neff, Ka.p pa Sigma Phi ; J erry Green, Kappa Sig·ma Ka.p pa; Ba.r ney Fore man, Kappa Sigma 1\..a.ppa. L e ft to right, s eated: D on Gaugler, Sig lll.R Phi D elta; Jon Hiles, Alpha Gwmma Up silon; Sam Reitz, Sigma Phi Delta; D e l Arno ld, Kappa Sigma Kappa. M etnbe r s Not Shown: T mn Pay n e, Sigma Phi D e lta; Ted S pitler , Sigma Phi De lta; Ton1 Corby , B eta S i~tna Tau.

Formed at Tech during the 1951-1952 school year, the Inter-Fraternity Council has as its goal the betterment of r elations between the recognized fraternities and the school proper. The council is composed of two metnbers elected frotn each fraternity. A unanimous vote is needed for the passing of any proposed policy, insuring the absence of domination by any single fraternity. An annual dance as well as a softball league and a bowling leagtle bring the separate memberships of each fraternity together as one group and permits those selected few that




belong to a fraternal order the opportunity to mingle and exchange fri endship and co• operation. Wholeheartedly behind Indiana Technical College with its combined membership support, the Inter-Fraternity Council plans to grow with the school and make the fraternity system an integr al part of Tech student life.

Present Me mber Fraternities : Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Beta Sigma Tau, Kappa Sigma Kappa, Kappa Sigma Phi, Sigma Phi Delta.

N 118




!!ill• ~'"'u me ..... ..,..... Uitrf!P. ~· ·~w·· ~

.. ~

eate<l, left to rigl1t: Adan1 Janotilc, Richard D. Lan1b, Jim Kirkhoff, Cbarle lU. Oker trom, Howard A. 1\lacldin, Erne t teele, Robert Younger, Davi , LaVern<l Delzer, Ivan A. Planck, Cagle Doyle, Leon Bakow, James C. agnis, Curby R. l\lurtland.

Iota Tau Kappa was organized a a mean

age of 3.5 or better for each of four terms of

of rewarding exceptional scholar hip. In-

college work become eligible for member-

diana Technical College in September of ship. It is the conviction of the fraternity that 1942 inaugurated an honorary scholastic with " Industry, Truth and Kno,vledge" as a fraternity ymbolizing " Industry, Truth and Knowledge" by the Greek letter Iota Tau

beacon on our path through life no problem

Kappa. Students maintaining a point aver-

or task will appear too difficult.



A 119


Front Ro,-v, left to right: Fre<11·i ck l\Iolve·r y, Jon Hiles, Ronald Bonar, 1\Io es J. Acee, Donald Copenhaver, Patriclc Riddle, Jaan es l\lcGowen. Second Row: Kenneth Hogg·ard, Jay Griffith, .t\ ntbony Gies, Robert Brue, Jan1e Cove1·t, Robert Babbit, Ric hard )l'alsh, Donald Boston. Third Row: Robert l{aufman, Charles Kwaczala, Zruno, Jerome Kall, Arnold Brool{er, Joseph Con sonni., Jerry Blaclnvell, Jack Alt. Fre{lrick Burgett, J eiTY Edwards, Holly Young. Fourth Row: Richard Bernt, Ron Gould, Joseph Scluock, Wilfred Mills, Dennis Beuchel, Gene DuRand, Jac Jc Dean.

OFFICERS Spring and Sun1mer 1957 PATRICK RIDDLE ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . President

Ro ALD GouLD ... . .. . . . . Corresponding

RoBERT BRUE . . . . .... . .. .. . ... .. . Vice -President

Do _ ALD CoPENHAVER ... . ... ... . M e1nber-at-Lar ge

. . .... . . . . ... .. . .. .. ... Tr easurer

KE NETH HoGG ARD .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . Pledgemaster



.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary





ANTHONY GIES ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . House

PLANCK . • . . . . . . . . . Faculty


A 120


JVI anager




Beta Chapter of Alpha Gamma Up ilon was accepted by Indiana Technical College in May 1932 - the first fraternity installed in the College. The ain1 and purpose of Apha Gam1na Upsilon is sutnmed up briefly in the following pa age : This Fraternity shall he a secret fraternal organization vvhose aitn and p urpo e


to p r on1ote

friend hip. con1radeship and mutual understanding am ong the members · to develop cha racter· to uphold the ideals of the College, and to fo ter the highest ideals of ethical conduct and good citizenship. Cheering lTC' Bask e tball te am on to vic tory

Hallowe'en Party at B e ta

- - --


Hou e

B e fore and a fte r Pledge Court


. , . J] ? .......


Front Row: Pa.t Garrett, G. C. ' 'flight, Gene Neff, Ron s, Jac k J ohnson , Charles Daniels . Bacl{ Row: Dwight Rad<liz, Clarence E iclJn1an, :Korman Bechs tedt, Alex Friebu s, Harry Brown, Gordon Hayes, Joe Miller, Jolm Fenno.

DAI.E BRYANT First Presid ent

DA.V IS Second President RO~






The Alpha On1ega Tau Fraternity, being

The purpose of the Apha Amega Tau

unique, was constituted in November, 1956

Fraternity is to promote fellowship, social,

through the combined efforts of Walter

chola tic, and recreational activities for the

member hip and their fan1ilie .

Apple, Dale Bryant, Charle Daniel , Ron

Davis, Jack Johnson, and Pat Garrett.

At the s pring social

The ladies get together

-'/ -·

.• . , ,. ••

~ \ ..__ "::=-


~---~ ~-----"=









s w




FIRST ROW, left to right: Harold 0. Hansen, Mr. Ben11ett Kemp, Anthony Nesto, Byron Foreman. SECOND ROW: Al La Blanc, Carl Bodley. THIRD ROW: Sam Giavara, Douglas Chenowoth, Jo Dworniczak, Paul Eyeler , John Curtis, John Martin, Jack Anspach, Herbert Orth, Paul Wilson.


OFFICERS B ARNEY FoREMA N .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . President


J ULI A N .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .. . Vice-President

J OE D woRNICZAK .. . . ... . . .... .. ... . . . Treasu.rer

J OH ~

C u RTIS .. . ... . . . . . . . .. . R ecording


HERBERT 0RTH . . . . . ... .. Corresponding


Dic K

PLIS K A .. . ... . . . . .. . .. . .. S ergeant-at-Arms

CARL BoDLEY .. . . .... .. ... Chaplain

and Historian

On November 8, 1946, the Sigma Chapter

The aims of this social fraternity a re the

of Kappa Sigma Kappa was founded at

contr ibution of its brothers toward higher


Indiana T echnical College. Their circle of


Brotherhood is closely knit together by ideas

participation in all extra-curricular activit-

of trust, n1utual confidence, and fraternal


scholarship and the joint

1es .

coop eration.

Rushing Party

Displaying our banner






Front R ow, left to right: Wa yne C. Hildreth, Robert R. Marshall, Faculty Moderator ; Donald K. Ber ger. Sgt. at Arn1s : Charles D. Yelverton, Treasurer路 Richard J. Durgin. Corresponding Secretary; Ralph E. Marchionda Jr. ~ President ; J ohn C. Meanor Jr., Vice-Pre ident 路 Willia1n L. Wilson.

ecretary 路 Delevan J. Arnold, Michael R. J ohnson.

econd R ow : Thon1as L. Bradford Walter L. Koinzan, J ohn J. Carrol, Larry C. Shrout, Edward

. Analavage, J ohn H. Butcher P eter D. Schmitz, J ohn Yankanich, Harold C.

Philips Richard E. Boyer William F. Collins, Robert C. Mullins. Third Row: Alan R. GauL Melvin F. Winkler, Robert E. Gatz, Ernest A. Marth, Robert ] . Casey Robert A. Chester , Gene L. Neff John B. Stukenborg, Reginald F. Downey, William S. Davis. 126



JoH 1



MAR CHIO DA ~ JR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. ... Presic/ ent

MEA r OR. JR . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . Vi ce-President


L. Wu. o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ecretarv-




. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. .

. . ......

T reasurer

Kappa Sign1a Phi is a ocial fraternit., dedicated

5igJna Phi fraternity ha a ... tanding n1e1nber hip

to the pro1notion of F ellowship Sch olarship and

of appro rin1ate1y fift . active l11en1ber each tenn.

5port 1nanship. The purpo--e of this fraternity is

As the turnover in n1e1nber hip i

to bring together in clo e bonds the brother of

(due to the nun1ber of n1ember graduating each

thi . . fraternity; to a j t

tern1) ... everal pled ge ... are accepted for initiation

ne another " rhile in

sch ool as \vell a in the busine

\vorld. Kappa

into the frat ernity each tern1.

Talk about representation


u ually large




FIRST ROW, left to right: Edgar Kolb, Robert Yoestjng, Richard Courtney George P eterson , Charles Von Weinstein, Albert Gibson. SECO D ROW: William Hambrock, Richard Mann, Curby Murtland Richard Pfeifer , 'f ed Spitler ] ames Cavanaugh, Donald Gaugler. THIRD ROW: J ohn Anderson

tanley Trizinsky Donald F orister, Dr. William E.

Donahue, Robert Sherlin, Calvin Collier , Elwood Laakso James Stefl , Richard Filler, Anth0ny Gall, J a1nes Logue, Thomas Scalzo David Craven, Henry McClure, Thomas Payn e John Brickwedel J oseph Kozlowski, Robert McMaken. FOURTH ROW: J oseph Lacivita: Richard French Samuel Reitz, Stanley Gray Harvey Jalving, J an1es Creech, tanley Puskarz, Delbert Didier, David Brown. 128



}IM CAVA NAUG H ... . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chief


PAY NE ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... .. Ass't

GEORGE PETER SON . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . ..


Chief Engineer

Business Manager

JIM CREECH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary

The social life of an engineering student is lim-

neer can plan his social life in accordance with

ited by the amount of time he can devote away

his work load, gives hiln a broadened culture

from long assignments in scientific theor y and

necessary to assure entrance into post college life

long hours in the laboratory. A social engineering

without being flat on one side. This is the function

fraternity, within which the professional engi-

of Sigma Phi Delta.

Summer Banquet


Fir. t Row Lt"ft to Right: AI . hapir·o, I~ra e l G utterntan. Fred S ribnik, )(r. Robert .... win<lell, )lr. )Ioe )litzntan, )like Xerzig, Torn C irb)·, Ray Carril, Torn Elkin~ , ,Juhn Griffin. o.. : e.euud Row: Jerr·y ('a lli es, ,John Stewart, Dick Bain, Don )lartin, Bas il 'l'nrianl'\k). Dic k Antoni uk, Bob Ebt" rl y , Ra.Y )lclnt:rrP, Ron P etroff', Peter N ortmao, ,_te,·e Tru.sik. T l1ir<l Row: Don " ' ainland. Harold Hanli.ins, Cy E Js in g·e r , Irvin L ungt" nt"cker, Johnny Cl1ow, Bob Gorn tein, JiJn ~'rvin, Geor~e ._au c iPr, Howard L el1r, '¥ally Bulllt"r, Teddy Alt.



Originally organized at Indiana T echnical College in January, 1957, a Theta Mu Pi fraternity~ Beta igma Tau places pecial importance on three item : EQU LITY U_ DER TA DI G and ITY. As the fir t national frat ernity of it kind~ Beta igma Tau wa founded in J948 to level not to rai e barrier amon g men to provide th e a tmo ph er e for cooperati on ~ and to daily practice the golden rule of brotherhood. A con tructive pledge program \Vith no



hazing or degredation of any ort a well a special tre being placed on high scholar hip a a r equisite to a ucce ful fraternity are an integral part of the program. All member are accepted ... olely on their o' vn individual worth, r egardle of race color or creed. It i the aim of Beta igma Tau to contribute to the community by helping to prepare better tudent and better citizen .

j L~ft

to ri ght: Original Six l\len1ber -Freel . .-ibnilc, Di<'k Bain, :\lila.. Nerzig, Xorman Gelln1an, Izzy Gutt~nnan, Ray

J>re:,entati o n of Plate and Ga''el by Tri- . tate College Chapter, left to rjght: PrE-Sident of BeJa Sig 1na Tau, IT . ('ol ony, -'lilu~ Xerzi.g- re<·eiving Plate and Gavel from Presi<lent of Bt'ta ~igrna Tan, Tri-State C'haptt'r, )Villie Ta~· l or.





.National Officer and pon ors, left to right: Rabbi 'T'eller, pon o r ; 1\Ir. ' Vin ton Kennedy, National Pre ident; l\Ir. Hank Bowie , Regional Representative; l\'Ir. l\loe Mitznutn, Sponsor.


\ Vo tnen ' Auxiliary-"Th.e Beta Bee . ''



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