Indiana Tech Magazine - Winter 2016

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Features 14

NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS Professionally, socially and spiritually, Indiana Tech’s NSBE chapter satisfies the needs of its members in so many different ways.


Winter 2016



Indiana Tech Magazine recaps our university’s annual extravaganza, which featured several fun and new events for 2015.

Sponsors and attendees of this special event celebrated Indiana Tech’s 85th anniversary and contributed more than $80,000 to student financial aid.



Inside Tech 04 Letter from the President

12 Faculty Update

As we reflect on 2015, we look ahead with great hope and anticipation.

Indiana Tech faculty members are always finding exciting ways to gain and share knowledge. Find out what they’ve been up to over the past few months.

Across the University

06 Scholarships By the Numbers Find out how your donation dollars help so many students earn a quality education from Indiana Tech.

13 Tech’s Top Picks

08 Around the Regions

Baby, it’s cold outside! That’s okay with these faculty and staff members, who share what they love most about wintertime.

The latest news from around Indiana Tech – north, south, east and west.

Path Of A Warrior

09 Tech Happenings Catch up on the events, achievements, grants, awards and more.

10 A Few Words With… Maximus, the Warriors’ muscular mascot from the Great White North.


32 Alumni News Learn what’s new with our fellow Warriors and how to stay connected.

35 In Memoriam Remembering alumni, faculty, staff and friends of Indiana Tech.

12 Dr. Francis is Tapped for His Expertise Tech’s interim dean of the College of General Studies and director of teacher preparation is asked to join a key state education committee.


FRONT COVER This photo comes from the archives of Indiana Tech’s rich 85-year history. It shows the very first convocation held at the current Fort Wayne campus in 1957.


INSIDE FRONT COVER Indiana Tech’s 2015 NAIA-champion track and field athletes pose with their championship rings after a presentation during convocation on Sept. 1.

Indiana Tech Magazine


LETTER FROM OUR PRESIDENT For many of us, the turn of the calendar from one year to the next causes us to reflect upon the year gone by while looking ahead to the one to come. Here at Indiana Tech, we also experience the new year as a midway point. Our traditional students here in Fort Wayne completed their first semester and looked forward to time with family and friends over the holidays before beginning the spring semester in January. Our College of Professional Studies students have completed their first four class sessions and, likewise, look ahead to continuing their studies in the New Year. You’ll find past and present balanced in this issue of Indiana Tech Magazine 2016 as well. It was a tremendous pleasure to have so many alumni and friends of the university with us for Homecoming this past September. Many of you joined us for Gala 85 to celebrate Tech’s 85th anniversary and helped us raise funds for student financial aid as part of that special evening. Read more about homecoming and the Gala on pages 18 – 25, and be sure to join us for next year’s homecoming, which will take place Sept. 30 – Oct. 2, 2016. As part of our 85th anniversary year, each issue of Indiana Tech Magazine will also include a photography feature focused on our history. In this edition, on page 26 you’ll see the contents of a special time capsule that was placed during the construction of the original McMillen Library in 1961, and opened this past spring. Perhaps you were there during the dedication of the library, or spent time there


Winter 2016

researching a project or studying the night away. I hope you’ll share your memories of this special place with us. Looking back takes on its greatest meaning when we see where our history has taken us today, and where we’re going in the future. In our last issue, we introduced you to the future engineers and Warriors who joined us for our Summer Engineering Camp. On page 14, you’ll learn more about a special group of students with us today. The members of the Indiana Tech chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) represent Tech at its best. Similarly, on these pages you’ll learn more about Warrior student athletes who are not only excelling in competition, but in the classroom and beyond our campus, too. Page 30 features a roundup of our fall sports, while on page 28 you’ll learn about the many ways our students give back to the community. Examples such as these show that our future — here at Tech and beyond — is in good hands. Sincerely,

Dr. Arthur E. Snyder, Ed.D. President

Volume 12, Issue 1. Arthur E. Snyder, Ed.D. President Brian Engelhart Vice President of University Relations Institutional Advancement Mary Slafkosky Associate Vice President of Institutional Advancement Dave Stevens Associate Vice President of Institutional Advancement Tracina Smith Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations Arienne Juliano, MBA ’15 Director of Alumni Relations Lisa Biers, MBA ’15 Annual Fund Director Rose Replogle Office Manager and Gift Processor Neal Quandt, MBA ’16 Advancement Services Manager

Marketing Julie Farison Creative Director Matt Bair Director of Marketing and Communications Lucinda Neff Graphic Designer Sarah Suraci Marketing Specialist Peter Nowak Web Manager Joel Kuhn, BS ’12 Web Developer

The magazine is published three times a year for alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends of Indiana Tech by the university’s Marketing Department and Office of Institutional Advancement. © 2016 Indiana Institute of Technology Indiana Tech online: Please send comments, news and feature story ideas to: Indiana Tech attn: Marketing 1600 E. Washington Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46803 260.422.5561 or 800.937.2448, ext. 2250 email: The editors reserve the right to edit articles for length and clarity. Articles may be reproduced with permission and proper attribution. Indiana Tech provides learners a professional education; prepares the for active participation, career advancement, and leadership in the global 21st century society; and motivates them toward a life of significance and worth.

Indiana Tech Magazine



Your donations CREATE SUCCESS! Endowed scholarship funds established by alumni and friends of Indiana Tech make college affordable for many families. Additionally, contributions made to the annual fund allow the university to offer institutional aid t o


many of our students.

By the Numbers Endowed Scholarships At Indiana Tech, we are fully committed to providing an affordable private education that helps our students, community and campuses grow. It is our goal to put within our students’ reach the opportunities and advantages gained from the Indiana Tech experience. One of the most critical areas of support at Tech comes from our generous donors in the form of endowed scholarships. With the help of our alumni and friends, endowment has given Tech the opportunity to support students for decades. As we continue to celebrate our 85th anniversary, we are grateful for the support we’ve received and look forward to a future for the next generation of students that can continue to benefit from your generosity.


Winter 2016

Follow the donations in the chart above to see how your generosity can make a difference.



endowments to be awarded


students receiving endowment

$1,169,121 awarded

qualified APPLICANTS from deserving families

confident professionals who are well-equipped to face 21st-century challenges

Hard working students

Every graduate has the potential to make a profound and positive impact on their families and in the communities in which they live and work — and it’s all possible, in part, because of your generosity.

THANK you!

educated and career-focused graduates

Indiana Tech Magazine



Around the Regions

F O R T WAY N E On Dec. 15, the Higher Education Marketing Report honored Indiana Tech with a Silver Award as part of its third annual Education Digital Marketing Awards competition. Indiana Tech won the award in the Admissions Website category for its recently launched traditional undergraduate Student Snapshot. Former 21Alive news anchor Melissa Long shares her views about volunteerism and philanthropic leadership in the community during the Women’s Leadership & Philanthropy kickoff luncheon on Nov. 11

WO M E N ’ S L E A D E R S H I P & P H I L A N T H R O P Y AT I N D I A N A T EC H Indiana Tech hosted its first Women’s Leadership & Philanthropy kickoff luncheon on Nov. 11, 2015, in Indiana Tech’s Multi-Flex Theater. The event featured keynote speaker, Melissa Long from Fort Wayne’s 21Alive news team, as she shared her motivation behind volunteerism and philanthropic leadership in the community. “We are truly grateful for Melissa’s willingness to share her story, and for helping us launch this new women’s initiative,” said Lisa Biers, group chair and Indiana Tech Annual Fund director. The Women’s Leadership & Philanthropy group was established to engage women in the life of the university and unite women in their commitment to support Indiana Tech’s programs and scholars through philanthropy, volunteerism, leadership and mentoring. » Inspire and encourage women to support the university through philanthropy. » Create opportunities for women to serve as leaders of the university.


Winter 2016

» Involve women in the enrichment of the university experience. » Engage and educate women philanthropists through programmatic activities that highlight the diversity of achievement at Indiana Tech. » Broaden and deepen the base of financial support by women at Indiana Tech. » Cultivate and mentor women as philanthropists and leaders and provide them with a personal connection to the university and tools to be successful. » Identify and support programs at Indiana Tech that reflect the varied interests of women. » Advocate on behalf of women’s leadership across campus on boards, committees and the Indiana Tech Board of Trustees. To learn more about Indiana Tech’s Women’s Leadership & Philanthropy group, contact Lisa Biers, chair and annual fund director, at or 260.422.5561, ext. 2438.

Student Snapshot was developed by Tech’s day admissions team, web manager Pete Nowak and web developer Joel Kuhn to provide prospective students with a dynamic and comprehensive look at the Indiana Tech experience. It melds together warm and compelling imagery with quick-hitting, descriptive text and infographics that tell the story of this modern and diverse university. Good collaboration across all strata of the university was necessary to pull off a project of this magnitude. Indiana Tech’s site went up against entrants from much larger schools, including the University of Pittsburgh and Clemson University. It was the second time Tech has won an Education Digital Marketing Award. In 2014, it won a Bronze for the launch of the new Indiana Tech Law School website. “I’m happy that Indiana Tech has been recognized for its innovative and effective work in sharing all the great features of our university with prospective students,” said Vice President of University Relations Brian Engelhart. “Many people around Indiana Tech, from students to faculty to the admissions team, contributed to this effort, with the interactive development team doing an outstanding job leading the way.” To view Student Snapshot, go to H U N T I N G TO N C A M P U S The Huntington campus donated a Tech-inspired package of goodies to Huntington County Special Olympics, which was auctioned at the organization’s annual craft show. The package included a lawn chair, a t-shirt, a messenger bag, a license plate and a mug filled with candy. “We were happy to support an organization that does so much to make a difference in the lives of so many in our community,” said Pam Fech, enrollment manager at the Huntington campus.

Tech earns fifth-straight Military Friendly designation Indiana Tech has been designated a 2016 Military Friendly® School by Victory Media, the leader in successfully connecting the military and civilian worlds. This is the fifth consecutive year in which the university has earned the designation. The Military Friendly® Schools designation is awarded to the top 15 percent of colleges, universities and trade schools in the country that are doing the most to embrace military students, and to dedicate resources to ensure their success in the classroom and after graduation. The methodology used for making the Military Friendly® Schools list has changed the student veteran landscape to one much more transparent, and has played a significant role over the past six years in capturing and advancing best practices to support military students across the country. The complete list of Military Friendly® Schools can be found at

Tech Happenings Enrollment approaches 10,000 Indiana Tech experienced another year of growth, as 9,692 students were enrolled at the beginning of the 201516 school year. This is a 6.8 percent increase from the previous year. The most notable growth is the climb in traditional undergraduate enrollment at the Fort Wayne campus, which is up nearly nine percent. Indiana Tech’s total enrollment includes students at the university’s main campus in Fort Wayne and its 13 regional campuses throughout Indiana and Kentucky, as well as online students. “We are proud that more and more students continue to choose Indiana Tech for their educational needs,” said Tech President Dr. Arthur E. Snyder. “Our students come to us for education and skills that will help them excel in the workplace. That’s what our faculty and staff works very hard to provide – impactful education for young adults, mid-career learners, graduate students, Ph.D. students and law students.”

Alpha Chi Inducts New Members

Crushing Hunger Together Indiana Tech collected 13,563 pounds of food for Community Harvest Food Bank and finished second to the University of Saint Francis during October’s #UCanCrushHunger campaign. The CHFB event pitted five local schools in a friendly contest to collect food to feed hungry people in northeastern Indiana. In all, more than 42,000 pounds of food was collected by participating schools, which included Huntington University, Ivy Tech and IPFW.

Sixty Indiana Tech students were inducted into the university’s Alpha Chi University Honor Society on Sunday, Sept. 27. Alpha Chi is a national college honor society that admits students from all academic disciplines. Membership is limited to the top 10 percent of an institution’s juniors, seniors and graduate students. As part of the induction ceremony, students were invited to participate in the Alpha Chi opportunities available through Indiana Tech’s Indiana Lambda Chapter 279. Members of Alpha Chi have access to participate in or apply for: academic recognition, opportunities for growth through scholarship and service at the chapter and national level, special Alpha Chi scholarships and fellowship opportunities, attendance at Alpha Chi Annual Conventions and more.


Attorney General Greg Zoeller shares his passion with Indiana Tech Law School Indiana Tech Law School has had a high profile instructor walking its halls to start the 2015-16 school year. Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller has been teaching constitutional law for second- and thirdyear law students since August. He will continue through Dec. 2. In addition, Zoeller has been active in helping the law school organize several community and private events during the semester. “We have been extremely fortunate to have Attorney General Zoeller teach at our law school this semester. This has been a remarkable experience,” dean Charles Cercone said. “We are so grateful for the interest he has taken in our institution and the time and knowledge he has shared with our students.” The law school is seeking accreditation from the American Bar Association. An ABA site team was at the school early in October for a visit that law school leadership felt went very well. The ABA’s accrediting body will make a decision on Indiana Tech’s law school early in 2016.

Indiana Tech Magazine



A few words with some other fierce raptor, but a bird with a pretty voice. Doesn’t necessarily strike fear into the heart of the opponent, does it? Indiana Tech: You mean like the Toronto Maple—


Indiana Tech: So, Maximus, where are you from? Maximus: I come from the city of Mississauga, Ontario, which is about a half-hour southwest of Toronto. We’re the sixth-largest city in all of Canada, eh! Close to 800,000 people. And here’s a little known fact about my hometown: “The Colonel” Harland Sanders is a product of the Great White North and not Kentucky, as he would have you believe. In the Colonel’s defense, Mississauga Fried Chicken probably wouldn’t have caught on as well. Indiana Tech: What brings you to Indiana Tech? Maximus: I heard Indiana Tech was an excellent place to study engineering and I also heard it needed a new big man on campus to get the party started. I’m here for both. Give me a book and I’ll hit it. Give me a crowd and I’ll bring it to its feet. When Maximus is in the house, you’re not gonna’ need your seat. Indiana Tech: How long have you been in the mascot game? Maximus: This is actually my first gig, but “mascoting” runs in our family. My Pops was a mascot and I have a cousin who is the mascot for the Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League. Indiana Tech: Ah, I’ve always wondered…what is an alouette? Maximus: Well, an alouette is a lark. My cousin dresses up as Larry the Lark. Not an eagle or


Winter 2016

Maximus: Hey, hey, hey – watch it! You can’t say anything bad about my Leafs! My blood may run orange and black, but there’s plenty of sweet, sticky syrup coursing through my veins, too. The maple is a noble tree, its leaves are majestic, it made it onto the flag, it… Indiana Tech: Whoa, easy Max. My apologies. I didn’t mean to insult your team. Maximus: That’s okay, don’t worry about it. I’m already over it. A cooler head always prevails with me. Literally! There’s a fan built right into my big foam dome that keeps the big guy comfy. Indiana Tech: Uh, that’s interesting. So tell us about your dad’s experience as a mascot. Maximus: Pops made a name for himself with Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry as Chuck the Chinook, and he was kind of a legend with kids and parents across the province. However, he spent some tough time as the mascot for the Quebec Rafales in the International Hockey League. A rafale is French for a cold gust. I wonder how that went in the opposing locker room, eh? “Hey Pauley, we’re playing the chilly winds tonight. I’m terrified!” The Rafales’ logo was a happy abominable snowman creature snowboarding on a hockey stick. Every home game, Pops would get into this furry white costume and walk around the arena as a big smiling yeti. But hockey fans in Quebec didn’t want to be approached by a big smiling yeti. They had just lost their NHL team to Denver and the Rafales stunk the place up. People were mean to him – adults would pour beer on him and kids would walk up and kick him. He was the only mascot in the “I” that had to wear a cup. It was a rough couple of years.

His costume is in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto and I hear it still smells like Labatt Blue. Indiana Tech: Ouch, that does sound tough! You haven’t experienced anything like that at Indiana Tech, have you? Maximus: Absolutely not. Tech has great sports fans who can get the place rockin.’ Both the men’s and women’s basketball teams are crushing right now, our wrestlers and track and field athletes are some of the best in the nation and the volleyball team had one of its best seasons in recent years. And how about that Warrior hockey team, eh? Holy cow, Coach Frank has got them boys dialed in this year. Indiana Tech: It’s great that you have adjusted so well, but you have to have something to complain about being so far away from your home and family? Maximus: The only thing I can complain about are the beds. Your brochures say the dorm rooms are equipped with “extra-long” twinsized beds. Well, extra long isn’t cutting it for the big man. It’s something I’m learning to live with, though. Other than that, I love Indiana Tech. My professors are great, I’m getting a great education and I’m laying a good foundation for my future. This university is so diverse and it welcomes everyone with open arms, even guys like me who are three-quarters foam and have freakishly large heads. Fort Wayne has a professional hockey team and Tim Hortons, and you can hear a Rush song on the classic rock station every other hour. What more could a could a Canadian boy want, eh?

On a serious note: Indiana Tech does, in fact, have a new costume for its mascot, Maximus the Warrior. The costume was created at BAM Mascots of Mississauga, Ontario. Maximus arrived in Fort Wayne on Aug. 11, 2015.

Indiana Tech Magazine



Francis tapped for Ritz’s Blue Ribbon Commission Dr. Joshua Francis, interim dean of Indiana Tech’s College of General Studies and director of teacher preparation, was invited by Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction, Glenda Ritz, to join the 49-person Blue Ribbon Commission on the Recruitment and Retention of Excellent Educators in August. “I am honored to have been given this opportunity by Superintendent Ritz, and I applaud her for assembling this talented group to help set the direction

Engineering professor Les Grundman wins 2015 Leepoxy Award Associate engineering professor, Les Grundman, is the winner of the 2015 Leepoxy Award for Teaching Innovation. This award was established in 2008 by community supporter and owner of Leepoxy Plastics, Larry Lee. The annual award is given to a full-time faculty member who: 1. Challenges students to continuously progress to higher levels of thinking. 2. Engages students in active learning activities. 3. Connects to students in innovative ways to positively impact their experiences at Indiana Tech.


Winter 2016

During the fall 2014 semester, Grundman evaluated McGraw-Hill’s Connect adaptive learning approach in a junior-level engineering course, Mechanical Engineering Design I. Connect is a web-based assignment and assessment platform that aims to help students connect more closely to their coursework, and, ultimately, use that experience for success beyond the course. Grundman used the Connect platform for two chapters of the course’s textbook. Comments from his students were positive, and they indicated that Connect helped them learn. As a result, the use of Connect was expanded for fall 2015 and spring 2016. “Les’ commitment to helping his students grasp complex learning concepts is what makes him one of the most respected instructors on our campus,” said Dave Aschliman, dean of Indiana Tech’s College of Engineering. “He is a tremendous asset in our department and a joy to work with.”

for educational policy in Indiana,” Francis said. Ritz co-chairs the panel, a mix of educators, legislators and other stakeholders, with Maryann Santos de Barona, dean of Purdue University’s College of Education. The commission was created to improve teacher retention and recruitment within the state. According to Ritz, Indiana has seen an 18 percent drop in the number of teachers receiving first-time licenses over the last five years.

Tech’s Top Picks

Faculty Update

Staci Lugar Brettin, assistant professor of marketing and management, represented Indiana Tech at a speaking engagement at the University of Notre Dame in July. Phebe E. Poydras, associate dean of library affairs for Indiana Tech Law School, was awarded the NAACP’s Cecil Ellis Academic Freedom Award in July by the organization’s Freedom Fund Committee. This award is given annually to recognize a college or university administrator or trustee, or a board of trustees as a group, in recognition of an outstanding contribution to academic freedom. Dr. Susan McGrade, English professor, and Staci Lugar Brettin attended a Lilly Faculty Developmentsponsored Creativity Workshop in New York City in August. Tommy D. Tran, business instructor, was invited to be a key speaker in the seminar “Future Refugee Inclusion in the Workplace” during an Indiana Tech Ph.D. program event in April. Chuck MacLean and Adam Lamparello, Indiana Tech Law School professors, published “Experiential Legal Writing: The New Approach to Practicing Like a Lawyer” with LexisNexis publishing. Adam Lamparello, Indiana Tech Law School professor, had his article “With All Deliberate Speed: NLRB v. Canning and the Case for Originalism” published in the Dayton Law Review.

Charles E. MacLean, Indiana Tech Law School professor, wrote the book “DNA Phenotyping: Uses and Abuses in Criminal Investigations and Trials, in Kimberly Boies, DNA Evidence,” which will be published later this year. Cindy Verduce, Director of the Career Center and Regional Career Services, was awarded the Distinguished Career Award from Career Development Professionals of Indiana in April. andré douglas pond cummings, associate dean for admissions and student affairs at the Indiana Tech Law School had his article “Richard Delgado and Ice Cube: Brothers in Arms” published in 33 Minn. Law and Inequality Journal 321 earlier this year. Jameka Robinson, computer science professor, participated in a panel discussion in March for Wyndham’s Women on Their Way program entitled “Women in Leadership and Creating Success in a Multigenerational Workplace.” Daniel Weber, business professor, presented “Preparing a Retirement Plan for a Bear Market” at the Mid-Sized Retirement & Health Plan Management Conference in Chicago in June.

We asked faculty and staff to share what they love about wintertime? Going back to my hometown and doing what we call “redneck” sledding with my family. We hook a homemade sled made from a car hood, with lawn chair cushions for comfort and rope handles to the back of a four-wheeler, and we go as fast as we can through the cornfields. The objective is for the driver is to throw the passenger off, and, of course, it is the goal of the rider to hang with all their might. Admissions counselor Erica Lay

Eggnog is back in season and it’s a time where we can get together with family and friends to celebrate and enjoy some good company. Sports Information Director Tyler Stevenson

I love taking my niece and nephew sledding at the local parks in Fort Wayne. They love it and I get to spend time with them while secretly enjoying a kid’s activity as an adult!

My mother plays the organ for her church, and every year on Christmas Eve, she plays for midnight mass. I love to go with her and listen to the beautiful music and see how happy it makes everyone attending the mass. Director, Fashion Marketing and Management Kayla Crecelius

Cold weather and less daylight hours are all the excuse I need to crawl into bed early every evening and read a good book. (“Game of Thrones” is a great winter read.) Big surprise from a librarian, huh? Librarian Nina Collins

My favorite part about winter is building various snow creatures with my son. Why just build a snowman, when you can have a snow dragon, or a snow train or a snow mermaid? Indiana Tech Law School faculty assistant Celia Garza

Executive assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs Jennifer Mahocker

Indiana Tech Magazine


NSBE Sitting in on my first meeting of Indiana Tech’s chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers, I can’t help but think that Edward Barnette and Fred Cooper would be proud of what I was seeing.

By Matt Bair, Director of Marketing and Communication


Winter 2016

The late Mr. Barnette and Mr. Cooper are the pioneers of NSBE. In 1971, while undergraduate engineering students at Purdue University, Barnette and Cooper did what engineers are apt to do – they identified a problem and sought a solution to fix it. At that time, 80 percent of the black freshmen who were entering Purdue’s engineering program ended up dropping out. To counter that trend, Barnette and Cooper asked the dean of engineering if they could start a student organization that would help improve the recruitment and retention of black engineering students. Soon thereafter, NSBE’s precursor, the Black Society of Engineers (BSE), was born.

Imagine how difficult it must have been back then for Barnette and Cooper to set out on this career path. First of all, you’ve chosen an incredibly rigorous field of study at a place known for creating world-class engineers. Secondly, you are surrounded in class by faces that don’t look like yours at a difficult time in our country for your entire race, let alone for a black student. On this late-November night in Andorfer Commons, however, this meeting room is filled predominantly with women; six stick around to speak about their NSBE experiences. They talk with purpose and passion about the career paths they have chosen. They talk about mentorship and paying it forward. They talk about networking and the doors that NSBE has opened for them. And, they talk about the “family” that they have found from being a part of this organization.

And, again, I can’t help but think that from wherever their vantage point, Mr. Barnette and Mr. Cooper each felt the need to smile.

The NSBE experience The mission of the National Society of Black Engineers is “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professional and positively impact the community.” According to English professor Dr. Susan McGrade, who has been the group’s advisor since 2011, Indiana Tech’s NSBE chapter has been successfully fulfilling the national mission since its charter in 2004. “Since 2010, this chapter has reported a 92 percent graduation and/ or persistence rate, which means those students have either graduated or remain on a graduation path,” McGrade said.

Several former NSBE members from Indiana Tech’s chapter have gone on to earn top-tier jobs across the country and serve on executive boards. Most recently, Shanice Richards (2015 graduate) became an industrial engineer with Lockheed in Marietta, Georgia, Jules Tam (2015) became an electrical engineer with the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Indiana, Shayne Armbrister (2015) is a manufacturing process technician at Illumina, Inc. in San Diego and Desmond Jones (2015) is a test engineer with United Technologies in Huntington, Indiana. “My involvement with NSBE has given me a whole new perspective on what’s being called the ‘millennial student.’ I have a lot of hope for the future when I go to NSBE conferences and see so many students serious about their career

paths and academics, devoted to their disciplines and devoted to one another,” McGrade said. Devotion to one another is what makes Indiana Tech’s NSBE chapter so strong. “When I first got here, I floated from school, soccer, sleep, school, soccer, sleep, and that routine made it hard to make friends,” said senior Alena Payne, a biomedical engineering student and member of the women’s soccer team from Shaker Heights, Ohio. “Becoming a part of NSBE has helped me create friendships that will last a lifetime. I enjoy spending time with my teammates, but these are my girls.”

Senior Sarah Tshibangu (center), president of Indiana Tech’s NSBE chapter, engages fellow members in conversation during the group’s November meeting. Also included in the photo are, from left to right, sophomore Kayla White, senior Grace Kalume, junior Brandy Barnes and junior Austin Love.

Senior Sarah Tshibangu is another biomed major and the president of Indiana Tech’s NSBE chapter. The Bel Air, Maryland, native likes the solidarity of sharing common

Indiana Tech Magazine


educational pursuits with this group and finds comfort in the fact that everyone is in the same boat. “I’ll hang out with my old friends when I go back home, but they don’t understand what you are doing at school,” she said. “To have people around you who get it is special. I can say ‘Oh, I didn’t sleep last night because I did XYZ for this class’ and (my NSBE colleagues) just get it. They understand what you are going through.”

Since 2010, this chapter has reported a 92 percent graduation and/or persistence rate, which means those students have either graduated or remain on a graduation path.

“There is this saying about ‘NSBE Luv,’ and it is true,” McGrade said. “The members of this organization really care about each other and each other’s successes.”

Another key component of the NSBE experience involves developing and stimulating in youngsters an interest in the various engineering disciplines. NSBE members are able to accomplish this locally, through community service, and on a national level, by taking part in SEEK internships.

Freshman Oliver Dorvelus, a mechanical engineering major, takes notes during the November NSBE meeting.


Winter 2016

SEEK stands for Summer Engineering Experience for Kids. Led by NSBE engineering students and technical professionals, the SEEK program implements a hands-on curriculum in a three-week, camp-type environment. Campers work in teams, using their new knowledge to solve problems and create products while discovering the underlying math and science principles involved in these processes. The program is offered in various cities to students in third through fifth and sixth through eighth grades. Tshibangu and fellow senior biomed major, Grace Kalume from Round Lake

Beach, Illinois, participated in a SEEK internship in 2013. Tshibangu and Kalume worked with a group of thirdgraders in Mississippi. Each week, the students would present a new toy to the campers. Their challenge was finding fun and effective methods for teaching the learning principles and definitions associated with the toys. At the end of the week, the campers would pit their toys against each other to see how fast they went, how far they would go or how long they would run. “The kids got a chance to apply what they had learned at the end of each week. We would talk about what went right, what went wrong and what they could have done differently to improve their outcomes,” Kalume said. “We were essentially their teachers throughout the program, and it was a fun challenge finding ways to teach engineering concepts to them.” “This was a great experience because it teaches you a lot about yourself. You have to learn how to work together with your peers and other people you don’t know while finding good ways to teach 25 third-graders and make it fun for them,” Tshibangu said. “Aside from the engineering aspect, you get to teach them life lessons as well, and you can see how you impact them at the end of the camp. At the end of camp everyone is crying because you are making a difference and building relationships.” On a local level, the organization will work with the Boys and Girls Club of Fort Wayne early in 2016 to supplement the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) curriculum it has in place. For Payne, a similar opportunity in her youth is what started her on an engineering path. “My passion started when I got to go to science camp in seventh grade, and we did everything from going up in

a hot air balloon to building our own robot. I’m a hands-on person and I liked building things,” Payne said. “I know I want to be in the medical field. It is my dream to go to medical school, but if I don’t make it, biomedical engineering is a solid field to go into where I can still work in the medical field.” Brandy Barnes, a junior mechanical engineering major from Upper Marlboro, Maryland, agreed. “I had a science and technology program in high school and we had to choose a path of biology, engineering or computer science. I chose the engineering path, joined the robotics club and that started it for me,” Barnes said. “I think that is why SEEK is so important for kids, because if I would not have had that program in high school, I probably wouldn’t have been exposed to what engineers do. That program inspired me.”

Fueling the NSBE mission at Indiana Tech On Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016, Indiana Tech’s NSBE chapter will host its annual fund-raising banquet at 6 p.m. in the Multi-Flex Theater. Every contribution will go toward helping members excel academically, succeed professionally and impact our community. Specifically, banquet funds are used to subsidize travel expenses to national NSBE conferences, member participation in community service projects and the Operating in Excellence Scholarship fund, which was established to support the financial need of a NSBE member. NSBE’s national conferences provide members with an outstanding way to grow professionally. The conferences include career fairs, graduate school fairs, resume checks, social hours and mixers with various companies, onthe-spot interviews, workshops and technical research competitions.

“National conferences give you a great way to connect with so many people from different companies,” Kalume said. “You can do interviews with many of them, you can get their contact information and you can keep up with them until you graduate. They can become your mentors, they can help you during the school year or they can even help you when you are looking for a job.”

vigorously from 7:30 a.m. to late into the night, every day. Everyone takes their attendance seriously and works to get the most our of their experience.

NSBE’s 42nd Annual Convention is in Boston from March 23-27 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

“Also, what’s amazing about NSBE is that it is all student-run, from a national, regional and local level, with only the assistance of an advisor. Retention initiatives, graduation initiatives, scholarship opportunities, coordination of conferences, voting and constitutional issues — those are all determined by students/society members.”

“It is very moving to attend a national conference,” McGrade said. “You look around and there are 8,000 members there, all in professional attire, working

McGrade is extremely proud of Indiana Tech’s chapter for last year’s donation of $7,500 to the Operating in Excellence Scholarship.

“It was such a selfless act to donate that much to the NSBE scholarship,” McGrade said. “Our national convention was in Anaheim, California last year, and the group could have easily voted to give more toward travel expenses, but they felt this was the right thing to do. It says a lot about the heart of this group.”

Indiana Tech NSBE members assemble for a photo during its February 2015 fundraising banquet.

For Tshibangu, she is glad she heard the strongly beating heart of this group. “I really don’t know what other campus organization I would be a part of. We really have a family here and have made bonds that will last forever. There is nothing else like it.”

Indiana Tech Magazine


homecoming 2015 Indiana Tech students play cornhole outside of Andorfer Commons during Homecoming 2015 festivities.


Winter 2016


2015 Homecoming is always a special time for everyone in the Warrior Community. It’s a time to reminisce about days spent together, and for new friendships to form among our alums and today’s students, faculty and staff. Homecoming 2015, which took place Sept. 18 – 20, was no different. Alums from across the decades joined in longstanding homecoming events such as campus tours, Saturday’s prayer service and breakfast with President Snyder, the Warrior Cruise-In car show, and the TECH 101 program, which this year featured a look at today’s engineering laboratories in the Zollner Engineering Center.

We came, we had a Great Time and I remembered the Good OlD Days

Eddie Robinson

Indiana Tech Magazine

‘ 59 19

homecoming 2015 The annual alumni awards ceremony took place in the Multi-Flex Theater in the Academic Center on Saturday. Honorees included:




Aaron Highley

Sharon Tucker

Torrence Craig

BSIME 2011, MSE 2014

BSM 2013, BSHR 2013

BSM 2012

While at Indiana Tech, Aaron Highley was a Dean’s Scholarship recipient and National Robotics Challenge Team leader. He currently works as an industrial engineer for Oji Intertech in North Manchester, Indiana, and is a member of the following organizations:

Sharon Tucker finished her education at Indiana Tech with a 3.9 GPA and was named to the dean’s list eight consecutive semesters. She is currently serving her first term on the Allen County Council, representing District 1. In addition, she is:

Torrence Craig, a father of six and a grandfather, has been employed at Heritage Parts for nearly 10 years and currently serves as business development manager for the company’s chain, retail and grocery customers. He is a basketball official and hopes to someday work at the college level.

» » » » »

The Alpha Chi Honor Society The Society of Manufacturing Engineers The Institute of Industrial Engineers The Society of Health Systems The Society for Engineering & Management Systems » The Northeast Lean Network Advisory Committee


Winter 2016

» A member of Anthony Wayne Rotary » An Executive Committee member of the local NAACP » Treasurer for the Allen County Democratic Party » A member of Summit Business Networking Inc. In 2012, she formed the Women in Politics Forum, an annual event that focuses on empowering, engaging and educating women on the importance of being involved in the political process.

Beyond his accomplishments, Torrence’s volunteerism helped Indiana Tech’s Alumni Board, and the school itself, grow during 2015. Many signature events that take place throughout the year come together because of Torrence’s assistance. He contributes to the university and the alumni association with enthusiasm and professionalism and always goes to the next level to help others.

A Former Warrior southpaw hurler Kenny Fisher delivers a pitch during the Sept. 19 Alumni Baseball Game.

Class of �65

»» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

50-year anniversary Special recognition was also given by President Snyder to the members of 1965’s 50-year alumni class, represented this year by:

Richard Bray, BSEE Kenneth Hoffman, BSME Edward Hutter, BSEE Ralph Kistner, BSAE David Nash, BSEE Brian Schoof, BSEE Dinesh Sheth, BSME Ravi Talwar, BSME Santosh Tolani, BSME



B Sophomore Carmela Denardojo prepares to boot the ball downfield during the Women’s Alumni Soccer Game on Sept. 18. C Seniors and student ambassadors Deliyah Garner and Anthony Malatia check under the hood of a vintage Mustang during the Sept. 19, Warrior Cruise-In.



Indiana Tech Magazine


homecoming 2015 Anthony Juliano

Several new events were also added this year. Runners from both our alumni and student ranks took part in the inaugural Warrior Run, a 5K sponsored by 3 Rivers Running Company that wound around the Tech campus. The rain and wind that greeted runners at the start of the day gave way to sun and blue skies later, as the alumni baseball game pitted current and former Warrior baseball players in competition at the Tech baseball stadium. The Warrior Rally was another firsttime addition to the weekend, taking place Thursday, Sept. 17 in Andorfer Commons. Warrior Rally brought together current students, alumni, faculty and staff for socializing, sweet treats and a chance to snag some new Warrior swag: specially-designed Homecoming 2015 t-shirts.

‘ 03

Highlights of Homecoming 2015 also included two special events that helped raise funds for student scholarships: Gala 85, celebrating Indiana Tech’s 85th anniversary (read more on page 24), and TWIST 26, Tech’s annual golf outing. TWIST once again attracted a sold-out field and generous sponsors such as Almet, Inc., Baker Street Office Furnishings, the Fort Wayne TinCaps, Innovative Control Systems, Inc., SCS Mechanical, Summit Mechanical, Dr. Jeff Walls, and Mr. Brian Wiederholt, raising over $14,000 for students in the process. Mark Sept. 30 – Oct. 2, 2016 on your calendars today, and be sure to join us then for Homecoming 2016!


Women’s basketball teammates, junior Taylor Seiss (3) and senior Rayana Villalpando (8), participate in the Sept. 19, Warrior Run 5K. A


Winter 2016


George Click gets help lining up his putt during the Sept. 20 TWIST XXVI Golf Outing at Chestnut Hills Golf Club. Helping Click are teammates Steve Robb (green), Kevin Faus ‘09 (orange) and Ken Faus (blue). D


Freshman forward Joe Molfetta moves the puck up ice while sophomore defenseman Kyle Cobb watches on during the Warriors’ 2015 seasonopener vs. Illinois State.

Former Indiana Tech softball players reunited for the alumni game on Sept. 20. Photographed are, back row: Kelsey Kline, Samantha Berrios, Tori Kilps, Krista Line, Katie Bird; front row: Dani Bradford, Megan Gross, Martika Armstead, Allison Belcher.



E E Dr. Snyder entertains 1965 graduate, Dave Nash, and his wife, Carolyn, during the Sept. 17 President's Club Dinner at Fort Wayne Country Club. Mr. Nash, who majored in electrical engineering, and his wife traveled from their home in Hamilton, Virginia, to attend homecoming and his 50th reunion. Mr. Nash is retired from the U.S. Navy. He was inducted into Indiana Tech's Alumni Hall of Fame in 2011 and established the Rear Admiral David J. Nash Scholarship to be awarded to a student majoring in engineering. F Raucous fans raise the roof at the SportONE/ Parkview Icehouse for Tech’s 2015 hockey seasonopener vs. Illinois State on Sept. 18.



Indiana Tech Magazine


homecoming 2015

Celebration & Generosity at Gala 85 A

A From left to right, Terry Ratliff, Doug Kinder and Jill Kinder take a break from Gala 85 festivities to pose for the camera. B Matt Ayers and Katie Fox (red) enjoy the conga line as Chicago’s Blast from the Past provides a funky and soulful soundtrack to the night.

Gala 85, a special celebration of Indiana Tech’s 85th anniversary, took place Saturday evening, Sept. 19. Over 350 alums, faculty, staff and friends of Tech enjoyed a wonderful meal together and then danced the night away to Brass from the Past, the evening’s featured entertainment from Chicago. Gala 85 produced far more than memories, however. Sponsors and attendees contributed nearly $80,000 to student aid at Indiana Tech, demonstrating that they not only have an appreciation for Tech’s past, but a firm commitment to its students and future as well.



Winter 2016


C Agustin Salazar, his wife Rosa, Tony Carreno and his wife Berta have fun in the photo booth during Gala 85. Agustin and Tony earned engineering degrees from Tech in the early 80s, and now live in Miami. This was their first trip back to Fort Wayne since their commencements.

Thank you to all of our Gala 85 sponsors! Anchor Films

Indiana Michigan Power

Asher Agency

Kelley Automotive

AVI – Tech Fresh

Michael Kinder & Sons

Baker Street Office Furnishings

Markey’s Rental and Staging

Banner Edge Media

Mid-American Cleaning Contractors

James ‘59 and Joan Bard Charles and Tracy Cercone Janet and David Chrzan Elevatus Architecture Engineering Resources

O’Neal Excavating and Construction Prairie Quest Consulting Summit Mechanical

Excell Color Graphics

Ravi ’65 and Eleanor Talwar

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry

U.S. Signal

Indiana Tech Alumni Association Board

Votaw Electric


Indiana Tech Faculty and Staff

Indiana Tech Magazine


exhibit ( a ) The News-Sentinel, Friday, Oct. 20, 1961


w 95. 25mm h 609.6mm d 298.45mm

On October 21, 1961, the cornerstone of the very first Dale W. McMillen Library was laid on the campus of what was then known as Indiana Technical College. Carl Pierson, longtime member of the Indiana Tech Board of Trustees and chairman of the board of National Mill Supply Co., served as master of ceremonies that fall day. solid metal constr uction welded seems


Winter 2016

Mr. Pierson welcomed students, faculty and staff, alumni, community members and speakers such as Charles Buesching, chairman of Lincoln National Bank & Trust Co., Archie Keene, president of Indiana Tech, and Dale McMillen himself,

who was the founder of Central Soya Co. Pierson also presided over a special ceremony during the event: A “filling of the cornerstone” with a time capsule marking the year and the occasion. The time capsule was rediscovered with the move of McMillen Library from its 1961 location into Andorfer Commons in 2004. It was preserved in the library and opened in 2015 to help mark Indiana Tech’s 85th anniversary year. These pages feature just a few of the items contained within; many more are on display in Indiana Tech’s history exhibit in the Wilfred Uytengsu, Sr. Center on campus.


A copy of Fort Wayne’s evening newspaper, The News-Sentinel, from October 20, 1961, was presented for inclusion in the time capsule by Helene Foellinger, president of Fort Wayne Newspapers, Inc.


Norman Baker, editor of Space Business Daily, provided a space-race engineering memento: A space capsule model used in testing heat shield materials for NASA’s Project Mercury.


1961-62 Indiana Technical College course catalog, presented by Indiana Tech Dean of Faculty Dr. Ralph Young


Chronology of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1915-1960 with a special inscription to Indiana Tech “students of the twenty-first century” by author Eugene Emme, NASA historian.

exhibit (b)

figure ( c )

Space capsule model with test material for Project Mercury heat shields

Indiana Technical College catalog

figure (d)

exhibit ( e )

Chronology of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1915–1960

Autumn ‘61 edition of Alumni News Quarterly


Indiana Tech Alumni News Quarterly, presented by Don Temple, president, Indiana Technical College National Alumni Association.


Photo and biography of Dr. Friedrich Flick of Dusseldorf, Germany, a donor of $50,000 toward books and equipment for the new library. Provided by Frank Weber, German scholarship student, and accompanied by letter from Tech president Archie Keene.


Photo and biography of Dale McMillen, presented by Lincoln National Bank & Trust Co. chairman Charles Buesching.

figure (f)

figure ( g )

Photo & Bio of Dr. Friedrich Flick

Photo & Bio of Dale McMillen

Indiana Tech Magazine




Martin Neuhoff served as Indiana Tech’s athletic director for just under five years, but those 54 months packed a lot of historical punch in terms of accomplishment for this university.

A A player in the Future Stars soccer program celebrates a goal during play last summer. Volunteers from Indiana Tech’s women’s soccer team are instrumental in helping run this instructional program, which is a collaboration between Tech and Fort Wayne Youth Select Soccer. B Warrior athletes don red high heals for the Women’s Bureau’s Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event last summer.

All seven of Indiana Tech’s national championships were won with Neuhoff at the athletic program’s helm. He and Tech’s coaches worked hard to establish Warrior Pride – a set of guiding principals for the department that are based on ethical conduct, integrity, accountability, leadership and sportsmanship. His coaches encouraged academic excellence, and year after year, Warrior athletes produced in droves in the classroom. And, finally, Neuhoff and his staff stressed the importance of Warrior athletes giving back to the community. Although Neuhoff retired on May 1, 2015, the momentum created during his tenure — especially when it comes to volunteerism­ — is being sustained by a coaching staff that is comprised of quality individuals and a successor in Debra Warren, whose moral compass points in the same direction as that of Neuhoff’s.


Winter 2016

“In addition to the lessons learned in the classroom and on the field of play, it’s always been important to all of us at Tech that our student-athletes experience the gratifying lessons that come from sharing one’s time and talent with their community,” said Indiana Tech President Arthur Snyder. “Martin helped foster this spirit of giving while he was athletic director, and I am so pleased that Debbie Warren considers volunteerism a priority for our athletic department, as well.” During the 2014 – 15 academic year, Indiana Tech athletes volunteered 2,419 hours to community projects. That’s a total of 100.8 days, or nearly onethird of a year. Warren, who became Tech’s athletic director on July 20, 2015, anticipates Warrior athletes will give as much time, if not more, during the 2015 – 16 school year. “Volunteerism is very important to me.” Warren said. “We have so much, and giving back to our community in meaningful ways is a commitment we take seriously as individuals and as an athletic department here at Indiana Tech.” During 2014-15, Tech athletic teams assisted with more than 20 events, including Blessings in a Backpack, Fort4Fitness, the Down Syndrome Association of Northeast Indiana (DSANI) Buddy Walk, the Indiana Women’s Bureau’s Walk a Mile in Her Shoes and the Special Olympics Bowling Tournament. Indiana Tech volleyball coach Kourtney Wilson spearheaded Tech’s participation in the DSANI Buddy Walk, a fund-raiser and educational event that

ATHLETE /COACH volunteerism 2014-15 academic year

2,419 hours volunteered for community projects


COMMUNITY projects AND organizations include: Blessings in a Backpack Fort4Fitness

Women’s Bureau — Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Coaches vs Cancer

the equivalent of more than

Down Syndrome Association of Northeast Indiana (DSANI) — Buddy Walk

100 days

Special Olympics Bowling Tournament

Community Harvest Foodbank

Turnstone Big Brothers Big Sisters


celebrates the many abilities and accomplishments of people with Down syndrome. After Wilson rallied fellow Warrior coaches, Tech was able to assemble a contingent of around 100 athletes from all sports to help with security, road blocks, distributing shirts and giveaways, staffing tables and controlling traffic. “It was an awesome event to help raise funds and awareness for Down syndrome,” Wilson said. “After the event, I sat my athletes down and we discussed everything — about reaching out, helping others and not taking what they have for granted.” “The best part of the Buddy Walk for me was at the very end — an older woman with Downs had to keep stopping to catch her breath and I stopped and talked to her. She was a very sweet person and asked that I hold her hand and walk with her to the finish line. That experience was very important to me because it taught me that no matter what your circumstances are or the cards you’re dealt in life, it costs nothing to be nice and to lend a helping hand,” said junior volleyball player Jazmin Alexander of Fort Wayne. “Even though the smiles and waves we gave didn’t change anything, it showed the parents of disabled children and the children themselves that we care and that they matter.” Indiana Tech softball coach Jessica Harris had led Tech’s participation in Blessings in a Backpack, a program that provides at-risk students in four Fort Wayne elementary schools (Abbett, Adams, Fairfield and South Wayne) with food to eat over the weekend, and Fort4Fitness, a not-for-profit organization

committed to promoting healthy living and fitness in northeast Indiana. “Taking part in projects like these is just a good way for the athletes to stay connected with the community, and it gives them a reminder that we should always be thankful,” Harris said. “When the athletes deliver backpacks to the classrooms for Adams Elementary, the athletes are reminded that they are role models to many children. Giving back to the community has become a way of life for our athletes and I am proud to be a part of it.” In addition to Wilson and Harris, men’s soccer coach David Bokhart has been a Big Brother for several years and his teams frequently assist with that organization’s events, while track and field coach Doug Edgar has his athletes assisting with Turnstone, a local not-for-profit that provides supportive services for people with physical disabilities. As a school, Indiana Tech takes part in several cancer awareness initiatives. Men’s basketball coach John Peckinpaugh participated in October’s Coaches vs. Cancer kids basketball clinic fund-raiser with IPFW coach Jon Coffman and University of Saint Francis coach Chad LaCross. The women’s basketball team hosts a Pink Out game and the volleyball squad holds a Dig Pink match — both to raise awareness for breast cancer. And, the women’s soccer team hosted a Lacing Up For Pediatric Cancer fund-raiser game this fall.

13,563 pounds of food during Community Harvest Food Bank’s #UCanCrushHunger campaign in October. “There is a strong commitment to community involvement within the department and that commitment certainly has strengthened in recent years, thanks to the efforts of Martin and now of Debbie Warren,” Bokhart said. “I believe our involvement in community projects will really take off in the coming years.” “Many people believe giving back needs to involve money. We try to stress that giving your time and talent is just as important,” Wilson said. “Going out into the community not only helps others learn who we are as Warriors, but it helps show them the character of our athletes that we bring here to Indiana Tech. People are always thankful for volunteers, and to show my athletes how important it is to do stuff for others is going to be some of the most valuable lessons they will learn while here at Tech.”

Indiana Tech’s athletic department was also instrumental in helping the school collect a whopping

Indiana Tech Magazine







Men’s Soccer RECORD:

5-12-1 OVERALL; 2-8-1 WHAC (T-10th/12, 7 points); POSTSEASON:


HIGHLIGHTS: Freshman Brennan Cochran led the Warriors in goals (10) and points (20), en route to honorable mention all-conference honors…Tech’s biggest wins came in non-conference play, as they defeated Taylor 3-1 and Judson 2-1, two teams that received votes in the NAIA Coaches’ Top 25 Poll… The Orange and Black scored eight goals against WHAC rival Concordia on Oct. 21 — the most goals in a game since it scored nine against Cleary in 2013.

Six Warriors were named to the WHAC AllAcademic Team: Chad Brooks, Casey Johnson, Fabian Kaufmann, Camilo Rodriguez, Nathan Waits and Nathan Wilz. Tech was also presented a Team Academic Award by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA) after it earned a 3.01 composite GPA



Winter 2016

for the 2014-15 academic school year. This was the seventh time the team has received the honor and the first time under coach David Bokhart. FROM COACH DAVID BOKHART:

“We come away from the season feeling positive about the young core of the team and the types of performances the students are capable of.”

Women’s Soccer RECORD:

8-10-1 OVERALL; 4-5-1 WHAC (8th/11, 13 points) POSTSEASON:

Lost in WHAC quarterfinals to top seed and No. 2 Northwestern Ohio. HIGHLIGHTS: The Warriors made it to the WHAC Tournament for the fifth year in a row under head coach Jim Lipocky, falling to second-ranked UNOH in the quarterfinals…Lipocky became just the second active coach in the WHAC with 100 career victories; he moved into triple digits on Oct. 3 with a 2-0 home win over Davenport…Senior midfielder


Megan Perrey was named the WHAC Offensive Player of the Week twice and led the team in goals (nine) and points (21). ACADEMIC HONORS: Fifteen Warriors were named to the WHAC All-Academic Team: Mariana Fernandez Bello, Jamie Hawkey, Sasha Kabarday, Morgan Kroezen, Courtney Lakes, Michelle Landry, Emily Mancos, Darby McCracken, Alena Payne, Megan Perrey, Nicole Price, Chelsea Rowe, Veronica Weaver, Morgan York and Jessica Zurcher. Tech was also presented a Team Academic Award by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA) after it earned a 3.45 composite GPA for the 2014-15 academic school year. This was the eighth time the team has received the honor and the third straight year under Lipocky. FROM COACH JIM LIPOCKY:

“Despite the conference finish, I felt there were more positives out of the season than negatives. For 2016, the Warriors will have a strong core of returners, and with a solid 2016 recruiting class, we are looking forward to next season.”

Volleyball RECORD:


Lost in WHAC semifinals to top seed and No. 18 Lourdes. HIGHLIGHTS: The Warriors made the WHAC Tournament for a 16th straight year and had their best regular-season since 2012…Junior libero Taylor Kelso set a programbest for digs in a season with 780 and tied the record for most digs in a match with 37…Kelso was named first-team all-conference and was named the WHAC Defensive Player of the Week three times…Classmate Cassie Sarabia joined Kelso on the WHAC First-Team after finishing with 446 kills, 158 digs and 53 blocks…Sarabia was named the NAIA National Attacker of the Week twice during the year…Freshman Gabby Staggs earned WHAC AllFreshman Team honors with 131 blocks and 231 kills. ACADEMIC HONORS: Sarabia was named to the WHAC All-Academic Team.


“Being a young team, we are coming off of a successful season, but there are big improvements we need to make as individuals and as a team here in the spring.”

Men’s Golf RECORD:

43-20; 5th/11 WHAC regular season (1,499 strokes) POSTSEASON:

Coming spring 2016. HIGHLIGHTS: The Warriors had one of their best fall seasons since restarting the program nine years ago. Highlights included a firstplace finish at WHAC Jamboree #3… Senior Tyler Willette was named first-team all-conference while classmate Zach Wetzel garnered allconference honorable mention.

Willette, Wetzel and senior Brandon Bailey earned WHAC All-Academic Team honors.



“We had our lowest fall average since restarting the program nine years ago and the future looks good because we have three freshman averaging 78 and under.”

Women’s Golf RECORD:

58-9, 1st/10 WHAC regular season (1,900 strokes) POSTSEASON:

Coming spring 2016. Tech continued its amazing run of recent years as it three-peated as WHAC regularseason champions and finished the fall season 16th in the country…The junior duo of Wiebke Schlender and Courtney Dye both earned firstteam all-conference honors for the third year in a row…Schlender was the low medalist at the final WHAC Jamboree to earn Player of the Year HIGHLIGHTS:

honors for the second time in her career. Dye, who garnered 2014 WHAC Player of the Year honors, finished third at WHAC Jamboree #3…Sophomore Bailey Bostler earned conference honorable mention accolades.


Will be announced in the spring.

Women’s Cross Country



“We have the firepower to keep winning and get to the national championship again this year.”

Men’s Cross Country RECORD:

2nd/10 WHAC Championships POSTSEASON:

Finished 14th at the NAIA National Championships HIGHLIGHTS: The Warriors made the national championships for the third year in a row and had their best finish since 2008… The team finished second at the WHAC Championships and ended up 14th in the final national poll… Senior Marcus Hobbs capped off the season with a 20th-place finish at nationals to earn all-American status, just the second man in program history to achieve the feat…Hobbs became the WHAC’s first four-time Runner of the Week, and set the second fastest time in program history on Oct. 9 when he ran a 25.07.2 at McAlpine Creek Park, site of the National Championships…Hobbs was named first-team all-conference after finishing in third place and was joined by classmate Brenden Zoltek, who placed fourth…Junior Dylan Dominello freshman Lucas Runyan earned honorable mention honors. ACADEMIC HONORS: Six were named to the WHAC All-Academic Team: Matt Adair, Marcus Hobbs, Zack Johnson, Nate Kimble, Tanner Wall and John Wamhoff…Kimble and Wamhoff were also named NAIA All-Scholar Athletes.

proud of this group, which performed well all season and proved to be very consistent. We are thankful for what we’ve accomplished and already excited for the challenge of topping it.”

Women’s Tennis RECORD:


Coming spring 2016. HIGHLIGHTS: Despite numerous injuries, Tech showed signs of improvement in 5-4 and 6-3 losses to Grace and Saint Francis, respectively…The senior duo of Barbara Belli de Oliveira and Ana Hernandez, along with juniors Anabell Cordero and Raquel Manzoni, look to lead the Warriors in the spring season.


5th/10 WHAC Championships POSTSEASON:

Junior Kerigan Riley placed 107th out of 321 runners at the NAIA National Championships. HIGHLIGHTS: After finishing 26th at the national championships in 2014 and being ranked 23rd in the preseason poll, the Warriors looked to return to nationals, but injuries to three seniors tested the teams depth…Junior Kerigan Riley stepped up to earn all-conference honorable mention. ACADEMIC HONORS: Haliee Maddox was named to the WHAC AllAcademic Team.



“Both teams are working hard keeping their goal of competing at a high level within the conference in the spring.”


Sophomore Brennan Cochran


Junior Taylor Kelso


Junior Kerigan Riley


From left to right: Freshman Loren Kreider, junior Wiebke Schlender, senior Rachel George, sophomore Bailey Bostler, junior Courtney Dye and coach Kelly Mettert


Senior Brandon Bailey

Men’s Tennis RECORD:



Coming spring 2016. HIGHLIGHTS: The Warriors had a successful fall season as they defeated Huntington, Grace and crosstown rival Saint Francis… Senior Joaquin Ferrando and sophomore Nicholas Aguirre won the consolation doubles title at the ITA Midwest Regionals in… Aguirre went 5-2 during the season in singles play at the No. 3 position while Ferrando went 4-3 at No. 1 singles. ACADEMIC HONORS: Will be announced in the spring.

Indiana Tech Magazine



From the Desk of Arienne Juliano Smith and Stevens join the institutional advancement team

Wow. What a wonderful year to look back and reflect upon! It honestly feels like yesterday I joined this great university and now I find myself looking back on an exciting year. And, with a new year in the midst, I’m reflecting on the accomplishments of Tech: Another successful commencement ceremony, the welcoming of a new class, the introduction of our Women’s Leadership & Philanthropy group, the largestattended homecoming weekend to date, the celebration of our 85th anniversary, the reinvention of the Cunningham Business Center, national success in our athletics programs…the list goes on. Many of the stories right here in Indiana Tech Magazine have showcased these achievements, and we look forward to what 2016 has to offer. Of course, our success at Tech could not be possible without you—our alumni and friends—who give your time, talent and generosity in so many ways.


Winter 2016

As I look at all the things I’ve been thankful for over the last year, and all the successes yet to come in a new year, I want to take a moment to thank all of you who have been involved in these great accomplishments. If you haven’t been as involved as you’d like, or just haven’t found that niche at Tech, don’t hesitate to reach out and share your thoughts. We have our sights on great things, but they are centered on our alumni and friends and we want to hear from you! May 2016 be your year to get involved — be a mentor, a friend, a companion. Cherish the special moments and don’t forget to pat yourself on the back when you do something great. Your Warrior Community cheers you on, and we can’t wait to hear from you soon.

The institutional advancement team added two stalwart Fort Wayne professionals to the fold in September. Dave Stevens was named associate vice president of advancement while Tracina Smith joined as director of foundations and corporate relations. Stevens comes to Indiana Tech from Redeemer Radio where he was the executive director since 2009. He has more than 20 years of wide-ranging marketing, sales and leadership experience in the region. Smith comes to Indiana Tech from YWCA Northeast Indiana where she was director of development. She has more than 20 years of nonprofit development and fundraising experience in this area.

Keep us connected! Your stories are what makes Indiana Tech proud—and we want to hear from you! In fact, we want to share your stories here in Indiana Tech Magazine. Share your successes, update your information, learn about the Alumni Association and find ways to connect with your peers, friends and faculty members on our website at You can also email your updates to Indiana Tech Alumni Group @IndianaTechAlum

Alumni Notes / SOUNDBITE

Indiana Institute of Technology

We love to hear from our alums and students—their experiences, good times and the memories that come with it. See what our Warrior Community had to say in this edition of Tech Soundbite:

“The blessed life my wife and I enjoy today was launched from the education and life lessons I learned during my school years at Indiana Tech.”

Ø Ravi Talwar, BSME, ‘65

“The scholarship at Indiana Tech allowed me to focus on academics and allowed me to do the things I wanted to do in college without worrying about that extra burden.”

Ø Kori Liechty, BEE, ‘15 “Indiana Tech gave me a BSEE + Math minor degree that I parlayed into great jobs over my career. Now that I am retired and enjoying life traveling internationally with my wife of 50 years, I appreciate it even more.”

Ø Kurt Siem, BSEE, ‘67

“My experience at Tech prepared me for my career and also life outside my career. Through interactions with other students, faculty and staff, I ‘earned’ a degree in people and social skills that I did not even sign up for...”

Ø Jayant Pichamuthu, BSCIS, ’93

“As an alumnus and adjunct faculty member, I’m proud to be part of the Indiana Tech family. Tech embodies what higher education does best: Inspiring people to reach their true potential.”

Ø Anthony Juliano, MBA, ‘03

“To the people who have given me my scholarship, thank you so much…I honestly could not have asked for anything better for my college career.”

Ø Kelly Workman, BSELED, ‘18

“I was able to get a master’s degree in one year and also obtain the experience I needed to get the job of my dreams.”

Ø Eric Milner, MBA, ‘15 “I love my job and the opportunities it gives me. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my family, boyfriend and my Tech family....especially Dr. Boyce and Dr. Harding!”

Ø Loni Robertson, ASCJ, ‘14

Do you have a memory, piece of gratitude, update or experience you’d like to share? Send your thoughts to We’d love to hear from you!

Indiana Tech Magazine



Thomas Scalzo, BSEE, ‘61 In 1955, Thomas Scalzo took a leap of faith. Fresh out of Ravena-Coeymans Central High School in Ravena, New York, a small town nine miles south of Albany, Mr. Scalzo made a choice to continue his education nearly 700 miles away at a school known then as Indiana Technical College. The 1961 graduate and long-time financial supporter of Indiana Tech has never secondguessed his decision. It was in Fort Wayne that Mr. Scalzo met his wife of 57 years, Marcia, raised his two sons and one daughter and carved out a rewarding career as an engineer. “I received a tremendous education from Indiana Tech that afforded me the opportunity to have a successful career and put me in a position where I am able to give back,” Mr. Scalzo said about his choice to donate to Indiana Tech. “I want to help the school continue to provide students with quality education and excellent opportunities for growth for years to come.”

Sharon Tucker, BSBA, ‘13 Sharon Tucker sure knows a lot about elections, especially when she elected to make a fresh start in her own life. Prior to attending Indiana Tech, Tucker had embarked on a new and unfamiliar path. She had ended a 17-year marriage and was looking to fulfill some of her dreams that had been put on hold. One of those dreams was obtaining a degree; the other was running for political office. Of course, with so many degree options out there, how did she choose Indiana Tech? Tucker said she “had heard positive feedback about Indiana Tech’s College of Professional Studies (CPS) program and decided to explore my options. The registration process was convenient and I was able to do most of my preliminary work online.”


Winter 2016

While at Indiana Technical College, Mr. Scalzo was involved with the Sigma Delta Phi fraternity. He played baseball for THOMAS & MARCiA SCALZO SHARON TUCKER the Warriors under legendary Fort Wayne coach Murray Mendenhall. Electronic Circuits Indiana Society of Professional Engineers was his favorite class and Peter Sorensen was (Anthony Wayne Chapter, 1977 and 1991) and his favorite teacher. He earned a degree in was named the chapter’s Citizen Engineer in electrical engineering. 1992. Mr. Scalzo is also a two-time president Mr. Scalzo’s resume includes positions at of the American Society for Quality Norden Systems in Norwalk, Connecticut; (Northeastern Indiana Section, 1996 and 1999). API Instruments in Chesterland, Ohio; and ITT In 1999, he received the Forest R. Guimont Aerospace and Navistar/International Harvester Award, which goes to a member who has in Fort Wayne. He worked at Raytheon/ made outstanding contributions to the section. Magnavox in Fort Wayne from 1975 until his In retirement, Mr. Scalzo enjoys playing retirement in 2003 as the company’s senior golf, and he loves following the activities of subcontract manager. his grandchildren. To his grandkids, he passes “The companies I have worked for have along the best advice he was ever given. never questioned my education,” Mr. Scalzo “I tell them to study hard, to work hard and said. “In my field, this institution is wellto be thankful to God for the abilities they respected.” have been given,” Mr. Scalzo said. Mr. Scalzo is a two-time president of the It is certainly advice that has served him well.

Like many CPS students who work full-time, have families to support and many other duties to fulfill while being a student, Tucker found that juggling these tasks gave her confidence and helped her pursue opportunities she might otherwise have not realized. “My degree from Tech helped build the confidence I needed to run for political office, become elected and service the community of Allen County. I’ve always been a driver, but attending Indiana Tech helped increase my desire to achieve. Tech helped sharpen my speech writing skills, improved my negotiation skills and improved my leadership abilities.” Today, Tucker is enjoying the opportunities she sought to achieve and demonstrates what’s possible when you venture down a new path with determination. “Today I am living my dream,” Tucker noted. “I serve the people of Allen County and I work in a leadership role at 1st Source Insurance. The skills gained from

Indiana Tech prepared me for both jobs.” Tucker has not forgot to give back either. Annually, she hosts the “Women in Politics Forum,” an educational event designed to help encourage other women to get involved in the political process. “I am most fulfilled when I have the opportunities to speak to young adults and children, encouraging them to achieve their goals,” Tucker said. This might explain why those who believed in her made it possible for her to realize her dreams, and why she continues to serve her community. In the end, Tucker’s decision to change course in her life turned out to be very rewarding, and she wouldn’t change a thing. She advises students to do the same. “I enjoyed every moment while attending Indiana Tech. I would encourage other students to stay focused on their goals, reflect on their past, make necessary adjustments and learn how to enjoy the journey.”


We have learned of the deaths of the following alumni and friends.

If you would like to send a memorial gift to honor someone, please contact Brian Engelhart at

Tom Avery Fort Wayne, IN BSCH 1976

Kermit H. George Bluffton, IN BSEE 1947

Walter R. Pfister Wichita, KS BSME 1957

David C. Baker Saline, MI BSEE 1970

John W. Hagan Kirkersville, OH BSCE 1949

Howard L. Pratt Wolcottville, IN BSME 1963

Robert L. Beaudette Billerica, MA BSEE 1963

Ralph E. Hyde Warsaw, IN BSEE 1959

Francis “Frank” B. Robbins Ocala, FL BSME 1956

Roberto Belen Salinas, Puerto Rico BSME 1959

John F. Johnson, Jr. Beaver, OH BSELE 1958

Norman D. Sessions Fort Worth, TX BSEE 1948

Joseph J. Bourdon Banning, CA BSEE 1957

William J. Keller, Jr. Cranbury, NJ BSME 1958

Billy E. Steinkuhler Arvada, CO BSCHE 1948

Amos Mathias Brineman Hockley, TX BSME 1967

Ralph J. Macey Plymouth, IN BSELE 1963

Roland W. Straub Groton, CT BSME 1960

Robert S. Bucher Moline, IL BSME 1956

Harold E. Morrill Maryville, TN BSRE 1950

Paul F. Welty Fort Wayne, IN BSELE 1960

Felix P. Caggiano Lancaster, PA BSCE 1949

John P. O’Connor Newton, NJ BSME 1965

George (Ray) Raymond Campbell Boulder, CO BSEE 1959

Ralph K. Parsons Blue Ridge, TX BSELE 1957

Peter Coggeshall Portsmouth, VA BSEE 1950

Robert J. Perillo Warnerville, NY BSAEE 1965

John F. Dickmann, III Northbrook, IL BSCHE 1945

Donald B. Peterson, Sr. Jackson, MI BSME 1952

800.937.2448, ext. 2299

Indiana Tech Magazine



1600 E. Washington Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46803


SAVE THE DATES February 25

May 14

Speak Out with Odd?Rod*, Academic Center

Commencement, Allen County War Memorial Coliseum

March 5 A Toast to Scholarship: The 14th Annual Alumni Wine and Beer Tasting, Parkview Field

June 2016 Women’s Leadership & Philanthropy at Indiana Tech Summer Networking Event (details coming soon)

April 2016 Women’s Leadership and Philanthropy at Indiana Tech’s Spring Fling Fundraiser (details coming soon)

April 10

Sept. 29 – Oct. 1 Homecoming Weekend 2016 *Made possible by a grant from the Auer Foundation

Celebrate Gospel*, Academic Center

Remember this? We found this photo floating around in our archives, and it was just too tantalizing to keep it from the pages of Indiana Tech Magazine. The sign behind the gentlemen on the right welcomes people to what appears to be Tech’s second annual “Play Day.” And, for some reason, it appears Will Ferrell was on campus that day (see the guy on the far left). Did you hang out with Will that day? Send your stories about this photo and other memories of Tech to Arienne Juliano, director of alumni relations, at

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