Indiana Tech Magazine - Spring 2021

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When Paul Rademacher became the first head coach of Indiana Tech’s women’s wrestling team, he built his program’s foundation with Indiana wrestlers. Read about these seven Hoosier history-makers on page 28.



Spring 2021



Distinguished professor and university trustee Sherrill Hamman will be our commencement speaker this May.

The popular dean of the College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences had an impressive career.

INSIDE TECH 04 Letter from Our President

20 College of Arts and Sciences

Spring has sprung, commencement is on its way and Warriors are winning. Those, among others, are the things that have President Einolf smiling.

Alum DeShawn Woods’ On Your Feet Ministry helps recent grads and students keep moving forward.

Across the University 06 By the Numbers

As Indiana Tech continues its 90th year of motivating students toward lives of significance and worth, get reacquainted with your university— by the numbers. 08 Around the Regions

Meet College of Professional Studies graduate Matt Wire and accept our invitation to share your success story with the world. 09 Tech’s Top Picks

In this issue, we ask faculty and staff, “If you were able to go back in time and give your 18-year-old self some advice, what would it be?” 10 Tech Happenings

U.S. News & World Report recognizes Tech for having outstanding online bachelor’s degrees in business. 12 A Few Words With…

Helping students find their path in life has helped associate director of student engagement Bethany Ballard identify her own. 14 Longevity at Tech

Hear what changes have been most impactful on campus from the ones who have been here the longest. 19 Dr. Ying Shang named dean of College of Engineering

Tech’s “innovative vision” and “can-do culture” lured her from the University of Evansville.

Academic Roundup

22 College of Business

Academic Roundup

Sophomore Emily Eppert is accepted into the Red Cross Collegiate Leadership Program. 24 College of Engineering

Academic Roundup

Junior Param Mehta has earned a prestigious internship this summer with the Army Cyber Institute at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point.


26 Athletics Highlights

Men’s and women’s indoor track teams and two men’s wrestlers finish best in the nation, the men’s volleyball team enjoys a historic season and more. Path of a Warrior 32 From the Desk of Kristi Jarmus

A familiar face at Tech, but new to the role of director of alumni relations, Kristi Jarmus is eager to connect with you—our alums.


34 Alumni Spotlight:

Paul Troder, BSCE 1951

If you’ve flipped on a light switch today, it’s probable you’ve come into direct contact with some of Paul Troder’s work. 36 Why I Give Back:

Richard Brinckerhoff, BSAE 1956

Richard’s experience at Tech helped him earn success in life. He wants others to have the same opportunity. 42 In Memoriam


In action, from background to foreground, are Nick Lanham, Savanna Yoder and Marek Grzelak, members of Indiana Tech’s Cyber Warriors cyber defense team. Learn about the Cyber Warriors’ seventh straight Indiana Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition victory on page 25.


Indiana Tech Magazine


Letter from Our President I hope all of you within the Warrior family, and your friends and loved ones, have remained safe during the coronavirus pandemic. The return of spring weather to the Midwest, and encouraging news and trends related to the pandemic, are among the many positive things happening in the Indiana Tech community and beyond. Earlier this spring, all of us here at Tech were pleased to share the news that we will hold our 2021 commencement ceremonies in person on May 15. This year’s speaker will be longtime Indiana Tech professor and current university trustee Sherrill Hamman. Professor Hamman has been a mentor to students, a leader among her colleagues and a friend to so many in the Indiana Tech community since joining the university in 1976. This summer, she will start a well-earned retirement after 45 years of service here at Tech. Learn more about commencement on page 10, and about professor Hamman and other dedicated and long-serving faculty and staff members on page 14. As you can see, this issue’s cover features a team of students who have consistently competed—and won—at the very highest levels. The Indiana Tech Cyber Warriors cyber defense team recently won their seventh straight and 14th overall Indiana state championship, competing against teams from such schools as Purdue, Indiana University and Purdue Global. The Cyber Warriors continue to be a source of great pride, not only for our College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences, but for our entire university. They are preparing to compete for a trip to the national competition as this issue of Indiana Tech Magazine goes to press. Learn more about the team and the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition on page 25. Also shining in recent competition have been the members of our women’s bowling team, our men’s and women’s indoor track and field teams and our men’s wrestling team. The women’s bowling team won their first NAIA national championship on March 27. Earlier in the month, both the men’s and women’s track teams earned national championships, with individual event champions including Loanie Cellard, Leondra Correia and the men’s 4x400 relay team of Michael Warner, Miles Gray, Daunte O’Banion and Jordan Highsmith. Over the same weekend, two men’s wrestlers— Conner Gimson and Eric Vermillion—won national titles in their weight classes to highlight an


Spring 2021

impressive fourth-place finish by the team. With many Tech teams competing this spring due to fall competition delays related to the coronavirus, be sure to stay up to date on all of our Warriors in action at See, also, some highlights from this season on page 26. Competition in other forms remains a focus for all of us here at Indiana Tech, too. Higher education is undergoing significant evolution in response to a broad spectrum of opportunities and challenges. True to our heritage, Tech remains a place of innovation in its work to serve students, in developing new programs and in establishing effective partnerships throughout the industries and communities we serve. For more about the work our three colleges are doing in these areas, be sure to read our academic roundups starting on page 20. If change is a constant in life, it is here at Indiana Tech as well. Among many new things happening at Indiana Tech this year, we will be welcoming a new dean of the College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences with the retirement of longtime Dean Dave Aschliman. Dean Aschliman is retiring after a distinguished 18-year tenure, and takes with him our gratitude and that of our students for his service and dedication. He will be succeeded as dean by Dr. Ying Shang, who comes to us from the University of Evansville, starting her new position here at Tech in late June. Read more about Dean Aschliman and Dr. Shang on page 18. The work of our faculty and staff to serve students and prepare them for lives of significance and worth is inspiring to me each day. It is also made possible through the ongoing support of our dedicated alumni. I hope you’ll take the time to learn more about two of Indiana Tech’s alums and longtime friends, Paul Troder, BSCE ’51 and Richard Brinckerhoff, BSAE ’56, starting on page 34. I appreciate their support throughout the years—and yours as well! Warm regards,

Karl W. Einolf, Ph.D. President

Every day at Indiana Tech, we encourage our students to Go For IT in pursuit of their dreams.

Volume 18, Issue 2 Karl W. Einolf, Ph.D. President

Institutional Advancement Dan Grigg Vice President for Institutional Advancement Dave Stevens Senior Director of Institutional Advancement Mary Lasits Senior Director of Institutional Advancement Kristi Jarmus Director of Alumni Relations Kayla Paz Director of Advancement Services Jennifer Ross Director of Advancement Services and Executive Operations Erin Johnson Assistant Director of Institutional Advancement and Grants Administration

Marketing Brian Engelhart Vice President for Marketing and Communication Matt Bair Director of Marketing and Communication Jennifer Murphy Director of Marketing, College of Professional Studies Julie Farison Creative Director Sarah Suraci Graphic Designer Joel Kuhn, BS ’12 Web Developer Bethany Lowe UX/UI Designer Randy Smith Photo and Video Producer Amber Owens, MBA ’21 Social Media Manager Noah Thompson Marketing Department Intern

Indiana Tech online:

Please send comments, news and feature story ideas to: Indiana Tech attn: Marketing 1600 E. Washington Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46803 phone: 260.422.5561 or 800.937.2448, ext. 2250 email: The editors reserve the right to edit articles for length and clarity. Articles may be reproduced with permission and proper attribution. Our Mission: Indiana Tech provides learners a professional education; prepares them for active participation, career advancement and leadership in the global 21st century society; and motivates them toward a life of significance and worth.

Indiana Tech Magazine


By the Numbers As Indiana Tech continues its 90th year of motivating students toward lives of significance and worth, get reacquainted with your university—by the numbers.





Spring 2021

















Female 3504

American Indian or Alaska Native

Male 2715

Asian 70

U.S. States and Territories Represented




Black or African American


Hispanics of any race

Residence Halls





Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Nonresident Alien


Race and Ethnicity unknown


Two or more races


White 3177































195 19 1,184






Indiana Tech Magazine



If you are a regular reader of Indiana Tech Magazine, you know we love to share stories about our students—past and present— and how an Indiana Tech education helped change their lives. If you are a student within our College of Professional Studies, chances are you are a busy working adult who is juggling many responsibilities along with going to school. You are persevering in order to achieve your goals and advance your career. Taking time to share your thoughts with us just isn’t a priority. That’s doesn’t mean we are going to stop trying. In fact, consider this an ask. If you are a CPS student, please email Jennifer Murphy, CPS director of marketing ( to tell us how your Indiana Tech education has helped change your life. And expect more asks like this in the future. You have compelling stories, and we want to introduce you to the world. Now, meet Matt Wire, who graduated from Indiana Tech in 2020 with an MBA concentrating in marketing.

INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: What made you decide to go back to school? MATT: As a later-in-life student (I was a high school dropout until I was in my 30s), earning a master’s degree was something I had never thought possible. After earning my undergraduate degree through another program, I started to look around to see if continuing the journey would provide a good return on investment and be the right fit for my life. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: Why did you choose to go to Indiana Tech? MATT: Indiana Tech, being a local school with a long history, really called to me. After some research, I decided to reach out to the admissions team to see if it would be the right fit; it turns out it was! INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: Has your Indiana Tech experience/coursework positively impacted your career, work performance or professional goals?


Spring 2021

MATT: I often refer to myself as the high school dropout with an MBA, and the coursework/ experience taught me that I could do just about anything. While I have 20-plus years of marketing experience under my belt, an undergraduate degree in graphic design and marketing, and strong management background, I’ve found that having the degrees to back that all up actually gives me a confidence level I didn’t know was possible. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: Did Indiana Tech’s accelerated flexible class format make it easier for you to manage life’s obligations while you went to school? MATT: Honestly, the program schedule fit very well into my crazy life. Working full time, taking care of my family and having a 100-plus-yearold house to deal with, I needed the flexibility that Tech’s program offered. Knowing that I had assignments due on Wednesday and Saturday allowed me to schedule around my life to get those tasks completed.

I’m still a bit in shock that I managed to graduate with my MBA, with a 4.0, and be named the outstanding graduate in my program. It’s a long way from being told in school that you had no skills or talents to get you anywhere in life. I am now the director of communications for The Literacy Alliance, a local non-profit that focuses on adult education. We help students study for and pass the high school equivalency (HSE) exam. If you had told the 16-year-old me (who hated school) that any of this would be possible, I would have probably laughed at you.

Tech’s Top Picks Faculty Update Carrie Rodesiler, assistant professor of English, presented “I Must Somehow Get That Down in Writing: When Students Engage with Discourse Communities Not Their Own” at December’s Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Dr. Kevin Bottomley, assistant professor for Indiana Tech’s Ph.D. in Global Leadership, co-authored “Supporting Online Doctoral Students to Increase Persistence and Completion” in December’s Online Journal of Distance Learning Administrators. Additionally, Dr. Bottomley presented “Unspoken Factors Within Organizational Decision-Making: A Case Study” at January’s Qualitative Report (TQR) Conference. Dr. Naga Aditya Musunuri, assistant professor of mechanical and energy engineering, co-authored “Solutocapillary Flow Induced in a Waterbody by a Solute Source” in December’s Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Additionally, Dr. Musunuri presented “Adsorption of Particles at Fluid-Liquid Interfaces and its Application in Hydrophilous Pollination in Ruppia Maritima” at Indiana Tech’s Life Sciences Seminar Series last fall.


B A. Carrie Rodesiler

For this issue of Indiana Tech Magazine, we asked our faculty and staff: If you were able to go back in time and give your 18-year-old self some advice, what would it be? Here are some of their replies: Trials and tribulations will come your way. They will only strengthen you. Push through adversity and knock down all barriers that come your way. Your future self will benefit from this. Adam Macciomei, Admissions Counselor Don’t seek validation from others. Instead, learn to identify your unique talents and make choices based on your feelings. Embrace the skills, talent and personality that make you unique. Norma Glass, Assistant Director of CPS Admissions

When in college, become fluent in a foreign language and study abroad. Dr. Kevin Bottomley, Assistant Professor for Indiana Tech’s Ph.D. in Global Leadership Listen more and talk less—there is so much you can learn from others by listening. Also, work on your faith more and spend more time in prayer. Your life will be so much better the more time you give to Him. Dave Stevens, Senior Director of Institutional Advancement

Start and end each day with a grateful heart. Have compassion for yourself and for those Never be afraid to seek knowledge. Too who may respond differently than you. Don’t many times, we fear speaking up or we think wait to tell others how you feel, even if it’s our questions are worthless. In doing that, uncomfortable. Be kind. we stunt our growth, which keeps us from Robin Seaton, CPS Admissions becoming our best self. Representative Dr. Julie Good, Associate Professor of Biology When the right one comes along, don’t hesitate! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Exercising Stephanie Smith, Information Technology your resilience is important. Those mistakes become lived learning experiences that have Take every advantage to learn new skills, created an entrepreneur out of many even if you feel they might not apply to your a young soul. field of study. It is impossible to know what Dr. Staci Lugar Brettin, Associate Professor the future holds for you. of Marketing Dr. Dave Rumsey, Associate Dean of Engineering and Computer Sciences Budget and work on saving for retirement. It is amazing how much more you can save Time is more valuable than money; don’t for retirement if you start in your teens. waste your time or other people’s time. Dr. Crystal Karn, Associate Professor Ellen Brown, CPS Enrollment Manager of Business

B. Dr. Kevin Bottomley C. Dr. Naga Aditya Musunuri


Would you like to share your advice with Indiana Tech students? Send it to It’s possible it might appear on a digital screen on campus for all to see. Thank you! Indiana Tech Magazine



Distinguished professor and university trustee Sherrill Hamman to serve as 2021 commencement speaker Longtime Indiana Tech associate professor and board of trustees member Sherrill Hamman will serve as commencement speaker during the university’s annual commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 15, 2021, at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne. Professor Hamman is Indiana Tech’s longestserving faculty member, having joined the university in 1976 (learn more in our feature story on page 14). She began her career at Tech as an assistant librarian in McMillen Library and in 1977 became an instructor of accounting, ultimately rising to the rank of associate professor of business in 2000. Hamman also currently serves as the faculty representative on Indiana Tech’s board of trustees. After 45 years of distinguished service to students and the university, she plans to retire at the end of the 2020-21 academic year, on June 30, 2021. “Sherrill Hamman has long been the finest example of the tremendous impact that professors have on the lives of their students and their community,” Indiana Tech president Karl Einolf said. “She has been a mentor to thousands of students in her time at Indiana Tech, and a leader, trusted colleague and valued friend to countless faculty and staff members over the years. I can think of no one better to provide an inspiring


Spring 2021

New certificate in supply chain management launched

message of leadership and dedication to others to our graduates at commencement this May.” Professor Hamman will be recognized for her service to the university with an honorary doctorate awarded at this year’s commencement. She will address the graduates at Indiana Tech’s three in-person commencement ceremonies scheduled for May 15. To aid in social distancing and reduce audience size during the pandemic, the university has scheduled three separate ceremonies for that day, one for each of its colleges. The commencement ceremony for Indiana Tech’s College of Arts and Sciences will take place at 9:30 a.m.; the College of Business ceremony will take place at 12:30 p.m.; and the College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences ceremony will take place at 3:30 p.m. Each of the three ceremonies will honor both 2021 and 2020 graduates earning associate, bachelor’s and masters’ degrees within their respective colleges. Graduates earning Ph.D. in Global Leadership degrees will be honored during the College of Business ceremony. All ceremonies are free and open to the Indiana Tech graduates, friends and families from each college. 2020 graduates will be honored this year since the May 2020 commencement ceremony was canceled due to the pandemic. The schedule and approach to holding this year’s commencement ceremonies, including the number of guests permitted for each ceremony, are subject to change based on conditions related to the pandemic. To stay up to date on commencement-related news, please visit

Indiana Tech’s College of Business recently introduced a new program to its undergraduate certificate offerings: Supply Chain Management. In today’s fast-paced global economy, effective management of the entire supply chain—including procurement, logistics and distribution—has never been more important. The new certificate program is made up of six classes (18 credit hours) that provide students with both the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to operate and analyze successful global supply chains. Students can choose one of two specialty tracks based on their career goals and interests: quality management or analytics. “For many people, their career interests, desires and goals will change over time,” said Dr. Margot Salas Geagon, associate professor of business and lead of the supply chain management program. “A great feature of supply chain careers is that there are so many options and directions available in the field, from logistics to procurement, to operations management and data analytics.” Every course for this undergraduate certificate can be applied toward Indiana Tech’s upcoming Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management program, which will launch for the 202122 academic year.

Tech programs earn Top 100 ranking in U.S. News & World Report U.S. News & World Report, one of the nation’s most trusted and respected assessors of higher education, recently rated Indiana Tech among the nation’s top schools in its Best Online Bachelor’s in Business Programs ranking. Indiana Tech was named a Top 100 program, ranking 65th in the country in this year’s survey. “Delivering quality online education is

done by faculty and staff within our College of Business, and across our university, to create relevant and impactful programming that helps our students become outstanding, skilled professionals.” Students can earn undergraduate and graduate degrees and professional certificates through Indiana Tech’s College of Business. Known for having strong programs in accounting, business administration, health care administration, human resources, marketing and management, the College of Business has continued to innovate through

something Indiana Tech has done well for quite

the recent addition of new programs in project

a long time, so this recognition is appreciated,”

management, business analytics, construction

said Indiana Tech President Karl W. Einolf,

management, supply chain management and

Ph.D. “It’s a testament to the hard work being


MLK celebration features day of service, awards and community celebration Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2021 at Indiana Tech featured a day of service by faculty, staff and students on Jan. 18. Tech volunteers helped out at a Habitat for Humanity house rehab project in Fort Wayne, and lent a hand to the Oxford Community Association with cleaning and maintenance projects at its association headquarters building. The Oxford Community Association works to support its neighborhood near the Indiana Tech campus through safety, beautification and business development efforts. On Jan. 21, Indiana Tech also hosted its annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Celebration. The event took the form of a virtual, live-streamed event this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The program featured comments from Tech President Karl Einolf; Vice President for Institutional Diversity, Equity and Belonging Lisa Givan; Assistant Director of Diversity and Inclusion Gabrielle Parsons; and students Triston Hupstead, Logan Bloir and Mikayla Dunn. The keynote speaker was bestselling author, award-winning speaker

University expands senior leadership team Indiana Tech has added two new members to its President’s Cabinet, promoting two current senior staff members to key leadership roles at the university. Lisa D. Givan (left) joins the cabinet team as vice president for institutional diversity, equity and belonging, and chief diversity officer. Jeffrey S. Leichty (right) joins the team as vice president and chief information officer. The new cabinet positions reflect the growing strategic importance of both diversity and equity initiatives, as well as information technology, to the university’s work to serve students and the community now and in the future.

and sociologist Dr. Bertice Berry, who delivered stirring and inspirational remarks via video feed from her home base in Atlanta. Also featured during the celebration were the two honorees for the 2021 Indiana Tech Diversity Vanguard Awards, Dr. Terri Shaw and Clifford Clarke. Each year the Diversity Vanguard Awards honor an internal faculty or staff member and an external member of the community for their efforts to make diversity and inclusion an important part of their work, and for consistently exploring unique ways to go above and beyond expectations to emphasize the value of perseverance in the journey toward transformative change. Dr. Shaw, associate professor of psychology at Indiana Tech and a graduate of the university’s Ph.D. in Global Leadership program, was noted for her deep commitment to serving students and the community, and for her extensive work with faculty on diversity and inclusion initiatives. Mr. Clarke, an IT professional, entrepreneur, Indiana Tech alum and current Ph.D. student, was honored for his wide-ranging service to the community on many for-profit and non-profit boards, and his long history bringing equity, diversity and inclusion to the forefront of all of his work.

Indiana Tech Magazine



Indiana Tech’s associate director of student engagement, Bethany Ballard (center) takes time for a photograph with a group of Tech students during a March 24 campus event.

A Few Words With...



Indiana Tech’s associate director of student engagement will admit she’s never had a good answer to the question, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Instead, her life plan thus far has consisted of: Work hard and do your best where you are. Make sure your next move is a good one. Repeat.

immersing herself in a role she loves— helping young people figure out what direction they want to go in life—she’s identifying what makes her tick. And by taking a chance on Fort Wayne, she’s fallen in love with a community that was supposed to be a temporary stop but proved to be too endearing to leave.

That all changed for Bethany when she arrived at Indiana Tech early in 2018. By

How fortuitous for our university and our city that she landed here!

Spring 2021

“While I’ve been at Indiana Tech, I have interacted with more individuals—from different backgrounds, different places and with different experiences— than at any other point in my adult life .” helping them have new experiences, teaching them things they’re not learning in the classroom. There are so many different directions that you can take them to help them grow, become wellrounded people and enjoy their time at Tech. I absolutely love that. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: And in this role of helping students connect with other students, you’ve probably made some impactful connections as well, correct? BALLARD: Absolutely, and so much of that comes from the diversity of our campus. While I’ve been at Indiana Tech, I have interacted with more individuals—from different backgrounds, different places and with different experiences—than at any other point in my adult life. And that includes time in Indianapolis (her hometown), New York City and Southwest Michigan. I’ve gotten the chance to interact pretty closely with several of our students from The Bahamas, and just being able to learn about their culture and hear where they come from has been awesome. I think I’ve learned just as much from our students as, hopefully, they’ve learned from me.

INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: What is your role as associate director of student engagement? BALLARD: I oversee campus programming that gets our students connected with other students and our campus community. I also serve as advisor for the leaders of our student organizations; I help them develop frameworks and introduce them to resources that will help them run successful organizations. Finally, I work with our Office of Diversity and Inclusion to organize volunteering and community service efforts. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: What is special about this role? Why does it resonate with you? BALLARD: I love how dynamic it is. A lot of times people see student engagement as simply giving students fun stuff to do. Sure, that’s part of what we’re trying to do, but it’s much more than that. It’s helping them feel a sense of connection to Indiana Tech, helping them meet other students,

INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: So, your hometown is Indianapolis, you lived in New York City and Southwest Michigan, and you went to school at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. How is it that Fort Wayne stole your heart?

Last summer, I partnered with Young Leaders of Northeast Indiana to produce and sell #FortWayneTogether t-shirts, with the intent of giving all proceeds to local businesses affected by the initial coronavirus restrictions and shutdowns. I also collaborated with Three Rivers Distilling on a similar campaign they had initiated. Between the two, we raised over $35,000 for the cause! It’s still a little mind-blowing when I think about it. So, when I talk about Fort Wayne being a place of opportunity for me to make an impact, that’s the perfect example. I’ve dreamed about being able to do something like that—I never imagined we would be able to do it on that scale. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: When you are not at work, what can one expect you to be doing? BALLARD: I love the outdoors. I love hiking, kayaking, camping—just getting outside even if it’s for an afternoon. I think COVID kind of made everybody embrace that a little bit more. Our area—Northeast Indiana—people think it’s flat and boring, but there are a lot of really beautiful places to explore and discover. That’s what I’ve really enjoyed doing over this past year.

BALLARD: It’s all about the community. I fell in love with the community, with the things that are happening here, with the people that I’ve met along the way. There are great opportunities here for young people that just don’t exist back in Indianapolis or any other larger city. You know, you’re one in a million in those places, but I felt like I could make a difference here. I feel like I’ve seen it all, and coming to Fort Wayne, this feels like where I belong. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: You were a difference-maker in Fort Wayne last summer. Can you tell us about it? BALLARD: I have a business called Headwaters Lifestyle Co., a local lifestyle brand that I developed to create civic pride and celebrate the things I, and others, love about Fort Wayne. Indiana Tech Magazine


Longevity at Indiana Tech When the 2020-21 Indiana Tech school year ends, sadly, so too will the career of Sherrill Hamman. For nearly 45 years, the popular accounting professor has graced the Indiana Tech campus, not only motivating thousands of Warrior students toward lives of significance and worth, but also chronicling some of the events that have shaped this storied university. She, along with 14 other members of Indiana Tech’s faculty and staff, have been at the university for 20 or more years. We asked some of them to share some of the most significant changes they have seen over time here at Tech.


TECH WENT FROM OLD AND SCARY TO VIBRANT AND AMAZING I joined the Indiana Tech family in September 1976—and the “family” wasn’t very big. The only degrees offered at that time were in engineering, and I came to Tech to work in McMillen Library, straight out of college. Needless to say, I’ve witnessed many impactful things over the past 44-and-a-half years! But to select one as most impactful? That’s difficult because each president I worked for has brought amazing growth to the university based on his vision, his skillset and the higher ed environment. Each president was here at just the right time and Indiana Tech is thriving because of it. This university is much more than the physical aspects of our campus, but it took the physical changes to alert the Fort Wayne community to the fact that something special is going on here. What was once a run down, old, scary property has become a vibrant, green, clean and amazing place for educational enrichment and social interaction. ↘ Jan. 5, 1977: Dr. Meredith Sprunger, interim president, called an all-campus meeting to announce that everyone’s pay would decrease by 10% in an effort to save the college. At that point we only had engineering courses and enrollment was dwindling, the buildings were in disrepair and our future was bleak. ↘ Feb. 16, 1977: Dr. Sprunger called the campus community together again—this time to announce that Thomas Scully was hired as Indiana Tech’s new president. Tom came from International Business College and brought with him Donald J. Andorfer. Together, they introduced business courses to the university. The first program offered was a nine-month Modern Secretarial Training (MST) program, which was funded by the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, a federal law enacted in 1973 to train workers and provide them with jobs in public service. That first program began in early June 1977 and the business program took off in what was, otherwise, an engineering college. That was a turning point for our university. ↘ July 24, 1985: On this day, Don Andorfer was hired as the new president of Indiana Tech, just 13 days after the sudden death of President Scully. Don continued what he and Tom had started, and the university created additional business programs. Indiana Tech’s finances began to rebound with the addition of more programs and modalities. The College of Professional Studies was created during the Andorfer era and the financial picture completely changed. The endowment began to grow, old buildings were either refurbished or replaced and curricula changed with the greater demand.


Spring 2021

↘ July 1, 2003: Dr. Arthur Snyder took the helm of Indiana Tech and brought even more programs to the university as well as more and/or improved delivery systems. Our designation changed from college to university as we added more humanities and social science programs. More quantitative classes were embedded into every program and rigor was raised. The CPS program excelled, new campus locations began to appear and two new buildings—the Snyder Academic Center and the Keene Building—created a new, hopeful and energetic feel to our community. Our endowment grew beyond anything I could have imagined back in 1977 when the financial picture was so dire. ↘ July 1, 2017: Dr. Karl W. Einolf began his role as Indiana Tech’s ninth president and the university began to grow in additional ways—specifically as a destination campus. We have new residence halls, more dining accommodations, more student activities and more athletic facilities. I’m so excited to see where Indiana Tech will be in the next 10 years because it’s well-positioned to be a leader in higher ed.

Dr. Steve Dusseau

Susan McGrade



THE RELATIONSHIP-BASED EDUCATION MODEL IS BORN In 2004, President Snyder challenged the cabinet to read the book “Good to Great” by Jim Collins, and determine Indiana Tech’s Hedgehog Concept, which is the intersection of three circles: ↘ What are you deeply passionate about? ↘ What can you be the best in the world at? ↘ What drives your economic engine? Through this exercise, the relationship-based education model was born. While this concept was already common among some faculty, staff and administration, it hadn’t been elevated to a campuswide model. As the Indiana Tech community embraced the idea through communication and visibility, it began to touch every aspect of the student experience. Also, it gave the faculty a way to summarize the expectations of their role beyond just teaching their academic subject. Personally, this “North Star” model has often reminded me of what is really important in my job.

WE HAVE BUILT MORE OF AN ACADEMIC CULTURE There were only two academic buildings (Cunningham and Zollner) when I arrived, so adding a third and fourth academic building really helped the campus feel more like a college campus. Over time, I’ve noticed more emphasis on academics and the building of more of an academic culture. I think we only had one degree (therapeutic recreation) that was not a business degree or an engineering degree when I arrived. Almost all of the emphasis was on practical application, but there is more to a college education than becoming a practitioner in a field. Adding more programs has definitely expanded our ability to provide more diverse course offerings, asking students to think more broadly about the content and contexts of their majors, as well as their own significance and worth. Finally, it was LIFE-CHANGING when students got Indiana Tech email addresses. We could actually contact them without waiting until the next class and without going to their dorm rooms.

Indiana Tech Magazine



AN IMMENSE SENSE OF PRIDE I feel an immense sense of pride in what the university has been able to accomplish during my almost 30 years of service. The most impactful changes I’ve seen are in the quality and appearance of our facilities and grounds. We have matured into a beautiful campus with modern buildings. It’s not only an exceptional environment for our students to learn, live and grow, it’s also helped revive Fort Wayne’s East Central neighborhood. The quality and appearance also have a positive impact on recruiting and retaining students, faculty and staff. Everyone can be proud to say they work, teach or learn at Indiana Tech.


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INDIANA TECH HAS GROWN IN SO MANY WAYS When I started here as a student in 1989 and then as an employee in 1996, Indiana Tech was confined to a two-block area between Schick and Anthony, and did not cross north of Washington. Then, we began to acquire property to the west of Schick and north of Washington. Once a property was obtained, removing dilapidated structures allowed for green space to open up and growth to happen. It’s never stopped since I’ve been here. ↘ Building of the Pierson Center: When the Pierson Center was built, it was modern in design and launched a significant change in the residential environment at Indiana Tech. It gave us co-ed floors, lobbies for engagement, climate control, cable television, phones in rooms and much more. Some of these items aren’t as important now, but they were highly sought-after amenities back then. ↘ Growth in athletics: When I started, there were only six sports—men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s soccer,

baseball and softball. Adding sports helped the university grow significantly in enrollment. ↘ Growth in endowment: It allows us to offer more scholarships for our students. ↘ New College of Professional Studies locations: The CPS program kept Indiana Tech going when the traditional day school was struggling. Growing CPS enrollment and entering into new locations was essential to us getting where we are today. ↘ Life outside the classroom: Indiana Tech always had someone assigned to provide student activities, which were usually events like going to a water park, holding a dance, intramurals and Greek Games. However, once Indiana Tech decided to enhance the student experience by placing an emphasis on Student Life, it changed the culture and climate. Indiana Tech has a diverse population of students and we try to provide a little something for almost everyone.


COMMENCEMENT DAY, STILL JOYOUS AFTER ALL THESE YEARS Because of the growth of our university over the years, the Office of the Registrar has grown from a one-person to a nine-person office. Graduation clearance for each student has gone from handwriting on a degree audit to an automated system. What a time savings and a reduction in hand cramping! Which reminds me of when we would send stacks of paper diplomas—200 at a time—around the campus to each person who was required to sign them. I will never forget when (former director of academic services) Marion Wixted spilled her coffee on the diplomas. More than 150 had to be reprinted and re-signed. This is now an automated process and they are printed in-house.

Commencement days are always the greatest. When I first got here, I remember watching students line up in Cunningham Business Center, and then walk all the way to the Schaefer gym. The time frame was still May, so we didn’t know if we would have rain, snow or sunshine. Some years it would be very hot, but the gym did not have air conditioning, so we would need to run floor fans and keep all the doors open. Now that we have outgrown the gymnasium, students are able to bring their whole families to the celebration. What a joy it is to see smiles on families’ and students’ faces! Still, to this day, it brings me so much joy to stand in the tunnel of the Memorial Coliseum and clap my hands as all of the graduating students walk by.

Indiana Tech Magazine


Aschliman’s 18-year tenure at Tech ends At the end of January, Dave Aschliman, the popular dean of Indiana Tech’s College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences, retired, ending his productive 18-year tenure at the university. “I am very thankful for the time I got to work with Dave,” said university president Dr. Karl W. Einolf. “His vision and unwavering commitment to providing students with world-class learning opportunities has been invaluable during the planning for the upcoming Zollner Engineering Center expansion and renovation. Dave will be greatly missed at this university, and we wish him and his wife, Kathy, the very best in retirement.” Dave started at Indiana Tech in the late 1990s as an adjunct engineering professor, teaching one course per semester for seven years. He joined the faculty full time in 2002 after a successful career in upper management at Raytheon Corporation in Fort Wayne.


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During the search that brought Dave to Tech on a full-time basis, Dr. Steve Dusseau, who was the university’s vice president for academic affairs and dean of engineering, interviewed several candidates for the position. When Dr. Dusseau conferred with a focus group of engineering students about the open position, they unanimously suggested that Professor Aschliman be hired. He was, and soon thereafter, he was winning teaching awards and helping the university achieve its first successful ABET accreditation for the mechanical engineering program. When Dr. Dusseau transitioned back into the classroom in 2005, Dave became dean of the College of Engineering. In addition to overseeing the initial phases of the Zollner expansion and renovation plan, he played a role in several ABET accreditation cycles and launched many new programs. “When I became dean, Steve Dusseau had already built a strong foundation for the College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences. With strong faculty members, I was able to build on this foundation with new programs and modalities, and with well-equipped labs,” Aschliman said. “I am proud to be part of this Indiana Tech tradition!”

“The mission of the College of Engineering is to inspire our students to find new and better ways to address the challenges of the 21st century. As a department, we are succeeding.” DAVE ASCHLIMAN, 2016

Indiana Tech names Dr. Ying Shang new dean of the College of Engineering In February, Dr. Ying Shang was hired by Indiana Tech to be the new dean of its College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences. Dr. Shang will begin her service at the university on June 28, 2021. She succeeds David Aschliman, who is retiring as dean after an 18-year tenure at Indiana Tech. Dr. Shang comes to Indiana Tech from the University of Evansville, where she has served as dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science and professor since 2018. During her tenure as dean, she has built strong industry and community partnerships, developed new academic programs, established numerous articulation agreements with international institutions, built alternative revenue models for the college through industrysponsored research and projects, launched a technology transfer and commercialization engine, improved philanthropy and fundraising, and worked to enhance diversity and inclusion at the university.

“I was so impressed by the innovative vision, strategic direction, ‘can-do’ culture and, most importantly, the people at Indiana Tech.” DR. YING SHANG

Prior to her work at Evansville, Dr. Shang spent 12 years at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, starting as an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and ultimately rising to become chair of the department. As the department chair, she fostered faculty growth in teaching and research, secured ABET accreditation, spearheaded the launch of the university accelerator and improved industry partnerships. Dr. Shang also served as the faculty advisor for the Society of Women Engineers Student Chapter at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville from 2007 to 2015, and initiated the first annual Introduce a Girl to Engineering event, which has grown to attract hundreds of middle school girls each year.

Dr. Shang earned her B.S. in Control Science from Shandong University in Jinan, China, and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame. Dr. Shang’s research expertise includes discrete-event control systems and hybrid systems with applications in communication networks, transportation systems and manufacturing systems. She is a professional member of the American Society of Engineering Education, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and the Society of Women Engineers. “As we enter a historic phase for our university—the Zollner Engineering Center expansion and renovation— we are extremely excited to welcome Dr. Shang to our leadership team,” said Indiana Tech president Dr. Karl W. Einolf. “She brings extensive experience in program development, faculty support, corporate partnerships and international initiatives, which will help the College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences maintain the exciting momentum it is curently experiencing.” “I was so impressed by the innovative vision, strategic direction, ‘can-do’ culture and, most importantly, the people at Indiana Tech. With many new initiatives happening in the College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences, it is my tremendous honor to join Indiana Tech at this exciting time. I look forward to working together with the faculty, students and staff at Indiana Tech in the near future,” Dr. Shang said.

Indiana Tech Magazine


Academic Roundup

Her talents and six-foot height caught the attention of a community college in Independence, Kansas, and she jumped at the opportunity to travel to America.


“I was excited and nervous at the same time, but I was thankful that my parents let me come to the United States to pursue my dreams when I was 19,” she said. Based on her performance in two seasons with the Kansas college, Indiana Tech offered her a full-ride scholarship, and she moved to Fort Wayne nine years ago. While playing basketball at Tech, Filippovica earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Explaining why a law-enforcement career appealed to her, she said, “You never know what to expect, because anything can come on any given day, and I guess I like the adrenaline that comes with the job.”

Newest officer followed hoop dreams to U.S. By Dave Kurtz, Executive Editor, The Star This story appeared in the Oct. 6, 2020, issue of Auburn, Indiana’s The Star. It is being reprinted with permission.

AUBURN — In her home country of Latvia, Sabine Filippovica’s parents tried to discourage her from playing basketball. She took up the sport anyway, and began a path across thousands of miles to a new career. Today, Filippovica, 30, is a newly sworn U.S. citizen, about to become a full-time officer for the Auburn Police Department. The Auburn Board of Works hired Filippovica late last month. After physical and psychological testing, the department expects she will be approved by late November. “It’s been a long journey. I’m very excited,” Filippovica said this week. The journey began when she was a 14-year-old track athlete with a desire to switch to basketball. Her parents agreed to take her to a tryout, hoping she would see that basketball was “not for her,” she said. “Once I got there, they picked me in the first round and said, ‘We’ll offer you a scholarship,’” Filippovica said. She played with Latvian national teams for the next five years, traveling to tournaments in 15 different nations across Europe. 20

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In her first job after college, Filippovica worked two-and-a-half years for Stop Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) in Fort Wayne. As a family coach, she facilitated visits for parents who had been separated from their children by court orders. She called it a good experience. Filippovica then answered a job advertisement for the staff at the DeKalb County Jail in Auburn. “I knew I wanted to start in the jail, because I wanted to see the process—what happens when you bring people in,” she said. At the jail, she learned how to deal with any type of situation, she said. Working as an intake officer, she met police officers from all local departments. “Auburn just stuck out for me, and once I did a little more research, I liked the trainings they provided. I’ve heard nothing but good things, so that was my choice,” she said. Auburn hired Filippovica as a reserve officer in the summer of 2019. As she rose up a list of potential full-time officers, the Board of Works agreed to hire her, but had to wait for her to complete the process of becoming a U.S. citizen. That was being delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. “We reached out to Jim Banks’ office, and they really helped her with her citizenship,” Lt. Martin D. McCoy said about the staff of northeast Indiana’s congressman. Filippovica took her oath as a U.S. citizen on Sept. 17. She describes it as “very humbling.” “We’re super-happy to have her,” McCoy said.

INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE CAUGHT UP WITH SABINE RECENTLY TO SEE HOW THINGS ARE GOING WITH THE NEW JOB ITM: Back in the fall, you went through a whirlwind with gaining citizenship and starting your job. Now that you’ve settled in, how is the job going? SF: The job at the Auburn Police Department so far has been an incredible journey. I never know where Central Dispatch is going to send me or what to expect when I get to a call. What I like about working with the Auburn Police Department is that my fellow officers on my shift are pushing me to become better at what I do every day. I put in a lot of hours working as a reserve officer for the Auburn Police Department back in 2019 while working full time at the DeKalb

County Jail. There were days when it was hard working both jobs, but I trusted my dedication in what I wanted to do in life, and with hard work and dedication I accomplished my goal of working full time with the City of Auburn as a police officer. ITM: How do you like Auburn? SF: One of the most attractive aspects about the City of Auburn is the community spirit that is felt by its residents. ITM: How did your Indiana Tech education help prepare you for your career?


to help. By providing financial assistance, networking opportunities and educational workshops, we aim to assist in the transition to adulthood,” Woods said.

During his time at Indiana Tech, and in the short time since he graduated, DeShawn Woods has witnessed struggle—from young people trying to finish college and graduates trying to secure a career after graduation.

“So far, there have been five students enrolled into the program whom I have been able to assist in developing their resume, searching for employment and hosting workshops that fit their needs,” he added.

That’s why Woods, a 2017 graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, created On Your Feet Ministries in Fort Wayne—to provide an easier transition from college to professional adulthood for those in need via apartment funding, networking and community resources. OYFM was founded in 2019 and began offering services to the community in September 2020.

Eventually, Woods would like to expand his ministry to include housing to further help qualifying graduates. He would also like to have a donation store available for current students to purchase supplies and necessities at an affordable price.

“OYFM understands the hardships of life one can experience immediately after college and we are here

Sabine Filippovica takes it to the hoop during her playing time on the Warriors’ women’s basketball team.

SF: I got a better idea of the career I was getting into because I was learning from experienced professionals. Some classes were taught by officers of the Fort Wayne Police Department. And the experience and expertise of my criminal justice professors, Dominic Lombardo and Kim Spielman, made it easier to understand the curriculum that was being presented at the time. Both professors met each and every one of their students’ needs by always being available.

“I’m extremely passionate about assisting and educating youth,” Woods said. “My desire is to provide services that I never had and could have used when I was a college student and new graduate.”


CAHIIM Board of Directors, confirmed our program is “substantially in compliance” with CAHIIM standards.

Indiana Tech’s Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management (HIM) has earned accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM) through 2029. Indiana Tech’s HIM degree program is offered online.

“This designation ensures that our program provides students with the most up-to-date experiences to prepare them for success in the workplace,” said Dr. Anne Gull, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. “Health information is growing. The need for accurate information stored safely following privacy regulations is more important now than ever.”

The February announcement came after a comprehensive program review, conducted by the Health Information Management Accreditation Council and the

Described by the American Health Information Management Association as a mix of business, science and information technology, HIM is a growing field; between 2018 and 2028, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects nearly 20% growth in employment for HIM professionals. Learn more about Indiana Tech’s HIM degree program at academics.

Indiana Tech Magazine


Academic Roundup COLLEGE OF BUSINESS And Emily is getting her chance to give back. In February, she was accepted into the Red Cross Collegiate Leadership Program, an initiative that gives participants the opportunity to develop leadership skills and inspire a new generation of Red Cross volunteers by organizing Red Cross blood drives for their classmates and their communities. The program begins with training, mentoring and networking during an intensive two-week internship at Red Cross Collegiate Leadership Academy in Washington, D.C. After that, participants return to campus to encourage fellow students to join them in the Red Cross mission. Students participating in the Red Cross Collegiate Leadership Program each will receive a $2,000 scholarship.

Good continues to prosper The kindness shown to her family during a time of need inspired Emily Eppert to pursue Red Cross opportunity

When Indiana Tech sophomore Emily Eppert was in high school, her brother was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma—something that rocked her and her family to their core. But, from a dark uncertain place, good came and continues to prosper. “During this time of my life, my family received so much generosity from the community and complete strangers,” said Emily, who is majoring in business administration, concentrating in management, and is a member of the women’s volleyball team. “The idea of donating blood and saving three lives is so much more powerful than donors realize. I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself to give back.” Supported by her community of Lapel, Indiana, Emily’s brother has twice overcome the disease and is doing well. He will graduate from high school this spring and attend college in the fall.


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“I am very excited to grow and network,” Emily said about the internship opportunity, which begins in June. “I love meeting new people and I love learning. I’m hoping that as I learn and grow, I can apply the knowledge and skills I’ve acquired to contribute to even more successful blood drives.” Kourtney Wilson, Emily’s coach for the women’s volleyball team, is eager to see how the experience positively affects her. “She is a great kid, not just for our volleyball team, but also as a representation of Indiana Tech. She has an amazing work ethic and remarkable communication skills, and she is a great leader,” Wilson said. “When we heard about this program, we knew Emily was the perfect fit. She is already a part of the Red Cross program here at Tech and running the blood drives, but she also lives by servant leadership. I cannot wait to hear about her experiences and see what she is able to implement within our team and here at Indiana Tech when she comes back!” In the future, Emily envisions using her degree in organizations that help others. She is passionate about Junior Achievement, a national organization dedicated to helping young people own their economic success, plan for their futures and make smart academic and economic choices. She is also in the process of starting a small business focused on mental health awareness.

Adjunct communication professor Pickens joins City of Fort Wayne Adjunct communication professor Angelica Pickens has joined the City of Fort Wayne’s Community Development Division as its public information officer. She became a familiar face in Fort Wayne as lead investigative reporter, fill-in anchor and multimedia journalist for WANE-TV. She was also a news writer and producer at WGN-TV/CLTV in Chicago.

Time at Tech has revealed Tuominen’s passion With curiosity and confidence, Emma Tuominen left her native Lahti, Finland, in 2017 for a chance to play college basketball in Fort Wayne. That school turned out not to be a good fit for Emma. Since then, Indiana Tech has been—and it’s been a bonanza for all involved. Emma was a solid contributor for the women’s basketball team, which went 89-11 since here arrival to Indiana Tech in 2018. This year, her senior season, she is averaged 28.9 minutes, 8.5 points and 6.6 rebounds per game. But well beyond earning a starting role on an outstanding basketball team, Emma has positioned herself for an outstanding career thanks to her transition to Indiana Tech.

Emma has also reinforced her HR education by working as a student assistant in the university’s HR department and as a talent acquisition intern at Parkview Health last spring.

Only time will show where I land in the future. I have always been ambitious, and I set my goals high.

Encouraged by professor of business Dr. Jeffrey Walls, she found a passion for human resources during her junior year. And in February, she passed the Society for Human Resource Management Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) examination, which is a competency-based certification exam administered by SHRM, the industry-leader in HR professional development and the world’s largest HR membership organization. “Dr. Walls was a huge part of me passing the exam,” Emma said. “He recommended that I take it; he believed in me and he supported me through the whole four months I studied for it.”

“Both of these positions helped me to use the material I have learned in class in real-life situations, which has truly helped me understand bigger HR concepts in general,” Emma said.

Emma will graduate in May with a major in marketing as well as HR. Although she misses Finland, the United States has become her home, as well, and she is open to pursuing quality opportunities wherever they present themselves. “Only time will show where I land in the future,” she said. “I have always been ambitious, and I set my goals high. One day I’m hoping to work in the field of HR in a global company in a position that will allow me to grow and constantly develop my skills. I believe my marketing studies will only help me along the way.”

Indiana Tech Magazine



Mehta earns competitive Army Cyber Institute internship Cybersecurity major, junior Param Mehta of Plainfield, Illinois, has earned a competitive and prestigious internship with the Army Cyber Institute at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York. The internship will take place in August. The Army Cyber Institute Summer Internship Program is an eight-week course designed to provide interns with real-world experience in futuristic cyber research as it relates to the security of the nation. Interns will be assigned to different research teams supporting a variety of cyber-related projects, from policy development to hands-on technical development. Interns will be exposed to the entire research cycle, from idea development to briefing a product, and how each piece of a research project integrates with a larger effort. “Attending the West Point Academy will be a great experience in further expanding my knowledge in cybersecurity,” said Param, who is also a member of the U.S. Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) and runs for the men’s cross country team. “My hope is that it strengthens my candidacy for my dream career within the Army’s Cyber Command.” Launched in 2014, the U.S. Army Cyber Command integrates and conducts full-spectrum


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cyberspace operations, electronic warfare and information operations, ensuring freedom of action for friendly forces in and through the cyber domain and the information environment, while denying the same to our adversaries. Positions within the Cyber Command are very competitive. “Param being accepted in the Army Cyber Institute Internship program at West Point is a great honor and we are very proud of him,” said Darryl Togashi, director of Indiana Tech’s cybersecurity program. “Param is a hard-working individual and is involved with many things. He is currently a full-time student here at Indiana Tech, he’s working on his senior project, he’s an athlete on our track and cross country teams and he’s a cybersecurity intern at Do it Best Corp. I can’t wait to see what he does next—he has a bright future!” Param feels confident about his future, as well, and he credits his Indiana Tech education for putting him in this fortuitous position. “The core values and skills I learned at Indiana Tech have helped me stand out as a competitive candidate for the West Point Academy and Do it Best internships. Not only did Indiana Tech help me further understand the core concepts of cybersecurity, but it influenced my problem-solving, analytical and critical thinking skills,” Param said. “Without the guidance from the faculty, I would have felt less prepared and confident. Indiana Tech has helped shape and influence my academic and professional career.”

Tech’s Cyber Warriors just keep winning If ever there was a year that Indiana’s collegiate cyber defense teams were going to be able to close the gap between them and state powerhouse Indiana Tech, this was it. When the school year started, Matt Hansen, coach of Indiana Tech’s cyber defense team, the Cyber Warriors, had nine first-year competitors on a 14-person roster—six of whom were freshmen. Of the nine competitors he used for the Feb. 6 Indiana Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, five were freshmen. Certainly, the Cyber Warriors couldn’t have had enough time to mature and gel as a formidable foe for this year’s state title, right? Wrong. For a seventh straight year and 14th overall, the Cyber Warriors earned the title of best cyber defense team in the state, topping teams from Indiana, Purdue and second-place Vincennes. The win allowed the Cyber Warriors to move to the March 19-20 CCDC Midwest Regional, where they finished second. At press time, the Cyber Warriors were waiting to compete in an April 7 wildcard round—the winner of which will advance to the national championship competition on April 23. “We were very lucky this year to have a phenomenal set of incoming students who put in the work from day one to be strong competitors for this CCDC season,” Hansen said. “Of course, our

FROM LEFT, STANDING: Savanna Yoder, Nick Lanham, coach Matt Hansen, Zach Hopkins, Sam Boger SEATED: John Rudolph, Marek Grzelak, Osman Yusof, Zak King, Cameron Fyfe

veteran team members also play a strong role in mentoring and onboarding the new members, and they’ve been doing a great job this year.” One of those veterans is senior Sam Boger, a networking engineering major and the Cyber Warriors’ team captain. “I am grateful for the team we put together this year and all the learning the new members had to do to prepare,” Sam said. “It has been wonderful working with this team, and it was great watching us all come together to tackle state.” In cyber defense competitions, teams build and defend their mock production business infrastructure from professional “hackers,” who are given the challenge to take each team’s production systems offline and breach its security. While the teams work hard to fend off “hackers,” the competition judging staff will deploy additional network enhancements and upgrade challenges to teams.

to specifics with the team, but focuses more on guiding the group. This allows team members to feel a sense of independence and that others are depending on us to work through our individual tasks. He also throws a lot (of new concepts) at the team, so we always have things to be working on and improving.” “Coach Hansen pushes us to learn more about technologies we may not have known about,” Sam echoed. “The goal for the team is to broaden our knowledge, which can help prepare us for real-world situations. The idea is to help prepare us for our future in this field.”

For a seventh straight year and 14th overall, the Cyber Warriors earned the title of best cyber defense team in the state.

So how is it that Indiana Tech is to cyber defense what the University of Alabama is to college football? Senior cybersecurity major Cameron Fyfe has a good idea. “Coach Hansen curates a professional environment for the team where we can collaborate and grow, not only our knowledge but as people prepping for our future. I honestly don’t know where I would be personally and professionally without my time on the team,” Cameron said. “Coach Hansen is pretty hands-off when it comes

And cybersecurity is an excellent career. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for cybersecurity professionals will grow 31% between 2019 and 2029. Additionally, the median 2019 pay for those individuals is forecasted to be just under $100,000.

Indiana Tech is preparing graduates for this burgeoning field. Over the past two years, the university has made several enhancements to its cybersecurity program—enhancements that will continue over the next three years as renovations to the Zollner Engineering Center will create robust, dedicated learning resources for our cybersecurity students. Learn more about Indiana Tech’s cybersecurity degree and the Cyber Warriors at academics.

Indiana Tech Magazine



Delayed by COVID-19 but still determined, Warrior athletic teams are completing altered schedules and representing the university well. For those used to seeing detailed season roundups for our teams, read the online issue of Indiana Tech Magazine, coming this summer. For now, here are some highlights to whet your appetite.

MEN’S AND WOMEN’S TRACK AND FIELD TEAMS, TWO MEN’S WRESTLERS BEST IN NATION Indiana Tech’s men’s and women’s indoor track and field teams each won their NAIA national championship meets in Yankton, South Dakota in early March. For the men, it was their sixth indoor national championship in eight years, while the women earned their second.

MEN’S VOLLEYBALL KNOCKS OFF THREE RANKED FOES, JUMPS INTO NATIONAL RANKINGS It’s only the second year of existence for Indiana Tech’s men’s volleyball program, but the beginning of the 2021 season has been quite memorable. The Warriors knocked off No. 2-ranked

Warrior athlete Leondra Correia was named National Women’s Field Athlete of the Year, while coach Doug Edgar earned National Men’s Coach of the Year and National Women’s Coach of the Year honors. On the same weekend, in Park City, Kansas, wrestlers Conner Gimson (133-pound weight class) and Eric Vermillion (185) each won their championship matches at the NAIA National Tournament.

Campbellsville University in their season opener, 3-1, for their first win against a ranked team in the program’s history. The Warriors have since followed that up with a win at No. 9 Aquinas College and a home victory over No. 5 Lourdes University. At press time, the team was 14-3 (9-1 WHAC) and ranked ninth in the NAIA Top 15 Poll.

HISTORIC WINNING STREAK, BIGGS’ COACHING MILESTONE PARTS OF MEMORABLE WOMEN’S HOOPS SEASON The Indiana Tech women’s basketball team ended the 2020-21 season in the second round of the NAIA national tournament with a 27-3 record. During the season, Indiana Tech won its third straight Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference (WHAC) Tournament and saw its longest-ever winning streak—which extended back to the 2019-20 season—reach 30 games. Two winning streaks remain for next season: a 22-game streak in Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference action

and a 25-game win streak against WHAC foes. In addition, ninth-year head coach, and first-year director of athletics, Jessie Biggs, reached the 200-win plateau with a victory at Aquinas College on Feb. 8. She is just the second coach (Gary Cobb, 1980) to reach the 200-win mark; while Cobb, a 2017 Hall of Fame inductee, stands at 301 career victories from his time with the Warriors, which stretched from 1989 to 2004.

WARRIOR STUDENT-ATHLETES EXCEL IN THE CLASSROOM While the sports schedules have been thrown into a tizzy with the ongoing pandemic, Indiana Tech student-athletes have been keeping their noses to the grindstone in the classroom. Overall, the Department of Athletics boasted a 3.12 GPA across 26 sports with over 900 athletes. Nineteen varsity programs (baseball, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s bowling, men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s golf, men’s ice hockey, men’s and women’s lacrosse, men’s and women’s soccer, softball, men’s and women’s tennis, women’s track and field, and women’s volleyball) had at least a 3.0 GPA, with the women’s volleyball team sporting a department-best 3.70 GPA.


WOMEN’S ICE HOCKEY BUSY ON THE RECRUITING TRAIL; EARNS ACCEPTANCE INTO ACHA DIVISION I While the women’s ice hockey program won’t start competing until the 2021-22 season, head coach Scott Hicks has been busy on the recruiting trail. Hicks has secured 19 student commitments to attend Indiana Tech and play hockey for the newest Warrior sport next season. The program also accepted an invite to play in the Division I level of the American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA), which is the same association the men’s team competes in. Tech is currently looking for a conference home, with its eyes set on an invite from the Central Collegiate Women’s Hockey Association (CCWHA), or the chance to add women’s ice hockey into the ranks of the Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference (WHAC).




A. Women’s basketball coach Jessie Biggs B. Chase Christiansen (No. 25) C. Conner Gimson D. Eric Vermillion E. Women’s hockey coach Scott Hicks

Indiana Tech Magazine




Spring 2021


Indiana Tech Magazine















I love the sport, and I like the idea of being in a sport that is so new, that we are creating the path for everyone who comes afterward.

Wrestling has shown me that there are no limits as to what you can accomplish when you work hard and don’t give up. It has opened up and continues to open so many doors for me.

I want to be able to show the world that women can do anything they put their minds to. I also enjoy being able to show my strength and be aggressive in a way that is not frowned upon.



Indiana Tech’s women’s wrestling team ended its inaugural season in outstanding fashion by finishing 14th at the NAIA Women’s Wrestling Invitational, March 12 and 13. It was the highest finish by a first-year program ever in NAIA history. “This team has definitely stepped up to my expectations and is doing a great job—even through the challenges of COVID-19. These athletes have taken their classes seriously; they represented the school well on the mat and they worked hard to create a great season and environment for themselves,” Rademacher said. And, as planned, a solid group of Hoosier athletes—seven to be exact—has helped make this historic season happen. “It was very important to me to build a base of local athletes to help with stability. Having athletes from the area is great for their success—both academically and athletically— because of the support their parents are able to give to them during that time,” Rademacher said. “Fortunately, girls high school wrestling has been improving in Indiana over recent years, and the advent of our program has given many girls the opportunity to continue wrestling beyond high school closer to home,” he added. “As a result, we have been able to get some athletes who placed at recent state tournaments to commit to us. It’s also allowed us to find athletes who were maybe off some of the bigger programs’ radars and build them into successful college athletes.” 30

Spring 2021


Three of the seven Indiana wrestlers were wellknown competitors in high school at the state level. Jaden Johnson, a business administrationsport management major from Mishawaka, was a four-time state champion, while Markaela Pugh, a criminal justice major from Cicero, and Autumn Terhune, a health science major from Indianapolis, each won state once and finished runner-up twice. “Jaden was the first four-time state champion in Indiana girls wrestling history, so having her choose us over other programs showed that she bought into our vision,” Rademacher said. “Markaela comes from a family deep into wrestling; she has come in with a ton of technique and athletic ability that has allowed her to make rapid development within our program. Autumn had a lot of national team experience and wrestled at many national-level events, so having her adds a lot of big-event knowledge to our team and helps with leadership.” For Riley Horvath (a communication and marketing major from Elkhart), Desiree King (a criminal justice major from Anderson) and Korigan Wilkey (a child development major from Elwood), high school wrestling was more of an activity to help



These athletes have taken their classes seriously; they represented the school well on the mat and they worked hard to create a great season and environment for themselves.






















I’ve played multiple sports in my life, but I feel like wrestling really fits me. Although a match is just two individuals at a time, it is still a team sport. Wrestling is unique; it’s six intense minutes of you battling to win.

Wrestling allows me to feel a part of something, and the idea of proving that girls are just as capable as guys are is awesome to me. Also, I want to set an example for my daughter that just because circumstances may not be normal, it doesn’t mean you can’t reach your goals and be successful!

Wrestling is my passion. It gives me the ability to push myself past limits I didn’t even know I had. The satisfaction, life lessons and accomplishments this sport brings to my life give me so much joy.

Wrestling is a way for me to get away from real life, and it doesn’t get old for me because there is always more to learn. I wrestle to prove it doesn’t matter who you are or where you came from—as long as you work hard and are determined, you can do it.

them stay in shape for their preferred sports. Those preferences changed when they had a chance to focus on wrestling full time. “When these girls began experiencing success and seeing some rapid development, that’s when they realized they could be really good at this sport at a college level,” Rademacher said. “They have been great additions to what we are doing, and are developing well in our program.” For Alyssa Schuller, a criminal justice major from Decatur, wrestling for Indiana Tech has been an unexpected, yet welcome, return to a sport she loves. During her senior year of high school, Schuller showed she could wrestle, earning a second-place finish at the state tournament. But that came in 2017. In the years since, she has become a mom and has gotten into coaching. “After graduating in 2017 and having my daughter, college wrestling seemed impossible,” Schuller said. “But Coach and the girls are very supportive and have helped make my goals a reality. They are my second family and that’s what makes our team even more enjoyable.” Wilkey echoed Schuller’s sentiments about the family feel of this group and feels it is on the verge of something remarkable. “I’m beyond proud to have been put with a group of random girls who I now call my family,” she said. “It feels awesome to

be part of a first-year program that is becoming so dangerous so fast. Each week, each day and each hour we are closing the gap to be the best team anyone has ever seen. It feels amazing.” Also amazing to many of these wrestlers is the historical and cultural impact they are associated with—at Tech and within the region. “Not only are we the face of the first season, but we’re role models to any girls who make the decision to further their wrestling careers at Indiana Tech,” Schuller said. “We are making history and that’s a pretty cool feeling!” “One big reason I chose to commit to this school’s wrestling team was being able to build up a foundation and set in stone the expectations from the start,” Terhune added. “I love the idea of creating the first program here that opens up a lot of opportunities for women’s wrestling.” “This has been a season like no other, and all of our athletes have represented Indiana Tech with class and in all other ways that our alumni and supporters should be proud of,” Rademacher said. “It is a great honor to be part of the first women’s wrestling program here at Tech.”

Indiana Tech Magazine


PATH OF A WARRIOR From the Desk of Kristi Jarmus OUR MISSION

IT IS ALL ABOUT OUR MISSION Back on Nov. 28, 2011, when I joined the admissions team for Indiana Tech’s College of Professional Studies, I was new to Indiana and thought it would be fun to work at a college.

Indiana Tech provides learners a professional education; prepares them for active participation, career advancement and leadership in the global 21st century society; and motivates them toward a life of significance and worth.

Nearly 10 years and a new role (as director of alumni relations) later, I am still amazed by how much Indiana Tech and our students inspire me. A job became a career, and my motivation became a passion for our university’s mission. While in admissions, I worked with hundreds of students whose determination, sacrifice, diligence and pure grit in completing their degree programs humbled and inspired me. I would often tell my new students, “My job is not done until you complete your degree.” And, when they completed their degrees, I was always thrilled to find them at their commencement ceremonies to say “hello” and offer congratulations. I found myself staying in touch with students beyond graduation, enrolling many in graduate degree programs, and keeping up with their lives and careers as the years went by. So, when the opportunity to transfer to alumni relations arose, it was natural fit for me. It was the right time and the right next step in my very orange career. As I write this article, I am finishing up day 20 in my new role, and it feels like I have been working in the Office of Institutional Advancement for months, not days—in a good way, though! I have been planning and working toward Thank-aGiver Day, the spring campaign for our annual fund, the Day of Giving, our 2021 commencement ceremonies and Twist and Homecoming 2021. I have partnered with our Career Center and Office of Diversity and Inclusion on the virtual event, “How to be Naturally You in the Workplace.” I am also training alongside our student workers, getting ready for our Spring Phone-a-thon. Fun!


Spring 2021

There are dozens of photos of Kristi Jarmus celebrating with Indiana Tech students on graduation day from her nearly 10 years as an admissions representative at the university. As Indiana Tech’s new director of alumni relations, Kristi is eager to bring her devotion to our university’s mission into her new role.

I recently attended my first alumni board meeting, online, and am really looking forward to getting to know this dynamic group. I am making plans to revitalize our Student Ambassador program. And, most importantly, I am reaching out and talking with alumni! It is absolutely energizing! Although the view out my office window has changed and I park on the opposite side of campus, I am still part of an amazing Warrior team that works hard to create a life-changing environment for our students. I am as passionate as ever about my role at this university. I look forward to getting to know more of you, hearing your stories and determining how we can work together to continue to support the mission of Indiana Tech.

ALUMNI NOTES Do you have an update you’d like to share with the Warrior Nation? Perhaps you have a new position or promotion? Maybe you tied the knot, or your family has grown. Have you built something that has changed the world in some way? We’d like to hear about it. Send your stories or questions to Indiana Tech’s Office of Alumni Relations at We love to brag about our alumni.




Indiana Tech alum and member of the university’s Alumni Board of Directors, Clifford Clarke, was named president of Fort Wayne’s Black Chamber of Commerce in January.

Karen Gregerson, president and chief executive officer of Frankfort, Indianabased Farmers Bank, was named the 2020 Indiana Bankers Association Woman of the Year. Karen earned a Master’s of Organizational Leadership in 2010.

Dr. Mia Johnson was named chancellor at Ivy Tech’s Anderson campus in November 2020. Mia earned a Ph.D. in Global Leadership from Indiana Tech in 2016 and is still an adjunct professor with the university.

Clifford has earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from Indiana Tech and is on course to complete his Ph.D. at the university this year. He owns C2IT information technology company.

Keep us connected! Your stories are what make Indiana Tech proud—and we want to hear from you! Share your successes, update your information, learn about the Alumni Association and find ways to connect with your peers, friends and faculty members on our website at You can also email your updates to Indiana Tech Alumni Group


Indiana Institute of Technology Indiana Tech Magazine


PATH OF A WARRIOR Alumni Spotlight

Mo(u)lding a Future PAUL TRODER, BSCE 1951 Have you plugged your phone charger into a wall outlet today? Or, maybe flipped on a light switch walking into your home last night? If so, it’s probable you have come in direct contact with some of Paul Troder’s life’s work as founder and president of Allied Moulded Products. Paul graduated from Indiana Tech in 1951 with a degree in civil engineering. Allied Moulded Products, his company based in Bryan, Ohio, specializes in injection and compression molding, thermoset and thermoplastic, resin and fiber glass products in the do-it-yourself, residential and industrial markets. Paul’s journey from part-time student-employee at Perfection Bakeries in Fort Wayne to president of a nationally recognized and celebrated company is one that involved assessing risks, taking chances and finding a little bit of good fortune through word of mouth as he took advantage of opportunities when they presented themselves. Allied Moulded Products was born from humble beginnings as a fledgling side-gig from the cramped space of his garage, and has grown exponentially over the decades to include multiple facilities in the United States and one in India. Following a year-and-a-half military campaign in Korea, Paul found himself looking at the next stage of his life: a sustainable and profitable career. While searching for the right academic fit, he landed on Indiana Tech because it was not too big nor


Spring 2021

was it too small that a civil engineering degree wouldn’t have name recognition as he entered the workforce. “I chose civil engineering because I wanted to work outside and with my hands,” Paul said. It was during that time as an undergraduate when the idea of owning his own company, of being his own boss, was first conceived.

As it turned out, his degree wasn’t immediately helpful out of school. After graduation, he responded to a newspaper ad; ARO Corporation in Bryan, Ohio, needed engineers. “They were specifically looking for mechanical engineers, but I decided to apply, and they liked me, so I took the job. It was an easy transition into the professional world. They did a good job training me.” What Indiana Tech did prepare Paul for was industrial adaptability, personal confidence and professional initiative. In other words, he was prepared to think critically about challenges as they came and confront them head-on— skills that were immeasurable when building and maintaining a globally-renowned company. Those skills came into play after 13 years at ARO Corp when the desire to start his own business because undeniable. “I decided to look into the molding industry and I can’t even tell you why. Maybe it was just pure ignorance,” Paul said. “I had a connection with an ARO Corp sales rep and found an opportunity to purchase some porcelain production equipment.

It looked like junk—it wasn’t worth anything—but I still bought it and turned it from porcelain into fiberglass molding.” It was a risky decision, but one Paul believed in. So, Allied Moulded Products took shape as a hobby business in his garage.

I want to help students to look out and see all the ways they can better the world. That is why I give back to Indiana Tech.

“It was difficult to balance family, my full-time job and learning about the molding industry all at the same time, but it wasn’t too bad,” Paul said about the first eight years of his side project. During that time, he balanced three separate lives: family man, employee and business builder.

Use for his fiberglass electrical boxes gained traction in buildings housing livestock, where metal boxes were subject to deterioration. Once the University of Minnesota’s School of Agriculture became aware of his product and the potential for it, it pushed his name throughout that area to local and regional farmers. As Paul said, “The rest was history!” After time, Paul expanded Allied Moulded Products to other product lines for residential electrical needs. It was then that difficult choices had to be made. “I was nervous to leave ARO Corp because it was a life preserver. If Allied failed, I at least still had a job. But, I decided to go all-in, take a chance and see it through,” Paul said. Now, facilities in Bryan span over 40,000 square feet and still contain the original garage workspace to reflect the humble beginnings of Allied Moulded Products’ industrial prominence. None of it could have been accomplished without keeping an open mind to the possibility of what could be—something that was instilled in him during his civil engineering education at Indiana Tech, nearly 70 years ago. It’s because of that philosophy that Paul gives back to Indiana Tech today. “I give back to Indiana Tech to create solutions to the problems of tomorrow that are set up by the challenges of today. I want to help students look out and see all the ways they can better the world. That is why I give back to Indiana Tech,” he said.

Indiana Tech Magazine



RICHARD BRINCKERHOFF BSAE 1956 Richard Brinckerhoff’s relationship with Indiana Tech began in November 1954 during a whirlwind month of activity. After being discharged from the Air Force, Richard got married, enjoyed a two-week honeymoon with his lovely bride, Barbara, and then began his studies at the university in aeronautical engineering. He graduated in 1956 and began a successful career, which included roles at Chrysler, the Bendix Corporation and Purolator. During his career, he was part of a team that worked on Wernher von Braun’s intercontinental ballistic missile project, he was a chief test conductor on the Apollo Saturn project and he was vice president of Purolator for 15 years.

“I would have never had the career I had without Barbara’s support,” Richard said about his late wife. “She took on every move as an adventure.” Richard retired from Purolator in 1986 and resides in Charlottesville, Virginia. Over the years, he has been generous in giving back to the university that helped him start off on the right foot, so many years ago. “My family and Indiana Tech were the foundations for all I needed to be successful,” he said. “I give to Indiana Tech so that others can have the same opportunities I had to be successful.” Indiana Tech thanks you, Richard.

Richard’s work allowed him to travel the world; he has seven full passports and his family has lived in several places, including the New York City area and southern Italy.

If you would like to help support Indiana Tech’s noble mission and create remarkable learning opportunities for our students, please contact Dan Grigg, vice president for institutional advancement at


Spring 2021


W E B SI T E Keep up with university news and sports, watch videos, share photos, connect with fellow students and alumni, and find out about upcoming events—it’s all just a click away. Here’s how you can stay in touch with Indiana Tech. Find the way that works best for you and subscribe, like, friend or follow us and never miss out again.






Indiana Tech Magazine


IN MEMORIAM We have learned of the deaths of the following alumni and friends. If you would like to send a memorial gift to honor someone, please contact Dan Grigg at 800.937.2448, ext. 2440.

1940s Brendon P. Quilter Ann Arbor, MI Mechanical Engineering, 1941 Roy L. Ricketts Louisville, KY Electrical Engineering, 1948

1950s Robert P. Helmick Richardson, TX Electrical Engineering, 1950 Douglas H. Morse Chesapeake, VA Electrical Engineering, 1950 Stanley J. Sizing Summerland Key, FL Civil Engineering, 1950 William R. Christie Troy, OH Electrical Engineering, 1951 Lawrence H. McGrievy Lima, OH Electrical Engineering, 1953 Donald J. Nunamaker Alpine, UT Civil Engineering, 1954 George H. Shyrock Englewood, FL Radio Engineering, 1954 Howard H. Hall Houston, TX Aeronautical Engineering, 1955 Roy Ensminger West Palm Beach, FL Mechanical Engineering, 1957


Spring 2021

Richard B. Doner Fort Wayne, IN Aeronautical Engineering, 1958 G. Frederick Griebel Indian Lake, NY Civil Engineering, 1958 Donald E. Lawton Pawleys Island, SC Electronic Engineering and Mathematics, 1958 Paul M. Miike Las Vegas, NV Electrical Engineering, 1958 Raymond J. Ryan Menifee, CA Electronic Engineering, 1958 Dean G. Shaw Silver Springs, FL Electrical Engineering, 1958 Leonard J. Stenberg Elmira, NY Electrical Engineering, 1958 Charles D. Clawson Carmel, IN Electrical Engineering, 1959 Frank Frazier Fort Wayne, IN Mechanical Engineering, 1959 Genaro J. Perez Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Mechanical Engineering, 1959 John J. Silverson Alexandria, VA Mathematics, 1959

1960s John E. Auer Battle Creek, MI Mechanical Engineering, 1960 James R. De Bleyker Lyndhurst, OH Mechanical Engineering, 1960 John T. DeGeorge Sarasota, FL Aeronautical Engineering, 1960

Jeffrey L. Cole Stuart, FL Aerospace Engineering, 1964 William D. Hickman Hamilton, IN Electrical Engineering, 1965 Kenneth E. Plummer Oak Ridge, TN Chemical Engineering, 1965 Lynn A. Gerig Monroeville, IN Electrical Engineering, 1968

Fred L. Hurban Vineland, NJ Aeronautical Engineering, 1960


Robert J. Miller Paulding, OH Electronic Engineering, 1960

Clifford W. Chaffee Syracuse, IN Mechanical Engineering, 1971

James T. Yamaki North Hollywood, CA Electronic Engineering, 1960


William H. Caldwell Morrow, OH Civil Engineering, 1961

Tuwanna M. Rainbolt North Richland Hills, TX Business Administration, 1998


Daryl L. Waite Carthage, IL Electrical Engineering, 1961

Cort R. Shuler Fort Wayne, IN Business Administration, 2000

Irvin A. Hoffman Topeka, KS Mathematics, 1962

Julia Tribolet New Haven, IN Business Administration, 2001

Jerald L. Van Ert La Mesa, CA Civil Engineering, 1963

Joshua C. Vasquez Glendale, AZ Business Administration, 2007

Ernest E. Young Fort Wayne, IN Chemistry, 1963 Gerald C. Charbeneau Warren, MI Electrical Engineering, 1964

2010s Warwease A. Perry Fort Wayne, IN Accounting, 2017

Remember This UPDATE In the last issue of Indiana Tech Magazine, we asked you to share your favorite memory of being a student at Indiana Tech. Tara Hanna, who graduated in 2011 with a business administration degree concentrating in management, submitted a great memory— one for which Indiana Tech will take an assist. She, along with several other Tech alums, assembled in Dayton, Ohio, on Oct. 12, 2013, to celebrate the wedding of fellow Warrior Shane Tirey. “These are all tech alumni, and (biomedical engineering) Professor (Jack) Phlipot even joined us!” Tara said about the photo she submitted. “We made some lifelong friends at Tech. Even though many of us live far apart, we still keep in touch 10 years later, and for that, I’m forever thankful for Indiana Tech!” Top row, from left to right: Justin Medeiros, 2011, B.S. Business AdministrationManagement; Shawn Placie, 2009, B.S. Biomedical Engineering; Brittany Watson, 2011, B.S. Business Administration-Management;

Steve Weigle, 2010, B.S. Business Administration-Sport Management; Tara Hanna, 2011, B.S. Business AdministrationManagement; Jack Phlipot; Josh Pheils, 2009, B.S. Business Administration-Management. Bottom row, from left to right: Jake Ryan, 2010, B.S. Recreation Management; Taylor Hoisington, 2012, B.S. Business Administration-Management; Shane Tirey, 2012, Master of Business Administration, 2009, B.S. Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering; Steve Dowding, 2010, B.S. Business Administration-Marketing; Jason Ferens, 2008, B.S. Mechanical Engineering; Jeremy Parker, 2014, B.S. Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering. It’s not too late to submit your favorite memory of being a student at Indiana Tech. Send your memories—even pictures—to Indiana Tech’s Office of Alumni Relations,

Indiana Tech Magazine






SAVE THESE DATES Groundbreaking Ceremony for Zollner Engineering Center Expansion Project Friday, May 14 • 1 p.m. Indiana Tech, Fort Wayne campus 2021 Commencement Ceremonies Saturday, May 15 • Allen County War Memorial Coliseum • For College of Arts and Sciences, 9:30 a.m. • For College of Business, 12:30 p.m. • For College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences, 3:30 p.m. Homecoming and Family Weekend 2021 Thursday, Sept. 30, through Saturday, Oct. 2 Indiana Tech, Fort Wayne campus

Remember This? Did you know Indiana Tech was the first college in Fort Wayne to obtain a computer? In April 1961, representatives from IBM installed the Model 1620, a smaller version of the firm’s huge Model 560, on the first floor of Hanser Hall. Professor Charles Carr accepted the computer on behalf of the college. Do you remember this day? Did you ever see the computer in use? Did you get a chance to use it yourself? If you have recollections of IBM’s Model 1620 computer at Indiana Tech, please send your story to Indiana Tech’s Office of Alumni Relations at It’s possible we’ll share your memory in a future issue of Indiana Tech Magazine.

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