Indiana Tech Magazine - Autumn 2020

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What is and what shall be. At left is a look at the current Zollner Engineering Center. Above is an artist’s rendering of what it will look like after its proposed renovation. See more on page 24.



Fall 2020



When Indiana Tech awards fulltuition scholarships, it adds quality, high-character individuals to the Warrior Nation.

The Office of Institutional Advancement (and IT department) harnessed technology to keep the homecoming tradition alive.

STEM education will get a shot in the arm thanks to a grant from the Lilly Foundation’s Charting the Future initiative.

INSIDE TECH 04 Letter from Our President

28 Academic Roundups

Thanks to hard work and collaboration within the Indiana Tech community, we continue to serve our students while keeping them safe.

Under the direction of Dr. Margot Salas Geagon, Indiana Tech’s College of Business is launching a degree program in supply chain management. See how all our colleges are motivating students toward lives of significance and worth, starting on page 28.

Across the University 06 Around the Regions

Admissions representatives within our College of Professional Studies have risen to meet the challenges of COVID-19. 07 Tech’s Top Picks

For this issue, we asked faculty and staff, “Where do you go to clear your head?” 08 Tech Happenings

The university experienced a growth in enrollment this fall despite the global pandemic. 10 A Few Words With…

For the past two decades, few faces have been more familiar at the main campus than that of admissions director Bob Confer. 16 By the Numbers—

Special Edition: Kline Court The transformation of Kline Court is simply majestic. Find out what went into making this over-the-summer project happen.

Path of a Warrior


34 From the Desk of

Matt Brown

Pulling off a successful virtual homecoming was not only gratifying, but it also revealed exciting new ways to connect our alumni family for years to come. 36 Alumni Spotlight:

Tom Stockamp

For more than 90 years, Indiana Tech has been that “right place at the right time” university for countless alumni. Learn how Indiana Tech changed Tom Stockamp’s life. 38 Making a Difference:

Jack McCurley


Inspired by the influence of his wife and former mechanical engineering professor Ben Dow, Mr. McCurley has personally established and dedicated four scholarships for students of Indiana Tech. 42 In Memoriam

36 Indiana Tech’s women’s volleyball team is in action on the Schaefer Center’s Kline Court, which was resurfaced over the summer.


Indiana Tech Magazine


Letter from Our President Fall 2020 has seen everyone in the Indiana Tech community managing through a unique and difficult time. By working together, we’ve been able to keep our focus on serving our students while balancing new health and safety measures to keep them, our faculty and our staff safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Thanks to the efforts of all involved, we have been able to keep coronavirus case numbers low and keep our main campus, regional locations and classrooms open to serve students. We will look to continue this work in the months ahead as the calendar turns to 2021. My thanks to everyone in our community for your assistance in keeping us active in learning and working together at Indiana Tech. In this issue of Indiana Tech Magazine, you’ll see that our university continues its strong work today and its effective planning for the future. On page 20, read about both of these things at once in the story about a recent grant to Indiana Tech from the Lilly Foundation, provided through its Charting the Future initiative. This $1 million grant will support current efforts to develop new STEM programs here, as well as an exciting new program, the Northeast Indiana Center for Engineering. The Center will serve as a hub to connect Indiana Tech, its students, regional companies and other partners on projects, internship opportunities and careers in the years ahead. Our story on this fall’s virtual homecoming provides a first look at a transformative project coming soon to our College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences: the renovation and expansion of the Zollner Engineering Center. Read more on page 24. Though we missed having our alumni and friends with us on campus this fall, virtual homecoming saw wide-ranging attendance from alums across the country at each online session offered throughout the weekend. The experience has also helped us develop new ideas for making future homecoming events more accessible to alumni who can’t join us here in person.


Fall 2020

The annual TWIST golf outing here in Fort Wayne was held in person this fall, continuing a now 31year tradition. Each year, TWIST brings together alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends of Tech to benefit student scholarships and athletics at the university. Read all about this year’s event and see pictures of the event on page 26. Thank you to all of our sponsors, alumni and members of the Tech community who worked together to make TWIST a success once again this year. For a look at a very special group of students— those who earned leadership scholarships to the university—be sure to turn to page 12. Our Presidential Scholars and Gill Scholars set a high standard for themselves and for all of us in the Warrior family, excelling in and out of the classroom, and giving back to the community through a wide range of service projects. I’m proud of their work and accomplishments, and grateful for the support of our alumni who make such scholarship opportunities possible. In this issue’s Tech Happenings section, you can learn about Tech’s high ranking in the 2020 Great Colleges to Work For survey, encouraging increases in our fall enrollments, and our updated spring 2021 semester schedule. As always, read up on new program offerings and the work of our faculty and students in the Academic Roundup features on our Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business and Engineering, starting on page 28. As 2020 comes to a close in the weeks ahead, my best wishes go to each of you for a happy and healthy conclusion to the year, and for a safe and prosperous 2021!

Warm regards,

Karl W. Einolf, Ph.D. President

The roots of engineering run deep at Indiana Tech. Founded as an engineering school in 1930, this university works diligently to stay on the cutting edge of engineering education for the makers, planners and problem solvers of today and tomorrow.

Volume 18, Issue 1 Karl W. Einolf, Ph.D. President

Institutional Advancement Dan Grigg Vice President for Institutional Advancement Dave Stevens Senior Director of Institutional Advancement Mary Lasits Senior Director of Institutional Advancement Matt Brown Director of Alumni Relations Kayla Paz Director of Advancement Services Jennifer Ross Director of Advancement Services and Executive Operations Erin Johnson Assistant Director of Institutional Advancement and Grants Administration

Marketing Brian Engelhart Vice President for Marketing and Communication Matt Bair Director of Marketing and Communication Jennifer Murphy Director of Marketing, College of Professional Studies Julie Farison Creative Director Sarah Suraci Graphic Designer Joel Kuhn, BS ’12 Web Developer Bethany Lowe UX/UI Designer Randy Smith Photo and Video Producer Amber Owens Social Media Manager

Indiana Tech online:

Please send comments, news and feature story ideas to: Indiana Tech attn: Marketing 1600 E. Washington Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46803 phone: 260.422.5561 or 800.937.2448, ext. 2250 email: The editors reserve the right to edit articles for length and clarity. Articles may be reproduced with permission and proper attribution. Our Mission: Indiana Tech provides learners a professional education; prepares them for active participation, career advancement and leadership in the global 21st century society; and motivates them toward a life of significance and worth.

Indiana Tech Magazine



KEEPING IT PERSONAL IN A VIRTUAL WORLD CPS ADMISSIONS RISES TO THE CHALLENGES OF COVID-19 It goes without saying that COVID-19 has changed local businesses, non-profits and chambers of many aspects of our lives: interacting with commerce, not to mention meeting face-to-face family and friends, shopping, dining out, learning with prospective students on a daily basis. When and, perhaps most especially, the way we do everything shut down with very little notice, it was business. Almost without warning, the days of imperative that they find ways to quickly get up in-person meetings that open and close with a and running in a newly virtual world. handshake became a thing of the past. Business “We went from in-person is now conducted in the to virtual in a flash,” said dining room instead of the We went from in-person Steven Herendeen, vice boardroom. Networking to virtual in a flash.... Face- president of enrollment takes place via online chat, management. “The onset of and happy hour is hosted to-face communication the pandemic accelerated on Zoom. the adoption of virtual did not go away. We’re just While we all long for the day selling for businesses doing it differently. when everything returns to worldwide, and for us, “normal,” the truth is that that changed the way we for many of us, some of these business practices engage with our student prospects and corporate may never resume. We’re in a state of “new partners. Face-to-face communication did not go normal,” especially for professionals who rely on away. We’re just doing it differently.” personal connections and relationship-building as From virtual transfer fairs to FaceTime tours the keys to their success. to drive-through admissions events, our CPS At Indiana Tech, nobody feels this shift more admissions teams adapted quickly in order to than our College of Professional Studies (CPS) stay in touch with their students and corporate admissions teams. Prior to the pandemic, Tech’s partners. Whereas they were accustomed to admissions team members were active with face-to-face conversations in break rooms and at


Fall 2020

neighborhood coffee shops, relationship-building and networking became a virtual affair. Today, tools like eblasts, PowerPoint presentations and networking via LinkedIn are more essential than ever, but the focus of CPS admissions is still on making personal connections and helping people. “If we learn nothing else from the impact of the pandemic, it’s that real human connection is more important than ever,” said Herendeen. “Trust is not built over text messages or emails. It’s built by establishing relationships and being a resource. That’s something we’ve always done well here at Indiana Tech, and that’s something that isn’t going to change.”

Tech’s Top Picks Faculty Update

Dr. Kathleen Watland, dean of the College of Business, and Dr. James Schaffer, professor of business administration, collaborated for a presentation on effective leadership for the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program’s fall immersion in September. During “The Good, Bad and Ugly Sides of Leadership on a Global Scale,” Dr. Watland spoke about the Leadership Circle Theory and underscored qualities which effective leaders exhibit, such as integrity, self-awareness, being relatable and being a consistent achiever. She also pointed to reactive tendencies such as arrogance, passiveness and a need for control, which lead to ineffective leadership. Dr. Schaffer presented ideas on the bright and dark sides of leadership built on the Hogan Assessment Suite, which is used by 70% of Fortune 500 companies. Two examples of desirable bright traits include inquisitiveness and possessing interpersonal sensitivity. Examples of dark traits to be avoided include skepticism, mischievousness and over-boldness. Courtney Shull, associate dean of the College of Arts & Sciences and assistant professor of psychology, was accepted as a part of the International Leadership Association’s Emerging Scholar Research Consortium for her work, “Change Agent in K-12 Liberia: A Qualitative Case Study.” She gave her presentation during Leading at the Edge, the ILA’s 22nd annual global conference, which was held early in November. Carrie Rodesiler, assistant professor of English, presented “Indiana Tech Veterans Oral History Project: Preparing Students to be Active Listeners” during the Oral History Association’s 2020 Annual Meeting on Oct. 21.

For this issue’s “Tech’s Top Picks,” Indiana Tech Magazine asked faculty and staff: “Where do you go to clear your head?” Some of them provided lovely pictures—so lovely that we should have asked for directions, too! My cabin at the lake! (A) Cindy Verduce, Director of the Career Center I love to explore Fox Island County Park (Fort Wayne) and Ouabache State Park (Bluffton, Indiana) when I need to clear my head. Both places are a great way to escape technology, slow down and enjoy the beauty the world has to offer. Kayla Paz, Director of Advancement Services The water—local or Caribbean. The water for me is aqua-therapy. The sun and the waves are just soothing and calming. (B) Jeri Burkhart, CPS Director of Admissions


I love going to this little deck on Fort Wayne’s Rivergreenway when I go on my evening walks. I went there a lot when I was working from home to clear my mind and meditate or doodle. It was quiet and I could watch the ducks or birds on the river. Bethany Lowe, UX/UI Designer I think the picture explains how my mind is cleared as soon as I see them! I also lose track of time. They inspire me to let go and have some fun. (C) Ellen Brown, CPS Enrollment Manager My place is the farm that I grew up on in Iowa. My wife, Kylene, and I were married right there overlooking the pond. Jessie Biggs, Director of Athletics and Women’s Basketball Coach


My dad’s backyard golf course that we made together. (D) Randy Smith, Photographer/Videographer

Indiana Tech Magazine



Spring 2021 class schedule gets updated The university announced its spring 2021 semester schedule plans for traditional undergraduate programs on its main campus in Fort Wayne earlier this fall. As with the fall 2020 semester, the schedule has been arranged to ensure that Tech is able to start and complete in-person classes successfully, while minimizing the impact of COVID-19 on the community. This includes starting class a week later than is typical, and the elimination of spring break. The schedule for online and in-person classes within Indiana Tech’s College of Professional Studies remains unchanged. Key dates for the spring 2021 semester on main campus include:

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Fall 2020 enrollments up despite pandemic While many colleges and universities experienced enrollment drops this fall, Indiana Tech’s enrollments rose in a number of programs. The traditional undergraduate program on main campus saw growth of just under 2% over fall 2019, with a total of 1,499 students enrolled. Notable within the overall increase were domestic enrollments, including a 15% rise over last year in the number of students from Indiana Tech’s home of Allen County. Growth in the domestic student population came at a time when international student enrollment at the university, like at most U.S. colleges and universities, has dropped significantly—in Indiana Tech’s case, by about 50% compared to last year. The decline in international students has been seen across U.S. higher education in recent years but accelerated this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Graduate program enrollments in Indiana Tech’s College of Professional Studies have also seen a notable increase this fall, compared to the same time period last year, of just over 15%. The Ph.D. program has seen enrollments rise this fall at a similar rate. Enrollment growth has been influenced by a number of factors. In the traditional undergraduate program, many students were interested in studying close to home, in person and on campus, which Indiana Tech announced it would do early in the summer. In the College of Professional Studies, more people working from home has meant more people taking advantage of the opportunity to also pursue their degree online. The university has also seen a strong and growing interest from corporate partners looking to provide education benefits to attract and keep talented team members, and to help them further develop their skills.


Fall 2020

Saturday, January 23: Residence hall move in Monday, January 25: Classes begin Tuesday, February 23: No classes Monday, March 8 – Friday, March 12: Midterms Wednesday, March 24: No classes Friday, May 7: Last day of classes Monday, May 10 – Thursday, May 13: Final exams Saturday, May 15: Commencement Note, a final decision on holding commencement in person will be announced at a later date. Final decision will be made in consultation with guidance from local, state and national health authorities.

To view full spring 2021 semester schedules for each program at Indiana Tech, please visit

Indiana Tech named a Great College to Work For Indiana Tech is one of the best colleges in the nation to work for, according to a new survey by The Great Colleges to Work For® program. The results, released this fall in a special section of The Chronicle of Higher Education, are based on a survey of 221 colleges and universities nationwide. In all, 79 of the 221 institutions achieved “Great College to Work For” recognition for specific best practices and policies. Results are reported for small, medium and large institutions, with Indiana Tech included among medium universities with 3,000 to 9,999 students. Indiana Tech joined the University of Notre Dame as the only two colleges in Indiana to be recognized this year. Indiana Tech won honors in three categories:

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Compensation and Benefits Confidence in Senior Leadership Facilities, Workspace and Security

Indiana Tech president Dr. Karl Einolf notes, “Our team shares a commitment to excellence in educating students from all walks of life, for all kinds of meaningful work. Every team member helps ensure that Indiana Tech is an inclusive community of learners, and that students are supported, inspired and empowered to maximize their professional prospects, advance in their careers, and improve their lives and the lives of others. It’s encouraging to see this recognition of our team’s shared effort to make this a great place to work—a place where our work is filled with purpose and opportunities to grow.” The survey results were based on a two-part assessment process: an institution questionnaire that captured employment data and workplace policies from each institution, and a survey administered to faculty, administrators and professional support staff. The primary factor in deciding whether an institution received recognition was the employee feedback. The Great Colleges to Work For program is one of the largest and most respected workplace-recognition programs in the country. To view all current and previouslyrecognized institutions, visit the Great Colleges program website at ModernThink, a strategic human capital consulting firm, administered the survey and analyzed the results.

Students, faculty and staff join together to Crush Hunger For the sixth year in a row, Indiana Tech joined in friendly competition with other regional colleges and universities to support the Community Harvest Food Bank as part of the nonprofit’s U Can Crush Hunger campaign. Starting in late October, members of the Tech community worked to raise food and funds for Community Harvest. Each year, the food bank distributes nearly 14 million pounds of food to 85,000 unique individuals around Northeast Indiana. In 2019, Indiana Tech placed third among competing colleges and universities, collecting a total of 11,652 pounds of food. This fall, through outreach to area businesses, collections on campus, volunteering days at the food bank, social media promotion and virtual and in-person events, the Tech community placed third once again by collecting 18,606 pounds of food for the cause, its highest total ever. The competition overall collected 100,500 pounds, more than doubling the campaign goal. While this year’s U Can Crush Hunger campaign has ended, you can support the Community Harvest Food Bank year round by visiting to make a donation or to volunteer.

Indiana Tech Magazine



BOB CONFER For the better part of the last two decades, few faces have been more familiar on Indiana Tech’s Fort Wayne campus than that of Bob Confer. After graduating from Hicksville (Ohio) High School—just 26 miles northeast of Fort Wayne—Bob was recruited to play college basketball for the Warriors. Since then, Bob has essentially “grown up” at Indiana Tech, rising in the ranks to become director of admissions and a crucial member of the leadership team, responsible for introducing the university to a world of prospective students and their parents. Now, Indiana Tech Magazine is turning the tables on Bob and introducing him to you. Enjoy A Few Words With Bob Confer.

INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: What are your fondest memories of being at Indiana Tech as a student? CONFER: My residential experience, being a member of the men’s basketball program, being a residential assistant and attending classes within the College of Business all resonate well with me. My overall experiences inside and outside the classroom bring great memories to light 16 years later. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: What has been the most impactful change that you’ve seen during your time at Indiana Tech? CONFER: Indiana Tech only covered one city block and Pierson Hall was the only residence hall at the time I was a student. In fact, my freshman year was the year Pierson opened. I have been associated with Indiana Tech for over 20 years and I have personally experienced Tech’s growth. This growth has not only impacted the city of Fort Wayne, but it provides current and future students a well-rounded university experience. Let me just say that I am a little jealous of our current students. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: Why are you devoted to this place? CONFER: Tech has had a tremendous impact on my life. I have earned my undergraduate and graduate degrees from here; I wouldn’t be where I am today without the knowledge instilled in me by my professors, mentors and colleagues throughout the years. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: How is it that you came to work at Indiana Tech? CONFER: Prior to working here, I worked for a local mortgage company. From time to time I would stop by campus; on a particular day, I swung by the admissions office and went to see my admissions counselor, who was now the VP of enrollment (Allison Carnahan). Just during conversation, I made the comment, “hey, if you have a job open up let me know.” Two weeks later I started my position as an associate admissions counselor. Now, I am the director of admissions and have been for the last five years. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: How do you feel about your role as director of Indiana Tech admissions? Why is it important to you? CONFER: I love my role in admissions. I enjoy seeing my staff grow as individuals and seeing my team contribute to the growth of the university. It’s crazy to think of where we were when I started in admissions and where we are today. Indiana Tech has given so much to me and my family, so the importance of my role, to me, is to give back to the university in more ways than one.


Fall 2020

“I wouldn’t be where I am today without the knowledge instilled in me from my professors, mentors and colleagues throughout the years.” BOB CONFER, DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS

INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: If you had the ear of every high school senior in the world right this second, why would you tell them to come to Indiana Tech? CONFER: Indiana Tech is a thriving modern university in the city of Fort Wayne: one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S. By coming to Indiana Tech, you’ll be known and you’ll be pushed. Faculty and staff will be there to support you every step of the way, leading you to a life of significance and worth. We are similar to a lot of colleges, but what sets us apart is that all faculty and staff are deeply invested in to your success. The accessibility of all is unwavering. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: Talk about some of the challenges you and your department have faced during the pandemic. CONFER: The fall 2020 enrollment cycle was definitely interesting. Back in March, everything changed, not just in admissions. What I am most proud of is that my team was able to pivot immediately (it only took about a week to adjust to the new norm) and continue the recruitment cycle with little disruption. Not having the ability to do in-person visits/events, our spring recruitment travel for 2021 graduates being canceled

and cancellation of in-person college fairs for this fall are a few of the challenges we’ve faced. INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: Worldwide, everyone has been forced to work differently because of the pandemic. What are some of the things you have had to implement that turned out to be gamechangers and things your department will use moving forward? CONFER: Some things that we were able to implement and will have in place going forward include: ↘ ↘ ↘ ↘

Student-led Virtual Tours Virtual Admissions Counselor Appointments Student Live Chats Virtual Explore ITs

INDIANA TECH MAGAZINE: What are your goals for admissions moving forward? CONFER: We always strive to find innovative ways to introduce our remarkable university to new students and families, and contribute to its continuous growth. I have a great team in place and they continue to improve on a daily basis. Their dedication to the university is greatly appreciated; we wouldn’t be where we are today without them. Indiana Tech Magazine



Mutually Beneficial Relationships When Indiana Tech awards full-tuition scholarships to its Leader Scholars, it adds quality, high-character individuals to the Warrior Nation.


the better part of a decade, dozens of students have felt the great fortune, the elation and the honor that goes along with earning a full-tuition scholarship from Indiana Tech. Rest assured, those good feelings go both ways. When Indiana Tech awards a Presidential Scholarship or a Gill Scholarship (Tech’s two full-tuition scholarships), not only is the university getting an excellent academic performer, it is also adding a compassionate individual of high character with outstanding leadership abilities to the Warrior Nation. “The individuals who have won these awards are outstanding people and shining examples of humanity,” said Dr. Dan Stoker, vice president for student affairs. “Overseeing the selection process for these scholarships is so gratifying; it’s one of the favorite parts of my job at Indiana Tech.” Applicants for our Presidential Scholarship must show how they have led within their communities and have a quest to improve their leadership abilities and a desire to help others. This must be done in a two-page essay which describes a time the applicant demonstrated character and/or leadership in his or her community, their role in the action, how others were affected and what they learned from the experience. In addition, minimum academic qualifications include a 3.5 GPA and a 1240 SAT (critical reading and mathematics combined) or a composite ACT score of 26. The H. Robert and Lois Gill Scholarship is named for Robert Gill, a 1960 electronics engineering graduate of Indiana


Fall 2020

Tech, and his late wife, Lois. Much like recipients of the Presidential Scholarship, Gill Scholars must demonstrate excellence in academics and extracurricular activities, a high level of character, a commitment to community service and the admirable qualities and traits of a good leader. Minimum academic qualifications include a 2.5 GPA, being in the top half of one’s class and an SAT score of 1000 (critical reading and mathematics) or a composite ACT score of 22. To keep their scholarships in good standing, winners must agree to adhere to the guidelines of the Indiana Tech Leader Scholars Program. In addition to meeting academic criteria, these guidelines include: ↘ Following a code of conduct, which aligns with the university’s core values. ↘ Participating annually in campus-wide service projects that engage Tech students, faculty and staff with the local community. ↘ Attending university functions—as professional development opportunities—to meet and interact with leaders of the university and the community at large. ↘ Being engaged on campus with student organizations, athletic teams or other campus events and functions. Over the summer, six high school seniors—four Presidential Scholars and two Gill Scholars—earned full-tuition scholarships to attend Indiana Tech this fall.


A. Front row, from left to right, includes Leader Scholars Katelyn Sebring, Jessica Hartmus, Jared Carr, Riley Horvath and Julia Bockstahler; back row, from left to right, Dr. Dan Stoker, vice president for student affairs, Dr. Karl W. Einolf, president, and Dr. Thomas Kaplan, vice president for academic affairs B. Presidential Scholarship winner Nina Penny

“The individuals who have won these awards are outstanding people and shining examples of humanity.” DR. DAN STOKER, VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS




Jessica Hartmus, Bishop Luers High School, Fort Wayne. Jessica is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and is a member of the Warrior’s women’s lacrosse team. At Bishop Luers, Jessica was part of the school’s Catholic Peer Ministry Club and its Knights for Life organization.

Julia Bockstahler, Victor J. Andrew High School, Oak Forest, Ill. Julia is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and is a member of the Warriors’ women’s golf team. A passionate volunteer in her community, Julia is president of Julia’s Legacy of Hope and she is on the committee for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation.

Riley Horvath, Jimtown High School, Elkhart, Ind. Riley is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and is a member of the Warriors’ first women’s wrestling team, which is slated to begin competition this school year. Riley is known in her community for her volunteerism and work with youth groups. Nina Penny, De La Salle Institute, Chicago. Nina is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biology and is a member of the Warriors’ women’s volleyball team. Nina earned the Bausch + Lomb Award for excellence in the field of science during her senior year at De La Salle. Katelyn Sebring, Heritage Junior/Senior High School, Monroeville, Ind. Katelyn is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, concentrating in management. She is also a member of the Warriors’ women’s track and field team.

Jared Carr, Perrysburg High School, Perrysburg, Ohio. Jared is pursing a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and is a member of the Warrior’s men’s bowling team. Jared is known in his community for his work with veterans, the underprivileged and Special Olympics. A seventh scholarship was awarded, posthumously, to honor the life accomplishments of Lauren Romeo. Lauren, a Hobart, Ind., native, passed away unexpectedly on Jan. 1—days after submitting her application for the scholarship. She was an academically strong candidate who intended to pursue graphic design and play on the women’s soccer team.

Indiana Tech Magazine


As expected, giving back to others is a common passion among the Leader Scholars of 2020-21. “Giving back is important to me because of how it brings a community together,” said Bockstahler, who wants to be a computational biologist so she can work with cancer patients. “A community is always there to support one another, and being able to add to that atmosphere is crucial. Giving back is also extremely rewarding to all people involved, no matter which side you are on.”

“Giving back is also extremely rewarding to all people involved, no matter which side you are on.” JULIA BOCKSTAHLER, 2020 GILL SCHOLAR

Perry, who wants to become a veterinary surgeon, echoed Bockstahler’s sentiments. “Ever since grammar school, I was instilled with the significance of serving your community,” she said. “Whether it was helping out at a local food pantry near my house or assisting at an animal shelter, I loved taking part in these activities that directly impacted my community and those surrounding it.”

Perry is working with the Warriors for Kids organization on campus this year to help raise funds and attention for Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis. Bockstahler is planning a Relay for Life at Indiana Tech, which will raise money for the American Cancer Society. Hartmus, who wants to be a mechanical engineer, is in a group working with children at the Boys & Girls Club of Fort Wayne to introduce them to engineering concepts. For her project, she will be helping children build rockets, which will be launched later in the year. “Obviously, the opportunity to go to college for free is a very fortunate opportunity for these students and these families, but the gifts these students bring to our university are immeasurable,” Dr. Stoker said. “While they are with us, they are exceptional role models, and when they graduate, they go out into the world to have phenomenal careers and lives that make us at Indiana Tech proud.”


Fall 2020


BREANNA (POST) DEJONGE INTERNAL AUDITOR, FRANKLIN ELECTRIC, FORT WAYNE, INDIANA A 2018 graduate with a business degree in accounting, Breanna immersed herself in Presidential Scholarship projects while at Tech and was particularly gratified with her participation in U Can Crush Hunger, a food drive for Fort Wayne’s Community Harvest Food Bank that pits local universities against each other in a friendly competition to collect canned goods. “We organized a reverse trickor-treat event throughout the dorms where we went to each room asking for either canned goods or money donations,” she said. “The number of students who cleaned out their change collections and small stockpiles of food was amazing to me! I can’t remember how much we raised, but it well exceeded our expectations.” Giving back has always been important to Breanna, but it became even more impactful after her husband went through a cancer scare earlier this year. “I think giving back to the community is the least that I can do after being blessed to live in communities that have done so much for me,” Breanna said. “I have had so many people offer to help while my husband was sick, so if I can do anything to make someone else feel as supported as I have felt through all of this, then I will do it. You never know how much a small act of kindness can impact someone else’s life, and I think that is truly what life is all about.”

HOLLY (FOX) GLENTZER SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER, LINCOLN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FORT WAYNE, INDIANA At an early age, Holly learned from her grandfather the significance of volunteering and being a good citizen within the community. That’s why giving back has always been a priority for the Presidential Scholar and 2015 Indiana Tech graduate. And, it’s no surprise she became a teacher— a role she loves despite its struggles. Few struggles have been more difficult for teachers than trying to teach during a pandemic. “I came home in tears for a week straight due to pure frustration of rolling with the ever-changing world of teaching in a pandemic. In the





Like Hartmus, Miller worked on a similar rocket project with the Boys & Girls Club during his time on campus. He graduated in 2018 with a degree in computer science and returned a year later to work in the university’s information technology department.

Although she will not graduate until 2022, Alexandra, winner of both the Presidential and Gill scholarships, has gained an exorbitant amount of professional experience and skill in a short amount of time at Indiana Tech. In fact, she has pretty much mapped out her career, which culminates with a Ph.D. in Engineering and a university teaching position.

“I am right where I need to be and doing what I enjoy. I enjoy coding, and being able to make a difference with students and the university behind the scenes is a great mission to be a part of,” Miller said. Regarding his time as a Leader Scholar, Miller said, “It was an honor to be awarded a Presidential Scholarship and it made me want to do my best to have a positive impact on others and to show appreciation for those who helped me achieve it.

“Indiana Tech has opened doors for me that would have been impossible at other schools,” Alexandra said. “Thanks to the efforts of the professors and staff, I’ve had internships at NASA, Raytheon, Ultra Electronics and Intel. I’ve had the opportunity to fly on a corporate jet and meet with the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Everyone at Indiana Tech genuinely cares about the students and their futures, and they work as a team to help us reach our goals.”

midst of this, I went to a concert, and the lead singer shared that he struggled with ADHD and dyslexia as a child,” she said. “It didn’t even matter to me what he said after that, because the fact that he struggled with some of the same problems many of my students struggled with, and still made his mark on this world, spoke to me. At that moment I realized I am doing what I am called to do; I am called to give my students a voice and advocate for them. No matter what I may deal with each day, I stay focused on my students.”

“No one can reach their goals alone, and I could not be where I am today without the help I received from countless people, including everyone at Indiana Tech,” she said. “In honor of those who reached their hand down and pulled me up, it is important for me to help the next generation. If we all work together and help one another, we will all be buoyed and rise to the top.”

Though gifted and experiencing a wealth of success at an early age, Alexandra remains grounded. Giving back is quite important to her—she volunteers nearly 350 hours per year to different causes.

Indiana Tech Magazine


By the Numbers — Special Edition

In August 2019, Indiana Tech wowed including floors for the men’s Final the region when it unveiled a bold Four in 2012 and 2019, and the new logo system for its Department women’s Final Four in 2010 and 2016. of Athletics. Indiana Tech introduced Additionally, OFC has produced an updated and robust logo for its floors for the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets Warrior—which has been the official and Philadelphia’s 76ers, the WNBA’s mascot of the university since 1954— Connecticut Sun, Louisiana State and an accompanying logo set that University, Villanova University and features the addition of a full-body Syracuse University. Warrior, an updated I-Tech logo, a “Our team was honored to be part stand-alone shield option and new of the renovation of Schaefer athletic word marks. Gymnasium. Each crew—from the Over the summer, the full-body sanders, to the graphics, to the lines Warrior logo took center stage during and the finishers—all had the same a dramatic resurfacing of Kline Court comment, ‘How cool was it to work that makes the Schaefer Center an on such a neat floor,’” said Ohio even tougher place for opponents Floor Company’s head of marketing, to play. Larry Wade. “Indiana Tech will be thought of fondly for many years The transformation of Kline Court to come; any time you are the first was executed by the Ohio Floor or the biggest, we remember you. Company of Shreve, Ohio, a 36-yearWith your Warrior logo being so old company with an impressive large, your school will come up in track record. OFC has been producing conversations 10 years from now as floors for men’s and women’s NCAA our guys reminisce about past jobs.” basketball tournaments since 2008,



Fall 2020



























SEE THE RESULTS Indiana Tech Magazine





Fall 2020

Indiana Tech Magazine


Charting the Future with the Help of Lilly Endowment Inc. Founded in 1937 by members of the Eli Lilly family through gifts of stock in their pharmaceutical business, Lilly Endowment Inc. has been a steadfast supporter of education and other initiatives in Indiana and around the United States ever since.


in 1937 by J.K. Lilly Sr. and his sons Eli and J.K. Jr. through gifts of stock in their pharmaceutical business, Lilly Endowment Inc. has been a steadfast supporter of education and other initiatives in Indiana and around the United States ever since. As the endowment notes in its philosophy, “Our grant-making is framed by two potentially contrasting convictions: that tradition is an important resource and that fundamental rethinking often is necessary to respond effectively to new challenges and circumstances.” This philosophy is a familiar one to Indiana Tech. Our university maintains the career-focused education first espoused in 1930 by our founder, John Kalbfleisch. Yet Indiana Tech has also grown and continued to serve students in new and better ways by constantly examining its programs, meeting challenges decisively and pursuing new opportunities. Indiana Tech has also benefited directly from Lilly Endowment’s philosophy over the years, as a recipient of grant support from the organization. Grants from the endowment have provided support for faculty development, career services, academic program development, entrepreneurship programming and services, and matching funds for donor gifts to the university. This fall, Indiana Tech received another significant grant from Lilly Endowment:


Fall 2020

$1 million as part of the endowment’s Charting the Future of Indiana’s Colleges and Universities initiative. Lilly Endowment launched Charting the Future in late 2019 when it invited all of Indiana’s 38 accredited public and private colleges and universities to consider what it would take to improve their efforts to educate students while thoughtfully examining the long-term financial sustainability of their institutions. This multiphase initiative began in 2019 with planning grants to all of the 38 schools. Second-phase grants, of which the new fall 2020 grant is a part, are funding implementation efforts for each school’s proposed activities. In the case of Indiana Tech, the grant will support the creation of new academic programs in mechanical engineering technology and supply chain management. These programs are designed to offer distinctive career value to large numbers of technically-focused students, and support the wide range of Indiana employers who seek to find and keep these talented and qualified individuals in Indiana. Indiana Tech will also utilize grant funding to establish a new regional center of excellence, the Northeast Indiana Center for Engineering. The Center will be built around three primary initiatives: 1. The creation of a hub to match Indiana Tech engineering students and those of other universities with internships, projects and full-time employment opportunities throughout Indiana. 2. Expansion of the depth and reach of Indiana Tech’s existing array of STEM (ScienceTechnology-Engineering-Math) camps for middle and high school students, and the support for dual credit K-12 students throughout Indiana who are interested in STEM degrees and careers. 3. Development of greater access, support and programming for women and minority STEM students to increase the numbers and success of women and under-represented minorities at Indiana Tech, and in STEM-related careers around the state.

Thousands of jobs will rely on quality STEM education... This starts with the right workforce development focus and expedited quality programming at institutions like Indiana Tech.

Dr. Tom Kaplan, Indiana Tech’s vice president for academic affairs, notes, “Indiana Tech has a rich history in engineering education and career-focused degrees. This history, and our strategic vision for the future, have positioned us well to launch two more programs that meet the needs of our students, our industry partners and our community. With the support of Lilly Endowment’s grant, we will be able to take our efforts in this area to a new level. Our commitment to state-of-the-art STEM programs has never been greater, and the new Northeast Indiana Center for Engineering will be a driver of student success and economic development for our region and our state for the foreseeable future.” With grant funding in hand, Indiana Tech’s focus now turns to the implementation of its Charting the Future initiatives over the course of the 2020-21 and 2021-22 academic years. Program development in engineering technology fields and supply chain management have already begun, with the initiatives that are part of the Northeast Indiana Center for Engineering soon to follow. The results should benefit students, the university, regional partners and employers for years to come. In submitting its grant request to

Lilly Endowment, Indiana Tech included letters of support from partners around the state, including Kristin Marcuccilli, who serves as executive vice president and chief operating officer of STAR Financial Bank, vice chair of the Indiana Technology and Innovation Council and board member of the Indiana Economic Development Council. In her comments to the foundation, Ms. Marcuccilli noted, “The direction Indiana Tech is pursuing for STEM-related programming could not come at a more critical time. Nearly 70% of the jobs in Northeast Indiana are manufacturing positions. As Hoosier manufacturers prepare to reengineer and enhance their operations to support service delivery in our digital economy, it is imperative that our higher education institutions are well positioned to quickly adapt to these workforce demands and swiftly develop the essential skill sets for our future. Thousands of jobs will rely on quality STEM education, and Indiana’s economy will thrive if it is proactively positioned for success. This starts with the right workforce development focus and expedited quality programming at institutions like Indiana Tech.” Indiana Tech Magazine





Fall 2020

This year’s virtual homecoming was an interesting animal to tackle due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, safety precautions and state-mandated capacity limits. One thing was certain though; how we had done it in the past was not how we would be able to do it this year. Throughout the planning stages, beginning back in April, we knew we had one bottomline goal: keep everyone safe.


do so, we had to go back to the tablet and chisel—well before we would even get to the drawing board. We had to examine the fundamental reasons we even have homecoming in the first place. We had brainstorming meetings to figure out what to highlight and how to highlight it, conferences with other area universities to see their successes in similar events, proposal drafts with reviews and revisions, and reviews of those revisions. It was not an easy process. But with creative and open minds, diligence to stay the course, courage to face and tackle unexpected challenges and buy-in from all entities involved, Indiana Tech’s Virtual Homecoming came to be a success. The weeks leading up to the event, alumni from the 1960 and 1970 graduating classes were contacted to invite them to partake in the Alumni Reunion, Awards and Recognition celebration, which historically would have been held during an in-person luncheon here on campus. Unfortunately, we couldn’t meet this year, but we were able to give those that registered the recognition they deserved. We did this by sending them medallions and creating a special website to post their biographies that showcased the lives they’ve built with their Indiana Tech degrees and their own ambitions. We brought alumni—many of whom had not seen their classmates in decades—together through Zoom, allowing them to reminisce, ask questions about this campus they once called home and to share their adventures through life. We did this by learning new technologies with the power to connect people around the world. While we would have gathered at a gala dinner at the Grand Wayne Center in downtown Fort Wayne, the Office of the President came up with the wonderfully touching idea to send an engraved wooden cutting board and personal letter from President Dr. Karl and “First Mom” Maria Einolf as a physical “thank you” to all of our President’s Club-level donors and Archie Keene Society members.

We originally planned to hold an in-person presentation and panel discussion about the exciting future of the Zollner Engineering Center and all of the program expansion plans for engineering and other departments. This presentation, led by senior director of institutional advancement Dave Stevens, and hosted by dean of the College of Engineering Dave Aschliman, also included segments from: ↘ Dr. Thomas Tran, assistant professor of mechanical engineering ↘ Jack Phlipot, associate professor of biomedical engineering ↘ Darryl Togashi, director of the cybersecurity program ↘ Dr. Zak Al Hamouz, assistant professor of electrical engineering ↘ Don Stafford, assistant professor of information technology These professors all spoke in great depth on various subjects such as innovations to their programs, adjustments necessary in light of the coronavirus’ impact, special projects and potential futures in their programs and departments, current enrollment numbers, internship and industry-specific collaborative efforts with surrounding companies and Indiana Tech’s student competitiveness in the workforce. This presentation finished with a question and answer session, monitored by senior director of institutional advancement Mary Lasits, which allowed candid, field-specific questions from generations of alumni through Zoom. Perhaps the greatest and most exciting takeaway from this homecoming adventure was that we have discovered a new and immensely effective way to connect with alumni in the future. Whether it be for virtual Tech-in-Your-Town events, alumni outings with the Indiana Tech Alumni Association or presentations from various disciplines or organizations here on campus, the possibilities truly are endless. A close second for most exciting takeaway: nothing is impossible when you have great collaboration with highly talented colleagues. It took the expertise and selfless teamwork from so many departments across the university—Information Technology, Marketing and Communication, Conference Services, Admissions, and others—to fulfill this vision. Indiana Tech Magazine



Renovations to the Zollner Engineering Center will include adding more spacious walkways and work zones for student collaboration.

This artist rendering shows the proposed addition to the east end of the current Zollner building.


Fall 2020

The new Zollner Engineering Center lobby will be a bright and dynamic hub of activity for the 63-year-old facility.

While this homecoming’s success may have been found through an unconventional approach with unexpected challenges and the very essence of the proverb that best-laid plans often go awry, it has all led us to immense opportunities to reinvent, realign and refocus the approaches to bring our alumni home.

It was the first new building Indiana Tech built after it purchased the Concordia College campus and moved there from its original Washington Boulevard location. In 2000, the university added 13,000 square feet to the building, making today’s Zollner Engineering Center approximately 40,000 total square feet.


Significant planned spaces for the future Zollner Engineering Center include:

During homecoming, Dave Aschliman, dean of Indiana Tech’s College of Engineering and School of Computer Sciences, presented the university’s exciting vision for the future of engineering and computer sciences at Indiana Tech.

“We will have best-of-class facilities and infrastructure that will keep us competitive in engineering education for years to come.” DAVE ASCHLIMAN, DEAN OF INDIANA TECH’S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCES

Aschliman revealed plans for a $10 million expansion and renovation of the Zollner Engineering Center. The expansion will include a 30,000-square-foot addition to the east end of the existing building. “Our College of Engineering has a solid reputation, but the changes we have planned are necessary to keep us relevant in the future,” Aschliman said. “We will have best-of-class facilities and infrastructure that will keep us competitive in engineering education for years to come.”

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A larger biomedical engineering lab A cybersecurity operations lab A network operations lab An innovation design center with computers and 3D printers around the perimeter where students can work on projects An adjacent innovation design workshop equipped with lathes, mills and welding equipment A robotics lab A 24-hour computer lab New larger walkways and collaborative work areas

The Zollner Engineering Center began as the Dana Science Building, which was built in 1957. Indiana Tech Magazine


TWIST XXXI The golf gods shone brightly on participants of the 31st Trask/Walls Invitational Student Tournament (TWIST), which was held on Sunday, Sept. 20, at Chestnut Hills Golf Club on Fort Wayne’s west side. Organizers couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day for an outing— bright, sunny and nearly 75 degrees. Thirty-seven teams filled the field as generations of alumni, students brand new to the sport, familiar and beloved faculty, a number of staff from across campus and celebrated community and business leaders came out to play one of the city’s most beautiful and challenging courses to support Indiana Tech’s Department of Athletics and the Indiana Tech Alumni Association Scholarship.


Some of this year’s participants and sponsors included Mid-American Cleaning Contractors, Don Ayres Honda and Summit Mechanical. The TWIST tradition was started by former professor Walter Trask and current professor Dr. Jeffrey Walls. The outing began as a networking event to teach students about the game of golf as well as the business exchange that often happens on the course. Be on the lookout for information for the next TWIST outing scheduled for Sept. 18, 2021. You know, better be safe and just put it on your calendar now!

B C A. Sophomore mechanical engineering major Cam Chabot admires his shot from the fairway B. From left to right, Jack Marquardt, Blaine Flanigan, Louis Czech, Drew Neller C. From right to left, sophomore Daniel Spannar, senior Adam Vannelli and junior Bobby Frieson get in some practice swings on the driving range


Fall 2020




Dr. Jeff Walls, Nick Quick, Megan Quick and Nick Kocks

Shane Tirey, Blaine Flanagan, Megan Quick, Jordan Jenson



Tara Hannah, Lauren Tirey, Gordon Murphy and Zach Palmer

Mark Jackson and Megan Quick


Blaine Flanagan


Jeff Dollens, Tom Parrot, Adam Parrot and Jim Baum



G D. Left to right, Richard Street, Scott Johnson, Torrence Craig and Tony Nard E. Left to right, Nick Kocks, Nick Quick, Megan Quick, Dr. Jeff Walls F. Megan Quick G. Left to right, Jeff Dollens, Evan Bonifas and Tom Parrot

Indiana Tech Magazine



New Virtual Reality Communication Lab helps students overcome public speaking anxieties When it comes to career advancement, having effective public speaking skills is one of the truest arrows one can have in his or her quiver. Possessing such skills is indicative of sound leadership abilities, confidence, poise, professionalism and creativity—qualities that are extremely valuable when it comes to competing in the job market. Yet as important as it is, public speaking is one of the greatest fear-inducing activities there is. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, public speaking anxiety, or glossophobia, affects about 73% of the population. Recognizing the importance—and the fear—of public speaking, the College of Arts and Sciences created its Virtual Reality Communication Lab to help students enhance their skills in various public events and become more refined and articulate speakers. “Everyone struggles with anxiety in contexts of public speaking, and sometimes, the stress of having to present a speech can cause the speaker to inaccurately reflect his or her abilities,” said Alicia Wireman, assistant professor and lead of Indiana Tech’s communication program. “However, students can now reduce or even eliminate that anxiety by using the Virtual Reality Communication Lab.”


Fall 2020

Junior digital graphics and design major and Writing Center tutor Ebony Butler demonstrates equipment that students use in the university’s new Virtual Reality Communication Lab.

The lab is located on the first floor of the McMillen Library. Users wear Oculus Quest VR headsets and hold hand controls that give them access to Virtual Speech, software designed to help people improve their public speaking skills in various environments. Virtual Speech simulates public speaking situations such as presentations, job interviews and even business networking events. Users can upload their visual aids into the software, which tracks their public speaking patterns, including pauses, pace, tone, volume and use of filler words. The software will generate a report which can help the user improve his or her public speaking ability. “Virtual reality is the latest technological innovation that allows users to simulate fictional and real experiences,” said Wireman, who learned about this technology during a workshop earlier this year. “Incorporating this technology at the university demonstrates that Indiana Tech is innovative and driven to educate its students with the most recent advancements in technology.”

The Write Stuff Fort Wayne-based online weekly gives local college students a chance to hone their writing skills while filling their portfolios. Four Indiana Tech students are getting the opportunity to develop their writing skills while adding to their portfolios thanks to a partnership with Input Fort Wayne, a weekly online magazine that covers the people and the places responsible for the positive momentum happening in Northeast Indiana. The Indiana Tech writers are part of Input Fort Wayne’s College Input initiative, which is comprised of students from participating regional colleges. In addition to writing, students work together with managing editor Kara Hackett to brainstorm story ideas and learn what goes into planning and publishing a weekly magazine. Plus, they get paid for it. Indiana Tech’s participants are: ↘ ↘ ↘ ↘

Danielle Blagojevic, a senior from North Ridgeville, Ohio Khanan Bodley, a senior from Chesterfield, Mich. Christina Wynn, a senior from Trenton, Mich. Emmett Coleman, a junior from Fenton, Mo.

All are communication majors, with the exception of Coleman, who is pursuing a pre-law degree. “Students who gain professional experience during their college careers will have much better success postgraduation,” said Alicia Wireman, assistant professor and lead of Indiana Tech’s communication program. “These students who are working at Input are not only practicing the skills that are needed in a professional environment, but they are also enhancing their talents and expertise in this profession.” A couple years back, Input Fort Wayne identified a lack of information in the community that might be of interest to college students or people under the age of 21. At the same time, it realized few schools in Northeast Indiana had active college newspapers where students could get hands-on experience in journalism, either writing or sharpening their photography and multimedia skills. Thus, plans for College Input were put in motion and the initiative was launched last spring. “College Input gives college students in Northeast Indiana an outstanding way to elevate their voices while getting real work experience for payment. It gives them a way to engage with their cities in a new way,” Hackett said. Elevating voices is a priority for Input Fort Wayne and its parent, Issue Media Group of Detroit. “Key aspects of Issue’s work across their 12 U.S. markets are the desire to elevate the voices of underserved communities and to allow communities with a lack of media representation to take the reins and shape their own narratives based on issues and ideas that matter to them,” Hackett said.


Danielle Blagojevic, Khanan Bodley, Christina Wynn, Emmett Coleman

In addition, all students writing for College Input have close access to four accomplished journalists—Hackett and three advisors from participating colleges— who are available to provide feedback and instruction, if needed. Matt Bair, Indiana Tech’s director of marketing, worked at The News-Sentinel in Fort Wayne for 12 years as a sportswriter and assistant sports editor, and published Northeast Indiana GameNight high school football magazine for 13 years. Reggie Hayes, director of external communication for the University of Saint Francis, earned several awards and induction into the Indiana Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association Hall of Fame during a 33-year career with The News-Sentinel. Heloisa Sturm Wilkerson, a communication professor from Purdue Fort Wayne, previously wrote for national newspapers in Brazil. And Hackett has been a writer

since 2009 in various roles, including a print and digital journalist and an ad agency content creator. For Hackett, starting College Input and working with local college students to build it up has been a gratifying experience. “Colleges and universities are where the world’s next generation of innovators are born,” Hackett said. “We’re excited to be collaborating with them and seeing the region through their eyes for a change.” For the writers from Indiana Tech, this hands-on learning experience has been invaluable. “I am thankful to be a published journalist through Input Fort Wayne and for its relationship with Indiana Tech,” Wynn said. “I am proud to say I am a published journalist before even graduating.”

The homepage of Input Fort Wayne, a weekly online magazine that covers the people and the places responsible for positive momentum happening in Northeast Indiana.

Geagon has a robust background in analytics through forward and backward vertical integration and risk assessment. She has taught courses in operations management, statistics, operations research, strategic management, data analytics, quantitative methods, research methods and logistics at the undergraduate and graduate level.

Academic Roundup

Dr. Geagon holds a Ph.D. in Decision SciencesFinance, an MBA in finance and an MPA in program evaluation, a graduate certificate in public finance and a BA in business administration concentrating in marketing. Most recently, she was an associate professor of finance at Saint Martin’s University in Lacey, Washington.


GROWTH MODE New robust programs will lead graduates to in-demand, well-paying jobs.

Beginning spring 2021, students will be able to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management: Decision Sciences from Indiana Tech’s College of Business. This new degree program is one of several new offerings being developed by the college. Supply chain management is the management of the flow of goods and services; it includes all processes that transform raw materials into final products. This versatile field involves the active streamlining of a business’s supply-side activities to maximize customer value and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. In today’s fast-paced global economy, effective management of the entire supply chain—including procurement, logistics and distribution—has never been more important. Quality and customer satisfaction must be maximized, and timelines must be met. And, all of this must be done at or under budget. “Everything we have in our world comes to us through a supply chain—our food, medicines, clothes, cars, household items and gadgets. 30

Fall 2020

Also coming in 2021 will be a program in global health leadership. Supply chains are not exclusive to manufacturing, distribution and retail; they are crucial aspects of in-service industries, such as banking, hospitals and hotels,” said Dr. Margot Salas Geagon, associate professor of business and lead of the supply chain management program. From supervising staff in a warehouse to developing software that keeps the trains running on time, the job possibilities in supply chain management are limitless. “Advances in digital technology have placed this field on the cusp of significant changes for decades to come,” Dr. Geagon said. “Technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, predictive analytics, 3D printing, autonomous transportation and drones provide elements to make revolutionary changes in supply chain management.” In short, this field will yield a fantastic career path for anyone, according to Dr. Geagon. “For many people, their interests, desires and goals will change over time. A great feature of supply chain careers is that there are so many options and directions available in the field, from logistics to procurement, to operations management and data analytics.” Another great feature is the salaries. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the national median salary for a logistician (a non-managerial professional who analyzes and oversees the supply chain) is $74,590 and need for these positions will grow seven percent over the next 10 years. Supply chain managers— in transportation, storage, distribution and logistics—make nearly six figures on average in the U.S. Supply chain management students will be prepared to enter the field with confidence. Dr.

Born from a need for health care leaders to understand the impact of global health issues and want to work collaboratively to find solutions, this program will be available as a full graduate degree, an MBA concentration, a graduate certificate and a post-graduate certificate that can be used in Indiana Tech’s Ph.D. in Global Leadership Program. The program coursework has been designed to prepare leaders to identify and respond to situations challenging health care and community infrastructures. Students will learn how to use predictive models to help surveil and identify community hot spots. They will study the burden of disease on society and how leaders can come together through collective action to address global health challenges that impact the vitality of communities. Additionally, ethical questions related to governmental obligations in the provision of health care and appropriate measures to control infectious diseases will be explored. To oversee the program, Indiana Tech has hired Sue Ehinger, who retired from Parkview Health in 2018 after a 25-year career. She was the Fort Wayne-based hospital system’s chief experience officer at the time of her retirement. To begin the 2020-21 school year, the College of Business introduced two new concentrations within its Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree program: construction management and InsurTech. Both programs include the business administration core curriculum, which provides a solid foundation from which students can customize their degree experience based on their career interest. The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration concentrating in construction management prepares students to become leaders in the construction profession. The courses are designed

to enhance skills in every stage of the construction process, providing an understanding of managing construction projects from concept to completion and increasing knowledge of current industry practices. InsurTech is a unique program geared toward those who work in the insurance industry. It is designed to bridge the knowledge gap between technology, risk management and entrepreneurship. A Bachelor of Science in Business AdministrationInsurTech enables emerging leaders interested in financial services, entrepreneurship and emerging technologies to develop the skills they need to meet the demands of a lucrative and rapidly changing industry. The programs are also available as undergraduate certificates, consisting of 16 to 18 credit hours. All courses transfer directly into the bachelor’s degree program, should students opt to continue their education after completing the certificate. Construction Management and InsurTech are offered through the university’s College of Professional Studies.

Dr. Margot Salas Geagon, lead of our supply chain management program, has a robust background in analytics and risk assessment.

Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management: Decision Sciences Learning Objectives ↘ Our graduates will have a strategic understanding of global supply chain management and be able to incorporate the relationships between this discipline and other areas of business into a holistic decision-making approach when analyzing business situations. ↘ Our graduates will assess the interdependent, fast-changing and diverse world of global supply chain management, as well as global economic/financial interdependencies that signify current geopolitical, economic and financial relationships, to make business decisions that make a difference in the world. ↘ Our graduates will demonstrate critical thinking skills, making the intellectual connection between quantitative and qualitative tools, theories and context to

properly and effectively solve problems and make decisions, as well as develop new and innovative business opportunities to strategically navigate the complex demands of the current and dynamic national and international business environments. ↘ Our graduates will utilize interpersonal and leadership skills to be highly effective business managers and leaders, demonstrating self-awareness, emotional intelligence, curiosity, visionary and strategic thinking. ↘ Our graduates will effectively communicate using business -specific terminology in written and verbal form and facilitate information flow in a variety of organizational, social and intercultural contexts.

From supervising staff in a warehouse to developing software that keeps the trains running on time, the job possibilities in supply chain management are limitless.

Making great better

Academic Roundup

Additions of state-of-the-art lab equipment strengthen Tech’s ABET-accredited electrical engineering program. Earlier this year, the College of Engineering reinforced its ABETaccredited electrical engineering program with new lab equipment that is bolstering the learning experience for EE students.


“Students are so excited by and appreciative of being able to work on equipment that mimics real-world scenarios that occur inside industrial plants,” said Dr. Zakariya Al Hamouz, associate professor and electrical engineering program lead. “These are significant additions to our program that differentiates it from other programs in the region and supports our ABET accreditation.” Here is an introduction to the electrical engineering program’s new lab equipment:




Indiana Tech is now equipped with state-of-theart AC (synchronous and induction), DC (shunt, series, separately compound and compound), special types of motors and single- and threephase transformer trainers. The machines/ transformers used for training are designed so that nearly all of the circuitry and drives found in industry, commerce and at home can be conveyed in a didactic fashion in hands-on training. Using the servo drive and braking system, it is possible to easily determine all of the relevant data for electrical machines and simulate the performance of motors under different industrial loads, such as fans, pumps, compressors and flywheels.

Three Amatrol trainers, which are composed of an Allen-Bradley AB5300 L16 processor, a fault insertion system, a PanelView Plus compact HMI panel and portable PLC troubleshooting software, support a skill-building course that provides students with a basic understanding of RSLogix 5000 software and FactoryTalk View ME programming software.

Indiana Tech has 10 LabVIEW licenses on 10 different computers, in addition to six LabJack U3-LV DAQ systems, which allows up to 16 analog inputs, 20 digital I/O, two counters and two analog outputs.

A distinct feature of this new lab is the interfacing of the motors to a computer through the braking and servo drive system where students can automatically record and plot the performance and characteristics of different machines. This is in addition to the high level of safety provided through the wiring system.


Fall 2020

The trainer has the distinct feature of mimicking practical industrial temperature control application, variable speed drive application, reversing contactor application and stepper motor control application. In addition, the trainer allows the injection of most common practical faults and the ways for its detection and clearance.

This will provide students hands-on experience in using industry-standard software that is utilized in 35,000 companies around the world. It also ensures students will experience the most up-todate software that maps exactly to what is in the laboratory to eliminate compatibility issues.

Professors Nagle, Tran eager to provide travel opportunities for engineering students When Dr. John Renie retired at the end of the 2019-20 school year, not only did he create an enormous void in the Indiana Tech faculty, he also left behind some large shoes to fill—as trip-planner extraordinaire for College of Engineering students. During his 10 years at the university as a professor of energy and mechanical engineering, Renie scheduled five spring break study-abroad trips. His groups went twice to Germany and once to London, Costa Rica and Iceland. All of his trips focused on the energy and sustainability initiatives of those countries. But now, a new duo from engineering—Dr. Anna Nagle and Dr. Thomas Tran—is ready to pick up where Dr. Renie left off. Nagle, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, and Tran, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, already have a trip planned for Dublin, Ireland, May 18 through 24, 2022. The trip will focus on science and innovation in Dublin, which has become a central hub for the tech industry in Europe.

Dr. Nagle said. “We also like that students will get to experience and learn about a place that is so rich in culture and history.” Tran added, “It’s a great opportunity for our students to develop confidence, discover career opportunities, expand their networks and make lifelong friendships.” Nagle knows firsthand the importance of studyabroad trips. While in high school, she visited Spain for eight days and says the experience was amazing. Not only did she achieve her goal of becoming a better speaker of Spanish, she was impressed with how well she was able to adapt in a foreign country. The trip also helped feed her love of travel; she has been to 30 states and five foreign countries. “Right now is the longest I have ever been in one place without taking a trip,” said Nagle, who like so many all over the world has had her wanderlust grounded by COVID-19. “I am very much looking forward to being able to travel again.”

Dr. Thomas Tran, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, wanted a way to teach Indiana Tech students about real-life engineering applications and expose them to work-related issues and career paths within the industry. As a result, his Engineers at Work seminar was born. Every third Thursday of the month, an engineer shares his or her work experience during an hour-long presentation. Originally scheduled to be live in Indiana Tech’s Talwar Leadership Center, COVID-19 has forced the series to be delivered virtually—a move that has added some unexpected benefits. “With the prevalence of virtual talks nowadays, we are able to invite out-of-state speakers to complement the wealth of accomplished engineering professionals we have locally,”

To create a more impactful learning experience for online students, the College of Engineering is redesigning all of its online math courses. Indiana Tech is partnering with DigitalEd to use its MÖBIUS platform for a redesign that will make the math courses more engaging, offer real-time feedback and create an individualized experience for each student. This MÖBIUS platform uses interactive lessons that professors can edit to meet the specific needs of students. It can be used for basic algebra to advanced calculus and differential equations. In addition, MÖBIUS links with MAPLE, a powerful mathematical tool that can create complex problems.

“Dublin is an ideal destination for a trip like this because the STEM content is general enough to be of interest to many different majors,”

Tran connects students with industry possibilities through seminar series

MÖBIUS platform will provide a next-level experience for students

Dr. Nagle

Dr. Tran

Dr. Tran said. “The series also gives me a chance to connect with our engineering alumni. A few have graciously accepted the invitation to come back and share their work experience with our current students. In fact, Dr. Tran invites any Indiana Tech engineering alum who wishes to present in the future to contact him via email at Although geared toward students, anyone can attend one of these free sessions. If you are interested in viewing one during the spring semester, go to and enter Engineers at Work in the search bar.

Once students submit an assignment, they receive immediate feedback on how they did as well as detailed, step-bystep solutions to the problems that comprised the assignment. After MÖBIUS is successfully implemented for online students, the College of Engineering plans to integrate the resource in the university’s face-to-face College of Professional Studies courses as well as its traditional undergraduate courses.

Indiana Tech Magazine


PATH OF A WARRIOR From the Desk of Matt Brown

HELPING TO SHAPE THE FUTURE The long summer days have passed and the orange leaves, gray skies, cool temperatures and pumpkin-spiced everything have crept their way back into Northeast Indiana. With those, we’ve had some successful goings-on here on campus and the community. After a quiet spring semester and summer session, it has been so energizing seeing how alive our campus became when students moved back in; classes resumed in Keene, Snyder, Cunningham and Zollner; and our faculty and staff began tackling the challenges of hybrid learning with enthusiasm. As I am sure you can imagine, the decision to restructure our homecoming weekend to a virtualonly setting was a difficult one to make, but we know it was the right one. And looking back, I can confidently say that our first venture into the virtual world for a major university alumni event was a success. By going fully online for Homecoming 2020, we were able to do some new and exciting things as we: ↘ Highlighted the history of Indiana Tech over the last 90 years, showcasing its successes and chronicling some of the challenges it has rebounded from. ↘ Brought alumni back together from all over the world with our Alumni Zoom Chats, which connected graduating classes from 1960, 1970 and 1995. ↘ Honored alumni from all over the world from the 1960 and 1970 graduating classes who might not have been able to travel back to campus for our traditional homecoming. ↘ Shared the university’s vision for the exciting future of the Zollner Engineering Center.


Fall 2020

And we did it all (and more) while keeping our alumni, staff, faculty and students safe. We are extremely proud of the turnout we saw! Furthermore, this experience through the COVID-19 pandemic has given us a great opportunity rethink and reshape future approaches to holding alumni events, scheduling and planning alumni gatherings and sharing exciting and important information. Through campus-wide team efforts, we have learned so many non-traditional ways to engage with our alumni. You can read more about that in the Homecoming 2020 recap on page 22. What’s more, we continue to learn about platforms and services that will help us connect with even more of you. While nothing beats a good, old-fashioned handshake and a smile from meeting in person, we look forward to seeing how far our reach can extend with all the things we learned this fall! Always yours, Matt Brown Director of Alumni Relations

ALUMNI NOTES Do you have an update you’d like to share with your Warrior Nation? Perhaps you have a new position or a promotion, maybe you tied the knot or your family is growing, or even built something that’s changed the world in some small (or not-so-small) ways. We’d like to hear about it! Send your stories or questions to Indiana Tech’s Office of Alumni Relations at We love to brag about our alumni! A A PRESTIGIOUS PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL MILESTONE Eliott Stidd, B.S. Network Engineering 2016, received the Chairman’s Club award for Cisco FY20, the highest sales honor given to the top 1% of the Cisco sales force. His journey to this achievement started years ago as he heard the amazing stories of the Chairman’s Club and the individuals who’d been awarded in the past. That set his goal to one day enter into those ranks. Eliott is not settling there; if anything he is more dedicated and more focused to continue pushing for even greater service to his customers. WELCOME TO THE WORLD, WEE LITTLE WARRIOR! Crystal (Cully) Ringer, MBA 2017, and her husband welcomed “the one and only, limited edition, Kai Elliot Ringer” into their family just before the festivities of homecoming. In just her second year serving on the Indiana Tech Alumni Association Board of Directors, Crystal was named secretary of the board at the annual alumni board meeting in October.

COLD BEANS ARE OUT IN CANADA Harvey Smith, B.S. Aeronautical Engineering 1961, was featured in the spring 2020 Indiana Tech Magazine for his book “Cold Beans Out of a Can,” which chronicles his career after Indiana Tech. Interest in Harvey’s book, available on Amazon from its original publication date, has been growing! It can now be found online at Walmart and five other online sellers, and it even has international eyes falling upon it as it has been picked up by Canada’s largest bookseller. Visit to find out more about Harvey’s path from mowing some grass to keeping astronauts safe on the dunes of the moon. A PERFECT FIT After a national search, Dr. Bradley Sheriff, Ph.D. Global Leadership in Academic Administration 2018, has been named vice president for finance and administration at Southeast Missouri State University. As the university’s chief financial officer, Dr. Sheriff will also serve as the treasurer of the board of regents and of the Southeast Missouri University Foundation, and he will be responsible for management of several offices and departments across the campus.




A. Jan Schilling

C. Veronica Papach

B. Ellen Brown

D. Zohrab Tazian

2020 ALUMNI OF THE YEAR AWARD RECIPIENTS Graduate of the Last Decade: Veronica Papach, BSBA 2010 Alumni Volunteer of the Year: Jan Schilling, BSME 1969 CPS Alumni of the Year: Ellen Brown, BSBA 2005, MBA 2011, MSPsy 2018 Alumni Hall of Fame: Zohrab Tazian, BSCE 1960 Their full bios can be found on our homecoming webpage at under the Alumni Awards heading. Be sure to check them out!

Keep us connected! Your stories are what make Indiana Tech proud—and we want to hear from you! Share your successes, update your information, learn about the Alumni Association and find ways to connect with your peers, friends and faculty members on our website at You can also email your updates to


Indiana Tech Alumni Group

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PATH OF A WARRIOR Alumni Spotlight

TOM STOCKAMP THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME Like so many of our alumni, Tom Stockamp’s story is a journey. It is one that is unique to himself and his wife Laurel, but familiar to thousands of our alumni about how a little guidance can lead to some amazing results.


collegiate pursuits began at Purdue University where he played basketball, enjoyed the collegiate life and focused on the moment, not

his academics. He looked at things as they came, but never had fullness of purpose instilled in him during his time at Purdue. His grades weren’t there. His mindset wasn’t focused on the future. His purpose had not been carved out, and all he felt was that he was nothing more than a number to the institution. And, in 1960, he, hand-in-hand with his wife Laurel and baby daughter in tow, walked away from Purdue University and into the working world as he had run out of money to continue in the degree program. He took up work with the Indiana State Highway Department 36

Fall 2020

in Fort Wayne, putting into practice the few pieces he’d collected from his practicum and applying them to his work. Months in, he was approached by a couple of civil engineers with whom he’d worked since day one. It was there he learned about Indiana Tech. “They told me to look into Tech, which I did. And when I did, it was amazing,” Tom said. He went on, indicating the thickness of the textbooks with his fingers, “Indiana Tech had the identical books that Purdue used—books with six or seven years of information in them.” But what most impressed Tom about Indiana Tech (then known as Indiana Technical College) was who was teaching the classes. At Tech, courses were taught by full professors. At Purdue, all but a handful of courses were taught by graduate assistants. “I recall one particular class that was taught by a graduate student who said that his only responsibility was to teach the material, not to provide beyond that,” Tom said. The grad student’s reluctance to go above, Tom explained, was because he viewed the students he was teaching as future competition in the workforce.

PHOTO: Tom at his sprawling Columbia City, Indiana, ranch, just west of Fort Wayne

Such was not the case at Tech. There, students were taught by full professors who considered their pupils future colleagues and not competitors with whom they would battle for position. At Indiana Tech Tom recognized that professors and staff saw him for who he was, a young man set on building a life for himself and his young family. “At Purdue, I was having a great time, but it was time for me to get serious. Laurel and I were both working full time to make ends meet. Even when I was at Tech, I was working at Tessman’s Furniture in Fort Wayne on Saturdays and Sundays to just get by.” Entering his final year of college, his pursuits were nearly halted as again he faced financial hardships to the point he was going to have to drop out. “It was then that Indiana Tech really came through for me,” Tom shared. “I approached William Schrader, one of my civil engineering professors, and told him that I’d like to finish but was short of money. He told me not to give up and to go speak with Dr. Ralph Young, who was the dean of students. So I did.” It was then he realized that the right people come into one’s life at the right time, and that makes all the difference. Dean Young took out Tom’s file, looked at his record, his academics and his performance, and said to Tom, “You are not dropping out. You have a 4.0. You are not dropping out.” One week later, in a classroom where Tom was listening to a lecture, Dr. Young knocked and said to the professor, “Have Tom come see me in my office after class.” Tom did, and it was there he learned he would receive a National Defense Loan to carry him through to the completion of his degree. While this loan was not unfamiliar to Tom, it was one that personally took him months to get earlier in his college career. Dean Young did it in a matter of a week. What stood out to Tom in this gesture was that this was not a time that the Indiana Technical College was financially stable in its own right. The institution could not help financially by giving him aid, but it could help in a number of other ways that Tom was not expecting. They knew how to connect him with the right resources which took shape as a personable approach to teaching, specific support of individual needs and the belief

in that which could be achieved. That is why he feels he was able to succeed. None of this was what he felt would have been afforded him during his time at Purdue. “Professors believed in me and worked with me, allowed me to bloom as I stood in the light of the person I wanted to become. The more my grades improved, the more I studied. The more I studied, the more my grades improved,” Tom revealed and shared that all of that hard work paid off during his undergraduate studies when he achieved Magna Cum Laude honors. He regrettably lost touch with Dr. Young who came to bat for him at that pivotal point in his academics. However, Tom has never forgotten the impact that Dr. Young’s belief in him had. “Tech was fighting to survive, but they still helped me find an avenue to be successful. They lit the way,” he said.

was dealing in automotive and mechanical engineering, out southwest, I was dealing with oil country, a whole different world. By the end of it, TG Excavating was well established with offices in Fort Wayne, Indianapolis and Tulsa, Oklahoma. Through it all, he and Laurel dedicated 10% of their business net income to the church and eventually an additional 15% of their income to the employees in the form of bonuses. They pride themselves in their ability to give back and are eternally grateful to those who have helped them along the way. “We were never given a handout; we were given an opportunity,” he said.

It is for those reasons that Tom Stockamp gives back to the university. Together, he and his wife established the Tom and Laurel Stockamp Scholarship here at “Professors believed in Indiana Tech to help students in financial me and worked with me, need. Beyond that, Tom allowed me to bloom serves as co-chair of the Building a Century of as I stood in the light Excellence campaign.

With that pathway lit, Tom both figuratively and of the person I wanted “My reason for giving literally built a career to become.” back is unique to me,” on the foundations he Tom said. “Someone established at Indiana introduced me to Tech, Tech. Shortly after which was a major graduation he started inspiration and was incredibly important to me. an excavation business in which he confesses, “I As far as injecting the desire to improve and to had no idea what I was doing to start one or what become my best, Indiana Tech introduced me to I was doing once I got started. I opened the plans a whole different life than I would have had at and just asked ‘How long will it take and how Purdue. That is why Laurel and I established the much will it cost?’ I knew I had to be in business Indiana Tech Stockamp Scholarship Fund. We are on my own.” extremely thankful that this fund allows qualified He learned all he could in those first years, but students to access the academic power and while he didn’t like the direction this business direction that Indiana Tech gives to those men and was going, he was not discouraged by it. He took women who are eager to learn and to achieve. I another avenue and started TG Excavating, Inc. am indebted and will help in any way that I can. after breaking ties with his first venture. Everyone has their own reasons and a different “I had to get out and take a risk to be successful. I viewpoint, but all have the same chance to build opportunities. Everyone has gotten help in one had to be willing to do jobs no one else would.” way or another. Tom traveled the countryside pursuing major “I came through a large university where I felt lost projects in Indiana, Georgia and Florida where in direction and unsure of myself as a student. I it was difficult to get his foot in the door. It was came through and found my way to a place where not until he crossed Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas that he realized he had some major chances they saw the best in people.” to make it happen. “While most of the country Indiana Tech Magazine


Making a Difference Jack McCurley The love of his life established the love for his life.


you were to take a walk through any university anywhere in the country, you would find literally hundreds of thousands of wooden plaques with metal plates to name those who have established scholarships offered to assist students in their collegiate pursuits. Often it is only one name per scholarship with maybe a joint contribution or company that has given in its own name as well. But take a walk through the second floor of Andorfer Commons here on campus and you will see Jack McCurley’s name peppering the wall of distinguished donors. In the course of his professional life, beginning in 1954, he has personally established and dedicated an unequaled four separate scholarships for students of Indiana Tech. While each scholarship is slightly different in the criteria they require, the foundation for each is rooted deeply in love and admiration. Jack McCurley’s road to a college education was paved by his beloved wife Joan, who passed away in 2013. Because she worked full time to keep Jack’s tuition paid, he was able

Devoted family man and Indiana Tech graduate Jack McCurley is seen with his wife, Joan, and their four children.


Fall 2020

to finish and get their young family on its feet. Without her, he confesses that he never would have gotten through it. And consequently, he never would have met the next inspiration of his collegiate career either, mechanical engineering professor Ben Dow. Looking through the annals of Indiana Tech’s history, professor Ben Dow was a heavy hitter with the student population for 33 years. He was a man of presence with the student body and someone whom Jack’s daughter Jo An said “believed in my father more than he believed in himself.” Jack saw Ben as an inspiration and a true friend with whom he maintained a reverent relationship for years following his graduation. The scholarship that Jack established in professor Dow’s name was to reflect that appreciation of the difference someone made in his own life. “It was because of Tech that I was able to build the life I had,” Jack reflects. After celebrating his 92nd birthday in mid-October, he warmly reflects and revels in the good life he and his family were allowed. They came a long way on a

Mr. McCurley has personally

wind tunnels of the Dana building, and the inspiration and dedication from Dr. Dow, he was able to establish patents and work on some of the most important, technical and essential elements of the space program.

established and dedicated an unequaled four separate

“I assumed that being from a little school I would have an inferior education. Nothing could have been further from the truth. After graduation I worked with engineers from every school imaginable—MIT, Georgia Tech, Cal Aero Tech—and found that I could not only hold my own, but exceeded their performance in most cases.”

scholarships for students of Indiana Tech, each is rooted deeply in love and admiration.

And while this is telling of the proud career Jack was able to mold, what is at the heart of him making a difference here on campus is from his dearly departed wife, Joan. He created two scholarships for Indiana Tech in her name to honor her influence, support and dedication she had for him and their family. The latest was to be awarded to a less traditional recipient than one might expect.

tough road, from scraping by in a 24-foot trailer with two kids and a motorcycle, to living in a modest home and taking family vacations. Jack has fond memories of his time at Indiana Tech, and has seen it transition in the hands of different presidents and programs, but some of his favorite memories were of the wind tunnel in the Dana Science Building. “Indiana Tech was going to have an open house for the general public where they would be able to watch a demonstration. I spoke with a gentleman in the research group at General Electric who had been experimenting with a new design and no longer needed the one they were using. I asked him how I could get a hold of it, thinking Indiana Tech would work with them to get a hold of it. He said if I could meet him for lunch, he could just put it in his lunch box. When we ran the open house, I don’t think the general public had any idea what I was talking about, but they enjoyed seeing the test!” Through his educational journey and countless hours in the

Give to Indiana Tech

Everyone needs support, everyone needs a chance, everyone needs a hand, and that help—even in the smallest amount, attention or gesture—makes all the difference. It did for Jack.

Cut along the dotted line, complete this form and use the envelope found inside this magazine to mail your contribution to Indiana Tech. Indiana Tech thanks you for your generosity.

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Indiana Tech Annual Fund


Student Emergency Fund

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It was created not for the most outstanding academic student with the highest GPA. It is solely intended to go to an academically-average female student of engineering who demonstrates the ambition, perseverance and burning desire to succeed in the College of Engineering regardless of GPA. He understands that there is more to an education than just the numbers and grades. There is character. When he established it, he acknowledged that everyone needs some help, not just the best of the best.

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WILL YOU BE A ROAD WARRIOR? Take your Indiana Tech spirit on the road with a newly-designed Indiana Tech license plate! If you are a resident in the state of Indiana, you are able to upgrade your vehicle’s license plate to an Indiana Tech plate for $40—$25 of which will come back to Indiana Tech to help us continue to grow and provide high-quality learning experiences. Visit and look for the Indiana Tech license plate page to order your plate. While you are there, be sure to check out the motorcycle and RV plates too! Call the Office of Institutional Advancement at 800.937.2448, ext. 2421, for more information.

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Cut along the dotted line, complete this form and use the envelope found inside this magazine to mail your contribution to Indiana Tech. Indiana Tech thanks you for your generosity.


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Indiana Tech Magazine


IN MEMORIAM We have learned of the deaths of the following alumni and friends.


Charles V. Cottone Sun City, AZ Electrical Engineering, 1951

Richard E. Cleveland Garrett, IN Mechanical Engineering, 1956

German E. Arreaza San Diego, CA Electrical Engineering, 1958

Howard M. Turner Mokena, IL Civil Engineering, 1951

Joseph M. Fallon Fort Wayne, IN Electrical Engineering, 1956

Thomas C. Haney Riverside, CA Mechanical Engineering, 1958

Robert D. Vanderlyn Boonsboro, MD Civil Engineering, 1951

Herbert A. Gillen Fort Wayne, IN Electrical Engineering, 1957

Duane J. La Fortune Mound, MN Electronic Engineering, 1958

Julio Tio Mattapoisett, MA Chemical Engineering, 1952

Daniel B. Dawley Enfield, NH Mechanical Engineering, 1957

John H. Toy Wilmington, DE Electrical Engineering, 1958

Joseph A. Richards Naples, FL Mechanical Engineering, 1953

Laurence E. Engler Wichita, KS Mechanical Engineering, 1957

Orlando G. Bradley Chatsworth, CA Electronic Engineering, 1959

Orval A. Herman Albert City, IA Radio Engineering, 1953

Americo R. Falcioni Fort Worth, TX Civil Engineering, 1957

Alex W. Bennett Beavercreek, OH Electrical Engineering, 1959

Lloyd E. Morris Cullman, AL Mechanical Engineering, 1948

James A. Foerster Pomona Park, FL Electrical Engineering, 1954

Richard G. Mann Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Electrical Engineering, 1957

Gene L. Faulkenberry Havana, FL Electronic Engineering, 1959

Robert D. Strohl Melbourne, FL Mechanical Engineering, 1949

Taka Kutsuma Westminster, CO Electrical Engineering, 1954

William R. White Bend, OR Civil Engineering, 1958

Dale A. Puff Fort Wayne, IN Electronic Engineering, 1959

Harold E. Towsley New Haven, IN Mechanical Engineering, 1949

Vincent A. Kapocius Fort Wayne, IN Mechanical Engineering, 1954

Samuel Baroody Hanover Township, PA Mechanical Engineering, 1958

W. J. Richey Defiance, OH Chemical Engineering, 1959

Usman M. Shaikh Ottawa, IL Civil Engineering, 1955

Thomas L. Cieslica Saint Charles, IL Civil Engineering, 1958

Joseph A. Halterman Rancho Cordova, CA Civil Engineering, 1959

Joseph T. Boardman Pawtucket, RI Civil Engineering, 1956

Albert B. Santini Tonawanda, NY Mathematics, 1958

Charles W. Demyan Murrells Inlet, SC Aeronautical Engineering, 1959

Ronald S. Carlson Owego, NY Electronic Engineering, 1956

Leonard A. Birkeland Tualatin, OR Electronic Engineering, 1958

John T. Main Paducah, KY Electrical Engineering, 1959

David A. Rayburn Jefferson, TX Electrical Engineering, 1956

Richard E. Bender Henderson, NV Aeronautical Engineering, 1958

Ernest J. Mascarello Omaha, NE Mechanical Engineering, 1959

John F. Ceccarelli Avon, CT Aerospace Engineering, 1942 Minoru Arakaki Pearl City, HI Electrical Engineering, 1942 Paul W. Schumacher Selmer, TN Aeronautical Engineering, 1947 Theodore A. Millard Anaheim, CA Mechanical Engineering, 1947 David Hom Shelby Twp, MI Electrical Engineering, 1948

Robert J. Reis Woodland Hills, CA Radio Engineering, 1949 Robert J. McGivern Mount Pleasant, PA Electrical Engineering, 1949

1950s Walter Canfield Columbia, SC Mechanical Engineering, 1950


Fall 2020

Stephen J. Trusik, BSEE ’58, made a generous memorial gift to Indiana Tech in honor of friend and classmate Genaro J. Perez, BSME ‘59, who passed away April 29, 2020. If you would like to send a memorial gift to honor someone, please contact Dan Grigg at 800.937.2448, ext. 2440.

Wesley K. Van Scoy La Rue, OH Mechanical Engineering, 1959

William L. Woodfill Sussex, WI Mechanical Engineering, 1962

Robert D. Treece Houston, TX Mechanical Engineering, 1969

John B. Walker Spotsylvania, VA Mechanical Engineering, 1959

Charles F. Lehman Erie, CO Electrical Engineering, 1964



Richard B. LeGrand Fort Wayne, IN Civil Engineering, 1964

Kenneth G. Bierlein Columbus, IN Chemical Engineering, 1960 Sarkis K. Garibian Wilbraham, MA Electrical Engineering, 1960 James Halley Miamisburg, OH Electrical Engineering, 1960 Harry B. Simpson Monongahela, PA Electrical Engineering, 1961 Robert C. Beech Venice, FL Aeronautical Engineering, 1961 James C. Berg Columbia City, IN Civil Engineering, 1961 Richard T. Hill Robins, IA Mechanical Engineering, 1961 William H. Hoy Fountain Hills, AZ Electronic Engineering, 1961 Tonis Paide Columbia, MD Electrical Engineering, 1961 Andre J. Pellerin Hooksett, NH Electrical Engineering, 1961

Charles J. Myers Bluffton, IN Electrical Engineering, 1964 Donald R. Ferguson Fort Wayne, IN Mathematics, 1964 Andrew J. Leeson Middletown, NY Mathematics, 1964 John D. Kistner Mill Creek, WA Electrical Engineering, 1965 Harry Looker Clarksburg, WV Civil Engineering, 1966 Ray M. Shepard Leesburg, FL Mechanical Engineering, 1966 Arnold A. Krumrie Alto, MI Mechanical Engineering, 1966

James J. Bruening Penrose, NC Chemical Engineering, 1970 Marvin J. Hoot Woodburn, IN Mathematics, 1970

Kathleen M. Young Fort Wayne, IN Business Administration, 2002 William D. Sherwood Fort Wayne, IN Master of Science in Management, 2006


John S. Naunas Fort Wayne, IN Electrical Engineering, 1970

Christine Ward Indianapolis, IN Master of Business Administration, 2014

John A. Carroll Port St Lucie, FL Mechanical Engineering, 1971

Cecilia B. Edwards Indianapolis, IN Business Administration, 2016

Joseph M. King Aiken, SC Mechanical Engineering, 1971

Ethan T. Houck Fort Wayne, IN Business Administration, 2016

Famious Williams Fort Wayne, IN Electrical Engineering, 1971

Jennifer L. Crickmore Fort Wayne, IN Human Services, 2016 Master of Science in Organizational Leadership, 2018

Robert J. Hauser Balboa, Canal Zone Civil Engineering, 1973 Dennis H. Jackson Black Mountain, NC Psychology, 1973 Roy Buzdor Lansing, MI Chemistry, 1974

James R. Bell Lawn, TX Mechanical Engineering, 1967


Harold F. Weber Manning, SC Chemistry, 1967

John S. Little Indianapolis, IN Business Administration, 1995

James R. Hatch Gaithersburg, MD Mathematics, 1969


Kevin R. Berry Churubusco, IN Business Administration, 2017 Quantre L. Coleman Fort Wayne, IN Business Administration, 2018

Because of a software error, we erroneously reported the passing of James J. McKain (BSIME ’01) and Jason A. Mozzone (BSBA ’01) in the spring issue of Indiana Tech Magazine. We are happy to report Mr. McKain and Mr. Mozzone are both alive and well. Indiana Tech has apologized to their families for the error.

Indiana Tech Magazine






Remember This? When you think about your most joyous moment at Indiana Tech, chances are it involves walking across a stage, shaking hands with the university president, receiving your diploma and feeling the relief and elation that comes from successfully completing a long journey. However, perhaps it has nothing to do with graduating. Maybe your memory involves catching the eye of that special someone across the classroom who sits next to you today after several years of wedded bliss. Maybe it involves that first day on campus—freshman year—when you were a little nervous and a lot excited about the feeling of freedom that comes along with being out on your own. Maybe it involves receiving a good grade and validation that at 38 you are not too busy, too old or too out of the loop to go back to school and pursue your educational dreams.

Whatever it is, we want to know your favorite memory of being a student at Indiana Tech. You can send pictures, too! Send your story to Indiana Tech’s Office of Alumni Relations, at It’s possible we’ll share your memory in a future issue of Indiana Tech Magazine.

SAVE THE DATE Commencement* May 15, 2021 Allen County War Memorial Coliseum

*Because of COVID-19, details for this event are subject to change.

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